path: root/langpacks
diff options
authordartraiden <>2019-03-27 21:06:47 +0300
committerdartraiden <>2019-03-27 21:07:14 +0300
commit4e589cbefe94312421b26afebf30c621365639f3 (patch)
treedc4728a0c5eae2c344f17eab589591614be11c11 /langpacks
parentdea61eb8592eab4e5e9f3cafb315fb8c9b61d5b2 (diff)
langpacks: delete YAPP and rename Popup
Diffstat (limited to 'langpacks')
-rw-r--r--langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt (renamed from langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Popup.txt)846
-rw-r--r--langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/PopupPlus.txt (renamed from langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/Popup.txt)0
-rw-r--r--langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt (renamed from langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Popup.txt)846
-rw-r--r--langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/PopupPlus.txt (renamed from langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/Popup.txt)34
-rw-r--r--langpacks/croatian/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt (renamed from langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Popup.txt)846
-rw-r--r--langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/PopupPlus.txt (renamed from langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Popup.txt)384
-rw-r--r--langpacks/czech/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt (renamed from langpacks/czech/Plugins/Popup.txt)846
-rw-r--r--langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt (renamed from langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/Popup.txt)42
-rw-r--r--langpacks/french/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt (renamed from langpacks/french/Plugins/Popup.txt)846
-rw-r--r--langpacks/french/Untranslated/PopupPlus.txt (renamed from langpacks/french/Untranslated/Popup.txt)160
-rw-r--r--langpacks/german/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt (renamed from langpacks/german/Plugins/Popup.txt)846
-rw-r--r--langpacks/german/Untranslated/PopupPlus.txt (renamed from langpacks/german/Untranslated/Popup.txt)4
-rw-r--r--langpacks/polish/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt (renamed from langpacks/polish/Plugins/Popup.txt)846
-rw-r--r--langpacks/serbian/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt (renamed from langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Popup.txt)846
-rw-r--r--langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/PopupPlus.txt (renamed from langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Popup.txt)332
-rw-r--r--langpacks/spanish/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt (renamed from langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Popup.txt)846
-rw-r--r--langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/PopupPlus.txt (renamed from langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Popup.txt)304
-rw-r--r--langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt (renamed from langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Popup.txt)846
35 files changed, 4860 insertions, 6663 deletions
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Popup.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
index fa33d94a21..6ab8904eb5 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Popup.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
@@ -1,423 +1,423 @@
-#muuid {26a9125d-7863-4e01-af0e-d14ef95c5054}
-; File: Popup.dll
-; Plugin: Popup plus
-; Version:
-; Authors: MPK, Merlin_de (Luca Santarelli, Victor Pavlychko)
-[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
-Падае сэрвіс усплывальных вокнаў для розных плагінаў.
-;file \plugins\Popup\res\resource.rc
-[Content and Style]
-Стыль вокнаў
-[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
-Налады шрыфтоў і колеры: "Тонкая налада -> Шрыфты і колеры"
-[Live Preview]
-[Size && Position]
-Месца і памер
-[Enable popup history]
-Гісторыя ўсплывальных вокнаў
-[Store last]
-[Use History++ to render log]
-History++ для гісторыі вокнаў
-[Draw avatar borders]
-Маляваць рамкі аватараў
-[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
-Таксама для напаўпразрыстых аватараў
-[Round corners by]
-Акругліць куты на
-[Avatar size:]
-[Enable avatar updates]
-Абнаўленні аватараў
-[Start the popups in the monitor with]
-Усплыў. вокны на маніторы, дзе
-[Miranda's window]
-Вакно Miranda NG
-[the active window]
-Актыўнае вакно
-[Use transparency]
-[Opaque popups under cursor]
-Непразрыста пад курсорам
-[Slide popup]
-[Time (in):]
-Час (з'яўленне):
-[Time (out):]
-Час (знікненне):
-[Limit window amount to:]
-Абмежаваць колькасць да:
-[* - built-in skins]
-* - убудаваныя
-[Skin options]
-Налады скіна
-[Download more skins]
-Запампаваць скіны
-[Popup History]
-Гісторыя успл.вокнаў
-Працоўны стол
-[Popup area]
-[Distance between popups]
-Адлегласць паміж успл. вокнамі
-[Configure popup area]
-Зона ўсплывальных вокнаў
-[Enable popup actions]
-Уключыць дзеянні
-[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
-Дзеянні - гэта маленькія кнопкі пад тэкстам вакна.
-[Common actions]
-Агульныя дзеянні
-[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
-Абярыце, у якіх выпадках дадаваць агульныя дзеянні:
-[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
-Меню і інфа толькі ў кантактаў
-[Add default actions for contacts only]
-Звычайныя дзеянні толькі ў кантактаў
-[Don't close popups on default actions]
-Не зачыняць вокны агульных дзеянняў
-[Size and position]
-[Use large icons]
-Вялікія значкі
-[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
-Адлюстраванне дзеянняў:
-[Icons and labels below text]
-Значкі і подпісы знізу
-[Icons on the left]
-Значкі злева
-[Icons aligned to the right]
-Значкі справа
-[Show actions: (requires apply)]
-Дзеянні: (патрабуе "Ўжыць")
-[Mouse actions overwrite]
-Дзеянні па націску мышкі
-[Left button]
-Левая кнопка
-[Middle button]
-Сярэдняя кнопка
-[Right button]
-Правая кнопка
-[General options]
-Агульныя параметры
-[Enable this notification]
-Уключыць гэтую абвестку
-[Popup timeout:]
-[Left click action:]
-Левая кнопка:
-[Right click action:]
-Правая кнопка:
-[Disable when global status is...]
-Адключыць, калі глабальны статус...
-[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
-Адключыць, калі статус адпавядае пратаколу...
-[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
-Настроіць колеры ў\r\n"Тонкая налада -> Шрыфты і колеры"
-[Disable if message window is open]
-Забараніць, калі адкрыта гутарка
-[0 = Default]
-[-1 = Infinite]
-[Per-contact settings]
-Налады для кожнага кантакту
-[Show always]
-[Ignore fullscreen]
-Ігнараваць fullscreen
-[Never show]
-[Show default]
-Па змаўчанні
-[Default timeout]
-Працягласць па змаўчанні
-[Infinite popup delay]
-Не зачыняць вокны
-[Popup delay:]
-[Do not close hovered popups]
-Не зачыняць вокны пад курсорам
-[Dynamically resize the popups]
-Дынамічная шырыня
-[Minimum width]
-[Maximum width]
-[Reorder popups]
-Парадкаваць (зрушваць) вокны
-[Disable when:]
-Выключыць, калі
-[Always (has priority)]
-Заўсёды (мае прыярытэт)
-[Fullscreen mode]
-Поўны экран
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\actions.cpp
-[Quick reply]
-Хуткі адказ
-[Send message]
-[User details]
-Інфармацыя пра кантакт
-[Contact menu]
-Меню кантакту
-[Add permanently]
-Дадаць у спіс
-[Pin popup]
-[Dismiss popup]
-Зачыніць вакно
-[Copy to clipboard]
-Капіяваць у буфер абмену
-[No overwrite]
-няма дзеяння
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\config.cpp
-[The Jabberwocky]
-[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
-[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
-Тэставы прадпрагляд для налад плагіна ўсплывальных вокнаў. Загаловак досыць доўгі...
-[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
-Гэта адмысловы прадпрагляд для налад плагіна ўсплывальных вокнаў. Тэкст і загаловак досыць доўгія для таго каб вы змаглі наладзіць скін і модуль, бо вам падабаецца ;)
-[This is a notification message]
-Гэта абвестка
-[This is a warning message]
-Гэта заўвага
-[This is an error message]
-Гэта паведамленне пра памылку
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\effects.cpp
-[Square fading]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\font.h
-Усплывальныя вокны
-[Hovered action]
-Наведзенае дзеянне
-[Title underline]
-Падкрэсленне загалоўка
-[Avatar border]
-Мяжа аватара
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\history.cpp
-[Popup History is disabled]
-Гісторыя ўсплывальных вокнаў адключана
-[Popup History message]
-Гісторыя ўсплывальных вокнаў
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\icons.cpp
-[Popups are enabled]
-Вокны ўключаны
-[Popups are disabled]
-Вокны выключаны
-[With "favorite" overlay]
-З накладаннем "Абраны"
-[With "fullscreen" overlay]
-З накладаннем "Поўны экран"
-[Refresh skin list]
-Абнавіць спіс
-[Popup placement]
-[Popup group]
-Гурт вокнаў
-[Favorite contact]
-Абраны кантакт
-[Show in fullscreen]
-Паказаць у поўны экран
-[Blocked contact]
-Заблакаваны кантакт
-[Pinned popup]
-[Add contact permanently]
-Дадаць кантакт заўсёды
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\main.cpp
-[Toggle Popups]
-Укл/Выкл Вокны
-[Enable Popups]
-Уключыць Вокны
-[Disable Popups]
-Адключыць Вокны
-[Popup Plus]
-[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_adv.cpp
-[No effect]
-Без эфекту
-[Fade in/out]
-Плыўны паказ
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_class.cpp
-[CLASS Plugins]
-Гурты плагінаў
-[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_gen.cpp
-[Not available]
-[Do not disturb]
-Не турбаваць
-[Free for chat]
-[Out to lunch]
-[On the phone]
-На тэлефоне
-[Upper left corner]
-злева зверху
-[Lower left corner]
-злева знізу
-[Lower right corner]
-справа знізу
-[Upper right corner]
-справа зверху
-[Global Status]
-Агульны статус
-[Protocol Status]
-Статус пратаколу
-[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
-Значэнне меншае %d ці большае %d не дапушчаецца.
-['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
-[Popup plus warning]
-Заўвага Popup plus
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_skins.cpp
-[Failed to register %s class.]
-[Skin preview]
-Прагляд скіна
-[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
-Зірніце на гэты скін... ;)
-[Show clock]
-Паказваць гадзіны
-[Drop shadow effect]
-Эфект ценю
-[non rectangular]
-не прастакутныя
-[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
-Эфект Aero Glass (Vista+)
-[Use Windows colors]
-Колеры Windows
-[Use advanced text render]
-Пашыраная апрацоўка тэксту
-[Global settings]
-Глабальныя налады
-[Refresh List]
-Абнавіць спіс
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_thread.cpp
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_wnd2.cpp
-[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
-[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\services.cpp
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\srmm_menu.cpp
-[Popup Mode: Auto]
-Рэжым усплывальных вокнаў: па змаўчанні
-[Popup Mode: Favorite]
-[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
-Рэжым усплывальных вокнаў: ігнараваць поўнаэкранныя прыкладанні
-[Popup Mode: Block contact]
-Рэжым усплывальных вокнаў: блакаваць
+#muuid {26a9125d-7863-4e01-af0e-d14ef95c5054}
+; File: Popup.dll
+; Plugin: Popup plus
+; Version:
+; Authors: MPK, Merlin_de (Luca Santarelli, Victor Pavlychko)
+[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
+Падае сэрвіс усплывальных вокнаў для розных плагінаў.
+;file \plugins\Popup\res\resource.rc
+[Content and Style]
+Стыль вокнаў
+[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
+Налады шрыфтоў і колеры: "Тонкая налада -> Шрыфты і колеры"
+[Live Preview]
+[Size && Position]
+Месца і памер
+[Enable popup history]
+Гісторыя ўсплывальных вокнаў
+[Store last]
+[Use History++ to render log]
+History++ для гісторыі вокнаў
+[Draw avatar borders]
+Маляваць рамкі аватараў
+[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
+Таксама для напаўпразрыстых аватараў
+[Round corners by]
+Акругліць куты на
+[Avatar size:]
+[Enable avatar updates]
+Абнаўленні аватараў
+[Start the popups in the monitor with]
+Усплыў. вокны на маніторы, дзе
+[Miranda's window]
+Вакно Miranda NG
+[the active window]
+Актыўнае вакно
+[Use transparency]
+[Opaque popups under cursor]
+Непразрыста пад курсорам
+[Slide popup]
+[Time (in):]
+Час (з'яўленне):
+[Time (out):]
+Час (знікненне):
+[Limit window amount to:]
+Абмежаваць колькасць да:
+[* - built-in skins]
+* - убудаваныя
+[Skin options]
+Налады скіна
+[Download more skins]
+Запампаваць скіны
+[Popup History]
+Гісторыя успл.вокнаў
+Працоўны стол
+[Popup area]
+[Distance between popups]
+Адлегласць паміж успл. вокнамі
+[Configure popup area]
+Зона ўсплывальных вокнаў
+[Enable popup actions]
+Уключыць дзеянні
+[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
+Дзеянні - гэта маленькія кнопкі пад тэкстам вакна.
+[Common actions]
+Агульныя дзеянні
+[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
+Абярыце, у якіх выпадках дадаваць агульныя дзеянні:
+[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
+Меню і інфа толькі ў кантактаў
+[Add default actions for contacts only]
+Звычайныя дзеянні толькі ў кантактаў
+[Don't close popups on default actions]
+Не зачыняць вокны агульных дзеянняў
+[Size and position]
+[Use large icons]
+Вялікія значкі
+[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
+Адлюстраванне дзеянняў:
+[Icons and labels below text]
+Значкі і подпісы знізу
+[Icons on the left]
+Значкі злева
+[Icons aligned to the right]
+Значкі справа
+[Show actions: (requires apply)]
+Дзеянні: (патрабуе "Ўжыць")
+[Mouse actions overwrite]
+Дзеянні па націску мышкі
+[Left button]
+Левая кнопка
+[Middle button]
+Сярэдняя кнопка
+[Right button]
+Правая кнопка
+[General options]
+Агульныя параметры
+[Enable this notification]
+Уключыць гэтую абвестку
+[Popup timeout:]
+[Left click action:]
+Левая кнопка:
+[Right click action:]
+Правая кнопка:
+[Disable when global status is...]
+Адключыць, калі глабальны статус...
+[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
+Адключыць, калі статус адпавядае пратаколу...
+[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
+Настроіць колеры ў\r\n"Тонкая налада -> Шрыфты і колеры"
+[Disable if message window is open]
+Забараніць, калі адкрыта гутарка
+[0 = Default]
+[-1 = Infinite]
+[Per-contact settings]
+Налады для кожнага кантакту
+[Show always]
+[Ignore fullscreen]
+Ігнараваць fullscreen
+[Never show]
+[Show default]
+Па змаўчанні
+[Default timeout]
+Працягласць па змаўчанні
+[Infinite popup delay]
+Не зачыняць вокны
+[Popup delay:]
+[Do not close hovered popups]
+Не зачыняць вокны пад курсорам
+[Dynamically resize the popups]
+Дынамічная шырыня
+[Minimum width]
+[Maximum width]
+[Reorder popups]
+Парадкаваць (зрушваць) вокны
+[Disable when:]
+Выключыць, калі
+[Always (has priority)]
+Заўсёды (мае прыярытэт)
+[Fullscreen mode]
+Поўны экран
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\actions.cpp
+[Quick reply]
+Хуткі адказ
+[Send message]
+[User details]
+Інфармацыя пра кантакт
+[Contact menu]
+Меню кантакту
+[Add permanently]
+Дадаць у спіс
+[Pin popup]
+[Dismiss popup]
+Зачыніць вакно
+[Copy to clipboard]
+Капіяваць у буфер абмену
+[No overwrite]
+няма дзеяння
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\config.cpp
+[The Jabberwocky]
+[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
+[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
+Тэставы прадпрагляд для налад плагіна ўсплывальных вокнаў. Загаловак досыць доўгі...
+[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
+Гэта адмысловы прадпрагляд для налад плагіна ўсплывальных вокнаў. Тэкст і загаловак досыць доўгія для таго каб вы змаглі наладзіць скін і модуль, бо вам падабаецца ;)
+[This is a notification message]
+Гэта абвестка
+[This is a warning message]
+Гэта заўвага
+[This is an error message]
+Гэта паведамленне пра памылку
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\effects.cpp
+[Square fading]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\font.h
+Усплывальныя вокны
+[Hovered action]
+Наведзенае дзеянне
+[Title underline]
+Падкрэсленне загалоўка
+[Avatar border]
+Мяжа аватара
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\history.cpp
+[Popup History is disabled]
+Гісторыя ўсплывальных вокнаў адключана
+[Popup History message]
+Гісторыя ўсплывальных вокнаў
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\icons.cpp
+[Popups are enabled]
+Вокны ўключаны
+[Popups are disabled]
+Вокны выключаны
+[With "favorite" overlay]
+З накладаннем "Абраны"
+[With "fullscreen" overlay]
+З накладаннем "Поўны экран"
+[Refresh skin list]
+Абнавіць спіс
+[Popup placement]
+[Popup group]
+Гурт вокнаў
+[Favorite contact]
+Абраны кантакт
+[Show in fullscreen]
+Паказаць у поўны экран
+[Blocked contact]
+Заблакаваны кантакт
+[Pinned popup]
+[Add contact permanently]
+Дадаць кантакт заўсёды
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\main.cpp
+[Toggle Popups]
+Укл/Выкл Вокны
+[Enable Popups]
+Уключыць Вокны
+[Disable Popups]
+Адключыць Вокны
+[Popup Plus]
+[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_adv.cpp
+[No effect]
+Без эфекту
+[Fade in/out]
+Плыўны паказ
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_class.cpp
+[CLASS Plugins]
+Гурты плагінаў
+[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_gen.cpp
+[Not available]
+[Do not disturb]
+Не турбаваць
+[Free for chat]
+[Out to lunch]
+[On the phone]
+На тэлефоне
+[Upper left corner]
+злева зверху
+[Lower left corner]
+злева знізу
+[Lower right corner]
+справа знізу
+[Upper right corner]
+справа зверху
+[Global Status]
+Агульны статус
+[Protocol Status]
+Статус пратаколу
+[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
+Значэнне меншае %d ці большае %d не дапушчаецца.
+['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
+[Popup plus warning]
+Заўвага Popup plus
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_skins.cpp
+[Failed to register %s class.]
+[Skin preview]
+Прагляд скіна
+[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
+Зірніце на гэты скін... ;)
+[Show clock]
+Паказваць гадзіны
+[Drop shadow effect]
+Эфект ценю
+[non rectangular]
+не прастакутныя
+[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
+Эфект Aero Glass (Vista+)
+[Use Windows colors]
+Колеры Windows
+[Use advanced text render]
+Пашыраная апрацоўка тэксту
+[Global settings]
+Глабальныя налады
+[Refresh List]
+Абнавіць спіс
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_thread.cpp
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_wnd2.cpp
+[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
+[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\services.cpp
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\srmm_menu.cpp
+[Popup Mode: Auto]
+Рэжым усплывальных вокнаў: па змаўчанні
+[Popup Mode: Favorite]
+[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
+Рэжым усплывальных вокнаў: ігнараваць поўнаэкранныя прыкладанні
+[Popup Mode: Block contact]
+Рэжым усплывальных вокнаў: блакаваць
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/YAPP.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/YAPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b31ab4af43..0000000000
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/YAPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-#muuid {efd15f16-7ae4-40d7-a8e3-a411ed747bd5}
-; File: YAPP.dll
-; Plugin: YAPP
-; Version:
-; Authors: Scott Ellis
-[Yet Another Popup Plugin - Provides popup notification window services to other plugins.]
-Cлужба ўсплывальных паведамленняў для іншых плагінаў.
-;file \plugins\YAPP\res\yapp.rc
-[Popup history]
-Гісторыя ўсплывальных вокнаў
-[Case sensitive]
-Улік рэгістра
-[Default Timeout]
-Працягласць па змаўчанні
-[Never timeout]
-[Set timeout:]
-[Maximum height:]
-Макс. вышыня:
-[Opacity (%):]
-Непразрыстасць (%):
-[Round corners (window)]
-Акругляць куты вакна
-[Transparent background]
-Празрысты фон
-[Avatar size:]
-[Disable when]
-Выключыць калі
-[Global hover]
-Агульнае навядзенне
-[Sidebar width:]
-Шырыня ўрэзкі:
-[Text indent:]
-Водступ тэксту:
-[Round corners (avatar)]
-Акругляць куты аватара
-[Text color:]
-Колер тэксту:
-[Background color:]
-Колер фону:
-[Set timeout]
-Усталяваць затрымку
-[Timeout value (0 = default):]
-Затрымка (0 = па змаўчанні):
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\icons.cpp
-[Popups are enabled]
-Вокны ўключаны
-[Popups are disabled]
-Вокны выключаны
-[Popup History]
-Гісторыя успл.вокнаў
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\notify_imp.cpp
-[YAPP Popups]
-YAPP вокны
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\options.cpp
-[The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.]
-[Example With a Long Title]
-Прыклад з доўгім загалоўкам
-[An avatar.]
-З аватарам.
-[Bottom right]
-Унізе справа
-[Bottom left]
-Унізе злева
-[Top right]
-Наверсе справа
-[Top left]
-Наверсе злева
-[Icon on left]
-Абразок злева
-[Icon on right]
-Абразок справа
-[No time]
-Без часу
-[Time on left]
-Час злева
-[Time on right]
-Час справа
-[Time above avatar]
-Час над аватарам
-[No avatar]
-Без аватара
-[Left avatar]
-Аватар злева
-[Right avatar]
-Аватар справа
-[Full-screen app running]
-Поўнаэкраннае прыкладанне
-[No animate]
-Няма анімацыі
-[Horizontal animate]
-[Vertical animate]
-[You cannot set a default timeout of 0.\nValue has been reset.]
-Вы не можаце ўсталяваць затрымку па змаўчанні 0.\nВернута значэнне па змаўчанні.
-Усплывальныя вокны
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\services.cpp
-[Disable Popups]
-Адключыць усплывальныя вокны
-[Enable Popups]
-Уключыць усплывальныя вокны
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\yapp.cpp
-[Toggle Popups]
-Укл/Выкл Вокны
-[First line]
-Першы радок
-[Second line]
-Другі радок
-[Title underline]
-Падкрэсленне загалоўка
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\yapp_history_dlg.cpp
-[Copy title to clipboard]
-Капіяваць загаловак у буфер
-[Copy message to clipboard]
-Капіраваць паведамленне ў буфер
-[Copy timestamp to clipboard]
-Капіраваць час у буфер
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/Popup.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/PopupPlus.txt
index ebef44af14..ebef44af14 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/Popup.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/PopupPlus.txt
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/YAPP.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/YAPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dce670b65..0000000000
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Untranslated/YAPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-[The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Popup.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
index a3abb0da39..f14001d959 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Popup.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
@@ -1,423 +1,423 @@
-#muuid {26a9125d-7863-4e01-af0e-d14ef95c5054}
-; File: Popup.dll
-; Plugin: Popup plus
-; Version:
-; Authors: MPK, Merlin_de (Luca Santarelli, Victor Pavlychko)
-[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
-Услуга за уведомяване чрез popup за останалите приставки.
-;file \plugins\Popup\res\resource.rc
-[Content and Style]
-Съдържание и стил
-[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
-"Персонализиране > Шрифтове и цветове" за избор на шрифтове и цветове
-[Live Preview]
-[Size && Position]
-Размер и позиция
-[Enable popup history]
-Включване на popup историята
-[Store last]
-Запис на посл.
-[Use History++ to render log]
-[Draw avatar borders]
-Рамка на аватарите
-[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
-Рамка и за полупрозрачните аватари
-[Round corners by]
-Закръгляне на ъглите с
-[Avatar size:]
-Аватар (размер):
-[Enable avatar updates]
-Актуализиране на аватарите
-[Start the popups in the monitor with]
-Показване на popups в монитора с
-[Miranda's window]
-прозорецът на Miranda
-[the active window]
-активният прозорец
-[Use transparency]
-[Opaque popups under cursor]
-Уплътняване при посочване
-[Slide popup]
-Плъзгане на popup-овете
-[Time (in):]
-Появяване за:
-[Time (out):]
-Изчезване за:
-[Limit window amount to:]
-Максимален брой прозорци:
-[* - built-in skins]
-* - вграден
-[Skin options]
-Настройки на облика
-[Download more skins]
-Сваляне на още облици
-[Popup History]
-Popup история
-Работен плот
-[Popup area]
-Площ на Popup-а
-[Distance between popups]
-Разстояние между popup-овете
-[Configure popup area]
-Настройване на popup полето
-[Enable popup actions]
-Включване на popup действията
-[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
-Popup действията са малките бутони под текста.
-[Common actions]
-Общи действия
-[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
-Изберете кога да бъдат добавяни стандартни действия:
-[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
-Информация+меню само IM контактите
-[Add default actions for contacts only]
-Стандартни д-я само за контакти
-[Don't close popups on default actions]
-Без затваряне на popup-a след д-е
-[Size and position]
-Размер и позиция
-[Use large icons]
-Ползване на големи икони
-[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
-Показване на Popup действията като:
-[Icons and labels below text]
-Икони и етикети под текста
-[Icons on the left]
-Икони вляво
-[Icons aligned to the right]
-Икони вдясно
-[Show actions: (requires apply)]
-Действия:(натиснете "Прилагане")
-[Mouse actions overwrite]
-Подмяна действието на бутоните
-[Left button]
-Ляв бутон
-[Middle button]
-Среден бутон
-[Right button]
-Десен бутон
-[General options]
-Основни настройки
-[Enable this notification]
-Включване на уведомяването
-[Popup timeout:]
-[Left click action:]
-Ляв бутон:
-[Right click action:]
-Десен бутон:
-[Disable when global status is...]
-Изключване, когато общото състояние е...
