path: root/langpacks
diff options
authordartraiden <>2018-06-24 21:48:14 +0300
committerdartraiden <>2018-06-24 21:48:31 +0300
commit5d534d98a38e9b79a7adb0c3bd5383365114a854 (patch)
tree3fc2faf007d0f767c811d41bae083a747b39c6af /langpacks
parent4f5172ac4663e552eaee69c112611f72f6345d68 (diff)
langpacks: update
Diffstat (limited to 'langpacks')
182 files changed, 2257 insertions, 1115 deletions
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/=CORE=.txt
index 10f62ca060..2130330988 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/=CORE=.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/=CORE=.txt
@@ -3,6 +3,30 @@
; Module: Miranda Core
; Version: 0.95.9
+[Become idle if the following is left unattended:]
+Перайсці ў рэжым чакання, калі неактыўныя:
+[Become idle if the screen saver is active]
+Рэжым чакання, калі ўключана застаўка
+[Become idle if the computer is locked]
+Рэжым чакання, калі кампутар заблакаваны
+[Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected]
+Рэжым чакання, калі аддаленая сесія завершана
+[Do not let protocols report any idle information]
+Не дазваляць пратаколам паведамляць інфармацыю пра чаканне
+на працягу
+[Change my status mode to:]
+Змяніць статус на:
+[Do not set status back to online when returning from idle]
+Не аднаўляць статус пры вяртанні з рэжыму чакання
+[Idle options]
+Рэжым чакання
+[Become idle if application full screen]
+Рэжым чакання, калі прыкладанне запушчана ў поўнаэкранным рэжыме
+[Disable sounds on idle]
+Адключыць гукі пры пераходзе ў рэжым чакання
[%s message for %s]
%s (%s)
@@ -373,30 +397,6 @@
Дапісаць "(1)" і г. д.
[You will always be asked about files from people not on your contact list]
Запыт заўсёды будзе паказаны, калі чалавек не ў спісе
-[Become idle if the following is left unattended:]
-Перайсці ў рэжым чакання, калі неактыўныя:
-[Become idle if the screen saver is active]
-Рэжым чакання, калі ўключана застаўка
-[Become idle if the computer is locked]
-Рэжым чакання, калі кампутар заблакаваны
-[Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected]
-Рэжым чакання, калі аддаленая сесія завершана
-[Do not let protocols report any idle information]
-Не дазваляць пратаколам паведамляць інфармацыю пра чаканне
-на працягу
-[Change my status mode to:]
-Змяніць статус на:
-[Do not set status back to online when returning from idle]
-Не аднаўляць статус пры вяртанні з рэжыму чакання
-[Idle options]
-Рэжым чакання
-[Become idle if application full screen]
-Рэжым чакання, калі прыкладанне запушчана ў поўнаэкранным рэжыме
-[Disable sounds on idle]
-Адключыць гукі пры пераходзе ў рэжым чакання
[Automatically popup window when:]
Адкрываць вакно, калі:
[In background]
@@ -469,8 +469,6 @@
Выкарыстоўваць укладкі
[Close tab on double click]
Зачыняць па падвойнай пстрычцы
-[Restore previously open tabs when showing the window]
-Аднаўляць адкрытыя ўкладкі пры паказе вакна
[Show tabs at the bottom]
Укладкі ўнізе
[Send typing notifications to the following users when you are typing a message to them:]
@@ -1185,6 +1183,10 @@ UIN, E-mail і г.д.
[Google Translate]
[Re&ad %s message]
&Прачытаць паведамленне "%s"
[Re&ad status message]
@@ -1211,8 +1213,6 @@ UIN, E-mail і г.д.
Ммм... е-е-ежа...
[Standard contacts]
Стандартныя кантакты
[Online contacts to whom you have a different visibility]
@@ -1363,8 +1363,6 @@ UIN, E-mail і г.д.
Перадача і праверка на вірусы завершаны
[Message sessions]
[Chat module]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index 66acb1dc3b..96e9fc7b63 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Dbx_mdbx.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG MDBX database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
Толькі крытычныя дадзеныя шыфруюцца (паролі, маркеры бяспекі і г.д.). Ўсё налады і гісторыя застаецца ў незашыфраваным выглядзе. Хуткі і эфектыўны, падыходзіць для большасці выпадкаў
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
-Усе налады і ўсе падзеі ў гісторыі шыфруюцца. Гэта робіць Міранда вельмі марудней і стварае рызыку страты ўсё, што вы захоўваецца ў профілі ў выпадку згубы пароль. Рэкамендуем толькі для паранаідальных карыстальнікаў
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
+Усе налады і ўсе падзеі ў гісторыі шыфруюцца. Гэта робіць Міранда вельмі марудней і стварае рызыку страты ўсё, што вы захоўваецца ў базе дадзеных ў выпадку згубы пароль. Рэкамендуем толькі для паранаідальных карыстальнікаў
[Set password]
Усталяваць пароль
[Change/remove password]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
index 9c466ccf95..4068cb5ab8 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
Толькі крытычныя дадзеныя шыфруюцца (паролі, маркеры бяспекі і г.д.). Ўсё налады і гісторыя застаецца ў незашыфраваным выглядзе. Хуткі і эфектыўны, падыходзіць для большасці выпадкаў
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
-Усе налады і ўсе падзеі ў гісторыі шыфруюцца. Гэта робіць Міранда вельмі марудней і стварае рызыку страты ўсё, што вы захоўваецца ў профілі ў выпадку згубы пароль. Рэкамендуем толькі для паранаідальных карыстальнікаў
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
+Усе налады і ўсе падзеі ў гісторыі шыфруюцца. Гэта робіць Міранда вельмі марудней і стварае рызыку страты ўсё, што вы захоўваецца ў базе дадзеных ў выпадку згубы пароль. Рэкамендуем толькі для паранаідальных карыстальнікаў
[Set password]
Усталяваць пароль
[Miranda has detected corruption in your database. Miranda will now shut down.]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/GG.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/GG.txt
index 67539e6abd..764d1913ae 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/GG.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/GG.txt
@@ -223,12 +223,6 @@ Miranda не можа распазнаць імя сервера Gadu-Gadu па
Ваш пароль будзе высланы на рэгістрацыйны e-mail.\nПрацягнуць?
[You should disconnect before making any permanent changes with your account.\nDo you want to disconnect now?]
Вы павінны адключыцца перад зменай параметраў карыстача.\nВырабіць адключэнне?
[Your details has been uploaded to the public directory.]
Ваша інфармацыя была запісаная на агульным каталогу.
[You have to be logged in before you can change your details.]
@@ -375,6 +369,12 @@ HTTP невядомая памылка
Выбар конта Gadu-Gadu
[Gadu-Gadu Link Protocol]
Спасылка Gadu-Gadu
[Password could not be reminded because of error:\n\t%s (Error: %d)]
Пароль немагчыма нагадаць з-за памылкі:\n\t%s (Памылка: %d)
[Password was sent to your e-mail.]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Import.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Import.txt
index 7d307bd101..011c980fd5 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Import.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Import.txt
@@ -155,14 +155,14 @@ Miranda знайшла наступныя профілі. Абярыце про
Прапушчана %d дублікатаў і %d адфільтраваных падзей.
-[The given file does not exist. Please check that you have entered the name correctly.]
-Дадзены файл не існуе. Праверце імя файла.
-[Miranda Import]
-Імпарт Miranda
[Miranda NG database]
База Miranda NG/IM
[All Files]
Усе файлы
+[The given file does not exist. Please check that you have entered the name correctly.]
+Дадзены файл не існуе. Праверце імя файла.
+[Miranda Import]
+Імпарт Miranda
[You cannot import your current profile into itself]
[Skipping duplicate group %s.]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
index 5a03942911..bc37145db1 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: MirLua.dll
; Plugin: MirLua
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Extends Miranda NG functionality with Lua scripts.]
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
[Common scripts]
Агульныя скрыпты
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e75136c43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+#muuid {4df0c267-6efb-4410-b651-385f87158509}
+; File: ProxySwitch.dll
+; Plugin: ProxySwitch
+; Version:
+; Authors: Petr Smejkal
+[Watches IP address changes, displays popups, and adjusts the proxy settings of Miranda, Internet Explorer and Firefox.]
+[Network addresses]
+[Direct connection]
+[Use proxy]
+[Manage Miranda NG proxy]
+[Manage Internet Explorer proxy]
+[Manage Firefox proxy]
+[Reconnect if IP address changes]
+[Display 'Show my IP' in menu]
+[Display 'Proxy && IP' submenu]
+[Hide interfaces]
+[Popup options]
+[Enable popups]
+[Text color]
+Колер тэксту
+[Background color]
+Колер фону
+[Use default popup colors]
+[Show proxy status on change]
+[Restart of Miranda NG is required.]
+[Enter semicolon (;) separated list of IP network addresses in any of the formats below:\n\tip/bits\t(\t\tip/mask\t(\n\tip1-2\t(\t\tip1-ip2\t(]
+[Any entry in the 'Use proxy' list can be prefixed by an exclamation mark (!) to increase its priority. Entries with wrong syntax will be ignored. The program checks the IP addresses in the following way:]
+[\t1) Use proxy if any interface has prioritized 'Use proxy' address\n\t2) Don't use proxy if any interface has 'Direct connection' address\n\t3) Use proxy if any interface has 'Use proxy' address\n\t4) Do nothing if unknown or any at all addresses found]
+[\nMiranda ]
+[\nExplorer ]
+[\nFirefox ]
+[Cannot retrieve IP or adapter data.]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAddresses]
+[GetAdaptersAddresses sizing failed]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAdapterInfo]
+[GetAdaptersInfo sizing failed]
+[Current IP address]
+[Proxy settings && interfaces]
+[Enable &IP change notification]
+[Disable &IP change notification]
+[Show my &IP addresses]
+[Disable proxy]
+[Enable proxy]
+[IP change notification]
+Усплывальныя вокны
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
index 1d42679bd9..1aab6beae6 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Scriver.dll
; Plugin: Scriver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Scriver - send and receive instant messages.]
@@ -29,12 +29,8 @@
Паведамляць, калі паведамленне не атрымалася адправіць на працягу
-[Send message on 'Enter']
-Пасылаць па "Enter"
-[Send message on double 'Enter']
-Пасылаць па падвойным "Enter"
-[Send message on 'Ctrl+Enter']
-Пасылаць па "Ctrl+Enter"
+[Send message on:]
+Пасылаць па:
[Enable tabs]
@@ -709,6 +705,14 @@ URL атрыманы
[On the phone]
На тэлефоне
+[Double 'Enter']
+падвойным "Enter"
[** New contacts **]
** Новыя кантакты **
[** Unknown contacts **]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
index c5b42b65a7..e08147f1a4 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: SmileyAdd.dll
; Plugin: SmileyAdd
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Peacow, nightwish, bid, borkra
[Smiley support for Miranda NG.]
@@ -45,12 +45,6 @@
Уключыць смайлы
[Don't replace at cursor]
Не замяняць пад курсорам
-[Built-in message dialog support]
-Падтрымка модуляў паведамленняў
-[Smiley button]
-Кнопка смайла
[Surround inserted smiley with spaces]
Уставіць смайл з прабеламі
[Use first smiley for selection size]
@@ -75,10 +69,6 @@ HTTP далучэнне SmileyAdd
Колер фону
[Only one instance of SmileyAdd could be executed.\nRemove duplicate instances from 'Plugins' directory]
Толькі адна копія SmileyAdd можа быць запушчана.\nУдаліце дублікат з тэчкі "Plugins"
[Smiley packs]
Набор смайлаў
[All files]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
index 0e27b49272..aed970ab82 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: StatusManager.dll
; Plugin: Status manager
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
[A connection checker and auto away module. Also allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per protocol.]
@@ -55,8 +55,10 @@
+[Away mode]
[when full-screen mode is active]
@@ -65,10 +67,14 @@
пры запуску застаўкі
[when workstation is locked]
пры блакаванні кампутара
+[when terminal session is disconnected]
[minutes of inactivity]
хвілін неактыўнасці
+[After away]
[minutes of level 1 mode]
хвілін рэжыму 1
[only set when inactive]
@@ -79,6 +85,8 @@
Аднавіць статус пры вяртанні
[Confirm resetting status]
Пацвердзіць скід статусу
+[Enter idle mode]
[Only set if current status is]
Толькі калі статус:
[Command line]
@@ -201,8 +209,6 @@ Dial-up (эксперыментальна)
Правяраць праз (сек):
[Confirm dialog timeout (secs)]
Падцвердзіць праз(сек)
-[This options are ignored because you enabled "Change my status mode to" in the "Idle" options dialog.]
[Monitor keyboard activity]
Сачыць за актыўнасцю клавіятуры
[Monitor mouse activity]
@@ -219,6 +225,8 @@ Dial-up (эксперыментальна)
Не правяраць
[Set status message]
Усталяваць статуснае паведамленне
@@ -285,6 +293,14 @@ Dial-up (эксперыментальна)
Не змяняць статус пры вяртанні
[Leaving second auto-away status]
Выдаленне другога статуса аўта-адсутнасці
+[minutes of %s mode]
+хвілін рэжыму "%s"
+[Auto away]
+[Status messages]
+Паведамленні статусу
[Set %s message for %s.]
Уст. %s паведамленне для %s.
@@ -297,16 +313,6 @@ Dial-up (эксперыментальна)
[Closing in %d]
Зачыніць (%d)
-[Status manager]
-[minutes of %s mode]
-хвілін рэжыму "%s"
-[Auto away]
-[Status messages]
-Паведамленні статусу
[%s connected from another location]
%s далучаны з іншага месца
[%s login error, cancel reconnecting]
@@ -339,6 +345,8 @@ Dial-up (эксперыментальна)
Усплывальныя вокны
+[Status manager]
diff --git a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
index ea769ce41c..b7c6ab98b6 100644
--- a/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/belarusian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: TabSRMM.dll
; Plugin: TabSRMM
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: The Miranda developers team and contributors
[IM and group chat module for Miranda NG.]
@@ -1053,12 +1053,6 @@ IRC-стыль(тэкставы) індыкатараў роляў у логе
Вокны чата
[Group chat log]
Журнал чата
-[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
-Выгляд і функцыянальнасць вокнаў чата
-[Appearance of the message log]
-Вонкавы выгляд лога паведамленняў
-[Chat rooms]
Карыстачы з правам голасу
[Half operators]
@@ -1081,6 +1075,12 @@ IRC-стыль(тэкставы) індыкатараў роляў у логе
Фон спісу карыстачоў
[Group chat log background]
Фон журнала чата
+[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
+Выгляд і функцыянальнасць вокнаў чата
+[Appearance of the message log]
+Вонкавы выгляд лога паведамленняў
+[Chat rooms]
[nick of current contact (if defined)]
мянушка бягучага кантакту (калі вызначаны)
[protocol name of current contact (if defined). Account name is used when protocol supports multiple accounts]
@@ -1141,6 +1141,14 @@ ID бягучага кантакту (калі вызначаны). Напрык
[Show as text symbols]
Тэкставыя знакі
+[Log formatting]
+Фармат лога
+[Events and filters]
+Падзеі і фільтры
[%s%s says:%s %s]
%s%s піша:%s %s
[Expand or collapse the side bar]
@@ -1595,14 +1603,6 @@ UID: %s (SHIFT+клік -> капіяваць у буфер)\nКлік - Інф
Загрузіць і ўжыць
[Window layout tweaks]
Выгляд укладак
-[Log formatting]
-Фармат лога
-[Events and filters]
-Падзеі і фільтры
[Choose status modes]
Выбар рэжымаў статусу
[A message delivery has failed.\nClick to open the message window.]
@@ -1807,8 +1807,6 @@ UID: %s (SHIFT+клік -> капіяваць у буфер)\nКлік - Інф
Уключыць гук набору тэксту
[Close current tab on send]
Зачыняць укладку пры адпраўцы
-[Automatic keyboard layout: Do not load the system default for new contacts]
-Аўтаматычная раскладка клавіятуры: не загружаць раскладку сістэмы па змаўчанні для новых кантактаў
[Enable unattended send (experimental feature, required for multisend and send later) (*)]
Уключыць аўтаматычную адпраўку (эксперыментальная опцыя, неабходна для мультыадпраўкі і адпраўкі з затрымкай) (*)
[Show client description in info panel]
@@ -1945,8 +1943,6 @@ UID: %s (SHIFT+клік -> капіяваць у буфер)\nКлік - Інф
Адкрыць згорнутае вакно пры стварэнні новай укладкі ўсярэдзіне гэтага вакна
[Automatically switch existing tabs in minimized windows on incoming messages (ignored when using Aero Peek task bar features)]
Аўтаматычная змена ўкладак у згорнутым вакне пры ўваходных паведамленнях (ігнаруецца пры выкарыстанні Aero Peek)
-[Remember and set keyboard layout per contact]
-Запамінаць раскладку клавіятуры дя кожнага кантакта
[Close button only hides message windows]
Кнопка зачыніць толькі хавае вокны паведамленняў
[Allow TAB key in typing area (this will disable focus selection by TAB key)]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/=CORE=.txt
index a8d366e175..90a6954d70 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/=CORE=.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/=CORE=.txt
@@ -3,6 +3,28 @@
; Module: Miranda Core
; Version: 0.95.9
+[Become idle if the following is left unattended:]
+Бездействащ при липса на активност в:
+[Become idle if the screen saver is active]
+Бездействащ при активен screen saver
+[Become idle if the computer is locked]
+Бездействащ при заключване на компютъра
+[Do not let protocols report any idle information]
+Без изпращане на информация за бездействие
+минута (и)
+[Change my status mode to:]
+Промяна на състоянието ми на:
+[Do not set status back to online when returning from idle]
+Без задаване на старото състояние след излизане от бездействие
+[Idle options]
+[Become idle if application full screen]
+Бездействащ при програма работеща на целия екран
+[Disable sounds on idle]
+Изключване на звука при бездействие
[%s message for %s]
Текст "%s" на %s
@@ -371,28 +393,6 @@
Преименуване (наставка (1),(2)...)
[You will always be asked about files from people not on your contact list]
Винаги ще бъдете питани за файлове, пратени от хора извън списъка ви с контакти
-[Become idle if the following is left unattended:]
-Бездействащ при липса на активност в:
-[Become idle if the screen saver is active]
-Бездействащ при активен screen saver
-[Become idle if the computer is locked]
-Бездействащ при заключване на компютъра
-[Do not let protocols report any idle information]
-Без изпращане на информация за бездействие
-минута (и)
-[Change my status mode to:]
-Промяна на състоянието ми на:
-[Do not set status back to online when returning from idle]
-Без задаване на старото състояние след излизане от бездействие
-[Idle options]
-[Become idle if application full screen]
-Бездействащ при програма работеща на целия екран
-[Disable sounds on idle]
-Изключване на звука при бездействие
[Automatically popup window when:]
Изскачане на прозореца при състояние:
[In background]
@@ -463,8 +463,6 @@
Ползване на табове
[Close tab on double click]
Затваряне на таб при двукратно натискане
-[Restore previously open tabs when showing the window]
-Възстановяване на последно отворените табове при показване на прозореца
[Show tabs at the bottom]
Табове на дъното
[Send typing notifications to the following users when you are typing a message to them:]
@@ -1145,6 +1143,10 @@ Wikipedia (en)
Google Maps
[Google Translate]
Google Translate
[Re&ad %s message]
Показване на текста "%s"
[Re&ad status message]
@@ -1171,8 +1173,6 @@ Google Translate
Ммм... храна.
[Standard contacts]
Стандартни контакти
[Online contacts to whom you have a different visibility]
@@ -1323,8 +1323,6 @@ Google Translate
Прехвърлянето и сканирането за вируси завърши.
[Message sessions]
[Chat module]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index c7586c4ef8..4f088ef6ff 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Dbx_mdbx.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG MDBX database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
Само критичните данни ще бъдат криптирани (като пароли). Всички други - настройки и историята остават некриптирани. Бързо и ефективно криптиране - удачен избор за повечето поребители
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
-Всички настройки и събития в историята ще бъдат криптирани. Като резултат Miranda ще бъде значително по-бавна. Забравите ли паролата ще загубите цялата информация от профила!
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
+Всички настройки и събития в историята ще бъдат криптирани. Като резултат Miranda ще бъде значително по-бавна. Забравите ли паролата ще загубите цялата информация от базата от данни!
[Set password]
Задаване на парола
[Change/remove password]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
index fc62f8dd6a..987d664707 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
Само критичните данни ще бъдат криптирани (като пароли). Всички други - настройки и историята остават некриптирани. Бързо и ефективно криптиране - удачен избор за повечето поребители
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
-Всички настройки и събития в историята ще бъдат криптирани. Като резултат Miranda ще бъде значително по-бавна. Забравите ли паролата ще загубите цялата информация от профила!
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
+Всички настройки и събития в историята ще бъдат криптирани. Като резултат Miranda ще бъде значително по-бавна. Забравите ли паролата ще загубите цялата информация от базата от данни!
[Set password]
Задаване на парола
[Miranda has detected corruption in your database. Miranda will now shut down.]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/GG.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/GG.txt
index 36b76d3646..26a6fc6d42 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/GG.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/GG.txt
@@ -175,10 +175,6 @@ Gadu-Gadu номер:
Паролата ще бъде изпратена на имейла посочен в регистрацията.\nНаистина ли желаете това?
[You should disconnect before making any permanent changes with your account.\nDo you want to disconnect now?]
Необходимо е да излезете от мрежата преди да промените акаунта за постоянно.\nЖелаете ли да излезете сега?
[Your details has been uploaded to the public directory.]
Вашите подробности са качени в публичната директория.
[You have to be logged in before you can change your details.]
@@ -289,6 +285,10 @@ Gadu-Gadu номер
Изнасяне на списъка в текстови файл...
[Gadu-Gadu Link Protocol]
Протокол за Gadu-Gadu връзки
[Password was sent to your e-mail.]
Паролата е изпратена на вашия имейл.
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Import.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Import.txt
index e598262cc2..b98fb786de 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Import.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Import.txt
@@ -109,14 +109,14 @@ URL адреси
Пропуснати контакти - %d и %d филтрирани събития.
-[The given file does not exist. Please check that you have entered the name correctly.]
-Файлът не съществува. Моля, проверете правилно ли е въведено името.
-[Miranda Import]
-Miranda внос
[Miranda NG database]
База от данни на Miranda NG
[All Files]
Всички файлове
+[The given file does not exist. Please check that you have entered the name correctly.]
+Файлът не съществува. Моля, проверете правилно ли е въведено името.
+[Miranda Import]
+Miranda внос
[Skipping duplicate group %s.]
Пропускане на дублираща се група %s.
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
index 149d5049db..e7d72ab7a5 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: MirLua.dll
; Plugin: MirLua
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61e3f2802c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#muuid {4df0c267-6efb-4410-b651-385f87158509}
+; File: ProxySwitch.dll
+; Plugin: ProxySwitch
+; Version:
+; Authors: Petr Smejkal
+[Text color]
+Цвят на текста
+[Background color]
+Цвят на фона
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
index 06024216d3..4589a791e3 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Scriver.dll
; Plugin: Scriver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Scriver - send and receive instant messages.]
@@ -29,12 +29,16 @@ Scriver - за изпращане и получаване на съобщени
Предупреждение, ако съобщение не е получено след
-[Send message on 'Enter']
-Изпращане на съобщение с "Enter"
-[Send message on double 'Enter']
-Двукратно натискане на "Enter" изпраща съобщение
-[Send message on 'Ctrl+Enter']
-Изпращане на съобщение с "Ctrl+Enter"
+[Send message on:]
+Изпращане на съобщение с:
+[Double 'Enter']
+двукратно натискане на "Enter"
[Enable tabs]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
index 2d8f5f04a9..5fd4f5bbce 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: SmileyAdd.dll
; Plugin: SmileyAdd
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Peacow, nightwish, bid, borkra
[Smiley support for Miranda NG.]
