path: root/libs/libmdbx/src/GNUmakefile
diff options
authorGeorge Hazan <>2021-08-24 18:45:25 +0300
committerGeorge Hazan <>2021-08-24 18:45:25 +0300
commitb13d2bacea4d260145eaa13541fcc1e39a4bfc9f (patch)
tree9a56211ba8d3603b9cf85aa7302830b05380f5a2 /libs/libmdbx/src/GNUmakefile
parent4f51935548a140eb371cbb25126a82df8a41e413 (diff)
libmdbx extracted back to the separate module, otherwise dbx_mdbx is marked as new on each rebuild
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/libmdbx/src/GNUmakefile')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/GNUmakefile b/libs/libmdbx/src/GNUmakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da781606ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/GNUmakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# This makefile is for GNU Make 3.80 or above, and nowadays provided
+# just for compatibility and preservation of traditions.
+# Please use CMake in case of any difficulties or
+# problems with this old-school's magic.
+# Preprocessor macros (for MDBX_OPTIONS) of interest.
+# Note that the defaults should already be correct for most platforms;
+# you should not need to change any of these. Read their descriptions
+# in README and source code (see src/options.h) if you do.
+# There may be other macros of interest.
+SHELL := env bash
+# install sandbox
+# install prefixes (inside sandbox)
+prefix ?= /usr/local
+mandir ?= $(prefix)/man
+# lib/bin suffix for multiarch/biarch, e.g. '.x86_64'
+suffix ?=
+CC ?= gcc
+LD ?= ld
+CFLAGS ?= -O2 -g -Wall -Werror -Wextra -Wpedantic -ffunction-sections -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -std=gnu11 -pthread -Wno-error=attributes $(CFLAGS_EXTRA)
+# -Wno-tautological-compare
+CXX ?= g++
+# Choosing C++ standard with deferred simple variable expansion trick
+CXXSTD ?= $(eval CXXSTD := $$(shell PROBE=$$$$([ -f mdbx.c++ ] && echo mdbx.c++ || echo src/mdbx.c++); for std in gnu++20 c++20 gnu++2a c++2a gnu++17 c++17 gnu++14 c++14 gnu+11 c++11; do $(CXX) -std=$$$${std} -c $$$${PROBE} -o /dev/null 2>/dev/null >/dev/null && echo "-std=$$$${std}" && exit; done))$(CXXSTD)
+CXXFLAGS = $(CXXSTD) $(filter-out -std=gnu11,$(CFLAGS))
+# HINT: Try append '--no-as-needed,-lrt' for ability to built with modern glibc, but then run with the old.
+LIBS ?= $(shell uname | grep -qi SunOS && echo "-lkstat") $(shell uname | grep -qi -e Darwin -e OpenBSD || echo "-lrt") $(shell uname | grep -qi Windows && echo "-lntdll")
+LDFLAGS ?= $(shell $(LD) --help 2>/dev/null | grep -q -- --gc-sections && echo '-Wl,--gc-sections,-z,relro,-O1')$(shell $(LD) --help 2>/dev/null | grep -q -- -dead_strip && echo '-Wl,-dead_strip')
+EXE_LDFLAGS ?= -pthread
+UNAME := $(shell uname -s 2>/dev/null || echo Unknown)
+define uname2sosuffix
+ case "$(UNAME)" in
+ Darwin*|Mach*) echo dylib;;
+ CYGWIN*|MINGW*|MSYS*|Windows*) echo dll;;
+ *) echo so;;
+ esac
+SO_SUFFIX := $(shell $(uname2sosuffix))
+HEADERS := mdbx.h mdbx.h++
+LIBRARIES := libmdbx.a libmdbx.$(SO_SUFFIX)
+TOOLS := mdbx_stat mdbx_copy mdbx_dump mdbx_load mdbx_chk
+MANPAGES := mdbx_stat.1 mdbx_copy.1 mdbx_dump.1 mdbx_load.1 mdbx_chk.1
+.PHONY: mdbx all install clean
+mdbx: libmdbx.a libmdbx.$(SO_SUFFIX)
+tools: $(TOOLS)
+strip: all
+ strip libmdbx.$(SO_SUFFIX) $(TOOLS)
+ rm -rf $(TOOLS) mdbx_test @* *.[ao] *.[ls]o *.$(SO_SUFFIX) *.dSYM *~ tmp.db/* \
+ *.gcov *.log *.err src/*.o test/*.o mdbx_example dist \
+ config.h src/config.h src/version.c *.tar*
+libmdbx.a: mdbx-static.o mdbx++-static.o
+ $(AR) rs $@ $?