-[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
-[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
-Цветовете се настройват от\r\n"Персонализиране > Шрифтове и цветове"
-[Disable if message window is open]
-Изключване при отворен прозорец за съобщения
-[0 = Default]
-0 = стандарт
-[-1 = Infinite]
--1 = безкрайно
-[Per-contact settings]
-Настройване на визуализирането по отделно за контактите
-[Show always]
-[Ignore fullscreen]
-[Never show]
-[Show default]
-[Default timeout]
-Стандартно времетраене
-[Infinite popup delay]
-Безкрайна продължителност
-[Popup delay:]
-[Do not close hovered popups]
-Без затваряне при посочване
-[Dynamically resize the popups]
-Динамично оразмеряване
-[Minimum width]
-Мин. ширина
-[Maximum width]
-Макс. ширина
-[Reorder popups]
-Пренареждане на Popups
-[Disable when:]
-Без Popups, когато:
-[Always (has priority)]
-Винаги (приоритетно)
-[Fullscreen mode]
-Режим на цял екран
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\actions.cpp
-[Quick reply]
-Бърз отговор
-[Send message]
-Изпращане на съобщение
-[User details]
-Подробности за потребителя
-[Contact menu]
-Меню на контактите
-[Add permanently]
-Добавяне за постоянно
-[Pin popup]
-Прилепване на popup-а
-[Dismiss popup]
-Затваряне на Popup
-[Copy to clipboard]
-Запис в клипборда
-[No overwrite]
-без подмяна
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\config.cpp
-[The Jabberwocky]
-[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
-[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
-Тестови образец за настройките на popup приставката. Би трябвало да е достатъчно дълъг, за да не се събере на един ред...
-[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
-Специален тестови образец за настройките на popup приставката. Заглавието и текста са достатъчно дълги за да донагласите облика и темата към вашия вкус :)
-[This is a notification message]
-Това е уведомяване
-[This is a warning message]
-Това е предупреждение
-[This is an error message]
-Това е съобщение за грешка
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\effects.cpp
-[Square fading]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\font.h
-[Hovered action]
-Посочено действие
-Странична лента
-[Title underline]
-Подчертаване на заглавието
-[Avatar border]
-Рамка на аватара
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\history.cpp
-[Popup History is disabled]
-Popup историята е изклюена
-[Popup History message]
-Popup история на съобщенията
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\icons.cpp
-[Popups are enabled]
-Popups са включени
-[Popups are disabled]
-Popups са изключени
-[With "favorite" overlay]
-[With "fullscreen" overlay]
-[Refresh skin list]
-Обновяване на списъка с облици
-[Popup placement]
-Popup позиция
-[Popup group]
-Popup група
-[Favorite contact]
-Любим контакт
-[Show in fullscreen]
-[Blocked contact]
-Блокиран контакт
-[Pinned popup]
-Прилепен popup
-[Add contact permanently]
-Добавяне на контакта за постоянно
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\main.cpp
-[Toggle Popups]
-Вкл./Изкл. на Popups
-[Enable Popups]
-Включване на Popups
-[Disable Popups]
-Изключване на Popups
-[Popup Plus]
-Popup Plus
-[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
-Грешка: Неуспешно регистриране на Popup Window class.\r\nПриставката няма да може да работи.
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_adv.cpp
-[No effect]
-Без ефект
-[Fade in/out]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_class.cpp
-[CLASS Plugins]
-CLASS приставки
-[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
-Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_gen.cpp
-Извън линия
-На линия
-[Not available]
-[Do not disturb]
-Не безпокойте
-[Free for chat]
-Готов за чат
-[Out to lunch]
-На обяд
-[On the phone]
-На телефона
-[Upper left corner]
-горен ляв ъгъл
-[Lower left corner]
-долен ляв ъгъл
-[Lower right corner]
-долен десен ъгъл
-[Upper right corner]
-горен десен ъгъл
-[Global Status]
-Общи състояния
-[Protocol Status]
-Състояния на протоколите
-[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
-Не е възможно задаването на стойност по-малка от %d и по-голяма от %d.
-['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
-[Popup plus warning]
-Popup Plus Предупреждение
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_skins.cpp
-[Failed to register %s class.]
-Неуспешно регистриране на %s class.
-[Skin preview]
-[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
-Просто погледнете този облик... ;)
-[Show clock]
-Показване на часа
-[Drop shadow effect]
-[non rectangular]
-[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
-[Use Windows colors]
-Цветове от Windows
-[Use advanced text render]
-[Global settings]
-Общи настройки
-[Refresh List]
-Обновяване на списъка
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_thread.cpp
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_wnd2.cpp
-[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
-[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\services.cpp
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\srmm_menu.cpp
-[Popup Mode: Auto]
-Popup режим: Автоматичен
-[Popup Mode: Favorite]
-Popup режим: Любим
-[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
-Popup режим: Игнориране на режим "цял екран"
-[Popup Mode: Block contact]
-Popup режим: Блокиране на контакта
+#muuid {26a9125d-7863-4e01-af0e-d14ef95c5054}
+; File: Popup.dll
+; Plugin: Popup plus
+; Version:
+; Authors: MPK, Merlin_de (Luca Santarelli, Victor Pavlychko)
+[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
+Услуга за уведомяване чрез popup за останалите приставки.
+;file \plugins\Popup\res\resource.rc
+[Content and Style]
+Съдържание и стил
+[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
+"Персонализиране > Шрифтове и цветове" за избор на шрифтове и цветове
+[Live Preview]
+[Size && Position]
+Размер и позиция
+[Enable popup history]
+Включване на popup историята
+[Store last]
+Запис на посл.
+[Use History++ to render log]
+[Draw avatar borders]
+Рамка на аватарите
+[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
+Рамка и за полупрозрачните аватари
+[Round corners by]
+Закръгляне на ъглите с
+[Avatar size:]
+Аватар (размер):
+[Enable avatar updates]
+Актуализиране на аватарите
+[Start the popups in the monitor with]
+Показване на popups в монитора с
+[Miranda's window]
+прозорецът на Miranda
+[the active window]
+активният прозорец
+[Use transparency]
+[Opaque popups under cursor]
+Уплътняване при посочване
+[Slide popup]
+Плъзгане на popup-овете
+[Time (in):]
+Появяване за:
+[Time (out):]
+Изчезване за:
+[Limit window amount to:]
+Максимален брой прозорци:
+[* - built-in skins]
+* - вграден
+[Skin options]
+Настройки на облика
+[Download more skins]
+Сваляне на още облици
+[Popup History]
+Popup история
+Работен плот
+[Popup area]
+Площ на Popup-а
+[Distance between popups]
+Разстояние между popup-овете
+[Configure popup area]
+Настройване на popup полето
+[Enable popup actions]
+Включване на popup действията
+[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
+Popup действията са малките бутони под текста.
+[Common actions]
+Общи действия
+[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
+Изберете кога да бъдат добавяни стандартни действия:
+[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
+Информация+меню само IM контактите
+[Add default actions for contacts only]
+Стандартни д-я само за контакти
+[Don't close popups on default actions]
+Без затваряне на popup-a след д-е
+[Size and position]
+Размер и позиция
+[Use large icons]
+Ползване на големи икони
+[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
+Показване на Popup действията като:
+[Icons and labels below text]
+Икони и етикети под текста
+[Icons on the left]
+Икони вляво
+[Icons aligned to the right]
+Икони вдясно
+[Show actions: (requires apply)]
+Действия:(натиснете "Прилагане")
+[Mouse actions overwrite]
+Подмяна действието на бутоните
+[Left button]
+Ляв бутон
+[Middle button]
+Среден бутон
+[Right button]
+Десен бутон
+[General options]
+Основни настройки
+[Enable this notification]
+Включване на уведомяването
+[Popup timeout:]
+[Left click action:]
+Ляв бутон:
+[Right click action:]
+Десен бутон:
+[Disable when global status is...]
+Изключване, когато общото състояние е...
+[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
+[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
+Цветовете се настройват от\r\n"Персонализиране > Шрифтове и цветове"
+[Disable if message window is open]
+Изключване при отворен прозорец за съобщения
+[0 = Default]
+0 = стандарт
+[-1 = Infinite]
+-1 = безкрайно
+[Per-contact settings]
+Настройване на визуализирането по отделно за контактите
+[Show always]
+[Ignore fullscreen]
+[Never show]
+[Show default]
+[Default timeout]
+Стандартно времетраене
+[Infinite popup delay]
+Безкрайна продължителност
+[Popup delay:]
+[Do not close hovered popups]
+Без затваряне при посочване
+[Dynamically resize the popups]
+Динамично оразмеряване
+[Minimum width]
+Мин. ширина
+[Maximum width]
+Макс. ширина
+[Reorder popups]
+Пренареждане на Popups
+[Disable when:]
+Без Popups, когато:
+[Always (has priority)]
+Винаги (приоритетно)
+[Fullscreen mode]
+Режим на цял екран
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\actions.cpp
+[Quick reply]
+Бърз отговор
+[Send message]
+Изпращане на съобщение
+[User details]
+Подробности за потребителя
+[Contact menu]
+Меню на контактите
+[Add permanently]
+Добавяне за постоянно
+[Pin popup]
+Прилепване на popup-а
+[Dismiss popup]
+Затваряне на Popup
+[Copy to clipboard]
+Запис в клипборда
+[No overwrite]
+без подмяна
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\config.cpp
+[The Jabberwocky]
+[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
+[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
+Тестови образец за настройките на popup приставката. Би трябвало да е достатъчно дълъг, за да не се събере на един ред...
+[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
+Специален тестови образец за настройките на popup приставката. Заглавието и текста са достатъчно дълги за да донагласите облика и темата към вашия вкус :)
+[This is a notification message]
+Това е уведомяване
+[This is a warning message]
+Това е предупреждение
+[This is an error message]
+Това е съобщение за грешка
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\effects.cpp
+[Square fading]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\font.h
+[Hovered action]
+Посочено действие
+Странична лента
+[Title underline]
+Подчертаване на заглавието
+[Avatar border]
+Рамка на аватара
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\history.cpp
+[Popup History is disabled]
+Popup историята е изклюена
+[Popup History message]
+Popup история на съобщенията
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\icons.cpp
+[Popups are enabled]
+Popups са включени
+[Popups are disabled]
+Popups са изключени
+[With "favorite" overlay]
+[With "fullscreen" overlay]
+[Refresh skin list]
+Обновяване на списъка с облици
+[Popup placement]
+Popup позиция
+[Popup group]
+Popup група
+[Favorite contact]
+Любим контакт
+[Show in fullscreen]
+[Blocked contact]
+Блокиран контакт
+[Pinned popup]
+Прилепен popup
+[Add contact permanently]
+Добавяне на контакта за постоянно
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\main.cpp
+[Toggle Popups]
+Вкл./Изкл. на Popups
+[Enable Popups]
+Включване на Popups
+[Disable Popups]
+Изключване на Popups
+[Popup Plus]
+Popup Plus
+[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
+Грешка: Неуспешно регистриране на Popup Window class.\r\nПриставката няма да може да работи.
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_adv.cpp
+[No effect]
+Без ефект
+[Fade in/out]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_class.cpp
+[CLASS Plugins]
+CLASS приставки
+[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
+Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_gen.cpp
+Извън линия
+На линия
+[Not available]
+[Do not disturb]
+Не безпокойте
+[Free for chat]
+Готов за чат
+[Out to lunch]
+На обяд
+[On the phone]
+На телефона
+[Upper left corner]
+горен ляв ъгъл
+[Lower left corner]
+долен ляв ъгъл
+[Lower right corner]
+долен десен ъгъл
+[Upper right corner]
+горен десен ъгъл
+[Global Status]
+Общи състояния
+[Protocol Status]
+Състояния на протоколите
+[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
+Не е възможно задаването на стойност по-малка от %d и по-голяма от %d.
+['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
+[Popup plus warning]
+Popup Plus Предупреждение
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_skins.cpp
+[Failed to register %s class.]
+Неуспешно регистриране на %s class.
+[Skin preview]
+[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
+Просто погледнете този облик... ;)
+[Show clock]
+Показване на часа
+[Drop shadow effect]
+[non rectangular]
+[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
+[Use Windows colors]
+Цветове от Windows
+[Use advanced text render]
+[Global settings]
+Общи настройки
+[Refresh List]
+Обновяване на списъка
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_thread.cpp
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_wnd2.cpp
+[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
+[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\services.cpp
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\srmm_menu.cpp
+[Popup Mode: Auto]
+Popup режим: Автоматичен
+[Popup Mode: Favorite]
+Popup режим: Любим
+[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
+Popup режим: Игнориране на режим "цял екран"
+[Popup Mode: Block contact]
+Popup режим: Блокиране на контакта
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/YAPP.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/YAPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8747f139e7..0000000000
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/YAPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-#muuid {efd15f16-7ae4-40d7-a8e3-a411ed747bd5}
-; File: YAPP.dll
-; Plugin: YAPP
-; Version:
-; Authors: Scott Ellis
-[Yet Another Popup Plugin - Provides popup notification window services to other plugins.]
-Yet Another Popup Plugin - осигурява услуга за уведомяване чрез popup прозорци за останалите приставки.
-;file \plugins\YAPP\res\yapp.rc
-[Popup history]
-Рopup история
-[Case sensitive]
-[Default Timeout]
-Стандартно времетраене
-[Never timeout]
-[Set timeout:]
-Задаване (сек):
-[Maximum height:]
-Макс. височина:
-[Opacity (%):]
-Плътност (%):
-[Round corners (window)]
-Закръглени ъгли (на прозореца)
-[Transparent background]
-Прозрачен фон
-[Avatar size:]
-Аватар (размер):
-[Disable when]
-Изключване, когато
-[Global hover]
-[Sidebar width:]
-Странична лента:
-[Text indent:]
-Отстъп на текста:
-[Round corners (avatar)]
-Закръглени ъгли (на аватара)
-[Text color:]
-Цвят на текста:
-[Background color:]
-Цвят на фона:
-[Set timeout]
-Задаване на времетраене
-[Timeout value (0 = default):]
-Времетраене (0=стандарт):
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\icons.cpp
-[Popups are enabled]
-Popups са включени
-[Popups are disabled]
-Popups са изключени
-[Popup History]
-Popup история
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\notify_imp.cpp
-[YAPP Popups]
-YAPP Popups
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\options.cpp
-[The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.]
-Бързата кафява лисица прескочи мързеливото куче.
-[Example With a Long Title]
-Пример с дълго заглавие
-[An avatar.]
-[Bottom right]
-Долу вдясно
-[Bottom left]
-Долу вляво
-[Top right]
-Горе вдясно
-[Top left]
-Горе вляво
-[Icon on left]
-Икона вляво
-[Icon on right]
-Икона вдясно
-[No time]
-Без час
-[Time on left]
-Час вляво
-[Time on right]
-Час вдясно
-[Time above avatar]
-Час над аватара
-[No avatar]
-Няма аватар
-[Left avatar]
-Аватар отляво
-[Right avatar]
-Аватар отдясно
-[Full-screen app running]
-Приложение на цял екран
-[No animate]
-Без анимиране
-[Horizontal animate]
-Хоризонтално анимиране
-[Vertical animate]
-Вертикално анимиране
-[You cannot set a default timeout of 0.\nValue has been reset.]
-Времетраенето не може да бъде 0.\nСтойността е нулирана.
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\services.cpp
-[Disable Popups]
-Изключване на Popups
-[Enable Popups]
-Включване на Popups
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\yapp.cpp
-[Toggle Popups]
-Вкл./Изкл. на Popups
-[First line]
-Първи ред
-[Second line]
-Втори ред
-Странична лента
-[Title underline]
-Подчертаване на заглавието
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\yapp_history_dlg.cpp
-[Copy title to clipboard]
-Копиране на заглавието в клипборда
-[Copy message to clipboard]
-Копиране на съобщението в клипборда
-[Copy timestamp to clipboard]
-Копиране на времевата марка в клипборда
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/Popup.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/PopupPlus.txt
index b9e5a47954..f7a717f291 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/Popup.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/PopupPlus.txt
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-[Use History++ to render log]
-[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
-[Ignore fullscreen]
-[The Jabberwocky]
-[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
-[Square fading]
-[With "favorite" overlay]
-[With "fullscreen" overlay]
-[Show in fullscreen]
-['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
-[Drop shadow effect]
-[non rectangular]
-[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
-[Use advanced text render]
-[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
-[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
+[Use History++ to render log]
+[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
+[Ignore fullscreen]
+[The Jabberwocky]
+[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
+[Square fading]
+[With "favorite" overlay]
+[With "fullscreen" overlay]
+[Show in fullscreen]
+['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
+[Drop shadow effect]
+[non rectangular]
+[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
+[Use advanced text render]
+[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
+[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/YAPP.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/YAPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d58001d75..0000000000
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/YAPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-[Case sensitive]
-[Global hover]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Popup.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
index 78b1d70641..6f4e850458 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Popup.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
@@ -1,423 +1,423 @@
-#muuid {26a9125d-7863-4e01-af0e-d14ef95c5054}
-; File: Popup.dll
-; Plugin: Popup plus
-; Version:
-; Authors: MPK, Merlin_de (Luca Santarelli, Victor Pavlychko)
-[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
-;file \plugins\Popup\res\resource.rc
-[Content and Style]
-[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
-[Live Preview]
-[Size && Position]
-[Enable popup history]
-[Store last]
-[Use History++ to render log]
-[Draw avatar borders]
-[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
-[Round corners by]
-[Avatar size:]
-[Enable avatar updates]
-[Start the popups in the monitor with]
-[Miranda's window]
-[the active window]
-[Use transparency]
-[Opaque popups under cursor]
-[Slide popup]
-[Time (in):]
-[Time (out):]
-[Limit window amount to:]
-[* - built-in skins]
-[Skin options]
-[Download more skins]
-[Popup History]
-[Popup area]
-[Distance between popups]
-[Configure popup area]
-[Enable popup actions]
-[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
-[Common actions]
-[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
-[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
-[Add default actions for contacts only]
-[Don't close popups on default actions]
-[Size and position]
-[Use large icons]
-[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
-[Icons and labels below text]
-[Icons on the left]
-[Icons aligned to the right]
-[Show actions: (requires apply)]
-[Mouse actions overwrite]
-[Left button]
-[Middle button]
-[Right button]
-[General options]
-[Enable this notification]
-[Popup timeout:]
-[Left click action:]
-[Right click action:]
-[Disable when global status is...]
-[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
-[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
-[Disable if message window is open]
-[0 = Default]
-[-1 = Infinite]
-[Per-contact settings]
-[Show always]
-[Ignore fullscreen]
-[Never show]
-[Show default]
-[Default timeout]
-[Infinite popup delay]
-[Popup delay:]
-[Do not close hovered popups]
-[Dynamically resize the popups]
-[Minimum width]
-[Maximum width]
-[Reorder popups]
-[Disable when:]
-[Always (has priority)]
-[Fullscreen mode]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\actions.cpp
-[Quick reply]
-[Send message]
-[User details]
-Pojedinosti o korisniku
-[Contact menu]
-[Add permanently]
-[Pin popup]
-[Dismiss popup]
-[Copy to clipboard]
-[No overwrite]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\config.cpp
-[The Jabberwocky]
-[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
-[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
-[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
-[This is a notification message]
-[This is a warning message]
-[This is an error message]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\effects.cpp
-[Square fading]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\font.h
-[Hovered action]
-[Title underline]
-[Avatar border]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\history.cpp
-[Popup History is disabled]
-[Popup History message]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\icons.cpp
-[Popups are enabled]
-[Popups are disabled]
-[With "favorite" overlay]
-[With "fullscreen" overlay]
-[Refresh skin list]
-[Popup placement]
-[Popup group]
-[Favorite contact]
-[Show in fullscreen]
-[Blocked contact]
-[Pinned popup]
-[Add contact permanently]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\main.cpp
-[Toggle Popups]
-[Enable Popups]
-[Disable Popups]
-[Popup Plus]
-[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_adv.cpp
-[No effect]
-[Fade in/out]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_class.cpp
-[CLASS Plugins]
-[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_gen.cpp
-[Not available]
-[Do not disturb]
-[Free for chat]
-[Out to lunch]
-[On the phone]
-[Upper left corner]
-[Lower left corner]
-[Lower right corner]
-[Upper right corner]
-[Global Status]
-[Protocol Status]
-[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
-['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
-[Popup plus warning]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_skins.cpp
-[Failed to register %s class.]
-[Skin preview]
-[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
-[Show clock]
-[Drop shadow effect]
-[non rectangular]
-[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
-[Use Windows colors]
-[Use advanced text render]
-[Global settings]
-[Refresh List]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_thread.cpp
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_wnd2.cpp
-[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
-[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\services.cpp
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\srmm_menu.cpp
-[Popup Mode: Auto]
-[Popup Mode: Favorite]
-[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
-[Popup Mode: Block contact]
+#muuid {26a9125d-7863-4e01-af0e-d14ef95c5054}
+; File: Popup.dll
+; Plugin: Popup plus
+; Version:
+; Authors: MPK, Merlin_de (Luca Santarelli, Victor Pavlychko)
+[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
+;file \plugins\Popup\res\resource.rc
+[Content and Style]
+[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
+[Live Preview]
+[Size && Position]
+[Enable popup history]
+[Store last]
+[Use History++ to render log]
+[Draw avatar borders]
+[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
+[Round corners by]
+[Avatar size:]
+[Enable avatar updates]
+[Start the popups in the monitor with]
+[Miranda's window]
+[the active window]
+[Use transparency]
+[Opaque popups under cursor]
+[Slide popup]
+[Time (in):]
+[Time (out):]
+[Limit window amount to:]
+[* - built-in skins]
+[Skin options]
+[Download more skins]
+[Popup History]
+[Popup area]
+[Distance between popups]
+[Configure popup area]
+[Enable popup actions]
+[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
+[Common actions]
+[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
+[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
+[Add default actions for contacts only]
+[Don't close popups on default actions]
+[Size and position]
+[Use large icons]
+[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
+[Icons and labels below text]
+[Icons on the left]
+[Icons aligned to the right]
+[Show actions: (requires apply)]
+[Mouse actions overwrite]
+[Left button]
+[Middle button]
+[Right button]
+[General options]
+[Enable this notification]
+[Popup timeout:]
+[Left click action:]
+[Right click action:]
+[Disable when global status is...]
+[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
+[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
+[Disable if message window is open]
+[0 = Default]
+[-1 = Infinite]
+[Per-contact settings]
+[Show always]
+[Ignore fullscreen]
+[Never show]
+[Show default]
+[Default timeout]
+[Infinite popup delay]
+[Popup delay:]
+[Do not close hovered popups]
+[Dynamically resize the popups]
+[Minimum width]
+[Maximum width]
+[Reorder popups]
+[Disable when:]
+[Always (has priority)]
+[Fullscreen mode]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\actions.cpp
+[Quick reply]
+[Send message]
+[User details]
+Pojedinosti o korisniku
+[Contact menu]
+[Add permanently]
+[Pin popup]
+[Dismiss popup]
+[Copy to clipboard]
+[No overwrite]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\config.cpp
+[The Jabberwocky]
+[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
+[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
+[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
+[This is a notification message]
+[This is a warning message]
+[This is an error message]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\effects.cpp
+[Square fading]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\font.h
+[Hovered action]
+[Title underline]
+[Avatar border]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\history.cpp
+[Popup History is disabled]
+[Popup History message]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\icons.cpp
+[Popups are enabled]
+[Popups are disabled]
+[With "favorite" overlay]
+[With "fullscreen" overlay]
+[Refresh skin list]
+[Popup placement]
+[Popup group]
+[Favorite contact]
+[Show in fullscreen]
+[Blocked contact]
+[Pinned popup]
+[Add contact permanently]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\main.cpp
+[Toggle Popups]
+[Enable Popups]
+[Disable Popups]
+[Popup Plus]
+[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_adv.cpp
+[No effect]
+[Fade in/out]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_class.cpp
+[CLASS Plugins]
+[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_gen.cpp
+[Not available]
+[Do not disturb]
+[Free for chat]
+[Out to lunch]
+[On the phone]
+[Upper left corner]
+[Lower left corner]
+[Lower right corner]
+[Upper right corner]
+[Global Status]
+[Protocol Status]
+[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
+['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
+[Popup plus warning]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_skins.cpp
+[Failed to register %s class.]
+[Skin preview]
+[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
+[Show clock]
+[Drop shadow effect]
+[non rectangular]
+[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
+[Use Windows colors]
+[Use advanced text render]
+[Global settings]
+[Refresh List]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_thread.cpp
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_wnd2.cpp
+[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
+[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\services.cpp
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\srmm_menu.cpp
+[Popup Mode: Auto]
+[Popup Mode: Favorite]
+[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
+[Popup Mode: Block contact]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/YAPP.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/YAPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0268a4b695..0000000000
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/YAPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-#muuid {efd15f16-7ae4-40d7-a8e3-a411ed747bd5}
-; File: YAPP.dll
-; Plugin: YAPP
-; Version:
-; Authors: Scott Ellis
-[Yet Another Popup Plugin - Provides popup notification window services to other plugins.]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\res\yapp.rc
-[Popup history]
-[Case sensitive]
-[Default Timeout]
-[Never timeout]
-[Set timeout:]
-[Maximum height:]
-[Opacity (%):]
-[Round corners (window)]
-[Transparent background]
-[Avatar size:]
-[Disable when]
-[Global hover]
-[Sidebar width:]
-[Text indent:]
-[Round corners (avatar)]
-[Text color:]
-[Background color:]
-[Set timeout]
-[Timeout value (0 = default):]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\icons.cpp
-[Popups are enabled]
-[Popups are disabled]
-[Popup History]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\notify_imp.cpp
-[YAPP Popups]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\options.cpp
-[The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.]
-[Example With a Long Title]
-[An avatar.]