@@ -41,12 +41,6 @@
Включване на усмивките
[Don't replace at cursor]
Без замяна при посочване
-[Built-in message dialog support]
-Прозорец за съобщения
-[Smiley button]
-Бутон "Усмивки"
[Surround inserted smiley with spaces]
Ограждане на вмъкнатите усмивки с интервал
[Use first smiley for selection size]
@@ -65,10 +59,6 @@ HTTP връзки на SmileyAdd
Задаване на категория усмивки
[Background color]
Цвят на фона
[Smiley packs]
Пакети усмивки
[All files]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
index fb079e37df..e6ca043cb1 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: StatusManager.dll
; Plugin: Status manager
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
[Startup status]
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
[when screen saver engages]
@@ -187,6 +187,8 @@ Dial-up (експериментално)
Без проверяване
[Set status message]
Задаване на текст за състояние
@@ -225,6 +227,14 @@ Dial-up (експериментално)
неуспешни пингове
[Continuously check interval (secs)]
Интервал за периодично проверяване (сек)
+[minutes of %s mode]
+минути "%s"
+[Auto away]
+Авто "Отсъстващ"
+[Status messages]
+Текст за състояние
[Set %s message for %s.]
Задаване на текст "%s" за акаунт %s.
@@ -237,14 +247,6 @@ Dial-up (експериментално)
[Closing in %d]
Затваряне след %d
-[minutes of %s mode]
-минути "%s"
-[Auto away]
-Авто "Отсъстващ"
-[Status messages]
-Текст за състояние
[Resetting status... (last try (%d))]
Задаване на състояние... (последен опит (%d))
[Resetting status... (next retry (%d) in %d s)]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
index 6d4c416ffa..19765a870a 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: TabSRMM.dll
; Plugin: TabSRMM
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: The Miranda developers team and contributors
[IM and group chat module for Miranda NG.]
@@ -1009,10 +1009,6 @@ UIN
Прозорци за групов чат
[Group chat log]
Дневник за груповите чатове
-[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
-Външен вид и функционалност на чат стаите
-[Appearance of the message log]
-Външен вид на дневника за съобщения
(Voice) Можещ да говори
[Half operators]
@@ -1033,6 +1029,10 @@ UIN
Фон на списъка с прякори
[Group chat log background]
Фон на дневника за групов чат
+[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
+Външен вид и функционалност на чат стаите
+[Appearance of the message log]
+Външен вид на дневника за съобщения
[nick of current contact (if defined)]
прякор на текущия контакт (ако е зададен)
[protocol name of current contact (if defined). Account name is used when protocol supports multiple accounts]
@@ -1083,6 +1083,14 @@ UIN
[Show as text symbols]
Текстови символ
+[Log formatting]
+Формат на дневника
+[Events and filters]
+Събития и филтри
[%s%s says:%s %s]
%s%s каза:%s %s
[Expand or collapse the side bar]
@@ -1517,14 +1525,6 @@ Latin I
Прозорец за съобщения
[Load and apply]
Зареждане и прилагане
-[Log formatting]
-Формат на дневника
-[Events and filters]
-Събития и филтри
[Choose status modes]
Избор на състояния
[A message delivery has failed.\nClick to open the message window.]
@@ -1705,8 +1705,6 @@ TabSRMM изисква Windows версия 2000 или по-нова.
Включване на звука при писане
[Close current tab on send]
Затваряне на таба след изпращане
-[Automatic keyboard layout: Do not load the system default for new contacts]
-Автоматично избиране на клавиатурна подредба: Без зареждане на стандартната системна подредба за нови контакти
[Enable unattended send (experimental feature, required for multisend and send later) (*)]
Автоматично изпращане (експериментално, изисква се за изпращане след време и многократно изпращане на съобщения)*
[Show client description in info panel]
@@ -1841,8 +1839,6 @@ TabSRMM изисква Windows версия 2000 или по-нова.
Активиране на минимизиран прозорец при създаването на нов таб в него
[Automatically switch existing tabs in minimized windows on incoming messages (ignored when using Aero Peek task bar features)]
Автопревключване на табове в минимизирани прозорци (игнорира се при ползване функцията Aero Peek на лентата със задачи)
-[Remember and set keyboard layout per contact]
-Запаметяване на избраната клавиатурна подредба по отделно за всеки контакт (чат стая)
[Close button only hides message windows]
Бутон "Затваряне" само скрива прозореца за съобщения
[Allow TAB key in typing area (this will disable focus selection by TAB key)]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/=CORE=.txt
index 09dd2afc98..4f1d2d4011 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/=CORE=.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/=CORE=.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-[Tool style main window]
[Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected]
+[Tool style main window]
[Show formatting]
[(Setting timeout to 0 means default setting and -1 means indefinite time)]
[Open contact's chat window]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39b460bf99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+[Watches IP address changes, displays popups, and adjusts the proxy settings of Miranda, Internet Explorer and Firefox.]
+[Network addresses]
+[Direct connection]
+[Use proxy]
+[Manage Miranda NG proxy]
+[Manage Internet Explorer proxy]
+[Manage Firefox proxy]
+[Reconnect if IP address changes]
+[Display 'Show my IP' in menu]
+[Display 'Proxy && IP' submenu]
+[Hide interfaces]
+[Popup options]
+[Enable popups]
+[Use default popup colors]
+[Show proxy status on change]
+[Restart of Miranda NG is required.]
+[Enter semicolon (;) separated list of IP network addresses in any of the formats below:\n\tip/bits\t(\t\tip/mask\t(\n\tip1-2\t(\t\tip1-ip2\t(]
+[Any entry in the 'Use proxy' list can be prefixed by an exclamation mark (!) to increase its priority. Entries with wrong syntax will be ignored. The program checks the IP addresses in the following way:]
+[\t1) Use proxy if any interface has prioritized 'Use proxy' address\n\t2) Don't use proxy if any interface has 'Direct connection' address\n\t3) Use proxy if any interface has 'Use proxy' address\n\t4) Do nothing if unknown or any at all addresses found]
+[\nMiranda ]
+[\nExplorer ]
+[\nFirefox ]
+[Cannot retrieve IP or adapter data.]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAddresses]
+[GetAdaptersAddresses sizing failed]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAdapterInfo]
+[GetAdaptersInfo sizing failed]
+[Current IP address]
+[Proxy settings && interfaces]
+[Enable &IP change notification]
+[Disable &IP change notification]
+[Show my &IP addresses]
+[Disable proxy]
+[Enable proxy]
+[IP change notification]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
index 3b553c7afe..e3687fcfe6 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
@@ -7,13 +7,16 @@
[Account connection]
[Accounts to check]
+[Away mode]
[when full-screen mode is active]
+[when terminal session is disconnected]
+[After away]
[minutes of level 1 mode]
+[Enter idle mode]
[Allow override]
[From popup plugin]
[Specify settings for each account]
[Use same settings for all accounts]
-[This options are ignored because you enabled "Change my status mode to" in the "Idle" options dialog.]
[Maximum account connecting time (secs)]
[Ignore locked status of accounts]
@@ -28,7 +31,6 @@
[Becoming active without status change]
[Leaving second auto-away status]
-[Status manager]
[%s connected from another location]
[%s login error, cancel reconnecting]
[%s login error (next retry (%d) in %d s)]
@@ -36,5 +38,6 @@
[Status error (next retry (%d) in %d s)]
[Giving up]
[You broke the Internet!]
+[Status manager]
[Pressed toolbar icon]
[Released toolbar icon]
diff --git a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
index 6af2b42e23..5567e6a928 100644
--- a/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/bulgarian/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
[Sync splitter position with standard IM sessions]
[Add a comma instead of a colon to auto-completed user names]
[Add new line after names]
-[Chat rooms]
[Incremental search highlight]
+[Chat rooms]
[user-defined account name of current contact (if defined).]
[user ID of current contact (if defined). It is like UIN for ICQ, JID for Jabber, etc.]
[will return parsed string %miranda_profilesdir%\\%miranda_profilename%]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/croatian/=CORE=.txt
index dac2c99712..f9dd1d4b9e 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/=CORE=.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/=CORE=.txt
@@ -3,6 +3,31 @@
; Module: Miranda Core
; Version: 0.95.9
+;file \src\core\stdautoaway\res\resource.rc
+[Become idle if the following is left unattended:]
+[Become idle if the screen saver is active]
+[Become idle if the computer is locked]
+[Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected]
+[Do not let protocols report any idle information]
+[Change my status mode to:]
+[Do not set status back to online when returning from idle]
+[Idle options]
+[Become idle if application full screen]
+[Disable sounds on idle]
;file \src\core\stdaway\res\resource.rc
[%s message for %s]
%s poruka za %s
@@ -376,31 +401,6 @@ p&ovijest
[You will always be asked about files from people not on your contact list]
-;file \src\core\stdidle\res\resource.rc
-[Become idle if the following is left unattended:]
-[Become idle if the screen saver is active]
-[Become idle if the computer is locked]
-[Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected]
-[Do not let protocols report any idle information]
-[Change my status mode to:]
-[Do not set status back to online when returning from idle]
-[Idle options]
-[Become idle if application full screen]
-[Disable sounds on idle]
;file \src\core\stdmsg\res\resource.rc
[Automatically popup window when:]
@@ -474,8 +474,6 @@ p&ovijest
[Close tab on double click]
-[Restore previously open tabs when showing the window]
[Show tabs at the bottom]
[Send typing notifications to the following users when you are typing a message to them:]
@@ -1193,6 +1191,11 @@ popis
[Google Translate]
+;file \src\core\stdautoaway\src\options.cpp
;file \src\core\stdaway\src\awaymsg.cpp
[Re&ad %s message]
@@ -1221,8 +1224,6 @@ popis
;file \src\core\stdclist\src\clcfonts.cpp
[Standard contacts]
@@ -1386,9 +1387,6 @@ sve datoteke
;file \src\core\stdfile\src\ftmanager.cpp
-;file \src\core\stdidle\src\options.cpp
;file \src\core\stdmsg\src\chat_manager.cpp
[Message sessions]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index eaa4a84633..a900572cdc 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Dbx_mdbx.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG MDBX database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
[Set password]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
index 00a0f65b1a..f9118dc432 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
[Set password]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/GG.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/GG.txt
index 1c8d20dd59..d2dc24f594 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/GG.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/GG.txt
@@ -227,12 +227,6 @@ ikona područja obavijesti
[You should disconnect before making any permanent changes with your account.\nDo you want to disconnect now?]
[Your details has been uploaded to the public directory.]
[You have to be logged in before you can change your details.]
@@ -387,6 +381,13 @@ sve datoteke
[Gadu-Gadu Link Protocol]
+;file \protocols\Gadu-Gadu\src\options.cpp
;file \protocols\Gadu-Gadu\src\ownerinfo.cpp
[Password could not be reminded because of error:\n\t%s (Error: %d)]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Import.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Import.txt
index 8e868b21e0..cb06a70b70 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Import.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Import.txt
@@ -158,15 +158,15 @@ drugo
;file \plugins\Import\src\main.cpp
+[Miranda NG database]
+[All Files]
+sve datoteke
;file \plugins\Import\src\miranda.cpp
[The given file does not exist. Please check that you have entered the name correctly.]
[Miranda Import]
-[Miranda NG database]
-[All Files]
-sve datoteke
[You cannot import your current profile into itself]
;file \plugins\Import\src\utils.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
index f7d78c0024..5353dff99f 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: MirLua.dll
; Plugin: MirLua
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Extends Miranda NG functionality with Lua scripts.]
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
;file \plugins\MirLua\src\options.cpp
[Common scripts]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28efceeef2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#muuid {4df0c267-6efb-4410-b651-385f87158509}
+; File: ProxySwitch.dll
+; Plugin: ProxySwitch
+; Version:
+; Authors: Petr Smejkal
+[Watches IP address changes, displays popups, and adjusts the proxy settings of Miranda, Internet Explorer and Firefox.]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\res\resource.rc
+[Network addresses]
+[Direct connection]
+[Use proxy]
+[Manage Miranda NG proxy]
+[Manage Internet Explorer proxy]
+[Manage Firefox proxy]
+[Reconnect if IP address changes]
+[Display 'Show my IP' in menu]
+[Display 'Proxy && IP' submenu]
+[Hide interfaces]
+[Popup options]
+[Enable popups]
+[Text color]
+[Background color]
+[Use default popup colors]
+[Show proxy status on change]
+[Restart of Miranda NG is required.]
+[Enter semicolon (;) separated list of IP network addresses in any of the formats below:\n\tip/bits\t(\t\tip/mask\t(\n\tip1-2\t(\t\tip1-ip2\t(]
+[Any entry in the 'Use proxy' list can be prefixed by an exclamation mark (!) to increase its priority. Entries with wrong syntax will be ignored. The program checks the IP addresses in the following way:]
+[\t1) Use proxy if any interface has prioritized 'Use proxy' address\n\t2) Don't use proxy if any interface has 'Direct connection' address\n\t3) Use proxy if any interface has 'Use proxy' address\n\t4) Do nothing if unknown or any at all addresses found]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\src\ip.cpp
+[\nMiranda ]
+[\nExplorer ]
+[\nFirefox ]
+[Cannot retrieve IP or adapter data.]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAddresses]
+[GetAdaptersAddresses sizing failed]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAdapterInfo]
+[GetAdaptersInfo sizing failed]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\src\main.cpp
+[Current IP address]
+[Proxy settings && interfaces]
+[Enable &IP change notification]
+[Disable &IP change notification]
+[Show my &IP addresses]
+[Disable proxy]
+[Enable proxy]
+[IP change notification]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\src\opt.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
index 69a9014756..39252ed866 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Scriver.dll
; Plugin: Scriver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Scriver - send and receive instant messages.]
@@ -30,11 +30,7 @@
-[Send message on 'Enter']
-[Send message on double 'Enter']
-[Send message on 'Ctrl+Enter']
+[Send message on:]
@@ -718,6 +714,14 @@ očisti
[On the phone]
+[Double 'Enter']
[** New contacts **]
[** Unknown contacts **]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
index 9a658f03d5..0b823f3410 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: SmileyAdd.dll
; Plugin: SmileyAdd
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Peacow, nightwish, bid, borkra
[Smiley support for Miranda NG.]
@@ -46,12 +46,6 @@
[Don't replace at cursor]
-[Built-in message dialog support]
-[Smiley button]
[Surround inserted smiley with spaces]
[Use first smiley for selection size]
@@ -80,10 +74,6 @@
[Only one instance of SmileyAdd could be executed.\nRemove duplicate instances from 'Plugins' directory]
;file \plugins\SmileyAdd\src\options.cpp
[Smiley packs]
[All files]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
index fd52d073de..15adf4f68d 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: StatusManager.dll
; Plugin: Status manager
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
[A connection checker and auto away module. Also allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per protocol.]
@@ -56,7 +56,9 @@
+[Away mode]
@@ -66,10 +68,14 @@ Poruka
[when workstation is locked]
+[when terminal session is disconnected]
[minutes of inactivity]
+[After away]
[minutes of level 1 mode]
[only set when inactive]
@@ -80,6 +86,8 @@ Poruka
[Confirm resetting status]
+[Enter idle mode]
[Only set if current status is]
[Command line]
@@ -202,8 +210,6 @@ Koristi %time% za trenutno vrijeme, %date% za trenutni datum
[Confirm dialog timeout (secs)]
-[This options are ignored because you enabled "Change my status mode to" in the "Idle" options dialog.]
[Monitor keyboard activity]
[Monitor mouse activity]
@@ -220,6 +226,8 @@ Koristi %time% za trenutno vrijeme, %date% za trenutni datum
[Set status message]
@@ -286,6 +294,15 @@ sekundi
[Leaving second auto-away status]
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\aaa_options.cpp
+[minutes of %s mode]
+[Auto away]
+[Status messages]
+Statusne poruke
;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\confirmdialog.cpp
[Set %s message for %s.]
@@ -299,19 +316,7 @@ sekundi
[Closing in %d]
Zatvaranje za %d
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\options.cpp
-[Status manager]
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\AdvancedAutoAway\aaa_options.cpp
-[minutes of %s mode]
-[Auto away]
-[Status messages]
-Statusne poruke
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\KeepStatus\keepstatus.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\keepstatus.cpp
[%s connected from another location]
[%s login error, cancel reconnecting]
@@ -336,7 +341,7 @@ Statusne poruke
[Giving up]
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\KeepStatus\ks_options.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ks_options.cpp
[You broke the Internet!]
@@ -345,7 +350,10 @@ Statusne poruke
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\StartupStatus\ss_options.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\options.cpp
+[Status manager]
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ss_options.cpp
@@ -372,8 +380,8 @@ Statusne poruke
[Your default profile will be changed]
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\StartupStatus\ss_profiles.cpp
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\StartupStatus\ss_toolbars.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ss_profiles.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ss_toolbars.cpp
[Pressed toolbar icon]
[Released toolbar icon]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
index 81dad19983..cf849e2f71 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: TabSRMM.dll
; Plugin: TabSRMM
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: The Miranda developers team and contributors
[IM and group chat module for Miranda NG.]
@@ -1060,12 +1060,6 @@ kartice
[Group chat log]
-[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
-[Appearance of the message log]
-[Chat rooms]
[Half operators]
@@ -1088,6 +1082,12 @@ kartice
[Group chat log background]
+[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
+[Appearance of the message log]
+[Chat rooms]
[nick of current contact (if defined)]
[protocol name of current contact (if defined). Account name is used when protocol supports multiple accounts]
@@ -1148,6 +1148,14 @@ sve datoteke
[Show as text symbols]
+[Log formatting]
+[Events and filters]
;file \plugins\TabSRMM\src\chat_tools.cpp
[%s%s says:%s %s]
@@ -1618,14 +1626,6 @@ drugo
[Window layout tweaks]
-[Log formatting]
-[Events and filters]
[Choose status modes]
;file \plugins\TabSRMM\src\msgs.cpp
@@ -1842,8 +1842,6 @@ drugo
[Close current tab on send]
-[Automatic keyboard layout: Do not load the system default for new contacts]
[Enable unattended send (experimental feature, required for multisend and send later) (*)]
[Show client description in info panel]
@@ -1980,8 +1978,6 @@ ikona područja obavijesti
[Automatically switch existing tabs in minimized windows on incoming messages (ignored when using Aero Peek task bar features)]
-[Remember and set keyboard layout per contact]
[Close button only hides message windows]
[Allow TAB key in typing area (this will disable focus selection by TAB key)]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/=CORE=.txt
index a3a0350586..6aa2323f97 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/=CORE=.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/=CORE=.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+[Become idle if the following is left unattended:]
+[Become idle if the screen saver is active]
+[Become idle if the computer is locked]
+[Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected]
+[Do not let protocols report any idle information]
+[Change my status mode to:]
+[Do not set status back to online when returning from idle]
+[Idle options]
+[Become idle if application full screen]
+[Disable sounds on idle]
[Hot track items as mouse passes over]
[Disable drag and drop of items]
[Disable rename of items by clicking twice]
@@ -115,18 +127,6 @@
[Ask me]
[Rename (append " (1)", etc.)]
[You will always be asked about files from people not on your contact list]
-[Become idle if the following is left unattended:]
-[Become idle if the screen saver is active]
-[Become idle if the computer is locked]
-[Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected]
-[Do not let protocols report any idle information]
-[Change my status mode to:]
-[Do not set status back to online when returning from idle]
-[Idle options]
-[Become idle if application full screen]
-[Disable sounds on idle]
[Automatically popup window when:]
[In background]
[Maximum number of flashes]
@@ -163,7 +163,6 @@
[minutes old]
[Use a tabbed interface]
[Close tab on double click]
-[Restore previously open tabs when showing the window]
[Show tabs at the bottom]
[Send typing notifications to the following users when you are typing a message to them:]
[Show typing notifications when a user is typing a message]
@@ -458,6 +457,8 @@
[Wikipedia (en)]
[Google Maps]
[Google Translate]
[Re&ad %s message]
[Re&ad status message]
[I've been away since %time%.]
@@ -471,7 +472,6 @@
[That'll be the phone.]
[Mmm... food.]
[Standard contacts]
[Online contacts to whom you have a different visibility]
[Offline contacts]
@@ -546,7 +546,6 @@
[Scanning for viruses...]
[Transfer and virus scan complete]
[Message sessions]
[Chat module]
[Group chat log background]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index e5ba937bdc..eb0c4a409f 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
[Set password]
[Change/remove password]
[Wrong old password entered!]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
index 85348bf2c2..168ac54e00 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
[Set password]
[Miranda has detected corruption in your database. Miranda will now shut down.]
[Disk is full. Miranda will now shut down.]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/GG.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/GG.txt
index da7dbddebf..ab9742c344 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/GG.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/GG.txt
@@ -103,9 +103,6 @@
[You need to specify your registration e-mail first.]
[Your password will be sent to your registration e-mail.\nDo you want to continue?]
[You should disconnect before making any permanent changes with your account.\nDo you want to disconnect now?]
[Your details has been uploaded to the public directory.]
[You have to be logged in before you can change your details.]
@@ -177,6 +174,9 @@
[Export List To &Text File...]
[Gadu-Gadu account chooser]
[Gadu-Gadu Link Protocol]
[Password could not be reminded because of error:\n\t%s (Error: %d)]
[Password was sent to your e-mail.]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Import.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Import.txt
index 0da44da0fe..70378b3b7f 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Import.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Import.txt
@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@
[Skipped %d contacts.]
[Skipped %d duplicates and %d filtered events.]
+[Miranda NG database]
[The given file does not exist. Please check that you have entered the name correctly.]
[Miranda Import]
-[Miranda NG database]
[You cannot import your current profile into itself]
[Skipping duplicate group %s.]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
index c0fce7cd04..2ba50d2489 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
[Common scripts]
[C libs folder]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05b6ddbbe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+[Watches IP address changes, displays popups, and adjusts the proxy settings of Miranda, Internet Explorer and Firefox.]
+[Network addresses]
+[Direct connection]
+[Use proxy]
+[Manage Miranda NG proxy]
+[Manage Internet Explorer proxy]
+[Manage Firefox proxy]
+[Reconnect if IP address changes]
+[Display 'Show my IP' in menu]
+[Display 'Proxy && IP' submenu]
+[Hide interfaces]
+[Popup options]
+[Enable popups]
+[Text color]
+[Background color]
+[Use default popup colors]
+[Show proxy status on change]
+[Restart of Miranda NG is required.]
