path: root/libs/libsignal
diff options
authorGeorge Hazan <>2019-03-26 13:06:41 +0300
committerGeorge Hazan <>2019-03-26 13:06:41 +0300
commitaec8f049d43d79c6c8c26a7d9ddfd9460d267275 (patch)
tree5e75220de26fda9b7b0527d550204c78a86ad90c /libs/libsignal
parentf2764176c58829d24fee7a830a3c9ac2b57d1906 (diff)
libaxolotl doesn't exist anymore, it's renamed to libsignal
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/libsignal')
175 files changed, 35453 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/CMakeLists.txt b/libs/libsignal/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2019f621a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+file(GLOB SOURCES "src/*.h" "src/*.c"
+"src/protobuf-c/*.c" "src/protobuf-c/*.h"
+"src/curve25519/*.c" "src/curve25519/*.h"
+"src/curve25519/ed25519/*.c" "src/curve25519/ed25519/*.h"
+"src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_sha512/*.c" "src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_includes/*.h"
+"src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/*.c" "src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/*.h"
+"src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/*.c" "src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/*.h"
+include_directories("src" "src/protobuf-c" "src/curve25519" "src/curve25519/ed25519"
+"src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_includes" "src/curve25519/ed25519/additions"
+set(TARGET libaxolotl)
+include(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/lib.cmake) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/docs/LICENSE b/libs/libsignal/docs/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94a0453222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/docs/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
+ Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
+software and other kinds of works.
+ The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
+to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
+the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
+share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
+software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
+GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
+any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
+want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
+free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
+these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
+certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
+you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
+freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
+or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
+know their rights.
+ Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
+(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
+giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
+ For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
+that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
+authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
+changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
+authors of previous versions.
+ Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
+modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
+can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
+protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
+pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
+use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
+have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
+products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
+stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
+of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
+ Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
+States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
+software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
+avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
+make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
+patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. Definitions.
+ "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
+ "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
+works, such as semiconductor masks.
+ "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
+License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
+"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
+ To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
+in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
+exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
+earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
+ A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
+on the Program.
+ To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
+permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
+infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
+computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
+distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
+public, and in some countries other activities as well.
+ To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
+parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
+a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
+ An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
+to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
+feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
+tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
+extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
+work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
+the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
+menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
+ 1. Source Code.
+ The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
+for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
+form of a work.
+ A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
+standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
+interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
+is widely used among developers working in that language.
+ The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
+than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
+packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
+Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
+Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
+implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
+"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
+(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
+(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
+produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
+ The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
+the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
+work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
+control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
+System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
+programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
+which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
+includes interface definition files associated with source files for
+the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
+linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
+such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
+subprograms and other parts of the work.
+ The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
+can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
+ The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
+same work.
+ 2. Basic Permissions.
+ All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
+copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
+conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
+permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
+covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
+content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
+rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
+ You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
+convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
+in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
+of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
+with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
+the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
+not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
+for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
+and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
+your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
+ Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
+the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
+makes it unnecessary.
+ 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
+ No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
+measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
+11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
+similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
+ When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
+circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
+is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
+the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
+modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
+users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
+technological measures.
+ 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
+ You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
+receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
+keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
+non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
+keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
+recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
+ You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
+and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
+ 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
+ You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
+produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
+terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
+ it, and giving a relevant date.
+ b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
+ released under this License and any conditions added under section
+ 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
+ "keep intact all notices".
+ c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
+ License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
+ License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
+ additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
+ regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
+ permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
+ invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
+ d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
+ Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
+ interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
+ work need not make them do so.
+ A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
+works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
+and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
+in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
+"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
+used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
+beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
+in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
+parts of the aggregate.
+ 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
+ You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
+of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
+machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
+in one of these ways:
+ a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
+ Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
+ customarily used for software interchange.
+ b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
+ written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
+ long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
+ model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
+ copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
+ product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
+ medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
+ more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
+ conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
+ Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
+ c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
+ written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
+ alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
+ only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
+ with subsection 6b.
+ d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
+ place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
+ Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
+ further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
+ Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
+ copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
+ may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
+ that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
+ clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
+ Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
+ Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
+ available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
+ e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
+ you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
+ Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
+ charge under subsection 6d.
+ A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
+from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
+included in conveying the object code work.
+ A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
+tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
+or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
+into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
+doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
+product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
+typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
+of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
+actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
+is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
+commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
+the only significant mode of use of the product.
+ "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
+procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
+and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
+a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
+suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
+code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
+modification has been made.
+ If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
+specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
+part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
+User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
+fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
+Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
+by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
+if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
+modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
+been installed in ROM).
+ The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
+requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
+for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
+the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
+network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
+adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
+protocols for communication across the network.
+ Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
+in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
+documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
+source code form), and must require no special password or key for
+unpacking, reading or copying.
+ 7. Additional Terms.
+ "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
+License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
+Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
+be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
+that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
+apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
+under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
+this License without regard to the additional permissions.
+ When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
+remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
+it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
+removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
+additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
+for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
+add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
+that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
+ a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
+ terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
+ b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
+ author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
+ Notices displayed by works containing it; or
+ c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
+ requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
+ reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
+ d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
+ authors of the material; or
+ e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
+ trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
+ f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
+ material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
+ it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
+ any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
+ those licensors and authors.
+ All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
+restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
+received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
+governed by this License along with a term that is a further
+restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
+a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
+License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
+of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
+not survive such relicensing or conveying.
+ If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
+must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
+additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
+where to find the applicable terms.
+ Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
+form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
+the above requirements apply either way.
+ 8. Termination.
+ You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
+provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
+modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
+this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
+paragraph of section 11).
+ However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
+license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
+provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
+finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
+holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
+prior to 60 days after the cessation.
+ Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
+reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
+violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
+received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
+copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
+your receipt of the notice.
+ Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
+licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
+this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
+reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
+material under section 10.
+ 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
+ You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
+run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
+occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
+to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
+nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
+modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
+not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
+covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
+ 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
+ Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
+receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
+propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
+for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
+ An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
+organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
+organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
+work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
+transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
+licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
+give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
+Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
+the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
+ You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
+rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
+not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
+rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
+(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
+any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
+sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
+ 11. Patents.
+ A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
+License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
+work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
+ A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
+owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
+hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
+by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
+but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
+consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
+purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
+patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
+this License.
+ Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
+patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
+make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
+propagate the contents of its contributor version.
+ In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
+agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
+(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
+sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
+party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
+patent against the party.
+ If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
+and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
+to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
+publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
+then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
+available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
+patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
+consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
+license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
+actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
+covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
+in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
+country that you have reason to believe are valid.
+ If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
+arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
+covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
+receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
+or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
+you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
+work and works based on it.
+ A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
+the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
+conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
+specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
+work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
+in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
+to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
+the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
+parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
+patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
+conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
+for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
+contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
+or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
+ Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
+any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
+otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
+ 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
+ If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
+covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
+not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
+to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
+the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
+License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
+ 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
+permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
+under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
+combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
+License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
+but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
+section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
+combination as such.
+ 14. Revised Versions of this License.
+ The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
+the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+ Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
+Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
+Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
+option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
+version or of any later version published by the Free Software
+Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
+GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
+by the Free Software Foundation.
+ If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
+versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
+public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
+to choose that version for the Program.
+ Later license versions may give you additional or different
+permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
+author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
+later version.
+ 15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
+ 16. Limitation of Liability.
+ 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
+ If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
+above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
+reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
+an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
+Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
+copy of the Program in return for a fee.
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/libsignal.vcxproj b/libs/libsignal/libsignal.vcxproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b305ef6fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/libsignal.vcxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
+ <ItemGroup Label="ProjectConfigurations">
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+ <Configuration>Debug</Configuration>
+ <Platform>Win32</Platform>
+ </ProjectConfiguration>
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+ <Configuration>Debug</Configuration>
+ <Platform>x64</Platform>
+ </ProjectConfiguration>
+ <ProjectConfiguration Include="Release|Win32">
+ <Configuration>Release</Configuration>
+ <Platform>Win32</Platform>
+ </ProjectConfiguration>
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+ <Configuration>Release</Configuration>
+ <Platform>x64</Platform>
+ </ProjectConfiguration>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <PropertyGroup Label="Globals">
+ <ProjectName>libsignal</ProjectName>
+ <ProjectGuid>{620E0BE7-3763-4F35-9DBD-4770104E269C}</ProjectGuid>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <ImportGroup Label="PropertySheets">
+ <Import Project="$(ProjectDir)..\..\build\vc.common\lib.props" />
+ </ImportGroup>
+ <ItemDefinitionGroup>
+ <ClCompile>
+ <PreprocessorDefinitions>_WINDOWS;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>
+ <AdditionalIncludeDirectories>.\;.\src;.\src\curve25519\ed25519;.\src\curve25519\ed25519\nacl_includes;.\src\curve25519\ed25519\additions\;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)</AdditionalIncludeDirectories>
+ <DisableSpecificWarnings>4005;4127;4200;%(DisableSpecificWarnings)</DisableSpecificWarnings>
+ </ClCompile>
+ <Link>
+ <ModuleDefinitionFile>src/signal.def</ModuleDefinitionFile>
+ </Link>
+ </ItemDefinitionGroup>
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <ClCompile Include="src\protobuf-c\*.c">
+ <PrecompiledHeader>NotUsing</PrecompiledHeader>
+ </ClCompile>
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+ <PrecompiledHeader>NotUsing</PrecompiledHeader>
+ </ClCompile>
+ <ClCompile Include="src\curve25519\ed25519\*.c">
+ <PrecompiledHeader>NotUsing</PrecompiledHeader>
+ </ClCompile>
+ <ClCompile Include="src\curve25519\ed25519\nacl_sha512\*.c">
+ <PrecompiledHeader>NotUsing</PrecompiledHeader>
+ </ClCompile>
+ <ClCompile Include="src\curve25519\ed25519\additions\*.c">
+ <PrecompiledHeader>NotUsing</PrecompiledHeader>
+ </ClCompile>
+ <ClCompile Include="src\curve25519\ed25519\additions\generalized\*.c">
+ <PrecompiledHeader>NotUsing</PrecompiledHeader>
+ </ClCompile>
+ </ItemGroup>
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/libsignal.vcxproj.filters b/libs/libsignal/libsignal.vcxproj.filters
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fcae13a9d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/libsignal.vcxproj.filters
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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+<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
+ <Import Project="$(ProjectDir)..\..\build\vc.common\common.filters" />
+</Project> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/CMakeLists.txt b/libs/libsignal/src/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4ede650de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ find_library(M_LIB m)
+ .
+ curve25519/ed25519/nacl_includes
+ curve25519/ed25519/additions
+ curve25519/ed25519/sha512
+ curve25519/ed25519
+ curve25519
+ LocalStorageProtocol.pb-c.c
+ WhisperTextProtocol.pb-c.c
+ FingerprintProtocol.pb-c.c
+ vpool.c
+ vpool.h
+ signal_protocol.c
+ signal_protocol.h
+ signal_protocol_types.h
+ signal_protocol_internal.h
+ curve.c
+ curve.h
+ hkdf.c
+ hkdf.h
+ ratchet.c
+ ratchet.h
+ protocol.c
+ protocol.h
+ session_state.c
+ session_state.h
+ session_record.c
+ session_record.h
+ session_pre_key.c
+ session_pre_key.h
+ session_builder.c
+ session_builder.h
+ session_builder_internal.h
+ session_cipher.c
+ session_cipher.h
+ key_helper.c
+ key_helper.h
+ sender_key.c
+ sender_key.h
+ sender_key_state.c
+ sender_key_state.h
+ sender_key_record.c
+ sender_key_record.h
+ group_session_builder.c
+ group_session_builder.h
+ group_cipher.c
+ group_cipher.h
+ fingerprint.c
+ fingerprint.h
+ device_consistency.c
+ device_consistency.h
+ ${protobuf_SRCS}
+ ${signal_protocol_SRCS}
+ $<TARGET_OBJECTS:curve25519>
+ $<TARGET_OBJECTS:protobuf-c>
+ target_link_libraries(signal-protocol-c ${M_LIB})
+ set_target_properties(signal-protocol-c PROPERTIES
+ )
+ signal_protocol.h
+ signal_protocol_types.h
+ curve.h
+ hkdf.h
+ ratchet.h
+ protocol.h
+ session_state.h
+ session_record.h
+ session_pre_key.h
+ session_builder.h
+ session_cipher.h
+ key_helper.h
+ sender_key.h
+ sender_key_state.h
+ sender_key_record.h
+ group_session_builder.h
+ group_cipher.h
+ fingerprint.h
+ device_consistency.h
+INSTALL(TARGETS signal-protocol-c
+configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libsignal-protocol-c.pc @ONLY)
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/FingerprintProtocol.pb-c.c b/libs/libsignal/src/FingerprintProtocol.pb-c.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..421ee2febb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/FingerprintProtocol.pb-c.c
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+/* Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! */
+/* Generated from: FingerprintProtocol.proto */
+/* Do not generate deprecated warnings for self */
+#include "FingerprintProtocol.pb-c.h"
+void textsecure__logical_fingerprint__init
+ (Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint *message)
+ static Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint init_value = TEXTSECURE__LOGICAL_FINGERPRINT__INIT;
+ *message = init_value;
+size_t textsecure__logical_fingerprint__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint *message)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__logical_fingerprint__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size ((const ProtobufCMessage*)(message));
+size_t textsecure__logical_fingerprint__pack
+ (const Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint *message,
+ uint8_t *out)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__logical_fingerprint__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, out);
+size_t textsecure__logical_fingerprint__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__logical_fingerprint__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, buffer);
+Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint *
+ textsecure__logical_fingerprint__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data)
+ return (Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint *)
+ protobuf_c_message_unpack (&textsecure__logical_fingerprint__descriptor,
+ allocator, len, data);
+void textsecure__logical_fingerprint__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__logical_fingerprint__descriptor);
+ protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked ((ProtobufCMessage*)message, allocator);
+void textsecure__combined_fingerprints__init
+ (Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints *message)
+ static Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints init_value = TEXTSECURE__COMBINED_FINGERPRINTS__INIT;
+ *message = init_value;
+size_t textsecure__combined_fingerprints__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints *message)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__combined_fingerprints__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size ((const ProtobufCMessage*)(message));
+size_t textsecure__combined_fingerprints__pack
+ (const Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints *message,
+ uint8_t *out)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__combined_fingerprints__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, out);
+size_t textsecure__combined_fingerprints__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__combined_fingerprints__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, buffer);
+Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints *
+ textsecure__combined_fingerprints__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data)
+ return (Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints *)
+ protobuf_c_message_unpack (&textsecure__combined_fingerprints__descriptor,
+ allocator, len, data);
+void textsecure__combined_fingerprints__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__combined_fingerprints__descriptor);
+ protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked ((ProtobufCMessage*)message, allocator);
+static const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor textsecure__logical_fingerprint__field_descriptors[2] =
+ {
+ "content",
+ 1,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint, has_content),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint, content),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "identifier",
+ 2,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint, has_identifier),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint, identifier),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+static const unsigned textsecure__logical_fingerprint__field_indices_by_name[] = {
+ 0, /* field[0] = content */
+ 1, /* field[1] = identifier */
+static const ProtobufCIntRange textsecure__logical_fingerprint__number_ranges[1 + 1] =
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 0, 2 }
+const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__logical_fingerprint__descriptor =
+ "textsecure.LogicalFingerprint",
+ "LogicalFingerprint",
+ "Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint",
+ "textsecure",
+ sizeof(Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint),
+ 2,
+ textsecure__logical_fingerprint__field_descriptors,
+ textsecure__logical_fingerprint__field_indices_by_name,
+ 1, textsecure__logical_fingerprint__number_ranges,
+ (ProtobufCMessageInit) textsecure__logical_fingerprint__init,
+ NULL,NULL,NULL /* reserved[123] */
+static const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor textsecure__combined_fingerprints__field_descriptors[3] =
+ {
+ "version",
+ 1,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints, has_version),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints, version),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "localFingerprint",
+ 2,
+ 0, /* quantifier_offset */
+ offsetof(Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints, localfingerprint),
+ &textsecure__logical_fingerprint__descriptor,
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "remoteFingerprint",
+ 3,
+ 0, /* quantifier_offset */
+ offsetof(Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints, remotefingerprint),
+ &textsecure__logical_fingerprint__descriptor,
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+static const unsigned textsecure__combined_fingerprints__field_indices_by_name[] = {
+ 1, /* field[1] = localFingerprint */
+ 2, /* field[2] = remoteFingerprint */
+ 0, /* field[0] = version */
+static const ProtobufCIntRange textsecure__combined_fingerprints__number_ranges[1 + 1] =
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 0, 3 }
+const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__combined_fingerprints__descriptor =
+ "textsecure.CombinedFingerprints",
+ "CombinedFingerprints",
+ "Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints",
+ "textsecure",
+ sizeof(Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints),
+ 3,
+ textsecure__combined_fingerprints__field_descriptors,
+ textsecure__combined_fingerprints__field_indices_by_name,
+ 1, textsecure__combined_fingerprints__number_ranges,
+ (ProtobufCMessageInit) textsecure__combined_fingerprints__init,
+ NULL,NULL,NULL /* reserved[123] */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/FingerprintProtocol.pb-c.h b/libs/libsignal/src/FingerprintProtocol.pb-c.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dfc3c60952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/FingerprintProtocol.pb-c.h
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+/* Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! */
+/* Generated from: FingerprintProtocol.proto */
+#ifndef PROTOBUF_C_FingerprintProtocol_2eproto__INCLUDED
+#define PROTOBUF_C_FingerprintProtocol_2eproto__INCLUDED
+#include <protobuf-c/protobuf-c.h>
+# error This file was generated by a newer version of protoc-c which is incompatible with your libprotobuf-c headers. Please update your headers.
+# error This file was generated by an older version of protoc-c which is incompatible with your libprotobuf-c headers. Please regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc-c.
+typedef struct _Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint;
+typedef struct _Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints;
+/* --- enums --- */
+/* --- messages --- */
+struct _Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint
+ ProtobufCMessage base;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_content;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData content;
+ /*
+ * Version 0
+ */
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_identifier;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData identifier;
+ { PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT (&textsecure__logical_fingerprint__descriptor) \
+ , 0,{0,NULL}, 0,{0,NULL} }
+struct _Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints
+ ProtobufCMessage base;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_version;
+ uint32_t version;
+ Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint *localfingerprint;
+ Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint *remotefingerprint;
+ { PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT (&textsecure__combined_fingerprints__descriptor) \
+ , 0,0, NULL, NULL }
+/* Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint methods */
+void textsecure__logical_fingerprint__init
+ (Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint *message);
+size_t textsecure__logical_fingerprint__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint *message);
+size_t textsecure__logical_fingerprint__pack
+ (const Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint *message,
+ uint8_t *out);
+size_t textsecure__logical_fingerprint__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer);
+Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint *
+ textsecure__logical_fingerprint__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data);
+void textsecure__logical_fingerprint__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator);
+/* Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints methods */
+void textsecure__combined_fingerprints__init
+ (Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints *message);
+size_t textsecure__combined_fingerprints__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints *message);
+size_t textsecure__combined_fingerprints__pack
+ (const Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints *message,
+ uint8_t *out);
+size_t textsecure__combined_fingerprints__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer);
+Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints *
+ textsecure__combined_fingerprints__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data);
+void textsecure__combined_fingerprints__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator);
+/* --- per-message closures --- */
+typedef void (*Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint_Closure)
+ (const Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint *message,
+ void *closure_data);
+typedef void (*Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints_Closure)
+ (const Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints *message,
+ void *closure_data);
+/* --- services --- */
+/* --- descriptors --- */
+extern const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__logical_fingerprint__descriptor;
+extern const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__combined_fingerprints__descriptor;
+#endif /* PROTOBUF_C_FingerprintProtocol_2eproto__INCLUDED */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/LocalStorageProtocol.pb-c.c b/libs/libsignal/src/LocalStorageProtocol.pb-c.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..afe017187a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/LocalStorageProtocol.pb-c.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1462 @@
+/* Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! */
+/* Generated from: LocalStorageProtocol.proto */
+/* Do not generate deprecated warnings for self */
+#include "LocalStorageProtocol.pb-c.h"
+void textsecure__session_structure__chain__chain_key__init
+ (Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__ChainKey *message)
+ static Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__ChainKey init_value = TEXTSECURE__SESSION_STRUCTURE__CHAIN__CHAIN_KEY__INIT;
+ *message = init_value;
+void textsecure__session_structure__chain__message_key__init
+ (Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey *message)
+ static Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey init_value = TEXTSECURE__SESSION_STRUCTURE__CHAIN__MESSAGE_KEY__INIT;
+ *message = init_value;
+void textsecure__session_structure__chain__init
+ (Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain *message)
+ static Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain init_value = TEXTSECURE__SESSION_STRUCTURE__CHAIN__INIT;
+ *message = init_value;
+void textsecure__session_structure__pending_key_exchange__init
+ (Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange *message)
+ static Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange init_value = TEXTSECURE__SESSION_STRUCTURE__PENDING_KEY_EXCHANGE__INIT;
+ *message = init_value;
+void textsecure__session_structure__pending_pre_key__init
+ (Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey *message)
+ static Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey init_value = TEXTSECURE__SESSION_STRUCTURE__PENDING_PRE_KEY__INIT;
+ *message = init_value;
+void textsecure__session_structure__init
+ (Textsecure__SessionStructure *message)
+ static Textsecure__SessionStructure init_value = TEXTSECURE__SESSION_STRUCTURE__INIT;
+ *message = init_value;
+size_t textsecure__session_structure__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__SessionStructure *message)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__session_structure__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size ((const ProtobufCMessage*)(message));
+size_t textsecure__session_structure__pack
+ (const Textsecure__SessionStructure *message,
+ uint8_t *out)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__session_structure__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, out);
+size_t textsecure__session_structure__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__SessionStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__session_structure__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, buffer);
+Textsecure__SessionStructure *
+ textsecure__session_structure__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data)
+ return (Textsecure__SessionStructure *)
+ protobuf_c_message_unpack (&textsecure__session_structure__descriptor,
+ allocator, len, data);
+void textsecure__session_structure__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__SessionStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__session_structure__descriptor);
+ protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked ((ProtobufCMessage*)message, allocator);
+void textsecure__record_structure__init
+ (Textsecure__RecordStructure *message)
+ static Textsecure__RecordStructure init_value = TEXTSECURE__RECORD_STRUCTURE__INIT;
+ *message = init_value;
+size_t textsecure__record_structure__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__RecordStructure *message)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__record_structure__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size ((const ProtobufCMessage*)(message));
+size_t textsecure__record_structure__pack
+ (const Textsecure__RecordStructure *message,
+ uint8_t *out)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__record_structure__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, out);
+size_t textsecure__record_structure__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__RecordStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__record_structure__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, buffer);
+Textsecure__RecordStructure *
+ textsecure__record_structure__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data)
+ return (Textsecure__RecordStructure *)
+ protobuf_c_message_unpack (&textsecure__record_structure__descriptor,
+ allocator, len, data);
+void textsecure__record_structure__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__RecordStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__record_structure__descriptor);
+ protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked ((ProtobufCMessage*)message, allocator);
+void textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__init
+ (Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure *message)
+ static Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure init_value = TEXTSECURE__PRE_KEY_RECORD_STRUCTURE__INIT;
+ *message = init_value;
+size_t textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure *message)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size ((const ProtobufCMessage*)(message));
+size_t textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__pack
+ (const Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure *message,
+ uint8_t *out)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, out);
+size_t textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, buffer);
+Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure *
+ textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data)
+ return (Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure *)
+ protobuf_c_message_unpack (&textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__descriptor,
+ allocator, len, data);
+void textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__descriptor);
+ protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked ((ProtobufCMessage*)message, allocator);
+void textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__init
+ (Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure *message)
+ static Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure init_value = TEXTSECURE__SIGNED_PRE_KEY_RECORD_STRUCTURE__INIT;
+ *message = init_value;
+size_t textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure *message)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size ((const ProtobufCMessage*)(message));
+size_t textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__pack
+ (const Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure *message,
+ uint8_t *out)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, out);
+size_t textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, buffer);
+Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure *
+ textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data)
+ return (Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure *)
+ protobuf_c_message_unpack (&textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__descriptor,
+ allocator, len, data);
+void textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__descriptor);
+ protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked ((ProtobufCMessage*)message, allocator);
+void textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__init
+ (Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure *message)
+ static Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure init_value = TEXTSECURE__IDENTITY_KEY_PAIR_STRUCTURE__INIT;
+ *message = init_value;
+size_t textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure *message)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size ((const ProtobufCMessage*)(message));
+size_t textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__pack
+ (const Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure *message,
+ uint8_t *out)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, out);
+size_t textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, buffer);
+Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure *
+ textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data)
+ return (Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure *)
+ protobuf_c_message_unpack (&textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__descriptor,
+ allocator, len, data);
+void textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__descriptor);
+ protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked ((ProtobufCMessage*)message, allocator);
+void textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_chain_key__init
+ (Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderChainKey *message)
+ static Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderChainKey init_value = TEXTSECURE__SENDER_KEY_STATE_STRUCTURE__SENDER_CHAIN_KEY__INIT;
+ *message = init_value;
+void textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_message_key__init
+ (Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderMessageKey *message)
+ static Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderMessageKey init_value = TEXTSECURE__SENDER_KEY_STATE_STRUCTURE__SENDER_MESSAGE_KEY__INIT;
+ *message = init_value;
+void textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_signing_key__init
+ (Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderSigningKey *message)
+ static Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderSigningKey init_value = TEXTSECURE__SENDER_KEY_STATE_STRUCTURE__SENDER_SIGNING_KEY__INIT;
+ *message = init_value;
+void textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__init
+ (Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure *message)
+ static Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure init_value = TEXTSECURE__SENDER_KEY_STATE_STRUCTURE__INIT;
+ *message = init_value;
+size_t textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure *message)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size ((const ProtobufCMessage*)(message));
+size_t textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__pack
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure *message,
+ uint8_t *out)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, out);
+size_t textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, buffer);
+Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure *
+ textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data)
+ return (Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure *)
+ protobuf_c_message_unpack (&textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__descriptor,
+ allocator, len, data);
+void textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__descriptor);
+ protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked ((ProtobufCMessage*)message, allocator);
+void textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__init
+ (Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure *message)
+ static Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure init_value = TEXTSECURE__SENDER_KEY_RECORD_STRUCTURE__INIT;
+ *message = init_value;
+size_t textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure *message)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size ((const ProtobufCMessage*)(message));
+size_t textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__pack
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure *message,
+ uint8_t *out)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, out);
+size_t textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, buffer);
+Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure *
+ textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data)
+ return (Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure *)
+ protobuf_c_message_unpack (&textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__descriptor,
+ allocator, len, data);
+void textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__descriptor);
+ protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked ((ProtobufCMessage*)message, allocator);
+static const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor textsecure__session_structure__chain__chain_key__field_descriptors[2] =
+ {
+ "index",
+ 1,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__ChainKey, has_index),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__ChainKey, index),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "key",
+ 2,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__ChainKey, has_key),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__ChainKey, key),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+static const unsigned textsecure__session_structure__chain__chain_key__field_indices_by_name[] = {
+ 0, /* field[0] = index */
+ 1, /* field[1] = key */
+static const ProtobufCIntRange textsecure__session_structure__chain__chain_key__number_ranges[1 + 1] =
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 0, 2 }
+const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__session_structure__chain__chain_key__descriptor =
+ "textsecure.SessionStructure.Chain.ChainKey",
+ "ChainKey",
+ "Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__ChainKey",
+ "textsecure",
+ sizeof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__ChainKey),
+ 2,
+ textsecure__session_structure__chain__chain_key__field_descriptors,
+ textsecure__session_structure__chain__chain_key__field_indices_by_name,
+ 1, textsecure__session_structure__chain__chain_key__number_ranges,
+ (ProtobufCMessageInit) textsecure__session_structure__chain__chain_key__init,
+ NULL,NULL,NULL /* reserved[123] */
+static const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor textsecure__session_structure__chain__message_key__field_descriptors[4] =
+ {
+ "index",
+ 1,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey, has_index),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey, index),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "cipherKey",
+ 2,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey, has_cipherkey),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey, cipherkey),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "macKey",
+ 3,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey, has_mackey),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey, mackey),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "iv",
+ 4,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey, has_iv),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey, iv),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+static const unsigned textsecure__session_structure__chain__message_key__field_indices_by_name[] = {
+ 1, /* field[1] = cipherKey */
+ 0, /* field[0] = index */
+ 3, /* field[3] = iv */
+ 2, /* field[2] = macKey */
+static const ProtobufCIntRange textsecure__session_structure__chain__message_key__number_ranges[1 + 1] =
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 0, 4 }
+const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__session_structure__chain__message_key__descriptor =
+ "textsecure.SessionStructure.Chain.MessageKey",
+ "MessageKey",
+ "Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey",
+ "textsecure",
+ sizeof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey),
+ 4,
+ textsecure__session_structure__chain__message_key__field_descriptors,
+ textsecure__session_structure__chain__message_key__field_indices_by_name,
+ 1, textsecure__session_structure__chain__message_key__number_ranges,
+ (ProtobufCMessageInit) textsecure__session_structure__chain__message_key__init,
+ NULL,NULL,NULL /* reserved[123] */
+static const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor textsecure__session_structure__chain__field_descriptors[4] =
+ {
+ "senderRatchetKey",
+ 1,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain, has_senderratchetkey),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain, senderratchetkey),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "senderRatchetKeyPrivate",
+ 2,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain, has_senderratchetkeyprivate),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain, senderratchetkeyprivate),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "chainKey",
+ 3,
+ 0, /* quantifier_offset */
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain, chainkey),
+ &textsecure__session_structure__chain__chain_key__descriptor,
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "messageKeys",
+ 4,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain, n_messagekeys),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain, messagekeys),
+ &textsecure__session_structure__chain__message_key__descriptor,
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+static const unsigned textsecure__session_structure__chain__field_indices_by_name[] = {
+ 2, /* field[2] = chainKey */
+ 3, /* field[3] = messageKeys */
+ 0, /* field[0] = senderRatchetKey */
+ 1, /* field[1] = senderRatchetKeyPrivate */
+static const ProtobufCIntRange textsecure__session_structure__chain__number_ranges[1 + 1] =
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 0, 4 }
+const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__session_structure__chain__descriptor =
+ "textsecure.SessionStructure.Chain",
+ "Chain",
+ "Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain",
+ "textsecure",
+ sizeof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain),
+ 4,
+ textsecure__session_structure__chain__field_descriptors,
+ textsecure__session_structure__chain__field_indices_by_name,
+ 1, textsecure__session_structure__chain__number_ranges,
+ (ProtobufCMessageInit) textsecure__session_structure__chain__init,
+ NULL,NULL,NULL /* reserved[123] */
+static const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor textsecure__session_structure__pending_key_exchange__field_descriptors[7] =
+ {
+ "sequence",
+ 1,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange, has_sequence),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange, sequence),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "localBaseKey",
+ 2,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange, has_localbasekey),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange, localbasekey),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "localBaseKeyPrivate",
+ 3,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange, has_localbasekeyprivate),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange, localbasekeyprivate),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "localRatchetKey",
+ 4,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange, has_localratchetkey),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange, localratchetkey),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "localRatchetKeyPrivate",
+ 5,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange, has_localratchetkeyprivate),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange, localratchetkeyprivate),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "localIdentityKey",
+ 7,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange, has_localidentitykey),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange, localidentitykey),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "localIdentityKeyPrivate",
+ 8,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange, has_localidentitykeyprivate),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange, localidentitykeyprivate),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+static const unsigned textsecure__session_structure__pending_key_exchange__field_indices_by_name[] = {
+ 1, /* field[1] = localBaseKey */
+ 2, /* field[2] = localBaseKeyPrivate */
+ 5, /* field[5] = localIdentityKey */
+ 6, /* field[6] = localIdentityKeyPrivate */
+ 3, /* field[3] = localRatchetKey */
+ 4, /* field[4] = localRatchetKeyPrivate */
+ 0, /* field[0] = sequence */
+static const ProtobufCIntRange textsecure__session_structure__pending_key_exchange__number_ranges[2 + 1] =
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 7, 5 },
+ { 0, 7 }
+const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__session_structure__pending_key_exchange__descriptor =
+ "textsecure.SessionStructure.PendingKeyExchange",
+ "PendingKeyExchange",
+ "Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange",
+ "textsecure",
+ sizeof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange),
+ 7,
+ textsecure__session_structure__pending_key_exchange__field_descriptors,
+ textsecure__session_structure__pending_key_exchange__field_indices_by_name,
+ 2, textsecure__session_structure__pending_key_exchange__number_ranges,
+ (ProtobufCMessageInit) textsecure__session_structure__pending_key_exchange__init,
+ NULL,NULL,NULL /* reserved[123] */
+static const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor textsecure__session_structure__pending_pre_key__field_descriptors[3] =
+ {
+ "preKeyId",
+ 1,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey, has_prekeyid),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey, prekeyid),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "baseKey",
+ 2,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey, has_basekey),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey, basekey),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "signedPreKeyId",
+ 3,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey, has_signedprekeyid),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey, signedprekeyid),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+static const unsigned textsecure__session_structure__pending_pre_key__field_indices_by_name[] = {
+ 1, /* field[1] = baseKey */
+ 0, /* field[0] = preKeyId */
+ 2, /* field[2] = signedPreKeyId */
+static const ProtobufCIntRange textsecure__session_structure__pending_pre_key__number_ranges[1 + 1] =
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 0, 3 }
+const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__session_structure__pending_pre_key__descriptor =
+ "textsecure.SessionStructure.PendingPreKey",
+ "PendingPreKey",
+ "Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey",
+ "textsecure",
+ sizeof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey),
+ 3,
+ textsecure__session_structure__pending_pre_key__field_descriptors,
+ textsecure__session_structure__pending_pre_key__field_indices_by_name,
+ 1, textsecure__session_structure__pending_pre_key__number_ranges,
+ (ProtobufCMessageInit) textsecure__session_structure__pending_pre_key__init,
+ NULL,NULL,NULL /* reserved[123] */
+static const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor textsecure__session_structure__field_descriptors[13] =
+ {
+ "sessionVersion",
+ 1,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure, has_sessionversion),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure, sessionversion),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "localIdentityPublic",
+ 2,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure, has_localidentitypublic),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure, localidentitypublic),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "remoteIdentityPublic",
+ 3,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure, has_remoteidentitypublic),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure, remoteidentitypublic),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "rootKey",
+ 4,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure, has_rootkey),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure, rootkey),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "previousCounter",
+ 5,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure, has_previouscounter),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure, previouscounter),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "senderChain",
+ 6,
+ 0, /* quantifier_offset */
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure, senderchain),
+ &textsecure__session_structure__chain__descriptor,
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "receiverChains",
+ 7,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure, n_receiverchains),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure, receiverchains),
+ &textsecure__session_structure__chain__descriptor,
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "pendingKeyExchange",
+ 8,
+ 0, /* quantifier_offset */
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure, pendingkeyexchange),
+ &textsecure__session_structure__pending_key_exchange__descriptor,
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "pendingPreKey",
+ 9,
+ 0, /* quantifier_offset */
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure, pendingprekey),
+ &textsecure__session_structure__pending_pre_key__descriptor,
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "remoteRegistrationId",
+ 10,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure, has_remoteregistrationid),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure, remoteregistrationid),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "localRegistrationId",
+ 11,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure, has_localregistrationid),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure, localregistrationid),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "needsRefresh",
+ 12,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure, has_needsrefresh),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure, needsrefresh),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "aliceBaseKey",
+ 13,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure, has_alicebasekey),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SessionStructure, alicebasekey),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+static const unsigned textsecure__session_structure__field_indices_by_name[] = {
+ 12, /* field[12] = aliceBaseKey */
+ 1, /* field[1] = localIdentityPublic */
+ 10, /* field[10] = localRegistrationId */
+ 11, /* field[11] = needsRefresh */
+ 7, /* field[7] = pendingKeyExchange */
+ 8, /* field[8] = pendingPreKey */
+ 4, /* field[4] = previousCounter */
+ 6, /* field[6] = receiverChains */
+ 2, /* field[2] = remoteIdentityPublic */
+ 9, /* field[9] = remoteRegistrationId */
+ 3, /* field[3] = rootKey */
+ 5, /* field[5] = senderChain */
+ 0, /* field[0] = sessionVersion */
+static const ProtobufCIntRange textsecure__session_structure__number_ranges[1 + 1] =
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 0, 13 }
+const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__session_structure__descriptor =
+ "textsecure.SessionStructure",
+ "SessionStructure",
+ "Textsecure__SessionStructure",
+ "textsecure",
+ sizeof(Textsecure__SessionStructure),
+ 13,
+ textsecure__session_structure__field_descriptors,
+ textsecure__session_structure__field_indices_by_name,
+ 1, textsecure__session_structure__number_ranges,
+ (ProtobufCMessageInit) textsecure__session_structure__init,
+ NULL,NULL,NULL /* reserved[123] */
+static const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor textsecure__record_structure__field_descriptors[2] =
+ {
+ "currentSession",
+ 1,
+ 0, /* quantifier_offset */
+ offsetof(Textsecure__RecordStructure, currentsession),
+ &textsecure__session_structure__descriptor,
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "previousSessions",
+ 2,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__RecordStructure, n_previoussessions),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__RecordStructure, previoussessions),
+ &textsecure__session_structure__descriptor,
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+static const unsigned textsecure__record_structure__field_indices_by_name[] = {
+ 0, /* field[0] = currentSession */
+ 1, /* field[1] = previousSessions */
+static const ProtobufCIntRange textsecure__record_structure__number_ranges[1 + 1] =
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 0, 2 }
+const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__record_structure__descriptor =
+ "textsecure.RecordStructure",
+ "RecordStructure",
+ "Textsecure__RecordStructure",
+ "textsecure",
+ sizeof(Textsecure__RecordStructure),
+ 2,
+ textsecure__record_structure__field_descriptors,
+ textsecure__record_structure__field_indices_by_name,
+ 1, textsecure__record_structure__number_ranges,
+ (ProtobufCMessageInit) textsecure__record_structure__init,
+ NULL,NULL,NULL /* reserved[123] */
+static const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__field_descriptors[3] =
+ {
+ "id",
+ 1,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure, has_id),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure, id),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "publicKey",
+ 2,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure, has_publickey),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure, publickey),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "privateKey",
+ 3,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure, has_privatekey),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure, privatekey),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+static const unsigned textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__field_indices_by_name[] = {
+ 0, /* field[0] = id */
+ 2, /* field[2] = privateKey */
+ 1, /* field[1] = publicKey */
+static const ProtobufCIntRange textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__number_ranges[1 + 1] =
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 0, 3 }
+const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__descriptor =
+ "textsecure.PreKeyRecordStructure",
+ "PreKeyRecordStructure",
+ "Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure",
+ "textsecure",
+ sizeof(Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure),
+ 3,
+ textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__field_descriptors,
+ textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__field_indices_by_name,
+ 1, textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__number_ranges,
+ (ProtobufCMessageInit) textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__init,
+ NULL,NULL,NULL /* reserved[123] */
+static const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__field_descriptors[5] =
+ {
+ "id",
+ 1,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure, has_id),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure, id),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "publicKey",
+ 2,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure, has_publickey),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure, publickey),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "privateKey",
+ 3,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure, has_privatekey),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure, privatekey),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "signature",
+ 4,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure, has_signature),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure, signature),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "timestamp",
+ 5,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure, has_timestamp),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure, timestamp),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+static const unsigned textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__field_indices_by_name[] = {
+ 0, /* field[0] = id */
+ 2, /* field[2] = privateKey */
+ 1, /* field[1] = publicKey */
+ 3, /* field[3] = signature */
+ 4, /* field[4] = timestamp */
+static const ProtobufCIntRange textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__number_ranges[1 + 1] =
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 0, 5 }
+const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__descriptor =
+ "textsecure.SignedPreKeyRecordStructure",
+ "SignedPreKeyRecordStructure",
+ "Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure",
+ "textsecure",
+ sizeof(Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure),
+ 5,
+ textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__field_descriptors,
+ textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__field_indices_by_name,
+ 1, textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__number_ranges,
+ (ProtobufCMessageInit) textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__init,
+ NULL,NULL,NULL /* reserved[123] */
+static const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__field_descriptors[2] =
+ {
+ "publicKey",
+ 1,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure, has_publickey),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure, publickey),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "privateKey",
+ 2,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure, has_privatekey),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure, privatekey),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+static const unsigned textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__field_indices_by_name[] = {
+ 1, /* field[1] = privateKey */
+ 0, /* field[0] = publicKey */
+static const ProtobufCIntRange textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__number_ranges[1 + 1] =
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 0, 2 }
+const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__descriptor =
+ "textsecure.IdentityKeyPairStructure",
+ "IdentityKeyPairStructure",
+ "Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure",
+ "textsecure",
+ sizeof(Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure),
+ 2,
+ textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__field_descriptors,
+ textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__field_indices_by_name,
+ 1, textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__number_ranges,
+ (ProtobufCMessageInit) textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__init,
+ NULL,NULL,NULL /* reserved[123] */
+static const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_chain_key__field_descriptors[2] =
+ {
+ "iteration",
+ 1,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderChainKey, has_iteration),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderChainKey, iteration),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "seed",
+ 2,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderChainKey, has_seed),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderChainKey, seed),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+static const unsigned textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_chain_key__field_indices_by_name[] = {
+ 0, /* field[0] = iteration */
+ 1, /* field[1] = seed */
+static const ProtobufCIntRange textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_chain_key__number_ranges[1 + 1] =
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 0, 2 }
+const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_chain_key__descriptor =
+ "textsecure.SenderKeyStateStructure.SenderChainKey",
+ "SenderChainKey",
+ "Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderChainKey",
+ "textsecure",
+ sizeof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderChainKey),
+ 2,
+ textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_chain_key__field_descriptors,
+ textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_chain_key__field_indices_by_name,
+ 1, textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_chain_key__number_ranges,
+ (ProtobufCMessageInit) textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_chain_key__init,
+ NULL,NULL,NULL /* reserved[123] */
+static const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_message_key__field_descriptors[2] =
+ {
+ "iteration",
+ 1,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderMessageKey, has_iteration),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderMessageKey, iteration),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "seed",
+ 2,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderMessageKey, has_seed),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderMessageKey, seed),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+static const unsigned textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_message_key__field_indices_by_name[] = {
+ 0, /* field[0] = iteration */
+ 1, /* field[1] = seed */
+static const ProtobufCIntRange textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_message_key__number_ranges[1 + 1] =
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 0, 2 }
+const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_message_key__descriptor =
+ "textsecure.SenderKeyStateStructure.SenderMessageKey",
+ "SenderMessageKey",
+ "Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderMessageKey",
+ "textsecure",
+ sizeof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderMessageKey),
+ 2,
+ textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_message_key__field_descriptors,
+ textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_message_key__field_indices_by_name,
+ 1, textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_message_key__number_ranges,
+ (ProtobufCMessageInit) textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_message_key__init,
+ NULL,NULL,NULL /* reserved[123] */
+static const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_signing_key__field_descriptors[2] =
+ {
+ "public",
+ 1,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderSigningKey, has_public_),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderSigningKey, public_),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "private",
+ 2,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderSigningKey, has_private_),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderSigningKey, private_),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+static const unsigned textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_signing_key__field_indices_by_name[] = {
+ 1, /* field[1] = private */
+ 0, /* field[0] = public */
+static const ProtobufCIntRange textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_signing_key__number_ranges[1 + 1] =
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 0, 2 }
+const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_signing_key__descriptor =
+ "textsecure.SenderKeyStateStructure.SenderSigningKey",
+ "SenderSigningKey",
+ "Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderSigningKey",
+ "textsecure",
+ sizeof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderSigningKey),
+ 2,
+ textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_signing_key__field_descriptors,
+ textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_signing_key__field_indices_by_name,
+ 1, textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_signing_key__number_ranges,
+ (ProtobufCMessageInit) textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_signing_key__init,
+ NULL,NULL,NULL /* reserved[123] */
+static const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__field_descriptors[4] =
+ {
+ "senderKeyId",
+ 1,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure, has_senderkeyid),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure, senderkeyid),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "senderChainKey",
+ 2,
+ 0, /* quantifier_offset */
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure, senderchainkey),
+ &textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_chain_key__descriptor,
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "senderSigningKey",
+ 3,
+ 0, /* quantifier_offset */
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure, sendersigningkey),
+ &textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_signing_key__descriptor,
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "senderMessageKeys",
+ 4,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure, n_sendermessagekeys),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure, sendermessagekeys),
+ &textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_message_key__descriptor,
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+static const unsigned textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__field_indices_by_name[] = {
+ 1, /* field[1] = senderChainKey */
+ 0, /* field[0] = senderKeyId */
+ 3, /* field[3] = senderMessageKeys */
+ 2, /* field[2] = senderSigningKey */
+static const ProtobufCIntRange textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__number_ranges[1 + 1] =
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 0, 4 }
+const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__descriptor =
+ "textsecure.SenderKeyStateStructure",
+ "SenderKeyStateStructure",
+ "Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure",
+ "textsecure",
+ sizeof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure),
+ 4,
+ textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__field_descriptors,
+ textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__field_indices_by_name,
+ 1, textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__number_ranges,
+ (ProtobufCMessageInit) textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__init,
+ NULL,NULL,NULL /* reserved[123] */
+static const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__field_descriptors[1] =
+ {
+ "senderKeyStates",
+ 1,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure, n_senderkeystates),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure, senderkeystates),
+ &textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__descriptor,
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+static const unsigned textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__field_indices_by_name[] = {
+ 0, /* field[0] = senderKeyStates */
+static const ProtobufCIntRange textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__number_ranges[1 + 1] =
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 0, 1 }
+const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__descriptor =
+ "textsecure.SenderKeyRecordStructure",
+ "SenderKeyRecordStructure",
+ "Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure",
+ "textsecure",
+ sizeof(Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure),
+ 1,
+ textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__field_descriptors,
+ textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__field_indices_by_name,
+ 1, textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__number_ranges,
+ (ProtobufCMessageInit) textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__init,
+ NULL,NULL,NULL /* reserved[123] */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/LocalStorageProtocol.pb-c.h b/libs/libsignal/src/LocalStorageProtocol.pb-c.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..43b5bce447
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/LocalStorageProtocol.pb-c.h
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+/* Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! */
+/* Generated from: LocalStorageProtocol.proto */
+#ifndef PROTOBUF_C_LocalStorageProtocol_2eproto__INCLUDED
+#define PROTOBUF_C_LocalStorageProtocol_2eproto__INCLUDED
+#include <protobuf-c/protobuf-c.h>
+# error This file was generated by a newer version of protoc-c which is incompatible with your libprotobuf-c headers. Please update your headers.
+# error This file was generated by an older version of protoc-c which is incompatible with your libprotobuf-c headers. Please regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc-c.
+typedef struct _Textsecure__SessionStructure Textsecure__SessionStructure;
+typedef struct _Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain;
+typedef struct _Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__ChainKey Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__ChainKey;
+typedef struct _Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey;
+typedef struct _Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange;
+typedef struct _Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey;
+typedef struct _Textsecure__RecordStructure Textsecure__RecordStructure;
+typedef struct _Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure;
+typedef struct _Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure;
+typedef struct _Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure;
+typedef struct _Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure;
+typedef struct _Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderChainKey Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderChainKey;
+typedef struct _Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderMessageKey Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderMessageKey;
+typedef struct _Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderSigningKey Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderSigningKey;
+typedef struct _Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure;
+/* --- enums --- */
+/* --- messages --- */
+struct _Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__ChainKey
+ ProtobufCMessage base;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_index;
+ uint32_t index;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_key;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData key;
+ { PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT (&textsecure__session_structure__chain__chain_key__descriptor) \
+ , 0,0, 0,{0,NULL} }
+struct _Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey
+ ProtobufCMessage base;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_index;
+ uint32_t index;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_cipherkey;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData cipherkey;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_mackey;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData mackey;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_iv;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData iv;
+ { PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT (&textsecure__session_structure__chain__message_key__descriptor) \
+ , 0,0, 0,{0,NULL}, 0,{0,NULL}, 0,{0,NULL} }
+struct _Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain
+ ProtobufCMessage base;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_senderratchetkey;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData senderratchetkey;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_senderratchetkeyprivate;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData senderratchetkeyprivate;
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__ChainKey *chainkey;
+ size_t n_messagekeys;
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey **messagekeys;
+ { PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT (&textsecure__session_structure__chain__descriptor) \
+ , 0,{0,NULL}, 0,{0,NULL}, NULL, 0,NULL }
+struct _Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange
+ ProtobufCMessage base;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_sequence;
+ uint32_t sequence;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_localbasekey;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData localbasekey;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_localbasekeyprivate;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData localbasekeyprivate;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_localratchetkey;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData localratchetkey;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_localratchetkeyprivate;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData localratchetkeyprivate;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_localidentitykey;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData localidentitykey;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_localidentitykeyprivate;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData localidentitykeyprivate;
+ { PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT (&textsecure__session_structure__pending_key_exchange__descriptor) \
+ , 0,0, 0,{0,NULL}, 0,{0,NULL}, 0,{0,NULL}, 0,{0,NULL}, 0,{0,NULL}, 0,{0,NULL} }
+struct _Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey
+ ProtobufCMessage base;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_prekeyid;
+ uint32_t prekeyid;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_signedprekeyid;
+ int32_t signedprekeyid;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_basekey;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData basekey;
+ { PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT (&textsecure__session_structure__pending_pre_key__descriptor) \
+ , 0,0, 0,0, 0,{0,NULL} }
+struct _Textsecure__SessionStructure
+ ProtobufCMessage base;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_sessionversion;
+ uint32_t sessionversion;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_localidentitypublic;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData localidentitypublic;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_remoteidentitypublic;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData remoteidentitypublic;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_rootkey;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData rootkey;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_previouscounter;
+ uint32_t previouscounter;
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain *senderchain;
+ size_t n_receiverchains;
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain **receiverchains;
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange *pendingkeyexchange;
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey *pendingprekey;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_remoteregistrationid;
+ uint32_t remoteregistrationid;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_localregistrationid;
+ uint32_t localregistrationid;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_needsrefresh;
+ protobuf_c_boolean needsrefresh;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_alicebasekey;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData alicebasekey;
+ { PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT (&textsecure__session_structure__descriptor) \
+ , 0,0, 0,{0,NULL}, 0,{0,NULL}, 0,{0,NULL}, 0,0, NULL, 0,NULL, NULL, NULL, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,{0,NULL} }
+struct _Textsecure__RecordStructure
+ ProtobufCMessage base;
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure *currentsession;
+ size_t n_previoussessions;
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure **previoussessions;
+ { PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT (&textsecure__record_structure__descriptor) \
+ , NULL, 0,NULL }
+struct _Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure
+ ProtobufCMessage base;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_id;
+ uint32_t id;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_publickey;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData publickey;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_privatekey;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData privatekey;
+ { PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT (&textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__descriptor) \
+ , 0,0, 0,{0,NULL}, 0,{0,NULL} }
+struct _Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure
+ ProtobufCMessage base;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_id;
+ uint32_t id;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_publickey;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData publickey;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_privatekey;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData privatekey;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_signature;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData signature;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_timestamp;
+ uint64_t timestamp;
+ { PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT (&textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__descriptor) \
+ , 0,0, 0,{0,NULL}, 0,{0,NULL}, 0,{0,NULL}, 0,0 }
+struct _Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure
+ ProtobufCMessage base;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_publickey;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData publickey;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_privatekey;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData privatekey;
+ { PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT (&textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__descriptor) \
+ , 0,{0,NULL}, 0,{0,NULL} }
+struct _Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderChainKey
+ ProtobufCMessage base;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_iteration;
+ uint32_t iteration;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_seed;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData seed;
+ { PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT (&textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_chain_key__descriptor) \
+ , 0,0, 0,{0,NULL} }
+struct _Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderMessageKey
+ ProtobufCMessage base;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_iteration;
+ uint32_t iteration;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_seed;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData seed;
+ { PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT (&textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_message_key__descriptor) \
+ , 0,0, 0,{0,NULL} }
+struct _Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderSigningKey
+ ProtobufCMessage base;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_public_;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData public_;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_private_;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData private_;
+ { PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT (&textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_signing_key__descriptor) \
+ , 0,{0,NULL}, 0,{0,NULL} }
+struct _Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure
+ ProtobufCMessage base;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_senderkeyid;
+ uint32_t senderkeyid;
+ Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderChainKey *senderchainkey;
+ Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderSigningKey *sendersigningkey;
+ size_t n_sendermessagekeys;
+ Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderMessageKey **sendermessagekeys;
+ { PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT (&textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__descriptor) \
+ , 0,0, NULL, NULL, 0,NULL }
+struct _Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure
+ ProtobufCMessage base;
+ size_t n_senderkeystates;
+ Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure **senderkeystates;
+ { PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT (&textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__descriptor) \
+ , 0,NULL }
+/* Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__ChainKey methods */
+void textsecure__session_structure__chain__chain_key__init
+ (Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__ChainKey *message);
+/* Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey methods */
+void textsecure__session_structure__chain__message_key__init
+ (Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey *message);
+/* Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain methods */
+void textsecure__session_structure__chain__init
+ (Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain *message);
+/* Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange methods */
+void textsecure__session_structure__pending_key_exchange__init
+ (Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange *message);
+/* Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey methods */
+void textsecure__session_structure__pending_pre_key__init
+ (Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey *message);
+/* Textsecure__SessionStructure methods */
+void textsecure__session_structure__init
+ (Textsecure__SessionStructure *message);
+size_t textsecure__session_structure__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__SessionStructure *message);
+size_t textsecure__session_structure__pack
+ (const Textsecure__SessionStructure *message,
+ uint8_t *out);
+size_t textsecure__session_structure__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__SessionStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer);
+Textsecure__SessionStructure *
+ textsecure__session_structure__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data);
+void textsecure__session_structure__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__SessionStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator);
+/* Textsecure__RecordStructure methods */
+void textsecure__record_structure__init
+ (Textsecure__RecordStructure *message);
+size_t textsecure__record_structure__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__RecordStructure *message);
+size_t textsecure__record_structure__pack
+ (const Textsecure__RecordStructure *message,
+ uint8_t *out);
+size_t textsecure__record_structure__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__RecordStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer);
+Textsecure__RecordStructure *
+ textsecure__record_structure__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data);
+void textsecure__record_structure__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__RecordStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator);
+/* Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure methods */
+void textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__init
+ (Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure *message);
+size_t textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure *message);
+size_t textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__pack
+ (const Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure *message,
+ uint8_t *out);
+size_t textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer);
+Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure *
+ textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data);
+void textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator);
+/* Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure methods */
+void textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__init
+ (Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure *message);
+size_t textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure *message);
+size_t textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__pack
+ (const Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure *message,
+ uint8_t *out);
+size_t textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer);
+Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure *
+ textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data);
+void textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator);
+/* Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure methods */
+void textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__init
+ (Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure *message);
+size_t textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure *message);
+size_t textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__pack
+ (const Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure *message,
+ uint8_t *out);
+size_t textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer);
+Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure *
+ textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data);
+void textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator);
+/* Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderChainKey methods */
+void textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_chain_key__init
+ (Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderChainKey *message);
+/* Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderMessageKey methods */
+void textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_message_key__init
+ (Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderMessageKey *message);
+/* Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderSigningKey methods */
+void textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_signing_key__init
+ (Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderSigningKey *message);
+/* Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure methods */
+void textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__init
+ (Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure *message);
+size_t textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure *message);
+size_t textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__pack
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure *message,
+ uint8_t *out);
+size_t textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer);
+Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure *
+ textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data);
+void textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator);
+/* Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure methods */
+void textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__init
+ (Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure *message);
+size_t textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure *message);
+size_t textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__pack
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure *message,
+ uint8_t *out);
+size_t textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer);
+Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure *
+ textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data);
+void textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator);
+/* --- per-message closures --- */
+typedef void (*Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__ChainKey_Closure)
+ (const Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__ChainKey *message,
+ void *closure_data);
+typedef void (*Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey_Closure)
+ (const Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey *message,
+ void *closure_data);
+typedef void (*Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain_Closure)
+ (const Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain *message,
+ void *closure_data);
+typedef void (*Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange_Closure)
+ (const Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange *message,
+ void *closure_data);
+typedef void (*Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey_Closure)
+ (const Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey *message,
+ void *closure_data);
+typedef void (*Textsecure__SessionStructure_Closure)
+ (const Textsecure__SessionStructure *message,
+ void *closure_data);
+typedef void (*Textsecure__RecordStructure_Closure)
+ (const Textsecure__RecordStructure *message,
+ void *closure_data);
+typedef void (*Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure_Closure)
+ (const Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure *message,
+ void *closure_data);
+typedef void (*Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure_Closure)
+ (const Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure *message,
+ void *closure_data);
+typedef void (*Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure_Closure)
+ (const Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure *message,
+ void *closure_data);
+typedef void (*Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderChainKey_Closure)
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderChainKey *message,
+ void *closure_data);
+typedef void (*Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderMessageKey_Closure)
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderMessageKey *message,
+ void *closure_data);
+typedef void (*Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderSigningKey_Closure)
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderSigningKey *message,
+ void *closure_data);
+typedef void (*Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure_Closure)
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure *message,
+ void *closure_data);
+typedef void (*Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure_Closure)
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure *message,
+ void *closure_data);
+/* --- services --- */
+/* --- descriptors --- */
+extern const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__session_structure__descriptor;
+extern const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__session_structure__chain__descriptor;
+extern const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__session_structure__chain__chain_key__descriptor;
+extern const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__session_structure__chain__message_key__descriptor;
+extern const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__session_structure__pending_key_exchange__descriptor;
+extern const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__session_structure__pending_pre_key__descriptor;
+extern const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__record_structure__descriptor;
+extern const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__descriptor;
+extern const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__descriptor;
+extern const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__descriptor;
+extern const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__descriptor;
+extern const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_chain_key__descriptor;
+extern const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_message_key__descriptor;
+extern const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_signing_key__descriptor;
+extern const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__descriptor;
+#endif /* PROTOBUF_C_LocalStorageProtocol_2eproto__INCLUDED */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/WhisperTextProtocol.pb-c.c b/libs/libsignal/src/WhisperTextProtocol.pb-c.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f73c0642fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/WhisperTextProtocol.pb-c.c
@@ -0,0 +1,729 @@
+/* Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! */
+/* Generated from: WhisperTextProtocol.proto */
+/* Do not generate deprecated warnings for self */
+#include "WhisperTextProtocol.pb-c.h"
+void textsecure__signal_message__init
+ (Textsecure__SignalMessage *message)
+ static Textsecure__SignalMessage init_value = TEXTSECURE__SIGNAL_MESSAGE__INIT;
+ *message = init_value;
+size_t textsecure__signal_message__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__SignalMessage *message)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__signal_message__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size ((const ProtobufCMessage*)(message));
+size_t textsecure__signal_message__pack
+ (const Textsecure__SignalMessage *message,
+ uint8_t *out)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__signal_message__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, out);
+size_t textsecure__signal_message__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__SignalMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__signal_message__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, buffer);
+Textsecure__SignalMessage *
+ textsecure__signal_message__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data)
+ return (Textsecure__SignalMessage *)
+ protobuf_c_message_unpack (&textsecure__signal_message__descriptor,
+ allocator, len, data);
+void textsecure__signal_message__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__SignalMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__signal_message__descriptor);
+ protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked ((ProtobufCMessage*)message, allocator);
+void textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__init
+ (Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage *message)
+ static Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage init_value = TEXTSECURE__PRE_KEY_SIGNAL_MESSAGE__INIT;
+ *message = init_value;
+size_t textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage *message)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size ((const ProtobufCMessage*)(message));
+size_t textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__pack
+ (const Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage *message,
+ uint8_t *out)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, out);
+size_t textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, buffer);
+Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage *
+ textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data)
+ return (Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage *)
+ protobuf_c_message_unpack (&textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__descriptor,
+ allocator, len, data);
+void textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__descriptor);
+ protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked ((ProtobufCMessage*)message, allocator);
+void textsecure__key_exchange_message__init
+ (Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage *message)
+ static Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage init_value = TEXTSECURE__KEY_EXCHANGE_MESSAGE__INIT;
+ *message = init_value;
+size_t textsecure__key_exchange_message__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage *message)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__key_exchange_message__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size ((const ProtobufCMessage*)(message));
+size_t textsecure__key_exchange_message__pack
+ (const Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage *message,
+ uint8_t *out)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__key_exchange_message__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, out);
+size_t textsecure__key_exchange_message__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__key_exchange_message__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, buffer);
+Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage *
+ textsecure__key_exchange_message__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data)
+ return (Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage *)
+ protobuf_c_message_unpack (&textsecure__key_exchange_message__descriptor,
+ allocator, len, data);
+void textsecure__key_exchange_message__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__key_exchange_message__descriptor);
+ protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked ((ProtobufCMessage*)message, allocator);
+void textsecure__sender_key_message__init
+ (Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage *message)
+ static Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage init_value = TEXTSECURE__SENDER_KEY_MESSAGE__INIT;
+ *message = init_value;
+size_t textsecure__sender_key_message__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage *message)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__sender_key_message__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size ((const ProtobufCMessage*)(message));
+size_t textsecure__sender_key_message__pack
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage *message,
+ uint8_t *out)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__sender_key_message__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, out);
+size_t textsecure__sender_key_message__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__sender_key_message__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, buffer);
+Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage *
+ textsecure__sender_key_message__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data)
+ return (Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage *)
+ protobuf_c_message_unpack (&textsecure__sender_key_message__descriptor,
+ allocator, len, data);
+void textsecure__sender_key_message__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__sender_key_message__descriptor);
+ protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked ((ProtobufCMessage*)message, allocator);
+void textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__init
+ (Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage *message)
+ static Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage init_value = TEXTSECURE__SENDER_KEY_DISTRIBUTION_MESSAGE__INIT;
+ *message = init_value;
+size_t textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage *message)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size ((const ProtobufCMessage*)(message));
+size_t textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__pack
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage *message,
+ uint8_t *out)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, out);
+size_t textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, buffer);
+Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage *
+ textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data)
+ return (Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage *)
+ protobuf_c_message_unpack (&textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__descriptor,
+ allocator, len, data);
+void textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__descriptor);
+ protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked ((ProtobufCMessage*)message, allocator);
+void textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__init
+ (Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage *message)
+ static Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage init_value = TEXTSECURE__DEVICE_CONSISTENCY_CODE_MESSAGE__INIT;
+ *message = init_value;
+size_t textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage *message)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size ((const ProtobufCMessage*)(message));
+size_t textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__pack
+ (const Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage *message,
+ uint8_t *out)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, out);
+size_t textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__descriptor);
+ return protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer ((const ProtobufCMessage*)message, buffer);
+Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage *
+ textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data)
+ return (Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage *)
+ protobuf_c_message_unpack (&textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__descriptor,
+ allocator, len, data);
+void textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator)
+ assert(message->base.descriptor == &textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__descriptor);
+ protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked ((ProtobufCMessage*)message, allocator);
+static const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor textsecure__signal_message__field_descriptors[4] =
+ {
+ "ratchetKey",
+ 1,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SignalMessage, has_ratchetkey),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SignalMessage, ratchetkey),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "counter",
+ 2,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SignalMessage, has_counter),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SignalMessage, counter),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "previousCounter",
+ 3,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SignalMessage, has_previouscounter),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SignalMessage, previouscounter),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "ciphertext",
+ 4,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SignalMessage, has_ciphertext),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SignalMessage, ciphertext),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+static const unsigned textsecure__signal_message__field_indices_by_name[] = {
+ 3, /* field[3] = ciphertext */
+ 1, /* field[1] = counter */
+ 2, /* field[2] = previousCounter */
+ 0, /* field[0] = ratchetKey */
+static const ProtobufCIntRange textsecure__signal_message__number_ranges[1 + 1] =
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 0, 4 }
+const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__signal_message__descriptor =
+ "textsecure.SignalMessage",
+ "SignalMessage",
+ "Textsecure__SignalMessage",
+ "textsecure",
+ sizeof(Textsecure__SignalMessage),
+ 4,
+ textsecure__signal_message__field_descriptors,
+ textsecure__signal_message__field_indices_by_name,
+ 1, textsecure__signal_message__number_ranges,
+ (ProtobufCMessageInit) textsecure__signal_message__init,
+ NULL,NULL,NULL /* reserved[123] */
+static const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__field_descriptors[6] =
+ {
+ "preKeyId",
+ 1,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage, has_prekeyid),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage, prekeyid),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "baseKey",
+ 2,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage, has_basekey),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage, basekey),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "identityKey",
+ 3,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage, has_identitykey),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage, identitykey),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "message",
+ 4,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage, has_message),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage, message),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "registrationId",
+ 5,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage, has_registrationid),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage, registrationid),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "signedPreKeyId",
+ 6,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage, has_signedprekeyid),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage, signedprekeyid),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+static const unsigned textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__field_indices_by_name[] = {
+ 1, /* field[1] = baseKey */
+ 2, /* field[2] = identityKey */
+ 3, /* field[3] = message */
+ 0, /* field[0] = preKeyId */
+ 4, /* field[4] = registrationId */
+ 5, /* field[5] = signedPreKeyId */
+static const ProtobufCIntRange textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__number_ranges[1 + 1] =
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 0, 6 }
+const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__descriptor =
+ "textsecure.PreKeySignalMessage",
+ "PreKeySignalMessage",
+ "Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage",
+ "textsecure",
+ sizeof(Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage),
+ 6,
+ textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__field_descriptors,
+ textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__field_indices_by_name,
+ 1, textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__number_ranges,
+ (ProtobufCMessageInit) textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__init,
+ NULL,NULL,NULL /* reserved[123] */
+static const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor textsecure__key_exchange_message__field_descriptors[5] =
+ {
+ "id",
+ 1,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage, has_id),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage, id),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "baseKey",
+ 2,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage, has_basekey),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage, basekey),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "ratchetKey",
+ 3,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage, has_ratchetkey),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage, ratchetkey),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "identityKey",
+ 4,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage, has_identitykey),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage, identitykey),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "baseKeySignature",
+ 5,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage, has_basekeysignature),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage, basekeysignature),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+static const unsigned textsecure__key_exchange_message__field_indices_by_name[] = {
+ 1, /* field[1] = baseKey */
+ 4, /* field[4] = baseKeySignature */
+ 0, /* field[0] = id */
+ 3, /* field[3] = identityKey */
+ 2, /* field[2] = ratchetKey */
+static const ProtobufCIntRange textsecure__key_exchange_message__number_ranges[1 + 1] =
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 0, 5 }
+const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__key_exchange_message__descriptor =
+ "textsecure.KeyExchangeMessage",
+ "KeyExchangeMessage",
+ "Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage",
+ "textsecure",
+ sizeof(Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage),
+ 5,
+ textsecure__key_exchange_message__field_descriptors,
+ textsecure__key_exchange_message__field_indices_by_name,
+ 1, textsecure__key_exchange_message__number_ranges,
+ (ProtobufCMessageInit) textsecure__key_exchange_message__init,
+ NULL,NULL,NULL /* reserved[123] */
+static const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor textsecure__sender_key_message__field_descriptors[3] =
+ {
+ "id",
+ 1,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage, has_id),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage, id),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "iteration",
+ 2,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage, has_iteration),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage, iteration),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "ciphertext",
+ 3,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage, has_ciphertext),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage, ciphertext),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+static const unsigned textsecure__sender_key_message__field_indices_by_name[] = {
+ 2, /* field[2] = ciphertext */
+ 0, /* field[0] = id */
+ 1, /* field[1] = iteration */
+static const ProtobufCIntRange textsecure__sender_key_message__number_ranges[1 + 1] =
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 0, 3 }
+const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__sender_key_message__descriptor =
+ "textsecure.SenderKeyMessage",
+ "SenderKeyMessage",
+ "Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage",
+ "textsecure",
+ sizeof(Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage),
+ 3,
+ textsecure__sender_key_message__field_descriptors,
+ textsecure__sender_key_message__field_indices_by_name,
+ 1, textsecure__sender_key_message__number_ranges,
+ (ProtobufCMessageInit) textsecure__sender_key_message__init,
+ NULL,NULL,NULL /* reserved[123] */
+static const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__field_descriptors[4] =
+ {
+ "id",
+ 1,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage, has_id),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage, id),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "iteration",
+ 2,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage, has_iteration),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage, iteration),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "chainKey",
+ 3,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage, has_chainkey),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage, chainkey),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "signingKey",
+ 4,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage, has_signingkey),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage, signingkey),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+static const unsigned textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__field_indices_by_name[] = {
+ 2, /* field[2] = chainKey */
+ 0, /* field[0] = id */
+ 1, /* field[1] = iteration */
+ 3, /* field[3] = signingKey */
+static const ProtobufCIntRange textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__number_ranges[1 + 1] =
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 0, 4 }
+const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__descriptor =
+ "textsecure.SenderKeyDistributionMessage",
+ "SenderKeyDistributionMessage",
+ "Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage",
+ "textsecure",
+ sizeof(Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage),
+ 4,
+ textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__field_descriptors,
+ textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__field_indices_by_name,
+ 1, textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__number_ranges,
+ (ProtobufCMessageInit) textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__init,
+ NULL,NULL,NULL /* reserved[123] */
+static const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__field_descriptors[2] =
+ {
+ "generation",
+ 1,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage, has_generation),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage, generation),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+ {
+ "signature",
+ 2,
+ offsetof(Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage, has_signature),
+ offsetof(Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage, signature),
+ 0, /* flags */
+ 0,NULL,NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */
+ },
+static const unsigned textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__field_indices_by_name[] = {
+ 0, /* field[0] = generation */
+ 1, /* field[1] = signature */
+static const ProtobufCIntRange textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__number_ranges[1 + 1] =
+ { 1, 0 },
+ { 0, 2 }
+const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__descriptor =
+ "textsecure.DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage",
+ "DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage",
+ "Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage",
+ "textsecure",
+ sizeof(Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage),
+ 2,
+ textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__field_descriptors,
+ textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__field_indices_by_name,
+ 1, textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__number_ranges,
+ (ProtobufCMessageInit) textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__init,
+ NULL,NULL,NULL /* reserved[123] */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/WhisperTextProtocol.pb-c.h b/libs/libsignal/src/WhisperTextProtocol.pb-c.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bcab2c5d4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/WhisperTextProtocol.pb-c.h
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+/* Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! */
+/* Generated from: WhisperTextProtocol.proto */
+#ifndef PROTOBUF_C_WhisperTextProtocol_2eproto__INCLUDED
+#define PROTOBUF_C_WhisperTextProtocol_2eproto__INCLUDED
+#include <protobuf-c/protobuf-c.h>
+# error This file was generated by a newer version of protoc-c which is incompatible with your libprotobuf-c headers. Please update your headers.
+# error This file was generated by an older version of protoc-c which is incompatible with your libprotobuf-c headers. Please regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc-c.
+typedef struct _Textsecure__SignalMessage Textsecure__SignalMessage;
+typedef struct _Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage;
+typedef struct _Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage;
+typedef struct _Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage;
+typedef struct _Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage;
+typedef struct _Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage;
+/* --- enums --- */
+/* --- messages --- */
+struct _Textsecure__SignalMessage
+ ProtobufCMessage base;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_ratchetkey;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData ratchetkey;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_counter;
+ uint32_t counter;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_previouscounter;
+ uint32_t previouscounter;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_ciphertext;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData ciphertext;
+ { PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT (&textsecure__signal_message__descriptor) \
+ , 0,{0,NULL}, 0,0, 0,0, 0,{0,NULL} }
+struct _Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage
+ ProtobufCMessage base;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_registrationid;
+ uint32_t registrationid;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_prekeyid;
+ uint32_t prekeyid;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_signedprekeyid;
+ uint32_t signedprekeyid;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_basekey;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData basekey;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_identitykey;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData identitykey;
+ /*
+ * SignalMessage
+ */
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_message;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData message;
+ { PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT (&textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__descriptor) \
+ , 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,{0,NULL}, 0,{0,NULL}, 0,{0,NULL} }
+struct _Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage
+ ProtobufCMessage base;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_id;
+ uint32_t id;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_basekey;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData basekey;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_ratchetkey;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData ratchetkey;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_identitykey;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData identitykey;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_basekeysignature;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData basekeysignature;
+ { PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT (&textsecure__key_exchange_message__descriptor) \
+ , 0,0, 0,{0,NULL}, 0,{0,NULL}, 0,{0,NULL}, 0,{0,NULL} }
+struct _Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage
+ ProtobufCMessage base;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_id;
+ uint32_t id;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_iteration;
+ uint32_t iteration;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_ciphertext;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData ciphertext;
+ { PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT (&textsecure__sender_key_message__descriptor) \
+ , 0,0, 0,0, 0,{0,NULL} }
+struct _Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage
+ ProtobufCMessage base;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_id;
+ uint32_t id;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_iteration;
+ uint32_t iteration;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_chainkey;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData chainkey;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_signingkey;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData signingkey;
+ { PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT (&textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__descriptor) \
+ , 0,0, 0,0, 0,{0,NULL}, 0,{0,NULL} }
+struct _Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage
+ ProtobufCMessage base;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_generation;
+ uint32_t generation;
+ protobuf_c_boolean has_signature;
+ ProtobufCBinaryData signature;
+ { PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT (&textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__descriptor) \
+ , 0,0, 0,{0,NULL} }
+/* Textsecure__SignalMessage methods */
+void textsecure__signal_message__init
+ (Textsecure__SignalMessage *message);
+size_t textsecure__signal_message__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__SignalMessage *message);
+size_t textsecure__signal_message__pack
+ (const Textsecure__SignalMessage *message,
+ uint8_t *out);
+size_t textsecure__signal_message__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__SignalMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer);
+Textsecure__SignalMessage *
+ textsecure__signal_message__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data);
+void textsecure__signal_message__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__SignalMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator);
+/* Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage methods */
+void textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__init
+ (Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage *message);
+size_t textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage *message);
+size_t textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__pack
+ (const Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage *message,
+ uint8_t *out);
+size_t textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer);
+Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage *
+ textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data);
+void textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator);
+/* Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage methods */
+void textsecure__key_exchange_message__init
+ (Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage *message);
+size_t textsecure__key_exchange_message__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage *message);
+size_t textsecure__key_exchange_message__pack
+ (const Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage *message,
+ uint8_t *out);
+size_t textsecure__key_exchange_message__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer);
+Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage *
+ textsecure__key_exchange_message__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data);
+void textsecure__key_exchange_message__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator);
+/* Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage methods */
+void textsecure__sender_key_message__init
+ (Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage *message);
+size_t textsecure__sender_key_message__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage *message);
+size_t textsecure__sender_key_message__pack
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage *message,
+ uint8_t *out);
+size_t textsecure__sender_key_message__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer);
+Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage *
+ textsecure__sender_key_message__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data);
+void textsecure__sender_key_message__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator);
+/* Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage methods */
+void textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__init
+ (Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage *message);
+size_t textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage *message);
+size_t textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__pack
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage *message,
+ uint8_t *out);
+size_t textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer);
+Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage *
+ textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data);
+void textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator);
+/* Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage methods */
+void textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__init
+ (Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage *message);
+size_t textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__get_packed_size
+ (const Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage *message);
+size_t textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__pack
+ (const Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage *message,
+ uint8_t *out);
+size_t textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer);
+Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage *
+ textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data);
+void textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__free_unpacked
+ (Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator);
+/* --- per-message closures --- */
+typedef void (*Textsecure__SignalMessage_Closure)
+ (const Textsecure__SignalMessage *message,
+ void *closure_data);
+typedef void (*Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage_Closure)
+ (const Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage *message,
+ void *closure_data);
+typedef void (*Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage_Closure)
+ (const Textsecure__KeyExchangeMessage *message,
+ void *closure_data);
+typedef void (*Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage_Closure)
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage *message,
+ void *closure_data);
+typedef void (*Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage_Closure)
+ (const Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage *message,
+ void *closure_data);
+typedef void (*Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage_Closure)
+ (const Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage *message,
+ void *closure_data);
+/* --- services --- */
+/* --- descriptors --- */
+extern const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__signal_message__descriptor;
+extern const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__descriptor;
+extern const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__key_exchange_message__descriptor;
+extern const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__sender_key_message__descriptor;
+extern const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__descriptor;
+extern const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__descriptor;
+#endif /* PROTOBUF_C_WhisperTextProtocol_2eproto__INCLUDED */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dcb27c17ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve.c
@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
+#include "curve.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <protobuf-c/protobuf-c.h>
+#include "curve25519/curve25519-donna.h"
+#include "curve25519/ed25519/additions/curve_sigs.h"
+#include "curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_x.h"
+#include "curve25519/ed25519/tests/internal_fast_tests.h"
+#include "signal_protocol_internal.h"
+#include "signal_utarray.h"
+#define DJB_TYPE 0x05
+#define DJB_KEY_LEN 32
+#define VRF_VERIFY_LEN 32
+struct ec_public_key
+ signal_type_base base;
+ uint8_t data[DJB_KEY_LEN];
+struct ec_private_key
+ signal_type_base base;
+ uint8_t data[DJB_KEY_LEN];
+struct ec_key_pair
+ signal_type_base base;
+ ec_public_key *public_key;
+ ec_private_key *private_key;
+struct ec_public_key_list
+ UT_array *values;
+int curve_decode_point(ec_public_key **public_key, const uint8_t *key_data, size_t key_len, signal_context *global_context)
+ ec_public_key *key = 0;
+ if(key_len > 0 && key_data[0] != DJB_TYPE) {
+ signal_log(global_context, SG_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid key type: %d", key_data[0]);
+ }
+ if(key_len != DJB_KEY_LEN + 1) {
+ signal_log(global_context, SG_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid key length: %d", key_len);
+ }
+ key = malloc(sizeof(ec_public_key));
+ if(!key) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_INIT(key, ec_public_key_destroy);
+ memcpy(key->data, key_data + 1, DJB_KEY_LEN);
+ *public_key = key;
+ return 0;
+int ec_public_key_compare(const ec_public_key *key1, const ec_public_key *key2)
+ if(key1 == key2) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if(key1 == 0 && key2 != 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if(key1 != 0 && key2 == 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ return signal_constant_memcmp(key1->data, key2->data, DJB_KEY_LEN);
+ }
+int ec_public_key_memcmp(const ec_public_key *key1, const ec_public_key *key2)
+ if(key1 == key2) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if(key1 == 0 && key2 != 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if(key1 != 0 && key2 == 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ return memcmp(key1->data, key2->data, DJB_KEY_LEN);
+ }
+int ec_public_key_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, const ec_public_key *key)
+ signal_buffer *buf = 0;
+ uint8_t *data = 0;
+ if(!key) {
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ buf = signal_buffer_alloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * (DJB_KEY_LEN + 1));
+ if(!buf) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ data = signal_buffer_data(buf);
+ data[0] = DJB_TYPE;
+ memcpy(data + 1, key->data, DJB_KEY_LEN);
+ *buffer = buf;
+ return 0;
+int ec_public_key_serialize_protobuf(ProtobufCBinaryData *buffer, const ec_public_key *key)
+ size_t len = 0;
+ uint8_t *data = 0;
+ assert(buffer);
+ assert(key);
+ len = sizeof(uint8_t) * (DJB_KEY_LEN + 1);
+ data = malloc(len);
+ if(!data) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ data[0] = DJB_TYPE;
+ memcpy(data + 1, key->data, DJB_KEY_LEN);
+ buffer->data = data;
+ buffer->len = len;
+ return 0;
+void ec_public_key_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ ec_public_key *public_key = (ec_public_key *)type;
+ free(public_key);
+int curve_decode_private_point(ec_private_key **private_key, const uint8_t *key_data, size_t key_len, signal_context *global_context)
+ ec_private_key *key = 0;
+ if(key_len != DJB_KEY_LEN) {
+ signal_log(global_context, SG_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid key length: %d", key_len);
+ }
+ key = malloc(sizeof(ec_private_key));
+ if(!key) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_INIT(key, ec_private_key_destroy);
+ memcpy(key->data, key_data, DJB_KEY_LEN);
+ *private_key = key;
+ return 0;
+int ec_private_key_compare(const ec_private_key *key1, const ec_private_key *key2)
+ if(key1 == key2) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if(key1 == 0 && key2 != 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if(key1 != 0 && key2 == 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ return signal_constant_memcmp(key1->data, key2->data, DJB_KEY_LEN);
+ }
+int ec_private_key_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, const ec_private_key *key)
+ signal_buffer *buf = 0;
+ uint8_t *data = 0 ;
+ buf = signal_buffer_alloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * DJB_KEY_LEN);
+ if(!buf) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ data = signal_buffer_data(buf);
+ memcpy(data, key->data, DJB_KEY_LEN);
+ *buffer = buf;
+ return 0;
+int ec_private_key_serialize_protobuf(ProtobufCBinaryData *buffer, const ec_private_key *key)
+ size_t len = 0;
+ uint8_t *data = 0;
+ assert(buffer);
+ assert(key);
+ len = sizeof(uint8_t) * DJB_KEY_LEN;
+ data = malloc(len);
+ if(!data) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memcpy(data, key->data, DJB_KEY_LEN);
+ buffer->data = data;
+ buffer->len = len;
+ return 0;
+void ec_private_key_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ ec_private_key *private_key = (ec_private_key *)type;
+ signal_explicit_bzero(private_key, sizeof(ec_private_key));
+ free(private_key);
+int ec_key_pair_create(ec_key_pair **key_pair, ec_public_key *public_key, ec_private_key *private_key)
+ ec_key_pair *result = malloc(sizeof(ec_key_pair));
+ if(!result) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result, ec_key_pair_destroy);
+ result->public_key = public_key;
+ SIGNAL_REF(public_key);
+ result->private_key = private_key;
+ SIGNAL_REF(private_key);
+ *key_pair = result;
+ return 0;
+ec_public_key *ec_key_pair_get_public(const ec_key_pair *key_pair)
+ return key_pair->public_key;
+ec_private_key *ec_key_pair_get_private(const ec_key_pair *key_pair)
+ return key_pair->private_key;
+void ec_key_pair_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ ec_key_pair *key_pair = (ec_key_pair *)type;
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(key_pair->public_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(key_pair->private_key);
+ free(key_pair);
+int curve_generate_private_key(signal_context *context, ec_private_key **private_key)
+ int result = 0;
+ ec_private_key *key = 0;
+ assert(context);
+ key = malloc(sizeof(ec_private_key));
+ if(!key) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_INIT(key, ec_private_key_destroy);
+ result = signal_crypto_random(context, key->data, DJB_KEY_LEN);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ key->data[0] &= 248;
+ key->data[31] &= 127;
+ key->data[31] |= 64;
+ if(result < 0) {
+ if(key) {
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ *private_key = key;
+ }
+ return result;
+int curve_generate_public_key(ec_public_key **public_key, const ec_private_key *private_key)
+ static const uint8_t basepoint[32] = {9};
+ int result = 0;
+ ec_public_key *key = malloc(sizeof(ec_public_key));
+ if(!key) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_INIT(key, ec_public_key_destroy);
+ result = curve25519_donna(key->data, private_key->data, basepoint);
+ if(result == 0) {
+ *public_key = key;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ if(key) {
+ }
+ return SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ }
+int curve_generate_key_pair(signal_context *context, ec_key_pair **key_pair)
+ int result = 0;
+ ec_key_pair *pair_result = 0;
+ ec_private_key *key_private = 0;
+ ec_public_key *key_public = 0;
+ assert(context);
+ result = curve_generate_private_key(context, &key_private);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = curve_generate_public_key(&key_public, key_private);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ec_key_pair_create(&pair_result, key_public, key_private);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(key_public) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(key_public);
+ }
+ if(key_private) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(key_private);
+ }
+ if(result < 0) {
+ if(pair_result) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(pair_result);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ *key_pair = pair_result;
+ }
+ return result;
+ec_public_key_list *ec_public_key_list_alloc()
+ int result = 0;
+ ec_public_key_list *list = malloc(sizeof(ec_public_key_list));
+ if(!list) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memset(list, 0, sizeof(ec_public_key_list));
+ utarray_new(list->values, &ut_ptr_icd);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ if(list) {
+ free(list);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ return list;
+ }
+ec_public_key_list *ec_public_key_list_copy(const ec_public_key_list *list)
+ int result = 0;
+ ec_public_key_list *result_list = 0;
+ unsigned int size;
+ unsigned int i;
+ ec_public_key **p;
+ result_list = ec_public_key_list_alloc();
+ if(!result_list) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ size = utarray_len(list->values);
+ utarray_reserve(result_list->values, size);
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ p = (ec_public_key **)utarray_eltptr(list->values, i);
+ result = ec_public_key_list_push_back(result_list, *p);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(result < 0) {
+ if(result_list) {
+ ec_public_key_list_free(result_list);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ return result_list;
+ }
+int ec_public_key_list_push_back(ec_public_key_list *list, ec_public_key *value)
+ int result = 0;
+ assert(list);
+ assert(value);
+ utarray_push_back(list->values, &value);
+ SIGNAL_REF(value);
+ return result;
+unsigned int ec_public_key_list_size(const ec_public_key_list *list)
+ assert(list);
+ return utarray_len(list->values);
+ec_public_key *ec_public_key_list_at(const ec_public_key_list *list, unsigned int index)
+ ec_public_key **value = 0;
+ assert(list);
+ assert(index < utarray_len(list->values));
+ value = (ec_public_key **)utarray_eltptr(list->values, index);
+ assert(*value);
+ return *value;
+int ec_public_key_list_sort_comparator(const void *a, const void *b)
+ const ec_public_key *key1 = *((const ec_public_key **)a);
+ const ec_public_key *key2 = *((const ec_public_key **)b);
+ return ec_public_key_memcmp(key1, key2);
+void ec_public_key_list_sort(ec_public_key_list *list)
+ assert(list);
+ utarray_sort(list->values, ec_public_key_list_sort_comparator);
+void ec_public_key_list_free(ec_public_key_list *list)
+ unsigned int size;
+ unsigned int i;
+ ec_public_key **p;
+ if(list) {
+ size = utarray_len(list->values);
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ p = (ec_public_key **)utarray_eltptr(list->values, i);
+ }
+ utarray_free(list->values);
+ free(list);
+ }
+int curve_calculate_agreement(uint8_t **shared_key_data, const ec_public_key *public_key, const ec_private_key *private_key)
+ uint8_t *key = 0;
+ int result = 0;
+ if(!public_key || !private_key) {
+ }
+ key = malloc(DJB_KEY_LEN);
+ if(!key) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ result = curve25519_donna(key, private_key->data, public_key->data);
+ if(result == 0) {
+ *shared_key_data = key;
+ return DJB_KEY_LEN;
+ }
+ else {
+ if(key) {
+ free(key);
+ }
+ return SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ }
+int curve_verify_signature(const ec_public_key *signing_key,
+ const uint8_t *message_data, size_t message_len,
+ const uint8_t *signature_data, size_t signature_len)
+ if(signature_len != CURVE_SIGNATURE_LEN) {
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ return curve25519_verify(signature_data, signing_key->data, message_data, message_len) == 0;
+int curve_calculate_signature(signal_context *context,
+ signal_buffer **signature,
+ const ec_private_key *signing_key,
+ const uint8_t *message_data, size_t message_len)
+ int result = 0;
+ uint8_t random_data[CURVE_SIGNATURE_LEN];
+ signal_buffer *buffer = 0;
+ result = signal_crypto_random(context, random_data, sizeof(random_data));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ buffer = signal_buffer_alloc(CURVE_SIGNATURE_LEN);
+ if(!buffer) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = curve25519_sign(signal_buffer_data(buffer), signing_key->data, message_data, message_len, random_data);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ if(buffer) {
+ signal_buffer_free(buffer);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ *signature = buffer;
+ }
+ return result;
+int curve_verify_vrf_signature(signal_context *context,
+ signal_buffer **vrf_output,
+ const ec_public_key *signing_key,
+ const uint8_t *message_data, size_t message_len,
+ const uint8_t *signature_data, size_t signature_len)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *buffer = 0;
+ if(!signing_key) {
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ if(!message_data || !signature_data || signature_len != VRF_SIGNATURE_LEN) {
+ signal_log(context, SG_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid message or signature format");
+ }
+ buffer = signal_buffer_alloc(VRF_VERIFY_LEN);
+ if(!buffer) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = generalized_xveddsa_25519_verify(signal_buffer_data(buffer),
+ signature_data, signing_key->data,
+ message_data, message_len, NULL, 0);
+ if(result != 0) {
+ signal_log(context, SG_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid signature");
+ }
+ if(result < 0) {
+ signal_buffer_free(buffer);
+ }
+ else {
+ *vrf_output = buffer;
+ }
+ return result;
+int curve_calculate_vrf_signature(signal_context *context,
+ signal_buffer **signature,
+ const ec_private_key *signing_key,
+ const uint8_t *message_data, size_t message_len)
+ int result = 0;
+ uint8_t random_data[64];
+ signal_buffer *buffer = 0;
+ result = signal_crypto_random(context, random_data, sizeof(random_data));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ buffer = signal_buffer_alloc(VRF_SIGNATURE_LEN);
+ if(!buffer) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = generalized_xveddsa_25519_sign(signal_buffer_data(buffer),
+ signing_key->data,
+ message_data, message_len, random_data, NULL, 0);
+ if(result != 0) {
+ signal_log(context, SG_LOG_ERROR, "Signature failed!");
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ if(result < 0) {
+ signal_buffer_free(buffer);
+ }
+ else {
+ *signature = buffer;
+ }
+ return result;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09bff406da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve.h
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+#ifndef CURVE_H
+#define CURVE_H
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "signal_protocol_types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+int curve_decode_point(ec_public_key **public_key, const uint8_t *key_data, size_t key_len, signal_context *global_context);
+int ec_public_key_compare(const ec_public_key *key1, const ec_public_key *key2);
+int ec_public_key_memcmp(const ec_public_key *key1, const ec_public_key *key2);
+ * Serialize the public key into a buffer that can be stored.
