path: root/langpacks/english/Plugins
diff options
authordartraiden <>2019-05-09 14:09:05 +0300
committerdartraiden <>2019-05-09 14:09:05 +0300
commit15750b3ac9d8c76631cc43560b1cfa34460156c1 (patch)
treea0e1cda4047c0ef29c28e19dc264979f881e66d3 /langpacks/english/Plugins
parenta1426c11c961ef0b21f6c0726aa840a188609e67 (diff)
langpacks: normalize all the line endings
Diffstat (limited to 'langpacks/english/Plugins')
10 files changed, 794 insertions, 794 deletions
diff --git a/langpacks/english/Plugins/AsSingleWindow.txt b/langpacks/english/Plugins/AsSingleWindow.txt
index f10ad2f7fd..73f104cd7b 100644
--- a/langpacks/english/Plugins/AsSingleWindow.txt
+++ b/langpacks/english/Plugins/AsSingleWindow.txt
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-#muuid {0F6C73B4-2B2B-711D-FBB6-BB267DFD7208}
-; File: AsSingleWindow.dll
-; Plugin: AsSingleWindow
-; Version:
-; Authors: Aleksey Smyrnov aka Soar
-[Allows you to move, minimize and activate Miranda's windows as if it were a single window.]
-;file \plugins\AsSingleWindow\res\optionsPage.rc
-[Windows moving]
-[Contact list on the left]
-[Contact list on the right]
-[Don't merge windows]
-[At opening one more message window]
-[Merge windows in opening order]
-[Merge only first window]
-[Don't merge windows until closing]
-;file \plugins\AsSingleWindow\src\Options.cpp
+#muuid {0F6C73B4-2B2B-711D-FBB6-BB267DFD7208}
+; File: AsSingleWindow.dll
+; Plugin: AsSingleWindow
+; Version:
+; Authors: Aleksey Smyrnov aka Soar
+[Allows you to move, minimize and activate Miranda's windows as if it were a single window.]
+;file \plugins\AsSingleWindow\res\optionsPage.rc
+[Windows moving]
+[Contact list on the left]
+[Contact list on the right]
+[Don't merge windows]
+[At opening one more message window]
+[Merge windows in opening order]
+[Merge only first window]
+[Don't merge windows until closing]
+;file \plugins\AsSingleWindow\src\Options.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/english/Plugins/CloudFile.txt b/langpacks/english/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
index 0ecc5ee71c..2c324a9b15 100644
--- a/langpacks/english/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
+++ b/langpacks/english/Plugins/CloudFile.txt
@@ -1,45 +1,45 @@
-#muuid {e876fe63-0701-4cda-bed5-7c73a379c1d1}
-; File: CloudFile.dll
-; Plugin: CloudFile
-; Version:
-; Authors: Miranda NG team
-[Allows you to transfer files via cloud services.]
-;file \protocols\CloudFile\res\resource.rc
-[Default service]
-[Autosend download link to contact]
-[Paste download link into message input area]
-[Copy download link to clipboard]
-[Download link]
-[Do nothing]
-[Try to rename]
-[Try to replace]
-[On conflict when upload]
-[Enter authorization code:]
-[To allow Miranda NG access to %s:]
-[Go to this link]
-[Request access]
-[Revoke access]
-;file \protocols\CloudFile\src\icons.cpp
-[Upload file(s)]
-[Google Drive]
-;file \protocols\CloudFile\src\menus.cpp
-[Upload to...]
-;file \protocols\CloudFile\src\options.cpp
-;file \protocols\CloudFile\src\srmm.cpp
-[Upload files to...]
-;file \protocols\CloudFile\src\Services\dropbox_service.cpp
-[Server does not respond]
-;file \protocols\CloudFile\src\Services\google_service.cpp
-;file \protocols\CloudFile\src\Services\microsoft_service.cpp
-;file \protocols\CloudFile\src\Services\yandex_service.cpp
+#muuid {e876fe63-0701-4cda-bed5-7c73a379c1d1}
+; File: CloudFile.dll
+; Plugin: CloudFile
+; Version:
+; Authors: Miranda NG team
+[Allows you to transfer files via cloud services.]
+;file \protocols\CloudFile\res\resource.rc
+[Default service]
+[Autosend download link to contact]
+[Paste download link into message input area]
+[Copy download link to clipboard]
+[Download link]
+[Do nothing]
+[Try to rename]
+[Try to replace]
+[On conflict when upload]
+[Enter authorization code:]
+[To allow Miranda NG access to %s:]
+[Go to this link]
+[Request access]
+[Revoke access]
+;file \protocols\CloudFile\src\icons.cpp
+[Upload file(s)]
+[Google Drive]
+;file \protocols\CloudFile\src\menus.cpp
+[Upload to...]
+;file \protocols\CloudFile\src\options.cpp
+;file \protocols\CloudFile\src\srmm.cpp
+[Upload files to...]