+[Enter semicolon (;) separated list of IP network addresses in any of the formats below:\n\tip/bits\t(\t\tip/mask\t(\n\tip1-2\t(\t\tip1-ip2\t(]
+[Any entry in the 'Use proxy' list can be prefixed by an exclamation mark (!) to increase its priority. Entries with wrong syntax will be ignored. The program checks the IP addresses in the following way:]
+[\t1) Use proxy if any interface has prioritized 'Use proxy' address\n\t2) Don't use proxy if any interface has 'Direct connection' address\n\t3) Use proxy if any interface has 'Use proxy' address\n\t4) Do nothing if unknown or any at all addresses found]
+[\nMiranda ]
+[\nExplorer ]
+[\nFirefox ]
+[Cannot retrieve IP or adapter data.]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAddresses]
+[GetAdaptersAddresses sizing failed]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAdapterInfo]
+[GetAdaptersInfo sizing failed]
+[Current IP address]
+[Proxy settings && interfaces]
+[Enable &IP change notification]
+[Disable &IP change notification]
+[Show my &IP addresses]
+[Disable proxy]
+[Enable proxy]
+[IP change notification]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Scriver.txt
index 4e0da420b2..b3c8087bc3 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/Scriver.txt
@@ -9,9 +9,7 @@
[Remember unsent messages]
[Delete temporary contacts on closing]
[Show warning when message has not been received after]
-[Send message on 'Enter']
-[Send message on double 'Enter']
-[Send message on 'Ctrl+Enter']
+[Send message on:]
[Enable tabs]
[Always show tab bar]
[Tabs at the bottom]
@@ -305,6 +303,10 @@
[Out to lunch]
[On the phone]
+[Double 'Enter']
[** New contacts **]
[** Unknown contacts **]
[Message sessions]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/SmileyAdd.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/SmileyAdd.txt
index d17556cb56..4cc81d7437 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/SmileyAdd.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/SmileyAdd.txt
@@ -18,9 +18,6 @@
[Input area]
[Enable smileys]
[Don't replace at cursor]
-[Built-in message dialog support]
-[Smiley button]
[Surround inserted smiley with spaces]
[Use first smiley for selection size]
[IEView style window]
@@ -33,7 +30,6 @@
[Assign smiley category]
[Background color]
[Only one instance of SmileyAdd could be executed.\nRemove duplicate instances from 'Plugins' directory]
[Smiley packs]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
index 68d6db7a68..bba49c628f 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
@@ -22,18 +22,22 @@
+[Away mode]
[when full-screen mode is active]
[when screen saver engages]
[when workstation is locked]
+[when terminal session is disconnected]
[minutes of inactivity]
+[After away]
[minutes of level 1 mode]
[only set when inactive]
[Monitor Miranda's activity only]
[Reset status on return]
[Confirm resetting status]
+[Enter idle mode]
[Only set if current status is]
[Command line]
[Copy to clipboard]
@@ -92,7 +96,6 @@
[Ignore Caps Lock, Num Lock and Scroll Lock keys]
[Check interval (secs)]
[Confirm dialog timeout (secs)]
-[This options are ignored because you enabled "Change my status mode to" in the "Idle" options dialog.]
[Monitor keyboard activity]
[Monitor mouse activity]
[Ignore CTRL, ALT, SHIFT, TAB, ESC and Windows keys]
@@ -101,6 +104,7 @@
[Enable checking]
[Disable checking]
[Set status message]
@@ -133,15 +137,14 @@
[Becoming active without status change]
[Leaving second auto-away status]
+[minutes of %s mode]
+[Auto away]
[Set %s message for %s.]
-[Status manager]
-[minutes of %s mode]
-[Auto away]
[%s connected from another location]
[%s login error, cancel reconnecting]
[%s login error (next retry (%d) in %d s)]
@@ -158,6 +161,7 @@
+[Status manager]
diff --git a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
index 0deafb47f2..9d84de2c60 100644
--- a/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/croatian/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -486,9 +486,6 @@
[Message Sessions]
[Group chat windows]
[Group chat log]
-[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
-[Appearance of the message log]
-[Chat rooms]
[Half operators]
[Channel operators]
@@ -500,6 +497,9 @@
[Fields background]
[Nick list background]
[Group chat log background]
+[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
+[Appearance of the message log]
+[Chat rooms]
[nick of current contact (if defined)]
[protocol name of current contact (if defined). Account name is used when protocol supports multiple accounts]
[user-defined account name of current contact (if defined).]
@@ -529,6 +529,10 @@
[No markers]
[Show as icons]
[Show as text symbols]
+[Log formatting]
+[Events and filters]
[%s%s says:%s %s]
[Expand or collapse the side bar]
[The filter cannot be enabled, because there are no event types selected either global or for this chat room]
@@ -754,10 +758,6 @@
[Message window]
[Load and apply]
[Window layout tweaks]
-[Log formatting]
-[Events and filters]
[Choose status modes]
[A message delivery has failed.\nClick to open the message window.]
[Message Log Options]
@@ -860,7 +860,6 @@
[Error feedback]
[Enable typing sounds]
[Close current tab on send]
-[Automatic keyboard layout: Do not load the system default for new contacts]
[Enable unattended send (experimental feature, required for multisend and send later) (*)]
[Show client description in info panel]
[On tab control]
@@ -928,7 +927,6 @@
[New windows are minimized (the option above MUST be active)]
[Activate a minimized window when a new tab is created inside it]
[Automatically switch existing tabs in minimized windows on incoming messages (ignored when using Aero Peek task bar features)]
-[Remember and set keyboard layout per contact]
[Close button only hides message windows]
[Allow TAB key in typing area (this will disable focus selection by TAB key)]
[Add offline contacts to multisend list]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/czech/=CORE=.txt
index a852fa93b6..486abfce76 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/=CORE=.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/=CORE=.txt
@@ -3,6 +3,31 @@
; Module: Miranda Core
; Version: 0.95.9
+;file \src\core\stdautoaway\res\resource.rc
+[Become idle if the following is left unattended:]
+Přejít do stavu nečinnosti pokud se nic neděje v:
+[Become idle if the screen saver is active]
+Přejít do stavu nečinnosti pokud běží spořič obrazovky
+[Become idle if the computer is locked]
+Přejít do stavu nečinnosti pokud je počítač uzamčen
+[Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected]
+Přejít do stavu nečinnosti po odpojení vzdáleného uživatele
+[Do not let protocols report any idle information]
+Zakázat protokolům poskytovat informaci o nečinnosti
+po dobu
+[Change my status mode to:]
+Změnit stav na:
+[Do not set status back to online when returning from idle]
+Po příchodu zpět neměnit stav na 'Online'
+[Idle options]
+Možnosti při nečinnosti
+[Become idle if application full screen]
+Přejít do stavu nečinnosti v celoobrazovkovém režimu
+[Disable sounds on idle]
+Vypnout zvuky při nečinnosti
;file \src\core\stdaway\res\resource.rc
[%s message for %s]
Stav: '%s', uživatel: %s
@@ -376,31 +401,6 @@ Zeptat se
Přejmenovat (přidá " (1)" atd.)
[You will always be asked about files from people not on your contact list]
Příjem souborů od lidí, kteří nejsou mezi kontakty, podléhá vždy dotazu.
-;file \src\core\stdidle\res\resource.rc
-[Become idle if the following is left unattended:]
-Přejít do stavu nečinnosti pokud se nic neděje v:
-[Become idle if the screen saver is active]
-Přejít do stavu nečinnosti pokud běží spořič obrazovky
-[Become idle if the computer is locked]
-Přejít do stavu nečinnosti pokud je počítač uzamčen
-[Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected]
-Přejít do stavu nečinnosti po odpojení vzdáleného uživatele
-[Do not let protocols report any idle information]
-Zakázat protokolům poskytovat informaci o nečinnosti
-po dobu
-[Change my status mode to:]
-Změnit stav na:
-[Do not set status back to online when returning from idle]
-Po příchodu zpět neměnit stav na 'Online'
-[Idle options]
-Možnosti při nečinnosti
-[Become idle if application full screen]
-Přejít do stavu nečinnosti v celoobrazovkovém režimu
-[Disable sounds on idle]
-Vypnout zvuky při nečinnosti
;file \src\core\stdmsg\res\resource.rc
[Automatically popup window when:]
Automaticky vyvolat okno při:
@@ -474,8 +474,6 @@ min.
Použít systém záložek
[Close tab on double click]
Zavřít záložku dvojím kliknutím
-[Restore previously open tabs when showing the window]
-Obnovit všechny záložky z poslední relace
[Show tabs at the bottom]
Zobrazit záložky v dolní části okna
[Send typing notifications to the following users when you are typing a message to them:]
@@ -1193,6 +1191,11 @@ Wikipedia (en)
Mapy Google
[Google Translate]
Překladač Google
+;file \src\core\stdautoaway\src\options.cpp
;file \src\core\stdaway\src\awaymsg.cpp
[Re&ad %s message]
Přečíst &automatickou odpověď
@@ -1221,8 +1224,6 @@ Právě telefonuji
Mňam... jídlo
;file \src\core\stdclist\src\clcfonts.cpp
[Standard contacts]
Standardní kontakty
@@ -1386,9 +1387,6 @@ Přenos a kontrola antivirem dokončena
;file \src\core\stdfile\src\ftmanager.cpp
-;file \src\core\stdidle\src\options.cpp
;file \src\core\stdmsg\src\chat_manager.cpp
[Message sessions]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index 63d62ef205..cce0dc01d5 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Dbx_mdbx.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG MDBX database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ Standardní
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
Pouze kritická data jsou šifrována (hesla, bezpečnostní tokeny, atd.). Všechna ostatní nastavení a historie zůstanou čitelná. Rychlé a efektivní, vhodné pro většinu případů.
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
-Všechny řetězce a události v historii jsou šifrovány. To v důsledku způsobí pomalejší běh Mirandy a riziko ztráty veškerých dat v profilu při zapomenutí hesla. Doporučeno pouze pro paranoidní uživatele.
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
[Set password]
Nastavit heslo
;file \plugins\Dbx_mdbx\src\dbintf.h
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
index bdaecee56e..18fa623bf0 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ Standardní
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
Pouze kritická data jsou šifrována (hesla, bezpečnostní tokeny, atd.). Všechna ostatní nastavení a historie zůstanou čitelná. Rychlé a efektivní, vhodné pro většinu případů.
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
-Všechny řetězce a události v historii jsou šifrovány. To v důsledku způsobí pomalejší běh Mirandy a riziko ztráty veškerých dat v profilu při zapomenutí hesla. Doporučeno pouze pro paranoidní uživatele.
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
[Set password]
Nastavit heslo
;file \plugins\Db3x_mmap\src\database.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/GG.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/GG.txt
index 82e01968c7..0fe9e87ab6 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/GG.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/GG.txt
@@ -227,12 +227,6 @@ Nejdříve je nutné zadat registrační e-mail.
Heslo bude odesláno na Váš e-mail.\nChcete pokračovat?
[You should disconnect before making any permanent changes with your account.\nDo you want to disconnect now?]
Před změnou nastavení účtu doporučujeme odpojení od sítě.\nChcete se odpojit od sítě Gadu-Gadu?
-Zeptat se
[Your details has been uploaded to the public directory.]
Vaše údaje byly nahrány na veřejného adresáře.
[You have to be logged in before you can change your details.]
@@ -387,6 +381,13 @@ E&xportovat seznam do souboru...
Volba účtu protokolu Gadu-Gadu
[Gadu-Gadu Link Protocol]
Odkaz protokolu Gadu-Gadu
+;file \protocols\Gadu-Gadu\src\options.cpp
+Zeptat se
;file \protocols\Gadu-Gadu\src\ownerinfo.cpp
[Password could not be reminded because of error:\n\t%s (Error: %d)]
Heslo vám nemůže být připomenuto z důvodu chyby:\n\t%s (Chyba: %d)
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Import.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Import.txt
index 0664b6fca5..b9867da3a0 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Import.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Import.txt
@@ -158,15 +158,15 @@ Přeskočeno %d duplicit a %d filtrovaných událostí.
;file \plugins\Import\src\main.cpp
+[Miranda NG database]
+Databáze Mirandy NG
+[All Files]
+Všechny soubory
;file \plugins\Import\src\miranda.cpp
[The given file does not exist. Please check that you have entered the name correctly.]
Požadovaný soubor neexistuje. Zkontrolujte prosím, zda je zadaný název v pořádku.
[Miranda Import]
Miranda - import dat
-[Miranda NG database]
-Databáze Mirandy NG
-[All Files]
-Všechny soubory
[You cannot import your current profile into itself]
;file \plugins\Import\src\utils.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/MirLua.txt
index e810862c41..847828438a 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/MirLua.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: MirLua.dll
; Plugin: MirLua
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Extends Miranda NG functionality with Lua scripts.]
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ Selhalo
Načíst znovu
;file \plugins\MirLua\src\options.cpp
[Common scripts]
Obecné skripty
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aab111c39e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#muuid {4df0c267-6efb-4410-b651-385f87158509}
+; File: ProxySwitch.dll
+; Plugin: ProxySwitch
+; Version:
+; Authors: Petr Smejkal
+[Watches IP address changes, displays popups, and adjusts the proxy settings of Miranda, Internet Explorer and Firefox.]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\res\resource.rc
+[Network addresses]
+[Direct connection]
+[Use proxy]
+[Manage Miranda NG proxy]
+[Manage Internet Explorer proxy]
+[Manage Firefox proxy]
+[Reconnect if IP address changes]
+[Display 'Show my IP' in menu]
+[Display 'Proxy && IP' submenu]
+[Hide interfaces]
+[Popup options]
+Možnosti oznámení
+[Enable popups]
+Povolit oznámení
+[Text color]
+Barva textu
+[Background color]
+Barva pozadí
+[Use default popup colors]
+Použít výchozí barvy
+[Show proxy status on change]
+[Restart of Miranda NG is required.]
+[Enter semicolon (;) separated list of IP network addresses in any of the formats below:\n\tip/bits\t(\t\tip/mask\t(\n\tip1-2\t(\t\tip1-ip2\t(]
+[Any entry in the 'Use proxy' list can be prefixed by an exclamation mark (!) to increase its priority. Entries with wrong syntax will be ignored. The program checks the IP addresses in the following way:]
+[\t1) Use proxy if any interface has prioritized 'Use proxy' address\n\t2) Don't use proxy if any interface has 'Direct connection' address\n\t3) Use proxy if any interface has 'Use proxy' address\n\t4) Do nothing if unknown or any at all addresses found]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\src\ip.cpp
+[\nMiranda ]
+[\nExplorer ]
+[\nFirefox ]
+[Cannot retrieve IP or adapter data.]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAddresses]
+[GetAdaptersAddresses sizing failed]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAdapterInfo]
+[GetAdaptersInfo sizing failed]
+Odpojen od serveru
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\src\main.cpp
+[Current IP address]
+[Proxy settings && interfaces]
+[Enable &IP change notification]
+[Disable &IP change notification]
+[Show my &IP addresses]
+[Disable proxy]
+[Enable proxy]
+[IP change notification]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\src\opt.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Scriver.txt
index a8124c2891..3944a9fc68 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/Scriver.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Scriver.dll
; Plugin: Scriver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Scriver - send and receive instant messages.]
@@ -30,12 +30,8 @@ Při zavření smazat dočasné kontakty
Zobrazit upozornění v případě, že zpráva nebyla doručena do
-[Send message on 'Enter']
-Odeslat zprávu klávesou ENTER
-[Send message on double 'Enter']
-Odeslat zprávu dvojitým ENTER
-[Send message on 'Ctrl+Enter']
-Odeslat zprávu CTRL+ENTER
+[Send message on:]
+Odeslat zprávu:
[Enable tabs]
@@ -718,6 +714,14 @@ Neviditelný
Na obědě
[On the phone]
Na telefonu
+klávesou ENTER
+[Double 'Enter']
+dvojitým ENTER
[** New contacts **]
** nové kontakty **
[** Unknown contacts **]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
index 030885d99e..6c155cafa2 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: SmileyAdd.dll
; Plugin: SmileyAdd
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Peacow, nightwish, bid, borkra
[Smiley support for Miranda NG.]
@@ -46,12 +46,6 @@ Oblast psaní zprávy
Povolit smajlíky
[Don't replace at cursor]
Nenahrazovat během psaní
-[Built-in message dialog support]
-Vestavěná podpora
-[Smiley button]
-Tlačítko se smajlíky
[Surround inserted smiley with spaces]
Přidat mezeru z každé strany smajlíku
[Use first smiley for selection size]
@@ -80,10 +74,6 @@ Barva pozadí
[Only one instance of SmileyAdd could be executed.\nRemove duplicate instances from 'Plugins' directory]
Pouze jedna instance doplňku SmileyAdd může běžet.\nOdstraňte duplicitní instance ze složky 'Plugins'
;file \plugins\SmileyAdd\src\options.cpp
[Smiley packs]
Sady smajlíků
[All files]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/StatusManager.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
index b011147305..b4533e55d2 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: StatusManager.dll
; Plugin: Status manager
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
[A connection checker and auto away module. Also allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per protocol.]
@@ -56,8 +56,10 @@ Zrušit
+[Away mode]
[when full-screen mode is active]
@@ -66,10 +68,14 @@ při celoobrazovkovém režimu
při aktivaci spořiče obrazovky
[when workstation is locked]
při zamknutí počítače
+[when terminal session is disconnected]
[minutes of inactivity]
min. nečinnosti
+[After away]
[minutes of level 1 mode]
min. v módu Level 1
[only set when inactive]
@@ -80,6 +86,8 @@ Monitorovat pouze program Miranda
Po návratu obnovit původní stav
[Confirm resetting status]
Potvrdit návrat do původního stavu
+[Enter idle mode]
[Only set if current status is]
Nastavit pouze tehdy, je-li stav
[Command line]
@@ -202,8 +210,6 @@ Ignorovat klávesy Caps Lock, Num Lock a Scroll Lock
Interval zjišťování stavu (v sek.)
[Confirm dialog timeout (secs)]
Dialog zavřít po (v sek.)
-[This options are ignored because you enabled "Change my status mode to" in the "Idle" options dialog.]
-Tato nastavení jsou ignorována, protože máte aktivovanou volbu 'Změnit můj stav na' na stránce 'Nečinnost'.
[Monitor keyboard activity]
Monitorovat psaní na klávesnici
[Monitor mouse activity]
@@ -220,6 +226,8 @@ Zapnout kontrolu
Vypnout kontrolu
[Set status message]
Nastavit zprávy stavu
@@ -286,6 +294,15 @@ Data spouštěče
Návrat z nečinnosti bez změny stavu
[Leaving second auto-away status]
Návrat z druhého automatického stavu
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\aaa_options.cpp
+[minutes of %s mode]
+min. ve stavu '%s'
+[Auto away]
+Automatické stavy
+[Status messages]
+Stavové zprávy
;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\confirmdialog.cpp
[Set %s message for %s.]
Nastavit %s zprávu pro %s.
@@ -299,19 +316,7 @@ Nastavit %s zprávu pro %s.
[Closing in %d]
Zavře se za %d sek.
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\options.cpp
-[Status manager]
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\AdvancedAutoAway\aaa_options.cpp
-[minutes of %s mode]
-min. ve stavu '%s'
-[Auto away]
-Automatické stavy
-[Status messages]
-Stavové zprávy
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\KeepStatus\keepstatus.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\keepstatus.cpp
[%s connected from another location]
Připojení z jiného místa (%s)
[%s login error, cancel reconnecting]
@@ -336,7 +341,7 @@ Nefunguje připojení k internetu... (další pokus (č.%d) za %d sek.)
Stav úspěšně obnoven
[Giving up]
Stav nelze obnovit
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\KeepStatus\ks_options.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ks_options.cpp
[You broke the Internet!]
Kolečko se polámalo!
@@ -345,7 +350,10 @@ Obecné
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\StartupStatus\ss_options.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\options.cpp
+[Status manager]
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ss_options.cpp
@@ -372,8 +380,8 @@ neznámý
Musí být založen nejméně jeden profil!
[Your default profile will be changed]
Výchozí profil bude změněn.
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\StartupStatus\ss_profiles.cpp
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\StartupStatus\ss_toolbars.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ss_profiles.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ss_toolbars.cpp
[Pressed toolbar icon]
Stisknutá ikona tlačitkové lišty
[Released toolbar icon]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
index 0fa5b9c4c3..fa81f034ae 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: TabSRMM.dll
; Plugin: TabSRMM
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: The Miranda developers team and contributors
[IM and group chat module for Miranda NG.]
@@ -1060,12 +1060,6 @@ Komunikace
Okna skupinových rozhovorů
[Group chat log]
Záznam skupinových rozhovorů
-[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
-Nastavení vzhledu a funkcí komunikačních oken
-[Appearance of the message log]
-Nastavení vzhledu záznamu komunikace
-[Chat rooms]
-Místnosti chatu
[Half operators]
@@ -1088,6 +1082,12 @@ Pozadí polí
Pozadí seznamu účastníků
[Group chat log background]
Pozadí skupinového rozhovoru
+[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
+Nastavení vzhledu a funkcí komunikačních oken
+[Appearance of the message log]
+Nastavení vzhledu záznamu komunikace
+[Chat rooms]
+Místnosti chatu
[nick of current contact (if defined)]
přezdívka stávajícího kontaktu (pokud je definováno)
[protocol name of current contact (if defined). Account name is used when protocol supports multiple accounts]
@@ -1148,6 +1148,14 @@ Bez oddělovačů
Zobrazit jako ikony
[Show as text symbols]
Zobrazit jako textové symboly
+[Log formatting]
+Formát záznamu
+[Events and filters]
+Události a filtry
;file \plugins\TabSRMM\src\chat_tools.cpp
[%s%s says:%s %s]
%s%s říká:%s %s
@@ -1618,14 +1626,6 @@ Komunikační okno
[Window layout tweaks]
Rozvržení okna
-[Log formatting]
-Formát záznamu
-[Events and filters]
-Události a filtry
[Choose status modes]
Vyberte stavy
;file \plugins\TabSRMM\src\msgs.cpp
@@ -1842,8 +1842,6 @@ Hlášení o chybách
Povolit zvuky psaní
[Close current tab on send]
Zavřít panel po odeslání
-[Automatic keyboard layout: Do not load the system default for new contacts]
-Automatické rozložení klávesnice: Nenahrávat výchozí rozložení systému pro nový kontakt
[Enable unattended send (experimental feature, required for multisend and send later) (*)]
Povolit bezobslužné odesílání (experimentální funkce vyžadovaná pro mnohonásobné či zpožděné odesílání) (*)
[Show client description in info panel]
@@ -1980,8 +1978,6 @@ Nová okna jsou minimalizována (pouze pokud je povoleno nastavení nad tímto n
Aktivovat minimalizované okno pokud je v něm vytvořen nový panel
[Automatically switch existing tabs in minimized windows on incoming messages (ignored when using Aero Peek task bar features)]
Automaticky přepínat existující panely v minimalizovaném okně při příchozích zprávách (ignorováno při použití Aero náhledu v hlavním panelu)
-[Remember and set keyboard layout per contact]
-Zapamatovat a nastavit rozložení klávesnice pro každý kontakt zvlášť
[Close button only hides message windows]
Zavírací tlačítko pouze skryje komunikační okno
[Allow TAB key in typing area (this will disable focus selection by TAB key)]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index 16774a1d94..747d21078b 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
[Total encryption (Recommended only for paranoid users)]
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
index 9e8a68a80c..78c1bbad17 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
[This database is in old format that isn't supported anymore. Press Yes to convert it to the new format or No to return back]
[To open this database you need to install the dbx_mdbx plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
[To open this database you need to install the Import plugin. Click Yes to download it from Miranda NG's site or No to return back]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0997dea05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ccda146bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+[Watches IP address changes, displays popups, and adjusts the proxy settings of Miranda, Internet Explorer and Firefox.]
+[Network addresses]
+[Direct connection]
+[Use proxy]
+[Manage Miranda NG proxy]
+[Manage Internet Explorer proxy]
+[Manage Firefox proxy]
+[Reconnect if IP address changes]
+[Display 'Show my IP' in menu]
+[Display 'Proxy && IP' submenu]
+[Hide interfaces]
+[Show proxy status on change]
+[Restart of Miranda NG is required.]