+ * The format of this data is compatible with the input format of
+ * curve_decode_point().
+ *
+ * @param buffer Pointer to a buffer that will be allocated by this function
+ * and filled with the contents of the key. The caller is responsible for
+ * freeing this buffer with signal_buffer_free().
+ * @param key Key to serialize
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+int ec_public_key_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, const ec_public_key *key);
+void ec_public_key_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+int curve_decode_private_point(ec_private_key **private_key, const uint8_t *key_data, size_t key_len, signal_context *global_context);
+int ec_private_key_compare(const ec_private_key *key1, const ec_private_key *key2);
+ * Serialize the private key into a buffer that can be stored.
+ * The format of this data is compatible with the input format of
+ * curve_decode_private_point().
+ *
+ * @param buffer Pointer to a buffer that will be allocated by this function
+ * and filled with the contents of the key. The caller is responsible for
+ * freeing this buffer with signal_buffer_free().
+ * @param key Key to serialize
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+int ec_private_key_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, const ec_private_key *key);
+void ec_private_key_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+int ec_key_pair_create(ec_key_pair **key_pair, ec_public_key *public_key, ec_private_key *private_key);
+ec_public_key *ec_key_pair_get_public(const ec_key_pair *key_pair);
+ec_private_key *ec_key_pair_get_private(const ec_key_pair *key_pair);
+void ec_key_pair_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+int curve_generate_private_key(signal_context *context, ec_private_key **private_key);
+int curve_generate_public_key(ec_public_key **public_key, const ec_private_key *private_key);
+ * Generates a Curve25519 keypair.
+ *
+ * @param key_pair Set to a randomly generated Curve25519 keypair on success.
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+int curve_generate_key_pair(signal_context *context, ec_key_pair **key_pair);
+ * Allocate a new ec_public_key list
+ *
+ * @return pointer to the allocated list, or 0 on failure
+ */
+ec_public_key_list *ec_public_key_list_alloc(void);
+ * Copy an ec_public_key list
+ *
+ * @return pointer to the copy of the list, or 0 on failure
+ */
+ec_public_key_list *ec_public_key_list_copy(const ec_public_key_list *list);
+ * Push a new value onto the end of the list
+ *
+ * @param list the list
+ * @param value the value to push
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+int ec_public_key_list_push_back(ec_public_key_list *list, ec_public_key *value);
+ * Gets the size of the list.
+ *
+ * @param list the list
+ * @return the size of the list
+ */
+unsigned int ec_public_key_list_size(const ec_public_key_list *list);
+ * Gets the value of the element at a particular index in the list
+ *
+ * @param list the list
+ * @param index the index within the list
+ * @return the value
+ */
+ec_public_key *ec_public_key_list_at(const ec_public_key_list *list, unsigned int index);
+ * Sorts the list based on a comparison of the key data.
+ *
+ * @param list the list
+ */
+void ec_public_key_list_sort(ec_public_key_list *list);
+ * Free the ec_public_key list
+ * @param list the list to free
+ */
+void ec_public_key_list_free(ec_public_key_list *list);
+ * Calculates an ECDH agreement.
+ *
+ * @param shared_key_data Set to a 32-byte shared secret on success.
+ * @param public_key The Curve25519 (typically remote party's) public key.
+ * @param private_key The Curve25519 (typically yours) private key.
+ * @return length of the shared secret on success, negative on failure
+ */
+int curve_calculate_agreement(uint8_t **shared_key_data, const ec_public_key *public_key, const ec_private_key *private_key);
+ * Verify a Curve25519 signature.
+ *
+ * @param signing_key The Curve25519 public key the signature belongs to.
+ * @param message_data The message that was signed.
+ * @param message_len The length of the message that was signed.
+ * @param signature_data The signature to verify.
+ * @param signature_len The length of the signature to verify.
+ * @return 1 if valid, 0 if invalid, negative on failure
+ */
+int curve_verify_signature(const ec_public_key *signing_key,
+ const uint8_t *message_data, size_t message_len,
+ const uint8_t *signature_data, size_t signature_len);
+ * Calculates a Curve25519 signature.
+ *
+ * @param signature Set to a 64-byte signature on success.
+ * @param signing_key The private Curve25519 key to create the signature with.
+ * @param message_data The message to sign.
+ * @param message_len The length of the message to sign.
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+int curve_calculate_signature(signal_context *context,
+ signal_buffer **signature,
+ const ec_private_key *signing_key,
+ const uint8_t *message_data, size_t message_len);
+ * Verify a Unique Curve25519 signature.
+ *
+ * @param vrf_output Set to VRF output on success
+ * @param signing_key The Curve25519 public key the unique signature belongs to.
+ * @param message_data The message that was signed.
+ * @param message_len The length of the message that was signed.
+ * @param signature_data The signature to verify.
+ * @param signature_len The length of the signature to verify.
+ * @return 1 if valid, 0 if invalid, negative on failure
+ */
+int curve_verify_vrf_signature(signal_context *context,
+ signal_buffer **vrf_output,
+ const ec_public_key *signing_key,
+ const uint8_t *message_data, size_t message_len,
+ const uint8_t *signature_data, size_t signature_len);
+ * Calculates a Unique Curve25519 signature.
+ *
+ * @param signature Set to a 96-byte signature on success.
+ * @param signing_key The private Curve25519 key to create the signature with.
+ * @param message_data The message to sign.
+ * @param message_len The length of the message to sign.
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+int curve_calculate_vrf_signature(signal_context *context,
+ signal_buffer **signature,
+ const ec_private_key *signing_key,
+ const uint8_t *message_data, size_t message_len);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* CURVE_H */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/CMakeLists.txt b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f71b351cd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-function -Wno-shadow")
+ SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wno-sign-compare")
+ SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wno-sign-conversion")
+ SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wno-shorten-64-to-32")
+ ed25519/nacl_includes
+ ed25519/additions
+ ed25519/additions/generalized
+ ed25519/sha512
+ ed25519/tests
+ ed25519
+ curve25519-donna.c
+ ed25519/fe_0.c
+ ed25519/fe_1.c
+ ed25519/fe_add.c
+ ed25519/fe_cmov.c
+ ed25519/fe_copy.c
+ ed25519/fe_frombytes.c
+ ed25519/fe_invert.c
+ ed25519/fe_isnegative.c
+ ed25519/fe_isnonzero.c
+ ed25519/fe_mul.c
+ ed25519/fe_neg.c
+ ed25519/fe_pow22523.c
+ ed25519/fe_sq.c
+ ed25519/fe_sq2.c
+ ed25519/fe_sub.c
+ ed25519/fe_tobytes.c
+ ed25519/ge_add.c
+ ed25519/ge_double_scalarmult.c
+ ed25519/ge_frombytes.c
+ ed25519/ge_madd.c
+ ed25519/ge_msub.c
+ ed25519/ge_p1p1_to_p2.c
+ ed25519/ge_p1p1_to_p3.c
+ ed25519/ge_p2_0.c
+ ed25519/ge_p2_dbl.c
+ ed25519/ge_p3_0.c
+ ed25519/ge_p3_dbl.c
+ ed25519/ge_p3_to_cached.c
+ ed25519/ge_p3_to_p2.c
+ ed25519/ge_p3_tobytes.c
+ ed25519/ge_precomp_0.c
+ ed25519/ge_scalarmult_base.c
+ ed25519/ge_sub.c
+ ed25519/ge_tobytes.c
+ ed25519/open.c
+ ed25519/sc_muladd.c
+ ed25519/sc_reduce.c
+ ed25519/sign.c
+ ed25519/additions/compare.c
+ ed25519/additions/curve_sigs.c
+ ed25519/additions/elligator.c
+ ed25519/additions/fe_isequal.c
+ ed25519/additions/fe_isreduced.c
+ ed25519/additions/fe_mont_rhs.c
+ ed25519/additions/fe_montx_to_edy.c
+ ed25519/additions/fe_sqrt.c
+ ed25519/additions/ge_isneutral.c
+ ed25519/additions/ge_montx_to_p3.c
+ ed25519/additions/ge_neg.c
+ ed25519/additions/ge_p3_to_montx.c
+ ed25519/additions/ge_scalarmult.c
+ ed25519/additions/ge_scalarmult_cofactor.c
+ ed25519/additions/keygen.c
+ ed25519/additions/open_modified.c
+ ed25519/additions/sc_clamp.c
+ ed25519/additions/sc_cmov.c
+ ed25519/additions/sc_neg.c
+ ed25519/additions/sign_modified.c
+ ed25519/additions/utility.c
+ ed25519/additions/generalized/ge_p3_add.c
+ ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_eddsa.c
+ ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_labelset.c
+ ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_veddsa.c
+ ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_x.c
+ ed25519/additions/generalized/point_isreduced.c
+ ed25519/additions/generalized/sc_isreduced.c
+ ed25519/additions/xeddsa.c
+ ed25519/additions/zeroize.c
+ ed25519/nacl_sha512/blocks.c
+ ed25519/nacl_sha512/hash.c
+ ed25519/tests/internal_fast_tests.c
+add_library(curve25519 OBJECT ${curve25519_SRCS} ${ed25519_SRCS})
+# Add -fPIC flag
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/curve25519-donna.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/curve25519-donna.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f2c2ac58e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/curve25519-donna.c
@@ -0,0 +1,870 @@
+/* Copyright 2008, Google Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met:
+ *
+ * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+ * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ * distribution.
+ * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ * this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * curve25519-donna: Curve25519 elliptic curve, public key function
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Adam Langley <>
+ *
+ * Derived from public domain C code by Daniel J. Bernstein <>
+ *
+ * More information about curve25519 can be found here
+ *
+ *
+ * djb's sample implementation of curve25519 is written in a special assembly
+ * language called qhasm and uses the floating point registers.
+ *
+ * This is, almost, a clean room reimplementation from the curve25519 paper. It
+ * uses many of the tricks described therein. Only the crecip function is taken
+ * from the sample implementation. */
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#define inline __inline
+typedef uint8_t u8;
+typedef int32_t s32;
+typedef int64_t limb;
+/* Field element representation:
+ *
+ * Field elements are written as an array of signed, 64-bit limbs, least
+ * significant first. The value of the field element is:
+ * x[0] + 2^26·x[1] + x^51·x[2] + 2^102·x[3] + ...
+ *
+ * i.e. the limbs are 26, 25, 26, 25, ... bits wide. */
+/* Sum two numbers: output += in */
+static void fsum(limb *output, const limb *in) {
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 10; i += 2) {
+ output[0+i] = output[0+i] + in[0+i];
+ output[1+i] = output[1+i] + in[1+i];
+ }
+/* Find the difference of two numbers: output = in - output
+ * (note the order of the arguments!). */
+static void fdifference(limb *output, const limb *in) {
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+ output[i] = in[i] - output[i];
+ }
+/* Multiply a number by a scalar: output = in * scalar */
+static void fscalar_product(limb *output, const limb *in, const limb scalar) {
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+ output[i] = in[i] * scalar;
+ }
+/* Multiply two numbers: output = in2 * in
+ *
+ * output must be distinct to both inputs. The inputs are reduced coefficient
+ * form, the output is not.
+ *
+ * output[x] <= 14 * the largest product of the input limbs. */
+static void fproduct(limb *output, const limb *in2, const limb *in) {
+ output[0] = ((limb) ((s32) in2[0])) * ((s32) in[0]);
+ output[1] = ((limb) ((s32) in2[0])) * ((s32) in[1]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[1])) * ((s32) in[0]);
+ output[2] = 2 * ((limb) ((s32) in2[1])) * ((s32) in[1]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[0])) * ((s32) in[2]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[2])) * ((s32) in[0]);
+ output[3] = ((limb) ((s32) in2[1])) * ((s32) in[2]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[2])) * ((s32) in[1]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[0])) * ((s32) in[3]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[3])) * ((s32) in[0]);
+ output[4] = ((limb) ((s32) in2[2])) * ((s32) in[2]) +
+ 2 * (((limb) ((s32) in2[1])) * ((s32) in[3]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[3])) * ((s32) in[1])) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[0])) * ((s32) in[4]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[4])) * ((s32) in[0]);
+ output[5] = ((limb) ((s32) in2[2])) * ((s32) in[3]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[3])) * ((s32) in[2]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[1])) * ((s32) in[4]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[4])) * ((s32) in[1]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[0])) * ((s32) in[5]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[5])) * ((s32) in[0]);
+ output[6] = 2 * (((limb) ((s32) in2[3])) * ((s32) in[3]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[1])) * ((s32) in[5]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[5])) * ((s32) in[1])) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[2])) * ((s32) in[4]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[4])) * ((s32) in[2]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[0])) * ((s32) in[6]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[6])) * ((s32) in[0]);
+ output[7] = ((limb) ((s32) in2[3])) * ((s32) in[4]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[4])) * ((s32) in[3]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[2])) * ((s32) in[5]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[5])) * ((s32) in[2]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[1])) * ((s32) in[6]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[6])) * ((s32) in[1]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[0])) * ((s32) in[7]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[7])) * ((s32) in[0]);
+ output[8] = ((limb) ((s32) in2[4])) * ((s32) in[4]) +
+ 2 * (((limb) ((s32) in2[3])) * ((s32) in[5]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[5])) * ((s32) in[3]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[1])) * ((s32) in[7]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[7])) * ((s32) in[1])) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[2])) * ((s32) in[6]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[6])) * ((s32) in[2]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[0])) * ((s32) in[8]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[8])) * ((s32) in[0]);
+ output[9] = ((limb) ((s32) in2[4])) * ((s32) in[5]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[5])) * ((s32) in[4]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[3])) * ((s32) in[6]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[6])) * ((s32) in[3]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[2])) * ((s32) in[7]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[7])) * ((s32) in[2]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[1])) * ((s32) in[8]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[8])) * ((s32) in[1]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[0])) * ((s32) in[9]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[9])) * ((s32) in[0]);
+ output[10] = 2 * (((limb) ((s32) in2[5])) * ((s32) in[5]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[3])) * ((s32) in[7]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[7])) * ((s32) in[3]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[1])) * ((s32) in[9]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[9])) * ((s32) in[1])) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[4])) * ((s32) in[6]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[6])) * ((s32) in[4]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[2])) * ((s32) in[8]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[8])) * ((s32) in[2]);
+ output[11] = ((limb) ((s32) in2[5])) * ((s32) in[6]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[6])) * ((s32) in[5]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[4])) * ((s32) in[7]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[7])) * ((s32) in[4]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[3])) * ((s32) in[8]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[8])) * ((s32) in[3]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[2])) * ((s32) in[9]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[9])) * ((s32) in[2]);
+ output[12] = ((limb) ((s32) in2[6])) * ((s32) in[6]) +
+ 2 * (((limb) ((s32) in2[5])) * ((s32) in[7]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[7])) * ((s32) in[5]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[3])) * ((s32) in[9]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[9])) * ((s32) in[3])) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[4])) * ((s32) in[8]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[8])) * ((s32) in[4]);
+ output[13] = ((limb) ((s32) in2[6])) * ((s32) in[7]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[7])) * ((s32) in[6]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[5])) * ((s32) in[8]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[8])) * ((s32) in[5]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[4])) * ((s32) in[9]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[9])) * ((s32) in[4]);
+ output[14] = 2 * (((limb) ((s32) in2[7])) * ((s32) in[7]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[5])) * ((s32) in[9]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[9])) * ((s32) in[5])) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[6])) * ((s32) in[8]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[8])) * ((s32) in[6]);
+ output[15] = ((limb) ((s32) in2[7])) * ((s32) in[8]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[8])) * ((s32) in[7]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[6])) * ((s32) in[9]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[9])) * ((s32) in[6]);
+ output[16] = ((limb) ((s32) in2[8])) * ((s32) in[8]) +
+ 2 * (((limb) ((s32) in2[7])) * ((s32) in[9]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[9])) * ((s32) in[7]));
+ output[17] = ((limb) ((s32) in2[8])) * ((s32) in[9]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in2[9])) * ((s32) in[8]);
+ output[18] = 2 * ((limb) ((s32) in2[9])) * ((s32) in[9]);
+/* Reduce a long form to a short form by taking the input mod 2^255 - 19.
+ *
+ * On entry: |output[i]| < 14*2^54
+ * On exit: |output[0..8]| < 280*2^54 */
+static void freduce_degree(limb *output) {
+ /* Each of these shifts and adds ends up multiplying the value by 19.
+ *
+ * For output[0..8], the absolute entry value is < 14*2^54 and we add, at
+ * most, 19*14*2^54 thus, on exit, |output[0..8]| < 280*2^54. */
+ output[8] += output[18] << 4;
+ output[8] += output[18] << 1;
+ output[8] += output[18];
+ output[7] += output[17] << 4;
+ output[7] += output[17] << 1;
+ output[7] += output[17];
+ output[6] += output[16] << 4;
+ output[6] += output[16] << 1;
+ output[6] += output[16];
+ output[5] += output[15] << 4;
+ output[5] += output[15] << 1;
+ output[5] += output[15];
+ output[4] += output[14] << 4;
+ output[4] += output[14] << 1;
+ output[4] += output[14];
+ output[3] += output[13] << 4;
+ output[3] += output[13] << 1;
+ output[3] += output[13];
+ output[2] += output[12] << 4;
+ output[2] += output[12] << 1;
+ output[2] += output[12];
+ output[1] += output[11] << 4;
+ output[1] += output[11] << 1;
+ output[1] += output[11];
+ output[0] += output[10] << 4;
+ output[0] += output[10] << 1;
+ output[0] += output[10];
+#if (-1 & 3) != 3
+#error "This code only works on a two's complement system"
+/* return v / 2^26, using only shifts and adds.
+ *
+ * On entry: v can take any value. */
+static inline limb
+div_by_2_26(const limb v)
+ /* High word of v; no shift needed. */
+ const uint32_t highword = (uint32_t) (((uint64_t) v) >> 32);
+ /* Set to all 1s if v was negative; else set to 0s. */
+ const int32_t sign = ((int32_t) highword) >> 31;
+ /* Set to 0x3ffffff if v was negative; else set to 0. */
+ const int32_t roundoff = ((uint32_t) sign) >> 6;
+ /* Should return v / (1<<26) */
+ return (v + roundoff) >> 26;
+/* return v / (2^25), using only shifts and adds.
+ *
+ * On entry: v can take any value. */
+static inline limb
+div_by_2_25(const limb v)
+ /* High word of v; no shift needed*/
+ const uint32_t highword = (uint32_t) (((uint64_t) v) >> 32);
+ /* Set to all 1s if v was negative; else set to 0s. */
+ const int32_t sign = ((int32_t) highword) >> 31;
+ /* Set to 0x1ffffff if v was negative; else set to 0. */
+ const int32_t roundoff = ((uint32_t) sign) >> 7;
+ /* Should return v / (1<<25) */
+ return (v + roundoff) >> 25;
+/* return v / (2^25), using only shifts and adds.
+ *
+ * On entry: v can take any value. */
+static inline s32
+div_s32_by_2_25(const s32 v)
+ const s32 roundoff = ((uint32_t)(v >> 31)) >> 7;
+ return (v + roundoff) >> 25;
+/* Reduce all coefficients of the short form input so that |x| < 2^26.
+ *
+ * On entry: |output[i]| < 280*2^54 */
+static void freduce_coefficients(limb *output) {
+ unsigned i;
+ output[10] = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 10; i += 2) {
+ limb over = div_by_2_26(output[i]);
+ /* The entry condition (that |output[i]| < 280*2^54) means that over is, at
+ * most, 280*2^28 in the first iteration of this loop. This is added to the
+ * next limb and we can approximate the resulting bound of that limb by
+ * 281*2^54. */
+ output[i] -= over << 26;
+ output[i+1] += over;
+ /* For the first iteration, |output[i+1]| < 281*2^54, thus |over| <
+ * 281*2^29. When this is added to the next limb, the resulting bound can
+ * be approximated as 281*2^54.
+ *
+ * For subsequent iterations of the loop, 281*2^54 remains a conservative
+ * bound and no overflow occurs. */
+ over = div_by_2_25(output[i+1]);
+ output[i+1] -= over << 25;
+ output[i+2] += over;
+ }
+ /* Now |output[10]| < 281*2^29 and all other coefficients are reduced. */
+ output[0] += output[10] << 4;
+ output[0] += output[10] << 1;
+ output[0] += output[10];
+ output[10] = 0;
+ /* Now output[1..9] are reduced, and |output[0]| < 2^26 + 19*281*2^29
+ * So |over| will be no more than 2^16. */
+ {
+ limb over = div_by_2_26(output[0]);
+ output[0] -= over << 26;
+ output[1] += over;
+ }
+ /* Now output[0,2..9] are reduced, and |output[1]| < 2^25 + 2^16 < 2^26. The
+ * bound on |output[1]| is sufficient to meet our needs. */
+/* A helpful wrapper around fproduct: output = in * in2.
+ *
+ * On entry: |in[i]| < 2^27 and |in2[i]| < 2^27.
+ *
+ * output must be distinct to both inputs. The output is reduced degree
+ * (indeed, one need only provide storage for 10 limbs) and |output[i]| < 2^26. */
+static void
+fmul(limb *output, const limb *in, const limb *in2) {
+ limb t[19];
+ fproduct(t, in, in2);
+ /* |t[i]| < 14*2^54 */
+ freduce_degree(t);
+ freduce_coefficients(t);
+ /* |t[i]| < 2^26 */
+ memcpy(output, t, sizeof(limb) * 10);
+/* Square a number: output = in**2
+ *
+ * output must be distinct from the input. The inputs are reduced coefficient
+ * form, the output is not.
+ *
+ * output[x] <= 14 * the largest product of the input limbs. */
+static void fsquare_inner(limb *output, const limb *in) {
+ output[0] = ((limb) ((s32) in[0])) * ((s32) in[0]);
+ output[1] = 2 * ((limb) ((s32) in[0])) * ((s32) in[1]);
+ output[2] = 2 * (((limb) ((s32) in[1])) * ((s32) in[1]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[0])) * ((s32) in[2]));
+ output[3] = 2 * (((limb) ((s32) in[1])) * ((s32) in[2]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[0])) * ((s32) in[3]));
+ output[4] = ((limb) ((s32) in[2])) * ((s32) in[2]) +
+ 4 * ((limb) ((s32) in[1])) * ((s32) in[3]) +
+ 2 * ((limb) ((s32) in[0])) * ((s32) in[4]);
+ output[5] = 2 * (((limb) ((s32) in[2])) * ((s32) in[3]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[1])) * ((s32) in[4]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[0])) * ((s32) in[5]));
+ output[6] = 2 * (((limb) ((s32) in[3])) * ((s32) in[3]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[2])) * ((s32) in[4]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[0])) * ((s32) in[6]) +
+ 2 * ((limb) ((s32) in[1])) * ((s32) in[5]));
+ output[7] = 2 * (((limb) ((s32) in[3])) * ((s32) in[4]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[2])) * ((s32) in[5]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[1])) * ((s32) in[6]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[0])) * ((s32) in[7]));
+ output[8] = ((limb) ((s32) in[4])) * ((s32) in[4]) +
+ 2 * (((limb) ((s32) in[2])) * ((s32) in[6]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[0])) * ((s32) in[8]) +
+ 2 * (((limb) ((s32) in[1])) * ((s32) in[7]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[3])) * ((s32) in[5])));
+ output[9] = 2 * (((limb) ((s32) in[4])) * ((s32) in[5]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[3])) * ((s32) in[6]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[2])) * ((s32) in[7]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[1])) * ((s32) in[8]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[0])) * ((s32) in[9]));
+ output[10] = 2 * (((limb) ((s32) in[5])) * ((s32) in[5]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[4])) * ((s32) in[6]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[2])) * ((s32) in[8]) +
+ 2 * (((limb) ((s32) in[3])) * ((s32) in[7]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[1])) * ((s32) in[9])));
+ output[11] = 2 * (((limb) ((s32) in[5])) * ((s32) in[6]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[4])) * ((s32) in[7]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[3])) * ((s32) in[8]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[2])) * ((s32) in[9]));
+ output[12] = ((limb) ((s32) in[6])) * ((s32) in[6]) +
+ 2 * (((limb) ((s32) in[4])) * ((s32) in[8]) +
+ 2 * (((limb) ((s32) in[5])) * ((s32) in[7]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[3])) * ((s32) in[9])));
+ output[13] = 2 * (((limb) ((s32) in[6])) * ((s32) in[7]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[5])) * ((s32) in[8]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[4])) * ((s32) in[9]));
+ output[14] = 2 * (((limb) ((s32) in[7])) * ((s32) in[7]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[6])) * ((s32) in[8]) +
+ 2 * ((limb) ((s32) in[5])) * ((s32) in[9]));
+ output[15] = 2 * (((limb) ((s32) in[7])) * ((s32) in[8]) +
+ ((limb) ((s32) in[6])) * ((s32) in[9]));
+ output[16] = ((limb) ((s32) in[8])) * ((s32) in[8]) +
+ 4 * ((limb) ((s32) in[7])) * ((s32) in[9]);
+ output[17] = 2 * ((limb) ((s32) in[8])) * ((s32) in[9]);
+ output[18] = 2 * ((limb) ((s32) in[9])) * ((s32) in[9]);
+/* fsquare sets output = in^2.
+ *
+ * On entry: The |in| argument is in reduced coefficients form and |in[i]| <
+ * 2^27.
+ *
+ * On exit: The |output| argument is in reduced coefficients form (indeed, one
+ * need only provide storage for 10 limbs) and |out[i]| < 2^26. */
+static void
+fsquare(limb *output, const limb *in) {
+ limb t[19];
+ fsquare_inner(t, in);
+ /* |t[i]| < 14*2^54 because the largest product of two limbs will be <
+ * 2^(27+27) and fsquare_inner adds together, at most, 14 of those
+ * products. */
+ freduce_degree(t);
+ freduce_coefficients(t);
+ /* |t[i]| < 2^26 */
+ memcpy(output, t, sizeof(limb) * 10);
+/* Take a little-endian, 32-byte number and expand it into polynomial form */
+static void
+fexpand(limb *output, const u8 *input) {
+#define F(n,start,shift,mask) \
+ output[n] = ((((limb) input[start + 0]) | \
+ ((limb) input[start + 1]) << 8 | \
+ ((limb) input[start + 2]) << 16 | \
+ ((limb) input[start + 3]) << 24) >> shift) & mask;
+ F(0, 0, 0, 0x3ffffff);
+ F(1, 3, 2, 0x1ffffff);
+ F(2, 6, 3, 0x3ffffff);
+ F(3, 9, 5, 0x1ffffff);
+ F(4, 12, 6, 0x3ffffff);
+ F(5, 16, 0, 0x1ffffff);
+ F(6, 19, 1, 0x3ffffff);
+ F(7, 22, 3, 0x1ffffff);
+ F(8, 25, 4, 0x3ffffff);
+ F(9, 28, 6, 0x1ffffff);
+#undef F
+#if (-32 >> 1) != -16
+#error "This code only works when >> does sign-extension on negative numbers"
+/* s32_eq returns 0xffffffff iff a == b and zero otherwise. */
+static s32 s32_eq(s32 a, s32 b) {
+ a = ~(a ^ b);
+ a &= a << 16;
+ a &= a << 8;
+ a &= a << 4;
+ a &= a << 2;
+ a &= a << 1;
+ return a >> 31;
+/* s32_gte returns 0xffffffff if a >= b and zero otherwise, where a and b are
+ * both non-negative. */
+static s32 s32_gte(s32 a, s32 b) {
+ a -= b;
+ /* a >= 0 iff a >= b. */
+ return ~(a >> 31);
+/* Take a fully reduced polynomial form number and contract it into a
+ * little-endian, 32-byte array.
+ *
+ * On entry: |input_limbs[i]| < 2^26 */
+static void
+fcontract(u8 *output, limb *input_limbs) {
+ int i;
+ int j;
+ s32 input[10];
+ s32 mask;
+ /* |input_limbs[i]| < 2^26, so it's valid to convert to an s32. */
+ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ input[i] = input_limbs[i];
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
+ if ((i & 1) == 1) {
+ /* This calculation is a time-invariant way to make input[i]
+ * non-negative by borrowing from the next-larger limb. */
+ const s32 mask = input[i] >> 31;
+ const s32 carry = -((input[i] & mask) >> 25);
+ input[i] = input[i] + (carry << 25);
+ input[i+1] = input[i+1] - carry;
+ } else {
+ const s32 mask = input[i] >> 31;
+ const s32 carry = -((input[i] & mask) >> 26);
+ input[i] = input[i] + (carry << 26);
+ input[i+1] = input[i+1] - carry;
+ }
+ }
+ /* There's no greater limb for input[9] to borrow from, but we can multiply
+ * by 19 and borrow from input[0], which is valid mod 2^255-19. */
+ {
+ const s32 mask = input[9] >> 31;
+ const s32 carry = -((input[9] & mask) >> 25);
+ input[9] = input[9] + (carry << 25);
+ input[0] = input[0] - (carry * 19);
+ }
+ /* After the first iteration, input[1..9] are non-negative and fit within
+ * 25 or 26 bits, depending on position. However, input[0] may be
+ * negative. */
+ }
+ /* The first borrow-propagation pass above ended with every limb
+ except (possibly) input[0] non-negative.
+ If input[0] was negative after the first pass, then it was because of a
+ carry from input[9]. On entry, input[9] < 2^26 so the carry was, at most,
+ one, since (2**26-1) >> 25 = 1. Thus input[0] >= -19.
+ In the second pass, each limb is decreased by at most one. Thus the second
+ borrow-propagation pass could only have wrapped around to decrease
+ input[0] again if the first pass left input[0] negative *and* input[1]
+ through input[9] were all zero. In that case, input[1] is now 2^25 - 1,
+ and this last borrow-propagation step will leave input[1] non-negative. */
+ {
+ const s32 mask = input[0] >> 31;
+ const s32 carry = -((input[0] & mask) >> 26);
+ input[0] = input[0] + (carry << 26);
+ input[1] = input[1] - carry;
+ }
+ /* All input[i] are now non-negative. However, there might be values between
+ * 2^25 and 2^26 in a limb which is, nominally, 25 bits wide. */
+ for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
+ if ((i & 1) == 1) {
+ const s32 carry = input[i] >> 25;
+ input[i] &= 0x1ffffff;
+ input[i+1] += carry;
+ } else {
+ const s32 carry = input[i] >> 26;
+ input[i] &= 0x3ffffff;
+ input[i+1] += carry;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ const s32 carry = input[9] >> 25;
+ input[9] &= 0x1ffffff;
+ input[0] += 19*carry;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If the first carry-chain pass, just above, ended up with a carry from
+ * input[9], and that caused input[0] to be out-of-bounds, then input[0] was
+ * < 2^26 + 2*19, because the carry was, at most, two.
+ *
+ * If the second pass carried from input[9] again then input[0] is < 2*19 and
+ * the input[9] -> input[0] carry didn't push input[0] out of bounds. */
+ /* It still remains the case that input might be between 2^255-19 and 2^255.
+ * In this case, input[1..9] must take their maximum value and input[0] must
+ * be >= (2^255-19) & 0x3ffffff, which is 0x3ffffed. */
+ mask = s32_gte(input[0], 0x3ffffed);
+ for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
+ if ((i & 1) == 1) {
+ mask &= s32_eq(input[i], 0x1ffffff);
+ } else {
+ mask &= s32_eq(input[i], 0x3ffffff);
+ }
+ }
+ /* mask is either 0xffffffff (if input >= 2^255-19) and zero otherwise. Thus
+ * this conditionally subtracts 2^255-19. */
+ input[0] -= mask & 0x3ffffed;
+ for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
+ if ((i & 1) == 1) {
+ input[i] -= mask & 0x1ffffff;
+ } else {
+ input[i] -= mask & 0x3ffffff;
+ }
+ }
+ input[1] <<= 2;
+ input[2] <<= 3;
+ input[3] <<= 5;
+ input[4] <<= 6;
+ input[6] <<= 1;
+ input[7] <<= 3;
+ input[8] <<= 4;
+ input[9] <<= 6;
+#define F(i, s) \
+ output[s+0] |= input[i] & 0xff; \
+ output[s+1] = (input[i] >> 8) & 0xff; \
+ output[s+2] = (input[i] >> 16) & 0xff; \
+ output[s+3] = (input[i] >> 24) & 0xff;
+ output[0] = 0;
+ output[16] = 0;
+ F(0,0);
+ F(1,3);
+ F(2,6);
+ F(3,9);
+ F(4,12);
+ F(5,16);
+ F(6,19);
+ F(7,22);
+ F(8,25);
+ F(9,28);
+#undef F
+/* Input: Q, Q', Q-Q'
+ * Output: 2Q, Q+Q'
+ *
+ * x2 z3: long form
+ * x3 z3: long form
+ * x z: short form, destroyed
+ * xprime zprime: short form, destroyed
+ * qmqp: short form, preserved
+ *
+ * On entry and exit, the absolute value of the limbs of all inputs and outputs
+ * are < 2^26. */
+static void fmonty(limb *x2, limb *z2, /* output 2Q */
+ limb *x3, limb *z3, /* output Q + Q' */
+ limb *x, limb *z, /* input Q */
+ limb *xprime, limb *zprime, /* input Q' */
+ const limb *qmqp /* input Q - Q' */) {
+ limb origx[10], origxprime[10], zzz[19], xx[19], zz[19], xxprime[19],
+ zzprime[19], zzzprime[19], xxxprime[19];
+ memcpy(origx, x, 10 * sizeof(limb));
+ fsum(x, z);
+ /* |x[i]| < 2^27 */
+ fdifference(z, origx); /* does x - z */
+ /* |z[i]| < 2^27 */
+ memcpy(origxprime, xprime, sizeof(limb) * 10);
+ fsum(xprime, zprime);
+ /* |xprime[i]| < 2^27 */
+ fdifference(zprime, origxprime);
+ /* |zprime[i]| < 2^27 */
+ fproduct(xxprime, xprime, z);
+ /* |xxprime[i]| < 14*2^54: the largest product of two limbs will be <
+ * 2^(27+27) and fproduct adds together, at most, 14 of those products.
+ * (Approximating that to 2^58 doesn't work out.) */
+ fproduct(zzprime, x, zprime);
+ /* |zzprime[i]| < 14*2^54 */
+ freduce_degree(xxprime);
+ freduce_coefficients(xxprime);
+ /* |xxprime[i]| < 2^26 */
+ freduce_degree(zzprime);
+ freduce_coefficients(zzprime);
+ /* |zzprime[i]| < 2^26 */
+ memcpy(origxprime, xxprime, sizeof(limb) * 10);
+ fsum(xxprime, zzprime);
+ /* |xxprime[i]| < 2^27 */
+ fdifference(zzprime, origxprime);
+ /* |zzprime[i]| < 2^27 */
+ fsquare(xxxprime, xxprime);
+ /* |xxxprime[i]| < 2^26 */
+ fsquare(zzzprime, zzprime);
+ /* |zzzprime[i]| < 2^26 */
+ fproduct(zzprime, zzzprime, qmqp);
+ /* |zzprime[i]| < 14*2^52 */
+ freduce_degree(zzprime);
+ freduce_coefficients(zzprime);
+ /* |zzprime[i]| < 2^26 */
+ memcpy(x3, xxxprime, sizeof(limb) * 10);
+ memcpy(z3, zzprime, sizeof(limb) * 10);
+ fsquare(xx, x);
+ /* |xx[i]| < 2^26 */
+ fsquare(zz, z);
+ /* |zz[i]| < 2^26 */
+ fproduct(x2, xx, zz);
+ /* |x2[i]| < 14*2^52 */
+ freduce_degree(x2);
+ freduce_coefficients(x2);
+ /* |x2[i]| < 2^26 */
+ fdifference(zz, xx); // does zz = xx - zz
+ /* |zz[i]| < 2^27 */
+ memset(zzz + 10, 0, sizeof(limb) * 9);
+ fscalar_product(zzz, zz, 121665);
+ /* |zzz[i]| < 2^(27+17) */
+ /* No need to call freduce_degree here:
+ fscalar_product doesn't increase the degree of its input. */
+ freduce_coefficients(zzz);
+ /* |zzz[i]| < 2^26 */
+ fsum(zzz, xx);
+ /* |zzz[i]| < 2^27 */
+ fproduct(z2, zz, zzz);
+ /* |z2[i]| < 14*2^(26+27) */
+ freduce_degree(z2);
+ freduce_coefficients(z2);
+ /* |z2|i| < 2^26 */
+/* Conditionally swap two reduced-form limb arrays if 'iswap' is 1, but leave
+ * them unchanged if 'iswap' is 0. Runs in data-invariant time to avoid
+ * side-channel attacks.
+ *
+ * NOTE that this function requires that 'iswap' be 1 or 0; other values give
+ * wrong results. Also, the two limb arrays must be in reduced-coefficient,
+ * reduced-degree form: the values in a[10..19] or b[10..19] aren't swapped,
+ * and all all values in a[0..9],b[0..9] must have magnitude less than
+ * INT32_MAX. */
+static void
+swap_conditional(limb a[19], limb b[19], limb iswap) {
+ unsigned i;
+ const s32 swap = (s32) -iswap;
+ for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+ const s32 x = swap & ( ((s32)a[i]) ^ ((s32)b[i]) );
+ a[i] = ((s32)a[i]) ^ x;
+ b[i] = ((s32)b[i]) ^ x;
+ }
+/* Calculates nQ where Q is the x-coordinate of a point on the curve
+ *
+ * resultx/resultz: the x coordinate of the resulting curve point (short form)
+ * n: a little endian, 32-byte number
+ * q: a point of the curve (short form) */
+static void
+cmult(limb *resultx, limb *resultz, const u8 *n, const limb *q) {
+ limb a[19] = {0}, b[19] = {1}, c[19] = {1}, d[19] = {0};
+ limb *nqpqx = a, *nqpqz = b, *nqx = c, *nqz = d, *t;
+ limb e[19] = {0}, f[19] = {1}, g[19] = {0}, h[19] = {1};
+ limb *nqpqx2 = e, *nqpqz2 = f, *nqx2 = g, *nqz2 = h;
+ unsigned i, j;
+ memcpy(nqpqx, q, sizeof(limb) * 10);
+ for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
+ u8 byte = n[31 - i];
+ for (j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
+ const limb bit = byte >> 7;
+ swap_conditional(nqx, nqpqx, bit);
+ swap_conditional(nqz, nqpqz, bit);
+ fmonty(nqx2, nqz2,
+ nqpqx2, nqpqz2,
+ nqx, nqz,
+ nqpqx, nqpqz,
+ q);
+ swap_conditional(nqx2, nqpqx2, bit);
+ swap_conditional(nqz2, nqpqz2, bit);
+ t = nqx;
+ nqx = nqx2;
+ nqx2 = t;
+ t = nqz;
+ nqz = nqz2;
+ nqz2 = t;
+ t = nqpqx;
+ nqpqx = nqpqx2;
+ nqpqx2 = t;
+ t = nqpqz;
+ nqpqz = nqpqz2;
+ nqpqz2 = t;
+ byte <<= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ memcpy(resultx, nqx, sizeof(limb) * 10);
+ memcpy(resultz, nqz, sizeof(limb) * 10);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Shamelessly copied from djb's code
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static void
+crecip(limb *out, const limb *z) {
+ limb z2[10];
+ limb z9[10];
+ limb z11[10];
+ limb z2_5_0[10];
+ limb z2_10_0[10];
+ limb z2_20_0[10];
+ limb z2_50_0[10];
+ limb z2_100_0[10];
+ limb t0[10];
+ limb t1[10];
+ int i;
+ /* 2 */ fsquare(z2,z);
+ /* 4 */ fsquare(t1,z2);
+ /* 8 */ fsquare(t0,t1);
+ /* 9 */ fmul(z9,t0,z);
+ /* 11 */ fmul(z11,z9,z2);
+ /* 22 */ fsquare(t0,z11);
+ /* 2^5 - 2^0 = 31 */ fmul(z2_5_0,t0,z9);
+ /* 2^6 - 2^1 */ fsquare(t0,z2_5_0);
+ /* 2^7 - 2^2 */ fsquare(t1,t0);
+ /* 2^8 - 2^3 */ fsquare(t0,t1);
+ /* 2^9 - 2^4 */ fsquare(t1,t0);
+ /* 2^10 - 2^5 */ fsquare(t0,t1);
+ /* 2^10 - 2^0 */ fmul(z2_10_0,t0,z2_5_0);
+ /* 2^11 - 2^1 */ fsquare(t0,z2_10_0);
+ /* 2^12 - 2^2 */ fsquare(t1,t0);
+ /* 2^20 - 2^10 */ for (i = 2;i < 10;i += 2) { fsquare(t0,t1); fsquare(t1,t0); }
+ /* 2^20 - 2^0 */ fmul(z2_20_0,t1,z2_10_0);
+ /* 2^21 - 2^1 */ fsquare(t0,z2_20_0);
+ /* 2^22 - 2^2 */ fsquare(t1,t0);
+ /* 2^40 - 2^20 */ for (i = 2;i < 20;i += 2) { fsquare(t0,t1); fsquare(t1,t0); }
+ /* 2^40 - 2^0 */ fmul(t0,t1,z2_20_0);
+ /* 2^41 - 2^1 */ fsquare(t1,t0);
+ /* 2^42 - 2^2 */ fsquare(t0,t1);
+ /* 2^50 - 2^10 */ for (i = 2;i < 10;i += 2) { fsquare(t1,t0); fsquare(t0,t1); }
+ /* 2^50 - 2^0 */ fmul(z2_50_0,t0,z2_10_0);
+ /* 2^51 - 2^1 */ fsquare(t0,z2_50_0);
+ /* 2^52 - 2^2 */ fsquare(t1,t0);
+ /* 2^100 - 2^50 */ for (i = 2;i < 50;i += 2) { fsquare(t0,t1); fsquare(t1,t0); }
+ /* 2^100 - 2^0 */ fmul(z2_100_0,t1,z2_50_0);
+ /* 2^101 - 2^1 */ fsquare(t1,z2_100_0);
+ /* 2^102 - 2^2 */ fsquare(t0,t1);
+ /* 2^200 - 2^100 */ for (i = 2;i < 100;i += 2) { fsquare(t1,t0); fsquare(t0,t1); }
+ /* 2^200 - 2^0 */ fmul(t1,t0,z2_100_0);
+ /* 2^201 - 2^1 */ fsquare(t0,t1);
+ /* 2^202 - 2^2 */ fsquare(t1,t0);
+ /* 2^250 - 2^50 */ for (i = 2;i < 50;i += 2) { fsquare(t0,t1); fsquare(t1,t0); }
+ /* 2^250 - 2^0 */ fmul(t0,t1,z2_50_0);
+ /* 2^251 - 2^1 */ fsquare(t1,t0);
+ /* 2^252 - 2^2 */ fsquare(t0,t1);
+ /* 2^253 - 2^3 */ fsquare(t1,t0);
+ /* 2^254 - 2^4 */ fsquare(t0,t1);
+ /* 2^255 - 2^5 */ fsquare(t1,t0);
+ /* 2^255 - 21 */ fmul(out,t1,z11);
+curve25519_donna(u8 *mypublic, const u8 *secret, const u8 *basepoint) {
+ limb bp[10], x[10], z[11], zmone[10];
+ uint8_t e[32];
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) e[i] = secret[i];
+// e[0] &= 248;
+// e[31] &= 127;
+// e[31] |= 64;
+ fexpand(bp, basepoint);
+ cmult(x, z, e, bp);
+ crecip(zmone, z);
+ fmul(z, x, zmone);
+ fcontract(mypublic, z);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/curve25519-donna.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/curve25519-donna.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e4dfcee04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/curve25519-donna.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#ifndef CURVE25519_DONNA_H
+#define CURVE25519_DONNA_H
+extern int curve25519_donna(uint8_t *, const uint8_t *, const uint8_t *);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/compare.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/compare.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b1e31389f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/compare.c
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include "compare.h"
+/* Const-time comparison from SUPERCOP, but here it's only used for
+ signature verification, so doesn't need to be const-time. But
+ copied the nacl version anyways. */
+int crypto_verify_32_ref(const unsigned char *x, const unsigned char *y)
+ unsigned int differentbits = 0;
+#define F(i) differentbits |= x[i] ^ y[i];
+ F(0)
+ F(1)
+ F(2)
+ F(3)
+ F(4)
+ F(5)
+ F(6)
+ F(7)
+ F(8)
+ F(9)
+ F(10)
+ F(11)
+ F(12)
+ F(13)
+ F(14)
+ F(15)
+ F(16)
+ F(17)
+ F(18)
+ F(19)
+ F(20)
+ F(21)
+ F(22)
+ F(23)
+ F(24)
+ F(25)
+ F(26)
+ F(27)
+ F(28)
+ F(29)
+ F(30)
+ F(31)
+ return (1 & ((differentbits - 1) >> 8)) - 1;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/compare.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/compare.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a2fa910d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/compare.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#ifndef __COMPARE_H__
+#define __COMPARE_H__
+int crypto_verify_32_ref(const unsigned char *b1, const unsigned char *b2);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/crypto_additions.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/crypto_additions.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c4b8f47bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/crypto_additions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#include "crypto_uint32.h"
+#include "fe.h"
+#include "ge.h"
+#define MAX_MSG_LEN 256
+void sc_neg(unsigned char *b, const unsigned char *a);
+void sc_cmov(unsigned char* f, const unsigned char* g, unsigned char b);
+int fe_isequal(const fe f, const fe g);
+int fe_isreduced(const unsigned char* s);
+void fe_mont_rhs(fe v2, const fe u);
+void fe_montx_to_edy(fe y, const fe u);
+void fe_sqrt(fe b, const fe a);
+int ge_isneutral(const ge_p3* q);
+void ge_neg(ge_p3* r, const ge_p3 *p);
+void ge_montx_to_p3(ge_p3* p, const fe u, const unsigned char ed_sign_bit);
+void ge_p3_to_montx(fe u, const ge_p3 *p);
+void ge_scalarmult(ge_p3 *h, const unsigned char *a, const ge_p3 *A);
+void ge_scalarmult_cofactor(ge_p3 *q, const ge_p3 *p);
+void elligator(fe u, const fe r);
+void hash_to_point(ge_p3* p, const unsigned char* msg, const unsigned long in_len);
+int crypto_sign_modified(
+ unsigned char *sm,
+ const unsigned char *m,unsigned long long mlen,
+ const unsigned char *sk, /* Curve/Ed25519 private key */
+ const unsigned char *pk, /* Ed25519 public key */
+ const unsigned char *random /* 64 bytes random to hash into nonce */
+ );
+int crypto_sign_open_modified(
+ unsigned char *m,
+ const unsigned char *sm,unsigned long long smlen,
+ const unsigned char *pk
+ );
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/crypto_hash_sha512.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/crypto_hash_sha512.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a51a190d25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/crypto_hash_sha512.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#ifndef crypto_hash_sha512_H
+#define crypto_hash_sha512_H
+extern int crypto_hash_sha512(unsigned char *,const unsigned char *,unsigned long long);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/curve_sigs.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/curve_sigs.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..325472427c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/curve_sigs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "ge.h"
+#include "curve_sigs.h"
+#include "crypto_sign.h"
+#include "crypto_additions.h"
+int curve25519_sign(unsigned char* signature_out,
+ const unsigned char* curve25519_privkey,
+ const unsigned char* msg, const unsigned long msg_len,
+ const unsigned char* random)
+ ge_p3 ed_pubkey_point; /* Ed25519 pubkey point */
+ unsigned char ed_pubkey[32]; /* Ed25519 encoded pubkey */
+ unsigned char *sigbuf; /* working buffer */
+ unsigned char sign_bit = 0;
+ if ((sigbuf = malloc(msg_len + 128)) == 0) {
+ memset(signature_out, 0, 64);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Convert the Curve25519 privkey to an Ed25519 public key */
+ ge_scalarmult_base(&ed_pubkey_point, curve25519_privkey);
+ ge_p3_tobytes(ed_pubkey, &ed_pubkey_point);
+ sign_bit = ed_pubkey[31] & 0x80;
+ /* Perform an Ed25519 signature with explicit private key */
+ crypto_sign_modified(sigbuf, msg, msg_len, curve25519_privkey,
+ ed_pubkey, random);
+ memmove(signature_out, sigbuf, 64);
+ /* Encode the sign bit into signature (in unused high bit of S) */
+ signature_out[63] &= 0x7F; /* bit should be zero already, but just in case */
+ signature_out[63] |= sign_bit;
+ free(sigbuf);
+ return 0;
+int curve25519_verify(const unsigned char* signature,
+ const unsigned char* curve25519_pubkey,
+ const unsigned char* msg, const unsigned long msg_len)
+ fe u;
+ fe y;
+ unsigned char ed_pubkey[32];
+ unsigned char *verifybuf = NULL; /* working buffer */
+ unsigned char *verifybuf2 = NULL; /* working buffer #2 */
+ int result;
+ if ((verifybuf = malloc(msg_len + 64)) == 0) {
+ result = -1;
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if ((verifybuf2 = malloc(msg_len + 64)) == 0) {
+ result = -1;
+ goto err;
+ }
+ /* Convert the Curve25519 public key into an Ed25519 public key. In
+ particular, convert Curve25519's "montgomery" x-coordinate (u) into an
+ Ed25519 "edwards" y-coordinate:
+ y = (u - 1) / (u + 1)
+ NOTE: u=-1 is converted to y=0 since fe_invert is mod-exp
+ Then move the sign bit into the pubkey from the signature.
+ */
+ fe_frombytes(u, curve25519_pubkey);
+ fe_montx_to_edy(y, u);
+ fe_tobytes(ed_pubkey, y);
+ /* Copy the sign bit, and remove it from signature */
+ ed_pubkey[31] &= 0x7F; /* bit should be zero already, but just in case */
+ ed_pubkey[31] |= (signature[63] & 0x80);
+ memmove(verifybuf, signature, 64);
+ verifybuf[63] &= 0x7F;
+ memmove(verifybuf+64, msg, msg_len);
+ /* Then perform a normal Ed25519 verification, return 0 on success */
+ /* The below call has a strange API: */
+ /* verifybuf = R || S || message */
+ /* verifybuf2 = internal to next call gets a copy of verifybuf, S gets
+ replaced with pubkey for hashing */
+ result = crypto_sign_open_modified(verifybuf2, verifybuf, 64 + msg_len, ed_pubkey);
+ err:
+ if (verifybuf != NULL) {
+ free(verifybuf);
+ }
+ if (verifybuf2 != NULL) {
+ free(verifybuf2);
+ }
+ return result;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/curve_sigs.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/curve_sigs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a2d819aef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/curve_sigs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#ifndef __CURVE_SIGS_H__
+#define __CURVE_SIGS_H__
+/* returns 0 on success */
+int curve25519_sign(unsigned char* signature_out, /* 64 bytes */
+ const unsigned char* curve25519_privkey, /* 32 bytes */
+ const unsigned char* msg, const unsigned long msg_len, /* <= 256 bytes */
+ const unsigned char* random); /* 64 bytes */
+/* returns 0 on success */
+int curve25519_verify(const unsigned char* signature, /* 64 bytes */
+ const unsigned char* curve25519_pubkey, /* 32 bytes */
+ const unsigned char* msg, const unsigned long msg_len); /* <= 256 bytes */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/elligator.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/elligator.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17b03a71f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/elligator.c
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include "fe.h"
+#include "ge.h"
+#include "crypto_uint32.h"
+#include "crypto_hash_sha512.h"
+#include "crypto_additions.h"
+unsigned int legendre_is_nonsquare(fe in)
+ fe temp;
+ unsigned char bytes[32];
+ fe_pow22523(temp, in); /* temp = in^((q-5)/8) */
+ fe_sq(temp, temp); /* in^((q-5)/4) */
+ fe_sq(temp, temp); /* in^((q-5)/2) */
+ fe_mul(temp, temp, in); /* in^((q-3)/2) */
+ fe_mul(temp, temp, in); /* in^((q-1)/2) */
+ /* temp is now the Legendre symbol:
+ * 1 = square
+ * 0 = input is zero
+ * -1 = nonsquare
+ */
+ fe_tobytes(bytes, temp);
+ return 1 & bytes[31];
+void elligator(fe u, const fe r)
+ /* r = input
+ * x = -A/(1+2r^2) # 2 is nonsquare
+ * e = (x^3 + Ax^2 + x)^((q-1)/2) # legendre symbol
+ * if e == 1 (square) or e == 0 (because x == 0 and 2r^2 + 1 == 0)
+ * u = x
+ * if e == -1 (nonsquare)
+ * u = -x - A
+ */
+ fe A, one, twor2, twor2plus1, twor2plus1inv;
+ fe x, e, Atemp, uneg;
+ unsigned int nonsquare;
+ fe_1(one);
+ fe_0(A);
+ A[0] = 486662; /* A = 486662 */
+ fe_sq2(twor2, r); /* 2r^2 */
+ fe_add(twor2plus1, twor2, one); /* 1+2r^2 */
+ fe_invert(twor2plus1inv, twor2plus1); /* 1/(1+2r^2) */
+ fe_mul(x, twor2plus1inv, A); /* A/(1+2r^2) */
+ fe_neg(x, x); /* x = -A/(1+2r^2) */
+ fe_mont_rhs(e, x); /* e = x^3 + Ax^2 + x */
+ nonsquare = legendre_is_nonsquare(e);
+ fe_0(Atemp);
+ fe_cmov(Atemp, A, nonsquare); /* 0, or A if nonsquare */
+ fe_add(u, x, Atemp); /* x, or x+A if nonsquare */
+ fe_neg(uneg, u); /* -x, or -x-A if nonsquare */
+ fe_cmov(u, uneg, nonsquare); /* x, or -x-A if nonsquare */
+void hash_to_point(ge_p3* p, const unsigned char* in, const unsigned long in_len)
+ unsigned char hash[64];
+ fe h, u;
+ unsigned char sign_bit;
+ ge_p3 p3;
+ crypto_hash_sha512(hash, in, in_len);
+ /* take the high bit as Edwards sign bit */
+ sign_bit = (hash[31] & 0x80) >> 7;
+ hash[31] &= 0x7F;
+ fe_frombytes(h, hash);
+ elligator(u, h);
+ ge_montx_to_p3(&p3, u, sign_bit);
+ ge_scalarmult_cofactor(p, &p3);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/fe_isequal.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/fe_isequal.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..67c5d33c96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/fe_isequal.c
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#include "fe.h"
+#include "crypto_verify_32.h"
+return 1 if f == g
+return 0 if f != g
+int fe_isequal(const fe f, const fe g)
+ fe h;
+ fe_sub(h, f, g);
+ return 1 ^ (1 & (fe_isnonzero(h) >> 8));
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/fe_isreduced.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/fe_isreduced.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6fbb3beccd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/fe_isreduced.c
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#include "fe.h"
+#include "crypto_verify_32.h"
+int fe_isreduced(const unsigned char* s)
+ fe f;
+ unsigned char strict[32];
+ fe_frombytes(f, s);
+ fe_tobytes(strict, f);
+ if (crypto_verify_32(strict, s) != 0)
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/fe_mont_rhs.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/fe_mont_rhs.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc8393620c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/fe_mont_rhs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#include "fe.h"
+void fe_mont_rhs(fe v2, fe u) {
+ fe A, one;
+ fe u2, Au, inner;
+ fe_1(one);
+ fe_0(A);
+ A[0] = 486662; /* A = 486662 */
+ fe_sq(u2, u); /* u^2 */
+ fe_mul(Au, A, u); /* Au */
+ fe_add(inner, u2, Au); /* u^2 + Au */
+ fe_add(inner, inner, one); /* u^2 + Au + 1 */
+ fe_mul(v2, u, inner); /* u(u^2 + Au + 1) */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/fe_montx_to_edy.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/fe_montx_to_edy.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0f8c63276
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/fe_montx_to_edy.c
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#include "fe.h"
+#include "crypto_additions.h"
+void fe_montx_to_edy(fe y, const fe u)
+ /*
+ y = (u - 1) / (u + 1)
+ NOTE: u=-1 is converted to y=0 since fe_invert is mod-exp
+ */
+ fe one, um1, up1;
+ fe_1(one);
+ fe_sub(um1, u, one);
+ fe_add(up1, u, one);
+ fe_invert(up1, up1);
+ fe_mul(y, um1, up1);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/fe_sqrt.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/fe_sqrt.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0c9785821
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/fe_sqrt.c
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "fe.h"
+#include "crypto_additions.h"
+/* sqrt(-1) */
+static unsigned char i_bytes[32] = {
+ 0xb0, 0xa0, 0x0e, 0x4a, 0x27, 0x1b, 0xee, 0xc4,
+ 0x78, 0xe4, 0x2f, 0xad, 0x06, 0x18, 0x43, 0x2f,
+ 0xa7, 0xd7, 0xfb, 0x3d, 0x99, 0x00, 0x4d, 0x2b,
+ 0x0b, 0xdf, 0xc1, 0x4f, 0x80, 0x24, 0x83, 0x2b
+/* Preconditions: a is square or zero */
+void fe_sqrt(fe out, const fe a)
+ fe exp, b, b2, bi, i;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ fe legendre, zero, one;
+ fe_frombytes(i, i_bytes);
+ fe_pow22523(exp, a); /* b = a^(q-5)/8 */
+ /* PRECONDITION: legendre symbol == 1 (square) or 0 (a == zero) */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ fe_sq(legendre, exp); /* in^((q-5)/4) */
+ fe_sq(legendre, legendre); /* in^((q-5)/2) */
+ fe_mul(legendre, legendre, a); /* in^((q-3)/2) */
+ fe_mul(legendre, legendre, a); /* in^((q-1)/2) */
+ fe_0(zero);
+ fe_1(one);
+ assert(fe_isequal(legendre, zero) || fe_isequal(legendre, one));
+ fe_mul(b, a, exp); /* b = a * a^(q-5)/8 */
+ fe_sq(b2, b); /* b^2 = a * a^(q-1)/4 */
+ /* note b^4 == a^2, so b^2 == a or -a
+ * if b^2 != a, multiply it by sqrt(-1) */
+ fe_mul(bi, b, i);
+ fe_cmov(b, bi, 1 ^ fe_isequal(b2, a));
+ fe_copy(out, b);
+ /* PRECONDITION: out^2 == a */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ fe_sq(b2, out);
+ assert(fe_isequal(a, b2));
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/ge_isneutral.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/ge_isneutral.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d40e443682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/ge_isneutral.c
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#include "crypto_additions.h"
+#include "ge.h"
+return 1 if p is the neutral point
+return 0 otherwise
+int ge_isneutral(const ge_p3 *p)
+ fe zero;
+ fe_0(zero);
+ /* Check if p == neutral element == (0, 1) */
+ return (fe_isequal(p->X, zero) & fe_isequal(p->Y, p->Z));
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/ge_montx_to_p3.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/ge_montx_to_p3.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a716c5a72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/ge_montx_to_p3.c
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#include "fe.h"
+#include "ge.h"
+#include "assert.h"
+#include "crypto_additions.h"
+#include "utility.h"
+/* sqrt(-(A+2)) */
+static unsigned char A_bytes[32] = {
+ 0x06, 0x7e, 0x45, 0xff, 0xaa, 0x04, 0x6e, 0xcc,
+ 0x82, 0x1a, 0x7d, 0x4b, 0xd1, 0xd3, 0xa1, 0xc5,
+ 0x7e, 0x4f, 0xfc, 0x03, 0xdc, 0x08, 0x7b, 0xd2,
+ 0xbb, 0x06, 0xa0, 0x60, 0xf4, 0xed, 0x26, 0x0f
+void ge_montx_to_p3(ge_p3* p, const fe u, const unsigned char ed_sign_bit)
+ fe x, y, A, v, v2, iv, nx;
+ fe_frombytes(A, A_bytes);
+ /* given u, recover edwards y */
+ /* given u, recover v */
+ /* given u and v, recover edwards x */
+ fe_montx_to_edy(y, u); /* y = (u - 1) / (u + 1) */
+ fe_mont_rhs(v2, u); /* v^2 = u(u^2 + Au + 1) */
+ fe_sqrt(v, v2); /* v = sqrt(v^2) */
+ fe_mul(x, u, A); /* x = u * sqrt(-(A+2)) */
+ fe_invert(iv, v); /* 1/v */
+ fe_mul(x, x, iv); /* x = (u/v) * sqrt(-(A+2)) */
+ fe_neg(nx, x); /* negate x to match sign bit */
+ fe_cmov(x, nx, fe_isnegative(x) ^ ed_sign_bit);
+ fe_copy(p->X, x);
+ fe_copy(p->Y, y);
+ fe_1(p->Z);
+ fe_mul(p->T, p->X, p->Y);
+ /* POSTCONDITION: check that p->X and p->Y satisfy the Ed curve equation */
+ /* -x^2 + y^2 = 1 + dx^2y^2 */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ {
+ fe one, d, x2, y2, x2y2, dx2y2;
+ unsigned char dbytes[32] = {
+ 0xa3, 0x78, 0x59, 0x13, 0xca, 0x4d, 0xeb, 0x75,
+ 0xab, 0xd8, 0x41, 0x41, 0x4d, 0x0a, 0x70, 0x00,
+ 0x98, 0xe8, 0x79, 0x77, 0x79, 0x40, 0xc7, 0x8c,
+ 0x73, 0xfe, 0x6f, 0x2b, 0xee, 0x6c, 0x03, 0x52
+ };
+ fe_frombytes(d, dbytes);
+ fe_1(one);
+ fe_sq(x2, p->X); /* x^2 */
+ fe_sq(y2, p->Y); /* y^2 */
+ fe_mul(dx2y2, x2, y2); /* x^2y^2 */
+ fe_mul(dx2y2, dx2y2, d); /* dx^2y^2 */
+ fe_add(dx2y2, dx2y2, one); /* dx^2y^2 + 1 */
+ fe_neg(x2y2, x2); /* -x^2 */
+ fe_add(x2y2, x2y2, y2); /* -x^2 + y^2 */
+ assert(fe_isequal(x2y2, dx2y2));
+ }
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/ge_neg.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/ge_neg.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d679713fe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/ge_neg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#include "crypto_additions.h"
+#include "ge.h"
+return r = -p
+void ge_neg(ge_p3* r, const ge_p3 *p)
+ fe_neg(r->X, p->X);
+ fe_copy(r->Y, p->Y);
+ fe_copy(r->Z, p->Z);
+ fe_neg(r->T, p->T);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/ge_p3_to_montx.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/ge_p3_to_montx.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b539b2f17f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/ge_p3_to_montx.c
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#include "fe.h"
+#include "crypto_additions.h"
+void ge_p3_to_montx(fe u, const ge_p3 *ed)
+ /*
+ u = (y + 1) / (1 - y)
+ or
+ u = (y + z) / (z - y)
+ NOTE: y=1 is converted to u=0 since fe_invert is mod-exp
+ */
+ fe y_plus_one, one_minus_y, inv_one_minus_y;
+ fe_add(y_plus_one, ed->Y, ed->Z);
+ fe_sub(one_minus_y, ed->Z, ed->Y);
+ fe_invert(inv_one_minus_y, one_minus_y);
+ fe_mul(u, y_plus_one, inv_one_minus_y);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/ge_scalarmult.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/ge_scalarmult.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4f741b8d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/ge_scalarmult.c
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+#include "crypto_uint32.h"
+#include "ge.h"
+#include "crypto_additions.h"
+static unsigned char equal(signed char b,signed char c)
+ unsigned char ub = b;
+ unsigned char uc = c;
+ unsigned char x = ub ^ uc; /* 0: yes; 1..255: no */
+ crypto_uint32 y = x; /* 0: yes; 1..255: no */
+ y -= 1; /* 4294967295: yes; 0..254: no */
+ y >>= 31; /* 1: yes; 0: no */
+ return y;
+static unsigned char negative(signed char b)
+ unsigned long long x = b; /* 18446744073709551361..18446744073709551615: yes; 0..255: no */
+ x >>= 63; /* 1: yes; 0: no */
+ return x;
+static void cmov(ge_cached *t,const ge_cached *u,unsigned char b)
+ fe_cmov(t->YplusX,u->YplusX,b);
+ fe_cmov(t->YminusX,u->YminusX,b);
+ fe_cmov(t->Z,u->Z,b);
+ fe_cmov(t->T2d,u->T2d,b);
+static void select(ge_cached *t,const ge_cached *pre, signed char b)
+ ge_cached minust;
+ unsigned char bnegative = negative(b);
+ unsigned char babs = b - (((-bnegative) & b) << 1);
+ fe_1(t->YplusX);
+ fe_1(t->YminusX);
+ fe_1(t->Z);
+ fe_0(t->T2d);
+ cmov(t,pre+0,equal(babs,1));
+ cmov(t,pre+1,equal(babs,2));
+ cmov(t,pre+2,equal(babs,3));
+ cmov(t,pre+3,equal(babs,4));
+ cmov(t,pre+4,equal(babs,5));
+ cmov(t,pre+5,equal(babs,6));
+ cmov(t,pre+6,equal(babs,7));
+ cmov(t,pre+7,equal(babs,8));
+ fe_copy(minust.YplusX,t->YminusX);
+ fe_copy(minust.YminusX,t->YplusX);
+ fe_copy(minust.Z,t->Z);
+ fe_neg(minust.T2d,t->T2d);
+ cmov(t,&minust,bnegative);
+h = a * B
+where a = a[0]+256*a[1]+...+256^31 a[31]
+B is the Ed25519 base point (x,4/5) with x positive.