+libmdbx.$(SO_SUFFIX): mdbx-dylib.o mdbx++-dylib.o
+ $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $^ -pthread -shared $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) -o $@
+# Amalgamated source code, i.e. distributed after `make dist`
+MAN_SRCDIR := man1/
+config.h: mdbx.c $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
+ (echo '#define MDBX_BUILD_TIMESTAMP "$(shell date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z)"' \
+ && echo '#define MDBX_BUILD_FLAGS "$(CXXSTD) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS)"' \
+ && echo '#define MDBX_BUILD_COMPILER "$(shell (LC_ALL=C $(CC) --version || echo 'Please use GCC or CLANG compatible compiler') | head -1)"' \
+ && echo '#define MDBX_BUILD_TARGET "$(shell set -o pipefail; (LC_ALL=C $(CC) -v 2>&1 | grep -i '^Target:' | cut -d ' ' -f 2- || (LC_ALL=C $(CC) --version | grep -qi e2k && echo E2K) || echo 'Please use GCC or CLANG compatible compiler') | head -1)"' \
+ ) > $@
+mdbx-dylib.o: config.h mdbx.c mdbx.h $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(MDBX_OPTIONS) '-DMDBX_CONFIG_H="config.h"' -DLIBMDBX_EXPORTS=1 -c mdbx.c -o $@
+mdbx-static.o: config.h mdbx.c mdbx.h $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(MDBX_OPTIONS) '-DMDBX_CONFIG_H="config.h"' -ULIBMDBX_EXPORTS -c mdbx.c -o $@
+mdbx++-dylib.o: config.h mdbx.c++ mdbx.h mdbx.h++ $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
+ $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(MDBX_OPTIONS) '-DMDBX_CONFIG_H="config.h"' -DLIBMDBX_EXPORTS=1 -c mdbx.c++ -o $@
+mdbx++-static.o: config.h mdbx.c++ mdbx.h mdbx.h++ $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
+ $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(MDBX_OPTIONS) '-DMDBX_CONFIG_H="config.h"' -ULIBMDBX_EXPORTS -c mdbx.c++ -o $@
+mdbx_%: mdbx_%.c libmdbx.a
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(MDBX_OPTIONS) '-DMDBX_CONFIG_H="config.h"' $^ $(EXE_LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) -o $@
+install: $(LIBRARIES) $(TOOLS) $(HEADERS)
+ install -D -p -s -t $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin$(suffix) $(TOOLS) && \
+ install -D -p -s -t $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib$(suffix) $(filter-out libmdbx.a,$(LIBRARIES)) && \
+ install -D -p -t $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib$(suffix) libmdbx.a && \
+ install -D -p -m 444 -t $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/include $(HEADERS) && \
+ install -D -p -m 444 -t $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1 $(addprefix $(MAN_SRCDIR), $(MANPAGES))
+ rm -f $(addprefix $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin$(suffix)/,$(TOOLS)) \
+ $(addprefix $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib$(suffix)/,$(LIBRARIES)) \
+ $(addprefix $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/include/,$(HEADERS)) \
+ $(addprefix $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/,$(MANPAGES))
+# Benchmarking by ioarena
+IOARENA ?= $(shell \
+ (test -x ../ioarena/@BUILD/src/ioarena && echo ../ioarena/@BUILD/src/ioarena) || \
+ (test -x ../../@BUILD/src/ioarena && echo ../../@BUILD/src/ioarena) || \
+ (test -x ../../src/ioarena && echo ../../src/ioarena) || which ioarena)
+NN ?= 25000000
+BENCH_CRUD_MODE ?= nosync
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(IOARENA)),)
+.PHONY: bench clean-bench re-bench
+ rm -rf bench-*.txt _ioarena/*
+re-bench: clean-bench bench
+define bench-rule
+bench-$(1)_$(2).txt: $(3) $(IOARENA) $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
+ $(IOARENA) -D $(1) -B crud -m $(BENCH_CRUD_MODE) -n $(2) \
+ | tee $$@ | grep throughput && \
+ $(IOARENA) -D $(1) -B get,iterate -m $(BENCH_CRUD_MODE) -r 4 -n $(2) \
+ | tee -a $$@ | grep throughput \
+ || mv -f $$@ $$@.error
+$(eval $(call bench-rule,mdbx,$(NN),libmdbx.$(SO_SUFFIX)))
+$(eval $(call bench-rule,sophia,$(NN)))
+$(eval $(call bench-rule,leveldb,$(NN)))
+$(eval $(call bench-rule,rocksdb,$(NN)))
+$(eval $(call bench-rule,wiredtiger,$(NN)))
+$(eval $(call bench-rule,forestdb,$(NN)))
+$(eval $(call bench-rule,lmdb,$(NN)))
+$(eval $(call bench-rule,nessdb,$(NN)))
+$(eval $(call bench-rule,sqlite3,$(NN)))
+$(eval $(call bench-rule,ejdb,$(NN)))
+$(eval $(call bench-rule,vedisdb,$(NN)))
+$(eval $(call bench-rule,dummy,$(NN)))
+$(eval $(call bench-rule,debug,10))
+bench: bench-mdbx_$(NN).txt
+.PHONY: bench-debug
+bench-debug: bench-debug_10.txt
+bench-quartet: bench-mdbx_$(NN).txt bench-lmdb_$(NN).txt bench-rocksdb_$(NN).txt bench-wiredtiger_$(NN).txt
+bench-triplet: bench-mdbx_$(NN).txt bench-lmdb_$(NN).txt bench-sqlite3_$(NN).txt
+bench-couple: bench-mdbx_$(NN).txt bench-lmdb_$(NN).txt