+[Enter semicolon (;) separated list of IP network addresses in any of the formats below:\n\tip/bits\t(\t\tip/mask\t(\n\tip1-2\t(\t\tip1-ip2\t(]
+[Any entry in the 'Use proxy' list can be prefixed by an exclamation mark (!) to increase its priority. Entries with wrong syntax will be ignored. The program checks the IP addresses in the following way:]
+[\t1) Use proxy if any interface has prioritized 'Use proxy' address\n\t2) Don't use proxy if any interface has 'Direct connection' address\n\t3) Use proxy if any interface has 'Use proxy' address\n\t4) Do nothing if unknown or any at all addresses found]
+[\nMiranda ]
+[\nExplorer ]
+[\nFirefox ]
+[Cannot retrieve IP or adapter data.]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAddresses]
+[GetAdaptersAddresses sizing failed]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAdapterInfo]
+[GetAdaptersInfo sizing failed]
+[Current IP address]
+[Proxy settings && interfaces]
+[Enable &IP change notification]
+[Disable &IP change notification]
+[Show my &IP addresses]
+[Disable proxy]
+[Enable proxy]
+[IP change notification]
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
index 54c58a4731..0d4e90680f 100644
--- a/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
+++ b/langpacks/czech/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
@@ -6,5 +6,9 @@
[Allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per account.]
[Advanced auto away]
[Improved auto away module with some more options than the built in, configurable per account.]
+[when terminal session is disconnected]
+[Away mode]
+[After away]
+[Enter idle mode]
[Maximum account connecting time (secs)]
[Status manager]
diff --git a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/Scriver.txt
index d58826fb0b..2551776791 100644
--- a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/Scriver.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Scriver.dll
; Plugin: Scriver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
diff --git a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
index bc28598875..4e575d03bb 100644
--- a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
+++ b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: SmileyAdd.dll
; Plugin: SmileyAdd
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Peacow, nightwish, bid, borkra
[Background color]
diff --git a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/StatusManager.txt b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
index 1ef65022f5..b4ce0fce41 100644
--- a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
+++ b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: StatusManager.dll
; Plugin: Status manager
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
[Background color]
diff --git a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
index 125a80dc0f..5db4458eac 100644
--- a/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/english_gb/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: TabSRMM.dll
; Plugin: TabSRMM
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: The Miranda developers team and contributors
[Customize the panel]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/french/=CORE=.txt
index 60d5642fb6..5ba44541eb 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/=CORE=.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/=CORE=.txt
@@ -3,6 +3,31 @@
; Module: Miranda Core
; Version: 0.95.9
+;file \src\core\stdautoaway\res\resource.rc
+[Become idle if the following is left unattended:]
+Devient "Inactif" si inactivité de :
+[Become idle if the screen saver is active]
+Devient "Inactif" si l'écran de veille est activé.
+[Become idle if the computer is locked]
+Devenir inactif si la session est vérouillée
+[Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected]
+Devenir absent si le terminal est déconnecté
+[Do not let protocols report any idle information]
+Ne pas autoriser les autres protocoles à signaler l'inactivité.
+[Change my status mode to:]
+Changer mon état en :
+[Do not set status back to online when returning from idle]
+Ne pas mettre l'état "En ligne" quand vous revenez d'inactif.
+[Idle options]
+Options d'inactivité
+[Become idle if application full screen]
+Devenir inactif si une application est en plein-écran
+[Disable sounds on idle]
+Désactiver les sons quand inactif
;file \src\core\stdaway\res\resource.rc
[%s message for %s]
Message %s pour %s
@@ -376,31 +401,6 @@ Me demander
Renommer (ajouter (1), (2), etc.)
[You will always be asked about files from people not on your contact list]
Vous serez avisé des fichiers ne provenant pas de votre liste de contacts
-;file \src\core\stdidle\res\resource.rc
-[Become idle if the following is left unattended:]
-Devient "Inactif" si inactivité de :
-[Become idle if the screen saver is active]
-Devient "Inactif" si l'écran de veille est activé.
-[Become idle if the computer is locked]
-Devenir inactif si la session est vérouillée
-[Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected]
-Devenir absent si le terminal est déconnecté
-[Do not let protocols report any idle information]
-Ne pas autoriser les autres protocoles à signaler l'inactivité.
-[Change my status mode to:]
-Changer mon état en :
-[Do not set status back to online when returning from idle]
-Ne pas mettre l'état "En ligne" quand vous revenez d'inactif.
-[Idle options]
-Options d'inactivité
-[Become idle if application full screen]
-Devenir inactif si une application est en plein-écran
-[Disable sounds on idle]
-Désactiver les sons quand inactif
;file \src\core\stdmsg\res\resource.rc
[Automatically popup window when:]
Fenêtre en popup quand :
@@ -474,8 +474,6 @@ minutes
Utiliser une interface à onglets
[Close tab on double click]
Fermer l'onglet par un double-clic
-[Restore previously open tabs when showing the window]
-Restaurer les derniers onglets ouverts lors de l'ouverture de la fenêtre
[Show tabs at the bottom]
Onglets en bas
[Send typing notifications to the following users when you are typing a message to them:]
@@ -1193,6 +1191,11 @@ Wikipedia (en)
Google Maps
[Google Translate]
Google Translate
+;file \src\core\stdautoaway\src\options.cpp
;file \src\core\stdaway\src\awaymsg.cpp
[Re&ad %s message]
&Message d'état de "%s"
@@ -1221,8 +1224,6 @@ Ce sera le téléphone.
Mmm... Manger.
;file \src\core\stdclist\src\clcfonts.cpp
[Standard contacts]
Contacts standards
@@ -1386,9 +1387,6 @@ Transfert et analyse de virus achevés
;file \src\core\stdfile\src\ftmanager.cpp
-;file \src\core\stdidle\src\options.cpp
;file \src\core\stdmsg\src\chat_manager.cpp
[Message sessions]
Sessions de message
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index b89cdb986a..c66cb35c51 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Dbx_mdbx.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG MDBX database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Retirer
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
[Set password]
Mot de passe du profil
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
index ad69c1c65d..06f4ce488e 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Retirer
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
[Set password]
Mot de passe du profil
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/GG.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/GG.txt
index 88170ddf23..8fdf6b580c 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/GG.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/GG.txt
@@ -227,12 +227,6 @@ Vous devez spécifier votre e-mail primaire d'enregistrement
Votre mot de passe sera envoyé dans votre e-mail d'enregistrement.\nVoulez-vous continuer?
[You should disconnect before making any permanent changes with your account.\nDo you want to disconnect now?]
Vous devez vous déconnecter avant de perdre définitivement les modifications de votre compte.\nVoulez-vous vous déconnecter maintenant?
[Your details has been uploaded to the public directory.]
[You have to be logged in before you can change your details.]
@@ -387,6 +381,13 @@ Exporter la liste vers un fichier &Texte
[Gadu-Gadu Link Protocol]
Raccourci du protocole Gadu-Gadu
+;file \protocols\Gadu-Gadu\src\options.cpp
;file \protocols\Gadu-Gadu\src\ownerinfo.cpp
[Password could not be reminded because of error:\n\t%s (Error: %d)]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Import.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Import.txt
index 32b5a06ac0..5f6d149a7a 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Import.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Import.txt
@@ -158,15 +158,15 @@ Nouveau compte
;file \plugins\Import\src\main.cpp
+[Miranda NG database]
+Profil Miranda-IM
+[All Files]
+Tous les fichiers
;file \plugins\Import\src\miranda.cpp
[The given file does not exist. Please check that you have entered the name correctly.]
Le fichier donné n'existe pas. Veuillez vérifier que vous avez entré correctement le nom.
[Miranda Import]
-[Miranda NG database]
-Profil Miranda-IM
-[All Files]
-Tous les fichiers
[You cannot import your current profile into itself]
;file \plugins\Import\src\utils.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/MirLua.txt
index f33291d5ae..c5d003bfcb 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/MirLua.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: MirLua.dll
; Plugin: MirLua
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Extends Miranda NG functionality with Lua scripts.]
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ Général
;file \plugins\MirLua\src\options.cpp
[Common scripts]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..550491e5c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#muuid {4df0c267-6efb-4410-b651-385f87158509}
+; File: ProxySwitch.dll
+; Plugin: ProxySwitch
+; Version:
+; Authors: Petr Smejkal
+[Watches IP address changes, displays popups, and adjusts the proxy settings of Miranda, Internet Explorer and Firefox.]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\res\resource.rc
+[Network addresses]
+[Direct connection]
+[Use proxy]
+[Manage Miranda NG proxy]
+[Manage Internet Explorer proxy]
+[Manage Firefox proxy]
+[Reconnect if IP address changes]
+[Display 'Show my IP' in menu]
+[Display 'Proxy && IP' submenu]
+[Hide interfaces]
+[Popup options]
+[Enable popups]
+[Text color]
+Couleur du texte
+[Background color]
+Couleur de fond
+[Use default popup colors]
+[Show proxy status on change]
+[Restart of Miranda NG is required.]
+[Enter semicolon (;) separated list of IP network addresses in any of the formats below:\n\tip/bits\t(\t\tip/mask\t(\n\tip1-2\t(\t\tip1-ip2\t(]
+[Any entry in the 'Use proxy' list can be prefixed by an exclamation mark (!) to increase its priority. Entries with wrong syntax will be ignored. The program checks the IP addresses in the following way:]
+[\t1) Use proxy if any interface has prioritized 'Use proxy' address\n\t2) Don't use proxy if any interface has 'Direct connection' address\n\t3) Use proxy if any interface has 'Use proxy' address\n\t4) Do nothing if unknown or any at all addresses found]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\src\ip.cpp
+[\nMiranda ]
+[\nExplorer ]
+[\nFirefox ]
+[Cannot retrieve IP or adapter data.]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAddresses]
+[GetAdaptersAddresses sizing failed]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAdapterInfo]
+[GetAdaptersInfo sizing failed]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\src\main.cpp
+[Current IP address]
+[Proxy settings && interfaces]
+[Enable &IP change notification]
+[Disable &IP change notification]
+[Show my &IP addresses]
+[Disable proxy]
+[Enable proxy]
+[IP change notification]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\src\opt.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Scriver.txt
index 2fbc878068..5dce28490b 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/Scriver.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Scriver.dll
; Plugin: Scriver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Scriver - send and receive instant messages.]
@@ -30,11 +30,7 @@ Supprimer les contacts temporaires à la fermeture
M'alerter quand le message n'a pas été reçu après
-[Send message on 'Enter']
-Taper 1 fois "Entrée" pour envoyer
-[Send message on double 'Enter']
-Taper 2 fois "Entrée" pour envoyer
-[Send message on 'Ctrl+Enter']
+[Send message on:]
@@ -718,6 +714,14 @@ Invisible
Parti manger
[On the phone]
Au téléphone
+[Double 'Enter']
[** New contacts **]
** Nouveaux contacts **
[** Unknown contacts **]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
index ee4088ee71..7ba8c150d7 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: SmileyAdd.dll
; Plugin: SmileyAdd
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Peacow, nightwish, bid, borkra
[Smiley support for Miranda NG.]
@@ -46,12 +46,6 @@ Zone de saisie
[Don't replace at cursor]
-[Built-in message dialog support]
-[Smiley button]
-Position du bouton
[Surround inserted smiley with spaces]
Espace de chaque côté des smileys
[Use first smiley for selection size]
@@ -80,10 +74,6 @@ Couleur de fond
[Only one instance of SmileyAdd could be executed.\nRemove duplicate instances from 'Plugins' directory]
Un seul fois SmileyAdd peut être exécuté à la fois.\nEffacer le doublon du répertoire 'Plugins'
;file \plugins\SmileyAdd\src\options.cpp
[Smiley packs]
Pack de Smiley
[All files]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/StatusManager.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
index 78df73dd94..967e12d998 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: StatusManager.dll
; Plugin: Status manager
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
[A connection checker and auto away module. Also allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per protocol.]
@@ -56,8 +56,10 @@ Annuler
+Compte :
+[Away mode]
[when full-screen mode is active]
@@ -66,10 +68,14 @@ OK
[when workstation is locked]
+[when terminal session is disconnected]
[minutes of inactivity]
+[After away]
[minutes of level 1 mode]
[only set when inactive]
@@ -80,6 +86,8 @@ OK
[Confirm resetting status]
+[Enter idle mode]
[Only set if current status is]
[Command line]
@@ -202,8 +210,6 @@ Utiliser %time% et %date% pour l'heure et la date actuelles.
[Confirm dialog timeout (secs)]
-[This options are ignored because you enabled "Change my status mode to" in the "Idle" options dialog.]
[Monitor keyboard activity]
[Monitor mouse activity]
@@ -220,6 +226,8 @@ Comptes
[Set status message]
@@ -286,6 +294,15 @@ secondes
[Leaving second auto-away status]
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\aaa_options.cpp
+[minutes of %s mode]
+minutes en mode %s
+[Auto away]
+Absence automatique
+[Status messages]
+Messages d'état
;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\confirmdialog.cpp
[Set %s message for %s.]
@@ -299,19 +316,7 @@ secondes
[Closing in %d]
Fermeture dans %d
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\options.cpp
-[Status manager]
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\AdvancedAutoAway\aaa_options.cpp
-[minutes of %s mode]
-minutes en mode %s
-[Auto away]
-Absence automatique
-[Status messages]
-Messages d'état
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\KeepStatus\keepstatus.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\keepstatus.cpp
[%s connected from another location]
%s est connecté depuis un autre site
[%s login error, cancel reconnecting]
@@ -336,7 +341,7 @@ Pas de connexion Internet... (dernière tentative (%d))
L'état est réglé
[Giving up]
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\KeepStatus\ks_options.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ks_options.cpp
[You broke the Internet!]
@@ -345,7 +350,10 @@ Basique
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\StartupStatus\ss_options.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\options.cpp
+[Status manager]
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ss_options.cpp
@@ -372,8 +380,8 @@ Inconnu
Au moins un profil doit exister
[Your default profile will be changed]
Votre profil par défaut a été modifié
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\StartupStatus\ss_profiles.cpp
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\StartupStatus\ss_toolbars.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ss_profiles.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ss_toolbars.cpp
[Pressed toolbar icon]
[Released toolbar icon]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/french/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
index 4e6705b57e..8c82c79707 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: TabSRMM.dll
; Plugin: TabSRMM
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: The Miranda developers team and contributors
[IM and group chat module for Miranda NG.]
@@ -1060,12 +1060,6 @@ Sessions de message
[Group chat log]
-[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
-Apparence et fonctionnalités des fenêtres de salon
-[Appearance of the message log]
-Apparence du journal des messages
-[Chat rooms]
[Half operators]
@@ -1088,6 +1082,12 @@ Texte sélectionné
Fond de la liste
[Group chat log background]
+[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
+Apparence et fonctionnalités des fenêtres de salon
+[Appearance of the message log]
+Apparence du journal des messages
+[Chat rooms]
[nick of current contact (if defined)]
[protocol name of current contact (if defined). Account name is used when protocol supports multiple accounts]
@@ -1148,6 +1148,14 @@ Sélectionnez un répertoire
[Show as text symbols]
+[Log formatting]
+[Events and filters]
;file \plugins\TabSRMM\src\chat_tools.cpp
[%s%s says:%s %s]
@@ -1618,14 +1626,6 @@ Fenêtre de message
Charger et appliquer
[Window layout tweaks]
-[Log formatting]
-[Events and filters]
[Choose status modes]
Choisir les modes d'état...
;file \plugins\TabSRMM\src\msgs.cpp
@@ -1842,8 +1842,6 @@ Changer le skin
[Close current tab on send]
Fermer l'onglet en cours dés l'envoi
-[Automatic keyboard layout: Do not load the system default for new contacts]
[Enable unattended send (experimental feature, required for multisend and send later) (*)]
[Show client description in info panel]
@@ -1980,8 +1978,6 @@ Bulle détaillée sur les onglets (requière Tipper)
[Automatically switch existing tabs in minimized windows on incoming messages (ignored when using Aero Peek task bar features)]
-[Remember and set keyboard layout per contact]
-Se rappeler du keyboard layout de chaques contacts.
[Close button only hides message windows]
[Allow TAB key in typing area (this will disable focus selection by TAB key)]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index 788e55c9a6..76f93380f9 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
[Change/remove password]
[Wrong old password entered!]
[Password is too short!]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
index 1bc16fbe8e..f92b6d8495 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
[Miranda has detected corruption in your database. Miranda will now shut down.]
[This profile is too old to be updated with PluginUpdater, your database must be converted first.\n\nWould you like to read how to fix this?]
[Obsolete database format]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
index 6bfbb93534..df156d9696 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
[Popup on obsolete methods]
[Common scripts]
[C libs folder]
[Scripts folder]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bfa5ba3e4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+[Watches IP address changes, displays popups, and adjusts the proxy settings of Miranda, Internet Explorer and Firefox.]
+[Network addresses]
+[Direct connection]
+[Use proxy]
+[Manage Miranda NG proxy]
+[Manage Internet Explorer proxy]
+[Manage Firefox proxy]
+[Reconnect if IP address changes]
+[Display 'Show my IP' in menu]
+[Display 'Proxy && IP' submenu]
+[Hide interfaces]
+[Popup options]
+[Enable popups]
+[Use default popup colors]
+[Show proxy status on change]
+[Restart of Miranda NG is required.]
+[Enter semicolon (;) separated list of IP network addresses in any of the formats below:\n\tip/bits\t(\t\tip/mask\t(\n\tip1-2\t(\t\tip1-ip2\t(]
+[Any entry in the 'Use proxy' list can be prefixed by an exclamation mark (!) to increase its priority. Entries with wrong syntax will be ignored. The program checks the IP addresses in the following way:]
+[\t1) Use proxy if any interface has prioritized 'Use proxy' address\n\t2) Don't use proxy if any interface has 'Direct connection' address\n\t3) Use proxy if any interface has 'Use proxy' address\n\t4) Do nothing if unknown or any at all addresses found]
+[\nMiranda ]
+[\nExplorer ]
+[\nFirefox ]
+[Cannot retrieve IP or adapter data.]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAddresses]
+[GetAdaptersAddresses sizing failed]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAdapterInfo]
+[GetAdaptersInfo sizing failed]
+[Current IP address]
+[Proxy settings && interfaces]
+[Enable &IP change notification]
+[Disable &IP change notification]
+[Show my &IP addresses]
+[Disable proxy]
+[Enable proxy]
+[IP change notification]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Scriver.txt
index 74a2820beb..9a9f4d824e 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/Scriver.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[Send message on 'Ctrl+Enter']
+[Send message on:]
[You can use embedded variables here: %name% for contact's name, %status% for its status, %statusmsg% for its status message and %account% for its account's name]
[Save logs]
[Trim to]
@@ -95,6 +95,10 @@
[Info bar background]
[Info bar status message]
[Line between messages]
+[Double 'Enter']
[Event log]
[&Room settings]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/SmileyAdd.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/SmileyAdd.txt
index c5164319dd..668d5965c2 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/SmileyAdd.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/SmileyAdd.txt
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
[Minimum smiley height]
[Enable smileys]
[Don't replace at cursor]
-[Built-in message dialog support]
[Horizontal sorting]
[Smiley cache]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
index 35b1777a54..f0ca1c88ab 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
@@ -17,16 +17,20 @@
[Continuously check for internet connection]
[Do so by pinging host]
[Confirm status]
+[Away mode]
[when full-screen mode is active]
[when screen saver engages]
[when workstation is locked]
+[when terminal session is disconnected]
[minutes of inactivity]
+[After away]
[minutes of level 1 mode]
[only set when inactive]
[Monitor Miranda's activity only]
[Reset status on return]
[Confirm resetting status]
+[Enter idle mode]
[Only set if current status is]
[Command line]
[Create shortcut]
@@ -67,7 +71,6 @@
[Ignore Caps Lock, Num Lock and Scroll Lock keys]
[Check interval (secs)]
[Confirm dialog timeout (secs)]
-[This options are ignored because you enabled "Change my status mode to" in the "Idle" options dialog.]
[Monitor keyboard activity]
[Monitor mouse activity]
[Ignore CTRL, ALT, SHIFT, TAB, ESC and Windows keys]
@@ -103,12 +106,11 @@
[Becoming active without status change]
[Leaving second auto-away status]
[Set %s message for %s.]
-[Status manager]
[%s login error (next retry (%d) in %d s)]
[%s status error (next retry (%d) in %d s)]
[Status error (next retry (%d) in %d s)]
@@ -116,6 +118,7 @@
[%s\t(will be set to %s)\r\n]
[No internet connection seems available... (next retry (%d) in %d s)]
[You broke the Internet!]
+[Status manager]
[size: %d x %d]
[loc: %d x %d]
[Pressed toolbar icon]
diff --git a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
index 8500a6314a..a774fe9612 100644
--- a/langpacks/french/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/french/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -193,11 +193,11 @@
[Colorize user names in message log]
[Group chat windows]
[Group chat log]
-[Chat rooms]
[Incremental search highlight]
[Fields background]
[Group chat log background]
+[Chat rooms]
[nick of current contact (if defined)]
[protocol name of current contact (if defined). Account name is used when protocol supports multiple accounts]
[user-defined account name of current contact (if defined).]
@@ -226,6 +226,9 @@
[No markers]
[Show as icons]
[Show as text symbols]
+[Log formatting]
+[Events and filters]
[%s%s says:%s %s]
[Expand or collapse the side bar]
[The filter cannot be enabled, because there are no event types selected either global or for this chat room]
@@ -350,9 +353,6 @@
[Close or hide window, depends on the close button setting above]
[Event notifications]
[Window layout tweaks]
-[Log formatting]
-[Events and filters]
[Image tag]
[Event filter]
[Nick list]
@@ -410,7 +410,6 @@
[Display metacontact icons]
[Error feedback]
[Enable typing sounds]
-[Automatic keyboard layout: Do not load the system default for new contacts]
[Enable unattended send (experimental feature, required for multisend and send later) (*)]
[Show client description in info panel]
[On tab control]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/german/=CORE=.txt
index 044789d0bf..66fb07c031 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/=CORE=.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/=CORE=.txt
@@ -3,6 +3,31 @@
; Module: Miranda Core
; Version: 0.95.9
+;file \src\core\stdautoaway\res\resource.rc
+[Become idle if the following is left unattended:]
+Untätig werden, wenn keine Aktion innerhalb von:
+[Become idle if the screen saver is active]
+Untätig werden, wenn Bildschirmschoner aktiviert wird
+[Become idle if the computer is locked]
+Untätig werden, wenn Computer gesperrt wird
+[Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected]
+Untätig werden, wenn Terminalsitzung getrennt wurde
+[Do not let protocols report any idle information]
+Protokolle sollen keine Untätigkeitsinformationen senden
+[Change my status mode to:]
+Meinen Status ändern zu:
+[Do not set status back to online when returning from idle]
+Status nicht automatisch zu 'Online' ändern, sobald Untätigktät vorbei
+[Idle options]
+[Become idle if application full screen]
+Untätig werden, wenn eine Vollbildanwendung aktiviert wird
+[Disable sounds on idle]
+Klänge bei Untätigkeit deaktivieren
;file \src\core\stdaway\res\resource.rc
[%s message for %s]
'%s'-Nachricht von %s
@@ -376,31 +401,6 @@ Nachfragen
Umbenennen (Zusatz: (1), (2), ...)
[You will always be asked about files from people not on your contact list]
Beim Empfang von unbekannten Kontakten wird immer nachgefragt.