-[Bottom right]
-[Bottom left]
-[Top right]
-[Top left]
-[Icon on left]
-[Icon on right]
-[No time]
-[Time on left]
-[Time on right]
-[Time above avatar]
-[No avatar]
-[Left avatar]
-[Right avatar]
-[Full-screen app running]
-[No animate]
-[Horizontal animate]
-[Vertical animate]
-[You cannot set a default timeout of 0.\nValue has been reset.]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\services.cpp
-[Disable Popups]
-[Enable Popups]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\yapp.cpp
-[Toggle Popups]
-[First line]
-[Second line]
-[Title underline]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\yapp_history_dlg.cpp
-[Copy title to clipboard]
-[Copy message to clipboard]
-[Copy timestamp to clipboard]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Popup.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/PopupPlus.txt
index a97c7c7e2b..f550cc99b0 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Popup.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/PopupPlus.txt
@@ -1,192 +1,192 @@
-[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
-[Content and Style]
-[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
-[Live Preview]
-[Size && Position]
-[Enable popup history]
-[Store last]
-[Use History++ to render log]
-[Draw avatar borders]
-[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
-[Round corners by]
-[Avatar size:]
-[Enable avatar updates]
-[Start the popups in the monitor with]
-[Miranda's window]
-[the active window]
-[Use transparency]
-[Opaque popups under cursor]
-[Slide popup]
-[Time (in):]
-[Time (out):]
-[Limit window amount to:]
-[* - built-in skins]
-[Skin options]
-[Download more skins]
-[Popup History]
-[Popup area]
-[Distance between popups]
-[Configure popup area]
-[Enable popup actions]
-[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
-[Common actions]
-[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
-[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
-[Add default actions for contacts only]
-[Don't close popups on default actions]
-[Size and position]
-[Use large icons]
-[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
-[Icons and labels below text]
-[Icons on the left]
-[Icons aligned to the right]
-[Show actions: (requires apply)]
-[Mouse actions overwrite]
-[Left button]
-[Middle button]
-[Right button]
-[General options]
-[Enable this notification]
-[Popup timeout:]
-[Left click action:]
-[Right click action:]
-[Disable when global status is...]
-[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
-[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
-[Disable if message window is open]
-[0 = Default]
-[-1 = Infinite]
-[Per-contact settings]
-[Show always]
-[Ignore fullscreen]
-[Never show]
-[Show default]
-[Default timeout]
-[Infinite popup delay]
-[Popup delay:]
-[Do not close hovered popups]
-[Dynamically resize the popups]
-[Minimum width]
-[Maximum width]
-[Reorder popups]
-[Disable when:]
-[Always (has priority)]
-[Fullscreen mode]
-[Quick reply]
-[Send message]
-[Contact menu]
-[Add permanently]
-[Pin popup]
-[Dismiss popup]
-[Copy to clipboard]
-[No overwrite]
-[The Jabberwocky]
-[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
-[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
-[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
-[This is a notification message]
-[This is a warning message]
-[This is an error message]
-[Square fading]
-[Hovered action]
-[Title underline]
-[Avatar border]
-[Popup History is disabled]
-[Popup History message]
-[Popups are enabled]
-[Popups are disabled]
-[With "favorite" overlay]
-[With "fullscreen" overlay]
-[Refresh skin list]
-[Popup placement]
-[Popup group]
-[Favorite contact]
-[Show in fullscreen]
-[Blocked contact]
-[Pinned popup]
-[Add contact permanently]
-[Toggle Popups]
-[Enable Popups]
-[Disable Popups]
-[Popup Plus]
-[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
-[No effect]
-[Fade in/out]
-[CLASS Plugins]
-[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
-[Not available]
-[Do not disturb]
-[Free for chat]
-[Out to lunch]
-[On the phone]
-[Upper left corner]
-[Lower left corner]
-[Lower right corner]
-[Upper right corner]
-[Global Status]
-[Protocol Status]
-[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
-['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
-[Popup plus warning]
-[Failed to register %s class.]
-[Skin preview]
-[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
-[Show clock]
-[Drop shadow effect]
-[non rectangular]
-[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
-[Use Windows colors]
-[Use advanced text render]
-[Global settings]
-[Refresh List]
-[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
-[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
-[Popup Mode: Auto]
-[Popup Mode: Favorite]
-[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
-[Popup Mode: Block contact]
+[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
+[Content and Style]
+[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
+[Live Preview]
+[Size && Position]
+[Enable popup history]
+[Store last]
+[Use History++ to render log]
+[Draw avatar borders]
+[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
+[Round corners by]
+[Avatar size:]
+[Enable avatar updates]
+[Start the popups in the monitor with]
+[Miranda's window]
+[the active window]
+[Use transparency]
+[Opaque popups under cursor]
+[Slide popup]
+[Time (in):]
+[Time (out):]
+[Limit window amount to:]
+[* - built-in skins]
+[Skin options]
+[Download more skins]
+[Popup History]
+[Popup area]
+[Distance between popups]
+[Configure popup area]
+[Enable popup actions]
+[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
+[Common actions]
+[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
+[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
+[Add default actions for contacts only]
+[Don't close popups on default actions]
+[Size and position]
+[Use large icons]
+[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
+[Icons and labels below text]
+[Icons on the left]
+[Icons aligned to the right]
+[Show actions: (requires apply)]
+[Mouse actions overwrite]
+[Left button]
+[Middle button]
+[Right button]
+[General options]
+[Enable this notification]
+[Popup timeout:]
+[Left click action:]
+[Right click action:]
+[Disable when global status is...]
+[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
+[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
+[Disable if message window is open]
+[0 = Default]
+[-1 = Infinite]
+[Per-contact settings]
+[Show always]
+[Ignore fullscreen]
+[Never show]
+[Show default]
+[Default timeout]
+[Infinite popup delay]
+[Popup delay:]
+[Do not close hovered popups]
+[Dynamically resize the popups]
+[Minimum width]
+[Maximum width]
+[Reorder popups]
+[Disable when:]
+[Always (has priority)]
+[Fullscreen mode]
+[Quick reply]
+[Send message]
+[Contact menu]
+[Add permanently]
+[Pin popup]
+[Dismiss popup]
+[Copy to clipboard]
+[No overwrite]
+[The Jabberwocky]
+[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
+[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
+[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
+[This is a notification message]
+[This is a warning message]
+[This is an error message]
+[Square fading]
+[Hovered action]
+[Title underline]
+[Avatar border]
+[Popup History is disabled]
+[Popup History message]
+[Popups are enabled]
+[Popups are disabled]
+[With "favorite" overlay]
+[With "fullscreen" overlay]
+[Refresh skin list]
+[Popup placement]
+[Popup group]
+[Favorite contact]
+[Show in fullscreen]
+[Blocked contact]
+[Pinned popup]
+[Add contact permanently]
+[Toggle Popups]
+[Enable Popups]
+[Disable Popups]
+[Popup Plus]
+[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
+[No effect]
+[Fade in/out]
+[CLASS Plugins]
+[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
+[Not available]
+[Do not disturb]
+[Free for chat]
+[Out to lunch]
+[On the phone]
+[Upper left corner]
+[Lower left corner]
+[Lower right corner]
+[Upper right corner]
+[Global Status]
+[Protocol Status]
+[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
+['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
+[Popup plus warning]
+[Failed to register %s class.]
+[Skin preview]
+[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
+[Show clock]
+[Drop shadow effect]
+[non rectangular]
+[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
+[Use Windows colors]
+[Use advanced text render]
+[Global settings]
+[Refresh List]
+[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
+[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
+[Popup Mode: Auto]
+[Popup Mode: Favorite]
+[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
+[Popup Mode: Block contact]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/YAPP.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/YAPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ddc78c40b..0000000000
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/YAPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-[Yet Another Popup Plugin - Provides popup notification window services to other plugins.]
-[Popup history]
-[Case sensitive]
-[Default Timeout]
-[Never timeout]
-[Set timeout:]
-[Maximum height:]
-[Opacity (%):]
-[Round corners (window)]
-[Transparent background]
-[Avatar size:]
-[Disable when]
-[Global hover]
-[Sidebar width:]
-[Text indent:]
-[Round corners (avatar)]
-[Text color:]
-[Background color:]
-[Set timeout]
-[Timeout value (0 = default):]
-[Popups are enabled]
-[Popups are disabled]
-[Popup History]
-[YAPP Popups]
-[The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.]
-[Example With a Long Title]
-[An avatar.]
-[Bottom right]
-[Bottom left]
-[Top right]
-[Top left]
-[Icon on left]
-[Icon on right]
-[No time]
-[Time on left]
-[Time on right]
-[Time above avatar]
-[No avatar]
-[Left avatar]
-[Right avatar]
-[Full-screen app running]
-[No animate]
-[Horizontal animate]
-[Vertical animate]
-[You cannot set a default timeout of 0.\nValue has been reset.]
-[Disable Popups]
-[Enable Popups]
-[Toggle Popups]
-[First line]
-[Second line]
-[Title underline]
-[Copy title to clipboard]
-[Copy message to clipboard]
-[Copy timestamp to clipboard]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Popup.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
index c6e1cd72db..61044bd27b 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Popup.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
@@ -1,423 +1,423 @@
-#muuid {26a9125d-7863-4e01-af0e-d14ef95c5054}
-; File: Popup.dll
-; Plugin: Popup plus
-; Version:
-; Authors: MPK, Merlin_de (Luca Santarelli, Victor Pavlychko)
-[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
-Poskytuje služby oznámení pro různé doplňky.
-;file \plugins\Popup\res\resource.rc
-[Content and Style]
-Chování a vzhled
-[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
-Nastavení změníte v Možnosti -> Vlastní úpravy -> Písma a barvy
-[Live Preview]
-[Size && Position]
-Velikost a umístění
-[Enable popup history]
-Povolit historii oznámení
-[Store last]
-Uložit posledních
-[Use History++ to render log]
-Použít History++ pro záznam
-[Draw avatar borders]
-Orámovat avatary
-[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
-Zobrazit rámeček i u poloprůhledných avatarů
-[Round corners by]
-Zaoblit rohy o
-[Avatar size:]
-Velikost avataru:
-[Enable avatar updates]
-Povolit aktualizaci avatarů
-Více monitorů
-[Start the popups in the monitor with]
-Zobrazovat oznámení na monitoru, kde je
-[Miranda's window]
-okno Mirandy
-[the active window]
-aktivní okno
-[Use transparency]
-[Opaque popups under cursor]
-Zvýraznit oznámení pod kurzorem
-[Slide popup]
-Posouvat oznámení
-[Time (in):]
-Doba náběhu:
-[Time (out):]
-Doba doběhu:
-[Limit window amount to:]
-Omezit počet oznámení na
-[* - built-in skins]
-* - interní
-[Skin options]
-Možnosti skinu
-[Download more skins]
-Stáhnout další skiny
-[Popup History]
-Historie oznámení
-[Popup area]
-Oblast oznámení
-[Distance between popups]
-Odstup jednotlivých položek
-[Configure popup area]
-Konfigurace umístění
-[Enable popup actions]
-Povolit akce při oznámení
-[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
-Akce při oznámení jsou ona malá tlačítka pod textem oznámení.
-[Common actions]
-Obecné akce
-[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
-Prosím vyberte, ve kterých případech mají být přidány výchozí akce:
-[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
-Přidat jen info a nabídku po kontakty
-[Add default actions for contacts only]
-Přidat jen výchozí ikony pro kontakty
-[Don't close popups on default actions]
-Nezavírat oznámení při výchozí akci
-[Size and position]
-Velikost a pozice
-[Use large icons]
-Zobrazit velké ikony
-[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
-Akce budou zobrazeny jako:
-[Icons and labels below text]
-Ikony a popisky pod textem
-[Icons on the left]
-Ikony vlevo
-[Icons aligned to the right]
-Ikony vpravo
-[Show actions: (requires apply)]
-Zobrazit akce: (vyžaduje tlačítko Použít)
-[Mouse actions overwrite]
-Vlastní nastavení myši
-[Left button]
-Levé tlačítko
-[Middle button]
-Prostřední tlačítko
-[Right button]
-Pravé tlačítko
-[General options]
-Obecná nastavení
-[Enable this notification]
-Povolit tento druh oznámení
-[Popup timeout:]
-Doba zobrazení:
-[Left click action:]
-Levým tlačítkem:
-[Right click action:]
-Pravým tlačítkem:
-[Disable when global status is...]
-Zakázat, je-li globální stav
-[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
-Zakázat, je-li příslušný protokol ve stavu
-[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
-Barvy lze nastavit v nabídce Vlastní úpravy -> Písma a barvy
-[Disable if message window is open]
-Zakázat, je-li otevřeno komunikační okno
-[0 = Default]
-0 = výchozí
-[-1 = Infinite]
--1 = neustále
-[Per-contact settings]
-Lokální nastavení
-[Show always]
-Zobrazit trvale
-[Ignore fullscreen]
-Ignor. celoobraz.
-[Never show]
-[Show default]
-Výchozí stav
-[Default timeout]
-Výchozí doba zobrazení
-[Infinite popup delay]
-Zobrazit trvale
-[Popup delay:]
-Doba zobrazení
-[Do not close hovered popups]
-Nezavírat po umístění myši
-[Dynamically resize the popups]
-Měnit velikost dynamicky
-[Minimum width]
-Minimální šířka
-[Maximum width]
-Maximální šířka
-[Reorder popups]
-Obrátit pořadí
-[Disable when:]
-Neaktivní ve stavu
-[Always (has priority)]
-Vždy (má prioritu)
-[Fullscreen mode]
-Celoobrazovkový režim
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\actions.cpp
-[Quick reply]
-Rychlá odpověď
-[Send message]
-Poslat zprávu
-[User details]
-Informace o uživateli
-[Contact menu]
-Menu kontaktu
-[Add permanently]
-Přidat natrvalo
-[Pin popup]
-Zobrazit trvale
-[Dismiss popup]
-Zavřít oznámení
-[Copy to clipboard]
-Zkopírovat do schránky
-[No overwrite]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\config.cpp
-[The Jabberwocky]
-[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
-Bylo smažno, lepě svihlí tlové\r\n se batoumali v dálnici,\r\n chrudošní byli borolové,\r\n na mamné krsy žárnící.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]
-[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
-Testovací náhled doplňku oznámení. Tento text je snad dost dlouhý na to, aby se nevešel na jeden řádek...
-[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
-Toto je speciální testovací náhled nastavení doplňku oznámení. Text a titulek jsou docela dlouhé, takže si můžete se skinem a doplňkem pohrát tak, aby vám plně vyhovoval :)
-[This is a notification message]
-Toto je oznámení :-)
-[This is a warning message]
-Toto je varovné hlášení :-o
-[This is an error message]
-Toto je chybové hlášení :-(
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\effects.cpp
-[Square fading]
-Přechod s kostičkováním
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\font.h
-[Hovered action]
-Po najetí myši
-Boční pruh
-[Title underline]
-Podtržení záhlaví
-[Avatar border]
-Orámovat avatary
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\history.cpp
-[Popup History is disabled]
-Historie oznámení je vypnuta
-[Popup History message]
-Zpráva historie oznámení
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\icons.cpp
-[Popups are enabled]
-Oznámení jsou zapnuta
-[Popups are disabled]
-Oznámení jsou vypnuta
-[With "favorite" overlay]
-Překrytí pro oblíbené
-[With "fullscreen" overlay]
-Překrytí pro celoobraz. režim
-[Refresh skin list]
-Obnovit seznam skinů
-[Popup placement]
-Umístění oznámení
-[Popup group]
-Skupina oznámení
-[Favorite contact]
-Oblíbený kontakt
-[Show in fullscreen]
-Celoobraz. režim
-[Blocked contact]
-Zablokovaný kontakt
-[Pinned popup]
-Připíchnuté oznámení
-[Add contact permanently]
-Přidat kontakt natrvalo
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\main.cpp
-[Toggle Popups]
-Zapnout/vypnout oznámení
-[Enable Popups]
-Povolit oznámení
-[Disable Popups]
-Vypnout oznámení
-[Popup Plus]
-Oznámení plus
-[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
-Chyba: Nelze zaregistrovat třídu Popup Window.\r\nDoplněk nebude fungovat.
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_adv.cpp
-[No effect]
-Bez efektu
-[Fade in/out]
-Plynulé přechody
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_class.cpp
-[CLASS Plugins]
-[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
-Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_gen.cpp
-Na chvíli pryč
-[Not available]
-Nejsem tady
-Nemám čas
-[Do not disturb]
-[Free for chat]
-Mám volno
-[Out to lunch]
-Na obědě
-[On the phone]
-Na telefonu
-[Upper left corner]
-Levý horní roh
-[Lower left corner]
-Levý dolní roh
-[Lower right corner]
-Pravý dolní roh
-[Upper right corner]
-Pravý horní roh
-[Global Status]
-Globální stav
-[Protocol Status]
-Stav protokolu
-[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
-Nelze zadat hodnotu nižší než %d a vyšší než %d.
-['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
-Upozorňujeme, že volba 'Obrátit pořadí' není zapnutá.\r\nTento fakt může způsobit nekorektní zarovnávání oznámení,\r\nkteré obsahují avatary zároveň s doplňkem NewXStatusNotify.\r\nNechcete zapnout uvedenou funkci pro obrácení pořadí?\r\n
-[Popup plus warning]
-Varování doplňku Oznámení plus
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_skins.cpp
-[Failed to register %s class.]
-Nelze zaregistrovat třídu %s.
-[Skin preview]
-Náhled skinu
-[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
-Račte se na tento skin podívat
-[Show clock]
-Zobrazit čas
-[Drop shadow effect]
-Zobrazit stín
-[non rectangular]
-[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
-Povolit Aero Glass (Vista+)
-[Use Windows colors]
-Použít barvy Windows
-[Use advanced text render]
-Použít pokročilé vykreslování textu
-[Global settings]
-Globální nastavení
-[Refresh List]
-Aktualizovat seznam
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_thread.cpp
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_wnd2.cpp
-[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
-Nelze získat GetClassInfoExW z třídy EDIT.
-[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
-Nelze zaregistrovat třídu vlastního edit boxu.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\services.cpp
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\srmm_menu.cpp
-[Popup Mode: Auto]
-Režim oznámení: Výchozí
-[Popup Mode: Favorite]
-Režim oznámení: Oblíbený kontakt
-[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
-Režim oznámení: Ignorovat celoobrazovkový režim
-[Popup Mode: Block contact]
-Režim oznámení: Blokovat kontakt
+#muuid {26a9125d-7863-4e01-af0e-d14ef95c5054}
+; File: Popup.dll
+; Plugin: Popup plus
+; Version:
+; Authors: MPK, Merlin_de (Luca Santarelli, Victor Pavlychko)
+[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
+Poskytuje služby oznámení pro různé doplňky.
+;file \plugins\Popup\res\resource.rc
+[Content and Style]
+Chování a vzhled
+[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
+Nastavení změníte v Možnosti -> Vlastní úpravy -> Písma a barvy
+[Live Preview]
+[Size && Position]
+Velikost a umístění
+[Enable popup history]
+Povolit historii oznámení
+[Store last]
+Uložit posledních
+[Use History++ to render log]
+Použít History++ pro záznam
+[Draw avatar borders]
+Orámovat avatary
+[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
+Zobrazit rámeček i u poloprůhledných avatarů
+[Round corners by]
+Zaoblit rohy o
+[Avatar size:]
+Velikost avataru:
+[Enable avatar updates]
+Povolit aktualizaci avatarů
+Více monitorů
+[Start the popups in the monitor with]
+Zobrazovat oznámení na monitoru, kde je
+[Miranda's window]
+okno Mirandy
+[the active window]
+aktivní okno
+[Use transparency]
+[Opaque popups under cursor]
+Zvýraznit oznámení pod kurzorem
+[Slide popup]
+Posouvat oznámení
+[Time (in):]
+Doba náběhu:
+[Time (out):]
+Doba doběhu:
+[Limit window amount to:]
+Omezit počet oznámení na
+[* - built-in skins]
+* - interní
+[Skin options]
+Možnosti skinu
+[Download more skins]
+Stáhnout další skiny
+[Popup History]
+Historie oznámení
+[Popup area]
+Oblast oznámení
+[Distance between popups]
+Odstup jednotlivých položek
+[Configure popup area]
+Konfigurace umístění
+[Enable popup actions]
+Povolit akce při oznámení
+[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
+Akce při oznámení jsou ona malá tlačítka pod textem oznámení.
+[Common actions]
+Obecné akce
+[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
+Prosím vyberte, ve kterých případech mají být přidány výchozí akce:
+[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
+Přidat jen info a nabídku po kontakty
+[Add default actions for contacts only]
+Přidat jen výchozí ikony pro kontakty
+[Don't close popups on default actions]
+Nezavírat oznámení při výchozí akci
+[Size and position]
+Velikost a pozice
+[Use large icons]
+Zobrazit velké ikony
+[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
+Akce budou zobrazeny jako:
+[Icons and labels below text]
+Ikony a popisky pod textem
+[Icons on the left]
+Ikony vlevo
+[Icons aligned to the right]
+Ikony vpravo
+[Show actions: (requires apply)]
+Zobrazit akce: (vyžaduje tlačítko Použít)
+[Mouse actions overwrite]
+Vlastní nastavení myši
+[Left button]
+Levé tlačítko
+[Middle button]
+Prostřední tlačítko
+[Right button]
+Pravé tlačítko
+[General options]
+Obecná nastavení
+[Enable this notification]
+Povolit tento druh oznámení
+[Popup timeout:]
+Doba zobrazení:
+[Left click action:]
+Levým tlačítkem:
+[Right click action:]
+Pravým tlačítkem:
+[Disable when global status is...]
+Zakázat, je-li globální stav
+[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
+Zakázat, je-li příslušný protokol ve stavu
+[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
+Barvy lze nastavit v nabídce Vlastní úpravy -> Písma a barvy
+[Disable if message window is open]
+Zakázat, je-li otevřeno komunikační okno
+[0 = Default]
+0 = výchozí
+[-1 = Infinite]
+-1 = neustále
+[Per-contact settings]
+Lokální nastavení
+[Show always]
+Zobrazit trvale
+[Ignore fullscreen]
+Ignor. celoobraz.
+[Never show]
+[Show default]
+Výchozí stav
+[Default timeout]
+Výchozí doba zobrazení
+[Infinite popup delay]
+Zobrazit trvale
+[Popup delay:]
+Doba zobrazení
+[Do not close hovered popups]
+Nezavírat po umístění myši
+[Dynamically resize the popups]
+Měnit velikost dynamicky
+[Minimum width]
+Minimální šířka
+[Maximum width]
+Maximální šířka
+[Reorder popups]
+Obrátit pořadí
+[Disable when:]
+Neaktivní ve stavu
+[Always (has priority)]
+Vždy (má prioritu)
+[Fullscreen mode]
+Celoobrazovkový režim
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\actions.cpp
+[Quick reply]
+Rychlá odpověď
+[Send message]
+Poslat zprávu
+[User details]
+Informace o uživateli
+[Contact menu]
+Menu kontaktu
+[Add permanently]
+Přidat natrvalo
+[Pin popup]
+Zobrazit trvale
+[Dismiss popup]
+Zavřít oznámení
+[Copy to clipboard]
+Zkopírovat do schránky
+[No overwrite]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\config.cpp
+[The Jabberwocky]
+[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
+Bylo smažno, lepě svihlí tlové\r\n se batoumali v dálnici,\r\n chrudošní byli borolové,\r\n na mamné krsy žárnící.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]
+[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
+Testovací náhled doplňku oznámení. Tento text je snad dost dlouhý na to, aby se nevešel na jeden řádek...
+[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
+Toto je speciální testovací náhled nastavení doplňku oznámení. Text a titulek jsou docela dlouhé, takže si můžete se skinem a doplňkem pohrát tak, aby vám plně vyhovoval :)
+[This is a notification message]
+Toto je oznámení :-)
+[This is a warning message]
+Toto je varovné hlášení :-o
+[This is an error message]
+Toto je chybové hlášení :-(
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\effects.cpp
+[Square fading]
+Přechod s kostičkováním
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\font.h
+[Hovered action]
+Po najetí myši
+Boční pruh
+[Title underline]
+Podtržení záhlaví
+[Avatar border]
+Orámovat avatary
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\history.cpp
+[Popup History is disabled]
+Historie oznámení je vypnuta
+[Popup History message]
+Zpráva historie oznámení
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\icons.cpp
+[Popups are enabled]
+Oznámení jsou zapnuta
+[Popups are disabled]
+Oznámení jsou vypnuta
+[With "favorite" overlay]
+Překrytí pro oblíbené
+[With "fullscreen" overlay]
+Překrytí pro celoobraz. režim
+[Refresh skin list]
+Obnovit seznam skinů
+[Popup placement]
+Umístění oznámení
+[Popup group]
+Skupina oznámení
+[Favorite contact]
+Oblíbený kontakt
+[Show in fullscreen]
+Celoobraz. režim
+[Blocked contact]
+Zablokovaný kontakt
+[Pinned popup]
+Připíchnuté oznámení
+[Add contact permanently]
+Přidat kontakt natrvalo
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\main.cpp
+[Toggle Popups]
+Zapnout/vypnout oznámení
+[Enable Popups]
+Povolit oznámení
+[Disable Popups]
+Vypnout oznámení
+[Popup Plus]
+Oznámení plus
+[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
+Chyba: Nelze zaregistrovat třídu Popup Window.\r\nDoplněk nebude fungovat.
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_adv.cpp
+[No effect]
+Bez efektu
+[Fade in/out]
+Plynulé přechody
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_class.cpp
+[CLASS Plugins]
+[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
+Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_gen.cpp
+Na chvíli pryč
+[Not available]
+Nejsem tady
+Nemám čas
+[Do not disturb]
+[Free for chat]
+Mám volno
+[Out to lunch]
+Na obědě
+[On the phone]
+Na telefonu
+[Upper left corner]
+Levý horní roh
+[Lower left corner]
+Levý dolní roh
+[Lower right corner]
+Pravý dolní roh
+[Upper right corner]
+Pravý horní roh
+[Global Status]
+Globální stav
+[Protocol Status]
+Stav protokolu
+[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
+Nelze zadat hodnotu nižší než %d a vyšší než %d.