+;file \protocols\CloudFile\src\Services\dropbox_service.cpp
+[Server does not respond]
+;file \protocols\CloudFile\src\Services\google_service.cpp
+;file \protocols\CloudFile\src\Services\microsoft_service.cpp
+;file \protocols\CloudFile\src\Services\yandex_service.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/english/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt b/langpacks/english/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
index 38671e590c..fef473e857 100644
--- a/langpacks/english/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
+++ b/langpacks/english/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
@@ -1,134 +1,134 @@
-#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
-; File: CurrencyRates.dll
-; Plugin: Currency Rates
-; Version:
-; Authors: Dioksin
-[Shows currency rates.]
-;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\res\Forex.rc
-[Variable List]
-[Edit Settings]
-[Use contact specific settings]
-[Use &Internal History]
-[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
-[Use &External File]
-[&Select File:]
-[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%currencyratename%]
-[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
-[Show &Popup Window]
-[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
-[Popup settings...]
-[Currency Converter]
-[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
-[Popup Window Settings]
-[Use default colors]
-[Use user-defined colors]
-[Background color]
-[Text color]
-[From popup plugin]
-[Do not add to popup's history]
-[Current Rate:]
-[Rate Fetch Time:]
-[Previous Rate:]
-[&Watched currency rates:]
-[&Refresh Rates Every:]
-[&Display in Contact List as:]
-[&Status Message:]
-[&Personal key:]
-[&Advanced Settings...]
-[Rate Info]
-;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\src\Chart.h
-[There is nothing to show]
-;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
-[Enter text to display in contact list.]
-;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp
-[Info provided by]
-[Enter positive number.]
-;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRateInfoDlg.cpp
-[Currency Rate]
-;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderBase.cpp
-[Source of Information]
-[Rate Value]
-[Previous Rate Value]
-[Fetch Time]
-[Fetch Date]
-[Fetch Time and Date]
-[Percentage Character (%)]
-[Left slash (\\)]
-;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderCurrencyConverter.cpp
-[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
-[Error occurred during site access.]
-[From Currency Full Name]
-[From Currency Short Name]
-[Into Currency Full Name]
-[Into Currency Short Name]
-[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
-;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\src\Forex.cpp
-[Auto Update Enabled]
-[Auto Update Disabled]
-[Currency Rates]
-[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
-[Refresh All Rates]
-[Currency Converter...]
-[Export All Currency Rates]
-[Import All Currency Rates]
-[Open Log File...]
-[Edit Settings...]
-[Enable/Disable Currency Rates Auto Update]
-[Currency Rates Auto Update Enabled]
-[Currency Rates Auto Update Disabled]
-[Currency Symbol]
-;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\src\HTTPSession.cpp
-[This plugin requires a personal key. Press Yes to obtain it at the site and then enter the result in the Options dialog, otherwise this plugin will fail.]
-[CurrencyRates HTTP connections]
-;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\src\IconLib.cpp
-[Protocol icon]
-[Currency Rate up]
-[Currency Rate down]
-[Currency Rate not changed]
-[Currency Rate Section]
-[Swap button]
-;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\src\ImportExport.cpp
-[XML File (*.xml)]
-[All files (*.*)]
-;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\src\ModuleInfo.cpp
-[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
-;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\src\SettingsDlg.cpp
-[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
-[Enter integer value]
-[Enter log file name.]
-[Enter log file format.]
-[Enter history format.]
-[Enter popup window format.]
+#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
+; File: CurrencyRates.dll
+; Plugin: Currency Rates
+; Version:
+; Authors: Dioksin
+[Shows currency rates.]
+;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\res\Forex.rc
+[Variable List]
+[Edit Settings]
+[Use contact specific settings]
+[Use &Internal History]
+[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
+[Use &External File]
+[&Select File:]
+[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%currencyratename%]
+[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
+[Show &Popup Window]
+[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
+[Popup settings...]
+[Currency Converter]
+[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
+[Popup Window Settings]
+[Use default colors]
+[Use user-defined colors]
+[Background color]
+[Text color]
+[From popup plugin]
+[Do not add to popup's history]
+[Current Rate:]
+[Rate Fetch Time:]
+[Previous Rate:]
+[&Watched currency rates:]
+[&Refresh Rates Every:]
+[&Display in Contact List as:]
+[&Status Message:]
+[&Personal key:]
+[&Advanced Settings...]
+[Rate Info]
+;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\src\Chart.h
+[There is nothing to show]
+;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
+[Enter text to display in contact list.]
+;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp
+[Info provided by]
+[Enter positive number.]
+;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRateInfoDlg.cpp
+[Currency Rate]
+;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderBase.cpp
+[Source of Information]
+[Rate Value]
+[Previous Rate Value]
+[Fetch Time]
+[Fetch Date]
+[Fetch Time and Date]
+[Percentage Character (%)]
+[Left slash (\\)]
+;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderCurrencyConverter.cpp
+[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
+[Error occurred during site access.]
+[From Currency Full Name]
+[From Currency Short Name]
+[Into Currency Full Name]
+[Into Currency Short Name]
+[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
+;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\src\Forex.cpp
+[Auto Update Enabled]
+[Auto Update Disabled]
+[Currency Rates]
+[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
+[Refresh All Rates]
+[Currency Converter...]
