path: root/langpacks
diff options
authordartraiden <>2018-08-09 00:40:05 +0300
committerdartraiden <>2018-08-09 00:40:05 +0300
commit409613f0a80bea4c75b7dd61ea8dd5afdbc3e41c (patch)
tree4454926672f664469e7e8b2c919a7f709c206103 /langpacks
parent3e048a2f8b17a6228f62dfa2a7503da8d32a34f5 (diff)
langpacks: update
Diffstat (limited to 'langpacks')
-rw-r--r--langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt (renamed from langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Quotes.txt)534
-rw-r--r--langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt (renamed from langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Quotes.txt)534
-rw-r--r--langpacks/croatian/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt (renamed from langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Quotes.txt)534
-rw-r--r--langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt (renamed from langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Quotes.txt)239
-rw-r--r--langpacks/czech/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt (renamed from langpacks/czech/Plugins/Quotes.txt)534
-rw-r--r--langpacks/czech/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt (renamed from langpacks/czech/Untranslated/Quotes.txt)100
-rw-r--r--langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt (renamed from langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/Quotes.txt)34
-rw-r--r--langpacks/french/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt (renamed from langpacks/french/Plugins/Quotes.txt)534
-rw-r--r--langpacks/french/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt (renamed from langpacks/french/Untranslated/Quotes.txt)208
-rw-r--r--langpacks/german/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt (renamed from langpacks/german/Plugins/Quotes.txt)534
-rw-r--r--langpacks/polish/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt (renamed from langpacks/polish/Plugins/Quotes.txt)534
-rw-r--r--langpacks/russian/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt (renamed from langpacks/russian/Plugins/Quotes.txt)534
-rw-r--r--langpacks/serbian/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt (renamed from langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Quotes.txt)534
-rw-r--r--langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt (renamed from langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Quotes.txt)225
-rw-r--r--langpacks/spanish/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt (renamed from langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Quotes.txt)534
-rw-r--r--langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt (renamed from langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Quotes.txt)211
-rw-r--r--langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt (renamed from langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Quotes.txt)534
235 files changed, 3799 insertions, 3834 deletions
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Actman.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Actman.txt
index 8f01e2362e..3902bd8cc7 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Actman.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Actman.txt
@@ -289,6 +289,8 @@ UTF16+сігнатура
[> greater]
@@ -317,6 +319,10 @@ UTF16+сігнатура
[^s - selected (and replaced) part\r\n^e - replaced by empty string\r\n^v - paste text from Clipboard\r\n^t - replaced by tabulation\r\n^l - replaced by last result as unicode\r\n^h - replaced by last result as hex\r\n^f(name[,str])\r\n paste line from text file.\r\n brackets contents must be w/o spaces]
^s - вылучаная (і замененая) частка\r\n^e - заменена пустым радком\r\n^v - уставіць тэкст з буфера абмену\r\n^t - заменена табуляцыяй\r\n^l - заменена апошнім вынікам, як юнікод\r\n^h - заменена апошнім вынікам, як шаснаццатковае\r\n^f(імя[,str])\r\n уставіць радок з тэкставага файла.\r\n змесціва пасярод дужак абавязана быць без прабелаў
[Process script after]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/BasicHistory.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/BasicHistory.txt
index 1877e3e5a8..dfa8da0e6d 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/BasicHistory.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/BasicHistory.txt
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ Dat (мКантакты)
[Event already exists]
Падзея ўжо існуе
[Browse WinSCP file]
-Абярыце файл Win-SCP
+Абярыце файл WinSCP
[Save WinSCP log file]
Захаваць файл гісторыі WinSCP
[You've entered invalid codepage. Select codepage from combo box or enter correct number.]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Quotes.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
index 49f5d4a67a..f4f392a138 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Quotes.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
@@ -1,272 +1,262 @@
-#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
-; File: Quotes.dll
-; Plugin: Quotes
-; Version:
-; Authors: Dioksin
-[Shows currency rates and economic quotes.]
-Дадатак адлюстроўвае курсы валют і каціровак.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\res\Forex.rc
-[Variable List]
-Спіс зменных
-[Edit Settings]
-Змяніць налады
-[Use contact specific settings]
-Уласныя налады ў кантакту
-[Use &Internal History]
-Выкарыстоўваць унутраную гісторыю
-[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
-Дадаваць у гісторыю, толькі калі змянілася значэнне
-[Use &External File]
-Выкарыстоўваць &вонкавы файл
-[&Select File:]
-&Шлях да файла:
-[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%quotename%]
-Падтрымоўваныя зменныя: %miranda_userdata%,%quotename%
-[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
-Дадаваць у файл, толькі калі змянілася значэнне
-[Show &Popup Window]
-Паказваць усплывальнае вакно
-[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
-Паказваць усплывальнае вакно толькі, калі змянілася значэнне
-[Popup settings...]
-Налады успл. вокнаў...
-[Currency Converter]
-Канвертар валют
-[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
-Інфармацыя з <a href="">Google</a>
-[Popup Window Settings]
-Налады ўсплывальных вокнаў
-[Use default colors]
-Колеры па змаўчанні
-[Use user-defined colors]
-Наладзіць колеры
-[Background color]
-Колер фону
-[Text color]
-Колер тэксту
-[From popup plugin]
-Па змаўчанні
-[Do not add to popup's history]
-Не запісваць у гісторыю вакон
-[&Choose Quotes to watch in contact list:]
-&Абярыце каціроўкі для назірання ў спісе кантактаў:
-[&Refresh Quotes Every:]
-&Абнаўляць каціроўкі кожныя:
-[&Display in Contact List as:]
-&Паказваць у спісе як:
-[&Status Message:]
-&Паведамленне статусу:
-[&Advanced Settings...]
-Дадатковыя налады...
-[Current Rate:]
-Бягучае значэнне:
-[Rate Fetch Time:]
-Час абнаўлення:
-[Previous Rate:]
-Папярэдняе значэнне:
-[&Watched currency rates:]
-&Адсочваныя курсы валют:
-[&Refresh Rates Every:]
-&Абнаўляць курсы кожныя:
-[Quote\\Rate Info]
-Інфармацыя пра каціроўку\\курс валюты
-[Type &Stock Name or Symbol:]
-Назва каціроўкі:
-[&Watched Quotes:]
-&Адсочваныя каціроўкі:
-[Status &Message:]
-Паведамленне статусу:
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\Chart.h
-[There is nothing to show]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
-[Enter text to display in contact list.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp
-[Info provided by]
-Інфармацыя прадстаўлена
-[Enter positive number.]
-Увядзіце станоўчую лічбу.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\Forex.cpp
-[Auto Update Enabled]
-Аўтаабнаўленне ўключана
-[Auto Update Disabled]
-Аўтаабнаўленне выключана
-[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
-[Refresh All Quotes\\Rates]
-Абнавіць усе каціроўкі\\курсы валют
-[Currency Converter...]
-Канвертар валют...
-[Export All Quotes]
-Экспарт усіх каціровак
-[Import All Quotes]
-Імпарт усіх каціровак
-[Open Log File...]
-Адкрыць файл гісторыі...
-[Edit Settings...]
-[Enable/Disable Quotes Auto Update]
-[Quotes Auto Update Enabled]
-[Quotes Auto Update Disabled]
-[Quote Symbol]
-Знак каціроўкі
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\HTTPSession.cpp
-[Quotes HTTP connections]
-HTTP далучэнне Quotes
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\IconLib.cpp
-[Protocol icon]
-Абразок конту
-[Quote/Rate up]
-Значэнне вырасла
-[Quote/Rate down]
-Значэнне звалілася
-[Quote/Rate not changed]
-Значэнне не змянілася
-[Quote Section]
-Частка каціровак
-[Swap button]
-Памяняць месцамі
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\ImportExport.cpp
-[XML File (*.xml)]
-Файл XML(*.xml)
-[All files (*.*)]
-Усе файлы (*.*)
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\ModuleInfo.cpp
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. XML parser is missing.]
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuoteInfoDlg.cpp
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuotesProviderCurrencyConverter.cpp
-[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
-Памылка падчас парсінгу HTML.
-[Error occurred during site access.]
-Памылка пры доступе да сайта.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuotesProviderVisitorFormatSpecificator.cpp
-[Quote Name]
-Назва каціроўкі
-[Source of Information]
-Крыніца інфармацыі
-[Rate Value]
-Бягучае значэнне каціроўкі/курсу
-[Previous Rate Value]
-Папярэдняе значэнне каціроўкі/курсу
-[Fetch Time]
-Час абнаўлення
-[Fetch Date]
-Дата абнаўлення
-[Fetch Time and Date]
-Дата і час абнаўлення
-[Percentage Character (%)]
-Знак %
-[Left slash (\\)]
-Знак \\
-[Open Price]
-Кошт на адкрыццё
-[Percent Change to After Hours]
-Адсотак змен за апошнюю гадзіну
-[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
-Адсотак змен з учорашняга зачынення
-[Day's High]
-Максімальнае значэнне за дзень
-[Day's Low]
-Мінімальнае значэнне за дзень
-[Previous Close]
-Значэнне на папярэдняе зачыненне
-[From Currency Full Name]
-Поўная назва зыходнай валюты
-[From Currency Short Name]
-Кароткая назва зыходнай валюты
-[Into Currency Full Name]
-Поўная назва мэтавай валюты
-[Into Currency Short Name]
-Кароткая назва мэтавай валюты
-[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
-Кароткае пазначэнне "%f/%i"
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\SettingsDlg.cpp
-[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
-Лог (*.txt,*.log)
-[Enter integer value]
-Увядзіце цэлае значэнне
-[Enter log file name.]
-Увядзіце назву для лога.
-[Enter log file format.]
-Увядзіце фармат лога.
-[Enter history format.]
-Увязіце фармат гісторыі.
-[Enter popup window format.]
-Увядзіце фармат вакна.
+#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
+; File: CurrencyRates.dll
+; Plugin: Currency Rates
+; Version:
+; Authors: Dioksin
+[Shows currency rates.]
+Дадатак адлюстроўвае курсы валют.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\res\Forex.rc
+[Variable List]
+Спіс зменных
+[Edit Settings]
+Змяніць налады
+[Use contact specific settings]
+Уласныя налады ў кантакту
+[Use &Internal History]
+Выкарыстоўваць унутраную гісторыю
+[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
+Дадаваць у гісторыю, толькі калі змянілася значэнне
+[Use &External File]
+Выкарыстоўваць &вонкавы файл
+[&Select File:]
+&Шлях да файла:
+[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%currencyratename%]
+Падтрымоўваныя зменныя: %miranda_userdata%,%currencyratename%
+[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
+Дадаваць у файл, толькі калі змянілася значэнне
+[Show &Popup Window]
+Паказваць усплывальнае вакно
+[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
+Паказваць усплывальнае вакно толькі, калі змянілася значэнне
+[Popup settings...]
+Налады успл. вокнаў...
+[Currency Converter]
+Канвертар валют
+[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
+Інфармацыя з <a href="">Google</a>
+[Popup Window Settings]
+Налады ўсплывальных вокнаў
+[Use default colors]
+Колеры па змаўчанні
+[Use user-defined colors]
+Наладзіць колеры
+[Background color]
+Колер фону
+[Text color]
+Колер тэксту
+[From popup plugin]
+Па змаўчанні
+[Do not add to popup's history]
+Не запісваць у гісторыю вакон
+[Current Rate:]
+Бягучае значэнне:
+[Rate Fetch Time:]
+Час абнаўлення:
+[Previous Rate:]
+Папярэдняе значэнне:
+[&Watched currency rates:]
+&Адсочваныя курсы валют:
+[&Refresh Rates Every:]
+&Абнаўляць курсы кожныя:
+[&Display in Contact List as:]
+&Паказваць у спісе як:
+[&Status Message:]
+&Паведамленне статусу:
+[&Advanced Settings...]
+Дадатковыя налады...
+[Rate Info]
+Курс валюты
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\Chart.h
+[There is nothing to show]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
+[Enter text to display in contact list.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp
+[Info provided by]
+Інфармацыя прадстаўлена
+[Enter positive number.]
+Увядзіце станоўчую лічбу.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRateInfoDlg.cpp
+[Currency Rate]
+Курс валюты
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderCurrencyConverter.cpp
+[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
+Памылка падчас парсінгу HTML.
+[Error occurred during site access.]
+Памылка пры доступе да сайта.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderVisitorFormatSpecificator.cpp
+[Currency Symbol]
+Знак валюты
+[Currency Name]
+Назва валюты
+[Source of Information]
+Крыніца інфармацыі
+[Rate Value]
+Бягучае значэнне каціроўкі/курсу
+[Previous Rate Value]
+Папярэдняе значэнне каціроўкі/курсу
+[Fetch Time]
+Час абнаўлення
+[Fetch Date]
+Дата абнаўлення
+[Fetch Time and Date]
+Дата і час абнаўлення
+[Percentage Character (%)]
+Знак %
+[Left slash (\\)]
+Знак \\
+[Open Price]
+Кошт на адкрыццё
+[Percent Change to After Hours]
+Адсотак змен за апошнюю гадзіну
+[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
+Адсотак змен з учорашняга зачынення
+[Day's High]
+Максімальнае значэнне за дзень
+[Day's Low]
+Мінімальнае значэнне за дзень
+[Previous Close]
+Значэнне на папярэдняе зачыненне
+[From Currency Full Name]
+Поўная назва зыходнай валюты
+[From Currency Short Name]
+Кароткая назва зыходнай валюты
+[Into Currency Full Name]
+Поўная назва мэтавай валюты
+[Into Currency Short Name]
+Кароткая назва мэтавай валюты
+[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
+Кароткае пазначэнне "%f/%i"
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\Forex.cpp
+[Auto Update Enabled]
+Аўтаабнаўленне ўключана
+[Auto Update Disabled]
+Аўтаабнаўленне выключана
+[Currency Rates]
+Курсы валют
+[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
+[Refresh All Rates]
+Абнавіць усе курсы валют
+[Currency Converter...]
+Канвертар валют...
+[Export All Currency Rates]
+[Import All Currency Rates]
+[Open Log File...]
+Адкрыць файл гісторыі...
+[Edit Settings...]
+[Enable/Disable Currency Rates Auto Update]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Enabled]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Disabled]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\HTTPSession.cpp
+[CurrencyRates HTTP connections]
+HTTP далучэнне CurrencyRates
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\IconLib.cpp
+[Protocol icon]
+Абразок конту
+[Currency Rate up]
+Значэнне вырасла
+[Currency Rate down]
+Значэнне звалілася
+[Currency Rate not changed]
+Значэнне не змянілася
+[Currency Rate Section]
+[Swap button]
+Памяняць месцамі
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\ImportExport.cpp
+[XML File (*.xml)]
+Файл XML(*.xml)
+[All files (*.*)]
+Усе файлы (*.*)
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\ModuleInfo.cpp
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. XML parser is missing.]
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\SettingsDlg.cpp
+[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
+Лог (*.txt,*.log)
+[Enter integer value]
+Увядзіце цэлае значэнне
+[Enter log file name.]
+Увядзіце назву для лога.
+[Enter log file format.]
+Увядзіце фармат лога.
+[Enter history format.]
+Увязіце фармат гісторыі.
+[Enter popup window format.]
+Увядзіце фармат вакна.
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
index 234e67127e..aa6f75a5e3 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: GmailNotifier.dll
; Plugin: Gmail Multiple Notifier
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Mixwind
[Check your Gmail inboxes locally.]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
index 59ad5b7db1..7f65317bc0 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: HistoryStats.dll
; Plugin: HistoryStats
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Martin Afanasjew
[Creates detailed, colorful and highly customizable statistics using your message history.]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/ICQ.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/ICQ.txt
index a941ddb44b..e176be863e 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/ICQ.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/ICQ.txt
@@ -1833,8 +1833,8 @@ xСтатус ICQ
<не паказана>
[Member since:]
Удзельнік з:
-[%s Details]
-%s Дэталі
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\utilities.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
index 1adb348469..cfb1310fa6 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
@@ -165,8 +165,6 @@ Miranda NG (Плагін экспарту паведамленняў)
;file \plugins\Msg_Export\src\utils.cpp
-[Database: Attempt to get wrong type of value, string]
[(Unknown Contact)]
(Невядомы кантакт)
[File name for the user "%s" has changed!\n\nfrom:\t%s\nto:\t%s\n\nDo you wish to rename file?]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
index bd013252ef..e3afe9e05f 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: NewXstatusNotify.dll
; Plugin: xStatus notify
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Luca Santarelli, Vasilich, yaho
[Notifies you when a contact changes his/her (X)status or status message.]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
index 58257f743e..30c33dd24f 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -160,5 +160,5 @@ ID навіны.
[Enable/disable auto update]
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Utils.cpp
-[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
-HTTP далучэнне каналаў навін
+[NewsAggregator HTTP connections]
+HTTP далучэнне NewsAggregator
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
index a1dbb25cdc..d16dc33541 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@
Кнопка 'Так'
['No' Button]
Кнопка 'Не'
-[Pack Updater HTTP connection]
-HTTP падлучэнне Pack Updater
+[Pack Updater HTTP connections]
+HTTP далучэнне Pack Updater
[URL for checking updates not found.]
Спасылка для праверкі абнаўленняў не знойдзена.
[Downloading version info...]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt
index a0865a2cf8..853cddd50f 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
[Plugin info]
Пра плагін
[Plugin Updater HTTP connections]
-HTTP падлучэння Plugin Updater
+HTTP далучэнне Plugin Updater
[An error occurred while checking for new updates.]
Пры праверцы абнаўленняў адбылася памылка.
;file \plugins\PluginUpdater\src\Compat\compat.h
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/StopSpam.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
index 96266108b7..07abb423ef 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: StopSpam.dll
; Plugin: StopSpam+
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Roman Miklashevsky, A. Petkevich, Kosh&chka, persei
[Anti-spam plugin for Miranda NG.]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
index bdee939a79..5af5a8a004 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -724,9 +724,9 @@ RTL па змаўчанні
[Save message log as...]
Захаваць гісторыю як...
-[Close message session\tCtrl-W]
+[Close message session\tCtrl+W]
Зачыніць сеанс\tCtrl+W
-[Close container\tAlt-F4]
+[Close container\tAlt+F4]
Зачыніць кантэйнер\tAlt+F4
@@ -1469,8 +1469,8 @@ UID: %s (Shift+клік -> капіяваць у буфер)\nКлік - Інф
няма UID
[UID: %s (Shift+click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for user's details\nClick dropdown to change this contact's favorite status.]
UID: %s (Shift+клік -> капіяваць у буфер)\nКлік - Інфармацыя пра карыстача\nСтрэлка ўніз - даданне/выдаленне карыстача з абранага.
-[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
-Вы рэдагуеце нататкі пра кантакт. Націсніце на кнопку яшчэ раз ці скарыстайце гарачыя клавішы (па змаўчанні: Alt-N), каб захаваць нататкі і вярнуцца ў нармальны рэжым паведамленняў
+[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+Вы рэдагуеце нататкі пра кантакт. Націсніце на кнопку яшчэ раз ці скарыстайце гарачыя клавішы (па змаўчанні: Alt+N), каб захаваць нататкі і вярнуцца ў нармальны рэжым паведамленняў
[Selection copied to clipboard]
Вылучаны тэкст скапіяваны ў буфер
[WARNING: The message you are trying to paste exceeds the message size limit for the active protocol. It will be sent in chunks of max %d characters]
@@ -2012,10 +2012,10 @@ tabSRMM: %s
Важная інфармацыя аб выпуску|Увага тэставае
[Icon pack version check|The installed icon pack is outdated and might be incompatible with TabSRMM version 3.\n\n\\b1Missing or misplaced icons are possible issues with the currently installed icon pack.\\b0]
Праверка версіі набору значкоў|Усталяваны набор значкоў састарэлы і можа быць несумяшчальны з плагінам TabSRMM версіі 3.\n\n \\b1 Адсутныя ці недарэчныя значкі могуць выклікаць праблемы з усталяваным наборам.\\b0
-[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
-Рэдагаванне нататак пра карыстача|Вы знаходзіцеся ў рэжыме рэдагавання нататак пра карыстача, націсніце на кнопку яшчэ раз ці выкарыстоўвайце гарачую клавішу (па змаўчанні: Alt-N), каб захаваць нататкі і вярнуцца ў звычайны рэжым набору паведамленняў
+[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+Рэдагаванне нататак пра карыстача|Вы знаходзіцеся ў рэжыме рэдагавання нататак пра карыстача, націсніце на кнопку яшчэ раз ці выкарыстоўвайце гарачую клавішу (па змаўчанні: Alt+N), каб захаваць нататкі і вярнуцца ў звычайны рэжым набору паведамленняў
[Missing component|The icon pack is missing. Please install it to the default icons folder.\n\nNo icons will be available]
-Адсутны кампанент | Набор абразкоў не знойдзены. Калі ласка, усталюйце яго ў дырэкторыю значкоў па змаўчанні.\n\nНа дадзены момант абразкі недасяжныя
+Адсутны кампанент|Набор абразкоў не знойдзены. Калі ласка, усталюйце яго ў дырэкторыю значкоў па змаўчанні.\n\nНа дадзены момант абразкі недасяжныя
[Aero peek warning|You have enabled Aero Peek features and loaded a custom container window skin\n\nThis can result in minor visual anomalies in the live preview feature.]
Заўвага Aero peek|Вы ўключылі выкарыстанне асаблівасцяў Aero Peek і выкарыстоўваеце скін вакна гутаркі\n\nГэта можа прывесці да малаважных візуальных скажэнняў у хуткім праглядзе.
[File transfer problem|Sending the image by file transfer failed.\n\nPossible reasons: File transfers not supported, either you or the target contact is offline, or you are invisible and the target contact is not on your visibility list.]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Weather.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Weather.txt
index 2ccdcd70fd..ef90b92f2f 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Weather.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Weather.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Weather.dll
; Plugin: Weather
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Retrieves weather information and displays it in your contact list.]
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ URL поўнага прагнозу надвор'я не ўсталяваны.
Памылка пры атрыманні дадзеных: %s
;file \plugins\Weather\src\weather_http.cpp
[Weather HTTP connections]
-HTTP падлучэнне Weather
+HTTP далучэнне Weather
;file \plugins\Weather\src\weather_icons.cpp
[Protocol icon]
Абразок конту
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
index 4244f5a31d..f77b19676f 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
; Version:
; Authors: ZERO_BiT
-[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt-Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
+[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt+Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
;file \plugins\ZeroSwitch\src\ZeroSwitch.cpp
[Plugin works under Windows XP only]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/Actman.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/Actman.txt
index 271ed787a3..1ad8a19a6f 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/Actman.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/Actman.txt
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
[Structure size]
[Use MMI]
[Contact type]
[Mark as Volatile]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..343d16558a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+[There is nothing to show]
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
+[Enter text to display in contact list.]
+[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
+[Export All Currency Rates]
+[Import All Currency Rates]
+[Enable/Disable Currency Rates Auto Update]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Enabled]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Disabled]
+[Currency Rate Section]
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. XML parser is missing.]
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
index aea5f23d2a..6c6c727108 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
[Max line width must be at least %d. Or use 0 for no limit.]
[Failed to get the shells allocator!]
[Failed to Allocate buffer space]
-[Database: Attempt to get wrong type of value, string]
[File name for the user "%s" has changed!\n\nfrom:\t%s\nto:\t%s\n\nDo you wish to rename file?]
[Do you wish to save debug information?]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/Quotes.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/Quotes.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index db8fb144fa..0000000000
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/Quotes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-[There is nothing to show]
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
-[Enter text to display in contact list.]
-[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
-[Enable/Disable Quotes Auto Update]
-[Quotes Auto Update Enabled]
-[Quotes Auto Update Disabled]
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. XML parser is missing.]
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt
index 382070267e..e6dc935751 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt-Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
+[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt+Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
[Plugin works under Windows XP only]
[ZeroSwitch plugin failed]
[Oops, we've got a big hook error here :(]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Actman.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Actman.txt
index a74d3483b6..e729e90d1a 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Actman.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Actman.txt
@@ -289,6 +289,8 @@ DWORD
[> greater]
@@ -317,6 +319,10 @@ DWORD
[^s - selected (and replaced) part\r\n^e - replaced by empty string\r\n^v - paste text from Clipboard\r\n^t - replaced by tabulation\r\n^l - replaced by last result as unicode\r\n^h - replaced by last result as hex\r\n^f(name[,str])\r\n paste line from text file.\r\n brackets contents must be w/o spaces]
[Process script after]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Quotes.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
index d72cc92b89..ce043135ee 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Quotes.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
@@ -1,272 +1,262 @@
-#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
-; File: Quotes.dll
-; Plugin: Quotes
-; Version:
-; Authors: Dioksin
-[Shows currency rates and economic quotes.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\res\Forex.rc
-[Variable List]
-Списък с променливи
-[Edit Settings]
-Редактиране на настройките
-[Use contact specific settings]
-Ползване на частните настройки за контакта
-[Use &Internal History]
-Ползване на историята
-[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
-Добавяне на елемент само при промяна на стойността
-[Use &External File]
-Външен файл
-[&Select File:]
-[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%quotename%]
-Позволени променливи: %miranda_userdata%,%quotename%
-[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
-Добавяне на елемент само при промяна на стойността
-[Show &Popup Window]
-Показване на Popup прозорец
-[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
-Показване на popup само при промяна на стойността
-[Popup settings...]
-Popup настройки...
-[Currency Converter]
-Конвертор на валута
-[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
-Източник на информацията Google
-[Popup Window Settings]
-Настройки на Popup прозореца
-[Use default colors]
-Стандартни цветове
-[Use user-defined colors]
-Избор на цветове
-[Background color]
-Цвят на фона
-[Text color]
-Цвят на текста
-[From popup plugin]
-[Do not add to popup's history]
-Без добавяне към popup историята
-[&Choose Quotes to watch in contact list:]
-Изберете стойности за наблюдение (в списъка с контакти):
-[&Refresh Quotes Every:]
-Обновяване през:
-[&Display in Contact List as:]
-Изобразяване като:
-[&Status Message:]
-Текст за състояние:
-[&Advanced Settings...]
-Допълнителни настройки...
-[Current Rate:]
-Текущ курс:
-[Rate Fetch Time:]
-Получен в:
-[Previous Rate:]
-Предишен курс:
-Превръщане на:
-[&Watched currency rates:]
-Наблюдавани валутни курсове:
-[&Refresh Rates Every:]
-Обновяване през:
-[Quote\\Rate Info]
-Quote\\Инф. за курса
-[Type &Stock Name or Symbol:]
-Име на акциите или знак:
-[&Watched Quotes:]
-Наблюдавани стойности:
-[Status &Message:]
-Текст за състояние:
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\Chart.h
-[There is nothing to show]
-Няма за изобразяване
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
-Въведете цяла стойност между 1 и 60.
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
-Въведете цяла стойност между 1 и 24.
-[Enter text to display in contact list.]
-Въведете текст за изобразяване в списъка с контакти.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp
-[Info provided by]
-[Enter positive number.]
-Въведете положително число.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\Forex.cpp
-[Auto Update Enabled]
-Автообновяването е включено
-[Auto Update Disabled]
-Автообновяването е изключено
-[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
-Вкл / Изкл на автоматично обновяване
-[Refresh All Quotes\\Rates]
-Обновяване на всички Акции\\Курсове
-[Currency Converter...]
-Конвертиране на валута...
-[Export All Quotes]
-Изнасяне на всички курсове
-[Import All Quotes]
-Внасяне на всички курсове
-[Open Log File...]
-Отваряне на дневника...
-[Edit Settings...]
-Редактиране на настройките...