+['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
+Upozorňujeme, že volba 'Obrátit pořadí' není zapnutá.\r\nTento fakt může způsobit nekorektní zarovnávání oznámení,\r\nkteré obsahují avatary zároveň s doplňkem NewXStatusNotify.\r\nNechcete zapnout uvedenou funkci pro obrácení pořadí?\r\n
+[Popup plus warning]
+Varování doplňku Oznámení plus
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_skins.cpp
+[Failed to register %s class.]
+Nelze zaregistrovat třídu %s.
+[Skin preview]
+Náhled skinu
+[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
+Račte se na tento skin podívat
+[Show clock]
+Zobrazit čas
+[Drop shadow effect]
+Zobrazit stín
+[non rectangular]
+[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
+Povolit Aero Glass (Vista+)
+[Use Windows colors]
+Použít barvy Windows
+[Use advanced text render]
+Použít pokročilé vykreslování textu
+[Global settings]
+Globální nastavení
+[Refresh List]
+Aktualizovat seznam
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_thread.cpp
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_wnd2.cpp
+[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
+Nelze získat GetClassInfoExW z třídy EDIT.
+[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
+Nelze zaregistrovat třídu vlastního edit boxu.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\services.cpp
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\srmm_menu.cpp
+[Popup Mode: Auto]
+Režim oznámení: Výchozí
+[Popup Mode: Favorite]
+Režim oznámení: Oblíbený kontakt
+[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
+Režim oznámení: Ignorovat celoobrazovkový režim
+[Popup Mode: Block contact]
+Režim oznámení: Blokovat kontakt
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/YAPP.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/YAPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 26c78e9593..0000000000
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/YAPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-#muuid {efd15f16-7ae4-40d7-a8e3-a411ed747bd5}
-; File: YAPP.dll
-; Plugin: YAPP
-; Version:
-; Authors: Scott Ellis
-[Yet Another Popup Plugin - Provides popup notification window services to other plugins.]
-Služba pro zobrazení bublinového oznámení ostatními doplňky.
-;file \plugins\YAPP\res\yapp.rc
-[Popup history]
-Historie oznámení
-[Case sensitive]
-Rozlišovat malá a VELKÁ
-[Default Timeout]
-Doba zobrazení
-[Never timeout]
-Zobrazovat trvale
-[Set timeout:]
-Autom. skrýt po:
-[Maximum height:]
-Maximální výška:
-[Opacity (%):]
-Průhlednost (%):
-[Round corners (window)]
-Zaoblit rohy oken
-[Transparent background]
-Průhledné pozadí
-[Avatar size:]
-Velikost avataru:
-[Disable when]
-Neaktivní při
-[Global hover]
-Nezavírat po umístění myši
-[Sidebar width:]
-Šířka bočn. pruhu:
-[Text indent:]
-Odsazení textu:
-[Round corners (avatar)]
-Zaoblit rohy avatarů
-[Text color:]
-Barva textu:
-[Background color:]
-Barva pozadí:
-[Set timeout]
-Nastavit dobu zobrazení
-[Timeout value (0 = default):]
-Prodleva (0 = výchozí):
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\icons.cpp
-[Popups are enabled]
-Oznámení jsou zapnuta
-[Popups are disabled]
-Oznámení jsou vypnuta
-[Popup History]
-Historie oznámení
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\notify_imp.cpp
-[YAPP Popups]
-YAPP Oznámení
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\options.cpp
-[The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.]
-Žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy.
-[Example With a Long Title]
-Příklad dlouhého záhlaví
-[An avatar.]
-[Bottom right]
-Vpravo dole
-[Bottom left]
-Vlevo dole
-[Top right]
-Vpravo nahoře
-[Top left]
-Vlevo nahoře
-[Icon on left]
-Ikona vlevo
-[Icon on right]
-Ikona vpravo
-[No time]
-Bez času
-[Time on left]
-Čas vlevo
-[Time on right]
-Čas vpravo
-[Time above avatar]
-Čas nad avatarem
-[No avatar]
-Bez avataru
-[Left avatar]
-Avatar vlevo
-[Right avatar]
-Avatar vpravo
-[Full-screen app running]
-Celoobrazovkový režim
-[No animate]
-Bez animace
-[Horizontal animate]
-Horizontální animace
-[Vertical animate]
-Vertikální animace
-[You cannot set a default timeout of 0.\nValue has been reset.]
-Nemůžete nastavit výchozí dobu zobrazení na 0.\nHodnota byla obnovena.
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\services.cpp
-[Disable Popups]
-Vypnout oznámení
-[Enable Popups]
-Povolit oznámení
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\yapp.cpp
-[Toggle Popups]
-Zapnout/vypnout oznámení
-[First line]
-První řádek
-[Second line]
-Druhý řádek
-Boční pruh
-[Title underline]
-Podtržení záhlaví
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\yapp_history_dlg.cpp
-[Copy title to clipboard]
-Zkopírovat záhlaví
-[Copy message to clipboard]
-Zkopírovat zprávu
-[Copy timestamp to clipboard]
-Zkopírovat časový údaj
diff --git a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/Popup.txt b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
index 4597111ae1..9a43fe2b25 100644
--- a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/Popup.txt
+++ b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-#muuid {26a9125d-7863-4e01-af0e-d14ef95c5054}
-; File: Popup.dll
-; Plugin: Popup plus
-; Version:
-; Authors: MPK, Merlin_de (Luca Santarelli, Victor Pavlychko)
-[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
-Go to Customise -> Fonts and Colours for fonts and colours options
-[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
-Colours can be configured in\r\nCustomise -> Fonts and colours
-[With "favorite" overlay]
-With "favourite" overlay
-[Favorite contact]
-Favourite contact
-[Use Windows colors]
-Use Windows colours
-[Popup Mode: Favorite]
-Popup Mode: Favourite
+#muuid {26a9125d-7863-4e01-af0e-d14ef95c5054}
+; File: Popup.dll
+; Plugin: Popup plus
+; Version:
+; Authors: MPK, Merlin_de (Luca Santarelli, Victor Pavlychko)
+[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
+Go to Customise -> Fonts and Colours for fonts and colours options
+[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
+Colours can be configured in\r\nCustomise -> Fonts and colours
+[With "favorite" overlay]
+With "favourite" overlay
+[Favorite contact]
+Favourite contact
+[Use Windows colors]
+Use Windows colours
+[Popup Mode: Favorite]
+Popup Mode: Favourite
diff --git a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/YAPP.txt b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/YAPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f5d7e11e64..0000000000
--- a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/YAPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#muuid {efd15f16-7ae4-40d7-a8e3-a411ed747bd5}
-; File: YAPP.dll
-; Plugin: YAPP
-; Version:
-; Authors: Scott Ellis
-[Text color:]
-Text colour:
-[Background color:]
-Background colour:
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Popup.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
index aadd30885e..4f8df6cbad 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Popup.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
@@ -1,423 +1,423 @@
-#muuid {26a9125d-7863-4e01-af0e-d14ef95c5054}
-; File: Popup.dll
-; Plugin: Popup plus
-; Version:
-; Authors: MPK, Merlin_de (Luca Santarelli, Victor Pavlychko)
-[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
-;file \plugins\Popup\res\resource.rc
-[Content and Style]
-Contenu et Style
-[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
-[Live Preview]
-[Size && Position]
-Taille && Position
-[Enable popup history]
-Activer l'historique des popups
-[Store last]
-Stocker dernière
-[Use History++ to render log]
-Utiliser History++ pour le log
-[Draw avatar borders]
-Bordures sur les avatars
-[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
-Bordures sur les avatars semi-transparents
-[Round corners by]
-[Avatar size:]
-[Enable avatar updates]
-Activer la mise à jour des avatars
-[Start the popups in the monitor with]
-Afficher les popups sur l'écran de
-[Miranda's window]
-la fenêtre de Miranda
-[the active window]
-la fenêtre active
-[Use transparency]
-opacité :
-[Opaque popups under cursor]
-Rendre opaques popups survolés
-[Slide popup]
-Effet :
-[Time (in):]
-[Time (out):]
-[Limit window amount to:]
-Nombre maximum de popups :
-[* - built-in skins]
-* skins inclut
-[Skin options]
-Paramètre du skin
-[Download more skins]
-[Popup History]
-Historique des popups
-[Popup area]
-[Distance between popups]
-[Configure popup area]
-Configuration du popup
-[Enable popup actions]
-Activer les actions sur popups
-[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
-Ces actions sont des petits boutons sous le texte des popups.
-[Common actions]
-Actions communes
-[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
-Dans quels cas doit-on avoir les actions par défaut :
-[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
-Seulement pour les contacts IM
-[Add default actions for contacts only]
-Seulement pour les contacts IM
-[Don't close popups on default actions]
-Ne pas fermer les popups
-[Size and position]
-[Use large icons]
-Utiliser de larges icônes
-[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
-Affichage des actions :
-[Icons and labels below text]
-Icônes et nom sous le texte
-[Icons on the left]
-Icônes alignés à gauche
-[Icons aligned to the right]
-Icônes alignés à droite
-[Show actions: (requires apply)]
-Actions : (appliquer avant aperçu)
-[Mouse actions overwrite]
-[Left button]
-[Middle button]
-[Right button]
-[General options]
-Options générales
-[Enable this notification]
-[Popup timeout:]
-[Left click action:]
-Clic droit :
-[Right click action:]
-Clic gauche :
-[Disable when global status is...]
-Désactiver si l'état général est :
-[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
-Désactiver si l'état du protocole est :
-[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
-[Disable if message window is open]
-Désactiver si la fenêtre de message est ouverte
-[0 = Default]
-0 = Défaut
-[-1 = Infinite]
--1 = Infini
-[Per-contact settings]
-[Show always]
-Toujours visible
-[Ignore fullscreen]
-Ignorer si en plein-écran
-[Never show]
-Ne plus afficher
-[Show default]
-[Default timeout]
-[Infinite popup delay]
-Affichage permanent
-[Popup delay:]
-Délai des popups :
-[Do not close hovered popups]
-Ne pas fermer les popups survolés
-[Dynamically resize the popups]
-Réajustement auto. des popups
-[Minimum width]
-Largeur minimum
-[Maximum width]
-Largeur maximum
-Position :
-[Reorder popups]
-Réordonner les popups
-[Disable when:]
-Désactivé quand :
-[Always (has priority)]
-Toujours (en priorité)
-[Fullscreen mode]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\actions.cpp
-[Quick reply]
-[Send message]
-[User details]
-Détails du contact
-[Contact menu]
-Menu Contact
-[Add permanently]
-Ajouter ce contact
-[Pin popup]
-Verrouiller le popup
-[Dismiss popup]
-[Copy to clipboard]
-Copier dans le Presse-Papiers
-[No overwrite]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\config.cpp
-[The Jabberwocky]
-[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
-[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
-Test de l'aperçu pour le réglage des popups. Ceci est supposé être assez long pour ne pas tenir sur une seule ligne...
-[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
-[This is a notification message]
-Exemple de notification
-[This is a warning message]
-Exemple de message d'avertissement
-[This is an error message]
-Exemple de message d'erreur
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\effects.cpp
-[Square fading]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\font.h
-[Hovered action]
-[Title underline]
-[Avatar border]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\history.cpp
-[Popup History is disabled]
-[Popup History message]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\icons.cpp
-[Popups are enabled]
-[Popups are disabled]
-[With "favorite" overlay]
-[With "fullscreen" overlay]
-[Refresh skin list]
-Rafraîchir la liste des skins
-[Popup placement]
-[Popup group]
-[Favorite contact]
-[Show in fullscreen]
-[Blocked contact]
-Contact bloqué
-[Pinned popup]
-Popup verrouillé
-[Add contact permanently]
-Ajouter le contact
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\main.cpp
-[Toggle Popups]
-[Enable Popups]
-[Disable Popups]
-[Popup Plus]
-[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_adv.cpp
-[No effect]
-[Fade in/out]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_class.cpp
-[CLASS Plugins]
-[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_gen.cpp
-Hors ligne
-En ligne
-[Not available]
-[Do not disturb]
-Ne pas déranger
-[Free for chat]
-OK pour un chat
-[Out to lunch]
-Parti manger
-[On the phone]
-Au téléphone
-[Upper left corner]
-Angle haut gauche
-[Lower left corner]
-Angle bas gauche
-[Lower right corner]
-Angle bas droit
-[Upper right corner]
-Angle haut droit
-[Global Status]
-[Protocol Status]
-[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
-['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
-[Popup plus warning]
-Avertissement de Popup Plus
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_skins.cpp
-[Failed to register %s class.]
-[Skin preview]
-Aperçu du Skin
-[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
-Pris juste pour voir le Skin... ;-)
-[Show clock]
-[Drop shadow effect]
-[non rectangular]
-[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
-Activer Aero Glass (Vista+)
-[Use Windows colors]
-Utiliser les couleurs Windows
-[Use advanced text render]
-Rendu avancé du texte
-[Global settings]
-Paramètres généraux
-[Refresh List]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_thread.cpp
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_wnd2.cpp
-[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
-[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\services.cpp
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\srmm_menu.cpp
-[Popup Mode: Auto]
-[Popup Mode: Favorite]
-[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
-[Popup Mode: Block contact]
+#muuid {26a9125d-7863-4e01-af0e-d14ef95c5054}
+; File: Popup.dll
+; Plugin: Popup plus
+; Version:
+; Authors: MPK, Merlin_de (Luca Santarelli, Victor Pavlychko)
+[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
+;file \plugins\Popup\res\resource.rc
+[Content and Style]
+Contenu et Style
+[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
+[Live Preview]
+[Size && Position]
+Taille && Position
+[Enable popup history]
+Activer l'historique des popups
+[Store last]
+Stocker dernière
+[Use History++ to render log]
+Utiliser History++ pour le log
+[Draw avatar borders]
+Bordures sur les avatars
+[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
+Bordures sur les avatars semi-transparents
+[Round corners by]
+[Avatar size:]
+[Enable avatar updates]
+Activer la mise à jour des avatars
+[Start the popups in the monitor with]
+Afficher les popups sur l'écran de
+[Miranda's window]
+la fenêtre de Miranda
+[the active window]
+la fenêtre active
+[Use transparency]
+opacité :
+[Opaque popups under cursor]
+Rendre opaques popups survolés
+[Slide popup]
+Effet :
+[Time (in):]
+[Time (out):]
+[Limit window amount to:]
+Nombre maximum de popups :
+[* - built-in skins]
+* skins inclut
+[Skin options]
+Paramètre du skin
+[Download more skins]
+[Popup History]
+Historique des popups
+[Popup area]
+[Distance between popups]
+[Configure popup area]
+Configuration du popup
+[Enable popup actions]
+Activer les actions sur popups
+[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
+Ces actions sont des petits boutons sous le texte des popups.
+[Common actions]
+Actions communes
+[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
+Dans quels cas doit-on avoir les actions par défaut :
+[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
+Seulement pour les contacts IM
+[Add default actions for contacts only]
+Seulement pour les contacts IM
+[Don't close popups on default actions]
+Ne pas fermer les popups
+[Size and position]
+[Use large icons]
+Utiliser de larges icônes
+[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
+Affichage des actions :
+[Icons and labels below text]
+Icônes et nom sous le texte
+[Icons on the left]
+Icônes alignés à gauche
+[Icons aligned to the right]
+Icônes alignés à droite
+[Show actions: (requires apply)]
+Actions : (appliquer avant aperçu)
+[Mouse actions overwrite]
+[Left button]
+[Middle button]
+[Right button]
+[General options]
+Options générales
+[Enable this notification]
+[Popup timeout:]
+[Left click action:]
+Clic droit :
+[Right click action:]
+Clic gauche :
+[Disable when global status is...]
+Désactiver si l'état général est :
+[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
+Désactiver si l'état du protocole est :
+[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
+[Disable if message window is open]
+Désactiver si la fenêtre de message est ouverte
+[0 = Default]
+0 = Défaut
+[-1 = Infinite]
+-1 = Infini
+[Per-contact settings]
+[Show always]
+Toujours visible
+[Ignore fullscreen]
+Ignorer si en plein-écran
+[Never show]
+Ne plus afficher
+[Show default]
+[Default timeout]
+[Infinite popup delay]
+Affichage permanent
+[Popup delay:]
+Délai des popups :
+[Do not close hovered popups]
+Ne pas fermer les popups survolés
+[Dynamically resize the popups]
+Réajustement auto. des popups
+[Minimum width]
+Largeur minimum
+[Maximum width]
+Largeur maximum
+Position :
+[Reorder popups]
+Réordonner les popups
+[Disable when:]
+Désactivé quand :
+[Always (has priority)]
+Toujours (en priorité)
+[Fullscreen mode]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\actions.cpp
+[Quick reply]
+[Send message]
+[User details]
+Détails du contact
+[Contact menu]
+Menu Contact
+[Add permanently]
+Ajouter ce contact
+[Pin popup]
+Verrouiller le popup
+[Dismiss popup]
+[Copy to clipboard]
+Copier dans le Presse-Papiers
+[No overwrite]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\config.cpp
+[The Jabberwocky]
+[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
+[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
+Test de l'aperçu pour le réglage des popups. Ceci est supposé être assez long pour ne pas tenir sur une seule ligne...
+[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
+[This is a notification message]
+Exemple de notification
+[This is a warning message]
+Exemple de message d'avertissement
+[This is an error message]
+Exemple de message d'erreur
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\effects.cpp
+[Square fading]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\font.h
+[Hovered action]
+[Title underline]
+[Avatar border]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\history.cpp
+[Popup History is disabled]
+[Popup History message]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\icons.cpp
+[Popups are enabled]
+[Popups are disabled]
+[With "favorite" overlay]
+[With "fullscreen" overlay]
+[Refresh skin list]
+Rafraîchir la liste des skins
+[Popup placement]
+[Popup group]
+[Favorite contact]
+[Show in fullscreen]
+[Blocked contact]
+Contact bloqué
+[Pinned popup]
+Popup verrouillé
+[Add contact permanently]
+Ajouter le contact
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\main.cpp
+[Toggle Popups]
+[Enable Popups]
+[Disable Popups]
+[Popup Plus]
+[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_adv.cpp
+[No effect]
+[Fade in/out]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_class.cpp
+[CLASS Plugins]
+[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_gen.cpp
+Hors ligne
+En ligne
+[Not available]
+[Do not disturb]
+Ne pas déranger
+[Free for chat]
+OK pour un chat
+[Out to lunch]
+Parti manger
+[On the phone]
+Au téléphone
+[Upper left corner]
+Angle haut gauche
+[Lower left corner]
+Angle bas gauche
+[Lower right corner]
+Angle bas droit
+[Upper right corner]
+Angle haut droit
+[Global Status]
+[Protocol Status]
+[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
+['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
+[Popup plus warning]
+Avertissement de Popup Plus
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_skins.cpp
+[Failed to register %s class.]
+[Skin preview]
+Aperçu du Skin
+[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
+Pris juste pour voir le Skin... ;-)
+[Show clock]
+[Drop shadow effect]
+[non rectangular]
+[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
+Activer Aero Glass (Vista+)
+[Use Windows colors]
+Utiliser les couleurs Windows
+[Use advanced text render]
+Rendu avancé du texte
+[Global settings]
+Paramètres généraux
+[Refresh List]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_thread.cpp
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_wnd2.cpp
+[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
+[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\services.cpp
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\srmm_menu.cpp
+[Popup Mode: Auto]
+[Popup Mode: Favorite]
+[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
+[Popup Mode: Block contact]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/YAPP.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/YAPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 633f7a9241..0000000000
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/YAPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-#muuid {efd15f16-7ae4-40d7-a8e3-a411ed747bd5}
-; File: YAPP.dll
-; Plugin: YAPP
-; Version:
-; Authors: Scott Ellis
-[Yet Another Popup Plugin - Provides popup notification window services to other plugins.]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\res\yapp.rc
-[Popup history]
-Historique des popups
-[Case sensitive]
-Respecter la casse
-[Default Timeout]
-[Never timeout]
-Sans durée
-[Set timeout:]
-Délai :
-Largeur :
-[Maximum height:]
-Hauteur maximum :
-[Opacity (%):]
-[Round corners (window)]
-[Transparent background]
-Arrière-plan transparent
-[Avatar size:]
-[Disable when]
-Désactivé si
-[Global hover]
-[Sidebar width:]
-[Text indent:]
-[Round corners (avatar)]
-[Text color:]
-[Background color:]
-Couleur d'arrière-plan :
-[Set timeout]
-[Timeout value (0 = default):]
-Délai (0 = par défaut) :
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\icons.cpp
-[Popups are enabled]
-[Popups are disabled]
-[Popup History]
-Historique des popups
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\notify_imp.cpp
-[YAPP Popups]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\options.cpp
-[The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.]
-Le rapide renard brun a sauté par-dessus le chien paresseux.
-[Example With a Long Title]
-Exemple avec un long titre
-[An avatar.]
-Un avatar.
-[Bottom right]
-[Bottom left]
-[Top right]
-[Top left]
-[Icon on left]
-[Icon on right]
-[No time]
-Pas d'heure
-[Time on left]
-Heure sur la gauche
-[Time on right]
-Heure sur la droite
-[Time above avatar]
-Heure sur l'avatar
-[No avatar]
-[Left avatar]
-[Right avatar]
-[Full-screen app running]
-Programme en plein écran
-[No animate]
-[Horizontal animate]
-[Vertical animate]
-[You cannot set a default timeout of 0.\nValue has been reset.]
-Vous ne pouvez pas régler le délai par défaut à 0.\nLa valeur a été resetée.
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\services.cpp
-[Disable Popups]
-[Enable Popups]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\yapp.cpp
-[Toggle Popups]
-[First line]
-Première ligne
-[Second line]
-Seconde ligne
-[Title underline]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\yapp_history_dlg.cpp
-[Copy title to clipboard]
-Copier le titre
-[Copy message to clipboard]
-Copier le message
-[Copy timestamp to clipboard]
-Copier date et heure
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Popup.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/PopupPlus.txt
index 3e5a7dfbd5..8b252ed7f9 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Popup.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/PopupPlus.txt
@@ -1,80 +1,80 @@
-[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
-[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
-[Round corners by]
-[Avatar size:]
-[Use transparency]
-[Slide popup]
-[Time (in):]
-[Time (out):]
-[Download more skins]
-[Distance between popups]
-[Size and position]
-[Mouse actions overwrite]
-[Left button]
-[Middle button]
-[Right button]
-[Popup timeout:]
-[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
-[Per-contact settings]
-[Show default]
-[Default timeout]
-[Fullscreen mode]
-[Quick reply]
-[Send message]
-[Dismiss popup]
-[No overwrite]
-[The Jabberwocky]
-[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
-[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
-[Square fading]
-[Hovered action]
-[Title underline]
-[Avatar border]
-[Popup History is disabled]
-[Popup History message]
-[Popups are enabled]
-[Popups are disabled]
-[With "favorite" overlay]
-[With "fullscreen" overlay]
-[Popup group]
-[Favorite contact]
-[Show in fullscreen]
-[Toggle Popups]
-[Enable Popups]
-[Disable Popups]
-[Popup Plus]
-[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
-[No effect]
-[Fade in/out]
-[CLASS Plugins]
-[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
-[Global Status]
-[Protocol Status]
-[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
-['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
-[Failed to register %s class.]
-[Show clock]
-[Drop shadow effect]
-[non rectangular]
-[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
-[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
-[Popup Mode: Auto]
-[Popup Mode: Favorite]
-[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
-[Popup Mode: Block contact]
+[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
+[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
+[Round corners by]
+[Avatar size:]
+[Use transparency]
+[Slide popup]
+[Time (in):]
+[Time (out):]
+[Download more skins]
+[Distance between popups]
+[Size and position]
+[Mouse actions overwrite]
+[Left button]
+[Middle button]
+[Right button]
+[Popup timeout:]
+[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
+[Per-contact settings]
+[Show default]
+[Default timeout]
+[Fullscreen mode]
+[Quick reply]
+[Send message]
+[Dismiss popup]
+[No overwrite]
+[The Jabberwocky]
+[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
+[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
+[Square fading]
+[Hovered action]
+[Title underline]
+[Avatar border]
+[Popup History is disabled]
+[Popup History message]
+[Popups are enabled]
+[Popups are disabled]
+[With "favorite" overlay]
+[With "fullscreen" overlay]
+[Popup group]
+[Favorite contact]
+[Show in fullscreen]
+[Toggle Popups]
+[Enable Popups]
+[Disable Popups]
+[Popup Plus]
+[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
+[No effect]
+[Fade in/out]
+[CLASS Plugins]
+[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
+[Global Status]
+[Protocol Status]
+[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
+['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
+[Failed to register %s class.]
+[Show clock]
+[Drop shadow effect]
+[non rectangular]
+[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
+[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
+[Popup Mode: Auto]
+[Popup Mode: Favorite]
+[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
+[Popup Mode: Block contact]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/YAPP.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/YAPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index efe2f4ae4d..0000000000
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/YAPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-[Yet Another Popup Plugin - Provides popup notification window services to other plugins.]