+[Export All Currency Rates]
+[Import All Currency Rates]
+[Open Log File...]
+[Edit Settings...]
+[Enable/Disable Currency Rates Auto Update]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Enabled]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Disabled]
+[Currency Symbol]
+;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\src\HTTPSession.cpp
+[This plugin requires a personal key. Press Yes to obtain it at the site and then enter the result in the Options dialog, otherwise this plugin will fail.]
+[CurrencyRates HTTP connections]
+;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\src\IconLib.cpp
+[Protocol icon]
+[Currency Rate up]
+[Currency Rate down]
+[Currency Rate not changed]
+[Currency Rate Section]
+[Swap button]
+;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\src\ImportExport.cpp
+[XML File (*.xml)]
+[All files (*.*)]
+;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\src\ModuleInfo.cpp
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
+;file \protocols\CurrencyRates\src\SettingsDlg.cpp
+[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
+[Enter integer value]
+[Enter log file name.]
+[Enter log file format.]
+[Enter history format.]
+[Enter popup window format.]
diff --git a/langpacks/english/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/english/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index 450a2b7489..f5c2629f50 100644
--- a/langpacks/english/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/english/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
-#muuid {7c3d0a33-2646-4001-9107-f35ea299d292}
-; File: Dbx_mdbx.dll
-; Plugin: Miranda NG MDBX database driver
-; Version:
-; Authors: Miranda-NG project
-[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
-;file \plugins\Dbx_mdbx\res\dbx_mdbx.rc
-[Select crypto provider]
-[Total encryption (Recommended only for paranoid users)]
-[Login to Miranda NG]
-[New password]
-[Please enter your new password]
-[Enter password]
-[Change password]
-[Old password]
-[Database encryption mode]
-[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
-[Set password]
-;file \plugins\Dbx_mdbx\src\dbintf.h
-[Change/remove password]
-;file \plugins\Dbx_mdbx\src\ui.cpp
-[Wrong old password entered!]
-[Password is too short!]
-[Passwords do not match!]
-;file \plugins\Dbx_mdbx\src\ui.h
-[Too many errors!]
-[Password is not correct!]
-[Please type in your password]
+#muuid {7c3d0a33-2646-4001-9107-f35ea299d292}
+; File: Dbx_mdbx.dll
+; Plugin: Miranda NG MDBX database driver
+; Version:
+; Authors: Miranda-NG project
+[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
+;file \plugins\Dbx_mdbx\res\dbx_mdbx.rc
+[Select crypto provider]
+[Total encryption (Recommended only for paranoid users)]
+[Login to Miranda NG]
+[New password]
+[Please enter your new password]
+[Enter password]
+[Change password]
+[Old password]
+[Database encryption mode]
+[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
+[Set password]
+;file \plugins\Dbx_mdbx\src\dbintf.h
+[Change/remove password]
+;file \plugins\Dbx_mdbx\src\ui.cpp
+[Wrong old password entered!]
+[Password is too short!]
+[Passwords do not match!]
+;file \plugins\Dbx_mdbx\src\ui.h
+[Too many errors!]
+[Password is not correct!]
+[Please type in your password]
diff --git a/langpacks/english/Plugins/Dbx_sqlite.txt b/langpacks/english/Plugins/Dbx_sqlite.txt
index 7f47682de9..4b0025e0e7 100644
--- a/langpacks/english/Plugins/Dbx_sqlite.txt
+++ b/langpacks/english/Plugins/Dbx_sqlite.txt
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-#muuid {da223468-5f8e-4513-88b0-e52ce8a8b33b}
-; File: Dbx_sqlite.dll
-; Plugin: Miranda NG SQLite database driver
-; Version:
-; Authors: Miranda-NG project
-[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
-;file \plugins\Dbx_sqlite\res\dbx_sqlite.rc
-[Select crypto provider]
-[Login to Miranda NG]
-[New password]
-[Please enter your new password]
-[Enter password]
-[Change password]
-[Old password]
-[Database encryption mode]
-[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
-[Set password]
+#muuid {da223468-5f8e-4513-88b0-e52ce8a8b33b}
+; File: Dbx_sqlite.dll
+; Plugin: Miranda NG SQLite database driver
+; Version:
+; Authors: Miranda-NG project
+[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
+;file \plugins\Dbx_sqlite\res\dbx_sqlite.rc
+[Select crypto provider]
+[Login to Miranda NG]
+[New password]
+[Please enter your new password]
+[Enter password]
+[Change password]
+[Old password]
+[Database encryption mode]
+[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
+[Set password]
diff --git a/langpacks/english/Plugins/Discord.txt b/langpacks/english/Plugins/Discord.txt
index 073ee2bcdb..e2c0d26298 100644
--- a/langpacks/english/Plugins/Discord.txt
+++ b/langpacks/english/Plugins/Discord.txt
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-#muuid {88928401-2ce8-4568-aaa7-226141870cbf}
-; File: Discord.dll
-; Plugin: Discord protocol
-; Version:
-; Authors: George Hazan
-[Discord support for Miranda NG.]