-[Enable/Disable Quotes Auto Update]
-[Quotes Auto Update Enabled]
-[Quotes Auto Update Disabled]
-[Quote Symbol]
-Символ на стойността
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\HTTPSession.cpp
-[Quotes HTTP connections]
-HTTP връзки на Quotes
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\IconLib.cpp
-[Protocol icon]
-Икона на протокола
-[Quote/Rate up]
-Покачване на акции/курс
-[Quote/Rate down]
-Спадане на акции/курс
-[Quote/Rate not changed]
-Акции/Курс без промяна
-[Quote Section]
-[Swap button]
-Бутон за размяна
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\ImportExport.cpp
-[XML File (*.xml)]
-XML файлове (*.xml)
-[All files (*.*)]
-Всички файлове (*.*)
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\ModuleInfo.cpp
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. XML parser is missing.]
-Зареждането на приставката Quotes е невъзможно. Липсва Microsoft XML parser.
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
-Зареждането на приставката Quotes е невъзможно. Липсва Microsoft HTML parser.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuoteInfoDlg.cpp
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuotesProviderCurrencyConverter.cpp
-[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
-[Error occurred during site access.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuotesProviderVisitorFormatSpecificator.cpp
-[Quote Name]
-Име на стойността
-[Source of Information]
-Източник на информация
-[Rate Value]
-Стойност на курса
-[Previous Rate Value]
-Предишен курс
-[Fetch Time]
-Час на получаване
-[Fetch Date]
-Дата на получаване
-[Fetch Time and Date]
-Часа и дата на получаване
-[Percentage Character (%)]
-Знак за проценти (%)
-[Left slash (\\)]
-Черта наклонена наляво
-[Open Price]
-Цена при отваряне
-[Percent Change to After Hours]
-[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
-Промяна в % от затварянето вчера
-[Day's High]
-Макс. за деня
-[Day's Low]
-Мин. за деня
-[Previous Close]
-Цена при предходното затваряне
-[From Currency Full Name]
-От валута (цялото име)
-[From Currency Short Name]
-От валута (кратко име)
-[Into Currency Full Name]
-Във валута (цялото име)
-[Into Currency Short Name]
-Във валута (кратко име)
-[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
-Кратко означаване на "%f/%i"
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\SettingsDlg.cpp
-[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
-[Enter integer value]
-[Enter log file name.]
-Въведете име на дневника.
-[Enter log file format.]
-Въведете формат за името.
-[Enter history format.]
-Въведете формат за историята.
-[Enter popup window format.]
+#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
+; File: CurrencyRates.dll
+; Plugin: Currency Rates
+; Version:
+; Authors: Dioksin
+[Shows currency rates.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\res\Forex.rc
+[Variable List]
+Списък с променливи
+[Edit Settings]
+Редактиране на настройките
+[Use contact specific settings]
+Ползване на частните настройки за контакта
+[Use &Internal History]
+Ползване на историята
+[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
+Добавяне на елемент само при промяна на стойността
+[Use &External File]
+Външен файл
+[&Select File:]
+[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%currencyratename%]
+Позволени променливи: %miranda_userdata%,%currencyratename%
+[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
+Добавяне на елемент само при промяна на стойността
+[Show &Popup Window]
+Показване на Popup прозорец
+[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
+Показване на popup само при промяна на стойността
+[Popup settings...]
+Popup настройки...
+[Currency Converter]
+Конвертор на валута
+[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
+Източник на информацията Google
+[Popup Window Settings]
+Настройки на Popup прозореца
+[Use default colors]
+Стандартни цветове
+[Use user-defined colors]
+Избор на цветове
+[Background color]
+Цвят на фона
+[Text color]
+Цвят на текста
+[From popup plugin]
+[Do not add to popup's history]
+Без добавяне към popup историята
+[Current Rate:]
+Текущ курс:
+[Rate Fetch Time:]
+Получен в:
+[Previous Rate:]
+Предишен курс:
+Превръщане на:
+[&Watched currency rates:]
+Наблюдавани валутни курсове:
+[&Refresh Rates Every:]
+Обновяване през:
+[&Display in Contact List as:]
+Изобразяване като:
+[&Status Message:]
+Текст за състояние:
+[&Advanced Settings...]
+Допълнителни настройки...
+[Rate Info]
+Инф. за курса
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\Chart.h
+[There is nothing to show]
+Няма за изобразяване
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
+Въведете цяла стойност между 1 и 60.
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
+Въведете цяла стойност между 1 и 24.
+[Enter text to display in contact list.]
+Въведете текст за изобразяване в списъка с контакти.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp
+[Info provided by]
+[Enter positive number.]
+Въведете положително число.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRateInfoDlg.cpp
+[Currency Rate]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderCurrencyConverter.cpp
+[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
+[Error occurred during site access.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderVisitorFormatSpecificator.cpp
+[Currency Symbol]
+[Currency Name]
+[Source of Information]
+Източник на информация
+[Rate Value]
+Стойност на курса
+[Previous Rate Value]
+Предишен курс
+[Fetch Time]
+Час на получаване
+[Fetch Date]
+Дата на получаване
+[Fetch Time and Date]
+Часа и дата на получаване
+[Percentage Character (%)]
+Знак за проценти (%)
+[Left slash (\\)]
+Черта наклонена наляво
+[Open Price]
+Цена при отваряне
+[Percent Change to After Hours]
+[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
+Промяна в % от затварянето вчера
+[Day's High]
+Макс. за деня
+[Day's Low]
+Мин. за деня
+[Previous Close]
+Цена при предходното затваряне
+[From Currency Full Name]
+От валута (цялото име)
+[From Currency Short Name]
+От валута (кратко име)
+[Into Currency Full Name]
+Във валута (цялото име)
+[Into Currency Short Name]
+Във валута (кратко име)
+[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
+Кратко означаване на "%f/%i"
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\Forex.cpp
+[Auto Update Enabled]
+Автообновяването е включено
+[Auto Update Disabled]
+Автообновяването е изключено
+[Currency Rates]
+[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
+Вкл / Изкл на автоматично обновяване
+[Refresh All Rates]
+[Currency Converter...]
+Конвертиране на валута...
+[Export All Currency Rates]
+[Import All Currency Rates]
+[Open Log File...]
+Отваряне на дневника...
+[Edit Settings...]
+Редактиране на настройките...
+[Enable/Disable Currency Rates Auto Update]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Enabled]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Disabled]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\HTTPSession.cpp
+[CurrencyRates HTTP connections]
+HTTP връзки на CurrencyRates
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\IconLib.cpp
+[Protocol icon]
+Икона на протокола
+[Currency Rate up]
+Покачване на курс
+[Currency Rate down]
+Спадане на курс
+[Currency Rate not changed]
+Курс без промяна
+[Currency Rate Section]
+[Swap button]
+Бутон за размяна
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\ImportExport.cpp
+[XML File (*.xml)]
+XML файлове (*.xml)
+[All files (*.*)]
+Всички файлове (*.*)
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\ModuleInfo.cpp
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. XML parser is missing.]
+Зареждането на приставката CurrencyRates е невъзможно. Липсва Microsoft XML parser.
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
+Зареждането на приставката CurrencyRates е невъзможно. Липсва Microsoft HTML parser.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\SettingsDlg.cpp
+[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
+[Enter integer value]
+[Enter log file name.]
+Въведете име на дневника.
+[Enter log file format.]
+Въведете формат за името.
+[Enter history format.]
+Въведете формат за историята.
+[Enter popup window format.]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
index 52aa446835..0efe15df01 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: GmailNotifier.dll
; Plugin: Gmail Multiple Notifier
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Mixwind
[Check your Gmail inboxes locally.]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
index 955ac44caa..93da84740b 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: HistoryStats.dll
; Plugin: HistoryStats
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Martin Afanasjew
[Creates detailed, colorful and highly customizable statistics using your message history.]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/ICQ.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/ICQ.txt
index a7f4b4b646..085124b38c 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/ICQ.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/ICQ.txt
@@ -1833,8 +1833,8 @@ ICQ фаталност
[Member since:]
Член от:
-[%s Details]
-Подробности в %s
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\utilities.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
index d61e60aa03..51de7a7eb5 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
@@ -165,8 +165,6 @@ Miranda NG (приставка Message Export)
;file \plugins\Msg_Export\src\utils.cpp
-[Database: Attempt to get wrong type of value, string]
[(Unknown Contact)]
(Непознат контакт)
[File name for the user "%s" has changed!\n\nfrom:\t%s\nto:\t%s\n\nDo you wish to rename file?]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
index c1bf421204..435a689e88 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: NewXstatusNotify.dll
; Plugin: xStatus notify
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Luca Santarelli, Vasilich, yaho
[Notifies you when a contact changes his/her (X)status or status message.]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
index c3fe281fe6..48869b9b40 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -160,5 +160,5 @@ URL адрес на страницата за коментари към нови
[Enable/disable auto update]
Вкл / Изкл на автоматично обновяване
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Utils.cpp
-[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
+[NewsAggregator HTTP connections]
HTTP връзки на NewsAggregator
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
index b94c0d5527..e56d9b0605 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Pack Updater
Бутон "Да"
['No' Button]
Бутон "не"
-[Pack Updater HTTP connection]
+[Pack Updater HTTP connections]
HTTP връзки на Pack Updater
[URL for checking updates not found.]
Не е открит URL за актуализиране.
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt
index 85a92dfca7..5795fd4717 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ Plugin Updater
[Plugin info]
Инф. за приставката
[Plugin Updater HTTP connections]
-HTTP връзки на приставката Plugin Updater
+HTTP връзки на Plugin Updater
[An error occurred while checking for new updates.]
Възникна грешка при проверката за актуализации.
;file \plugins\PluginUpdater\src\Compat\compat.h
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/SendSS.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/SendSS.txt
index aa6265ef9a..da761b6334 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/SendSS.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/SendSS.txt
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
[Could not create main dialog.]
[SendSS HTTP connections]
+HTTP връзки на SendSS
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/StopSpam.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
index b4ca964d0e..7179f4ddcb 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: StopSpam.dll
; Plugin: StopSpam+
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Roman Miklashevsky, A. Petkevich, Kosh&chka, persei
[Anti-spam plugin for Miranda NG.]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
index 0ff72500e1..432d7b7020 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -724,10 +724,10 @@ Mаксимална ширина за лента с бутони
[Save message log as...]
Запис на дневника за съобщения като...
-[Close message session\tCtrl-W]
-Затваряне на разговора\tCtrl-W
-[Close container\tAlt-F4]
-Затваряне на контейнера\tAlt-F4
+[Close message session\tCtrl+W]
+Затваряне на разговора\tCtrl+W
+[Close container\tAlt+F4]
+Затваряне на контейнера\tAlt+F4
[Show menu bar]
@@ -1469,7 +1469,7 @@ UID: %s (Shift+Ляв бутон = копиране в клипборда)\nЛя
Няма UID
[UID: %s (Shift+click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for user's details\nClick dropdown to change this contact's favorite status.]
UID: %s (Shift+ляв бутон = копиране в клипборда)\nЛяв бутон = Подробности за потребителя\nНатиснете падащия триъгълник за добавяне/премахване към любимите контакти.
-[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
Редактирате бележките за потребителя.\nЗа запаметяване на промените и връщане към нормалния режим\nза писане/изпращане на съобщения натиснете отново бутона\nили клавишната комбинация, обикновено: Alt+N
[Selection copied to clipboard]
Маркираното бе копирано в клипборда
@@ -2012,7 +2012,7 @@ TabSRMM съобщение (%s)
Важни бележки за изданието|Съобщение за тест
[Icon pack version check|The installed icon pack is outdated and might be incompatible with TabSRMM version 3.\n\n\\b1Missing or misplaced icons are possible issues with the currently installed icon pack.\\b0]
-[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
Редактиране на бележки за потребител|Редактирате бележките за потребителя. За запаметяване на промените и връщане към нормалния режим за писане/изпращане на съобщения натиснете отново бутона или клавишната комбинация, обикновено: Alt+N
[Missing component|The icon pack is missing. Please install it to the default icons folder.\n\nNo icons will be available]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Weather.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Weather.txt
index a423039a09..8f5c2665c7 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Weather.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Weather.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Weather.dll
; Plugin: Weather
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Retrieves weather information and displays it in your contact list.]
@@ -346,7 +346,6 @@ HTTP грешка: Gateway timeout (504)
Автообновяването е изключено
[Condition Changed]
Промяна на метеорологичните условия
[Alert Issued]
;file \plugins\Weather\src\weather_addstn.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
index 4244f5a31d..f77b19676f 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
; Version:
; Authors: ZERO_BiT
-[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt-Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
+[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt+Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
;file \plugins\ZeroSwitch\src\ZeroSwitch.cpp
[Plugin works under Windows XP only]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/Actman.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/Actman.txt
index ed93ec5eec..ef2abec8a9 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/Actman.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/Actman.txt
@@ -47,11 +47,14 @@
[& and]
[Case sensitive]
[Opposite order]
[^s - selected (and replaced) part\r\n^e - replaced by empty string\r\n^v - paste text from Clipboard\r\n^t - replaced by tabulation\r\n^l - replaced by last result as unicode\r\n^h - replaced by last result as hex\r\n^f(name[,str])\r\n paste line from text file.\r\n brackets contents must be w/o spaces]
[Process script after]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..be39616469
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+[Shows currency rates.]
+[From popup plugin]
+[Currency Rate]
+[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
+[Error occurred during site access.]
+[Currency Symbol]
+[Currency Name]
+[Percent Change to After Hours]
+[Currency Rates]
+[Refresh All Rates]
+[Export All Currency Rates]
+[Import All Currency Rates]
+[Enable/Disable Currency Rates Auto Update]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Enabled]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Disabled]
+[Currency Rate Section]
+[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
+[Enter integer value]
+[Enter popup window format.]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
index d79e6696e2..ef45d30aa1 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
[Failed to get the shells allocator!]
[Failed to Allocate buffer space]
[Message export]
-[Database: Attempt to get wrong type of value, string]
[Failed to move to the end of the file :\n]
[Failed to UTF8 byte order code to file :\n]
[Failed to write user details to file :\n]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/Quotes.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/Quotes.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cb6bc6f14e..0000000000
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/Quotes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-[Shows currency rates and economic quotes.]
-[From popup plugin]
-[Enable/Disable Quotes Auto Update]
-[Quotes Auto Update Enabled]
-[Quotes Auto Update Disabled]
-[Quote Section]
-[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
-[Error occurred during site access.]
-[Percent Change to After Hours]
-[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
-[Enter integer value]
-[Enter popup window format.]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt
index 91e75a221d..a1165d888a 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt-Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
+[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt+Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
[Plugin works under Windows XP only]
[ZeroSwitch plugin failed]
[Oops, we've got a big hook error here :(]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Actman.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Actman.txt
index f56f819094..5fff30b4c4 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Actman.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Actman.txt
@@ -289,6 +289,8 @@ Pomoć
[> greater]
@@ -317,6 +319,10 @@ tekst
[^s - selected (and replaced) part\r\n^e - replaced by empty string\r\n^v - paste text from Clipboard\r\n^t - replaced by tabulation\r\n^l - replaced by last result as unicode\r\n^h - replaced by last result as hex\r\n^f(name[,str])\r\n paste line from text file.\r\n brackets contents must be w/o spaces]
[Process script after]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Quotes.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
index 9f71cebbbe..46306dfb7c 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Quotes.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
@@ -1,272 +1,262 @@
-#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
-; File: Quotes.dll
-; Plugin: Quotes
-; Version:
-; Authors: Dioksin
-[Shows currency rates and economic quotes.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\res\Forex.rc
-[Variable List]
-[Edit Settings]
-[Use contact specific settings]
-[Use &Internal History]
-[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
-[Use &External File]
-[&Select File:]
-[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%quotename%]
-[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
-[Show &Popup Window]
-[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
-[Popup settings...]
-[Currency Converter]
-[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
-[Popup Window Settings]
-[Use default colors]
-koristi zadane boje
-[Use user-defined colors]
-[Background color]
-[Text color]
-[From popup plugin]
-[Do not add to popup's history]
-[&Choose Quotes to watch in contact list:]
-[&Refresh Quotes Every:]
-[&Display in Contact List as:]
-[&Status Message:]
-[&Advanced Settings...]
-[Current Rate:]
-[Rate Fetch Time:]
-[Previous Rate:]
-[&Watched currency rates:]
-[&Refresh Rates Every:]
-[Quote\\Rate Info]
-[Type &Stock Name or Symbol:]
-[&Watched Quotes:]
-[Status &Message:]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\Chart.h
-[There is nothing to show]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
-[Enter text to display in contact list.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp
-[Info provided by]
-[Enter positive number.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\Forex.cpp
-[Auto Update Enabled]
-[Auto Update Disabled]
-[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
-[Refresh All Quotes\\Rates]
-[Currency Converter...]
-[Export All Quotes]
-[Import All Quotes]
-[Open Log File...]
-[Edit Settings...]
-[Enable/Disable Quotes Auto Update]
-[Quotes Auto Update Enabled]
-[Quotes Auto Update Disabled]
-[Quote Symbol]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\HTTPSession.cpp
-[Quotes HTTP connections]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\IconLib.cpp
-[Protocol icon]
-[Quote/Rate up]
-[Quote/Rate down]
-[Quote/Rate not changed]
-[Quote Section]
-[Swap button]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\ImportExport.cpp
-[XML File (*.xml)]
-[All files (*.*)]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\ModuleInfo.cpp
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. XML parser is missing.]
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuoteInfoDlg.cpp
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuotesProviderCurrencyConverter.cpp
-[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
-[Error occurred during site access.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuotesProviderVisitorFormatSpecificator.cpp
-[Quote Name]
-[Source of Information]
-[Rate Value]
-[Previous Rate Value]
-[Fetch Time]
-[Fetch Date]
-[Fetch Time and Date]
-[Percentage Character (%)]
-[Left slash (\\)]
-[Open Price]
-[Percent Change to After Hours]
-[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
-[Day's High]
-[Day's Low]
-[Previous Close]
-[From Currency Full Name]
-[From Currency Short Name]
-[Into Currency Full Name]
-[Into Currency Short Name]
-[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\SettingsDlg.cpp
-[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
-[Enter integer value]
-[Enter log file name.]
-[Enter log file format.]
-[Enter history format.]
-[Enter popup window format.]
+#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
+; File: CurrencyRates.dll
+; Plugin: Currency Rates
+; Version:
+; Authors: Dioksin
+[Shows currency rates.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\res\Forex.rc
+[Variable List]
+[Edit Settings]
+[Use contact specific settings]
+[Use &Internal History]
+[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
+[Use &External File]
+[&Select File:]
+[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%currencyratename%]
+[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
+[Show &Popup Window]
+[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
+[Popup settings...]
+[Currency Converter]
+[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
+[Popup Window Settings]
+[Use default colors]
+koristi zadane boje
+[Use user-defined colors]
+[Background color]
+[Text color]
+[From popup plugin]
+[Do not add to popup's history]
+[Current Rate:]
+[Rate Fetch Time:]
+[Previous Rate:]
+[&Watched currency rates:]
+[&Refresh Rates Every:]
+[&Display in Contact List as:]
+[&Status Message:]
+[&Advanced Settings...]
+[Rate Info]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\Chart.h
+[There is nothing to show]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
+[Enter text to display in contact list.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp
+[Info provided by]
+[Enter positive number.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRateInfoDlg.cpp
+[Currency Rate]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderCurrencyConverter.cpp
+[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
+[Error occurred during site access.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderVisitorFormatSpecificator.cpp
+[Currency Symbol]
+[Currency Name]
+[Source of Information]
+[Rate Value]
+[Previous Rate Value]
+[Fetch Time]
+[Fetch Date]
+[Fetch Time and Date]
+[Percentage Character (%)]
+[Left slash (\\)]
+[Open Price]
+[Percent Change to After Hours]
+[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
+[Day's High]
+[Day's Low]
+[Previous Close]
+[From Currency Full Name]
+[From Currency Short Name]
+[Into Currency Full Name]
+[Into Currency Short Name]
+[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\Forex.cpp
+[Auto Update Enabled]
+[Auto Update Disabled]
+[Currency Rates]
+[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
+[Refresh All Rates]
+[Currency Converter...]
+[Export All Currency Rates]
+[Import All Currency Rates]
+[Open Log File...]
+[Edit Settings...]
+[Enable/Disable Currency Rates Auto Update]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Enabled]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Disabled]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\HTTPSession.cpp
+[CurrencyRates HTTP connections]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\IconLib.cpp
+[Protocol icon]
+[Currency Rate up]
+[Currency Rate down]
+[Currency Rate not changed]
+[Currency Rate Section]
+[Swap button]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\ImportExport.cpp
+[XML File (*.xml)]
+[All files (*.*)]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\ModuleInfo.cpp
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. XML parser is missing.]
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\SettingsDlg.cpp
+[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
+[Enter integer value]
+[Enter log file name.]
+[Enter log file format.]
+[Enter history format.]
+[Enter popup window format.]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
index 69cff62fff..df2a5d28ca 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: GmailNotifier.dll
; Plugin: Gmail Multiple Notifier
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Mixwind
[Check your Gmail inboxes locally.]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
index 0f5c8436b5..f6221b0f1e 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: HistoryStats.dll
; Plugin: HistoryStats
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Martin Afanasjew
[Creates detailed, colorful and highly customizable statistics using your message history.]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/ICQ.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/ICQ.txt
index c655fb25fa..dd4d83a1f6 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/ICQ.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/ICQ.txt
@@ -1833,7 +1833,7 @@ zimbabve
[Member since:]
-[%s Details]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\utilities.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
index 6e1d68db16..dc54920834 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
@@ -165,8 +165,6 @@ Povijest
;file \plugins\Msg_Export\src\utils.cpp
-[Database: Attempt to get wrong type of value, string]
[(Unknown Contact)]
[File name for the user "%s" has changed!\n\nfrom:\t%s\nto:\t%s\n\nDo you wish to rename file?]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
index 31ab0bdf8c..6c2cd2d54a 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: NewXstatusNotify.dll
; Plugin: xStatus notify
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Luca Santarelli, Vasilich, yaho
[Notifies you when a contact changes his/her (X)status or status message.]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
index d265f54cf8..f0437a879c 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -160,5 +160,5 @@
[Enable/disable auto update]
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Utils.cpp
-[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
+[NewsAggregator HTTP connections]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
index 24bc852e99..38637ac5eb 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ tekst
['No' Button]
-[Pack Updater HTTP connection]
+[Pack Updater HTTP connections]
[URL for checking updates not found.]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/StopSpam.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
index f47e19c69e..b383e69c23 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: StopSpam.dll
; Plugin: StopSpam+
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Roman Miklashevsky, A. Petkevich, Kosh&chka, persei
[Anti-spam plugin for Miranda NG.]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
index 1f6fe59142..86c9ac5992 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -724,9 +724,9 @@ isključen
[Save message log as...]
-[Close message session\tCtrl-W]
+[Close message session\tCtrl+W]
-[Close container\tAlt-F4]
+[Close container\tAlt+F4]
@@ -1469,7 +1469,7 @@ drugo
[UID: %s (Shift+click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for user's details\nClick dropdown to change this contact's favorite status.]
-[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
[Selection copied to clipboard]
@@ -2012,7 +2012,7 @@ ikona područja obavijesti
[Icon pack version check|The installed icon pack is outdated and might be incompatible with TabSRMM version 3.\n\n\\b1Missing or misplaced icons are possible issues with the currently installed icon pack.\\b0]
-[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
[Missing component|The icon pack is missing. Please install it to the default icons folder.\n\nNo icons will be available]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Weather.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Weather.txt
index 3512437467..5a02f6ee16 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Weather.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Weather.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Weather.dll
; Plugin: Weather
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Retrieves weather information and displays it in your contact list.]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
index 4244f5a31d..f77b19676f 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
; Version:
; Authors: ZERO_BiT
-[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt-Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
+[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt+Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
;file \plugins\ZeroSwitch\src\ZeroSwitch.cpp
[Plugin works under Windows XP only]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Actman.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Actman.txt
index 0278cde338..07adf8746c 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Actman.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Actman.txt
@@ -138,6 +138,7 @@
[> greater]
[< lesser]
@@ -151,6 +152,8 @@
[ends with]
[^s - selected (and replaced) part\r\n^e - replaced by empty string\r\n^v - paste text from Clipboard\r\n^t - replaced by tabulation\r\n^l - replaced by last result as unicode\r\n^h - replaced by last result as hex\r\n^f(name[,str])\r\n paste line from text file.\r\n brackets contents must be w/o spaces]
[Process script after]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Quotes.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt
index bc1b85f8f5..d47299a2f8 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Quotes.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt
@@ -1,122 +1,117 @@
-[Shows currency rates and economic quotes.]
-[Variable List]
-[Edit Settings]
-[Use contact specific settings]
-[Use &Internal History]
-[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
-[Use &External File]
-[&Select File:]
-[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%quotename%]
-[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
-[Show &Popup Window]
-[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
-[Popup settings...]
-[Currency Converter]
-[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
-[Popup Window Settings]
-[Use user-defined colors]
-[Background color]
-[Text color]
-[From popup plugin]
-[Do not add to popup's history]
-[&Choose Quotes to watch in contact list:]
-[&Refresh Quotes Every:]
-[&Display in Contact List as:]
-[&Status Message:]
-[&Advanced Settings...]
-[Current Rate:]
-[Rate Fetch Time:]
-[Previous Rate:]
-[&Watched currency rates:]
-[&Refresh Rates Every:]
-[Quote\\Rate Info]
-[Type &Stock Name or Symbol:]
-[&Watched Quotes:]
-[Status &Message:]
-[There is nothing to show]
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
-[Enter text to display in contact list.]
-[Info provided by]
-[Enter positive number.]
-[Auto Update Enabled]
-[Auto Update Disabled]
-[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
-[Refresh All Quotes\\Rates]
-[Currency Converter...]
-[Export All Quotes]
-[Import All Quotes]
-[Open Log File...]
-[Edit Settings...]
-[Enable/Disable Quotes Auto Update]
-[Quotes Auto Update Enabled]
-[Quotes Auto Update Disabled]
-[Quote Symbol]
-[Quotes HTTP connections]
-[Protocol icon]
-[Quote/Rate up]
-[Quote/Rate down]
-[Quote/Rate not changed]
-[Quote Section]
-[Swap button]
-[XML File (*.xml)]
-[All files (*.*)]
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. XML parser is missing.]
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
-[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
-[Error occurred during site access.]
-[Quote Name]
-[Source of Information]
-[Rate Value]
-[Previous Rate Value]
-[Fetch Time]
-[Fetch Date]
-[Fetch Time and Date]
-[Percentage Character (%)]
-[Left slash (\\)]
-[Open Price]
-[Percent Change to After Hours]
-[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
-[Day's High]
-[Day's Low]
-[Previous Close]
-[From Currency Full Name]
-[From Currency Short Name]
-[Into Currency Full Name]
-[Into Currency Short Name]
-[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
-[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
-[Enter integer value]
-[Enter log file name.]
-[Enter log file format.]
-[Enter history format.]
-[Enter popup window format.]
+[Shows currency rates.]
+[Variable List]
+[Edit Settings]
+[Use contact specific settings]
+[Use &Internal History]
+[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
+[Use &External File]
+[&Select File:]
+[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%currencyratename%]
+[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
+[Show &Popup Window]
+[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
+[Popup settings...]
+[Currency Converter]
+[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
+[Popup Window Settings]
+[Use user-defined colors]
+[Background color]
+[Text color]
+[From popup plugin]
+[Do not add to popup's history]
+[Current Rate:]
+[Rate Fetch Time:]
+[Previous Rate:]
+[&Watched currency rates:]
+[&Refresh Rates Every:]
+[&Display in Contact List as:]
+[&Status Message:]
+[&Advanced Settings...]
+[Rate Info]
+[There is nothing to show]
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
+[Enter text to display in contact list.]
+[Info provided by]
+[Enter positive number.]
+[Currency Rate]
+[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
+[Error occurred during site access.]