-[Default Timeout]
-[Opacity (%):]
-[Round corners (window)]
-[Avatar size:]
-[Global hover]
-[Sidebar width:]
-[Text indent:]
-[Round corners (avatar)]
-[Text color:]
-[Set timeout]
-[Popups are enabled]
-[Popups are disabled]
-[YAPP Popups]
-[Bottom right]
-[Bottom left]
-[Top right]
-[Top left]
-[Icon on left]
-[Icon on right]
-[No avatar]
-[Left avatar]
-[Right avatar]
-[No animate]
-[Horizontal animate]
-[Vertical animate]
-[Disable Popups]
-[Enable Popups]
-[Toggle Popups]
-[Title underline]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Popup.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
index 7db4ccfe1e..73b31797ea 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Popup.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
@@ -1,423 +1,423 @@
-#muuid {26a9125d-7863-4e01-af0e-d14ef95c5054}
-; File: Popup.dll
-; Plugin: Popup plus
-; Version:
-; Authors: MPK, Merlin_de (Luca Santarelli, Victor Pavlychko)
-[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
-Stellt Popup-Benachrichtigungen für verschiedene andere Plugins bereit.
-;file \plugins\Popup\res\resource.rc
-[Content and Style]
-Inhalt und Stil
-[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
-Gehen Sie zu Customize -> Schriften und Farben für Schrift- und Farbeinstellungen.
-[Live Preview]
-[Size && Position]
-Größe && Position
-[Enable popup history]
-Popup-Verlauf aktivieren
-[Store last]
-Speichere letzte
-[Use History++ to render log]
-History++ als Verlauf verw.
-[Draw avatar borders]
-Rahmen um Avatare zeichnen
-[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
-Rahmen auch um semi-transparente Avatare
-[Round corners by]
-Ecken abrunden um
-[Avatar size:]
-[Enable avatar updates]
-Avatar-Updates aktivieren
-[Start the popups in the monitor with]
-Popup auf dem Monitor zeigen, der
-[Miranda's window]
-das Miranda-Fenster enthält
-[the active window]
-das aktive Fenster enthält
-[Use transparency]
-Transparenz verwenden
-[Opaque popups under cursor]
-Max. Deckkraft bei Mauskontakt
-[Slide popup]
-Popup gleitend einblenden
-[Time (in):]
-[Time (out):]
-[Limit window amount to:]
-Begrenze Popupanzahl auf:
-[* - built-in skins]
-* = Eingebaut
-[Skin options]
-[Download more skins]
-Weitere Skins herunterladen
-[Popup History]
-[Popup area]
-[Distance between popups]
-Distanz zwischen Popups
-[Configure popup area]
-Popup-Bereiche konfigurieren
-[Enable popup actions]
-Popup-Aktionen aktivieren
-[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
-Popup-Aktionen sind kleine Buttons unter der Textmeldung.
-[Common actions]
-Allgemeine Aktionen
-[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
-Bitte wähle, Sie, in welchen Fällen die Standardaktionen hinzugefügt werden sollen:
-[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
-Info && Menü nur für IM-Kontakte
-[Add default actions for contacts only]
-Standardaktionen nur für Kontakte
-[Don't close popups on default actions]
-Nicht bei Standardaktionen schließen
-[Size and position]
-Größe und Position
-[Use large icons]
-Große Icons verwenden
-[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
-Popup-Aktionen werden angezeigt als:
-[Icons and labels below text]
-Icons und Bez. unter dem Text
-[Icons on the left]
-Icons links
-[Icons aligned to the right]
-Icons rechts ausgerichtet
-[Show actions: (requires apply)]
-Zeige Aktionen: (Übernehmen nötig)
-[Mouse actions overwrite]
-Maus Aktionen überschreiben
-[Left button]
-[Middle button]
-[Right button]
-[General options]
-Allgemeine Einstellungen
-[Enable this notification]
-Diese Benachrichtigung aktivieren
-[Popup timeout:]
-[Left click action:]
-[Right click action:]
-[Disable when global status is...]
-Deaktivieren, wenn globaler Status...
-[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
-Deaktivieren, wenn Protokollstatus...
-[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
-Farbkonfiguration unter Customize -> Schriften und Farben
-[Disable if message window is open]
-Deaktivieren, falls Nachrichtenfenster offen
-[0 = Default]
-0 = Standard
-[-1 = Infinite]
--1 = Unendlich
-[Per-contact settings]
-Einstellungen für einzelne Kontakte
-[Show always]
-[Ignore fullscreen]
-Nicht bei Vollbild
-[Never show]
-[Show default]
-[Default timeout]
-[Infinite popup delay]
-Unendliche Anzeigedauer
-[Popup delay:]
-[Do not close hovered popups]
-Bei Mausberührung nicht schließen
-[Dynamically resize the popups]
-Dynamische Popup-Größe
-[Minimum width]
-Minimale Breite
-[Maximum width]
-Maximale Breite
-[Reorder popups]
-Popups neu anordnen
-[Disable when:]
-Deaktivieren, wenn:
-[Always (has priority)]
-Immer (hat Priorität)
-[Fullscreen mode]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\actions.cpp
-[Quick reply]
-[Send message]
-Nachricht senden
-[User details]
-[Contact menu]
-[Add permanently]
-Dauerhaft hinzufügen
-[Pin popup]
-Popup anheften
-[Dismiss popup]
-Popup schließen
-[Copy to clipboard]
-In Zwischenablage kopieren
-[No overwrite]
-Nicht überschreiben
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\config.cpp
-[The Jabberwocky]
-Der Zipferlake
-[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
-Verdaustig war's, und glaße Wieben\r\nrotterten gorkicht im Gemank.\r\nGar elump war der Pluckerwank,\r\nund die gabben Schweisel frieben.\r\n\t[b][i]Christian Enzensberger[/i][/b]
-[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
-Testvorschau für die Popup-Einstellungen. Die Zeile sollte lang genug sein, um nicht in eine Zeile zu passen...
-[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
-Dies ist eine spezielle Testvorschau für die Popup-Einstellungen. Der Text und der Titel sind recht lang, damit Sie die Skin- und Popup-Einstellungen optimal Ihrem Bedarf anpassen können :)
-[This is a notification message]
-Dies ist eine Benachrichtigung
-[This is a warning message]
-Dies ist eine Warnung
-[This is an error message]
-Dies ist eine Fehlermeldung
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\effects.cpp
-[Square fading]
-Quadratisch einblenden
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\font.h
-[Hovered action]
-Markierte Aktion
-[Title underline]
-Trennlinie unter Titel
-[Avatar border]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\history.cpp
-[Popup History is disabled]
-Popupverlauf ist deaktiviert
-[Popup History message]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\icons.cpp
-[Popups are enabled]
-Popups aktiviert
-[Popups are disabled]
-Popups deaktiviert
-[With "favorite" overlay]
-Mit "bevorzugter" Überlagerung
-[With "fullscreen" overlay]
-Mit "Vollbild"-Überlagerung
-[Refresh skin list]
-Skin-Liste aktualisieren
-[Popup placement]
-[Popup group]
-[Favorite contact]
-Favorisierter Kontakt
-[Show in fullscreen]
-Im Vollbild anzeigen
-[Blocked contact]
-Blockierter Kontakt
-[Pinned popup]
-Angeheftetes Popup
-[Add contact permanently]
-Kontakt dauerhaft hinzufügen
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\main.cpp
-[Toggle Popups]
-Popups ein-/ausschalten
-[Enable Popups]
-Popups aktivieren
-[Disable Popups]
-Popups deaktivieren
-[Popup Plus]
-Popup Plus
-[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
-Fehler: Das Popup-Fensterklassenelement konnte nicht registriert werden.\r\nDas Plugin wird nicht funktionieren.
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_adv.cpp
-[No effect]
-Kein Effekt
-[Fade in/out]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_class.cpp
-[CLASS Plugins]
-[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
-Popup-Fehler Benachrichtigung
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_gen.cpp
-[Not available]
-Außer Haus
-[Do not disturb]
-Bitte nicht stören
-[Free for chat]
-Für Chat bereit
-[Out to lunch]
-Zum Essen
-[On the phone]
-Am Telefon
-[Upper left corner]
-obere linke Ecke
-[Lower left corner]
-untere linke Ecke
-[Lower right corner]
-untere rechte Ecke
-[Upper right corner]
-obere rechte Ecke
-[Global Status]
-Globaler Status
-[Protocol Status]
-Protokoll Status
-[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
-Werte kleiner als %d und größer als %d sind nicht zulässig.
-['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
-'Popups neu ordnen' ist momentan deaktiviert.\r\nDies kann Popups falsch darstellen, wenn Avatare\r\nund Textersetzungen verwendet werden (hauptsächlich NewXstatusNotify).\r\nWollen Sie die Popup Neuanordnung jetzt aktivieren?
-[Popup plus warning]
-Popup plus Warnung
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_skins.cpp
-[Failed to register %s class.]
-Fehler beim Registrieren %s dieser Klasse.
-[Skin preview]
-[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
-Werfen Sie einen Blick auf diesen Skin.
-[Show clock]
-Uhrzeit anzeigen
-[Drop shadow effect]
-Schatten werfen
-[non rectangular]
-nicht rechteckig
-[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
-Aero Glass aktivieren (Vista+)
-[Use Windows colors]
-Windowsfarben verwenden
-[Use advanced text render]
-Erweitertes Text-Rendern
-[Global settings]
-Globale Einstellungen
-[Refresh List]
-Liste aktualisieren
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_thread.cpp
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_wnd2.cpp
-[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
-[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\services.cpp
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\srmm_menu.cpp
-[Popup Mode: Auto]
-Popup-Modus: Auto
-[Popup Mode: Favorite]
-Popup-Modus: Favorit
-[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
-Popup-Modus: Vollbildschirm ignorieren
-[Popup Mode: Block contact]
-Popup-Modus: Blockiere Kontakt
+#muuid {26a9125d-7863-4e01-af0e-d14ef95c5054}
+; File: Popup.dll
+; Plugin: Popup plus
+; Version:
+; Authors: MPK, Merlin_de (Luca Santarelli, Victor Pavlychko)
+[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
+Stellt Popup-Benachrichtigungen für verschiedene andere Plugins bereit.
+;file \plugins\Popup\res\resource.rc
+[Content and Style]
+Inhalt und Stil
+[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
+Gehen Sie zu Customize -> Schriften und Farben für Schrift- und Farbeinstellungen.
+[Live Preview]
+[Size && Position]
+Größe && Position
+[Enable popup history]
+Popup-Verlauf aktivieren
+[Store last]
+Speichere letzte
+[Use History++ to render log]
+History++ als Verlauf verw.
+[Draw avatar borders]
+Rahmen um Avatare zeichnen
+[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
+Rahmen auch um semi-transparente Avatare
+[Round corners by]
+Ecken abrunden um
+[Avatar size:]
+[Enable avatar updates]
+Avatar-Updates aktivieren
+[Start the popups in the monitor with]
+Popup auf dem Monitor zeigen, der
+[Miranda's window]
+das Miranda-Fenster enthält
+[the active window]
+das aktive Fenster enthält
+[Use transparency]
+Transparenz verwenden
+[Opaque popups under cursor]
+Max. Deckkraft bei Mauskontakt
+[Slide popup]
+Popup gleitend einblenden
+[Time (in):]
+[Time (out):]
+[Limit window amount to:]
+Begrenze Popupanzahl auf:
+[* - built-in skins]
+* = Eingebaut
+[Skin options]
+[Download more skins]
+Weitere Skins herunterladen
+[Popup History]
+[Popup area]
+[Distance between popups]
+Distanz zwischen Popups
+[Configure popup area]
+Popup-Bereiche konfigurieren
+[Enable popup actions]
+Popup-Aktionen aktivieren
+[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
+Popup-Aktionen sind kleine Buttons unter der Textmeldung.
+[Common actions]
+Allgemeine Aktionen
+[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
+Bitte wähle, Sie, in welchen Fällen die Standardaktionen hinzugefügt werden sollen:
+[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
+Info && Menü nur für IM-Kontakte
+[Add default actions for contacts only]
+Standardaktionen nur für Kontakte
+[Don't close popups on default actions]
+Nicht bei Standardaktionen schließen
+[Size and position]
+Größe und Position
+[Use large icons]
+Große Icons verwenden
+[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
+Popup-Aktionen werden angezeigt als:
+[Icons and labels below text]
+Icons und Bez. unter dem Text
+[Icons on the left]
+Icons links
+[Icons aligned to the right]
+Icons rechts ausgerichtet
+[Show actions: (requires apply)]
+Zeige Aktionen: (Übernehmen nötig)
+[Mouse actions overwrite]
+Maus Aktionen überschreiben
+[Left button]
+[Middle button]
+[Right button]
+[General options]
+Allgemeine Einstellungen
+[Enable this notification]
+Diese Benachrichtigung aktivieren
+[Popup timeout:]
+[Left click action:]
+[Right click action:]
+[Disable when global status is...]
+Deaktivieren, wenn globaler Status...
+[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
+Deaktivieren, wenn Protokollstatus...
+[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
+Farbkonfiguration unter Customize -> Schriften und Farben
+[Disable if message window is open]
+Deaktivieren, falls Nachrichtenfenster offen
+[0 = Default]
+0 = Standard
+[-1 = Infinite]
+-1 = Unendlich
+[Per-contact settings]
+Einstellungen für einzelne Kontakte
+[Show always]
+[Ignore fullscreen]
+Nicht bei Vollbild
+[Never show]
+[Show default]
+[Default timeout]
+[Infinite popup delay]
+Unendliche Anzeigedauer
+[Popup delay:]
+[Do not close hovered popups]
+Bei Mausberührung nicht schließen
+[Dynamically resize the popups]
+Dynamische Popup-Größe
+[Minimum width]
+Minimale Breite
+[Maximum width]
+Maximale Breite
+[Reorder popups]
+Popups neu anordnen
+[Disable when:]
+Deaktivieren, wenn:
+[Always (has priority)]
+Immer (hat Priorität)
+[Fullscreen mode]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\actions.cpp
+[Quick reply]
+[Send message]
+Nachricht senden
+[User details]
+[Contact menu]
+[Add permanently]
+Dauerhaft hinzufügen
+[Pin popup]
+Popup anheften
+[Dismiss popup]
+Popup schließen
+[Copy to clipboard]
+In Zwischenablage kopieren
+[No overwrite]
+Nicht überschreiben
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\config.cpp
+[The Jabberwocky]
+Der Zipferlake
+[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
+Verdaustig war's, und glaße Wieben\r\nrotterten gorkicht im Gemank.\r\nGar elump war der Pluckerwank,\r\nund die gabben Schweisel frieben.\r\n\t[b][i]Christian Enzensberger[/i][/b]
+[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
+Testvorschau für die Popup-Einstellungen. Die Zeile sollte lang genug sein, um nicht in eine Zeile zu passen...
+[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
+Dies ist eine spezielle Testvorschau für die Popup-Einstellungen. Der Text und der Titel sind recht lang, damit Sie die Skin- und Popup-Einstellungen optimal Ihrem Bedarf anpassen können :)
+[This is a notification message]
+Dies ist eine Benachrichtigung
+[This is a warning message]
+Dies ist eine Warnung
+[This is an error message]
+Dies ist eine Fehlermeldung
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\effects.cpp
+[Square fading]
+Quadratisch einblenden
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\font.h
+[Hovered action]
+Markierte Aktion
+[Title underline]
+Trennlinie unter Titel
+[Avatar border]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\history.cpp
+[Popup History is disabled]
+Popupverlauf ist deaktiviert
+[Popup History message]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\icons.cpp
+[Popups are enabled]
+Popups aktiviert
+[Popups are disabled]
+Popups deaktiviert
+[With "favorite" overlay]
+Mit "bevorzugter" Überlagerung
+[With "fullscreen" overlay]
+Mit "Vollbild"-Überlagerung
+[Refresh skin list]
+Skin-Liste aktualisieren
+[Popup placement]
+[Popup group]
+[Favorite contact]
+Favorisierter Kontakt
+[Show in fullscreen]
+Im Vollbild anzeigen
+[Blocked contact]
+Blockierter Kontakt
+[Pinned popup]
+Angeheftetes Popup
+[Add contact permanently]
+Kontakt dauerhaft hinzufügen
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\main.cpp
+[Toggle Popups]
+Popups ein-/ausschalten
+[Enable Popups]
+Popups aktivieren
+[Disable Popups]
+Popups deaktivieren
+[Popup Plus]
+Popup Plus
+[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
+Fehler: Das Popup-Fensterklassenelement konnte nicht registriert werden.\r\nDas Plugin wird nicht funktionieren.
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_adv.cpp
+[No effect]
+Kein Effekt
+[Fade in/out]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_class.cpp
+[CLASS Plugins]
+[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
+Popup-Fehler Benachrichtigung
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_gen.cpp
+[Not available]
+Außer Haus
+[Do not disturb]
+Bitte nicht stören
+[Free for chat]
+Für Chat bereit
+[Out to lunch]
+Zum Essen
+[On the phone]
+Am Telefon
+[Upper left corner]
+obere linke Ecke
+[Lower left corner]
+untere linke Ecke
+[Lower right corner]
+untere rechte Ecke
+[Upper right corner]
+obere rechte Ecke
+[Global Status]
+Globaler Status
+[Protocol Status]
+Protokoll Status
+[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
+Werte kleiner als %d und größer als %d sind nicht zulässig.
+['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
+'Popups neu ordnen' ist momentan deaktiviert.\r\nDies kann Popups falsch darstellen, wenn Avatare\r\nund Textersetzungen verwendet werden (hauptsächlich NewXstatusNotify).\r\nWollen Sie die Popup Neuanordnung jetzt aktivieren?
+[Popup plus warning]
+Popup plus Warnung
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_skins.cpp
+[Failed to register %s class.]
+Fehler beim Registrieren %s dieser Klasse.
+[Skin preview]
+[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
+Werfen Sie einen Blick auf diesen Skin.
+[Show clock]
+Uhrzeit anzeigen
+[Drop shadow effect]
+Schatten werfen
+[non rectangular]
+nicht rechteckig
+[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
+Aero Glass aktivieren (Vista+)
+[Use Windows colors]
+Windowsfarben verwenden
+[Use advanced text render]
+Erweitertes Text-Rendern
+[Global settings]
+Globale Einstellungen
+[Refresh List]
+Liste aktualisieren
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_thread.cpp
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_wnd2.cpp
+[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
+[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\services.cpp
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\srmm_menu.cpp
+[Popup Mode: Auto]
+Popup-Modus: Auto
+[Popup Mode: Favorite]
+Popup-Modus: Favorit
+[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
+Popup-Modus: Vollbildschirm ignorieren
+[Popup Mode: Block contact]
+Popup-Modus: Blockiere Kontakt
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/YAPP.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/YAPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 41384ca751..0000000000
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/YAPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-#muuid {efd15f16-7ae4-40d7-a8e3-a411ed747bd5}
-; File: YAPP.dll
-; Plugin: YAPP
-; Version:
-; Authors: Scott Ellis
-[Yet Another Popup Plugin - Provides popup notification window services to other plugins.]
-Yet Another Popup Plugin - Popup-Benachrichtigungen für andere Plugins
-;file \plugins\YAPP\res\yapp.rc
-[Popup history]
-[Case sensitive]
-Groß-/Kleinschreibung beachten
-[Default Timeout]
-[Never timeout]
-Kein Timeout
-[Set timeout:]
-Timeout setzen:
-[Maximum height:]
-Maximale Höhe:
-[Opacity (%):]
-Deckkraft (%):
-[Round corners (window)]
-Runde Ecken (Fenster)
-[Transparent background]
-Transparenter Hintergrund
-[Avatar size:]
-[Disable when]
-Deaktivieren bei
-[Global hover]
-Alle Popups bei Mausb. nicht ausbl.
-[Sidebar width:]
-Seitenleiste Breite:
-[Text indent:]
-[Round corners (avatar)]
-Runde Ecken (Avatar)
-[Text color:]
-[Background color:]
-[Set timeout]
-Anzeigedauer setzen
-[Timeout value (0 = default):]
-Anzeigedauer (0 = Standard):
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\icons.cpp
-[Popups are enabled]
-Popups sind aktiviert
-[Popups are disabled]
-Popups sind deaktiviert
-[Popup History]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\notify_imp.cpp
-[YAPP Popups]
-YAPP Popups
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\options.cpp
-[The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.]
-Franz jagt im komplett verwahrlosten Taxi quer durch Bayern.
-[Example With a Long Title]
-Beispiel mit langem Titel
-[An avatar.]
-Ein Avatar.
-[Bottom right]
-Unten rechts
-[Bottom left]
-Unten links
-[Top right]
-Oben rechts
-[Top left]
-Oben links
-[Icon on left]
-Icon links
-[Icon on right]
-Icon rechts
-[No time]
-Keine Zeit
-[Time on left]
-Zeit links
-[Time on right]
-Zeit rechts
-[Time above avatar]
-Zeit über Avatar
-[No avatar]
-Kein Avatar
-[Left avatar]
-Avatar links
-[Right avatar]
-Avatar rechts
-[Full-screen app running]
-Vollbildanwendung aktiv
-[No animate]
-Keine Animation
-[Horizontal animate]
-Horizontale Animation
-[Vertical animate]
-Vertikale Animation
-[You cannot set a default timeout of 0.\nValue has been reset.]
-Ein Timeout von 0 ist ungültig.\nWert wurde zurückgesetzt.
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\services.cpp
-[Disable Popups]
-Popups deaktivieren
-[Enable Popups]
-Popups aktivieren
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\yapp.cpp
-[Toggle Popups]
-Popups ein-/ausschalten
-[First line]
-Erste Zeile
-[Second line]
-Zweite Zeile
-[Title underline]
-Trennlinie unter Titel
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\yapp_history_dlg.cpp
-[Copy title to clipboard]
-Titel in Zwischenablage kopieren
-[Copy message to clipboard]
-Nachricht in Zwischenablage kopieren
-[Copy timestamp to clipboard]
-Zeitstempel in Zwischenablage kopieren
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Untranslated/Popup.txt b/langpacks/german/Untranslated/PopupPlus.txt
index e88e4db75b..92f2d669e1 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Untranslated/Popup.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Untranslated/PopupPlus.txt
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
-[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
+[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
+[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Popup.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
index 2fc5014ad1..4f65e754f3 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Popup.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
@@ -1,423 +1,423 @@
-#muuid {26a9125d-7863-4e01-af0e-d14ef95c5054}
-; File: Popup.dll
-; Plugin: Popup plus
-; Version:
-; Authors: MPK, Merlin_de (Luca Santarelli, Victor Pavlychko)
-[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
-Dostarcza usługi powiadomień popup dla innych wtyczek.
-;file \plugins\Popup\res\resource.rc
-[Content and Style]
-Zawartość i wygląd
-[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
-Przejdź do Dostosuj -> Czcionki i kolory żeby ustawić czcionki i kolory
-[Live Preview]
-[Size && Position]
-Rozmiar i pozycja
-[Enable popup history]
-Włącz historię popupów
-[Store last]
-[Use History++ to render log]
-Użyj wtyczki History++
-[Draw avatar borders]
-Rysuj obramowanie awatarów
-[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
-Rysuj obramowanie dla półprzezroczystych awatarów
-[Round corners by]
-Zaokrąglij rogi o
-[Avatar size:]
-[Enable avatar updates]
-Włącz aktualizację awatarów
-Wiele monitorów
-[Start the popups in the monitor with]
-Pokaż popupy na monitorze zawierającym
-[Miranda's window]
-Okno Mirandy
-[the active window]
-Aktywne okno
-[Use transparency]
-[Opaque popups under cursor]
-Wyłącz pod kursorem
-[Slide popup]
-Przeciągnij popup
-[Time (in):]
-[Time (out):]
-[Limit window amount to:]
-Ogranicz ilość okien do:
-[* - built-in skins]
-* - wbudowane
-[Skin options]
-Opcje skórki
-[Download more skins]
-Pobierz więcej skórek
-[Popup History]
-Historia popupów
-[Popup area]
-Obszar popupu
-[Distance between popups]
-Odległość pomiędzy popupami
-[Configure popup area]
-Przestrzeń wyświetlania
-[Enable popup actions]
-Włącz akcje popupów
-[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
-Akcje popupu to te małe przyciski pod tekstem powiadomienia
-[Common actions]
-Popularne akcje
-[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
-Wybierz w jakich przypadkach powinny zostać dodane wspólne akcje:
-[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
-Dodaj info i menu tylko dla kontaktów
-[Add default actions for contacts only]
-Domyślne akcje tylko dla kontaktów
-[Don't close popups on default actions]
-Nie zamykaj popupów przy akcjach
-[Size and position]
-Rozmiar i położenie
-[Use large icons]
-Użyj dużych ikon
-[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
-Akcje popupów będą wyświetlane jako:
-[Icons and labels below text]
-Ikony i etykiety pod tekstem
-[Icons on the left]
-Ikony po lewej
-[Icons aligned to the right]
-Ikony przesunięte w prawo
-[Show actions: (requires apply)]
-Pokaż akcje: (wymaga zastosowania)
-[Mouse actions overwrite]
-Nadpisywanie akcji myszy
-[Left button]
-Lewy przycisk
-[Middle button]
-Środkowy przycisk
-[Right button]
-Prawy przycisk
-[General options]
-Opcje ogólne
-[Enable this notification]
-Włącz to powiadomienie
-[Popup timeout:]
-Czas wyświetlania:
-[Left click action:]
-Akcja LPM:
-[Right click action:]
-Akcja PPM:
-[Disable when global status is...]
-Wyłącz, kiedy globalny status to...
-[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
-Wyłącz, jeśli stosowany status protokołu to...