+ a[31] <= 127
+void ge_scalarmult(ge_p3 *h, const unsigned char *a, const ge_p3 *A)
+ signed char e[64];
+ signed char carry;
+ ge_p1p1 r;
+ ge_p2 s;
+ ge_p3 t0, t1, t2;
+ ge_cached t, pre[8];
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0;i < 32;++i) {
+ e[2 * i + 0] = (a[i] >> 0) & 15;
+ e[2 * i + 1] = (a[i] >> 4) & 15;
+ }
+ /* each e[i] is between 0 and 15 */
+ /* e[63] is between 0 and 7 */
+ carry = 0;
+ for (i = 0;i < 63;++i) {
+ e[i] += carry;
+ carry = e[i] + 8;
+ carry >>= 4;
+ e[i] -= carry << 4;
+ }
+ e[63] += carry;
+ /* each e[i] is between -8 and 8 */
+ // Precomputation:
+ ge_p3_to_cached(pre+0, A); // A
+ ge_p3_dbl(&r, A);
+ ge_p1p1_to_p3(&t0, &r);
+ ge_p3_to_cached(pre+1, &t0); // 2A
+ ge_add(&r, A, pre+1);
+ ge_p1p1_to_p3(&t1, &r);
+ ge_p3_to_cached(pre+2, &t1); // 3A
+ ge_p3_dbl(&r, &t0);
+ ge_p1p1_to_p3(&t0, &r);
+ ge_p3_to_cached(pre+3, &t0); // 4A
+ ge_add(&r, A, pre+3);
+ ge_p1p1_to_p3(&t2, &r);
+ ge_p3_to_cached(pre+4, &t2); // 5A
+ ge_p3_dbl(&r, &t1);
+ ge_p1p1_to_p3(&t1, &r);
+ ge_p3_to_cached(pre+5, &t1); // 6A
+ ge_add(&r, A, pre+5);
+ ge_p1p1_to_p3(&t1, &r);
+ ge_p3_to_cached(pre+6, &t1); // 7A
+ ge_p3_dbl(&r, &t0);
+ ge_p1p1_to_p3(&t0, &r);
+ ge_p3_to_cached(pre+7, &t0); // 8A
+ ge_p3_0(h);
+ for (i = 63;i > 0; i--) {
+ select(&t,pre,e[i]);
+ ge_add(&r, h, &t);
+ ge_p1p1_to_p2(&s,&r);
+ ge_p2_dbl(&r,&s); ge_p1p1_to_p2(&s,&r);
+ ge_p2_dbl(&r,&s); ge_p1p1_to_p2(&s,&r);
+ ge_p2_dbl(&r,&s); ge_p1p1_to_p2(&s,&r);
+ ge_p2_dbl(&r,&s); ge_p1p1_to_p3(h,&r);
+ }
+ select(&t,pre,e[0]);
+ ge_add(&r, h, &t);
+ ge_p1p1_to_p3(h,&r);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/ge_scalarmult_cofactor.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/ge_scalarmult_cofactor.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6affbb05d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/ge_scalarmult_cofactor.c
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#include "crypto_additions.h"
+#include "ge.h"
+return 8 * p
+void ge_scalarmult_cofactor(ge_p3 *q, const ge_p3 *p)
+ ge_p1p1 p1p1;
+ ge_p2 p2;
+ ge_p3_dbl(&p1p1, p);
+ ge_p1p1_to_p2(&p2, &p1p1);
+ ge_p2_dbl(&p1p1, &p2);
+ ge_p1p1_to_p2(&p2, &p1p1);
+ ge_p2_dbl(&p1p1, &p2);
+ ge_p1p1_to_p3(q, &p1p1);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/ge_p3_add.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/ge_p3_add.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75d9673d01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/ge_p3_add.c
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#include "ge.h"
+r = p + q
+void ge_p3_add(ge_p3 *r, const ge_p3 *p, const ge_p3 *q)
+ ge_cached p_cached;
+ ge_p1p1 r_p1p1;
+ ge_p3_to_cached(&p_cached, p);
+ ge_add(&r_p1p1, q, &p_cached);
+ ge_p1p1_to_p3(r, &r_p1p1);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_constants.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_constants.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..392a88e57b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_constants.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#ifndef _GEN_CONSTANTS_H__
+#define _GEN_CONSTANTS_H__
+#define LABELMAXLEN 128
+#define BUFLEN 1024
+#define BLOCKLEN 128 /* SHA512 */
+#define HASHLEN 64 /* SHA512 */
+#define POINTLEN 32
+#define SCALARLEN 32
+#define RANDLEN 32
+#define SIGNATURELEN 64
+#define VRFOUTPUTLEN 32
+#define MSTART 2048
+#define MSGMAXLEN 1048576
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_crypto_additions.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_crypto_additions.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..569ae26f4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_crypto_additions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#include "crypto_uint32.h"
+#include "fe.h"
+#include "ge.h"
+int sc_isreduced(const unsigned char* s);
+int point_isreduced(const unsigned char* p);
+void ge_p3_add(ge_p3 *r, const ge_p3 *p, const ge_p3 *q);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_eddsa.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_eddsa.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9755d28ede
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_eddsa.c
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include "gen_eddsa.h"
+#include "gen_labelset.h"
+#include "gen_constants.h"
+#include "gen_crypto_additions.h"
+#include "crypto_hash_sha512.h"
+#include "crypto_verify_32.h"
+#include "zeroize.h"
+#include "ge.h"
+#include "sc.h"
+#include "crypto_additions.h"
+#include "utility.h"
+/* B: base point
+ * R: commitment (point),
+ r: private nonce (scalar)
+ K: encoded public key
+ k: private key (scalar)
+ Z: 32-bytes random
+ M: buffer containing message, message starts at M_start, continues for M_len
+ r = hash(B || labelset || Z || pad1 || k || pad2 || labelset || K || extra || M) (mod q)
+int generalized_commit(unsigned char* R_bytes, unsigned char* r_scalar,
+ const unsigned char* labelset, const unsigned long labelset_len,
+ const unsigned char* extra, const unsigned long extra_len,
+ const unsigned char* K_bytes, const unsigned char* k_scalar,
+ const unsigned char* Z,
+ unsigned char* M_buf, const unsigned long M_start, const unsigned long M_len)
+ ge_p3 R_point;
+ unsigned char hash[HASHLEN];
+ unsigned char* bufstart = NULL;
+ unsigned char* bufptr = NULL;
+ unsigned char* bufend = NULL;
+ unsigned long prefix_len = 0;
+ if (labelset_validate(labelset, labelset_len) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (R_bytes == NULL || r_scalar == NULL ||
+ K_bytes == NULL || k_scalar == NULL ||
+ Z == NULL || M_buf == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ if (extra == NULL && extra_len != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (extra != NULL && extra_len == 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (extra != NULL && labelset_is_empty(labelset, labelset_len))
+ goto err;
+ if (HASHLEN != 64)
+ goto err;
+ prefix_len = 0;
+ prefix_len += POINTLEN + labelset_len + RANDLEN;
+ prefix_len += ((BLOCKLEN - (prefix_len % BLOCKLEN)) % BLOCKLEN);
+ prefix_len += SCALARLEN;
+ prefix_len += ((BLOCKLEN - (prefix_len % BLOCKLEN)) % BLOCKLEN);
+ prefix_len += labelset_len + POINTLEN + extra_len;
+ if (prefix_len > M_start)
+ goto err;
+ bufstart = M_buf + M_start - prefix_len;
+ bufptr = bufstart;
+ bufend = M_buf + M_start;
+ bufptr = buffer_add(bufptr, bufend, B_bytes, POINTLEN);
+ bufptr = buffer_add(bufptr, bufend, labelset, labelset_len);
+ bufptr = buffer_add(bufptr, bufend, Z, RANDLEN);
+ bufptr = buffer_pad(bufstart, bufptr, bufend);
+ bufptr = buffer_add(bufptr, bufend, k_scalar, SCALARLEN);
+ bufptr = buffer_pad(bufstart, bufptr, bufend);
+ bufptr = buffer_add(bufptr, bufend, labelset, labelset_len);
+ bufptr = buffer_add(bufptr, bufend, K_bytes, POINTLEN);
+ bufptr = buffer_add(bufptr, bufend, extra, extra_len);
+ if (bufptr != bufend || bufptr != M_buf + M_start || bufptr - bufstart != prefix_len)
+ goto err;
+ crypto_hash_sha512(hash, M_buf + M_start - prefix_len, prefix_len + M_len);
+ sc_reduce(hash);
+ ge_scalarmult_base(&R_point, hash);
+ ge_p3_tobytes(R_bytes, &R_point);
+ memcpy(r_scalar, hash, SCALARLEN);
+ zeroize(hash, HASHLEN);
+ zeroize(bufstart, prefix_len);
+ return 0;
+ zeroize(hash, HASHLEN);
+ zeroize(M_buf, M_start);
+ return -1;
+/* if is_labelset_empty(labelset):
+ return hash(R || K || M) (mod q)
+ else:
+ return hash(B || labelset || R || labelset || K || extra || M) (mod q)
+int generalized_challenge(unsigned char* h_scalar,
+ const unsigned char* labelset, const unsigned long labelset_len,
+ const unsigned char* extra, const unsigned long extra_len,
+ const unsigned char* R_bytes,
+ const unsigned char* K_bytes,
+ unsigned char* M_buf, const unsigned long M_start, const unsigned long M_len)
+ unsigned char hash[HASHLEN];
+ unsigned char* bufstart = NULL;
+ unsigned char* bufptr = NULL;
+ unsigned char* bufend = NULL;
+ unsigned long prefix_len = 0;
+ if (h_scalar == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ memset(h_scalar, 0, SCALARLEN);
+ if (labelset_validate(labelset, labelset_len) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (R_bytes == NULL || K_bytes == NULL || M_buf == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ if (extra == NULL && extra_len != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (extra != NULL && extra_len == 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (extra != NULL && labelset_is_empty(labelset, labelset_len))
+ goto err;
+ if (HASHLEN != 64)
+ goto err;
+ if (labelset_is_empty(labelset, labelset_len)) {
+ if (2*POINTLEN > M_start)
+ goto err;
+ if (extra != NULL || extra_len != 0)
+ goto err;
+ memcpy(M_buf + M_start - (2*POINTLEN), R_bytes, POINTLEN);
+ memcpy(M_buf + M_start - (1*POINTLEN), K_bytes, POINTLEN);
+ prefix_len = 2*POINTLEN;
+ } else {
+ prefix_len = 3*POINTLEN + 2*labelset_len + extra_len;
+ if (prefix_len > M_start)
+ goto err;
+ bufstart = M_buf + M_start - prefix_len;
+ bufptr = bufstart;
+ bufend = M_buf + M_start;
+ bufptr = buffer_add(bufptr, bufend, B_bytes, POINTLEN);
+ bufptr = buffer_add(bufptr, bufend, labelset, labelset_len);
+ bufptr = buffer_add(bufptr, bufend, R_bytes, POINTLEN);
+ bufptr = buffer_add(bufptr, bufend, labelset, labelset_len);
+ bufptr = buffer_add(bufptr, bufend, K_bytes, POINTLEN);
+ bufptr = buffer_add(bufptr, bufend, extra, extra_len);
+ if (bufptr == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ if (bufptr != bufend || bufptr != M_buf + M_start || bufptr - bufstart != prefix_len)
+ goto err;
+ }
+ crypto_hash_sha512(hash, M_buf + M_start - prefix_len, prefix_len + M_len);
+ sc_reduce(hash);
+ memcpy(h_scalar, hash, SCALARLEN);
+ return 0;
+ return -1;
+/* return r + kh (mod q) */
+int generalized_prove(unsigned char* out_scalar,
+ const unsigned char* r_scalar, const unsigned char* k_scalar, const unsigned char* h_scalar)
+ sc_muladd(out_scalar, h_scalar, k_scalar, r_scalar);
+ zeroize_stack();
+ return 0;
+/* R = s*B - h*K */
+int generalized_solve_commitment(unsigned char* R_bytes_out, ge_p3* K_point_out,
+ const ge_p3* B_point, const unsigned char* s_scalar,
+ const unsigned char* K_bytes, const unsigned char* h_scalar)
+ ge_p3 Kneg_point;
+ ge_p2 R_calc_point_p2;
+ ge_p3 sB;
+ ge_p3 hK;
+ ge_p3 R_calc_point_p3;
+ if (ge_frombytes_negate_vartime(&Kneg_point, K_bytes) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (B_point == NULL) {
+ ge_double_scalarmult_vartime(&R_calc_point_p2, h_scalar, &Kneg_point, s_scalar);
+ ge_tobytes(R_bytes_out, &R_calc_point_p2);
+ }
+ else {
+ // s * Bv
+ ge_scalarmult(&sB, s_scalar, B_point);
+ // h * -K
+ ge_scalarmult(&hK, h_scalar, &Kneg_point);
+ // R = sB - hK
+ ge_p3_add(&R_calc_point_p3, &sB, &hK);
+ ge_p3_tobytes(R_bytes_out, &R_calc_point_p3);
+ }
+ if (K_point_out) {
+ ge_neg(K_point_out, &Kneg_point);
+ }
+ return 0;
+int generalized_eddsa_25519_sign(
+ unsigned char* signature_out,
+ const unsigned char* eddsa_25519_pubkey_bytes,
+ const unsigned char* eddsa_25519_privkey_scalar,
+ const unsigned char* msg,
+ const unsigned long msg_len,
+ const unsigned char* random,
+ const unsigned char* customization_label,
+ const unsigned long customization_label_len)
+ unsigned char labelset[LABELSETMAXLEN];
+ unsigned long labelset_len = 0;
+ unsigned char R_bytes[POINTLEN];
+ unsigned char r_scalar[SCALARLEN];
+ unsigned char h_scalar[SCALARLEN];
+ unsigned char s_scalar[SCALARLEN];
+ unsigned char* M_buf = NULL;
+ if (signature_out == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ memset(signature_out, 0, SIGNATURELEN);
+ if (eddsa_25519_pubkey_bytes == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ if (eddsa_25519_privkey_scalar == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ if (msg == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ if (customization_label == NULL && customization_label_len != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (customization_label_len > LABELMAXLEN)
+ goto err;
+ if (msg_len > MSGMAXLEN)
+ goto err;
+ if ((M_buf = malloc(msg_len + MSTART)) == 0)
+ goto err;
+ memcpy(M_buf + MSTART, msg, msg_len);
+ if (labelset_new(labelset, &labelset_len, LABELSETMAXLEN, NULL, 0,
+ customization_label, customization_label_len) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (generalized_commit(R_bytes, r_scalar, labelset, labelset_len, NULL, 0,
+ eddsa_25519_pubkey_bytes, eddsa_25519_privkey_scalar,
+ random, M_buf, MSTART, msg_len) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (generalized_challenge(h_scalar, labelset, labelset_len, NULL, 0,
+ R_bytes, eddsa_25519_pubkey_bytes, M_buf, MSTART, msg_len) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (generalized_prove(s_scalar, r_scalar, eddsa_25519_privkey_scalar, h_scalar) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ memcpy(signature_out, R_bytes, POINTLEN);
+ memcpy(signature_out + POINTLEN, s_scalar, SCALARLEN);
+ zeroize(r_scalar, SCALARLEN);
+ zeroize_stack();
+ free(M_buf);
+ return 0;
+ zeroize(r_scalar, SCALARLEN);
+ zeroize_stack();
+ free(M_buf);
+ return -1;
+int generalized_eddsa_25519_verify(
+ const unsigned char* signature,
+ const unsigned char* eddsa_25519_pubkey_bytes,
+ const unsigned char* msg,
+ const unsigned long msg_len,
+ const unsigned char* customization_label,
+ const unsigned long customization_label_len)
+ unsigned char labelset[LABELSETMAXLEN];
+ unsigned long labelset_len = 0;
+ const unsigned char* R_bytes = NULL;
+ const unsigned char* s_scalar = NULL;
+ unsigned char h_scalar[SCALARLEN];
+ unsigned char* M_buf = NULL;
+ unsigned char R_calc_bytes[POINTLEN];
+ if (signature == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ if (eddsa_25519_pubkey_bytes == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ if (msg == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ if (customization_label == NULL && customization_label_len != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (customization_label_len > LABELMAXLEN)
+ goto err;
+ if (msg_len > MSGMAXLEN)
+ goto err;
+ if ((M_buf = malloc(msg_len + MSTART)) == 0)
+ goto err;
+ memcpy(M_buf + MSTART, msg, msg_len);
+ if (labelset_new(labelset, &labelset_len, LABELSETMAXLEN, NULL, 0,
+ customization_label, customization_label_len) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ R_bytes = signature;
+ s_scalar = signature + POINTLEN;
+ if (!point_isreduced(eddsa_25519_pubkey_bytes))
+ goto err;
+ if (!point_isreduced(R_bytes))
+ goto err;
+ if (!sc_isreduced(s_scalar))
+ goto err;
+ if (generalized_challenge(h_scalar, labelset, labelset_len,
+ NULL, 0, R_bytes, eddsa_25519_pubkey_bytes, M_buf, MSTART, msg_len) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (generalized_solve_commitment(R_calc_bytes, NULL, NULL,
+ s_scalar, eddsa_25519_pubkey_bytes, h_scalar) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (crypto_verify_32(R_bytes, R_calc_bytes) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ free(M_buf);
+ return 0;
+ free(M_buf);
+ return -1;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_eddsa.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_eddsa.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c281bcac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_eddsa.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#ifndef __GEN_EDDSA_H__
+#define __GEN_EDDSA_H__
+#include "ge.h"
+/* B: base point
+ R: commitment (point),
+ r: private nonce (scalar)
+ K: encoded public key
+ k: private key (scalar)
+ Z: 32-bytes random
+ M: buffer containing message, message starts at M_start, continues for M_len
+ r = hash(B || labelset || Z || pad1 || k || pad2 || labelset || K || extra || M) (mod q)
+int generalized_commit(unsigned char* R_bytes, unsigned char* r_scalar,
+ const unsigned char* labelset, const unsigned long labelset_len,
+ const unsigned char* extra, const unsigned long extra_len,
+ const unsigned char* K_bytes, const unsigned char* k_scalar,
+ const unsigned char* Z,
+ unsigned char* M_buf, const unsigned long M_start, const unsigned long M_len);
+/* if is_labelset_empty(labelset):
+ return hash(R || K || M) (mod q)
+ else:
+ return hash(B || labelset || R || labelset || K || extra || M) (mod q)
+int generalized_challenge(unsigned char* h_scalar,
+ const unsigned char* labelset, const unsigned long labelset_len,
+ const unsigned char* extra, const unsigned long extra_len,
+ const unsigned char* R_bytes,
+ const unsigned char* K_bytes,
+ unsigned char* M_buf, const unsigned long M_start, const unsigned long M_len);
+/* return r + kh (mod q) */
+int generalized_prove(unsigned char* out_scalar,
+ const unsigned char* r_scalar,
+ const unsigned char* k_scalar,
+ const unsigned char* h_scalar);
+/* R = B^s / K^h */
+int generalized_solve_commitment(unsigned char* R_bytes_out, ge_p3* K_point_out,
+ const ge_p3* B_point, const unsigned char* s_scalar,
+ const unsigned char* K_bytes, const unsigned char* h_scalar);
+int generalized_eddsa_25519_sign(
+ unsigned char* signature_out,
+ const unsigned char* eddsa_25519_pubkey_bytes,
+ const unsigned char* eddsa_25519_privkey_scalar,
+ const unsigned char* msg,
+ const unsigned long msg_len,
+ const unsigned char* random,
+ const unsigned char* customization_label,
+ const unsigned long customization_label_len);
+int generalized_eddsa_25519_verify(
+ const unsigned char* signature,
+ const unsigned char* eddsa_25519_pubkey,
+ const unsigned char* msg,
+ const unsigned long msg_len,
+ const unsigned char* customization_label,
+ const unsigned long customization_label_len);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_labelset.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_labelset.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b181cad5dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_labelset.c
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "gen_labelset.h"
+#include "gen_constants.h"
+const unsigned char B_bytes[] = {
+ 0x58, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66,
+ 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66,
+ 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66,
+ 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66,
+unsigned char* buffer_add(unsigned char* bufptr, const unsigned char* bufend,
+ const unsigned char* in, const unsigned long in_len)
+ unsigned long count = 0;
+ if (bufptr == NULL || bufend == NULL || bufptr > bufend)
+ return NULL;
+ if (in == NULL && in_len != 0)
+ return NULL;
+ if (bufend - bufptr < in_len)
+ return NULL;
+ for (count=0; count < in_len; count++) {
+ if (bufptr >= bufend)
+ return NULL;
+ *bufptr++ = *in++;
+ }
+ return bufptr;
+unsigned char* buffer_pad(const unsigned char* buf, unsigned char* bufptr, const unsigned char* bufend)
+ unsigned long count = 0;
+ unsigned long pad_len = 0;
+ if (buf == NULL || bufptr == NULL || bufend == NULL || bufptr >= bufend || bufptr < buf)
+ return NULL;
+ pad_len = (BLOCKLEN - ((bufptr-buf) % BLOCKLEN)) % BLOCKLEN;
+ if (bufend - bufptr < pad_len)
+ return NULL;
+ for (count=0; count < pad_len; count++) {
+ if (bufptr >= bufend)
+ return NULL;
+ *bufptr++ = 0;
+ }
+ return bufptr;
+int labelset_new(unsigned char* labelset, unsigned long* labelset_len, const unsigned long labelset_maxlen,
+ const unsigned char* protocol_name, const unsigned char protocol_name_len,
+ const unsigned char* customization_label, const unsigned char customization_label_len)
+ unsigned char* bufptr;
+ *labelset_len = 0;
+ if (labelset == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ if (labelset_len == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ if (labelset_maxlen > LABELSETMAXLEN)
+ return -1;
+ if (labelset_maxlen < 3 + protocol_name_len + customization_label_len)
+ return -1;
+ if (protocol_name == NULL && protocol_name_len != 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (customization_label == NULL && customization_label_len != 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (protocol_name_len > LABELMAXLEN)
+ return -1;
+ if (customization_label_len > LABELMAXLEN)
+ return -1;
+ bufptr = labelset;
+ *bufptr++ = 2;
+ *bufptr++ = protocol_name_len;
+ bufptr = buffer_add(bufptr, labelset + labelset_maxlen, protocol_name, protocol_name_len);
+ if (bufptr != NULL && bufptr < labelset + labelset_maxlen)
+ *bufptr++ = customization_label_len;
+ bufptr = buffer_add(bufptr, labelset + labelset_maxlen,
+ customization_label, customization_label_len);
+ if (bufptr != NULL && bufptr - labelset == 3 + protocol_name_len + customization_label_len) {
+ *labelset_len = bufptr - labelset;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1;
+int labelset_add(unsigned char* labelset, unsigned long* labelset_len, const unsigned long labelset_maxlen,
+ const unsigned char* label, const unsigned char label_len)
+ unsigned char* bufptr;
+ if (labelset_len == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ if (*labelset_len > LABELSETMAXLEN || labelset_maxlen > LABELSETMAXLEN)
+ return -1;
+ if (*labelset_len >= labelset_maxlen || *labelset_len + label_len + 1 > labelset_maxlen)
+ return -1;
+ if (*labelset_len < 3 || labelset_maxlen < 4)
+ return -1;
+ if (label_len > LABELMAXLEN)
+ return -1;
+ labelset[0]++;
+ labelset[*labelset_len] = label_len;
+ bufptr = labelset + *labelset_len + 1;
+ bufptr = buffer_add(bufptr, labelset + labelset_maxlen, label, label_len);
+ if (bufptr == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ if (bufptr - labelset >= labelset_maxlen)
+ return -1;
+ if (bufptr - labelset != *labelset_len + 1 + label_len)
+ return -1;
+ *labelset_len += (1 + label_len);
+ return 0;
+int labelset_validate(const unsigned char* labelset, const unsigned long labelset_len)
+ unsigned char num_labels = 0;
+ unsigned char count = 0;
+ unsigned long offset = 0;
+ unsigned char label_len = 0;
+ if (labelset == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ if (labelset_len < 3 || labelset_len > LABELSETMAXLEN)
+ return -1;
+ num_labels = labelset[0];
+ offset = 1;
+ for (count = 0; count < num_labels; count++) {
+ label_len = labelset[offset];
+ if (label_len > LABELMAXLEN)
+ return -1;
+ offset += 1 + label_len;
+ if (offset > labelset_len)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (offset != labelset_len)
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+int labelset_is_empty(const unsigned char* labelset, const unsigned long labelset_len)
+ if (labelset_len != 3)
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_labelset.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_labelset.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ac40da99d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_labelset.h
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#ifndef __GEN_LABELSET_H__
+#define __GEN_LABELSET_H__
+extern const unsigned char B_bytes[];
+unsigned char* buffer_add(unsigned char* bufptr, const unsigned char* bufend,
+ const unsigned char* in, const unsigned long in_len);
+unsigned char* buffer_pad(const unsigned char* buf, unsigned char* bufptr, const unsigned char* bufend);
+int labelset_new(unsigned char* labelset, unsigned long* labelset_len, const unsigned long labelset_maxlen,
+ const unsigned char* protocol_name, const unsigned char protocol_name_len,
+ const unsigned char* customization_label, const unsigned char customization_label_len);
+int labelset_add(unsigned char* labelset, unsigned long* labelset_len, const unsigned long labelset_maxlen,
+ const unsigned char* label, const unsigned char label_len);
+int labelset_validate(const unsigned char* labelset, const unsigned long labelset_len);
+int labelset_is_empty(const unsigned char* labelset, const unsigned long labelset_len);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_veddsa.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_veddsa.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e79b4859d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_veddsa.c
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include "gen_eddsa.h"
+#include "gen_veddsa.h"
+#include "gen_constants.h"
+#include "gen_labelset.h"
+#include "gen_crypto_additions.h"
+#include "crypto_hash_sha512.h"
+#include "crypto_verify_32.h"
+#include "crypto_additions.h"
+#include "zeroize.h"
+#include "ge.h"
+#include "sc.h"
+#include "utility.h"
+static int generalized_calculate_Bv(ge_p3* Bv_point,
+ const unsigned char* labelset, const unsigned long labelset_len,
+ const unsigned char* K_bytes,
+ unsigned char* M_buf, const unsigned long M_start, const unsigned long M_len)
+ unsigned char* bufptr;
+ unsigned long prefix_len = 0;
+ if (labelset_validate(labelset, labelset_len) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (Bv_point == NULL || K_bytes == NULL || M_buf == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ prefix_len = 2*POINTLEN + labelset_len;
+ if (prefix_len > M_start)
+ return -1;
+ bufptr = M_buf + M_start - prefix_len;
+ bufptr = buffer_add(bufptr, M_buf + M_start, B_bytes, POINTLEN);
+ bufptr = buffer_add(bufptr, M_buf + M_start, labelset, labelset_len);
+ bufptr = buffer_add(bufptr, M_buf + M_start, K_bytes, POINTLEN);
+ if (bufptr == NULL || bufptr != M_buf + M_start)
+ return -1;
+ hash_to_point(Bv_point, M_buf + M_start - prefix_len, prefix_len + M_len);
+ if (ge_isneutral(Bv_point))
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+static int generalized_calculate_vrf_output(unsigned char* vrf_output,
+ const unsigned char* labelset, const unsigned long labelset_len,
+ const ge_p3* cKv_point)
+ unsigned char buf[BUFLEN];
+ unsigned char* bufptr = buf;
+ unsigned char* bufend = buf + BUFLEN;
+ unsigned char cKv_bytes[POINTLEN];
+ unsigned char hash[HASHLEN];
+ if (vrf_output == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ memset(vrf_output, 0, VRFOUTPUTLEN);
+ if (labelset_len + 2*POINTLEN > BUFLEN)
+ return -1;
+ if (labelset_validate(labelset, labelset_len) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (cKv_point == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ return -1;
+ ge_p3_tobytes(cKv_bytes, cKv_point);
+ bufptr = buffer_add(bufptr, bufend, B_bytes, POINTLEN);
+ bufptr = buffer_add(bufptr, bufend, labelset, labelset_len);
+ bufptr = buffer_add(bufptr, bufend, cKv_bytes, POINTLEN);
+ if (bufptr == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ if (bufptr - buf > BUFLEN)
+ return -1;
+ crypto_hash_sha512(hash, buf, bufptr - buf);
+ memcpy(vrf_output, hash, VRFOUTPUTLEN);
+ return 0;
+int generalized_veddsa_25519_sign(
+ unsigned char* signature_out,
+ const unsigned char* eddsa_25519_pubkey_bytes,
+ const unsigned char* eddsa_25519_privkey_scalar,
+ const unsigned char* msg,
+ const unsigned long msg_len,
+ const unsigned char* random,
+ const unsigned char* customization_label,
+ const unsigned long customization_label_len)
+ unsigned char labelset[LABELSETMAXLEN];
+ unsigned long labelset_len = 0;
+ ge_p3 Bv_point;
+ ge_p3 Kv_point;
+ ge_p3 Rv_point;
+ unsigned char Bv_bytes[POINTLEN];
+ unsigned char Kv_bytes[POINTLEN];
+ unsigned char Rv_bytes[POINTLEN];
+ unsigned char R_bytes[POINTLEN];
+ unsigned char r_scalar[SCALARLEN];
+ unsigned char h_scalar[SCALARLEN];
+ unsigned char s_scalar[SCALARLEN];
+ unsigned char extra[3*POINTLEN];
+ unsigned char* M_buf = NULL;
+ char* protocol_name = "VEdDSA_25519_SHA512_Elligator2";
+ if (signature_out == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ memset(signature_out, 0, VRFSIGNATURELEN);
+ if (eddsa_25519_pubkey_bytes == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ if (eddsa_25519_privkey_scalar == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ if (msg == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ if (customization_label == NULL && customization_label_len != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (customization_label_len > LABELMAXLEN)
+ goto err;
+ if (msg_len > MSGMAXLEN)
+ goto err;
+ if ((M_buf = malloc(msg_len + MSTART)) == 0) {
+ goto err;
+ }
+ memcpy(M_buf + MSTART, msg, msg_len);
+ // labelset = new_labelset(protocol_name, customization_label)
+ if (labelset_new(labelset, &labelset_len, LABELSETMAXLEN,
+ (unsigned char*)protocol_name, strlen(protocol_name),
+ customization_label, customization_label_len) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ // labelset1 = add_label(labels, "1")
+ // Bv = hash(hash(labelset1 || K) || M)
+ // Kv = k * Bv
+ labelset_add(labelset, &labelset_len, LABELSETMAXLEN, (unsigned char*)"1", 1);
+ if (generalized_calculate_Bv(&Bv_point, labelset, labelset_len,
+ eddsa_25519_pubkey_bytes, M_buf, MSTART, msg_len) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ ge_scalarmult(&Kv_point, eddsa_25519_privkey_scalar, &Bv_point);
+ ge_p3_tobytes(Bv_bytes, &Bv_point);
+ ge_p3_tobytes(Kv_bytes, &Kv_point);
+ // labelset2 = add_label(labels, "2")
+ // R, r = commit(labelset2, (Bv || Kv), (K,k), Z, M)
+ labelset[labelset_len-1] = (unsigned char)'2';
+ memcpy(extra, Bv_bytes, POINTLEN);
+ memcpy(extra + POINTLEN, Kv_bytes, POINTLEN);
+ if (generalized_commit(R_bytes, r_scalar,
+ labelset, labelset_len,
+ extra, 2*POINTLEN,
+ eddsa_25519_pubkey_bytes, eddsa_25519_privkey_scalar,
+ random, M_buf, MSTART, msg_len) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ // Rv = r * Bv
+ ge_scalarmult(&Rv_point, r_scalar, &Bv_point);
+ ge_p3_tobytes(Rv_bytes, &Rv_point);
+ // labelset3 = add_label(labels, "3")
+ // h = challenge(labelset3, (Bv || Kv || Rv), R, K, M)
+ labelset[labelset_len-1] = (unsigned char)'3';
+ memcpy(extra + 2*POINTLEN, Rv_bytes, POINTLEN);
+ if (generalized_challenge(h_scalar,
+ labelset, labelset_len,
+ extra, 3*POINTLEN,
+ R_bytes, eddsa_25519_pubkey_bytes,
+ M_buf, MSTART, msg_len) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ // s = prove(r, k, h)
+ if (generalized_prove(s_scalar, r_scalar, eddsa_25519_privkey_scalar, h_scalar) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ // return (Kv || h || s)
+ memcpy(signature_out, Kv_bytes, POINTLEN);
+ memcpy(signature_out + POINTLEN, h_scalar, SCALARLEN);
+ memcpy(signature_out + POINTLEN + SCALARLEN, s_scalar, SCALARLEN);
+ zeroize(r_scalar, SCALARLEN);
+ zeroize_stack();
+ free(M_buf);
+ return 0;
+ zeroize(r_scalar, SCALARLEN);
+ zeroize_stack();
+ free(M_buf);
+ return -1;
+int generalized_veddsa_25519_verify(
+ unsigned char* vrf_out,
+ const unsigned char* signature,
+ const unsigned char* eddsa_25519_pubkey_bytes,
+ const unsigned char* msg,
+ const unsigned long msg_len,
+ const unsigned char* customization_label,
+ const unsigned long customization_label_len)
+ unsigned char labelset[LABELSETMAXLEN];
+ unsigned long labelset_len = 0;
+ const unsigned char* Kv_bytes;
+ const unsigned char* h_scalar;
+ const unsigned char* s_scalar;
+ ge_p3 Bv_point, K_point, Kv_point, cK_point, cKv_point;
+ unsigned char Bv_bytes[POINTLEN];
+ unsigned char R_calc_bytes[POINTLEN];
+ unsigned char Rv_calc_bytes[POINTLEN];
+ unsigned char h_calc_scalar[SCALARLEN];
+ unsigned char extra[3*POINTLEN];
+ unsigned char* M_buf = NULL;
+ char* protocol_name = "VEdDSA_25519_SHA512_Elligator2";
+ if (vrf_out == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ memset(vrf_out, 0, VRFOUTPUTLEN);
+ if (signature == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ if (eddsa_25519_pubkey_bytes == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ if (msg == NULL)
+ goto err;
+ if (customization_label == NULL && customization_label_len != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (customization_label_len > LABELMAXLEN)
+ goto err;
+ if (msg_len > MSGMAXLEN)
+ goto err;
+ if ((M_buf = malloc(msg_len + MSTART)) == 0) {
+ goto err;
+ }
+ memcpy(M_buf + MSTART, msg, msg_len);
+ Kv_bytes = signature;
+ h_scalar = signature + POINTLEN;
+ s_scalar = signature + POINTLEN + SCALARLEN;
+ if (!point_isreduced(eddsa_25519_pubkey_bytes))
+ goto err;
+ if (!point_isreduced(Kv_bytes))
+ goto err;
+ if (!sc_isreduced(h_scalar))
+ goto err;
+ if (!sc_isreduced(s_scalar))
+ goto err;
+ // labelset = new_labelset(protocol_name, customization_label)
+ if (labelset_new(labelset, &labelset_len, LABELSETMAXLEN,
+ (unsigned char*)protocol_name, strlen(protocol_name),
+ customization_label, customization_label_len) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ // labelset1 = add_label(labels, "1")
+ // Bv = hash(hash(labelset1 || K) || M)
+ labelset_add(labelset, &labelset_len, LABELSETMAXLEN, (unsigned char*)"1", 1);
+ if (generalized_calculate_Bv(&Bv_point, labelset, labelset_len,
+ eddsa_25519_pubkey_bytes, M_buf, MSTART, msg_len) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ ge_p3_tobytes(Bv_bytes, &Bv_point);
+ // R = solve_commitment(B, s, K, h)
+ if (generalized_solve_commitment(R_calc_bytes, &K_point, NULL,
+ s_scalar, eddsa_25519_pubkey_bytes, h_scalar) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ // Rv = solve_commitment(Bv, s, Kv, h)
+ if (generalized_solve_commitment(Rv_calc_bytes, &Kv_point, &Bv_point,
+ s_scalar, Kv_bytes, h_scalar) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ ge_scalarmult_cofactor(&cK_point, &K_point);
+ ge_scalarmult_cofactor(&cKv_point, &Kv_point);
+ if (ge_isneutral(&cK_point) || ge_isneutral(&cKv_point) || ge_isneutral(&Bv_point))
+ goto err;
+ // labelset3 = add_label(labels, "3")
+ // h = challenge(labelset3, (Bv || Kv || Rv), R, K, M)
+ labelset[labelset_len-1] = (unsigned char)'3';
+ memcpy(extra, Bv_bytes, POINTLEN);
+ memcpy(extra + POINTLEN, Kv_bytes, POINTLEN);
+ memcpy(extra + 2*POINTLEN, Rv_calc_bytes, POINTLEN);
+ if (generalized_challenge(h_calc_scalar,
+ labelset, labelset_len,
+ extra, 3*POINTLEN,
+ R_calc_bytes, eddsa_25519_pubkey_bytes,
+ M_buf, MSTART, msg_len) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ // if bytes_equal(h, h')
+ if (crypto_verify_32(h_scalar, h_calc_scalar) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ // labelset4 = add_label(labels, "4")
+ // v = hash(labelset4 || c*Kv)
+ labelset[labelset_len-1] = (unsigned char)'4';
+ if (generalized_calculate_vrf_output(vrf_out, labelset, labelset_len, &cKv_point) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ free(M_buf);
+ return 0;
+ free(M_buf);
+ return -1;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_veddsa.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_veddsa.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1bc27a6e2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_veddsa.h
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#ifndef __GEN_VEDDSA_H__
+#define __GEN_VEDDSA_H__
+int generalized_veddsa_25519_sign(
+ unsigned char* signature_out,
+ const unsigned char* eddsa_25519_pubkey_bytes,
+ const unsigned char* eddsa_25519_privkey_scalar,
+ const unsigned char* msg,
+ const unsigned long msg_len,
+ const unsigned char* random,
+ const unsigned char* customization_label,
+ const unsigned long customization_label_len);
+int generalized_veddsa_25519_verify(
+ unsigned char* vrf_out,
+ const unsigned char* signature,
+ const unsigned char* eddsa_25519_pubkey_bytes,
+ const unsigned char* msg,
+ const unsigned long msg_len,
+ const unsigned char* customization_label,
+ const unsigned long customization_label_len);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_x.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_x.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4df5c1f1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_x.c
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include "crypto_additions.h"
+#include "gen_x.h"
+#include "gen_constants.h"
+#include "gen_eddsa.h"
+#include "gen_veddsa.h"
+#include "gen_crypto_additions.h"
+#include "zeroize.h"
+static int convert_25519_pubkey(unsigned char* ed_pubkey_bytes, const unsigned char* x25519_pubkey_bytes) {
+ fe u;
+ fe y;
+ /* Convert the X25519 public key into an Ed25519 public key.
+ y = (u - 1) / (u + 1)
+ NOTE: u=-1 is converted to y=0 since fe_invert is mod-exp
+ */
+ if (!fe_isreduced(x25519_pubkey_bytes))
+ return -1;
+ fe_frombytes(u, x25519_pubkey_bytes);
+ fe_montx_to_edy(y, u);
+ fe_tobytes(ed_pubkey_bytes, y);
+ return 0;
+static int calculate_25519_keypair(unsigned char* K_bytes, unsigned char* k_scalar,
+ const unsigned char* x25519_privkey_scalar)
+ unsigned char kneg[SCALARLEN];
+ ge_p3 ed_pubkey_point;
+ unsigned char sign_bit = 0;
+ if (SCALARLEN != 32)
+ return -1;
+ /* Convert the Curve25519 privkey to an Ed25519 public key */
+ ge_scalarmult_base(&ed_pubkey_point, x25519_privkey_scalar);
+ ge_p3_tobytes(K_bytes, &ed_pubkey_point);
+ /* Force Edwards sign bit to zero */
+ sign_bit = (K_bytes[31] & 0x80) >> 7;
+ memcpy(k_scalar, x25519_privkey_scalar, 32);
+ sc_neg(kneg, k_scalar);
+ sc_cmov(k_scalar, kneg, sign_bit);
+ K_bytes[31] &= 0x7F;
+ zeroize(kneg, SCALARLEN);
+ return 0;
+int generalized_xeddsa_25519_sign(unsigned char* signature_out,
+ const unsigned char* x25519_privkey_scalar,
+ const unsigned char* msg, const unsigned long msg_len,
+ const unsigned char* random,
+ const unsigned char* customization_label,
+ const unsigned long customization_label_len)
+ unsigned char K_bytes[POINTLEN];
+ unsigned char k_scalar[SCALARLEN];
+ int retval = -1;
+ if (calculate_25519_keypair(K_bytes, k_scalar, x25519_privkey_scalar) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ retval = generalized_eddsa_25519_sign(signature_out,
+ K_bytes, k_scalar,
+ msg, msg_len, random,
+ customization_label, customization_label_len);
+ zeroize(k_scalar, SCALARLEN);
+ return retval;
+int generalized_xveddsa_25519_sign(
+ unsigned char* signature_out,
+ const unsigned char* x25519_privkey_scalar,
+ const unsigned char* msg,
+ const unsigned long msg_len,
+ const unsigned char* random,
+ const unsigned char* customization_label,
+ const unsigned long customization_label_len)
+ unsigned char K_bytes[POINTLEN];
+ unsigned char k_scalar[SCALARLEN];
+ int retval = -1;
+ if (calculate_25519_keypair(K_bytes, k_scalar, x25519_privkey_scalar) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ retval = generalized_veddsa_25519_sign(signature_out, K_bytes, k_scalar,
+ msg, msg_len, random,
+ customization_label, customization_label_len);
+ zeroize(k_scalar, SCALARLEN);
+ return retval;
+int generalized_xeddsa_25519_verify(
+ const unsigned char* signature,
+ const unsigned char* x25519_pubkey_bytes,
+ const unsigned char* msg,
+ const unsigned long msg_len,
+ const unsigned char* customization_label,
+ const unsigned long customization_label_len)
+ unsigned char K_bytes[POINTLEN];
+ if (convert_25519_pubkey(K_bytes, x25519_pubkey_bytes) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ return generalized_eddsa_25519_verify(signature, K_bytes, msg, msg_len,
+ customization_label, customization_label_len);
+int generalized_xveddsa_25519_verify(
+ unsigned char* vrf_out,
+ const unsigned char* signature,
+ const unsigned char* x25519_pubkey_bytes,
+ const unsigned char* msg,
+ const unsigned long msg_len,
+ const unsigned char* customization_label,
+ const unsigned long customization_label_len)
+ unsigned char K_bytes[POINTLEN];
+ if (convert_25519_pubkey(K_bytes, x25519_pubkey_bytes) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ return generalized_veddsa_25519_verify(vrf_out, signature, K_bytes, msg, msg_len,
+ customization_label, customization_label_len);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_x.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_x.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c4c04cb6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/gen_x.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#ifndef __GEN_X_H
+#define __GEN_X_H
+int generalized_xeddsa_25519_sign(unsigned char* signature_out, /* 64 bytes */
+ const unsigned char* x25519_privkey_scalar, /* 32 bytes */
+ const unsigned char* msg, const unsigned long msg_len,
+ const unsigned char* random, /* 32 bytes */
+ const unsigned char* customization_label,
+ const unsigned long customization_label_len);
+int generalized_xeddsa_25519_verify(
+ const unsigned char* signature, /* 64 bytes */
+ const unsigned char* x25519_pubkey_bytes, /* 32 bytes */
+ const unsigned char* msg,
+ const unsigned long msg_len,
+ const unsigned char* customization_label,
+ const unsigned long customization_label_len);
+int generalized_xveddsa_25519_sign(
+ unsigned char* signature_out, /* 96 bytes */
+ const unsigned char* x25519_privkey_scalar, /* 32 bytes */
+ const unsigned char* msg,
+ const unsigned long msg_len,
+ const unsigned char* random, /* 32 bytes */
+ const unsigned char* customization_label,
+ const unsigned long customization_label_len);
+int generalized_xveddsa_25519_verify(
+ unsigned char* vrf_out, /* 32 bytes */
+ const unsigned char* signature, /* 96 bytes */
+ const unsigned char* x25519_pubkey_bytes, /* 32 bytes */
+ const unsigned char* msg,
+ const unsigned long msg_len,
+ const unsigned char* customization_label,
+ const unsigned long customization_label_len);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/point_isreduced.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/point_isreduced.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5541ffebbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/point_isreduced.c
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#include "fe.h"
+#include "crypto_additions.h"
+int point_isreduced(const unsigned char* p)
+ unsigned char strict[32];
+ memmove(strict, p, 32);
+ strict[31] &= 0x7F; /* mask off sign bit */
+ return fe_isreduced(strict);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/sc_isreduced.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/sc_isreduced.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..24193808ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/generalized/sc_isreduced.c
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include "fe.h"
+#include "sc.h"
+#include "crypto_additions.h"
+#include "crypto_verify_32.h"
+int sc_isreduced(const unsigned char* s)
+ unsigned char strict[64];
+ memset(strict, 0, 64);
+ memmove(strict, s, 32);
+ sc_reduce(strict);
+ if (crypto_verify_32(strict, s) != 0)
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/keygen.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/keygen.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de7cdcd598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/keygen.c
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#include "ge.h"
+#include "keygen.h"
+#include "crypto_additions.h"
+void curve25519_keygen(unsigned char* curve25519_pubkey_out,
+ const unsigned char* curve25519_privkey_in)
+ /* Perform a fixed-base multiplication of the Edwards base point,
+ (which is efficient due to precalculated tables), then convert
+ to the Curve25519 montgomery-format public key.
+ NOTE: y=1 is converted to u=0 since fe_invert is mod-exp
+ */
+ ge_p3 ed; /* Ed25519 pubkey point */
+ fe u;
+ ge_scalarmult_base(&ed, curve25519_privkey_in);
+ ge_p3_to_montx(u, &ed);
+ fe_tobytes(curve25519_pubkey_out, u);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/keygen.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/keygen.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e86e7c5582
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/keygen.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#ifndef __KEYGEN_H__
+#define __KEYGEN_H__
+/* Sets and clears bits to make a random 32 bytes into a private key */
+void sc_clamp(unsigned char* a);
+/* The private key should be 32 random bytes "clamped" by sc_clamp() */
+void curve25519_keygen(unsigned char* curve25519_pubkey_out, /* 32 bytes */
+ const unsigned char* curve25519_privkey_in); /* 32 bytes */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/open_modified.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/open_modified.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a156098191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/open_modified.c
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include "crypto_sign.h"
+#include "crypto_hash_sha512.h"
+#include "crypto_verify_32.h"
+#include "ge.h"
+#include "sc.h"
+#include "crypto_additions.h"
+int crypto_sign_open_modified(
+ unsigned char *m,
+ const unsigned char *sm,unsigned long long smlen,
+ const unsigned char *pk
+ unsigned char pkcopy[32];
+ unsigned char rcopy[32];
+ unsigned char scopy[32];
+ unsigned char h[64];
+ unsigned char rcheck[32];
+ ge_p3 A;
+ ge_p2 R;
+ if (smlen < 64) goto badsig;
+ if (sm[63] & 224) goto badsig; /* strict parsing of s */
+ if (ge_frombytes_negate_vartime(&A,pk) != 0) goto badsig;
+ memmove(pkcopy,pk,32);
+ memmove(rcopy,sm,32);
+ memmove(scopy,sm + 32,32);
+ memmove(m,sm,smlen);
+ memmove(m + 32,pkcopy,32);
+ crypto_hash_sha512(h,m,smlen);
+ sc_reduce(h);
+ ge_double_scalarmult_vartime(&R,h,&A,scopy);
+ ge_tobytes(rcheck,&R);
+ if (crypto_verify_32(rcheck,rcopy) == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/sc_clamp.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/sc_clamp.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7788be9071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/sc_clamp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#include "crypto_additions.h"
+void sc_clamp(unsigned char* a)
+ a[0] &= 248;
+ a[31] &= 127;
+ a[31] |= 64;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/sc_cmov.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/sc_cmov.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..443a5bb71e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/sc_cmov.c
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#include "crypto_additions.h"
+Replace (f,g) with (g,g) if b == 1;
+replace (f,g) with (f,g) if b == 0.
+Preconditions: b in {0,1}.
+void sc_cmov(unsigned char* f, const unsigned char* g, unsigned char b)
+ int count=32;
+ unsigned char x[32];
+ for (count=0; count < 32; count++)
+ x[count] = f[count] ^ g[count];
+ b = -b;
+ for (count=0; count < 32; count++)
+ x[count] &= b;
+ for (count=0; count < 32; count++)
+ f[count] = f[count] ^ x[count];
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/sc_neg.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/sc_neg.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef407d405e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/sc_neg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include "crypto_additions.h"
+#include "sc.h"
+/* l = order of base point = 2^252 + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493 */
+static unsigned char l[32] = {0xed, 0xd3, 0xf5, 0x5c, 0x1a, 0x63, 0x12, 0x58,
+ 0xd6, 0x9c, 0xf7, 0xa2, 0xde, 0xf9, 0xde, 0x14,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0, 0x10};
+static unsigned char lminus1[32] = {0xec, 0xd3, 0xf5, 0x5c, 0x1a, 0x63, 0x12, 0x58,
+ 0xd6, 0x9c, 0xf7, 0xa2, 0xde, 0xf9, 0xde, 0x14,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10};
+/* b = -a (mod l) */
+void sc_neg(unsigned char *b, const unsigned char *a)
+ unsigned char zero[32];
+ memset(zero, 0, 32);
+ sc_muladd(b, lminus1, a, zero); /* b = (-1)a + 0 (mod l) */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/sign_modified.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/sign_modified.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2fb8c20d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/sign_modified.c
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include "crypto_sign.h"
+#include "crypto_hash_sha512.h"
+#include "ge.h"
+#include "sc.h"
+#include "zeroize.h"
+#include "crypto_additions.h"
+/* NEW: Compare to pristine crypto_sign()
+ Uses explicit private key for nonce derivation and as scalar,
+ instead of deriving both from a master key.
+int crypto_sign_modified(
+ unsigned char *sm,
+ const unsigned char *m,unsigned long long mlen,
+ const unsigned char *sk, const unsigned char* pk,
+ const unsigned char* random
+ unsigned char nonce[64];
+ unsigned char hram[64];
+ ge_p3 R;
+ int count=0;
+ memmove(sm + 64,m,mlen);
+ memmove(sm + 32,sk,32); /* NEW: Use privkey directly for nonce derivation */
+ /* NEW : add prefix to separate hash uses - see .h */
+ sm[0] = 0xFE;
+ for (count = 1; count < 32; count++)
+ sm[count] = 0xFF;
+ /* NEW: add suffix of random data */
+ memmove(sm + mlen + 64, random, 64);
+ crypto_hash_sha512(nonce,sm,mlen + 128);
+ memmove(sm + 32,pk,32);
+ sc_reduce(nonce);
+ ge_scalarmult_base(&R,nonce);
+ ge_p3_tobytes(sm,&R);
+ crypto_hash_sha512(hram,sm,mlen + 64);
+ sc_reduce(hram);
+ sc_muladd(sm + 32,hram,sk,nonce); /* NEW: Use privkey directly */
+ /* Erase any traces of private scalar or
+ nonce left in the stack from sc_muladd */
+ zeroize_stack();
+ zeroize(nonce, 64);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/utility.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/utility.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c59099a9e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/utility.c
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "utility.h"
+void print_vector(const char* name, const unsigned char* v)
+ int count;
+ printf("%s = \n", name);
+ for (count = 0; count < 32; count++)
+ printf("%02x ", v[count]);
+ printf("\n");
+void print_bytes(const char* name, const unsigned char* v, int numbytes)
+ int count;
+ printf("%s = \n", name);
+ for (count = 0; count < numbytes; count++)
+ printf("%02x ", v[count]);
+ printf("\n");
+void print_fe(const char* name, const fe in)
+ unsigned char bytes[32];
+ fe_tobytes(bytes, in);
+ print_vector(name, bytes);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/utility.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/utility.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..35348782df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/utility.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#ifndef __UTILITY_H__
+#define __UTILITY_H__
+#include "fe.h"
+void print_vector(const char* name, const unsigned char* v);
+void print_bytes(const char* name, const unsigned char* v, int numbytes);
+void print_fe(const char* name, const fe in);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/xeddsa.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/xeddsa.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63b73bf2ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/xeddsa.c
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include "ge.h"
+#include "crypto_additions.h"
+#include "zeroize.h"
+#include "xeddsa.h"
+#include "crypto_verify_32.h"
+int xed25519_sign(unsigned char* signature_out,
+ const unsigned char* curve25519_privkey,
+ const unsigned char* msg, const unsigned long msg_len,
+ const unsigned char* random)
+ unsigned char a[32], aneg[32];
+ unsigned char A[32];
+ ge_p3 ed_pubkey_point;
+ unsigned char *sigbuf; /* working buffer */
+ unsigned char sign_bit = 0;
+ if ((sigbuf = malloc(msg_len + 128)) == 0) {
+ memset(signature_out, 0, 64);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Convert the Curve25519 privkey to an Ed25519 public key */
+ ge_scalarmult_base(&ed_pubkey_point, curve25519_privkey);
+ ge_p3_tobytes(A, &ed_pubkey_point);
+ /* Force Edwards sign bit to zero */
+ sign_bit = (A[31] & 0x80) >> 7;
+ memcpy(a, curve25519_privkey, 32);
+ sc_neg(aneg, a);
+ sc_cmov(a, aneg, sign_bit);
+ A[31] &= 0x7F;
+ /* Perform an Ed25519 signature with explicit private key */
+ crypto_sign_modified(sigbuf, msg, msg_len, a, A, random);
+ memmove(signature_out, sigbuf, 64);
+ zeroize(a, 32);
+ zeroize(aneg, 32);
+ free(sigbuf);
+ return 0;
+int xed25519_verify(const unsigned char* signature,
+ const unsigned char* curve25519_pubkey,
+ const unsigned char* msg, const unsigned long msg_len)
+ fe u;
+ fe y;
+ unsigned char ed_pubkey[32];
+ unsigned char verifybuf[MAX_MSG_LEN + 64]; /* working buffer */
+ unsigned char verifybuf2[MAX_MSG_LEN + 64]; /* working buffer #2 */
+ if (msg_len > MAX_MSG_LEN) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Convert the Curve25519 public key into an Ed25519 public key.
+ y = (u - 1) / (u + 1)
+ NOTE: u=-1 is converted to y=0 since fe_invert is mod-exp
+ */
+ if (!fe_isreduced(curve25519_pubkey))
+ return -1;
+ fe_frombytes(u, curve25519_pubkey);
+ fe_montx_to_edy(y, u);
+ fe_tobytes(ed_pubkey, y);
+ memmove(verifybuf, signature, 64);
+ memmove(verifybuf+64, msg, msg_len);
+ /* Then perform a normal Ed25519 verification, return 0 on success */
+ /* The below call has a strange API: */
+ /* verifybuf = R || S || message */
+ /* verifybuf2 = internal to next call gets a copy of verifybuf, S gets
+ replaced with pubkey for hashing */
+ return crypto_sign_open_modified(verifybuf2, verifybuf, 64 + msg_len, ed_pubkey);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/xeddsa.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/xeddsa.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b86d7f0d9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/xeddsa.h
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#ifndef __XEDDSA_H__
+#define __XEDDSA_H__
+/* returns 0 on success */
+int xed25519_sign(unsigned char* signature_out, /* 64 bytes */
+ const unsigned char* curve25519_privkey, /* 32 bytes */
+ const unsigned char* msg, const unsigned long msg_len, /* <= 256 bytes */
+ const unsigned char* random); /* 64 bytes */
+/* returns 0 on success */
+int xed25519_verify(const unsigned char* signature, /* 64 bytes */
+ const unsigned char* curve25519_pubkey, /* 32 bytes */
+ const unsigned char* msg, const unsigned long msg_len); /* <= 256 bytes */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/zeroize.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/zeroize.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..187e725eb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/zeroize.c
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#include "zeroize.h"
+void zeroize(unsigned char* b, size_t len)
+ size_t count = 0;
+ volatile unsigned char *p = b;
+ for (count = 0; count < len; count++)
+ p[count] = 0;
+void zeroize_stack()
+ unsigned char m[ZEROIZE_STACK_SIZE];
+ zeroize(m, ZEROIZE_STACK_SIZE);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/zeroize.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/zeroize.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0db68bb4c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/additions/zeroize.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#ifndef __ZEROIZE_H__
+#define __ZEROIZE_H__
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define ZEROIZE_STACK_SIZE 1024
+void zeroize(unsigned char* b, size_t len);
+void zeroize_stack();
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/base.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/base.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..573bd8a05c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/base.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1344 @@
+ {
+ { 25967493,-14356035,29566456,3660896,-12694345,4014787,27544626,-11754271,-6079156,2047605 },
+ { -12545711,934262,-2722910,3049990,-727428,9406986,12720692,5043384,19500929,-15469378 },
+ { -8738181,4489570,9688441,-14785194,10184609,-12363380,29287919,11864899,-24514362,-4438546 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -12815894,-12976347,-21581243,11784320,-25355658,-2750717,-11717903,-3814571,-358445,-10211303 },
+ { -21703237,6903825,27185491,6451973,-29577724,-9554005,-15616551,11189268,-26829678,-5319081 },
+ { 26966642,11152617,32442495,15396054,14353839,-12752335,-3128826,-9541118,-15472047,-4166697 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 15636291,-9688557,24204773,-7912398,616977,-16685262,27787600,-14772189,28944400,-1550024 },
+ { 16568933,4717097,-11556148,-1102322,15682896,-11807043,16354577,-11775962,7689662,11199574 },
+ { 30464156,-5976125,-11779434,-15670865,23220365,15915852,7512774,10017326,-17749093,-9920357 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -17036878,13921892,10945806,-6033431,27105052,-16084379,-28926210,15006023,3284568,-6276540 },
+ { 23599295,-8306047,-11193664,-7687416,13236774,10506355,7464579,9656445,13059162,10374397 },
+ { 7798556,16710257,3033922,2874086,28997861,2835604,32406664,-3839045,-641708,-101325 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 10861363,11473154,27284546,1981175,-30064349,12577861,32867885,14515107,-15438304,10819380 },
+ { 4708026,6336745,20377586,9066809,-11272109,6594696,-25653668,12483688,-12668491,5581306 },
+ { 19563160,16186464,-29386857,4097519,10237984,-4348115,28542350,13850243,-23678021,-15815942 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -15371964,-12862754,32573250,4720197,-26436522,5875511,-19188627,-15224819,-9818940,-12085777 },
+ { -8549212,109983,15149363,2178705,22900618,4543417,3044240,-15689887,1762328,14866737 },
+ { -18199695,-15951423,-10473290,1707278,-17185920,3916101,-28236412,3959421,27914454,4383652 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 5153746,9909285,1723747,-2777874,30523605,5516873,19480852,5230134,-23952439,-15175766 },
+ { -30269007,-3463509,7665486,10083793,28475525,1649722,20654025,16520125,30598449,7715701 },
+ { 28881845,14381568,9657904,3680757,-20181635,7843316,-31400660,1370708,29794553,-1409300 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 14499471,-2729599,-33191113,-4254652,28494862,14271267,30290735,10876454,-33154098,2381726 },
+ { -7195431,-2655363,-14730155,462251,-27724326,3941372,-6236617,3696005,-32300832,15351955 },
+ { 27431194,8222322,16448760,-3907995,-18707002,11938355,-32961401,-2970515,29551813,10109425 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -13657040,-13155431,-31283750,11777098,21447386,6519384,-2378284,-1627556,10092783,-4764171 },
+ { 27939166,14210322,4677035,16277044,-22964462,-12398139,-32508754,12005538,-17810127,12803510 },
+ { 17228999,-15661624,-1233527,300140,-1224870,-11714777,30364213,-9038194,18016357,4397660 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -10958843,-7690207,4776341,-14954238,27850028,-15602212,-26619106,14544525,-17477504,982639 },
+ { 29253598,15796703,-2863982,-9908884,10057023,3163536,7332899,-4120128,-21047696,9934963 },
+ { 5793303,16271923,-24131614,-10116404,29188560,1206517,-14747930,4559895,-30123922,-10897950 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -27643952,-11493006,16282657,-11036493,28414021,-15012264,24191034,4541697,-13338309,5500568 },
+ { 12650548,-1497113,9052871,11355358,-17680037,-8400164,-17430592,12264343,10874051,13524335 },
+ { 25556948,-3045990,714651,2510400,23394682,-10415330,33119038,5080568,-22528059,5376628 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -26088264,-4011052,-17013699,-3537628,-6726793,1920897,-22321305,-9447443,4535768,1569007 },
+ { -2255422,14606630,-21692440,-8039818,28430649,8775819,-30494562,3044290,31848280,12543772 },
+ { -22028579,2943893,-31857513,6777306,13784462,-4292203,-27377195,-2062731,7718482,14474653 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 2385315,2454213,-22631320,46603,-4437935,-15680415,656965,-7236665,24316168,-5253567 },
+ { 13741529,10911568,-33233417,-8603737,-20177830,-1033297,33040651,-13424532,-20729456,8321686 },
+ { 21060490,-2212744,15712757,-4336099,1639040,10656336,23845965,-11874838,-9984458,608372 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -13672732,-15087586,-10889693,-7557059,-6036909,11305547,1123968,-6780577,27229399,23887 },
+ { -23244140,-294205,-11744728,14712571,-29465699,-2029617,12797024,-6440308,-1633405,16678954 },
+ { -29500620,4770662,-16054387,14001338,7830047,9564805,-1508144,-4795045,-17169265,4904953 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 24059557,14617003,19037157,-15039908,19766093,-14906429,5169211,16191880,2128236,-4326833 },
+ { -16981152,4124966,-8540610,-10653797,30336522,-14105247,-29806336,916033,-6882542,-2986532 },
+ { -22630907,12419372,-7134229,-7473371,-16478904,16739175,285431,2763829,15736322,4143876 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 2379352,11839345,-4110402,-5988665,11274298,794957,212801,-14594663,23527084,-16458268 },
+ { 33431127,-11130478,-17838966,-15626900,8909499,8376530,-32625340,4087881,-15188911,-14416214 },
+ { 1767683,7197987,-13205226,-2022635,-13091350,448826,5799055,4357868,-4774191,-16323038 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 6721966,13833823,-23523388,-1551314,26354293,-11863321,23365147,-3949732,7390890,2759800 },
+ { 4409041,2052381,23373853,10530217,7676779,-12885954,21302353,-4264057,1244380,-12919645 },
+ { -4421239,7169619,4982368,-2957590,30256825,-2777540,14086413,9208236,15886429,16489664 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 1996075,10375649,14346367,13311202,-6874135,-16438411,-13693198,398369,-30606455,-712933 },
+ { -25307465,9795880,-2777414,14878809,-33531835,14780363,13348553,12076947,-30836462,5113182 },
+ { -17770784,11797796,31950843,13929123,-25888302,12288344,-30341101,-7336386,13847711,5387222 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -18582163,-3416217,17824843,-2340966,22744343,-10442611,8763061,3617786,-19600662,10370991 },
+ { 20246567,-14369378,22358229,-543712,18507283,-10413996,14554437,-8746092,32232924,16763880 },
+ { 9648505,10094563,26416693,14745928,-30374318,-6472621,11094161,15689506,3140038,-16510092 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -16160072,5472695,31895588,4744994,8823515,10365685,-27224800,9448613,-28774454,366295 },
+ { 19153450,11523972,-11096490,-6503142,-24647631,5420647,28344573,8041113,719605,11671788 },
+ { 8678025,2694440,-6808014,2517372,4964326,11152271,-15432916,-15266516,27000813,-10195553 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -15157904,7134312,8639287,-2814877,-7235688,10421742,564065,5336097,6750977,-14521026 },
+ { 11836410,-3979488,26297894,16080799,23455045,15735944,1695823,-8819122,8169720,16220347 },
+ { -18115838,8653647,17578566,-6092619,-8025777,-16012763,-11144307,-2627664,-5990708,-14166033 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -23308498,-10968312,15213228,-10081214,-30853605,-11050004,27884329,2847284,2655861,1738395 },
+ { -27537433,-14253021,-25336301,-8002780,-9370762,8129821,21651608,-3239336,-19087449,-11005278 },
+ { 1533110,3437855,23735889,459276,29970501,11335377,26030092,5821408,10478196,8544890 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 32173121,-16129311,24896207,3921497,22579056,-3410854,19270449,12217473,17789017,-3395995 },
+ { -30552961,-2228401,-15578829,-10147201,13243889,517024,15479401,-3853233,30460520,1052596 },
+ { -11614875,13323618,32618793,8175907,-15230173,12596687,27491595,-4612359,3179268,-9478891 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 31947069,-14366651,-4640583,-15339921,-15125977,-6039709,-14756777,-16411740,19072640,-9511060 },
+ { 11685058,11822410,3158003,-13952594,33402194,-4165066,5977896,-5215017,473099,5040608 },
+ { -20290863,8198642,-27410132,11602123,1290375,-2799760,28326862,1721092,-19558642,-3131606 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 7881532,10687937,7578723,7738378,-18951012,-2553952,21820786,8076149,-27868496,11538389 },
+ { -19935666,3899861,18283497,-6801568,-15728660,-11249211,8754525,7446702,-5676054,5797016 },
+ { -11295600,-3793569,-15782110,-7964573,12708869,-8456199,2014099,-9050574,-2369172,-5877341 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -22472376,-11568741,-27682020,1146375,18956691,16640559,1192730,-3714199,15123619,10811505 },
+ { 14352098,-3419715,-18942044,10822655,32750596,4699007,-70363,15776356,-28886779,-11974553 },
+ { -28241164,-8072475,-4978962,-5315317,29416931,1847569,-20654173,-16484855,4714547,-9600655 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 15200332,8368572,19679101,15970074,-31872674,1959451,24611599,-4543832,-11745876,12340220 },
+ { 12876937,-10480056,33134381,6590940,-6307776,14872440,9613953,8241152,15370987,9608631 },
+ { -4143277,-12014408,8446281,-391603,4407738,13629032,-7724868,15866074,-28210621,-8814099 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 26660628,-15677655,8393734,358047,-7401291,992988,-23904233,858697,20571223,8420556 },
+ { 14620715,13067227,-15447274,8264467,14106269,15080814,33531827,12516406,-21574435,-12476749 },
+ { 236881,10476226,57258,-14677024,6472998,2466984,17258519,7256740,8791136,15069930 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 1276410,-9371918,22949635,-16322807,-23493039,-5702186,14711875,4874229,-30663140,-2331391 },
+ { 5855666,4990204,-13711848,7294284,-7804282,1924647,-1423175,-7912378,-33069337,9234253 },
+ { 20590503,-9018988,31529744,-7352666,-2706834,10650548,31559055,-11609587,18979186,13396066 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 24474287,4968103,22267082,4407354,24063882,-8325180,-18816887,13594782,33514650,7021958 },
+ { -11566906,-6565505,-21365085,15928892,-26158305,4315421,-25948728,-3916677,-21480480,12868082 },
+ { -28635013,13504661,19988037,-2132761,21078225,6443208,-21446107,2244500,-12455797,-8089383 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -30595528,13793479,-5852820,319136,-25723172,-6263899,33086546,8957937,-15233648,5540521 },
+ { -11630176,-11503902,-8119500,-7643073,2620056,1022908,-23710744,-1568984,-16128528,-14962807 },
+ { 23152971,775386,27395463,14006635,-9701118,4649512,1689819,892185,-11513277,-15205948 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 9770129,9586738,26496094,4324120,1556511,-3550024,27453819,4763127,-19179614,5867134 },
+ { -32765025,1927590,31726409,-4753295,23962434,-16019500,27846559,5931263,-29749703,-16108455 },
+ { 27461885,-2977536,22380810,1815854,-23033753,-3031938,7283490,-15148073,-19526700,7734629 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -8010264,-9590817,-11120403,6196038,29344158,-13430885,7585295,-3176626,18549497,15302069 },
+ { -32658337,-6171222,-7672793,-11051681,6258878,13504381,10458790,-6418461,-8872242,8424746 },
+ { 24687205,8613276,-30667046,-3233545,1863892,-1830544,19206234,7134917,-11284482,-828919 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 11334899,-9218022,8025293,12707519,17523892,-10476071,10243738,-14685461,-5066034,16498837 },
+ { 8911542,6887158,-9584260,-6958590,11145641,-9543680,17303925,-14124238,6536641,10543906 },
+ { -28946384,15479763,-17466835,568876,-1497683,11223454,-2669190,-16625574,-27235709,8876771 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -25742899,-12566864,-15649966,-846607,-33026686,-796288,-33481822,15824474,-604426,-9039817 },
+ { 10330056,70051,7957388,-9002667,9764902,15609756,27698697,-4890037,1657394,3084098 },
+ { 10477963,-7470260,12119566,-13250805,29016247,-5365589,31280319,14396151,-30233575,15272409 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -12288309,3169463,28813183,16658753,25116432,-5630466,-25173957,-12636138,-25014757,1950504 },
+ { -26180358,9489187,11053416,-14746161,-31053720,5825630,-8384306,-8767532,15341279,8373727 },
+ { 28685821,7759505,-14378516,-12002860,-31971820,4079242,298136,-10232602,-2878207,15190420 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -32932876,13806336,-14337485,-15794431,-24004620,10940928,8669718,2742393,-26033313,-6875003 },
+ { -1580388,-11729417,-25979658,-11445023,-17411874,-10912854,9291594,-16247779,-12154742,6048605 },
+ { -30305315,14843444,1539301,11864366,20201677,1900163,13934231,5128323,11213262,9168384 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -26280513,11007847,19408960,-940758,-18592965,-4328580,-5088060,-11105150,20470157,-16398701 },
+ { -23136053,9282192,14855179,-15390078,-7362815,-14408560,-22783952,14461608,14042978,5230683 },
+ { 29969567,-2741594,-16711867,-8552442,9175486,-2468974,21556951,3506042,-5933891,-12449708 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -3144746,8744661,19704003,4581278,-20430686,6830683,-21284170,8971513,-28539189,15326563 },
+ { -19464629,10110288,-17262528,-3503892,-23500387,1355669,-15523050,15300988,-20514118,9168260 },
+ { -5353335,4488613,-23803248,16314347,7780487,-15638939,-28948358,9601605,33087103,-9011387 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -19443170,-15512900,-20797467,-12445323,-29824447,10229461,-27444329,-15000531,-5996870,15664672 },
+ { 23294591,-16632613,-22650781,-8470978,27844204,11461195,13099750,-2460356,18151676,13417686 },
+ { -24722913,-4176517,-31150679,5988919,-26858785,6685065,1661597,-12551441,15271676,-15452665 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 11433042,-13228665,8239631,-5279517,-1985436,-725718,-18698764,2167544,-6921301,-13440182 },
+ { -31436171,15575146,30436815,12192228,-22463353,9395379,-9917708,-8638997,12215110,12028277 },
+ { 14098400,6555944,23007258,5757252,-15427832,-12950502,30123440,4617780,-16900089,-655628 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -4026201,-15240835,11893168,13718664,-14809462,1847385,-15819999,10154009,23973261,-12684474 },
+ { -26531820,-3695990,-1908898,2534301,-31870557,-16550355,18341390,-11419951,32013174,-10103539 },
+ { -25479301,10876443,-11771086,-14625140,-12369567,1838104,21911214,6354752,4425632,-837822 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -10433389,-14612966,22229858,-3091047,-13191166,776729,-17415375,-12020462,4725005,14044970 },
+ { 19268650,-7304421,1555349,8692754,-21474059,-9910664,6347390,-1411784,-19522291,-16109756 },
+ { -24864089,12986008,-10898878,-5558584,-11312371,-148526,19541418,8180106,9282262,10282508 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -26205082,4428547,-8661196,-13194263,4098402,-14165257,15522535,8372215,5542595,-10702683 },
+ { -10562541,14895633,26814552,-16673850,-17480754,-2489360,-2781891,6993761,-18093885,10114655 },
+ { -20107055,-929418,31422704,10427861,-7110749,6150669,-29091755,-11529146,25953725,-106158 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -4234397,-8039292,-9119125,3046000,2101609,-12607294,19390020,6094296,-3315279,12831125 },
+ { -15998678,7578152,5310217,14408357,-33548620,-224739,31575954,6326196,7381791,-2421839 },
+ { -20902779,3296811,24736065,-16328389,18374254,7318640,6295303,8082724,-15362489,12339664 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 27724736,2291157,6088201,-14184798,1792727,5857634,13848414,15768922,25091167,14856294 },
+ { -18866652,8331043,24373479,8541013,-701998,-9269457,12927300,-12695493,-22182473,-9012899 },
+ { -11423429,-5421590,11632845,3405020,30536730,-11674039,-27260765,13866390,30146206,9142070 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 3924129,-15307516,-13817122,-10054960,12291820,-668366,-27702774,9326384,-8237858,4171294 },
+ { -15921940,16037937,6713787,16606682,-21612135,2790944,26396185,3731949,345228,-5462949 },
+ { -21327538,13448259,25284571,1143661,20614966,-8849387,2031539,-12391231,-16253183,-13582083 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 31016211,-16722429,26371392,-14451233,-5027349,14854137,17477601,3842657,28012650,-16405420 },
+ { -5075835,9368966,-8562079,-4600902,-15249953,6970560,-9189873,16292057,-8867157,3507940 },
+ { 29439664,3537914,23333589,6997794,-17555561,-11018068,-15209202,-15051267,-9164929,6580396 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -12185861,-7679788,16438269,10826160,-8696817,-6235611,17860444,-9273846,-2095802,9304567 },
+ { 20714564,-4336911,29088195,7406487,11426967,-5095705,14792667,-14608617,5289421,-477127 },
+ { -16665533,-10650790,-6160345,-13305760,9192020,-1802462,17271490,12349094,26939669,-3752294 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -12889898,9373458,31595848,16374215,21471720,13221525,-27283495,-12348559,-3698806,117887 },
+ { 22263325,-6560050,3984570,-11174646,-15114008,-566785,28311253,5358056,-23319780,541964 },
+ { 16259219,3261970,2309254,-15534474,-16885711,-4581916,24134070,-16705829,-13337066,-13552195 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 9378160,-13140186,-22845982,-12745264,28198281,-7244098,-2399684,-717351,690426,14876244 },
+ { 24977353,-314384,-8223969,-13465086,28432343,-1176353,-13068804,-12297348,-22380984,6618999 },
+ { -1538174,11685646,12944378,13682314,-24389511,-14413193,8044829,-13817328,32239829,-5652762 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -18603066,4762990,-926250,8885304,-28412480,-3187315,9781647,-10350059,32779359,5095274 },
+ { -33008130,-5214506,-32264887,-3685216,9460461,-9327423,-24601656,14506724,21639561,-2630236 },
+ { -16400943,-13112215,25239338,15531969,3987758,-4499318,-1289502,-6863535,17874574,558605 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -13600129,10240081,9171883,16131053,-20869254,9599700,33499487,5080151,2085892,5119761 },
+ { -22205145,-2519528,-16381601,414691,-25019550,2170430,30634760,-8363614,-31999993,-5759884 },
+ { -6845704,15791202,8550074,-1312654,29928809,-12092256,27534430,-7192145,-22351378,12961482 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -24492060,-9570771,10368194,11582341,-23397293,-2245287,16533930,8206996,-30194652,-5159638 },
+ { -11121496,-3382234,2307366,6362031,-135455,8868177,-16835630,7031275,7589640,8945490 },
+ { -32152748,8917967,6661220,-11677616,-1192060,-15793393,7251489,-11182180,24099109,-14456170 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 5019558,-7907470,4244127,-14714356,-26933272,6453165,-19118182,-13289025,-6231896,-10280736 },
+ { 10853594,10721687,26480089,5861829,-22995819,1972175,-1866647,-10557898,-3363451,-6441124 },
+ { -17002408,5906790,221599,-6563147,7828208,-13248918,24362661,-2008168,-13866408,7421392 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 8139927,-6546497,32257646,-5890546,30375719,1886181,-21175108,15441252,28826358,-4123029 },
+ { 6267086,9695052,7709135,-16603597,-32869068,-1886135,14795160,-7840124,13746021,-1742048 },
+ { 28584902,7787108,-6732942,-15050729,22846041,-7571236,-3181936,-363524,4771362,-8419958 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 24949256,6376279,-27466481,-8174608,-18646154,-9930606,33543569,-12141695,3569627,11342593 },
+ { 26514989,4740088,27912651,3697550,19331575,-11472339,6809886,4608608,7325975,-14801071 },
+ { -11618399,-14554430,-24321212,7655128,-1369274,5214312,-27400540,10258390,-17646694,-8186692 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 11431204,15823007,26570245,14329124,18029990,4796082,-31446179,15580664,9280358,-3973687 },
+ { -160783,-10326257,-22855316,-4304997,-20861367,-13621002,-32810901,-11181622,-15545091,4387441 },
+ { -20799378,12194512,3937617,-5805892,-27154820,9340370,-24513992,8548137,20617071,-7482001 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -938825,-3930586,-8714311,16124718,24603125,-6225393,-13775352,-11875822,24345683,10325460 },
+ { -19855277,-1568885,-22202708,8714034,14007766,6928528,16318175,-1010689,4766743,3552007 },
+ { -21751364,-16730916,1351763,-803421,-4009670,3950935,3217514,14481909,10988822,-3994762 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 15564307,-14311570,3101243,5684148,30446780,-8051356,12677127,-6505343,-8295852,13296005 },
+ { -9442290,6624296,-30298964,-11913677,-4670981,-2057379,31521204,9614054,-30000824,12074674 },
+ { 4771191,-135239,14290749,-13089852,27992298,14998318,-1413936,-1556716,29832613,-16391035 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 7064884,-7541174,-19161962,-5067537,-18891269,-2912736,25825242,5293297,-27122660,13101590 },
+ { -2298563,2439670,-7466610,1719965,-27267541,-16328445,32512469,-5317593,-30356070,-4190957 },
+ { -30006540,10162316,-33180176,3981723,-16482138,-13070044,14413974,9515896,19568978,9628812 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 33053803,199357,15894591,1583059,27380243,-4580435,-17838894,-6106839,-6291786,3437740 },
+ { -18978877,3884493,19469877,12726490,15913552,13614290,-22961733,70104,7463304,4176122 },
+ { -27124001,10659917,11482427,-16070381,12771467,-6635117,-32719404,-5322751,24216882,5944158 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 8894125,7450974,-2664149,-9765752,-28080517,-12389115,19345746,14680796,11632993,5847885 },
+ { 26942781,-2315317,9129564,-4906607,26024105,11769399,-11518837,6367194,-9727230,4782140 },
+ { 19916461,-4828410,-22910704,-11414391,25606324,-5972441,33253853,8220911,6358847,-1873857 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 801428,-2081702,16569428,11065167,29875704,96627,7908388,-4480480,-13538503,1387155 },
+ { 19646058,5720633,-11416706,12814209,11607948,12749789,14147075,15156355,-21866831,11835260 },
+ { 19299512,1155910,28703737,14890794,2925026,7269399,26121523,15467869,-26560550,5052483 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -3017432,10058206,1980837,3964243,22160966,12322533,-6431123,-12618185,12228557,-7003677 },
+ { 32944382,14922211,-22844894,5188528,21913450,-8719943,4001465,13238564,-6114803,8653815 },
+ { 22865569,-4652735,27603668,-12545395,14348958,8234005,24808405,5719875,28483275,2841751 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -16420968,-1113305,-327719,-12107856,21886282,-15552774,-1887966,-315658,19932058,-12739203 },
+ { -11656086,10087521,-8864888,-5536143,-19278573,-3055912,3999228,13239134,-4777469,-13910208 },
+ { 1382174,-11694719,17266790,9194690,-13324356,9720081,20403944,11284705,-14013818,3093230 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 16650921,-11037932,-1064178,1570629,-8329746,7352753,-302424,16271225,-24049421,-6691850 },
+ { -21911077,-5927941,-4611316,-5560156,-31744103,-10785293,24123614,15193618,-21652117,-16739389 },
+ { -9935934,-4289447,-25279823,4372842,2087473,10399484,31870908,14690798,17361620,11864968 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -11307610,6210372,13206574,5806320,-29017692,-13967200,-12331205,-7486601,-25578460,-16240689 },
+ { 14668462,-12270235,26039039,15305210,25515617,4542480,10453892,6577524,9145645,-6443880 },
+ { 5974874,3053895,-9433049,-10385191,-31865124,3225009,-7972642,3936128,-5652273,-3050304 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 30625386,-4729400,-25555961,-12792866,-20484575,7695099,17097188,-16303496,-27999779,1803632 },
+ { -3553091,9865099,-5228566,4272701,-5673832,-16689700,14911344,12196514,-21405489,7047412 },
+ { 20093277,9920966,-11138194,-5343857,13161587,12044805,-32856851,4124601,-32343828,-10257566 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -20788824,14084654,-13531713,7842147,19119038,-13822605,4752377,-8714640,-21679658,2288038 },
+ { -26819236,-3283715,29965059,3039786,-14473765,2540457,29457502,14625692,-24819617,12570232 },
+ { -1063558,-11551823,16920318,12494842,1278292,-5869109,-21159943,-3498680,-11974704,4724943 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 17960970,-11775534,-4140968,-9702530,-8876562,-1410617,-12907383,-8659932,-29576300,1903856 },
+ { 23134274,-14279132,-10681997,-1611936,20684485,15770816,-12989750,3190296,26955097,14109738 },
+ { 15308788,5320727,-30113809,-14318877,22902008,7767164,29425325,-11277562,31960942,11934971 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -27395711,8435796,4109644,12222639,-24627868,14818669,20638173,4875028,10491392,1379718 },
+ { -13159415,9197841,3875503,-8936108,-1383712,-5879801,33518459,16176658,21432314,12180697 },
+ { -11787308,11500838,13787581,-13832590,-22430679,10140205,1465425,12689540,-10301319,-13872883 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 5414091,-15386041,-21007664,9643570,12834970,1186149,-2622916,-1342231,26128231,6032912 },
+ { -26337395,-13766162,32496025,-13653919,17847801,-12669156,3604025,8316894,-25875034,-10437358 },
+ { 3296484,6223048,24680646,-12246460,-23052020,5903205,-8862297,-4639164,12376617,3188849 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 29190488,-14659046,27549113,-1183516,3520066,-10697301,32049515,-7309113,-16109234,-9852307 },
+ { -14744486,-9309156,735818,-598978,-20407687,-5057904,25246078,-15795669,18640741,-960977 },
+ { -6928835,-16430795,10361374,5642961,4910474,12345252,-31638386,-494430,10530747,1053335 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -29265967,-14186805,-13538216,-12117373,-19457059,-10655384,-31462369,-2948985,24018831,15026644 },
+ { -22592535,-3145277,-2289276,5953843,-13440189,9425631,25310643,13003497,-2314791,-15145616 },
+ { -27419985,-603321,-8043984,-1669117,-26092265,13987819,-27297622,187899,-23166419,-2531735 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -21744398,-13810475,1844840,5021428,-10434399,-15911473,9716667,16266922,-5070217,726099 },
+ { 29370922,-6053998,7334071,-15342259,9385287,2247707,-13661962,-4839461,30007388,-15823341 },
+ { -936379,16086691,23751945,-543318,-1167538,-5189036,9137109,730663,9835848,4555336 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -23376435,1410446,-22253753,-12899614,30867635,15826977,17693930,544696,-11985298,12422646 },
+ { 31117226,-12215734,-13502838,6561947,-9876867,-12757670,-5118685,-4096706,29120153,13924425 },
+ { -17400879,-14233209,19675799,-2734756,-11006962,-5858820,-9383939,-11317700,7240931,-237388 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -31361739,-11346780,-15007447,-5856218,-22453340,-12152771,1222336,4389483,3293637,-15551743 },
+ { -16684801,-14444245,11038544,11054958,-13801175,-3338533,-24319580,7733547,12796905,-6335822 },
+ { -8759414,-10817836,-25418864,10783769,-30615557,-9746811,-28253339,3647836,3222231,-11160462 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 18606113,1693100,-25448386,-15170272,4112353,10045021,23603893,-2048234,-7550776,2484985 },
+ { 9255317,-3131197,-12156162,-1004256,13098013,-9214866,16377220,-2102812,-19802075,-3034702 },
+ { -22729289,7496160,-5742199,11329249,19991973,-3347502,-31718148,9936966,-30097688,-10618797 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 21878590,-5001297,4338336,13643897,-3036865,13160960,19708896,5415497,-7360503,-4109293 },
+ { 27736861,10103576,12500508,8502413,-3413016,-9633558,10436918,-1550276,-23659143,-8132100 },
+ { 19492550,-12104365,-29681976,-852630,-3208171,12403437,30066266,8367329,13243957,8709688 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 12015105,2801261,28198131,10151021,24818120,-4743133,-11194191,-5645734,5150968,7274186 },
+ { 2831366,-12492146,1478975,6122054,23825128,-12733586,31097299,6083058,31021603,-9793610 },
+ { -2529932,-2229646,445613,10720828,-13849527,-11505937,-23507731,16354465,15067285,-14147707 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 7840942,14037873,-33364863,15934016,-728213,-3642706,21403988,1057586,-19379462,-12403220 },
+ { 915865,-16469274,15608285,-8789130,-24357026,6060030,-17371319,8410997,-7220461,16527025 },
+ { 32922597,-556987,20336074,-16184568,10903705,-5384487,16957574,52992,23834301,6588044 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 32752030,11232950,3381995,-8714866,22652988,-10744103,17159699,16689107,-20314580,-1305992 },
+ { -4689649,9166776,-25710296,-10847306,11576752,12733943,7924251,-2752281,1976123,-7249027 },
+ { 21251222,16309901,-2983015,-6783122,30810597,12967303,156041,-3371252,12331345,-8237197 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 8651614,-4477032,-16085636,-4996994,13002507,2950805,29054427,-5106970,10008136,-4667901 },
+ { 31486080,15114593,-14261250,12951354,14369431,-7387845,16347321,-13662089,8684155,-10532952 },
+ { 19443825,11385320,24468943,-9659068,-23919258,2187569,-26263207,-6086921,31316348,14219878 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -28594490,1193785,32245219,11392485,31092169,15722801,27146014,6992409,29126555,9207390 },
+ { 32382935,1110093,18477781,11028262,-27411763,-7548111,-4980517,10843782,-7957600,-14435730 },
+ { 2814918,7836403,27519878,-7868156,-20894015,-11553689,-21494559,8550130,28346258,1994730 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -19578299,8085545,-14000519,-3948622,2785838,-16231307,-19516951,7174894,22628102,8115180 },
+ { -30405132,955511,-11133838,-15078069,-32447087,-13278079,-25651578,3317160,-9943017,930272 },
+ { -15303681,-6833769,28856490,1357446,23421993,1057177,24091212,-1388970,-22765376,-10650715 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -22751231,-5303997,-12907607,-12768866,-15811511,-7797053,-14839018,-16554220,-1867018,8398970 },
+ { -31969310,2106403,-4736360,1362501,12813763,16200670,22981545,-6291273,18009408,-15772772 },
+ { -17220923,-9545221,-27784654,14166835,29815394,7444469,29551787,-3727419,19288549,1325865 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 15100157,-15835752,-23923978,-1005098,-26450192,15509408,12376730,-3479146,33166107,-8042750 },
+ { 20909231,13023121,-9209752,16251778,-5778415,-8094914,12412151,10018715,2213263,-13878373 },
+ { 32529814,-11074689,30361439,-16689753,-9135940,1513226,22922121,6382134,-5766928,8371348 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 9923462,11271500,12616794,3544722,-29998368,-1721626,12891687,-8193132,-26442943,10486144 },
+ { -22597207,-7012665,8587003,-8257861,4084309,-12970062,361726,2610596,-23921530,-11455195 },
+ { 5408411,-1136691,-4969122,10561668,24145918,14240566,31319731,-4235541,19985175,-3436086 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -13994457,16616821,14549246,3341099,32155958,13648976,-17577068,8849297,65030,8370684 },
+ { -8320926,-12049626,31204563,5839400,-20627288,-1057277,-19442942,6922164,12743482,-9800518 },
+ { -2361371,12678785,28815050,4759974,-23893047,4884717,23783145,11038569,18800704,255233 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -5269658,-1773886,13957886,7990715,23132995,728773,13393847,9066957,19258688,-14753793 },
+ { -2936654,-10827535,-10432089,14516793,-3640786,4372541,-31934921,2209390,-1524053,2055794 },
+ { 580882,16705327,5468415,-2683018,-30926419,-14696000,-7203346,-8994389,-30021019,7394435 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 23838809,1822728,-15738443,15242727,8318092,-3733104,-21672180,-3492205,-4821741,14799921 },
+ { 13345610,9759151,3371034,-16137791,16353039,8577942,31129804,13496856,-9056018,7402518 },
+ { 2286874,-4435931,-20042458,-2008336,-13696227,5038122,11006906,-15760352,8205061,1607563 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 14414086,-8002132,3331830,-3208217,22249151,-5594188,18364661,-2906958,30019587,-9029278 },
+ { -27688051,1585953,-10775053,931069,-29120221,-11002319,-14410829,12029093,9944378,8024 },
+ { 4368715,-3709630,29874200,-15022983,-20230386,-11410704,-16114594,-999085,-8142388,5640030 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 10299610,13746483,11661824,16234854,7630238,5998374,9809887,-16694564,15219798,-14327783 },
+ { 27425505,-5719081,3055006,10660664,23458024,595578,-15398605,-1173195,-18342183,9742717 },
+ { 6744077,2427284,26042789,2720740,-847906,1118974,32324614,7406442,12420155,1994844 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 14012521,-5024720,-18384453,-9578469,-26485342,-3936439,-13033478,-10909803,24319929,-6446333 },
+ { 16412690,-4507367,10772641,15929391,-17068788,-4658621,10555945,-10484049,-30102368,-4739048 },
+ { 22397382,-7767684,-9293161,-12792868,17166287,-9755136,-27333065,6199366,21880021,-12250760 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -4283307,5368523,-31117018,8163389,-30323063,3209128,16557151,8890729,8840445,4957760 },
+ { -15447727,709327,-6919446,-10870178,-29777922,6522332,-21720181,12130072,-14796503,5005757 },
+ { -2114751,-14308128,23019042,15765735,-25269683,6002752,10183197,-13239326,-16395286,-2176112 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -19025756,1632005,13466291,-7995100,-23640451,16573537,-32013908,-3057104,22208662,2000468 },
+ { 3065073,-1412761,-25598674,-361432,-17683065,-5703415,-8164212,11248527,-3691214,-7414184 },
+ { 10379208,-6045554,8877319,1473647,-29291284,-12507580,16690915,2553332,-3132688,16400289 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 15716668,1254266,-18472690,7446274,-8448918,6344164,-22097271,-7285580,26894937,9132066 },