+[Currency Symbol]
+[Currency Name]
+[Source of Information]
+[Rate Value]
+[Previous Rate Value]
+[Fetch Time]
+[Fetch Date]
+[Fetch Time and Date]
+[Percentage Character (%)]
+[Left slash (\\)]
+[Open Price]
+[Percent Change to After Hours]
+[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
+[Day's High]
+[Day's Low]
+[Previous Close]
+[From Currency Full Name]
+[From Currency Short Name]
+[Into Currency Full Name]
+[Into Currency Short Name]
+[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
+[Auto Update Enabled]
+[Auto Update Disabled]
+[Currency Rates]
+[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
+[Refresh All Rates]
+[Currency Converter...]
+[Export All Currency Rates]
+[Import All Currency Rates]
+[Open Log File...]
+[Edit Settings...]
+[Enable/Disable Currency Rates Auto Update]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Enabled]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Disabled]
+[CurrencyRates HTTP connections]
+[Protocol icon]
+[Currency Rate up]
+[Currency Rate down]
+[Currency Rate not changed]
+[Currency Rate Section]
+[Swap button]
+[XML File (*.xml)]
+[All files (*.*)]
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. XML parser is missing.]
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
+[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
+[Enter integer value]
+[Enter log file name.]
+[Enter log file format.]
+[Enter history format.]
+[Enter popup window format.]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/ICQ.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/ICQ.txt
index 3dfd110031..1505a80c43 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/ICQ.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/ICQ.txt
@@ -678,5 +678,5 @@
[<not specified>]
[Member since:]
-[%s Details]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
index f80d3cdbed..1185004944 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
@@ -69,7 +69,6 @@
[Miranda NG (Message Export Plugin)]
-[Database: Attempt to get wrong type of value, string]
[(Unknown Contact)]
[File name for the user "%s" has changed!\n\nfrom:\t%s\nto:\t%s\n\nDo you wish to rename file?]
[Failed to rename file\n\nfrom:\t%s\nto:\t%s\n\nFailed with error: %s]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
index 4b0bbdc750..cb0f7930f8 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -70,4 +70,4 @@
[Enable/disable auto update]
-[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
+[NewsAggregator HTTP connections]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/PackUpdater.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/PackUpdater.txt
index eff50bae4f..5ec31657c9 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/PackUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/PackUpdater.txt
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
[Clear pack updates folder]
['Yes' Button]
['No' Button]
-[Pack Updater HTTP connection]
+[Pack Updater HTTP connections]
[URL for checking updates not found.]
[Downloading version info...]
[Name of Update's file is not supported.]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
index 3c040ec654..1c23ac98dc 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -322,8 +322,8 @@
[Copy message to clipboard]
[Save message log as...]
-[Close message session\tCtrl-W]
-[Close container\tAlt-F4]
+[Close message session\tCtrl+W]
+[Close container\tAlt+F4]
[Show status bar]
[Info panel...]
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@
[UID: %s (Shift+click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for user's details\nRight click for metacontact control\nClick dropdown to add or remove user from your favorites.]
[No UID]
[UID: %s (Shift+click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for user's details\nClick dropdown to change this contact's favorite status.]
-[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
[Selection copied to clipboard]
[WARNING: The message you are trying to paste exceeds the message size limit for the active protocol. It will be sent in chunks of max %d characters]
[The message you are trying to paste exceeds the message size limit for the active protocol. Only the first %d characters will be sent.]
@@ -942,7 +942,7 @@
[TabSRMM message (%s)]
[Important release notes|A test warning message]
[Icon pack version check|The installed icon pack is outdated and might be incompatible with TabSRMM version 3.\n\n\\b1Missing or misplaced icons are possible issues with the currently installed icon pack.\\b0]
-[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
[Missing component|The icon pack is missing. Please install it to the default icons folder.\n\nNo icons will be available]
[Aero peek warning|You have enabled Aero Peek features and loaded a custom container window skin\n\nThis can result in minor visual anomalies in the live preview feature.]
[File transfer problem|Sending the image by file transfer failed.\n\nPossible reasons: File transfers not supported, either you or the target contact is offline, or you are invisible and the target contact is not on your visibility list.]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt
index 91e75a221d..a1165d888a 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt-Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
+[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt+Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
[Plugin works under Windows XP only]
[ZeroSwitch plugin failed]
[Oops, we've got a big hook error here :(]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Actman.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Actman.txt
index 12d1656bb7..2985e1ea11 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Actman.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Actman.txt
@@ -289,6 +289,8 @@ Komunikační okno
[> greater]
@@ -317,6 +319,10 @@ Prázdné
[^s - selected (and replaced) part\r\n^e - replaced by empty string\r\n^v - paste text from Clipboard\r\n^t - replaced by tabulation\r\n^l - replaced by last result as unicode\r\n^h - replaced by last result as hex\r\n^f(name[,str])\r\n paste line from text file.\r\n brackets contents must be w/o spaces]
[Process script after]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Quotes.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
index 59e646a959..4ac38d26fc 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Quotes.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
@@ -1,272 +1,262 @@
-#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
-; File: Quotes.dll
-; Plugin: Quotes
-; Version:
-; Authors: Dioksin
-[Shows currency rates and economic quotes.]
-Zobrazuje kurzy měn a ekonomické citace.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\res\Forex.rc
-[Variable List]
-Seznam proměnných
-[Edit Settings]
-Upravit nastavení...
-[Use contact specific settings]
-Použít nastavení pro každý kontakt zvlášť
-[Use &Internal History]
-Použít &interní historii
-[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
-Přid&at do historie pouze pokud se hodnota změní
-[Use &External File]
-Použít &externí soubor
-[&Select File:]
-Zvolte &soubor:
-[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%quotename%]
-Dostupné proměnné: %miranda_userdata%, %quotename%
-[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
-Přidat do &záznamu pouze pokud se hodnota změní
-[Show &Popup Window]
-Zobrazit &oznámení
-[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
-Zo&brazit oznámení pouze pokud se hodnota změní
-[Popup settings...]
-Nastavení oznámení...
-[Currency Converter]
-Převod měn
-[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
-Informace poskytuje <a href="">Google</a>
-[Popup Window Settings]
-Nastavení oznámení
-[Use default colors]
-Použít výchozí barvy
-[Use user-defined colors]
-Použít vlastní barvy
-[Background color]
-Barva pozadí
-[Text color]
-Barva textu
-[From popup plugin]
-Globální nastavení
-[Do not add to popup's history]
-[&Choose Quotes to watch in contact list:]
-[&Refresh Quotes Every:]
-[&Display in Contact List as:]
-&Zobrazit v seznamu kontaktů jako:
-[&Status Message:]
-Zpráva &stavu
-[&Advanced Settings...]
-Pokročilé nastavení...
-[Current Rate:]
-[Rate Fetch Time:]
-[Previous Rate:]
-[&Watched currency rates:]
-[&Refresh Rates Every:]
-[Quote\\Rate Info]
-[Type &Stock Name or Symbol:]
-[&Watched Quotes:]
-[Status &Message:]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\Chart.h
-[There is nothing to show]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
-Zadejte číselnou hodnotu mezi 1 a 60.
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
-Zadejte číselnou hodnotu mezi 1 a 24.
-[Enter text to display in contact list.]
-Zadejte text pro zobrazení v seznamu kontaktů.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp
-[Info provided by]
-Informace poskytuje
-[Enter positive number.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\Forex.cpp
-[Auto Update Enabled]
-Deaktivovat automatickou aktualizaci
-[Auto Update Disabled]
-Aktivovat automatickou aktualizaci
-[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
-Povolit/zakázat automatickou aktualizaci
-[Refresh All Quotes\\Rates]
-[Currency Converter...]
-Převod měn...
-[Export All Quotes]
-[Import All Quotes]
-[Open Log File...]
-Otevřít záznamový soubor...
-[Edit Settings...]
-Upravit nastavení...
-[Enable/Disable Quotes Auto Update]
-[Quotes Auto Update Enabled]
-[Quotes Auto Update Disabled]
-[Quote Symbol]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\HTTPSession.cpp
-[Quotes HTTP connections]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\IconLib.cpp
-[Protocol icon]
-Ikona protokolu
-[Quote/Rate up]
-[Quote/Rate down]
-[Quote/Rate not changed]
-[Quote Section]
-[Swap button]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\ImportExport.cpp
-[XML File (*.xml)]
-XML soubory (*.xml)
-[All files (*.*)]
-Všechny soubory (*.*)
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\ModuleInfo.cpp
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. XML parser is missing.]
-Miranda nemůže načíst doplněk Quotes. XML parser nebyl nalezen.
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
-Miranda nemůže načíst doplněk Quotes. Microsoft HTML parser nebyl nalezen.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuoteInfoDlg.cpp
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuotesProviderCurrencyConverter.cpp
-[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
-[Error occurred during site access.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuotesProviderVisitorFormatSpecificator.cpp
-[Quote Name]
-[Source of Information]
-[Rate Value]
-[Previous Rate Value]
-[Fetch Time]
-[Fetch Date]
-[Fetch Time and Date]
-[Percentage Character (%)]
-[Left slash (\\)]
-[Open Price]
-[Percent Change to After Hours]
-[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
-[Day's High]
-[Day's Low]
-[Previous Close]
-[From Currency Full Name]
-[From Currency Short Name]
-[Into Currency Full Name]
-[Into Currency Short Name]
-[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\SettingsDlg.cpp
-[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
-Záznamové soubory (*.txt,*.log)
-[Enter integer value]
-Zadejte číselnou hodnotu
-[Enter log file name.]
-Zadejte název záznamového souboru.
-[Enter log file format.]
-Zadejte formát záznamového souboru.
-[Enter history format.]
-Zadejte formát historie.
-[Enter popup window format.]
-Zadejte formát oznámení.
+#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
+; File: CurrencyRates.dll
+; Plugin: Currency Rates
+; Version:
+; Authors: Dioksin
+[Shows currency rates.]
+Zobrazuje kurzy měn.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\res\Forex.rc
+[Variable List]
+Seznam proměnných
+[Edit Settings]
+Upravit nastavení...
+[Use contact specific settings]
+Použít nastavení pro každý kontakt zvlášť
+[Use &Internal History]
+Použít &interní historii
+[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
+Přid&at do historie pouze pokud se hodnota změní
+[Use &External File]
+Použít &externí soubor
+[&Select File:]
+Zvolte &soubor:
+[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%currencyratename%]
+Dostupné proměnné: %miranda_userdata%, %currencyratename%
+[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
+Přidat do &záznamu pouze pokud se hodnota změní
+[Show &Popup Window]
+Zobrazit &oznámení
+[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
+Zo&brazit oznámení pouze pokud se hodnota změní
+[Popup settings...]
+Nastavení oznámení...
+[Currency Converter]
+Převod měn
+[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
+Informace poskytuje <a href="">Google</a>
+[Popup Window Settings]
+Nastavení oznámení
+[Use default colors]
+Použít výchozí barvy
+[Use user-defined colors]
+Použít vlastní barvy
+[Background color]
+Barva pozadí
+[Text color]
+Barva textu
+[From popup plugin]
+Globální nastavení
+[Do not add to popup's history]
+[Current Rate:]
+[Rate Fetch Time:]
+[Previous Rate:]
+[&Watched currency rates:]
+[&Refresh Rates Every:]
+[&Display in Contact List as:]
+&Zobrazit v seznamu kontaktů jako:
+[&Status Message:]
+Zpráva &stavu
+[&Advanced Settings...]
+Pokročilé nastavení...
+[Rate Info]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\Chart.h
+[There is nothing to show]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
+Zadejte číselnou hodnotu mezi 1 a 60.
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
+Zadejte číselnou hodnotu mezi 1 a 24.
+[Enter text to display in contact list.]
+Zadejte text pro zobrazení v seznamu kontaktů.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp
+[Info provided by]
+Informace poskytuje
+[Enter positive number.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRateInfoDlg.cpp
+[Currency Rate]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderCurrencyConverter.cpp
+[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
+[Error occurred during site access.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderVisitorFormatSpecificator.cpp
+[Currency Symbol]
+[Currency Name]
+[Source of Information]
+[Rate Value]
+[Previous Rate Value]
+[Fetch Time]
+[Fetch Date]
+[Fetch Time and Date]
+[Percentage Character (%)]
+[Left slash (\\)]
+[Open Price]
+[Percent Change to After Hours]
+[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
+[Day's High]
+[Day's Low]
+[Previous Close]
+[From Currency Full Name]
+[From Currency Short Name]
+[Into Currency Full Name]
+[Into Currency Short Name]
+[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\Forex.cpp
+[Auto Update Enabled]
+Deaktivovat automatickou aktualizaci
+[Auto Update Disabled]
+Aktivovat automatickou aktualizaci
+[Currency Rates]
+Kurzy měn
+[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
+Povolit/zakázat automatickou aktualizaci
+[Refresh All Rates]
+[Currency Converter...]
+Převod měn...
+[Export All Currency Rates]
+[Import All Currency Rates]
+[Open Log File...]
+Otevřít záznamový soubor...
+[Edit Settings...]
+Upravit nastavení...
+[Enable/Disable Currency Rates Auto Update]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Enabled]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Disabled]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\HTTPSession.cpp
+[CurrencyRates HTTP connections]
+CurrencyRates - spojení pomocí protokolu HTTP
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\IconLib.cpp
+[Protocol icon]
+Ikona protokolu
+[Currency Rate up]
+[Currency Rate down]
+[Currency Rate not changed]
+[Currency Rate Section]
+[Swap button]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\ImportExport.cpp
+[XML File (*.xml)]
+XML soubory (*.xml)
+[All files (*.*)]
+Všechny soubory (*.*)
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\ModuleInfo.cpp
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. XML parser is missing.]
+Miranda nemůže načíst doplněk CurrencyRates. XML parser nebyl nalezen.
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
+Miranda nemůže načíst doplněk CurrencyRates. Microsoft HTML parser nebyl nalezen.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\SettingsDlg.cpp
+[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
+Záznamové soubory (*.txt,*.log)
+[Enter integer value]
+Zadejte číselnou hodnotu
+[Enter log file name.]
+Zadejte název záznamového souboru.
+[Enter log file format.]
+Zadejte formát záznamového souboru.
+[Enter history format.]
+Zadejte formát historie.
+[Enter popup window format.]
+Zadejte formát oznámení.
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
index b5e578aaeb..0cde96d0f1 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: GmailNotifier.dll
; Plugin: Gmail Multiple Notifier
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Mixwind
[Check your Gmail inboxes locally.]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
index 805ff03d85..8ff2403864 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: HistoryStats.dll
; Plugin: HistoryStats
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Martin Afanasjew
[Creates detailed, colorful and highly customizable statistics using your message history.]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/ICQ.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/ICQ.txt
index 0f5d06d21b..78aeb32948 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/ICQ.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/ICQ.txt
@@ -1833,8 +1833,8 @@ Jméno:
[Member since:]
Účet založen:
-[%s Details]
-%s Informace
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\utilities.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
index 3d34271692..8f9d0bcab5 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
@@ -165,8 +165,6 @@ Obecné
;file \plugins\Msg_Export\src\utils.cpp
-[Database: Attempt to get wrong type of value, string]
[(Unknown Contact)]
(neznámý kontakt)
[File name for the user "%s" has changed!\n\nfrom:\t%s\nto:\t%s\n\nDo you wish to rename file?]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
index 83d928bf13..b2c6cd0ca0 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: NewXstatusNotify.dll
; Plugin: xStatus notify
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Luca Santarelli, Vasilich, yaho
[Notifies you when a contact changes his/her (X)status or status message.]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
index 16f348e1c6..8de1c4fb41 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -160,5 +160,5 @@ Avatary
[Enable/disable auto update]
Povolit/zakázat automatickou aktualizaci
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Utils.cpp
-[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
+[NewsAggregator HTTP connections]
+NewsAggregator - spojení pomocí protokolu HTTP
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
index 80a5c28cfc..4670f0a6cc 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ Služby
Tlačítko 'Ano'
['No' Button]
Tlačítko 'Ne'
-[Pack Updater HTTP connection]
+[Pack Updater HTTP connections]
+Pack Updater - spojení pomocí protokolu HTTP
[URL for checking updates not found.]
[Downloading version info...]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/PasteIt.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/PasteIt.txt
index f61a76d030..4ef549c64e 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/PasteIt.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/PasteIt.txt
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ Chyba
[Paste from file]
[Paste It HTTP connections]
+Paste It - spojení pomocí protokolu HTTP
;file \plugins\PasteIt\src\PasteToWeb.cpp
[You can only paste 1 file]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt
index a8066ba0f4..6fb0b7d2a8 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ Aktualizace selhala
[Plugin info]
[Plugin Updater HTTP connections]
-HTTP spojení pro aktualizátor
+Plugin Updater - spojení pomocí protokolu HTTP
[An error occurred while checking for new updates.]
Nastala chyba při zjišťování aktualizací.
;file \plugins\PluginUpdater\src\Compat\compat.h
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/SendSS.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/SendSS.txt
index 3f17a7f653..8371276df1 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/SendSS.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/SendSS.txt
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ BBCode
[Could not create main dialog.]
[SendSS HTTP connections]
+SendSS - spojení pomocí protokolu HTTP
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/StopSpam.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
index 9510253991..e6d3ad9bfd 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: StopSpam.dll
; Plugin: StopSpam+
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Roman Miklashevsky, A. Petkevich, Kosh&chka, persei
[Anti-spam plugin for Miranda NG.]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
index 316a73fbb8..d792de7aad 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -724,10 +724,10 @@ Zkopírovat zprávu
[Save message log as...]
Uložit záznam jako...
-[Close message session\tCtrl-W]
-Ukončit rozhovor\tCtrl-W
-[Close container\tAlt-F4]
-Zavřít kontejner\tAlt-F4
+[Close message session\tCtrl+W]
+Ukončit rozhovor\tCtrl+W
+[Close container\tAlt+F4]
+Zavřít kontejner\tAlt+F4
[Show menu bar]
@@ -1469,8 +1469,8 @@ UID: %s (Shift klik -> kopírovat do schránky)\nKliknout pro zobrazení detail
Žádné UID
[UID: %s (Shift+click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for user's details\nClick dropdown to change this contact's favorite status.]
UID: %s (Shift klik -> kopírovat do schránky)\nKliknout pro zobrazení detailů uživatele\nTáhnout pro změnu oblíbenosti tohoto uživatele.
-[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
-Editujete poznámky k uživateli. Stiskněte tlačítko znovu nebo použijte klávesovou zkratku (výchozí: Alt-N) pro uložení poznámek a návrat do normálního režimu
+[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+Editujete poznámky k uživateli. Stiskněte tlačítko znovu nebo použijte klávesovou zkratku (výchozí: Alt+N) pro uložení poznámek a návrat do normálního režimu
[Selection copied to clipboard]
Výběr zkopírován do schránky
[WARNING: The message you are trying to paste exceeds the message size limit for the active protocol. It will be sent in chunks of max %d characters]
@@ -2012,8 +2012,8 @@ TabSRMM zpráva (%s)
Důležitá poznámka|Testovací varovná zpráva
[Icon pack version check|The installed icon pack is outdated and might be incompatible with TabSRMM version 3.\n\n\\b1Missing or misplaced icons are possible issues with the currently installed icon pack.\\b0]
-[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
-Editovat poznámky k uživateli|Editujete poznámky k uživateli. Klikněte na tlačítko znovu nebo použijte klávesovou zkratku (výchozí: Alt-N) pro uložení poznámek a návrat do normálního režimu
+[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+Editovat poznámky k uživateli|Editujete poznámky k uživateli. Klikněte na tlačítko znovu nebo použijte klávesovou zkratku (výchozí: Alt+N) pro uložení poznámek a návrat do normálního režimu
[Missing component|The icon pack is missing. Please install it to the default icons folder.\n\nNo icons will be available]
[Aero peek warning|You have enabled Aero Peek features and loaded a custom container window skin\n\nThis can result in minor visual anomalies in the live preview feature.]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Weather.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Weather.txt
index 8596ed3fd2..f7b5e93947 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Weather.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Weather.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Weather.dll
; Plugin: Weather
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Retrieves weather information and displays it in your contact list.]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
index 4244f5a31d..f77b19676f 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
; Version:
; Authors: ZERO_BiT
-[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt-Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
+[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt+Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
;file \plugins\ZeroSwitch\src\ZeroSwitch.cpp
[Plugin works under Windows XP only]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/Actman.txt b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/Actman.txt
index cb5fb1a0a7..647020dda6 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/Actman.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/Actman.txt
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
[> greater]
[< lesser]
@@ -71,6 +72,8 @@
[starts with]
[ends with]
[^s - selected (and replaced) part\r\n^e - replaced by empty string\r\n^v - paste text from Clipboard\r\n^t - replaced by tabulation\r\n^l - replaced by last result as unicode\r\n^h - replaced by last result as hex\r\n^f(name[,str])\r\n paste line from text file.\r\n brackets contents must be w/o spaces]
[Process script after]
[Text <last> replacing\r\nby last result\r\n\r\nReturns:\r\n--------\r\nOK\t= 1\r\nCANCEL\t= 2\r\nABORT\t= 3\r\nRETRY\t= 4\r\nIGNORE\t= 5\r\nYES\t= 6\r\nNO\t= 7\r\nCLOSE\t= 8]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/Quotes.txt b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt
index 81e87e4e08..a69ce247bf 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/Quotes.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt
@@ -1,53 +1,47 @@
-[Do not add to popup's history]
-[&Choose Quotes to watch in contact list:]
-[&Refresh Quotes Every:]
-[Current Rate:]
-[Rate Fetch Time:]
-[Previous Rate:]
-[&Watched currency rates:]
-[&Refresh Rates Every:]
-[Quote\\Rate Info]
-[Type &Stock Name or Symbol:]
-[&Watched Quotes:]
-[Status &Message:]
-[There is nothing to show]
-[Enter positive number.]
-[Refresh All Quotes\\Rates]
-[Export All Quotes]
-[Import All Quotes]
-[Enable/Disable Quotes Auto Update]
-[Quotes Auto Update Enabled]
-[Quotes Auto Update Disabled]
-[Quote Symbol]
-[Quotes HTTP connections]
-[Quote/Rate up]
-[Quote/Rate down]
-[Quote/Rate not changed]
-[Quote Section]
-[Swap button]
-[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
-[Error occurred during site access.]
-[Quote Name]
-[Source of Information]
-[Rate Value]
-[Previous Rate Value]
-[Fetch Time]
-[Fetch Date]
-[Fetch Time and Date]
-[Percentage Character (%)]
-[Left slash (\\)]
-[Open Price]
-[Percent Change to After Hours]
-[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
-[Day's High]
-[Day's Low]
-[Previous Close]
-[From Currency Full Name]
-[From Currency Short Name]
-[Into Currency Full Name]
-[Into Currency Short Name]
-[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
+[Do not add to popup's history]
+[Current Rate:]
+[Rate Fetch Time:]
+[Previous Rate:]
+[&Watched currency rates:]
+[&Refresh Rates Every:]
+[Rate Info]
+[There is nothing to show]
+[Enter positive number.]
+[Currency Rate]
+[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
+[Error occurred during site access.]
+[Currency Symbol]
+[Currency Name]
+[Source of Information]
+[Rate Value]
+[Previous Rate Value]
+[Fetch Time]
+[Fetch Date]
+[Fetch Time and Date]
+[Percentage Character (%)]
+[Left slash (\\)]
+[Open Price]
+[Percent Change to After Hours]
+[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
+[Day's High]
+[Day's Low]
+[Previous Close]
+[From Currency Full Name]
+[From Currency Short Name]
+[Into Currency Full Name]
+[Into Currency Short Name]
+[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
+[Refresh All Rates]
+[Export All Currency Rates]
+[Import All Currency Rates]
+[Enable/Disable Currency Rates Auto Update]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Enabled]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Disabled]
+[Currency Rate up]
+[Currency Rate down]
+[Currency Rate not changed]
+[Currency Rate Section]
+[Swap button]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
index 88a865e4cd..5bfee8f35c 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
[Miranda NG (Message Export Plugin)]
-[Database: Attempt to get wrong type of value, string]
[File name for the user "%s" has changed!\n\nfrom:\t%s\nto:\t%s\n\nDo you wish to rename file?]
[\nError: ]
[\nMessage has not been saved!\n]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
index d2934dd63f..a59127ddb2 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -20,4 +20,3 @@
[Enter Feed name]
[Enter message format]
[Contact deleting]
-[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/PackUpdater.txt b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/PackUpdater.txt
index 456388a68c..402936c3fd 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/PackUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/PackUpdater.txt
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
[Downloads complete. Start updating? All your data will be saved and Miranda NG will be closed.]
[You have chosen not to install the pack update immediately.\nYou can install it manually from this location:\n\n%s]
[Clear pack updates folder]
-[Pack Updater HTTP connection]
[URL for checking updates not found.]
[Name of Update's file is not supported.]
[Update is not possible!\nYou have no Administrator's rights.\nPlease run Miranda NG with Administrator's rights.]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/PasteIt.txt b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/PasteIt.txt
index 67284086c0..8a7cbe17b7 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/PasteIt.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/PasteIt.txt
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
[Paste It - Select file]
[Paste from clipboard]
[Paste from file]
-[Paste It HTTP connections]
[You can only paste 1 file]
[Cannot get data from clipboard]
[File size is %d KB, do you really want to paste such a large file?]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/SendSS.txt b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/SendSS.txt
index 6e7bebd752..8979bbc82d 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/SendSS.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/SendSS.txt
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
[BBCode link]
[Could not create screenshot folder (error code: %d):\n%s\nDo you have write permissions?]
[Could not create main dialog.]
-[SendSS HTTP connections]
[Could not register Miranda service.]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt
index 91e75a221d..a1165d888a 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt-Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
+[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt+Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
[Plugin works under Windows XP only]
[ZeroSwitch plugin failed]
[Oops, we've got a big hook error here :(]
diff --git a/langpacks/english/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/english/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
index 6ff912a15e..87234e3280 100644
--- a/langpacks/english/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/english/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -87,4 +87,4 @@
[Enable/disable auto update]
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Utils.cpp
-[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
+[NewsAggregator HTTP connections]
diff --git a/langpacks/english/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt b/langpacks/english/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
index cff9a0d765..74836d97ef 100644
--- a/langpacks/english/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/english/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
;file \plugins\PackUpdater\Src\Utils.cpp
['Yes' Button]
['No' Button]
-[Pack Updater HTTP connection]
+[Pack Updater HTTP connections]
[URL for checking updates not found.]
[Downloading version info...]
[Name of Update's file is not supported.]
diff --git a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/Quotes.txt b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
index 4911496d7c..cf18a93932 100644
--- a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/Quotes.txt
+++ b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
-; File: Quotes.dll
-; Plugin: Quotes
-; Version:
-; Authors: Dioksin
-[Use default colors]
-Use default colours
-[Use user-defined colors]
-Use user-defined colours
-[Background color]
-Background colour
-[Text color]
-Text colour
+#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
+; File: CurrencyRates.dll
+; Plugin: Currency Rates
+; Version:
+; Authors: Dioksin
+[Use default colors]
+Use default colours
+[Use user-defined colors]
+Use user-defined colours
+[Background color]
+Background colour
+[Text color]
+Text colour
diff --git a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
index be57ef7279..80018de9b6 100644
--- a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
+++ b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: HistoryStats.dll
; Plugin: HistoryStats
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Martin Afanasjew
[Creates detailed, colorful and highly customizable statistics using your message history.]
diff --git a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
index 6f47f29daf..e183c35515 100644
--- a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
+++ b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: NewXstatusNotify.dll
; Plugin: xStatus notify
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Luca Santarelli, Vasilich, yaho
[Individual sounds are disabled.\n\nTo enable them, go to Options -> Status -> Status Notify, enable\n"Use individual sounds" checkbox, and then reopen this dialog.]
diff --git a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/Weather.txt b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/Weather.txt
index e25bcd9499..963de02299 100644
--- a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/Weather.txt
+++ b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/Weather.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Weather.dll
; Plugin: Weather
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Actman.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Actman.txt
index a2b2111045..7a2de1d63d 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Actman.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Actman.txt
@@ -289,6 +289,8 @@ Fenêtre de message
[> greater]
@@ -317,6 +319,10 @@ Respecter la casse
[^s - selected (and replaced) part\r\n^e - replaced by empty string\r\n^v - paste text from Clipboard\r\n^t - replaced by tabulation\r\n^l - replaced by last result as unicode\r\n^h - replaced by last result as hex\r\n^f(name[,str])\r\n paste line from text file.\r\n brackets contents must be w/o spaces]
[Process script after]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
index cd10213494..d10803a583 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
@@ -104,4 +104,4 @@ Copier l'URL vers le presse-papier
[Cannot upload Version Info. Host unreachable.]