-[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
-Kolory mogą zostać skonfigurowane w\r\nPersonalizacja -> Czcionki i kolory
-[Disable if message window is open]
-Wyłącz, jeśli okno wiadomości jest otwarte
-[0 = Default]
-0 - domyślnie
-[-1 = Infinite]
--1 - nie chowaj
-[Per-contact settings]
-Osobne ustawienia kontaktów
-[Show always]
-Zawsze pokazuj
-[Ignore fullscreen]
-Ignoruj peł. ekran
-[Never show]
-Nie pokazuj
-[Show default]
-Pokaż domyślnie
-[Default timeout]
-Domyślny czas oczekiwania
-[Infinite popup delay]
-Nie chowaj popupów
-[Popup delay:]
-[Do not close hovered popups]
-Nie zamykaj aktywnych popupów
-[Dynamically resize the popups]
-Automatyczny rozmiar popupów
-[Minimum width]
-Min. szerokość
-[Maximum width]
-Maks. szerokość
-[Reorder popups]
-Zmień kolejność popupów
-[Disable when:]
-Wyłącz, kiedy:
-[Always (has priority)]
-Zawsze (ma priorytet)
-[Fullscreen mode]
-Funkcja pełnoekranowa
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\actions.cpp
-[Quick reply]
-Szybka odpowiedź
-[Send message]
-Wyślij wiadomość
-[User details]
-Dane kontaktu
-[Contact menu]
-Menu kontaktu
-[Add permanently]
-Dodaj na stałe
-[Pin popup]
-Przypnij popup
-[Dismiss popup]
-Odrzuć popup
-[Copy to clipboard]
-Kopiuj do schowka
-[No overwrite]
-Bez nadpisywania
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\config.cpp
-[The Jabberwocky]
-The Jabberwocky
-[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
-Internet nadal „nic nie rozumie”,\r\nżadnego odkrycia, choćby od niego zależał los świata,\r\nale nadanego w egzotycznym języku, nie odróżni od nieco mniej ważnej wieści,\r\nże u ciotki w placku z jabłkami zrobił się w piekarniku zakalec.\r\n\t[b][i]Stanisław Lem, 1999[/i][/b]
-[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
-Test ustawień wtyczki Popup. Ten tekst powinien być wystarczająco długi żeby nie zmieścić się w jednej linii...
-[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
-To jest specjalny test ustawień wtyczki Popup. Tekst i tytuł jest wystarczająco długi, więc możesz zmienić skórkę i ustawienia wtyczki, aby najlepiej dopasować je do swoich potrzeb
-[This is a notification message]
-To jest powiadomienie wiadomości
-[This is a warning message]
-To jest wiadomość z ostrzeżeniem
-[This is an error message]
-To jest wiadomość z błędem
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\effects.cpp
-[Square fading]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\font.h
-[Hovered action]
-Akcja po najechaniu
-Boczny pasek
-[Title underline]
-Podkreślony tytuł
-[Avatar border]
-Granica awatara
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\history.cpp
-[Popup History is disabled]
-Historia popupów jest wyłączona
-[Popup History message]
-Historia popupów
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\icons.cpp
-[Popups are enabled]
-Popupy są włączone
-[Popups are disabled]
-Popupy są wyłączone
-[With "favorite" overlay]
-Nakładka "ulubione"
-[With "fullscreen" overlay]
-Nakładka w "trybie pełnoekranowym"
-[Refresh skin list]
-Odśwież listę skórek
-[Popup placement]
-Położenie popupu
-[Popup group]
-Grupa popupu
-[Favorite contact]
-Ulubiony kontakt
-[Show in fullscreen]
-Pokaż na pełnym ekranie
-[Blocked contact]
-Zablokowany kontakt
-[Pinned popup]
-Przypięty popup
-[Add contact permanently]
-Dodaj kontakt na stałe
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\main.cpp
-[Toggle Popups]
-Włącz/Wyłącz popupy
-[Enable Popups]
-Włącz popupy
-[Disable Popups]
-Wyłącz popupy
-[Popup Plus]
-[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
-Błąd: Nie mogłem zarejestrować klasy okna Popup\r\nWtyczka nie będzie działać.
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_adv.cpp
-[No effect]
-Brak efektu
-[Fade in/out]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_class.cpp
-[CLASS Plugins]
-[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
-Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_gen.cpp
-Zaraz wracam
-[Not available]
-Wrócę później
-[Do not disturb]
-Nie przeszkadzać
-[Free for chat]
-[Out to lunch]
-Na obiedzie
-[On the phone]
-Pod telefonem
-[Upper left corner]
-Lewy górny róg
-[Lower left corner]
-Lewy dolny róg
-[Lower right corner]
-Prawy dolny róg
-[Upper right corner]
-Prawy górny róg
-[Global Status]
-Globalny status
-[Protocol Status]
-Status protokołu
-[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
-Nie możesz ustawić wartości niższej niż %d ani wyższej niż %d.
-['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
-Opcja "Zmień kolejność popupów" jest obecnie wyłączona.\r\nTo może spowodować nieprawidłowo wyrównane Popupy w połączeniu z\r\nawatarami and zamianą tekstu\ngłównie NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nCzy chcesz teraz włączyć zmianę kolejności popupów?\r\n
-[Popup plus warning]
-Ostrzeżenie Popup plus
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_skins.cpp
-[Failed to register %s class.]
-Nie udało się zarejestrować klasy %s.
-[Skin preview]
-Podgląd skórki
-[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
-Spójrz tylko na tę skórkę... ;)
-[Show clock]
-Pokaż zegar
-[Drop shadow effect]
-Rzucaj cień
-[non rectangular]
-nie prostokątne
-[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
-Włącz Aero Glass (Vista+)
-[Use Windows colors]
-Użyj kolorów Windows
-[Use advanced text render]
-Zaawansowany rendering tekstu
-[Global settings]
-Ustawienia globalne
-[Refresh List]
-Odśwież listę
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_thread.cpp
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_wnd2.cpp
-[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
-Błąd tworzenia GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.
-[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
-Nie udało się zarejestrować własnej klasy okna pola edycji.\r\n\r\nMIN %hd ms
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\services.cpp
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\srmm_menu.cpp
-[Popup Mode: Auto]
-Tryb Popup: Auto
-[Popup Mode: Favorite]
-Tryb popupów: ulubione
-[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
-Tryb Popup: Ignoruj pełny ekran
-[Popup Mode: Block contact]
-Tryb Popup: Zablokuj kontakt
+#muuid {26a9125d-7863-4e01-af0e-d14ef95c5054}
+; File: Popup.dll
+; Plugin: Popup plus
+; Version:
+; Authors: MPK, Merlin_de (Luca Santarelli, Victor Pavlychko)
+[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
+Dostarcza usługi powiadomień popup dla innych wtyczek.
+;file \plugins\Popup\res\resource.rc
+[Content and Style]
+Zawartość i wygląd
+[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
+Przejdź do Dostosuj -> Czcionki i kolory żeby ustawić czcionki i kolory
+[Live Preview]
+[Size && Position]
+Rozmiar i pozycja
+[Enable popup history]
+Włącz historię popupów
+[Store last]
+[Use History++ to render log]
+Użyj wtyczki History++
+[Draw avatar borders]
+Rysuj obramowanie awatarów
+[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
+Rysuj obramowanie dla półprzezroczystych awatarów
+[Round corners by]
+Zaokrąglij rogi o
+[Avatar size:]
+[Enable avatar updates]
+Włącz aktualizację awatarów
+Wiele monitorów
+[Start the popups in the monitor with]
+Pokaż popupy na monitorze zawierającym
+[Miranda's window]
+Okno Mirandy
+[the active window]
+Aktywne okno
+[Use transparency]
+[Opaque popups under cursor]
+Wyłącz pod kursorem
+[Slide popup]
+Przeciągnij popup
+[Time (in):]
+[Time (out):]
+[Limit window amount to:]
+Ogranicz ilość okien do:
+[* - built-in skins]
+* - wbudowane
+[Skin options]
+Opcje skórki
+[Download more skins]
+Pobierz więcej skórek
+[Popup History]
+Historia popupów
+[Popup area]
+Obszar popupu
+[Distance between popups]
+Odległość pomiędzy popupami
+[Configure popup area]
+Przestrzeń wyświetlania
+[Enable popup actions]
+Włącz akcje popupów
+[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
+Akcje popupu to te małe przyciski pod tekstem powiadomienia
+[Common actions]
+Popularne akcje
+[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
+Wybierz w jakich przypadkach powinny zostać dodane wspólne akcje:
+[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
+Dodaj info i menu tylko dla kontaktów
+[Add default actions for contacts only]
+Domyślne akcje tylko dla kontaktów
+[Don't close popups on default actions]
+Nie zamykaj popupów przy akcjach
+[Size and position]
+Rozmiar i położenie
+[Use large icons]
+Użyj dużych ikon
+[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
+Akcje popupów będą wyświetlane jako:
+[Icons and labels below text]
+Ikony i etykiety pod tekstem
+[Icons on the left]
+Ikony po lewej
+[Icons aligned to the right]
+Ikony przesunięte w prawo
+[Show actions: (requires apply)]
+Pokaż akcje: (wymaga zastosowania)
+[Mouse actions overwrite]
+Nadpisywanie akcji myszy
+[Left button]
+Lewy przycisk
+[Middle button]
+Środkowy przycisk
+[Right button]
+Prawy przycisk
+[General options]
+Opcje ogólne
+[Enable this notification]
+Włącz to powiadomienie
+[Popup timeout:]
+Czas wyświetlania:
+[Left click action:]
+Akcja LPM:
+[Right click action:]
+Akcja PPM:
+[Disable when global status is...]
+Wyłącz, kiedy globalny status to...
+[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
+Wyłącz, jeśli stosowany status protokołu to...
+[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
+Kolory mogą zostać skonfigurowane w\r\nPersonalizacja -> Czcionki i kolory
+[Disable if message window is open]
+Wyłącz, jeśli okno wiadomości jest otwarte
+[0 = Default]
+0 - domyślnie
+[-1 = Infinite]
+-1 - nie chowaj
+[Per-contact settings]
+Osobne ustawienia kontaktów
+[Show always]
+Zawsze pokazuj
+[Ignore fullscreen]
+Ignoruj peł. ekran
+[Never show]
+Nie pokazuj
+[Show default]
+Pokaż domyślnie
+[Default timeout]
+Domyślny czas oczekiwania
+[Infinite popup delay]
+Nie chowaj popupów
+[Popup delay:]
+[Do not close hovered popups]
+Nie zamykaj aktywnych popupów
+[Dynamically resize the popups]
+Automatyczny rozmiar popupów
+[Minimum width]
+Min. szerokość
+[Maximum width]
+Maks. szerokość
+[Reorder popups]
+Zmień kolejność popupów
+[Disable when:]
+Wyłącz, kiedy:
+[Always (has priority)]
+Zawsze (ma priorytet)
+[Fullscreen mode]
+Funkcja pełnoekranowa
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\actions.cpp
+[Quick reply]
+Szybka odpowiedź
+[Send message]
+Wyślij wiadomość
+[User details]
+Dane kontaktu
+[Contact menu]
+Menu kontaktu
+[Add permanently]
+Dodaj na stałe
+[Pin popup]
+Przypnij popup
+[Dismiss popup]
+Odrzuć popup
+[Copy to clipboard]
+Kopiuj do schowka
+[No overwrite]
+Bez nadpisywania
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\config.cpp
+[The Jabberwocky]
+The Jabberwocky
+[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
+Internet nadal „nic nie rozumie”,\r\nżadnego odkrycia, choćby od niego zależał los świata,\r\nale nadanego w egzotycznym języku, nie odróżni od nieco mniej ważnej wieści,\r\nże u ciotki w placku z jabłkami zrobił się w piekarniku zakalec.\r\n\t[b][i]Stanisław Lem, 1999[/i][/b]
+[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
+Test ustawień wtyczki Popup. Ten tekst powinien być wystarczająco długi żeby nie zmieścić się w jednej linii...
+[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
+To jest specjalny test ustawień wtyczki Popup. Tekst i tytuł jest wystarczająco długi, więc możesz zmienić skórkę i ustawienia wtyczki, aby najlepiej dopasować je do swoich potrzeb
+[This is a notification message]
+To jest powiadomienie wiadomości
+[This is a warning message]
+To jest wiadomość z ostrzeżeniem
+[This is an error message]
+To jest wiadomość z błędem
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\effects.cpp
+[Square fading]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\font.h
+[Hovered action]
+Akcja po najechaniu
+Boczny pasek
+[Title underline]
+Podkreślony tytuł
+[Avatar border]
+Granica awatara
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\history.cpp
+[Popup History is disabled]
+Historia popupów jest wyłączona
+[Popup History message]
+Historia popupów
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\icons.cpp
+[Popups are enabled]
+Popupy są włączone
+[Popups are disabled]
+Popupy są wyłączone
+[With "favorite" overlay]
+Nakładka "ulubione"
+[With "fullscreen" overlay]
+Nakładka w "trybie pełnoekranowym"
+[Refresh skin list]
+Odśwież listę skórek
+[Popup placement]
+Położenie popupu
+[Popup group]
+Grupa popupu
+[Favorite contact]
+Ulubiony kontakt
+[Show in fullscreen]
+Pokaż na pełnym ekranie
+[Blocked contact]
+Zablokowany kontakt
+[Pinned popup]
+Przypięty popup
+[Add contact permanently]
+Dodaj kontakt na stałe
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\main.cpp
+[Toggle Popups]
+Włącz/Wyłącz popupy
+[Enable Popups]
+Włącz popupy
+[Disable Popups]
+Wyłącz popupy
+[Popup Plus]
+[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
+Błąd: Nie mogłem zarejestrować klasy okna Popup\r\nWtyczka nie będzie działać.
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_adv.cpp
+[No effect]
+Brak efektu
+[Fade in/out]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_class.cpp
+[CLASS Plugins]
+[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
+Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_gen.cpp
+Zaraz wracam
+[Not available]
+Wrócę później
+[Do not disturb]
+Nie przeszkadzać
+[Free for chat]
+[Out to lunch]
+Na obiedzie
+[On the phone]
+Pod telefonem
+[Upper left corner]
+Lewy górny róg
+[Lower left corner]
+Lewy dolny róg
+[Lower right corner]
+Prawy dolny róg
+[Upper right corner]
+Prawy górny róg
+[Global Status]
+Globalny status
+[Protocol Status]
+Status protokołu
+[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
+Nie możesz ustawić wartości niższej niż %d ani wyższej niż %d.
+['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
+Opcja "Zmień kolejność popupów" jest obecnie wyłączona.\r\nTo może spowodować nieprawidłowo wyrównane Popupy w połączeniu z\r\nawatarami and zamianą tekstu\ngłównie NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nCzy chcesz teraz włączyć zmianę kolejności popupów?\r\n
+[Popup plus warning]
+Ostrzeżenie Popup plus
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_skins.cpp
+[Failed to register %s class.]
+Nie udało się zarejestrować klasy %s.
+[Skin preview]
+Podgląd skórki
+[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
+Spójrz tylko na tę skórkę... ;)
+[Show clock]
+Pokaż zegar
+[Drop shadow effect]
+Rzucaj cień
+[non rectangular]
+nie prostokątne
+[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
+Włącz Aero Glass (Vista+)
+[Use Windows colors]
+Użyj kolorów Windows
+[Use advanced text render]
+Zaawansowany rendering tekstu
+[Global settings]
+Ustawienia globalne
+[Refresh List]
+Odśwież listę
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_thread.cpp
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_wnd2.cpp
+[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
+Błąd tworzenia GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.
+[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
+Nie udało się zarejestrować własnej klasy okna pola edycji.\r\n\r\nMIN %hd ms
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\services.cpp
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\srmm_menu.cpp
+[Popup Mode: Auto]
+Tryb Popup: Auto
+[Popup Mode: Favorite]
+Tryb popupów: ulubione
+[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
+Tryb Popup: Ignoruj pełny ekran
+[Popup Mode: Block contact]
+Tryb Popup: Zablokuj kontakt
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/YAPP.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/YAPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index af664eb450..0000000000
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/YAPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-#muuid {efd15f16-7ae4-40d7-a8e3-a411ed747bd5}
-; File: YAPP.dll
-; Plugin: YAPP
-; Version:
-; Authors: Scott Ellis
-[Yet Another Popup Plugin - Provides popup notification window services to other plugins.]
-Yet Another Popup Plugin - Dostarcza usługi powiadomień popup dla innych wtyczek.
-;file \plugins\YAPP\res\yapp.rc
-[Popup history]
-Historia popupów
-[Case sensitive]
-Wielkość liter ma znaczenie
-[Default Timeout]
-Czas oczekiwania
-[Never timeout]
-Brak opóźnienia
-[Set timeout:]
-Ustaw opóźnienie:
-[Maximum height:]
-[Opacity (%):]
-Krycie (%):
-[Round corners (window)]
-Zaokrąglone rogi (okna)
-[Transparent background]
-Przezroczyste tło
-[Avatar size:]
-[Disable when]
-Wyłącz gdy
-[Global hover]
-Globalne przeciągnięcie
-[Sidebar width:]
-Boczny pasek:
-[Text indent:]
-Wcięcie tekstu:
-[Round corners (avatar)]
-Zaokrąglone rogi (awatara)
-[Text color:]
-Kolor tekstu:
-[Background color:]
-Kolor tła:
-[Set timeout]
-Ustaw czas oczekiwania
-[Timeout value (0 = default):]
-Wartość czasu oczekiwania (0 - domyślna):
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\icons.cpp
-[Popups are enabled]
-Popupy są włączone
-[Popups are disabled]
-Popupy są wyłączone
-[Popup History]
-Historia popupów
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\notify_imp.cpp
-[YAPP Popups]
-Popupy YAMN
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\options.cpp
-[The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.]
-Szybki, brązowy lis przeskoczył nad leniwym psem.
-[Example With a Long Title]
-Przykład z długim tytułem
-[An avatar.]
-Na awatarze.
-[Bottom right]
-Dolny prawy róg
-[Bottom left]
-Dolny lewy róg
-[Top right]
-Górny prawy róg
-[Top left]
-Górny lewy róg
-[Icon on left]
-Ikona po lewej
-[Icon on right]
-Ikona po prawej
-[No time]
-Bez czasu
-[Time on left]
-Czas po lewej
-[Time on right]
-Czas po prawej
-[Time above avatar]
-Czas powyżej awatara
-[No avatar]
-Brak awatara
-[Left avatar]
-Awatar po lewej
-[Right avatar]
-Awatar po prawej
-[Full-screen app running]
-Uruchomiona jest aplikacja pełnoekranowa
-[No animate]
-Brak animacji
-[Horizontal animate]
-Pozioma animacja
-[Vertical animate]
-Pionowa animacja
-[You cannot set a default timeout of 0.\nValue has been reset.]
-Nie możesz ustawić domyślnego czasu oczekiwania 0.\nWartość została zresetowana.
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\services.cpp
-[Disable Popups]
-Wyłącz popupy
-[Enable Popups]
-Włącz popupy
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\yapp.cpp
-[Toggle Popups]
-Włącz/Wyłącz popupy
-[First line]
-Pierwsza linia
-[Second line]
-Druga linia
-Pokaż czas
-Boczny pasek
-[Title underline]
-Podkreślony tytuł
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\yapp_history_dlg.cpp
-[Copy title to clipboard]
-Kopiuj tytuł do schowka
-[Copy message to clipboard]
-Kopiuj wiadomość do schowka
-[Copy timestamp to clipboard]
-Kopiuj czas do schowka
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Popup.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
index 759e8d9ed2..e5f0b1cddc 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Popup.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
@@ -1,423 +1,423 @@
-#muuid {26a9125d-7863-4e01-af0e-d14ef95c5054}
-; File: Popup.dll
-; Plugin: Popup plus
-; Version:
-; Authors: MPK, Merlin_de (Luca Santarelli, Victor Pavlychko)
-[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
-;file \plugins\Popup\res\resource.rc
-[Content and Style]
-[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
-[Live Preview]
-[Size && Position]
-[Enable popup history]
-[Store last]
-[Use History++ to render log]
-[Draw avatar borders]
-[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
-[Round corners by]
-[Avatar size:]
-[Enable avatar updates]
-[Start the popups in the monitor with]
-[Miranda's window]
-[the active window]
-[Use transparency]
-[Opaque popups under cursor]
-[Slide popup]
-Tip dekoracije:
-[Time (in):]
-[Time (out):]
-[Limit window amount to:]
-[* - built-in skins]
-[Skin options]
-[Download more skins]
-[Popup History]
-[Popup area]
-[Distance between popups]
-[Configure popup area]
-[Enable popup actions]
-[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
-[Common actions]
-[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
-[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
-[Add default actions for contacts only]
-[Don't close popups on default actions]
-[Size and position]
-[Use large icons]
-[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
-[Icons and labels below text]
-[Icons on the left]
-[Icons aligned to the right]
-[Show actions: (requires apply)]
-[Mouse actions overwrite]
-[Left button]
-[Middle button]
-[Right button]
-[General options]
-[Enable this notification]
-[Popup timeout:]
-[Left click action:]
-[Right click action:]
-[Disable when global status is...]
-[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
-[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
-[Disable if message window is open]
-[0 = Default]
-[-1 = Infinite]
-[Per-contact settings]
-[Show always]
-[Ignore fullscreen]
-[Never show]
-[Show default]
-[Default timeout]
-[Infinite popup delay]
-[Popup delay:]
-[Do not close hovered popups]
-[Dynamically resize the popups]
-[Minimum width]
-[Maximum width]
-[Reorder popups]
-[Disable when:]
-[Always (has priority)]
-[Fullscreen mode]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\actions.cpp
-[Quick reply]
-[Send message]
-[User details]
-O korisniku
-[Contact menu]
-Meni kontakta
-[Add permanently]
-[Pin popup]
-[Dismiss popup]
-[Copy to clipboard]
-[No overwrite]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\config.cpp
-[The Jabberwocky]
-[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
-[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
-[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
-[This is a notification message]
-[This is a warning message]
-[This is an error message]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\effects.cpp
-[Square fading]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\font.h
-[Hovered action]
-[Title underline]
-[Avatar border]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\history.cpp
-[Popup History is disabled]
-[Popup History message]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\icons.cpp
-[Popups are enabled]
-[Popups are disabled]
-[With "favorite" overlay]
-[With "fullscreen" overlay]
-[Refresh skin list]
-[Popup placement]
-[Popup group]
-[Favorite contact]
-[Show in fullscreen]
-[Blocked contact]
-[Pinned popup]
-[Add contact permanently]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\main.cpp
-[Toggle Popups]
-[Enable Popups]
-[Disable Popups]
-[Popup Plus]
-[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_adv.cpp
-[No effect]
-[Fade in/out]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_class.cpp
-[CLASS Plugins]
-[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_gen.cpp
-[Not available]
-[Do not disturb]
-Ne uznemiravaj
-[Free for chat]
-Spreman za razgovor
-[Out to lunch]
-Na ručku
-[On the phone]
-[Upper left corner]
-[Lower left corner]
-[Lower right corner]
-[Upper right corner]
-[Global Status]
-[Protocol Status]
-[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
-['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
-[Popup plus warning]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_skins.cpp
-[Failed to register %s class.]
-[Skin preview]
-[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
-[Show clock]
-[Drop shadow effect]
-[non rectangular]
-[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
-[Use Windows colors]
-Boje operativnog sistema
-[Use advanced text render]
-[Global settings]
-[Refresh List]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_thread.cpp
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_wnd2.cpp
-[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
-[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\services.cpp
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\srmm_menu.cpp
-[Popup Mode: Auto]
-[Popup Mode: Favorite]
-[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
-[Popup Mode: Block contact]
+#muuid {26a9125d-7863-4e01-af0e-d14ef95c5054}
+; File: Popup.dll
+; Plugin: Popup plus
+; Version:
+; Authors: MPK, Merlin_de (Luca Santarelli, Victor Pavlychko)
+[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
+;file \plugins\Popup\res\resource.rc
+[Content and Style]
+[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
+[Live Preview]
+[Size && Position]
+[Enable popup history]
+[Store last]
+[Use History++ to render log]
+[Draw avatar borders]
+[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
+[Round corners by]
+[Avatar size:]
+[Enable avatar updates]
+[Start the popups in the monitor with]
+[Miranda's window]
+[the active window]
+[Use transparency]
+[Opaque popups under cursor]
+[Slide popup]
+Tip dekoracije:
+[Time (in):]
+[Time (out):]
+[Limit window amount to:]
+[* - built-in skins]
+[Skin options]
+[Download more skins]
+[Popup History]
+[Popup area]
+[Distance between popups]
+[Configure popup area]
+[Enable popup actions]
+[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
+[Common actions]
+[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
+[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
+[Add default actions for contacts only]
+[Don't close popups on default actions]
+[Size and position]
+[Use large icons]
+[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
+[Icons and labels below text]
+[Icons on the left]
+[Icons aligned to the right]
+[Show actions: (requires apply)]
+[Mouse actions overwrite]
+[Left button]
+[Middle button]
+[Right button]
+[General options]
+[Enable this notification]
+[Popup timeout:]
+[Left click action:]
+[Right click action:]
+[Disable when global status is...]