-;file \src\core\stdidle\res\resource.rc
-[Become idle if the following is left unattended:]
-Untätig werden, wenn keine Aktion innerhalb von:
-[Become idle if the screen saver is active]
-Untätig werden, wenn Bildschirmschoner aktiviert wird
-[Become idle if the computer is locked]
-Untätig werden, wenn Computer gesperrt wird
-[Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected]
-Untätig werden, wenn Terminalsitzung getrennt wurde
-[Do not let protocols report any idle information]
-Protokolle sollen keine Untätigkeitsinformationen senden
-[Change my status mode to:]
-Meinen Status ändern zu:
-[Do not set status back to online when returning from idle]
-Status nicht automatisch zu 'Online' ändern, sobald Untätigktät vorbei
-[Idle options]
-[Become idle if application full screen]
-Untätig werden, wenn eine Vollbildanwendung aktiviert wird
-[Disable sounds on idle]
-Klänge bei Untätigkeit deaktivieren
;file \src\core\stdmsg\res\resource.rc
[Automatically popup window when:]
Fenster automatisch öffnen, wenn:
@@ -474,8 +474,6 @@ Minuten alt
Chatfenster mit Tabs verwenden
[Close tab on double click]
Tabs mit Doppelklick schließen
-[Restore previously open tabs when showing the window]
-Vorher geöffnete Tabs beim Öffnen des Fensters wiederherstellen
[Show tabs at the bottom]
Tabs unten anzeigen
[Send typing notifications to the following users when you are typing a message to them:]
@@ -1193,6 +1191,11 @@ Wikipedia (en)
Google Maps
[Google Translate]
Google Translate
+;file \src\core\stdautoaway\src\options.cpp
;file \src\core\stdaway\src\awaymsg.cpp
[Re&ad %s message]
'%s'-N&achricht lesen
@@ -1221,8 +1224,6 @@ Bin gerade am Telefon
Hmm... Essen.
;file \src\core\stdclist\src\clcfonts.cpp
[Standard contacts]
@@ -1386,9 +1387,6 @@ Untersuche auf Viren...
;file \src\core\stdfile\src\ftmanager.cpp
-;file \src\core\stdidle\src\options.cpp
;file \src\core\stdmsg\src\chat_manager.cpp
[Message sessions]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index 114b323e06..cd49fd41c7 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Dbx_mdbx.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG MDBX database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ Standard
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
Nur kritische Daten werden verschlüsselt (Passwörter, Sicherheitstoken etc.). Alle anderen Einstellungen sowie der Verlauf bleiben unverschlüsselt. Schnell und effektiv, für die meisten Anwendungsfälle geeignet.
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
-Alle Strings sowie alle Ereignisse im Verlauf werden verschlüsselt. Dies macht Miranda aber sehr viel langsamer, und Sie riskieren es, alle Ihre Daten zu verlieren wenn Sie Ihr Passwort vergessen. Nur für paranoide Nutzer empfohlen.
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
[Set password]
Passwort setzen
;file \plugins\Dbx_mdbx\src\dbintf.h
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
index 4fd40eb838..21fc1ff06e 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ Standard
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
Nur kritische Daten werden verschlüsselt (Passwörter, Sicherheitstoken etc.). Alle anderen Einstellungen sowie der Verlauf bleiben unverschlüsselt. Schnell und effektiv, für die meisten Anwendungsfälle geeignet.
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
-Alle Strings sowie alle Ereignisse im Verlauf werden verschlüsselt. Dies macht Miranda aber sehr viel langsamer, und Sie riskieren es, alle Ihre Daten zu verlieren wenn Sie Ihr Passwort vergessen. Nur für paranoide Nutzer empfohlen.
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
[Set password]
Passwort setzen
;file \plugins\Db3x_mmap\src\database.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/GG.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/GG.txt
index cce7603015..8450b946c7 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/GG.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/GG.txt
@@ -227,12 +227,6 @@ Fur die Anmeldung mussen Sie ihre registrierte E-Mail-Adresse erst angeben.
Ihr Passwort wird zur Ihrer Registrierungs-E-Mail gesendet.\nMöchten Sie fortfahren?
[You should disconnect before making any permanent changes with your account.\nDo you want to disconnect now?]
Sie sollten die Verbindung trennen bevor sie permanente Änderungen mit ihrem Account vornehmen.\nWollen sie nun die Verbindung trennen?
[Your details has been uploaded to the public directory.]
Ihre Details wurden in das öffentliche Verzeichnis hochgeladen.
[You have to be logged in before you can change your details.]
@@ -387,6 +381,13 @@ Liste in eine &Textdatei exportieren...
[Gadu-Gadu Link Protocol]
+;file \protocols\Gadu-Gadu\src\options.cpp
;file \protocols\Gadu-Gadu\src\ownerinfo.cpp
[Password could not be reminded because of error:\n\t%s (Error: %d)]
Das Passwort konnte wegen eines Fehlers nicht gespeichert werden:\n\t%s (Fehler: %d)
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Import.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Import.txt
index a2782d2371..1bec2404ed 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Import.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Import.txt
@@ -158,15 +158,15 @@ Import abgeschlossen nach %d Sekunden.
;file \plugins\Import\src\main.cpp
+[Miranda NG database]
+[All Files]
+Alle Dateien
;file \plugins\Import\src\miranda.cpp
[The given file does not exist. Please check that you have entered the name correctly.]
Die angegebene Datei existiert nicht. Bitte eingegebenen Dateinamen überprüfen.
[Miranda Import]
-[Miranda NG database]
-[All Files]
-Alle Dateien
[You cannot import your current profile into itself]
Sie können ein Profil nicht in sich selbst importieren.
;file \plugins\Import\src\utils.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/MirLua.txt
index 874c408344..a867ea24d7 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/MirLua.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: MirLua.dll
; Plugin: MirLua
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Extends Miranda NG functionality with Lua scripts.]
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ Fehlgeschlagen
Neu laden
;file \plugins\MirLua\src\options.cpp
[Common scripts]
Gemeinsame Skripte
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d085f0e633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#muuid {4df0c267-6efb-4410-b651-385f87158509}
+; File: ProxySwitch.dll
+; Plugin: ProxySwitch
+; Version:
+; Authors: Petr Smejkal
+[Watches IP address changes, displays popups, and adjusts the proxy settings of Miranda, Internet Explorer and Firefox.]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\res\resource.rc
+[Network addresses]
+[Direct connection]
+[Use proxy]
+Proxy benutzen
+[Manage Miranda NG proxy]
+[Manage Internet Explorer proxy]
+[Manage Firefox proxy]
+[Reconnect if IP address changes]
+[Display 'Show my IP' in menu]
+[Display 'Proxy && IP' submenu]
+[Hide interfaces]
+[Popup options]
+Einstellungen für Popups
+[Enable popups]
+Popups aktivieren
+[Text color]
+[Background color]
+[Use default popup colors]
+Standardfarben benutzen
+[Show proxy status on change]
+[Restart of Miranda NG is required.]
+[Enter semicolon (;) separated list of IP network addresses in any of the formats below:\n\tip/bits\t(\t\tip/mask\t(\n\tip1-2\t(\t\tip1-ip2\t(]
+[Any entry in the 'Use proxy' list can be prefixed by an exclamation mark (!) to increase its priority. Entries with wrong syntax will be ignored. The program checks the IP addresses in the following way:]
+[\t1) Use proxy if any interface has prioritized 'Use proxy' address\n\t2) Don't use proxy if any interface has 'Direct connection' address\n\t3) Use proxy if any interface has 'Use proxy' address\n\t4) Do nothing if unknown or any at all addresses found]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\src\ip.cpp
+[\nMiranda ]
+[\nExplorer ]
+[\nFirefox ]
+[Cannot retrieve IP or adapter data.]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAddresses]
+[GetAdaptersAddresses sizing failed]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAdapterInfo]
+[GetAdaptersInfo sizing failed]
+Verbindung getrennt
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\src\main.cpp
+[Current IP address]
+[Proxy settings && interfaces]
+[Enable &IP change notification]
+[Disable &IP change notification]
+[Show my &IP addresses]
+[Disable proxy]
+[Enable proxy]
+[IP change notification]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\src\opt.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Scriver.txt
index 2dc78e2fa5..062c8653bf 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/Scriver.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Scriver.dll
; Plugin: Scriver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Scriver - send and receive instant messages.]
@@ -30,12 +30,8 @@ Temporäre Kontakte beim Schließen entfernen
Warnung anzeigen, wenn Nachricht nicht zugestellt wurde nach
-[Send message on 'Enter']
-'Enter' sendet Nachricht
-[Send message on double 'Enter']
-Doppel-'Enter' sendet Nachricht
-[Send message on 'Ctrl+Enter']
-'Ctrl+Eingabe' sendet Nachricht
+[Send message on:]
[Enable tabs]
@@ -718,6 +714,14 @@ Unsichtbar
Zum Essen
[On the phone]
Am Telefon
+[Double 'Enter']
[** New contacts **]
** Neue Kontakte **
[** Unknown contacts **]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
index 1cc34aac98..9f8df0a332 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: SmileyAdd.dll
; Plugin: SmileyAdd
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Peacow, nightwish, bid, borkra
[Smiley support for Miranda NG.]
@@ -46,12 +46,6 @@ Eingabebereich
Smileys aktivieren
[Don't replace at cursor]
Erst bei nächstem Zeichen anzeigen
-[Built-in message dialog support]
-[Smiley button]
[Surround inserted smiley with spaces]
Eingefügte Smileys mit Leerzeichen umgeben
[Use first smiley for selection size]
@@ -80,10 +74,6 @@ Hintergrundfarbe
[Only one instance of SmileyAdd could be executed.\nRemove duplicate instances from 'Plugins' directory]
Nur eine Instanz von SmileyAdd kann ausgeführt werden.\nEntfernung des Duplikats im 'Plugins'-Verzeichnis erforderlich.
;file \plugins\SmileyAdd\src\options.cpp
[Smiley packs]
[All files]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/StatusManager.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
index 6795e26714..1cfd7eb1c5 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: StatusManager.dll
; Plugin: Status manager
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
[A connection checker and auto away module. Also allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per protocol.]
@@ -56,8 +56,10 @@ Abbrechen
+[Away mode]
[when full-screen mode is active]
@@ -66,10 +68,14 @@ wenn Vollbildmodus aktiv ist
wenn der Bildschirmschoner startet
[when workstation is locked]
wenn der Computer gesperrt wird
+[when terminal session is disconnected]
[minutes of inactivity]
Minuten der Inaktivität
+[After away]
[minutes of level 1 mode]
Minuten im Level-1-Modus
[only set when inactive]
@@ -80,6 +86,8 @@ Nur Mirandas Aktivität überwachen
Status nach Rückkehr zurücksetzen
[Confirm resetting status]
Zurücksetzen des Status bestätigen
+[Enter idle mode]
[Only set if current status is]
Nur setzen bei akt. Status
[Command line]
@@ -202,8 +210,6 @@ Feststell-, Nummernblock- und Rollentaste ignorieren
Prüfintervall (Sek.)
[Confirm dialog timeout (secs)]
Dialogfenster automatisch schließen (Sek.)
-[This options are ignored because you enabled "Change my status mode to" in the "Idle" options dialog.]
-Diese Einstellungen werden ignoriert, da Sie "Meinen Status ändern zu" in den Untätigkeits-Einstellungen aktiviert haben.
[Monitor keyboard activity]
Tastaturaktivität überwachen
[Monitor mouse activity]
@@ -220,6 +226,8 @@ Prüfung aktivieren
Prüfung deaktivieren
[Set status message]
Statusnachricht setzen
@@ -286,6 +294,15 @@ Auslöser Daten
Reaktiviert ohne Statuswechsel
[Leaving second auto-away status]
Verlasse zweiten Auto-abwesend-Status
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\aaa_options.cpp
+[minutes of %s mode]
+Min. im Status "%s"
+[Auto away]
+Automatisch abwesend
+[Status messages]
;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\confirmdialog.cpp
[Set %s message for %s.]
Setze %s-Nachricht für %s.
@@ -299,19 +316,7 @@ Setze %s-Nachricht für %s.
[Closing in %d]
In %d schließen
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\options.cpp
-[Status manager]
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\AdvancedAutoAway\aaa_options.cpp
-[minutes of %s mode]
-Min. im Status "%s"
-[Auto away]
-Automatisch abwesend
-[Status messages]
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\KeepStatus\keepstatus.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\keepstatus.cpp
[%s connected from another location]
%s ist von einem anderen Ort verbunden.
[%s login error, cancel reconnecting]
@@ -336,7 +341,7 @@ Keine Internetverbindung verfügbar... (nächster Versuch (%d) in %d Sek.)
Status setzen erfolgreich
[Giving up]
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\KeepStatus\ks_options.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ks_options.cpp
[You broke the Internet!]
Internetverbindung verloren
@@ -345,7 +350,10 @@ Allgemein
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\StartupStatus\ss_options.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\options.cpp
+[Status manager]
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ss_options.cpp
@@ -372,8 +380,8 @@ Unbekannt
Mindestens ein Profil muss angelegt sein
[Your default profile will be changed]
Ihre Profile wurden geändert
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\StartupStatus\ss_profiles.cpp
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\StartupStatus\ss_toolbars.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ss_profiles.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ss_toolbars.cpp
[Pressed toolbar icon]
Gedrücktes Toolbaricon
[Released toolbar icon]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/german/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
index b2b57a5f4c..6d7c018fce 100644
--- a/langpacks/german/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/german/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: TabSRMM.dll
; Plugin: TabSRMM
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: The Miranda developers team and contributors
[IM and group chat module for Miranda NG.]
@@ -1060,12 +1060,6 @@ Nachrichtensitzungen
[Group chat log]
-[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
-Aussehen und Funktionen des Chatfensters
-[Appearance of the message log]
-Aussehen des Verlaufsfensters
-[Chat rooms]
[Half operators]
@@ -1088,6 +1082,12 @@ Felder-Hintergrund
Hintergrund Benutzerliste
[Group chat log background]
+[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
+Aussehen und Funktionen des Chatfensters
+[Appearance of the message log]
+Aussehen des Verlaufsfensters
+[Chat rooms]
[nick of current contact (if defined)]
Nick des aktuellen Kontaktes (falls definiert)
[protocol name of current contact (if defined). Account name is used when protocol supports multiple accounts]
@@ -1148,6 +1148,14 @@ Keine Markierungen
Als Icons anzeigen
[Show as text symbols]
Als Textsymbole anzeigen
+[Log formatting]
+[Events and filters]
+Ereignisse und Filter
;file \plugins\TabSRMM\src\chat_tools.cpp
[%s%s says:%s %s]
%s%s sagt:%s %s
@@ -1618,14 +1626,6 @@ Nachrichtenfenster
Laden und Übernehmen
[Window layout tweaks]
-[Log formatting]
-[Events and filters]
-Ereignisse und Filter
[Choose status modes]
Wähle Statusmodi
;file \plugins\TabSRMM\src\msgs.cpp
@@ -1842,8 +1842,6 @@ Fehlermeldung
Tipp-Klänge aktivieren
[Close current tab on send]
Aktuellen Tab nach dem Senden schließen
-[Automatic keyboard layout: Do not load the system default for new contacts]
-Automatisches Tastaturlayout: Lade nicht das Systemstandard-Layout für neue Kontakte
[Enable unattended send (experimental feature, required for multisend and send later) (*)]
Unbeaufsichtigtes Senden aktivieren (experimentell, benötigt für multisend und 'später senden' (*)
[Show client description in info panel]
@@ -1980,8 +1978,6 @@ Neue Fenster minimiert erzeugen (die Option darüber MUSS aktiviert sein!)
Minimierte Fenster in Vordergrund bringen, wenn ein neuer Tab erzeugt wird
[Automatically switch existing tabs in minimized windows on incoming messages (ignored when using Aero Peek task bar features)]
Automatisch zu existierenden Tabs in minimierten Fenstern bei eingehenden Nachrichten wechseln (ignoriert, wenn Aero Peek Taskleisten-Funktionen benutzt wird)
-[Remember and set keyboard layout per contact]
-Tastaturschema für jeden Kontakt speichern und wiederherstellen
[Close button only hides message windows]
"Schließen"-Schaltfläche versteckt nur das Nachrichtenfenster
[Allow TAB key in typing area (this will disable focus selection by TAB key)]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/german/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e397618e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/german/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/german/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e397618e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/german/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Untranslated/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/german/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0997dea05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/german/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt b/langpacks/german/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd2e12b6c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/german/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+[Watches IP address changes, displays popups, and adjusts the proxy settings of Miranda, Internet Explorer and Firefox.]
+[Network addresses]
+[Direct connection]
+[Manage Miranda NG proxy]
+[Manage Internet Explorer proxy]
+[Manage Firefox proxy]
+[Reconnect if IP address changes]
+[Display 'Show my IP' in menu]
+[Display 'Proxy && IP' submenu]
+[Hide interfaces]
+[Show proxy status on change]
+[Restart of Miranda NG is required.]
+[Enter semicolon (;) separated list of IP network addresses in any of the formats below:\n\tip/bits\t(\t\tip/mask\t(\n\tip1-2\t(\t\tip1-ip2\t(]
+[Any entry in the 'Use proxy' list can be prefixed by an exclamation mark (!) to increase its priority. Entries with wrong syntax will be ignored. The program checks the IP addresses in the following way:]
+[\t1) Use proxy if any interface has prioritized 'Use proxy' address\n\t2) Don't use proxy if any interface has 'Direct connection' address\n\t3) Use proxy if any interface has 'Use proxy' address\n\t4) Do nothing if unknown or any at all addresses found]
+[\nMiranda ]
+[\nExplorer ]
+[\nFirefox ]
+[Cannot retrieve IP or adapter data.]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAddresses]
+[GetAdaptersAddresses sizing failed]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAdapterInfo]
+[GetAdaptersInfo sizing failed]
+[Current IP address]
+[Proxy settings && interfaces]
+[Enable &IP change notification]
+[Disable &IP change notification]
+[Show my &IP addresses]
+[Disable proxy]
+[Enable proxy]
+[IP change notification]
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Untranslated/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/german/Untranslated/Scriver.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..824b076f9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/german/Untranslated/Scriver.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+[Send message on:]
+[Double 'Enter']
diff --git a/langpacks/german/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt b/langpacks/german/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2f4e567d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/german/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+[Away mode]
+[when terminal session is disconnected]
+[After away]
+[Enter idle mode]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/polish/=CORE=.txt
index d63fe39232..9d261f2bd2 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/=CORE=.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/=CORE=.txt
@@ -3,6 +3,31 @@
; Module: Miranda Core
; Version: 0.95.9
+;file \src\core\stdautoaway\res\resource.rc
+[Become idle if the following is left unattended:]
+Przejdź w bezczynność jeśli aktywności nie wykazuje:
+[Become idle if the screen saver is active]
+Przejdź w bezczynność gdy działa wygaszacz ekranu
+[Become idle if the computer is locked]
+Przejdź w bezczynność gdy komputer jest zablokowany
+[Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected]
+Przejdź w stan bezczynności jeśli terminal sesji jest rozłączony
+[Do not let protocols report any idle information]
+Nie pozwalaj protokołom raportować bezczynności
+[Change my status mode to:]
+Zmień mój status na:
+[Do not set status back to online when returning from idle]
+Nie zmieniaj mojego statusu na "Dostępny" gdy wracam z bezczynności
+[Idle options]
+Opcje bezczynności
+[Become idle if application full screen]
+Przejdź w bezczynność gdy uruchomiona jest aplikacja pełnoekranowa
+[Disable sounds on idle]
+Wyłącz dźwięki kiedy bezczynny
;file \src\core\stdaway\res\resource.rc
[%s message for %s]
Opis statusu "%s" - %s
@@ -376,31 +401,6 @@ Pytaj mnie
Zmień nazwę (dodaj " (1)", itp.)
[You will always be asked about files from people not on your contact list]
Zawsze będziesz pytany o pliki od osób spoza twojej listy kontaktów
-;file \src\core\stdidle\res\resource.rc
-[Become idle if the following is left unattended:]
-Przejdź w bezczynność jeśli aktywności nie wykazuje:
-[Become idle if the screen saver is active]
-Przejdź w bezczynność gdy działa wygaszacz ekranu
-[Become idle if the computer is locked]
-Przejdź w bezczynność gdy komputer jest zablokowany
-[Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected]
-Przejdź w stan bezczynności jeśli terminal sesji jest rozłączony
-[Do not let protocols report any idle information]
-Nie pozwalaj protokołom raportować bezczynności
-[Change my status mode to:]
-Zmień mój status na:
-[Do not set status back to online when returning from idle]
-Nie zmieniaj mojego statusu na "Dostępny" gdy wracam z bezczynności
-[Idle options]
-Opcje bezczynności
-[Become idle if application full screen]
-Przejdź w bezczynność gdy uruchomiona jest aplikacja pełnoekranowa
-[Disable sounds on idle]
-Wyłącz dźwięki kiedy bezczynny
;file \src\core\stdmsg\res\resource.rc
[Automatically popup window when:]
Automatycznie pokazuj okno gdy:
@@ -474,8 +474,6 @@ minut(y)
Użyj kart
[Close tab on double click]
Dwuklik zamyka kartę
-[Restore previously open tabs when showing the window]
-Przywróć ostatnio używane karty po otworzeniu okna
[Show tabs at the bottom]
Pokaż karty na dole
[Send typing notifications to the following users when you are typing a message to them:]
@@ -1193,6 +1191,11 @@ Wikipedia
Google Maps
[Google Translate]
Google Translate
+;file \src\core\stdautoaway\src\options.cpp
;file \src\core\stdaway\src\awaymsg.cpp
[Re&ad %s message]
Po&każ opis "%s"
@@ -1221,8 +1224,6 @@ Muszę odebrać telefon.
Mmm... jedzonko.
;file \src\core\stdclist\src\clcfonts.cpp
[Standard contacts]
Standardowe kontakty
@@ -1386,9 +1387,6 @@ Ukończono przesyłanie i skanowanie wirusów
;file \src\core\stdfile\src\ftmanager.cpp
-;file \src\core\stdidle\src\options.cpp
;file \src\core\stdmsg\src\chat_manager.cpp
[Message sessions]
Okno rozmowy
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index 9c6ce3d5ba..0763eec2c0 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Dbx_mdbx.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG MDBX database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ Standardowy
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
Tylko najważniejsze dane (hasła, tokeny bezpieczeństwa itp.) są zaszyfrowane. Inne ustawienia, historia itp. pozostają niezaszyfrowane. Szybki i efektywny sposób. Powinien wystarczyć w większości przypadków.
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
-Wszystkie wpisy ustawień oraz zdarzenia w bazie są zaszyfrowane. Sprawia to, że Miranda może działać wolniej oraz stwarza ryzyko utraty wszystkich danych zapisanych w profilu w przypadku utraty hasła. Zalecane tylko obsesyjnym użytkownikom.
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
[Set password]
Ustaw/Zmień hasło
;file \plugins\Dbx_mdbx\src\dbintf.h
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
index 8e6745a659..f28584801a 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ Standardowy
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
Tylko najważniejsze dane (hasła, tokeny bezpieczeństwa itp.) są zaszyfrowane. Inne ustawienia, historia itp. pozostają niezaszyfrowane. Szybki i efektywny sposób. Powinien wystarczyć w większości przypadków.
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
-Wszystkie wpisy ustawień oraz zdarzenia w bazie są zaszyfrowane. Sprawia to, że Miranda może działać wolniej oraz stwarza ryzyko utraty wszystkich danych zapisanych w profilu w przypadku utraty hasła. Zalecane wyłącznie obsesyjnym użytkownikom.
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
[Set password]
Ustaw/Zmień hasło
;file \plugins\Db3x_mmap\src\database.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/GG.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/GG.txt
index 3b770e4d37..df18519705 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/GG.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/GG.txt
@@ -227,12 +227,6 @@ Musisz najpierw wpisać w konfiguracji swój e-mail rejestracyjny.
Twoje hasło zostanie wysłane na twój e-mail rejestracyjny.\nChcesz kontynuować ?
[You should disconnect before making any permanent changes with your account.\nDo you want to disconnect now?]
Powinieneś się rozłączyć przed wszelkimi trwałymi zmianami twojego konta.\nCzy chcesz się rozłączyć ?
[Your details has been uploaded to the public directory.]
Twoje dane zostały wysłane do katalogu publicznego.