[Crash Dumper HTTP connections]
+Connexions HTTP de Crash Dumper
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Quotes.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
index 7de1cb43f9..cf3ea7fb83 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Quotes.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
@@ -1,272 +1,262 @@
-#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
-; File: Quotes.dll
-; Plugin: Quotes
-; Version:
-; Authors: Dioksin
-[Shows currency rates and economic quotes.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\res\Forex.rc
-[Variable List]
-Liste variables
-[Edit Settings]
-[Use contact specific settings]
-[Use &Internal History]
-[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
-[Use &External File]
-[&Select File:]
-[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%quotename%]
-[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
-[Show &Popup Window]
-[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
-[Popup settings...]
-[Currency Converter]
-[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
-[Popup Window Settings]
-[Use default colors]
-Couleurs par défaut
-[Use user-defined colors]
-[Background color]
-Couleur de fond
-[Text color]
-Couleur du texte
-[From popup plugin]
-Comme le plugin popup
-[Do not add to popup's history]
-[&Choose Quotes to watch in contact list:]
-[&Refresh Quotes Every:]
-[&Display in Contact List as:]
-[&Status Message:]
-[&Advanced Settings...]
-[Current Rate:]
-[Rate Fetch Time:]
-[Previous Rate:]
-[&Watched currency rates:]
-[&Refresh Rates Every:]
-[Quote\\Rate Info]
-[Type &Stock Name or Symbol:]
-[&Watched Quotes:]
-[Status &Message:]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\Chart.h
-[There is nothing to show]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
-[Enter text to display in contact list.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp
-[Info provided by]
-[Enter positive number.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\Forex.cpp
-[Auto Update Enabled]
-[Auto Update Disabled]
-[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
-[Refresh All Quotes\\Rates]
-[Currency Converter...]
-[Export All Quotes]
-[Import All Quotes]
-[Open Log File...]
-[Edit Settings...]
-[Enable/Disable Quotes Auto Update]
-[Quotes Auto Update Enabled]
-[Quotes Auto Update Disabled]
-[Quote Symbol]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\HTTPSession.cpp
-[Quotes HTTP connections]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\IconLib.cpp
-[Protocol icon]
-[Quote/Rate up]
-[Quote/Rate down]
-[Quote/Rate not changed]
-[Quote Section]
-[Swap button]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\ImportExport.cpp
-[XML File (*.xml)]
-[All files (*.*)]
-Tous les fichiers (*.*)
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\ModuleInfo.cpp
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. XML parser is missing.]
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuoteInfoDlg.cpp
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuotesProviderCurrencyConverter.cpp
-[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
-[Error occurred during site access.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuotesProviderVisitorFormatSpecificator.cpp
-[Quote Name]
-[Source of Information]
-[Rate Value]
-[Previous Rate Value]
-[Fetch Time]
-[Fetch Date]
-[Fetch Time and Date]
-[Percentage Character (%)]
-[Left slash (\\)]
-[Open Price]
-[Percent Change to After Hours]
-[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
-[Day's High]
-[Day's Low]
-[Previous Close]
-[From Currency Full Name]
-[From Currency Short Name]
-[Into Currency Full Name]
-[Into Currency Short Name]
-[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\SettingsDlg.cpp
-[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
-[Enter integer value]
-[Enter log file name.]
-[Enter log file format.]
-[Enter history format.]
-[Enter popup window format.]
+#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
+; File: CurrencyRates.dll
+; Plugin: Currency Rates
+; Version:
+; Authors: Dioksin
+[Shows currency rates.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\res\Forex.rc
+[Variable List]
+Liste variables
+[Edit Settings]
+[Use contact specific settings]
+[Use &Internal History]
+[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
+[Use &External File]
+[&Select File:]
+[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%currencyratename%]
+[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
+[Show &Popup Window]
+[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
+[Popup settings...]
+[Currency Converter]
+[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
+[Popup Window Settings]
+[Use default colors]
+Couleurs par défaut
+[Use user-defined colors]
+[Background color]
+Couleur de fond
+[Text color]
+Couleur du texte
+[From popup plugin]
+Comme le plugin popup
+[Do not add to popup's history]
+[Current Rate:]
+[Rate Fetch Time:]
+[Previous Rate:]
+[&Watched currency rates:]
+[&Refresh Rates Every:]
+[&Display in Contact List as:]
+[&Status Message:]
+[&Advanced Settings...]
+[Rate Info]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\Chart.h
+[There is nothing to show]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
+[Enter text to display in contact list.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp
+[Info provided by]
+[Enter positive number.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRateInfoDlg.cpp
+[Currency Rate]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderCurrencyConverter.cpp
+[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
+[Error occurred during site access.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderVisitorFormatSpecificator.cpp
+[Currency Symbol]
+[Currency Name]
+[Source of Information]
+[Rate Value]
+[Previous Rate Value]
+[Fetch Time]
+[Fetch Date]
+[Fetch Time and Date]
+[Percentage Character (%)]
+[Left slash (\\)]
+[Open Price]
+[Percent Change to After Hours]
+[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
+[Day's High]
+[Day's Low]
+[Previous Close]
+[From Currency Full Name]
+[From Currency Short Name]
+[Into Currency Full Name]
+[Into Currency Short Name]
+[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\Forex.cpp
+[Auto Update Enabled]
+[Auto Update Disabled]
+[Currency Rates]
+[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
+[Refresh All Rates]
+[Currency Converter...]
+[Export All Currency Rates]
+[Import All Currency Rates]
+[Open Log File...]
+[Edit Settings...]
+[Enable/Disable Currency Rates Auto Update]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Enabled]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Disabled]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\HTTPSession.cpp
+[CurrencyRates HTTP connections]
+Connexions HTTP de CurrencyRates
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\IconLib.cpp
+[Protocol icon]
+[Currency Rate up]
+[Currency Rate down]
+[Currency Rate not changed]
+[Currency Rate Section]
+[Swap button]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\ImportExport.cpp
+[XML File (*.xml)]
+[All files (*.*)]
+Tous les fichiers (*.*)
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\ModuleInfo.cpp
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. XML parser is missing.]
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\SettingsDlg.cpp
+[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
+[Enter integer value]
+[Enter log file name.]
+[Enter log file format.]
+[Enter history format.]
+[Enter popup window format.]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
index f3fa1f2b33..74970f694f 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: GmailNotifier.dll
; Plugin: Gmail Multiple Notifier
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Mixwind
[Check your Gmail inboxes locally.]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
index 3637d0c584..ac9fee6227 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: HistoryStats.dll
; Plugin: HistoryStats
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Martin Afanasjew
[Creates detailed, colorful and highly customizable statistics using your message history.]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/ICQ.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/ICQ.txt
index d56ab81f2c..d67389248b 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/ICQ.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/ICQ.txt
@@ -1833,8 +1833,8 @@ Nom affiché :
<non spécifié>
[Member since:]
Inscrit depuis :
-[%s Details]
-%s détails
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\utilities.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
index 972ca5ff95..e8e8f9ebe6 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
@@ -165,8 +165,6 @@ Général
;file \plugins\Msg_Export\src\utils.cpp
-[Database: Attempt to get wrong type of value, string]
[(Unknown Contact)]
(Contact inconnu)
[File name for the user "%s" has changed!\n\nfrom:\t%s\nto:\t%s\n\nDo you wish to rename file?]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
index 2bfd00273f..078768c5fe 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: NewXstatusNotify.dll
; Plugin: xStatus notify
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Luca Santarelli, Vasilich, yaho
[Notifies you when a contact changes his/her (X)status or status message.]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
index f2e34424d6..f1c860df64 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -160,5 +160,5 @@ Avatars
[Enable/disable auto update]
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Utils.cpp
-[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
+[NewsAggregator HTTP connections]
+Connexions HTTP de NewsAggregator
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
index 8dbe3b42e3..e49b440ae1 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ Services
Bouton 'Oui'
['No' Button]
Bouton 'Non'
-[Pack Updater HTTP connection]
+[Pack Updater HTTP connections]
+Connexions HTTP de Pack Updater
[URL for checking updates not found.]
[Downloading version info...]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/PasteIt.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/PasteIt.txt
index 81e2a9c10e..c26a4578f3 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/PasteIt.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/PasteIt.txt
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ Coller à partir du presse-papiers
[Paste from file]
Coller à partir du fichier
[Paste It HTTP connections]
+Connexions HTTP de Paste It
;file \plugins\PasteIt\src\PasteToWeb.cpp
[You can only paste 1 file]
Vous pouver coller 1 seul fichier
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt
index 4b63d818d0..84db887569 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ Montrer la liste complète des plugins
[Plugin info]
Informations sur le plugin
[Plugin Updater HTTP connections]
+Connexions HTTP de Plugin Updater
[An error occurred while checking for new updates.]
Une erreur est survenue lors de la vérification des mises à jour.
;file \plugins\PluginUpdater\src\Compat\compat.h
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/SendSS.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/SendSS.txt
index f7f795f5b6..0cb25c5b1e 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/SendSS.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/SendSS.txt
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ Flèche bas
[Could not create main dialog.]
[SendSS HTTP connections]
+Connexions HTTP de SendSS
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/StopSpam.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
index 37387e63fe..ad88a670d3 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: StopSpam.dll
; Plugin: StopSpam+
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Roman Miklashevsky, A. Petkevich, Kosh&chka, persei
[Anti-spam plugin for Miranda NG.]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
index e17e795bba..e0c74132e1 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -724,10 +724,10 @@ Copier le message
[Save message log as...]
Enregistrer sous...
-[Close message session\tCtrl-W]
-Fermer la session\tCtrl-W
-[Close container\tAlt-F4]
-Fermer le conteneur\tAlt-F4
+[Close message session\tCtrl+W]
+Fermer la session\tCtrl+W
+[Close container\tAlt+F4]
+Fermer le conteneur\tAlt+F4
[Show menu bar]
@@ -1469,7 +1469,7 @@ Différer l'envoi
[UID: %s (Shift+click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for user's details\nClick dropdown to change this contact's favorite status.]
-[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
[Selection copied to clipboard]
Sélection mise dans le presse-papier
@@ -2012,7 +2012,7 @@ Message TabSRMM (%s)
[Icon pack version check|The installed icon pack is outdated and might be incompatible with TabSRMM version 3.\n\n\\b1Missing or misplaced icons are possible issues with the currently installed icon pack.\\b0]
-[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
[Missing component|The icon pack is missing. Please install it to the default icons folder.\n\nNo icons will be available]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Weather.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Weather.txt
index 61c6e10fdc..9c1f03073a 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Weather.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Weather.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Weather.dll
; Plugin: Weather
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Retrieves weather information and displays it in your contact list.]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
index 4244f5a31d..f77b19676f 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
; Version:
; Authors: ZERO_BiT
-[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt-Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
+[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt+Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
;file \plugins\ZeroSwitch\src\ZeroSwitch.cpp
[Plugin works under Windows XP only]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Actman.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Actman.txt
index 4f08a53efe..b9bd585570 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Actman.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Actman.txt
@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@
[> greater]
[< lesser]
@@ -124,6 +125,8 @@
[ends with]
[^s - selected (and replaced) part\r\n^e - replaced by empty string\r\n^v - paste text from Clipboard\r\n^t - replaced by tabulation\r\n^l - replaced by last result as unicode\r\n^h - replaced by last result as hex\r\n^f(name[,str])\r\n paste line from text file.\r\n brackets contents must be w/o spaces]
[Process script after]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/CrashDumper.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/CrashDumper.txt
index c492b75c28..00e1f10b23 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/CrashDumper.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/CrashDumper.txt
@@ -33,4 +33,3 @@
[Cannot upload Version Info. Daily upload limit exceeded]
[Cannot upload Version Info. Unknown error]
[Cannot upload Version Info. Host unreachable.]
-[Crash Dumper HTTP connections]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Quotes.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt
index 4e55749cf6..0484ebd635 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Quotes.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt
@@ -1,107 +1,101 @@
-[Shows currency rates and economic quotes.]
-[Edit Settings]
-[Use contact specific settings]
-[Use &Internal History]
-[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
-[Use &External File]
-[&Select File:]
-[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%quotename%]
-[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
-[Show &Popup Window]
-[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
-[Popup settings...]
-[Currency Converter]
-[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
-[Popup Window Settings]
-[Use user-defined colors]
-[Do not add to popup's history]
-[&Choose Quotes to watch in contact list:]
-[&Refresh Quotes Every:]
-[&Display in Contact List as:]
-[&Status Message:]
-[&Advanced Settings...]
-[Current Rate:]
-[Rate Fetch Time:]
-[Previous Rate:]
-[&Watched currency rates:]
-[&Refresh Rates Every:]
-[Quote\\Rate Info]
-[Type &Stock Name or Symbol:]
-[&Watched Quotes:]
-[Status &Message:]
-[There is nothing to show]
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
-[Enter text to display in contact list.]
-[Info provided by]
-[Enter positive number.]
-[Auto Update Enabled]
-[Auto Update Disabled]
-[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
-[Refresh All Quotes\\Rates]
-[Currency Converter...]
-[Export All Quotes]
-[Import All Quotes]
-[Open Log File...]
-[Edit Settings...]
-[Enable/Disable Quotes Auto Update]
-[Quotes Auto Update Enabled]
-[Quotes Auto Update Disabled]
-[Quote Symbol]
-[Quotes HTTP connections]
-[Protocol icon]
-[Quote/Rate up]
-[Quote/Rate down]
-[Quote/Rate not changed]
-[Quote Section]
-[Swap button]
-[XML File (*.xml)]
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. XML parser is missing.]
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
-[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
-[Error occurred during site access.]
-[Quote Name]
-[Source of Information]
-[Rate Value]
-[Previous Rate Value]
-[Fetch Time]
-[Fetch Date]
-[Fetch Time and Date]
-[Percentage Character (%)]
-[Left slash (\\)]
-[Open Price]
-[Percent Change to After Hours]
-[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
-[Day's High]
-[Day's Low]
-[Previous Close]
-[From Currency Full Name]
-[From Currency Short Name]
-[Into Currency Full Name]
-[Into Currency Short Name]
-[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
-[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
-[Enter integer value]
-[Enter log file name.]
-[Enter log file format.]
-[Enter history format.]
-[Enter popup window format.]
+[Shows currency rates.]
+[Edit Settings]
+[Use contact specific settings]
+[Use &Internal History]
+[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
+[Use &External File]
+[&Select File:]
+[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%currencyratename%]
+[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
+[Show &Popup Window]
+[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
+[Popup settings...]
+[Currency Converter]
+[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
+[Popup Window Settings]
+[Use user-defined colors]
+[Do not add to popup's history]
+[Current Rate:]
+[Rate Fetch Time:]
+[Previous Rate:]
+[&Watched currency rates:]
+[&Refresh Rates Every:]
+[&Display in Contact List as:]
+[&Status Message:]
+[&Advanced Settings...]
+[Rate Info]
+[There is nothing to show]
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
+[Enter text to display in contact list.]
+[Info provided by]
+[Enter positive number.]
+[Currency Rate]
+[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
+[Error occurred during site access.]
+[Currency Symbol]
+[Currency Name]
+[Source of Information]
+[Rate Value]
+[Previous Rate Value]
+[Fetch Time]
+[Fetch Date]
+[Fetch Time and Date]
+[Percentage Character (%)]
+[Left slash (\\)]
+[Open Price]
+[Percent Change to After Hours]
+[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
+[Day's High]
+[Day's Low]
+[Previous Close]
+[From Currency Full Name]
+[From Currency Short Name]
+[Into Currency Full Name]
+[Into Currency Short Name]
+[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
+[Auto Update Enabled]
+[Auto Update Disabled]
+[Currency Rates]
+[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
+[Refresh All Rates]
+[Currency Converter...]
+[Export All Currency Rates]
+[Import All Currency Rates]
+[Open Log File...]
+[Edit Settings...]
+[Enable/Disable Currency Rates Auto Update]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Enabled]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Disabled]
+[Protocol icon]
+[Currency Rate up]
+[Currency Rate down]
+[Currency Rate not changed]
+[Currency Rate Section]
+[Swap button]
+[XML File (*.xml)]
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. XML parser is missing.]
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
+[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
+[Enter integer value]
+[Enter log file name.]
+[Enter log file format.]
+[Enter history format.]
+[Enter popup window format.]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
index 482c8d55e4..0d772a60f9 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
[Miranda NG (Message Export Plugin)]
-[Database: Attempt to get wrong type of value, string]
[File name for the user "%s" has changed!\n\nfrom:\t%s\nto:\t%s\n\nDo you wish to rename file?]
[\nMessage has not been saved!\n]
[Do you wish to save debug information?]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
index b00b367ad6..222ff9785b 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -50,4 +50,3 @@
[Enter message format]
[Contact deleting]
[Enable/disable auto update]
-[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/PackUpdater.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/PackUpdater.txt
index 5fad970341..ae6dccc57a 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/PackUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/PackUpdater.txt
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
[Close popup]
[Do nothing]
[Clear pack updates folder]
-[Pack Updater HTTP connection]
[URL for checking updates not found.]
[Downloading version info...]
[Name of Update's file is not supported.]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/PasteIt.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/PasteIt.txt
index b56eadaccf..50515e6f31 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/PasteIt.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/PasteIt.txt
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
-[Paste It HTTP connections]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/PluginUpdater.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/PluginUpdater.txt
index 153b313ba7..aba03c2793 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/PluginUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/PluginUpdater.txt
@@ -26,4 +26,3 @@
[Change platform to 64-bit]
[Update completed]
[Update failed]
-[Plugin Updater HTTP connections]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/SendSS.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/SendSS.txt
index 7f8aa928fe..d4a0849c37 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/SendSS.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/SendSS.txt
@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@
[BBCode link]
[Could not create screenshot folder (error code: %d):\n%s\nDo you have write permissions?]
[Could not create main dialog.]
-[SendSS HTTP connections]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
index 8b11620ea9..ab000e4217 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
[UID: %s (Shift+click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for user's details\nRight click for metacontact control\nClick dropdown to add or remove user from your favorites.]
[No UID]
[UID: %s (Shift+click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for user's details\nClick dropdown to change this contact's favorite status.]
-[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
[Image files]
[Set your avatar...]
[JPEG-compressed images]
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
[Set messaging options for %s]
[Important release notes|A test warning message]
[Icon pack version check|The installed icon pack is outdated and might be incompatible with TabSRMM version 3.\n\n\\b1Missing or misplaced icons are possible issues with the currently installed icon pack.\\b0]
-[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
[Missing component|The icon pack is missing. Please install it to the default icons folder.\n\nNo icons will be available]
[Aero peek warning|You have enabled Aero Peek features and loaded a custom container window skin\n\nThis can result in minor visual anomalies in the live preview feature.]
[File transfer problem|Sending the image by file transfer failed.\n\nPossible reasons: File transfers not supported, either you or the target contact is offline, or you are invisible and the target contact is not on your visibility list.]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt
index 91e75a221d..a1165d888a 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt-Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
+[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt+Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
[Plugin works under Windows XP only]
[ZeroSwitch plugin failed]
[Oops, we've got a big hook error here :(]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/german/=CORE=.txt
index e9f2ad2574..67d75fc127 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/=CORE=.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/=CORE=.txt
@@ -1022,7 +1022,7 @@ Wählen Sie die Extraicons aus, welche in der Kontaktliste angezeigt werden soll
[*only the first %d icons will be shown]
Hinweis: Nur die ersten %d Icons werden angezeigt!
[You can group/ungroup icons by selecting them (Ctrl+left click) and using the popup menu (right click)]
-Wählen Sie mehrere Elemente mit gedrückter Umschalt- oder Strg-Taste aus. Drücken Sie anschließend die rechte Maustaste, um die ausgewählten Elemente zu gruppieren.
+Wählen Sie mehrere Elemente mit gedrückter Umschalt- oder Strg+Taste aus. Drücken Sie anschließend die rechte Maustaste, um die ausgewählten Elemente zu gruppieren.
[Add to existing metacontact]
Zu Metakontakt hinzufügen
[Please select a metacontact:]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Actman.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Actman.txt
index 1a89c42d51..ce0ed038b6 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Actman.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Actman.txt
@@ -289,6 +289,8 @@ Autosend
[> greater]
@@ -317,6 +319,10 @@ endet mit
[^s - selected (and replaced) part\r\n^e - replaced by empty string\r\n^v - paste text from Clipboard\r\n^t - replaced by tabulation\r\n^l - replaced by last result as unicode\r\n^h - replaced by last result as hex\r\n^f(name[,str])\r\n paste line from text file.\r\n brackets contents must be w/o spaces]
^s - ausgewählter (und ersetzter) teil\r\n^e - durch leeren String ersetzt\r\n^v - Text aus zwischenablage einfügen\r\n^t - durch Tabulatoren ersetzt\r\n^l - durch letztes Ergebnis als Unicode ersetzt\r\n^h - durch letztes Ergebnis als Hex ersetzt\r\n^f(name[,str])\r\n Zeile aus Textdatei einfügen.\r\n Inhalt in Klammern ohne Leerzeichen.
[Process script after]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/BasicHistory.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/BasicHistory.txt
index f8ed048684..bf91de213d 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/BasicHistory.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/BasicHistory.txt
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ Filtername existiert
[Event already exists]
Ereignis existiert bereits
[Browse WinSCP file]
-Win-SCP-Verlaufsdatei auswählen
+WinSCP-Verlaufsdatei auswählen
[Save WinSCP log file]
WinSCP-Verlaufsdatei speichern
[You've entered invalid codepage. Select codepage from combo box or enter correct number.]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Quotes.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
index 512b99a3e6..3ef20e9467 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Quotes.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
@@ -1,272 +1,262 @@
-#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
-; File: Quotes.dll
-; Plugin: Quotes
-; Version:
-; Authors: Dioksin
-[Shows currency rates and economic quotes.]
-Zeigt Wechselraten und wirtschaftliche Kurse.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\res\Forex.rc
-[Variable List]
-[Edit Settings]
-Einstellungen bearbeiten
-[Use contact specific settings]
-Kontaktspezifische Einstellungen verwenden
-[Use &Internal History]
-&Internen Verlauf verwenden
-[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
-Nur zum Verl&auf hinzufügen, falls der Wert sich ändert
-[Use &External File]
-&Externe Datei verwenden
-[&Select File:]
-Datei au&swählen:
-[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%quotename%]
-Erlaubte Variablen: %miranda_userdata%,%quotename%
-[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
-Nur dem &Log hinzufügen, falls der Wert sich ändert
-[Show &Popup Window]
-&Popupfenster anzeigen
-[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
-Popupfenster nur anzeigen, falls der Wert sich ändert
-[Popup settings...]
-[Currency Converter]
-[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
-Info bereitgestellt durch <a href="">Google</a>
-[Popup Window Settings]
-[Use default colors]
-Standardfarben verwenden
-[Use user-defined colors]
-Benutzerdefinierte Farben verwenden
-[Background color]
-[Text color]
-[From popup plugin]
-Vom Popup-Plugin
-[Do not add to popup's history]
-Nicht zum Popup-Verlauf hinzufügen
-[&Choose Quotes to watch in contact list:]
-Wählen Sie die Kurse aus, die in der Kontaktliste beobachtet werden sollen:
-[&Refresh Quotes Every:]
-Kurse aktualisie&ren alle:
-[&Display in Contact List as:]
-In &Kontaktliste anzeigen als:
-[&Status Message:]
-[&Advanced Settings...]
-Erweiterte &Einstellungen...
-[Current Rate:]
-Aktuelle Rate:
-[Rate Fetch Time:]
-Abrufzeit der Rate:
-[Previous Rate:]
-Vorherige Rate:
-[&Watched currency rates:]
-Beobachtete &Währungsraten:
-[&Refresh Rates Every:]
-&Raten aktualisieren alle:
-[Quote\\Rate Info]
-Kurs/Rate Info
-[Type &Stock Name or Symbol:]
-Aktienname oder -&symbol eingeben:
-[&Watched Quotes:]
-&Folgende Kurse beobachten:
-[Status &Message:]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\Chart.h
-[There is nothing to show]
-Es ist nichts anzuzeigen
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
-Geben Sie einen ganzzahligen Wert zwischen 1 und 60 ein.
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
-Geben Sie einen ganzzahligen Wert zwischen 1 und 24 ein.
-[Enter text to display in contact list.]
-Geben sie einen Text für die Kontaktliste ein.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp
-[Info provided by]
-Informationen bereitgestellt von
-[Enter positive number.]
-Geben Sie eine positive Zahl ein.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\Forex.cpp
-[Auto Update Enabled]
-Autom. Aktualisierung aktiviert
-[Auto Update Disabled]
-Autom. Aktualisierung deaktiviert
-[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
-Auto-Update de-/aktivieren
-[Refresh All Quotes\\Rates]
-Alle Kurse/Raten aktualisieren
-[Currency Converter...]
-[Export All Quotes]
-Alle Kurse exportieren
-[Import All Quotes]
-Alle Kurse importieren
-[Open Log File...]
-Logdatei öffnen...
-[Edit Settings...]
-Einstellungen bearbeiten...
-[Enable/Disable Quotes Auto Update]
-Automatische Aktualisierung der Kurse (de-)aktivieren
-[Quotes Auto Update Enabled]
-Automatische Aktualisierung der Kurse aktiviert
-[Quotes Auto Update Disabled]
-Automatische Aktualisierung der Kurse deaktiviert
-[Quote Symbol]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\HTTPSession.cpp
-[Quotes HTTP connections]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\IconLib.cpp
-[Protocol icon]
-[Quote/Rate up]
-Kurs/Rate hoch
-[Quote/Rate down]
-Kurs/Rate runter
-[Quote/Rate not changed]
-Kurs/Rate unverändert
-[Quote Section]
-[Swap button]
-Buttons vertauschen
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\ImportExport.cpp
-[XML File (*.xml)]
-XML-Datei (*.xml)
-[All files (*.*)]
-Alle Dateien (*.*)
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\ModuleInfo.cpp
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. XML parser is missing.]
-Miranda NG konnte das Quotes-Plugin nicht laden. Der XML-Parser fehlt.
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
-Miranda NG konnte das Quotes-Plugin nicht laden. Der Microsoft-HTML-Parser fehlt.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuoteInfoDlg.cpp
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuotesProviderCurrencyConverter.cpp
-[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
-Fehler während des HTML-Parsens.
-[Error occurred during site access.]
-Fehler während des Seitenzugriffs.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuotesProviderVisitorFormatSpecificator.cpp
-[Quote Name]
-[Source of Information]
-Quelle der Information
-[Rate Value]
-[Previous Rate Value]
-Vorheriger Ratenwert
-[Fetch Time]
-[Fetch Date]
-[Fetch Time and Date]
-Abrufszeit und -datum
-[Percentage Character (%)]
-Prozentzeichen (%)
-[Left slash (\\)]
-Linker Schrägstrich (\\)
-[Open Price]
-Offener Preis
-[Percent Change to After Hours]
-Prozentuale Änderung nach Stunden
-[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
-Prozentuale Änderung nach gestrigem Schluss
-[Day's High]
-[Day's Low]
-[Previous Close]
-Vorheriger Schluss
-[From Currency Full Name]
-Voller Name der Ausgangswährung
-[From Currency Short Name]
-Kurzer Name der Ausgangswährung
-[Into Currency Full Name]
-Voller Name der Zielwährung
-[Into Currency Short Name]
-Kurzer Name der Zielwährung
-[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
-Kurze Notation für "%f/%i"
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\SettingsDlg.cpp
-[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
-Logdateien (*.txt,*.log)
-[Enter integer value]
-Ganzzahligen Wert eingeben
-[Enter log file name.]