-;file \protocols\Discord\res\discord.rc
-[User details]
-[Default group:]
-[Enable group chats]
-[Do not open chat windows on creation]
-[Use subgroups for server channels (requires restart)]
-;file \protocols\Discord\src\dispatch.cpp
-[edited at]
-;file \protocols\Discord\src\groupchat.cpp
-[Change &nickname]
-[Channel control]
-[Change &topic]
-[&Rename channel]
-[&Destroy channel]
-[Do you really want to destroy this channel? This action is non-revertable.]
-[Enter new channel name:]
-[Enter new topic:]
-[Enter your new nick name:]
-;file \protocols\Discord\src\main.cpp
-[Main icon]
-[Group chats]
-;file \protocols\Discord\src\menus.cpp
-[Enter channel name]
-[Enter invitation code you received]
-[Do you really want to leave the guild?]
-[Disable sync]
-[Enable sync]
-[Join guild]
-[Copy my Discord ID]
-[Leave guild]
-[Create new channel]
-[Copy Discord ID]
-[Enable guild sync]
-[Load server history]
-;file \protocols\Discord\src\options.cpp
-;file \protocols\Discord\src\proto.cpp
-[%s server connection]
-[%s gateway connection]
-[User ID]
-[Protocol is offline or user isn't authorized yet]
-;file \protocols\Discord\src\utils.cpp
+#muuid {88928401-2ce8-4568-aaa7-226141870cbf}
+; File: Discord.dll
+; Plugin: Discord protocol
+; Version:
+; Authors: George Hazan
+[Discord support for Miranda NG.]
+;file \protocols\Discord\res\discord.rc
+[User details]
+[Default group:]
+[Enable group chats]
+[Do not open chat windows on creation]
+[Use subgroups for server channels (requires restart)]
+;file \protocols\Discord\src\dispatch.cpp
+[edited at]
+;file \protocols\Discord\src\groupchat.cpp
+[Change &nickname]
+[Channel control]
+[Change &topic]
+[&Rename channel]
+[&Destroy channel]
+[Do you really want to destroy this channel? This action is non-revertable.]
+[Enter new channel name:]
+[Enter new topic:]
+[Enter your new nick name:]
+;file \protocols\Discord\src\main.cpp
+[Main icon]
+[Group chats]
+;file \protocols\Discord\src\menus.cpp
+[Enter channel name]
+[Enter invitation code you received]
+[Do you really want to leave the guild?]
+[Disable sync]
+[Enable sync]
+[Join guild]
+[Copy my Discord ID]
+[Leave guild]
+[Create new channel]
+[Copy Discord ID]
+[Enable guild sync]
+[Load server history]
+;file \protocols\Discord\src\options.cpp
+;file \protocols\Discord\src\proto.cpp
+[%s server connection]
+[%s gateway connection]
+[User ID]
+[Protocol is offline or user isn't authorized yet]
+;file \protocols\Discord\src\utils.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/english/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt b/langpacks/english/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
index 08dcf6d51d..d8c39008b5 100644
--- a/langpacks/english/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
+++ b/langpacks/english/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-#muuid {08c01613-24c8-486f-bdae-2c3ddcaf9347}
-; File: MagneticWindows.dll
-; Plugin: Magnetic Windows
-; Version:
-; Authors: Michael Kunz
-[Makes the contact list and the chat windows snapping to the desktop border and to each other.]
-;file \plugins\MagneticWindows\res\Options.rc
-[Magnetic Windows]
-[Snap windows]
-[%d pix]
-[For Scriver users: automatically hold down the Ctrl key while moving/sizing. (Make sure you use Scriver!)]
-;file \plugins\MagneticWindows\src\Options.cpp
+#muuid {08c01613-24c8-486f-bdae-2c3ddcaf9347}
+; File: MagneticWindows.dll
+; Plugin: Magnetic Windows
+; Version:
+; Authors: Michael Kunz
+[Makes the contact list and the chat windows snapping to the desktop border and to each other.]
+;file \plugins\MagneticWindows\res\Options.rc
+[Magnetic Windows]
+[Snap windows]
+[%d pix]
+[For Scriver users: automatically hold down the Ctrl key while moving/sizing. (Make sure you use Scriver!)]