[You have to be logged in before you can change your details.]
@@ -387,6 +381,13 @@ Eksportuj listę do &pliku
Wybór konta Gadu-Gadu
[Gadu-Gadu Link Protocol]
Powiązanie protokołu Gadu-Gadu
+;file \protocols\Gadu-Gadu\src\options.cpp
;file \protocols\Gadu-Gadu\src\ownerinfo.cpp
[Password could not be reminded because of error:\n\t%s (Error: %d)]
Hasło nie mogło zostać przypomniane z powodu błędu:\n\t%s (błąd: %d)
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Import.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Import.txt
index f47969842d..9dd1ba3aee 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Import.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Import.txt
@@ -158,15 +158,15 @@ Pominięto %d duplikatów i %d przefiltrowanych zdarzeń.
;file \plugins\Import\src\main.cpp
+[Miranda NG database]
+Profil Mirandy NG
+[All Files]
+Wszystkie pliki
;file \plugins\Import\src\miranda.cpp
[The given file does not exist. Please check that you have entered the name correctly.]
Dany plik nie istnieje. Sprawdź czy wpisałeś poprawnie jego nazwę.
[Miranda Import]
Import Mirandy
-[Miranda NG database]
-Profil Mirandy NG
-[All Files]
-Wszystkie pliki
[You cannot import your current profile into itself]
;file \plugins\Import\src\utils.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/MirLua.txt
index bb99824a3f..a27e5dbf72 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/MirLua.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: MirLua.dll
; Plugin: MirLua
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Extends Miranda NG functionality with Lua scripts.]
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ Nie powiodło się
;file \plugins\MirLua\src\options.cpp
[Common scripts]
Wspólne skrypty
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6028818f21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#muuid {4df0c267-6efb-4410-b651-385f87158509}
+; File: ProxySwitch.dll
+; Plugin: ProxySwitch
+; Version:
+; Authors: Petr Smejkal
+[Watches IP address changes, displays popups, and adjusts the proxy settings of Miranda, Internet Explorer and Firefox.]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\res\resource.rc
+[Network addresses]
+[Direct connection]
+[Use proxy]
+[Manage Miranda NG proxy]
+[Manage Internet Explorer proxy]
+[Manage Firefox proxy]
+[Reconnect if IP address changes]
+[Display 'Show my IP' in menu]
+[Display 'Proxy && IP' submenu]
+[Hide interfaces]
+[Popup options]
+Opcje popupów
+[Enable popups]
+Włącz popupy
+[Text color]
+Kolor tekstu
+[Background color]
+Kolor tła
+[Use default popup colors]
+Użyj domyślnych kolorów popup
+[Show proxy status on change]
+[Restart of Miranda NG is required.]
+[Enter semicolon (;) separated list of IP network addresses in any of the formats below:\n\tip/bits\t(\t\tip/mask\t(\n\tip1-2\t(\t\tip1-ip2\t(]
+[Any entry in the 'Use proxy' list can be prefixed by an exclamation mark (!) to increase its priority. Entries with wrong syntax will be ignored. The program checks the IP addresses in the following way:]
+[\t1) Use proxy if any interface has prioritized 'Use proxy' address\n\t2) Don't use proxy if any interface has 'Direct connection' address\n\t3) Use proxy if any interface has 'Use proxy' address\n\t4) Do nothing if unknown or any at all addresses found]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\src\ip.cpp
+[\nMiranda ]
+[\nExplorer ]
+[\nFirefox ]
+[Cannot retrieve IP or adapter data.]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAddresses]
+[GetAdaptersAddresses sizing failed]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAdapterInfo]
+[GetAdaptersInfo sizing failed]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\src\main.cpp
+[Current IP address]
+[Proxy settings && interfaces]
+[Enable &IP change notification]
+[Disable &IP change notification]
+[Show my &IP addresses]
+[Disable proxy]
+[Enable proxy]
+[IP change notification]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\src\opt.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Scriver.txt
index ea45b4f82e..ebe28d110a 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/Scriver.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Scriver.dll
; Plugin: Scriver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Scriver - send and receive instant messages.]
@@ -30,12 +30,8 @@ Kasuj niezapisane kontakty przy zamykaniu
Pokazuj ostrzeżenie jeśli wiadomość nie została odebrana po
-[Send message on 'Enter']
-Enter wysyła wiadomość
-[Send message on double 'Enter']
-Podwójny Enter wysyła wiadomość
-[Send message on 'Ctrl+Enter']
-Ctrl+Enter wysyła wiadomość
+[Send message on:]
[Enable tabs]
@@ -718,6 +714,14 @@ Niewidoczny
Na obiedzie
[On the phone]
Pod telefonem
+[Double 'Enter']
[** New contacts **]
** Nowe kontakty **
[** Unknown contacts **]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
index 6b130aa8e6..12d72c2533 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: SmileyAdd.dll
; Plugin: SmileyAdd
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Peacow, nightwish, bid, borkra
[Smiley support for Miranda NG.]
@@ -46,12 +46,6 @@ Pole wpisywania
Włącz emotikony
[Don't replace at cursor]
Nie zamieniaj przy kursorze
-[Built-in message dialog support]
-Wbudowane wsparcie dla okna rozmowy
-[Smiley button]
-Przycisk emotikon
[Surround inserted smiley with spaces]
Oddzielaj wstawione emotikony spacjami
[Use first smiley for selection size]
@@ -80,10 +74,6 @@ Kolor tła
[Only one instance of SmileyAdd could be executed.\nRemove duplicate instances from 'Plugins' directory]
Tylko jedna wtyczka SmilleyAdd może być uruchomiona.\nUsuń duplikaty z folderu "Plugins"
;file \plugins\SmileyAdd\src\options.cpp
[Smiley packs]
Paczka emotikon
[All files]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/StatusManager.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
index 59f272c2d5..6e77bfd09f 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: StatusManager.dll
; Plugin: Status manager
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
[A connection checker and auto away module. Also allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per protocol.]
@@ -56,8 +56,10 @@ Anuluj
+[Away mode]
[when full-screen mode is active]
@@ -66,10 +68,14 @@ gdy aktywny tryb pełnoekranowy
gdy włączy się wygaszacz
[when workstation is locked]
kiedy komputer jest zablokowany
+[when terminal session is disconnected]
[minutes of inactivity]
minutach bezczynności
+[After away]
[minutes of level 1 mode]
minutach trybu poziomu 1
[only set when inactive]
@@ -80,6 +86,8 @@ Monitoruj tylko aktywność Mirandy
Przywróć status po powrocie
[Confirm resetting status]
Potwierdź resetowanie statusu
+[Enter idle mode]
[Only set if current status is]
Ustaw tylko, gdy obecny status to:
[Command line]
@@ -202,8 +210,6 @@ Ignoruj Caps Lock, Num Lock i Scroll Lock
Sprawdzaj co (s)
[Confirm dialog timeout (secs)]
Czas wyświetlania okna potwierdzenia
-[This options are ignored because you enabled "Change my status mode to" in the "Idle" options dialog.]
[Monitor keyboard activity]
Śledź aktywność klawiatury
[Monitor mouse activity]
@@ -220,6 +226,8 @@ Włącz sprawdzanie
Wyłącz sprawdzanie
[Set status message]
Ustaw opis
@@ -286,6 +294,15 @@ Wywoływanie danych
Przywracanie aktywności bez zmiany statusu
[Leaving second auto-away status]
Zostawianie drugiego statusu auto-away
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\aaa_options.cpp
+[minutes of %s mode]
+minutach "%s"
+[Auto away]
+Zmiany statusu
+[Status messages]
;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\confirmdialog.cpp
[Set %s message for %s.]
Ustaw opis %s dla %s.
@@ -299,19 +316,7 @@ Ustaw opis %s dla %s.
[Closing in %d]
Zamykanie w %d
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\options.cpp
-[Status manager]
-Menedżer statusu
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\AdvancedAutoAway\aaa_options.cpp
-[minutes of %s mode]
-minutach "%s"
-[Auto away]
-Zmiany statusu
-[Status messages]
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\KeepStatus\keepstatus.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\keepstatus.cpp
[%s connected from another location]
%s połączono z innej lokalizacji.
[%s login error, cancel reconnecting]
@@ -336,7 +341,7 @@ Brak połączenia z internetem... (następna próba (%d) za %d s)
Status przywrócony pomyślnie.
[Giving up]
Rezygnacja z przywracania statusu.
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\KeepStatus\ks_options.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ks_options.cpp
[You broke the Internet!]
Problem z nawiązaniem połączenia!
@@ -345,7 +350,10 @@ Podstawowe
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\StartupStatus\ss_options.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\options.cpp
+[Status manager]
+Menedżer statusu
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ss_options.cpp
@@ -372,8 +380,8 @@ nieznany
Musi istnieć przynajmniej 1 profil
[Your default profile will be changed]
Twój domyślny profil zostanie zmieniony
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\StartupStatus\ss_profiles.cpp
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\StartupStatus\ss_toolbars.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ss_profiles.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ss_toolbars.cpp
[Pressed toolbar icon]
Wciśnięty przycisk
[Released toolbar icon]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
index 30caae9470..426bf10b14 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: TabSRMM.dll
; Plugin: TabSRMM
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: The Miranda developers team and contributors
[IM and group chat module for Miranda NG.]
@@ -1060,12 +1060,6 @@ Okno rozmowy
Okno czatu
[Group chat log]
Dziennik czatu
-[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
-Wygląd i funkcjonalność okna czatu
-[Appearance of the message log]
-Wygląd dziennika wiadomości
-[Chat rooms]
-Pokoje czatu
Głos członków
[Half operators]
@@ -1088,6 +1082,12 @@ Tło pola
Tło listy użytkowników
[Group chat log background]
Tło dziennika czatu grupowego
+[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
+Wygląd i funkcjonalność okna czatu
+[Appearance of the message log]
+Wygląd dziennika wiadomości
+[Chat rooms]
+Pokoje czatu
[nick of current contact (if defined)]
nick obecnego kontaktu (jeśli zdefiniowany)
[protocol name of current contact (if defined). Account name is used when protocol supports multiple accounts]
@@ -1148,6 +1148,14 @@ Brak znaków
Pokaż ikony
[Show as text symbols]
Pokaż symbole tekstowe
+[Log formatting]
+Formatowanie dziennika
+[Events and filters]
+Zdarzenia i filtry
;file \plugins\TabSRMM\src\chat_tools.cpp
[%s%s says:%s %s]
%s%s mówi: %s %s
@@ -1618,14 +1626,6 @@ Okno rozmowy
Wczytaj i zastosuj
[Window layout tweaks]
Wygląd kart
-[Log formatting]
-Formatowanie dziennika
-[Events and filters]
-Zdarzenia i filtry
[Choose status modes]
Wybierz tryby statusu
;file \plugins\TabSRMM\src\msgs.cpp
@@ -1842,8 +1842,6 @@ Błędy
Włącz dźwięki przy pisaniu
[Close current tab on send]
Zamknij kartę po wysłaniu wiadomości
-[Automatic keyboard layout: Do not load the system default for new contacts]
-Automatyczny układ klawiatury: Nie ładuj domyślnie dla nowych kontaktów
[Enable unattended send (experimental feature, required for multisend and send later) (*)]
Włącz wysyłanie bez nadzoru (eksperymentalnie, wymagane przez wyślij później i do wielu naraz, możliwe błędy) (*)
[Show client description in info panel]
@@ -1980,8 +1978,6 @@ Nowe okna zminimalizowane
Aktywuj zminimalizowane okno, gdy tworzona jest nowa karta
[Automatically switch existing tabs in minimized windows on incoming messages (ignored when using Aero Peek task bar features)]
Automatycznie przełączaj istniejące karty w zminimalizowanych oknach dla przychodzących wiadomości (ignorowane przy użyciu funkcji Aero Peek)
-[Remember and set keyboard layout per contact]
-Pamiętaj i ustaw układ klawiatury dla każdego z kontaktów
[Close button only hides message windows]
Przycisk zamykania tylko ukrywa okno rozmowy
[Allow TAB key in typing area (this will disable focus selection by TAB key)]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index 0f202a833f..2d06ab0a9b 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e397618e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0997dea05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt b/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5da020f7b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+[Watches IP address changes, displays popups, and adjusts the proxy settings of Miranda, Internet Explorer and Firefox.]
+[Network addresses]
+[Direct connection]
+[Use proxy]
+[Manage Miranda NG proxy]
+[Manage Internet Explorer proxy]
+[Manage Firefox proxy]
+[Reconnect if IP address changes]
+[Display 'Show my IP' in menu]
+[Display 'Proxy && IP' submenu]
+[Hide interfaces]
+[Show proxy status on change]
+[Restart of Miranda NG is required.]
+[Enter semicolon (;) separated list of IP network addresses in any of the formats below:\n\tip/bits\t(\t\tip/mask\t(\n\tip1-2\t(\t\tip1-ip2\t(]
+[Any entry in the 'Use proxy' list can be prefixed by an exclamation mark (!) to increase its priority. Entries with wrong syntax will be ignored. The program checks the IP addresses in the following way:]
+[\t1) Use proxy if any interface has prioritized 'Use proxy' address\n\t2) Don't use proxy if any interface has 'Direct connection' address\n\t3) Use proxy if any interface has 'Use proxy' address\n\t4) Do nothing if unknown or any at all addresses found]
+[\nMiranda ]
+[\nExplorer ]
+[\nFirefox ]
+[Cannot retrieve IP or adapter data.]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAddresses]
+[GetAdaptersAddresses sizing failed]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAdapterInfo]
+[GetAdaptersInfo sizing failed]
+[Current IP address]
+[Proxy settings && interfaces]
+[Enable &IP change notification]
+[Disable &IP change notification]
+[Show my &IP addresses]
+[Disable proxy]
+[Enable proxy]
+[IP change notification]
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/Scriver.txt
index 4476c9c253..fd13eec126 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/Scriver.txt
@@ -1 +1,6 @@
+[Send message on:]
[You can use embedded variables here: %name% for contact's name, %status% for its status, %statusmsg% for its status message and %account% for its account's name]
+[Double 'Enter']
diff --git a/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt b/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
index 1f82c2e3bc..c2f4e567d3 100644
--- a/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
+++ b/langpacks/polish/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
@@ -1 +1,4 @@
-[This options are ignored because you enabled "Change my status mode to" in the "Idle" options dialog.]
+[Away mode]
+[when terminal session is disconnected]
+[After away]
+[Enter idle mode]
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/DbEditorPP.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/DbEditorPP.txt
index 83a8e8d5e3..4f994de46f 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/DbEditorPP.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/DbEditorPP.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#muuid {a8a417ef-07aa-4f37-869f-7bfd74886534}
+#muuid {a8a417ef-07aa-4f37-869f-7bfd74886534}
; File: DbEditorPP.dll
; Plugin: Database editor++
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Db_autobackups.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Db_autobackups.txt
index 5cfeca684b..a8d1a36523 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Db_autobackups.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Db_autobackups.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#muuid {81c220a6-0226-4ad6-bfca-217b17a16053}
+#muuid {81c220a6-0226-4ad6-bfca-217b17a16053}
; File: Db_autobackups.dll
; Plugin: Db autobackuper
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index 809aa9fc02..5c2582dcdb 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
Шифрование только критических данных (пароли, токены авторизации и т.п.). Остальные настройки и история, остаются незашифрованными. Быстрый и эффективный, подходит в большинстве случаев
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
Все настройки и все события истории зашифрованы. Замедляет работу программы, а также создаёт риск потери всего сохранённого в базе в случае утери пароля. Рекомендуется только параноидальным пользователям
[Set password]
Установить пароль
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
index 9df6d32ae1..8a1cab1b04 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
Шифрование только критических данных (пароли, токены авторизации и т.д.). Остальные настройки, включая историю, остаются незашифрованными. Быстрый и эффективный, подходит в большинстве случаев
[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
-Шифрование только критических данных (пароли, токены авторизации и т.д.). Остальные се события истории зашифрованы. Замедляет работу программы, а также создаёт риск потери всего сохранённого в базе в случае утери пароля. Рекомендуется только параноидальным пользователям
+Все настройки и все события истории зашифрованы. Замедляет работу программы, а также создаёт риск потери всего сохранённого в базе в случае утери пароля. Рекомендуется только параноидальным пользователям
[Set password]
Установить пароль
[Miranda has detected corruption in your database. Miranda will now shut down.]
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
index d82bc43804..c034ac9d1f 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: MirLua.dll
; Plugin: MirLua
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Extends Miranda NG functionality with Lua scripts.]
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
Перезагрузить всё
[Popup on script error]
Показать всплывающее окно при ошибке скрипта
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69c47b76c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#muuid {4df0c267-6efb-4410-b651-385f87158509}
+; File: ProxySwitch.dll
+; Plugin: ProxySwitch
+; Version:
+; Authors: Petr Smejkal
+[Text color]
+Цвет текста
+[Background color]
+Цвет фона
+Всплывающие окна
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
index abb39d5648..f523a45e34 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: StatusManager.dll
; Plugin: Status manager
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
[A connection checker and auto away module. Also allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per protocol.]
@@ -209,8 +209,6 @@ Cтатус-профиль
Интервал проверки (сек)
[Confirm dialog timeout (secs)]
Интервал подтверждения (сек)
-[This options are ignored because you enabled "Change my status mode to" in the "Idle" options dialog.]
-Эти настройки будут проигнорированы, поскольку вы включили функцию смены статуса в разделе настроек "Ожидание".
[Monitor keyboard activity]
Следить за активностью клавиатуры
[Monitor mouse activity]
@@ -281,6 +279,14 @@ Cтатус-профиль
Интервал проверки (сек)
Предварительные условия
+[minutes of %s mode]
+минут режима "%s"
+[Auto away]
+[Status messages]
+Сообщения статуса
[Set %s message for %s.]
Установить %s сообщение для %s.
@@ -293,16 +299,6 @@ Cтатус-профиль
[Closing in %d]
Закрыть (%d)
-[Status manager]
-Менеджер статусов
-[minutes of %s mode]
-минут режима "%s"
-[Auto away]
-[Status messages]
-Сообщения статуса
[%s connected from another location]
%s подключён из другого места
[%s login error, cancel reconnecting]
@@ -335,6 +331,8 @@ Cтатус-профиль
Всплывающие окна
+[Status manager]
+Менеджер статусов
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
index b19e859656..202fb21f57 100644
--- a/langpacks/russian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-#muuid {6ca5f042-7a7f-47cc-a715-fc8c46fbf434}
+#muuid {6ca5f042-7a7f-47cc-a715-fc8c46fbf434}
; File: TabSRMM.dll
; Plugin: TabSRMM
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: The Miranda developers team and contributors
[IM and group chat module for Miranda NG.]
@@ -1053,12 +1053,6 @@ IRC-стиль (текстовый) индикаторов ролей в жур
Окна чата
[Group chat log]
Журнал чата
-[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
-Интерфейс и функциональность окон чата
-[Appearance of the message log]
-Внешний вид журнала сообщений
-[Chat rooms]
Пользователи с правом голоса
[Half operators]
@@ -1081,6 +1075,12 @@ IRC-стиль (текстовый) индикаторов ролей в жур
Фон списка пользователей
[Group chat log background]
Фон журнала чата
+[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
+Интерфейс и функциональность окон чата
+[Appearance of the message log]
+Внешний вид журнала сообщений
+[Chat rooms]
[nick of current contact (if defined)]
ник текущего контакта (если определён)
[protocol name of current contact (if defined). Account name is used when protocol supports multiple accounts]
@@ -1141,6 +1141,14 @@ ID текущего контакта (если определён). Наприм
[Show as text symbols]
Текстовые символы
+[Log formatting]
+Формат журнала
+[Events and filters]
+События и фильтры
[%s%s says:%s %s]
%s%s пишет:%s %s
[Expand or collapse the side bar]
@@ -1595,14 +1603,6 @@ UID: %s (SHIFT+клик -> копировать в буфер)\nКлик - ин
Загрузить и применить
[Window layout tweaks]
Вид вкладок
-[Log formatting]
-Формат журнала
-[Events and filters]
-События и фильтры
[Choose status modes]
Выбор режимов статуса
[A message delivery has failed.\nClick to open the message window.]
@@ -1807,8 +1807,6 @@ UID: %s (SHIFT+клик -> копировать в буфер)\nКлик - ин
Включить звук набора текста
[Close current tab on send]
Закрывать вкладку при отправке
-[Automatic keyboard layout: Do not load the system default for new contacts]
-Не загружать раскладку клавиатуры по умолчанию для новых контактов
[Enable unattended send (experimental feature, required for multisend and send later) (*)]
Включить автоотправку (нужно для мультиотправки и отправки с задержкой) (*)
[Show client description in info panel]
@@ -1945,8 +1943,6 @@ UID: %s (SHIFT+клик -> копировать в буфер)\nКлик - ин
Открыть свёрнутое окно при создании в нём новой вкладки
[Automatically switch existing tabs in minimized windows on incoming messages (ignored when using Aero Peek task bar features)]
Автоматическая смена свёрнутой вкладки при новых сообщениях (не работает, когда включена функция Aero Peek)
-[Remember and set keyboard layout per contact]
-Запоминать раскладку клавиатуры поконтактно
[Close button only hides message windows]
Кнопка закрыть только скрывает окна сообщений
[Allow TAB key in typing area (this will disable focus selection by TAB key)]
diff --git a/langpacks/russian/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt b/langpacks/russian/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39b460bf99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/russian/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+[Watches IP address changes, displays popups, and adjusts the proxy settings of Miranda, Internet Explorer and Firefox.]
+[Network addresses]
+[Direct connection]
+[Use proxy]
+[Manage Miranda NG proxy]
+[Manage Internet Explorer proxy]
+[Manage Firefox proxy]
+[Reconnect if IP address changes]
+[Display 'Show my IP' in menu]
+[Display 'Proxy && IP' submenu]
+[Hide interfaces]
+[Popup options]
+[Enable popups]
+[Use default popup colors]
+[Show proxy status on change]
+[Restart of Miranda NG is required.]