-Namen der Logdatei eingeben.
-[Enter log file format.]
-Format der Logdatei eingeben.
-[Enter history format.]
-Verlaufsformat eingeben.
-[Enter popup window format.]
-Pupupfensterformat eingeben.
+#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
+; File: CurrencyRates.dll
+; Plugin: Currency Rates
+; Version:
+; Authors: Dioksin
+[Shows currency rates.]
+Zeigt Wechselraten.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\res\Forex.rc
+[Variable List]
+[Edit Settings]
+Einstellungen bearbeiten
+[Use contact specific settings]
+Kontaktspezifische Einstellungen verwenden
+[Use &Internal History]
+&Internen Verlauf verwenden
+[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
+Nur zum Verl&auf hinzufügen, falls der Wert sich ändert
+[Use &External File]
+&Externe Datei verwenden
+[&Select File:]
+Datei au&swählen:
+[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%currencyratename%]
+Erlaubte Variablen: %miranda_userdata%,%currencyratename%
+[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
+Nur dem &Log hinzufügen, falls der Wert sich ändert
+[Show &Popup Window]
+&Popupfenster anzeigen
+[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
+Popupfenster nur anzeigen, falls der Wert sich ändert
+[Popup settings...]
+[Currency Converter]
+[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
+Info bereitgestellt durch <a href="">Google</a>
+[Popup Window Settings]
+[Use default colors]
+Standardfarben verwenden
+[Use user-defined colors]
+Benutzerdefinierte Farben verwenden
+[Background color]
+[Text color]
+[From popup plugin]
+Vom Popup-Plugin
+[Do not add to popup's history]
+Nicht zum Popup-Verlauf hinzufügen
+[Current Rate:]
+Aktuelle Rate:
+[Rate Fetch Time:]
+Abrufzeit der Rate:
+[Previous Rate:]
+Vorherige Rate:
+[&Watched currency rates:]
+Beobachtete &Währungsraten:
+[&Refresh Rates Every:]
+&Raten aktualisieren alle:
+[&Display in Contact List as:]
+In &Kontaktliste anzeigen als:
+[&Status Message:]
+[&Advanced Settings...]
+Erweiterte &Einstellungen...
+[Rate Info]
+Rate Info
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\Chart.h
+[There is nothing to show]
+Es ist nichts anzuzeigen
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
+Geben Sie einen ganzzahligen Wert zwischen 1 und 60 ein.
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
+Geben Sie einen ganzzahligen Wert zwischen 1 und 24 ein.
+[Enter text to display in contact list.]
+Geben sie einen Text für die Kontaktliste ein.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp
+[Info provided by]
+Informationen bereitgestellt von
+[Enter positive number.]
+Geben Sie eine positive Zahl ein.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRateInfoDlg.cpp
+[Currency Rate]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderCurrencyConverter.cpp
+[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
+Fehler während des HTML-Parsens.
+[Error occurred during site access.]
+Fehler während des Seitenzugriffs.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderVisitorFormatSpecificator.cpp
+[Currency Symbol]
+[Currency Name]
+[Source of Information]
+Quelle der Information
+[Rate Value]
+[Previous Rate Value]
+Vorheriger Ratenwert
+[Fetch Time]
+[Fetch Date]
+[Fetch Time and Date]
+Abrufszeit und -datum
+[Percentage Character (%)]
+Prozentzeichen (%)
+[Left slash (\\)]
+Linker Schrägstrich (\\)
+[Open Price]
+Offener Preis
+[Percent Change to After Hours]
+Prozentuale Änderung nach Stunden
+[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
+Prozentuale Änderung nach gestrigem Schluss
+[Day's High]
+[Day's Low]
+[Previous Close]
+Vorheriger Schluss
+[From Currency Full Name]
+Voller Name der Ausgangswährung
+[From Currency Short Name]
+Kurzer Name der Ausgangswährung
+[Into Currency Full Name]
+Voller Name der Zielwährung
+[Into Currency Short Name]
+Kurzer Name der Zielwährung
+[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
+Kurze Notation für "%f/%i"
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\Forex.cpp
+[Auto Update Enabled]
+Autom. Aktualisierung aktiviert
+[Auto Update Disabled]
+Autom. Aktualisierung deaktiviert
+[Currency Rates]
+[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
+Auto-Update de-/aktivieren
+[Refresh All Rates]
+Alle Raten aktualisieren
+[Currency Converter...]
+[Export All Currency Rates]
+[Import All Currency Rates]
+[Open Log File...]
+Logdatei öffnen...
+[Edit Settings...]
+Einstellungen bearbeiten...
+[Enable/Disable Currency Rates Auto Update]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Enabled]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Disabled]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\HTTPSession.cpp
+[CurrencyRates HTTP connections]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\IconLib.cpp
+[Protocol icon]
+[Currency Rate up]
+[Currency Rate down]
+[Currency Rate not changed]
+[Currency Rate Section]
+[Swap button]
+Buttons vertauschen
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\ImportExport.cpp
+[XML File (*.xml)]
+XML-Datei (*.xml)
+[All files (*.*)]
+Alle Dateien (*.*)
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\ModuleInfo.cpp
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. XML parser is missing.]
+Miranda NG konnte das CurrencyRates-Plugin nicht laden. Der XML-Parser fehlt.
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
+Miranda NG konnte das CurrencyRates-Plugin nicht laden. Der Microsoft-HTML-Parser fehlt.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\SettingsDlg.cpp
+[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
+Logdateien (*.txt,*.log)
+[Enter integer value]
+Ganzzahligen Wert eingeben
+[Enter log file name.]
+Namen der Logdatei eingeben.
+[Enter log file format.]
+Format der Logdatei eingeben.
+[Enter history format.]
+Verlaufsformat eingeben.
+[Enter popup window format.]
+Pupupfensterformat eingeben.
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
index d4f166807e..520cef288f 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: GmailNotifier.dll
; Plugin: Gmail Multiple Notifier
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Mixwind
[Check your Gmail inboxes locally.]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
index ca20897380..40fa71f898 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: HistoryStats.dll
; Plugin: HistoryStats
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Martin Afanasjew
[Creates detailed, colorful and highly customizable statistics using your message history.]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/ICQ.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/ICQ.txt
index 19ca04bb74..eaf5fec5c4 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/ICQ.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/ICQ.txt
@@ -1833,8 +1833,8 @@ ScreenName:
<nicht angegeben>
[Member since:]
Mitglied seit:
-[%s Details]
-%s Details
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\utilities.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
index 53ce3df247..78a6527ae5 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/MagneticWindows.txt
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Fenster anziehen
[%d pix]
%d Pixel
[For Scriver users: automatically hold down the Ctrl key while moving/sizing. (Make sure you use Scriver!)]
-Für Scriver-Benutzer: Automatisch STRG-Taste beim Bewegen des Fenster drücken. (Nur für Scriver!)
+Für Scriver-Benutzer: Automatisch Strg+Taste beim Bewegen des Fenster drücken. (Nur für Scriver!)
;file \plugins\MagneticWindows\src\Options.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
index ee860e5b30..28b76b4cf4 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
@@ -165,8 +165,6 @@ Miranda NG (Message Export Plugin)
;file \plugins\Msg_Export\src\utils.cpp
-[Database: Attempt to get wrong type of value, string]
[(Unknown Contact)]
(Unbekannter Kontakt)
[File name for the user "%s" has changed!\n\nfrom:\t%s\nto:\t%s\n\nDo you wish to rename file?]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
index b28b1596ab..22a4cf7084 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: NewXstatusNotify.dll
; Plugin: xStatus notify
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Luca Santarelli, Vasilich, yaho
[Notifies you when a contact changes his/her (X)status or status message.]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
index be880cfca0..b825b132e2 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -160,5 +160,5 @@ Avatare
[Enable/disable auto update]
Auto-Update de-/aktivieren
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Utils.cpp
-[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
+[NewsAggregator HTTP connections]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
index 4b04587ac1..2d69929176 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Paket-Aktualisierungs-Verzeichnis löschen
['No' Button]
-[Pack Updater HTTP connection]
+[Pack Updater HTTP connections]
[URL for checking updates not found.]
URL für die zu prüfenden Updates wurden nicht gefunden.
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/StopSpam.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
index 49a6db9e2e..5ac56f0f98 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: StopSpam.dll
; Plugin: StopSpam+
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Roman Miklashevsky, A. Petkevich, Kosh&chka, persei
[Anti-spam plugin for Miranda NG.]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
index 4f498ec714..0bea907700 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -724,10 +724,10 @@ Nachricht in Zwischenablage kopieren
[Save message log as...]
Verlauf speichern als...
-[Close message session\tCtrl-W]
-Sitzung schließen\tStrg-W
-[Close container\tAlt-F4]
-Container schließen\tAlt-F4
+[Close message session\tCtrl+W]
+Sitzung schließen\tStrg+W
+[Close container\tAlt+F4]
+Container schließen\tAlt+F4
[Show menu bar]
@@ -1248,7 +1248,7 @@ Ben&utzer
[Sounds are %s. Click to toggle status, hold Shift and click to set for all open containers]
-Klänge sind %s. Klick schaltet Status um, Umschalt-Klick überträgt Status auf alle Container
+Klänge sind %s. Klick schaltet Status um, Umschalt+Klick überträgt Status auf alle Container
@@ -1469,7 +1469,7 @@ UID: %s (Umschalt + Klick -> kopiert in Zwischenablage)\nKlick fur Benutzerdetai
Keine UID
[UID: %s (Shift+click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for user's details\nClick dropdown to change this contact's favorite status.]
UID: %s (Umschalt + Klick -> kopiert in Zwischenablage)\nKlick für Benutzerdetails\nKlick auf das Auswahlfeld, um die Kontakteinstellung des Favoriten zu ändern.
-[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
Sie editieren Benutzernotizen. Klicken Sie erneut auf die Taste oder verwenden Sie die Tastenkombination (Standard: Alt+N) zum Speichern der Notizen
[Selection copied to clipboard]
Auswahl in die Zwischenablage kopiert
@@ -2012,7 +2012,7 @@ TabSRMM-Nachricht (%s)
Wichtige Release Informationen|Eine Testnachricht
[Icon pack version check|The installed icon pack is outdated and might be incompatible with TabSRMM version 3.\n\n\\b1Missing or misplaced icons are possible issues with the currently installed icon pack.\\b0]
Icon-Pack-Versionsprüfung|Das installierte Icon-Pack ist veraltet und könnte mit TabSRMM Version 3 inkompatibel sein.\n\n\\b1Fehlende oder deplatzierte Symbole sind mögliche Auswirkungen des derzeit installierten Icon-Packs.\\b0
-[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
Editiere Benutzernachricht|Sie sind dabei, die Benutzernachricht zu editieren. Klicken Sie erneut auf den Button oder benutzen Sie den Hotkey (Standard: Alt+N), um die Nachrichten zu speichern und um zum normalen Nachrichtenmodus zurückzukehren.
[Missing component|The icon pack is missing. Please install it to the default icons folder.\n\nNo icons will be available]
Fehlende Komponenten|Das Icon-Pack fehlt. Bitte installieren Sie es in den Standard-"Icons"-Ordner.\n\nKeine Icons sind vorhanden.
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Weather.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Weather.txt
index 2319bbac03..de4d8386de 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Weather.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Weather.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Weather.dll
; Plugin: Weather
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Retrieves weather information and displays it in your contact list.]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
index 6dce74eafe..3ceb45f4b7 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
; Version:
; Authors: ZERO_BiT
-[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt-Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
-Fügt das Miranda-NG-Icon in den Alt-Tab-Dialog, selbst wenn das Miranda-Hauptfenster einen anderen Stil als Titelleiste hat.
+[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt+Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
+Fügt das Miranda-NG-Icon in den Alt+Tab-Dialog, selbst wenn das Miranda-Hauptfenster einen anderen Stil als Titelleiste hat.
;file \plugins\ZeroSwitch\src\ZeroSwitch.cpp
[Plugin works under Windows XP only]
Plugin funktioniert nur unter Windows XP.
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Untranslated/Actman.txt b/langpacks/german/Untranslated/Actman.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d7a085d57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/german/Untranslated/Actman.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt b/langpacks/german/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a0df371f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/german/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+[Currency Rate]
+[Currency Symbol]
+[Currency Name]
+[Export All Currency Rates]
+[Import All Currency Rates]
+[Enable/Disable Currency Rates Auto Update]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Enabled]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Disabled]
+[Currency Rate up]
+[Currency Rate down]
+[Currency Rate not changed]
+[Currency Rate Section]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt b/langpacks/german/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
index ac9c83c823..f82e911912 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
[Failed to get the shells allocator!]
[Failed to Allocate buffer space]
-[Database: Attempt to get wrong type of value, string]
[Failed to UTF8 byte order code to file :\n]
[Failed to write Invalid Database event the file :\n]
[Failed to write AUTHREQUEST or ADDED to the file :\n]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Actman.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Actman.txt
index f26263ecf3..dab56ea94b 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Actman.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Actman.txt
@@ -289,6 +289,8 @@ Wyślij automatycznie
[> greater]
@@ -317,6 +319,10 @@ kończy się na
[^s - selected (and replaced) part\r\n^e - replaced by empty string\r\n^v - paste text from Clipboard\r\n^t - replaced by tabulation\r\n^l - replaced by last result as unicode\r\n^h - replaced by last result as hex\r\n^f(name[,str])\r\n paste line from text file.\r\n brackets contents must be w/o spaces]
^s - część wybrana (i zamieniona)\r\n^e -zamieniona przez pusty ciąg\r\n^v - wklej tekst ze schowka\r\n^t - zastąpiona przez tabulację\r\n^l - zastąpiona przez ostatni wynik w unicode\r\n^h - zastąpiona przez ostatni wynik jako hex\r\n^a - na końcu: wyślij automatycznie\r\n^f(nazwa\[,str\])\r\n wklej linię z pliku tekstowego.\r\n zawartość nawiasów nie może zawierać spacji
[Process script after]
@@ -851,9 +857,3 @@ Dodano nowy kontakt do bazy danych
Usuwanie kontaktu
[Displays a modal dialog box that contains a system icon, a set of buttons, and a brief application-specific message, such as status or error information.]
Wyświetla modalne okno dialogowe zawierające ikonę systemową, zestaw przycisków oraz krótki komunikat stosowny do aplikacji taki jak informacja o statusie lub błędzie.
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Console.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Console.txt
index b3369d672d..ea1b23db37 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Console.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Console.txt
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Pokaż konsolę
[Scrolling (Ctrl+Q)]
Przewijanie (Ctrl+Q)
[Pause logging (Ctrl+P)]
-Wstrzymaj zapis (ctrl+p)
+Wstrzymaj zapis (Ctrl+p)
[Save log to file (Ctrl+S)]
Zapisz dziennik do pliku (Ctrl+S)
[Copy selected log (Ctrl+C)]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Quotes.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
index 64b877e2fe..2905653416 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Quotes.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
@@ -1,272 +1,262 @@
-#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
-; File: Quotes.dll
-; Plugin: Quotes
-; Version:
-; Authors: Dioksin
-[Shows currency rates and economic quotes.]
-Umożliwia monitorowanie zmian kursów walutowych i cen akcji.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\res\Forex.rc
-[Variable List]
-Lista zmiennych
-[Edit Settings]
-Edytuj ustawienia
-[Use contact specific settings]
-Użyj specyficznych ustawień kontaktu
-[Use &Internal History]
-Użyj &wewnętrznej historii
-[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
-&Dodaj do historii tylko, jeśli wartość się zmieniła
-[Use &External File]
-Użyj pliku &zewnętrznego
-[&Select File:]
-&Zaznacz plik:
-[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%quotename%]
-Dozwolone zmienne: %miranda_userdata%, %quotename%
-[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
-Dodaj do &dziennika tylko, jeśli wartość się zmieniła
-[Show &Popup Window]
-Pokaż okno &popup
-[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
-Pokaż popup tylko, jeśli wartość się &zmieniła
-[Popup settings...]
-Ustawienia popup...
-[Currency Converter]
-Przelicznik walut
-[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
-Informacje dostarczone przez <a href="">Google</a>
-[Popup Window Settings]
-Ustawienia popupa
-[Use default colors]
-Użyj domyślnych kolorów
-[Use user-defined colors]
-Użyj kolorów zdefiniowanych przez użytkownika
-[Background color]
-Kolor tła
-[Text color]
-Kolor tekstu
-[From popup plugin]
-Z wtyczki popup
-[Do not add to popup's history]
-Nie dodawaj popupów do historii
-[&Choose Quotes to watch in contact list:]
-&Wybierz notowania giełdowe, które chcesz obserwować na swojej liście kontaktów:
-[&Refresh Quotes Every:]
-&Odświeżaj notowania co:
-[&Display in Contact List as:]
-&Wyświetlaj na liście jako:
-[&Status Message:]
-[&Advanced Settings...]
-&Zaawansowane ustawienia...
-[Current Rate:]
-Aktualna ocena:
-[Rate Fetch Time:]
-Czas pobierania wskaźnika:
-[Previous Rate:]
-Poprzedni wskaźnik:
-[&Watched currency rates:]
-&Obserwowane wskaźniki walutowe:
-[&Refresh Rates Every:]
-&Odświeżaj wskaźniki co:
-[Quote\\Rate Info]
-Informacje o wskaźniku giełdowym
-[Type &Stock Name or Symbol:]
-Wpisz nazwę &giełdową lub symbol:
-[&Watched Quotes:]
-&Obserwowane notowania:
-[Status &Message:]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\Chart.h
-[There is nothing to show]
-Nie ma co pokazać
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
-Wprowadź wartość liczbową pomiędzy 1, a 60.
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
-Wprowadź wartość liczbową pomiędzy 1, a 24.
-[Enter text to display in contact list.]
-Wprowadź tekst do wyświetlenia na liście kontaktów.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp
-[Info provided by]
-Informacje dostarczone przez
-[Enter positive number.]
-Wprowadź liczbę dodatnią.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\Forex.cpp
-[Auto Update Enabled]
-Auto-aktualizacja włączona
-[Auto Update Disabled]
-Auto-aktualizacja wyłączona
-Notowania giełdowe
-[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
-Włącz/Wyłącz autoaktualizację
-[Refresh All Quotes\\Rates]
-Odśwież wszystkie wskaźniki giełdowe
-[Currency Converter...]
-Przelicznik walut...
-[Export All Quotes]
-Eksportuj wszystkie notowania
-[Import All Quotes]
-Importuj wszystkie notowania
-[Open Log File...]
-Otwórz plik dziennika...
-[Edit Settings...]
-Edytuj ustawienia...
-[Enable/Disable Quotes Auto Update]
-Włącz/Wyłącz Automatyczną Aktualizację Notowań Giełdowych
-[Quotes Auto Update Enabled]
-Autoaktualizacja notowań włączona
-[Quotes Auto Update Disabled]
-Autoaktualziacja notowań wyłączona
-[Quote Symbol]
-Symbol notowania
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\HTTPSession.cpp
-[Quotes HTTP connections]
-Połączenia HTTP Quotes
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\IconLib.cpp
-[Protocol icon]
-Ikona protokołu
-[Quote/Rate up]
-Wskaźnik giełdowy wzrósł
-[Quote/Rate down]
-Wskaźnik giełdowy spadł
-[Quote/Rate not changed]
-Wskaźnik giełdowy nie zmienił się
-[Quote Section]
-Sekcja giełdowa
-[Swap button]
-Przycisk zamiany
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\ImportExport.cpp
-[XML File (*.xml)]
-Plik XML (*.xml)
-[All files (*.*)]
-Wszystkie pliki (*.*)
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\ModuleInfo.cpp
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. XML parser is missing.]
-Miranda nie mogła załadować wtyczki Quotes. Brak parsera XML.
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
-Miranda nie mogła załadować wtyczki Quotes. Brak parsera Microsoft HTML.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuoteInfoDlg.cpp
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuotesProviderCurrencyConverter.cpp
-[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
-Wystąpił błąd podczas przetwarzania HTML.
-[Error occurred during site access.]
-Wystąpił błąd podczas uzyskiwania dostępu do strony.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuotesProviderVisitorFormatSpecificator.cpp
-[Quote Name]
-Nazwa notowania
-[Source of Information]
-Źródło informacji
-[Rate Value]
-Wartość wskaźnika
-[Previous Rate Value]
-Poprzednia wartość wskaźnika
-[Fetch Time]
-Czas pobrania
-[Fetch Date]
-Data pobrania
-[Fetch Time and Date]
-Data i czas pobrania
-[Percentage Character (%)]
-Znak procenta (%)
-[Left slash (\\)]
-Lewy ukośnik (\\)
-[Open Price]
-Cena otwarta
-[Percent Change to After Hours]
-Zmiana procentowa na po godzinach
-[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
-Zmiana procentowa w stosunku do wczorajszego zamknięcia
-[Day's High]
-Najwyższa wartość dzienna
-[Day's Low]
-Najniższa wartość dzienna
-[Previous Close]
-Poprzednie zamknięcie
-[From Currency Full Name]
-Z waluty pełna nazwa
-[From Currency Short Name]
-Z waluty skrót
-[Into Currency Full Name]
-Na walutę pełna nazwa
-[Into Currency Short Name]
-Na walutę skrót
-[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
-Skrócona notacja dla "%f/%i"
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\SettingsDlg.cpp
-[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
-Pliki logu (*.txt, *.log)
-[Enter integer value]
-Wprowadź wartość liczbową
-[Enter log file name.]
-Wpisz nazwę pliku dziennika.
-[Enter log file format.]
-Wpisz format pliku dziennika.
-[Enter history format.]
-Wprowadź format historii.
-[Enter popup window format.]
-Wprowadź format popupa.
+#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
+; File: CurrencyRates.dll
+; Plugin: Currency Rates
+; Version:
+; Authors: Dioksin
+[Shows currency rates.]
+Umożliwia monitorowanie zmian kursów walutowych.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\res\Forex.rc
+[Variable List]
+Lista zmiennych
+[Edit Settings]
+Edytuj ustawienia
+[Use contact specific settings]
+Użyj specyficznych ustawień kontaktu
+[Use &Internal History]
+Użyj &wewnętrznej historii
+[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
+&Dodaj do historii tylko, jeśli wartość się zmieniła
+[Use &External File]
+Użyj pliku &zewnętrznego
+[&Select File:]
+&Zaznacz plik:
+[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%currencyratename%]
+Dozwolone zmienne: %miranda_userdata%, %currencyratename%
+[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
+Dodaj do &dziennika tylko, jeśli wartość się zmieniła
+[Show &Popup Window]
+Pokaż okno &popup
+[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
+Pokaż popup tylko, jeśli wartość się &zmieniła
+[Popup settings...]
+Ustawienia popup...
+[Currency Converter]
+Przelicznik walut
+[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
+Informacje dostarczone przez <a href="">Google</a>
+[Popup Window Settings]
+Ustawienia popupa
+[Use default colors]
+Użyj domyślnych kolorów
+[Use user-defined colors]
+Użyj kolorów zdefiniowanych przez użytkownika
+[Background color]
+Kolor tła
+[Text color]
+Kolor tekstu
+[From popup plugin]
+Z wtyczki popup
+[Do not add to popup's history]
+Nie dodawaj popupów do historii
+[Current Rate:]
+Aktualna ocena:
+[Rate Fetch Time:]
+Czas pobierania wskaźnika:
+[Previous Rate:]
+Poprzedni wskaźnik:
+[&Watched currency rates:]
+&Obserwowane wskaźniki walutowe:
+[&Refresh Rates Every:]
+&Odświeżaj wskaźniki co:
+[&Display in Contact List as:]
+&Wyświetlaj na liście jako:
+[&Status Message:]
+[&Advanced Settings...]
+&Zaawansowane ustawienia...
+[Rate Info]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\Chart.h
+[There is nothing to show]
+Nie ma co pokazać
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
+Wprowadź wartość liczbową pomiędzy 1, a 60.
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
+Wprowadź wartość liczbową pomiędzy 1, a 24.
+[Enter text to display in contact list.]
+Wprowadź tekst do wyświetlenia na liście kontaktów.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp
+[Info provided by]
+Informacje dostarczone przez
+[Enter positive number.]
+Wprowadź liczbę dodatnią.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRateInfoDlg.cpp
+[Currency Rate]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderCurrencyConverter.cpp
+[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
+Wystąpił błąd podczas przetwarzania HTML.
+[Error occurred during site access.]
+Wystąpił błąd podczas uzyskiwania dostępu do strony.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderVisitorFormatSpecificator.cpp
+[Currency Symbol]
+[Currency Name]
+[Source of Information]
+Źródło informacji
+[Rate Value]
+Wartość wskaźnika
+[Previous Rate Value]
+Poprzednia wartość wskaźnika
+[Fetch Time]
+Czas pobrania
+[Fetch Date]
+Data pobrania
+[Fetch Time and Date]
+Data i czas pobrania
+[Percentage Character (%)]
+Znak procenta (%)
+[Left slash (\\)]
+Lewy ukośnik (\\)
+[Open Price]
+Cena otwarta
+[Percent Change to After Hours]
+Zmiana procentowa na po godzinach
+[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
+Zmiana procentowa w stosunku do wczorajszego zamknięcia
+[Day's High]
+Najwyższa wartość dzienna
+[Day's Low]
+Najniższa wartość dzienna
+[Previous Close]
+Poprzednie zamknięcie
+[From Currency Full Name]
+Z waluty pełna nazwa
+[From Currency Short Name]
+Z waluty skrót
+[Into Currency Full Name]
+Na walutę pełna nazwa
+[Into Currency Short Name]
+Na walutę skrót
+[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
+Skrócona notacja dla "%f/%i"
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\Forex.cpp
+[Auto Update Enabled]
+Auto-aktualizacja włączona
+[Auto Update Disabled]
+Auto-aktualizacja wyłączona
+[Currency Rates]
+[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
+Włącz/Wyłącz autoaktualizację
+[Refresh All Rates]
+[Currency Converter...]
+Przelicznik walut...
+[Export All Currency Rates]
+[Import All Currency Rates]
+[Open Log File...]
+Otwórz plik dziennika...
+[Edit Settings...]
+Edytuj ustawienia...
+[Enable/Disable Currency Rates Auto Update]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Enabled]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Disabled]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\HTTPSession.cpp
+[CurrencyRates HTTP connections]
+Połączenie HTTP CurrencyRates
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\IconLib.cpp
+[Protocol icon]
+Ikona protokołu
+[Currency Rate up]
+[Currency Rate down]
+[Currency Rate not changed]
+[Currency Rate Section]
+[Swap button]
+Przycisk zamiany
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\ImportExport.cpp
+[XML File (*.xml)]
+Plik XML (*.xml)
+[All files (*.*)]
+Wszystkie pliki (*.*)
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\ModuleInfo.cpp
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. XML parser is missing.]
+Miranda nie mogła załadować wtyczki CurrencyRates. Brak parsera XML.
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
+Miranda nie mogła załadować wtyczki CurrencyRates. Brak parsera Microsoft HTML.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\SettingsDlg.cpp
+[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
+Pliki logu (*.txt, *.log)
+[Enter integer value]
+Wprowadź wartość liczbową
+[Enter log file name.]
+Wpisz nazwę pliku dziennika.
+[Enter log file format.]