+;file \plugins\MagneticWindows\src\Options.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/english/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt b/langpacks/english/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
index e675b57ba2..06e895d5b3 100644
--- a/langpacks/english/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
+++ b/langpacks/english/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
@@ -1,216 +1,216 @@
-#muuid {67716225-21f1-4a03-a69b-5fe12f128a2b}
-; File: PopupPlus.dll
-; Plugin: Popup plus
-; Version:
-; Authors: MPK, Merlin_de (Luca Santarelli, Victor Pavlychko)
-[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
-;file \plugins\Popup\res\resource.rc
-[Content and Style]
-[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
-[Live Preview]
-[Size && Position]
-[Enable popup history]
-[Store last]
-[Use History++ to render log]
-[Draw avatar borders]
-[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
-[Round corners by]
-[Avatar size:]
-[Enable avatar updates]
-[Start the popups in the monitor with]
-[Miranda's window]
-[the active window]
-[Use transparency]
-[Opaque popups under cursor]
-[Slide popup]
-[Time (in):]
-[Time (out):]
-[Limit window amount to:]
-[* - built-in skins]
-[Skin options]
-[Download more skins]
-[Popup history]
-[Popup area]
-[Distance between popups]
-[Configure popup area]
-[Enable popup actions]
-[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
-[Common actions]
-[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
-[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
-[Add default actions for contacts only]
-[Don't close popups on default actions]
-[Size and position]
-[Use large icons]
-[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
-[Icons and labels below text]
-[Icons on the left]
-[Icons aligned to the right]
-[Show actions: (requires apply)]
-[Mouse actions overwrite]
-[Left button]
-[Middle button]
-[Right button]
-[General options]
-[Enable this notification]
-[Popup timeout:]
-[Left click action:]
-[Right click action:]
-[Disable when global status is...]
-[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
-[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
-[Disable if message window is open]
-[0 = Default]
-[-1 = Infinite]
-[Per-contact settings]
-[Show always]
-[Ignore fullscreen]
-[Never show]
-[Show default]
-[Default timeout]
-[Infinite popup delay]
-[Popup delay:]
-[Do not close hovered popups]
-[Dynamically resize the popups]
-[Minimum width]
-[Maximum width]
-[Reorder popups]
-[Disable when:]
-[Always (has priority)]
-[Fullscreen mode]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\actions.cpp
-[Quick reply]
-[Send message]
-[User details]
-[Contact menu]
-[Add permanently]
-[Pin popup]
-[Dismiss popup]
-[Copy to clipboard]
-[No overwrite]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\config.cpp
-[The Jabberwocky]
-[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
-[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
-[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
-[This is a notification message]
-[This is a warning message]
-[This is an error message]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\effects.cpp
-[Square fading]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\font.h
-[Hovered action]
-[Title underline]
-[Avatar border]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\history.cpp
-[Popup history is disabled]
-[Popup history message]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\icons.cpp
-[With "favorite" overlay]
-[With "fullscreen" overlay]
-[Refresh skin list]
-[Popup placement]
-[Popup group]
-[Favorite contact]
-[Show in fullscreen]
-[Blocked contact]
-[Pinned popup]
-[Add contact permanently]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\main.cpp
-[Toggle popups]
-[Enable popups]
-[Disable popups]
-[Popup Plus]
-[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_adv.cpp
-[No effect]
-[Fade in/out]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_class.cpp
-[CLASS Plugins]
-[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_gen.cpp
-[Not available]
-[Do not disturb]
-[Free for chat]
-[Out to lunch]
-[On the phone]
-[Upper left corner]
-[Lower left corner]
-[Lower right corner]
-[Upper right corner]
-[Global Status]
-[Protocol Status]
-[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
-['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
-[Popup plus warning]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_skins.cpp
-[Skin preview]
-[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
-[Show clock]
-[Drop shadow effect]
-[non rectangular]
-[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
-[Use Windows colors]
-[Use advanced text render]
-[Global settings]
-[Refresh List]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\services.cpp
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\srmm_menu.cpp
-[Popup Mode: Auto]
-[Popup Mode: Favorite]
-[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
-[Popup Mode: Block contact]
+#muuid {67716225-21f1-4a03-a69b-5fe12f128a2b}
+; File: PopupPlus.dll
+; Plugin: Popup plus
+; Version:
+; Authors: MPK, Merlin_de (Luca Santarelli, Victor Pavlychko)
+[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
+;file \plugins\Popup\res\resource.rc
+[Content and Style]
+[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
+[Live Preview]
+[Size && Position]
+[Enable popup history]
+[Store last]
+[Use History++ to render log]
+[Draw avatar borders]
+[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
+[Round corners by]
+[Avatar size:]
+[Enable avatar updates]
+[Start the popups in the monitor with]
+[Miranda's window]
+[the active window]
+[Use transparency]
+[Opaque popups under cursor]
+[Slide popup]
+[Time (in):]
+[Time (out):]
+[Limit window amount to:]
+[* - built-in skins]
+[Skin options]
+[Download more skins]
+[Popup history]
+[Popup area]
+[Distance between popups]
+[Configure popup area]
+[Enable popup actions]
+[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
+[Common actions]
+[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
+[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
+[Add default actions for contacts only]
+[Don't close popups on default actions]
+[Size and position]
+[Use large icons]
+[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
+[Icons and labels below text]
+[Icons on the left]
+[Icons aligned to the right]
+[Show actions: (requires apply)]
+[Mouse actions overwrite]
+[Left button]
+[Middle button]
+[Right button]
+[General options]
+[Enable this notification]
+[Popup timeout:]
+[Left click action:]
+[Right click action:]
+[Disable when global status is...]