+[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
+[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
+[Disable if message window is open]
+[0 = Default]
+[-1 = Infinite]
+[Per-contact settings]
+[Show always]
+[Ignore fullscreen]
+[Never show]
+[Show default]
+[Default timeout]
+[Infinite popup delay]
+[Popup delay:]
+[Do not close hovered popups]
+[Dynamically resize the popups]
+[Minimum width]
+[Maximum width]
+[Reorder popups]
+[Disable when:]
+[Always (has priority)]
+[Fullscreen mode]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\actions.cpp
+[Quick reply]
+[Send message]
+[User details]
+O korisniku
+[Contact menu]
+Meni kontakta
+[Add permanently]
+[Pin popup]
+[Dismiss popup]
+[Copy to clipboard]
+[No overwrite]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\config.cpp
+[The Jabberwocky]
+[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
+[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
+[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
+[This is a notification message]
+[This is a warning message]
+[This is an error message]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\effects.cpp
+[Square fading]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\font.h
+[Hovered action]
+[Title underline]
+[Avatar border]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\history.cpp
+[Popup History is disabled]
+[Popup History message]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\icons.cpp
+[Popups are enabled]
+[Popups are disabled]
+[With "favorite" overlay]
+[With "fullscreen" overlay]
+[Refresh skin list]
+[Popup placement]
+[Popup group]
+[Favorite contact]
+[Show in fullscreen]
+[Blocked contact]
+[Pinned popup]
+[Add contact permanently]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\main.cpp
+[Toggle Popups]
+[Enable Popups]
+[Disable Popups]
+[Popup Plus]
+[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_adv.cpp
+[No effect]
+[Fade in/out]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_class.cpp
+[CLASS Plugins]
+[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_gen.cpp
+[Not available]
+[Do not disturb]
+Ne uznemiravaj
+[Free for chat]
+Spreman za razgovor
+[Out to lunch]
+Na ručku
+[On the phone]
+[Upper left corner]
+[Lower left corner]
+[Lower right corner]
+[Upper right corner]
+[Global Status]
+[Protocol Status]
+[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
+['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
+[Popup plus warning]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_skins.cpp
+[Failed to register %s class.]
+[Skin preview]
+[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
+[Show clock]
+[Drop shadow effect]
+[non rectangular]
+[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
+[Use Windows colors]
+Boje operativnog sistema
+[Use advanced text render]
+[Global settings]
+[Refresh List]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_thread.cpp
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_wnd2.cpp
+[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
+[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\services.cpp
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\srmm_menu.cpp
+[Popup Mode: Auto]
+[Popup Mode: Favorite]
+[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
+[Popup Mode: Block contact]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/YAPP.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/YAPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4046c59aa9..0000000000
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/YAPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-#muuid {efd15f16-7ae4-40d7-a8e3-a411ed747bd5}
-; File: YAPP.dll
-; Plugin: YAPP
-; Version:
-; Authors: Scott Ellis
-[Yet Another Popup Plugin - Provides popup notification window services to other plugins.]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\res\yapp.rc
-[Popup history]
-[Case sensitive]
-[Default Timeout]
-[Never timeout]
-[Set timeout:]
-[Maximum height:]
-[Opacity (%):]
-[Round corners (window)]
-[Transparent background]
-[Avatar size:]
-[Disable when]
-[Global hover]
-[Sidebar width:]
-[Text indent:]
-[Round corners (avatar)]
-[Text color:]
-[Background color:]
-[Set timeout]
-[Timeout value (0 = default):]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\icons.cpp
-[Popups are enabled]
-[Popups are disabled]
-[Popup History]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\notify_imp.cpp
-[YAPP Popups]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\options.cpp
-[The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.]
-[Example With a Long Title]
-[An avatar.]
-[Bottom right]
-[Bottom left]
-[Top right]
-[Top left]
-[Icon on left]
-[Icon on right]
-[No time]
-[Time on left]
-[Time on right]
-[Time above avatar]
-[No avatar]
-[Left avatar]
-[Right avatar]
-[Full-screen app running]
-[No animate]
-[Horizontal animate]
-[Vertical animate]
-[You cannot set a default timeout of 0.\nValue has been reset.]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\services.cpp
-[Disable Popups]
-[Enable Popups]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\yapp.cpp
-[Toggle Popups]
-[First line]
-[Second line]
-[Title underline]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\yapp_history_dlg.cpp
-[Copy title to clipboard]
-[Copy message to clipboard]
-[Copy timestamp to clipboard]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Popup.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/PopupPlus.txt
index 598e8de899..71d40cbb02 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Popup.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/PopupPlus.txt
@@ -1,166 +1,166 @@
-[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
-[Content and Style]
-[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
-[Live Preview]
-[Size && Position]
-[Enable popup history]
-[Store last]
-[Use History++ to render log]
-[Draw avatar borders]
-[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
-[Round corners by]
-[Avatar size:]
-[Enable avatar updates]
-[Start the popups in the monitor with]
-[Miranda's window]
-[the active window]
-[Use transparency]
-[Opaque popups under cursor]
-[Slide popup]
-[Time (in):]
-[Time (out):]
-[Limit window amount to:]
-[* - built-in skins]
-[Skin options]
-[Download more skins]
-[Popup History]
-[Popup area]
-[Distance between popups]
-[Configure popup area]
-[Enable popup actions]
-[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
-[Common actions]
-[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
-[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
-[Add default actions for contacts only]
-[Don't close popups on default actions]
-[Size and position]
-[Use large icons]
-[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
-[Icons and labels below text]
-[Icons on the left]
-[Icons aligned to the right]
-[Show actions: (requires apply)]
-[Mouse actions overwrite]
-[Left button]
-[Middle button]
-[Right button]
-[General options]
-[Enable this notification]
-[Popup timeout:]
-[Left click action:]
-[Right click action:]
-[Disable when global status is...]
-[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
-[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
-[Disable if message window is open]
-[0 = Default]
-[-1 = Infinite]
-[Per-contact settings]
-[Show always]
-[Ignore fullscreen]
-[Never show]
-[Show default]
-[Default timeout]
-[Infinite popup delay]
-[Popup delay:]
-[Do not close hovered popups]
-[Dynamically resize the popups]
-[Minimum width]
-[Maximum width]
-[Reorder popups]
-[Disable when:]
-[Always (has priority)]
-[Fullscreen mode]
-[Quick reply]
-[Send message]
-[Add permanently]
-[Pin popup]
-[Dismiss popup]
-[Copy to clipboard]
-[No overwrite]
-[The Jabberwocky]
-[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
-[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
-[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
-[This is a notification message]
-[This is a warning message]
-[This is an error message]
-[Square fading]
-[Hovered action]
-[Title underline]
-[Avatar border]
-[Popup History is disabled]
-[Popup History message]
-[Popups are enabled]
-[Popups are disabled]
-[With "favorite" overlay]
-[With "fullscreen" overlay]
-[Refresh skin list]
-[Popup placement]
-[Popup group]
-[Favorite contact]
-[Show in fullscreen]
-[Blocked contact]
-[Pinned popup]
-[Add contact permanently]
-[Toggle Popups]
-[Enable Popups]
-[Disable Popups]
-[Popup Plus]
-[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
-[No effect]
-[Fade in/out]
-[CLASS Plugins]
-[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
-[Upper left corner]
-[Lower left corner]
-[Lower right corner]
-[Upper right corner]
-[Global Status]
-[Protocol Status]
-[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
-['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
-[Popup plus warning]
-[Failed to register %s class.]
-[Skin preview]
-[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
-[Show clock]
-[Drop shadow effect]
-[non rectangular]
-[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
-[Use advanced text render]
-[Global settings]
-[Refresh List]
-[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
-[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
-[Popup Mode: Auto]
-[Popup Mode: Favorite]
-[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
-[Popup Mode: Block contact]
+[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
+[Content and Style]
+[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
+[Live Preview]
+[Size && Position]
+[Enable popup history]
+[Store last]
+[Use History++ to render log]
+[Draw avatar borders]
+[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
+[Round corners by]
+[Avatar size:]
+[Enable avatar updates]
+[Start the popups in the monitor with]
+[Miranda's window]
+[the active window]
+[Use transparency]
+[Opaque popups under cursor]
+[Slide popup]
+[Time (in):]
+[Time (out):]
+[Limit window amount to:]
+[* - built-in skins]
+[Skin options]
+[Download more skins]
+[Popup History]
+[Popup area]
+[Distance between popups]
+[Configure popup area]
+[Enable popup actions]
+[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
+[Common actions]
+[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
+[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
+[Add default actions for contacts only]
+[Don't close popups on default actions]
+[Size and position]
+[Use large icons]
+[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
+[Icons and labels below text]
+[Icons on the left]
+[Icons aligned to the right]
+[Show actions: (requires apply)]
+[Mouse actions overwrite]
+[Left button]
+[Middle button]
+[Right button]
+[General options]
+[Enable this notification]
+[Popup timeout:]
+[Left click action:]
+[Right click action:]
+[Disable when global status is...]
+[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
+[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
+[Disable if message window is open]
+[0 = Default]
+[-1 = Infinite]
+[Per-contact settings]
+[Show always]
+[Ignore fullscreen]
+[Never show]
+[Show default]
+[Default timeout]
+[Infinite popup delay]
+[Popup delay:]
+[Do not close hovered popups]
+[Dynamically resize the popups]
+[Minimum width]
+[Maximum width]
+[Reorder popups]
+[Disable when:]
+[Always (has priority)]
+[Fullscreen mode]
+[Quick reply]
+[Send message]
+[Add permanently]
+[Pin popup]
+[Dismiss popup]
+[Copy to clipboard]
+[No overwrite]
+[The Jabberwocky]
+[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
+[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
+[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
+[This is a notification message]
+[This is a warning message]
+[This is an error message]
+[Square fading]
+[Hovered action]
+[Title underline]
+[Avatar border]
+[Popup History is disabled]
+[Popup History message]
+[Popups are enabled]
+[Popups are disabled]
+[With "favorite" overlay]
+[With "fullscreen" overlay]
+[Refresh skin list]
+[Popup placement]
+[Popup group]
+[Favorite contact]
+[Show in fullscreen]
+[Blocked contact]
+[Pinned popup]
+[Add contact permanently]
+[Toggle Popups]
+[Enable Popups]
+[Disable Popups]
+[Popup Plus]
+[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
+[No effect]
+[Fade in/out]
+[CLASS Plugins]
+[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
+[Upper left corner]
+[Lower left corner]
+[Lower right corner]
+[Upper right corner]
+[Global Status]
+[Protocol Status]
+[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
+['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
+[Popup plus warning]
+[Failed to register %s class.]
+[Skin preview]
+[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
+[Show clock]
+[Drop shadow effect]
+[non rectangular]
+[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
+[Use advanced text render]
+[Global settings]
+[Refresh List]
+[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
+[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
+[Popup Mode: Auto]
+[Popup Mode: Favorite]
+[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
+[Popup Mode: Block contact]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/YAPP.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/YAPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cd081d4d5..0000000000
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/YAPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-[Yet Another Popup Plugin - Provides popup notification window services to other plugins.]
-[Popup history]
-[Case sensitive]
-[Default Timeout]
-[Never timeout]
-[Set timeout:]
-[Maximum height:]
-[Opacity (%):]
-[Round corners (window)]
-[Transparent background]
-[Avatar size:]
-[Disable when]
-[Global hover]
-[Sidebar width:]
-[Text indent:]
-[Round corners (avatar)]
-[Text color:]
-[Background color:]
-[Set timeout]
-[Timeout value (0 = default):]
-[Popups are enabled]
-[Popups are disabled]
-[Popup History]
-[YAPP Popups]
-[The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.]
-[Example With a Long Title]
-[An avatar.]
-[Bottom right]
-[Bottom left]
-[Top right]
-[Top left]
-[Icon on left]
-[Icon on right]
-[No time]
-[Time on left]
-[Time on right]
-[Time above avatar]
-[No avatar]
-[Left avatar]
-[Right avatar]
-[Full-screen app running]
-[No animate]
-[Horizontal animate]
-[Vertical animate]
-[You cannot set a default timeout of 0.\nValue has been reset.]
-[Disable Popups]
-[Enable Popups]
-[Toggle Popups]
-[First line]
-[Second line]
-[Title underline]
-[Copy title to clipboard]
-[Copy message to clipboard]
-[Copy timestamp to clipboard]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Popup.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
index 9dc6a4c0e3..d55f53da54 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Popup.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
@@ -1,423 +1,423 @@
-#muuid {26a9125d-7863-4e01-af0e-d14ef95c5054}
-; File: Popup.dll
-; Plugin: Popup plus
-; Version:
-; Authors: MPK, Merlin_de (Luca Santarelli, Victor Pavlychko)
-[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
-;file \plugins\Popup\res\resource.rc
-[Content and Style]
-[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
-[Live Preview]
-[Size && Position]
-[Enable popup history]
-[Store last]
-[Use History++ to render log]
-[Draw avatar borders]
-[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
-[Round corners by]
-[Avatar size:]
-[Enable avatar updates]
-[Start the popups in the monitor with]
-[Miranda's window]
-[the active window]
-[Use transparency]
-[Opaque popups under cursor]
-[Slide popup]
-[Time (in):]
-[Time (out):]
-[Limit window amount to:]
-[* - built-in skins]
-[Skin options]
-[Download more skins]
-[Popup History]
-[Popup area]
-[Distance between popups]
-[Configure popup area]
-[Enable popup actions]
-[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
-[Common actions]
-[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
-[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
-[Add default actions for contacts only]
-[Don't close popups on default actions]
-[Size and position]
-[Use large icons]
-[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
-[Icons and labels below text]
-[Icons on the left]
-[Icons aligned to the right]
-[Show actions: (requires apply)]
-[Mouse actions overwrite]
-[Left button]
-[Middle button]
-[Right button]
-[General options]
-[Enable this notification]
-[Popup timeout:]
-[Left click action:]
-[Right click action:]
-[Disable when global status is...]
-[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
-[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
-[Disable if message window is open]
-[0 = Default]
-0 = por defecto
-[-1 = Infinite]
--1 = Infinito
-[Per-contact settings]
-[Show always]
-[Ignore fullscreen]
-[Never show]
-[Show default]
-[Default timeout]
-[Infinite popup delay]
-[Popup delay:]
-[Do not close hovered popups]
-[Dynamically resize the popups]
-[Minimum width]
-[Maximum width]
-[Reorder popups]
-[Disable when:]
-[Always (has priority)]
-[Fullscreen mode]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\actions.cpp
-[Quick reply]
-[Send message]
-Enviar mensaje
-[User details]
-Información del usuario
-[Contact menu]
-Menú de contacto
-[Add permanently]
-[Pin popup]
-[Dismiss popup]
-[Copy to clipboard]
-Copiar al portapapeles
-[No overwrite]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\config.cpp
-[The Jabberwocky]
-[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
-[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
-[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
-[This is a notification message]
-[This is a warning message]
-[This is an error message]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\effects.cpp
-[Square fading]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\font.h
-Ventanas emergentes
-[Hovered action]
-[Title underline]
-[Avatar border]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\history.cpp
-[Popup History is disabled]
-[Popup History message]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\icons.cpp
-[Popups are enabled]
-[Popups are disabled]
-[With "favorite" overlay]
-[With "fullscreen" overlay]
-[Refresh skin list]
-[Popup placement]
-[Popup group]
-[Favorite contact]
-[Show in fullscreen]
-[Blocked contact]
-[Pinned popup]
-[Add contact permanently]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\main.cpp
-[Toggle Popups]
-[Enable Popups]
-[Disable Popups]
-[Popup Plus]
-[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_adv.cpp
-[No effect]
-[Fade in/out]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_class.cpp
-[CLASS Plugins]
-[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_gen.cpp
-Fuera de línea
-En línea
-[Not available]
-No disponible
-[Do not disturb]
-No molestar
-[Free for chat]
-Libre para el chat
-[Out to lunch]
-Salí a comer
-[On the phone]
-En el teléfono
-[Upper left corner]
-[Lower left corner]
-[Lower right corner]
-[Upper right corner]
-[Global Status]
-[Protocol Status]
-[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
-['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
-[Popup plus warning]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_skins.cpp
-[Failed to register %s class.]
-[Skin preview]
-Vista previa de la piel
-[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
-[Show clock]
-[Drop shadow effect]
-[non rectangular]
-[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
-[Use Windows colors]
-Usar colores de Windows
-[Use advanced text render]
-[Global settings]
-[Refresh List]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_thread.cpp
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_wnd2.cpp
-[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
-[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\services.cpp
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\srmm_menu.cpp
-[Popup Mode: Auto]
-[Popup Mode: Favorite]
-[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
-[Popup Mode: Block contact]
+#muuid {26a9125d-7863-4e01-af0e-d14ef95c5054}
+; File: Popup.dll
+; Plugin: Popup plus
+; Version:
+; Authors: MPK, Merlin_de (Luca Santarelli, Victor Pavlychko)
+[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
+;file \plugins\Popup\res\resource.rc
+[Content and Style]
+[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
+[Live Preview]
+[Size && Position]
+[Enable popup history]
+[Store last]
+[Use History++ to render log]
+[Draw avatar borders]
+[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
+[Round corners by]
+[Avatar size:]
+[Enable avatar updates]
+[Start the popups in the monitor with]
+[Miranda's window]
+[the active window]
+[Use transparency]
+[Opaque popups under cursor]
+[Slide popup]
+[Time (in):]
+[Time (out):]
+[Limit window amount to:]
+[* - built-in skins]
+[Skin options]
+[Download more skins]
+[Popup History]
+[Popup area]
+[Distance between popups]
+[Configure popup area]
+[Enable popup actions]
+[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
+[Common actions]
+[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
+[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
+[Add default actions for contacts only]
+[Don't close popups on default actions]
+[Size and position]
+[Use large icons]
+[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
+[Icons and labels below text]
+[Icons on the left]
+[Icons aligned to the right]
+[Show actions: (requires apply)]
+[Mouse actions overwrite]
+[Left button]
+[Middle button]
+[Right button]
+[General options]
+[Enable this notification]
+[Popup timeout:]
+[Left click action:]
+[Right click action:]
+[Disable when global status is...]
+[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
+[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
+[Disable if message window is open]
+[0 = Default]
+0 = por defecto
+[-1 = Infinite]
+-1 = Infinito
+[Per-contact settings]
+[Show always]
+[Ignore fullscreen]
+[Never show]
+[Show default]
+[Default timeout]
+[Infinite popup delay]
+[Popup delay:]
+[Do not close hovered popups]
+[Dynamically resize the popups]
+[Minimum width]
+[Maximum width]
+[Reorder popups]
+[Disable when:]
+[Always (has priority)]
+[Fullscreen mode]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\actions.cpp
+[Quick reply]
+[Send message]
+Enviar mensaje
+[User details]
+Información del usuario
+[Contact menu]
+Menú de contacto
+[Add permanently]
+[Pin popup]
+[Dismiss popup]
+[Copy to clipboard]
+Copiar al portapapeles
+[No overwrite]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\config.cpp
+[The Jabberwocky]
+[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
+[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
+[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
+[This is a notification message]
+[This is a warning message]
+[This is an error message]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\effects.cpp
+[Square fading]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\font.h
+Ventanas emergentes
+[Hovered action]
+[Title underline]
+[Avatar border]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\history.cpp
+[Popup History is disabled]
+[Popup History message]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\icons.cpp
+[Popups are enabled]
+[Popups are disabled]
+[With "favorite" overlay]
+[With "fullscreen" overlay]
+[Refresh skin list]
+[Popup placement]
+[Popup group]
+[Favorite contact]
+[Show in fullscreen]
+[Blocked contact]
+[Pinned popup]
+[Add contact permanently]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\main.cpp
+[Toggle Popups]
+[Enable Popups]
+[Disable Popups]
+[Popup Plus]
+[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_adv.cpp
+[No effect]
+[Fade in/out]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_class.cpp
+[CLASS Plugins]
+[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_gen.cpp
+Fuera de línea
+En línea
+[Not available]
+No disponible
+[Do not disturb]
+No molestar
+[Free for chat]
+Libre para el chat
+[Out to lunch]
+Salí a comer
+[On the phone]
+En el teléfono
+[Upper left corner]
+[Lower left corner]
+[Lower right corner]
+[Upper right corner]
+[Global Status]
+[Protocol Status]
+[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
+['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
+[Popup plus warning]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_skins.cpp
+[Failed to register %s class.]
+[Skin preview]
+Vista previa de la piel
+[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
+[Show clock]
+[Drop shadow effect]
+[non rectangular]
+[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
+[Use Windows colors]
+Usar colores de Windows
+[Use advanced text render]
+[Global settings]
+[Refresh List]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_thread.cpp
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_wnd2.cpp
+[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
+[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\services.cpp
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\srmm_menu.cpp
+[Popup Mode: Auto]
+[Popup Mode: Favorite]
+[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
+[Popup Mode: Block contact]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/YAPP.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/YAPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 471f31a31a..0000000000
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/YAPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-#muuid {efd15f16-7ae4-40d7-a8e3-a411ed747bd5}
-; File: YAPP.dll
-; Plugin: YAPP
-; Version:
-; Authors: Scott Ellis
-[Yet Another Popup Plugin - Provides popup notification window services to other plugins.]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\res\yapp.rc
-[Popup history]
-[Case sensitive]
-[Default Timeout]
-[Never timeout]
-[Set timeout:]
-[Maximum height:]
-[Opacity (%):]
-[Round corners (window)]
-[Transparent background]
-[Avatar size:]
-[Disable when]
-[Global hover]
-[Sidebar width:]
-[Text indent:]
-[Round corners (avatar)]
-[Text color:]
-[Background color:]
-Color del fondo:
-[Set timeout]
-[Timeout value (0 = default):]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\icons.cpp
-[Popups are enabled]
-[Popups are disabled]
-[Popup History]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\notify_imp.cpp
-[YAPP Popups]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\options.cpp
-[The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.]
-[Example With a Long Title]
-[An avatar.]
-[Bottom right]
-[Bottom left]
-[Top right]
-[Top left]
-[Icon on left]
-[Icon on right]
-[No time]
-[Time on left]
-[Time on right]
-[Time above avatar]
-[No avatar]
-[Left avatar]
-[Right avatar]
-[Full-screen app running]
-[No animate]
-[Horizontal animate]
-[Vertical animate]
-[You cannot set a default timeout of 0.\nValue has been reset.]
-Ventanas emergentes
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\services.cpp
-[Disable Popups]
-[Enable Popups]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\yapp.cpp
-[Toggle Popups]
-[First line]
-[Second line]
-[Title underline]
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\yapp_history_dlg.cpp
-[Copy title to clipboard]
-[Copy message to clipboard]
-[Copy timestamp to clipboard]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Popup.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/PopupPlus.txt
index 5af0813d55..a4dec5cf61 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Popup.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/PopupPlus.txt
@@ -1,152 +1,152 @@
-[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
-[Content and Style]
-[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
-[Live Preview]
-[Size && Position]
-[Enable popup history]
-[Store last]
-[Use History++ to render log]
-[Draw avatar borders]
-[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
-[Round corners by]
-[Avatar size:]
-[Enable avatar updates]
-[Start the popups in the monitor with]
-[Miranda's window]
-[the active window]
-[Use transparency]
-[Opaque popups under cursor]
-[Slide popup]
-[Time (in):]
-[Time (out):]
-[Limit window amount to:]
-[* - built-in skins]
-[Skin options]
-[Download more skins]
-[Popup History]
-[Popup area]
-[Distance between popups]
-[Configure popup area]
-[Enable popup actions]
-[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
-[Common actions]
-[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
-[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
-[Add default actions for contacts only]
-[Don't close popups on default actions]
-[Size and position]
-[Use large icons]
-[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
-[Icons and labels below text]
-[Icons on the left]
-[Icons aligned to the right]
-[Show actions: (requires apply)]
-[Mouse actions overwrite]
-[Left button]
-[Middle button]
-[Right button]
-[General options]
-[Enable this notification]
-[Popup timeout:]
-[Left click action:]
-[Right click action:]
-[Disable when global status is...]
-[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
-[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
-[Disable if message window is open]
-[Per-contact settings]
-[Show always]
-[Ignore fullscreen]
-[Never show]
-[Show default]
-[Default timeout]
-[Infinite popup delay]
-[Popup delay:]
-[Do not close hovered popups]
-[Dynamically resize the popups]
-[Minimum width]
-[Maximum width]
-[Reorder popups]
-[Disable when:]
-[Always (has priority)]
-[Fullscreen mode]
-[Quick reply]
-[Add permanently]
-[Pin popup]
-[Dismiss popup]
-[No overwrite]
-[The Jabberwocky]
-[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
-[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
-[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
-[This is a notification message]
-[This is a warning message]
-[This is an error message]
-[Square fading]
-[Hovered action]
-[Title underline]
-[Avatar border]
-[Popup History is disabled]
-[Popup History message]
-[Popups are enabled]
-[Popups are disabled]
-[With "favorite" overlay]
-[With "fullscreen" overlay]
-[Refresh skin list]
-[Popup placement]
-[Popup group]
-[Favorite contact]
-[Show in fullscreen]
-[Blocked contact]
-[Pinned popup]
-[Add contact permanently]
-[Toggle Popups]
-[Enable Popups]
-[Disable Popups]
-[Popup Plus]
-[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
-[No effect]
-[Fade in/out]
-[CLASS Plugins]
-[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
-[Upper left corner]
-[Lower left corner]
-[Lower right corner]
-[Upper right corner]
-[Global Status]
-[Protocol Status]
-[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
-['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
-[Popup plus warning]
-[Failed to register %s class.]
-[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
-[Show clock]
-[Drop shadow effect]
-[non rectangular]
-[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
-[Use advanced text render]
-[Global settings]
-[Refresh List]
-[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
-[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
-[Popup Mode: Auto]
-[Popup Mode: Favorite]
-[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
-[Popup Mode: Block contact]
+[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
+[Content and Style]
+[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
+[Live Preview]
+[Size && Position]
+[Enable popup history]
+[Store last]
+[Use History++ to render log]
+[Draw avatar borders]
+[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
+[Round corners by]
+[Avatar size:]
+[Enable avatar updates]
+[Start the popups in the monitor with]
+[Miranda's window]
+[the active window]
+[Use transparency]
+[Opaque popups under cursor]
+[Slide popup]
+[Time (in):]
+[Time (out):]
+[Limit window amount to:]
+[* - built-in skins]
+[Skin options]
+[Download more skins]
+[Popup History]
+[Popup area]
+[Distance between popups]
+[Configure popup area]
+[Enable popup actions]
+[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
+[Common actions]
+[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
+[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
+[Add default actions for contacts only]
+[Don't close popups on default actions]
+[Size and position]
+[Use large icons]
+[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
+[Icons and labels below text]
+[Icons on the left]
+[Icons aligned to the right]
+[Show actions: (requires apply)]
+[Mouse actions overwrite]
+[Left button]
+[Middle button]
+[Right button]
+[General options]
+[Enable this notification]
+[Popup timeout:]
+[Left click action:]
+[Right click action:]
+[Disable when global status is...]