+[Enter semicolon (;) separated list of IP network addresses in any of the formats below:\n\tip/bits\t(\t\tip/mask\t(\n\tip1-2\t(\t\tip1-ip2\t(]
+[Any entry in the 'Use proxy' list can be prefixed by an exclamation mark (!) to increase its priority. Entries with wrong syntax will be ignored. The program checks the IP addresses in the following way:]
+[\t1) Use proxy if any interface has prioritized 'Use proxy' address\n\t2) Don't use proxy if any interface has 'Direct connection' address\n\t3) Use proxy if any interface has 'Use proxy' address\n\t4) Do nothing if unknown or any at all addresses found]
+[\nMiranda ]
+[\nExplorer ]
+[\nFirefox ]
+[Cannot retrieve IP or adapter data.]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAddresses]
+[GetAdaptersAddresses sizing failed]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAdapterInfo]
+[GetAdaptersInfo sizing failed]
+[Current IP address]
+[Proxy settings && interfaces]
+[Enable &IP change notification]
+[Disable &IP change notification]
+[Show my &IP addresses]
+[Disable proxy]
+[Enable proxy]
+[IP change notification]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/serbian/=CORE=.txt
index d8159651c4..3c6019f249 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/=CORE=.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/=CORE=.txt
@@ -3,6 +3,31 @@
; Module: Miranda Core
; Version: 0.95.9
+;file \src\core\stdautoaway\res\resource.rc
+[Become idle if the following is left unattended:]
+Pasivni režim usled navedenih događaja:
+[Become idle if the screen saver is active]
+Pasivni režim zbog skrin-sejvera
+[Become idle if the computer is locked]
+Pasivni režim usled zaključavanja računara
+[Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected]
+Pasivni režim po prekidu veze u terminalu
+[Do not let protocols report any idle information]
+Ne prosleđuj protokolima informacije o pasivnom režimu
+u toku
+[Change my status mode to:]
+Izmeni status:
+[Do not set status back to online when returning from idle]
+Ne menjaj status na 'Prisutan' po povratku iz pasivnog režima
+[Idle options]
+Podešavanja pasivnog režima
+[Become idle if application full screen]
+Pasivni režim zbog aplikacije preko celog ekrana
+[Disable sounds on idle]
+Pasivni režim bez zvukova
;file \src\core\stdaway\res\resource.rc
[%s message for %s]
%s poruka za %s
@@ -376,31 +401,6 @@ Pitaj me
Preimenuj (dodaj " (1)", itd)
[You will always be asked about files from people not on your contact list]
Pitanje će uvek biti postavljeno ako je datoteka stigla od nepoznatog kontakta
-;file \src\core\stdidle\res\resource.rc
-[Become idle if the following is left unattended:]
-Pasivni režim usled navedenih događaja:
-[Become idle if the screen saver is active]
-Pasivni režim zbog skrin-sejvera
-[Become idle if the computer is locked]
-Pasivni režim usled zaključavanja računara
-[Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected]
-Pasivni režim po prekidu veze u terminalu
-[Do not let protocols report any idle information]
-Ne prosleđuj protokolima informacije o pasivnom režimu
-u toku
-[Change my status mode to:]
-Izmeni status:
-[Do not set status back to online when returning from idle]
-Ne menjaj status na 'Prisutan' po povratku iz pasivnog režima
-[Idle options]
-Podešavanja pasivnog režima
-[Become idle if application full screen]
-Pasivni režim zbog aplikacije preko celog ekrana
-[Disable sounds on idle]
-Pasivni režim bez zvukova
;file \src\core\stdmsg\res\resource.rc
[Automatically popup window when:]
Odmah prikaži prozor kada:
@@ -474,8 +474,6 @@ minuta starosti
Upotreba interfesa sa jezičcima
[Close tab on double click]
Dvoklik zatvara jezičak
-[Restore previously open tabs when showing the window]
-Prikaz prethodno otvorenih jezičaka po otvaranju prozora
[Show tabs at the bottom]
Jezičci u dnu
[Send typing notifications to the following users when you are typing a message to them:]
@@ -1193,6 +1191,11 @@ Pronađi reč
[Google Translate]
+;file \src\core\stdautoaway\src\options.cpp
+Pasivni režim
;file \src\core\stdaway\src\awaymsg.cpp
[Re&ad %s message]
Čitaj &poruku od: "%s"
@@ -1221,8 +1224,6 @@ Mislim da je to bio telefon.
Mmm... hrana.
;file \src\core\stdclist\src\clcfonts.cpp
[Standard contacts]
Klasični kontakti
@@ -1386,9 +1387,6 @@ Prenos podataka i provera virusa dovršeni
;file \src\core\stdfile\src\ftmanager.cpp
-;file \src\core\stdidle\src\options.cpp
-Pasivni režim
;file \src\core\stdmsg\src\chat_manager.cpp
[Message sessions]
Celi razgovori
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index a673e8db8b..7397b9a183 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Dbx_mdbx.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG MDBX database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Ukloni
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
[Set password]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
index 7bba9ff40c..e7209a1a51 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Ukloni
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
[Set password]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/GG.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/GG.txt
index 5d765091e5..8b8125ec33 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/GG.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/GG.txt
@@ -227,12 +227,6 @@ Ikonica u tray-u
[You should disconnect before making any permanent changes with your account.\nDo you want to disconnect now?]
[Your details has been uploaded to the public directory.]
[You have to be logged in before you can change your details.]
@@ -387,6 +381,13 @@ Kontakti
[Gadu-Gadu Link Protocol]
+;file \protocols\Gadu-Gadu\src\options.cpp
;file \protocols\Gadu-Gadu\src\ownerinfo.cpp
[Password could not be reminded because of error:\n\t%s (Error: %d)]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Import.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Import.txt
index d56582591f..41ebb680d2 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Import.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Import.txt
@@ -158,15 +158,15 @@ Novi nalog
;file \plugins\Import\src\main.cpp
+[Miranda NG database]
+[All Files]
+Sve datoteke
;file \plugins\Import\src\miranda.cpp
[The given file does not exist. Please check that you have entered the name correctly.]
[Miranda Import]
-[Miranda NG database]
-[All Files]
-Sve datoteke
[You cannot import your current profile into itself]
;file \plugins\Import\src\utils.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
index 0bba8c8894..892ebef742 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: MirLua.dll
; Plugin: MirLua
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Extends Miranda NG functionality with Lua scripts.]
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ Uopšteno
;file \plugins\MirLua\src\options.cpp
[Common scripts]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e472af4f18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#muuid {4df0c267-6efb-4410-b651-385f87158509}
+; File: ProxySwitch.dll
+; Plugin: ProxySwitch
+; Version:
+; Authors: Petr Smejkal
+[Watches IP address changes, displays popups, and adjusts the proxy settings of Miranda, Internet Explorer and Firefox.]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\res\resource.rc
+[Network addresses]
+[Direct connection]
+[Use proxy]
+[Manage Miranda NG proxy]
+[Manage Internet Explorer proxy]
+[Manage Firefox proxy]
+[Reconnect if IP address changes]
+[Display 'Show my IP' in menu]
+[Display 'Proxy && IP' submenu]
+[Hide interfaces]
+[Popup options]
+[Enable popups]
+[Text color]
+Boja teksta
+[Background color]
+Boja pozadine
+[Use default popup colors]
+[Show proxy status on change]
+[Restart of Miranda NG is required.]
+[Enter semicolon (;) separated list of IP network addresses in any of the formats below:\n\tip/bits\t(\t\tip/mask\t(\n\tip1-2\t(\t\tip1-ip2\t(]
+[Any entry in the 'Use proxy' list can be prefixed by an exclamation mark (!) to increase its priority. Entries with wrong syntax will be ignored. The program checks the IP addresses in the following way:]
+[\t1) Use proxy if any interface has prioritized 'Use proxy' address\n\t2) Don't use proxy if any interface has 'Direct connection' address\n\t3) Use proxy if any interface has 'Use proxy' address\n\t4) Do nothing if unknown or any at all addresses found]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\src\ip.cpp
+[\nMiranda ]
+[\nExplorer ]
+[\nFirefox ]
+[Cannot retrieve IP or adapter data.]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAddresses]
+[GetAdaptersAddresses sizing failed]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAdapterInfo]
+[GetAdaptersInfo sizing failed]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\src\main.cpp
+[Current IP address]
+[Proxy settings && interfaces]
+[Enable &IP change notification]
+[Disable &IP change notification]
+[Show my &IP addresses]
+[Disable proxy]
+[Enable proxy]
+[IP change notification]
+;file \plugins\ProxySwitch\src\opt.cpp
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
index f9ed324931..3fd01495ee 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Scriver.dll
; Plugin: Scriver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Scriver - send and receive instant messages.]
@@ -30,12 +30,8 @@ Poređaj novootvorene prozore
Upozori me ukoliko poruka nije primljena posle
-[Send message on 'Enter']
-Slanje jednim 'Enter'
-[Send message on double 'Enter']
-Slanje dvostrukim 'Enter'
-[Send message on 'Ctrl+Enter']
-Slanje jednim 'Ctrl+Enter'
+[Send message on:]
[Enable tabs]
@@ -718,6 +714,14 @@ Nevidljiv
Na ručku
[On the phone]
+jednim 'Enter'
+[Double 'Enter']
+dvostrukim 'Enter'
+jednim 'Ctrl+Enter'
+jednim 'Shift+Enter'
[** New contacts **]
** Novi kontakti **
[** Unknown contacts **]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
index 58920ad5e2..abe73231d3 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: SmileyAdd.dll
; Plugin: SmileyAdd
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Peacow, nightwish, bid, borkra
[Smiley support for Miranda NG.]
@@ -46,12 +46,6 @@ Ime:
[Don't replace at cursor]
-[Built-in message dialog support]
-[Smiley button]
[Surround inserted smiley with spaces]
[Use first smiley for selection size]
@@ -80,10 +74,6 @@ Boja pozadine
[Only one instance of SmileyAdd could be executed.\nRemove duplicate instances from 'Plugins' directory]
;file \plugins\SmileyAdd\src\options.cpp
[Smiley packs]
[All files]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
index 4e0da479b2..f4f7bd8439 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: StatusManager.dll
; Plugin: Status manager
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
[A connection checker and auto away module. Also allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per protocol.]
@@ -56,7 +56,9 @@ Otkazivanje
+[Away mode]
@@ -66,10 +68,14 @@ Izbor
[when workstation is locked]
+[when terminal session is disconnected]
[minutes of inactivity]
+[After away]
[minutes of level 1 mode]
[only set when inactive]
@@ -80,6 +86,8 @@ Izbor
[Confirm resetting status]
+[Enter idle mode]
[Only set if current status is]
[Command line]
@@ -202,8 +210,6 @@ Izmenjeno
[Confirm dialog timeout (secs)]
-[This options are ignored because you enabled "Change my status mode to" in the "Idle" options dialog.]
[Monitor keyboard activity]
[Monitor mouse activity]
@@ -220,6 +226,8 @@ Nalozi
[Set status message]
@@ -286,6 +294,15 @@ sekundi
[Leaving second auto-away status]
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\aaa_options.cpp
+[minutes of %s mode]
+[Auto away]
+[Status messages]
+Statusna poruka
;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\confirmdialog.cpp
[Set %s message for %s.]
@@ -299,19 +316,7 @@ sekundi
[Closing in %d]
Zatvaram (%d)
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\options.cpp
-[Status manager]
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\AdvancedAutoAway\aaa_options.cpp
-[minutes of %s mode]
-[Auto away]
-[Status messages]
-Statusna poruka
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\KeepStatus\keepstatus.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\keepstatus.cpp
[%s connected from another location]
[%s login error, cancel reconnecting]
@@ -336,7 +341,7 @@ Statusna poruka
[Giving up]
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\KeepStatus\ks_options.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ks_options.cpp
[You broke the Internet!]
@@ -345,7 +350,10 @@ Statusna poruka
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\StartupStatus\ss_options.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\options.cpp
+[Status manager]
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ss_options.cpp
@@ -372,8 +380,8 @@ Nepoznati
[Your default profile will be changed]
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\StartupStatus\ss_profiles.cpp
-;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\StartupStatus\ss_toolbars.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ss_profiles.cpp
+;file \plugins\StatusManager\src\ss_toolbars.cpp
[Pressed toolbar icon]
[Released toolbar icon]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
index f412862654..a164b34e5e 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: TabSRMM.dll
; Plugin: TabSRMM
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: The Miranda developers team and contributors
[IM and group chat module for Miranda NG.]
@@ -1060,12 +1060,6 @@ Celi razgovori
[Group chat log]
-[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
-Izgled i ponašanje prozora soba za razgovor
-[Appearance of the message log]
-Izgled log-a
-[Chat rooms]
[Half operators]
@@ -1088,6 +1082,12 @@ Odabran tekst
Pozadina spiska korisnika
[Group chat log background]
Pozadina loga grupnog razgovora
+[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
+Izgled i ponašanje prozora soba za razgovor
+[Appearance of the message log]
+Izgled log-a
+[Chat rooms]
[nick of current contact (if defined)]
[protocol name of current contact (if defined). Account name is used when protocol supports multiple accounts]
@@ -1148,6 +1148,14 @@ Izbor foldera
[Show as text symbols]
+[Log formatting]
+[Events and filters]
;file \plugins\TabSRMM\src\chat_tools.cpp
[%s%s says:%s %s]
@@ -1618,14 +1626,6 @@ Obaveštenja o kucanju
[Window layout tweaks]
-[Log formatting]
-[Events and filters]
[Choose status modes]
;file \plugins\TabSRMM\src\msgs.cpp
@@ -1842,8 +1842,6 @@ Kontakt
[Close current tab on send]
-[Automatic keyboard layout: Do not load the system default for new contacts]
[Enable unattended send (experimental feature, required for multisend and send later) (*)]
[Show client description in info panel]
@@ -1980,8 +1978,6 @@ Zatvori prozor nakon slanja poruke
[Automatically switch existing tabs in minimized windows on incoming messages (ignored when using Aero Peek task bar features)]
-[Remember and set keyboard layout per contact]
[Close button only hides message windows]
[Allow TAB key in typing area (this will disable focus selection by TAB key)]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index 682afa9e41..39d2b40407 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
[Set password]
[Change/remove password]
[Wrong old password entered!]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
index 7e2686467f..7e238f165c 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
[Set password]
[Miranda has detected corruption in your database. Miranda will now shut down.]
[Disk is full. Miranda will now shut down.]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/GG.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/GG.txt
index 1106628fe7..beafeb7963 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/GG.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/GG.txt
@@ -81,8 +81,6 @@
[You need to specify your registration e-mail first.]
[Your password will be sent to your registration e-mail.\nDo you want to continue?]
[You should disconnect before making any permanent changes with your account.\nDo you want to disconnect now?]
[Your details has been uploaded to the public directory.]
[You have to be logged in before you can change your details.]
@@ -149,6 +147,8 @@
[Export List To &Text File...]
[Gadu-Gadu account chooser]
[Gadu-Gadu Link Protocol]
[Password could not be reminded because of error:\n\t%s (Error: %d)]
[Password was sent to your e-mail.]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Import.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Import.txt
index 4ae4fc0ae3..541a58dcf4 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Import.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/Import.txt
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@
[Skipped %d contacts.]
[Skipped %d duplicates and %d filtered events.]
+[Miranda NG database]
[The given file does not exist. Please check that you have entered the name correctly.]
[Miranda Import]
-[Miranda NG database]
[You cannot import your current profile into itself]
[Skipping duplicate group %s.]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
index 22dce1542c..39fd752a3c 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
[Common scripts]
[C libs folder]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39b460bf99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+[Watches IP address changes, displays popups, and adjusts the proxy settings of Miranda, Internet Explorer and Firefox.]
+[Network addresses]
+[Direct connection]
+[Use proxy]
+[Manage Miranda NG proxy]
+[Manage Internet Explorer proxy]
+[Manage Firefox proxy]
+[Reconnect if IP address changes]
+[Display 'Show my IP' in menu]
+[Display 'Proxy && IP' submenu]
+[Hide interfaces]
+[Popup options]
+[Enable popups]
+[Use default popup colors]
+[Show proxy status on change]
+[Restart of Miranda NG is required.]
+[Enter semicolon (;) separated list of IP network addresses in any of the formats below:\n\tip/bits\t(\t\tip/mask\t(\n\tip1-2\t(\t\tip1-ip2\t(]
+[Any entry in the 'Use proxy' list can be prefixed by an exclamation mark (!) to increase its priority. Entries with wrong syntax will be ignored. The program checks the IP addresses in the following way:]
+[\t1) Use proxy if any interface has prioritized 'Use proxy' address\n\t2) Don't use proxy if any interface has 'Direct connection' address\n\t3) Use proxy if any interface has 'Use proxy' address\n\t4) Do nothing if unknown or any at all addresses found]
+[\nMiranda ]
+[\nExplorer ]
+[\nFirefox ]
+[Cannot retrieve IP or adapter data.]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAddresses]
+[GetAdaptersAddresses sizing failed]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAdapterInfo]
+[GetAdaptersInfo sizing failed]
+[Current IP address]
+[Proxy settings && interfaces]
+[Enable &IP change notification]
+[Disable &IP change notification]
+[Show my &IP addresses]
+[Disable proxy]
+[Enable proxy]
+[IP change notification]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/SmileyAdd.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/SmileyAdd.txt
index 493c6acffc..e4ff6eee3b 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/SmileyAdd.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/SmileyAdd.txt
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
[Input area]
[Enable smileys]
[Don't replace at cursor]
-[Built-in message dialog support]
[Surround inserted smiley with spaces]
[Use first smiley for selection size]
[IEView style window]
@@ -30,7 +28,6 @@
[Button smiley]
[Assign smiley category]
[Only one instance of SmileyAdd could be executed.\nRemove duplicate instances from 'Plugins' directory]
[Smiley packs]
[Protocol specific]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
index 321530e735..8aaf208afa 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
@@ -17,17 +17,21 @@
[Continuously check for internet connection]
[Do so by pinging host]
[Confirm status]
+[Away mode]
[when full-screen mode is active]
[when screen saver engages]
[when workstation is locked]
+[when terminal session is disconnected]
[minutes of inactivity]
+[After away]
[minutes of level 1 mode]
[only set when inactive]
[Monitor Miranda's activity only]
[Reset status on return]
[Confirm resetting status]
+[Enter idle mode]
[Only set if current status is]
[Command line]
[Copy to clipboard]
@@ -80,7 +84,6 @@
[Ignore Caps Lock, Num Lock and Scroll Lock keys]
[Check interval (secs)]
[Confirm dialog timeout (secs)]
-[This options are ignored because you enabled "Change my status mode to" in the "Idle" options dialog.]
[Monitor keyboard activity]
[Monitor mouse activity]
[Ignore CTRL, ALT, SHIFT, TAB, ESC and Windows keys]
@@ -88,6 +91,7 @@
[Enable checking]
[Disable checking]
[Set status message]
[Create a TopToolBar button]
[Show confirm dialog when loading]
@@ -118,14 +122,13 @@
[Becoming active without status change]
[Leaving second auto-away status]
+[minutes of %s mode]
+[Auto away]
[Set %s message for %s.]
-[Status manager]
-[minutes of %s mode]
-[Auto away]
[%s connected from another location]
[%s login error, cancel reconnecting]
[%s login error (next retry (%d) in %d s)]
@@ -140,6 +143,7 @@
[Giving up]
[You broke the Internet!]
+[Status manager]
[size: %d x %d]
[loc: %d x %d]
diff --git a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
index ee727977ec..d81d9d350a 100644
--- a/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/serbian/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -408,7 +408,6 @@
[Nickchange (10x10)]
[Group chat windows]
[Group chat log]
-[Chat rooms]
[Half operators]
[Channel operators]
@@ -417,6 +416,7 @@
[Selection background]
[Incremental search highlight]
[Fields background]
+[Chat rooms]
[nick of current contact (if defined)]
[protocol name of current contact (if defined). Account name is used when protocol supports multiple accounts]
[user-defined account name of current contact (if defined).]
@@ -445,6 +445,10 @@
[No markers]
[Show as icons]
[Show as text symbols]
+[Log formatting]
+[Events and filters]
[%s%s says:%s %s]
[Expand or collapse the side bar]
[The filter cannot be enabled, because there are no event types selected either global or for this chat room]
@@ -648,10 +652,6 @@
[Message window]
[Load and apply]
[Window layout tweaks]
-[Log formatting]
-[Events and filters]
[Choose status modes]
[A message delivery has failed.\nClick to open the message window.]
[Message Log Options]
@@ -746,7 +746,6 @@
[Error feedback]
[Enable typing sounds]
[Close current tab on send]
-[Automatic keyboard layout: Do not load the system default for new contacts]
[Enable unattended send (experimental feature, required for multisend and send later) (*)]
[Show client description in info panel]
[On tab control]
@@ -810,7 +809,6 @@
[New windows are minimized (the option above MUST be active)]
[Activate a minimized window when a new tab is created inside it]
[Automatically switch existing tabs in minimized windows on incoming messages (ignored when using Aero Peek task bar features)]
-[Remember and set keyboard layout per contact]
[Close button only hides message windows]
[Allow TAB key in typing area (this will disable focus selection by TAB key)]
[Add offline contacts to multisend list]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/spanish/=CORE=.txt
index 57885cd388..a3bc308a42 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/=CORE=.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/=CORE=.txt
@@ -3,6 +3,30 @@
; Module: Miranda Core
; Version: 0.95.9
+[Become idle if the following is left unattended:]
+Pasar a reposo, si el siguiente queda desatendido:
+[Become idle if the screen saver is active]
+Pasar a inactivo si el salvapantallas está activo
+[Become idle if the computer is locked]
+Pasar a inactivo si el equipo está bloqueado
+[Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected]
+Pasar a inactivo si una sesión de terminal se desconecta
+[Do not let protocols report any idle information]
+No permitir a los protocolos reportar cualquier información de estado libre
+[Change my status mode to:]
+Cambiar mi modo de estado a:
+[Do not set status back to online when returning from idle]
+No establecer estado a en línea al volver de inactividad
+[Idle options]
+Opciones de inactividad
+[Become idle if application full screen]
+Pasar a inactivo si aplicación pasa a pantalla completa
+[Disable sounds on idle]
+Desactivar los sonidos en inactividad
[%s message for %s]
%s Mensaje(S) para %s
@@ -373,30 +397,6 @@ Preguntarme
Renombrar (añadir " (1)", etc.)
[You will always be asked about files from people not on your contact list]
Siempre que se pregunte sobre archivos de personas que no están en la lista
-[Become idle if the following is left unattended:]
-Pasar a reposo, si el siguiente queda desatendido:
-[Become idle if the screen saver is active]
-Pasar a inactivo si el salvapantallas está activo
-[Become idle if the computer is locked]
-Pasar a inactivo si el equipo está bloqueado
-[Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected]
-Pasar a inactivo si una sesión de terminal se desconecta
-[Do not let protocols report any idle information]
-No permitir a los protocolos reportar cualquier información de estado libre
-[Change my status mode to:]
-Cambiar mi modo de estado a:
-[Do not set status back to online when returning from idle]
-No establecer estado a en línea al volver de inactividad
-[Idle options]
-Opciones de inactividad
-[Become idle if application full screen]
-Pasar a inactivo si aplicación pasa a pantalla completa
-[Disable sounds on idle]
-Desactivar los sonidos en inactividad
[Automatically popup window when:]
Ventana emergente automáticamente cuando:
[In background]
@@ -469,8 +469,6 @@ minutos de pasado
Usar interfaz con pestañas
[Close tab on double click]
Cerrar pestaña con doble clic
-[Restore previously open tabs when showing the window]
-Restaurar pestañas previamente abiertas al mostrar la ventana
[Show tabs at the bottom]
Mostrar pestañas en la parte inferior
[Send typing notifications to the following users when you are typing a message to them:]
@@ -1119,6 +1117,10 @@ Lista
Limpiar re&gistro
[Word lookup]
Palabra de búsqueda
[Re&ad %s message]
Leer %s mensaje(s)
[Re&ad status message]
@@ -1145,8 +1147,6 @@ Estoy al teléfono.
Mmm... comida.
[Standard contacts]
Contactos estándar
[Online contacts to whom you have a different visibility]
@@ -1295,8 +1295,6 @@ Análisis en busca de virus...
Transferencia y Análisis en busca de virus finalizado
[Message sessions]
Sesiones de mensaje
[Chat module]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index 2ec49c0f67..4d146c9aaa 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Dbx_mdbx.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG MDBX database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/GG.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/GG.txt
index 4b5931d210..9cbc448a23 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/GG.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/GG.txt
@@ -61,8 +61,6 @@ Femenino
<no especificado>
[System tray icon]
Icono de la bandeja de sistema
@@ -77,6 +75,8 @@ Archivos de texto
Todos los archivos
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/MirLua.txt
index 9d45101476..aef422d5ac 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/MirLua.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: MirLua.dll
; Plugin: MirLua
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4cecca73ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#muuid {4df0c267-6efb-4410-b651-385f87158509}
+; File: ProxySwitch.dll
+; Plugin: ProxySwitch
+; Version:
+; Authors: Petr Smejkal
+[Text color]
+Color de texto
+[Background color]
+Color de fondo
+Ventanas emergentes
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Scriver.txt
index e50c5c39ab..f3207cc683 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/Scriver.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Scriver.dll
; Plugin: Scriver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
@@ -13,12 +13,16 @@ Ventanas en cascada nueva
Mostrar aviso cuando el mensaje no se ha recibido después de
-[Send message on 'Enter']
-Enviar mensaje con 'Intro'
-[Send message on double 'Enter']
-Enviar mensaje con doble 'Intro'
-[Send message on 'Ctrl+Enter']
-Enviar mensaje con 'Ctrl+Intro'
+[Send message on:]
+Enviar mensaje con:
+[Double 'Enter']
+doble 'Intro'
[Show title bar]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
index 5147ce9405..c5ae3f6553 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: SmileyAdd.dll
; Plugin: SmileyAdd
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Peacow, nightwish, bid, borkra
@@ -11,14 +11,8 @@ Nombre:
-[Smiley button]
-Botón de emoticono
[Background color]
Color de fondo
[All files]
Todos los archivos
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/StatusManager.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
index 40ebce4ffd..b920c0744a 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: StatusManager.dll
; Plugin: Status manager
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
[Allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per account.]