+[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
+[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
+[Disable if message window is open]
+[0 = Default]
+[-1 = Infinite]
+[Per-contact settings]
+[Show always]
+[Ignore fullscreen]
+[Never show]
+[Show default]
+[Default timeout]
+[Infinite popup delay]
+[Popup delay:]
+[Do not close hovered popups]
+[Dynamically resize the popups]
+[Minimum width]
+[Maximum width]
+[Reorder popups]
+[Disable when:]
+[Always (has priority)]
+[Fullscreen mode]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\actions.cpp
+[Quick reply]
+[Send message]
+[User details]
+[Contact menu]
+[Add permanently]
+[Pin popup]
+[Dismiss popup]
+[Copy to clipboard]
+[No overwrite]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\config.cpp
+[The Jabberwocky]
+[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
+[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
+[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
+[This is a notification message]
+[This is a warning message]
+[This is an error message]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\effects.cpp
+[Square fading]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\font.h
+[Hovered action]
+[Title underline]
+[Avatar border]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\history.cpp
+[Popup history is disabled]
+[Popup history message]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\icons.cpp
+[With "favorite" overlay]
+[With "fullscreen" overlay]
+[Refresh skin list]
+[Popup placement]
+[Popup group]
+[Favorite contact]
+[Show in fullscreen]
+[Blocked contact]
+[Pinned popup]
+[Add contact permanently]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\main.cpp
+[Toggle popups]
+[Enable popups]
+[Disable popups]
+[Popup Plus]
+[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_adv.cpp
+[No effect]
+[Fade in/out]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_class.cpp
+[CLASS Plugins]
+[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_gen.cpp
+[Not available]
+[Do not disturb]
+[Free for chat]
+[Out to lunch]
+[On the phone]
+[Upper left corner]
+[Lower left corner]
+[Lower right corner]
+[Upper right corner]
+[Global Status]
+[Protocol Status]
+[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
+['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
+[Popup plus warning]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_skins.cpp
+[Skin preview]
+[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
+[Show clock]
+[Drop shadow effect]
+[non rectangular]
+[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
+[Use Windows colors]
+[Use advanced text render]
+[Global settings]
+[Refresh List]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\services.cpp
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\srmm_menu.cpp
+[Popup Mode: Auto]
+[Popup Mode: Favorite]
+[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
+[Popup Mode: Block contact]
diff --git a/langpacks/english/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt b/langpacks/english/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
index fbb2997256..f134db5185 100644
--- a/langpacks/english/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
+++ b/langpacks/english/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
@@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
-#muuid {4df0c267-6efb-4410-b651-385f87158509}
-; File: ProxySwitch.dll
-; Plugin: ProxySwitch
-; Version:
-; Authors: Petr Smejkal
-[Watches IP address changes, displays popups, and adjusts the proxy settings of Miranda, Internet Explorer and Firefox.]
-;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\res\resource.rc
-[Network addresses]
-[Direct connection]
-[Use proxy]
-[Manage Miranda NG proxy]
-[Manage Internet Explorer proxy]
-[Manage Firefox proxy]
-[Reconnect if IP address changes]
-[Hide interfaces]
-[Popup options]
-[Enable popups]
-[Text color]
-[Background color]
-[Use default popup colors]
-[Show proxy status on change]
-[Restart of Miranda NG is required.]
-[Enter semicolon (;) separated list of IP network addresses in any of the formats below:\n\tIP/bits\t(\t\tIP/mask\t(\n\tIP1-2\t(\t\tIP1-IP2\t(]
-[Any entry in the 'Use proxy' list can be prefixed by an exclamation mark (!) to increase its priority. Entries with wrong syntax will be ignored. The plugin checks the IP addresses in the following way:]
-[\t1) Use proxy if any interface has prioritized 'Use proxy' address\n\t2) Don't use proxy if any interface has 'Direct connection' address\n\t3) Use proxy if any interface has 'Use proxy' address\n\t4) Do nothing if unknown or no address found]
-;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\src\ip.cpp
-;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\src\main.cpp
-[Current IP address]
-[Enable &IP change notification]
-[Disable &IP change notification]
-[Show my &IP addresses]
-[Proxy settings && interfaces]
-[Disable proxy]
-[Enable proxy]
-[IP change notification]
-;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\src\opt.cpp
+#muuid {4df0c267-6efb-4410-b651-385f87158509}
+; File: ProxySwitch.dll
+; Plugin: ProxySwitch
+; Version:
+; Authors: Petr Smejkal
+[Watches IP address changes, displays popups, and adjusts the proxy settings of Miranda, Internet Explorer and Firefox.]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\res\resource.rc
+[Network addresses]
+[Direct connection]
+[Use proxy]
+[Manage Miranda NG proxy]
+[Manage Internet Explorer proxy]
+[Manage Firefox proxy]
+[Reconnect if IP address changes]
+[Hide interfaces]
+[Popup options]
+[Enable popups]
+[Text color]
+[Background color]
+[Use default popup colors]
+[Show proxy status on change]
+[Restart of Miranda NG is required.]