+ { 24158887,12938817,11085297,-8177598,-28063478,-4457083,-30576463,64452,-6817084,-2692882 },
+ { 13488534,7794716,22236231,5989356,25426474,-12578208,2350710,-3418511,-4688006,2364226 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 16335052,9132434,25640582,6678888,1725628,8517937,-11807024,-11697457,15445875,-7798101 },
+ { 29004207,-7867081,28661402,-640412,-12794003,-7943086,31863255,-4135540,-278050,-15759279 },
+ { -6122061,-14866665,-28614905,14569919,-10857999,-3591829,10343412,-6976290,-29828287,-10815811 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 27081650,3463984,14099042,-4517604,1616303,-6205604,29542636,15372179,17293797,960709 },
+ { 20263915,11434237,-5765435,11236810,13505955,-10857102,-16111345,6493122,-19384511,7639714 },
+ { -2830798,-14839232,25403038,-8215196,-8317012,-16173699,18006287,-16043750,29994677,-15808121 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 9769828,5202651,-24157398,-13631392,-28051003,-11561624,-24613141,-13860782,-31184575,709464 },
+ { 12286395,13076066,-21775189,-1176622,-25003198,4057652,-32018128,-8890874,16102007,13205847 },
+ { 13733362,5599946,10557076,3195751,-5557991,8536970,-25540170,8525972,10151379,10394400 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 4024660,-16137551,22436262,12276534,-9099015,-2686099,19698229,11743039,-33302334,8934414 },
+ { -15879800,-4525240,-8580747,-2934061,14634845,-698278,-9449077,3137094,-11536886,11721158 },
+ { 17555939,-5013938,8268606,2331751,-22738815,9761013,9319229,8835153,-9205489,-1280045 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -461409,-7830014,20614118,16688288,-7514766,-4807119,22300304,505429,6108462,-6183415 },
+ { -5070281,12367917,-30663534,3234473,32617080,-8422642,29880583,-13483331,-26898490,-7867459 },
+ { -31975283,5726539,26934134,10237677,-3173717,-605053,24199304,3795095,7592688,-14992079 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 21594432,-14964228,17466408,-4077222,32537084,2739898,6407723,12018833,-28256052,4298412 },
+ { -20650503,-11961496,-27236275,570498,3767144,-1717540,13891942,-1569194,13717174,10805743 },
+ { -14676630,-15644296,15287174,11927123,24177847,-8175568,-796431,14860609,-26938930,-5863836 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 12962541,5311799,-10060768,11658280,18855286,-7954201,13286263,-12808704,-4381056,9882022 },
+ { 18512079,11319350,-20123124,15090309,18818594,5271736,-22727904,3666879,-23967430,-3299429 },
+ { -6789020,-3146043,16192429,13241070,15898607,-14206114,-10084880,-6661110,-2403099,5276065 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 30169808,-5317648,26306206,-11750859,27814964,7069267,7152851,3684982,1449224,13082861 },
+ { 10342826,3098505,2119311,193222,25702612,12233820,23697382,15056736,-21016438,-8202000 },
+ { -33150110,3261608,22745853,7948688,19370557,-15177665,-26171976,6482814,-10300080,-11060101 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 32869458,-5408545,25609743,15678670,-10687769,-15471071,26112421,2521008,-22664288,6904815 },
+ { 29506923,4457497,3377935,-9796444,-30510046,12935080,1561737,3841096,-29003639,-6657642 },
+ { 10340844,-6630377,-18656632,-2278430,12621151,-13339055,30878497,-11824370,-25584551,5181966 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 25940115,-12658025,17324188,-10307374,-8671468,15029094,24396252,-16450922,-2322852,-12388574 },
+ { -21765684,9916823,-1300409,4079498,-1028346,11909559,1782390,12641087,20603771,-6561742 },
+ { -18882287,-11673380,24849422,11501709,13161720,-4768874,1925523,11914390,4662781,7820689 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 12241050,-425982,8132691,9393934,32846760,-1599620,29749456,12172924,16136752,15264020 },
+ { -10349955,-14680563,-8211979,2330220,-17662549,-14545780,10658213,6671822,19012087,3772772 },
+ { 3753511,-3421066,10617074,2028709,14841030,-6721664,28718732,-15762884,20527771,12988982 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -14822485,-5797269,-3707987,12689773,-898983,-10914866,-24183046,-10564943,3299665,-12424953 },
+ { -16777703,-15253301,-9642417,4978983,3308785,8755439,6943197,6461331,-25583147,8991218 },
+ { -17226263,1816362,-1673288,-6086439,31783888,-8175991,-32948145,7417950,-30242287,1507265 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 29692663,6829891,-10498800,4334896,20945975,-11906496,-28887608,8209391,14606362,-10647073 },
+ { -3481570,8707081,32188102,5672294,22096700,1711240,-33020695,9761487,4170404,-2085325 },
+ { -11587470,14855945,-4127778,-1531857,-26649089,15084046,22186522,16002000,-14276837,-8400798 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -4811456,13761029,-31703877,-2483919,-3312471,7869047,-7113572,-9620092,13240845,10965870 },
+ { -7742563,-8256762,-14768334,-13656260,-23232383,12387166,4498947,14147411,29514390,4302863 },
+ { -13413405,-12407859,20757302,-13801832,14785143,8976368,-5061276,-2144373,17846988,-13971927 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -2244452,-754728,-4597030,-1066309,-6247172,1455299,-21647728,-9214789,-5222701,12650267 },
+ { -9906797,-16070310,21134160,12198166,-27064575,708126,387813,13770293,-19134326,10958663 },
+ { 22470984,12369526,23446014,-5441109,-21520802,-9698723,-11772496,-11574455,-25083830,4271862 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -25169565,-10053642,-19909332,15361595,-5984358,2159192,75375,-4278529,-32526221,8469673 },
+ { 15854970,4148314,-8893890,7259002,11666551,13824734,-30531198,2697372,24154791,-9460943 },
+ { 15446137,-15806644,29759747,14019369,30811221,-9610191,-31582008,12840104,24913809,9815020 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -4709286,-5614269,-31841498,-12288893,-14443537,10799414,-9103676,13438769,18735128,9466238 },
+ { 11933045,9281483,5081055,-5183824,-2628162,-4905629,-7727821,-10896103,-22728655,16199064 },
+ { 14576810,379472,-26786533,-8317236,-29426508,-10812974,-102766,1876699,30801119,2164795 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 15995086,3199873,13672555,13712240,-19378835,-4647646,-13081610,-15496269,-13492807,1268052 },
+ { -10290614,-3659039,-3286592,10948818,23037027,3794475,-3470338,-12600221,-17055369,3565904 },
+ { 29210088,-9419337,-5919792,-4952785,10834811,-13327726,-16512102,-10820713,-27162222,-14030531 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -13161890,15508588,16663704,-8156150,-28349942,9019123,-29183421,-3769423,2244111,-14001979 },
+ { -5152875,-3800936,-9306475,-6071583,16243069,14684434,-25673088,-16180800,13491506,4641841 },
+ { 10813417,643330,-19188515,-728916,30292062,-16600078,27548447,-7721242,14476989,-12767431 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 10292079,9984945,6481436,8279905,-7251514,7032743,27282937,-1644259,-27912810,12651324 },
+ { -31185513,-813383,22271204,11835308,10201545,15351028,17099662,3988035,21721536,-3148940 },
+ { 10202177,-6545839,-31373232,-9574638,-32150642,-8119683,-12906320,3852694,13216206,14842320 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -15815640,-10601066,-6538952,-7258995,-6984659,-6581778,-31500847,13765824,-27434397,9900184 },
+ { 14465505,-13833331,-32133984,-14738873,-27443187,12990492,33046193,15796406,-7051866,-8040114 },
+ { 30924417,-8279620,6359016,-12816335,16508377,9071735,-25488601,15413635,9524356,-7018878 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 12274201,-13175547,32627641,-1785326,6736625,13267305,5237659,-5109483,15663516,4035784 },
+ { -2951309,8903985,17349946,601635,-16432815,-4612556,-13732739,-15889334,-22258478,4659091 },
+ { -16916263,-4952973,-30393711,-15158821,20774812,15897498,5736189,15026997,-2178256,-13455585 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -8858980,-2219056,28571666,-10155518,-474467,-10105698,-3801496,278095,23440562,-290208 },
+ { 10226241,-5928702,15139956,120818,-14867693,5218603,32937275,11551483,-16571960,-7442864 },
+ { 17932739,-12437276,-24039557,10749060,11316803,7535897,22503767,5561594,-3646624,3898661 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 7749907,-969567,-16339731,-16464,-25018111,15122143,-1573531,7152530,21831162,1245233 },
+ { 26958459,-14658026,4314586,8346991,-5677764,11960072,-32589295,-620035,-30402091,-16716212 },
+ { -12165896,9166947,33491384,13673479,29787085,13096535,6280834,14587357,-22338025,13987525 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -24349909,7778775,21116000,15572597,-4833266,-5357778,-4300898,-5124639,-7469781,-2858068 },
+ { 9681908,-6737123,-31951644,13591838,-6883821,386950,31622781,6439245,-14581012,4091397 },
+ { -8426427,1470727,-28109679,-1596990,3978627,-5123623,-19622683,12092163,29077877,-14741988 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 5269168,-6859726,-13230211,-8020715,25932563,1763552,-5606110,-5505881,-20017847,2357889 },
+ { 32264008,-15407652,-5387735,-1160093,-2091322,-3946900,23104804,-12869908,5727338,189038 },
+ { 14609123,-8954470,-6000566,-16622781,-14577387,-7743898,-26745169,10942115,-25888931,-14884697 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 20513500,5557931,-15604613,7829531,26413943,-2019404,-21378968,7471781,13913677,-5137875 },
+ { -25574376,11967826,29233242,12948236,-6754465,4713227,-8940970,14059180,12878652,8511905 },
+ { -25656801,3393631,-2955415,-7075526,-2250709,9366908,-30223418,6812974,5568676,-3127656 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 11630004,12144454,2116339,13606037,27378885,15676917,-17408753,-13504373,-14395196,8070818 },
+ { 27117696,-10007378,-31282771,-5570088,1127282,12772488,-29845906,10483306,-11552749,-1028714 },
+ { 10637467,-5688064,5674781,1072708,-26343588,-6982302,-1683975,9177853,-27493162,15431203 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 20525145,10892566,-12742472,12779443,-29493034,16150075,-28240519,14943142,-15056790,-7935931 },
+ { -30024462,5626926,-551567,-9981087,753598,11981191,25244767,-3239766,-3356550,9594024 },
+ { -23752644,2636870,-5163910,-10103818,585134,7877383,11345683,-6492290,13352335,-10977084 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -1931799,-5407458,3304649,-12884869,17015806,-4877091,-29783850,-7752482,-13215537,-319204 },
+ { 20239939,6607058,6203985,3483793,-18386976,-779229,-20723742,15077870,-22750759,14523817 },
+ { 27406042,-6041657,27423596,-4497394,4996214,10002360,-28842031,-4545494,-30172742,-4805667 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 11374242,12660715,17861383,-12540833,10935568,1099227,-13886076,-9091740,-27727044,11358504 },
+ { -12730809,10311867,1510375,10778093,-2119455,-9145702,32676003,11149336,-26123651,4985768 },
+ { -19096303,341147,-6197485,-239033,15756973,-8796662,-983043,13794114,-19414307,-15621255 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 6490081,11940286,25495923,-7726360,8668373,-8751316,3367603,6970005,-1691065,-9004790 },
+ { 1656497,13457317,15370807,6364910,13605745,8362338,-19174622,-5475723,-16796596,-5031438 },
+ { -22273315,-13524424,-64685,-4334223,-18605636,-10921968,-20571065,-7007978,-99853,-10237333 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 17747465,10039260,19368299,-4050591,-20630635,-16041286,31992683,-15857976,-29260363,-5511971 },
+ { 31932027,-4986141,-19612382,16366580,22023614,88450,11371999,-3744247,4882242,-10626905 },
+ { 29796507,37186,19818052,10115756,-11829032,3352736,18551198,3272828,-5190932,-4162409 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 12501286,4044383,-8612957,-13392385,-32430052,5136599,-19230378,-3529697,330070,-3659409 },
+ { 6384877,2899513,17807477,7663917,-2358888,12363165,25366522,-8573892,-271295,12071499 },
+ { -8365515,-4042521,25133448,-4517355,-6211027,2265927,-32769618,1936675,-5159697,3829363 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 28425966,-5835433,-577090,-4697198,-14217555,6870930,7921550,-6567787,26333140,14267664 },
+ { -11067219,11871231,27385719,-10559544,-4585914,-11189312,10004786,-8709488,-21761224,8930324 },
+ { -21197785,-16396035,25654216,-1725397,12282012,11008919,1541940,4757911,-26491501,-16408940 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 13537262,-7759490,-20604840,10961927,-5922820,-13218065,-13156584,6217254,-15943699,13814990 },
+ { -17422573,15157790,18705543,29619,24409717,-260476,27361681,9257833,-1956526,-1776914 },
+ { -25045300,-10191966,15366585,15166509,-13105086,8423556,-29171540,12361135,-18685978,4578290 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 24579768,3711570,1342322,-11180126,-27005135,14124956,-22544529,14074919,21964432,8235257 },
+ { -6528613,-2411497,9442966,-5925588,12025640,-1487420,-2981514,-1669206,13006806,2355433 },
+ { -16304899,-13605259,-6632427,-5142349,16974359,-10911083,27202044,1719366,1141648,-12796236 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -12863944,-13219986,-8318266,-11018091,-6810145,-4843894,13475066,-3133972,32674895,13715045 },
+ { 11423335,-5468059,32344216,8962751,24989809,9241752,-13265253,16086212,-28740881,-15642093 },
+ { -1409668,12530728,-6368726,10847387,19531186,-14132160,-11709148,7791794,-27245943,4383347 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -28970898,5271447,-1266009,-9736989,-12455236,16732599,-4862407,-4906449,27193557,6245191 },
+ { -15193956,5362278,-1783893,2695834,4960227,12840725,23061898,3260492,22510453,8577507 },
+ { -12632451,11257346,-32692994,13548177,-721004,10879011,31168030,13952092,-29571492,-3635906 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 3877321,-9572739,32416692,5405324,-11004407,-13656635,3759769,11935320,5611860,8164018 },
+ { -16275802,14667797,15906460,12155291,-22111149,-9039718,32003002,-8832289,5773085,-8422109 },
+ { -23788118,-8254300,1950875,8937633,18686727,16459170,-905725,12376320,31632953,190926 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -24593607,-16138885,-8423991,13378746,14162407,6901328,-8288749,4508564,-25341555,-3627528 },
+ { 8884438,-5884009,6023974,10104341,-6881569,-4941533,18722941,-14786005,-1672488,827625 },
+ { -32720583,-16289296,-32503547,7101210,13354605,2659080,-1800575,-14108036,-24878478,1541286 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 2901347,-1117687,3880376,-10059388,-17620940,-3612781,-21802117,-3567481,20456845,-1885033 },
+ { 27019610,12299467,-13658288,-1603234,-12861660,-4861471,-19540150,-5016058,29439641,15138866 },
+ { 21536104,-6626420,-32447818,-10690208,-22408077,5175814,-5420040,-16361163,7779328,109896 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 30279744,14648750,-8044871,6425558,13639621,-743509,28698390,12180118,23177719,-554075 },
+ { 26572847,3405927,-31701700,12890905,-19265668,5335866,-6493768,2378492,4439158,-13279347 },
+ { -22716706,3489070,-9225266,-332753,18875722,-1140095,14819434,-12731527,-17717757,-5461437 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -5056483,16566551,15953661,3767752,-10436499,15627060,-820954,2177225,8550082,-15114165 },
+ { -18473302,16596775,-381660,15663611,22860960,15585581,-27844109,-3582739,-23260460,-8428588 },
+ { -32480551,15707275,-8205912,-5652081,29464558,2713815,-22725137,15860482,-21902570,1494193 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -19562091,-14087393,-25583872,-9299552,13127842,759709,21923482,16529112,8742704,12967017 },
+ { -28464899,1553205,32536856,-10473729,-24691605,-406174,-8914625,-2933896,-29903758,15553883 },
+ { 21877909,3230008,9881174,10539357,-4797115,2841332,11543572,14513274,19375923,-12647961 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 8832269,-14495485,13253511,5137575,5037871,4078777,24880818,-6222716,2862653,9455043 },
+ { 29306751,5123106,20245049,-14149889,9592566,8447059,-2077124,-2990080,15511449,4789663 },
+ { -20679756,7004547,8824831,-9434977,-4045704,-3750736,-5754762,108893,23513200,16652362 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -33256173,4144782,-4476029,-6579123,10770039,-7155542,-6650416,-12936300,-18319198,10212860 },
+ { 2756081,8598110,7383731,-6859892,22312759,-1105012,21179801,2600940,-9988298,-12506466 },
+ { -24645692,13317462,-30449259,-15653928,21365574,-10869657,11344424,864440,-2499677,-16710063 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -26432803,6148329,-17184412,-14474154,18782929,-275997,-22561534,211300,2719757,4940997 },
+ { -1323882,3911313,-6948744,14759765,-30027150,7851207,21690126,8518463,26699843,5276295 },
+ { -13149873,-6429067,9396249,365013,24703301,-10488939,1321586,149635,-15452774,7159369 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 9987780,-3404759,17507962,9505530,9731535,-2165514,22356009,8312176,22477218,-8403385 },
+ { 18155857,-16504990,19744716,9006923,15154154,-10538976,24256460,-4864995,-22548173,9334109 },
+ { 2986088,-4911893,10776628,-3473844,10620590,-7083203,-21413845,14253545,-22587149,536906 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 4377756,8115836,24567078,15495314,11625074,13064599,7390551,10589625,10838060,-15420424 },
+ { -19342404,867880,9277171,-3218459,-14431572,-1986443,19295826,-15796950,6378260,699185 },
+ { 7895026,4057113,-7081772,-13077756,-17886831,-323126,-716039,15693155,-5045064,-13373962 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -7737563,-5869402,-14566319,-7406919,11385654,13201616,31730678,-10962840,-3918636,-9669325 },
+ { 10188286,-15770834,-7336361,13427543,22223443,14896287,30743455,7116568,-21786507,5427593 },
+ { 696102,13206899,27047647,-10632082,15285305,-9853179,10798490,-4578720,19236243,12477404 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -11229439,11243796,-17054270,-8040865,-788228,-8167967,-3897669,11180504,-23169516,7733644 },
+ { 17800790,-14036179,-27000429,-11766671,23887827,3149671,23466177,-10538171,10322027,15313801 },
+ { 26246234,11968874,32263343,-5468728,6830755,-13323031,-15794704,-101982,-24449242,10890804 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -31365647,10271363,-12660625,-6267268,16690207,-13062544,-14982212,16484931,25180797,-5334884 },
+ { -586574,10376444,-32586414,-11286356,19801893,10997610,2276632,9482883,316878,13820577 },
+ { -9882808,-4510367,-2115506,16457136,-11100081,11674996,30756178,-7515054,30696930,-3712849 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 32988917,-9603412,12499366,7910787,-10617257,-11931514,-7342816,-9985397,-32349517,7392473 },
+ { -8855661,15927861,9866406,-3649411,-2396914,-16655781,-30409476,-9134995,25112947,-2926644 },
+ { -2504044,-436966,25621774,-5678772,15085042,-5479877,-24884878,-13526194,5537438,-13914319 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -11225584,2320285,-9584280,10149187,-33444663,5808648,-14876251,-1729667,31234590,6090599 },
+ { -9633316,116426,26083934,2897444,-6364437,-2688086,609721,15878753,-6970405,-9034768 },
+ { -27757857,247744,-15194774,-9002551,23288161,-10011936,-23869595,6503646,20650474,1804084 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -27589786,15456424,8972517,8469608,15640622,4439847,3121995,-10329713,27842616,-202328 },
+ { -15306973,2839644,22530074,10026331,4602058,5048462,28248656,5031932,-11375082,12714369 },
+ { 20807691,-7270825,29286141,11421711,-27876523,-13868230,-21227475,1035546,-19733229,12796920 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 12076899,-14301286,-8785001,-11848922,-25012791,16400684,-17591495,-12899438,3480665,-15182815 },
+ { -32361549,5457597,28548107,7833186,7303070,-11953545,-24363064,-15921875,-33374054,2771025 },
+ { -21389266,421932,26597266,6860826,22486084,-6737172,-17137485,-4210226,-24552282,15673397 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -20184622,2338216,19788685,-9620956,-4001265,-8740893,-20271184,4733254,3727144,-12934448 },
+ { 6120119,814863,-11794402,-622716,6812205,-15747771,2019594,7975683,31123697,-10958981 },
+ { 30069250,-11435332,30434654,2958439,18399564,-976289,12296869,9204260,-16432438,9648165 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 32705432,-1550977,30705658,7451065,-11805606,9631813,3305266,5248604,-26008332,-11377501 },
+ { 17219865,2375039,-31570947,-5575615,-19459679,9219903,294711,15298639,2662509,-16297073 },
+ { -1172927,-7558695,-4366770,-4287744,-21346413,-8434326,32087529,-1222777,32247248,-14389861 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 14312628,1221556,17395390,-8700143,-4945741,-8684635,-28197744,-9637817,-16027623,-13378845 },
+ { -1428825,-9678990,-9235681,6549687,-7383069,-468664,23046502,9803137,17597934,2346211 },
+ { 18510800,15337574,26171504,981392,-22241552,7827556,-23491134,-11323352,3059833,-11782870 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 10141598,6082907,17829293,-1947643,9830092,13613136,-25556636,-5544586,-33502212,3592096 },
+ { 33114168,-15889352,-26525686,-13343397,33076705,8716171,1151462,1521897,-982665,-6837803 },
+ { -32939165,-4255815,23947181,-324178,-33072974,-12305637,-16637686,3891704,26353178,693168 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 30374239,1595580,-16884039,13186931,4600344,406904,9585294,-400668,31375464,14369965 },
+ { -14370654,-7772529,1510301,6434173,-18784789,-6262728,32732230,-13108839,17901441,16011505 },
+ { 18171223,-11934626,-12500402,15197122,-11038147,-15230035,-19172240,-16046376,8764035,12309598 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 5975908,-5243188,-19459362,-9681747,-11541277,14015782,-23665757,1228319,17544096,-10593782 },
+ { 5811932,-1715293,3442887,-2269310,-18367348,-8359541,-18044043,-15410127,-5565381,12348900 },
+ { -31399660,11407555,25755363,6891399,-3256938,14872274,-24849353,8141295,-10632534,-585479 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -12675304,694026,-5076145,13300344,14015258,-14451394,-9698672,-11329050,30944593,1130208 },
+ { 8247766,-6710942,-26562381,-7709309,-14401939,-14648910,4652152,2488540,23550156,-271232 },
+ { 17294316,-3788438,7026748,15626851,22990044,113481,2267737,-5908146,-408818,-137719 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 16091085,-16253926,18599252,7340678,2137637,-1221657,-3364161,14550936,3260525,-7166271 },
+ { -4910104,-13332887,18550887,10864893,-16459325,-7291596,-23028869,-13204905,-12748722,2701326 },
+ { -8574695,16099415,4629974,-16340524,-20786213,-6005432,-10018363,9276971,11329923,1862132 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 14763076,-15903608,-30918270,3689867,3511892,10313526,-21951088,12219231,-9037963,-940300 },
+ { 8894987,-3446094,6150753,3013931,301220,15693451,-31981216,-2909717,-15438168,11595570 },
+ { 15214962,3537601,-26238722,-14058872,4418657,-15230761,13947276,10730794,-13489462,-4363670 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -2538306,7682793,32759013,263109,-29984731,-7955452,-22332124,-10188635,977108,699994 },
+ { -12466472,4195084,-9211532,550904,-15565337,12917920,19118110,-439841,-30534533,-14337913 },
+ { 31788461,-14507657,4799989,7372237,8808585,-14747943,9408237,-10051775,12493932,-5409317 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -25680606,5260744,-19235809,-6284470,-3695942,16566087,27218280,2607121,29375955,6024730 },
+ { 842132,-2794693,-4763381,-8722815,26332018,-12405641,11831880,6985184,-9940361,2854096 },
+ { -4847262,-7969331,2516242,-5847713,9695691,-7221186,16512645,960770,12121869,16648078 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -15218652,14667096,-13336229,2013717,30598287,-464137,-31504922,-7882064,20237806,2838411 },
+ { -19288047,4453152,15298546,-16178388,22115043,-15972604,12544294,-13470457,1068881,-12499905 },
+ { -9558883,-16518835,33238498,13506958,30505848,-1114596,-8486907,-2630053,12521378,4845654 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -28198521,10744108,-2958380,10199664,7759311,-13088600,3409348,-873400,-6482306,-12885870 },
+ { -23561822,6230156,-20382013,10655314,-24040585,-11621172,10477734,-1240216,-3113227,13974498 },
+ { 12966261,15550616,-32038948,-1615346,21025980,-629444,5642325,7188737,18895762,12629579 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 14741879,-14946887,22177208,-11721237,1279741,8058600,11758140,789443,32195181,3895677 },
+ { 10758205,15755439,-4509950,9243698,-4879422,6879879,-2204575,-3566119,-8982069,4429647 },
+ { -2453894,15725973,-20436342,-10410672,-5803908,-11040220,-7135870,-11642895,18047436,-15281743 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -25173001,-11307165,29759956,11776784,-22262383,-15820455,10993114,-12850837,-17620701,-9408468 },
+ { 21987233,700364,-24505048,14972008,-7774265,-5718395,32155026,2581431,-29958985,8773375 },
+ { -25568350,454463,-13211935,16126715,25240068,8594567,20656846,12017935,-7874389,-13920155 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 6028182,6263078,-31011806,-11301710,-818919,2461772,-31841174,-5468042,-1721788,-2776725 },
+ { -12278994,16624277,987579,-5922598,32908203,1248608,7719845,-4166698,28408820,6816612 },
+ { -10358094,-8237829,19549651,-12169222,22082623,16147817,20613181,13982702,-10339570,5067943 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -30505967,-3821767,12074681,13582412,-19877972,2443951,-19719286,12746132,5331210,-10105944 },
+ { 30528811,3601899,-1957090,4619785,-27361822,-15436388,24180793,-12570394,27679908,-1648928 },
+ { 9402404,-13957065,32834043,10838634,-26580150,-13237195,26653274,-8685565,22611444,-12715406 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 22190590,1118029,22736441,15130463,-30460692,-5991321,19189625,-4648942,4854859,6622139 },
+ { -8310738,-2953450,-8262579,-3388049,-10401731,-271929,13424426,-3567227,26404409,13001963 },
+ { -31241838,-15415700,-2994250,8939346,11562230,-12840670,-26064365,-11621720,-15405155,11020693 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 1866042,-7949489,-7898649,-10301010,12483315,13477547,3175636,-12424163,28761762,1406734 },
+ { -448555,-1777666,13018551,3194501,-9580420,-11161737,24760585,-4347088,25577411,-13378680 },
+ { -24290378,4759345,-690653,-1852816,2066747,10693769,-29595790,9884936,-9368926,4745410 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -9141284,6049714,-19531061,-4341411,-31260798,9944276,-15462008,-11311852,10931924,-11931931 },
+ { -16561513,14112680,-8012645,4817318,-8040464,-11414606,-22853429,10856641,-20470770,13434654 },
+ { 22759489,-10073434,-16766264,-1871422,13637442,-10168091,1765144,-12654326,28445307,-5364710 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 29875063,12493613,2795536,-3786330,1710620,15181182,-10195717,-8788675,9074234,1167180 },
+ { -26205683,11014233,-9842651,-2635485,-26908120,7532294,-18716888,-9535498,3843903,9367684 },
+ { -10969595,-6403711,9591134,9582310,11349256,108879,16235123,8601684,-139197,4242895 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 22092954,-13191123,-2042793,-11968512,32186753,-11517388,-6574341,2470660,-27417366,16625501 },
+ { -11057722,3042016,13770083,-9257922,584236,-544855,-7770857,2602725,-27351616,14247413 },
+ { 6314175,-10264892,-32772502,15957557,-10157730,168750,-8618807,14290061,27108877,-1180880 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -8586597,-7170966,13241782,10960156,-32991015,-13794596,33547976,-11058889,-27148451,981874 },
+ { 22833440,9293594,-32649448,-13618667,-9136966,14756819,-22928859,-13970780,-10479804,-16197962 },
+ { -7768587,3326786,-28111797,10783824,19178761,14905060,22680049,13906969,-15933690,3797899 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 21721356,-4212746,-12206123,9310182,-3882239,-13653110,23740224,-2709232,20491983,-8042152 },
+ { 9209270,-15135055,-13256557,-6167798,-731016,15289673,25947805,15286587,30997318,-6703063 },
+ { 7392032,16618386,23946583,-8039892,-13265164,-1533858,-14197445,-2321576,17649998,-250080 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -9301088,-14193827,30609526,-3049543,-25175069,-1283752,-15241566,-9525724,-2233253,7662146 },
+ { -17558673,1763594,-33114336,15908610,-30040870,-12174295,7335080,-8472199,-3174674,3440183 },
+ { -19889700,-5977008,-24111293,-9688870,10799743,-16571957,40450,-4431835,4862400,1133 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -32856209,-7873957,-5422389,14860950,-16319031,7956142,7258061,311861,-30594991,-7379421 },
+ { -3773428,-1565936,28985340,7499440,24445838,9325937,29727763,16527196,18278453,15405622 },
+ { -4381906,8508652,-19898366,-3674424,-5984453,15149970,-13313598,843523,-21875062,13626197 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 2281448,-13487055,-10915418,-2609910,1879358,16164207,-10783882,3953792,13340839,15928663 },
+ { 31727126,-7179855,-18437503,-8283652,2875793,-16390330,-25269894,-7014826,-23452306,5964753 },
+ { 4100420,-5959452,-17179337,6017714,-18705837,12227141,-26684835,11344144,2538215,-7570755 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -9433605,6123113,11159803,-2156608,30016280,14966241,-20474983,1485421,-629256,-15958862 },
+ { -26804558,4260919,11851389,9658551,-32017107,16367492,-20205425,-13191288,11659922,-11115118 },
+ { 26180396,10015009,-30844224,-8581293,5418197,9480663,2231568,-10170080,33100372,-1306171 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 15121113,-5201871,-10389905,15427821,-27509937,-15992507,21670947,4486675,-5931810,-14466380 },
+ { 16166486,-9483733,-11104130,6023908,-31926798,-1364923,2340060,-16254968,-10735770,-10039824 },
+ { 28042865,-3557089,-12126526,12259706,-3717498,-6945899,6766453,-8689599,18036436,5803270 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -817581,6763912,11803561,1585585,10958447,-2671165,23855391,4598332,-6159431,-14117438 },
+ { -31031306,-14256194,17332029,-2383520,31312682,-5967183,696309,50292,-20095739,11763584 },
+ { -594563,-2514283,-32234153,12643980,12650761,14811489,665117,-12613632,-19773211,-10713562 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 30464590,-11262872,-4127476,-12734478,19835327,-7105613,-24396175,2075773,-17020157,992471 },
+ { 18357185,-6994433,7766382,16342475,-29324918,411174,14578841,8080033,-11574335,-10601610 },
+ { 19598397,10334610,12555054,2555664,18821899,-10339780,21873263,16014234,26224780,16452269 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -30223925,5145196,5944548,16385966,3976735,2009897,-11377804,-7618186,-20533829,3698650 },
+ { 14187449,3448569,-10636236,-10810935,-22663880,-3433596,7268410,-10890444,27394301,12015369 },
+ { 19695761,16087646,28032085,12999827,6817792,11427614,20244189,-1312777,-13259127,-3402461 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 30860103,12735208,-1888245,-4699734,-16974906,2256940,-8166013,12298312,-8550524,-10393462 },
+ { -5719826,-11245325,-1910649,15569035,26642876,-7587760,-5789354,-15118654,-4976164,12651793 },
+ { -2848395,9953421,11531313,-5282879,26895123,-12697089,-13118820,-16517902,9768698,-2533218 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -24719459,1894651,-287698,-4704085,15348719,-8156530,32767513,12765450,4940095,10678226 },
+ { 18860224,15980149,-18987240,-1562570,-26233012,-11071856,-7843882,13944024,-24372348,16582019 },
+ { -15504260,4970268,-29893044,4175593,-20993212,-2199756,-11704054,15444560,-11003761,7989037 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 31490452,5568061,-2412803,2182383,-32336847,4531686,-32078269,6200206,-19686113,-14800171 },
+ { -17308668,-15879940,-31522777,-2831,-32887382,16375549,8680158,-16371713,28550068,-6857132 },
+ { -28126887,-5688091,16837845,-1820458,-6850681,12700016,-30039981,4364038,1155602,5988841 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 21890435,-13272907,-12624011,12154349,-7831873,15300496,23148983,-4470481,24618407,8283181 },
+ { -33136107,-10512751,9975416,6841041,-31559793,16356536,3070187,-7025928,1466169,10740210 },
+ { -1509399,-15488185,-13503385,-10655916,32799044,909394,-13938903,-5779719,-32164649,-15327040 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 3960823,-14267803,-28026090,-15918051,-19404858,13146868,15567327,951507,-3260321,-573935 },
+ { 24740841,5052253,-30094131,8961361,25877428,6165135,-24368180,14397372,-7380369,-6144105 },
+ { -28888365,3510803,-28103278,-1158478,-11238128,-10631454,-15441463,-14453128,-1625486,-6494814 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 793299,-9230478,8836302,-6235707,-27360908,-2369593,33152843,-4885251,-9906200,-621852 },
+ { 5666233,525582,20782575,-8038419,-24538499,14657740,16099374,1468826,-6171428,-15186581 },
+ { -4859255,-3779343,-2917758,-6748019,7778750,11688288,-30404353,-9871238,-1558923,-9863646 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 10896332,-7719704,824275,472601,-19460308,3009587,25248958,14783338,-30581476,-15757844 },
+ { 10566929,12612572,-31944212,11118703,-12633376,12362879,21752402,8822496,24003793,14264025 },
+ { 27713862,-7355973,-11008240,9227530,27050101,2504721,23886875,-13117525,13958495,-5732453 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -23481610,4867226,-27247128,3900521,29838369,-8212291,-31889399,-10041781,7340521,-15410068 },
+ { 4646514,-8011124,-22766023,-11532654,23184553,8566613,31366726,-1381061,-15066784,-10375192 },
+ { -17270517,12723032,-16993061,14878794,21619651,-6197576,27584817,3093888,-8843694,3849921 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -9064912,2103172,25561640,-15125738,-5239824,9582958,32477045,-9017955,5002294,-15550259 },
+ { -12057553,-11177906,21115585,-13365155,8808712,-12030708,16489530,13378448,-25845716,12741426 },
+ { -5946367,10645103,-30911586,15390284,-3286982,-7118677,24306472,15852464,28834118,-7646072 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -17335748,-9107057,-24531279,9434953,-8472084,-583362,-13090771,455841,20461858,5491305 },
+ { 13669248,-16095482,-12481974,-10203039,-14569770,-11893198,-24995986,11293807,-28588204,-9421832 },
+ { 28497928,6272777,-33022994,14470570,8906179,-1225630,18504674,-14165166,29867745,-8795943 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -16207023,13517196,-27799630,-13697798,24009064,-6373891,-6367600,-13175392,22853429,-4012011 },
+ { 24191378,16712145,-13931797,15217831,14542237,1646131,18603514,-11037887,12876623,-2112447 },
+ { 17902668,4518229,-411702,-2829247,26878217,5258055,-12860753,608397,16031844,3723494 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -28632773,12763728,-20446446,7577504,33001348,-13017745,17558842,-7872890,23896954,-4314245 },
+ { -20005381,-12011952,31520464,605201,2543521,5991821,-2945064,7229064,-9919646,-8826859 },
+ { 28816045,298879,-28165016,-15920938,19000928,-1665890,-12680833,-2949325,-18051778,-2082915 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 16000882,-344896,3493092,-11447198,-29504595,-13159789,12577740,16041268,-19715240,7847707 },
+ { 10151868,10572098,27312476,7922682,14825339,4723128,-32855931,-6519018,-10020567,3852848 },
+ { -11430470,15697596,-21121557,-4420647,5386314,15063598,16514493,-15932110,29330899,-15076224 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -25499735,-4378794,-15222908,-6901211,16615731,2051784,3303702,15490,-27548796,12314391 },
+ { 15683520,-6003043,18109120,-9980648,15337968,-5997823,-16717435,15921866,16103996,-3731215 },
+ { -23169824,-10781249,13588192,-1628807,-3798557,-1074929,-19273607,5402699,-29815713,-9841101 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 23190676,2384583,-32714340,3462154,-29903655,-1529132,-11266856,8911517,-25205859,2739713 },
+ { 21374101,-3554250,-33524649,9874411,15377179,11831242,-33529904,6134907,4931255,11987849 },
+ { -7732,-2978858,-16223486,7277597,105524,-322051,-31480539,13861388,-30076310,10117930 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -29501170,-10744872,-26163768,13051539,-25625564,5089643,-6325503,6704079,12890019,15728940 },
+ { -21972360,-11771379,-951059,-4418840,14704840,2695116,903376,-10428139,12885167,8311031 },
+ { -17516482,5352194,10384213,-13811658,7506451,13453191,26423267,4384730,1888765,-5435404 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -25817338,-3107312,-13494599,-3182506,30896459,-13921729,-32251644,-12707869,-19464434,-3340243 },
+ { -23607977,-2665774,-526091,4651136,5765089,4618330,6092245,14845197,17151279,-9854116 },
+ { -24830458,-12733720,-15165978,10367250,-29530908,-265356,22825805,-7087279,-16866484,16176525 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -23583256,6564961,20063689,3798228,-4740178,7359225,2006182,-10363426,-28746253,-10197509 },
+ { -10626600,-4486402,-13320562,-5125317,3432136,-6393229,23632037,-1940610,32808310,1099883 },
+ { 15030977,5768825,-27451236,-2887299,-6427378,-15361371,-15277896,-6809350,2051441,-15225865 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -3362323,-7239372,7517890,9824992,23555850,295369,5148398,-14154188,-22686354,16633660 },
+ { 4577086,-16752288,13249841,-15304328,19958763,-14537274,18559670,-10759549,8402478,-9864273 },
+ { -28406330,-1051581,-26790155,-907698,-17212414,-11030789,9453451,-14980072,17983010,9967138 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -25762494,6524722,26585488,9969270,24709298,1220360,-1677990,7806337,17507396,3651560 },
+ { -10420457,-4118111,14584639,15971087,-15768321,8861010,26556809,-5574557,-18553322,-11357135 },
+ { 2839101,14284142,4029895,3472686,14402957,12689363,-26642121,8459447,-5605463,-7621941 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -4839289,-3535444,9744961,2871048,25113978,3187018,-25110813,-849066,17258084,-7977739 },
+ { 18164541,-10595176,-17154882,-1542417,19237078,-9745295,23357533,-15217008,26908270,12150756 },
+ { -30264870,-7647865,5112249,-7036672,-1499807,-6974257,43168,-5537701,-32302074,16215819 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -6898905,9824394,-12304779,-4401089,-31397141,-6276835,32574489,12532905,-7503072,-8675347 },
+ { -27343522,-16515468,-27151524,-10722951,946346,16291093,254968,7168080,21676107,-1943028 },
+ { 21260961,-8424752,-16831886,-11920822,-23677961,3968121,-3651949,-6215466,-3556191,-7913075 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 16544754,13250366,-16804428,15546242,-4583003,12757258,-2462308,-8680336,-18907032,-9662799 },
+ { -2415239,-15577728,18312303,4964443,-15272530,-12653564,26820651,16690659,25459437,-4564609 },
+ { -25144690,11425020,28423002,-11020557,-6144921,-15826224,9142795,-2391602,-6432418,-1644817 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -23104652,6253476,16964147,-3768872,-25113972,-12296437,-27457225,-16344658,6335692,7249989 },
+ { -30333227,13979675,7503222,-12368314,-11956721,-4621693,-30272269,2682242,25993170,-12478523 },
+ { 4364628,5930691,32304656,-10044554,-8054781,15091131,22857016,-10598955,31820368,15075278 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 31879134,-8918693,17258761,90626,-8041836,-4917709,24162788,-9650886,-17970238,12833045 },
+ { 19073683,14851414,-24403169,-11860168,7625278,11091125,-19619190,2074449,-9413939,14905377 },
+ { 24483667,-11935567,-2518866,-11547418,-1553130,15355506,-25282080,9253129,27628530,-7555480 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 17597607,8340603,19355617,552187,26198470,-3176583,4593324,-9157582,-14110875,15297016 },
+ { 510886,14337390,-31785257,16638632,6328095,2713355,-20217417,-11864220,8683221,2921426 },
+ { 18606791,11874196,27155355,-5281482,-24031742,6265446,-25178240,-1278924,4674690,13890525 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 13609624,13069022,-27372361,-13055908,24360586,9592974,14977157,9835105,4389687,288396 },
+ { 9922506,-519394,13613107,5883594,-18758345,-434263,-12304062,8317628,23388070,16052080 },
+ { 12720016,11937594,-31970060,-5028689,26900120,8561328,-20155687,-11632979,-14754271,-10812892 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 15961858,14150409,26716931,-665832,-22794328,13603569,11829573,7467844,-28822128,929275 },
+ { 11038231,-11582396,-27310482,-7316562,-10498527,-16307831,-23479533,-9371869,-21393143,2465074 },
+ { 20017163,-4323226,27915242,1529148,12396362,15675764,13817261,-9658066,2463391,-4622140 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -16358878,-12663911,-12065183,4996454,-1256422,1073572,9583558,12851107,4003896,12673717 },
+ { -1731589,-15155870,-3262930,16143082,19294135,13385325,14741514,-9103726,7903886,2348101 },
+ { 24536016,-16515207,12715592,-3862155,1511293,10047386,-3842346,-7129159,-28377538,10048127 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -12622226,-6204820,30718825,2591312,-10617028,12192840,18873298,-7297090,-32297756,15221632 },
+ { -26478122,-11103864,11546244,-1852483,9180880,7656409,-21343950,2095755,29769758,6593415 },
+ { -31994208,-2907461,4176912,3264766,12538965,-868111,26312345,-6118678,30958054,8292160 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 31429822,-13959116,29173532,15632448,12174511,-2760094,32808831,3977186,26143136,-3148876 },
+ { 22648901,1402143,-22799984,13746059,7936347,365344,-8668633,-1674433,-3758243,-2304625 },
+ { -15491917,8012313,-2514730,-12702462,-23965846,-10254029,-1612713,-1535569,-16664475,8194478 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 27338066,-7507420,-7414224,10140405,-19026427,-6589889,27277191,8855376,28572286,3005164 },
+ { 26287124,4821776,25476601,-4145903,-3764513,-15788984,-18008582,1182479,-26094821,-13079595 },
+ { -7171154,3178080,23970071,6201893,-17195577,-4489192,-21876275,-13982627,32208683,-1198248 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -16657702,2817643,-10286362,14811298,6024667,13349505,-27315504,-10497842,-27672585,-11539858 },
+ { 15941029,-9405932,-21367050,8062055,31876073,-238629,-15278393,-1444429,15397331,-4130193 },
+ { 8934485,-13485467,-23286397,-13423241,-32446090,14047986,31170398,-1441021,-27505566,15087184 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -18357243,-2156491,24524913,-16677868,15520427,-6360776,-15502406,11461896,16788528,-5868942 },
+ { -1947386,16013773,21750665,3714552,-17401782,-16055433,-3770287,-10323320,31322514,-11615635 },
+ { 21426655,-5650218,-13648287,-5347537,-28812189,-4920970,-18275391,-14621414,13040862,-12112948 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 11293895,12478086,-27136401,15083750,-29307421,14748872,14555558,-13417103,1613711,4896935 },
+ { -25894883,15323294,-8489791,-8057900,25967126,-13425460,2825960,-4897045,-23971776,-11267415 },
+ { -15924766,-5229880,-17443532,6410664,3622847,10243618,20615400,12405433,-23753030,-8436416 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -7091295,12556208,-20191352,9025187,-17072479,4333801,4378436,2432030,23097949,-566018 },
+ { 4565804,-16025654,20084412,-7842817,1724999,189254,24767264,10103221,-18512313,2424778 },
+ { 366633,-11976806,8173090,-6890119,30788634,5745705,-7168678,1344109,-3642553,12412659 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -24001791,7690286,14929416,-168257,-32210835,-13412986,24162697,-15326504,-3141501,11179385 },
+ { 18289522,-14724954,8056945,16430056,-21729724,7842514,-6001441,-1486897,-18684645,-11443503 },
+ { 476239,6601091,-6152790,-9723375,17503545,-4863900,27672959,13403813,11052904,5219329 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 20678546,-8375738,-32671898,8849123,-5009758,14574752,31186971,-3973730,9014762,-8579056 },
+ { -13644050,-10350239,-15962508,5075808,-1514661,-11534600,-33102500,9160280,8473550,-3256838 },
+ { 24900749,14435722,17209120,-15292541,-22592275,9878983,-7689309,-16335821,-24568481,11788948 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -3118155,-11395194,-13802089,14797441,9652448,-6845904,-20037437,10410733,-24568470,-1458691 },
+ { -15659161,16736706,-22467150,10215878,-9097177,7563911,11871841,-12505194,-18513325,8464118 },
+ { -23400612,8348507,-14585951,-861714,-3950205,-6373419,14325289,8628612,33313881,-8370517 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -20186973,-4967935,22367356,5271547,-1097117,-4788838,-24805667,-10236854,-8940735,-5818269 },
+ { -6948785,-1795212,-32625683,-16021179,32635414,-7374245,15989197,-12838188,28358192,-4253904 },
+ { -23561781,-2799059,-32351682,-1661963,-9147719,10429267,-16637684,4072016,-5351664,5596589 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -28236598,-3390048,12312896,6213178,3117142,16078565,29266239,2557221,1768301,15373193 },
+ { -7243358,-3246960,-4593467,-7553353,-127927,-912245,-1090902,-4504991,-24660491,3442910 },
+ { -30210571,5124043,14181784,8197961,18964734,-11939093,22597931,7176455,-18585478,13365930 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -7877390,-1499958,8324673,4690079,6261860,890446,24538107,-8570186,-9689599,-3031667 },
+ { 25008904,-10771599,-4305031,-9638010,16265036,15721635,683793,-11823784,15723479,-15163481 },
+ { -9660625,12374379,-27006999,-7026148,-7724114,-12314514,11879682,5400171,519526,-1235876 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 22258397,-16332233,-7869817,14613016,-22520255,-2950923,-20353881,7315967,16648397,7605640 },
+ { -8081308,-8464597,-8223311,9719710,19259459,-15348212,23994942,-5281555,-9468848,4763278 },
+ { -21699244,9220969,-15730624,1084137,-25476107,-2852390,31088447,-7764523,-11356529,728112 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 26047220,-11751471,-6900323,-16521798,24092068,9158119,-4273545,-12555558,-29365436,-5498272 },
+ { 17510331,-322857,5854289,8403524,17133918,-3112612,-28111007,12327945,10750447,10014012 },
+ { -10312768,3936952,9156313,-8897683,16498692,-994647,-27481051,-666732,3424691,7540221 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 30322361,-6964110,11361005,-4143317,7433304,4989748,-7071422,-16317219,-9244265,15258046 },
+ { 13054562,-2779497,19155474,469045,-12482797,4566042,5631406,2711395,1062915,-5136345 },
+ { -19240248,-11254599,-29509029,-7499965,-5835763,13005411,-6066489,12194497,32960380,1459310 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 19852034,7027924,23669353,10020366,8586503,-6657907,394197,-6101885,18638003,-11174937 },
+ { 31395534,15098109,26581030,8030562,-16527914,-5007134,9012486,-7584354,-6643087,-5442636 },
+ { -9192165,-2347377,-1997099,4529534,25766844,607986,-13222,9677543,-32294889,-6456008 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -2444496,-149937,29348902,8186665,1873760,12489863,-30934579,-7839692,-7852844,-8138429 },
+ { -15236356,-15433509,7766470,746860,26346930,-10221762,-27333451,10754588,-9431476,5203576 },
+ { 31834314,14135496,-770007,5159118,20917671,-16768096,-7467973,-7337524,31809243,7347066 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -9606723,-11874240,20414459,13033986,13716524,-11691881,19797970,-12211255,15192876,-2087490 },
+ { -12663563,-2181719,1168162,-3804809,26747877,-14138091,10609330,12694420,33473243,-13382104 },
+ { 33184999,11180355,15832085,-11385430,-1633671,225884,15089336,-11023903,-6135662,14480053 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 31308717,-5619998,31030840,-1897099,15674547,-6582883,5496208,13685227,27595050,8737275 },
+ { -20318852,-15150239,10933843,-16178022,8335352,-7546022,-31008351,-12610604,26498114,66511 },
+ { 22644454,-8761729,-16671776,4884562,-3105614,-13559366,30540766,-4286747,-13327787,-7515095 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -28017847,9834845,18617207,-2681312,-3401956,-13307506,8205540,13585437,-17127465,15115439 },
+ { 23711543,-672915,31206561,-8362711,6164647,-9709987,-33535882,-1426096,8236921,16492939 },
+ { -23910559,-13515526,-26299483,-4503841,25005590,-7687270,19574902,10071562,6708380,-6222424 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 2101391,-4930054,19702731,2367575,-15427167,1047675,5301017,9328700,29955601,-11678310 },
+ { 3096359,9271816,-21620864,-15521844,-14847996,-7592937,-25892142,-12635595,-9917575,6216608 },
+ { -32615849,338663,-25195611,2510422,-29213566,-13820213,24822830,-6146567,-26767480,7525079 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -23066649,-13985623,16133487,-7896178,-3389565,778788,-910336,-2782495,-19386633,11994101 },
+ { 21691500,-13624626,-641331,-14367021,3285881,-3483596,-25064666,9718258,-7477437,13381418 },
+ { 18445390,-4202236,14979846,11622458,-1727110,-3582980,23111648,-6375247,28535282,15779576 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 30098053,3089662,-9234387,16662135,-21306940,11308411,-14068454,12021730,9955285,-16303356 },
+ { 9734894,-14576830,-7473633,-9138735,2060392,11313496,-18426029,9924399,20194861,13380996 },
+ { -26378102,-7965207,-22167821,15789297,-18055342,-6168792,-1984914,15707771,26342023,10146099 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -26016874,-219943,21339191,-41388,19745256,-2878700,-29637280,2227040,21612326,-545728 },
+ { -13077387,1184228,23562814,-5970442,-20351244,-6348714,25764461,12243797,-20856566,11649658 },
+ { -10031494,11262626,27384172,2271902,26947504,-15997771,39944,6114064,33514190,2333242 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -21433588,-12421821,8119782,7219913,-21830522,-9016134,-6679750,-12670638,24350578,-13450001 },
+ { -4116307,-11271533,-23886186,4843615,-30088339,690623,-31536088,-10406836,8317860,12352766 },
+ { 18200138,-14475911,-33087759,-2696619,-23702521,-9102511,-23552096,-2287550,20712163,6719373 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 26656208,6075253,-7858556,1886072,-28344043,4262326,11117530,-3763210,26224235,-3297458 },
+ { -17168938,-14854097,-3395676,-16369877,-19954045,14050420,21728352,9493610,18620611,-16428628 },
+ { -13323321,13325349,11432106,5964811,18609221,6062965,-5269471,-9725556,-30701573,-16479657 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -23860538,-11233159,26961357,1640861,-32413112,-16737940,12248509,-5240639,13735342,1934062 },
+ { 25089769,6742589,17081145,-13406266,21909293,-16067981,-15136294,-3765346,-21277997,5473616 },
+ { 31883677,-7961101,1083432,-11572403,22828471,13290673,-7125085,12469656,29111212,-5451014 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 24244947,-15050407,-26262976,2791540,-14997599,16666678,24367466,6388839,-10295587,452383 },
+ { -25640782,-3417841,5217916,16224624,19987036,-4082269,-24236251,-5915248,15766062,8407814 },
+ { -20406999,13990231,15495425,16395525,5377168,15166495,-8917023,-4388953,-8067909,2276718 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 30157918,12924066,-17712050,9245753,19895028,3368142,-23827587,5096219,22740376,-7303417 },
+ { 2041139,-14256350,7783687,13876377,-25946985,-13352459,24051124,13742383,-15637599,13295222 },
+ { 33338237,-8505733,12532113,7977527,9106186,-1715251,-17720195,-4612972,-4451357,-14669444 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -20045281,5454097,-14346548,6447146,28862071,1883651,-2469266,-4141880,7770569,9620597 },
+ { 23208068,7979712,33071466,8149229,1758231,-10834995,30945528,-1694323,-33502340,-14767970 },
+ { 1439958,-16270480,-1079989,-793782,4625402,10647766,-5043801,1220118,30494170,-11440799 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -5037580,-13028295,-2970559,-3061767,15640974,-6701666,-26739026,926050,-1684339,-13333647 },
+ { 13908495,-3549272,30919928,-6273825,-21521863,7989039,9021034,9078865,3353509,4033511 },
+ { -29663431,-15113610,32259991,-344482,24295849,-12912123,23161163,8839127,27485041,7356032 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 9661027,705443,11980065,-5370154,-1628543,14661173,-6346142,2625015,28431036,-16771834 },
+ { -23839233,-8311415,-25945511,7480958,-17681669,-8354183,-22545972,14150565,15970762,4099461 },
+ { 29262576,16756590,26350592,-8793563,8529671,-11208050,13617293,-9937143,11465739,8317062 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -25493081,-6962928,32500200,-9419051,-23038724,-2302222,14898637,3848455,20969334,-5157516 },
+ { -20384450,-14347713,-18336405,13884722,-33039454,2842114,-21610826,-3649888,11177095,14989547 },
+ { -24496721,-11716016,16959896,2278463,12066309,10137771,13515641,2581286,-28487508,9930240 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -17751622,-2097826,16544300,-13009300,-15914807,-14949081,18345767,-13403753,16291481,-5314038 },
+ { -33229194,2553288,32678213,9875984,8534129,6889387,-9676774,6957617,4368891,9788741 },
+ { 16660756,7281060,-10830758,12911820,20108584,-8101676,-21722536,-8613148,16250552,-11111103 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -19765507,2390526,-16551031,14161980,1905286,6414907,4689584,10604807,-30190403,4782747 },
+ { -1354539,14736941,-7367442,-13292886,7710542,-14155590,-9981571,4383045,22546403,437323 },
+ { 31665577,-12180464,-16186830,1491339,-18368625,3294682,27343084,2786261,-30633590,-14097016 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -14467279,-683715,-33374107,7448552,19294360,14334329,-19690631,2355319,-19284671,-6114373 },
+ { 15121312,-15796162,6377020,-6031361,-10798111,-12957845,18952177,15496498,-29380133,11754228 },
+ { -2637277,-13483075,8488727,-14303896,12728761,-1622493,7141596,11724556,22761615,-10134141 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 16918416,11729663,-18083579,3022987,-31015732,-13339659,-28741185,-12227393,32851222,11717399 },
+ { 11166634,7338049,-6722523,4531520,-29468672,-7302055,31474879,3483633,-1193175,-4030831 },
+ { -185635,9921305,31456609,-13536438,-12013818,13348923,33142652,6546660,-19985279,-3948376 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -32460596,11266712,-11197107,-7899103,31703694,3855903,-8537131,-12833048,-30772034,-15486313 },
+ { -18006477,12709068,3991746,-6479188,-21491523,-10550425,-31135347,-16049879,10928917,3011958 },
+ { -6957757,-15594337,31696059,334240,29576716,14796075,-30831056,-12805180,18008031,10258577 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -22448644,15655569,7018479,-4410003,-30314266,-1201591,-1853465,1367120,25127874,6671743 },
+ { 29701166,-14373934,-10878120,9279288,-17568,13127210,21382910,11042292,25838796,4642684 },
+ { -20430234,14955537,-24126347,8124619,-5369288,-5990470,30468147,-13900640,18423289,4177476 },
+ },
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/base2.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/base2.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c538440ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/base2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ {
+ { 25967493,-14356035,29566456,3660896,-12694345,4014787,27544626,-11754271,-6079156,2047605 },
+ { -12545711,934262,-2722910,3049990,-727428,9406986,12720692,5043384,19500929,-15469378 },
+ { -8738181,4489570,9688441,-14785194,10184609,-12363380,29287919,11864899,-24514362,-4438546 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 15636291,-9688557,24204773,-7912398,616977,-16685262,27787600,-14772189,28944400,-1550024 },
+ { 16568933,4717097,-11556148,-1102322,15682896,-11807043,16354577,-11775962,7689662,11199574 },
+ { 30464156,-5976125,-11779434,-15670865,23220365,15915852,7512774,10017326,-17749093,-9920357 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 10861363,11473154,27284546,1981175,-30064349,12577861,32867885,14515107,-15438304,10819380 },
+ { 4708026,6336745,20377586,9066809,-11272109,6594696,-25653668,12483688,-12668491,5581306 },
+ { 19563160,16186464,-29386857,4097519,10237984,-4348115,28542350,13850243,-23678021,-15815942 },
+ },
+ {
+ { 5153746,9909285,1723747,-2777874,30523605,5516873,19480852,5230134,-23952439,-15175766 },
+ { -30269007,-3463509,7665486,10083793,28475525,1649722,20654025,16520125,30598449,7715701 },
+ { 28881845,14381568,9657904,3680757,-20181635,7843316,-31400660,1370708,29794553,-1409300 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -22518993,-6692182,14201702,-8745502,-23510406,8844726,18474211,-1361450,-13062696,13821877 },
+ { -6455177,-7839871,3374702,-4740862,-27098617,-10571707,31655028,-7212327,18853322,-14220951 },
+ { 4566830,-12963868,-28974889,-12240689,-7602672,-2830569,-8514358,-10431137,2207753,-3209784 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -25154831,-4185821,29681144,7868801,-6854661,-9423865,-12437364,-663000,-31111463,-16132436 },
+ { 25576264,-2703214,7349804,-11814844,16472782,9300885,3844789,15725684,171356,6466918 },
+ { 23103977,13316479,9739013,-16149481,817875,-15038942,8965339,-14088058,-30714912,16193877 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -33521811,3180713,-2394130,14003687,-16903474,-16270840,17238398,4729455,-18074513,9256800 },
+ { -25182317,-4174131,32336398,5036987,-21236817,11360617,22616405,9761698,-19827198,630305 },
+ { -13720693,2639453,-24237460,-7406481,9494427,-5774029,-6554551,-15960994,-2449256,-14291300 },
+ },
+ {
+ { -3151181,-5046075,9282714,6866145,-31907062,-863023,-18940575,15033784,25105118,-7894876 },
+ { -24326370,15950226,-31801215,-14592823,-11662737,-5090925,1573892,-2625887,2198790,-15804619 },
+ { -3099351,10324967,-2241613,7453183,-5446979,-2735503,-13812022,-16236442,-32461234,-12290683 },
+ },
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/d.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/d.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e25f578350
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/d.h
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/d2.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/d2.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01aaec7512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/d2.h
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..60c308ba46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#ifndef FE_H
+#define FE_H
+#include "crypto_int32.h"
+typedef crypto_int32 fe[10];
+fe means field element.
+Here the field is \Z/(2^255-19).
+An element t, entries t[0]...t[9], represents the integer
+t[0]+2^26 t[1]+2^51 t[2]+2^77 t[3]+2^102 t[4]+...+2^230 t[9].
+Bounds on each t[i] vary depending on context.
+#define fe_frombytes crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_fe_frombytes
+#define fe_tobytes crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_fe_tobytes
+#define fe_copy crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_fe_copy
+#define fe_isnonzero crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_fe_isnonzero
+#define fe_isnegative crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_fe_isnegative
+#define fe_0 crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_fe_0
+#define fe_1 crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_fe_1
+#define fe_cswap crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_fe_cswap
+#define fe_cmov crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_fe_cmov
+#define fe_add crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_fe_add
+#define fe_sub crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_fe_sub
+#define fe_neg crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_fe_neg
+#define fe_mul crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_fe_mul
+#define fe_sq crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_fe_sq
+#define fe_sq2 crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_fe_sq2
+#define fe_mul121666 crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_fe_mul121666
+#define fe_invert crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_fe_invert
+#define fe_pow22523 crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_fe_pow22523
+extern void fe_frombytes(fe,const unsigned char *);
+extern void fe_tobytes(unsigned char *,const fe);
+extern void fe_copy(fe,const fe);
+extern int fe_isnonzero(const fe);
+extern int fe_isnegative(const fe);
+extern void fe_0(fe);
+extern void fe_1(fe);
+extern void fe_cswap(fe,fe,unsigned int);
+extern void fe_cmov(fe,const fe,unsigned int);
+extern void fe_add(fe,const fe,const fe);
+extern void fe_sub(fe,const fe,const fe);
+extern void fe_neg(fe,const fe);
+extern void fe_mul(fe,const fe,const fe);
+extern void fe_sq(fe,const fe);
+extern void fe_sq2(fe,const fe);
+extern void fe_mul121666(fe,const fe);
+extern void fe_invert(fe,const fe);
+extern void fe_pow22523(fe,const fe);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_0.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_0.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec879d7337
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_0.c
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#include "fe.h"
+h = 0
+void fe_0(fe h)
+ h[0] = 0;
+ h[1] = 0;
+ h[2] = 0;
+ h[3] = 0;
+ h[4] = 0;
+ h[5] = 0;
+ h[6] = 0;
+ h[7] = 0;
+ h[8] = 0;
+ h[9] = 0;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_1.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_1.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8cf7784844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_1.c
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#include "fe.h"
+h = 1
+void fe_1(fe h)
+ h[0] = 1;
+ h[1] = 0;
+ h[2] = 0;
+ h[3] = 0;
+ h[4] = 0;
+ h[5] = 0;
+ h[6] = 0;
+ h[7] = 0;
+ h[8] = 0;
+ h[9] = 0;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_add.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_add.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6a81da202
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_add.c
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#include "fe.h"
+h = f + g
+Can overlap h with f or g.
+ |f| bounded by 1.1*2^25,1.1*2^24,1.1*2^25,1.1*2^24,etc.
+ |g| bounded by 1.1*2^25,1.1*2^24,1.1*2^25,1.1*2^24,etc.
+ |h| bounded by 1.1*2^26,1.1*2^25,1.1*2^26,1.1*2^25,etc.
+void fe_add(fe h,const fe f,const fe g)
+ crypto_int32 f0 = f[0];
+ crypto_int32 f1 = f[1];
+ crypto_int32 f2 = f[2];
+ crypto_int32 f3 = f[3];
+ crypto_int32 f4 = f[4];
+ crypto_int32 f5 = f[5];
+ crypto_int32 f6 = f[6];
+ crypto_int32 f7 = f[7];
+ crypto_int32 f8 = f[8];
+ crypto_int32 f9 = f[9];
+ crypto_int32 g0 = g[0];
+ crypto_int32 g1 = g[1];
+ crypto_int32 g2 = g[2];
+ crypto_int32 g3 = g[3];
+ crypto_int32 g4 = g[4];
+ crypto_int32 g5 = g[5];
+ crypto_int32 g6 = g[6];
+ crypto_int32 g7 = g[7];
+ crypto_int32 g8 = g[8];
+ crypto_int32 g9 = g[9];
+ crypto_int32 h0 = f0 + g0;
+ crypto_int32 h1 = f1 + g1;
+ crypto_int32 h2 = f2 + g2;
+ crypto_int32 h3 = f3 + g3;
+ crypto_int32 h4 = f4 + g4;
+ crypto_int32 h5 = f5 + g5;
+ crypto_int32 h6 = f6 + g6;
+ crypto_int32 h7 = f7 + g7;
+ crypto_int32 h8 = f8 + g8;
+ crypto_int32 h9 = f9 + g9;
+ h[0] = h0;
+ h[1] = h1;
+ h[2] = h2;
+ h[3] = h3;
+ h[4] = h4;
+ h[5] = h5;
+ h[6] = h6;
+ h[7] = h7;
+ h[8] = h8;
+ h[9] = h9;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_cmov.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_cmov.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ca584fb19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_cmov.c
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#include "fe.h"
+Replace (f,g) with (g,g) if b == 1;
+replace (f,g) with (f,g) if b == 0.
+Preconditions: b in {0,1}.
+void fe_cmov(fe f,const fe g,unsigned int b)
+ crypto_int32 f0 = f[0];
+ crypto_int32 f1 = f[1];
+ crypto_int32 f2 = f[2];
+ crypto_int32 f3 = f[3];
+ crypto_int32 f4 = f[4];
+ crypto_int32 f5 = f[5];
+ crypto_int32 f6 = f[6];
+ crypto_int32 f7 = f[7];
+ crypto_int32 f8 = f[8];
+ crypto_int32 f9 = f[9];
+ crypto_int32 g0 = g[0];
+ crypto_int32 g1 = g[1];
+ crypto_int32 g2 = g[2];
+ crypto_int32 g3 = g[3];
+ crypto_int32 g4 = g[4];
+ crypto_int32 g5 = g[5];
+ crypto_int32 g6 = g[6];
+ crypto_int32 g7 = g[7];
+ crypto_int32 g8 = g[8];
+ crypto_int32 g9 = g[9];
+ crypto_int32 x0 = f0 ^ g0;
+ crypto_int32 x1 = f1 ^ g1;
+ crypto_int32 x2 = f2 ^ g2;
+ crypto_int32 x3 = f3 ^ g3;
+ crypto_int32 x4 = f4 ^ g4;
+ crypto_int32 x5 = f5 ^ g5;
+ crypto_int32 x6 = f6 ^ g6;
+ crypto_int32 x7 = f7 ^ g7;
+ crypto_int32 x8 = f8 ^ g8;
+ crypto_int32 x9 = f9 ^ g9;
+ b = -b;
+ x0 &= b;
+ x1 &= b;
+ x2 &= b;
+ x3 &= b;
+ x4 &= b;
+ x5 &= b;
+ x6 &= b;
+ x7 &= b;
+ x8 &= b;
+ x9 &= b;
+ f[0] = f0 ^ x0;
+ f[1] = f1 ^ x1;
+ f[2] = f2 ^ x2;
+ f[3] = f3 ^ x3;
+ f[4] = f4 ^ x4;
+ f[5] = f5 ^ x5;
+ f[6] = f6 ^ x6;
+ f[7] = f7 ^ x7;
+ f[8] = f8 ^ x8;
+ f[9] = f9 ^ x9;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_copy.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_copy.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c5bf865a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_copy.c
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#include "fe.h"
+h = f
+void fe_copy(fe h,const fe f)
+ crypto_int32 f0 = f[0];
+ crypto_int32 f1 = f[1];
+ crypto_int32 f2 = f[2];
+ crypto_int32 f3 = f[3];
+ crypto_int32 f4 = f[4];
+ crypto_int32 f5 = f[5];
+ crypto_int32 f6 = f[6];
+ crypto_int32 f7 = f[7];
+ crypto_int32 f8 = f[8];
+ crypto_int32 f9 = f[9];
+ h[0] = f0;
+ h[1] = f1;
+ h[2] = f2;
+ h[3] = f3;
+ h[4] = f4;
+ h[5] = f5;
+ h[6] = f6;
+ h[7] = f7;
+ h[8] = f8;
+ h[9] = f9;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_frombytes.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_frombytes.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c17917487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_frombytes.c
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#include "fe.h"
+#include "crypto_int64.h"
+#include "crypto_uint64.h"
+static crypto_uint64 load_3(const unsigned char *in)
+ crypto_uint64 result;
+ result = (crypto_uint64) in[0];
+ result |= ((crypto_uint64) in[1]) << 8;
+ result |= ((crypto_uint64) in[2]) << 16;
+ return result;
+static crypto_uint64 load_4(const unsigned char *in)
+ crypto_uint64 result;
+ result = (crypto_uint64) in[0];
+ result |= ((crypto_uint64) in[1]) << 8;
+ result |= ((crypto_uint64) in[2]) << 16;
+ result |= ((crypto_uint64) in[3]) << 24;
+ return result;
+Ignores top bit of h.
+void fe_frombytes(fe h,const unsigned char *s)
+ crypto_int64 h0 = load_4(s);
+ crypto_int64 h1 = load_3(s + 4) << 6;
+ crypto_int64 h2 = load_3(s + 7) << 5;
+ crypto_int64 h3 = load_3(s + 10) << 3;
+ crypto_int64 h4 = load_3(s + 13) << 2;
+ crypto_int64 h5 = load_4(s + 16);
+ crypto_int64 h6 = load_3(s + 20) << 7;
+ crypto_int64 h7 = load_3(s + 23) << 5;
+ crypto_int64 h8 = load_3(s + 26) << 4;
+ crypto_int64 h9 = (load_3(s + 29) & 8388607) << 2;
+ crypto_int64 carry0;
+ crypto_int64 carry1;
+ crypto_int64 carry2;
+ crypto_int64 carry3;
+ crypto_int64 carry4;
+ crypto_int64 carry5;
+ crypto_int64 carry6;
+ crypto_int64 carry7;
+ crypto_int64 carry8;
+ crypto_int64 carry9;
+ carry9 = (h9 + (crypto_int64) (1<<24)) >> 25; h0 += carry9 * 19; h9 -= carry9 << 25;
+ carry1 = (h1 + (crypto_int64) (1<<24)) >> 25; h2 += carry1; h1 -= carry1 << 25;
+ carry3 = (h3 + (crypto_int64) (1<<24)) >> 25; h4 += carry3; h3 -= carry3 << 25;
+ carry5 = (h5 + (crypto_int64) (1<<24)) >> 25; h6 += carry5; h5 -= carry5 << 25;
+ carry7 = (h7 + (crypto_int64) (1<<24)) >> 25; h8 += carry7; h7 -= carry7 << 25;
+ carry0 = (h0 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h1 += carry0; h0 -= carry0 << 26;
+ carry2 = (h2 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h3 += carry2; h2 -= carry2 << 26;
+ carry4 = (h4 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h5 += carry4; h4 -= carry4 << 26;
+ carry6 = (h6 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h7 += carry6; h6 -= carry6 << 26;
+ carry8 = (h8 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h9 += carry8; h8 -= carry8 << 26;
+ h[0] = h0;
+ h[1] = h1;
+ h[2] = h2;
+ h[3] = h3;
+ h[4] = h4;
+ h[5] = h5;
+ h[6] = h6;
+ h[7] = h7;
+ h[8] = h8;
+ h[9] = h9;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_invert.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_invert.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bcfdb8ff87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_invert.c
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#include "fe.h"
+void fe_invert(fe out,const fe z)
+ fe t0;
+ fe t1;
+ fe t2;
+ fe t3;
+ int i;
+#include "pow225521.h"
+ return;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_isnegative.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_isnegative.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b2c8b8d52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_isnegative.c
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#include "fe.h"
+return 1 if f is in {1,3,5,...,q-2}
+return 0 if f is in {0,2,4,...,q-1}
+ |f| bounded by 1.1*2^26,1.1*2^25,1.1*2^26,1.1*2^25,etc.
+int fe_isnegative(const fe f)
+ unsigned char s[32];
+ fe_tobytes(s,f);
+ return s[0] & 1;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_isnonzero.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_isnonzero.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e087a783d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_isnonzero.c
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#include "fe.h"
+#include "crypto_verify_32.h"
+return nonzero if f == 0
+return 0 if f != 0
+ |f| bounded by 1.1*2^26,1.1*2^25,1.1*2^26,1.1*2^25,etc.
+ *
+ * I think the above comment is wrong. Instead:
+ *
+ * return 0 if f == 0
+ * return -1 if f != 0
+ *
+ * */
+static const unsigned char zero[32];
+int fe_isnonzero(const fe f)
+ unsigned char s[32];
+ fe_tobytes(s,f);
+ return crypto_verify_32(s,zero);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_mul.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_mul.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26ca8b3682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_mul.c
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+#include "fe.h"
+#include "crypto_int64.h"
+h = f * g
+Can overlap h with f or g.
+ |f| bounded by 1.65*2^26,1.65*2^25,1.65*2^26,1.65*2^25,etc.
+ |g| bounded by 1.65*2^26,1.65*2^25,1.65*2^26,1.65*2^25,etc.
+ |h| bounded by 1.01*2^25,1.01*2^24,1.01*2^25,1.01*2^24,etc.
+Notes on implementation strategy:
+Using schoolbook multiplication.
+Karatsuba would save a little in some cost models.
+Most multiplications by 2 and 19 are 32-bit precomputations;
+cheaper than 64-bit postcomputations.
+There is one remaining multiplication by 19 in the carry chain;
+one *19 precomputation can be merged into this,
+but the resulting data flow is considerably less clean.
+There are 12 carries below.
+10 of them are 2-way parallelizable and vectorizable.
+Can get away with 11 carries, but then data flow is much deeper.
+With tighter constraints on inputs can squeeze carries into int32.
+void fe_mul(fe h,const fe f,const fe g)
+ crypto_int32 f0 = f[0];
+ crypto_int32 f1 = f[1];
+ crypto_int32 f2 = f[2];
+ crypto_int32 f3 = f[3];
+ crypto_int32 f4 = f[4];
+ crypto_int32 f5 = f[5];
+ crypto_int32 f6 = f[6];
+ crypto_int32 f7 = f[7];
+ crypto_int32 f8 = f[8];
+ crypto_int32 f9 = f[9];
+ crypto_int32 g0 = g[0];
+ crypto_int32 g1 = g[1];
+ crypto_int32 g2 = g[2];
+ crypto_int32 g3 = g[3];
+ crypto_int32 g4 = g[4];
+ crypto_int32 g5 = g[5];
+ crypto_int32 g6 = g[6];
+ crypto_int32 g7 = g[7];
+ crypto_int32 g8 = g[8];
+ crypto_int32 g9 = g[9];
+ crypto_int32 g1_19 = 19 * g1; /* 1.959375*2^29 */
+ crypto_int32 g2_19 = 19 * g2; /* 1.959375*2^30; still ok */
+ crypto_int32 g3_19 = 19 * g3;
+ crypto_int32 g4_19 = 19 * g4;
+ crypto_int32 g5_19 = 19 * g5;
+ crypto_int32 g6_19 = 19 * g6;
+ crypto_int32 g7_19 = 19 * g7;
+ crypto_int32 g8_19 = 19 * g8;
+ crypto_int32 g9_19 = 19 * g9;
+ crypto_int32 f1_2 = 2 * f1;
+ crypto_int32 f3_2 = 2 * f3;
+ crypto_int32 f5_2 = 2 * f5;
+ crypto_int32 f7_2 = 2 * f7;
+ crypto_int32 f9_2 = 2 * f9;
+ crypto_int64 f0g0 = f0 * (crypto_int64) g0;
+ crypto_int64 f0g1 = f0 * (crypto_int64) g1;
+ crypto_int64 f0g2 = f0 * (crypto_int64) g2;
+ crypto_int64 f0g3 = f0 * (crypto_int64) g3;
+ crypto_int64 f0g4 = f0 * (crypto_int64) g4;
+ crypto_int64 f0g5 = f0 * (crypto_int64) g5;
+ crypto_int64 f0g6 = f0 * (crypto_int64) g6;
+ crypto_int64 f0g7 = f0 * (crypto_int64) g7;
+ crypto_int64 f0g8 = f0 * (crypto_int64) g8;
+ crypto_int64 f0g9 = f0 * (crypto_int64) g9;
+ crypto_int64 f1g0 = f1 * (crypto_int64) g0;
+ crypto_int64 f1g1_2 = f1_2 * (crypto_int64) g1;
+ crypto_int64 f1g2 = f1 * (crypto_int64) g2;
+ crypto_int64 f1g3_2 = f1_2 * (crypto_int64) g3;
+ crypto_int64 f1g4 = f1 * (crypto_int64) g4;
+ crypto_int64 f1g5_2 = f1_2 * (crypto_int64) g5;
+ crypto_int64 f1g6 = f1 * (crypto_int64) g6;
+ crypto_int64 f1g7_2 = f1_2 * (crypto_int64) g7;
+ crypto_int64 f1g8 = f1 * (crypto_int64) g8;
+ crypto_int64 f1g9_38 = f1_2 * (crypto_int64) g9_19;
+ crypto_int64 f2g0 = f2 * (crypto_int64) g0;
+ crypto_int64 f2g1 = f2 * (crypto_int64) g1;
+ crypto_int64 f2g2 = f2 * (crypto_int64) g2;
+ crypto_int64 f2g3 = f2 * (crypto_int64) g3;
+ crypto_int64 f2g4 = f2 * (crypto_int64) g4;
+ crypto_int64 f2g5 = f2 * (crypto_int64) g5;
+ crypto_int64 f2g6 = f2 * (crypto_int64) g6;
+ crypto_int64 f2g7 = f2 * (crypto_int64) g7;
+ crypto_int64 f2g8_19 = f2 * (crypto_int64) g8_19;
+ crypto_int64 f2g9_19 = f2 * (crypto_int64) g9_19;
+ crypto_int64 f3g0 = f3 * (crypto_int64) g0;
+ crypto_int64 f3g1_2 = f3_2 * (crypto_int64) g1;
+ crypto_int64 f3g2 = f3 * (crypto_int64) g2;
+ crypto_int64 f3g3_2 = f3_2 * (crypto_int64) g3;
+ crypto_int64 f3g4 = f3 * (crypto_int64) g4;
+ crypto_int64 f3g5_2 = f3_2 * (crypto_int64) g5;
+ crypto_int64 f3g6 = f3 * (crypto_int64) g6;
+ crypto_int64 f3g7_38 = f3_2 * (crypto_int64) g7_19;
+ crypto_int64 f3g8_19 = f3 * (crypto_int64) g8_19;
+ crypto_int64 f3g9_38 = f3_2 * (crypto_int64) g9_19;
+ crypto_int64 f4g0 = f4 * (crypto_int64) g0;
+ crypto_int64 f4g1 = f4 * (crypto_int64) g1;
+ crypto_int64 f4g2 = f4 * (crypto_int64) g2;
+ crypto_int64 f4g3 = f4 * (crypto_int64) g3;
+ crypto_int64 f4g4 = f4 * (crypto_int64) g4;
+ crypto_int64 f4g5 = f4 * (crypto_int64) g5;
+ crypto_int64 f4g6_19 = f4 * (crypto_int64) g6_19;
+ crypto_int64 f4g7_19 = f4 * (crypto_int64) g7_19;
+ crypto_int64 f4g8_19 = f4 * (crypto_int64) g8_19;
+ crypto_int64 f4g9_19 = f4 * (crypto_int64) g9_19;
+ crypto_int64 f5g0 = f5 * (crypto_int64) g0;
+ crypto_int64 f5g1_2 = f5_2 * (crypto_int64) g1;
+ crypto_int64 f5g2 = f5 * (crypto_int64) g2;
+ crypto_int64 f5g3_2 = f5_2 * (crypto_int64) g3;
+ crypto_int64 f5g4 = f5 * (crypto_int64) g4;
+ crypto_int64 f5g5_38 = f5_2 * (crypto_int64) g5_19;
+ crypto_int64 f5g6_19 = f5 * (crypto_int64) g6_19;
+ crypto_int64 f5g7_38 = f5_2 * (crypto_int64) g7_19;
+ crypto_int64 f5g8_19 = f5 * (crypto_int64) g8_19;
+ crypto_int64 f5g9_38 = f5_2 * (crypto_int64) g9_19;
+ crypto_int64 f6g0 = f6 * (crypto_int64) g0;
+ crypto_int64 f6g1 = f6 * (crypto_int64) g1;
+ crypto_int64 f6g2 = f6 * (crypto_int64) g2;
+ crypto_int64 f6g3 = f6 * (crypto_int64) g3;
+ crypto_int64 f6g4_19 = f6 * (crypto_int64) g4_19;
+ crypto_int64 f6g5_19 = f6 * (crypto_int64) g5_19;
+ crypto_int64 f6g6_19 = f6 * (crypto_int64) g6_19;
+ crypto_int64 f6g7_19 = f6 * (crypto_int64) g7_19;
+ crypto_int64 f6g8_19 = f6 * (crypto_int64) g8_19;
+ crypto_int64 f6g9_19 = f6 * (crypto_int64) g9_19;
+ crypto_int64 f7g0 = f7 * (crypto_int64) g0;
+ crypto_int64 f7g1_2 = f7_2 * (crypto_int64) g1;
+ crypto_int64 f7g2 = f7 * (crypto_int64) g2;
+ crypto_int64 f7g3_38 = f7_2 * (crypto_int64) g3_19;
+ crypto_int64 f7g4_19 = f7 * (crypto_int64) g4_19;
+ crypto_int64 f7g5_38 = f7_2 * (crypto_int64) g5_19;
+ crypto_int64 f7g6_19 = f7 * (crypto_int64) g6_19;
+ crypto_int64 f7g7_38 = f7_2 * (crypto_int64) g7_19;
+ crypto_int64 f7g8_19 = f7 * (crypto_int64) g8_19;
+ crypto_int64 f7g9_38 = f7_2 * (crypto_int64) g9_19;
+ crypto_int64 f8g0 = f8 * (crypto_int64) g0;
+ crypto_int64 f8g1 = f8 * (crypto_int64) g1;
+ crypto_int64 f8g2_19 = f8 * (crypto_int64) g2_19;
+ crypto_int64 f8g3_19 = f8 * (crypto_int64) g3_19;
+ crypto_int64 f8g4_19 = f8 * (crypto_int64) g4_19;
+ crypto_int64 f8g5_19 = f8 * (crypto_int64) g5_19;
+ crypto_int64 f8g6_19 = f8 * (crypto_int64) g6_19;
+ crypto_int64 f8g7_19 = f8 * (crypto_int64) g7_19;
+ crypto_int64 f8g8_19 = f8 * (crypto_int64) g8_19;
+ crypto_int64 f8g9_19 = f8 * (crypto_int64) g9_19;
+ crypto_int64 f9g0 = f9 * (crypto_int64) g0;
+ crypto_int64 f9g1_38 = f9_2 * (crypto_int64) g1_19;
+ crypto_int64 f9g2_19 = f9 * (crypto_int64) g2_19;
+ crypto_int64 f9g3_38 = f9_2 * (crypto_int64) g3_19;
+ crypto_int64 f9g4_19 = f9 * (crypto_int64) g4_19;
+ crypto_int64 f9g5_38 = f9_2 * (crypto_int64) g5_19;
+ crypto_int64 f9g6_19 = f9 * (crypto_int64) g6_19;
+ crypto_int64 f9g7_38 = f9_2 * (crypto_int64) g7_19;
+ crypto_int64 f9g8_19 = f9 * (crypto_int64) g8_19;
+ crypto_int64 f9g9_38 = f9_2 * (crypto_int64) g9_19;
+ crypto_int64 h0 = f0g0+f1g9_38+f2g8_19+f3g7_38+f4g6_19+f5g5_38+f6g4_19+f7g3_38+f8g2_19+f9g1_38;
+ crypto_int64 h1 = f0g1+f1g0 +f2g9_19+f3g8_19+f4g7_19+f5g6_19+f6g5_19+f7g4_19+f8g3_19+f9g2_19;
+ crypto_int64 h2 = f0g2+f1g1_2 +f2g0 +f3g9_38+f4g8_19+f5g7_38+f6g6_19+f7g5_38+f8g4_19+f9g3_38;
+ crypto_int64 h3 = f0g3+f1g2 +f2g1 +f3g0 +f4g9_19+f5g8_19+f6g7_19+f7g6_19+f8g5_19+f9g4_19;
+ crypto_int64 h4 = f0g4+f1g3_2 +f2g2 +f3g1_2 +f4g0 +f5g9_38+f6g8_19+f7g7_38+f8g6_19+f9g5_38;
+ crypto_int64 h5 = f0g5+f1g4 +f2g3 +f3g2 +f4g1 +f5g0 +f6g9_19+f7g8_19+f8g7_19+f9g6_19;
+ crypto_int64 h6 = f0g6+f1g5_2 +f2g4 +f3g3_2 +f4g2 +f5g1_2 +f6g0 +f7g9_38+f8g8_19+f9g7_38;
+ crypto_int64 h7 = f0g7+f1g6 +f2g5 +f3g4 +f4g3 +f5g2 +f6g1 +f7g0 +f8g9_19+f9g8_19;
+ crypto_int64 h8 = f0g8+f1g7_2 +f2g6 +f3g5_2 +f4g4 +f5g3_2 +f6g2 +f7g1_2 +f8g0 +f9g9_38;
+ crypto_int64 h9 = f0g9+f1g8 +f2g7 +f3g6 +f4g5 +f5g4 +f6g3 +f7g2 +f8g1 +f9g0 ;
+ crypto_int64 carry0;
+ crypto_int64 carry1;
+ crypto_int64 carry2;
+ crypto_int64 carry3;
+ crypto_int64 carry4;
+ crypto_int64 carry5;
+ crypto_int64 carry6;
+ crypto_int64 carry7;
+ crypto_int64 carry8;
+ crypto_int64 carry9;
+ /*
+ |h0| <= (1.65*1.65*2^52*(1+19+19+19+19)+1.65*1.65*2^50*(38+38+38+38+38))
+ i.e. |h0| <= 1.4*2^60; narrower ranges for h2, h4, h6, h8
+ |h1| <= (1.65*1.65*2^51*(1+1+19+19+19+19+19+19+19+19))
+ i.e. |h1| <= 1.7*2^59; narrower ranges for h3, h5, h7, h9
+ */
+ carry0 = (h0 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h1 += carry0; h0 -= carry0 << 26;
+ carry4 = (h4 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h5 += carry4; h4 -= carry4 << 26;
+ /* |h0| <= 2^25 */
+ /* |h4| <= 2^25 */
+ /* |h1| <= 1.71*2^59 */
+ /* |h5| <= 1.71*2^59 */
+ carry1 = (h1 + (crypto_int64) (1<<24)) >> 25; h2 += carry1; h1 -= carry1 << 25;
+ carry5 = (h5 + (crypto_int64) (1<<24)) >> 25; h6 += carry5; h5 -= carry5 << 25;
+ /* |h1| <= 2^24; from now on fits into int32 */
+ /* |h5| <= 2^24; from now on fits into int32 */
+ /* |h2| <= 1.41*2^60 */
+ /* |h6| <= 1.41*2^60 */
+ carry2 = (h2 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h3 += carry2; h2 -= carry2 << 26;
+ carry6 = (h6 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h7 += carry6; h6 -= carry6 << 26;
+ /* |h2| <= 2^25; from now on fits into int32 unchanged */
+ /* |h6| <= 2^25; from now on fits into int32 unchanged */
+ /* |h3| <= 1.71*2^59 */
+ /* |h7| <= 1.71*2^59 */
+ carry3 = (h3 + (crypto_int64) (1<<24)) >> 25; h4 += carry3; h3 -= carry3 << 25;
+ carry7 = (h7 + (crypto_int64) (1<<24)) >> 25; h8 += carry7; h7 -= carry7 << 25;
+ /* |h3| <= 2^24; from now on fits into int32 unchanged */
+ /* |h7| <= 2^24; from now on fits into int32 unchanged */
+ /* |h4| <= 1.72*2^34 */
+ /* |h8| <= 1.41*2^60 */
+ carry4 = (h4 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h5 += carry4; h4 -= carry4 << 26;
+ carry8 = (h8 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h9 += carry8; h8 -= carry8 << 26;
+ /* |h4| <= 2^25; from now on fits into int32 unchanged */
+ /* |h8| <= 2^25; from now on fits into int32 unchanged */
+ /* |h5| <= 1.01*2^24 */
+ /* |h9| <= 1.71*2^59 */
+ carry9 = (h9 + (crypto_int64) (1<<24)) >> 25; h0 += carry9 * 19; h9 -= carry9 << 25;
+ /* |h9| <= 2^24; from now on fits into int32 unchanged */
+ /* |h0| <= 1.1*2^39 */
+ carry0 = (h0 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h1 += carry0; h0 -= carry0 << 26;
+ /* |h0| <= 2^25; from now on fits into int32 unchanged */
+ /* |h1| <= 1.01*2^24 */
+ h[0] = h0;
+ h[1] = h1;
+ h[2] = h2;
+ h[3] = h3;
+ h[4] = h4;
+ h[5] = h5;
+ h[6] = h6;
+ h[7] = h7;
+ h[8] = h8;
+ h[9] = h9;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_neg.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_neg.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2078ce5284
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_neg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#include "fe.h"
+h = -f
+ |f| bounded by 1.1*2^25,1.1*2^24,1.1*2^25,1.1*2^24,etc.
+ |h| bounded by 1.1*2^25,1.1*2^24,1.1*2^25,1.1*2^24,etc.
+void fe_neg(fe h,const fe f)
+ crypto_int32 f0 = f[0];
+ crypto_int32 f1 = f[1];
+ crypto_int32 f2 = f[2];
+ crypto_int32 f3 = f[3];
+ crypto_int32 f4 = f[4];
+ crypto_int32 f5 = f[5];
+ crypto_int32 f6 = f[6];
+ crypto_int32 f7 = f[7];
+ crypto_int32 f8 = f[8];
+ crypto_int32 f9 = f[9];
+ crypto_int32 h0 = -f0;
+ crypto_int32 h1 = -f1;
+ crypto_int32 h2 = -f2;
+ crypto_int32 h3 = -f3;
+ crypto_int32 h4 = -f4;
+ crypto_int32 h5 = -f5;
+ crypto_int32 h6 = -f6;
+ crypto_int32 h7 = -f7;
+ crypto_int32 h8 = -f8;
+ crypto_int32 h9 = -f9;
+ h[0] = h0;
+ h[1] = h1;
+ h[2] = h2;
+ h[3] = h3;
+ h[4] = h4;
+ h[5] = h5;
+ h[6] = h6;
+ h[7] = h7;
+ h[8] = h8;
+ h[9] = h9;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_pow22523.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_pow22523.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56675a5902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_pow22523.c
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#include "fe.h"
+void fe_pow22523(fe out,const fe z)
+ fe t0;
+ fe t1;
+ fe t2;
+ int i;
+#include "pow22523.h"
+ return;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_sq.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_sq.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8dd119841c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_sq.c
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+#include "fe.h"
+#include "crypto_int64.h"
+h = f * f
+Can overlap h with f.
+ |f| bounded by 1.65*2^26,1.65*2^25,1.65*2^26,1.65*2^25,etc.
+ |h| bounded by 1.01*2^25,1.01*2^24,1.01*2^25,1.01*2^24,etc.
+See fe_mul.c for discussion of implementation strategy.
+void fe_sq(fe h,const fe f)
+ crypto_int32 f0 = f[0];
+ crypto_int32 f1 = f[1];
+ crypto_int32 f2 = f[2];
+ crypto_int32 f3 = f[3];
+ crypto_int32 f4 = f[4];
+ crypto_int32 f5 = f[5];
+ crypto_int32 f6 = f[6];
+ crypto_int32 f7 = f[7];
+ crypto_int32 f8 = f[8];
+ crypto_int32 f9 = f[9];
+ crypto_int32 f0_2 = 2 * f0;
+ crypto_int32 f1_2 = 2 * f1;
+ crypto_int32 f2_2 = 2 * f2;
+ crypto_int32 f3_2 = 2 * f3;
+ crypto_int32 f4_2 = 2 * f4;
+ crypto_int32 f5_2 = 2 * f5;
+ crypto_int32 f6_2 = 2 * f6;
+ crypto_int32 f7_2 = 2 * f7;
+ crypto_int32 f5_38 = 38 * f5; /* 1.959375*2^30 */
+ crypto_int32 f6_19 = 19 * f6; /* 1.959375*2^30 */
+ crypto_int32 f7_38 = 38 * f7; /* 1.959375*2^30 */
+ crypto_int32 f8_19 = 19 * f8; /* 1.959375*2^30 */
+ crypto_int32 f9_38 = 38 * f9; /* 1.959375*2^30 */
+ crypto_int64 f0f0 = f0 * (crypto_int64) f0;
+ crypto_int64 f0f1_2 = f0_2 * (crypto_int64) f1;
+ crypto_int64 f0f2_2 = f0_2 * (crypto_int64) f2;
+ crypto_int64 f0f3_2 = f0_2 * (crypto_int64) f3;
+ crypto_int64 f0f4_2 = f0_2 * (crypto_int64) f4;
+ crypto_int64 f0f5_2 = f0_2 * (crypto_int64) f5;
+ crypto_int64 f0f6_2 = f0_2 * (crypto_int64) f6;
+ crypto_int64 f0f7_2 = f0_2 * (crypto_int64) f7;
+ crypto_int64 f0f8_2 = f0_2 * (crypto_int64) f8;
+ crypto_int64 f0f9_2 = f0_2 * (crypto_int64) f9;
+ crypto_int64 f1f1_2 = f1_2 * (crypto_int64) f1;
+ crypto_int64 f1f2_2 = f1_2 * (crypto_int64) f2;
+ crypto_int64 f1f3_4 = f1_2 * (crypto_int64) f3_2;
+ crypto_int64 f1f4_2 = f1_2 * (crypto_int64) f4;
+ crypto_int64 f1f5_4 = f1_2 * (crypto_int64) f5_2;
+ crypto_int64 f1f6_2 = f1_2 * (crypto_int64) f6;
+ crypto_int64 f1f7_4 = f1_2 * (crypto_int64) f7_2;
+ crypto_int64 f1f8_2 = f1_2 * (crypto_int64) f8;
+ crypto_int64 f1f9_76 = f1_2 * (crypto_int64) f9_38;
+ crypto_int64 f2f2 = f2 * (crypto_int64) f2;
+ crypto_int64 f2f3_2 = f2_2 * (crypto_int64) f3;
+ crypto_int64 f2f4_2 = f2_2 * (crypto_int64) f4;
+ crypto_int64 f2f5_2 = f2_2 * (crypto_int64) f5;
+ crypto_int64 f2f6_2 = f2_2 * (crypto_int64) f6;
+ crypto_int64 f2f7_2 = f2_2 * (crypto_int64) f7;
+ crypto_int64 f2f8_38 = f2_2 * (crypto_int64) f8_19;
+ crypto_int64 f2f9_38 = f2 * (crypto_int64) f9_38;
+ crypto_int64 f3f3_2 = f3_2 * (crypto_int64) f3;
+ crypto_int64 f3f4_2 = f3_2 * (crypto_int64) f4;
+ crypto_int64 f3f5_4 = f3_2 * (crypto_int64) f5_2;
+ crypto_int64 f3f6_2 = f3_2 * (crypto_int64) f6;
+ crypto_int64 f3f7_76 = f3_2 * (crypto_int64) f7_38;
+ crypto_int64 f3f8_38 = f3_2 * (crypto_int64) f8_19;
+ crypto_int64 f3f9_76 = f3_2 * (crypto_int64) f9_38;
+ crypto_int64 f4f4 = f4 * (crypto_int64) f4;
+ crypto_int64 f4f5_2 = f4_2 * (crypto_int64) f5;
+ crypto_int64 f4f6_38 = f4_2 * (crypto_int64) f6_19;
+ crypto_int64 f4f7_38 = f4 * (crypto_int64) f7_38;
+ crypto_int64 f4f8_38 = f4_2 * (crypto_int64) f8_19;
+ crypto_int64 f4f9_38 = f4 * (crypto_int64) f9_38;
+ crypto_int64 f5f5_38 = f5 * (crypto_int64) f5_38;
+ crypto_int64 f5f6_38 = f5_2 * (crypto_int64) f6_19;
+ crypto_int64 f5f7_76 = f5_2 * (crypto_int64) f7_38;
+ crypto_int64 f5f8_38 = f5_2 * (crypto_int64) f8_19;
+ crypto_int64 f5f9_76 = f5_2 * (crypto_int64) f9_38;
+ crypto_int64 f6f6_19 = f6 * (crypto_int64) f6_19;
+ crypto_int64 f6f7_38 = f6 * (crypto_int64) f7_38;
+ crypto_int64 f6f8_38 = f6_2 * (crypto_int64) f8_19;
+ crypto_int64 f6f9_38 = f6 * (crypto_int64) f9_38;
+ crypto_int64 f7f7_38 = f7 * (crypto_int64) f7_38;
+ crypto_int64 f7f8_38 = f7_2 * (crypto_int64) f8_19;
+ crypto_int64 f7f9_76 = f7_2 * (crypto_int64) f9_38;
+ crypto_int64 f8f8_19 = f8 * (crypto_int64) f8_19;
+ crypto_int64 f8f9_38 = f8 * (crypto_int64) f9_38;
+ crypto_int64 f9f9_38 = f9 * (crypto_int64) f9_38;
+ crypto_int64 h0 = f0f0 +f1f9_76+f2f8_38+f3f7_76+f4f6_38+f5f5_38;
+ crypto_int64 h1 = f0f1_2+f2f9_38+f3f8_38+f4f7_38+f5f6_38;
+ crypto_int64 h2 = f0f2_2+f1f1_2 +f3f9_76+f4f8_38+f5f7_76+f6f6_19;
+ crypto_int64 h3 = f0f3_2+f1f2_2 +f4f9_38+f5f8_38+f6f7_38;
+ crypto_int64 h4 = f0f4_2+f1f3_4 +f2f2 +f5f9_76+f6f8_38+f7f7_38;
+ crypto_int64 h5 = f0f5_2+f1f4_2 +f2f3_2 +f6f9_38+f7f8_38;
+ crypto_int64 h6 = f0f6_2+f1f5_4 +f2f4_2 +f3f3_2 +f7f9_76+f8f8_19;
+ crypto_int64 h7 = f0f7_2+f1f6_2 +f2f5_2 +f3f4_2 +f8f9_38;
+ crypto_int64 h8 = f0f8_2+f1f7_4 +f2f6_2 +f3f5_4 +f4f4 +f9f9_38;
+ crypto_int64 h9 = f0f9_2+f1f8_2 +f2f7_2 +f3f6_2 +f4f5_2;
+ crypto_int64 carry0;
+ crypto_int64 carry1;
+ crypto_int64 carry2;
+ crypto_int64 carry3;
+ crypto_int64 carry4;
+ crypto_int64 carry5;
+ crypto_int64 carry6;
+ crypto_int64 carry7;
+ crypto_int64 carry8;
+ crypto_int64 carry9;
+ carry0 = (h0 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h1 += carry0; h0 -= carry0 << 26;
+ carry4 = (h4 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h5 += carry4; h4 -= carry4 << 26;
+ carry1 = (h1 + (crypto_int64) (1<<24)) >> 25; h2 += carry1; h1 -= carry1 << 25;
+ carry5 = (h5 + (crypto_int64) (1<<24)) >> 25; h6 += carry5; h5 -= carry5 << 25;
+ carry2 = (h2 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h3 += carry2; h2 -= carry2 << 26;
+ carry6 = (h6 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h7 += carry6; h6 -= carry6 << 26;
+ carry3 = (h3 + (crypto_int64) (1<<24)) >> 25; h4 += carry3; h3 -= carry3 << 25;
+ carry7 = (h7 + (crypto_int64) (1<<24)) >> 25; h8 += carry7; h7 -= carry7 << 25;
+ carry4 = (h4 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h5 += carry4; h4 -= carry4 << 26;
+ carry8 = (h8 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h9 += carry8; h8 -= carry8 << 26;
+ carry9 = (h9 + (crypto_int64) (1<<24)) >> 25; h0 += carry9 * 19; h9 -= carry9 << 25;
+ carry0 = (h0 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h1 += carry0; h0 -= carry0 << 26;
+ h[0] = h0;
+ h[1] = h1;
+ h[2] = h2;
+ h[3] = h3;
+ h[4] = h4;
+ h[5] = h5;
+ h[6] = h6;
+ h[7] = h7;
+ h[8] = h8;
+ h[9] = h9;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_sq2.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_sq2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..026ed3aacf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_sq2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+#include "fe.h"
+#include "crypto_int64.h"
+h = 2 * f * f
+Can overlap h with f.