+Wpisz format pliku dziennika.
+[Enter history format.]
+Wprowadź format historii.
+[Enter popup window format.]
+Wprowadź format popupa.
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
index ae9c948afa..8eb8ff5ef6 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: GmailNotifier.dll
; Plugin: Gmail Multiple Notifier
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Mixwind
[Check your Gmail inboxes locally.]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
index c67fbcf0e4..94dc97e06e 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: HistoryStats.dll
; Plugin: HistoryStats
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Martin Afanasjew
[Creates detailed, colorful and highly customizable statistics using your message history.]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/ICQ.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/ICQ.txt
index 3afc267802..90aac57bfb 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/ICQ.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/ICQ.txt
@@ -1833,8 +1833,8 @@ Nazwa:
[Member since:]
Członek od:
-[%s Details]
-%s Detale
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\utilities.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
index 6a93814281..03f2134629 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
@@ -165,8 +165,6 @@ Wtyczka eksportu wiadomości Mirandy NG
;file \plugins\Msg_Export\src\utils.cpp
Brak grupy
-[Database: Attempt to get wrong type of value, string]
-Baza danych: próba pobrania złego typu wartości, ciąg
[(Unknown Contact)]
(Nieznany kontakt)
[File name for the user "%s" has changed!\n\nfrom:\t%s\nto:\t%s\n\nDo you wish to rename file?]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
index 04d06bb73f..52039813eb 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: NewXstatusNotify.dll
; Plugin: xStatus notify
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Luca Santarelli, Vasilich, yaho
[Notifies you when a contact changes his/her (X)status or status message.]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
index 857c1641d6..3fc46e9d63 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -160,5 +160,5 @@ Awatary
[Enable/disable auto update]
Włącz/Wyłącz autoaktualizacje
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Utils.cpp
-[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
+[NewsAggregator HTTP connections]
Połączenie HTTP NewsAggregator
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
index c452b26b85..5b40e681b7 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ Wyczyść folder aktualizacji paczek
Przycisk "Tak"
['No' Button]
Przycisk "Nie"
-[Pack Updater HTTP connection]
-Połączenie HTTP aktualizatora paczek
+[Pack Updater HTTP connections]
+Połączenie HTTP Plugin Updater
[URL for checking updates not found.]
Link do sprawdzania aktualizacji nie został odnaleziony.
[Downloading version info...]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt
index 49d4fabe5a..be84a9488c 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ Aktualizacja nie powiodła się
[Plugin info]
Informacje o wtyczkach
[Plugin Updater HTTP connections]
-Połączenia http Plugin Updater
+Połączenia HTTP Plugin Updater
[An error occurred while checking for new updates.]
Wystąpił błąd podczas sprawdzania aktualizacji.
;file \plugins\PluginUpdater\src\Compat\compat.h
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/StopSpam.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
index 799142dd93..5ed53d6be7 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: StopSpam.dll
; Plugin: StopSpam+
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Roman Miklashevsky, A. Petkevich, Kosh&chka, persei
[Anti-spam plugin for Miranda NG.]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
index 50a3dfd891..3656dbf7d0 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -724,10 +724,10 @@ Skopiuj wiadomość do schowka
[Save message log as...]
Zapisz dziennik wiadomości jako...
-[Close message session\tCtrl-W]
-Zamknij sesję rozmowy\tctrl+w
-[Close container\tAlt-F4]
-Zamknij kontener\talt+f4
+[Close message session\tCtrl+W]
+Zamknij sesję rozmowy\tCtrl+W
+[Close container\tAlt+F4]
+Zamknij kontener\tAlt+F4
[Show menu bar]
@@ -1469,8 +1469,8 @@ UID: %s (kliknięcie Shift -> kopiuj do schowka)\nKliknij, by pokazać dane uży
Brak UID
[UID: %s (Shift+click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for user's details\nClick dropdown to change this contact's favorite status.]
UID: %s (kliknięcie Shift -> kopiuj do schowka)\nKliknij, by pokazać dane użytkownika\nKliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy, by pokazać kontrolę metakontaktów\nKliknij w pole rozwijalne, by zmienić status tego kontaktu jako ulubionego.
-[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
-Edytujesz notatki o użytkowniku. Użyj przycisku ponownie lub naciśnij skrót klawiszowy (domyślnie: alt+n), aby zapisać notatki i powrócić do normalnego trybu wiadomości
+[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+Edytujesz notatki o użytkowniku. Użyj przycisku ponownie lub naciśnij skrót klawiszowy (domyślnie: Alt+N), aby zapisać notatki i powrócić do normalnego trybu wiadomości
[Selection copied to clipboard]
Zaznaczenie skopiowano do schowka
[WARNING: The message you are trying to paste exceeds the message size limit for the active protocol. It will be sent in chunks of max %d characters]
@@ -2012,8 +2012,8 @@ Wiadomość TabSRMM (%s)
Ważne informacje o wydaniu|Ostrzeżenie testowe
[Icon pack version check|The installed icon pack is outdated and might be incompatible with TabSRMM version 3.\n\n\\b1Missing or misplaced icons are possible issues with the currently installed icon pack.\\b0]
Sprawdzanie wersji ikon|Zainstalowane ikony nie są aktualne i mogą być niekompatybilne z TabSRMM w wersji 3.\n\n\\b1Możliwe problemy z obecnie zainstalowanymi ikonami, to brakujące lub źle przyporządkowane ikony\\b0
-[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
-Edycja notatek kontaktu|Kliknij przycisk ponownie lub użyj skrótu klawiszowego (domyślnie: Alt-N) aby zapisać informacje i powrócić do normalnego trybu wiadomości.
+[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+Edycja notatek kontaktu|Kliknij przycisk ponownie lub użyj skrótu klawiszowego (domyślnie: Alt+N) aby zapisać informacje i powrócić do normalnego trybu wiadomości.
[Missing component|The icon pack is missing. Please install it to the default icons folder.\n\nNo icons will be available]
Brakujący komponent|Brakuje ikon. Zainstaluj je w domyślnym folderze ikon.\n\nŻadne ikony nie będą dostępne.
[Aero peek warning|You have enabled Aero Peek features and loaded a custom container window skin\n\nThis can result in minor visual anomalies in the live preview feature.]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Weather.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Weather.txt
index 122c46a4ee..0d467dace9 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Weather.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Weather.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Weather.dll
; Plugin: Weather
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Retrieves weather information and displays it in your contact list.]
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ Błąd HTTP %i
Błąd podczas odczytywania danych: %s
;file \plugins\Weather\src\weather_http.cpp
[Weather HTTP connections]
-Połączenie HTTP
+Połączenie HTTP Weather
;file \plugins\Weather\src\weather_icons.cpp
[Protocol icon]
Ikona protokołu
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
index 091085e929..6995abd315 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
; Version:
; Authors: ZERO_BiT
-[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt-Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
-Dodaje ikonę Mirandy NG do okna przełączania Alt-Tab nawet jeśli okno główne posiada inny styl paska tytułowego.
+[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt+Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
+Dodaje ikonę Mirandy NG do okna przełączania Alt+Tab nawet jeśli okno główne posiada inny styl paska tytułowego.
;file \plugins\ZeroSwitch\src\ZeroSwitch.cpp
[Plugin works under Windows XP only]
Wtyczka działa jedynie na Windows XP
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt b/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7e694c28c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+[Rate Info]
+[Currency Rate]
+[Currency Symbol]
+[Currency Name]
+[Currency Rates]
+[Refresh All Rates]
+[Export All Currency Rates]
+[Import All Currency Rates]
+[Enable/Disable Currency Rates Auto Update]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Enabled]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Disabled]
+[Currency Rate up]
+[Currency Rate down]
+[Currency Rate not changed]
+[Currency Rate Section]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/UInfoEx.txt b/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/UInfoEx.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b19057a7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/UInfoEx.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Actman.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Actman.txt
index e4c478f5a1..7d312530d8 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Actman.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Actman.txt
@@ -289,6 +289,8 @@ UTF16+сигнатура
[> greater]
@@ -317,6 +319,10 @@ UTF16+сигнатура
[^s - selected (and replaced) part\r\n^e - replaced by empty string\r\n^v - paste text from Clipboard\r\n^t - replaced by tabulation\r\n^l - replaced by last result as unicode\r\n^h - replaced by last result as hex\r\n^f(name[,str])\r\n paste line from text file.\r\n brackets contents must be w/o spaces]
^s - выделенная (и заменённая) часть\r\n^e - заменено пустой строкой\r\n^v - вставить текст из буфера обмена\r\n^t - заменено табуляцией\r\n^l - заменено последним результатом, как юникод\r\n^h - заменено последним результатом, как шестнадцатеричное\r\n^f(имя[,str])\r\n вставить строку из текстового файла.\r\n содержимое внутри скобок не должно содержать пробелы
[Process script after]
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
index 096612af74..df0db1f913 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/CrashDumper.txt
@@ -104,4 +104,4 @@ Miranda NG была завершена аварийно. Отчёт сохран
[Cannot upload Version Info. Host unreachable.]
Нельзя загрузить информацию о версиях. Хост недоступен
[Crash Dumper HTTP connections]
-HTTP подключения Crash Dumper
+HTTP-подключения Crash Dumper
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Quotes.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
index d909cbc18c..16da7765c4 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Quotes.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
@@ -1,272 +1,262 @@
-#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
-; File: Quotes.dll
-; Plugin: Quotes
-; Version:
-; Authors: Dioksin
-[Shows currency rates and economic quotes.]
-Позволяет наблюдать за изменениями курсов валют и биржевых котировок.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\res\Forex.rc
-[Variable List]
-[Edit Settings]
-Изменить настройки
-[Use contact specific settings]
-Собственные настройки у контакта
-[Use &Internal History]
-Использовать &внутреннюю историю
-[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
-&Добавлять в историю, только если изменилось значение
-[Use &External File]
-Использовать &внешний файл
-[&Select File:]
-&Путь к файлу:
-[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%quotename%]
-Поддерживаемые переменные: %miranda_userdata%,%quotename%
-[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
-Добавлять в &файл, только если изменилось значение
-[Show &Popup Window]
-Показывать &всплывающее окно
-[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
-Показывать всплывающее окно, только если &изменилось значение
-[Popup settings...]
-Настройки вспл. окон...
-[Currency Converter]
-Конвертер валют
-[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
-Источник: <a href="">Google</a>
-[Popup Window Settings]
-Настройки всплывающих окон
-[Use default colors]
-Цвета по умолчанию
-[Use user-defined colors]
-Настроить цвета
-[Background color]
-Цвет фона
-[Text color]
-Цвет текста
-[From popup plugin]
-Из плагина вспл. окон
-[Do not add to popup's history]
-Не добавлять в историю всплывающих окон
-[&Choose Quotes to watch in contact list:]
-&Выберите котировки для наблюдения в списке контактов:
-[&Refresh Quotes Every:]
-&Обновлять котировки каждые:
-[&Display in Contact List as:]
-&Показывать в списке как:
-[&Status Message:]
-&Сообщение статуса:
-[&Advanced Settings...]
-&Дополнительные настройки...
-[Current Rate:]
-Текущее значение:
-[Rate Fetch Time:]
-Время обновления:
-[Previous Rate:]
-Предыдущее значение:
-[&Watched currency rates:]
-&Отслеживаемые курсы валют:
-[&Refresh Rates Every:]
-&Обновлять курсы каждые:
-[Quote\\Rate Info]
-Информация о котировке\\курсе валют
-[Type &Stock Name or Symbol:]
-Название &котировки:
-[&Watched Quotes:]
-&Отслеживаемые котировки:
-[Status &Message:]
-Сообщение &статуса:
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\Chart.h
-[There is nothing to show]
-Нечего показывать
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
-Введите целое число между 1 и 60.
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
-Введите целое число между 1 и 24.
-[Enter text to display in contact list.]
-Введите текст для отображения в списке контактов.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp
-[Info provided by]
-Информация предоставлена
-[Enter positive number.]
-Введите положительное число.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\Forex.cpp
-[Auto Update Enabled]
-Автоматическое обновление включено
-[Auto Update Disabled]
-Автоматическое обновление отключено
-[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
-Вкл/Выкл автообновление
-[Refresh All Quotes\\Rates]
-Обновить все котировки\\курсы валют
-[Currency Converter...]
-Конвертер валют...
-[Export All Quotes]
-Экспорт всех котировок
-[Import All Quotes]
-Импорт всех котировок
-[Open Log File...]
-Открыть файл истории...
-[Edit Settings...]
-[Enable/Disable Quotes Auto Update]
-Вкл/Выкл автообновление котировок
-[Quotes Auto Update Enabled]
-Автообновление котировок включено
-[Quotes Auto Update Disabled]
-Автообновление котировок выключено
-[Quote Symbol]
-Символ котировки
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\HTTPSession.cpp
-[Quotes HTTP connections]
-HTTP подключение Quotes
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\IconLib.cpp
-[Protocol icon]
-Значок протокола
-[Quote/Rate up]
-Значение выросло
-[Quote/Rate down]
-Значение упало
-[Quote/Rate not changed]
-Значение не изменилось
-[Quote Section]
-Раздел котировок
-[Swap button]
-Поменять местами
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\ImportExport.cpp
-[XML File (*.xml)]
-Файл XML (*.xml)
-[All files (*.*)]
-Все файлы (*.*)
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\ModuleInfo.cpp
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. XML parser is missing.]
-Не удалось загрузить плагин Quotes. Отсутствует парсер XML.
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
-Не удалось загрузить плагин Quotes. Отсутствует парсер Microsoft HTML.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuoteInfoDlg.cpp
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuotesProviderCurrencyConverter.cpp
-[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
-Ошибка в процессе обработки HTML.
-[Error occurred during site access.]
-Ошибка при доступе к сайту.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuotesProviderVisitorFormatSpecificator.cpp
-[Quote Name]
-Название котировки
-[Source of Information]
-Источник информации
-[Rate Value]
-Текущее значение котировки/курса
-[Previous Rate Value]
-Предыдущее значение котировки/курса
-[Fetch Time]
-Время обновления
-[Fetch Date]
-Дата обновления
-[Fetch Time and Date]
-Дата и время обновления
-[Percentage Character (%)]
-Символ %
-[Left slash (\\)]
-Символ \\
-[Open Price]
-Цена на открытие
-[Percent Change to After Hours]
-Процент изменений за последний час
-[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
-Процент изменений со вчерашнего закрытия
-[Day's High]
-Максимальное значение за день
-[Day's Low]
-Минимальное значение за день
-[Previous Close]
-Значение на предыдущее закрытие
-[From Currency Full Name]
-Полное название исходной валюты
-[From Currency Short Name]
-Краткое название исходной валюты
-[Into Currency Full Name]
-Полное название целевой валюты
-[Into Currency Short Name]
-Краткое название целевой валюты
-[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
-Краткое обозначение "%f/%i"
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\SettingsDlg.cpp
-[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
-Журналы (*.txt,*.log)
-[Enter integer value]
-Введите целочисленное значение
-[Enter log file name.]
-Введите имя лог-файла.
-[Enter log file format.]
-Введите формат лог-файла.
-[Enter history format.]
-Введите формат истории.
-[Enter popup window format.]
-Введите формат всплывающего окна.
+#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
+; File: CurrencyRates.dll
+; Plugin: Currency Rates
+; Version:
+; Authors: Dioksin
+[Shows currency rates.]
+Позволяет наблюдать за изменениями курсов валют.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\res\Forex.rc
+[Variable List]
+[Edit Settings]
+Изменить настройки
+[Use contact specific settings]
+Собственные настройки у контакта
+[Use &Internal History]
+Использовать &внутреннюю историю
+[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
+&Добавлять в историю, только если изменилось значение
+[Use &External File]
+Использовать &внешний файл
+[&Select File:]
+&Путь к файлу:
+[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%currencyratename%]
+Поддерживаемые переменные: %miranda_userdata%,%currencyratename%
+[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
+Добавлять в &файл, только если изменилось значение
+[Show &Popup Window]
+Показывать &всплывающее окно
+[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
+Показывать всплывающее окно, только если &изменилось значение
+[Popup settings...]
+Настройки вспл. окон...
+[Currency Converter]
+Конвертер валют
+[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
+Источник: <a href="">Google</a>
+[Popup Window Settings]
+Настройки всплывающих окон
+[Use default colors]
+Цвета по умолчанию
+[Use user-defined colors]
+Настроить цвета
+[Background color]
+Цвет фона
+[Text color]
+Цвет текста
+[From popup plugin]
+Из плагина вспл. окон
+[Do not add to popup's history]
+Не добавлять в историю всплывающих окон
+[Current Rate:]
+Текущее значение:
+[Rate Fetch Time:]
+Время обновления:
+[Previous Rate:]
+Предыдущее значение:
+[&Watched currency rates:]
+&Отслеживаемые курсы валют:
+[&Refresh Rates Every:]
+&Обновлять курсы каждые:
+[&Display in Contact List as:]
+&Показывать в списке как:
+[&Status Message:]
+&Сообщение статуса:
+[&Advanced Settings...]
+&Дополнительные настройки...
+[Rate Info]
+Курсы валют
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\Chart.h
+[There is nothing to show]
+Нечего показывать
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
+Введите целое число между 1 и 60.
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
+Введите целое число между 1 и 24.
+[Enter text to display in contact list.]
+Введите текст для отображения в списке контактов.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp
+[Info provided by]
+Информация предоставлена
+[Enter positive number.]
+Введите положительное число.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRateInfoDlg.cpp
+[Currency Rate]
+Курс валюты
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderCurrencyConverter.cpp
+[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
+Ошибка в процессе обработки HTML.
+[Error occurred during site access.]
+Ошибка при доступе к сайту.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderVisitorFormatSpecificator.cpp
+[Currency Symbol]
+Символ валюты
+[Currency Name]
+Название валюты
+[Source of Information]
+Источник информации
+[Rate Value]
+Текущее значение котировки/курса
+[Previous Rate Value]
+Предыдущее значение котировки/курса
+[Fetch Time]
+Время обновления
+[Fetch Date]
+Дата обновления
+[Fetch Time and Date]
+Дата и время обновления
+[Percentage Character (%)]
+Символ %
+[Left slash (\\)]
+Символ \\
+[Open Price]
+Цена на открытие
+[Percent Change to After Hours]
+Процент изменений за последний час
+[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
+Процент изменений со вчерашнего закрытия
+[Day's High]
+Максимальное значение за день
+[Day's Low]
+Минимальное значение за день
+[Previous Close]
+Значение на предыдущее закрытие
+[From Currency Full Name]
+Полное название исходной валюты
+[From Currency Short Name]
+Краткое название исходной валюты
+[Into Currency Full Name]
+Полное название целевой валюты
+[Into Currency Short Name]
+Краткое название целевой валюты
+[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
+Краткое обозначение "%f/%i"
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\Forex.cpp
+[Auto Update Enabled]
+Автоматическое обновление включено
+[Auto Update Disabled]
+Автоматическое обновление отключено
+[Currency Rates]
+Курсы валют
+[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
+Вкл/Выкл автообновление
+[Refresh All Rates]
+Обновить все курсы валют
+[Currency Converter...]
+Конвертер валют...
+[Export All Currency Rates]
+Экспортировать все курсы валют
+[Import All Currency Rates]
+Импортировать все курсы валют
+[Open Log File...]
+Открыть файл истории...
+[Edit Settings...]
+[Enable/Disable Currency Rates Auto Update]
+Вкл/Выкл автообновление курсов валют
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Enabled]
+Автообновление курсов валют включено
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Disabled]
+Автообновление курсов валют выключено
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\HTTPSession.cpp
+[CurrencyRates HTTP connections]
+HTTP-подключения CurrencyRates
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\IconLib.cpp
+[Protocol icon]
+Значок протокола
+[Currency Rate up]
+Курс вырос
+[Currency Rate down]
+Курс упал
+[Currency Rate not changed]
+Курс не изменился
+[Currency Rate Section]
+Раздел курсов
+[Swap button]
+Поменять местами
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\ImportExport.cpp
+[XML File (*.xml)]
+Файл XML (*.xml)
+[All files (*.*)]
+Все файлы (*.*)
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\ModuleInfo.cpp
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. XML parser is missing.]
+Не удалось загрузить плагин CurrencyRates. Отсутствует парсер XML.
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
+Не удалось загрузить плагин CurrencyRates. Отсутствует парсер Microsoft HTML.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\SettingsDlg.cpp
+[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
+Журналы (*.txt,*.log)
+[Enter integer value]
+Введите целочисленное значение
+[Enter log file name.]
+Введите имя лог-файла.
+[Enter log file format.]
+Введите формат лог-файла.
+[Enter history format.]
+Введите формат истории.
+[Enter popup window format.]
+Введите формат всплывающего окна.
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
index ab4aacc83e..3239ff6e4a 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: GmailNotifier.dll
; Plugin: Gmail Multiple Notifier
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Mixwind
[Check your Gmail inboxes locally.]
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
index 2a428ac760..a75b55deb1 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: HistoryStats.dll
; Plugin: HistoryStats
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Martin Afanasjew
[Creates detailed, colorful and highly customizable statistics using your message history.]
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/ICQ.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/ICQ.txt
index 8dcf636b3d..1f4b537158 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/ICQ.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/ICQ.txt
@@ -1833,8 +1833,8 @@ xСтатус ICQ
<не указано>
[Member since:]
Участник с:
-[%s Details]
-%s Детали
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\utilities.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
index 6335e5d465..9fbed94048 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
@@ -165,8 +165,6 @@ UTF8 в новых файлах
;file \plugins\Msg_Export\src\utils.cpp
-[Database: Attempt to get wrong type of value, string]
[(Unknown Contact)]
(Неизвестный контакт)
[File name for the user "%s" has changed!\n\nfrom:\t%s\nto:\t%s\n\nDo you wish to rename file?]
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
index c2be7141e7..b4825b8cac 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: NewXstatusNotify.dll
; Plugin: xStatus notify
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Luca Santarelli, Vasilich, yaho
[Notifies you when a contact changes his/her (X)status or status message.]
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
index 32c4b58553..00ffaebc48 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -160,5 +160,5 @@ URL страницы с комментариями к новости.
[Enable/disable auto update]
Вкл/Выкл автообновление
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Utils.cpp
-[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
-HTTP подключение каналов новостей
+[NewsAggregator HTTP connections]
+HTTP-подключения каналов новостей
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
index 7e51ca4966..2c32dc5ae5 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@
Кнопка 'Да'
['No' Button]
Кнопка 'Нет'
-[Pack Updater HTTP connection]
-HTTP подключение Pack Updater
+[Pack Updater HTTP connections]
+HTTP-подключения Pack Updater
[URL for checking updates not found.]
Ссылка для проверки обновлений не найдена.
[Downloading version info...]
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/PasteIt.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/PasteIt.txt
index c2398fa28d..6355681d5f 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/PasteIt.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/PasteIt.txt
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ Web-страница
[Paste from file]
Разместить из файла
[Paste It HTTP connections]
-HTTP подключение Paste It
+HTTP-подключения Paste It
;file \plugins\PasteIt\src\PasteToWeb.cpp
[You can only paste 1 file]
Вы можете разместить только 1 файл
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt
index 67415d7f01..cd72a05542 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
[Plugin info]
Информация о плагинах
[Plugin Updater HTTP connections]
-HTTP подключения Plugin Updater
+HTTP-подключения Plugin Updater
[An error occurred while checking for new updates.]
Во время проверки обновления произошла ошибка.
;file \plugins\PluginUpdater\src\Compat\compat.h
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/SendSS.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/SendSS.txt
index f1cfa66820..d8b65af916 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/SendSS.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/SendSS.txt
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ BBCode
[Could not create main dialog.]
Невозможно создать главный диалог.
[SendSS HTTP connections]
-HTTP подключение SendSS
+HTTP-подключения SendSS
Отправить скриншот
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/StopSpam.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
index 925df831c0..d8f0208289 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: StopSpam.dll
; Plugin: StopSpam+
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Roman Miklashevsky, A. Petkevich, Kosh&chka, persei
[Anti-spam plugin for Miranda NG.]
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
index 01db53e509..75198ac0b4 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
[Input history size]
Размер истории ввода
[Options marked with an asterisk (*) will only take effect after Miranda has been restarted.]
Настройки, отмеченные (*), вступят в силу только после перезапуска Miranda NG.
[More about advanced tweaks]
@@ -724,9 +724,9 @@ BBCode ([b][i][u])
[Save message log as...]
Сохранить историю как...
-[Close message session\tCtrl-W]
+[Close message session\tCtrl+W]
Закрыть беседу\tCtrl+W
-[Close container\tAlt-F4]
+[Close container\tAlt+F4]
Закрыть контейнер\tAlt+F4
@@ -1469,8 +1469,8 @@ UID: %s (Shift+клик -> копировать в буфер)\nКлик - ин
нет UID
[UID: %s (Shift+click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for user's details\nClick dropdown to change this contact's favorite status.]
UID: %s (Shift+клик -> копировать в буфер)\nКлик - информация о пользователе\nСтрелка вниз - добавление/удаление пользователя из избранного.
-[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
-Вы редактируете заметки о пользователе. Нажмите на кнопку ещё раз или используйте горячие клавиши (по умолчанию: Alt-N), чтобы сохранить заметки и вернуться в нормальный режим сообщений
+[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+Вы редактируете заметки о пользователе. Нажмите на кнопку ещё раз или используйте горячие клавиши (по умолчанию: Alt+N), чтобы сохранить заметки и вернуться в нормальный режим сообщений
[Selection copied to clipboard]
Выделенный текст скопирован в буфер
[WARNING: The message you are trying to paste exceeds the message size limit for the active protocol. It will be sent in chunks of max %d characters]
@@ -2012,7 +2012,7 @@ TabSRMM: %s
Важная информация о версии|Тестовое предупреждение
[Icon pack version check|The installed icon pack is outdated and might be incompatible with TabSRMM version 3.\n\n\\b1Missing or misplaced icons are possible issues with the currently installed icon pack.\\b0]
Проверка версии набора значков|Установленный набор значков устарел и может быть несовместим с плагином TabSRMM версии 3.\n\n\\b1Установленный набор может вызвать отсутствие или неправильное отображение значков.\\b0
-[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
Редактирование заметок о пользователе|Вы находитесь в режиме редактирования заметок о пользователе, нажмите на кнопку ещё раз или используйте горячую клавишу (по умолчанию: Alt+N), чтобы сохранить заметки и вернуться в нормальный режим набора сообщений
[Missing component|The icon pack is missing. Please install it to the default icons folder.\n\nNo icons will be available]
Недостающий компонент|Набор значков не найден. Пожалуйста, установите его в директорию значков по умолчанию.\n\nНа данный момент значки недоступны
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Weather.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Weather.txt
index 24aa6a9420..6ac3835fe3 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Weather.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Weather.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Weather.dll
; Plugin: Weather
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Retrieves weather information and displays it in your contact list.]
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ INI файл погоды для этой станции не найден (20)
Ошибка при получении данных: %s
;file \plugins\Weather\src\weather_http.cpp
[Weather HTTP connections]
-HTTP подключение Weather
+HTTP-подключения Weather
;file \plugins\Weather\src\weather_icons.cpp
[Protocol icon]
Значок протокола
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
index c2485efd2a..a7169f7ebb 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
; Version:
; Authors: ZERO_BiT
-[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt-Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
+[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt+Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
Добавляет значок Miranda NG в диалог переключения между окнами, вызываемый по Alt+Tab.