+[Enter semicolon (;) separated list of IP network addresses in any of the formats below:\n\tIP/bits\t(\t\tIP/mask\t(\n\tIP1-2\t(\t\tIP1-IP2\t(]
+[Any entry in the 'Use proxy' list can be prefixed by an exclamation mark (!) to increase its priority. Entries with wrong syntax will be ignored. The plugin checks the IP addresses in the following way:]
+[\t1) Use proxy if any interface has prioritized 'Use proxy' address\n\t2) Don't use proxy if any interface has 'Direct connection' address\n\t3) Use proxy if any interface has 'Use proxy' address\n\t4) Do nothing if unknown or no address found]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\src\ip.cpp
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\src\main.cpp
+[Current IP address]
+[Enable &IP change notification]
+[Disable &IP change notification]
+[Show my &IP addresses]
+[Proxy settings && interfaces]
+[Disable proxy]
+[Enable proxy]
+[IP change notification]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\src\opt.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/english/Plugins/StatusManager.txt b/langpacks/english/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
index 5410de604d..523180e84e 100644
--- a/langpacks/english/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
+++ b/langpacks/english/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
@@ -1,195 +1,195 @@
-#muuid {fadd4a8a-1fd0-4398-83bd-e378b85ed8f1}
-; File: StatusManager.dll
-; Plugin: Status manager
-; Version:
-; Authors: P Boon
-[A connection checker and auto away module. Also allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per protocol.]
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\res\resource.rc
-[Available modules]
-[Keep status]
-[Automatically reconnects your accounts after protocol error or internet drop.]
-[Startup status]
-[Allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per account.]
-[Advanced auto away]
-[Improved auto away module with some more options than the built in, configurable per account.]
-[Note: Miranda NG will have to be restarted for changes to take effect.]
-[Show popups]
-[Account connection]
-[Check connection]
-[Maximum retries (0 - infinite)]
-[Delay between retries (secs)]
-[Accounts to check]
-[Don't reconnect if no internet connection seems available]
-[Continuously check for internet connection]
-[Do so by pinging host]
-[Confirm status]
-[Away mode]
-[when full-screen mode is active]
-[when screen saver engages]
-[when workstation is locked]
-[when terminal session is disconnected]
-[minutes of inactivity]
-[After away]
-[minutes of level 1 mode]
-[only set when inactive]
-[Monitor Miranda's activity only]
-[Reset status on return]
-[Confirm resetting status]
-[Enter idle mode]
-[Only set if current status is]
-[Command line]
-[Copy to clipboard]
-[Command line:]
-[Create shortcut]
-[Add new profile]
-[Profile name]
-[Set window state]
-[Show dialog]
-[Set status to offline before exit]
-[Show CMDL]
-[Activate status profile]
-[Set docked]
-[Status on startup]
-[Set after]
-[Set window location]
-[Set window size]
-[Allow override]
-[Note: status profiles can be created in the 'Status profiles' options screen]
-[Window on startup]
-[Automatically dial on startup]
-[Automatically hang up on exit]
-[Dial-up (experimental)]
-[Background color]
-[Text color]
-[Use Windows colors]
-[Use default colors]
-[On left click]
-[On right click]
-[Do nothing]
-[Close popup]
-[Cancel reconnecting]
-[Show when connection is lost]
-[Show when a connection attempt is made]
-[Show when reconnection has finished]
-[Show other messages]
-[From popup plugin]
-[Show additional information in popups]
-[Use Miranda's message setting]
-[Use this message:]
-[Use %time% for the current time, %date% for the current date]
-[Specify settings for each account]
-[Use same settings for all accounts]
-[Ignore Caps Lock, Num Lock and Scroll Lock keys]
-[Check interval (secs)]
-[Confirm dialog timeout (secs)]
-[Monitor keyboard activity]
-[Monitor mouse activity]
-[Ignore Ctrl, Alt, Shift, Tab, Esc and Windows keys]
-[Ignore any key combination with above keys]
-[Enable checking]
-[Disable checking]
-[Set status message]
-[Create a TopToolBar button]
-[Show confirm dialog when loading]
-[Create a main menu item]
-[Status profiles]
-[In submenu]
-[Maximum delay (secs)]
-[Maximum account connecting time (secs)]
-[Ignore locked status of accounts]
-[Increase delay exponential]
-[Set account offline before a connection attempt]
-[Cancel all if an account connects from another location]
-[Reconnect on APM resume]
-[React on login errors]
-[Stop trying to reconnect]
-[Set delay to]
-[Consider connection lost after]
-[failed pings]
-[Continuously check interval (secs)]
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\aaa_options.cpp
-[minutes of %s mode]
-[Auto away]
-[Status messages]
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\confirmdialog.cpp
-[Set %s message for %s.]
-[Closing in %d]
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\keepstatus.cpp
-[%s connected from another location]
-[%s login error, cancel reconnecting]
-[%s login error (next retry (%d) in %d s)]
-[%s status error (next retry (%d) in %d s)]
-[Status error (next retry (%d) in %d s)]
-[Resetting status... (last try (%d))]
-[Resetting status... (next retry (%d) in %d s)]
-[%s\t(will be set to %s)\r\n]
-[No internet connection seems available... (last try (%d))]
-[No internet connection seems available... (next retry (%d) in %d s)]
-[Status was set ok]
-[Giving up]
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ks_options.cpp
-[You broke the Internet!]