+[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
+[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
+[Disable if message window is open]
+[Per-contact settings]
+[Show always]
+[Ignore fullscreen]
+[Never show]
+[Show default]
+[Default timeout]
+[Infinite popup delay]
+[Popup delay:]
+[Do not close hovered popups]
+[Dynamically resize the popups]
+[Minimum width]
+[Maximum width]
+[Reorder popups]
+[Disable when:]
+[Always (has priority)]
+[Fullscreen mode]
+[Quick reply]
+[Add permanently]
+[Pin popup]
+[Dismiss popup]
+[No overwrite]
+[The Jabberwocky]
+[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
+[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
+[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
+[This is a notification message]
+[This is a warning message]
+[This is an error message]
+[Square fading]
+[Hovered action]
+[Title underline]
+[Avatar border]
+[Popup History is disabled]
+[Popup History message]
+[Popups are enabled]
+[Popups are disabled]
+[With "favorite" overlay]
+[With "fullscreen" overlay]
+[Refresh skin list]
+[Popup placement]
+[Popup group]
+[Favorite contact]
+[Show in fullscreen]
+[Blocked contact]
+[Pinned popup]
+[Add contact permanently]
+[Toggle Popups]
+[Enable Popups]
+[Disable Popups]
+[Popup Plus]
+[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
+[No effect]
+[Fade in/out]
+[CLASS Plugins]
+[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
+[Upper left corner]
+[Lower left corner]
+[Lower right corner]
+[Upper right corner]
+[Global Status]
+[Protocol Status]
+[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
+['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
+[Popup plus warning]
+[Failed to register %s class.]
+[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
+[Show clock]
+[Drop shadow effect]
+[non rectangular]
+[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
+[Use advanced text render]
+[Global settings]
+[Refresh List]
+[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
+[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
+[Popup Mode: Auto]
+[Popup Mode: Favorite]
+[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
+[Popup Mode: Block contact]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/YAPP.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/YAPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d5d1939ee..0000000000
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/YAPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-[Yet Another Popup Plugin - Provides popup notification window services to other plugins.]
-[Popup history]
-[Case sensitive]
-[Default Timeout]
-[Never timeout]
-[Set timeout:]
-[Maximum height:]
-[Opacity (%):]
-[Round corners (window)]
-[Transparent background]
-[Avatar size:]
-[Disable when]
-[Global hover]
-[Sidebar width:]
-[Text indent:]
-[Round corners (avatar)]
-[Text color:]
-[Set timeout]
-[Timeout value (0 = default):]
-[Popups are enabled]
-[Popups are disabled]
-[Popup History]
-[YAPP Popups]
-[The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.]
-[Example With a Long Title]
-[An avatar.]
-[Bottom right]
-[Bottom left]
-[Top right]
-[Top left]
-[Icon on left]
-[Icon on right]
-[No time]
-[Time on left]
-[Time on right]
-[Time above avatar]
-[No avatar]
-[Left avatar]
-[Right avatar]
-[Full-screen app running]
-[No animate]
-[Horizontal animate]
-[Vertical animate]
-[You cannot set a default timeout of 0.\nValue has been reset.]
-[Disable Popups]
-[Enable Popups]
-[Toggle Popups]
-[First line]
-[Second line]
-[Title underline]
-[Copy title to clipboard]
-[Copy message to clipboard]
-[Copy timestamp to clipboard]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Popup.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
index ef8fb339e5..14f163e91c 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Popup.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/PopupPlus.txt
@@ -1,423 +1,423 @@
-#muuid {26a9125d-7863-4e01-af0e-d14ef95c5054}
-; File: Popup.dll
-; Plugin: Popup plus
-; Version:
-; Authors: MPK, Merlin_de (Luca Santarelli, Victor Pavlychko)
-[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
-Надає службу спливаючих вікон для інших плагінів.
-;file \plugins\Popup\res\resource.rc
-[Content and Style]
-Стиль вікон
-[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
-Налаштування шрифтів і кольорів: Тонке налаштування -> Шрифти і кольори
-[Live Preview]
-[Size && Position]
-Місце і розмір
-[Enable popup history]
-Історія спливаючих вікон
-[Store last]
-[Use History++ to render log]
-History++ для історії вікон
-[Draw avatar borders]
-Малювати рамки аватарів
-[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
-Також для напівпрозорих аватарів
-[Round corners by]
-Заокруглити кути
-[Avatar size:]
-[Enable avatar updates]
-Оновлення аватарів
-Декілька моніторів
-[Start the popups in the monitor with]
-Сплив. вікна на моніторі, де
-[Miranda's window]
-Вікно Miranda NG
-[the active window]
-Активне вікно
-[Use transparency]
-Використовувати прозорість
-[Opaque popups under cursor]
-Непрозоро під курсором
-[Slide popup]
-[Time (in):]
-Час (поява):
-[Time (out):]
-Час (згасання):
-[Limit window amount to:]
-Обмежити кількість до:
-[* - built-in skins]
-* - вбудовані
-[Skin options]
-Налаштування скіна
-[Download more skins]
-Завантажити скіни
-[Popup History]
-Історія сплив. вікон
-Робочий стіл
-[Popup area]
-[Distance between popups]
-Відстань між сплив. вікнами
-[Configure popup area]
-Зона спливаючих вікон
-[Enable popup actions]
-Увімкнути дії
-[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
-Дії - це маленькі кнопки під текстом вікна.
-[Common actions]
-Спільні дії
-[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
-Виберіть, у яких випадках додавати загальні дії:
-[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
-Меню та інфо тільки в контактів
-[Add default actions for contacts only]
-Заг. дії тільки в контактів
-[Don't close popups on default actions]
-Не закривати вікна загальних дій
-[Size and position]
-Розмір і позиція
-[Use large icons]
-Великі значки
-[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
-Відображення дій:
-[Icons and labels below text]
-Значки й підписи знизу
-[Icons on the left]
-Значки ліворуч
-[Icons aligned to the right]
-Значки праворуч
-[Show actions: (requires apply)]
-Дії (вимагає "Застосувати"):
-[Mouse actions overwrite]
-Дії за натисканням мишки
-[Left button]
-Ліва кнопка
-[Middle button]
-Середня кнопка
-[Right button]
-Права кнопка
-[General options]
-Загальні параметри
-[Enable this notification]
-Увімкнути це сповіщення
-[Popup timeout:]
-[Left click action:]
-Ліва кнопка:
-[Right click action:]
-Права кнопка:
-[Disable when global status is...]
-Вимкнути, коли глобальний статус...
-[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
-Вимкнути, коли статус відп. протоколу...
-[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
-Кольори налаштовуються в\r\nТонке налаштування -> Шрифти і кольори
-[Disable if message window is open]
-Вимкнути, якщо вікно повідомлень відкрите
-[0 = Default]
-[-1 = Infinite]
-[Per-contact settings]
-Налаштування для кожного контакту
-[Show always]
-[Ignore fullscreen]
-Ігнор. повноекр.
-[Never show]
-[Show default]
-За замовчанням
-[Default timeout]
-Тривалість за замовчанням
-[Infinite popup delay]
-Не закривати вікна
-[Popup delay:]
-[Do not close hovered popups]
-Не закривати вікно під курсором
-[Dynamically resize the popups]
-Динамічна ширина
-[Minimum width]
-[Maximum width]
-[Reorder popups]
-Упорядковувати (зсувати) вікна
-[Disable when:]
-Вимкнути, коли
-[Always (has priority)]
-Завжди (має пріоритет)
-[Fullscreen mode]
-Повний екран
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\actions.cpp
-[Quick reply]
-Швидка відповідь
-[Send message]
-[User details]
-Про користувача
-[Contact menu]
-Меню контакту
-[Add permanently]
-Додати до списку
-[Pin popup]
-[Dismiss popup]
-Закрити вікно
-[Copy to clipboard]
-Копіювати в буфер обміну
-[No overwrite]
-Немає дії
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\config.cpp
-[The Jabberwocky]
-[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
-Варчилось... Хлив'язкі тхурки\r\nВикрули, свербчись навкрузі,\r\nЖасумновілі худоки\r\nГривіли зехряки в чузі.\r\n\t[b][i]Льюїс Керрол, 1855[/i][/b]
-[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
-Тестовий перегляд для налаштувань плагіна спливаючих вікон. Заголовок досить довгий...
-[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
-Це спеціальний попередній перегляд для налаштувань плагіна спливаючих вікон. Текст і заголовок досить довгі для того, щоб ви змогли налаштувати скін і плагін так, як вам подобається ;)
-[This is a notification message]
-Це сповіщення
-[This is a warning message]
-Це попередження
-[This is an error message]
-Це повідомлення про помилку
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\effects.cpp
-[Square fading]
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\font.h
-Спливаючі вікна
-[Hovered action]
-Наведена дія
-[Title underline]
-Підкреслення заголовка
-[Avatar border]
-Рамка аватару
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\history.cpp
-[Popup History is disabled]
-Історія спливаючих вікон вимкнена
-[Popup History message]
-Історія спливаючих вікон
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\icons.cpp
-[Popups are enabled]
-Вікна ввімкнені
-[Popups are disabled]
-Вікна вимкнені
-[With "favorite" overlay]
-З накладенням "Обраний"
-[With "fullscreen" overlay]
-З накладенням "Повний екран"
-[Refresh skin list]
-Оновити список
-[Popup placement]
-[Popup group]
-Група вікон
-[Favorite contact]
-Обраний контакт
-[Show in fullscreen]
-Показати на повний екран
-[Blocked contact]
-Заблокований контакт
-[Pinned popup]
-[Add contact permanently]
-Додати контакт постійно
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\main.cpp
-[Toggle Popups]
-Увімк./вимк. сплив. вікна
-[Enable Popups]
-Увімкнути спливаючі вікна
-[Disable Popups]
-Вимкнути спливаючі вікна
-[Popup Plus]
-Спливаючі вікна
-[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
-Помилка: не вдалося зареєструвати клас Popup Window.\r\nПлагін не працюватиме.
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_adv.cpp
-[No effect]
-Без ефекту
-[Fade in/out]
-Плавний показ
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_class.cpp
-[CLASS Plugins]
-Групи плагінів
-[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
-У своїй оселі в Р'льєху мертвий Ктулху спить і чекає.
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_gen.cpp
-Не в мережі
-В мережі
-[Not available]
-[Do not disturb]
-Не турбувати
-[Free for chat]
-Готовий до чату
-[Out to lunch]
-[On the phone]
-[Upper left corner]
-Вгорі ліворуч
-[Lower left corner]
-Внизу ліворуч
-[Lower right corner]
-Внизу праворуч
-[Upper right corner]
-Вгорі праворуч
-[Global Status]
-Загальний статус
-[Protocol Status]
-Статус протоколу
-[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
-Значення менше %d або більше %d не допускається.
-['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
-Налаштування "Впорядковувати (зсувати) вікна" вимкнено.\r\nЦе може призвести до перекосу при використанні з\r\nаватарами і заміною тексту (з плагіном NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nУвімкнути впорядкування (зсув) вікон?\r\n
-[Popup plus warning]
-Попередження Popup plus
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_skins.cpp
-[Failed to register %s class.]
-Не вдалося зареєструвати клас %s.
-[Skin preview]
-Перегляд скіна
-[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
-Погляньте на цей скін... ;)
-[Show clock]
-Показувати годинник
-[Drop shadow effect]
-Ефект тіні
-[non rectangular]
-не прямокутні
-[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
-Ефект Aero Glass (Vista+)
-[Use Windows colors]
-Кольори Windows
-[Use advanced text render]
-Розширена обробка тексту
-[Global settings]
-Глобальні налаштування
-[Refresh List]
-Оновити список
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_thread.cpp
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_wnd2.cpp
-[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
-Не вдалося виконати GetClassInfoExW з класу EDIT.
-[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
-Не вдалося зареєструвати клас custom edit box window.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\services.cpp
-;file \plugins\Popup\src\srmm_menu.cpp
-[Popup Mode: Auto]
-Режим спливаючих вікон: за замовчанням
-[Popup Mode: Favorite]
-Режим спливаючих вікон: обране
-[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
-Режим спливаючих вікон: ігнорувати повноекранні програми
-[Popup Mode: Block contact]
-Режим спливаючих вікон: блокувати
+#muuid {26a9125d-7863-4e01-af0e-d14ef95c5054}
+; File: Popup.dll
+; Plugin: Popup plus
+; Version:
+; Authors: MPK, Merlin_de (Luca Santarelli, Victor Pavlychko)
+[Provides popup notification services for different plugins.]
+Надає службу спливаючих вікон для інших плагінів.
+;file \plugins\Popup\res\resource.rc
+[Content and Style]
+Стиль вікон
+[Go to Customize -> Fonts and Colors for fonts and colors options]
+Налаштування шрифтів і кольорів: Тонке налаштування -> Шрифти і кольори
+[Live Preview]
+[Size && Position]
+Місце і розмір
+[Enable popup history]
+Історія спливаючих вікон
+[Store last]
+[Use History++ to render log]
+History++ для історії вікон
+[Draw avatar borders]
+Малювати рамки аватарів
+[Draw borders for semitransparent avatars too]
+Також для напівпрозорих аватарів
+[Round corners by]
+Заокруглити кути
+[Avatar size:]
+[Enable avatar updates]
+Оновлення аватарів
+Декілька моніторів
+[Start the popups in the monitor with]
+Сплив. вікна на моніторі, де
+[Miranda's window]
+Вікно Miranda NG
+[the active window]
+Активне вікно
+[Use transparency]
+Використовувати прозорість
+[Opaque popups under cursor]
+Непрозоро під курсором
+[Slide popup]
+[Time (in):]
+Час (поява):
+[Time (out):]
+Час (згасання):
+[Limit window amount to:]
+Обмежити кількість до:
+[* - built-in skins]
+* - вбудовані
+[Skin options]
+Налаштування скіна
+[Download more skins]
+Завантажити скіни
+[Popup History]
+Історія сплив. вікон
+Робочий стіл
+[Popup area]
+[Distance between popups]
+Відстань між сплив. вікнами
+[Configure popup area]
+Зона спливаючих вікон
+[Enable popup actions]
+Увімкнути дії
+[Popup actions are those tiny buttons below notification text.]
+Дії - це маленькі кнопки під текстом вікна.
+[Common actions]
+Спільні дії
+[Please choose in what cases default actions should be added:]
+Виберіть, у яких випадках додавати загальні дії:
+[Add info && menu for IM contacts only]
+Меню та інфо тільки в контактів
+[Add default actions for contacts only]
+Заг. дії тільки в контактів
+[Don't close popups on default actions]
+Не закривати вікна загальних дій
+[Size and position]
+Розмір і позиція
+[Use large icons]
+Великі значки
+[Popup actions will be displayed as:]
+Відображення дій:
+[Icons and labels below text]
+Значки й підписи знизу
+[Icons on the left]
+Значки ліворуч
+[Icons aligned to the right]
+Значки праворуч
+[Show actions: (requires apply)]
+Дії (вимагає "Застосувати"):
+[Mouse actions overwrite]
+Дії за натисканням мишки
+[Left button]
+Ліва кнопка
+[Middle button]
+Середня кнопка
+[Right button]
+Права кнопка
+[General options]
+Загальні параметри
+[Enable this notification]
+Увімкнути це сповіщення
+[Popup timeout:]
+[Left click action:]
+Ліва кнопка:
+[Right click action:]
+Права кнопка:
+[Disable when global status is...]
+Вимкнути, коли глобальний статус...
+[Disable when relevant protocol's status is...]
+Вимкнути, коли статус відп. протоколу...
+[Colors can be configured in\r\nCustomize -> Fonts and colors]
+Кольори налаштовуються в\r\nТонке налаштування -> Шрифти і кольори
+[Disable if message window is open]
+Вимкнути, якщо вікно повідомлень відкрите
+[0 = Default]
+[-1 = Infinite]
+[Per-contact settings]
+Налаштування для кожного контакту
+[Show always]
+[Ignore fullscreen]
+Ігнор. повноекр.
+[Never show]
+[Show default]
+За замовчанням
+[Default timeout]
+Тривалість за замовчанням
+[Infinite popup delay]
+Не закривати вікна
+[Popup delay:]
+[Do not close hovered popups]
+Не закривати вікно під курсором
+[Dynamically resize the popups]
+Динамічна ширина
+[Minimum width]
+[Maximum width]
+[Reorder popups]
+Упорядковувати (зсувати) вікна
+[Disable when:]
+Вимкнути, коли
+[Always (has priority)]
+Завжди (має пріоритет)
+[Fullscreen mode]
+Повний екран
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\actions.cpp
+[Quick reply]
+Швидка відповідь
+[Send message]
+[User details]
+Про користувача
+[Contact menu]
+Меню контакту
+[Add permanently]
+Додати до списку
+[Pin popup]
+[Dismiss popup]
+Закрити вікно
+[Copy to clipboard]
+Копіювати в буфер обміну
+[No overwrite]
+Немає дії
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\config.cpp
+[The Jabberwocky]
+[`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\r\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\r\n\t[b][i]Lewis Carroll, 1855[/i][/b]]
+Варчилось... Хлив'язкі тхурки\r\nВикрули, свербчись навкрузі,\r\nЖасумновілі худоки\r\nГривіли зехряки в чузі.\r\n\t[b][i]Льюїс Керрол, 1855[/i][/b]
+[Test preview for the popup plugin settings. This is supposed to be long enough not to fit in one line...]
+Тестовий перегляд для налаштувань плагіна спливаючих вікон. Заголовок досить довгий...
+[This is a special test preview for the popup plugin settings. The text and title are quite long so you can tweak your skin and plugin settings to best fit your needs :)]
+Це спеціальний попередній перегляд для налаштувань плагіна спливаючих вікон. Текст і заголовок досить довгі для того, щоб ви змогли налаштувати скін і плагін так, як вам подобається ;)
+[This is a notification message]
+Це сповіщення
+[This is a warning message]
+Це попередження
+[This is an error message]
+Це повідомлення про помилку
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\effects.cpp
+[Square fading]
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\font.h
+Спливаючі вікна
+[Hovered action]
+Наведена дія
+[Title underline]
+Підкреслення заголовка
+[Avatar border]
+Рамка аватару
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\history.cpp
+[Popup History is disabled]
+Історія спливаючих вікон вимкнена
+[Popup History message]
+Історія спливаючих вікон
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\icons.cpp
+[Popups are enabled]
+Вікна ввімкнені
+[Popups are disabled]
+Вікна вимкнені
+[With "favorite" overlay]
+З накладенням "Обраний"
+[With "fullscreen" overlay]
+З накладенням "Повний екран"
+[Refresh skin list]
+Оновити список
+[Popup placement]
+[Popup group]
+Група вікон
+[Favorite contact]
+Обраний контакт
+[Show in fullscreen]
+Показати на повний екран
+[Blocked contact]
+Заблокований контакт
+[Pinned popup]
+[Add contact permanently]
+Додати контакт постійно
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\main.cpp
+[Toggle Popups]
+Увімк./вимк. сплив. вікна
+[Enable Popups]
+Увімкнути спливаючі вікна
+[Disable Popups]
+Вимкнути спливаючі вікна
+[Popup Plus]
+Спливаючі вікна
+[Error: I could not register the Popup Window class.\r\nThe plugin will not operate.]
+Помилка: не вдалося зареєструвати клас Popup Window.\r\nПлагін не працюватиме.
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_adv.cpp
+[No effect]
+Без ефекту
+[Fade in/out]
+Плавний показ
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_class.cpp
+[CLASS Plugins]
+Групи плагінів
+[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
+У своїй оселі в Р'льєху мертвий Ктулху спить і чекає.
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_gen.cpp
+Не в мережі
+В мережі
+[Not available]
+[Do not disturb]
+Не турбувати
+[Free for chat]
+Готовий до чату
+[Out to lunch]
+[On the phone]
+[Upper left corner]
+Вгорі ліворуч
+[Lower left corner]
+Внизу ліворуч
+[Lower right corner]
+Внизу праворуч
+[Upper right corner]
+Вгорі праворуч
+[Global Status]
+Загальний статус
+[Protocol Status]
+Статус протоколу
+[You cannot specify a value lower than %d and higher than %d.]
+Значення менше %d або більше %d не допускається.
+['Reorder popups' option is currently disabled.\r\nThis may cause misaligned popups when used with\r\navatars and text replacement (mainly NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable popup reordering now?\r\n]
+Налаштування "Впорядковувати (зсувати) вікна" вимкнено.\r\nЦе може призвести до перекосу при використанні з\r\nаватарами і заміною тексту (з плагіном NewXstatusNotify).\r\n\r\nУвімкнути впорядкування (зсув) вікон?\r\n
+[Popup plus warning]
+Попередження Popup plus
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\opt_skins.cpp
+[Failed to register %s class.]
+Не вдалося зареєструвати клас %s.
+[Skin preview]
+Перегляд скіна
+[Just take a look at this skin... ;)]
+Погляньте на цей скін... ;)
+[Show clock]
+Показувати годинник
+[Drop shadow effect]
+Ефект тіні
+[non rectangular]
+не прямокутні
+[Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)]
+Ефект Aero Glass (Vista+)
+[Use Windows colors]
+Кольори Windows
+[Use advanced text render]
+Розширена обробка тексту
+[Global settings]
+Глобальні налаштування
+[Refresh List]
+Оновити список
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_thread.cpp
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\popup_wnd2.cpp
+[Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.]
+Не вдалося виконати GetClassInfoExW з класу EDIT.
+[Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n]
+Не вдалося зареєструвати клас custom edit box window.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\services.cpp
+;file \plugins\Popup\src\srmm_menu.cpp
+[Popup Mode: Auto]
+Режим спливаючих вікон: за замовчанням
+[Popup Mode: Favorite]
+Режим спливаючих вікон: обране
+[Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]
+Режим спливаючих вікон: ігнорувати повноекранні програми
+[Popup Mode: Block contact]
+Режим спливаючих вікон: блокувати
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/YAPP.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/YAPP.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f7590a90a..0000000000
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/YAPP.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-#muuid {efd15f16-7ae4-40d7-a8e3-a411ed747bd5}
-; File: YAPP.dll
-; Plugin: YAPP
-; Version:
-; Authors: Scott Ellis
-[Yet Another Popup Plugin - Provides popup notification window services to other plugins.]
-Надає службу спливаючих вікон для інших плагінів.
-;file \plugins\YAPP\res\yapp.rc
-[Popup history]
-Історія спливаючих вікон
-[Case sensitive]
-Враховувати регістр
-[Default Timeout]
-Тривалість за замовчанням
-[Never timeout]
-[Set timeout:]
-[Maximum height:]
-Макс. висота:
-[Opacity (%):]
-Непрозорість (%):
-[Round corners (window)]
-Заокруглені кути вікна
-[Transparent background]
-Прозорий фон
-[Avatar size:]
-[Disable when]
-Вимкнути, коли
-[Global hover]
-Загальне наведення
-[Sidebar width:]
-Ширина врізки:
-[Text indent:]
-Відступ тексту:
-[Round corners (avatar)]
-Заокруглені кути аватару
-[Text color:]
-Колір тексту:
-[Background color:]
-Колір фону:
-[Set timeout]
-Встановити таймаут
-[Timeout value (0 = default):]
-Таймаут (0 = за замовчанням):
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\icons.cpp
-[Popups are enabled]
-Спливаючі вікна ввімкнені
-[Popups are disabled]
-Спливаючі вікна вимкнені
-[Popup History]
-Історія сплив. вікон
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\notify_imp.cpp
-[YAPP Popups]
-Спливаючі вікна
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\options.cpp
-[The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.]
-З'їж-но ще цих м'яких французьких булок та випий йаду!
-[Example With a Long Title]
-Приклад з довгим заголовком
-[An avatar.]
-З аватаром
-[Bottom right]
-Внизу праворуч
-[Bottom left]
-Внизу ліворуч
-[Top right]
-Вгорі праворуч
-[Top left]
-Вгорі ліворуч
-[Icon on left]
-Значок ліворуч
-[Icon on right]
-Значок праворуч
-[No time]
-Без часу
-[Time on left]
-Час ліворуч
-[Time on right]
-Час праворуч
-[Time above avatar]
-Час над аватаром
-[No avatar]
-Без аватару
-[Left avatar]
-Аватар ліворуч
-[Right avatar]
-Аватар праворуч
-[Full-screen app running]
-Повноекранна програма
-[No animate]
-Без анімації
-[Horizontal animate]
-Горизонтальна анімація
-[Vertical animate]
-Вертикальна анімація
-[You cannot set a default timeout of 0.\nValue has been reset.]
-Ви не можете встановити час очікування за замовчанням на 0.\nЗначення скинуто.
-Спливаючі вікна
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\services.cpp
-[Disable Popups]
-Вимкнути спливаючі вікна
-[Enable Popups]
-Увімкнути спливаючі вікна
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\yapp.cpp
-[Toggle Popups]
-Увімк./вимк. сплив. вікна
-[First line]
-Перший рядок
-[Second line]
-Другий рядок
-[Title underline]
-Підкреслення заголовка
-;file \plugins\YAPP\src\yapp_history_dlg.cpp
-[Copy title to clipboard]
-Копіювати заголовок в буфер обміну
-[Copy message to clipboard]
-Копіювати повідомлення в буфер обміну
-[Copy timestamp to clipboard]
-Копіювати час в буфер обміну