;file \plugins\ZeroSwitch\src\ZeroSwitch.cpp
[Plugin works under Windows XP only]
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Untranslated/Actman.txt b/langpacks/russian/Untranslated/Actman.txt
index 1f996da8ee..69470e6fb3 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Untranslated/Actman.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Untranslated/Actman.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
[will never return the user's custom name]
[will not use the cache]
[Gets the string that the contact list will use to represent a contact]
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt b/langpacks/russian/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
index 6b1d4a963b..4e017a4dac 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
[Failed to Allocate buffer space]
[Miranda NG (Message Export Plugin)]
-[Database: Attempt to get wrong type of value, string]
[Failed to UTF8 byte order code to file :\n]
[ History for\r\n]
[User : %User%\r\n]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Actman.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Actman.txt
index d798eae106..1b267eefea 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Actman.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Actman.txt
@@ -289,6 +289,8 @@ Datoteka
[> greater]
@@ -317,6 +319,10 @@ Tekst
[^s - selected (and replaced) part\r\n^e - replaced by empty string\r\n^v - paste text from Clipboard\r\n^t - replaced by tabulation\r\n^l - replaced by last result as unicode\r\n^h - replaced by last result as hex\r\n^f(name[,str])\r\n paste line from text file.\r\n brackets contents must be w/o spaces]
[Process script after]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Quotes.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
index 7710b704c0..8adc8f62cc 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Quotes.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
@@ -1,272 +1,262 @@
-#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
-; File: Quotes.dll
-; Plugin: Quotes
-; Version:
-; Authors: Dioksin
-[Shows currency rates and economic quotes.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\res\Forex.rc
-[Variable List]
-[Edit Settings]
-[Use contact specific settings]
-[Use &Internal History]
-[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
-[Use &External File]
-[&Select File:]
-[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%quotename%]
-[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
-[Show &Popup Window]
-[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
-[Popup settings...]
-[Currency Converter]
-[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
-[Popup Window Settings]
-[Use default colors]
-Standardne boje
-[Use user-defined colors]
-[Background color]
-Boja pozadine
-[Text color]
-Boja teksta
-[From popup plugin]
-[Do not add to popup's history]
-[&Choose Quotes to watch in contact list:]
-[&Refresh Quotes Every:]
-[&Display in Contact List as:]
-[&Status Message:]
-[&Advanced Settings...]
-[Current Rate:]
-[Rate Fetch Time:]
-[Previous Rate:]
-[&Watched currency rates:]
-[&Refresh Rates Every:]
-[Quote\\Rate Info]
-[Type &Stock Name or Symbol:]
-[&Watched Quotes:]
-[Status &Message:]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\Chart.h
-[There is nothing to show]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
-[Enter text to display in contact list.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp
-[Info provided by]
-[Enter positive number.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\Forex.cpp
-[Auto Update Enabled]
-[Auto Update Disabled]
-[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
-[Refresh All Quotes\\Rates]
-[Currency Converter...]
-[Export All Quotes]
-[Import All Quotes]
-[Open Log File...]
-[Edit Settings...]
-[Enable/Disable Quotes Auto Update]
-[Quotes Auto Update Enabled]
-[Quotes Auto Update Disabled]
-[Quote Symbol]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\HTTPSession.cpp
-[Quotes HTTP connections]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\IconLib.cpp
-[Protocol icon]
-[Quote/Rate up]
-[Quote/Rate down]
-[Quote/Rate not changed]
-[Quote Section]
-[Swap button]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\ImportExport.cpp
-[XML File (*.xml)]
-[All files (*.*)]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\ModuleInfo.cpp
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. XML parser is missing.]
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuoteInfoDlg.cpp
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuotesProviderCurrencyConverter.cpp
-[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
-[Error occurred during site access.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuotesProviderVisitorFormatSpecificator.cpp
-[Quote Name]
-[Source of Information]
-[Rate Value]
-[Previous Rate Value]
-[Fetch Time]
-[Fetch Date]
-[Fetch Time and Date]
-[Percentage Character (%)]
-[Left slash (\\)]
-[Open Price]
-[Percent Change to After Hours]
-[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
-[Day's High]
-[Day's Low]
-[Previous Close]
-[From Currency Full Name]
-[From Currency Short Name]
-[Into Currency Full Name]
-[Into Currency Short Name]
-[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\SettingsDlg.cpp
-[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
-[Enter integer value]
-[Enter log file name.]
-[Enter log file format.]
-[Enter history format.]
-[Enter popup window format.]
+#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
+; File: CurrencyRates.dll
+; Plugin: Currency Rates
+; Version:
+; Authors: Dioksin
+[Shows currency rates.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\res\Forex.rc
+[Variable List]
+[Edit Settings]
+[Use contact specific settings]
+[Use &Internal History]
+[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
+[Use &External File]
+[&Select File:]
+[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%currencyratename%]
+[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
+[Show &Popup Window]
+[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
+[Popup settings...]
+[Currency Converter]
+[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
+[Popup Window Settings]
+[Use default colors]
+Standardne boje
+[Use user-defined colors]
+[Background color]
+Boja pozadine
+[Text color]
+Boja teksta
+[From popup plugin]
+[Do not add to popup's history]
+[Current Rate:]
+[Rate Fetch Time:]
+[Previous Rate:]
+[&Watched currency rates:]
+[&Refresh Rates Every:]
+[&Display in Contact List as:]
+[&Status Message:]
+[&Advanced Settings...]
+[Rate Info]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\Chart.h
+[There is nothing to show]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
+[Enter text to display in contact list.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp
+[Info provided by]
+[Enter positive number.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRateInfoDlg.cpp
+[Currency Rate]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderCurrencyConverter.cpp
+[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
+[Error occurred during site access.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderVisitorFormatSpecificator.cpp
+[Currency Symbol]
+[Currency Name]
+[Source of Information]
+[Rate Value]
+[Previous Rate Value]
+[Fetch Time]
+[Fetch Date]
+[Fetch Time and Date]
+[Percentage Character (%)]
+[Left slash (\\)]
+[Open Price]
+[Percent Change to After Hours]
+[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
+[Day's High]
+[Day's Low]
+[Previous Close]
+[From Currency Full Name]
+[From Currency Short Name]
+[Into Currency Full Name]
+[Into Currency Short Name]
+[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\Forex.cpp
+[Auto Update Enabled]
+[Auto Update Disabled]
+[Currency Rates]
+[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
+[Refresh All Rates]
+[Currency Converter...]
+[Export All Currency Rates]
+[Import All Currency Rates]
+[Open Log File...]
+[Edit Settings...]
+[Enable/Disable Currency Rates Auto Update]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Enabled]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Disabled]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\HTTPSession.cpp
+[CurrencyRates HTTP connections]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\IconLib.cpp
+[Protocol icon]
+[Currency Rate up]
+[Currency Rate down]
+[Currency Rate not changed]
+[Currency Rate Section]
+[Swap button]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\ImportExport.cpp
+[XML File (*.xml)]
+[All files (*.*)]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\ModuleInfo.cpp
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. XML parser is missing.]
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\SettingsDlg.cpp
+[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
+[Enter integer value]
+[Enter log file name.]
+[Enter log file format.]
+[Enter history format.]
+[Enter popup window format.]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
index e41b925935..986d688f45 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: GmailNotifier.dll
; Plugin: Gmail Multiple Notifier
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Mixwind
[Check your Gmail inboxes locally.]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
index 7f7265214b..e670913808 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: HistoryStats.dll
; Plugin: HistoryStats
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Martin Afanasjew
[Creates detailed, colorful and highly customizable statistics using your message history.]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/ICQ.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/ICQ.txt
index 27d89c0413..79f7e62139 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/ICQ.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/ICQ.txt
@@ -1833,7 +1833,7 @@ Greška
[Member since:]
-[%s Details]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\utilities.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
index ee65a95961..653701899f 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
@@ -165,8 +165,6 @@ Uopšteno
;file \plugins\Msg_Export\src\utils.cpp
-[Database: Attempt to get wrong type of value, string]
[(Unknown Contact)]
(Nepoznat kontakt)
[File name for the user "%s" has changed!\n\nfrom:\t%s\nto:\t%s\n\nDo you wish to rename file?]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
index 157f551fb6..3e8ee06d2f 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: NewXstatusNotify.dll
; Plugin: xStatus notify
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Luca Santarelli, Vasilich, yaho
[Notifies you when a contact changes his/her (X)status or status message.]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
index 6fa3b7a41a..f62b9f887f 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -160,5 +160,5 @@ Avatari
[Enable/disable auto update]
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Utils.cpp
-[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
+[NewsAggregator HTTP connections]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
index 1344d253bf..019094fdff 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Balončići
['No' Button]
-[Pack Updater HTTP connection]
+[Pack Updater HTTP connections]
[URL for checking updates not found.]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/StopSpam.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
index b7ecc2a0b6..9608af618d 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: StopSpam.dll
; Plugin: StopSpam+
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Roman Miklashevsky, A. Petkevich, Kosh&chka, persei
[Anti-spam plugin for Miranda NG.]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
index a60fae3354..758d04f06d 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -724,9 +724,9 @@ Isklj.
[Save message log as...]
-[Close message session\tCtrl-W]
+[Close message session\tCtrl+W]
-[Close container\tAlt-F4]
+[Close container\tAlt+F4]
@@ -1469,7 +1469,7 @@ Obaveštenje o kucanju
[UID: %s (Shift+click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for user's details\nClick dropdown to change this contact's favorite status.]
-[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
[Selection copied to clipboard]
@@ -2012,7 +2012,7 @@ Kontakt prestaje sa kucanjem
[Icon pack version check|The installed icon pack is outdated and might be incompatible with TabSRMM version 3.\n\n\\b1Missing or misplaced icons are possible issues with the currently installed icon pack.\\b0]
-[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
[Missing component|The icon pack is missing. Please install it to the default icons folder.\n\nNo icons will be available]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Weather.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Weather.txt
index 7cf884b641..2cd0527f20 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Weather.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Weather.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Weather.dll
; Plugin: Weather
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Retrieves weather information and displays it in your contact list.]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
index 4244f5a31d..f77b19676f 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
; Version:
; Authors: ZERO_BiT
-[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt-Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
+[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt+Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
;file \plugins\ZeroSwitch\src\ZeroSwitch.cpp
[Plugin works under Windows XP only]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Actman.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Actman.txt
index a1da205a08..397dba3ec7 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Actman.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Actman.txt
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@
[> greater]
[< lesser]
@@ -141,6 +142,8 @@
[ends with]
[^s - selected (and replaced) part\r\n^e - replaced by empty string\r\n^v - paste text from Clipboard\r\n^t - replaced by tabulation\r\n^l - replaced by last result as unicode\r\n^h - replaced by last result as hex\r\n^f(name[,str])\r\n paste line from text file.\r\n brackets contents must be w/o spaces]
[Process script after]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Quotes.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt
index 32df88a3c0..2120029629 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Quotes.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt
@@ -1,115 +1,110 @@
-[Shows currency rates and economic quotes.]
-[Variable List]
-[Edit Settings]
-[Use contact specific settings]
-[Use &Internal History]
-[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
-[Use &External File]
-[&Select File:]
-[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%quotename%]
-[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
-[Show &Popup Window]
-[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
-[Popup settings...]
-[Currency Converter]
-[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
-[Popup Window Settings]
-[Use user-defined colors]
-[From popup plugin]
-[Do not add to popup's history]
-[&Choose Quotes to watch in contact list:]
-[&Refresh Quotes Every:]
-[&Display in Contact List as:]
-[&Status Message:]
-[&Advanced Settings...]
-[Current Rate:]
-[Rate Fetch Time:]
-[Previous Rate:]
-[&Watched currency rates:]
-[&Refresh Rates Every:]
-[Quote\\Rate Info]
-[Type &Stock Name or Symbol:]
-[&Watched Quotes:]
-[Status &Message:]
-[There is nothing to show]
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
-[Enter text to display in contact list.]
-[Info provided by]
-[Enter positive number.]
-[Auto Update Enabled]
-[Auto Update Disabled]
-[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
-[Refresh All Quotes\\Rates]
-[Currency Converter...]
-[Export All Quotes]
-[Import All Quotes]
-[Open Log File...]
-[Edit Settings...]
-[Enable/Disable Quotes Auto Update]
-[Quotes Auto Update Enabled]
-[Quotes Auto Update Disabled]
-[Quote Symbol]
-[Quotes HTTP connections]
-[Protocol icon]
-[Quote/Rate up]
-[Quote/Rate down]
-[Quote/Rate not changed]
-[Quote Section]
-[Swap button]
-[XML File (*.xml)]
-[All files (*.*)]
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. XML parser is missing.]
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
-[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
-[Error occurred during site access.]
-[Quote Name]
-[Source of Information]
-[Rate Value]
-[Previous Rate Value]
-[Fetch Time]
-[Fetch Date]
-[Fetch Time and Date]
-[Percentage Character (%)]
-[Left slash (\\)]
-[Open Price]
-[Percent Change to After Hours]
-[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
-[Day's High]
-[Day's Low]
-[Previous Close]
-[From Currency Full Name]
-[From Currency Short Name]
-[Into Currency Full Name]
-[Into Currency Short Name]
-[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
-[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
-[Enter integer value]
-[Enter log file name.]
-[Enter log file format.]
-[Enter history format.]
-[Enter popup window format.]
+[Shows currency rates.]
+[Variable List]
+[Edit Settings]
+[Use contact specific settings]
+[Use &Internal History]
+[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
+[Use &External File]
+[&Select File:]
+[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%currencyratename%]
+[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
+[Show &Popup Window]
+[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
+[Popup settings...]
+[Currency Converter]
+[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
+[Popup Window Settings]
+[Use user-defined colors]
+[From popup plugin]
+[Do not add to popup's history]
+[Current Rate:]
+[Rate Fetch Time:]
+[Previous Rate:]
+[&Watched currency rates:]
+[&Refresh Rates Every:]
+[&Display in Contact List as:]
+[&Status Message:]
+[&Advanced Settings...]
+[Rate Info]
+[There is nothing to show]
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
+[Enter text to display in contact list.]
+[Info provided by]
+[Enter positive number.]
+[Currency Rate]
+[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
+[Error occurred during site access.]
+[Currency Symbol]
+[Currency Name]
+[Source of Information]
+[Rate Value]
+[Previous Rate Value]
+[Fetch Time]
+[Fetch Date]
+[Fetch Time and Date]
+[Percentage Character (%)]
+[Left slash (\\)]
+[Open Price]
+[Percent Change to After Hours]
+[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
+[Day's High]
+[Day's Low]
+[Previous Close]
+[From Currency Full Name]
+[From Currency Short Name]
+[Into Currency Full Name]
+[Into Currency Short Name]
+[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
+[Auto Update Enabled]
+[Auto Update Disabled]
+[Currency Rates]
+[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
+[Refresh All Rates]
+[Currency Converter...]
+[Export All Currency Rates]
+[Import All Currency Rates]
+[Open Log File...]
+[Edit Settings...]
+[Enable/Disable Currency Rates Auto Update]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Enabled]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Disabled]
+[CurrencyRates HTTP connections]
+[Protocol icon]
+[Currency Rate up]
+[Currency Rate down]
+[Currency Rate not changed]
+[Currency Rate Section]
+[Swap button]
+[XML File (*.xml)]
+[All files (*.*)]
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. XML parser is missing.]
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
+[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
+[Enter integer value]
+[Enter log file name.]
+[Enter log file format.]
+[Enter history format.]
+[Enter popup window format.]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/ICQ.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/ICQ.txt
index 9d6a23b21a..2ad9359ca7 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/ICQ.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/ICQ.txt
@@ -634,4 +634,4 @@
[ (DC Established)]
[Member since:]
-[%s Details]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
index d57c2d3f87..7bce57cb6a 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
@@ -63,7 +63,6 @@
[Miranda NG (Message Export Plugin)]
-[Database: Attempt to get wrong type of value, string]
[File name for the user "%s" has changed!\n\nfrom:\t%s\nto:\t%s\n\nDo you wish to rename file?]
[Failed to rename file\n\nfrom:\t%s\nto:\t%s\n\nFailed with error: %s]
[\nError: ]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
index a791f774c8..9d34b84f33 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -60,4 +60,4 @@
[Contact deleting]
[Enable/disable auto update]
-[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
+[NewsAggregator HTTP connections]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/PackUpdater.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/PackUpdater.txt
index cd1d0db6fb..7b4e2cdb9d 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/PackUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/PackUpdater.txt
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
[Clear pack updates folder]
['Yes' Button]
['No' Button]
-[Pack Updater HTTP connection]
+[Pack Updater HTTP connections]
[URL for checking updates not found.]
[Downloading version info...]
[Name of Update's file is not supported.]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
index 8c905f9ee1..4f862cfead 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -295,8 +295,8 @@
[Cancel all multisend jobs]
[Copy message to clipboard]
[Save message log as...]
-[Close message session\tCtrl-W]
-[Close container\tAlt-F4]
+[Close message session\tCtrl+W]
+[Close container\tAlt+F4]
[Info panel...]
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@
[UID: %s (Shift+click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for user's details\nRight click for metacontact control\nClick dropdown to add or remove user from your favorites.]
[No UID]
[UID: %s (Shift+click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for user's details\nClick dropdown to change this contact's favorite status.]
-[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
[Selection copied to clipboard]
[WARNING: The message you are trying to paste exceeds the message size limit for the active protocol. It will be sent in chunks of max %d characters]
[The message you are trying to paste exceeds the message size limit for the active protocol. Only the first %d characters will be sent.]
@@ -822,7 +822,7 @@
[TabSRMM message (%s)]
[Important release notes|A test warning message]
[Icon pack version check|The installed icon pack is outdated and might be incompatible with TabSRMM version 3.\n\n\\b1Missing or misplaced icons are possible issues with the currently installed icon pack.\\b0]
-[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
[Missing component|The icon pack is missing. Please install it to the default icons folder.\n\nNo icons will be available]
[Aero peek warning|You have enabled Aero Peek features and loaded a custom container window skin\n\nThis can result in minor visual anomalies in the live preview feature.]
[File transfer problem|Sending the image by file transfer failed.\n\nPossible reasons: File transfers not supported, either you or the target contact is offline, or you are invisible and the target contact is not on your visibility list.]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt
index 91e75a221d..a1165d888a 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt-Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
+[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt+Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
[Plugin works under Windows XP only]
[ZeroSwitch plugin failed]
[Oops, we've got a big hook error here :(]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/spanish/=CORE=.txt
index aa6ca728fa..9027a45a75 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/=CORE=.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/=CORE=.txt
@@ -2390,6 +2390,7 @@ Editar
;file \src\mir_app\src\meta_options.cpp
;file \src\mir_app\src\meta_services.cpp
[No online contacts found.]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Actman.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Actman.txt
index c3894f9197..3265598c87 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Actman.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Actman.txt
@@ -289,6 +289,8 @@ Añadir
[> greater]
@@ -317,6 +319,10 @@ Texto
[^s - selected (and replaced) part\r\n^e - replaced by empty string\r\n^v - paste text from Clipboard\r\n^t - replaced by tabulation\r\n^l - replaced by last result as unicode\r\n^h - replaced by last result as hex\r\n^f(name[,str])\r\n paste line from text file.\r\n brackets contents must be w/o spaces]
[Process script after]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Quotes.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
index 10d9f52abb..4603f874f2 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Quotes.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
@@ -1,272 +1,262 @@
-#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
-; File: Quotes.dll
-; Plugin: Quotes
-; Version:
-; Authors: Dioksin
-[Shows currency rates and economic quotes.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\res\Forex.rc
-[Variable List]
-[Edit Settings]
-[Use contact specific settings]
-[Use &Internal History]
-[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
-[Use &External File]
-[&Select File:]
-[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%quotename%]
-[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
-[Show &Popup Window]
-[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
-[Popup settings...]
-[Currency Converter]
-[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
-[Popup Window Settings]
-[Use default colors]
-Usar colores predeterminados
-[Use user-defined colors]
-[Background color]
-Color de fondo
-[Text color]
-Color de texto
-[From popup plugin]
-Desde popup plugin
-[Do not add to popup's history]
-[&Choose Quotes to watch in contact list:]
-[&Refresh Quotes Every:]
-[&Display in Contact List as:]
-[&Status Message:]
-[&Advanced Settings...]
-[Current Rate:]
-[Rate Fetch Time:]
-[Previous Rate:]
-[&Watched currency rates:]
-[&Refresh Rates Every:]
-[Quote\\Rate Info]
-[Type &Stock Name or Symbol:]
-[&Watched Quotes:]
-[Status &Message:]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\Chart.h
-[There is nothing to show]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
-[Enter text to display in contact list.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp
-[Info provided by]
-[Enter positive number.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\Forex.cpp
-[Auto Update Enabled]
-[Auto Update Disabled]
-[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
-[Refresh All Quotes\\Rates]
-[Currency Converter...]
-[Export All Quotes]
-[Import All Quotes]
-[Open Log File...]
-[Edit Settings...]
-[Enable/Disable Quotes Auto Update]
-[Quotes Auto Update Enabled]
-[Quotes Auto Update Disabled]
-[Quote Symbol]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\HTTPSession.cpp
-[Quotes HTTP connections]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\IconLib.cpp
-[Protocol icon]
-[Quote/Rate up]
-[Quote/Rate down]
-[Quote/Rate not changed]
-[Quote Section]
-[Swap button]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\ImportExport.cpp
-[XML File (*.xml)]
-[All files (*.*)]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\ModuleInfo.cpp
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. XML parser is missing.]
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuoteInfoDlg.cpp
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuotesProviderCurrencyConverter.cpp
-[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
-[Error occurred during site access.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuotesProviderVisitorFormatSpecificator.cpp
-[Quote Name]
-[Source of Information]
-[Rate Value]
-[Previous Rate Value]
-[Fetch Time]
-[Fetch Date]
-[Fetch Time and Date]
-[Percentage Character (%)]
-[Left slash (\\)]
-[Open Price]
-[Percent Change to After Hours]
-[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
-[Day's High]
-[Day's Low]
-[Previous Close]
-[From Currency Full Name]
-[From Currency Short Name]
-[Into Currency Full Name]
-[Into Currency Short Name]
-[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\SettingsDlg.cpp
-[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
-[Enter integer value]
-[Enter log file name.]
-[Enter log file format.]
-[Enter history format.]
-[Enter popup window format.]
+#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
+; File: CurrencyRates.dll
+; Plugin: Currency Rates
+; Version:
+; Authors: Dioksin
+[Shows currency rates.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\res\Forex.rc
+[Variable List]
+[Edit Settings]
+[Use contact specific settings]
+[Use &Internal History]
+[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
+[Use &External File]
+[&Select File:]
+[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%currencyratename%]
+[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
+[Show &Popup Window]
+[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
+[Popup settings...]
+[Currency Converter]
+[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
+[Popup Window Settings]
+[Use default colors]
+Usar colores predeterminados
+[Use user-defined colors]
+[Background color]
+Color de fondo
+[Text color]
+Color de texto
+[From popup plugin]
+Desde popup plugin
+[Do not add to popup's history]
+[Current Rate:]
+[Rate Fetch Time:]
+[Previous Rate:]
+[&Watched currency rates:]
+[&Refresh Rates Every:]
+[&Display in Contact List as:]
+[&Status Message:]
+[&Advanced Settings...]
+[Rate Info]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\Chart.h
+[There is nothing to show]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
+[Enter text to display in contact list.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp
+[Info provided by]
+[Enter positive number.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRateInfoDlg.cpp
+[Currency Rate]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderCurrencyConverter.cpp
+[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
+[Error occurred during site access.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderVisitorFormatSpecificator.cpp
+[Currency Symbol]
+[Currency Name]
+[Source of Information]
+[Rate Value]
+[Previous Rate Value]
+[Fetch Time]
+[Fetch Date]
+[Fetch Time and Date]
+[Percentage Character (%)]
+[Left slash (\\)]
+[Open Price]
+[Percent Change to After Hours]
+[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
+[Day's High]
+[Day's Low]
+[Previous Close]
+[From Currency Full Name]
+[From Currency Short Name]
+[Into Currency Full Name]
+[Into Currency Short Name]
+[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\Forex.cpp
+[Auto Update Enabled]
+[Auto Update Disabled]
+[Currency Rates]
+[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
+[Refresh All Rates]
+[Currency Converter...]
+[Export All Currency Rates]
+[Import All Currency Rates]
+[Open Log File...]
+[Edit Settings...]
+[Enable/Disable Currency Rates Auto Update]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Enabled]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Disabled]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\HTTPSession.cpp
+[CurrencyRates HTTP connections]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\IconLib.cpp
+[Protocol icon]
+[Currency Rate up]
+[Currency Rate down]
+[Currency Rate not changed]
+[Currency Rate Section]
+[Swap button]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\ImportExport.cpp
+[XML File (*.xml)]
+[All files (*.*)]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\ModuleInfo.cpp
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. XML parser is missing.]
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\SettingsDlg.cpp
+[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
+[Enter integer value]
+[Enter log file name.]
+[Enter log file format.]
+[Enter history format.]
+[Enter popup window format.]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
index 3b4ad683b8..f1494bcf51 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: GmailNotifier.dll
; Plugin: Gmail Multiple Notifier
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Mixwind
[Check your Gmail inboxes locally.]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
index 8c74ed9ffb..8976f9db05 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: HistoryStats.dll
; Plugin: HistoryStats
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Martin Afanasjew
[Creates detailed, colorful and highly customizable statistics using your message history.]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/ICQ.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/ICQ.txt
index b2ef08d7d1..f6768451cf 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/ICQ.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/ICQ.txt
@@ -1833,7 +1833,7 @@ error
<no especificado>
[Member since:]
-[%s Details]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\utilities.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
index b461c7bcff..bdd6767aac 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
@@ -165,8 +165,6 @@ General
;file \plugins\Msg_Export\src\utils.cpp
-[Database: Attempt to get wrong type of value, string]
[(Unknown Contact)]
(Contacto desconocido)
[File name for the user "%s" has changed!\n\nfrom:\t%s\nto:\t%s\n\nDo you wish to rename file?]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
index c88ace7947..b1fa9d1fe8 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: NewXstatusNotify.dll
; Plugin: xStatus notify
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Luca Santarelli, Vasilich, yaho
[Notifies you when a contact changes his/her (X)status or status message.]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
index 4ac7a5430f..e15d218830 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -160,5 +160,5 @@ Avatares
[Enable/disable auto update]
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Utils.cpp
-[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
+[NewsAggregator HTTP connections]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
index 9745c46524..f4896b6a3c 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Servicios
Botón 'Sí'
['No' Button]
Botón 'No'
-[Pack Updater HTTP connection]
+[Pack Updater HTTP connections]
[URL for checking updates not found.]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/StopSpam.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
index e45c1a5c29..4158594a62 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: StopSpam.dll
; Plugin: StopSpam+
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Roman Miklashevsky, A. Petkevich, Kosh&chka, persei
[Anti-spam plugin for Miranda NG.]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
index 3c3e2f9b08..02feffd37b 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -724,9 +724,9 @@ Apagado
[Save message log as...]
-[Close message session\tCtrl-W]
+[Close message session\tCtrl+W]
-[Close container\tAlt-F4]
+[Close container\tAlt+F4]
@@ -1469,7 +1469,7 @@ Escribiendo notificación
[UID: %s (Shift+click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for user's details\nClick dropdown to change this contact's favorite status.]
-[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
[Selection copied to clipboard]
@@ -2012,7 +2012,7 @@ El contacto dejó de escribir
[Icon pack version check|The installed icon pack is outdated and might be incompatible with TabSRMM version 3.\n\n\\b1Missing or misplaced icons are possible issues with the currently installed icon pack.\\b0]
-[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
[Missing component|The icon pack is missing. Please install it to the default icons folder.\n\nNo icons will be available]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Weather.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Weather.txt
index 4bdc9a8605..6e84fb2f5f 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Weather.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Weather.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Weather.dll
; Plugin: Weather
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Retrieves weather information and displays it in your contact list.]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
index 64450dfa5c..611d11cdfa 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
; Version:
; Authors: ZERO_BiT
-[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt-Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
+[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt+Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
;file \plugins\ZeroSwitch\src\ZeroSwitch.cpp
[Plugin works under Windows XP only]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Actman.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Actman.txt
index d4225758df..1bf2e604bd 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Actman.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Actman.txt
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
[Message window]
[> greater]
[< lesser]
[= equ]
@@ -72,6 +73,8 @@
[starts with]
[ends with]
[^s - selected (and replaced) part\r\n^e - replaced by empty string\r\n^v - paste text from Clipboard\r\n^t - replaced by tabulation\r\n^l - replaced by last result as unicode\r\n^h - replaced by last result as hex\r\n^f(name[,str])\r\n paste line from text file.\r\n brackets contents must be w/o spaces]
[Process script after]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Quotes.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt
index 716ff73371..99573340e5 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Quotes.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt
@@ -1,108 +1,103 @@
-[Shows currency rates and economic quotes.]