+ |f| bounded by 1.65*2^26,1.65*2^25,1.65*2^26,1.65*2^25,etc.
+ |h| bounded by 1.01*2^25,1.01*2^24,1.01*2^25,1.01*2^24,etc.
+See fe_mul.c for discussion of implementation strategy.
+void fe_sq2(fe h,const fe f)
+ crypto_int32 f0 = f[0];
+ crypto_int32 f1 = f[1];
+ crypto_int32 f2 = f[2];
+ crypto_int32 f3 = f[3];
+ crypto_int32 f4 = f[4];
+ crypto_int32 f5 = f[5];
+ crypto_int32 f6 = f[6];
+ crypto_int32 f7 = f[7];
+ crypto_int32 f8 = f[8];
+ crypto_int32 f9 = f[9];
+ crypto_int32 f0_2 = 2 * f0;
+ crypto_int32 f1_2 = 2 * f1;
+ crypto_int32 f2_2 = 2 * f2;
+ crypto_int32 f3_2 = 2 * f3;
+ crypto_int32 f4_2 = 2 * f4;
+ crypto_int32 f5_2 = 2 * f5;
+ crypto_int32 f6_2 = 2 * f6;
+ crypto_int32 f7_2 = 2 * f7;
+ crypto_int32 f5_38 = 38 * f5; /* 1.959375*2^30 */
+ crypto_int32 f6_19 = 19 * f6; /* 1.959375*2^30 */
+ crypto_int32 f7_38 = 38 * f7; /* 1.959375*2^30 */
+ crypto_int32 f8_19 = 19 * f8; /* 1.959375*2^30 */
+ crypto_int32 f9_38 = 38 * f9; /* 1.959375*2^30 */
+ crypto_int64 f0f0 = f0 * (crypto_int64) f0;
+ crypto_int64 f0f1_2 = f0_2 * (crypto_int64) f1;
+ crypto_int64 f0f2_2 = f0_2 * (crypto_int64) f2;
+ crypto_int64 f0f3_2 = f0_2 * (crypto_int64) f3;
+ crypto_int64 f0f4_2 = f0_2 * (crypto_int64) f4;
+ crypto_int64 f0f5_2 = f0_2 * (crypto_int64) f5;
+ crypto_int64 f0f6_2 = f0_2 * (crypto_int64) f6;
+ crypto_int64 f0f7_2 = f0_2 * (crypto_int64) f7;
+ crypto_int64 f0f8_2 = f0_2 * (crypto_int64) f8;
+ crypto_int64 f0f9_2 = f0_2 * (crypto_int64) f9;
+ crypto_int64 f1f1_2 = f1_2 * (crypto_int64) f1;
+ crypto_int64 f1f2_2 = f1_2 * (crypto_int64) f2;
+ crypto_int64 f1f3_4 = f1_2 * (crypto_int64) f3_2;
+ crypto_int64 f1f4_2 = f1_2 * (crypto_int64) f4;
+ crypto_int64 f1f5_4 = f1_2 * (crypto_int64) f5_2;
+ crypto_int64 f1f6_2 = f1_2 * (crypto_int64) f6;
+ crypto_int64 f1f7_4 = f1_2 * (crypto_int64) f7_2;
+ crypto_int64 f1f8_2 = f1_2 * (crypto_int64) f8;
+ crypto_int64 f1f9_76 = f1_2 * (crypto_int64) f9_38;
+ crypto_int64 f2f2 = f2 * (crypto_int64) f2;
+ crypto_int64 f2f3_2 = f2_2 * (crypto_int64) f3;
+ crypto_int64 f2f4_2 = f2_2 * (crypto_int64) f4;
+ crypto_int64 f2f5_2 = f2_2 * (crypto_int64) f5;
+ crypto_int64 f2f6_2 = f2_2 * (crypto_int64) f6;
+ crypto_int64 f2f7_2 = f2_2 * (crypto_int64) f7;
+ crypto_int64 f2f8_38 = f2_2 * (crypto_int64) f8_19;
+ crypto_int64 f2f9_38 = f2 * (crypto_int64) f9_38;
+ crypto_int64 f3f3_2 = f3_2 * (crypto_int64) f3;
+ crypto_int64 f3f4_2 = f3_2 * (crypto_int64) f4;
+ crypto_int64 f3f5_4 = f3_2 * (crypto_int64) f5_2;
+ crypto_int64 f3f6_2 = f3_2 * (crypto_int64) f6;
+ crypto_int64 f3f7_76 = f3_2 * (crypto_int64) f7_38;
+ crypto_int64 f3f8_38 = f3_2 * (crypto_int64) f8_19;
+ crypto_int64 f3f9_76 = f3_2 * (crypto_int64) f9_38;
+ crypto_int64 f4f4 = f4 * (crypto_int64) f4;
+ crypto_int64 f4f5_2 = f4_2 * (crypto_int64) f5;
+ crypto_int64 f4f6_38 = f4_2 * (crypto_int64) f6_19;
+ crypto_int64 f4f7_38 = f4 * (crypto_int64) f7_38;
+ crypto_int64 f4f8_38 = f4_2 * (crypto_int64) f8_19;
+ crypto_int64 f4f9_38 = f4 * (crypto_int64) f9_38;
+ crypto_int64 f5f5_38 = f5 * (crypto_int64) f5_38;
+ crypto_int64 f5f6_38 = f5_2 * (crypto_int64) f6_19;
+ crypto_int64 f5f7_76 = f5_2 * (crypto_int64) f7_38;
+ crypto_int64 f5f8_38 = f5_2 * (crypto_int64) f8_19;
+ crypto_int64 f5f9_76 = f5_2 * (crypto_int64) f9_38;
+ crypto_int64 f6f6_19 = f6 * (crypto_int64) f6_19;
+ crypto_int64 f6f7_38 = f6 * (crypto_int64) f7_38;
+ crypto_int64 f6f8_38 = f6_2 * (crypto_int64) f8_19;
+ crypto_int64 f6f9_38 = f6 * (crypto_int64) f9_38;
+ crypto_int64 f7f7_38 = f7 * (crypto_int64) f7_38;
+ crypto_int64 f7f8_38 = f7_2 * (crypto_int64) f8_19;
+ crypto_int64 f7f9_76 = f7_2 * (crypto_int64) f9_38;
+ crypto_int64 f8f8_19 = f8 * (crypto_int64) f8_19;
+ crypto_int64 f8f9_38 = f8 * (crypto_int64) f9_38;
+ crypto_int64 f9f9_38 = f9 * (crypto_int64) f9_38;
+ crypto_int64 h0 = f0f0 +f1f9_76+f2f8_38+f3f7_76+f4f6_38+f5f5_38;
+ crypto_int64 h1 = f0f1_2+f2f9_38+f3f8_38+f4f7_38+f5f6_38;
+ crypto_int64 h2 = f0f2_2+f1f1_2 +f3f9_76+f4f8_38+f5f7_76+f6f6_19;
+ crypto_int64 h3 = f0f3_2+f1f2_2 +f4f9_38+f5f8_38+f6f7_38;
+ crypto_int64 h4 = f0f4_2+f1f3_4 +f2f2 +f5f9_76+f6f8_38+f7f7_38;
+ crypto_int64 h5 = f0f5_2+f1f4_2 +f2f3_2 +f6f9_38+f7f8_38;
+ crypto_int64 h6 = f0f6_2+f1f5_4 +f2f4_2 +f3f3_2 +f7f9_76+f8f8_19;
+ crypto_int64 h7 = f0f7_2+f1f6_2 +f2f5_2 +f3f4_2 +f8f9_38;
+ crypto_int64 h8 = f0f8_2+f1f7_4 +f2f6_2 +f3f5_4 +f4f4 +f9f9_38;
+ crypto_int64 h9 = f0f9_2+f1f8_2 +f2f7_2 +f3f6_2 +f4f5_2;
+ crypto_int64 carry0;
+ crypto_int64 carry1;
+ crypto_int64 carry2;
+ crypto_int64 carry3;
+ crypto_int64 carry4;
+ crypto_int64 carry5;
+ crypto_int64 carry6;
+ crypto_int64 carry7;
+ crypto_int64 carry8;
+ crypto_int64 carry9;
+ h0 += h0;
+ h1 += h1;
+ h2 += h2;
+ h3 += h3;
+ h4 += h4;
+ h5 += h5;
+ h6 += h6;
+ h7 += h7;
+ h8 += h8;
+ h9 += h9;
+ carry0 = (h0 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h1 += carry0; h0 -= carry0 << 26;
+ carry4 = (h4 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h5 += carry4; h4 -= carry4 << 26;
+ carry1 = (h1 + (crypto_int64) (1<<24)) >> 25; h2 += carry1; h1 -= carry1 << 25;
+ carry5 = (h5 + (crypto_int64) (1<<24)) >> 25; h6 += carry5; h5 -= carry5 << 25;
+ carry2 = (h2 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h3 += carry2; h2 -= carry2 << 26;
+ carry6 = (h6 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h7 += carry6; h6 -= carry6 << 26;
+ carry3 = (h3 + (crypto_int64) (1<<24)) >> 25; h4 += carry3; h3 -= carry3 << 25;
+ carry7 = (h7 + (crypto_int64) (1<<24)) >> 25; h8 += carry7; h7 -= carry7 << 25;
+ carry4 = (h4 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h5 += carry4; h4 -= carry4 << 26;
+ carry8 = (h8 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h9 += carry8; h8 -= carry8 << 26;
+ carry9 = (h9 + (crypto_int64) (1<<24)) >> 25; h0 += carry9 * 19; h9 -= carry9 << 25;
+ carry0 = (h0 + (crypto_int64) (1<<25)) >> 26; h1 += carry0; h0 -= carry0 << 26;
+ h[0] = h0;
+ h[1] = h1;
+ h[2] = h2;
+ h[3] = h3;
+ h[4] = h4;
+ h[5] = h5;
+ h[6] = h6;
+ h[7] = h7;
+ h[8] = h8;
+ h[9] = h9;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_sub.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_sub.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e26b7df8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_sub.c
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#include "fe.h"
+h = f - g
+Can overlap h with f or g.
+ |f| bounded by 1.1*2^25,1.1*2^24,1.1*2^25,1.1*2^24,etc.
+ |g| bounded by 1.1*2^25,1.1*2^24,1.1*2^25,1.1*2^24,etc.
+ |h| bounded by 1.1*2^26,1.1*2^25,1.1*2^26,1.1*2^25,etc.
+void fe_sub(fe h,const fe f,const fe g)
+ crypto_int32 f0 = f[0];
+ crypto_int32 f1 = f[1];
+ crypto_int32 f2 = f[2];
+ crypto_int32 f3 = f[3];
+ crypto_int32 f4 = f[4];
+ crypto_int32 f5 = f[5];
+ crypto_int32 f6 = f[6];
+ crypto_int32 f7 = f[7];
+ crypto_int32 f8 = f[8];
+ crypto_int32 f9 = f[9];
+ crypto_int32 g0 = g[0];
+ crypto_int32 g1 = g[1];
+ crypto_int32 g2 = g[2];
+ crypto_int32 g3 = g[3];
+ crypto_int32 g4 = g[4];
+ crypto_int32 g5 = g[5];
+ crypto_int32 g6 = g[6];
+ crypto_int32 g7 = g[7];
+ crypto_int32 g8 = g[8];
+ crypto_int32 g9 = g[9];
+ crypto_int32 h0 = f0 - g0;
+ crypto_int32 h1 = f1 - g1;
+ crypto_int32 h2 = f2 - g2;
+ crypto_int32 h3 = f3 - g3;
+ crypto_int32 h4 = f4 - g4;
+ crypto_int32 h5 = f5 - g5;
+ crypto_int32 h6 = f6 - g6;
+ crypto_int32 h7 = f7 - g7;
+ crypto_int32 h8 = f8 - g8;
+ crypto_int32 h9 = f9 - g9;
+ h[0] = h0;
+ h[1] = h1;
+ h[2] = h2;
+ h[3] = h3;
+ h[4] = h4;
+ h[5] = h5;
+ h[6] = h6;
+ h[7] = h7;
+ h[8] = h8;
+ h[9] = h9;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_tobytes.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_tobytes.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a63baf9c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/fe_tobytes.c
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+#include "fe.h"
+ |h| bounded by 1.1*2^26,1.1*2^25,1.1*2^26,1.1*2^25,etc.
+Write p=2^255-19; q=floor(h/p).
+Basic claim: q = floor(2^(-255)(h + 19 2^(-25)h9 + 2^(-1))).
+ Have |h|<=p so |q|<=1 so |19^2 2^(-255) q|<1/4.
+ Also have |h-2^230 h9|<2^231 so |19 2^(-255)(h-2^230 h9)|<1/4.
+ Write y=2^(-1)-19^2 2^(-255)q-19 2^(-255)(h-2^230 h9).
+ Then 0<y<1.
+ Write r=h-pq.
+ Have 0<=r<=p-1=2^255-20.
+ Thus 0<=r+19(2^-255)r<r+19(2^-255)2^255<=2^255-1.
+ Write x=r+19(2^-255)r+y.
+ Then 0<x<2^255 so floor(2^(-255)x) = 0 so floor(q+2^(-255)x) = q.
+ Have q+2^(-255)x = 2^(-255)(h + 19 2^(-25) h9 + 2^(-1))
+ so floor(2^(-255)(h + 19 2^(-25) h9 + 2^(-1))) = q.
+void fe_tobytes(unsigned char *s,const fe h)
+ crypto_int32 h0 = h[0];
+ crypto_int32 h1 = h[1];
+ crypto_int32 h2 = h[2];
+ crypto_int32 h3 = h[3];
+ crypto_int32 h4 = h[4];
+ crypto_int32 h5 = h[5];
+ crypto_int32 h6 = h[6];
+ crypto_int32 h7 = h[7];
+ crypto_int32 h8 = h[8];
+ crypto_int32 h9 = h[9];
+ crypto_int32 q;
+ crypto_int32 carry0;
+ crypto_int32 carry1;
+ crypto_int32 carry2;
+ crypto_int32 carry3;
+ crypto_int32 carry4;
+ crypto_int32 carry5;
+ crypto_int32 carry6;
+ crypto_int32 carry7;
+ crypto_int32 carry8;
+ crypto_int32 carry9;
+ q = (19 * h9 + (((crypto_int32) 1) << 24)) >> 25;
+ q = (h0 + q) >> 26;
+ q = (h1 + q) >> 25;
+ q = (h2 + q) >> 26;
+ q = (h3 + q) >> 25;
+ q = (h4 + q) >> 26;
+ q = (h5 + q) >> 25;
+ q = (h6 + q) >> 26;
+ q = (h7 + q) >> 25;
+ q = (h8 + q) >> 26;
+ q = (h9 + q) >> 25;
+ /* Goal: Output h-(2^255-19)q, which is between 0 and 2^255-20. */
+ h0 += 19 * q;
+ /* Goal: Output h-2^255 q, which is between 0 and 2^255-20. */
+ carry0 = h0 >> 26; h1 += carry0; h0 -= carry0 << 26;
+ carry1 = h1 >> 25; h2 += carry1; h1 -= carry1 << 25;
+ carry2 = h2 >> 26; h3 += carry2; h2 -= carry2 << 26;
+ carry3 = h3 >> 25; h4 += carry3; h3 -= carry3 << 25;
+ carry4 = h4 >> 26; h5 += carry4; h4 -= carry4 << 26;
+ carry5 = h5 >> 25; h6 += carry5; h5 -= carry5 << 25;
+ carry6 = h6 >> 26; h7 += carry6; h6 -= carry6 << 26;
+ carry7 = h7 >> 25; h8 += carry7; h7 -= carry7 << 25;
+ carry8 = h8 >> 26; h9 += carry8; h8 -= carry8 << 26;
+ carry9 = h9 >> 25; h9 -= carry9 << 25;
+ /* h10 = carry9 */
+ /*
+ Goal: Output h0+...+2^255 h10-2^255 q, which is between 0 and 2^255-20.
+ Have h0+...+2^230 h9 between 0 and 2^255-1;
+ evidently 2^255 h10-2^255 q = 0.
+ Goal: Output h0+...+2^230 h9.
+ */
+ s[0] = h0 >> 0;
+ s[1] = h0 >> 8;
+ s[2] = h0 >> 16;
+ s[3] = (h0 >> 24) | (h1 << 2);
+ s[4] = h1 >> 6;
+ s[5] = h1 >> 14;
+ s[6] = (h1 >> 22) | (h2 << 3);
+ s[7] = h2 >> 5;
+ s[8] = h2 >> 13;
+ s[9] = (h2 >> 21) | (h3 << 5);
+ s[10] = h3 >> 3;
+ s[11] = h3 >> 11;
+ s[12] = (h3 >> 19) | (h4 << 6);
+ s[13] = h4 >> 2;
+ s[14] = h4 >> 10;
+ s[15] = h4 >> 18;
+ s[16] = h5 >> 0;
+ s[17] = h5 >> 8;
+ s[18] = h5 >> 16;
+ s[19] = (h5 >> 24) | (h6 << 1);
+ s[20] = h6 >> 7;
+ s[21] = h6 >> 15;
+ s[22] = (h6 >> 23) | (h7 << 3);
+ s[23] = h7 >> 5;
+ s[24] = h7 >> 13;
+ s[25] = (h7 >> 21) | (h8 << 4);
+ s[26] = h8 >> 4;
+ s[27] = h8 >> 12;
+ s[28] = (h8 >> 20) | (h9 << 6);
+ s[29] = h9 >> 2;
+ s[30] = h9 >> 10;
+ s[31] = h9 >> 18;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..55e95f95b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge.h
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+#ifndef GE_H
+#define GE_H
+ge means group element.
+Here the group is the set of pairs (x,y) of field elements (see fe.h)
+satisfying -x^2 + y^2 = 1 + d x^2y^2
+where d = -121665/121666.
+ ge_p2 (projective): (X:Y:Z) satisfying x=X/Z, y=Y/Z
+ ge_p3 (extended): (X:Y:Z:T) satisfying x=X/Z, y=Y/Z, XY=ZT
+ ge_p1p1 (completed): ((X:Z),(Y:T)) satisfying x=X/Z, y=Y/T
+ ge_precomp (Duif): (y+x,y-x,2dxy)
+#include "fe.h"
+typedef struct {
+ fe X;
+ fe Y;
+ fe Z;
+} ge_p2;
+typedef struct {
+ fe X;
+ fe Y;
+ fe Z;
+ fe T;
+} ge_p3;
+typedef struct {
+ fe X;
+ fe Y;
+ fe Z;
+ fe T;
+} ge_p1p1;
+typedef struct {
+ fe yplusx;
+ fe yminusx;
+ fe xy2d;
+} ge_precomp;
+typedef struct {
+ fe YplusX;
+ fe YminusX;
+ fe Z;
+ fe T2d;
+} ge_cached;
+#define ge_frombytes_negate_vartime crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_ge_frombytes_negate_vartime
+#define ge_tobytes crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_ge_tobytes
+#define ge_p3_tobytes crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_ge_p3_tobytes
+#define ge_p2_0 crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_ge_p2_0
+#define ge_p3_0 crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_ge_p3_0
+#define ge_precomp_0 crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_ge_precomp_0
+#define ge_p3_to_p2 crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_ge_p3_to_p2
+#define ge_p3_to_cached crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_ge_p3_to_cached
+#define ge_p1p1_to_p2 crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_ge_p1p1_to_p2
+#define ge_p1p1_to_p3 crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_ge_p1p1_to_p3
+#define ge_p2_dbl crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_ge_p2_dbl
+#define ge_p3_dbl crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_ge_p3_dbl
+#define ge_madd crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_ge_madd
+#define ge_msub crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_ge_msub
+#define ge_add crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_ge_add
+#define ge_sub crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_ge_sub
+#define ge_scalarmult_base crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_ge_scalarmult_base
+#define ge_double_scalarmult_vartime crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_ge_double_scalarmult_vartime
+extern void ge_tobytes(unsigned char *,const ge_p2 *);
+extern void ge_p3_tobytes(unsigned char *,const ge_p3 *);
+extern int ge_frombytes_negate_vartime(ge_p3 *,const unsigned char *);
+extern void ge_p2_0(ge_p2 *);
+extern void ge_p3_0(ge_p3 *);
+extern void ge_precomp_0(ge_precomp *);
+extern void ge_p3_to_p2(ge_p2 *,const ge_p3 *);
+extern void ge_p3_to_cached(ge_cached *,const ge_p3 *);
+extern void ge_p1p1_to_p2(ge_p2 *,const ge_p1p1 *);
+extern void ge_p1p1_to_p3(ge_p3 *,const ge_p1p1 *);
+extern void ge_p2_dbl(ge_p1p1 *,const ge_p2 *);
+extern void ge_p3_dbl(ge_p1p1 *,const ge_p3 *);
+extern void ge_madd(ge_p1p1 *,const ge_p3 *,const ge_precomp *);
+extern void ge_msub(ge_p1p1 *,const ge_p3 *,const ge_precomp *);
+extern void ge_add(ge_p1p1 *,const ge_p3 *,const ge_cached *);
+extern void ge_sub(ge_p1p1 *,const ge_p3 *,const ge_cached *);
+extern void ge_scalarmult_base(ge_p3 *,const unsigned char *);
+extern void ge_double_scalarmult_vartime(ge_p2 *,const unsigned char *,const ge_p3 *,const unsigned char *);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_add.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_add.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da7ff5d2eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_add.c
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#include "ge.h"
+r = p + q
+void ge_add(ge_p1p1 *r,const ge_p3 *p,const ge_cached *q)
+ fe t0;
+#include "ge_add.h"
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_add.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_add.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7481f8ffbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_add.h
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+/* qhasm: enter ge_add */
+/* qhasm: fe X1 */
+/* qhasm: fe Y1 */
+/* qhasm: fe Z1 */
+/* qhasm: fe Z2 */
+/* qhasm: fe T1 */
+/* qhasm: fe ZZ */
+/* qhasm: fe YpX2 */
+/* qhasm: fe YmX2 */
+/* qhasm: fe T2d2 */
+/* qhasm: fe X3 */
+/* qhasm: fe Y3 */
+/* qhasm: fe Z3 */
+/* qhasm: fe T3 */
+/* qhasm: fe YpX1 */
+/* qhasm: fe YmX1 */
+/* qhasm: fe A */
+/* qhasm: fe B */
+/* qhasm: fe C */
+/* qhasm: fe D */
+/* qhasm: YpX1 = Y1+X1 */
+/* asm 1: fe_add(>YpX1=fe#1,<Y1=fe#12,<X1=fe#11); */
+/* asm 2: fe_add(>YpX1=r->X,<Y1=p->Y,<X1=p->X); */
+/* qhasm: YmX1 = Y1-X1 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sub(>YmX1=fe#2,<Y1=fe#12,<X1=fe#11); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sub(>YmX1=r->Y,<Y1=p->Y,<X1=p->X); */
+/* qhasm: A = YpX1*YpX2 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>A=fe#3,<YpX1=fe#1,<YpX2=fe#15); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>A=r->Z,<YpX1=r->X,<YpX2=q->YplusX); */
+/* qhasm: B = YmX1*YmX2 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>B=fe#2,<YmX1=fe#2,<YmX2=fe#16); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>B=r->Y,<YmX1=r->Y,<YmX2=q->YminusX); */
+/* qhasm: C = T2d2*T1 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>C=fe#4,<T2d2=fe#18,<T1=fe#14); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>C=r->T,<T2d2=q->T2d,<T1=p->T); */
+/* qhasm: ZZ = Z1*Z2 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>ZZ=fe#1,<Z1=fe#13,<Z2=fe#17); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>ZZ=r->X,<Z1=p->Z,<Z2=q->Z); */
+/* qhasm: D = 2*ZZ */
+/* asm 1: fe_add(>D=fe#5,<ZZ=fe#1,<ZZ=fe#1); */
+/* asm 2: fe_add(>D=t0,<ZZ=r->X,<ZZ=r->X); */
+/* qhasm: X3 = A-B */
+/* asm 1: fe_sub(>X3=fe#1,<A=fe#3,<B=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sub(>X3=r->X,<A=r->Z,<B=r->Y); */
+/* qhasm: Y3 = A+B */
+/* asm 1: fe_add(>Y3=fe#2,<A=fe#3,<B=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_add(>Y3=r->Y,<A=r->Z,<B=r->Y); */
+/* qhasm: Z3 = D+C */
+/* asm 1: fe_add(>Z3=fe#3,<D=fe#5,<C=fe#4); */
+/* asm 2: fe_add(>Z3=r->Z,<D=t0,<C=r->T); */
+/* qhasm: T3 = D-C */
+/* asm 1: fe_sub(>T3=fe#4,<D=fe#5,<C=fe#4); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sub(>T3=r->T,<D=t0,<C=r->T); */
+/* qhasm: return */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_double_scalarmult.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_double_scalarmult.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8bf4bf775
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_double_scalarmult.c
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#include "ge.h"
+static void slide(signed char *r,const unsigned char *a)
+ int i;
+ int b;
+ int k;
+ for (i = 0;i < 256;++i)
+ r[i] = 1 & (a[i >> 3] >> (i & 7));
+ for (i = 0;i < 256;++i)
+ if (r[i]) {
+ for (b = 1;b <= 6 && i + b < 256;++b) {
+ if (r[i + b]) {
+ if (r[i] + (r[i + b] << b) <= 15) {
+ r[i] += r[i + b] << b; r[i + b] = 0;
+ } else if (r[i] - (r[i + b] << b) >= -15) {
+ r[i] -= r[i + b] << b;
+ for (k = i + b;k < 256;++k) {
+ if (!r[k]) {
+ r[k] = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ r[k] = 0;
+ }
+ } else
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static ge_precomp Bi[8] = {
+#include "base2.h"
+} ;
+r = a * A + b * B
+where a = a[0]+256*a[1]+...+256^31 a[31].
+and b = b[0]+256*b[1]+...+256^31 b[31].
+B is the Ed25519 base point (x,4/5) with x positive.
+void ge_double_scalarmult_vartime(ge_p2 *r,const unsigned char *a,const ge_p3 *A,const unsigned char *b)
+ signed char aslide[256];
+ signed char bslide[256];
+ ge_cached Ai[8]; /* A,3A,5A,7A,9A,11A,13A,15A */
+ ge_p1p1 t;
+ ge_p3 u;
+ ge_p3 A2;
+ int i;
+ slide(aslide,a);
+ slide(bslide,b);
+ ge_p3_to_cached(&Ai[0],A);
+ ge_p3_dbl(&t,A); ge_p1p1_to_p3(&A2,&t);
+ ge_add(&t,&A2,&Ai[0]); ge_p1p1_to_p3(&u,&t); ge_p3_to_cached(&Ai[1],&u);
+ ge_add(&t,&A2,&Ai[1]); ge_p1p1_to_p3(&u,&t); ge_p3_to_cached(&Ai[2],&u);
+ ge_add(&t,&A2,&Ai[2]); ge_p1p1_to_p3(&u,&t); ge_p3_to_cached(&Ai[3],&u);
+ ge_add(&t,&A2,&Ai[3]); ge_p1p1_to_p3(&u,&t); ge_p3_to_cached(&Ai[4],&u);
+ ge_add(&t,&A2,&Ai[4]); ge_p1p1_to_p3(&u,&t); ge_p3_to_cached(&Ai[5],&u);
+ ge_add(&t,&A2,&Ai[5]); ge_p1p1_to_p3(&u,&t); ge_p3_to_cached(&Ai[6],&u);
+ ge_add(&t,&A2,&Ai[6]); ge_p1p1_to_p3(&u,&t); ge_p3_to_cached(&Ai[7],&u);
+ ge_p2_0(r);
+ for (i = 255;i >= 0;--i) {
+ if (aslide[i] || bslide[i]) break;
+ }
+ for (;i >= 0;--i) {
+ ge_p2_dbl(&t,r);
+ if (aslide[i] > 0) {
+ ge_p1p1_to_p3(&u,&t);
+ ge_add(&t,&u,&Ai[aslide[i]/2]);
+ } else if (aslide[i] < 0) {
+ ge_p1p1_to_p3(&u,&t);
+ ge_sub(&t,&u,&Ai[(-aslide[i])/2]);
+ }
+ if (bslide[i] > 0) {
+ ge_p1p1_to_p3(&u,&t);
+ ge_madd(&t,&u,&Bi[bslide[i]/2]);
+ } else if (bslide[i] < 0) {
+ ge_p1p1_to_p3(&u,&t);
+ ge_msub(&t,&u,&Bi[(-bslide[i])/2]);
+ }
+ ge_p1p1_to_p2(r,&t);
+ }
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_frombytes.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_frombytes.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a059ee93f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_frombytes.c
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#include "ge.h"
+static const fe d = {
+#include "d.h"
+} ;
+static const fe sqrtm1 = {
+#include "sqrtm1.h"
+} ;
+int ge_frombytes_negate_vartime(ge_p3 *h,const unsigned char *s)
+ fe u;
+ fe v;
+ fe v3;
+ fe vxx;
+ fe check;
+ fe_frombytes(h->Y,s);
+ fe_1(h->Z);
+ fe_sq(u,h->Y);
+ fe_mul(v,u,d);
+ fe_sub(u,u,h->Z); /* u = y^2-1 */
+ fe_add(v,v,h->Z); /* v = dy^2+1 */
+ fe_sq(v3,v);
+ fe_mul(v3,v3,v); /* v3 = v^3 */
+ fe_sq(h->X,v3);
+ fe_mul(h->X,h->X,v);
+ fe_mul(h->X,h->X,u); /* x = uv^7 */
+ fe_pow22523(h->X,h->X); /* x = (uv^7)^((q-5)/8) */
+ fe_mul(h->X,h->X,v3);
+ fe_mul(h->X,h->X,u); /* x = uv^3(uv^7)^((q-5)/8) */
+ fe_sq(vxx,h->X);
+ fe_mul(vxx,vxx,v);
+ fe_sub(check,vxx,u); /* vx^2-u */
+ if (fe_isnonzero(check)) {
+ fe_add(check,vxx,u); /* vx^2+u */
+ if (fe_isnonzero(check)) return -1;
+ fe_mul(h->X,h->X,sqrtm1);
+ }
+ if (fe_isnegative(h->X) == (s[31] >> 7))
+ fe_neg(h->X,h->X);
+ fe_mul(h->T,h->X,h->Y);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_madd.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_madd.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..622571774b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_madd.c
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#include "ge.h"
+r = p + q
+void ge_madd(ge_p1p1 *r,const ge_p3 *p,const ge_precomp *q)
+ fe t0;
+#include "ge_madd.h"
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_madd.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_madd.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ecae84952b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_madd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+/* qhasm: enter ge_madd */
+/* qhasm: fe X1 */
+/* qhasm: fe Y1 */
+/* qhasm: fe Z1 */
+/* qhasm: fe T1 */
+/* qhasm: fe ypx2 */
+/* qhasm: fe ymx2 */
+/* qhasm: fe xy2d2 */
+/* qhasm: fe X3 */
+/* qhasm: fe Y3 */
+/* qhasm: fe Z3 */
+/* qhasm: fe T3 */
+/* qhasm: fe YpX1 */
+/* qhasm: fe YmX1 */
+/* qhasm: fe A */
+/* qhasm: fe B */
+/* qhasm: fe C */
+/* qhasm: fe D */
+/* qhasm: YpX1 = Y1+X1 */
+/* asm 1: fe_add(>YpX1=fe#1,<Y1=fe#12,<X1=fe#11); */
+/* asm 2: fe_add(>YpX1=r->X,<Y1=p->Y,<X1=p->X); */
+/* qhasm: YmX1 = Y1-X1 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sub(>YmX1=fe#2,<Y1=fe#12,<X1=fe#11); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sub(>YmX1=r->Y,<Y1=p->Y,<X1=p->X); */
+/* qhasm: A = YpX1*ypx2 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>A=fe#3,<YpX1=fe#1,<ypx2=fe#15); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>A=r->Z,<YpX1=r->X,<ypx2=q->yplusx); */
+/* qhasm: B = YmX1*ymx2 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>B=fe#2,<YmX1=fe#2,<ymx2=fe#16); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>B=r->Y,<YmX1=r->Y,<ymx2=q->yminusx); */
+/* qhasm: C = xy2d2*T1 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>C=fe#4,<xy2d2=fe#17,<T1=fe#14); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>C=r->T,<xy2d2=q->xy2d,<T1=p->T); */
+/* qhasm: D = 2*Z1 */
+/* asm 1: fe_add(>D=fe#5,<Z1=fe#13,<Z1=fe#13); */
+/* asm 2: fe_add(>D=t0,<Z1=p->Z,<Z1=p->Z); */
+/* qhasm: X3 = A-B */
+/* asm 1: fe_sub(>X3=fe#1,<A=fe#3,<B=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sub(>X3=r->X,<A=r->Z,<B=r->Y); */
+/* qhasm: Y3 = A+B */
+/* asm 1: fe_add(>Y3=fe#2,<A=fe#3,<B=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_add(>Y3=r->Y,<A=r->Z,<B=r->Y); */
+/* qhasm: Z3 = D+C */
+/* asm 1: fe_add(>Z3=fe#3,<D=fe#5,<C=fe#4); */
+/* asm 2: fe_add(>Z3=r->Z,<D=t0,<C=r->T); */
+/* qhasm: T3 = D-C */
+/* asm 1: fe_sub(>T3=fe#4,<D=fe#5,<C=fe#4); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sub(>T3=r->T,<D=t0,<C=r->T); */
+/* qhasm: return */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_msub.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_msub.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..741ecbf113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_msub.c
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#include "ge.h"
+r = p - q
+void ge_msub(ge_p1p1 *r,const ge_p3 *p,const ge_precomp *q)
+ fe t0;
+#include "ge_msub.h"
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_msub.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_msub.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..500f986ba0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_msub.h
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+/* qhasm: enter ge_msub */
+/* qhasm: fe X1 */
+/* qhasm: fe Y1 */
+/* qhasm: fe Z1 */
+/* qhasm: fe T1 */
+/* qhasm: fe ypx2 */
+/* qhasm: fe ymx2 */
+/* qhasm: fe xy2d2 */
+/* qhasm: fe X3 */
+/* qhasm: fe Y3 */
+/* qhasm: fe Z3 */
+/* qhasm: fe T3 */
+/* qhasm: fe YpX1 */
+/* qhasm: fe YmX1 */
+/* qhasm: fe A */
+/* qhasm: fe B */
+/* qhasm: fe C */
+/* qhasm: fe D */
+/* qhasm: YpX1 = Y1+X1 */
+/* asm 1: fe_add(>YpX1=fe#1,<Y1=fe#12,<X1=fe#11); */
+/* asm 2: fe_add(>YpX1=r->X,<Y1=p->Y,<X1=p->X); */
+/* qhasm: YmX1 = Y1-X1 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sub(>YmX1=fe#2,<Y1=fe#12,<X1=fe#11); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sub(>YmX1=r->Y,<Y1=p->Y,<X1=p->X); */
+/* qhasm: A = YpX1*ymx2 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>A=fe#3,<YpX1=fe#1,<ymx2=fe#16); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>A=r->Z,<YpX1=r->X,<ymx2=q->yminusx); */
+/* qhasm: B = YmX1*ypx2 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>B=fe#2,<YmX1=fe#2,<ypx2=fe#15); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>B=r->Y,<YmX1=r->Y,<ypx2=q->yplusx); */
+/* qhasm: C = xy2d2*T1 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>C=fe#4,<xy2d2=fe#17,<T1=fe#14); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>C=r->T,<xy2d2=q->xy2d,<T1=p->T); */
+/* qhasm: D = 2*Z1 */
+/* asm 1: fe_add(>D=fe#5,<Z1=fe#13,<Z1=fe#13); */
+/* asm 2: fe_add(>D=t0,<Z1=p->Z,<Z1=p->Z); */
+/* qhasm: X3 = A-B */
+/* asm 1: fe_sub(>X3=fe#1,<A=fe#3,<B=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sub(>X3=r->X,<A=r->Z,<B=r->Y); */
+/* qhasm: Y3 = A+B */
+/* asm 1: fe_add(>Y3=fe#2,<A=fe#3,<B=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_add(>Y3=r->Y,<A=r->Z,<B=r->Y); */
+/* qhasm: Z3 = D-C */
+/* asm 1: fe_sub(>Z3=fe#3,<D=fe#5,<C=fe#4); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sub(>Z3=r->Z,<D=t0,<C=r->T); */
+/* qhasm: T3 = D+C */
+/* asm 1: fe_add(>T3=fe#4,<D=fe#5,<C=fe#4); */
+/* asm 2: fe_add(>T3=r->T,<D=t0,<C=r->T); */
+/* qhasm: return */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p1p1_to_p2.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p1p1_to_p2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9bb5013d66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p1p1_to_p2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#include "ge.h"
+r = p
+extern void ge_p1p1_to_p2(ge_p2 *r,const ge_p1p1 *p)
+ fe_mul(r->X,p->X,p->T);
+ fe_mul(r->Y,p->Y,p->Z);
+ fe_mul(r->Z,p->Z,p->T);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p1p1_to_p3.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p1p1_to_p3.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f57b10968
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p1p1_to_p3.c
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#include "ge.h"
+r = p
+extern void ge_p1p1_to_p3(ge_p3 *r,const ge_p1p1 *p)
+ fe_mul(r->X,p->X,p->T);
+ fe_mul(r->Y,p->Y,p->Z);
+ fe_mul(r->Z,p->Z,p->T);
+ fe_mul(r->T,p->X,p->Y);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p2_0.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p2_0.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6191d1e6e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p2_0.c
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#include "ge.h"
+void ge_p2_0(ge_p2 *h)
+ fe_0(h->X);
+ fe_1(h->Y);
+ fe_1(h->Z);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p2_dbl.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p2_dbl.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e332b5cee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p2_dbl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#include "ge.h"
+r = 2 * p
+void ge_p2_dbl(ge_p1p1 *r,const ge_p2 *p)
+ fe t0;
+#include "ge_p2_dbl.h"
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p2_dbl.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p2_dbl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..128efed907
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p2_dbl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+/* qhasm: enter ge_p2_dbl */
+/* qhasm: fe X1 */
+/* qhasm: fe Y1 */
+/* qhasm: fe Z1 */
+/* qhasm: fe A */
+/* qhasm: fe AA */
+/* qhasm: fe XX */
+/* qhasm: fe YY */
+/* qhasm: fe B */
+/* qhasm: fe X3 */
+/* qhasm: fe Y3 */
+/* qhasm: fe Z3 */
+/* qhasm: fe T3 */
+/* qhasm: XX=X1^2 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>XX=fe#1,<X1=fe#11); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>XX=r->X,<X1=p->X); */
+/* qhasm: YY=Y1^2 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>YY=fe#3,<Y1=fe#12); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>YY=r->Z,<Y1=p->Y); */
+/* qhasm: B=2*Z1^2 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq2(>B=fe#4,<Z1=fe#13); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq2(>B=r->T,<Z1=p->Z); */
+/* qhasm: A=X1+Y1 */
+/* asm 1: fe_add(>A=fe#2,<X1=fe#11,<Y1=fe#12); */
+/* asm 2: fe_add(>A=r->Y,<X1=p->X,<Y1=p->Y); */
+/* qhasm: AA=A^2 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>AA=fe#5,<A=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>AA=t0,<A=r->Y); */
+/* qhasm: Y3=YY+XX */
+/* asm 1: fe_add(>Y3=fe#2,<YY=fe#3,<XX=fe#1); */
+/* asm 2: fe_add(>Y3=r->Y,<YY=r->Z,<XX=r->X); */
+/* qhasm: Z3=YY-XX */
+/* asm 1: fe_sub(>Z3=fe#3,<YY=fe#3,<XX=fe#1); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sub(>Z3=r->Z,<YY=r->Z,<XX=r->X); */
+/* qhasm: X3=AA-Y3 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sub(>X3=fe#1,<AA=fe#5,<Y3=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sub(>X3=r->X,<AA=t0,<Y3=r->Y); */
+/* qhasm: T3=B-Z3 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sub(>T3=fe#4,<B=fe#4,<Z3=fe#3); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sub(>T3=r->T,<B=r->T,<Z3=r->Z); */
+/* qhasm: return */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p3_0.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p3_0.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..401b2935a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p3_0.c
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#include "ge.h"
+void ge_p3_0(ge_p3 *h)
+ fe_0(h->X);
+ fe_1(h->Y);
+ fe_1(h->Z);
+ fe_0(h->T);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p3_dbl.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p3_dbl.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d8a05915d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p3_dbl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#include "ge.h"
+r = 2 * p
+void ge_p3_dbl(ge_p1p1 *r,const ge_p3 *p)
+ ge_p2 q;
+ ge_p3_to_p2(&q,p);
+ ge_p2_dbl(r,&q);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p3_to_cached.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p3_to_cached.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bde64228cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p3_to_cached.c
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#include "ge.h"
+r = p
+static const fe d2 = {
+#include "d2.h"
+} ;
+extern void ge_p3_to_cached(ge_cached *r,const ge_p3 *p)
+ fe_add(r->YplusX,p->Y,p->X);
+ fe_sub(r->YminusX,p->Y,p->X);
+ fe_copy(r->Z,p->Z);
+ fe_mul(r->T2d,p->T,d2);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p3_to_p2.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p3_to_p2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e532a9e4cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p3_to_p2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#include "ge.h"
+r = p
+extern void ge_p3_to_p2(ge_p2 *r,const ge_p3 *p)
+ fe_copy(r->X,p->X);
+ fe_copy(r->Y,p->Y);
+ fe_copy(r->Z,p->Z);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p3_tobytes.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p3_tobytes.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21cb2fc656
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_p3_tobytes.c
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#include "ge.h"
+void ge_p3_tobytes(unsigned char *s,const ge_p3 *h)
+ fe recip;
+ fe x;
+ fe y;
+ fe_invert(recip,h->Z);
+ fe_mul(x,h->X,recip);
+ fe_mul(y,h->Y,recip);
+ fe_tobytes(s,y);
+ s[31] ^= fe_isnegative(x) << 7;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_precomp_0.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_precomp_0.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e218861d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_precomp_0.c
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#include "ge.h"
+void ge_precomp_0(ge_precomp *h)
+ fe_1(h->yplusx);
+ fe_1(h->yminusx);
+ fe_0(h->xy2d);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_scalarmult_base.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_scalarmult_base.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..421e4fa0fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_scalarmult_base.c
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#include "ge.h"
+#include "crypto_uint32.h"
+static unsigned char equal(signed char b,signed char c)
+ unsigned char ub = b;
+ unsigned char uc = c;
+ unsigned char x = ub ^ uc; /* 0: yes; 1..255: no */
+ crypto_uint32 y = x; /* 0: yes; 1..255: no */
+ y -= 1; /* 4294967295: yes; 0..254: no */
+ y >>= 31; /* 1: yes; 0: no */
+ return y;
+static unsigned char negative(signed char b)
+ unsigned long long x = b; /* 18446744073709551361..18446744073709551615: yes; 0..255: no */
+ x >>= 63; /* 1: yes; 0: no */
+ return x;
+static void cmov(ge_precomp *t,ge_precomp *u,unsigned char b)
+ fe_cmov(t->yplusx,u->yplusx,b);
+ fe_cmov(t->yminusx,u->yminusx,b);
+ fe_cmov(t->xy2d,u->xy2d,b);
+/* base[i][j] = (j+1)*256^i*B */
+static ge_precomp base[32][8] = {
+#include "base.h"
+} ;
+static void select(ge_precomp *t,int pos,signed char b)
+ ge_precomp minust;
+ unsigned char bnegative = negative(b);
+ unsigned char babs = b - (((-bnegative) & b) << 1);
+ ge_precomp_0(t);
+ cmov(t,&base[pos][0],equal(babs,1));
+ cmov(t,&base[pos][1],equal(babs,2));
+ cmov(t,&base[pos][2],equal(babs,3));
+ cmov(t,&base[pos][3],equal(babs,4));
+ cmov(t,&base[pos][4],equal(babs,5));
+ cmov(t,&base[pos][5],equal(babs,6));
+ cmov(t,&base[pos][6],equal(babs,7));
+ cmov(t,&base[pos][7],equal(babs,8));
+ fe_copy(minust.yplusx,t->yminusx);
+ fe_copy(minust.yminusx,t->yplusx);
+ fe_neg(minust.xy2d,t->xy2d);
+ cmov(t,&minust,bnegative);
+h = a * B
+where a = a[0]+256*a[1]+...+256^31 a[31]
+B is the Ed25519 base point (x,4/5) with x positive.
+ a[31] <= 127
+void ge_scalarmult_base(ge_p3 *h,const unsigned char *a)
+ signed char e[64];
+ signed char carry;
+ ge_p1p1 r;
+ ge_p2 s;
+ ge_precomp t;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0;i < 32;++i) {
+ e[2 * i + 0] = (a[i] >> 0) & 15;
+ e[2 * i + 1] = (a[i] >> 4) & 15;
+ }
+ /* each e[i] is between 0 and 15 */
+ /* e[63] is between 0 and 7 */
+ carry = 0;
+ for (i = 0;i < 63;++i) {
+ e[i] += carry;
+ carry = e[i] + 8;
+ carry >>= 4;
+ e[i] -= carry << 4;
+ }
+ e[63] += carry;
+ /* each e[i] is between -8 and 8 */
+ ge_p3_0(h);
+ for (i = 1;i < 64;i += 2) {
+ select(&t,i / 2,e[i]);
+ ge_madd(&r,h,&t); ge_p1p1_to_p3(h,&r);
+ }
+ ge_p3_dbl(&r,h); ge_p1p1_to_p2(&s,&r);
+ ge_p2_dbl(&r,&s); ge_p1p1_to_p2(&s,&r);
+ ge_p2_dbl(&r,&s); ge_p1p1_to_p2(&s,&r);
+ ge_p2_dbl(&r,&s); ge_p1p1_to_p3(h,&r);
+ for (i = 0;i < 64;i += 2) {
+ select(&t,i / 2,e[i]);
+ ge_madd(&r,h,&t); ge_p1p1_to_p3(h,&r);
+ }
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_sub.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_sub.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69f3d54062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_sub.c
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#include "ge.h"
+r = p - q
+void ge_sub(ge_p1p1 *r,const ge_p3 *p,const ge_cached *q)
+ fe t0;
+#include "ge_sub.h"
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_sub.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_sub.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4ef1f5dd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_sub.h
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+/* qhasm: enter ge_sub */
+/* qhasm: fe X1 */
+/* qhasm: fe Y1 */
+/* qhasm: fe Z1 */
+/* qhasm: fe Z2 */
+/* qhasm: fe T1 */
+/* qhasm: fe ZZ */
+/* qhasm: fe YpX2 */
+/* qhasm: fe YmX2 */
+/* qhasm: fe T2d2 */
+/* qhasm: fe X3 */
+/* qhasm: fe Y3 */
+/* qhasm: fe Z3 */
+/* qhasm: fe T3 */
+/* qhasm: fe YpX1 */
+/* qhasm: fe YmX1 */
+/* qhasm: fe A */
+/* qhasm: fe B */
+/* qhasm: fe C */
+/* qhasm: fe D */
+/* qhasm: YpX1 = Y1+X1 */
+/* asm 1: fe_add(>YpX1=fe#1,<Y1=fe#12,<X1=fe#11); */
+/* asm 2: fe_add(>YpX1=r->X,<Y1=p->Y,<X1=p->X); */
+/* qhasm: YmX1 = Y1-X1 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sub(>YmX1=fe#2,<Y1=fe#12,<X1=fe#11); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sub(>YmX1=r->Y,<Y1=p->Y,<X1=p->X); */
+/* qhasm: A = YpX1*YmX2 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>A=fe#3,<YpX1=fe#1,<YmX2=fe#16); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>A=r->Z,<YpX1=r->X,<YmX2=q->YminusX); */
+/* qhasm: B = YmX1*YpX2 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>B=fe#2,<YmX1=fe#2,<YpX2=fe#15); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>B=r->Y,<YmX1=r->Y,<YpX2=q->YplusX); */
+/* qhasm: C = T2d2*T1 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>C=fe#4,<T2d2=fe#18,<T1=fe#14); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>C=r->T,<T2d2=q->T2d,<T1=p->T); */
+/* qhasm: ZZ = Z1*Z2 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>ZZ=fe#1,<Z1=fe#13,<Z2=fe#17); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>ZZ=r->X,<Z1=p->Z,<Z2=q->Z); */
+/* qhasm: D = 2*ZZ */
+/* asm 1: fe_add(>D=fe#5,<ZZ=fe#1,<ZZ=fe#1); */
+/* asm 2: fe_add(>D=t0,<ZZ=r->X,<ZZ=r->X); */
+/* qhasm: X3 = A-B */
+/* asm 1: fe_sub(>X3=fe#1,<A=fe#3,<B=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sub(>X3=r->X,<A=r->Z,<B=r->Y); */
+/* qhasm: Y3 = A+B */
+/* asm 1: fe_add(>Y3=fe#2,<A=fe#3,<B=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_add(>Y3=r->Y,<A=r->Z,<B=r->Y); */
+/* qhasm: Z3 = D-C */
+/* asm 1: fe_sub(>Z3=fe#3,<D=fe#5,<C=fe#4); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sub(>Z3=r->Z,<D=t0,<C=r->T); */
+/* qhasm: T3 = D+C */
+/* asm 1: fe_add(>T3=fe#4,<D=fe#5,<C=fe#4); */
+/* asm 2: fe_add(>T3=r->T,<D=t0,<C=r->T); */
+/* qhasm: return */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_tobytes.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_tobytes.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31b3d33e09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/ge_tobytes.c
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#include "ge.h"
+void ge_tobytes(unsigned char *s,const ge_p2 *h)
+ fe recip;
+ fe x;
+ fe y;
+ fe_invert(recip,h->Z);
+ fe_mul(x,h->X,recip);
+ fe_mul(y,h->Y,recip);
+ fe_tobytes(s,y);
+ s[31] ^= fe_isnegative(x) << 7;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_includes/crypto_int32.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_includes/crypto_int32.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cae135e6e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_includes/crypto_int32.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#ifndef crypto_int32_h
+#define crypto_int32_h
+typedef int crypto_int32;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_includes/crypto_int64.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_includes/crypto_int64.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc92417b62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_includes/crypto_int64.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#ifndef crypto_int64_h
+#define crypto_int64_h
+typedef long long crypto_int64;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_includes/crypto_sign.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_includes/crypto_sign.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8472603e91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_includes/crypto_sign.h
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#ifndef crypto_sign_H
+#define crypto_sign_H
+#include "crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch.h"
+#define crypto_sign crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch
+#define crypto_sign_open crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_open
+#define crypto_sign_keypair crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_keypair
+#define crypto_sign_BYTES crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_BYTES
+#define crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_PUBLICKEYBYTES
+#define crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_SECRETKEYBYTES
+#define crypto_sign_PRIMITIVE "edwards25519sha512batch"
+#define crypto_sign_IMPLEMENTATION crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_IMPLEMENTATION
+#define crypto_sign_VERSION crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_VERSION
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_includes/crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_includes/crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62fae61163
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_includes/crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#ifndef crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_H
+#define crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_H
+#define crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_ref10_SECRETKEYBYTES 64
+#define crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_ref10_PUBLICKEYBYTES 32
+#define crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_ref10_BYTES 64
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include <string>
+extern std::string crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_ref10(const std::string &,const std::string &);
+extern std::string crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_ref10_open(const std::string &,const std::string &);
+extern std::string crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_ref10_keypair(std::string *);
+extern "C" {
+extern int crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_ref10(unsigned char *,unsigned long long *,const unsigned char *,unsigned long long,const unsigned char *);
+extern int crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_ref10_open(unsigned char *,unsigned long long *,const unsigned char *,unsigned long long,const unsigned char *);
+extern int crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_ref10_keypair(unsigned char *,unsigned char *);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_ref10
+#define crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_open crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_ref10_open
+#define crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_keypair crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_ref10_keypair
+#define crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_BYTES crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_ref10_BYTES
+#define crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_PUBLICKEYBYTES crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_ref10_PUBLICKEYBYTES
+#define crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_SECRETKEYBYTES crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_ref10_SECRETKEYBYTES
+#define crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_IMPLEMENTATION "crypto_sign/edwards25519sha512batch/ref10"
+#ifndef crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_ref10_VERSION
+#define crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_ref10_VERSION "-"
+#define crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_VERSION crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_ref10_VERSION
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_includes/crypto_uint32.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_includes/crypto_uint32.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21020d7b57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_includes/crypto_uint32.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#ifndef crypto_uint32_h
+#define crypto_uint32_h
+typedef unsigned int crypto_uint32;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_includes/crypto_uint64.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_includes/crypto_uint64.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5aa0070375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_includes/crypto_uint64.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#ifndef crypto_uint64_h
+#define crypto_uint64_h
+typedef unsigned long long crypto_uint64;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_includes/crypto_verify_32.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_includes/crypto_verify_32.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..978d845222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_includes/crypto_verify_32.h
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#ifndef crypto_verify_32_H
+#define crypto_verify_32_H
+#define crypto_verify_32_ref_BYTES 32
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include <string>
+extern "C" {
+extern int crypto_verify_32_ref(const unsigned char *,const unsigned char *);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define crypto_verify_32 crypto_verify_32_ref
+#define crypto_verify_32_BYTES crypto_verify_32_ref_BYTES
+#define crypto_verify_32_IMPLEMENTATION "crypto_verify/32/ref"
+#ifndef crypto_verify_32_ref_VERSION
+#define crypto_verify_32_ref_VERSION "-"
+#define crypto_verify_32_VERSION crypto_verify_32_ref_VERSION
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_sha512/blocks.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_sha512/blocks.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c5f23d5cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_sha512/blocks.c
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+#include <stdint.h>
+typedef uint64_t uint64;
+static uint64 load_bigendian(const unsigned char *x)
+ return
+ (uint64) (x[7]) \
+ | (((uint64) (x[6])) << 8) \
+ | (((uint64) (x[5])) << 16) \
+ | (((uint64) (x[4])) << 24) \
+ | (((uint64) (x[3])) << 32) \
+ | (((uint64) (x[2])) << 40) \
+ | (((uint64) (x[1])) << 48) \
+ | (((uint64) (x[0])) << 56)
+ ;
+static void store_bigendian(unsigned char *x,uint64 u)
+ x[7] = u; u >>= 8;
+ x[6] = u; u >>= 8;
+ x[5] = u; u >>= 8;
+ x[4] = u; u >>= 8;
+ x[3] = u; u >>= 8;
+ x[2] = u; u >>= 8;
+ x[1] = u; u >>= 8;
+ x[0] = u;
+#define SHR(x,c) ((x) >> (c))
+#define ROTR(x,c) (((x) >> (c)) | ((x) << (64 - (c))))
+#define Ch(x,y,z) ((x & y) ^ (~x & z))
+#define Maj(x,y,z) ((x & y) ^ (x & z) ^ (y & z))
+#define Sigma0(x) (ROTR(x,28) ^ ROTR(x,34) ^ ROTR(x,39))
+#define Sigma1(x) (ROTR(x,14) ^ ROTR(x,18) ^ ROTR(x,41))
+#define sigma0(x) (ROTR(x, 1) ^ ROTR(x, 8) ^ SHR(x,7))
+#define sigma1(x) (ROTR(x,19) ^ ROTR(x,61) ^ SHR(x,6))
+#define M(w0,w14,w9,w1) w0 = sigma1(w14) + w9 + sigma0(w1) + w0;
+#define EXPAND \
+ M(w0 ,w14,w9 ,w1 ) \
+ M(w1 ,w15,w10,w2 ) \
+ M(w2 ,w0 ,w11,w3 ) \
+ M(w3 ,w1 ,w12,w4 ) \
+ M(w4 ,w2 ,w13,w5 ) \
+ M(w5 ,w3 ,w14,w6 ) \
+ M(w6 ,w4 ,w15,w7 ) \
+ M(w7 ,w5 ,w0 ,w8 ) \
+ M(w8 ,w6 ,w1 ,w9 ) \
+ M(w9 ,w7 ,w2 ,w10) \
+ M(w10,w8 ,w3 ,w11) \
+ M(w11,w9 ,w4 ,w12) \
+ M(w12,w10,w5 ,w13) \
+ M(w13,w11,w6 ,w14) \
+ M(w14,w12,w7 ,w15) \
+ M(w15,w13,w8 ,w0 )
+#define F(w,k) \
+ T1 = h + Sigma1(e) + Ch(e,f,g) + k + w; \
+ T2 = Sigma0(a) + Maj(a,b,c); \
+ h = g; \
+ g = f; \
+ f = e; \
+ e = d + T1; \
+ d = c; \
+ c = b; \
+ b = a; \
+ a = T1 + T2;
+int crypto_hashblocks_sha512(unsigned char *statebytes,const unsigned char *in,unsigned long long inlen)
+ uint64 state[8];
+ uint64 a;
+ uint64 b;
+ uint64 c;
+ uint64 d;
+ uint64 e;
+ uint64 f;
+ uint64 g;
+ uint64 h;
+ uint64 T1;
+ uint64 T2;
+ a = load_bigendian(statebytes + 0); state[0] = a;
+ b = load_bigendian(statebytes + 8); state[1] = b;
+ c = load_bigendian(statebytes + 16); state[2] = c;
+ d = load_bigendian(statebytes + 24); state[3] = d;
+ e = load_bigendian(statebytes + 32); state[4] = e;
+ f = load_bigendian(statebytes + 40); state[5] = f;
+ g = load_bigendian(statebytes + 48); state[6] = g;
+ h = load_bigendian(statebytes + 56); state[7] = h;
+ while (inlen >= 128) {
+ uint64 w0 = load_bigendian(in + 0);
+ uint64 w1 = load_bigendian(in + 8);
+ uint64 w2 = load_bigendian(in + 16);
+ uint64 w3 = load_bigendian(in + 24);
+ uint64 w4 = load_bigendian(in + 32);
+ uint64 w5 = load_bigendian(in + 40);
+ uint64 w6 = load_bigendian(in + 48);
+ uint64 w7 = load_bigendian(in + 56);
+ uint64 w8 = load_bigendian(in + 64);
+ uint64 w9 = load_bigendian(in + 72);
+ uint64 w10 = load_bigendian(in + 80);
+ uint64 w11 = load_bigendian(in + 88);
+ uint64 w12 = load_bigendian(in + 96);
+ uint64 w13 = load_bigendian(in + 104);
+ uint64 w14 = load_bigendian(in + 112);
+ uint64 w15 = load_bigendian(in + 120);
+ F(w0 ,0x428a2f98d728ae22ULL)
+ F(w1 ,0x7137449123ef65cdULL)
+ F(w2 ,0xb5c0fbcfec4d3b2fULL)
+ F(w3 ,0xe9b5dba58189dbbcULL)
+ F(w4 ,0x3956c25bf348b538ULL)
+ F(w5 ,0x59f111f1b605d019ULL)
+ F(w6 ,0x923f82a4af194f9bULL)
+ F(w7 ,0xab1c5ed5da6d8118ULL)
+ F(w8 ,0xd807aa98a3030242ULL)
+ F(w9 ,0x12835b0145706fbeULL)
+ F(w10,0x243185be4ee4b28cULL)
+ F(w11,0x550c7dc3d5ffb4e2ULL)
+ F(w12,0x72be5d74f27b896fULL)
+ F(w13,0x80deb1fe3b1696b1ULL)
+ F(w14,0x9bdc06a725c71235ULL)
+ F(w15,0xc19bf174cf692694ULL)
+ F(w0 ,0xe49b69c19ef14ad2ULL)
+ F(w1 ,0xefbe4786384f25e3ULL)
+ F(w2 ,0x0fc19dc68b8cd5b5ULL)
+ F(w3 ,0x240ca1cc77ac9c65ULL)
+ F(w4 ,0x2de92c6f592b0275ULL)
+ F(w5 ,0x4a7484aa6ea6e483ULL)
+ F(w6 ,0x5cb0a9dcbd41fbd4ULL)
+ F(w7 ,0x76f988da831153b5ULL)
+ F(w8 ,0x983e5152ee66dfabULL)
+ F(w9 ,0xa831c66d2db43210ULL)
+ F(w10,0xb00327c898fb213fULL)
+ F(w11,0xbf597fc7beef0ee4ULL)
+ F(w12,0xc6e00bf33da88fc2ULL)
+ F(w13,0xd5a79147930aa725ULL)
+ F(w14,0x06ca6351e003826fULL)
+ F(w15,0x142929670a0e6e70ULL)
+ F(w0 ,0x27b70a8546d22ffcULL)
+ F(w1 ,0x2e1b21385c26c926ULL)
+ F(w2 ,0x4d2c6dfc5ac42aedULL)
+ F(w3 ,0x53380d139d95b3dfULL)
+ F(w4 ,0x650a73548baf63deULL)
+ F(w5 ,0x766a0abb3c77b2a8ULL)
+ F(w6 ,0x81c2c92e47edaee6ULL)
+ F(w7 ,0x92722c851482353bULL)
+ F(w8 ,0xa2bfe8a14cf10364ULL)
+ F(w9 ,0xa81a664bbc423001ULL)
+ F(w10,0xc24b8b70d0f89791ULL)
+ F(w11,0xc76c51a30654be30ULL)
+ F(w12,0xd192e819d6ef5218ULL)
+ F(w13,0xd69906245565a910ULL)
+ F(w14,0xf40e35855771202aULL)
+ F(w15,0x106aa07032bbd1b8ULL)
+ F(w0 ,0x19a4c116b8d2d0c8ULL)
+ F(w1 ,0x1e376c085141ab53ULL)
+ F(w2 ,0x2748774cdf8eeb99ULL)
+ F(w3 ,0x34b0bcb5e19b48a8ULL)
+ F(w4 ,0x391c0cb3c5c95a63ULL)
+ F(w5 ,0x4ed8aa4ae3418acbULL)
+ F(w6 ,0x5b9cca4f7763e373ULL)
+ F(w7 ,0x682e6ff3d6b2b8a3ULL)
+ F(w8 ,0x748f82ee5defb2fcULL)
+ F(w9 ,0x78a5636f43172f60ULL)
+ F(w10,0x84c87814a1f0ab72ULL)
+ F(w11,0x8cc702081a6439ecULL)
+ F(w12,0x90befffa23631e28ULL)
+ F(w13,0xa4506cebde82bde9ULL)
+ F(w14,0xbef9a3f7b2c67915ULL)
+ F(w15,0xc67178f2e372532bULL)
+ F(w0 ,0xca273eceea26619cULL)
+ F(w1 ,0xd186b8c721c0c207ULL)
+ F(w2 ,0xeada7dd6cde0eb1eULL)
+ F(w3 ,0xf57d4f7fee6ed178ULL)
+ F(w4 ,0x06f067aa72176fbaULL)
+ F(w5 ,0x0a637dc5a2c898a6ULL)
+ F(w6 ,0x113f9804bef90daeULL)
+ F(w7 ,0x1b710b35131c471bULL)
+ F(w8 ,0x28db77f523047d84ULL)
+ F(w9 ,0x32caab7b40c72493ULL)
+ F(w10,0x3c9ebe0a15c9bebcULL)
+ F(w11,0x431d67c49c100d4cULL)
+ F(w12,0x4cc5d4becb3e42b6ULL)
+ F(w13,0x597f299cfc657e2aULL)
+ F(w14,0x5fcb6fab3ad6faecULL)
+ F(w15,0x6c44198c4a475817ULL)
+ a += state[0];
+ b += state[1];
+ c += state[2];
+ d += state[3];
+ e += state[4];
+ f += state[5];
+ g += state[6];
+ h += state[7];
+ state[0] = a;
+ state[1] = b;
+ state[2] = c;
+ state[3] = d;
+ state[4] = e;
+ state[5] = f;
+ state[6] = g;
+ state[7] = h;
+ in += 128;
+ inlen -= 128;
+ }
+ store_bigendian(statebytes + 0,state[0]);
+ store_bigendian(statebytes + 8,state[1]);
+ store_bigendian(statebytes + 16,state[2]);
+ store_bigendian(statebytes + 24,state[3]);
+ store_bigendian(statebytes + 32,state[4]);
+ store_bigendian(statebytes + 40,state[5]);
+ store_bigendian(statebytes + 48,state[6]);
+ store_bigendian(statebytes + 56,state[7]);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_sha512/hash.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_sha512/hash.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8934cc18a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/nacl_sha512/hash.c
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+D. J. Bernstein
+Public domain.
+#include <stdint.h>
+typedef uint64_t uint64;
+extern int crypto_hashblocks_sha512(unsigned char *statebytes,const unsigned char *in,unsigned long long inlen);
+#define blocks crypto_hashblocks_sha512
+static const unsigned char iv[64] = {
+ 0x6a,0x09,0xe6,0x67,0xf3,0xbc,0xc9,0x08,
+ 0xbb,0x67,0xae,0x85,0x84,0xca,0xa7,0x3b,
+ 0x3c,0x6e,0xf3,0x72,0xfe,0x94,0xf8,0x2b,
+ 0xa5,0x4f,0xf5,0x3a,0x5f,0x1d,0x36,0xf1,
+ 0x51,0x0e,0x52,0x7f,0xad,0xe6,0x82,0xd1,
+ 0x9b,0x05,0x68,0x8c,0x2b,0x3e,0x6c,0x1f,
+ 0x1f,0x83,0xd9,0xab,0xfb,0x41,0xbd,0x6b,
+ 0x5b,0xe0,0xcd,0x19,0x13,0x7e,0x21,0x79
+} ;
+int crypto_hash_sha512(unsigned char *out,const unsigned char *in,unsigned long long inlen)
+ unsigned char h[64];
+ unsigned char padded[256];
+ int i;
+ unsigned long long bytes = inlen;
+ for (i = 0;i < 64;++i) h[i] = iv[i];
+ blocks(h,in,inlen);
+ in += inlen;
+ inlen &= 127;
+ in -= inlen;
+ for (i = 0;i < inlen;++i) padded[i] = in[i];
+ padded[inlen] = 0x80;
+ if (inlen < 112) {
+ for (i = inlen + 1;i < 119;++i) padded[i] = 0;
+ padded[119] = bytes >> 61;
+ padded[120] = bytes >> 53;
+ padded[121] = bytes >> 45;
+ padded[122] = bytes >> 37;
+ padded[123] = bytes >> 29;
+ padded[124] = bytes >> 21;
+ padded[125] = bytes >> 13;
+ padded[126] = bytes >> 5;
+ padded[127] = bytes << 3;
+ blocks(h,padded,128);
+ } else {
+ for (i = inlen + 1;i < 247;++i) padded[i] = 0;
+ padded[247] = bytes >> 61;
+ padded[248] = bytes >> 53;
+ padded[249] = bytes >> 45;
+ padded[250] = bytes >> 37;
+ padded[251] = bytes >> 29;
+ padded[252] = bytes >> 21;
+ padded[253] = bytes >> 13;
+ padded[254] = bytes >> 5;
+ padded[255] = bytes << 3;
+ blocks(h,padded,256);
+ }
+ for (i = 0;i < 64;++i) out[i] = h[i];
+ return 0;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/open.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/open.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ec4cd2bfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/open.c
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include "crypto_sign.h"
+#include "crypto_hash_sha512.h"
+#include "crypto_verify_32.h"
+#include "ge.h"
+#include "sc.h"
+int crypto_sign_open(
+ unsigned char *m,unsigned long long *mlen,
+ const unsigned char *sm,unsigned long long smlen,
+ const unsigned char *pk
+ unsigned char pkcopy[32];
+ unsigned char rcopy[32];
+ unsigned char scopy[32];
+ unsigned char h[64];
+ unsigned char rcheck[32];
+ ge_p3 A;
+ ge_p2 R;
+ if (smlen < 64) goto badsig;
+ if (sm[63] & 224) goto badsig;
+ if (ge_frombytes_negate_vartime(&A,pk) != 0) goto badsig;
+ memmove(pkcopy,pk,32);
+ memmove(rcopy,sm,32);
+ memmove(scopy,sm + 32,32);
+ memmove(m,sm,smlen);
+ memmove(m + 32,pkcopy,32);
+ crypto_hash_sha512(h,m,smlen);
+ sc_reduce(h);
+ ge_double_scalarmult_vartime(&R,h,&A,scopy);
+ ge_tobytes(rcheck,&R);
+ if (crypto_verify_32(rcheck,rcopy) == 0) {
+ memmove(m,m + 64,smlen - 64);
+ memset(m + smlen - 64,0,64);
+ *mlen = smlen - 64;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ *mlen = -1;
+ memset(m,0,smlen);
+ return -1;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/pow22523.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/pow22523.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..60ffe0d34c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/pow22523.h
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+/* qhasm: fe z1 */
+/* qhasm: fe z2 */
+/* qhasm: fe z8 */
+/* qhasm: fe z9 */
+/* qhasm: fe z11 */
+/* qhasm: fe z22 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_5_0 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_10_5 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_10_0 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_20_10 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_20_0 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_40_20 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_40_0 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_50_10 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_50_0 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_100_50 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_100_0 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_200_100 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_200_0 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_250_50 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_250_0 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_252_2 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_252_3 */
+/* qhasm: enter pow22523 */
+/* qhasm: z2 = z1^2^1 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>z2=fe#1,<z1=fe#11); for (i = 1;i < 1;++i) fe_sq(>z2=fe#1,>z2=fe#1); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>z2=t0,<z1=z); for (i = 1;i < 1;++i) fe_sq(>z2=t0,>z2=t0); */
+fe_sq(t0,z); for (i = 1;i < 1;++i) fe_sq(t0,t0);
+/* qhasm: z8 = z2^2^2 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>z8=fe#2,<z2=fe#1); for (i = 1;i < 2;++i) fe_sq(>z8=fe#2,>z8=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>z8=t1,<z2=t0); for (i = 1;i < 2;++i) fe_sq(>z8=t1,>z8=t1); */
+fe_sq(t1,t0); for (i = 1;i < 2;++i) fe_sq(t1,t1);
+/* qhasm: z9 = z1*z8 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>z9=fe#2,<z1=fe#11,<z8=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>z9=t1,<z1=z,<z8=t1); */
+/* qhasm: z11 = z2*z9 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>z11=fe#1,<z2=fe#1,<z9=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>z11=t0,<z2=t0,<z9=t1); */
+/* qhasm: z22 = z11^2^1 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>z22=fe#1,<z11=fe#1); for (i = 1;i < 1;++i) fe_sq(>z22=fe#1,>z22=fe#1); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>z22=t0,<z11=t0); for (i = 1;i < 1;++i) fe_sq(>z22=t0,>z22=t0); */
+fe_sq(t0,t0); for (i = 1;i < 1;++i) fe_sq(t0,t0);
+/* qhasm: z_5_0 = z9*z22 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>z_5_0=fe#1,<z9=fe#2,<z22=fe#1); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>z_5_0=t0,<z9=t1,<z22=t0); */
+/* qhasm: z_10_5 = z_5_0^2^5 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>z_10_5=fe#2,<z_5_0=fe#1); for (i = 1;i < 5;++i) fe_sq(>z_10_5=fe#2,>z_10_5=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>z_10_5=t1,<z_5_0=t0); for (i = 1;i < 5;++i) fe_sq(>z_10_5=t1,>z_10_5=t1); */
+fe_sq(t1,t0); for (i = 1;i < 5;++i) fe_sq(t1,t1);
+/* qhasm: z_10_0 = z_10_5*z_5_0 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>z_10_0=fe#1,<z_10_5=fe#2,<z_5_0=fe#1); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>z_10_0=t0,<z_10_5=t1,<z_5_0=t0); */
+/* qhasm: z_20_10 = z_10_0^2^10 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>z_20_10=fe#2,<z_10_0=fe#1); for (i = 1;i < 10;++i) fe_sq(>z_20_10=fe#2,>z_20_10=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>z_20_10=t1,<z_10_0=t0); for (i = 1;i < 10;++i) fe_sq(>z_20_10=t1,>z_20_10=t1); */
+fe_sq(t1,t0); for (i = 1;i < 10;++i) fe_sq(t1,t1);
+/* qhasm: z_20_0 = z_20_10*z_10_0 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>z_20_0=fe#2,<z_20_10=fe#2,<z_10_0=fe#1); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>z_20_0=t1,<z_20_10=t1,<z_10_0=t0); */
+/* qhasm: z_40_20 = z_20_0^2^20 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>z_40_20=fe#3,<z_20_0=fe#2); for (i = 1;i < 20;++i) fe_sq(>z_40_20=fe#3,>z_40_20=fe#3); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>z_40_20=t2,<z_20_0=t1); for (i = 1;i < 20;++i) fe_sq(>z_40_20=t2,>z_40_20=t2); */
+fe_sq(t2,t1); for (i = 1;i < 20;++i) fe_sq(t2,t2);
+/* qhasm: z_40_0 = z_40_20*z_20_0 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>z_40_0=fe#2,<z_40_20=fe#3,<z_20_0=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>z_40_0=t1,<z_40_20=t2,<z_20_0=t1); */
+/* qhasm: z_50_10 = z_40_0^2^10 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>z_50_10=fe#2,<z_40_0=fe#2); for (i = 1;i < 10;++i) fe_sq(>z_50_10=fe#2,>z_50_10=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>z_50_10=t1,<z_40_0=t1); for (i = 1;i < 10;++i) fe_sq(>z_50_10=t1,>z_50_10=t1); */
+fe_sq(t1,t1); for (i = 1;i < 10;++i) fe_sq(t1,t1);
+/* qhasm: z_50_0 = z_50_10*z_10_0 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>z_50_0=fe#1,<z_50_10=fe#2,<z_10_0=fe#1); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>z_50_0=t0,<z_50_10=t1,<z_10_0=t0); */
+/* qhasm: z_100_50 = z_50_0^2^50 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>z_100_50=fe#2,<z_50_0=fe#1); for (i = 1;i < 50;++i) fe_sq(>z_100_50=fe#2,>z_100_50=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>z_100_50=t1,<z_50_0=t0); for (i = 1;i < 50;++i) fe_sq(>z_100_50=t1,>z_100_50=t1); */
+fe_sq(t1,t0); for (i = 1;i < 50;++i) fe_sq(t1,t1);
+/* qhasm: z_100_0 = z_100_50*z_50_0 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>z_100_0=fe#2,<z_100_50=fe#2,<z_50_0=fe#1); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>z_100_0=t1,<z_100_50=t1,<z_50_0=t0); */
+/* qhasm: z_200_100 = z_100_0^2^100 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>z_200_100=fe#3,<z_100_0=fe#2); for (i = 1;i < 100;++i) fe_sq(>z_200_100=fe#3,>z_200_100=fe#3); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>z_200_100=t2,<z_100_0=t1); for (i = 1;i < 100;++i) fe_sq(>z_200_100=t2,>z_200_100=t2); */
+fe_sq(t2,t1); for (i = 1;i < 100;++i) fe_sq(t2,t2);
+/* qhasm: z_200_0 = z_200_100*z_100_0 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>z_200_0=fe#2,<z_200_100=fe#3,<z_100_0=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>z_200_0=t1,<z_200_100=t2,<z_100_0=t1); */
+/* qhasm: z_250_50 = z_200_0^2^50 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>z_250_50=fe#2,<z_200_0=fe#2); for (i = 1;i < 50;++i) fe_sq(>z_250_50=fe#2,>z_250_50=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>z_250_50=t1,<z_200_0=t1); for (i = 1;i < 50;++i) fe_sq(>z_250_50=t1,>z_250_50=t1); */
+fe_sq(t1,t1); for (i = 1;i < 50;++i) fe_sq(t1,t1);
+/* qhasm: z_250_0 = z_250_50*z_50_0 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>z_250_0=fe#1,<z_250_50=fe#2,<z_50_0=fe#1); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>z_250_0=t0,<z_250_50=t1,<z_50_0=t0); */
+/* qhasm: z_252_2 = z_250_0^2^2 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>z_252_2=fe#1,<z_250_0=fe#1); for (i = 1;i < 2;++i) fe_sq(>z_252_2=fe#1,>z_252_2=fe#1); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>z_252_2=t0,<z_250_0=t0); for (i = 1;i < 2;++i) fe_sq(>z_252_2=t0,>z_252_2=t0); */
+fe_sq(t0,t0); for (i = 1;i < 2;++i) fe_sq(t0,t0);
+/* qhasm: z_252_3 = z_252_2*z1 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>z_252_3=fe#12,<z_252_2=fe#1,<z1=fe#11); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>z_252_3=out,<z_252_2=t0,<z1=z); */
+/* qhasm: return */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/pow225521.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/pow225521.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..109df779a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/pow225521.h
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+/* qhasm: fe z1 */
+/* qhasm: fe z2 */
+/* qhasm: fe z8 */
+/* qhasm: fe z9 */
+/* qhasm: fe z11 */
+/* qhasm: fe z22 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_5_0 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_10_5 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_10_0 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_20_10 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_20_0 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_40_20 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_40_0 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_50_10 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_50_0 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_100_50 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_100_0 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_200_100 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_200_0 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_250_50 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_250_0 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_255_5 */
+/* qhasm: fe z_255_21 */
+/* qhasm: enter pow225521 */
+/* qhasm: z2 = z1^2^1 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>z2=fe#1,<z1=fe#11); for (i = 1;i < 1;++i) fe_sq(>z2=fe#1,>z2=fe#1); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>z2=t0,<z1=z); for (i = 1;i < 1;++i) fe_sq(>z2=t0,>z2=t0); */
+fe_sq(t0,z); for (i = 1;i < 1;++i) fe_sq(t0,t0);
+/* qhasm: z8 = z2^2^2 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>z8=fe#2,<z2=fe#1); for (i = 1;i < 2;++i) fe_sq(>z8=fe#2,>z8=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>z8=t1,<z2=t0); for (i = 1;i < 2;++i) fe_sq(>z8=t1,>z8=t1); */
+fe_sq(t1,t0); for (i = 1;i < 2;++i) fe_sq(t1,t1);
+/* qhasm: z9 = z1*z8 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>z9=fe#2,<z1=fe#11,<z8=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>z9=t1,<z1=z,<z8=t1); */
+/* qhasm: z11 = z2*z9 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>z11=fe#1,<z2=fe#1,<z9=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>z11=t0,<z2=t0,<z9=t1); */
+/* qhasm: z22 = z11^2^1 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>z22=fe#3,<z11=fe#1); for (i = 1;i < 1;++i) fe_sq(>z22=fe#3,>z22=fe#3); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>z22=t2,<z11=t0); for (i = 1;i < 1;++i) fe_sq(>z22=t2,>z22=t2); */
+fe_sq(t2,t0); for (i = 1;i < 1;++i) fe_sq(t2,t2);
+/* qhasm: z_5_0 = z9*z22 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>z_5_0=fe#2,<z9=fe#2,<z22=fe#3); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>z_5_0=t1,<z9=t1,<z22=t2); */
+/* qhasm: z_10_5 = z_5_0^2^5 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>z_10_5=fe#3,<z_5_0=fe#2); for (i = 1;i < 5;++i) fe_sq(>z_10_5=fe#3,>z_10_5=fe#3); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>z_10_5=t2,<z_5_0=t1); for (i = 1;i < 5;++i) fe_sq(>z_10_5=t2,>z_10_5=t2); */
+fe_sq(t2,t1); for (i = 1;i < 5;++i) fe_sq(t2,t2);
+/* qhasm: z_10_0 = z_10_5*z_5_0 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>z_10_0=fe#2,<z_10_5=fe#3,<z_5_0=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>z_10_0=t1,<z_10_5=t2,<z_5_0=t1); */
+/* qhasm: z_20_10 = z_10_0^2^10 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>z_20_10=fe#3,<z_10_0=fe#2); for (i = 1;i < 10;++i) fe_sq(>z_20_10=fe#3,>z_20_10=fe#3); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>z_20_10=t2,<z_10_0=t1); for (i = 1;i < 10;++i) fe_sq(>z_20_10=t2,>z_20_10=t2); */
+fe_sq(t2,t1); for (i = 1;i < 10;++i) fe_sq(t2,t2);
+/* qhasm: z_20_0 = z_20_10*z_10_0 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>z_20_0=fe#3,<z_20_10=fe#3,<z_10_0=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>z_20_0=t2,<z_20_10=t2,<z_10_0=t1); */
+/* qhasm: z_40_20 = z_20_0^2^20 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>z_40_20=fe#4,<z_20_0=fe#3); for (i = 1;i < 20;++i) fe_sq(>z_40_20=fe#4,>z_40_20=fe#4); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>z_40_20=t3,<z_20_0=t2); for (i = 1;i < 20;++i) fe_sq(>z_40_20=t3,>z_40_20=t3); */
+fe_sq(t3,t2); for (i = 1;i < 20;++i) fe_sq(t3,t3);
+/* qhasm: z_40_0 = z_40_20*z_20_0 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>z_40_0=fe#3,<z_40_20=fe#4,<z_20_0=fe#3); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>z_40_0=t2,<z_40_20=t3,<z_20_0=t2); */
+/* qhasm: z_50_10 = z_40_0^2^10 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>z_50_10=fe#3,<z_40_0=fe#3); for (i = 1;i < 10;++i) fe_sq(>z_50_10=fe#3,>z_50_10=fe#3); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>z_50_10=t2,<z_40_0=t2); for (i = 1;i < 10;++i) fe_sq(>z_50_10=t2,>z_50_10=t2); */
+fe_sq(t2,t2); for (i = 1;i < 10;++i) fe_sq(t2,t2);
+/* qhasm: z_50_0 = z_50_10*z_10_0 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>z_50_0=fe#2,<z_50_10=fe#3,<z_10_0=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>z_50_0=t1,<z_50_10=t2,<z_10_0=t1); */
+/* qhasm: z_100_50 = z_50_0^2^50 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>z_100_50=fe#3,<z_50_0=fe#2); for (i = 1;i < 50;++i) fe_sq(>z_100_50=fe#3,>z_100_50=fe#3); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>z_100_50=t2,<z_50_0=t1); for (i = 1;i < 50;++i) fe_sq(>z_100_50=t2,>z_100_50=t2); */
+fe_sq(t2,t1); for (i = 1;i < 50;++i) fe_sq(t2,t2);
+/* qhasm: z_100_0 = z_100_50*z_50_0 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>z_100_0=fe#3,<z_100_50=fe#3,<z_50_0=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>z_100_0=t2,<z_100_50=t2,<z_50_0=t1); */
+/* qhasm: z_200_100 = z_100_0^2^100 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>z_200_100=fe#4,<z_100_0=fe#3); for (i = 1;i < 100;++i) fe_sq(>z_200_100=fe#4,>z_200_100=fe#4); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>z_200_100=t3,<z_100_0=t2); for (i = 1;i < 100;++i) fe_sq(>z_200_100=t3,>z_200_100=t3); */
+fe_sq(t3,t2); for (i = 1;i < 100;++i) fe_sq(t3,t3);
+/* qhasm: z_200_0 = z_200_100*z_100_0 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>z_200_0=fe#3,<z_200_100=fe#4,<z_100_0=fe#3); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>z_200_0=t2,<z_200_100=t3,<z_100_0=t2); */
+/* qhasm: z_250_50 = z_200_0^2^50 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>z_250_50=fe#3,<z_200_0=fe#3); for (i = 1;i < 50;++i) fe_sq(>z_250_50=fe#3,>z_250_50=fe#3); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>z_250_50=t2,<z_200_0=t2); for (i = 1;i < 50;++i) fe_sq(>z_250_50=t2,>z_250_50=t2); */
+fe_sq(t2,t2); for (i = 1;i < 50;++i) fe_sq(t2,t2);
+/* qhasm: z_250_0 = z_250_50*z_50_0 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>z_250_0=fe#2,<z_250_50=fe#3,<z_50_0=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>z_250_0=t1,<z_250_50=t2,<z_50_0=t1); */
+/* qhasm: z_255_5 = z_250_0^2^5 */
+/* asm 1: fe_sq(>z_255_5=fe#2,<z_250_0=fe#2); for (i = 1;i < 5;++i) fe_sq(>z_255_5=fe#2,>z_255_5=fe#2); */
+/* asm 2: fe_sq(>z_255_5=t1,<z_250_0=t1); for (i = 1;i < 5;++i) fe_sq(>z_255_5=t1,>z_255_5=t1); */
+fe_sq(t1,t1); for (i = 1;i < 5;++i) fe_sq(t1,t1);
+/* qhasm: z_255_21 = z_255_5*z11 */
+/* asm 1: fe_mul(>z_255_21=fe#12,<z_255_5=fe#2,<z11=fe#1); */
+/* asm 2: fe_mul(>z_255_21=out,<z_255_5=t1,<z11=t0); */
+/* qhasm: return */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/sc.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/sc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d32ed2e8ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/sc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#ifndef SC_H
+#define SC_H
+The set of scalars is \Z/l
+where l = 2^252 + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493.