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\options.cpp
-[Status manager]
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ss_options.cpp
-[size: %d x %d]
-[loc: %d x %d]
-[Create a status menu item]
-[At least one profile must exist]
-[Your default profile will be changed]
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ss_profiles.cpp
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ss_toolbars.cpp
-[Pressed toolbar icon]
-[Released toolbar icon]
+#muuid {fadd4a8a-1fd0-4398-83bd-e378b85ed8f1}
+; File: StatusManager.dll
+; Plugin: Status manager
+; Version:
+; Authors: P Boon
+[A connection checker and auto away module. Also allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per protocol.]
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\res\resource.rc
+[Available modules]
+[Keep status]
+[Automatically reconnects your accounts after protocol error or internet drop.]
+[Startup status]
+[Allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per account.]
+[Advanced auto away]
+[Improved auto away module with some more options than the built in, configurable per account.]
+[Note: Miranda NG will have to be restarted for changes to take effect.]
+[Show popups]
+[Account connection]
+[Check connection]
+[Maximum retries (0 - infinite)]
+[Delay between retries (secs)]
+[Accounts to check]
+[Don't reconnect if no internet connection seems available]
+[Continuously check for internet connection]
+[Do so by pinging host]
+[Confirm status]
+[Away mode]
+[when full-screen mode is active]
+[when screen saver engages]
+[when workstation is locked]
+[when terminal session is disconnected]
+[minutes of inactivity]
+[After away]
+[minutes of level 1 mode]
+[only set when inactive]
+[Monitor Miranda's activity only]
+[Reset status on return]
+[Confirm resetting status]
+[Enter idle mode]
+[Only set if current status is]
+[Command line]
+[Copy to clipboard]
+[Command line:]
+[Create shortcut]
+[Add new profile]
+[Profile name]
+[Set window state]
+[Show dialog]
+[Set status to offline before exit]
+[Show CMDL]
+[Activate status profile]
+[Set docked]
+[Status on startup]
+[Set after]
+[Set window location]
+[Set window size]
+[Allow override]
+[Note: status profiles can be created in the 'Status profiles' options screen]
+[Window on startup]
+[Automatically dial on startup]
+[Automatically hang up on exit]
+[Dial-up (experimental)]
+[Background color]
+[Text color]
+[Use Windows colors]
+[Use default colors]
+[On left click]
+[On right click]
+[Do nothing]
+[Close popup]
+[Cancel reconnecting]
+[Show when connection is lost]
+[Show when a connection attempt is made]
+[Show when reconnection has finished]
+[Show other messages]
+[From popup plugin]
+[Show additional information in popups]
+[Use Miranda's message setting]
+[Use this message:]
+[Use %time% for the current time, %date% for the current date]
+[Specify settings for each account]
+[Use same settings for all accounts]
+[Ignore Caps Lock, Num Lock and Scroll Lock keys]
+[Check interval (secs)]
+[Confirm dialog timeout (secs)]
+[Monitor keyboard activity]
+[Monitor mouse activity]
+[Ignore Ctrl, Alt, Shift, Tab, Esc and Windows keys]
+[Ignore any key combination with above keys]
+[Enable checking]
+[Disable checking]
+[Set status message]
+[Create a TopToolBar button]
+[Show confirm dialog when loading]
+[Create a main menu item]
+[Status profiles]
+[In submenu]
+[Maximum delay (secs)]
+[Maximum account connecting time (secs)]
+[Ignore locked status of accounts]
+[Increase delay exponential]
+[Set account offline before a connection attempt]
+[Cancel all if an account connects from another location]
+[Reconnect on APM resume]
+[React on login errors]
+[Stop trying to reconnect]
+[Set delay to]
+[Consider connection lost after]
+[failed pings]
+[Continuously check interval (secs)]
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\aaa_options.cpp
+[minutes of %s mode]
+[Auto away]
+[Status messages]
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\confirmdialog.cpp
+[Set %s message for %s.]
+[Closing in %d]
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\keepstatus.cpp
+[%s connected from another location]
+[%s login error, cancel reconnecting]
+[%s login error (next retry (%d) in %d s)]
+[%s status error (next retry (%d) in %d s)]
+[Status error (next retry (%d) in %d s)]
+[Resetting status... (last try (%d))]
+[Resetting status... (next retry (%d) in %d s)]
+[%s\t(will be set to %s)\r\n]
+[No internet connection seems available... (last try (%d))]
+[No internet connection seems available... (next retry (%d) in %d s)]
+[Status was set ok]
+[Giving up]
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ks_options.cpp
+[You broke the Internet!]
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\options.cpp
+[Status manager]
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ss_options.cpp
+[size: %d x %d]
+[loc: %d x %d]
+[Create a status menu item]
+[At least one profile must exist]
+[Your default profile will be changed]
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ss_profiles.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ss_toolbars.cpp
+[Pressed toolbar icon]
+[Released toolbar icon]