-[Variable List]
-[Edit Settings]
-[Use contact specific settings]
-[Use &Internal History]
-[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
-[Use &External File]
-[&Select File:]
-[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%quotename%]
-[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
-[Show &Popup Window]
-[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
-[Popup settings...]
-[Currency Converter]
-[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
-[Popup Window Settings]
-[Use user-defined colors]
-[Do not add to popup's history]
-[&Choose Quotes to watch in contact list:]
-[&Refresh Quotes Every:]
-[&Display in Contact List as:]
-[&Status Message:]
-[&Advanced Settings...]
-[Current Rate:]
-[Rate Fetch Time:]
-[Previous Rate:]
-[&Watched currency rates:]
-[&Refresh Rates Every:]
-[Quote\\Rate Info]
-[Type &Stock Name or Symbol:]
-[&Watched Quotes:]
-[Status &Message:]
-[There is nothing to show]
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
-[Enter text to display in contact list.]
-[Info provided by]
-[Enter positive number.]
-[Auto Update Enabled]
-[Auto Update Disabled]
-[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
-[Refresh All Quotes\\Rates]
-[Currency Converter...]
-[Export All Quotes]
-[Import All Quotes]
-[Open Log File...]
-[Edit Settings...]
-[Enable/Disable Quotes Auto Update]
-[Quotes Auto Update Enabled]
-[Quotes Auto Update Disabled]
-[Quote Symbol]
-[Quotes HTTP connections]
-[Protocol icon]
-[Quote/Rate up]
-[Quote/Rate down]
-[Quote/Rate not changed]
-[Quote Section]
-[Swap button]
-[XML File (*.xml)]
-[All files (*.*)]
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. XML parser is missing.]
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
-[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
-[Error occurred during site access.]
-[Quote Name]
-[Source of Information]
-[Rate Value]
-[Previous Rate Value]
-[Fetch Time]
-[Fetch Date]
-[Fetch Time and Date]
-[Percentage Character (%)]
-[Left slash (\\)]
-[Open Price]
-[Percent Change to After Hours]
-[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
-[Day's High]
-[Day's Low]
-[Previous Close]
-[From Currency Full Name]
-[From Currency Short Name]
-[Into Currency Full Name]
-[Into Currency Short Name]
-[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
-[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
-[Enter integer value]
-[Enter log file name.]
-[Enter log file format.]
-[Enter history format.]
-[Enter popup window format.]
+[Shows currency rates.]
+[Variable List]
+[Edit Settings]
+[Use contact specific settings]
+[Use &Internal History]
+[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
+[Use &External File]
+[&Select File:]
+[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%currencyratename%]
+[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
+[Show &Popup Window]
+[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
+[Popup settings...]
+[Currency Converter]
+[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
+[Popup Window Settings]
+[Use user-defined colors]
+[Do not add to popup's history]
+[Current Rate:]
+[Rate Fetch Time:]
+[Previous Rate:]
+[&Watched currency rates:]
+[&Refresh Rates Every:]
+[&Display in Contact List as:]
+[&Status Message:]
+[&Advanced Settings...]
+[Rate Info]
+[There is nothing to show]
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
+[Enter text to display in contact list.]
+[Info provided by]
+[Enter positive number.]
+[Currency Rate]
+[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
+[Error occurred during site access.]
+[Currency Symbol]
+[Currency Name]
+[Source of Information]
+[Rate Value]
+[Previous Rate Value]
+[Fetch Time]
+[Fetch Date]
+[Fetch Time and Date]
+[Percentage Character (%)]
+[Left slash (\\)]
+[Open Price]
+[Percent Change to After Hours]
+[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
+[Day's High]
+[Day's Low]
+[Previous Close]
+[From Currency Full Name]
+[From Currency Short Name]
+[Into Currency Full Name]
+[Into Currency Short Name]
+[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
+[Auto Update Enabled]
+[Auto Update Disabled]
+[Currency Rates]
+[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
+[Refresh All Rates]
+[Currency Converter...]
+[Export All Currency Rates]
+[Import All Currency Rates]
+[Open Log File...]
+[Edit Settings...]
+[Enable/Disable Currency Rates Auto Update]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Enabled]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Disabled]
+[CurrencyRates HTTP connections]
+[Protocol icon]
+[Currency Rate up]
+[Currency Rate down]
+[Currency Rate not changed]
+[Currency Rate Section]
+[Swap button]
+[XML File (*.xml)]
+[All files (*.*)]
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. XML parser is missing.]
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
+[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
+[Enter integer value]
+[Enter log file name.]
+[Enter log file format.]
+[Enter history format.]
+[Enter popup window format.]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/ICQ.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/ICQ.txt
index 6f20221b8d..d3dc30d39d 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/ICQ.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/ICQ.txt
@@ -621,4 +621,4 @@
[ (DC Established)]
[Member since:]
-[%s Details]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
index 29c6d435d9..f4f04fe1df 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@
[Miranda NG (Message Export Plugin)]
-[Database: Attempt to get wrong type of value, string]
[File name for the user "%s" has changed!\n\nfrom:\t%s\nto:\t%s\n\nDo you wish to rename file?]
[Failed to rename file\n\nfrom:\t%s\nto:\t%s\n\nFailed with error: %s]
[\nError: ]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
index 8cd0be2c5e..e98ad92e3f 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -57,4 +57,4 @@
[Enter message format]
[Enable/disable auto update]
-[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
+[NewsAggregator HTTP connections]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/PackUpdater.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/PackUpdater.txt
index 132e279212..0f4ed74b17 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/PackUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/PackUpdater.txt
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
[Download complete. Start updating? All your data will be saved and Miranda NG will be closed.]
[You have chosen not to install the pack update immediately.\nYou can install it manually from this location:\n\n%s]
[Clear pack updates folder]
-[Pack Updater HTTP connection]
+[Pack Updater HTTP connections]
[URL for checking updates not found.]
[Downloading version info...]
[Name of Update's file is not supported.]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
index d76609647f..37837d3223 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -287,8 +287,8 @@
[Cancel all multisend jobs]
[Copy message to clipboard]
[Save message log as...]
-[Close message session\tCtrl-W]
-[Close container\tAlt-F4]
+[Close message session\tCtrl+W]
+[Close container\tAlt+F4]
[Info panel...]
[Show toolbar]
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@
[UID: %s (Shift+click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for user's details\nRight click for metacontact control\nClick dropdown to add or remove user from your favorites.]
[No UID]
[UID: %s (Shift+click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for user's details\nClick dropdown to change this contact's favorite status.]
-[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
[Selection copied to clipboard]
[WARNING: The message you are trying to paste exceeds the message size limit for the active protocol. It will be sent in chunks of max %d characters]
[The message you are trying to paste exceeds the message size limit for the active protocol. Only the first %d characters will be sent.]
@@ -801,7 +801,7 @@
[TabSRMM message (%s)]
[Important release notes|A test warning message]
[Icon pack version check|The installed icon pack is outdated and might be incompatible with TabSRMM version 3.\n\n\\b1Missing or misplaced icons are possible issues with the currently installed icon pack.\\b0]
-[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
[Missing component|The icon pack is missing. Please install it to the default icons folder.\n\nNo icons will be available]
[Aero peek warning|You have enabled Aero Peek features and loaded a custom container window skin\n\nThis can result in minor visual anomalies in the live preview feature.]
[File transfer problem|Sending the image by file transfer failed.\n\nPossible reasons: File transfers not supported, either you or the target contact is offline, or you are invisible and the target contact is not on your visibility list.]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt
index 91e75a221d..a1165d888a 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/ZeroSwitch.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt-Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
+[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt+Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
[Plugin works under Windows XP only]
[ZeroSwitch plugin failed]
[Oops, we've got a big hook error here :(]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Actman.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Actman.txt
index e36cb63955..dbd62dc2c2 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Actman.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Actman.txt
@@ -289,6 +289,8 @@ UTF16+сигнатури
[> greater]
@@ -317,6 +319,10 @@ UTF16+сигнатури
[^s - selected (and replaced) part\r\n^e - replaced by empty string\r\n^v - paste text from Clipboard\r\n^t - replaced by tabulation\r\n^l - replaced by last result as unicode\r\n^h - replaced by last result as hex\r\n^f(name[,str])\r\n paste line from text file.\r\n brackets contents must be w/o spaces]
^s - виділювана (і замінювана) частина\r\n^e - замінюється порожнім рядком\r\n^v - вставити текст з буфера обміну\r\n^t - замінюється на табуляцію\r\n^l - замінюється останнім результатом в Unicode\r\n^h - замінюється останнім результатом в hex\r\n^f(name[,str])\r\n вставка рядка з текстового файлу.\r\n вміст дужок має бути без пробілів
[Process script after]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Quotes.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
index b72bfe9306..7663dac5df 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Quotes.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/CurrencyRates.txt
@@ -1,272 +1,262 @@
-#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
-; File: Quotes.dll
-; Plugin: Quotes
-; Version:
-; Authors: Dioksin
-[Shows currency rates and economic quotes.]
-Дозволяє спостерігати за змінами курсів валют і біржових котувань.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\res\Forex.rc
-[Variable List]
-[Edit Settings]
-[Use contact specific settings]
-Власні налаштування контакту
-[Use &Internal History]
-Використовувати внутрішню історію
-[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
-&Додавати в історію тільки якщо змінилося значення
-[Use &External File]
-Використовувати &зовнішній файл
-[&Select File:]
-&Шлях до файлу:
-[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%quotename%]
-Підтримуються змінні: %miranda_userdata%,%quotename%
-[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
-Додавати файл тільки якщо змінилося значення
-[Show &Popup Window]
-Показувати &спливаюче вікно
-[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
-Показувати спливаюче вікно тільки якщо змінилося значення
-[Popup settings...]
-Налаштування сплив. вікон...
-[Currency Converter]
-Конвертер валют
-[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
-Інформація надана <a href="">Google</a>
-[Popup Window Settings]
-Налаштування спливаючих вікон
-[Use default colors]
-За замовчанням
-[Use user-defined colors]
-Вказати кольори
-[Background color]
-Колір фону
-[Text color]
-Колір тексту
-[From popup plugin]
-З плагіна сплив. вікон
-[Do not add to popup's history]
-Не додавати в історію сплив. вікон
-[&Choose Quotes to watch in contact list:]
-&Виберіть котування для спостереження в списку контактів:
-[&Refresh Quotes Every:]
-&Оновлювати котування кожні:
-[&Display in Contact List as:]
-&Показувати в списку як:
-[&Status Message:]
-&Повідомлення статусу:
-[&Advanced Settings...]
-&Додаткові параметри...
-[Current Rate:]
-Поточне значення:
-[Rate Fetch Time:]
-Час оновлення:
-[Previous Rate:]
-Попереднє значення:
-[&Watched currency rates:]
-&Відслідковані курси валют:
-[&Refresh Rates Every:]
-&Оновлювати курси кожні:
-[Quote\\Rate Info]
-Інформація про котування\\курс валют
-[Type &Stock Name or Symbol:]
-Назва котування:
-[&Watched Quotes:]
-&Відслідковані котування:
-[Status &Message:]
-Повідомлення &статусу:
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\Chart.h
-[There is nothing to show]
-Немає даних для показу
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
-Введіть ціле число від 1 до 60.
-[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
-Введіть ціле число від 1 до 24.
-[Enter text to display in contact list.]
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp
-[Info provided by]
-Інформація надана
-[Enter positive number.]
-Додатнє число.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\Forex.cpp
-[Auto Update Enabled]
-Автооновлення увімкнено
-[Auto Update Disabled]
-Автооновлення вимкнено
-[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
-Увімк./вимк. автооновлення
-[Refresh All Quotes\\Rates]
-Оновити всі котування\\курси валют
-[Currency Converter...]
-Конвертер валют...
-[Export All Quotes]
-Експорт усіх котувань
-[Import All Quotes]
-Імпорт усіх котувань
-[Open Log File...]
-Відкрити файл історії...
-[Edit Settings...]
-[Enable/Disable Quotes Auto Update]
-Увімк./вимк. автооновлення котувань
-[Quotes Auto Update Enabled]
-Автооновлення котувань увімкнено
-[Quotes Auto Update Disabled]
-Автооновлення котувань вимкнено
-[Quote Symbol]
-Символ котування
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\HTTPSession.cpp
-[Quotes HTTP connections]
-HTTP-з'єднання Quotes
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\IconLib.cpp
-[Protocol icon]
-Значок протоколу
-[Quote/Rate up]
-Значення зросло
-[Quote/Rate down]
-Значення впало
-[Quote/Rate not changed]
-Значення не змінилося
-[Quote Section]
-Розділ котувань
-[Swap button]
-Поміняти місцями
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\ImportExport.cpp
-[XML File (*.xml)]
-Файл XML (*.xml)
-[All files (*.*)]
-Усі файли (*.*)
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\ModuleInfo.cpp
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. XML parser is missing.]
-Не вдалося завантажити плагін Quotes. Відсутній парсер XML.
-[Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
-Не вдалося завантажити плагін Quotes. Відсутній парсер Microsoft HTML.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuoteInfoDlg.cpp
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuotesProviderCurrencyConverter.cpp
-[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
-Помилка під час аналізу html.
-[Error occurred during site access.]
-Помилка при доступі до сайту.
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuotesProviderVisitorFormatSpecificator.cpp
-[Quote Name]
-Назва котування
-[Source of Information]
-Джерело інформації
-[Rate Value]
-Поточне значення котування/курсу
-[Previous Rate Value]
-Попереднє значення котування/курсу
-[Fetch Time]
-Час оновлення
-[Fetch Date]
-Дата поновлення
-[Fetch Time and Date]
-Дата і час оновлення
-[Percentage Character (%)]
-Символ %
-[Left slash (\\)]
-Символ \\
-[Open Price]
-Ціна на відкриття
-[Percent Change to After Hours]
-Відсоток змін за останній час
-[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
-Відсоток змін з учорашнього закриття
-[Day's High]
-Максимальне значення за день
-[Day's Low]
-Мінімальне значення за день
-[Previous Close]
-Значення на попереднє закриття
-[From Currency Full Name]
-Повна назва вихідної валюти
-[From Currency Short Name]
-Коротка назва вихідної валюти
-[Into Currency Full Name]
-Повна назва цільової валюти
-[Into Currency Short Name]
-Коротка назва цільової валюти
-[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
-Коротке позначення "%f/%i"
-;file \plugins\Quotes\src\SettingsDlg.cpp
-[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
-Журнали (*.txt,*.log)
-[Enter integer value]
-[Enter log file name.]
-[Enter log file format.]
-[Enter history format.]
-[Enter popup window format.]
+#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c}
+; File: CurrencyRates.dll
+; Plugin: Currency Rates
+; Version:
+; Authors: Dioksin
+[Shows currency rates.]
+Дозволяє спостерігати за змінами курсів валют.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\res\Forex.rc
+[Variable List]
+[Edit Settings]
+[Use contact specific settings]
+Власні налаштування контакту
+[Use &Internal History]
+Використовувати внутрішню історію
+[&Add to History only if Value Changed]
+&Додавати в історію тільки якщо змінилося значення
+[Use &External File]
+Використовувати &зовнішній файл
+[&Select File:]
+&Шлях до файлу:
+[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%currencyratename%]
+Підтримуються змінні: %miranda_userdata%,%currencyratename%
+[Add to &Log only if Value Changed]
+Додавати файл тільки якщо змінилося значення
+[Show &Popup Window]
+Показувати &спливаюче вікно
+[Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed]
+Показувати спливаюче вікно тільки якщо змінилося значення
+[Popup settings...]
+Налаштування сплив. вікон...
+[Currency Converter]
+Конвертер валют
+[Info provided by <a href="">Google</a>]
+Інформація надана <a href="">Google</a>
+[Popup Window Settings]
+Налаштування спливаючих вікон
+[Use default colors]
+За замовчанням
+[Use user-defined colors]
+Вказати кольори
+[Background color]
+Колір фону
+[Text color]
+Колір тексту
+[From popup plugin]
+З плагіна сплив. вікон
+[Do not add to popup's history]
+Не додавати в історію сплив. вікон
+[Current Rate:]
+Поточне значення:
+[Rate Fetch Time:]
+Час оновлення:
+[Previous Rate:]
+Попереднє значення:
+[&Watched currency rates:]
+&Відслідковані курси валют:
+[&Refresh Rates Every:]
+&Оновлювати курси кожні:
+[&Display in Contact List as:]
+&Показувати в списку як:
+[&Status Message:]
+&Повідомлення статусу:
+[&Advanced Settings...]
+&Додаткові параметри...
+[Rate Info]
+Інформація про курс валют
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\Chart.h
+[There is nothing to show]
+Немає даних для показу
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 60.]
+Введіть ціле число від 1 до 60.
+[Enter integer value between 1 and 24.]
+Введіть ціле число від 1 до 24.
+[Enter text to display in contact list.]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp
+[Info provided by]
+Інформація надана
+[Enter positive number.]
+Додатнє число.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRateInfoDlg.cpp
+[Currency Rate]
+Курс валюти
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderCurrencyConverter.cpp
+[Error occurred during HTML parsing.]
+Помилка під час аналізу html.
+[Error occurred during site access.]
+Помилка при доступі до сайту.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\CurrencyRatesProviderVisitorFormatSpecificator.cpp
+[Currency Symbol]
+Символ валюти
+[Currency Name]
+Назва валюти
+[Source of Information]
+Джерело інформації
+[Rate Value]
+Поточне значення котування/курсу
+[Previous Rate Value]
+Попереднє значення котування/курсу
+[Fetch Time]
+Час оновлення
+[Fetch Date]
+Дата поновлення
+[Fetch Time and Date]
+Дата і час оновлення
+[Percentage Character (%)]
+Символ %
+[Left slash (\\)]
+Символ \\
+[Open Price]
+Ціна на відкриття
+[Percent Change to After Hours]
+Відсоток змін за останній час
+[Percent Change to Yesterday Close]
+Відсоток змін з учорашнього закриття
+[Day's High]
+Максимальне значення за день
+[Day's Low]
+Мінімальне значення за день
+[Previous Close]
+Значення на попереднє закриття
+[From Currency Full Name]
+Повна назва вихідної валюти
+[From Currency Short Name]
+Коротка назва вихідної валюти
+[Into Currency Full Name]
+Повна назва цільової валюти
+[Into Currency Short Name]
+Коротка назва цільової валюти
+[Short notation for "%f/%i"]
+Коротке позначення "%f/%i"
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\Forex.cpp
+[Auto Update Enabled]
+Автооновлення увімкнено
+[Auto Update Disabled]
+Автооновлення вимкнено
+[Currency Rates]
+Курси валют
+[Enable/Disable Auto Update]
+Увімк./вимк. автооновлення
+[Refresh All Rates]
+Оновити всі курси валют
+[Currency Converter...]
+Конвертер валют...
+[Export All Currency Rates]
+[Import All Currency Rates]
+[Open Log File...]
+Відкрити файл історії...
+[Edit Settings...]
+[Enable/Disable Currency Rates Auto Update]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Enabled]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Disabled]
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\HTTPSession.cpp
+[CurrencyRates HTTP connections]
+HTTP-з'єднання CurrencyRates
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\IconLib.cpp
+[Protocol icon]
+Значок протоколу
+[Currency Rate up]
+Значення зросло
+[Currency Rate down]
+Значення впало
+[Currency Rate not changed]
+Значення не змінилося
+[Currency Rate Section]
+[Swap button]
+Поміняти місцями
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\ImportExport.cpp
+[XML File (*.xml)]
+Файл XML (*.xml)
+[All files (*.*)]
+Усі файли (*.*)
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\ModuleInfo.cpp
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. XML parser is missing.]
+Не вдалося завантажити плагін CurrencyRates. Відсутній парсер XML.
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
+Не вдалося завантажити плагін CurrencyRates. Відсутній парсер Microsoft HTML.
+;file \plugins\CurrencyRates\src\SettingsDlg.cpp
+[Log Files (*.txt,*.log)]
+Журнали (*.txt,*.log)
+[Enter integer value]
+[Enter log file name.]
+[Enter log file format.]
+[Enter history format.]
+[Enter popup window format.]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
index 5dc248fb0a..eda619db3e 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/GmailNotifier.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: GmailNotifier.dll
; Plugin: Gmail Multiple Notifier
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Mixwind
[Check your Gmail inboxes locally.]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
index af2b77576c..7cfcdcf1de 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/HistoryStats.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: HistoryStats.dll
; Plugin: HistoryStats
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Martin Afanasjew
[Creates detailed, colorful and highly customizable statistics using your message history.]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/ICQ.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/ICQ.txt
index 9dbbb72299..f306b7a5c7 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/ICQ.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/ICQ.txt
@@ -1833,8 +1833,8 @@ xСтатус ICQ
<не вказано>
[Member since:]
Учасник з:
-[%s Details]
-%s деталі
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\utilities.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
index 5f42ad0218..743ab1085b 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Msg_Export.txt
@@ -165,8 +165,6 @@ UTF8 у нових файлах
;file \plugins\Msg_Export\src\utils.cpp
-[Database: Attempt to get wrong type of value, string]
[(Unknown Contact)]
(Невідомий контакт)
[File name for the user "%s" has changed!\n\nfrom:\t%s\nto:\t%s\n\nDo you wish to rename file?]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
index 4754e31817..f47a600c3a 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/NewXstatusNotify.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: NewXstatusNotify.dll
; Plugin: xStatus notify
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Luca Santarelli, Vasilich, yaho
[Notifies you when a contact changes his/her (X)status or status message.]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
index 2c29f40e6f..775998d44c 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/NewsAggregator.txt
@@ -160,5 +160,5 @@ URL сторінки з коментарями до новини.
[Enable/disable auto update]
Увімк./вимк. автооновлення
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Utils.cpp
-[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]
+[NewsAggregator HTTP connections]
HTTP-з'єднання NewsAggregator
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
index b63992c36e..28af1eb288 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/PackUpdater.txt
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
Кнопка "Так"
['No' Button]
Кнопка "Ні"
-[Pack Updater HTTP connection]
+[Pack Updater HTTP connections]
HTTP-з'єднання PackUpdater
[URL for checking updates not found.]
Посилання для перевірки оновлень не знайдено.
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt
index 8dd10406f0..b59154b9b7 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/PluginUpdater.txt
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
[Plugin info]
[Plugin Updater HTTP connections]
-HTTP-з'єднання PluginUpdater
+HTTP-з'єднання Plugin Updater
[An error occurred while checking for new updates.]
Під час перевірки оновлень сталася помилка.
;file \plugins\PluginUpdater\src\Compat\compat.h
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/StopSpam.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
index ab33b38036..5aa707c05d 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/StopSpam.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: StopSpam.dll
; Plugin: StopSpam+
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Roman Miklashevsky, A. Petkevich, Kosh&chka, persei
[Anti-spam plugin for Miranda NG.]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
index 1456fdca6d..e05149282c 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -724,9 +724,9 @@ BBCode ([b][i][u])
[Save message log as...]
Зберегти історію як...
-[Close message session\tCtrl-W]
+[Close message session\tCtrl+W]
Закрити сеанс\tCtrl+W
-[Close container\tAlt-F4]
+[Close container\tAlt+F4]
Закрити контейнер\tAlt+F4
@@ -1469,7 +1469,7 @@ UID: %s (Shift+клік -> копіювати в буфер)\nКлік - Інф
немає UID
[UID: %s (Shift+click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for user's details\nClick dropdown to change this contact's favorite status.]
UID: %s (Shift+клік -> копіювати в буфер)\nКлік - Інформація про користувача\nСтрілка вниз - додавання/видалення користувача з вибраного.
-[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
Ви знаходитесь в режимі редагування нотаток про користувача. Натисніть кнопку ще раз або використовуйте гарячу клавішу (за замовчанням: Alt+N), щоб зберегти нотатки і повернутися в нормальний режим набору повідомлень.
[Selection copied to clipboard]
Виділений текст скопійований у буфер
@@ -2012,7 +2012,7 @@ TabSRMM: %s
Важлива інформація про версію|Тестове попередження
[Icon pack version check|The installed icon pack is outdated and might be incompatible with TabSRMM version 3.\n\n\\b1Missing or misplaced icons are possible issues with the currently installed icon pack.\\b0]
Перевірка версії набору значків|Встановлений набір значків застарів і може бути несумісний з плагіном TabSRMM версії 3.\n\n\\b1Встановлений набір може спричинити відсутність або неправильне відображення значків.\\b0
-[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
+[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt+N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
Редагування нотаток про користувача|Ви знаходитесь в режимі редагування нотаток про користувача Натисніть кнопку ще раз або використовуйте гарячу клавішу (за замовчанням: Alt+N), щоб зберегти нотатки і повернутися в нормальний режим набору повідомлень.
[Missing component|The icon pack is missing. Please install it to the default icons folder.\n\nNo icons will be available]
Компонент відсутній|Набір значків не знайдено. Будь ласка, встановіть його в директорію значків за замовчанням.\n\nНа даний момент значки недоступні.
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Weather.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Weather.txt
index 014c856c56..d3fe0b7850 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Weather.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Weather.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Weather.dll
; Plugin: Weather
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Retrieves weather information and displays it in your contact list.]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
index dbca53e6f0..435fa0ae61 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/ZeroSwitch.txt
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
; Version:
; Authors: ZERO_BiT
-[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt-Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
+[Adds Miranda NG icon into Alt+Tab switch dialog even if Miranda's main window has style other Title bar.]
Додає значок Miranda NG в діалог перемикання між вікнами, що викликається по Alt+Tab.
;file \plugins\ZeroSwitch\src\ZeroSwitch.cpp
[Plugin works under Windows XP only]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/Actman.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/Actman.txt
index fd3ba3f8d5..ff7357286a 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/Actman.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/Actman.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
[Use MMI]
[will never return the user's custom name]
[will return Unicode instead of AnsiChar]
[will not use the cache]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b310128776
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/CurrencyRates.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+[Shows currency rates.]
+[Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%currencyratename%]
+[Rate Info]
+[Enter text to display in contact list.]
+[Currency Rate]
+[Currency Symbol]
+[Currency Name]
+[Currency Rates]
+[Refresh All Rates]
+[Export All Currency Rates]
+[Import All Currency Rates]
+[Enable/Disable Currency Rates Auto Update]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Enabled]
+[Currency Rates Auto Update Disabled]
+[Currency Rate up]
+[Currency Rate down]
+[Currency Rate not changed]
+[Currency Rate Section]
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. XML parser is missing.]
+[Miranda could not load CurrencyRates plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.]
+[Enter integer value]
+[Enter log file name.]
+[Enter log file format.]
+[Enter history format.]
+[Enter popup window format.]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
index 8f35ae5d75..67c0744628 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/Msg_Export.txt
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
[Failed to Allocate buffer space]
[Miranda NG (Message Export Plugin)]
-[Database: Attempt to get wrong type of value, string]
[Failed to UTF8 byte order code to file :\n]
[ History for\r\n]
[User : %User%\r\n]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/Quotes.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/Quotes.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 37bd569312..0000000000
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/Quotes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-[Enter text to display in contact list.]
-[Enter integer value]
-[Enter log file name.]
-[Enter log file format.]
-[Enter history format.]
-[Enter popup window format.]