+#define sc_reduce crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_sc_reduce
+#define sc_muladd crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_sc_muladd
+extern void sc_reduce(unsigned char *);
+extern void sc_muladd(unsigned char *,const unsigned char *,const unsigned char *,const unsigned char *);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/sc_muladd.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/sc_muladd.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f1e9d02d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/sc_muladd.c
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+#include "sc.h"
+#include "crypto_int64.h"
+#include "crypto_uint32.h"
+#include "crypto_uint64.h"
+static crypto_uint64 load_3(const unsigned char *in)
+ crypto_uint64 result;
+ result = (crypto_uint64) in[0];
+ result |= ((crypto_uint64) in[1]) << 8;
+ result |= ((crypto_uint64) in[2]) << 16;
+ return result;
+static crypto_uint64 load_4(const unsigned char *in)
+ crypto_uint64 result;
+ result = (crypto_uint64) in[0];
+ result |= ((crypto_uint64) in[1]) << 8;
+ result |= ((crypto_uint64) in[2]) << 16;
+ result |= ((crypto_uint64) in[3]) << 24;
+ return result;
+ a[0]+256*a[1]+...+256^31*a[31] = a
+ b[0]+256*b[1]+...+256^31*b[31] = b
+ c[0]+256*c[1]+...+256^31*c[31] = c
+ s[0]+256*s[1]+...+256^31*s[31] = (ab+c) mod l
+ where l = 2^252 + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493.
+void sc_muladd(unsigned char *s,const unsigned char *a,const unsigned char *b,const unsigned char *c)
+ crypto_int64 a0 = 2097151 & load_3(a);
+ crypto_int64 a1 = 2097151 & (load_4(a + 2) >> 5);
+ crypto_int64 a2 = 2097151 & (load_3(a + 5) >> 2);
+ crypto_int64 a3 = 2097151 & (load_4(a + 7) >> 7);
+ crypto_int64 a4 = 2097151 & (load_4(a + 10) >> 4);
+ crypto_int64 a5 = 2097151 & (load_3(a + 13) >> 1);
+ crypto_int64 a6 = 2097151 & (load_4(a + 15) >> 6);
+ crypto_int64 a7 = 2097151 & (load_3(a + 18) >> 3);
+ crypto_int64 a8 = 2097151 & load_3(a + 21);
+ crypto_int64 a9 = 2097151 & (load_4(a + 23) >> 5);
+ crypto_int64 a10 = 2097151 & (load_3(a + 26) >> 2);
+ crypto_int64 a11 = (load_4(a + 28) >> 7);
+ crypto_int64 b0 = 2097151 & load_3(b);
+ crypto_int64 b1 = 2097151 & (load_4(b + 2) >> 5);
+ crypto_int64 b2 = 2097151 & (load_3(b + 5) >> 2);
+ crypto_int64 b3 = 2097151 & (load_4(b + 7) >> 7);
+ crypto_int64 b4 = 2097151 & (load_4(b + 10) >> 4);
+ crypto_int64 b5 = 2097151 & (load_3(b + 13) >> 1);
+ crypto_int64 b6 = 2097151 & (load_4(b + 15) >> 6);
+ crypto_int64 b7 = 2097151 & (load_3(b + 18) >> 3);
+ crypto_int64 b8 = 2097151 & load_3(b + 21);
+ crypto_int64 b9 = 2097151 & (load_4(b + 23) >> 5);
+ crypto_int64 b10 = 2097151 & (load_3(b + 26) >> 2);
+ crypto_int64 b11 = (load_4(b + 28) >> 7);
+ crypto_int64 c0 = 2097151 & load_3(c);
+ crypto_int64 c1 = 2097151 & (load_4(c + 2) >> 5);
+ crypto_int64 c2 = 2097151 & (load_3(c + 5) >> 2);
+ crypto_int64 c3 = 2097151 & (load_4(c + 7) >> 7);
+ crypto_int64 c4 = 2097151 & (load_4(c + 10) >> 4);
+ crypto_int64 c5 = 2097151 & (load_3(c + 13) >> 1);
+ crypto_int64 c6 = 2097151 & (load_4(c + 15) >> 6);
+ crypto_int64 c7 = 2097151 & (load_3(c + 18) >> 3);
+ crypto_int64 c8 = 2097151 & load_3(c + 21);
+ crypto_int64 c9 = 2097151 & (load_4(c + 23) >> 5);
+ crypto_int64 c10 = 2097151 & (load_3(c + 26) >> 2);
+ crypto_int64 c11 = (load_4(c + 28) >> 7);
+ crypto_int64 s0;
+ crypto_int64 s1;
+ crypto_int64 s2;
+ crypto_int64 s3;
+ crypto_int64 s4;
+ crypto_int64 s5;
+ crypto_int64 s6;
+ crypto_int64 s7;
+ crypto_int64 s8;
+ crypto_int64 s9;
+ crypto_int64 s10;
+ crypto_int64 s11;
+ crypto_int64 s12;
+ crypto_int64 s13;
+ crypto_int64 s14;
+ crypto_int64 s15;
+ crypto_int64 s16;
+ crypto_int64 s17;
+ crypto_int64 s18;
+ crypto_int64 s19;
+ crypto_int64 s20;
+ crypto_int64 s21;
+ crypto_int64 s22;
+ crypto_int64 s23;
+ crypto_int64 carry0;
+ crypto_int64 carry1;
+ crypto_int64 carry2;
+ crypto_int64 carry3;
+ crypto_int64 carry4;
+ crypto_int64 carry5;
+ crypto_int64 carry6;
+ crypto_int64 carry7;
+ crypto_int64 carry8;
+ crypto_int64 carry9;
+ crypto_int64 carry10;
+ crypto_int64 carry11;
+ crypto_int64 carry12;
+ crypto_int64 carry13;
+ crypto_int64 carry14;
+ crypto_int64 carry15;
+ crypto_int64 carry16;
+ crypto_int64 carry17;
+ crypto_int64 carry18;
+ crypto_int64 carry19;
+ crypto_int64 carry20;
+ crypto_int64 carry21;
+ crypto_int64 carry22;
+ s0 = c0 + a0*b0;
+ s1 = c1 + a0*b1 + a1*b0;
+ s2 = c2 + a0*b2 + a1*b1 + a2*b0;
+ s3 = c3 + a0*b3 + a1*b2 + a2*b1 + a3*b0;
+ s4 = c4 + a0*b4 + a1*b3 + a2*b2 + a3*b1 + a4*b0;
+ s5 = c5 + a0*b5 + a1*b4 + a2*b3 + a3*b2 + a4*b1 + a5*b0;
+ s6 = c6 + a0*b6 + a1*b5 + a2*b4 + a3*b3 + a4*b2 + a5*b1 + a6*b0;
+ s7 = c7 + a0*b7 + a1*b6 + a2*b5 + a3*b4 + a4*b3 + a5*b2 + a6*b1 + a7*b0;
+ s8 = c8 + a0*b8 + a1*b7 + a2*b6 + a3*b5 + a4*b4 + a5*b3 + a6*b2 + a7*b1 + a8*b0;
+ s9 = c9 + a0*b9 + a1*b8 + a2*b7 + a3*b6 + a4*b5 + a5*b4 + a6*b3 + a7*b2 + a8*b1 + a9*b0;
+ s10 = c10 + a0*b10 + a1*b9 + a2*b8 + a3*b7 + a4*b6 + a5*b5 + a6*b4 + a7*b3 + a8*b2 + a9*b1 + a10*b0;
+ s11 = c11 + a0*b11 + a1*b10 + a2*b9 + a3*b8 + a4*b7 + a5*b6 + a6*b5 + a7*b4 + a8*b3 + a9*b2 + a10*b1 + a11*b0;
+ s12 = a1*b11 + a2*b10 + a3*b9 + a4*b8 + a5*b7 + a6*b6 + a7*b5 + a8*b4 + a9*b3 + a10*b2 + a11*b1;
+ s13 = a2*b11 + a3*b10 + a4*b9 + a5*b8 + a6*b7 + a7*b6 + a8*b5 + a9*b4 + a10*b3 + a11*b2;
+ s14 = a3*b11 + a4*b10 + a5*b9 + a6*b8 + a7*b7 + a8*b6 + a9*b5 + a10*b4 + a11*b3;
+ s15 = a4*b11 + a5*b10 + a6*b9 + a7*b8 + a8*b7 + a9*b6 + a10*b5 + a11*b4;
+ s16 = a5*b11 + a6*b10 + a7*b9 + a8*b8 + a9*b7 + a10*b6 + a11*b5;
+ s17 = a6*b11 + a7*b10 + a8*b9 + a9*b8 + a10*b7 + a11*b6;
+ s18 = a7*b11 + a8*b10 + a9*b9 + a10*b8 + a11*b7;
+ s19 = a8*b11 + a9*b10 + a10*b9 + a11*b8;
+ s20 = a9*b11 + a10*b10 + a11*b9;
+ s21 = a10*b11 + a11*b10;
+ s22 = a11*b11;
+ s23 = 0;
+ carry0 = (s0 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s1 += carry0; s0 -= carry0 << 21;
+ carry2 = (s2 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s3 += carry2; s2 -= carry2 << 21;
+ carry4 = (s4 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s5 += carry4; s4 -= carry4 << 21;
+ carry6 = (s6 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s7 += carry6; s6 -= carry6 << 21;
+ carry8 = (s8 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s9 += carry8; s8 -= carry8 << 21;
+ carry10 = (s10 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s11 += carry10; s10 -= carry10 << 21;
+ carry12 = (s12 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s13 += carry12; s12 -= carry12 << 21;
+ carry14 = (s14 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s15 += carry14; s14 -= carry14 << 21;
+ carry16 = (s16 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s17 += carry16; s16 -= carry16 << 21;
+ carry18 = (s18 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s19 += carry18; s18 -= carry18 << 21;
+ carry20 = (s20 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s21 += carry20; s20 -= carry20 << 21;
+ carry22 = (s22 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s23 += carry22; s22 -= carry22 << 21;
+ carry1 = (s1 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s2 += carry1; s1 -= carry1 << 21;
+ carry3 = (s3 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s4 += carry3; s3 -= carry3 << 21;
+ carry5 = (s5 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s6 += carry5; s5 -= carry5 << 21;
+ carry7 = (s7 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s8 += carry7; s7 -= carry7 << 21;
+ carry9 = (s9 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s10 += carry9; s9 -= carry9 << 21;
+ carry11 = (s11 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s12 += carry11; s11 -= carry11 << 21;
+ carry13 = (s13 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s14 += carry13; s13 -= carry13 << 21;
+ carry15 = (s15 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s16 += carry15; s15 -= carry15 << 21;
+ carry17 = (s17 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s18 += carry17; s17 -= carry17 << 21;
+ carry19 = (s19 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s20 += carry19; s19 -= carry19 << 21;
+ carry21 = (s21 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s22 += carry21; s21 -= carry21 << 21;
+ s11 += s23 * 666643;
+ s12 += s23 * 470296;
+ s13 += s23 * 654183;
+ s14 -= s23 * 997805;
+ s15 += s23 * 136657;
+ s16 -= s23 * 683901;
+ s23 = 0;
+ s10 += s22 * 666643;
+ s11 += s22 * 470296;
+ s12 += s22 * 654183;
+ s13 -= s22 * 997805;
+ s14 += s22 * 136657;
+ s15 -= s22 * 683901;
+ s22 = 0;
+ s9 += s21 * 666643;
+ s10 += s21 * 470296;
+ s11 += s21 * 654183;
+ s12 -= s21 * 997805;
+ s13 += s21 * 136657;
+ s14 -= s21 * 683901;
+ s21 = 0;
+ s8 += s20 * 666643;
+ s9 += s20 * 470296;
+ s10 += s20 * 654183;
+ s11 -= s20 * 997805;
+ s12 += s20 * 136657;
+ s13 -= s20 * 683901;
+ s20 = 0;
+ s7 += s19 * 666643;
+ s8 += s19 * 470296;
+ s9 += s19 * 654183;
+ s10 -= s19 * 997805;
+ s11 += s19 * 136657;
+ s12 -= s19 * 683901;
+ s19 = 0;
+ s6 += s18 * 666643;
+ s7 += s18 * 470296;
+ s8 += s18 * 654183;
+ s9 -= s18 * 997805;
+ s10 += s18 * 136657;
+ s11 -= s18 * 683901;
+ s18 = 0;
+ carry6 = (s6 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s7 += carry6; s6 -= carry6 << 21;
+ carry8 = (s8 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s9 += carry8; s8 -= carry8 << 21;
+ carry10 = (s10 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s11 += carry10; s10 -= carry10 << 21;
+ carry12 = (s12 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s13 += carry12; s12 -= carry12 << 21;
+ carry14 = (s14 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s15 += carry14; s14 -= carry14 << 21;
+ carry16 = (s16 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s17 += carry16; s16 -= carry16 << 21;
+ carry7 = (s7 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s8 += carry7; s7 -= carry7 << 21;
+ carry9 = (s9 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s10 += carry9; s9 -= carry9 << 21;
+ carry11 = (s11 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s12 += carry11; s11 -= carry11 << 21;
+ carry13 = (s13 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s14 += carry13; s13 -= carry13 << 21;
+ carry15 = (s15 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s16 += carry15; s15 -= carry15 << 21;
+ s5 += s17 * 666643;
+ s6 += s17 * 470296;
+ s7 += s17 * 654183;
+ s8 -= s17 * 997805;
+ s9 += s17 * 136657;
+ s10 -= s17 * 683901;
+ s17 = 0;
+ s4 += s16 * 666643;
+ s5 += s16 * 470296;
+ s6 += s16 * 654183;
+ s7 -= s16 * 997805;
+ s8 += s16 * 136657;
+ s9 -= s16 * 683901;
+ s16 = 0;
+ s3 += s15 * 666643;
+ s4 += s15 * 470296;
+ s5 += s15 * 654183;
+ s6 -= s15 * 997805;
+ s7 += s15 * 136657;
+ s8 -= s15 * 683901;
+ s15 = 0;
+ s2 += s14 * 666643;
+ s3 += s14 * 470296;
+ s4 += s14 * 654183;
+ s5 -= s14 * 997805;
+ s6 += s14 * 136657;
+ s7 -= s14 * 683901;
+ s14 = 0;
+ s1 += s13 * 666643;
+ s2 += s13 * 470296;
+ s3 += s13 * 654183;
+ s4 -= s13 * 997805;
+ s5 += s13 * 136657;
+ s6 -= s13 * 683901;
+ s13 = 0;
+ s0 += s12 * 666643;
+ s1 += s12 * 470296;
+ s2 += s12 * 654183;
+ s3 -= s12 * 997805;
+ s4 += s12 * 136657;
+ s5 -= s12 * 683901;
+ s12 = 0;
+ carry0 = (s0 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s1 += carry0; s0 -= carry0 << 21;
+ carry2 = (s2 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s3 += carry2; s2 -= carry2 << 21;
+ carry4 = (s4 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s5 += carry4; s4 -= carry4 << 21;
+ carry6 = (s6 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s7 += carry6; s6 -= carry6 << 21;
+ carry8 = (s8 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s9 += carry8; s8 -= carry8 << 21;
+ carry10 = (s10 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s11 += carry10; s10 -= carry10 << 21;
+ carry1 = (s1 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s2 += carry1; s1 -= carry1 << 21;
+ carry3 = (s3 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s4 += carry3; s3 -= carry3 << 21;
+ carry5 = (s5 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s6 += carry5; s5 -= carry5 << 21;
+ carry7 = (s7 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s8 += carry7; s7 -= carry7 << 21;
+ carry9 = (s9 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s10 += carry9; s9 -= carry9 << 21;
+ carry11 = (s11 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s12 += carry11; s11 -= carry11 << 21;
+ s0 += s12 * 666643;
+ s1 += s12 * 470296;
+ s2 += s12 * 654183;
+ s3 -= s12 * 997805;
+ s4 += s12 * 136657;
+ s5 -= s12 * 683901;
+ s12 = 0;
+ carry0 = s0 >> 21; s1 += carry0; s0 -= carry0 << 21;
+ carry1 = s1 >> 21; s2 += carry1; s1 -= carry1 << 21;
+ carry2 = s2 >> 21; s3 += carry2; s2 -= carry2 << 21;
+ carry3 = s3 >> 21; s4 += carry3; s3 -= carry3 << 21;
+ carry4 = s4 >> 21; s5 += carry4; s4 -= carry4 << 21;
+ carry5 = s5 >> 21; s6 += carry5; s5 -= carry5 << 21;
+ carry6 = s6 >> 21; s7 += carry6; s6 -= carry6 << 21;
+ carry7 = s7 >> 21; s8 += carry7; s7 -= carry7 << 21;
+ carry8 = s8 >> 21; s9 += carry8; s8 -= carry8 << 21;
+ carry9 = s9 >> 21; s10 += carry9; s9 -= carry9 << 21;
+ carry10 = s10 >> 21; s11 += carry10; s10 -= carry10 << 21;
+ carry11 = s11 >> 21; s12 += carry11; s11 -= carry11 << 21;
+ s0 += s12 * 666643;
+ s1 += s12 * 470296;
+ s2 += s12 * 654183;
+ s3 -= s12 * 997805;
+ s4 += s12 * 136657;
+ s5 -= s12 * 683901;
+ s12 = 0;
+ carry0 = s0 >> 21; s1 += carry0; s0 -= carry0 << 21;
+ carry1 = s1 >> 21; s2 += carry1; s1 -= carry1 << 21;
+ carry2 = s2 >> 21; s3 += carry2; s2 -= carry2 << 21;
+ carry3 = s3 >> 21; s4 += carry3; s3 -= carry3 << 21;
+ carry4 = s4 >> 21; s5 += carry4; s4 -= carry4 << 21;
+ carry5 = s5 >> 21; s6 += carry5; s5 -= carry5 << 21;
+ carry6 = s6 >> 21; s7 += carry6; s6 -= carry6 << 21;
+ carry7 = s7 >> 21; s8 += carry7; s7 -= carry7 << 21;
+ carry8 = s8 >> 21; s9 += carry8; s8 -= carry8 << 21;
+ carry9 = s9 >> 21; s10 += carry9; s9 -= carry9 << 21;
+ carry10 = s10 >> 21; s11 += carry10; s10 -= carry10 << 21;
+ s[0] = s0 >> 0;
+ s[1] = s0 >> 8;
+ s[2] = (s0 >> 16) | (s1 << 5);
+ s[3] = s1 >> 3;
+ s[4] = s1 >> 11;
+ s[5] = (s1 >> 19) | (s2 << 2);
+ s[6] = s2 >> 6;
+ s[7] = (s2 >> 14) | (s3 << 7);
+ s[8] = s3 >> 1;
+ s[9] = s3 >> 9;
+ s[10] = (s3 >> 17) | (s4 << 4);
+ s[11] = s4 >> 4;
+ s[12] = s4 >> 12;
+ s[13] = (s4 >> 20) | (s5 << 1);
+ s[14] = s5 >> 7;
+ s[15] = (s5 >> 15) | (s6 << 6);
+ s[16] = s6 >> 2;
+ s[17] = s6 >> 10;
+ s[18] = (s6 >> 18) | (s7 << 3);
+ s[19] = s7 >> 5;
+ s[20] = s7 >> 13;
+ s[21] = s8 >> 0;
+ s[22] = s8 >> 8;
+ s[23] = (s8 >> 16) | (s9 << 5);
+ s[24] = s9 >> 3;
+ s[25] = s9 >> 11;
+ s[26] = (s9 >> 19) | (s10 << 2);
+ s[27] = s10 >> 6;
+ s[28] = (s10 >> 14) | (s11 << 7);
+ s[29] = s11 >> 1;
+ s[30] = s11 >> 9;
+ s[31] = s11 >> 17;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/sc_reduce.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/sc_reduce.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d01f5a5737
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/sc_reduce.c
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+#include "sc.h"
+#include "crypto_int64.h"
+#include "crypto_uint32.h"
+#include "crypto_uint64.h"
+static crypto_uint64 load_3(const unsigned char *in)
+ crypto_uint64 result;
+ result = (crypto_uint64) in[0];
+ result |= ((crypto_uint64) in[1]) << 8;
+ result |= ((crypto_uint64) in[2]) << 16;
+ return result;
+static crypto_uint64 load_4(const unsigned char *in)
+ crypto_uint64 result;
+ result = (crypto_uint64) in[0];
+ result |= ((crypto_uint64) in[1]) << 8;
+ result |= ((crypto_uint64) in[2]) << 16;
+ result |= ((crypto_uint64) in[3]) << 24;
+ return result;
+ s[0]+256*s[1]+...+256^63*s[63] = s
+ s[0]+256*s[1]+...+256^31*s[31] = s mod l
+ where l = 2^252 + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493.
+ Overwrites s in place.
+void sc_reduce(unsigned char *s)
+ crypto_int64 s0 = 2097151 & load_3(s);
+ crypto_int64 s1 = 2097151 & (load_4(s + 2) >> 5);
+ crypto_int64 s2 = 2097151 & (load_3(s + 5) >> 2);
+ crypto_int64 s3 = 2097151 & (load_4(s + 7) >> 7);
+ crypto_int64 s4 = 2097151 & (load_4(s + 10) >> 4);
+ crypto_int64 s5 = 2097151 & (load_3(s + 13) >> 1);
+ crypto_int64 s6 = 2097151 & (load_4(s + 15) >> 6);
+ crypto_int64 s7 = 2097151 & (load_3(s + 18) >> 3);
+ crypto_int64 s8 = 2097151 & load_3(s + 21);
+ crypto_int64 s9 = 2097151 & (load_4(s + 23) >> 5);
+ crypto_int64 s10 = 2097151 & (load_3(s + 26) >> 2);
+ crypto_int64 s11 = 2097151 & (load_4(s + 28) >> 7);
+ crypto_int64 s12 = 2097151 & (load_4(s + 31) >> 4);
+ crypto_int64 s13 = 2097151 & (load_3(s + 34) >> 1);
+ crypto_int64 s14 = 2097151 & (load_4(s + 36) >> 6);
+ crypto_int64 s15 = 2097151 & (load_3(s + 39) >> 3);
+ crypto_int64 s16 = 2097151 & load_3(s + 42);
+ crypto_int64 s17 = 2097151 & (load_4(s + 44) >> 5);
+ crypto_int64 s18 = 2097151 & (load_3(s + 47) >> 2);
+ crypto_int64 s19 = 2097151 & (load_4(s + 49) >> 7);
+ crypto_int64 s20 = 2097151 & (load_4(s + 52) >> 4);
+ crypto_int64 s21 = 2097151 & (load_3(s + 55) >> 1);
+ crypto_int64 s22 = 2097151 & (load_4(s + 57) >> 6);
+ crypto_int64 s23 = (load_4(s + 60) >> 3);
+ crypto_int64 carry0;
+ crypto_int64 carry1;
+ crypto_int64 carry2;
+ crypto_int64 carry3;
+ crypto_int64 carry4;
+ crypto_int64 carry5;
+ crypto_int64 carry6;
+ crypto_int64 carry7;
+ crypto_int64 carry8;
+ crypto_int64 carry9;
+ crypto_int64 carry10;
+ crypto_int64 carry11;
+ crypto_int64 carry12;
+ crypto_int64 carry13;
+ crypto_int64 carry14;
+ crypto_int64 carry15;
+ crypto_int64 carry16;
+ s11 += s23 * 666643;
+ s12 += s23 * 470296;
+ s13 += s23 * 654183;
+ s14 -= s23 * 997805;
+ s15 += s23 * 136657;
+ s16 -= s23 * 683901;
+ s23 = 0;
+ s10 += s22 * 666643;
+ s11 += s22 * 470296;
+ s12 += s22 * 654183;
+ s13 -= s22 * 997805;
+ s14 += s22 * 136657;
+ s15 -= s22 * 683901;
+ s22 = 0;
+ s9 += s21 * 666643;
+ s10 += s21 * 470296;
+ s11 += s21 * 654183;
+ s12 -= s21 * 997805;
+ s13 += s21 * 136657;
+ s14 -= s21 * 683901;
+ s21 = 0;
+ s8 += s20 * 666643;
+ s9 += s20 * 470296;
+ s10 += s20 * 654183;
+ s11 -= s20 * 997805;
+ s12 += s20 * 136657;
+ s13 -= s20 * 683901;
+ s20 = 0;
+ s7 += s19 * 666643;
+ s8 += s19 * 470296;
+ s9 += s19 * 654183;
+ s10 -= s19 * 997805;
+ s11 += s19 * 136657;
+ s12 -= s19 * 683901;
+ s19 = 0;
+ s6 += s18 * 666643;
+ s7 += s18 * 470296;
+ s8 += s18 * 654183;
+ s9 -= s18 * 997805;
+ s10 += s18 * 136657;
+ s11 -= s18 * 683901;
+ s18 = 0;
+ carry6 = (s6 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s7 += carry6; s6 -= carry6 << 21;
+ carry8 = (s8 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s9 += carry8; s8 -= carry8 << 21;
+ carry10 = (s10 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s11 += carry10; s10 -= carry10 << 21;
+ carry12 = (s12 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s13 += carry12; s12 -= carry12 << 21;
+ carry14 = (s14 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s15 += carry14; s14 -= carry14 << 21;
+ carry16 = (s16 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s17 += carry16; s16 -= carry16 << 21;
+ carry7 = (s7 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s8 += carry7; s7 -= carry7 << 21;
+ carry9 = (s9 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s10 += carry9; s9 -= carry9 << 21;
+ carry11 = (s11 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s12 += carry11; s11 -= carry11 << 21;
+ carry13 = (s13 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s14 += carry13; s13 -= carry13 << 21;
+ carry15 = (s15 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s16 += carry15; s15 -= carry15 << 21;
+ s5 += s17 * 666643;
+ s6 += s17 * 470296;
+ s7 += s17 * 654183;
+ s8 -= s17 * 997805;
+ s9 += s17 * 136657;
+ s10 -= s17 * 683901;
+ s17 = 0;
+ s4 += s16 * 666643;
+ s5 += s16 * 470296;
+ s6 += s16 * 654183;
+ s7 -= s16 * 997805;
+ s8 += s16 * 136657;
+ s9 -= s16 * 683901;
+ s16 = 0;
+ s3 += s15 * 666643;
+ s4 += s15 * 470296;
+ s5 += s15 * 654183;
+ s6 -= s15 * 997805;
+ s7 += s15 * 136657;
+ s8 -= s15 * 683901;
+ s15 = 0;
+ s2 += s14 * 666643;
+ s3 += s14 * 470296;
+ s4 += s14 * 654183;
+ s5 -= s14 * 997805;
+ s6 += s14 * 136657;
+ s7 -= s14 * 683901;
+ s14 = 0;
+ s1 += s13 * 666643;
+ s2 += s13 * 470296;
+ s3 += s13 * 654183;
+ s4 -= s13 * 997805;
+ s5 += s13 * 136657;
+ s6 -= s13 * 683901;
+ s13 = 0;
+ s0 += s12 * 666643;
+ s1 += s12 * 470296;
+ s2 += s12 * 654183;
+ s3 -= s12 * 997805;
+ s4 += s12 * 136657;
+ s5 -= s12 * 683901;
+ s12 = 0;
+ carry0 = (s0 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s1 += carry0; s0 -= carry0 << 21;
+ carry2 = (s2 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s3 += carry2; s2 -= carry2 << 21;
+ carry4 = (s4 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s5 += carry4; s4 -= carry4 << 21;
+ carry6 = (s6 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s7 += carry6; s6 -= carry6 << 21;
+ carry8 = (s8 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s9 += carry8; s8 -= carry8 << 21;
+ carry10 = (s10 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s11 += carry10; s10 -= carry10 << 21;
+ carry1 = (s1 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s2 += carry1; s1 -= carry1 << 21;
+ carry3 = (s3 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s4 += carry3; s3 -= carry3 << 21;
+ carry5 = (s5 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s6 += carry5; s5 -= carry5 << 21;
+ carry7 = (s7 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s8 += carry7; s7 -= carry7 << 21;
+ carry9 = (s9 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s10 += carry9; s9 -= carry9 << 21;
+ carry11 = (s11 + (1<<20)) >> 21; s12 += carry11; s11 -= carry11 << 21;
+ s0 += s12 * 666643;
+ s1 += s12 * 470296;
+ s2 += s12 * 654183;
+ s3 -= s12 * 997805;
+ s4 += s12 * 136657;
+ s5 -= s12 * 683901;
+ s12 = 0;
+ carry0 = s0 >> 21; s1 += carry0; s0 -= carry0 << 21;
+ carry1 = s1 >> 21; s2 += carry1; s1 -= carry1 << 21;
+ carry2 = s2 >> 21; s3 += carry2; s2 -= carry2 << 21;
+ carry3 = s3 >> 21; s4 += carry3; s3 -= carry3 << 21;
+ carry4 = s4 >> 21; s5 += carry4; s4 -= carry4 << 21;
+ carry5 = s5 >> 21; s6 += carry5; s5 -= carry5 << 21;
+ carry6 = s6 >> 21; s7 += carry6; s6 -= carry6 << 21;
+ carry7 = s7 >> 21; s8 += carry7; s7 -= carry7 << 21;
+ carry8 = s8 >> 21; s9 += carry8; s8 -= carry8 << 21;
+ carry9 = s9 >> 21; s10 += carry9; s9 -= carry9 << 21;
+ carry10 = s10 >> 21; s11 += carry10; s10 -= carry10 << 21;
+ carry11 = s11 >> 21; s12 += carry11; s11 -= carry11 << 21;
+ s0 += s12 * 666643;
+ s1 += s12 * 470296;
+ s2 += s12 * 654183;
+ s3 -= s12 * 997805;
+ s4 += s12 * 136657;
+ s5 -= s12 * 683901;
+ s12 = 0;
+ carry0 = s0 >> 21; s1 += carry0; s0 -= carry0 << 21;
+ carry1 = s1 >> 21; s2 += carry1; s1 -= carry1 << 21;
+ carry2 = s2 >> 21; s3 += carry2; s2 -= carry2 << 21;
+ carry3 = s3 >> 21; s4 += carry3; s3 -= carry3 << 21;
+ carry4 = s4 >> 21; s5 += carry4; s4 -= carry4 << 21;
+ carry5 = s5 >> 21; s6 += carry5; s5 -= carry5 << 21;
+ carry6 = s6 >> 21; s7 += carry6; s6 -= carry6 << 21;
+ carry7 = s7 >> 21; s8 += carry7; s7 -= carry7 << 21;
+ carry8 = s8 >> 21; s9 += carry8; s8 -= carry8 << 21;
+ carry9 = s9 >> 21; s10 += carry9; s9 -= carry9 << 21;
+ carry10 = s10 >> 21; s11 += carry10; s10 -= carry10 << 21;
+ s[0] = s0 >> 0;
+ s[1] = s0 >> 8;
+ s[2] = (s0 >> 16) | (s1 << 5);
+ s[3] = s1 >> 3;
+ s[4] = s1 >> 11;
+ s[5] = (s1 >> 19) | (s2 << 2);
+ s[6] = s2 >> 6;
+ s[7] = (s2 >> 14) | (s3 << 7);
+ s[8] = s3 >> 1;
+ s[9] = s3 >> 9;
+ s[10] = (s3 >> 17) | (s4 << 4);
+ s[11] = s4 >> 4;
+ s[12] = s4 >> 12;
+ s[13] = (s4 >> 20) | (s5 << 1);
+ s[14] = s5 >> 7;
+ s[15] = (s5 >> 15) | (s6 << 6);
+ s[16] = s6 >> 2;
+ s[17] = s6 >> 10;
+ s[18] = (s6 >> 18) | (s7 << 3);
+ s[19] = s7 >> 5;
+ s[20] = s7 >> 13;
+ s[21] = s8 >> 0;
+ s[22] = s8 >> 8;
+ s[23] = (s8 >> 16) | (s9 << 5);
+ s[24] = s9 >> 3;
+ s[25] = s9 >> 11;
+ s[26] = (s9 >> 19) | (s10 << 2);
+ s[27] = s10 >> 6;
+ s[28] = (s10 >> 14) | (s11 << 7);
+ s[29] = s11 >> 1;
+ s[30] = s11 >> 9;
+ s[31] = s11 >> 17;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/sign.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/sign.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de53742a6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/sign.c
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include "crypto_sign.h"
+#include "crypto_hash_sha512.h"
+#include "ge.h"
+#include "sc.h"
+int crypto_sign(
+ unsigned char *sm,unsigned long long *smlen,
+ const unsigned char *m,unsigned long long mlen,
+ const unsigned char *sk
+ unsigned char pk[32];
+ unsigned char az[64];
+ unsigned char nonce[64];
+ unsigned char hram[64];
+ ge_p3 R;
+ memmove(pk,sk + 32,32);
+ crypto_hash_sha512(az,sk,32);
+ az[0] &= 248;
+ az[31] &= 63;
+ az[31] |= 64;
+ *smlen = mlen + 64;
+ memmove(sm + 64,m,mlen);
+ memmove(sm + 32,az + 32,32);
+ crypto_hash_sha512(nonce,sm + 32,mlen + 32);
+ memmove(sm + 32,pk,32);
+ sc_reduce(nonce);
+ ge_scalarmult_base(&R,nonce);
+ ge_p3_tobytes(sm,&R);
+ crypto_hash_sha512(hram,sm,mlen + 64);
+ sc_reduce(hram);
+ sc_muladd(sm + 32,hram,az,nonce);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/sqrtm1.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/sqrtm1.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8caa23b6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/sqrtm1.h
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/tests/internal_fast_tests.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/tests/internal_fast_tests.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6566e25526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/tests/internal_fast_tests.c
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "crypto_hash_sha512.h"
+#include "keygen.h"
+#include "curve_sigs.h"
+#include "xeddsa.h"
+#include "crypto_additions.h"
+#include "ge.h"
+#include "utility.h"
+#include "gen_crypto_additions.h"
+#include "gen_x.h"
+#include "internal_fast_tests.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#define ERROR(...) do {if (!silent) { printf(__VA_ARGS__); abort(); } else return -1; } while (0)
+#define INFO(...) do {if (!silent) printf(__VA_ARGS__);} while (0)
+#define TEST(msg, cond) \
+ do { \
+ if ((cond)) { \
+ INFO("%s good\n", msg); \
+ } \
+ else { \
+ ERROR("%s BAD!!!\n", msg); \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+int sha512_fast_test(int silent)
+ unsigned char sha512_input[112] =
+ "abcdefghbcdefghicdefghijdefghijkefghijklfghijklmghijklmnhijklmnoijklmnopjklmnopqklmnopqrlmnopqrsmnopqrstnopqrstu";
+ unsigned char sha512_correct_output[64] =
+ {
+ 0x8E, 0x95, 0x9B, 0x75, 0xDA, 0xE3, 0x13, 0xDA,
+ 0x8C, 0xF4, 0xF7, 0x28, 0x14, 0xFC, 0x14, 0x3F,
+ 0x8F, 0x77, 0x79, 0xC6, 0xEB, 0x9F, 0x7F, 0xA1,
+ 0x72, 0x99, 0xAE, 0xAD, 0xB6, 0x88, 0x90, 0x18,
+ 0x50, 0x1D, 0x28, 0x9E, 0x49, 0x00, 0xF7, 0xE4,
+ 0x33, 0x1B, 0x99, 0xDE, 0xC4, 0xB5, 0x43, 0x3A,
+ 0xC7, 0xD3, 0x29, 0xEE, 0xB6, 0xDD, 0x26, 0x54,
+ 0x5E, 0x96, 0xE5, 0x5B, 0x87, 0x4B, 0xE9, 0x09
+ };
+ unsigned char sha512_actual_output[64];
+ crypto_hash_sha512(sha512_actual_output, sha512_input, sizeof(sha512_input));
+ TEST("SHA512 #1", memcmp(sha512_actual_output, sha512_correct_output, 64) == 0);
+ sha512_input[111] ^= 1;
+ crypto_hash_sha512(sha512_actual_output, sha512_input, sizeof(sha512_input));
+ TEST("SHA512 #2", memcmp(sha512_actual_output, sha512_correct_output, 64) != 0);
+ return 0;
+int strict_fast_test(int silent)
+ unsigned char unreduced1[32] = {
+ 0xFE, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F,
+ };
+ unsigned char unreduced2[32] = {
+ 0xED, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F,
+ };
+ unsigned char unreduced3[32] = {
+ 0xEC, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F,
+ };
+ unsigned char q[32] = {
+ 0xed, 0xd3, 0xf5, 0x5c, 0x1a, 0x63, 0x12, 0x58,
+ 0xd6, 0x9c, 0xf7, 0xa2, 0xde, 0xf9, 0xde, 0x14,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10,
+ };
+ unsigned char qminus1[32] = {
+ 0xec, 0xd3, 0xf5, 0x5c, 0x1a, 0x63, 0x12, 0x58,
+ 0xd6, 0x9c, 0xf7, 0xa2, 0xde, 0xf9, 0xde, 0x14,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10,
+ };
+ unsigned char qplus1[32] = {
+ 0xee, 0xd3, 0xf5, 0x5c, 0x1a, 0x63, 0x12, 0x58,
+ 0xd6, 0x9c, 0xf7, 0xa2, 0xde, 0xf9, 0xde, 0x14,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10,
+ };
+ TEST("fe_isreduced",
+ (fe_isreduced(unreduced1) == 0) &&
+ (fe_isreduced(unreduced2) == 0) &&
+ (fe_isreduced(unreduced3) == 1)
+ );
+ TEST("sc_isreduced",
+ (sc_isreduced(q) == 0) &&
+ (sc_isreduced(qminus1) == 1) &&
+ (sc_isreduced(qplus1) == 0)
+ );
+ return 0;
+int ge_fast_test(int silent)
+ const unsigned char B_bytes[] = {
+ 0x58, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66,
+ 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66,
+ 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66,
+ 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66,
+ };
+ const unsigned char misc_bytes[] = {
+ 0x57, 0x17, 0xfa, 0xce, 0xca, 0xb9, 0xdf, 0x0e,
+ 0x90, 0x67, 0xaa, 0x46, 0xba, 0x83, 0x2f, 0xeb,
+ 0x1c, 0x49, 0xd0, 0x21, 0xb1, 0x33, 0xff, 0x11,
+ 0xc9, 0x7a, 0xb8, 0xcf, 0xe3, 0x29, 0x46, 0x17,
+ };
+ unsigned char q_scalar[32] = {
+ 0xed, 0xd3, 0xf5, 0x5c, 0x1a, 0x63, 0x12, 0x58,
+ 0xd6, 0x9c, 0xf7, 0xa2, 0xde, 0xf9, 0xde, 0x14,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10,
+ };
+ unsigned char c_scalar[32] = {
+ 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ };
+ unsigned char neutral_bytes[] = {
+ 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ };
+/* unsigned char one_scalar[32] = {
+ 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ };
+ const unsigned char B_bytes[] = {
+ 0x58, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66,
+ 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66,
+ 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66,
+ 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66,
+ };
+ */
+ ge_p3 point1, point2, B_point, misc_point, miscneg_point;
+ unsigned char output1[32], output2[32];
+ if (ge_frombytes_negate_vartime(&B_point, B_bytes) != 0)
+ TEST("Failure to parse point #1", 0);
+ if (ge_frombytes_negate_vartime(&miscneg_point, misc_bytes) != 0)
+ TEST("Failure to parse point #2", 0);
+ ge_neg(&B_point, &B_point);
+ ge_neg(&misc_point, &miscneg_point);
+ /* q*B == neutral */
+ ge_scalarmult_base(&point1, q_scalar);
+ ge_scalarmult(&point2, q_scalar, &B_point);
+ ge_p3_tobytes(output1, &point1);
+ ge_p3_tobytes(output2, &point2);
+ TEST("qB == qB", memcmp(output1, output2, 32) == 0 && memcmp(output1, neutral_bytes, 32) == 0);
+ TEST("qB isneutral", ge_isneutral(&point1 ) && ge_isneutral(&point2) && !ge_isneutral(&B_point));
+ /* cB == cB, cX == cX */
+ ge_scalarmult_cofactor(&point1, &B_point);
+ ge_scalarmult_base(&point2, c_scalar);
+ ge_p3_tobytes(output1, &point1);
+ ge_p3_tobytes(output2, &point2);
+ TEST("cB == cB", memcmp(output1, output2, 32) == 0);
+ ge_scalarmult_cofactor(&point1, &misc_point);
+ ge_scalarmult(&point2, c_scalar, &misc_point);
+ ge_p3_tobytes(output1, &point1);
+ ge_p3_tobytes(output2, &point2);
+ TEST("cX == cX", memcmp(output1, output2, 32) == 0);
+ /* */
+ ge_p3_add(&point1, &misc_point, &miscneg_point);
+ TEST("X + -X isneutral", ge_isneutral(&point1));
+ return 0;
+int elligator_fast_test(int silent)
+ unsigned char elligator_correct_output[32] =
+ {
+ 0x5f, 0x35, 0x20, 0x00, 0x1c, 0x6c, 0x99, 0x36,
+ 0xa3, 0x12, 0x06, 0xaf, 0xe7, 0xc7, 0xac, 0x22,
+ 0x4e, 0x88, 0x61, 0x61, 0x9b, 0xf9, 0x88, 0x72,
+ 0x44, 0x49, 0x15, 0x89, 0x9d, 0x95, 0xf4, 0x6e
+ };
+ unsigned char hashtopoint_correct_output1[32] =
+ {
+ 0xce, 0x89, 0x9f, 0xb2, 0x8f, 0xf7, 0x20, 0x91,
+ 0x5e, 0x14, 0xf5, 0xb7, 0x99, 0x08, 0xab, 0x17,
+ 0xaa, 0x2e, 0xe2, 0x45, 0xb4, 0xfc, 0x2b, 0xf6,
+ 0x06, 0x36, 0x29, 0x40, 0xed, 0x7d, 0xe7, 0xed
+ };
+ unsigned char hashtopoint_correct_output2[32] =
+ {
+ 0xa0, 0x35, 0xbb, 0xa9, 0x4d, 0x30, 0x55, 0x33,
+ 0x0d, 0xce, 0xc2, 0x7f, 0x83, 0xde, 0x79, 0xd0,
+ 0x89, 0x67, 0x72, 0x4c, 0x07, 0x8d, 0x68, 0x9d,
+ 0x61, 0x52, 0x1d, 0xf9, 0x2c, 0x5c, 0xba, 0x77
+ };
+ int count;
+ fe in, out;
+ unsigned char bytes[32];
+ fe_0(in);
+ fe_0(out);
+ for (count = 0; count < 32; count++) {
+ bytes[count] = count;
+ }
+ fe_frombytes(in, bytes);
+ elligator(out, in);
+ fe_tobytes(bytes, out);
+ TEST("Elligator vector", memcmp(bytes, elligator_correct_output, 32) == 0);
+ /* Elligator(0) == 0 test */
+ fe_0(in);
+ elligator(out, in);
+ TEST("Elligator(0) == 0", memcmp(in, out, 32) == 0);
+ /* ge_montx_to_p3(0) -> order2 point test */
+ fe one, negone, zero;
+ fe_1(one);
+ fe_0(zero);
+ fe_sub(negone, zero, one);
+ ge_p3 p3;
+ ge_montx_to_p3(&p3, zero, 0);
+ TEST("ge_montx_to_p3(0) == order 2 point",
+ fe_isequal(p3.X, zero) &&
+ fe_isequal(p3.Y, negone) &&
+ fe_isequal(p3.Z, one) &&
+ fe_isequal(p3.T, zero));
+ /* Hash to point vector test */
+ unsigned char htp[32];
+ for (count=0; count < 32; count++) {
+ htp[count] = count;
+ }
+ hash_to_point(&p3, htp, 32);
+ ge_p3_tobytes(htp, &p3);
+ TEST("hash_to_point #1", memcmp(htp, hashtopoint_correct_output1, 32) == 0);
+ for (count=0; count < 32; count++) {
+ htp[count] = count+1;
+ }
+ hash_to_point(&p3, htp, 32);
+ ge_p3_tobytes(htp, &p3);
+ TEST("hash_to_point #2", memcmp(htp, hashtopoint_correct_output2, 32) == 0);
+ return 0;
+int curvesigs_fast_test(int silent)
+ unsigned char signature_correct[64] = {
+ 0xcf, 0x87, 0x3d, 0x03, 0x79, 0xac, 0x20, 0xe8,
+ 0x89, 0x3e, 0x55, 0x67, 0xee, 0x0f, 0x89, 0x51,
+ 0xf8, 0xdb, 0x84, 0x0d, 0x26, 0xb2, 0x43, 0xb4,
+ 0x63, 0x52, 0x66, 0x89, 0xd0, 0x1c, 0xa7, 0x18,
+ 0xac, 0x18, 0x9f, 0xb1, 0x67, 0x85, 0x74, 0xeb,
+ 0xdd, 0xe5, 0x69, 0x33, 0x06, 0x59, 0x44, 0x8b,
+ 0x0b, 0xd6, 0xc1, 0x97, 0x3f, 0x7d, 0x78, 0x0a,
+ 0xb3, 0x95, 0x18, 0x62, 0x68, 0x03, 0xd7, 0x82,
+ };
+ const int MSG_LEN = 200;
+ unsigned char privkey[32];
+ unsigned char pubkey[32];
+ unsigned char signature[64];
+ unsigned char msg[MSG_LEN];
+ unsigned char random[64];
+ memset(privkey, 0, 32);
+ memset(pubkey, 0, 32);
+ memset(signature, 0, 64);
+ memset(msg, 0, MSG_LEN);
+ memset(random, 0, 64);
+ privkey[8] = 189; /* just so there's some bits set */
+ sc_clamp(privkey);
+ /* Signature vector test */
+ curve25519_keygen(pubkey, privkey);
+ curve25519_sign(signature, privkey, msg, MSG_LEN, random);
+ TEST("Curvesig sign", memcmp(signature, signature_correct, 64) == 0);
+ TEST("Curvesig verify #1", curve25519_verify(signature, pubkey, msg, MSG_LEN) == 0);
+ signature[0] ^= 1;
+ TEST("Curvesig verify #2", curve25519_verify(signature, pubkey, msg, MSG_LEN) != 0);
+ return 0;
+int xeddsa_fast_test(int silent)
+ unsigned char signature_correct[64] = {
+ 0x11, 0xc7, 0xf3, 0xe6, 0xc4, 0xdf, 0x9e, 0x8a,
+ 0x51, 0x50, 0xe1, 0xdb, 0x3b, 0x30, 0xf9, 0x2d,
+ 0xe3, 0xa3, 0xb3, 0xaa, 0x43, 0x86, 0x56, 0x54,
+ 0x5f, 0xa7, 0x39, 0x0f, 0x4b, 0xcc, 0x7b, 0xb2,
+ 0x6c, 0x43, 0x1d, 0x9e, 0x90, 0x64, 0x3e, 0x4f,
+ 0x0e, 0xaa, 0x0e, 0x9c, 0x55, 0x77, 0x66, 0xfa,
+ 0x69, 0xad, 0xa5, 0x76, 0xd6, 0x3d, 0xca, 0xf2,
+ 0xac, 0x32, 0x6c, 0x11, 0xd0, 0xb9, 0x77, 0x02,
+ };
+ const int MSG_LEN = 200;
+ unsigned char privkey[32];
+ unsigned char pubkey[32];
+ unsigned char signature[64];
+ unsigned char msg[MSG_LEN];
+ unsigned char random[64];
+ memset(privkey, 0, 32);
+ memset(pubkey, 0, 32);
+ memset(signature, 0, 64);
+ memset(msg, 0, MSG_LEN);
+ memset(random, 0, 64);
+ privkey[8] = 189; /* just so there's some bits set */
+ sc_clamp(privkey);
+ /* Signature vector test */
+ curve25519_keygen(pubkey, privkey);
+ xed25519_sign(signature, privkey, msg, MSG_LEN, random);
+ TEST("XEdDSA sign", memcmp(signature, signature_correct, 64) == 0);
+ TEST("XEdDSA verify #1", xed25519_verify(signature, pubkey, msg, MSG_LEN) == 0);
+ signature[0] ^= 1;
+ TEST("XEdDSA verify #2", xed25519_verify(signature, pubkey, msg, MSG_LEN) != 0);
+ memset(pubkey, 0xFF, 32);
+ TEST("XEdDSA verify #3", xed25519_verify(signature, pubkey, msg, MSG_LEN) != 0);
+ return 0;
+int generalized_xeddsa_fast_test(int silent)
+ unsigned char signature1[64];
+ unsigned char signature2[64];
+ unsigned char privkey[32];
+ unsigned char pubkey[32];
+ unsigned char msg1[1000];
+ unsigned char msg2[1000];
+ unsigned char random[64];
+ memset(signature1, 0, 64);
+ memset(signature2, 0, 64);
+ memset(privkey, 0xF0, 32);
+ memset(pubkey, 2, 32);
+ memset(msg1, 0x10, 1000);
+ memset(msg2, 0x20, 1000);
+ memset(random, 0xBC, 64);
+ sc_clamp(privkey);
+ curve25519_keygen(pubkey, privkey);
+ msg2[0] = 1;
+ TEST("generalized xeddsa sign #1", generalized_xeddsa_25519_sign(signature1, privkey, msg1, 100, random, NULL, 0) == 0);
+ TEST("generalized xeddsa sign #2", generalized_xeddsa_25519_sign(signature2, privkey, msg2, 100, random, NULL, 0) == 0);
+ TEST("generalized (old) xeddsa verify #1", xed25519_verify(signature1, pubkey, msg1, 100) == 0);
+ TEST("generalized (old) xeddsa verify #2", xed25519_verify(signature2, pubkey, msg2, 100) == 0);
+ TEST("generalized (old) xeddsa verify #3", xed25519_verify(signature1, pubkey, msg2, 100) != 0);
+ TEST("generalized (old) xeddsa verify #4", xed25519_verify(signature2, pubkey, msg1, 100) != 0);
+ TEST("generalized xeddsa verify #1", generalized_xeddsa_25519_verify(signature1, pubkey, msg1, 100, NULL, 0) == 0);
+ TEST("generalized xeddsa verify #2", generalized_xeddsa_25519_verify(signature2, pubkey, msg2, 100, NULL, 0) == 0);
+ TEST("generalized xeddsa verify #3", generalized_xeddsa_25519_verify(signature1, pubkey, msg2, 100, NULL, 0) != 0);
+ TEST("generalized xeddsa verify #4", generalized_xeddsa_25519_verify(signature2, pubkey, msg1, 100, NULL, 0) != 0);
+ return 0;
+int generalized_xveddsa_fast_test(int silent)
+ unsigned char signature1[96];
+ unsigned char signature2[96];
+ unsigned char privkey[32];
+ unsigned char pubkey[32];
+ unsigned char msg1[1000];
+ unsigned char msg2[1000];
+ unsigned char random[64];
+ unsigned char vrf[32];
+ memset(signature1, 0, 64);
+ memset(signature2, 0, 64);
+ memset(privkey, 1, 32);
+ memset(pubkey, 2, 32);
+ memset(msg1, 0x11, 1000);
+ memset(msg2, 0x22, 1000);
+ memset(random, 0xAB, 64);
+ sc_clamp(privkey);
+ curve25519_keygen(pubkey, privkey);
+ msg2[0] ^= 1;
+ TEST("generalized xveddsa sign #1", generalized_xveddsa_25519_sign(signature1, privkey, msg1, 100, random, NULL, 0) == 0);
+ TEST("generalized xveddsa sign #2", generalized_xveddsa_25519_sign(signature2, privkey, msg2, 100, random, (unsigned char*)"abc", 3) == 0);
+ TEST("generalized xveddsa verify #1", generalized_xveddsa_25519_verify(vrf, signature1, pubkey, msg1, 100, NULL, 0) == 0);
+ TEST("generalized xveddsa verify #2", generalized_xveddsa_25519_verify(vrf, signature2, pubkey, msg2, 100, (unsigned char*)"abc", 3) == 0);
+ TEST("generalized xveddsa verify #3", generalized_xveddsa_25519_verify(vrf, signature1, pubkey, msg2, 100, NULL, 0) != 0);
+ TEST("generalized xveddsa verify #4", generalized_xveddsa_25519_verify(vrf, signature2, pubkey, msg1, 100, (unsigned char*)"abc", 3) != 0);
+ unsigned char signature3[96];
+ unsigned char vrf3[96];
+ random[0] ^= 1;
+ TEST("generalized xveddsa sign #3", generalized_xveddsa_25519_sign(signature3, privkey, msg1, 100, random, NULL, 0) == 0);
+ TEST("generalized xveddsa verify #5", generalized_xveddsa_25519_verify(vrf, signature1, pubkey, msg1, 100, NULL, 0) == 0);
+ TEST("generalized xveddsa verify #6", generalized_xveddsa_25519_verify(vrf3, signature3, pubkey, msg1, 100, NULL, 0) == 0);
+ TEST("generalized xveddsa VRFs equal", memcmp(vrf, vrf3, 32) == 0);
+ TEST("generalized xveddsa Kv equal", memcmp(signature1+0, signature3+0, 32) == 0);
+ TEST("generalized xveddsa h not equal", memcmp(signature1+32, signature3+32, 32) != 0);
+ TEST("generalized xveddsa s not equal", memcmp(signature1+64, signature3+64, 32) != 0);
+ return 0;
+int all_fast_tests(int silent)
+ int result;
+ if ((result = sha512_fast_test(silent)) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ if ((result = strict_fast_test(silent)) != 0)
+ return -2;
+ if ((result = ge_fast_test(silent)) != 0)
+ return -3;
+ if ((result = elligator_fast_test(silent)) != 0)
+ return -3;
+ if ((result = curvesigs_fast_test(silent)) != 0)
+ return -4;
+ if ((result = xeddsa_fast_test(silent)) != 0)
+ return -5;
+ if ((result = generalized_xeddsa_fast_test(silent)) != 0)
+ return -6;
+ if ((result = generalized_xveddsa_fast_test(silent)) != 0)
+ return -7;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/tests/internal_fast_tests.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/tests/internal_fast_tests.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..47f117546d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/tests/internal_fast_tests.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+/* silent = 0 : prints info+error messages to stdout, abort() on test failure
+ * silent = 1 : returns 0 for success, anything else for failure
+ */
+int sha512_fast_test(int silent);
+int strict_fast_test(int silent);
+int elligator_fast_test(int silent);
+int curvesigs_fast_test(int silent);
+int xeddsa_fast_test(int silent);
+int vxeddsa_fast_test(int silent);
+int generalized_xeddsa_fast_test(int silent);
+int generalized_xveddsa_fast_test(int silent);
+int all_fast_tests(int silent);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/tests/internal_slow_tests.c b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/tests/internal_slow_tests.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..740ddbe843
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/tests/internal_slow_tests.c
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "crypto_hash_sha512.h"
+#include "keygen.h"
+#include "curve_sigs.h"
+#include "xeddsa.h"
+#include "crypto_additions.h"
+#include "ge.h"
+#include "utility.h"
+#include "gen_x.h"
+#include "internal_slow_tests.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#define ERROR(...) do {if (!silent) { printf(__VA_ARGS__); abort(); } else return -1; } while (0)
+#define INFO(...) do {if (!silent) printf(__VA_ARGS__);} while (0)
+#define TEST(msg, cond) \
+ do { \
+ if ((cond)) { \
+ INFO("%s good\n", msg); \
+ } \
+ else { \
+ ERROR("%s BAD!!!\n", msg); \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+int curvesigs_slow_test(int silent, int iterations)
+ unsigned char signature_10k_correct[64] = {
+ 0xfc, 0xba, 0x55, 0xc4, 0x85, 0x4a, 0x42, 0x25,
+ 0x19, 0xab, 0x08, 0x8d, 0xfe, 0xb5, 0x13, 0xb6,
+ 0x0d, 0x24, 0xbb, 0x16, 0x27, 0x55, 0x71, 0x48,
+ 0xdd, 0x20, 0xb1, 0xcd, 0x2a, 0xd6, 0x7e, 0x35,
+ 0xef, 0x33, 0x4c, 0x7b, 0x6d, 0x94, 0x6f, 0x52,
+ 0xec, 0x43, 0xd7, 0xe6, 0x35, 0x24, 0xcd, 0x5b,
+ 0x5d, 0xdc, 0xb2, 0x32, 0xc6, 0x22, 0x53, 0xf3,
+ 0x38, 0x02, 0xf8, 0x28, 0x28, 0xc5, 0x65, 0x05,
+ };
+ int count;
+ const int MSG_LEN = 200;
+ unsigned char privkey[32];
+ unsigned char pubkey[32];
+ unsigned char signature[64];
+ unsigned char msg[MSG_LEN];
+ unsigned char random[64];
+ memset(privkey, 0, 32);
+ memset(pubkey, 0, 32);
+ memset(signature, 0, 64);
+ memset(msg, 0, MSG_LEN);
+ memset(random, 0, 64);
+ /* Signature random test */
+ INFO("Pseudorandom curvesigs...\n");
+ for (count = 1; count <= iterations; count++) {
+ unsigned char b[64];
+ crypto_hash_sha512(b, signature, 64);
+ memmove(privkey, b, 32);
+ crypto_hash_sha512(b, privkey, 32);
+ memmove(random, b, 64);
+ sc_clamp(privkey);
+ curve25519_keygen(pubkey, privkey);
+ curve25519_sign(signature, privkey, msg, MSG_LEN, random);
+ if (curve25519_verify(signature, pubkey, msg, MSG_LEN) != 0)
+ ERROR("Curvesig verify failure #1 %d\n", count);
+ if (b[63] & 1)
+ signature[count % 64] ^= 1;
+ else
+ msg[count % MSG_LEN] ^= 1;
+ if (curve25519_verify(signature, pubkey, msg, MSG_LEN) == 0)
+ ERROR("Curvesig verify failure #2 %d\n", count);
+ if (count == 10000) {
+ if (memcmp(signature, signature_10k_correct, 64) != 0)
+ ERROR("Curvesig signature 10K doesn't match %d\n", count);
+ }
+ if (count == 100000)
+ print_bytes("100K curvesigs", signature, 64);
+ if (count == 1000000)
+ print_bytes("1M curvesigs", signature, 64);
+ if (count == 10000000)
+ print_bytes("10M curvesigs", signature, 64);
+ }
+ INFO("good\n");
+ return 0;
+int xeddsa_slow_test(int silent, int iterations)
+ unsigned char signature_10k_correct[64] = {
+ 0x15, 0x29, 0x03, 0x38, 0x66, 0x16, 0xcd, 0x26,
+ 0xbb, 0x3e, 0xec, 0xe2, 0x9f, 0x72, 0xa2, 0x5c,
+ 0x7d, 0x05, 0xc9, 0xcb, 0x84, 0x3f, 0x92, 0x96,
+ 0xb3, 0xfb, 0xb9, 0xdd, 0xd6, 0xed, 0x99, 0x04,
+ 0xc1, 0xa8, 0x02, 0x16, 0xcf, 0x49, 0x3f, 0xf1,
+ 0xbe, 0x69, 0xf9, 0xf1, 0xcc, 0x16, 0xd7, 0xdc,
+ 0x6e, 0xd3, 0x78, 0xaa, 0x04, 0xeb, 0x71, 0x51,
+ 0x9d, 0xe8, 0x7a, 0x5b, 0xd8, 0x49, 0x7b, 0x05,
+ };
+ int count;
+ const int MSG_LEN = 200;
+ unsigned char privkey[32];
+ unsigned char pubkey[32];
+ unsigned char signature[96];
+ unsigned char msg[MSG_LEN];
+ unsigned char random[64];
+ memset(privkey, 0, 32);
+ memset(pubkey, 0, 32);
+ memset(signature, 1, 64);
+ memset(msg, 0, MSG_LEN);
+ memset(random, 0, 64);
+ /* Signature random test */
+ INFO("Pseudorandom XEdDSA...\n");
+ for (count = 1; count <= iterations; count++) {
+ unsigned char b[64];
+ crypto_hash_sha512(b, signature, 64);
+ memmove(privkey, b, 32);
+ crypto_hash_sha512(b, privkey, 32);
+ memmove(random, b, 64);
+ sc_clamp(privkey);
+ curve25519_keygen(pubkey, privkey);
+ xed25519_sign(signature, privkey, msg, MSG_LEN, random);
+ if (xed25519_verify(signature, pubkey, msg, MSG_LEN) != 0)
+ ERROR("XEdDSA verify failure #1 %d\n", count);
+ if (b[63] & 1)
+ signature[count % 64] ^= 1;
+ else
+ msg[count % MSG_LEN] ^= 1;
+ if (xed25519_verify(signature, pubkey, msg, MSG_LEN) == 0)
+ ERROR("XEdDSA verify failure #2 %d\n", count);
+ if (count == 10000) {
+ if (memcmp(signature, signature_10k_correct, 64) != 0)
+ ERROR("XEDSA signature 10K doesn't match %d\n", count);
+ }
+ if (count == 100000)
+ print_bytes("100K XEdDSA", signature, 64);
+ if (count == 1000000)
+ print_bytes("1M XEdDSA", signature, 64);
+ if (count == 10000000)
+ print_bytes("10M XEdDSA", signature, 64);
+ }
+ INFO("good\n");
+ return 0;
+int xeddsa_to_curvesigs_slow_test(int silent, int iterations)
+ unsigned char signature_10k_correct[64] = {
+ 0x33, 0x50, 0xa8, 0x68, 0xcd, 0x9e, 0x74, 0x99,
+ 0xa3, 0x5c, 0x33, 0x75, 0x2b, 0x22, 0x03, 0xf8,
+ 0xb5, 0x0f, 0xea, 0x8c, 0x33, 0x1c, 0x68, 0x8b,
+ 0xbb, 0xf3, 0x31, 0xcf, 0x7c, 0x42, 0x37, 0x35,
+ 0xa0, 0x0e, 0x15, 0xb8, 0x5d, 0x2b, 0xe1, 0xa2,
+ 0x03, 0x77, 0x94, 0x3d, 0x13, 0x5c, 0xd4, 0x9b,
+ 0x6a, 0x31, 0xf4, 0xdc, 0xfe, 0x24, 0xad, 0x54,
+ 0xeb, 0xd2, 0x98, 0x47, 0xf1, 0xcc, 0xbf, 0x0d
+ };
+ int count;
+ const int MSG_LEN = 200;
+ unsigned char privkey[32];
+ unsigned char pubkey[32];
+ unsigned char signature[96];
+ unsigned char msg[MSG_LEN];
+ unsigned char random[64];
+ memset(privkey, 0, 32);
+ memset(pubkey, 0, 32);
+ memset(signature, 2, 64);
+ memset(msg, 0, MSG_LEN);
+ memset(random, 0, 64);
+ /* Signature random test */
+ INFO("Pseudorandom XEdDSA/Curvesigs...\n");
+ for (count = 1; count <= iterations; count++) {
+ unsigned char b[64];
+ crypto_hash_sha512(b, signature, 64);
+ memmove(privkey, b, 32);
+ crypto_hash_sha512(b, privkey, 32);
+ memmove(random, b, 64);
+ sc_clamp(privkey);
+ curve25519_keygen(pubkey, privkey);
+ xed25519_sign(signature, privkey, msg, MSG_LEN, random);
+ if (curve25519_verify(signature, pubkey, msg, MSG_LEN) != 0)
+ ERROR("XEdDSA/Curvesigs verify failure #1 %d\n", count);
+ if (b[63] & 1)
+ signature[count % 64] ^= 1;
+ else
+ msg[count % MSG_LEN] ^= 1;
+ if (curve25519_verify(signature, pubkey, msg, MSG_LEN) == 0)
+ ERROR("XEdDSA/Curvesigs verify failure #2 %d\n", count);
+ if (count == 10000) {
+ if (memcmp(signature, signature_10k_correct, 64) != 0)
+ ERROR("XEdDSA/Curvesigs signature 10K doesn't match %d\n", count);
+ }
+ if (count == 100000)
+ print_bytes("100K XEdDSA/C", signature, 64);
+ if (count == 1000000)
+ print_bytes("1M XEdDSA/C", signature, 64);
+ if (count == 10000000)
+ print_bytes("10M XEdDSA/C", signature, 64);
+ }
+ INFO("good\n");
+ return 0;
+int generalized_xveddsa_slow_test(int silent, int iterations)
+ unsigned char signature_10k_correct[96] = {
+ 0x89, 0x21, 0xf5, 0x2f, 0x37, 0x72, 0x08, 0x55,
+ 0x18, 0x9d, 0x24, 0xed, 0x86, 0xb1, 0x7a, 0x02,
+ 0xbf, 0x29, 0x5e, 0xa7, 0x45, 0xdc, 0x80, 0x03,
+ 0x7f, 0x4f, 0xca, 0x79, 0xe0, 0x95, 0xd0, 0xa1,
+ 0xb5, 0x99, 0xbe, 0xbd, 0xef, 0xbe, 0xa4, 0xdc,
+ 0x0c, 0x07, 0x6a, 0xf7, 0x7f, 0xe1, 0x1c, 0xb8,
+ 0x18, 0x84, 0xb8, 0xb4, 0xcf, 0x38, 0x7d, 0x98,
+ 0x37, 0xd8, 0x40, 0x23, 0x42, 0x12, 0x70, 0x06,
+ 0xb0, 0xd1, 0x0c, 0xc0, 0x1c, 0xa6, 0x9a, 0x2f,
+ 0xb4, 0x02, 0xd6, 0x37, 0x22, 0xe9, 0xfb, 0x00,
+ 0x22, 0x02, 0x5a, 0xf4, 0x40, 0x43, 0xb8, 0xe9,
+ 0xf4, 0x13, 0x44, 0x16, 0x19, 0x8d, 0x7e, 0x02,
+ };
+ unsigned char signature_100k_correct[96] = {
+ 0xc4, 0x99, 0x64, 0x1f, 0x94, 0x95, 0xf4, 0x57,
+ 0xa0, 0xb9, 0x3d, 0xc3, 0xb5, 0x2e, 0x1e, 0xdd,
+ 0x92, 0xf2, 0x4c, 0xb2, 0x01, 0x36, 0x3d, 0xf2,
+ 0xea, 0x2c, 0xdc, 0x32, 0x21, 0x5f, 0xc5, 0xd2,
+ 0xff, 0x16, 0x41, 0x71, 0x3a, 0x77, 0x79, 0xeb,
+ 0x67, 0x20, 0xc4, 0xec, 0x39, 0xe1, 0x54, 0x2d,
+ 0x40, 0x10, 0xf9, 0xca, 0xc5, 0x21, 0x0a, 0x47,
+ 0x63, 0x99, 0x23, 0x04, 0x9d, 0x03, 0x1a, 0x06,
+ 0x00, 0xb9, 0x56, 0x7e, 0xef, 0xee, 0x0b, 0x40,
+ 0x59, 0xc1, 0x86, 0xd9, 0xa7, 0x87, 0x70, 0xec,
+ 0x05, 0x89, 0xbe, 0x71, 0x43, 0xd1, 0xf5, 0x61,
+ 0x5e, 0x00, 0x41, 0xde, 0x1f, 0x41, 0x2d, 0x0e,
+ };
+ unsigned char signature_1m_correct[96] = {
+ 0xf8, 0xb1, 0x20, 0xf2, 0x1e, 0x5c, 0xbf, 0x5f,
+ 0xea, 0x07, 0xcb, 0xb5, 0x77, 0xb8, 0x03, 0xbc,
+ 0xcb, 0x6d, 0xf1, 0xc1, 0xa5, 0x03, 0x05, 0x7b,
+ 0x01, 0x63, 0x9b, 0xf9, 0xed, 0x3e, 0x57, 0x47,
+ 0xd2, 0x5b, 0xf4, 0x7e, 0x7c, 0x45, 0xce, 0xfc,
+ 0x06, 0xb3, 0xf4, 0x05, 0x81, 0x9f, 0x53, 0xb0,
+ 0x18, 0xe3, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0xb2, 0x52, 0x3e, 0x57,
+ 0xcb, 0x34, 0xcc, 0x81, 0x60, 0xb9, 0x0b, 0x04,
+ 0x07, 0x79, 0xc0, 0x53, 0xad, 0xc4, 0x4b, 0xd0,
+ 0xb5, 0x7d, 0x95, 0x4e, 0xbe, 0xa5, 0x75, 0x0c,
+ 0xd4, 0xbf, 0xa7, 0xc0, 0xcf, 0xba, 0xe7, 0x7c,
+ 0xe2, 0x90, 0xef, 0x61, 0xa9, 0x29, 0x66, 0x0d,
+ };
+ unsigned char signature_10m_correct[96] = {
+ 0xf5, 0xa4, 0xbc, 0xec, 0xc3, 0x3d, 0xd0, 0x43,
+ 0xd2, 0x81, 0x27, 0x9e, 0xf0, 0x4c, 0xbe, 0xf3,
+ 0x77, 0x01, 0x56, 0x41, 0x0e, 0xff, 0x0c, 0xb9,
+ 0x66, 0xec, 0x4d, 0xe0, 0xb7, 0x25, 0x63, 0x6b,
+ 0x5c, 0x08, 0x39, 0x80, 0x4e, 0x37, 0x1b, 0x2c,
+ 0x46, 0x6f, 0x86, 0x99, 0x1c, 0x4e, 0x31, 0x60,
+ 0xdb, 0x4c, 0xfe, 0xc5, 0xa2, 0x4d, 0x71, 0x2b,
+ 0xd6, 0xd0, 0xc3, 0x98, 0x88, 0xdb, 0x0e, 0x0c,
+ 0x68, 0x4a, 0xd3, 0xc7, 0x56, 0xac, 0x8d, 0x95,
+ 0x7b, 0xbd, 0x99, 0x50, 0xe8, 0xd3, 0xea, 0xf3,
+ 0x7b, 0x26, 0xf2, 0xa2, 0x2b, 0x02, 0x58, 0xca,
+ 0xbd, 0x2c, 0x2b, 0xf7, 0x77, 0x58, 0xfe, 0x09,
+ };
+ */
+ int count;
+ const int MSG_LEN = 200;
+ unsigned char privkey[32];
+ unsigned char pubkey[32];
+ unsigned char signature[96];
+ unsigned char msg[MSG_LEN];
+ unsigned char random[64];
+ unsigned char vrf_out[32];
+ memset(privkey, 0, 32);
+ memset(pubkey, 0, 32);
+ memset(signature, 3, 96);
+ memset(msg, 0, MSG_LEN);
+ memset(random, 0, 64);
+ INFO("Pseudorandom XVEdDSA...\n");
+ for (count = 1; count <= iterations; count++) {
+ unsigned char b[64];
+ crypto_hash_sha512(b, signature, 96);
+ memmove(privkey, b, 32);
+ crypto_hash_sha512(b, privkey, 32);
+ memmove(random, b, 64);
+ sc_clamp(privkey);
+ curve25519_keygen(pubkey, privkey);
+ generalized_xveddsa_25519_sign(signature, privkey, msg, MSG_LEN, random, NULL, 0);
+ if (generalized_xveddsa_25519_verify(vrf_out, signature, pubkey, msg, MSG_LEN, NULL, 0) != 0)
+ ERROR("XVEdDSA verify failure #1 %d\n", count);
+ if (b[63] & 1)
+ signature[count % 96] ^= 1;
+ else
+ msg[count % MSG_LEN] ^= 1;
+ if (generalized_xveddsa_25519_verify(vrf_out, signature, pubkey, msg, MSG_LEN, NULL, 0) == 0)
+ ERROR("XVEdDSA verify failure #2 %d\n", count);
+ if (count == 10000)
+ print_bytes("10K XVEdDSA", signature, 96);
+ if (count == 100000)
+ print_bytes("100K XVEdDSA", signature, 96);
+ if (count == 1000000)
+ print_bytes("1M XVEdDSA", signature, 96);
+ if (count == 10000000)
+ print_bytes("10M XVEdDSA", signature, 96);
+ if (count == 100000000)
+ print_bytes("100M XVEdDSA", signature, 96);
+ if (count == 10000) {
+ if (memcmp(signature, signature_10k_correct, 96) != 0)
+ ERROR("XVEDDSA 10K doesn't match %d\n", count);
+ }
+ if (count == 100000) {
+ if (memcmp(signature, signature_100k_correct, 96) != 0)
+ ERROR("XVEDDSA 100K doesn't match %d\n", count);
+ }
+ /*
+ if (count == 1000000) {
+ if (memcmp(signature, signature_1m_correct, 96) != 0)
+ ERROR("XVEDDSA 1m doesn't match %d\n", count);
+ }
+ if (count == 10000000) {
+ if (memcmp(signature, signature_10m_correct, 96) != 0)
+ ERROR("XVEDDSA 10m doesn't match %d\n", count);
+ }
+ if (count == 100000000) {
+ if (memcmp(signature, signature_100m_correct, 96) != 0)
+ ERROR("XVEDDSA 100m doesn't match %d\n", count);
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ INFO("good\n");
+ return 0;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/tests/internal_slow_tests.h b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/tests/internal_slow_tests.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a680c6160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/curve25519/ed25519/tests/internal_slow_tests.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+/* silent = 0 : prints info+error messages to stdout, abort() on test failure
+ * silent = 1 : returns 0 for success, anything else for failure
+ * iterations : hardcoded known-good values are at 10000, so run at least this many
+ */
+int curvesigs_slow_test(int silent, int iterations);
+int xeddsa_slow_test(int silent, int iterations);
+int xeddsa_to_curvesigs_slow_test(int silent, int iterations);
+int generalized_xveddsa_slow_test(int silent, int iterations);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/device_consistency.c b/libs/libsignal/src/device_consistency.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a079d11770
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/device_consistency.c
@@ -0,0 +1,681 @@
+#include "device_consistency.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "signal_protocol_internal.h"
+#include "curve.h"
+#include "WhisperTextProtocol.pb-c.h"
+#include "signal_utarray.h"
+#define CODE_VERSION 0
+struct device_consistency_signature
+ signal_type_base base;
+ signal_buffer *signature;
+ signal_buffer *vrf_output;
+struct device_consistency_commitment
+ signal_type_base base;
+ uint32_t generation;
+ signal_buffer *serialized;
+struct device_consistency_message
+ signal_type_base base;
+ device_consistency_signature *signature;
+ uint32_t generation;
+ signal_buffer *serialized;
+struct device_consistency_signature_list
+ UT_array *values;
+static int device_consistency_message_create(device_consistency_message **message);
+static void device_consistency_signature_list_sort(device_consistency_signature_list *list);
+int device_consistency_signature_create(device_consistency_signature **signature,
+ const uint8_t *signature_data, size_t signature_len,
+ const uint8_t *vrf_output_data, size_t vrf_output_len)
+ int result = 0;
+ device_consistency_signature *result_signature = 0;
+ result_signature = malloc(sizeof(device_consistency_signature));
+ if(!result_signature) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memset(result_signature, 0, sizeof(device_consistency_signature));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result_signature, device_consistency_signature_destroy);
+ result_signature->signature = signal_buffer_create(signature_data, signature_len);
+ if(!result_signature->signature) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result_signature->vrf_output = signal_buffer_create(vrf_output_data, vrf_output_len);
+ if(!result_signature->vrf_output) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *signature = result_signature;
+ }
+ else {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_signature);
+ }
+ return result;
+signal_buffer *device_consistency_signature_get_signature(const device_consistency_signature *signature)
+ assert(signature);
+ return signature->signature;
+signal_buffer *device_consistency_signature_get_vrf_output(const device_consistency_signature *signature)
+ assert(signature);
+ return signature->vrf_output;
+void device_consistency_signature_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ device_consistency_signature *signature = (device_consistency_signature *)type;
+ signal_buffer_free(signature->signature);
+ signal_buffer_free(signature->vrf_output);
+ free(signature);
+int device_consistency_commitment_create(device_consistency_commitment **commitment,
+ uint32_t generation, ec_public_key_list *identity_key_list,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ static const char version[] = "DeviceConsistencyCommitment_V0";
+ int result = 0;
+ void *digest_context = 0;
+ device_consistency_commitment *result_commitment = 0;
+ ec_public_key_list *sorted_list = 0;
+ uint8_t gen_data[4];
+ unsigned int list_size;
+ unsigned int i;
+ result_commitment = malloc(sizeof(device_consistency_commitment));
+ if(!result_commitment) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memset(result_commitment, 0, sizeof(device_consistency_commitment));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result_commitment, device_consistency_commitment_destroy);
+ sorted_list = ec_public_key_list_copy(identity_key_list);
+ if(!sorted_list) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ ec_public_key_list_sort(sorted_list);
+ result = signal_sha512_digest_init(global_context, &digest_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_sha512_digest_update(global_context, digest_context,
+ (uint8_t *)version, sizeof(version) - 1);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ gen_data[3] = (uint8_t)(generation);
+ gen_data[2] = (uint8_t)(generation >> 8);
+ gen_data[1] = (uint8_t)(generation >> 16);
+ gen_data[0] = (uint8_t)(generation >> 24);
+ result = signal_sha512_digest_update(global_context, digest_context,
+ gen_data, sizeof(gen_data));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ list_size = ec_public_key_list_size(sorted_list);
+ for(i = 0; i < list_size; i++) {
+ signal_buffer *key_buffer = 0;
+ ec_public_key *key = ec_public_key_list_at(sorted_list, i);
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize(&key_buffer, key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_sha512_digest_update(global_context, digest_context,
+ signal_buffer_data(key_buffer), signal_buffer_len(key_buffer));
+ signal_buffer_free(key_buffer);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ result_commitment->generation = generation;
+ result = signal_sha512_digest_final(global_context, digest_context, &result_commitment->serialized);
+ if(sorted_list) {
+ ec_public_key_list_free(sorted_list);
+ }
+ if(digest_context) {
+ signal_sha512_digest_cleanup(global_context, digest_context);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *commitment = result_commitment;
+ }
+ else {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_commitment);
+ }
+ return result;
+uint32_t device_consistency_commitment_get_generation(const device_consistency_commitment *commitment)
+ assert(commitment);
+ return commitment->generation;
+signal_buffer *device_consistency_commitment_get_serialized(const device_consistency_commitment *commitment)
+ assert(commitment);
+ return commitment->serialized;
+void device_consistency_commitment_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ device_consistency_commitment *commitment = (device_consistency_commitment *)type;
+ signal_buffer_free(commitment->serialized);
+ free(commitment);
+int device_consistency_message_create(device_consistency_message **message)
+ int result = 0;
+ device_consistency_message *result_message = 0;
+ result_message = malloc(sizeof(device_consistency_message));
+ if(!result_message) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memset(result_message, 0, sizeof(device_consistency_message));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result_message, device_consistency_message_destroy);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *message = result_message;
+ }
+ return result;
+int device_consistency_message_create_from_pair(device_consistency_message **message,
+ device_consistency_commitment *commitment,
+ ec_key_pair *identity_key_pair,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ device_consistency_message *result_message = 0;
+ signal_buffer *commitment_buffer = 0;
+ signal_buffer *signature_buffer = 0;
+ signal_buffer *vrf_output_buffer = 0;
+ signal_buffer *serialized_signature_buffer = 0;
+ Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage message_structure = TEXTSECURE__DEVICE_CONSISTENCY_CODE_MESSAGE__INIT;
+ size_t len = 0;
+ uint8_t *data = 0;
+ size_t result_size = 0;
+ /* Create message instance */
+ result = device_consistency_message_create(&result_message);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ /* Calculate VRF signature */
+ commitment_buffer = device_consistency_commitment_get_serialized(commitment);
+ result = curve_calculate_vrf_signature(global_context, &signature_buffer,
+ ec_key_pair_get_private(identity_key_pair),
+ signal_buffer_data(commitment_buffer), signal_buffer_len(commitment_buffer));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ /* Verify VRF signature */
+ result = curve_verify_vrf_signature(global_context, &vrf_output_buffer,
+ ec_key_pair_get_public(identity_key_pair),
+ signal_buffer_data(commitment_buffer), signal_buffer_len(commitment_buffer),
+ signal_buffer_data(signature_buffer), signal_buffer_len(signature_buffer));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result_message->generation = device_consistency_commitment_get_generation(commitment);
+ /* Create and assign the signature */
+ result = device_consistency_signature_create(&result_message->signature,
+ signal_buffer_data(signature_buffer), signal_buffer_len(signature_buffer),
+ signal_buffer_data(vrf_output_buffer), signal_buffer_len(vrf_output_buffer));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ serialized_signature_buffer = device_consistency_signature_get_signature(result_message->signature);
+ /* Serialize the message */
+ message_structure.generation = device_consistency_commitment_get_generation(commitment);
+ message_structure.has_generation = 1;
+ = signal_buffer_data(serialized_signature_buffer);
+ message_structure.signature.len = signal_buffer_len(serialized_signature_buffer);
+ message_structure.has_signature = 1;
+ len = textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__get_packed_size(&message_structure);
+ result_message->serialized = signal_buffer_alloc(len);
+ if(!result_message->serialized) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ data = signal_buffer_data(result_message->serialized);
+ result_size = textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__pack(&message_structure, data);
+ if(result_size != len) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ signal_buffer_free(signature_buffer);
+ signal_buffer_free(vrf_output_buffer);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *message = result_message;
+ }
+ else {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_message);
+ }
+ if(result == SG_ERR_INVALID_KEY || result == SG_ERR_VRF_SIG_VERIF_FAILED) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ return result;
+int device_consistency_message_create_from_serialized(device_consistency_message **message,
+ device_consistency_commitment *commitment,
+ const uint8_t *serialized_data, size_t serialized_len,
+ ec_public_key *identity_key,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ device_consistency_message *result_message = 0;
+ Textsecure__DeviceConsistencyCodeMessage *message_structure = 0;
+ signal_buffer *commitment_buffer = 0;
+ signal_buffer *vrf_output_buffer = 0;
+ /* Create message instance */
+ result = device_consistency_message_create(&result_message);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ /* Deserialize the message */
+ message_structure = textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__unpack(0, serialized_len, serialized_data);
+ if(!message_structure) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(!message_structure->has_generation || !message_structure->has_signature) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ /* Verify VRF signature */
+ commitment_buffer = device_consistency_commitment_get_serialized(commitment);
+ result = curve_verify_vrf_signature(global_context, &vrf_output_buffer,
+ identity_key,
+ signal_buffer_data(commitment_buffer), signal_buffer_len(commitment_buffer),
+ message_structure->, message_structure->signature.len);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ /* Assign the message fields */
+ result_message->generation = message_structure->generation;
+ result = device_consistency_signature_create(&result_message->signature,
+ message_structure->, message_structure->signature.len,
+ signal_buffer_data(vrf_output_buffer), signal_buffer_len(vrf_output_buffer));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result_message->serialized = signal_buffer_create(serialized_data, serialized_len);
+ if(!result_message->serialized) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ if(message_structure) {
+ textsecure__device_consistency_code_message__free_unpacked(message_structure, 0);
+ }
+ signal_buffer_free(vrf_output_buffer);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *message = result_message;
+ }
+ else {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_message);
+ }
+ || result == SG_ERR_INVALID_KEY
+ || result == SG_ERR_VRF_SIG_VERIF_FAILED) {
+ }
+ return result;
+signal_buffer *device_consistency_message_get_serialized(const device_consistency_message *message)
+ assert(message);
+ return message->serialized;
+device_consistency_signature *device_consistency_message_get_signature(const device_consistency_message *message)
+ assert(message);
+ return message->signature;
+uint32_t device_consistency_signature_get_generation(const device_consistency_message *message)
+ assert(message);
+ return message->generation;
+void device_consistency_message_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ device_consistency_message *message = (device_consistency_message *)type;
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(message->signature);
+ signal_buffer_free(message->serialized);
+ free(message);
+int device_consistency_code_generate_for(device_consistency_commitment *commitment,
+ device_consistency_signature_list *signatures,
+ char **code_string,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ char *result_string = 0;
+ void *digest_context = 0;
+ device_consistency_signature_list *sorted_list = 0;
+ uint8_t version_data[2];
+ signal_buffer *commitment_buffer;
+ unsigned int list_size;
+ unsigned int i;
+ signal_buffer *hash_buffer = 0;
+ uint8_t *data = 0;
+ size_t len = 0;
+ char *encoded_string = 0;
+ sorted_list = device_consistency_signature_list_copy(signatures);
+ if(!sorted_list) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ device_consistency_signature_list_sort(sorted_list);
+ result = signal_sha512_digest_init(global_context, &digest_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ version_data[1] = (uint8_t)(CODE_VERSION);
+ version_data[0] = (uint8_t)(CODE_VERSION >> 8);
+ result = signal_sha512_digest_update(global_context, digest_context,
+ version_data, sizeof(version_data));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ commitment_buffer = device_consistency_commitment_get_serialized(commitment);
+ result = signal_sha512_digest_update(global_context, digest_context,
+ signal_buffer_data(commitment_buffer),
+ signal_buffer_len(commitment_buffer));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ list_size = device_consistency_signature_list_size(sorted_list);
+ for(i = 0; i < list_size; i++) {
+ device_consistency_signature *signature = device_consistency_signature_list_at(sorted_list, i);
+ signal_buffer *vrf_output = device_consistency_signature_get_vrf_output(signature);
+ result = signal_sha512_digest_update(global_context, digest_context,
+ signal_buffer_data(vrf_output),
+ signal_buffer_len(vrf_output));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ result = signal_sha512_digest_final(global_context, digest_context, &hash_buffer);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ data = signal_buffer_data(hash_buffer);
+ len = signal_buffer_len(hash_buffer);
+ if(len < 10) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ encoded_string = malloc(11);
+ if(!encoded_string) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < 10; i += 5) {
+ uint64_t chunk = ((uint64_t)data[i] & 0xFFL) << 32 |
+ ((uint64_t)data[i + 1] & 0xFFL) << 24 |
+ ((uint64_t)data[i + 2] & 0xFFL) << 16 |
+ ((uint64_t)data[i + 3] & 0xFFL) << 8 |
+ ((uint64_t)data[i + 4] & 0xFFL);
+ sprintf_s(encoded_string + i, 6, "%05d", (int)(chunk % 100000));
+ snprintf(encoded_string + i, 6, "%05d", (int)(chunk % 100000));
+ }
+ result_string = malloc(7);
+ if(!result_string) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memcpy(result_string, encoded_string, 6);
+ result_string[6] = '\0';
+ if(sorted_list) {
+ device_consistency_signature_list_free(sorted_list);
+ }
+ if(digest_context) {
+ signal_sha512_digest_cleanup(global_context, digest_context);
+ }
+ signal_buffer_free(hash_buffer);
+ free(encoded_string);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *code_string = result_string;
+ }
+ return result;
+device_consistency_signature_list *device_consistency_signature_list_alloc()
+ int result = 0;
+ device_consistency_signature_list *list = malloc(sizeof(device_consistency_signature_list));
+ if(!list) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memset(list, 0, sizeof(device_consistency_signature_list));
+ utarray_new(list->values, &ut_ptr_icd);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ if(list) {
+ free(list);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ return list;
+ }
+device_consistency_signature_list *device_consistency_signature_list_copy(const device_consistency_signature_list *list)
+ int result = 0;
+ device_consistency_signature_list *result_list = 0;
+ unsigned int size;
+ unsigned int i;
+ device_consistency_signature **p;
+ result_list = device_consistency_signature_list_alloc();
+ if(!result_list) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ size = utarray_len(list->values);
+ utarray_reserve(result_list->values, size);
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ p = (device_consistency_signature **)utarray_eltptr(list->values, i);
+ result = device_consistency_signature_list_push_back(result_list, *p);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(result < 0) {
+ if(result_list) {
+ device_consistency_signature_list_free(result_list);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ return result_list;
+ }
+int device_consistency_signature_list_push_back(device_consistency_signature_list *list, device_consistency_signature *value)
+ int result = 0;
+ assert(list);
+ assert(value);
+ utarray_push_back(list->values, &value);
+ SIGNAL_REF(value);
+ return result;
+unsigned int device_consistency_signature_list_size(const device_consistency_signature_list *list)
+ assert(list);
+ return utarray_len(list->values);
+device_consistency_signature *device_consistency_signature_list_at(const device_consistency_signature_list *list, unsigned int index)
+ device_consistency_signature **value = 0;
+ assert(list);
+ assert(index < utarray_len(list->values));
+ value = (device_consistency_signature **)utarray_eltptr(list->values, index);
+ assert(*value);
+ return *value;
+int device_consistency_signature_list_sort_comparator(const void *a, const void *b)
+ int result;
+ const device_consistency_signature *sig1 = *((const device_consistency_signature **)a);
+ const device_consistency_signature *sig2 = *((const device_consistency_signature **)b);
+ signal_buffer *buf1 = device_consistency_signature_get_vrf_output(sig1);
+ signal_buffer *buf2 = device_consistency_signature_get_vrf_output(sig2);
+ size_t len1 = signal_buffer_len(buf1);
+ size_t len2 = signal_buffer_len(buf2);
+ if(len1 == len2) {
+ result = memcmp(signal_buffer_data(buf1), signal_buffer_data(buf2), len1);
+ }
+ else if (len1 < len2) {
+ result = -1;
+ } else {
+ result = 1;
+ }
+ return result;
+void device_consistency_signature_list_sort(device_consistency_signature_list *list)
+ assert(list);
+ utarray_sort(list->values, device_consistency_signature_list_sort_comparator);
+void device_consistency_signature_list_free(device_consistency_signature_list *list)
+ unsigned int size;
+ unsigned int i;
+ device_consistency_signature **p;
+ if(list) {
+ size = utarray_len(list->values);
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ p = (device_consistency_signature **)utarray_eltptr(list->values, i);
+ }
+ utarray_free(list->values);
+ free(list);
+ }
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/device_consistency.h b/libs/libsignal/src/device_consistency.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..379d04471c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/device_consistency.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#include "signal_protocol_types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+int device_consistency_signature_create(device_consistency_signature **signature,
+ const uint8_t *signature_data, size_t signature_len,
+ const uint8_t *vrf_output_data, size_t vrf_output_len);
+signal_buffer *device_consistency_signature_get_signature(const device_consistency_signature *signature);
+signal_buffer *device_consistency_signature_get_vrf_output(const device_consistency_signature *signature);
+void device_consistency_signature_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+int device_consistency_commitment_create(device_consistency_commitment **commitment,
+ uint32_t generation, ec_public_key_list *identity_key_list,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+uint32_t device_consistency_commitment_get_generation(const device_consistency_commitment *commitment);
+signal_buffer *device_consistency_commitment_get_serialized(const device_consistency_commitment *commitment);
+void device_consistency_commitment_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+int device_consistency_message_create_from_pair(device_consistency_message **message,
+ device_consistency_commitment *commitment,
+ ec_key_pair *identity_key_pair,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+int device_consistency_message_create_from_serialized(device_consistency_message **message,
+ device_consistency_commitment *commitment,
+ const uint8_t *serialized_data, size_t serialized_len,
+ ec_public_key *identity_key,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+signal_buffer *device_consistency_message_get_serialized(const device_consistency_message *message);
+device_consistency_signature *device_consistency_message_get_signature(const device_consistency_message *message);
+uint32_t device_consistency_signature_get_generation(const device_consistency_message *message);
+void device_consistency_message_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+int device_consistency_code_generate_for(device_consistency_commitment *commitment,
+ device_consistency_signature_list *signatures,
+ char **code_string,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+device_consistency_signature_list *device_consistency_signature_list_alloc(void);
+device_consistency_signature_list *device_consistency_signature_list_copy(const device_consistency_signature_list *list);
+int device_consistency_signature_list_push_back(device_consistency_signature_list *list, device_consistency_signature *value);
+unsigned int device_consistency_signature_list_size(const device_consistency_signature_list *list);
+device_consistency_signature *device_consistency_signature_list_at(const device_consistency_signature_list *list, unsigned int index);
+void device_consistency_signature_list_free(device_consistency_signature_list *list);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/fingerprint.c b/libs/libsignal/src/fingerprint.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1058e90571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/fingerprint.c
@@ -0,0 +1,851 @@
+#include "fingerprint.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "FingerprintProtocol.pb-c.h"
+#include "signal_protocol_internal.h"
+#include "vpool.h"
+#define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
+struct fingerprint
+ signal_type_base base;
+ displayable_fingerprint *displayable;
+ scannable_fingerprint *scannable;
+struct displayable_fingerprint
+ signal_type_base base;
+ char *local_fingerprint;
+ char *remote_fingerprint;
+ char *display_text;
+struct scannable_fingerprint
+ signal_type_base base;
+ uint32_t version;
+ char *local_stable_identifier;
+ signal_buffer *local_fingerprint;
+ char *remote_stable_identifier;
+ signal_buffer *remote_fingerprint;
+struct fingerprint_generator
+ int iterations;
+ int scannable_version;
+ signal_context *global_context;
+static int fingerprint_generator_get_logical_key_bytes(signal_buffer **key_bytes,
+ const ec_public_key_list *unsorted_key_list);
+static int fingerprint_generator_create_for_impl(fingerprint_generator *generator,
+ const char *local_stable_identifier, const signal_buffer *local_identity_buffer,
+ const char *remote_stable_identifier, const signal_buffer *remote_identity_buffer,
+ fingerprint **fingerprint_val);
+static int fingerprint_generator_get_fingerprint(fingerprint_generator *generator, signal_buffer **fingerprint_buffer,
+ const char *stable_identifier, const signal_buffer *identity_buffer);
+static int fingerprint_generator_create_display_string(fingerprint_generator *generator,
+ char **display_string, signal_buffer *fingerprint_buffer);
+int fingerprint_generator_create(fingerprint_generator **generator,
+ int iterations, int scannable_version,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ fingerprint_generator *result_generator;
+ assert(global_context);
+ if(scannable_version < 0 || scannable_version > 1) {
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ result_generator = malloc(sizeof(fingerprint_generator));
+ if(!result_generator) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result_generator, 0, sizeof(fingerprint_generator));
+ result_generator->iterations = iterations;
+ result_generator->scannable_version = scannable_version;
+ result_generator->global_context = global_context;
+ *generator = result_generator;
+ return 0;
+int fingerprint_generator_create_for(fingerprint_generator *generator,
+ const char *local_stable_identifier, const ec_public_key *local_identity_key,
+ const char *remote_stable_identifier, const ec_public_key *remote_identity_key,
+ fingerprint **fingerprint_val)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *local_key_buffer = 0;
+ signal_buffer *remote_key_buffer = 0;
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize(&local_key_buffer, local_identity_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize(&remote_key_buffer, remote_identity_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = fingerprint_generator_create_for_impl(generator,
+ local_stable_identifier, local_key_buffer,
+ remote_stable_identifier, remote_key_buffer,
+ fingerprint_val);
+ signal_buffer_free(local_key_buffer);
+ signal_buffer_free(remote_key_buffer);
+ return result;
+int fingerprint_generator_create_for_list(fingerprint_generator *generator,
+ const char *local_stable_identifier, const ec_public_key_list *local_identity_key_list,
+ const char *remote_stable_identifier, const ec_public_key_list *remote_identity_key_list,
+ fingerprint **fingerprint_val)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *local_key_buffer = 0;
+ signal_buffer *remote_key_buffer = 0;
+ result = fingerprint_generator_get_logical_key_bytes(&local_key_buffer, local_identity_key_list);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = fingerprint_generator_get_logical_key_bytes(&remote_key_buffer, remote_identity_key_list);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = fingerprint_generator_create_for_impl(generator,
+ local_stable_identifier, local_key_buffer,
+ remote_stable_identifier, remote_key_buffer,
+ fingerprint_val);
+ signal_buffer_free(local_key_buffer);
+ signal_buffer_free(remote_key_buffer);
+ return result;
+int fingerprint_generator_create_for_impl(fingerprint_generator *generator,
+ const char *local_stable_identifier, const signal_buffer *local_identity_buffer,
+ const char *remote_stable_identifier, const signal_buffer *remote_identity_buffer,
+ fingerprint **fingerprint_val)
+ int result = 0;
+ fingerprint *result_fingerprint = 0;
+ signal_buffer *local_fingerprint_buffer = 0;
+ signal_buffer *remote_fingerprint_buffer = 0;
+ displayable_fingerprint *displayable = 0;
+ char *displayable_local = 0;
+ char *displayable_remote = 0;
+ scannable_fingerprint *scannable = 0;
+ result = fingerprint_generator_get_fingerprint(generator,
+ &local_fingerprint_buffer, local_stable_identifier, local_identity_buffer);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = fingerprint_generator_get_fingerprint(generator,
+ &remote_fingerprint_buffer, remote_stable_identifier, remote_identity_buffer);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = fingerprint_generator_create_display_string(generator, &displayable_local,
+ local_fingerprint_buffer);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = fingerprint_generator_create_display_string(generator, &displayable_remote,
+ remote_fingerprint_buffer);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = displayable_fingerprint_create(&displayable, displayable_local, displayable_remote);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(generator->scannable_version == 0) {
+ result = scannable_fingerprint_create(&scannable, 0,
+ local_stable_identifier, local_identity_buffer,
+ remote_stable_identifier, remote_identity_buffer);
+ }
+ else if(generator->scannable_version == 1) {
+ result = scannable_fingerprint_create(&scannable, 1,
+ 0, local_fingerprint_buffer,
+ 0, remote_fingerprint_buffer);
+ }
+ else {
+ result = SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = fingerprint_create(&result_fingerprint, displayable, scannable);
+ signal_buffer_free(local_fingerprint_buffer);
+ signal_buffer_free(remote_fingerprint_buffer);
+ if(displayable_local) {
+ free(displayable_local);
+ }
+ if(displayable_remote) {
+ free(displayable_remote);
+ }
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(displayable);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(scannable);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *fingerprint_val = result_fingerprint;
+ }
+ return result;
+int fingerprint_generator_get_logical_key_bytes(signal_buffer **key_bytes,
+ const ec_public_key_list *unsorted_key_list)
+ int result = 0;
+ ec_public_key_list *sorted_key_list = 0;
+ ec_public_key *key_element = 0;
+ unsigned int list_size = 0;
+ unsigned int i = 0;
+ struct vpool vp;
+ signal_buffer *buffer = 0;
+ vpool_init(&vp, 1024, 0);
+ sorted_key_list = ec_public_key_list_copy(unsorted_key_list);
+ if(!sorted_key_list) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ ec_public_key_list_sort(sorted_key_list);
+ list_size = ec_public_key_list_size(sorted_key_list);
+ for(i = 0; i < list_size; i++) {
+ key_element = ec_public_key_list_at(sorted_key_list, i);
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize(&buffer, key_element);
+ if (result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(!vpool_insert(&vp, vpool_get_length(&vp),
+ signal_buffer_data(buffer), signal_buffer_len(buffer))) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ signal_buffer_free(buffer);
+ buffer = 0;
+ }
+ buffer = signal_buffer_create(vpool_get_buf(&vp), vpool_get_length(&vp));