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ Cancelar
[when screen saver engages]
@@ -203,6 +203,8 @@ Habilitar comprobación
Deshabilitar comprobación
[Set status message]
Establecer mensaje de estado
@@ -269,6 +271,14 @@ Datos de activación
Ser activo sin cambio de estado
[Leaving second auto-away status]
Dejando segundo estado auto-fuera
+[minutes of %s mode]
+minutos de modo %s
+[Auto away]
+Auto fuera
+[Status messages]
+Mensajes de estado
[Set %s message for %s.]
Establecer mensaje %s para %s.
@@ -281,14 +291,6 @@ Establecer mensaje %s para %s.
[Closing in %d]
Cerrando en %d
-[minutes of %s mode]
-minutos de modo %s
-[Auto away]
-Auto fuera
-[Status messages]
-Mensajes de estado
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
index f579df9ff4..5bf7652225 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: TabSRMM.dll
; Plugin: TabSRMM
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: The Miranda developers team and contributors
@@ -255,20 +255,22 @@ Resaltado (10x10)
Información (10x10)
[Message Sessions]
Sesiones de mensaje
-[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
-Apariencia y funcionalidad de ventanas de chat
-[Appearance of the message log]
-Apariencia del registro de mensajes
[Selected text]
Texto seleccionado
[Nick list background]
Fondo de lista de usuarios
+[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
+Apariencia y funcionalidad de ventanas de chat
+[Appearance of the message log]
+Apariencia del registro de mensajes
[All files]
Todos los archivos
[Select folder]
Seleccionar carpeta
@@ -333,8 +335,6 @@ Registro de mensaje
Notificación de escritura
[Event notifications]
Notificaciones de eventos
[Smiley button]
Botón de emoticono
[Background color]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index 5132754b19..8198dae6f3 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
[Set password]
[Change/remove password]
[Wrong old password entered!]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
index e48cac90d4..335f18e093 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
[Set password]
[Miranda has detected corruption in your database. Miranda will now shut down.]
[Disk is full. Miranda will now shut down.]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/GG.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/GG.txt
index 3b0204623a..0056127396 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/GG.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/GG.txt
@@ -79,8 +79,6 @@
[You need to specify your registration e-mail first.]
[Your password will be sent to your registration e-mail.\nDo you want to continue?]
[You should disconnect before making any permanent changes with your account.\nDo you want to disconnect now?]
[Your details has been uploaded to the public directory.]
[You have to be logged in before you can change your details.]
@@ -147,6 +145,8 @@
[Export List To &Text File...]
[Gadu-Gadu account chooser]
[Gadu-Gadu Link Protocol]
[Password could not be reminded because of error:\n\t%s (Error: %d)]
[Password was sent to your e-mail.]
[Cannot remove old avatar file before refresh. ERROR: %d: %s\n%s]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Import.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Import.txt
index d8a0a4980f..dd0b8ff2f8 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Import.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/Import.txt
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@
[Skipped %d contacts.]
[Skipped %d duplicates and %d filtered events.]
+[Miranda NG database]
[The given file does not exist. Please check that you have entered the name correctly.]
[Miranda Import]
-[Miranda NG database]
[You cannot import your current profile into itself]
[Skipping duplicate group %s.]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
index 4e8b414b4f..ac526dc502 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
[Common scripts]
[C libs folder]
[Scripts folder]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39b460bf99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+[Watches IP address changes, displays popups, and adjusts the proxy settings of Miranda, Internet Explorer and Firefox.]
+[Network addresses]
+[Direct connection]
+[Use proxy]
+[Manage Miranda NG proxy]
+[Manage Internet Explorer proxy]
+[Manage Firefox proxy]
+[Reconnect if IP address changes]
+[Display 'Show my IP' in menu]
+[Display 'Proxy && IP' submenu]
+[Hide interfaces]
+[Popup options]
+[Enable popups]
+[Use default popup colors]
+[Show proxy status on change]
+[Restart of Miranda NG is required.]
+[Enter semicolon (;) separated list of IP network addresses in any of the formats below:\n\tip/bits\t(\t\tip/mask\t(\n\tip1-2\t(\t\tip1-ip2\t(]
+[Any entry in the 'Use proxy' list can be prefixed by an exclamation mark (!) to increase its priority. Entries with wrong syntax will be ignored. The program checks the IP addresses in the following way:]
+[\t1) Use proxy if any interface has prioritized 'Use proxy' address\n\t2) Don't use proxy if any interface has 'Direct connection' address\n\t3) Use proxy if any interface has 'Use proxy' address\n\t4) Do nothing if unknown or any at all addresses found]
+[\nMiranda ]
+[\nExplorer ]
+[\nFirefox ]
+[Cannot retrieve IP or adapter data.]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAddresses]
+[GetAdaptersAddresses sizing failed]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAdapterInfo]
+[GetAdaptersInfo sizing failed]
+[Current IP address]
+[Proxy settings && interfaces]
+[Enable &IP change notification]
+[Disable &IP change notification]
+[Show my &IP addresses]
+[Disable proxy]
+[Enable proxy]
+[IP change notification]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/SmileyAdd.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/SmileyAdd.txt
index 9615738356..695c77926d 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/SmileyAdd.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/SmileyAdd.txt
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
[Input area]
[Enable smileys]
[Don't replace at cursor]
-[Built-in message dialog support]
[Surround inserted smiley with spaces]
[Use first smiley for selection size]
[IEView style window]
@@ -27,7 +26,6 @@
[Button smiley]
[Assign smiley category]
[Only one instance of SmileyAdd could be executed.\nRemove duplicate instances from 'Plugins' directory]
[Smiley packs]
[Protocol specific]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
index d14fb234b2..66070dc54b 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
@@ -4,9 +4,11 @@
[Automatically reconnects your accounts after protocol error or internet drop.]
[Startup status]
[Advanced auto away]
+[Away mode]
[when full-screen mode is active]
-[This options are ignored because you enabled "Change my status mode to" in the "Idle" options dialog.]
-[Status manager]
+[when terminal session is disconnected]
+[After away]
+[Enter idle mode]
[%s connected from another location]
[%s login error, cancel reconnecting]
[%s login error (next retry (%d) in %d s)]
@@ -21,3 +23,4 @@
[Giving up]
[You broke the Internet!]
+[Status manager]
diff --git a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
index 4de826ebba..be5004b977 100644
--- a/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/spanish/Untranslated/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -397,7 +397,6 @@
[Scale down icons to 10x10 pixels in the chat log]
[Group chat windows]
[Group chat log]
-[Chat rooms]
[Half operators]
[Channel operators]
@@ -407,6 +406,7 @@
[Incremental search highlight]
[Fields background]
[Group chat log background]
+[Chat rooms]
[nick of current contact (if defined)]
[protocol name of current contact (if defined). Account name is used when protocol supports multiple accounts]
[user-defined account name of current contact (if defined).]
@@ -434,6 +434,9 @@
[No markers]
[Show as icons]
[Show as text symbols]
+[Log formatting]
+[Events and filters]
[%s%s says:%s %s]
[Expand or collapse the side bar]
[The filter cannot be enabled, because there are no event types selected either global or for this chat room]
@@ -629,9 +632,6 @@
[Message window]
[Load and apply]
[Window layout tweaks]
-[Log formatting]
-[Events and filters]
[Choose status modes]
[A message delivery has failed.\nClick to open the message window.]
[Message Log Options]
@@ -725,7 +725,6 @@
[Error feedback]
[Enable typing sounds]
[Close current tab on send]
-[Automatic keyboard layout: Do not load the system default for new contacts]
[Enable unattended send (experimental feature, required for multisend and send later) (*)]
[Show client description in info panel]
[On tab control]
@@ -789,7 +788,6 @@
[New windows are minimized (the option above MUST be active)]
[Activate a minimized window when a new tab is created inside it]
[Automatically switch existing tabs in minimized windows on incoming messages (ignored when using Aero Peek task bar features)]
-[Remember and set keyboard layout per contact]
[Close button only hides message windows]
[Allow TAB key in typing area (this will disable focus selection by TAB key)]
[Add offline contacts to multisend list]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/=CORE=.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/=CORE=.txt
index 0e6751c435..6264ff8f59 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/=CORE=.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/=CORE=.txt
@@ -3,6 +3,30 @@
; Module: Miranda Core
; Version: 0.95.9
+[Become idle if the following is left unattended:]
+Перейти до режиму очікування, якщо неактивні:
+[Become idle if the screen saver is active]
+Режим очікування, якщо працює заставка екрану
+[Become idle if the computer is locked]
+Режим очікування, якщо комп'ютер заблоковано
+[Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected]
+Режим очікування, якщо віддалену сесію завершено
+[Do not let protocols report any idle information]
+Не дозволяти протоколам повідомляти про очікування
+[Change my status mode to:]
+Змінити статус на:
+[Do not set status back to online when returning from idle]
+Не відновлювати статус при поверненні з режиму очікування
+[Idle options]
+Режим очікування
+[Become idle if application full screen]
+Режим очікування, якщо запущена повноекранна програма
+[Disable sounds on idle]
+Вимикати звуки при переході до режиму очікування
[%s message for %s]
%s (%s)
@@ -373,30 +397,6 @@
Перейменувати: додати "(1)"
[You will always be asked about files from people not on your contact list]
Запит буде показано завжди, якщо відправник поза списком контактів
-[Become idle if the following is left unattended:]
-Перейти до режиму очікування, якщо неактивні:
-[Become idle if the screen saver is active]
-Режим очікування, якщо працює заставка екрану
-[Become idle if the computer is locked]
-Режим очікування, якщо комп'ютер заблоковано
-[Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected]
-Режим очікування, якщо віддалену сесію завершено
-[Do not let protocols report any idle information]
-Не дозволяти протоколам повідомляти про очікування
-[Change my status mode to:]
-Змінити статус на:
-[Do not set status back to online when returning from idle]
-Не відновлювати статус при поверненні з режиму очікування
-[Idle options]
-Режим очікування
-[Become idle if application full screen]
-Режим очікування, якщо запущена повноекранна програма
-[Disable sounds on idle]
-Вимикати звуки при переході до режиму очікування
[Automatically popup window when:]
Відкривати вікно, якщо:
[In background]
@@ -469,8 +469,6 @@
Увімкнути вкладки
[Close tab on double click]
Закривати подвійним клацанням
-[Restore previously open tabs when showing the window]
-Відновлювати попередньо відкриті вкладки при показі вікна
[Show tabs at the bottom]
Вкладки внизу
[Send typing notifications to the following users when you are typing a message to them:]
@@ -1181,6 +1179,10 @@ UIN, E-mail тощо
Мапи Google
[Google Translate]
Перекладач Google
[Re&ad %s message]
Читати повідомлення "%s"
[Re&ad status message]
@@ -1207,8 +1209,6 @@ UIN, E-mail тощо
Ммм... поїсти б...
[Standard contacts]
Звичайні контакти
[Online contacts to whom you have a different visibility]
@@ -1359,8 +1359,6 @@ UIN, E-mail тощо
Передачу та перевірку на віруси завершено
[Message sessions]
[Chat module]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
index 3ed0cb3040..a559a0e989 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Dbx_mdbx.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Dbx_mdbx.dll
; Plugin: Miranda NG MDBX database driver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda-NG project
[Provides Miranda database support: global settings, contacts, history, settings per contact.]
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
Шифрування тільки критичних даних (паролі, токени авторизації тощо). Інші налаштування, а також історія залишаються незашифрованими. Швидкий та ефективний, підходить для більшості випадків.
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
-Шифрування всіх налаштувань та подій історії. Уповільнює роботу програми, а також створює ризик втрати всього збереженого в профілі в разі втрати пароля. Рекомендується тільки параноїдальним користувачам.
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
+Шифрування всіх налаштувань та подій історії. Уповільнює роботу програми, а також створює ризик втрати всього збереженого в бази в разі втрати пароля. Рекомендується тільки параноїдальним користувачам.
[Set password]
Встановити пароль
[Change/remove password]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
index fbfff4ffe2..48b2ce0111 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Dbx_mmap.txt
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
[Only critical data are encrypted (passwords, security tokens, etc). All other settings and history remains unencrypted. Fast and effective, suitable for the most cases]
Шифрування тільки критичних даних (паролі, токени авторизації тощо). Інші налаштування, а також історія залишаються незашифрованими. Швидкий та ефективний, підходить для більшості випадків.
-[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a profile in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
-Шифрування всіх налаштувань та подій історії. Уповільнює роботу програми, а також створює ризик втрати всього збереженого в профілі в разі втрати пароля. Рекомендується тільки параноїдальним користувачам.
+[All string settings and all events in histories are encrypted. It also makes Miranda much slower and creates a risk of losing everything you've stored in a database in case of losing password. Recommended only for paranoid users]
+Шифрування всіх налаштувань та подій історії. Уповільнює роботу програми, а також створює ризик втрати всього збереженого в бази в разі втрати пароля. Рекомендується тільки параноїдальним користувачам.
[Set password]
Встановити пароль
[Miranda has detected corruption in your database. Miranda will now shut down.]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/GG.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/GG.txt
index f134ef89d3..08f3ffc1d3 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/GG.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/GG.txt
@@ -223,12 +223,6 @@
Ваш пароль буде надіслано на реєстраційний E-mail.\nПродовжити?
[You should disconnect before making any permanent changes with your account.\nDo you want to disconnect now?]
Для зміни налаштувань облікового запису необхідно відключитися.\nВідключитися зараз?
@@ -365,6 +359,12 @@ HTTP невідома помилка
Вибір облікового запису Gadu-Gadu
[Gadu-Gadu Link Protocol]
Протокол Gadu-Gadu
[Password could not be reminded because of error:\n\t%s (Error: %d)]
Неможливо нагадати пароль через помилку:\n\t%s (Помилка: %d)
[Password was sent to your e-mail.]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Import.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Import.txt
index f474273bb2..e3a4079653 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Import.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Import.txt
@@ -155,14 +155,14 @@
Пропущено %d дублікатів та %d відфільтрованих подій.
-[The given file does not exist. Please check that you have entered the name correctly.]
-Даний файл не існує. Перевірте ім'я файлу.
-[Miranda Import]
-Імпорт Miranda NG
[Miranda NG database]
База даних Miranda NG
[All Files]
Усі файли
+[The given file does not exist. Please check that you have entered the name correctly.]
+Даний файл не існує. Перевірте ім'я файлу.
+[Miranda Import]
+Імпорт Miranda NG
[Skipping duplicate group %s.]
Пропуск дубліката групи %s
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
index 8fa270e66d..adcef093dd 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/MirLua.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: MirLua.dll
; Plugin: MirLua
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Extends Miranda NG functionality with Lua scripts.]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0291af07c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/ProxySwitch.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#muuid {4df0c267-6efb-4410-b651-385f87158509}
+; File: ProxySwitch.dll
+; Plugin: ProxySwitch
+; Version:
+; Authors: Petr Smejkal
+[Text color]
+Колір тексту
+[Background color]
+Колір фону
+Спливаючі вікна
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Scriver.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
index 884485a18d..114af1170f 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/Scriver.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: Scriver.dll
; Plugin: Scriver
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Miranda NG team
[Scriver - send and receive instant messages.]
@@ -29,12 +29,16 @@
Сповіщати, якщо повідомл. не вдалося надіслати протягом
-[Send message on 'Enter']
-Надсилати натисканням Enter
-[Send message on double 'Enter']
-Надсилати подвійним натисканням Enter
-[Send message on 'Ctrl+Enter']
-Надсилати натисканням Ctrl+Enter
+[Send message on:]
+Надсилати натисканням:
+[Double 'Enter']
+подвійним Enter
[Enable tabs]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
index 11eb124eb1..7338954501 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/SmileyAdd.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: SmileyAdd.dll
; Plugin: SmileyAdd
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: Peacow, nightwish, bid, borkra
[Smiley support for Miranda NG.]
@@ -45,12 +45,6 @@
Увімкнути смайли
[Don't replace at cursor]
Не замінювати під курсором
-[Built-in message dialog support]
-Підтримка плагінів повідомлень
-[Smiley button]
-Кнопка смайла
[Surround inserted smiley with spaces]
Вставити смайл з пробілами
[Use first smiley for selection size]
@@ -75,10 +69,6 @@ HTTP-з'єднання SmileyAdd
Колір фону
[Only one instance of SmileyAdd could be executed.\nRemove duplicate instances from 'Plugins' directory]
Може бути запущена тільки одна копія SmileyAdd.\nВидаліть дублікат з папки Plugins.
[Smiley packs]
Набір смайлів
[All files]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
index c61195d897..2bd0095f50 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/StatusManager.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: StatusManager.dll
; Plugin: Status manager
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: P Boon
[A connection checker and auto away module. Also allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per protocol.]
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@
-Обліковий запис
+Обліковий запис:
[when full-screen mode is active]
@@ -213,6 +213,8 @@
Вимкнути перевірку
[Set status message]
Встановити статусне повідомлення
+Обліковий запис
@@ -265,6 +267,14 @@
Інтервал перевірки (с)
Попередні умови
+[minutes of %s mode]
+хвилин режиму "%s"
+[Auto away]
+[Status messages]
+Статусні повідомлення
[Set %s message for %s.]
Встановити повідомлення %s для %s.
@@ -277,14 +287,6 @@
[Closing in %d]
Закрити (%d)
-[minutes of %s mode]
-хвилин режиму "%s"
-[Auto away]
-[Status messages]
-Статусні повідомлення
[%s connected from another location]
%s підключено з іншого місця
[%s login error, cancel reconnecting]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
index 555ca87a3a..b89b13d7aa 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Plugins/TabSRMM.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
; File: TabSRMM.dll
; Plugin: TabSRMM
-; Version:
+; Version:
; Authors: The Miranda developers team and contributors
[IM and group chat module for Miranda NG.]
@@ -1053,10 +1053,6 @@ IRC-стиль (текстовий) індикаторів ролей у жур
Вікна чату
[Group chat log]
Журнал чату
-[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
-Інтерфейс та функціональність вікон чату
-[Appearance of the message log]
-Зовнішній вигляд журналу повідомлень
Користувачі з правом голосу
[Half operators]
@@ -1079,6 +1075,10 @@ IRC-стиль (текстовий) індикаторів ролей у жур
Фон списку користувачів
[Group chat log background]
Фон журналу чатів
+[Appearance and functionality of chat room windows]
+Інтерфейс та функціональність вікон чату
+[Appearance of the message log]
+Зовнішній вигляд журналу повідомлень
[nick of current contact (if defined)]
нік поточного контакту (якщо він визначений)
[protocol name of current contact (if defined). Account name is used when protocol supports multiple accounts]
@@ -1139,6 +1139,14 @@ ID поточного контакту (якщо визначено). Напри
[Show as text symbols]
Текстові символи
+[Log formatting]
+Формат журналу
+[Events and filters]
+Події та фільтри
[%s%s says:%s %s]
%s%s пише:%s %s
[Expand or collapse the side bar]
@@ -1593,14 +1601,6 @@ UID: %s (Shift+клік -> копіювати в буфер)\nКлік - Інф
Завантажити і застосувати
[Window layout tweaks]
Вигляд вкладок
-[Log formatting]
-Формат журналу
-[Events and filters]
-Події та фільтри
[Choose status modes]
Вибір режимів статусу
[A message delivery has failed.\nClick to open the message window.]
@@ -1801,8 +1801,6 @@ UID: %s (Shift+клік -> копіювати в буфер)\nКлік - Інф
Увімкнути звук набору тексту
[Close current tab on send]
Закривати вкладку при надсиланні
-[Automatic keyboard layout: Do not load the system default for new contacts]
-Не завантажувати розкладку клавіатури за замовчанням для нових контактів
[Enable unattended send (experimental feature, required for multisend and send later) (*)]
Увімкнути автонадсилання (необхідно для мультивідправки та відправлення з затримкою) (*)
[Show client description in info panel]
@@ -1939,8 +1937,6 @@ UID: %s (Shift+клік -> копіювати в буфер)\nКлік - Інф
Відкривати згорнуте вікно при створенні нової вкладки
[Automatically switch existing tabs in minimized windows on incoming messages (ignored when using Aero Peek task bar features)]
Автоперемикання вкладок при нових повідомленнях (без Aero Peek)
-[Remember and set keyboard layout per contact]
-Запам'ятовувати розкладку клавіатури поконтактно
[Close button only hides message windows]
Кнопка "Закрити" тільки ховає вікно повідомлень
[Allow TAB key in typing area (this will disable focus selection by TAB key)]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/MirLua.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0997dea05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/MirLua.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39b460bf99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/ProxySwitch.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+[Watches IP address changes, displays popups, and adjusts the proxy settings of Miranda, Internet Explorer and Firefox.]
+[Network addresses]
+[Direct connection]
+[Use proxy]
+[Manage Miranda NG proxy]
+[Manage Internet Explorer proxy]
+[Manage Firefox proxy]
+[Reconnect if IP address changes]
+[Display 'Show my IP' in menu]
+[Display 'Proxy && IP' submenu]
+[Hide interfaces]
+[Popup options]
+[Enable popups]
+[Use default popup colors]
+[Show proxy status on change]
+[Restart of Miranda NG is required.]
+[Enter semicolon (;) separated list of IP network addresses in any of the formats below:\n\tip/bits\t(\t\tip/mask\t(\n\tip1-2\t(\t\tip1-ip2\t(]
+[Any entry in the 'Use proxy' list can be prefixed by an exclamation mark (!) to increase its priority. Entries with wrong syntax will be ignored. The program checks the IP addresses in the following way:]
+[\t1) Use proxy if any interface has prioritized 'Use proxy' address\n\t2) Don't use proxy if any interface has 'Direct connection' address\n\t3) Use proxy if any interface has 'Use proxy' address\n\t4) Do nothing if unknown or any at all addresses found]
+[\nMiranda ]
+[\nExplorer ]
+[\nFirefox ]
+[Cannot retrieve IP or adapter data.]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAddresses]
+[GetAdaptersAddresses sizing failed]
+[Cannot allocate memory for pAdapterInfo]
+[GetAdaptersInfo sizing failed]
+[Current IP address]
+[Proxy settings && interfaces]
+[Enable &IP change notification]
+[Disable &IP change notification]
+[Show my &IP addresses]
+[Disable proxy]
+[Enable proxy]
+[IP change notification]
diff --git a/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt b/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
index 75331719c6..bd6f77f086 100644
--- a/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
+++ b/langpacks/ukrainian/Untranslated/StatusManager.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
[Available modules]
[Advanced auto away]
-[This options are ignored because you enabled "Change my status mode to" in the "Idle" options dialog.]
+[Away mode]
+[when terminal session is disconnected]
+[After away]
+[Enter idle mode]
[Entering first auto-away status]
[Entering second auto-away status]
[Leaving first auto-away status]