+ if(!buffer) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ ec_public_key_list_free(sorted_key_list);
+ vpool_final(&vp);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *key_bytes = buffer;
+ }
+ else {
+ signal_buffer_free(buffer);
+ }
+ return result;
+int fingerprint_generator_get_fingerprint(fingerprint_generator *generator, signal_buffer **fingerprint_buffer,
+ const char *stable_identifier, const signal_buffer *identity_buffer)
+ int result = 0;
+ void *digest_context = 0;
+ signal_buffer *hash_buffer = 0;
+ signal_buffer *hash_out_buffer = 0;
+ uint8_t *data = 0;
+ size_t len = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ assert(generator);
+ assert(stable_identifier);
+ assert(identity_buffer);
+ result = signal_sha512_digest_init(generator->global_context, &digest_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ len = 2 + signal_buffer_len(identity_buffer) + strlen(stable_identifier);
+ hash_buffer = signal_buffer_alloc(len);
+ if(!hash_buffer) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ data = signal_buffer_data(hash_buffer);
+ memset(data, 0, len);
+ data[0] = 0;
+ data[1] = (uint8_t)FINGERPRINT_VERSION;
+ memcpy(data + 2, signal_buffer_const_data(identity_buffer), signal_buffer_len(identity_buffer));
+ memcpy(data + 2 + signal_buffer_len(identity_buffer), stable_identifier, strlen(stable_identifier));
+ for(i = 0; i < generator->iterations; i++) {
+ data = signal_buffer_data(hash_buffer);
+ len = signal_buffer_len(hash_buffer);
+ result = signal_sha512_digest_update(generator->global_context,
+ digest_context, data, len);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_sha512_digest_update(generator->global_context,
+ digest_context,
+ signal_buffer_const_data(identity_buffer),
+ signal_buffer_len(identity_buffer));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_sha512_digest_final(generator->global_context,
+ digest_context, &hash_out_buffer);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ signal_buffer_free(hash_buffer);
+ hash_buffer = hash_out_buffer;
+ hash_out_buffer = 0;
+ }
+ len = signal_buffer_len(hash_buffer);
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(digest_context) {
+ signal_sha512_digest_cleanup(generator->global_context, digest_context);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *fingerprint_buffer = hash_buffer;
+ }
+ else {
+ signal_buffer_free(hash_buffer);
+ }
+ return result;
+int fingerprint_generator_create_display_string(fingerprint_generator *generator,
+ char **display_string, signal_buffer *fingerprint_buffer)
+ int result = 0;
+ char *result_string = 0;
+ uint8_t *data = 0;
+ size_t len = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ assert(generator);
+ assert(fingerprint_buffer);
+ data = signal_buffer_data(fingerprint_buffer);
+ len = signal_buffer_len(fingerprint_buffer);
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result_string = malloc(FINGERPRINT_LENGTH+1);
+ if(!result_string) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < FINGERPRINT_LENGTH; i += 5) {
+ uint64_t chunk = ((uint64_t)data[i] & 0xFFL) << 32 |
+ ((uint64_t)data[i + 1] & 0xFFL) << 24 |
+ ((uint64_t)data[i + 2] & 0xFFL) << 16 |
+ ((uint64_t)data[i + 3] & 0xFFL) << 8 |
+ ((uint64_t)data[i + 4] & 0xFFL);
+ sprintf_s(result_string + i, 6, "%05d", (int)(chunk % 100000));
+ snprintf(result_string + i, 6, "%05d", (int)(chunk % 100000));
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *display_string = result_string;
+ }
+ return result;
+void fingerprint_generator_free(fingerprint_generator *generator)
+ if(generator) {
+ free(generator);
+ }
+int fingerprint_create(fingerprint **fingerprint_val, displayable_fingerprint *displayable, scannable_fingerprint *scannable)
+ fingerprint *result = malloc(sizeof(fingerprint));
+ if(!result) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result, 0, sizeof(fingerprint));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result, fingerprint_destroy);
+ if(displayable) {
+ result->displayable = displayable;
+ SIGNAL_REF(displayable);
+ }
+ if(scannable) {
+ result->scannable = scannable;
+ SIGNAL_REF(scannable);
+ }
+ *fingerprint_val = result;
+ return 0;
+displayable_fingerprint *fingerprint_get_displayable(const fingerprint *fingerprint_val)
+ assert(fingerprint_val);
+ return fingerprint_val->displayable;
+scannable_fingerprint *fingerprint_get_scannable(const fingerprint *fingerprint_val)
+ assert(fingerprint_val);
+ return fingerprint_val->scannable;
+void fingerprint_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ fingerprint *fingerprint_val = (fingerprint *)type;
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(fingerprint_val->displayable);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(fingerprint_val->scannable);
+ free(fingerprint_val);
+int displayable_fingerprint_create(displayable_fingerprint **displayable, const char *local_fingerprint, const char *remote_fingerprint)
+ int result = 0;
+ size_t local_len = 0;
+ size_t remote_len = 0;
+ displayable_fingerprint *result_displayable = 0;
+ char *display_text = 0;
+ if(!local_fingerprint || !remote_fingerprint) {
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ result_displayable = malloc(sizeof(displayable_fingerprint));
+ if(!result_displayable) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result_displayable, 0, sizeof(displayable_fingerprint));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result_displayable, displayable_fingerprint_destroy);
+ result_displayable->local_fingerprint = strdup(local_fingerprint);
+ if(!result_displayable->local_fingerprint) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result_displayable->remote_fingerprint = strdup(remote_fingerprint);
+ if(!result_displayable->remote_fingerprint) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ local_len = strlen(local_fingerprint);
+ remote_len = strlen(remote_fingerprint);
+ display_text = malloc(local_len + remote_len + 1);
+ if(!display_text) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(strcmp(local_fingerprint, remote_fingerprint) <= 0) {
+ memcpy(display_text, local_fingerprint, local_len);
+ memcpy(display_text + local_len, remote_fingerprint, remote_len + 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ memcpy(display_text, remote_fingerprint, remote_len);
+ memcpy(display_text + remote_len, local_fingerprint, local_len + 1);
+ }
+ result_displayable->display_text = display_text;
+ if(result < 0) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_displayable);
+ }
+ else {
+ *displayable = result_displayable;
+ }
+ return result;
+const char *displayable_fingerprint_local(const displayable_fingerprint *displayable)
+ assert(displayable);
+ return displayable->local_fingerprint;
+const char *displayable_fingerprint_remote(const displayable_fingerprint *displayable)
+ assert(displayable);
+ return displayable->remote_fingerprint;
+const char *displayable_fingerprint_text(const displayable_fingerprint *displayable)
+ assert(displayable);
+ return displayable->display_text;
+void displayable_fingerprint_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ displayable_fingerprint *displayable = (displayable_fingerprint *)type;
+ if(displayable->local_fingerprint) {
+ free(displayable->local_fingerprint);
+ }
+ if(displayable->remote_fingerprint) {
+ free(displayable->remote_fingerprint);
+ }
+ if(displayable->display_text) {
+ free(displayable->display_text);
+ }
+ free(displayable);
+int scannable_fingerprint_create(scannable_fingerprint **scannable,
+ uint32_t version,
+ const char *local_stable_identifier, const signal_buffer *local_fingerprint,
+ const char *remote_stable_identifier, const signal_buffer *remote_fingerprint)
+ int result = 0;
+ scannable_fingerprint *result_scannable = 0;
+ if(version == 0 && (!local_stable_identifier || !remote_stable_identifier)) {
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ if(!local_fingerprint || !remote_fingerprint) {
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ result_scannable = malloc(sizeof(scannable_fingerprint));
+ if(!result_scannable) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result_scannable, 0, sizeof(scannable_fingerprint));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result_scannable, scannable_fingerprint_destroy);
+ result_scannable->version = version;
+ if(version == 0 && local_stable_identifier) {
+ result_scannable->local_stable_identifier = strdup(local_stable_identifier);
+ if(!result_scannable->local_stable_identifier) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(version == 0) {
+ result_scannable->local_fingerprint = signal_buffer_copy(local_fingerprint);
+ }
+ else {
+ result_scannable->local_fingerprint = signal_buffer_n_copy(local_fingerprint, 32);
+ }
+ if(!result_scannable->local_fingerprint) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(version == 0 && remote_stable_identifier) {
+ result_scannable->remote_stable_identifier = strdup(remote_stable_identifier);
+ if(!result_scannable->remote_stable_identifier) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(version == 0) {
+ result_scannable->remote_fingerprint = signal_buffer_copy(remote_fingerprint);
+ }
+ else {
+ result_scannable->remote_fingerprint = signal_buffer_n_copy(remote_fingerprint, 32);
+ }
+ if(!result_scannable->remote_fingerprint) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(result < 0) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_scannable);
+ }
+ else {
+ *scannable = result_scannable;
+ }
+ return result;
+int scannable_fingerprint_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, const scannable_fingerprint *scannable)
+ int result = 0;
+ size_t result_size = 0;
+ signal_buffer *result_buf = 0;
+ Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints combined_fingerprint = TEXTSECURE__COMBINED_FINGERPRINTS__INIT;
+ Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint local_fingerprint = TEXTSECURE__LOGICAL_FINGERPRINT__INIT;
+ Textsecure__LogicalFingerprint remote_fingerprint = TEXTSECURE__LOGICAL_FINGERPRINT__INIT;
+ size_t len = 0;
+ uint8_t *data = 0;
+ combined_fingerprint.version = scannable->version;
+ combined_fingerprint.has_version = 1;
+ if(scannable->local_fingerprint) {
+ if(scannable->version == 0 && scannable->local_stable_identifier) {
+ signal_protocol_str_serialize_protobuf(&local_fingerprint.identifier, scannable->local_stable_identifier);
+ local_fingerprint.has_identifier = 1;
+ }
+ = signal_buffer_data(scannable->local_fingerprint);
+ local_fingerprint.content.len = signal_buffer_len(scannable->local_fingerprint);
+ local_fingerprint.has_content = 1;
+ combined_fingerprint.localfingerprint = &local_fingerprint;
+ }
+ if(scannable->remote_fingerprint) {
+ if(scannable->version == 0 && scannable->remote_stable_identifier) {
+ signal_protocol_str_serialize_protobuf(&remote_fingerprint.identifier, scannable->remote_stable_identifier);
+ remote_fingerprint.has_identifier = 1;
+ }
+ = signal_buffer_data(scannable->remote_fingerprint);
+ remote_fingerprint.content.len = signal_buffer_len(scannable->remote_fingerprint);
+ remote_fingerprint.has_content = 1;
+ combined_fingerprint.remotefingerprint = &remote_fingerprint;
+ }
+ len = textsecure__combined_fingerprints__get_packed_size(&combined_fingerprint);
+ result_buf = signal_buffer_alloc(len);
+ if(!result_buf) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ data = signal_buffer_data(result_buf);
+ result_size = textsecure__combined_fingerprints__pack(&combined_fingerprint, data);
+ if(result_size != len) {
+ signal_buffer_free(result_buf);
+ result_buf = 0;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *buffer = result_buf;
+ }
+ return result;
+int scannable_fingerprint_deserialize(scannable_fingerprint **scannable, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ Textsecure__CombinedFingerprints *combined_fingerprint = 0;
+ uint32_t version = 0;
+ char *local_stable_identifier = 0;
+ signal_buffer *local_fingerprint = 0;
+ char *remote_stable_identifier = 0;
+ signal_buffer *remote_fingerprint = 0;
+ combined_fingerprint = textsecure__combined_fingerprints__unpack(0, len, data);
+ if(!combined_fingerprint) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(combined_fingerprint->has_version) {
+ version = combined_fingerprint->version;
+ }
+ if(combined_fingerprint->localfingerprint) {
+ if(combined_fingerprint->localfingerprint->has_identifier) {
+ local_stable_identifier = signal_protocol_str_deserialize_protobuf(&combined_fingerprint->localfingerprint->identifier);
+ if(!local_stable_identifier) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(combined_fingerprint->localfingerprint->has_content) {
+ local_fingerprint = signal_buffer_create(
+ combined_fingerprint->localfingerprint->,
+ combined_fingerprint->localfingerprint->content.len);
+ if(!local_fingerprint) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(combined_fingerprint->remotefingerprint) {
+ if(combined_fingerprint->remotefingerprint->has_identifier) {
+ remote_stable_identifier = signal_protocol_str_deserialize_protobuf(&combined_fingerprint->remotefingerprint->identifier);
+ if(!remote_stable_identifier) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(combined_fingerprint->remotefingerprint->has_content) {
+ remote_fingerprint = signal_buffer_create(
+ combined_fingerprint->remotefingerprint->,
+ combined_fingerprint->remotefingerprint->content.len);
+ if(!remote_fingerprint) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ result = scannable_fingerprint_create(scannable, version,
+ local_stable_identifier, local_fingerprint,
+ remote_stable_identifier, remote_fingerprint);
+ if(combined_fingerprint) {
+ textsecure__combined_fingerprints__free_unpacked(combined_fingerprint, 0);
+ }
+ if(local_stable_identifier) {
+ free(local_stable_identifier);
+ }
+ if(remote_stable_identifier) {
+ free(remote_stable_identifier);
+ }
+ signal_buffer_free(local_fingerprint);
+ signal_buffer_free(remote_fingerprint);
+ return result;
+uint32_t scannable_fingerprint_get_version(const scannable_fingerprint *scannable)
+ assert(scannable);
+ return scannable->version;
+const char *scannable_fingerprint_get_local_stable_identifier(const scannable_fingerprint *scannable)
+ assert(scannable);
+ return scannable->local_stable_identifier;
+signal_buffer *scannable_fingerprint_get_local_fingerprint(const scannable_fingerprint *scannable)
+ assert(scannable);
+ return scannable->local_fingerprint;
+const char *scannable_fingerprint_get_remote_stable_identifier(const scannable_fingerprint *scannable)
+ assert(scannable);
+ return scannable->remote_stable_identifier;
+signal_buffer *scannable_fingerprint_get_remote_fingerprint(const scannable_fingerprint *scannable)
+ assert(scannable);
+ return scannable->remote_fingerprint;
+int scannable_fingerprint_compare(const scannable_fingerprint *scannable, const scannable_fingerprint *other_scannable)
+ if(!other_scannable->remote_fingerprint || !other_scannable->local_fingerprint ||
+ other_scannable->version != scannable->version) {
+ }
+ if(scannable->version == 0) {
+ if(strcmp(scannable->local_stable_identifier, other_scannable->remote_stable_identifier) != 0) {
+ }
+ if(strcmp(scannable->remote_stable_identifier, other_scannable->local_stable_identifier) != 0) {
+ }
+ }
+ if(signal_buffer_compare(scannable->local_fingerprint, other_scannable->remote_fingerprint) != 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(signal_buffer_compare(scannable->remote_fingerprint, other_scannable->local_fingerprint) != 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+void scannable_fingerprint_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ scannable_fingerprint *scannable = (scannable_fingerprint *)type;
+ if(scannable->local_stable_identifier) {
+ free(scannable->local_stable_identifier);
+ }
+ if(scannable->remote_stable_identifier) {
+ free(scannable->remote_stable_identifier);
+ }
+ signal_buffer_free(scannable->local_fingerprint);
+ signal_buffer_free(scannable->remote_fingerprint);
+ free(scannable);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/fingerprint.h b/libs/libsignal/src/fingerprint.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a09287cdc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/fingerprint.h
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#include "signal_protocol_types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * Construct a fingerprint generator for 60 digit numerics.
+ *
+ * @param generator set to a freshly allocated generator instance
+ * @param iterations The number of internal iterations to perform in the process of
+ * generating a fingerprint. This needs to be constant, and synchronized
+ * across all clients.
+ *
+ * The higher the iteration count, the higher the security level:
+ * - 1024 ~ 109.7 bits
+ * - 1400 > 110 bits
+ * - 5200 > 112 bits
+ * @param scannable_version The format version for the scannable fingerprint (0 or 1)
+ * @param global_context the global library context
+ * @return 0 on success, or negative on failure
+ */
+int fingerprint_generator_create(fingerprint_generator **generator,
+ int iterations, int scannable_version,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+ * Generate a scannable and displayble fingerprint.
+ *
+ * @param local_stable_identifier The client's "stable" identifier.
+ * @param local_identity_key The client's identity key.
+ * @param remote_stable_identifier The remote party's "stable" identifier.
+ * @param remote_identity_key The remote party's identity key.
+ * @param fingerprint_val Set to a freshly allocated unique fingerprint for this conversation
+ * @return 0 on success, or negative on failure
+ */
+int fingerprint_generator_create_for(fingerprint_generator *generator,
+ const char *local_stable_identifier, const ec_public_key *local_identity_key,
+ const char *remote_stable_identifier, const ec_public_key *remote_identity_key,
+ fingerprint **fingerprint_val);
+ * Generate a scannable and displayble fingerprint for a list of keys
+ *
+ * @param local_stable_identifier The client's "stable" identifier.
+ * @param local_identity_key_list The client's identity key list.
+ * @param remote_stable_identifier The remote party's "stable" identifier.
+ * @param remote_identity_key_list The remote party's identity key list.
+ * @param fingerprint_val Set to a freshly allocated unique fingerprint for this conversation
+ * @return 0 on success, or negative on failure
+ */
+int fingerprint_generator_create_for_list(fingerprint_generator *generator,
+ const char *local_stable_identifier, const ec_public_key_list *local_identity_key_list,
+ const char *remote_stable_identifier, const ec_public_key_list *remote_identity_key_list,
+ fingerprint **fingerprint_val);
+void fingerprint_generator_free(fingerprint_generator *generator);
+int fingerprint_create(fingerprint **fingerprint_val, displayable_fingerprint *displayable, scannable_fingerprint *scannable);
+displayable_fingerprint *fingerprint_get_displayable(const fingerprint *fingerprint_val);
+scannable_fingerprint *fingerprint_get_scannable(const fingerprint *fingerprint_val);
+void fingerprint_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+int displayable_fingerprint_create(displayable_fingerprint **displayable, const char *local_fingerprint, const char *remote_fingerprint);
+const char *displayable_fingerprint_local(const displayable_fingerprint *displayable);
+const char *displayable_fingerprint_remote(const displayable_fingerprint *displayable);
+const char *displayable_fingerprint_text(const displayable_fingerprint *displayable);
+void displayable_fingerprint_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+int scannable_fingerprint_create(scannable_fingerprint **scannable,
+ uint32_t version,
+ const char *local_stable_identifier, const signal_buffer *local_fingerprint,
+ const char *remote_stable_identifier, const signal_buffer *remote_fingerprint);
+int scannable_fingerprint_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, const scannable_fingerprint *scannable);
+int scannable_fingerprint_deserialize(scannable_fingerprint **scannable, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, signal_context *global_context);
+uint32_t scannable_fingerprint_get_version(const scannable_fingerprint *scannable);
+const char *scannable_fingerprint_get_local_stable_identifier(const scannable_fingerprint *scannable);
+signal_buffer *scannable_fingerprint_get_local_fingerprint(const scannable_fingerprint *scannable);
+const char *scannable_fingerprint_get_remote_stable_identifier(const scannable_fingerprint *scannable);
+signal_buffer *scannable_fingerprint_get_remote_fingerprint(const scannable_fingerprint *scannable);
+ * Compare a scanned QR code with what we expect.
+ * @param scannable The local scannable data
+ * @param other_scannable The data from the scanned code
+ * @retval 1 if the scannable codes match
+ * @retval 0 if the scannable codes do not match
+ * @retval SG_ERR_FP_VERSION_MISMATCH if the scanned fingerprint is the wrong version
+ * @retval SG_ERR_FP_IDENT_MISMATCH if the scanned fingerprint is for the wrong stable identifier
+ */
+int scannable_fingerprint_compare(const scannable_fingerprint *scannable, const scannable_fingerprint *other_scannable);
+void scannable_fingerprint_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* FINGERPRINT_H */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/group_cipher.c b/libs/libsignal/src/group_cipher.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05ea320d98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/group_cipher.c
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+#include "group_cipher.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "protocol.h"
+#include "sender_key.h"
+#include "sender_key_record.h"
+#include "sender_key_state.h"
+#include "signal_protocol_internal.h"
+struct group_cipher
+ signal_protocol_store_context *store;
+ const signal_protocol_sender_key_name *sender_key_id;
+ signal_context *global_context;
+ int (*decrypt_callback)(group_cipher *cipher, signal_buffer *plaintext, void *decrypt_context);
+ int inside_callback;
+ void *user_data;
+static int group_cipher_get_sender_key(group_cipher *cipher, sender_message_key **sender_key, sender_key_state *state, uint32_t iteration);
+static int group_cipher_decrypt_callback(group_cipher *cipher, signal_buffer *plaintext, void *decrypt_context);
+int group_cipher_create(group_cipher **cipher,
+ signal_protocol_store_context *store, const signal_protocol_sender_key_name *sender_key_id,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ group_cipher *result_cipher;
+ assert(store);
+ assert(global_context);
+ result_cipher = malloc(sizeof(group_cipher));
+ if(!result_cipher) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result_cipher, 0, sizeof(group_cipher));
+ result_cipher->store = store;
+ result_cipher->sender_key_id = sender_key_id;
+ result_cipher->global_context = global_context;
+ *cipher = result_cipher;
+ return 0;
+void group_cipher_set_user_data(group_cipher *cipher, void *user_data)
+ assert(cipher);
+ cipher->user_data = user_data;
+void *group_cipher_get_user_data(group_cipher *cipher)
+ assert(cipher);
+ return cipher->user_data;
+void group_cipher_set_decryption_callback(group_cipher *cipher,
+ int (*callback)(group_cipher *cipher, signal_buffer *plaintext, void *decrypt_context))
+ assert(cipher);
+ cipher->decrypt_callback = callback;
+int group_cipher_encrypt(group_cipher *cipher,
+ const uint8_t *padded_plaintext, size_t padded_plaintext_len,
+ ciphertext_message **encrypted_message)
+ int result = 0;
+ sender_key_message *result_message = 0;
+ sender_key_record *record = 0;
+ sender_key_state *state = 0;
+ ec_private_key *signing_key_private = 0;
+ sender_message_key *sender_key = 0;
+ sender_chain_key *next_chain_key = 0;
+ signal_buffer *sender_cipher_key = 0;
+ signal_buffer *sender_cipher_iv = 0;
+ signal_buffer *ciphertext = 0;
+ assert(cipher);
+ signal_lock(cipher->global_context);
+ if(cipher->inside_callback == 1) {
+ result = SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_protocol_sender_key_load_key(cipher->store, &record, cipher->sender_key_id);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = sender_key_record_get_sender_key_state(record, &state);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ signing_key_private = sender_key_state_get_signing_key_private(state);
+ if(!signing_key_private) {
+ result = SG_ERR_INVALID_KEY;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = sender_chain_key_create_message_key(sender_key_state_get_chain_key(state), &sender_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ sender_cipher_key = sender_message_key_get_cipher_key(sender_key);
+ sender_cipher_iv = sender_message_key_get_iv(sender_key);
+ result = signal_encrypt(cipher->global_context, &ciphertext, SG_CIPHER_AES_CBC_PKCS5,
+ signal_buffer_data(sender_cipher_key), signal_buffer_len(sender_cipher_key),
+ signal_buffer_data(sender_cipher_iv), signal_buffer_len(sender_cipher_iv),
+ padded_plaintext, padded_plaintext_len);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = sender_key_message_create(&result_message,
+ sender_key_state_get_key_id(state),
+ sender_message_key_get_iteration(sender_key),
+ signal_buffer_data(ciphertext), signal_buffer_len(ciphertext),
+ signing_key_private,
+ cipher->global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = sender_chain_key_create_next(sender_key_state_get_chain_key(state), &next_chain_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ sender_key_state_set_chain_key(state, next_chain_key);
+ result = signal_protocol_sender_key_store_key(cipher->store, cipher->sender_key_id, record);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *encrypted_message = (ciphertext_message *)result_message;
+ }
+ else {
+ if(result == SG_ERR_INVALID_KEY_ID) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NO_SESSION;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_message);
+ }
+ signal_buffer_free(ciphertext);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(next_chain_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(sender_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(record);
+ signal_unlock(cipher->global_context);
+ return result;
+int group_cipher_decrypt(group_cipher *cipher,
+ sender_key_message *ciphertext, void *decrypt_context,
+ signal_buffer **plaintext)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *result_buf = 0;
+ sender_key_record *record = 0;
+ sender_key_state *state = 0;
+ sender_message_key *sender_key = 0;
+ signal_buffer *sender_cipher_key = 0;
+ signal_buffer *sender_cipher_iv = 0;
+ signal_buffer *ciphertext_body = 0;
+ assert(cipher);
+ signal_lock(cipher->global_context);
+ if(cipher->inside_callback == 1) {
+ result = SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_protocol_sender_key_load_key(cipher->store, &record, cipher->sender_key_id);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(sender_key_record_is_empty(record)) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NO_SESSION;
+ signal_log(cipher->global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "No sender key for: %s::%s::%d",
+ cipher->sender_key_id->group_id,
+ cipher->sender_key_id->,
+ cipher->sender_key_id->sender.device_id);
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = sender_key_record_get_sender_key_state_by_id(record, &state, sender_key_message_get_key_id(ciphertext));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = sender_key_message_verify_signature(ciphertext, sender_key_state_get_signing_key_public(state));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = group_cipher_get_sender_key(cipher, &sender_key, state, sender_key_message_get_iteration(ciphertext));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ sender_cipher_key = sender_message_key_get_cipher_key(sender_key);
+ sender_cipher_iv = sender_message_key_get_iv(sender_key);
+ ciphertext_body = sender_key_message_get_ciphertext(ciphertext);
+ result = signal_decrypt(cipher->global_context, &result_buf, SG_CIPHER_AES_CBC_PKCS5,
+ signal_buffer_data(sender_cipher_key), signal_buffer_len(sender_cipher_key),
+ signal_buffer_data(sender_cipher_iv), signal_buffer_len(sender_cipher_iv),
+ signal_buffer_data(ciphertext_body), signal_buffer_len(ciphertext_body));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = group_cipher_decrypt_callback(cipher, result_buf, decrypt_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_protocol_sender_key_store_key(cipher->store, cipher->sender_key_id, record);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(sender_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(record);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *plaintext = result_buf;
+ }
+ else {
+ if(result == SG_ERR_INVALID_KEY || result == SG_ERR_INVALID_KEY_ID) {
+ }
+ signal_buffer_free(result_buf);
+ }
+ signal_unlock(cipher->global_context);
+ return result;
+int group_cipher_get_sender_key(group_cipher *cipher, sender_message_key **sender_key, sender_key_state *state, uint32_t iteration)
+ int result = 0;
+ sender_message_key *result_key = 0;
+ sender_chain_key *chain_key = 0;
+ sender_chain_key *next_chain_key = 0;
+ sender_message_key *message_key = 0;
+ chain_key = sender_key_state_get_chain_key(state);
+ SIGNAL_REF(chain_key);
+ if(sender_chain_key_get_iteration(chain_key) > iteration) {
+ if(sender_key_state_has_sender_message_key(state, iteration)) {
+ result_key = sender_key_state_remove_sender_message_key(state, iteration);
+ if(!result_key) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ else {
+ signal_log(cipher->global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING,
+ "Received message with old counter: %d, %d",
+ sender_chain_key_get_iteration(chain_key), iteration);
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(iteration - sender_chain_key_get_iteration(chain_key) > 2000) {
+ signal_log(cipher->global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "Over 2000 messages into the future!");
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ while(sender_chain_key_get_iteration(chain_key) < iteration) {
+ result = sender_chain_key_create_message_key(chain_key, &message_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = sender_key_state_add_sender_message_key(state, message_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(message_key);
+ result = sender_chain_key_create_next(chain_key, &next_chain_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(chain_key);
+ chain_key = next_chain_key;
+ next_chain_key = 0;
+ }
+ result = sender_chain_key_create_next(chain_key, &next_chain_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ sender_key_state_set_chain_key(state, next_chain_key);
+ result = sender_chain_key_create_message_key(chain_key, &result_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(message_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(chain_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(next_chain_key);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *sender_key = result_key;
+ }
+ return result;
+static int group_cipher_decrypt_callback(group_cipher *cipher, signal_buffer *plaintext, void *decrypt_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ if(cipher->decrypt_callback) {
+ cipher->inside_callback = 1;
+ result = cipher->decrypt_callback(cipher, plaintext, decrypt_context);
+ cipher->inside_callback = 0;
+ }
+ return result;
+void group_cipher_free(group_cipher *cipher)
+ if(cipher) {
+ free(cipher);
+ }
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/group_cipher.h b/libs/libsignal/src/group_cipher.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50b194c06f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/group_cipher.h
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "signal_protocol_types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * The main entry point for Signal Protocol group encrypt/decrypt operations.
+ *
+ * Once a session has been established with group_session_builder and a
+ * sender_key_distribution_message has been distributed to each member of
+ * the group, this class can be used for all subsequent encrypt/decrypt
+ * operations within that session (i.e. until group membership changes).
+ */
+ * Construct a group cipher for encrypt/decrypt operations.
+ *
+ * The store and global contexts must remain valid for the lifetime of the
+ * group cipher.
+ *
+ * When finished, free the returned instance by calling group_cipher_free().
+ *
+ * @param cipher set to a freshly allocated group cipher instance
+ * @param store the signal_protocol_store_context to store all state information in
+ * @param sender_key_id the sender that messages will be encrypted to or decrypted from
+ * @param global_context the global library context
+ * @return 0 on success, or negative on failure
+ */
+int group_cipher_create(group_cipher **cipher,
+ signal_protocol_store_context *store, const signal_protocol_sender_key_name *sender_key_id,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+ * Set the optional user data pointer for the group cipher.
+ *
+ * This is to give callback functions a way of accessing app specific
+ * context information for this cipher.
+ */
+void group_cipher_set_user_data(group_cipher *cipher, void *user_data);
+ * Get the optional user data pointer for the group cipher.
+ *
+ * This is to give callback functions a way of accessing app specific
+ * context information for this cipher.
+ */
+void *group_cipher_get_user_data(group_cipher *cipher);
+ * Set the callback function that is called during the decrypt process.
+ *
+ * The callback function is called from within group_cipher_decrypt() after
+ * decryption is complete but before the updated session state has been
+ * committed to the session store. If the callback function returns a
+ * negative value, then the decrypt function will immediately fail with
+ * an error.
+ *
+ * This a callback allows some implementations to store the committed plaintext
+ * to their local message store first, in case they are concerned with a crash
+ * or write error happening between the time the session state is updated but
+ * before they're able to successfully store the plaintext to disk.
+ *
+ * @param callback the callback function to set
+ */
+void group_cipher_set_decryption_callback(group_cipher *cipher,
+ int (*callback)(group_cipher *cipher, signal_buffer *plaintext, void *decrypt_context));
+ * Encrypt a message.
+ *
+ * @param padded_plaintext The plaintext message bytes, optionally padded to a constant multiple.
+ * @param padded_plaintext_len The length of the data pointed to by padded_message
+ * @param encrypted_message Set to a ciphertext message encrypted to the group+sender+device tuple.
+ *
+ * @retval SG_SUCCESS Success
+ * @retval SG_ERR_NO_SESSION if there is no established session for this contact.
+ * @retval SG_ERR_INVALID_KEY if there is no valid private key for this session.
+ */
+int group_cipher_encrypt(group_cipher *cipher,
+ const uint8_t *padded_plaintext, size_t padded_plaintext_len,
+ ciphertext_message **encrypted_message);
+ * Decrypt a message.
+ *
+ * @param ciphertext The sender_key_message to decrypt.
+ * @param decrypt_context Optional context pointer associated with the
+ * ciphertext, which is passed to the decryption callback function
+ * @param plaintext Set to a newly allocated buffer containing the plaintext.
+ *
+ * @retval SG_SUCCESS Success
+ * @retval SG_ERR_INVALID_MESSAGE if the input is not valid ciphertext.
+ * @retval SG_ERR_DUPLICATE_MESSAGE if the input is a message that has already been received.
+ * @retval SG_ERR_LEGACY_MESSAGE if the input is a message formatted by a protocol version that
+ * is no longer supported.
+ * @retval SG_ERR_NO_SESSION if there is no established session for this contact.
+ */
+int group_cipher_decrypt(group_cipher *cipher,
+ sender_key_message *ciphertext, void *decrypt_context,
+ signal_buffer **plaintext);
+void group_cipher_free(group_cipher *cipher);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* GROUP_CIPHER_H */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/group_session_builder.c b/libs/libsignal/src/group_session_builder.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13db334c8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/group_session_builder.c
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+#include "group_session_builder.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "sender_key_record.h"
+#include "sender_key_state.h"
+#include "sender_key.h"
+#include "protocol.h"
+#include "key_helper.h"
+#include "signal_protocol_internal.h"
+struct group_session_builder
+ signal_protocol_store_context *store;
+ signal_context *global_context;
+int group_session_builder_create(group_session_builder **builder,
+ signal_protocol_store_context *store, signal_context *global_context)
+ group_session_builder *result = 0;
+ assert(store);
+ assert(global_context);
+ result = malloc(sizeof(group_session_builder));
+ if(!result) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result, 0, sizeof(group_session_builder));
+ result->store = store;
+ result->global_context = global_context;
+ *builder = result;
+ return 0;
+int group_session_builder_process_session(group_session_builder *builder,
+ const signal_protocol_sender_key_name *sender_key_name,
+ sender_key_distribution_message *distribution_message)
+ int result = 0;
+ sender_key_record *record = 0;
+ assert(builder);
+ assert(builder->store);
+ signal_lock(builder->global_context);
+ result = signal_protocol_sender_key_load_key(builder->store, &record, sender_key_name);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = sender_key_record_add_sender_key_state(record,
+ sender_key_distribution_message_get_id(distribution_message),
+ sender_key_distribution_message_get_iteration(distribution_message),
+ sender_key_distribution_message_get_chain_key(distribution_message),
+ sender_key_distribution_message_get_signature_key(distribution_message));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_protocol_sender_key_store_key(builder->store, sender_key_name, record);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(record);
+ signal_unlock(builder->global_context);
+ return result;
+int group_session_builder_create_session(group_session_builder *builder,
+ sender_key_distribution_message **distribution_message,
+ const signal_protocol_sender_key_name *sender_key_name)
+ int result = 0;
+ sender_key_record *record = 0;
+ sender_key_state *state = 0;
+ uint32_t sender_key_id = 0;
+ signal_buffer *sender_key = 0;
+ ec_key_pair *sender_signing_key = 0;
+ sender_chain_key *chain_key = 0;
+ signal_buffer *seed = 0;
+ assert(builder);
+ assert(builder->store);
+ signal_lock(builder->global_context);
+ result = signal_protocol_sender_key_load_key(builder->store, &record, sender_key_name);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(sender_key_record_is_empty(record)) {
+ result = signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_sender_key_id(&sender_key_id, builder->global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_sender_key(&sender_key, builder->global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_sender_signing_key(&sender_signing_key, builder->global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = sender_key_record_set_sender_key_state(record, sender_key_id, 0, sender_key, sender_signing_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_protocol_sender_key_store_key(builder->store, sender_key_name, record);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ result = sender_key_record_get_sender_key_state(record, &state);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ chain_key = sender_key_state_get_chain_key(state);
+ seed = sender_chain_key_get_seed(chain_key);
+ result = sender_key_distribution_message_create(distribution_message,
+ sender_key_state_get_key_id(state),
+ sender_chain_key_get_iteration(chain_key),
+ signal_buffer_data(seed), signal_buffer_len(seed),
+ sender_key_state_get_signing_key_public(state),
+ builder->global_context);
+ signal_buffer_free(sender_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(sender_signing_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(record);
+ signal_unlock(builder->global_context);
+ return result;
+void group_session_builder_free(group_session_builder *builder)
+ if(builder) {
+ free(builder);
+ }
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/group_session_builder.h b/libs/libsignal/src/group_session_builder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d87d53a7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/group_session_builder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#include "signal_protocol_types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * Group session builder is responsible for setting up group sender key encrypted sessions.
+ *
+ * Once a session has been established, group_cipher can be used to
+ * encrypt/decrypt messages in that session.
+ * <p>
+ * The built sessions are unidirectional: they can be used either for sending
+ * or for receiving, but not both.
+ *
+ * Sessions are constructed per (groupId + senderId + deviceId) tuple. Remote logical users
+ * are identified by their senderId, and each logical recipientId can have multiple physical
+ * devices.
+ */
+ * Constructs a group session builder.
+ *
+ * The store and global contexts must remain valid for the lifetime of the
+ * session builder.
+ *
+ * When finished, free the returned instance by calling group_session_builder_free().
+ *
+ * @param builder set to a freshly allocated group session builder instance
+ * @param store the signal_protocol_store_context to store all state information in
+ * @param global_context the global library context
+ * @return 0 on success, or negative on failure
+ */
+int group_session_builder_create(group_session_builder **builder,
+ signal_protocol_store_context *store, signal_context *global_context);
+ * Construct a group session for receiving messages from senderKeyName.
+ *
+ * @param sender_key_name the (groupId, senderId, deviceId) tuple associated
+ * with the sender_key_distribution_message
+ * @param distribution_message a received sender_key_distribution_message
+ * @return 0 on success, or negative on failure
+ */
+int group_session_builder_process_session(group_session_builder *builder,
+ const signal_protocol_sender_key_name *sender_key_name,
+ sender_key_distribution_message *distribution_message);
+ * Construct a group session for sending messages.
+ *
+ * @param distribution_message a distribution message to be allocated and populated
+ * @param sender_key_name the (groupId, senderId, deviceId) tuple. In this
+ * case, the sender should be the caller
+ * @return 0 on success, or negative on failure
+ */
+int group_session_builder_create_session(group_session_builder *builder,
+ sender_key_distribution_message **distribution_message,
+ const signal_protocol_sender_key_name *sender_key_name);
+void group_session_builder_free(group_session_builder *builder);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/hkdf.c b/libs/libsignal/src/hkdf.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8df253c8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/hkdf.c
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+#include "hkdf.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "signal_protocol_internal.h"
+#define HASH_OUTPUT_SIZE 32
+#define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
+#define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
+struct hkdf_context
+ signal_type_base base;
+ signal_context *global_context;
+ int iteration_start_offset;
+int hkdf_create(hkdf_context **context, int message_version, signal_context *global_context)
+ assert(global_context);
+ *context = malloc(sizeof(hkdf_context));
+ if(!(*context)) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(*context, 0, sizeof(hkdf_context));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(*context, hkdf_destroy);
+ (*context)->global_context = global_context;
+ if(message_version == 2) {
+ (*context)->iteration_start_offset = 0;
+ }
+ else if(message_version == 3) {
+ (*context)->iteration_start_offset = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ free(*context);
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ssize_t hkdf_extract(hkdf_context *context,
+ uint8_t **output,
+ const uint8_t *salt, size_t salt_len,
+ const uint8_t *input_key_material, size_t input_key_material_len)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *mac_buffer = 0;
+ uint8_t *mac = 0;
+ size_t mac_len = 0;
+ void *hmac_context;
+ assert(context);
+ result = signal_hmac_sha256_init(context->global_context,
+ &hmac_context, salt, salt_len);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_hmac_sha256_update(context->global_context,
+ hmac_context, input_key_material, input_key_material_len);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_hmac_sha256_final(context->global_context,
+ hmac_context, &mac_buffer);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ mac_len = signal_buffer_len(mac_buffer);
+ mac = malloc(mac_len);
+ if(!mac) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memcpy(mac, signal_buffer_data(mac_buffer), mac_len);
+ signal_hmac_sha256_cleanup(context->global_context, hmac_context);
+ signal_buffer_free(mac_buffer);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *output = mac;
+ return (ssize_t)mac_len;
+ }
+ else {
+ return result;
+ }
+ssize_t hkdf_expand(hkdf_context *context,
+ uint8_t **output,
+ const uint8_t *prk, size_t prk_len,
+ const uint8_t *info, size_t info_len,
+ size_t output_len)
+ int iterations = (int)ceil((double)output_len / (double)HASH_OUTPUT_SIZE);
+ size_t remaining_len = output_len;
+ signal_buffer *step_buffer = 0;
+ size_t step_size = 0;
+ uint8_t *result_buf = 0;
+ size_t result_buf_len = 0;
+ void *hmac_context = 0;
+ int result = 0;
+ uint8_t i;
+ assert(context);
+ for(i = context->iteration_start_offset; i < iterations + context->iteration_start_offset; i++) {
+ result = signal_hmac_sha256_init(context->global_context,
+ &hmac_context, prk, prk_len);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(step_buffer) {
+ result = signal_hmac_sha256_update(context->global_context,
+ hmac_context,
+ signal_buffer_data(step_buffer),
+ signal_buffer_len(step_buffer));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ signal_buffer_free(step_buffer);
+ step_buffer = 0;
+ }
+ if(info) {
+ result = signal_hmac_sha256_update(context->global_context,
+ hmac_context, info, info_len);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ result = signal_hmac_sha256_update(context->global_context,
+ hmac_context, &i, sizeof(uint8_t));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_hmac_sha256_final(context->global_context,
+ hmac_context, &step_buffer);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ signal_hmac_sha256_cleanup(context->global_context, hmac_context);
+ hmac_context = 0;
+ step_size = MIN(remaining_len, signal_buffer_len(step_buffer));
+ if(!result_buf) {
+ result_buf = malloc(step_size);
+ if(!result_buf) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memcpy(result_buf, signal_buffer_data(step_buffer), step_size);
+ result_buf_len = step_size;
+ }
+ else {
+ uint8_t *tmp_buf = realloc(result_buf, result_buf_len + step_size);
+ if(!tmp_buf) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result_buf = tmp_buf;
+ memcpy(result_buf + result_buf_len, signal_buffer_data(step_buffer), step_size);
+ result_buf_len += step_size;
+ }
+ remaining_len -= step_size;
+ }
+ if(hmac_context) {
+ signal_hmac_sha256_cleanup(context->global_context, hmac_context);
+ }
+ signal_buffer_free(step_buffer);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ free(result_buf);
+ return result;
+ }
+ else {
+ *output = result_buf;
+ return (ssize_t)result_buf_len;
+ }
+ssize_t hkdf_derive_secrets(hkdf_context *context,
+ uint8_t **output,
+ const uint8_t *input_key_material, size_t input_key_material_len,
+ const uint8_t *salt, size_t salt_len,
+ const uint8_t *info, size_t info_len,
+ size_t output_len)
+ ssize_t result = 0;
+ uint8_t *prk = 0;
+ ssize_t prk_len = 0;
+ assert(context);
+ prk_len = hkdf_extract(context, &prk, salt, salt_len, input_key_material, input_key_material_len);
+ if(prk_len < 0) {
+ signal_log(context->global_context, SG_LOG_ERROR, "hkdf_extract error: %d", prk_len);
+ return prk_len;
+ }
+ result = hkdf_expand(context, output, prk, (size_t)prk_len, info, info_len, output_len);
+ if(prk) {
+ free(prk);
+ }
+ return result;
+int hkdf_compare(const hkdf_context *context1, const hkdf_context *context2)
+ if(context1 == context2) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if(context1 == 0 && context2 != 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if(context1 != 0 && context2 == 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else if(context1->iteration_start_offset < context2->iteration_start_offset) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if(context1->iteration_start_offset > context2->iteration_start_offset) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+void hkdf_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ hkdf_context *context = (hkdf_context *)type;
+ free(context);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/hkdf.h b/libs/libsignal/src/hkdf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..43ee870401
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/hkdf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#ifndef HKDF_H
+#define HKDF_H
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "signal_protocol_types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+int hkdf_create(hkdf_context **context, int message_version, signal_context *global_context);
+ssize_t hkdf_derive_secrets(hkdf_context *context,
+ uint8_t **output,
+ const uint8_t *input_key_material, size_t input_key_material_len,
+ const uint8_t *salt, size_t salt_len,
+ const uint8_t *info, size_t info_len,
+ size_t output_len);
+int hkdf_compare(const hkdf_context *context1, const hkdf_context *context2);
+void hkdf_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* HKDF_H */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/key_helper.c b/libs/libsignal/src/key_helper.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2de8d48fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/key_helper.c
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+#include "key_helper.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "session_pre_key.h"
+#include "ratchet.h"
+#include "curve.h"
+#include "signal_protocol_internal.h"
+#include "utlist.h"
+struct signal_protocol_key_helper_pre_key_list_node
+ session_pre_key *element;
+ struct signal_protocol_key_helper_pre_key_list_node *next;
+int signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_identity_key_pair(ratchet_identity_key_pair **key_pair, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ ratchet_identity_key_pair *result_pair = 0;
+ ec_key_pair *ec_pair = 0;
+ ec_public_key *public_key = 0;
+ ec_private_key *private_key = 0;
+ assert(global_context);
+ result = curve_generate_key_pair(global_context, &ec_pair);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ public_key = ec_key_pair_get_public(ec_pair);
+ private_key = ec_key_pair_get_private(ec_pair);
+ result = ratchet_identity_key_pair_create(
+ &result_pair, public_key, private_key);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *key_pair = result_pair;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(ec_pair);
+ return result;
+int signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_registration_id(uint32_t *registration_id, int extended_range, signal_context *global_context)
+ uint32_t range;
+ uint32_t id_value;
+ int result = 0;
+ assert(global_context);
+ assert(global_context->crypto_provider.random_func);
+ if(extended_range == 0) {
+ range = 16380;
+ }
+ else if(extended_range == 1) {
+ range = INT32_MAX - 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ result = global_context->crypto_provider.random_func(
+ (uint8_t *)(&id_value), sizeof(id_value),
+ global_context->crypto_provider.user_data);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ id_value = (id_value % range) + 1;
+ *registration_id = id_value;
+ return 0;
+int signal_protocol_key_helper_get_random_sequence(int *value, int max, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ int32_t result_value;
+ assert(global_context);
+ assert(global_context->crypto_provider.random_func);
+ result = global_context->crypto_provider.random_func(
+ (uint8_t *)(&result_value), sizeof(result_value),
+ global_context->crypto_provider.user_data);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ result_value = ((result_value & 0x7FFFFFFF) % max);
+ *value = result_value;
+ return 0;
+int signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_pre_keys(signal_protocol_key_helper_pre_key_list_node **head,
+ unsigned int start, unsigned int count,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ ec_key_pair *ec_pair = 0;
+ session_pre_key *pre_key = 0;
+ signal_protocol_key_helper_pre_key_list_node *result_head = 0;
+ signal_protocol_key_helper_pre_key_list_node *cur_node = 0;
+ signal_protocol_key_helper_pre_key_list_node *node = 0;
+ unsigned int start_index = start - 1;
+ unsigned int i;
+ assert(global_context);
+ for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ uint32_t id = 0;
+ result = curve_generate_key_pair(global_context, &ec_pair);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ id = ((start_index + i) % (PRE_KEY_MEDIUM_MAX_VALUE - 1)) + 1;
+ result = session_pre_key_create(&pre_key, id, ec_pair);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(ec_pair);
+ ec_pair = 0;
+ node = malloc(sizeof(signal_protocol_key_helper_pre_key_list_node));
+ if(!node) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ node->element = pre_key;
+ node->next = 0;
+ if(!result_head) {
+ result_head = node;
+ cur_node = node;
+ }
+ else {
+ cur_node->next = node;
+ cur_node = node;
+ }
+ pre_key = 0;
+ node = 0;
+ }
+ if(ec_pair) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(ec_pair);
+ }
+ if(pre_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(pre_key);
+ }
+ if(node) {
+ free(node);
+ }
+ if(result < 0) {
+ if(result_head) {
+ signal_protocol_key_helper_pre_key_list_node *tmp_node;
+ LL_FOREACH_SAFE(result_head, cur_node, tmp_node) {
+ LL_DELETE(result_head, cur_node);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(cur_node->element);
+ free(cur_node);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ *head = result_head;
+ }
+ return result;
+session_pre_key *signal_protocol_key_helper_key_list_element(const signal_protocol_key_helper_pre_key_list_node *node)
+ assert(node);
+ assert(node->element);
+ return node->element;
+signal_protocol_key_helper_pre_key_list_node *signal_protocol_key_helper_key_list_next(const signal_protocol_key_helper_pre_key_list_node *node)
+ assert(node);
+ return node->next;
+void signal_protocol_key_helper_key_list_free(signal_protocol_key_helper_pre_key_list_node *head)
+ if(head) {
+ signal_protocol_key_helper_pre_key_list_node *cur_node;
+ signal_protocol_key_helper_pre_key_list_node *tmp_node;
+ LL_FOREACH_SAFE(head, cur_node, tmp_node) {
+ LL_DELETE(head, cur_node);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(cur_node->element);
+ free(cur_node);
+ }
+ }
+int signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_signed_pre_key(session_signed_pre_key **signed_pre_key,
+ const ratchet_identity_key_pair *identity_key_pair,
+ uint32_t signed_pre_key_id,
+ uint64_t timestamp,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ session_signed_pre_key *result_signed_pre_key = 0;
+ ec_key_pair *ec_pair = 0;
+ signal_buffer *public_buf = 0;
+ signal_buffer *signature_buf = 0;
+ ec_public_key *public_key = 0;
+ ec_private_key *private_key = 0;
+ assert(global_context);
+ result = curve_generate_key_pair(global_context, &ec_pair);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ public_key = ec_key_pair_get_public(ec_pair);
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize(&public_buf, public_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ private_key = ratchet_identity_key_pair_get_private(identity_key_pair);
+ result = curve_calculate_signature(global_context,
+ &signature_buf,
+ private_key,
+ signal_buffer_data(public_buf),
+ signal_buffer_len(public_buf));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = session_signed_pre_key_create(&result_signed_pre_key,
+ signed_pre_key_id, timestamp, ec_pair,
+ signal_buffer_data(signature_buf),
+ signal_buffer_len(signature_buf));
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(ec_pair);
+ signal_buffer_free(public_buf);
+ signal_buffer_free(signature_buf);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *signed_pre_key = result_signed_pre_key;
+ }
+ return result;
+int signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_sender_signing_key(ec_key_pair **key_pair, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result;
+ assert(global_context);
+ result = curve_generate_key_pair(global_context, key_pair);
+ return result;
+int signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_sender_key(signal_buffer **key_buffer, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *result_buffer = 0;
+ assert(global_context);
+ result_buffer = signal_buffer_alloc(32);
+ if(!result_buffer) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_crypto_random(global_context,
+ signal_buffer_data(result_buffer),
+ signal_buffer_len(result_buffer));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ signal_buffer_free(result_buffer);
+ }
+ else {
+ *key_buffer = result_buffer;
+ result = 0;
+ }
+ return result;
+int signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_sender_key_id(uint32_t *key_id, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result;
+ int value;
+ result = signal_protocol_key_helper_get_random_sequence(&value, INT32_MAX, global_context);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *key_id = (uint32_t)value;
+ }
+ return result;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/key_helper.h b/libs/libsignal/src/key_helper.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0e5e56042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/key_helper.h
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#ifndef KEY_HELPER_H
+#define KEY_HELPER_H
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "signal_protocol_types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+* Generate an identity key pair. Clients should only do this once,
+* at install time.
+* @param key_pair the generated identity key pair
+* @return 0 on success, or negative on failure
+int signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_identity_key_pair(ratchet_identity_key_pair **key_pair, signal_context *global_context);
+ * Generate a registration ID. Clients should only do this once,
+ * at install time.
+ *
+ * @param registration_id set to the generated registration ID
+ * @param extended_range By default (0), the generated registration
+ * ID is sized to require the minimal possible protobuf
+ * encoding overhead. Specify true (1) if the caller needs
+ * the full range of MAX_INT at the cost of slightly
+ * higher encoding overhead.
+ * @return 0 on success, or negative on failure
+ */
+int signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_registration_id(uint32_t *registration_id, int extended_range, signal_context *global_context);
+ * Generate a random number between 0 (inclusive) and the provided maximum (exclusive).
+ *
+ * @param value set to the next random number
+ * @param max the maximum bound on the value of the random number
+ * @return 0 on success, or negative on failure
+ */
+int signal_protocol_key_helper_get_random_sequence(int *value, int max, signal_context *global_context);
+ * Generate a list of PreKeys. Clients should do this at install time, and
+ * subsequently any time the list of PreKeys stored on the server runs low.
+ *
+ * Pre key IDs are shorts, so they will eventually be repeated. Clients should
+ * store pre keys in a circular buffer, so that they are repeated as infrequently
+ * as possible.
+ *
+ * When finished with this list, the caller should free it by calling
+ * signal_protocol_key_helper_key_list_free().
+ *
+ * @param head pointer to the head of the key list
+ * @param start the starting pre key ID, inclusive.
+ * @param count the number of pre keys to generate.
+ * @return 0 on success, or negative on failure
+ */
+int signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_pre_keys(signal_protocol_key_helper_pre_key_list_node **head,
+ unsigned int start, unsigned int count,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+ * Get the pre key element for the current node in the key list.
+ *
+ * @param node current list node
+ * @return pre key element
+ */
+session_pre_key *signal_protocol_key_helper_key_list_element(const signal_protocol_key_helper_pre_key_list_node *node);
+ * Get the next element in the key list.
+ *
+ * @param node current list node
+ * @return next list node, or 0 if at the end of the list
+ */
+signal_protocol_key_helper_pre_key_list_node *signal_protocol_key_helper_key_list_next(const signal_protocol_key_helper_pre_key_list_node *node);
+ * Free the key list.
+ *
+ * @param head pointer to the head of the list to free
+ */
+void signal_protocol_key_helper_key_list_free(signal_protocol_key_helper_pre_key_list_node *head);
+ * Generate a signed pre key
+ *
+ * @param signed_pre_key set to the generated pre key
+ * @param identity_key_pair the local client's identity key pair.
+ * @param signed_pre_key_id the pre key ID to assign the generated signed pre key
+ * @param timestamp the current time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch
+ *
+ * @return 0 on success, or negative on failure
+ */
+int signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_signed_pre_key(session_signed_pre_key **signed_pre_key,
+ const ratchet_identity_key_pair *identity_key_pair,
+ uint32_t signed_pre_key_id,
+ uint64_t timestamp,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+ * Generate a sender signing key pair
+ *
+* @param key_pair the generated key pair
+* @return 0 on success, or negative on failure
+ */
+int signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_sender_signing_key(ec_key_pair **key_pair, signal_context *global_context);
+ * Generate a sender key
+ *
+ * @param key_buffer buffer to be allocated and populated with the result
+ * @return 0 on success, or negative on failure
+ */
+int signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_sender_key(signal_buffer **key_buffer, signal_context *global_context);
+ * Generate a sender key ID
+ *
+ * @param key_id assigned to the generated ID
+ * @return 0 on success, or negative on failure
+ */
+int signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_sender_key_id(uint32_t *key_id, signal_context *global_context);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* KEY_HELPER_H */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/protobuf-c/CMakeLists.txt b/libs/libsignal/src/protobuf-c/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1af25df194
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/protobuf-c/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wno-sign-compare")
+ SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wno-sign-conversion")
+ SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wno-shorten-64-to-32")
+ protobuf-c.c
+add_library(protobuf-c OBJECT ${protobuf_SRCS})
+# Add -fPIC flag
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/protobuf-c/protobuf-c.c b/libs/libsignal/src/protobuf-c/protobuf-c.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f2f5bcc73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/protobuf-c/protobuf-c.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3490 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2008-2015, Dave Benson and the protobuf-c authors.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met:
+ *
+ * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+ * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ * distribution.
+ *
+ */
+/*! \file
+ * Support library for `protoc-c` generated code.
+ *
+ * This file implements the public API used by the code generated
+ * by `protoc-c`.
+ *
+ * \authors Dave Benson and the protobuf-c authors
+ *
+ * \copyright 2008-2014. Licensed under the terms of the [BSD-2-Clause] license.
+ */
+ * \todo 64-BIT OPTIMIZATION: certain implementations use 32-bit math
+ * even on 64-bit platforms (uint64_size, uint64_pack, parse_uint64).
+ *
+ * \todo Use size_t consistently.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc, free */
+#include <string.h> /* for strcmp, strlen, memcpy, memmove, memset */
+#include "protobuf-c.h"
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+#define PROTOBUF_C__ASSERT_NOT_REACHED() assert(0)
+/* Workaround for Microsoft compilers. */
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# define inline __inline
+ * \defgroup internal Internal functions and macros
+ *
+ * These are not exported by the library but are useful to developers working
+ * on `libprotobuf-c` itself.
+ */
+ * \defgroup macros Utility macros for manipulating structures
+ *
+ * Macros and constants used to manipulate the base "classes" generated by
+ * `protobuf-c`. They also define limits and check correctness.
+ *
+ * \ingroup internal
+ * @{
+ */
+/** The maximum length of a 64-bit integer in varint encoding. */
+ * Internal `ProtobufCMessage` manipulation macro.
+ *
+ * Base macro for manipulating a `ProtobufCMessage`. Used by STRUCT_MEMBER() and
+ */
+#define STRUCT_MEMBER_P(struct_p, struct_offset) \
+ ((void *) ((uint8_t *) (struct_p) + (struct_offset)))
+ * Return field in a `ProtobufCMessage` based on offset.
+ *
+ * Take a pointer to a `ProtobufCMessage` and find the field at the offset.
+ * Cast it to the passed type.
+ */
+#define STRUCT_MEMBER(member_type, struct_p, struct_offset) \
+ (*(member_type *) STRUCT_MEMBER_P((struct_p), (struct_offset)))
+ * Return field in a `ProtobufCMessage` based on offset.
+ *
+ * Take a pointer to a `ProtobufCMessage` and find the field at the offset. Cast
+ * it to a pointer to the passed type.
+ */
+#define STRUCT_MEMBER_PTR(member_type, struct_p, struct_offset) \
+ ((member_type *) STRUCT_MEMBER_P((struct_p), (struct_offset)))
+/* Assertions for magic numbers. */
+ assert((desc)->magic == PROTOBUF_C__ENUM_DESCRIPTOR_MAGIC)
+ assert((desc)->magic == PROTOBUF_C__MESSAGE_DESCRIPTOR_MAGIC)
+#define ASSERT_IS_MESSAGE(message) \
+ ASSERT_IS_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTOR((message)->descriptor)
+ assert((desc)->magic == PROTOBUF_C__SERVICE_DESCRIPTOR_MAGIC)
+/* --- version --- */
+const char *
+/* --- allocator --- */
+static void *
+system_alloc(void *allocator_data, size_t size)
+ return malloc(size);
+static void
+system_free(void *allocator_data, void *data)
+ free(data);
+static inline void *
+do_alloc(ProtobufCAllocator *allocator, size_t size)
+ return allocator->alloc(allocator->allocator_data, size);
+static inline void
+do_free(ProtobufCAllocator *allocator, void *data)
+ if (data != NULL)
+ allocator->free(allocator->allocator_data, data);
+ * This allocator uses the system's malloc() and free(). It is the default
+ * allocator used if NULL is passed as the ProtobufCAllocator to an exported
+ * function.
+ */
+static ProtobufCAllocator protobuf_c__allocator = {
+ &system_alloc,
+ &system_free,
+/* === buffer-simple === */
+protobuf_c_buffer_simple_append(ProtobufCBuffer *buffer,
+ size_t len, const uint8_t *data)
+ ProtobufCBufferSimple *simp = (ProtobufCBufferSimple *) buffer;
+ size_t new_len = simp->len + len;
+ if (new_len > simp->alloced) {
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator = simp->allocator;
+ size_t new_alloced = simp->alloced * 2;
+ uint8_t *new_data;
+ if (allocator == NULL)
+ allocator = &protobuf_c__allocator;
+ while (new_alloced < new_len)
+ new_alloced += new_alloced;
+ new_data = do_alloc(allocator, new_alloced);
+ if (!new_data)
+ return;
+ memcpy(new_data, simp->data, simp->len);
+ if (simp->must_free_data)
+ do_free(allocator, simp->data);
+ else
+ simp->must_free_data = TRUE;
+ simp->data = new_data;
+ simp->alloced = new_alloced;
+ }
+ memcpy(simp->data + simp->len, data, len);
+ simp->len = new_len;
+ * \defgroup packedsz protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size() implementation
+ *
+ * Routines mainly used by protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size().
+ *
+ * \ingroup internal
+ * @{
+ */
+ * Return the number of bytes required to store the tag for the field. Includes
+ * 3 bits for the wire-type, and a single bit that denotes the end-of-tag.
+ *
+ * \param number
+ * Field tag to encode.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes required.
+ */
+static inline size_t
+get_tag_size(unsigned number)
+ if (number < (1 << 4)) {
+ return 1;
+ } else if (number < (1 << 11)) {
+ return 2;
+ } else if (number < (1 << 18)) {
+ return 3;
+ } else if (number < (1 << 25)) {
+ return 4;
+ } else {
+ return 5;
+ }
+ * Return the number of bytes required to store a variable-length unsigned
+ * 32-bit integer in base-128 varint encoding.
+ *
+ * \param v
+ * Value to encode.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes required.
+ */
+static inline size_t
+uint32_size(uint32_t v)
+ if (v < (1 << 7)) {
+ return 1;
+ } else if (v < (1 << 14)) {
+ return 2;
+ } else if (v < (1 << 21)) {
+ return 3;
+ } else if (v < (1 << 28)) {
+ return 4;
+ } else {
+ return 5;
+ }
+ * Return the number of bytes required to store a variable-length signed 32-bit
+ * integer in base-128 varint encoding.
+ *
+ * \param v
+ * Value to encode.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes required.
+ */
+static inline size_t
+int32_size(int32_t v)
+ if (v < 0) {
+ return 10;
+ } else if (v < (1 << 7)) {
+ return 1;
+ } else if (v < (1 << 14)) {
+ return 2;
+ } else if (v < (1 << 21)) {
+ return 3;
+ } else if (v < (1 << 28)) {
+ return 4;
+ } else {
+ return 5;
+ }
+ * Return the ZigZag-encoded 32-bit unsigned integer form of a 32-bit signed
+ * integer.
+ *
+ * \param v
+ * Value to encode.
+ * \return
+ * ZigZag encoded integer.
+ */
+static inline uint32_t
+zigzag32(int32_t v)
+ if (v < 0)
+ return ((uint32_t) (-v)) * 2 - 1;
+ else
+ return v * 2;
+ * Return the number of bytes required to store a signed 32-bit integer,
+ * converted to an unsigned 32-bit integer with ZigZag encoding, using base-128
+ * varint encoding.
+ *
+ * \param v
+ * Value to encode.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes required.
+ */
+static inline size_t
+sint32_size(int32_t v)
+ return uint32_size(zigzag32(v));
+ * Return the number of bytes required to store a 64-bit unsigned integer in
+ * base-128 varint encoding.
+ *
+ * \param v
+ * Value to encode.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes required.
+ */
+static inline size_t
+uint64_size(uint64_t v)
+ uint32_t upper_v = (uint32_t) (v >> 32);
+ if (upper_v == 0) {
+ return uint32_size((uint32_t) v);
+ } else if (upper_v < (1 << 3)) {
+ return 5;
+ } else if (upper_v < (1 << 10)) {
+ return 6;
+ } else if (upper_v < (1 << 17)) {
+ return 7;
+ } else if (upper_v < (1 << 24)) {
+ return 8;
+ } else if (upper_v < (1U << 31)) {
+ return 9;
+ } else {
+ return 10;
+ }
+ * Return the ZigZag-encoded 64-bit unsigned integer form of a 64-bit signed
+ * integer.
+ *
+ * \param v
+ * Value to encode.
+ * \return
+ * ZigZag encoded integer.
+ */
+static inline uint64_t
+zigzag64(int64_t v)
+ if (v < 0)
+ return ((uint64_t) (-v)) * 2 - 1;
+ else
+ return v * 2;
+ * Return the number of bytes required to store a signed 64-bit integer,
+ * converted to an unsigned 64-bit integer with ZigZag encoding, using base-128
+ * varint encoding.
+ *
+ * \param v
+ * Value to encode.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes required.
+ */
+static inline size_t
+sint64_size(int64_t v)
+ return uint64_size(zigzag64(v));
+ * Calculate the serialized size of a single required message field, including
+ * the space needed by the preceding tag.
+ *
+ * \param field
+ * Field descriptor for member.
+ * \param member
+ * Field to encode.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes required.
+ */
+static size_t
+required_field_get_packed_size(const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field,
+ const void *member)
+ size_t rv = get_tag_size(field->id);
+ switch (field->type) {
+ return rv + sint32_size(*(const int32_t *) member);
+ return rv + int32_size(*(const uint32_t *) member);
+ return rv + uint32_size(*(const uint32_t *) member);
+ return rv + sint64_size(*(const int64_t *) member);
+ return rv + uint64_size(*(const uint64_t *) member);
+ return rv + 4;
+ return rv + 8;
+ return rv + 1;
+ return rv + 4;
+ return rv + 8;
+ /* \todo Is this correct for negative-valued enums? */
+ return rv + uint32_size(*(const uint32_t *) member);
+ const char *str = *(char * const *) member;
+ size_t len = str ? strlen(str) : 0;
+ return rv + uint32_size(len) + len;
+ }
+ size_t len = ((const ProtobufCBinaryData *) member)->len;
+ return rv + uint32_size(len) + len;
+ }
+ const ProtobufCMessage *msg = *(ProtobufCMessage * const *) member;
+ size_t subrv = msg ? protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size(msg) : 0;
+ return rv + uint32_size(subrv) + subrv;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * Calculate the serialized size of a single oneof message field, including
+ * the space needed by the preceding tag. Returns 0 if the oneof field isn't
+ * selected or is not set.
+ *
+ * \param field
+ * Field descriptor for member.
+ * \param oneof_case
+ * A pointer to the case enum that selects the field in the oneof.
+ * \param member
+ * Field to encode.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes required.
+ */
+static size_t
+oneof_field_get_packed_size(const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field,
+ const uint32_t *oneof_case,
+ const void *member)
+ if (*oneof_case == field->id) {
+ if (field->type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_MESSAGE ||
+ field->type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_STRING)
+ {
+ const void *ptr = *(const void * const *) member;
+ if (ptr == NULL || ptr == field->default_value)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return required_field_get_packed_size(field, member);
+ * Calculate the serialized size of a single optional message field, including
+ * the space needed by the preceding tag. Returns 0 if the optional field isn't
+ * set.
+ *
+ * \param field
+ * Field descriptor for member.
+ * \param has
+ * True if the field exists, false if not.
+ * \param member
+ * Field to encode.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes required.
+ */
+static size_t
+optional_field_get_packed_size(const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field,
+ const protobuf_c_boolean *has,
+ const void *member)
+ if (field->type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_MESSAGE ||
+ field->type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_STRING)
+ {
+ const void *ptr = *(const void * const *) member;
+ if (ptr == NULL || ptr == field->default_value)
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ if (!*has)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return required_field_get_packed_size(field, member);
+ * Calculate the serialized size of repeated message fields, which may consist
+ * of any number of values (including 0). Includes the space needed by the
+ * preceding tags (as needed).
+ *
+ * \param field
+ * Field descriptor for member.
+ * \param count
+ * Number of repeated field members.
+ * \param member
+ * Field to encode.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes required.
+ */
+static size_t
+repeated_field_get_packed_size(const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field,
+ size_t count, const void *member)
+ size_t header_size;
+ size_t rv = 0;
+ unsigned i;
+ void *array = *(void * const *) member;
+ if (count == 0)
+ return 0;
+ header_size = get_tag_size(field->id);
+ if (0 == (field->flags & PROTOBUF_C_FIELD_FLAG_PACKED))
+ header_size *= count;
+ switch (field->type) {
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ rv += sint32_size(((int32_t *) array)[i]);
+ break;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ rv += int32_size(((uint32_t *) array)[i]);
+ break;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ rv += uint32_size(((uint32_t *) array)[i]);
+ break;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ rv += sint64_size(((int64_t *) array)[i]);
+ break;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ rv += uint64_size(((uint64_t *) array)[i]);
+ break;
+ rv += 4 * count;
+ break;
+ rv += 8 * count;
+ break;
+ rv += count;
+ break;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ size_t len = strlen(((char **) array)[i]);
+ rv += uint32_size(len) + len;
+ }
+ break;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ size_t len = ((ProtobufCBinaryData *) array)[i].len;
+ rv += uint32_size(len) + len;
+ }
+ break;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ size_t len = protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size(
+ ((ProtobufCMessage **) array)[i]);
+ rv += uint32_size(len) + len;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (0 != (field->flags & PROTOBUF_C_FIELD_FLAG_PACKED))
+ header_size += uint32_size(rv);
+ return header_size + rv;
+ * Calculate the serialized size of an unknown field, i.e. one that is passed
+ * through mostly uninterpreted. This is required for forward compatibility if
+ * new fields are added to the message descriptor.
+ *
+ * \param field
+ * Unknown field type.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes required.
+ */
+static inline size_t
+unknown_field_get_packed_size(const ProtobufCMessageUnknownField *field)
+ return get_tag_size(field->tag) + field->len;
+ * Calculate the serialized size of the message.
+ */
+size_t protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size(const ProtobufCMessage *message)
+ unsigned i;
+ size_t rv = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < message->descriptor->n_fields; i++) {
+ const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field =
+ message->descriptor->fields + i;
+ const void *member =
+ ((const char *) message) + field->offset;
+ const void *qmember =
+ ((const char *) message) + field->quantifier_offset;
+ if (field->label == PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_REQUIRED) {
+ rv += required_field_get_packed_size(field, member);
+ } else if (field->label == PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_OPTIONAL) {
+ if (0 != (field->flags & PROTOBUF_C_FIELD_FLAG_ONEOF))
+ rv += oneof_field_get_packed_size(field, qmember, member);
+ else
+ rv += optional_field_get_packed_size(field, qmember, member);
+ } else {
+ rv += repeated_field_get_packed_size(
+ field,
+ *(const size_t *) qmember,
+ member
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < message->n_unknown_fields; i++)
+ rv += unknown_field_get_packed_size(&message->unknown_fields[i]);
+ return rv;
+ * \defgroup pack protobuf_c_message_pack() implementation
+ *
+ * Routines mainly used by protobuf_c_message_pack().
+ *
+ * \ingroup internal
+ * @{
+ */
+ * Pack an unsigned 32-bit integer in base-128 varint encoding and return the
+ * number of bytes written, which must be 5 or less.
+ *
+ * \param value
+ * Value to encode.
+ * \param[out] out
+ * Packed value.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes written to `out`.
+ */
+static inline size_t
+uint32_pack(uint32_t value, uint8_t *out)
+ unsigned rv = 0;
+ if (value >= 0x80) {
+ out[rv++] = value | 0x80;
+ value >>= 7;
+ if (value >= 0x80) {
+ out[rv++] = value | 0x80;
+ value >>= 7;
+ if (value >= 0x80) {
+ out[rv++] = value | 0x80;
+ value >>= 7;
+ if (value >= 0x80) {
+ out[rv++] = value | 0x80;
+ value >>= 7;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* assert: value<128 */
+ out[rv++] = value;
+ return rv;
+ * Pack a signed 32-bit integer and return the number of bytes written.
+ * Negative numbers are encoded as two's complement 64-bit integers.
+ *
+ * \param value
+ * Value to encode.
+ * \param[out] out
+ * Packed value.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes written to `out`.
+ */
+static inline size_t
+int32_pack(int32_t value, uint8_t *out)
+ if (value < 0) {
+ out[0] = value | 0x80;
+ out[1] = (value >> 7) | 0x80;
+ out[2] = (value >> 14) | 0x80;
+ out[3] = (value >> 21) | 0x80;
+ out[4] = (value >> 28) | 0x80;
+ out[5] = out[6] = out[7] = out[8] = 0xff;
+ out[9] = 0x01;
+ return 10;
+ } else {
+ return uint32_pack(value, out);
+ }
+ * Pack a signed 32-bit integer using ZigZag encoding and return the number of
+ * bytes written.
+ *
+ * \param value
+ * Value to encode.
+ * \param[out] out
+ * Packed value.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes written to `out`.
+ */
+static inline size_t
+sint32_pack(int32_t value, uint8_t *out)
+ return uint32_pack(zigzag32(value), out);
+ * Pack a 64-bit unsigned integer using base-128 varint encoding and return the
+ * number of bytes written.
+ *
+ * \param value
+ * Value to encode.
+ * \param[out] out
+ * Packed value.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes written to `out`.
+ */
+static size_t
+uint64_pack(uint64_t value, uint8_t *out)
+ uint32_t hi = (uint32_t) (value >> 32);
+ uint32_t lo = (uint32_t) value;
+ unsigned rv;
+ if (hi == 0)
+ return uint32_pack((uint32_t) lo, out);
+ out[0] = (lo) | 0x80;
+ out[1] = (lo >> 7) | 0x80;
+ out[2] = (lo >> 14) | 0x80;
+ out[3] = (lo >> 21) | 0x80;
+ if (hi < 8) {
+ out[4] = (hi << 4) | (lo >> 28);
+ return 5;
+ } else {
+ out[4] = ((hi & 7) << 4) | (lo >> 28) | 0x80;
+ hi >>= 3;
+ }
+ rv = 5;
+ while (hi >= 128) {
+ out[rv++] = hi | 0x80;
+ hi >>= 7;
+ }
+ out[rv++] = hi;
+ return rv;
+ * Pack a 64-bit signed integer in ZigZag encoding and return the number of
+ * bytes written.
+ *
+ * \param value
+ * Value to encode.
+ * \param[out] out
+ * Packed value.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes written to `out`.
+ */
+static inline size_t
+sint64_pack(int64_t value, uint8_t *out)
+ return uint64_pack(zigzag64(value), out);
+ * Pack a 32-bit quantity in little-endian byte order. Used for protobuf wire
+ * types fixed32, sfixed32, float. Similar to "htole32".
+ *
+ * \param value
+ * Value to encode.
+ * \param[out] out
+ * Packed value.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes written to `out`.
+ */
+static inline size_t
+fixed32_pack(uint32_t value, void *out)
+#if !defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN)
+ memcpy(out, &value, 4);
+ uint8_t *buf = out;
+ buf[0] = value;
+ buf[1] = value >> 8;
+ buf[2] = value >> 16;
+ buf[3] = value >> 24;
+ return 4;
+ * Pack a 64-bit quantity in little-endian byte order. Used for protobuf wire
+ * types fixed64, sfixed64, double. Similar to "htole64".
+ *
+ * \todo The big-endian impl is really only good for 32-bit machines, a 64-bit
+ * version would be appreciated, plus a way to decide to use 64-bit math where
+ * convenient.
+ *
+ * \param value
+ * Value to encode.
+ * \param[out] out
+ * Packed value.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes written to `out`.
+ */
+static inline size_t
+fixed64_pack(uint64_t value, void *out)
+#if !defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN)
+ memcpy(out, &value, 8);
+ fixed32_pack(value, out);
+ fixed32_pack(value >> 32, ((char *) out) + 4);
+ return 8;
+ * Pack a boolean value as an integer and return the number of bytes written.
+ *
+ * \todo Perhaps on some platforms *out = !!value would be a better impl, b/c
+ * that is idiomatic C++ in some STL implementations.
+ *
+ * \param value
+ * Value to encode.
+ * \param[out] out
+ * Packed value.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes written to `out`.
+ */
+static inline size_t
+boolean_pack(protobuf_c_boolean value, uint8_t *out)
+ *out = value ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ return 1;
+ * Pack a NUL-terminated C string and return the number of bytes written. The
+ * output includes a length delimiter.
+ *
+ * The NULL pointer is treated as an empty string. This isn't really necessary,
+ * but it allows people to leave required strings blank. (See Issue #13 in the
+ * bug tracker for a little more explanation).
+ *
+ * \param str
+ * String to encode.
+ * \param[out] out
+ * Packed value.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes written to `out`.
+ */
+static inline size_t
+string_pack(const char *str, uint8_t *out)
+ if (str == NULL) {
+ out[0] = 0;
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ size_t len = strlen(str);
+ size_t rv = uint32_pack(len, out);
+ memcpy(out + rv, str, len);
+ return rv + len;
+ }
+ * Pack a ProtobufCBinaryData and return the number of bytes written. The output
+ * includes a length delimiter.
+ *
+ * \param bd
+ * ProtobufCBinaryData to encode.
+ * \param[out] out
+ * Packed value.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes written to `out`.
+ */
+static inline size_t
+binary_data_pack(const ProtobufCBinaryData *bd, uint8_t *out)
+ size_t len = bd->len;
+ size_t rv = uint32_pack(len, out);
+ memcpy(out + rv, bd->data, len);
+ return rv + len;
+ * Pack a ProtobufCMessage and return the number of bytes written. The output
+ * includes a length delimiter.
+ *
+ * \param message
+ * ProtobufCMessage object to pack.
+ * \param[out] out
+ * Packed message.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes written to `out`.
+ */
+static inline size_t
+prefixed_message_pack(const ProtobufCMessage *message, uint8_t *out)
+ if (message == NULL) {
+ out[0] = 0;
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ size_t rv = protobuf_c_message_pack(message, out + 1);
+ uint32_t rv_packed_size = uint32_size(rv);
+ if (rv_packed_size != 1)
+ memmove(out + rv_packed_size, out + 1, rv);
+ return uint32_pack(rv, out) + rv;
+ }
+ * Pack a field tag.
+ *
+ * Wire-type will be added in required_field_pack().
+ *
+ * \todo Just call uint64_pack on 64-bit platforms.
+ *
+ * \param id
+ * Tag value to encode.
+ * \param[out] out
+ * Packed value.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes written to `out`.
+ */
+static size_t
+tag_pack(uint32_t id, uint8_t *out)
+ if (id < (1 << (32 - 3)))
+ return uint32_pack(id << 3, out);
+ else
+ return uint64_pack(((uint64_t) id) << 3, out);
+ * Pack a required field and return the number of bytes written.
+ *
+ * \param field
+ * Field descriptor.
+ * \param member
+ * The field member.
+ * \param[out] out
+ * Packed value.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes written to `out`.
+ */
+static size_t
+required_field_pack(const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field,
+ const void *member, uint8_t *out)
+ size_t rv = tag_pack(field->id, out);
+ switch (field->type) {
+ return rv + sint32_pack(*(const int32_t *) member, out + rv);
+ return rv + int32_pack(*(const uint32_t *) member, out + rv);
+ return rv + uint32_pack(*(const uint32_t *) member, out + rv);
+ return rv + sint64_pack(*(const int64_t *) member, out + rv);
+ return rv + uint64_pack(*(const uint64_t *) member, out + rv);
+ return rv + fixed32_pack(*(const uint32_t *) member, out + rv);
+ return rv + fixed64_pack(*(const uint64_t *) member, out + rv);
+ return rv + boolean_pack(*(const protobuf_c_boolean *) member, out + rv);
+ return rv + string_pack(*(char *const *) member, out + rv);
+ return rv + binary_data_pack((const ProtobufCBinaryData *) member, out + rv);
+ return rv + prefixed_message_pack(*(ProtobufCMessage * const *) member, out + rv);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * Pack a oneof field and return the number of bytes written. Only packs the
+ * field that is selected by the case enum.
+ *
+ * \param field
+ * Field descriptor.
+ * \param oneof_case
+ * A pointer to the case enum that selects the field in the oneof.
+ * \param member
+ * The field member.
+ * \param[out] out
+ * Packed value.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes written to `out`.
+ */
+static size_t
+oneof_field_pack(const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field,
+ const uint32_t *oneof_case,
+ const void *member, uint8_t *out)
+ if (*oneof_case == field->id) {
+ if (field->type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_MESSAGE ||
+ field->type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_STRING)
+ {
+ const void *ptr = *(const void * const *) member;
+ if (ptr == NULL || ptr == field->default_value)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return required_field_pack(field, member, out);
+ * Pack an optional field and return the number of bytes written.
+ *
+ * \param field
+ * Field descriptor.
+ * \param has
+ * Whether the field is set.
+ * \param member
+ * The field member.
+ * \param[out] out
+ * Packed value.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes written to `out`.
+ */
+static size_t
+optional_field_pack(const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field,
+ const protobuf_c_boolean *has,
+ const void *member, uint8_t *out)
+ if (field->type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_MESSAGE ||
+ field->type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_STRING)
+ {
+ const void *ptr = *(const void * const *) member;
+ if (ptr == NULL || ptr == field->default_value)
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ if (!*has)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return required_field_pack(field, member, out);
+ * Given a field type, return the in-memory size.
+ *
+ * \todo Implement as a table lookup.
+ *
+ * \param type
+ * Field type.
+ * \return
+ * Size of the field.
+ */
+static inline size_t
+sizeof_elt_in_repeated_array(ProtobufCType type)
+ switch (type) {
+ return 4;
+ return 8;
+ return sizeof(protobuf_c_boolean);
+ return sizeof(void *);
+ return sizeof(ProtobufCBinaryData);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * Pack an array of 32-bit quantities.
+ *
+ * \param[out] out
+ * Destination.
+ * \param[in] in
+ * Source.
+ * \param[in] n
+ * Number of elements in the source array.
+ */
+static void
+copy_to_little_endian_32(void *out, const void *in, const unsigned n)
+#if !defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN)
+ memcpy(out, in, n * 4);
+ unsigned i;
+ const uint32_t *ini = in;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ fixed32_pack(ini[i], (uint32_t *) out + i);
+ * Pack an array of 64-bit quantities.
+ *
+ * \param[out] out
+ * Destination.
+ * \param[in] in
+ * Source.
+ * \param[in] n
+ * Number of elements in the source array.
+ */
+static void
+copy_to_little_endian_64(void *out, const void *in, const unsigned n)
+#if !defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN)
+ memcpy(out, in, n * 8);
+ unsigned i;
+ const uint64_t *ini = in;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ fixed64_pack(ini[i], (uint64_t *) out + i);
+ * Get the minimum number of bytes required to pack a field value of a
+ * particular type.
+ *
+ * \param type
+ * Field type.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes.
+ */
+static unsigned
+get_type_min_size(ProtobufCType type)
+ if (type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_SFIXED32 ||
+ type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_FIXED32 ||
+ {
+ return 4;
+ }
+ if (type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_SFIXED64 ||
+ type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_FIXED64 ||
+ {
+ return 8;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ * Packs the elements of a repeated field and returns the serialised field and
+ * its length.
+ *
+ * \param field
+ * Field descriptor.
+ * \param count
+ * Number of elements in the repeated field array.
+ * \param member
+ * Pointer to the elements for this repeated field.
+ * \param[out] out
+ * Serialised representation of the repeated field.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes serialised to `out`.
+ */
+static size_t
+repeated_field_pack(const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field,
+ size_t count, const void *member, uint8_t *out)
+ void *array = *(void * const *) member;
+ unsigned i;
+ if (0 != (field->flags & PROTOBUF_C_FIELD_FLAG_PACKED)) {
+ unsigned header_len;
+ unsigned len_start;
+ unsigned min_length;
+ unsigned payload_len;
+ unsigned length_size_min;
+ unsigned actual_length_size;
+ uint8_t *payload_at;
+ if (count == 0)
+ return 0;
+ header_len = tag_pack(field->id, out);
+ len_start = header_len;
+ min_length = get_type_min_size(field->type) * count;
+ length_size_min = uint32_size(min_length);
+ header_len += length_size_min;
+ payload_at = out + header_len;
+ switch (field->type) {
+ copy_to_little_endian_32(payload_at, array, count);
+ payload_at += count * 4;
+ break;
+ copy_to_little_endian_64(payload_at, array, count);
+ payload_at += count * 8;
+ break;
+ const int32_t *arr = (const int32_t *) array;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ payload_at += int32_pack(arr[i], payload_at);
+ break;
+ }
+ const int32_t *arr = (const int32_t *) array;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ payload_at += sint32_pack(arr[i], payload_at);
+ break;
+ }
+ const int64_t *arr = (const int64_t *) array;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ payload_at += sint64_pack(arr[i], payload_at);
+ break;
+ }
+ const uint32_t *arr = (const uint32_t *) array;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ payload_at += uint32_pack(arr[i], payload_at);
+ break;
+ }
+ const uint64_t *arr = (const uint64_t *) array;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ payload_at += uint64_pack(arr[i], payload_at);
+ break;
+ }
+ const protobuf_c_boolean *arr = (const protobuf_c_boolean *) array;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ payload_at += boolean_pack(arr[i], payload_at);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ }
+ payload_len = payload_at - (out + header_len);
+ actual_length_size = uint32_size(payload_len);
+ if (length_size_min != actual_length_size) {
+ assert(actual_length_size == length_size_min + 1);
+ memmove(out + header_len + 1, out + header_len,
+ payload_len);
+ header_len++;
+ }
+ uint32_pack(payload_len, out + len_start);
+ return header_len + payload_len;
+ } else {
+ /* not "packed" cased */
+ /* CONSIDER: optimize this case a bit (by putting the loop inside the switch) */
+ size_t rv = 0;
+ unsigned siz = sizeof_elt_in_repeated_array(field->type);
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ rv += required_field_pack(field, array, out + rv);
+ array = (char *)array + siz;
+ }
+ return rv;
+ }
+static size_t
+unknown_field_pack(const ProtobufCMessageUnknownField *field, uint8_t *out)
+ size_t rv = tag_pack(field->tag, out);
+ out[0] |= field->wire_type;
+ memcpy(out + rv, field->data, field->len);
+ return rv + field->len;
+protobuf_c_message_pack(const ProtobufCMessage *message, uint8_t *out)
+ unsigned i;
+ size_t rv = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < message->descriptor->n_fields; i++) {
+ const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field =
+ message->descriptor->fields + i;
+ const void *member = ((const char *) message) + field->offset;
+ /*
+ * It doesn't hurt to compute qmember (a pointer to the
+ * quantifier field of the structure), but the pointer is only
+ * valid if the field is:
+ * - a repeated field, or
+ * - a field that is part of a oneof
+ * - an optional field that isn't a pointer type
+ * (Meaning: not a message or a string).
+ */
+ const void *qmember =
+ ((const char *) message) + field->quantifier_offset;
+ if (field->label == PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_REQUIRED) {
+ rv += required_field_pack(field, member, out + rv);
+ } else if (field->label == PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_OPTIONAL) {
+ if (0 != (field->flags & PROTOBUF_C_FIELD_FLAG_ONEOF))
+ rv += oneof_field_pack (field, qmember, member, out + rv);
+ else
+ rv += optional_field_pack(field, qmember, member, out + rv);
+ } else {
+ rv += repeated_field_pack(field, *(const size_t *) qmember,
+ member, out + rv);
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < message->n_unknown_fields; i++)
+ rv += unknown_field_pack(&message->unknown_fields[i], out + rv);
+ return rv;
+ * \defgroup packbuf protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer() implementation
+ *
+ * Routines mainly used by protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer().
+ *
+ * \ingroup internal
+ * @{
+ */
+ * Pack a required field to a virtual buffer.
+ *
+ * \param field
+ * Field descriptor.
+ * \param member
+ * The element to be packed.
+ * \param[out] buffer
+ * Virtual buffer to append data to.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes packed.
+ */
+static size_t
+required_field_pack_to_buffer(const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field,
+ const void *member, ProtobufCBuffer *buffer)
+ size_t rv;
+ uint8_t scratch[MAX_UINT64_ENCODED_SIZE * 2];
+ rv = tag_pack(field->id, scratch);
+ switch (field->type) {
+ rv += sint32_pack(*(const int32_t *) member, scratch + rv);
+ buffer->append(buffer, rv, scratch);
+ break;
+ rv += int32_pack(*(const uint32_t *) member, scratch + rv);
+ buffer->append(buffer, rv, scratch);
+ break;
+ rv += uint32_pack(*(const uint32_t *) member, scratch + rv);
+ buffer->append(buffer, rv, scratch);
+ break;
+ rv += sint64_pack(*(const int64_t *) member, scratch + rv);
+ buffer->append(buffer, rv, scratch);
+ break;
+ rv += uint64_pack(*(const uint64_t *) member, scratch + rv);
+ buffer->append(buffer, rv, scratch);
+ break;
+ scratch[0] |= PROTOBUF_C_WIRE_TYPE_32BIT;
+ rv += fixed32_pack(*(const uint32_t *) member, scratch + rv);
+ buffer->append(buffer, rv, scratch);
+ break;
+ scratch[0] |= PROTOBUF_C_WIRE_TYPE_64BIT;
+ rv += fixed64_pack(*(const uint64_t *) member, scratch + rv);
+ buffer->append(buffer, rv, scratch);
+ break;
+ rv += boolean_pack(*(const protobuf_c_boolean *) member, scratch + rv);
+ buffer->append(buffer, rv, scratch);
+ break;
+ const char *str = *(char *const *) member;
+ size_t sublen = str ? strlen(str) : 0;
+ rv += uint32_pack(sublen, scratch + rv);
+ buffer->append(buffer, rv, scratch);
+ buffer->append(buffer, sublen, (const uint8_t *) str);
+ rv += sublen;
+ break;
+ }
+ const ProtobufCBinaryData *bd = ((const ProtobufCBinaryData *) member);
+ size_t sublen = bd->len;
+ rv += uint32_pack(sublen, scratch + rv);
+ buffer->append(buffer, rv, scratch);
+ buffer->append(buffer, sublen, bd->data);
+ rv += sublen;
+ break;
+ }
+ uint8_t simple_buffer_scratch[256];
+ size_t sublen;
+ const ProtobufCMessage *msg = *(ProtobufCMessage * const *) member;
+ ProtobufCBufferSimple simple_buffer =
+ PROTOBUF_C_BUFFER_SIMPLE_INIT(simple_buffer_scratch);
+ if (msg == NULL)
+ sublen = 0;
+ else
+ sublen = protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer(msg, &simple_buffer.base);
+ rv += uint32_pack(sublen, scratch + rv);
+ buffer->append(buffer, rv, scratch);
+ buffer->append(buffer, sublen,;
+ rv += sublen;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ }
+ return rv;
+ * Pack a oneof field to a buffer. Only packs the field that is selected by the case enum.
+ *
+ * \param field
+ * Field descriptor.
+ * \param oneof_case
+ * A pointer to the case enum that selects the field in the oneof.
+ * \param member
+ * The element to be packed.
+ * \param[out] buffer
+ * Virtual buffer to append data to.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes serialised to `buffer`.
+ */
+static size_t
+oneof_field_pack_to_buffer(const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field,
+ const uint32_t *oneof_case,
+ const void *member, ProtobufCBuffer *buffer)
+ if (*oneof_case == field->id) {
+ if (field->type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_MESSAGE ||
+ field->type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_STRING)
+ {
+ const void *ptr = *(const void *const *) member;
+ if (ptr == NULL || ptr == field->default_value)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return required_field_pack_to_buffer(field, member, buffer);
+ * Pack an optional field to a buffer.
+ *
+ * \param field
+ * Field descriptor.
+ * \param has
+ * Whether the field is set.
+ * \param member
+ * The element to be packed.
+ * \param[out] buffer
+ * Virtual buffer to append data to.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes serialised to `buffer`.
+ */
+static size_t
+optional_field_pack_to_buffer(const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field,
+ const protobuf_c_boolean *has,
+ const void *member, ProtobufCBuffer *buffer)
+ if (field->type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_MESSAGE ||
+ field->type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_STRING)
+ {
+ const void *ptr = *(const void *const *) member;
+ if (ptr == NULL || ptr == field->default_value)
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ if (!*has)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return required_field_pack_to_buffer(field, member, buffer);
+ * Get the packed size of an array of same field type.
+ *
+ * \param field
+ * Field descriptor.
+ * \param count
+ * Number of elements of this type.
+ * \param array
+ * The elements to get the size of.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes required.
+ */
+static size_t
+get_packed_payload_length(const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field,
+ unsigned count, const void *array)
+ unsigned rv = 0;
+ unsigned i;
+ switch (field->type) {
+ return count * 4;
+ return count * 8;
+ const int32_t *arr = (const int32_t *) array;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ rv += int32_size(arr[i]);
+ break;
+ }
+ const int32_t *arr = (const int32_t *) array;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ rv += sint32_size(arr[i]);
+ break;
+ }
+ const uint32_t *arr = (const uint32_t *) array;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ rv += uint32_size(arr[i]);
+ break;
+ }
+ const int64_t *arr = (const int64_t *) array;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ rv += sint64_size(arr[i]);
+ break;
+ }
+ const uint64_t *arr = (const uint64_t *) array;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ rv += uint64_size(arr[i]);
+ break;
+ }
+ return count;
+ default:
+ }
+ return rv;
+ * Pack an array of same field type to a virtual buffer.
+ *
+ * \param field
+ * Field descriptor.
+ * \param count
+ * Number of elements of this type.
+ * \param array
+ * The elements to get the size of.
+ * \param[out] buffer
+ * Virtual buffer to append data to.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes packed.
+ */
+static size_t
+pack_buffer_packed_payload(const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field,
+ unsigned count, const void *array,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer)
+ uint8_t scratch[16];
+ size_t rv = 0;
+ unsigned i;
+ switch (field->type) {
+#if !defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN)
+ rv = count * 4;
+ goto no_packing_needed;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ unsigned len = fixed32_pack(((uint32_t *) array)[i], scratch);
+ buffer->append(buffer, len, scratch);
+ rv += len;
+ }
+ break;
+#if !defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN)
+ rv = count * 8;
+ goto no_packing_needed;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ unsigned len = fixed64_pack(((uint64_t *) array)[i], scratch);
+ buffer->append(buffer, len, scratch);
+ rv += len;
+ }
+ break;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ unsigned len = int32_pack(((int32_t *) array)[i], scratch);
+ buffer->append(buffer, len, scratch);
+ rv += len;
+ }
+ break;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ unsigned len = sint32_pack(((int32_t *) array)[i], scratch);
+ buffer->append(buffer, len, scratch);
+ rv += len;
+ }
+ break;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ unsigned len = uint32_pack(((uint32_t *) array)[i], scratch);
+ buffer->append(buffer, len, scratch);
+ rv += len;
+ }
+ break;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ unsigned len = sint64_pack(((int64_t *) array)[i], scratch);
+ buffer->append(buffer, len, scratch);
+ rv += len;
+ }
+ break;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ unsigned len = uint64_pack(((uint64_t *) array)[i], scratch);
+ buffer->append(buffer, len, scratch);
+ rv += len;
+ }
+ break;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ unsigned len = boolean_pack(((protobuf_c_boolean *) array)[i], scratch);
+ buffer->append(buffer, len, scratch);
+ rv += len;
+ }
+ return count;
+ default:
+ }
+ return rv;
+ buffer->append(buffer, rv, array);
+ return rv;
+static size_t
+repeated_field_pack_to_buffer(const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field,
+ unsigned count, const void *member,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer)
+ char *array = *(char * const *) member;
+ if (count == 0)
+ return 0;
+ if (0 != (field->flags & PROTOBUF_C_FIELD_FLAG_PACKED)) {
+ uint8_t scratch[MAX_UINT64_ENCODED_SIZE * 2];
+ size_t rv = tag_pack(field->id, scratch);
+ size_t payload_len = get_packed_payload_length(field, count, array);
+ size_t tmp;
+ rv += uint32_pack(payload_len, scratch + rv);
+ buffer->append(buffer, rv, scratch);
+ tmp = pack_buffer_packed_payload(field, count, array, buffer);
+ assert(tmp == payload_len);
+ return rv + payload_len;
+ } else {
+ size_t siz;
+ unsigned i;
+ /* CONSIDER: optimize this case a bit (by putting the loop inside the switch) */
+ unsigned rv = 0;
+ siz = sizeof_elt_in_repeated_array(field->type);
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ rv += required_field_pack_to_buffer(field, array, buffer);
+ array += siz;
+ }
+ return rv;
+ }
+static size_t
+unknown_field_pack_to_buffer(const ProtobufCMessageUnknownField *field,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer)
+ uint8_t header[MAX_UINT64_ENCODED_SIZE];
+ size_t rv = tag_pack(field->tag, header);
+ header[0] |= field->wire_type;
+ buffer->append(buffer, rv, header);
+ buffer->append(buffer, field->len, field->data);
+ return rv + field->len;
+protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer(const ProtobufCMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer)
+ unsigned i;
+ size_t rv = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < message->descriptor->n_fields; i++) {
+ const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field =
+ message->descriptor->fields + i;
+ const void *member =
+ ((const char *) message) + field->offset;
+ const void *qmember =
+ ((const char *) message) + field->quantifier_offset;
+ if (field->label == PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_REQUIRED) {
+ rv += required_field_pack_to_buffer(field, member, buffer);
+ } else if (field->label == PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_OPTIONAL) {
+ if (0 != (field->flags & PROTOBUF_C_FIELD_FLAG_ONEOF)) {
+ rv += oneof_field_pack_to_buffer(
+ field,
+ qmember,
+ member,
+ buffer
+ );
+ } else {
+ rv += optional_field_pack_to_buffer(
+ field,
+ qmember,
+ member,
+ buffer
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ rv += repeated_field_pack_to_buffer(
+ field,
+ *(const size_t *) qmember,
+ member,
+ buffer
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < message->n_unknown_fields; i++)
+ rv += unknown_field_pack_to_buffer(&message->unknown_fields[i], buffer);
+ return rv;
+ * \defgroup unpack unpacking implementation
+ *
+ * Routines mainly used by the unpacking functions.
+ *
+ * \ingroup internal
+ * @{
+ */
+static inline int
+int_range_lookup(unsigned n_ranges, const ProtobufCIntRange *ranges, int value)
+ unsigned n;
+ unsigned start;
+ if (n_ranges == 0)
+ return -1;
+ start = 0;
+ n = n_ranges;
+ while (n > 1) {
+ unsigned mid = start + n / 2;
+ if (value < ranges[mid].start_value) {
+ n = mid - start;
+ } else if (value >= ranges[mid].start_value +
+ (int) (ranges[mid + 1].orig_index -
+ ranges[mid].orig_index))
+ {
+ unsigned new_start = mid + 1;
+ n = start + n - new_start;
+ start = new_start;
+ } else
+ return (value - ranges[mid].start_value) +
+ ranges[mid].orig_index;
+ }
+ if (n > 0) {
+ unsigned start_orig_index = ranges[start].orig_index;
+ unsigned range_size =
+ ranges[start + 1].orig_index - start_orig_index;
+ if (ranges[start].start_value <= value &&
+ value < (int) (ranges[start].start_value + range_size))
+ {
+ return (value - ranges[start].start_value) +
+ start_orig_index;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+static size_t
+parse_tag_and_wiretype(size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data,
+ uint32_t *tag_out,
+ ProtobufCWireType *wiretype_out)
+ unsigned max_rv = len > 5 ? 5 : len;
+ uint32_t tag = (data[0] & 0x7f) >> 3;
+ unsigned shift = 4;
+ unsigned rv;
+ *wiretype_out = data[0] & 7;
+ if ((data[0] & 0x80) == 0) {
+ *tag_out = tag;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ for (rv = 1; rv < max_rv; rv++) {
+ if (data[rv] & 0x80) {
+ tag |= (data[rv] & 0x7f) << shift;
+ shift += 7;
+ } else {
+ tag |= data[rv] << shift;
+ *tag_out = tag;
+ return rv + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0; /* error: bad header */
+/* sizeof(ScannedMember) must be <= (1<<BOUND_SIZEOF_SCANNED_MEMBER_LOG2) */
+typedef struct _ScannedMember ScannedMember;
+/** Field as it's being read. */
+struct _ScannedMember {
+ uint32_t tag; /**< Field tag. */
+ uint8_t wire_type; /**< Field type. */
+ uint8_t length_prefix_len; /**< Prefix length. */
+ const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field; /**< Field descriptor. */
+ size_t len; /**< Field length. */
+ const uint8_t *data; /**< Pointer to field data. */
+static inline uint32_t
+scan_length_prefixed_data(size_t len, const uint8_t *data,
+ size_t *prefix_len_out)
+ unsigned hdr_max = len < 5 ? len : 5;
+ unsigned hdr_len;
+ uint32_t val = 0;
+ unsigned i;
+ unsigned shift = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < hdr_max; i++) {
+ val |= (data[i] & 0x7f) << shift;
+ shift += 7;
+ if ((data[i] & 0x80) == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i == hdr_max) {
+ PROTOBUF_C_UNPACK_ERROR("error parsing length for length-prefixed data");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ hdr_len = i + 1;
+ *prefix_len_out = hdr_len;
+ if (hdr_len + val > len) {
+ PROTOBUF_C_UNPACK_ERROR("data too short after length-prefix of %u", val);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return hdr_len + val;
+static size_t
+max_b128_numbers(size_t len, const uint8_t *data)
+ size_t rv = 0;
+ while (len--)
+ if ((*data++ & 0x80) == 0)
+ ++rv;
+ return rv;
+ * Merge earlier message into a latter message.
+ *
+ * For numeric types and strings, if the same value appears multiple
+ * times, the parser accepts the last value it sees. For embedded
+ * message fields, the parser merges multiple instances of the same
+ * field. That is, all singular scalar fields in the latter instance
+ * replace those in the former, singular embedded messages are merged,
+ * and repeated fields are concatenated.
+ *
+ * The earlier message should be freed after calling this function, as
+ * some of its fields may have been reused and changed to their default
+ * values during the merge.
+ */
+static protobuf_c_boolean
+merge_messages(ProtobufCMessage *earlier_msg,
+ ProtobufCMessage *latter_msg,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator)
+ unsigned i;
+ const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *fields =
+ latter_msg->descriptor->fields;
+ for (i = 0; i < latter_msg->descriptor->n_fields; i++) {
+ if (fields[i].label == PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_REPEATED) {
+ size_t *n_earlier =
+ STRUCT_MEMBER_PTR(size_t, earlier_msg,
+ fields[i].quantifier_offset);
+ uint8_t **p_earlier =
+ STRUCT_MEMBER_PTR(uint8_t *, earlier_msg,
+ fields[i].offset);
+ size_t *n_latter =
+ STRUCT_MEMBER_PTR(size_t, latter_msg,
+ fields[i].quantifier_offset);
+ uint8_t **p_latter =
+ STRUCT_MEMBER_PTR(uint8_t *, latter_msg,
+ fields[i].offset);
+ if (*n_earlier > 0) {
+ if (*n_latter > 0) {
+ /* Concatenate the repeated field */
+ size_t el_size =
+ sizeof_elt_in_repeated_array(fields[i].type);
+ uint8_t *new_field;
+ new_field = do_alloc(allocator,
+ (*n_earlier + *n_latter) * el_size);
+ if (!new_field)
+ return FALSE;
+ memcpy(new_field, *p_earlier,
+ *n_earlier * el_size);
+ memcpy(new_field +
+ *n_earlier * el_size,
+ *p_latter,
+ *n_latter * el_size);
+ do_free(allocator, *p_latter);
+ do_free(allocator, *p_earlier);
+ *p_latter = new_field;
+ *n_latter = *n_earlier + *n_latter;
+ } else {
+ /* Zero copy the repeated field from the earlier message */
+ *n_latter = *n_earlier;
+ *p_latter = *p_earlier;
+ }
+ /* Make sure the field does not get double freed */
+ *n_earlier = 0;
+ *p_earlier = 0;
+ }
+ } else if (fields[i].label == PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_OPTIONAL) {
+ const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field;
+ uint32_t *earlier_case_p = STRUCT_MEMBER_PTR(uint32_t,
+ earlier_msg,
+ fields[i].
+ quantifier_offset);
+ uint32_t *latter_case_p = STRUCT_MEMBER_PTR(uint32_t,
+ latter_msg,
+ fields[i].
+ quantifier_offset);
+ protobuf_c_boolean need_to_merge = FALSE;
+ void *earlier_elem;
+ void *latter_elem;
+ const void *def_val;
+ if (fields[i].flags & PROTOBUF_C_FIELD_FLAG_ONEOF) {
+ if (*latter_case_p == 0) {
+ /* lookup correct oneof field */
+ int field_index =
+ int_range_lookup(
+ latter_msg->descriptor
+ ->n_field_ranges,
+ latter_msg->descriptor
+ ->field_ranges,
+ *earlier_case_p);
+ field = latter_msg->descriptor->fields +
+ field_index;
+ } else {
+ /* Oneof is present in the latter message, move on */
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else {
+ field = &fields[i];
+ }
+ earlier_elem =
+ STRUCT_MEMBER_P(earlier_msg, field->offset);
+ latter_elem =
+ STRUCT_MEMBER_P(latter_msg, field->offset);
+ def_val = field->default_value;
+ switch (field->type) {
+ ProtobufCMessage *em = *(ProtobufCMessage **) earlier_elem;
+ ProtobufCMessage *lm = *(ProtobufCMessage **) latter_elem;
+ if (em != NULL) {
+ if (lm != NULL) {
+ if (!merge_messages(em, lm, allocator))
+ return FALSE;
+ /* Already merged */
+ need_to_merge = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ /* Zero copy the message */
+ need_to_merge = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ uint8_t *e_data =
+ ((ProtobufCBinaryData *) earlier_elem)->data;
+ uint8_t *l_data =
+ ((ProtobufCBinaryData *) latter_elem)->data;
+ const ProtobufCBinaryData *d_bd =
+ (ProtobufCBinaryData *) def_val;
+ need_to_merge =
+ (e_data != NULL &&
+ (d_bd == NULL ||
+ e_data != d_bd->data)) &&
+ (l_data == NULL ||
+ (d_bd != NULL &&
+ l_data == d_bd->data));
+ break;
+ }
+ char *e_str = *(char **) earlier_elem;
+ char *l_str = *(char **) latter_elem;
+ const char *d_str = def_val;
+ need_to_merge = e_str != d_str && l_str == d_str;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ /* Could be has field or case enum, the logic is
+ * equivalent, since 0 (FALSE) means not set for
+ * oneof */
+ need_to_merge = (*earlier_case_p != 0) &&
+ (*latter_case_p == 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (need_to_merge) {
+ size_t el_size =
+ sizeof_elt_in_repeated_array(field->type);
+ memcpy(latter_elem, earlier_elem, el_size);
+ /*
+ * Reset the element from the old message to 0
+ * to make sure earlier message deallocation
+ * doesn't corrupt zero-copied data in the new
+ * message, earlier message will be freed after
+ * this function is called anyway
+ */
+ memset(earlier_elem, 0, el_size);
+ if (field->quantifier_offset != 0) {
+ /* Set the has field or the case enum,
+ * if applicable */
+ *latter_case_p = *earlier_case_p;
+ *earlier_case_p = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ * Count packed elements.
+ *
+ * Given a raw slab of packed-repeated values, determine the number of
+ * elements. This function detects certain kinds of errors but not
+ * others; the remaining error checking is done by
+ * parse_packed_repeated_member().
+ */
+static protobuf_c_boolean
+count_packed_elements(ProtobufCType type,
+ size_t len, const uint8_t *data, size_t *count_out)
+ switch (type) {
+ if (len % 4 != 0) {
+ PROTOBUF_C_UNPACK_ERROR("length must be a multiple of 4 for fixed-length 32-bit types");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ *count_out = len / 4;
+ return TRUE;
+ if (len % 8 != 0) {
+ PROTOBUF_C_UNPACK_ERROR("length must be a multiple of 8 for fixed-length 64-bit types");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ *count_out = len / 8;
+ return TRUE;
+ *count_out = max_b128_numbers(len, data);
+ return TRUE;
+ *count_out = len;
+ return TRUE;
+ default:
+ PROTOBUF_C_UNPACK_ERROR("bad protobuf-c type %u for packed-repeated", type);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+static inline uint32_t
+parse_uint32(unsigned len, const uint8_t *data)
+ uint32_t rv = data[0] & 0x7f;
+ if (len > 1) {
+ rv |= ((uint32_t) (data[1] & 0x7f) << 7);
+ if (len > 2) {
+ rv |= ((uint32_t) (data[2] & 0x7f) << 14);
+ if (len > 3) {
+ rv |= ((uint32_t) (data[3] & 0x7f) << 21);
+ if (len > 4)
+ rv |= ((uint32_t) (data[4]) << 28);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return rv;
+static inline uint32_t
+parse_int32(unsigned len, const uint8_t *data)
+ return parse_uint32(len, data);
+static inline int32_t
+unzigzag32(uint32_t v)
+ if (v & 1)
+ return -(v >> 1) - 1;
+ else
+ return v >> 1;
+static inline uint32_t
+parse_fixed_uint32(const uint8_t *data)
+#if !defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN)
+ uint32_t t;
+ memcpy(&t, data, 4);
+ return t;
+ return data[0] |
+ ((uint32_t) (data[1]) << 8) |
+ ((uint32_t) (data[2]) << 16) |
+ ((uint32_t) (data[3]) << 24);
+static uint64_t
+parse_uint64(unsigned len, const uint8_t *data)
+ unsigned shift, i;
+ uint64_t rv;
+ if (len < 5)
+ return parse_uint32(len, data);
+ rv = ((uint64_t) (data[0] & 0x7f)) |
+ ((uint64_t) (data[1] & 0x7f) << 7) |
+ ((uint64_t) (data[2] & 0x7f) << 14) |
+ ((uint64_t) (data[3] & 0x7f) << 21);
+ shift = 28;
+ for (i = 4; i < len; i++) {
+ rv |= (((uint64_t) (data[i] & 0x7f)) << shift);
+ shift += 7;
+ }
+ return rv;
+static inline int64_t
+unzigzag64(uint64_t v)
+ if (v & 1)
+ return -(v >> 1) - 1;
+ else
+ return v >> 1;
+static inline uint64_t
+parse_fixed_uint64(const uint8_t *data)
+#if !defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN)
+ uint64_t t;
+ memcpy(&t, data, 8);
+ return t;
+ return (uint64_t) parse_fixed_uint32(data) |
+ (((uint64_t) parse_fixed_uint32(data + 4)) << 32);
+static protobuf_c_boolean
+parse_boolean(unsigned len, const uint8_t *data)
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ if (data[i] & 0x7f)
+ return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+static protobuf_c_boolean
+parse_required_member(ScannedMember *scanned_member,
+ void *member,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ protobuf_c_boolean maybe_clear)
+ unsigned len = scanned_member->len;
+ const uint8_t *data = scanned_member->data;
+ ProtobufCWireType wire_type = scanned_member->wire_type;
+ switch (scanned_member->field->type) {
+ if (wire_type != PROTOBUF_C_WIRE_TYPE_VARINT)
+ return FALSE;
+ *(uint32_t *) member = parse_int32(len, data);
+ return TRUE;
+ if (wire_type != PROTOBUF_C_WIRE_TYPE_VARINT)
+ return FALSE;
+ *(uint32_t *) member = parse_uint32(len, data);
+ return TRUE;
+ if (wire_type != PROTOBUF_C_WIRE_TYPE_VARINT)
+ return FALSE;
+ *(int32_t *) member = unzigzag32(parse_uint32(len, data));
+ return TRUE;
+ if (wire_type != PROTOBUF_C_WIRE_TYPE_32BIT)
+ return FALSE;
+ *(uint32_t *) member = parse_fixed_uint32(data);
+ return TRUE;
+ if (wire_type != PROTOBUF_C_WIRE_TYPE_VARINT)
+ return FALSE;
+ *(uint64_t *) member = parse_uint64(len, data);
+ return TRUE;
+ if (wire_type != PROTOBUF_C_WIRE_TYPE_VARINT)
+ return FALSE;
+ *(int64_t *) member = unzigzag64(parse_uint64(len, data));
+ return TRUE;
+ if (wire_type != PROTOBUF_C_WIRE_TYPE_64BIT)
+ return FALSE;
+ *(uint64_t *) member = parse_fixed_uint64(data);
+ return TRUE;
+ *(protobuf_c_boolean *) member = parse_boolean(len, data);
+ return TRUE;
+ if (wire_type != PROTOBUF_C_WIRE_TYPE_VARINT)
+ return FALSE;
+ *(uint32_t *) member = parse_uint32(len, data);
+ return TRUE;
+ char **pstr = member;
+ unsigned pref_len = scanned_member->length_prefix_len;
+ return FALSE;
+ if (maybe_clear && *pstr != NULL) {
+ const char *def = scanned_member->field->default_value;
+ if (*pstr != NULL && *pstr != def)
+ do_free(allocator, *pstr);
+ }
+ *pstr = do_alloc(allocator, len - pref_len + 1);
+ if (*pstr == NULL)
+ return FALSE;
+ memcpy(*pstr, data + pref_len, len - pref_len);
+ (*pstr)[len - pref_len] = 0;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ ProtobufCBinaryData *bd = member;
+ const ProtobufCBinaryData *def_bd;
+ unsigned pref_len = scanned_member->length_prefix_len;
+ return FALSE;
+ def_bd = scanned_member->field->default_value;
+ if (maybe_clear &&
+ bd->data != NULL &&
+ (def_bd == NULL || bd->data != def_bd->data))
+ {
+ do_free(allocator, bd->data);
+ }
+ if (len - pref_len > 0) {
+ bd->data = do_alloc(allocator, len - pref_len);
+ if (bd->data == NULL)
+ return FALSE;
+ memcpy(bd->data, data + pref_len, len - pref_len);
+ } else {
+ bd->data = NULL;
+ }
+ bd->len = len - pref_len;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ ProtobufCMessage **pmessage = member;
+ ProtobufCMessage *subm;
+ const ProtobufCMessage *def_mess;
+ protobuf_c_boolean merge_successful = TRUE;
+ unsigned pref_len = scanned_member->length_prefix_len;
+ return FALSE;
+ def_mess = scanned_member->field->default_value;
+ subm = protobuf_c_message_unpack(scanned_member->field->descriptor,
+ allocator,
+ len - pref_len,
+ data + pref_len);
+ if (maybe_clear &&
+ *pmessage != NULL &&
+ *pmessage != def_mess)
+ {
+ if (subm != NULL)
+ merge_successful = merge_messages(*pmessage, subm, allocator);
+ /* Delete the previous message */
+ protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked(*pmessage, allocator);
+ }
+ *pmessage = subm;
+ if (subm == NULL || !merge_successful)
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static protobuf_c_boolean
+parse_oneof_member (ScannedMember *scanned_member,
+ void *member,
+ ProtobufCMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator)
+ uint32_t *oneof_case = STRUCT_MEMBER_PTR(uint32_t, message,
+ scanned_member->field->quantifier_offset);
+ /* If we have already parsed a member of this oneof, free it. */
+ if (*oneof_case != 0) {
+ /* lookup field */
+ int field_index =
+ int_range_lookup(message->descriptor->n_field_ranges,
+ message->descriptor->field_ranges,
+ *oneof_case);
+ const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *old_field =
+ message->descriptor->fields + field_index;
+ size_t el_size;
+ switch (old_field->type) {
+ char **pstr = member;
+ const char *def = old_field->default_value;
+ if (*pstr != NULL && *pstr != def)
+ do_free(allocator, *pstr);
+ break;
+ }
+ ProtobufCBinaryData *bd = member;
+ const ProtobufCBinaryData *def_bd = old_field->default_value;
+ if (bd->data != NULL &&
+ (def_bd == NULL || bd->data != def_bd->data))
+ {
+ do_free(allocator, bd->data);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ ProtobufCMessage **pmessage = member;
+ const ProtobufCMessage *def_mess = old_field->default_value;
+ if (*pmessage != NULL && *pmessage != def_mess)
+ protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked(*pmessage, allocator);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ el_size = sizeof_elt_in_repeated_array(old_field->type);
+ memset (member, 0, el_size);
+ }
+ if (!parse_required_member (scanned_member, member, allocator, TRUE))
+ return FALSE;
+ *oneof_case = scanned_member->tag;
+ return TRUE;
+static protobuf_c_boolean
+parse_optional_member(ScannedMember *scanned_member,
+ void *member,
+ ProtobufCMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator)
+ if (!parse_required_member(scanned_member, member, allocator, TRUE))
+ return FALSE;
+ if (scanned_member->field->quantifier_offset != 0)
+ STRUCT_MEMBER(protobuf_c_boolean,
+ message,
+ scanned_member->field->quantifier_offset) = TRUE;
+ return TRUE;
+static protobuf_c_boolean
+parse_repeated_member(ScannedMember *scanned_member,
+ void *member,
+ ProtobufCMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator)
+ const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field = scanned_member->field;
+ size_t *p_n = STRUCT_MEMBER_PTR(size_t, message, field->quantifier_offset);
+ size_t siz = sizeof_elt_in_repeated_array(field->type);
+ char *array = *(char **) member;
+ if (!parse_required_member(scanned_member, array + siz * (*p_n),
+ allocator, FALSE))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ *p_n += 1;
+ return TRUE;
+static unsigned
+scan_varint(unsigned len, const uint8_t *data)
+ unsigned i;
+ if (len > 10)
+ len = 10;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ if ((data[i] & 0x80) == 0)
+ break;
+ if (i == len)
+ return 0;
+ return i + 1;
+static protobuf_c_boolean
+parse_packed_repeated_member(ScannedMember *scanned_member,
+ void *member,
+ ProtobufCMessage *message)
+ const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field = scanned_member->field;
+ size_t *p_n = STRUCT_MEMBER_PTR(size_t, message, field->quantifier_offset);
+ size_t siz = sizeof_elt_in_repeated_array(field->type);
+ void *array = *(char **) member + siz * (*p_n);
+ const uint8_t *at = scanned_member->data + scanned_member->length_prefix_len;
+ size_t rem = scanned_member->len - scanned_member->length_prefix_len;
+ size_t count = 0;
+ unsigned i;
+ switch (field->type) {
+ count = (scanned_member->len - scanned_member->length_prefix_len) / 4;
+#if !defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN)
+ goto no_unpacking_needed;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ ((uint32_t *) array)[i] = parse_fixed_uint32(at);
+ at += 4;
+ }
+ break;
+ count = (scanned_member->len - scanned_member->length_prefix_len) / 8;
+#if !defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN)
+ goto no_unpacking_needed;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ ((uint64_t *) array)[i] = parse_fixed_uint64(at);
+ at += 8;
+ }
+ break;
+ while (rem > 0) {
+ unsigned s = scan_varint(rem, at);
+ if (s == 0) {
+ PROTOBUF_C_UNPACK_ERROR("bad packed-repeated int32 value");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ((int32_t *) array)[count++] = parse_int32(s, at);
+ at += s;
+ rem -= s;
+ }
+ break;
+ while (rem > 0) {
+ unsigned s = scan_varint(rem, at);
+ if (s == 0) {
+ PROTOBUF_C_UNPACK_ERROR("bad packed-repeated sint32 value");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ((int32_t *) array)[count++] = unzigzag32(parse_uint32(s, at));
+ at += s;
+ rem -= s;
+ }
+ break;
+ while (rem > 0) {
+ unsigned s = scan_varint(rem, at);
+ if (s == 0) {
+ PROTOBUF_C_UNPACK_ERROR("bad packed-repeated enum or uint32 value");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ((uint32_t *) array)[count++] = parse_uint32(s, at);
+ at += s;
+ rem -= s;
+ }
+ break;
+ while (rem > 0) {
+ unsigned s = scan_varint(rem, at);
+ if (s == 0) {
+ PROTOBUF_C_UNPACK_ERROR("bad packed-repeated sint64 value");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ((int64_t *) array)[count++] = unzigzag64(parse_uint64(s, at));
+ at += s;
+ rem -= s;
+ }
+ break;
+ while (rem > 0) {
+ unsigned s = scan_varint(rem, at);
+ if (s == 0) {
+ PROTOBUF_C_UNPACK_ERROR("bad packed-repeated int64/uint64 value");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ((int64_t *) array)[count++] = parse_uint64(s, at);
+ at += s;
+ rem -= s;
+ }
+ break;
+ count = rem;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ if (at[i] > 1) {
+ PROTOBUF_C_UNPACK_ERROR("bad packed-repeated boolean value");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ((protobuf_c_boolean *) array)[i] = at[i];
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ *p_n += count;
+ return TRUE;
+#if !defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN)
+ memcpy(array, at, count * siz);
+ *p_n += count;
+ return TRUE;
+static protobuf_c_boolean
+is_packable_type(ProtobufCType type)
+ return
+static protobuf_c_boolean
+parse_member(ScannedMember *scanned_member,
+ ProtobufCMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator)
+ const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field = scanned_member->field;
+ void *member;
+ if (field == NULL) {
+ ProtobufCMessageUnknownField *ufield =
+ message->unknown_fields +
+ (message->n_unknown_fields++);
+ ufield->tag = scanned_member->tag;
+ ufield->wire_type = scanned_member->wire_type;
+ ufield->len = scanned_member->len;
+ ufield->data = do_alloc(allocator, scanned_member->len);
+ if (ufield->data == NULL)
+ return FALSE;
+ memcpy(ufield->data, scanned_member->data, ufield->len);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ member = (char *) message + field->offset;
+ switch (field->label) {
+ return parse_required_member(scanned_member, member,
+ allocator, TRUE);
+ if (0 != (field->flags & PROTOBUF_C_FIELD_FLAG_ONEOF)) {
+ return parse_oneof_member(scanned_member, member,
+ message, allocator);
+ } else {
+ return parse_optional_member(scanned_member, member,
+ message, allocator);
+ }
+ if (scanned_member->wire_type ==
+ (0 != (field->flags & PROTOBUF_C_FIELD_FLAG_PACKED) ||
+ is_packable_type(field->type)))
+ {
+ return parse_packed_repeated_member(scanned_member,
+ member, message);
+ } else {
+ return parse_repeated_member(scanned_member,
+ member, message,
+ allocator);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * Initialise messages generated by old code.
+ *
+ * This function is used if desc->message_init == NULL (which occurs
+ * for old code, and which would be useful to support allocating
+ * descriptors dynamically).
+ */
+static void
+message_init_generic(const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor *desc,
+ ProtobufCMessage *message)
+ unsigned i;
+ memset(message, 0, desc->sizeof_message);
+ message->descriptor = desc;
+ for (i = 0; i < desc->n_fields; i++) {
+ if (desc->fields[i].default_value != NULL &&
+ desc->fields[i].label != PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_REPEATED)
+ {
+ void *field =
+ STRUCT_MEMBER_P(message, desc->fields[i].offset);
+ const void *dv = desc->fields[i].default_value;
+ switch (desc->fields[i].type) {
+ memcpy(field, dv, 4);
+ break;
+ memcpy(field, dv, 8);
+ break;
+ memcpy(field, dv, sizeof(protobuf_c_boolean));
+ break;
+ memcpy(field, dv, sizeof(ProtobufCBinaryData));
+ break;
+ /*
+ * The next line essentially implements a cast
+ * from const, which is totally unavoidable.
+ */
+ *(const void **) field = dv;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * ScannedMember slabs (an unpacking implementation detail). Before doing real
+ * unpacking, we first scan through the elements to see how many there are (for
+ * repeated fields), and which field to use (for non-repeated fields given
+ * twice).
+ *
+ * In order to avoid allocations for small messages, we keep a stack-allocated
+ * slab of ScannedMembers of size FIRST_SCANNED_MEMBER_SLAB_SIZE (16). After we
+ * fill that up, we allocate each slab twice as large as the previous one.
+ */
+ * The number of slabs, including the stack-allocated ones; choose the number so
+ * that we would overflow if we needed a slab larger than provided.
+ */
+ (sizeof(unsigned int)*8 - 1 \
+ (required_fields_bitmap[(index)/8] |= (1<<((index)%8)))
+ (required_fields_bitmap[(index)/8] & (1<<((index)%8)))
+ProtobufCMessage *
+protobuf_c_message_unpack(const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor *desc,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len, const uint8_t *data)
+ ProtobufCMessage *rv;
+ size_t rem = len;
+ const uint8_t *at = data;
+ const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *last_field = desc->fields + 0;
+ ScannedMember first_member_slab[1 <<
+ /*
+ * scanned_member_slabs[i] is an array of arrays of ScannedMember.
+ * The first slab (scanned_member_slabs[0] is just a pointer to
+ * first_member_slab), above. All subsequent slabs will be allocated
+ * using the allocator.
+ */
+ ScannedMember *scanned_member_slabs[MAX_SCANNED_MEMBER_SLAB + 1];
+ unsigned which_slab = 0; /* the slab we are currently populating */
+ unsigned in_slab_index = 0; /* number of members in the slab */
+ size_t n_unknown = 0;
+ unsigned f;
+ unsigned j;
+ unsigned i_slab;
+ unsigned last_field_index = 0;
+ unsigned required_fields_bitmap_len;
+ unsigned char required_fields_bitmap_stack[16];
+ unsigned char *required_fields_bitmap = required_fields_bitmap_stack;
+ protobuf_c_boolean required_fields_bitmap_alloced = FALSE;
+ if (allocator == NULL)
+ allocator = &protobuf_c__allocator;
+ rv = do_alloc(allocator, desc->sizeof_message);
+ if (!rv)
+ return (NULL);
+ scanned_member_slabs[0] = first_member_slab;
+ required_fields_bitmap_len = (desc->n_fields + 7) / 8;
+ if (required_fields_bitmap_len > sizeof(required_fields_bitmap_stack)) {
+ required_fields_bitmap = do_alloc(allocator, required_fields_bitmap_len);
+ if (!required_fields_bitmap) {
+ do_free(allocator, rv);
+ return (NULL);
+ }
+ required_fields_bitmap_alloced = TRUE;
+ }
+ memset(required_fields_bitmap, 0, required_fields_bitmap_len);
+ /*
+ * Generated code always defines "message_init". However, we provide a
+ * fallback for (1) users of old protobuf-c generated-code that do not
+ * provide the function, and (2) descriptors constructed from some other
+ * source (most likely, direct construction from the .proto file).
+ */
+ if (desc->message_init != NULL)
+ protobuf_c_message_init(desc, rv);
+ else
+ message_init_generic(desc, rv);
+ while (rem > 0) {
+ uint32_t tag;
+ ProtobufCWireType wire_type;
+ size_t used = parse_tag_and_wiretype(rem, at, &tag, &wire_type);
+ const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field;
+ ScannedMember tmp;
+ if (used == 0) {
+ PROTOBUF_C_UNPACK_ERROR("error parsing tag/wiretype at offset %u",
+ (unsigned) (at - data));
+ goto error_cleanup_during_scan;
+ }
+ /*
+ * \todo Consider optimizing for field[1].id == tag, if field[1]
+ * exists!
+ */
+ if (last_field == NULL || last_field->id != tag) {
+ /* lookup field */
+ int field_index =
+ int_range_lookup(desc->n_field_ranges,
+ desc->field_ranges,
+ tag);
+ if (field_index < 0) {
+ field = NULL;
+ n_unknown++;
+ } else {
+ field = desc->fields + field_index;
+ last_field = field;
+ last_field_index = field_index;
+ }
+ } else {
+ field = last_field;
+ }
+ if (field != NULL && field->label == PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_REQUIRED)
+ REQUIRED_FIELD_BITMAP_SET(last_field_index);
+ at += used;
+ rem -= used;
+ tmp.tag = tag;
+ tmp.wire_type = wire_type;
+ tmp.field = field;
+ = at;
+ tmp.length_prefix_len = 0;
+ switch (wire_type) {
+ unsigned max_len = rem < 10 ? rem : 10;
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i = 0; i < max_len; i++)
+ if ((at[i] & 0x80) == 0)
+ break;
+ if (i == max_len) {
+ PROTOBUF_C_UNPACK_ERROR("unterminated varint at offset %u",
+ (unsigned) (at - data));
+ goto error_cleanup_during_scan;
+ }
+ tmp.len = i + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (rem < 8) {
+ PROTOBUF_C_UNPACK_ERROR("too short after 64bit wiretype at offset %u",
+ (unsigned) (at - data));
+ goto error_cleanup_during_scan;
+ }
+ tmp.len = 8;
+ break;
+ size_t pref_len;
+ tmp.len = scan_length_prefixed_data(rem, at, &pref_len);
+ if (tmp.len == 0) {
+ /* NOTE: scan_length_prefixed_data calls UNPACK_ERROR */
+ goto error_cleanup_during_scan;
+ }
+ tmp.length_prefix_len = pref_len;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (rem < 4) {
+ PROTOBUF_C_UNPACK_ERROR("too short after 32bit wiretype at offset %u",
+ (unsigned) (at - data));
+ goto error_cleanup_during_scan;
+ }
+ tmp.len = 4;
+ break;
+ default:
+ PROTOBUF_C_UNPACK_ERROR("unsupported tag %u at offset %u",
+ wire_type, (unsigned) (at - data));
+ goto error_cleanup_during_scan;
+ }
+ if (in_slab_index == (1U <<
+ {
+ size_t size;
+ in_slab_index = 0;
+ if (which_slab == MAX_SCANNED_MEMBER_SLAB) {
+ PROTOBUF_C_UNPACK_ERROR("too many fields");
+ goto error_cleanup_during_scan;
+ }
+ which_slab++;
+ size = sizeof(ScannedMember)
+ scanned_member_slabs[which_slab] = do_alloc(allocator, size);
+ if (scanned_member_slabs[which_slab] == NULL)
+ goto error_cleanup_during_scan;
+ }
+ scanned_member_slabs[which_slab][in_slab_index++] = tmp;
+ if (field != NULL && field->label == PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_REPEATED) {
+ size_t *n = STRUCT_MEMBER_PTR(size_t, rv,
+ field->quantifier_offset);
+ (0 != (field->flags & PROTOBUF_C_FIELD_FLAG_PACKED) ||
+ is_packable_type(field->type)))
+ {
+ size_t count;
+ if (!count_packed_elements(field->type,
+ tmp.len -
+ tmp.length_prefix_len,
+ +
+ tmp.length_prefix_len,
+ &count))
+ {
+ PROTOBUF_C_UNPACK_ERROR("counting packed elements");
+ goto error_cleanup_during_scan;
+ }
+ *n += count;
+ } else {
+ *n += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ at += tmp.len;
+ rem -= tmp.len;
+ }
+ /* allocate space for repeated fields, also check that all required fields have been set */
+ for (f = 0; f < desc->n_fields; f++) {
+ const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field = desc->fields + f;
+ if (field->label == PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_REPEATED) {
+ size_t siz =
+ sizeof_elt_in_repeated_array(field->type);
+ size_t *n_ptr =
+ STRUCT_MEMBER_PTR(size_t, rv,
+ field->quantifier_offset);
+ if (*n_ptr != 0) {
+ void *a = 0;
+ unsigned n = *n_ptr;
+ *n_ptr = 0;
+ assert(rv->descriptor != NULL);
+ for(f++;f < desc->n_fields; f++) \
+ { \
+ field = desc->fields + f; \
+ if (field->label == PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_REPEATED) \
+ STRUCT_MEMBER (size_t, rv, field->quantifier_offset) = 0; \
+ }
+ a = do_alloc(allocator, siz * n);
+ if (!a) {
+ goto error_cleanup;
+ }
+ STRUCT_MEMBER(void *, rv, field->offset) = a;
+ }
+ } else if (field->label == PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_REQUIRED) {
+ if (field->default_value == NULL &&
+ {
+ PROTOBUF_C_UNPACK_ERROR("message '%s': missing required field '%s'",
+ desc->name, field->name);
+ goto error_cleanup;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* allocate space for unknown fields */
+ if (n_unknown) {
+ rv->unknown_fields = do_alloc(allocator,
+ n_unknown * sizeof(ProtobufCMessageUnknownField));
+ if (rv->unknown_fields == NULL)
+ goto error_cleanup;
+ }
+ /* do real parsing */
+ for (i_slab = 0; i_slab <= which_slab; i_slab++) {
+ unsigned max = (i_slab == which_slab) ?
+ in_slab_index : (1U << (i_slab + 4));
+ ScannedMember *slab = scanned_member_slabs[i_slab];
+ unsigned j;
+ for (j = 0; j < max; j++) {
+ if (!parse_member(slab + j, rv, allocator)) {
+ PROTOBUF_C_UNPACK_ERROR("error parsing member %s of %s",
+ slab->field ? slab->field->name : "*unknown-field*",
+ desc->name);
+ goto error_cleanup;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* cleanup */
+ for (j = 1; j <= which_slab; j++)
+ do_free(allocator, scanned_member_slabs[j]);
+ if (required_fields_bitmap_alloced)
+ do_free(allocator, required_fields_bitmap);
+ return rv;
+ protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked(rv, allocator);
+ for (j = 1; j <= which_slab; j++)
+ do_free(allocator, scanned_member_slabs[j]);
+ if (required_fields_bitmap_alloced)
+ do_free(allocator, required_fields_bitmap);
+ return NULL;
+ do_free(allocator, rv);
+ for (j = 1; j <= which_slab; j++)
+ do_free(allocator, scanned_member_slabs[j]);
+ if (required_fields_bitmap_alloced)
+ do_free(allocator, required_fields_bitmap);
+ return NULL;
+protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked(ProtobufCMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator)
+ const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor *desc;
+ unsigned f;
+ if (message == NULL)
+ return;
+ desc = message->descriptor;
+ if (allocator == NULL)
+ allocator = &protobuf_c__allocator;
+ message->descriptor = NULL;
+ for (f = 0; f < desc->n_fields; f++) {
+ if (0 != (desc->fields[f].flags & PROTOBUF_C_FIELD_FLAG_ONEOF) &&
+ desc->fields[f].id !=
+ STRUCT_MEMBER(uint32_t, message, desc->fields[f].quantifier_offset))
+ {
+ /* This is not the selected oneof, skip it */
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (desc->fields[f].label == PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_REPEATED) {
+ size_t n = STRUCT_MEMBER(size_t,
+ message,
+ desc->fields[f].quantifier_offset);
+ void *arr = STRUCT_MEMBER(void *,
+ message,
+ desc->fields[f].offset);
+ if (arr != NULL) {
+ if (desc->fields[f].type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_STRING) {
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ do_free(allocator, ((char **) arr)[i]);
+ } else if (desc->fields[f].type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_BYTES) {
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ do_free(allocator, ((ProtobufCBinaryData *) arr)[i].data);
+ } else if (desc->fields[f].type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_MESSAGE) {
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked(
+ ((ProtobufCMessage **) arr)[i],
+ allocator
+ );
+ }
+ do_free(allocator, arr);
+ }
+ } else if (desc->fields[f].type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_STRING) {
+ char *str = STRUCT_MEMBER(char *, message,
+ desc->fields[f].offset);
+ if (str && str != desc->fields[f].default_value)
+ do_free(allocator, str);
+ } else if (desc->fields[f].type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_BYTES) {
+ void *data = STRUCT_MEMBER(ProtobufCBinaryData, message,
+ desc->fields[f].offset).data;
+ const ProtobufCBinaryData *default_bd;
+ default_bd = desc->fields[f].default_value;
+ if (data != NULL &&
+ (default_bd == NULL ||
+ default_bd->data != data))
+ {
+ do_free(allocator, data);
+ }
+ } else if (desc->fields[f].type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_MESSAGE) {
+ ProtobufCMessage *sm;
+ sm = STRUCT_MEMBER(ProtobufCMessage *, message,
+ desc->fields[f].offset);
+ if (sm && sm != desc->fields[f].default_value)
+ protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked(sm, allocator);
+ }
+ }
+ for (f = 0; f < message->n_unknown_fields; f++)
+ do_free(allocator, message->unknown_fields[f].data);
+ if (message->unknown_fields != NULL)
+ do_free(allocator, message->unknown_fields);
+ do_free(allocator, message);
+protobuf_c_message_init(const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor * descriptor,
+ void *message)
+ descriptor->message_init((ProtobufCMessage *) (message));
+protobuf_c_message_check(const ProtobufCMessage *message)
+ unsigned i;
+ if (!message ||
+ !message->descriptor ||
+ message->descriptor->magic != PROTOBUF_C__MESSAGE_DESCRIPTOR_MAGIC)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < message->descriptor->n_fields; i++) {
+ const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *f = message->descriptor->fields + i;
+ ProtobufCType type = f->type;
+ ProtobufCLabel label = f->label;
+ void *field = STRUCT_MEMBER_P (message, f->offset);
+ size_t *quantity = STRUCT_MEMBER_P (message, f->quantifier_offset);
+ if (*quantity > 0 && *(void **) field == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_MESSAGE) {
+ ProtobufCMessage **submessage = *(ProtobufCMessage ***) field;
+ unsigned j;
+ for (j = 0; j < *quantity; j++) {
+ if (!protobuf_c_message_check(submessage[j]))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ } else if (type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_STRING) {
+ char **string = *(char ***) field;
+ unsigned j;
+ for (j = 0; j < *quantity; j++) {
+ if (!string[j])
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ } else if (type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_BYTES) {
+ ProtobufCBinaryData *bd = *(ProtobufCBinaryData **) field;
+ unsigned j;
+ for (j = 0; j < *quantity; j++) {
+ if (bd[j].len > 0 && bd[j].data == NULL)
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_MESSAGE) {
+ ProtobufCMessage *submessage = *(ProtobufCMessage **) field;
+ if (label == PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_REQUIRED || submessage != NULL) {
+ if (!protobuf_c_message_check(submessage))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ } else if (type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_STRING) {
+ char *string = *(char **) field;
+ if (label == PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_REQUIRED && string == NULL)
+ return FALSE;
+ } else if (type == PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_BYTES) {
+ protobuf_c_boolean *has = STRUCT_MEMBER_P (message, f->quantifier_offset);
+ ProtobufCBinaryData *bd = field;
+ if (label == PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_REQUIRED || *has == TRUE) {
+ if (bd->len > 0 && bd->data == NULL)
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+/* === services === */
+typedef void (*GenericHandler) (void *service,
+ const ProtobufCMessage *input,
+ ProtobufCClosure closure,
+ void *closure_data);
+protobuf_c_service_invoke_internal(ProtobufCService *service,
+ unsigned method_index,
+ const ProtobufCMessage *input,
+ ProtobufCClosure closure,
+ void *closure_data)
+ GenericHandler *handlers;
+ GenericHandler handler;
+ /*
+ * Verify that method_index is within range. If this fails, you are
+ * likely invoking a newly added method on an old service. (Although
+ * other memory corruption bugs can cause this assertion too.)
+ */
+ assert(method_index < service->descriptor->n_methods);
+ /*
+ * Get the array of virtual methods (which are enumerated by the
+ * generated code).
+ */
+ handlers = (GenericHandler *) (service + 1);
+ /*
+ * Get our method and invoke it.
+ * \todo Seems like handler == NULL is a situation that needs handling.
+ */
+ handler = handlers[method_index];
+ (*handler)(service, input, closure, closure_data);
+protobuf_c_service_generated_init(ProtobufCService *service,
+ const ProtobufCServiceDescriptor *descriptor,
+ ProtobufCServiceDestroy destroy)
+ service->descriptor = descriptor;
+ service->destroy = destroy;
+ service->invoke = protobuf_c_service_invoke_internal;
+ memset(service + 1, 0, descriptor->n_methods * sizeof(GenericHandler));
+void protobuf_c_service_destroy(ProtobufCService *service)
+ service->destroy(service);
+/* --- querying the descriptors --- */
+const ProtobufCEnumValue *
+protobuf_c_enum_descriptor_get_value_by_name(const ProtobufCEnumDescriptor *desc,
+ const char *name)
+ unsigned start = 0;
+ unsigned count = desc->n_value_names;
+ while (count > 1) {
+ unsigned mid = start + count / 2;
+ int rv = strcmp(desc->values_by_name[mid].name, name);
+ if (rv == 0)
+ return desc->values + desc->values_by_name[mid].index;
+ else if (rv < 0) {
+ count = start + count - (mid + 1);
+ start = mid + 1;
+ } else
+ count = mid - start;
+ }
+ if (count == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ if (strcmp(desc->values_by_name[start].name, name) == 0)
+ return desc->values + desc->values_by_name[start].index;
+ return NULL;
+const ProtobufCEnumValue *
+protobuf_c_enum_descriptor_get_value(const ProtobufCEnumDescriptor *desc,
+ int value)
+ int rv = int_range_lookup(desc->n_value_ranges, desc->value_ranges, value);
+ if (rv < 0)
+ return NULL;
+ return desc->values + rv;
+const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *
+protobuf_c_message_descriptor_get_field_by_name(const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor *desc,
+ const char *name)
+ unsigned start = 0;
+ unsigned count = desc->n_fields;
+ const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *field;
+ while (count > 1) {
+ unsigned mid = start + count / 2;
+ int rv;
+ field = desc->fields + desc->fields_sorted_by_name[mid];
+ rv = strcmp(field->name, name);
+ if (rv == 0)
+ return field;
+ else if (rv < 0) {
+ count = start + count - (mid + 1);
+ start = mid + 1;
+ } else
+ count = mid - start;
+ }
+ if (count == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ field = desc->fields + desc->fields_sorted_by_name[start];
+ if (strcmp(field->name, name) == 0)
+ return field;
+ return NULL;
+const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *
+protobuf_c_message_descriptor_get_field(const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor *desc,
+ unsigned value)
+ int rv = int_range_lookup(desc->n_field_ranges,desc->field_ranges, value);
+ if (rv < 0)
+ return NULL;
+ return desc->fields + rv;
+const ProtobufCMethodDescriptor *
+protobuf_c_service_descriptor_get_method_by_name(const ProtobufCServiceDescriptor *desc,
+ const char *name)
+ unsigned start = 0;
+ unsigned count = desc->n_methods;
+ while (count > 1) {
+ unsigned mid = start + count / 2;
+ unsigned mid_index = desc->method_indices_by_name[mid];
+ const char *mid_name = desc->methods[mid_index].name;
+ int rv = strcmp(mid_name, name);
+ if (rv == 0)
+ return desc->methods + desc->method_indices_by_name[mid];
+ if (rv < 0) {
+ count = start + count - (mid + 1);
+ start = mid + 1;
+ } else {
+ count = mid - start;
+ }
+ }
+ if (count == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ if (strcmp(desc->methods[desc->method_indices_by_name[start]].name, name) == 0)
+ return desc->methods + desc->method_indices_by_name[start];
+ return NULL;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/protobuf-c/protobuf-c.h b/libs/libsignal/src/protobuf-c/protobuf-c.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..705a1f7003
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/protobuf-c/protobuf-c.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1097 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2008-2014, Dave Benson and the protobuf-c authors.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met:
+ *
+ * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+ * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ * distribution.
+ *
+ */
+/*! \file
+ * \mainpage Introduction
+ *
+ * This is [protobuf-c], a C implementation of [Protocol Buffers].
+ *
+ * This file defines the public API for the `libprotobuf-c` support library.
+ * This API includes interfaces that can be used directly by client code as well
+ * as the interfaces used by the code generated by the `protoc-c` compiler.
+ *
+ * The `libprotobuf-c` support library performs the actual serialization and
+ * deserialization of Protocol Buffers messages. It interacts with structures,
+ * definitions, and metadata generated by the `protoc-c` compiler from .proto
+ * files.
+ *
+ * \authors Dave Benson and the `protobuf-c` authors.
+ *
+ * \copyright 2008-2014. Licensed under the terms of the [BSD-2-Clause] license.
+ *
+ * [protobuf-c]:
+ * [Protocol Buffers]:
+ * [BSD-2-Clause]:
+ *
+ * \page gencode Generated Code
+ *
+ * For each enum, we generate a C enum. For each message, we generate a C
+ * structure which can be cast to a `ProtobufCMessage`.
+ *
+ * For each enum and message, we generate a descriptor object that allows us to
+ * implement a kind of reflection on the structures.
+ *
+ * First, some naming conventions:
+ *
+ * - The name of the type for enums and messages and services is camel case
+ * (meaning WordsAreCrammedTogether) except that double underscores are used
+ * to delimit scopes. For example, the following `.proto` file:
+ *
+ package;
+ message BazBah {
+ optional int32 val = 1;
+ }
+ *
+ * would generate a C type `Foo__Bar__BazBah`.
+ *
+ * - Identifiers for functions and globals are all lowercase, with camel case
+ * words separated by single underscores. For example, one of the function
+ * prototypes generated by `protoc-c` for the above example:
+ *
+Foo__Bar__BazBah *
+ foo__bar__baz_bah__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data);
+ *
+ * - Identifiers for enum values contain an uppercase prefix which embeds the
+ * package name and the enum type name.
+ *
+ * - A double underscore is used to separate further components of identifier
+ * names.
+ *
+ * For example, in the name of the unpack function above, the package name
+ * `` has become `foo__bar`, the message name BazBah has become
+ * `baz_bah`, and the method name is `unpack`. These are all joined with double
+ * underscores to form the C identifier `foo__bar__baz_bah__unpack`.
+ *
+ * We also generate descriptor objects for messages and enums. These are
+ * declared in the `.pb-c.h` files:
+ *
+extern const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor foo__bar__baz_bah__descriptor;
+ *
+ * The message structures all begin with `ProtobufCMessageDescriptor *` which is
+ * sufficient to allow them to be cast to `ProtobufCMessage`.
+ *
+ * For each message defined in a `.proto` file, we generate a number of
+ * functions and macros. Each function name contains a prefix based on the
+ * package name and message name in order to make it a unique C identifier.
+ *
+ * - `INIT`. Statically initializes a message object, initializing its
+ * descriptor and setting its fields to default values. Uninitialized
+ * messages cannot be processed by the protobuf-c library.
+ *
+#define FOO__BAR__BAZ_BAH__INIT \
+ { PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT (&foo__bar__baz_bah__descriptor), 0 }
+ * - `init()`. Initializes a message object, initializing its descriptor and
+ * setting its fields to default values. Uninitialized messages cannot be
+ * processed by the protobuf-c library.
+ *
+void foo__bar__baz_bah__init
+ (Foo__Bar__BazBah *message);
+ * - `unpack()`. Unpacks data for a particular message format. Note that the
+ * `allocator` parameter is usually `NULL` to indicate that the system's
+ * `malloc()` and `free()` functions should be used for dynamically allocating
+ * memory.
+ *
+Foo__Bar__BazBah *
+ foo__bar__baz_bah__unpack
+ (ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data);
+ *
+ * - `free_unpacked()`. Frees a message object obtained with the `unpack()`
+ * method.
+ *
+void foo__bar__baz_bah__free_unpacked
+ (Foo__Bar__BazBah *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator);
+ *
+ * - `get_packed_size()`. Calculates the length in bytes of the serialized
+ * representation of the message object.
+ *
+size_t foo__bar__baz_bah__get_packed_size
+ (const Foo__Bar__BazBah *message);
+ *
+ * - `pack()`. Pack a message object into a preallocated buffer. Assumes that
+ * the buffer is large enough. (Use `get_packed_size()` first.)
+ *
+size_t foo__bar__baz_bah__pack
+ (const Foo__Bar__BazBah *message,
+ uint8_t *out);
+ *
+ * - `pack_to_buffer()`. Packs a message into a "virtual buffer". This is an
+ * object which defines an "append bytes" callback to consume data as it is
+ * serialized.
+ *
+size_t foo__bar__baz_bah__pack_to_buffer
+ (const Foo__Bar__BazBah *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer);
+ *
+ * \page pack Packing and unpacking messages
+ *
+ * To pack a message, first compute the packed size of the message with
+ * protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size(), then allocate a buffer of at least
+ * that size, then call protobuf_c_message_pack().
+ *
+ * Alternatively, a message can be serialized without calculating the final size
+ * first. Use the protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer() function and provide a
+ * ProtobufCBuffer object which implements an "append" method that consumes
+ * data.
+ *
+ * To unpack a message, call the protobuf_c_message_unpack() function. The
+ * result can be cast to an object of the type that matches the descriptor for
+ * the message.
+ *
+ * The result of unpacking a message should be freed with
+ * protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked().
+ */
+#ifndef PROTOBUF_C_H
+#define PROTOBUF_C_H
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+# define PROTOBUF_C__BEGIN_DECLS extern "C" {
+#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(PROTOBUF_C_USE_SHARED_LIB)
+# define PROTOBUF_C__API __declspec(dllexport)
+# else
+# define PROTOBUF_C__API __declspec(dllimport)
+# endif
+# define PROTOBUF_C__API
+#if !defined(PROTOBUF_C__NO_DEPRECATED) && \
+ ((__GNUC__ > 3) || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1))
+# define PROTOBUF_C__DEPRECATED __attribute__((__deprecated__))
+ #define PROTOBUF_C__FORCE_ENUM_TO_BE_INT_SIZE(enum_name) \
+ , _##enum_name##_IS_INT_SIZE = INT_MAX
+ * \defgroup api Public API
+ *
+ * This is the public API for `libprotobuf-c`. These interfaces are stable and
+ * subject to Semantic Versioning guarantees.
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
+ * Values for the `flags` word in `ProtobufCFieldDescriptor`.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ /** Set if the field is repeated and marked with the `packed` option. */
+ /** Set if the field is marked with the `deprecated` option. */
+ /** Set if the field is a member of a oneof (union). */
+} ProtobufCFieldFlag;
+ * Message field rules.
+ *
+ * \see [Defining A Message Type] in the Protocol Buffers documentation.
+ *
+ * [Defining A Message Type]:
+ *
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ /** A well-formed message must have exactly one of this field. */
+ /**
+ * A well-formed message can have zero or one of this field (but not
+ * more than one).
+ */
+ /**
+ * This field can be repeated any number of times (including zero) in a
+ * well-formed message. The order of the repeated values will be
+ * preserved.
+ */
+} ProtobufCLabel;
+ * Field value types.
+ *
+ * \see [Scalar Value Types] in the Protocol Buffers documentation.
+ *
+ * [Scalar Value Types]:
+ *
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_INT32, /**< int32 */
+ PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_SINT32, /**< signed int32 */
+ PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_SFIXED32, /**< signed int32 (4 bytes) */
+ PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_INT64, /**< int64 */
+ PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_SINT64, /**< signed int64 */
+ PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_SFIXED64, /**< signed int64 (8 bytes) */
+ PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_UINT32, /**< unsigned int32 */
+ PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_FIXED32, /**< unsigned int32 (4 bytes) */
+ PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_UINT64, /**< unsigned int64 */
+ PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_FIXED64, /**< unsigned int64 (8 bytes) */
+ PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_FLOAT, /**< float */
+ PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_DOUBLE, /**< double */
+ PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_BOOL, /**< boolean */
+ PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_ENUM, /**< enumerated type */
+ PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_STRING, /**< UTF-8 or ASCII string */
+ PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_BYTES, /**< arbitrary byte sequence */
+ PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_MESSAGE, /**< nested message */
+} ProtobufCType;
+ * Field wire types.
+ *
+ * \see [Message Structure] in the Protocol Buffers documentation.
+ *
+ * [Message Structure]:
+ *
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ /* "Start group" and "end group" wire types are unsupported. */
+} ProtobufCWireType;
+struct ProtobufCAllocator;
+struct ProtobufCBinaryData;
+struct ProtobufCBuffer;
+struct ProtobufCBufferSimple;
+struct ProtobufCEnumDescriptor;
+struct ProtobufCEnumValue;
+struct ProtobufCEnumValueIndex;
+struct ProtobufCFieldDescriptor;
+struct ProtobufCIntRange;
+struct ProtobufCMessage;
+struct ProtobufCMessageDescriptor;
+struct ProtobufCMessageUnknownField;
+struct ProtobufCMethodDescriptor;
+struct ProtobufCService;
+struct ProtobufCServiceDescriptor;
+typedef struct ProtobufCAllocator ProtobufCAllocator;
+typedef struct ProtobufCBinaryData ProtobufCBinaryData;
+typedef struct ProtobufCBuffer ProtobufCBuffer;
+typedef struct ProtobufCBufferSimple ProtobufCBufferSimple;
+typedef struct ProtobufCEnumDescriptor ProtobufCEnumDescriptor;
+typedef struct ProtobufCEnumValue ProtobufCEnumValue;
+typedef struct ProtobufCEnumValueIndex ProtobufCEnumValueIndex;
+typedef struct ProtobufCFieldDescriptor ProtobufCFieldDescriptor;
+typedef struct ProtobufCIntRange ProtobufCIntRange;
+typedef struct ProtobufCMessage ProtobufCMessage;
+typedef struct ProtobufCMessageDescriptor ProtobufCMessageDescriptor;
+typedef struct ProtobufCMessageUnknownField ProtobufCMessageUnknownField;
+typedef struct ProtobufCMethodDescriptor ProtobufCMethodDescriptor;
+typedef struct ProtobufCService ProtobufCService;
+typedef struct ProtobufCServiceDescriptor ProtobufCServiceDescriptor;
+/** Boolean type. */
+typedef int protobuf_c_boolean;
+typedef void (*ProtobufCClosure)(const ProtobufCMessage *, void *closure_data);
+typedef void (*ProtobufCMessageInit)(ProtobufCMessage *);
+typedef void (*ProtobufCServiceDestroy)(ProtobufCService *);
+ * Structure for defining a custom memory allocator.
+ */
+struct ProtobufCAllocator {
+ /** Function to allocate memory. */
+ void *(*alloc)(void *allocator_data, size_t size);
+ /** Function to free memory. */
+ void (*free)(void *allocator_data, void *pointer);
+ /** Opaque pointer passed to `alloc` and `free` functions. */
+ void *allocator_data;
+ * Structure for the protobuf `bytes` scalar type.
+ *
+ * The data contained in a `ProtobufCBinaryData` is an arbitrary sequence of
+ * bytes. It may contain embedded `NUL` characters and is not required to be
+ * `NUL`-terminated.
+ */
+struct ProtobufCBinaryData {
+ size_t len; /**< Number of bytes in the `data` field. */
+ uint8_t *data; /**< Data bytes. */
+ * Structure for defining a virtual append-only buffer. Used by
+ * protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer() to abstract the consumption of serialized
+ * bytes.
+ *
+ * `ProtobufCBuffer` "subclasses" may be defined on the stack. For example, to
+ * write to a `FILE` object:
+ *
+typedef struct {
+ ProtobufCBuffer base;
+ FILE *fp;
+} BufferAppendToFile;
+static void
+my_buffer_file_append(ProtobufCBuffer *buffer,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data)
+ BufferAppendToFile *file_buf = (BufferAppendToFile *) buffer;
+ fwrite(data, len, 1, file_buf->fp); // XXX: No error handling!
+ *
+ * To use this new type of ProtobufCBuffer, it could be called as follows:
+ *
+BufferAppendToFile tmp = {0};
+tmp.base.append = my_buffer_file_append;
+tmp.fp = fp;
+protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer(&message, &tmp);
+ */
+struct ProtobufCBuffer {
+ /** Append function. Consumes the `len` bytes stored at `data`. */
+ void (*append)(ProtobufCBuffer *buffer,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data);
+ * Simple buffer "subclass" of `ProtobufCBuffer`.
+ *
+ * A `ProtobufCBufferSimple` object is declared on the stack and uses a
+ * scratch buffer provided by the user for the initial allocation. It performs
+ * exponential resizing, using dynamically allocated memory. A
+ * `ProtobufCBufferSimple` object can be created and used as follows:
+ *
+uint8_t pad[128];
+ProtobufCBufferSimple simple = PROTOBUF_C_BUFFER_SIMPLE_INIT(pad);
+ProtobufCBuffer *buffer = (ProtobufCBuffer *) &simple;
+ *
+ * `buffer` can now be used with `protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer()`. Once a
+ * message has been serialized to a `ProtobufCBufferSimple` object, the
+ * serialized data bytes can be accessed from the `.data` field.
+ *
+ * To free the memory allocated by a `ProtobufCBufferSimple` object, if any,
+ * call PROTOBUF_C_BUFFER_SIMPLE_CLEAR() on the object, for example:
+ *
+ *
+ */
+struct ProtobufCBufferSimple {
+ /** "Base class". */
+ ProtobufCBuffer base;
+ /** Number of bytes allocated in `data`. */
+ size_t alloced;
+ /** Number of bytes currently stored in `data`. */
+ size_t len;
+ /** Data bytes. */
+ uint8_t *data;
+ /** Whether `data` must be freed. */
+ protobuf_c_boolean must_free_data;
+ /** Allocator to use. May be NULL to indicate the system allocator. */
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator;
+ * Describes an enumeration as a whole, with all of its values.
+ */
+struct ProtobufCEnumDescriptor {
+ /** Magic value checked to ensure that the API is used correctly. */
+ uint32_t magic;
+ /** The qualified name (e.g., "namespace.Type"). */
+ const char *name;
+ /** The unqualified name as given in the .proto file (e.g., "Type"). */
+ const char *short_name;
+ /** Identifier used in generated C code. */
+ const char *c_name;
+ /** The dot-separated namespace. */
+ const char *package_name;
+ /** Number elements in `values`. */
+ unsigned n_values;
+ /** Array of distinct values, sorted by numeric value. */
+ const ProtobufCEnumValue *values;
+ /** Number of elements in `values_by_name`. */
+ unsigned n_value_names;
+ /** Array of named values, including aliases, sorted by name. */
+ const ProtobufCEnumValueIndex *values_by_name;
+ /** Number of elements in `value_ranges`. */
+ unsigned n_value_ranges;
+ /** Value ranges, for faster lookups by numeric value. */
+ const ProtobufCIntRange *value_ranges;
+ /** Reserved for future use. */
+ void *reserved1;
+ /** Reserved for future use. */
+ void *reserved2;
+ /** Reserved for future use. */
+ void *reserved3;
+ /** Reserved for future use. */
+ void *reserved4;
+ * Represents a single value of an enumeration.
+ */
+struct ProtobufCEnumValue {
+ /** The string identifying this value in the .proto file. */
+ const char *name;
+ /** The string identifying this value in generated C code. */
+ const char *c_name;
+ /** The numeric value assigned in the .proto file. */
+ int value;
+ * Used by `ProtobufCEnumDescriptor` to look up enum values.
+ */
+struct ProtobufCEnumValueIndex {
+ /** Name of the enum value. */
+ const char *name;
+ /** Index into values[] array. */
+ unsigned index;
+ * Describes a single field in a message.
+ */
+struct ProtobufCFieldDescriptor {
+ /** Name of the field as given in the .proto file. */
+ const char *name;
+ /** Tag value of the field as given in the .proto file. */
+ uint32_t id;
+ /** Whether the field is `REQUIRED`, `OPTIONAL`, or `REPEATED`. */
+ ProtobufCLabel label;
+ /** The type of the field. */
+ ProtobufCType type;
+ /**
+ * The offset in bytes of the message's C structure's quantifier field
+ * (the `has_MEMBER` field for optional members or the `n_MEMBER` field
+ * for repeated members or the case enum for oneofs).
+ */
+ unsigned quantifier_offset;
+ /**
+ * The offset in bytes into the message's C structure for the member
+ * itself.
+ */
+ unsigned offset;
+ /**
+ * A type-specific descriptor.
+ *
+ * If `type` is `PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_ENUM`, then `descriptor` points to the
+ * corresponding `ProtobufCEnumDescriptor`.
+ *
+ * If `type` is `PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_MESSAGE`, then `descriptor` points to
+ * the corresponding `ProtobufCMessageDescriptor`.
+ *
+ * Otherwise this field is NULL.
+ */
+ const void *descriptor; /* for MESSAGE and ENUM types */
+ /** The default value for this field, if defined. May be NULL. */
+ const void *default_value;
+ /**
+ * A flag word. Zero or more of the bits defined in the
+ * `ProtobufCFieldFlag` enum may be set.
+ */
+ uint32_t flags;
+ /** Reserved for future use. */
+ unsigned reserved_flags;
+ /** Reserved for future use. */
+ void *reserved2;
+ /** Reserved for future use. */
+ void *reserved3;
+ * Helper structure for optimizing int => index lookups in the case
+ * where the keys are mostly consecutive values, as they presumably are for
+ * enums and fields.
+ *
+ * The data structures requires that the values in the original array are
+ * sorted.
+ */
+struct ProtobufCIntRange {
+ int start_value;
+ unsigned orig_index;
+ /*
+ * NOTE: the number of values in the range can be inferred by looking
+ * at the next element's orig_index. A dummy element is added to make
+ * this simple.
+ */
+ * An instance of a message.
+ *
+ * `ProtobufCMessage` is a light-weight "base class" for all messages.
+ *
+ * In particular, `ProtobufCMessage` doesn't have any allocation policy
+ * associated with it. That's because it's common to create `ProtobufCMessage`
+ * objects on the stack. In fact, that's what we recommend for sending messages.
+ * If the object is allocated from the stack, you can't really have a memory
+ * leak.
+ *
+ * This means that calls to functions like protobuf_c_message_unpack() which
+ * return a `ProtobufCMessage` must be paired with a call to a free function,
+ * like protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked().
+ */
+struct ProtobufCMessage {
+ /** The descriptor for this message type. */
+ const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor *descriptor;
+ /** The number of elements in `unknown_fields`. */
+ unsigned n_unknown_fields;
+ /** The fields that weren't recognized by the parser. */
+ ProtobufCMessageUnknownField *unknown_fields;
+ * Describes a message.
+ */
+struct ProtobufCMessageDescriptor {
+ /** Magic value checked to ensure that the API is used correctly. */
+ uint32_t magic;
+ /** The qualified name (e.g., "namespace.Type"). */
+ const char *name;
+ /** The unqualified name as given in the .proto file (e.g., "Type"). */
+ const char *short_name;
+ /** Identifier used in generated C code. */
+ const char *c_name;
+ /** The dot-separated namespace. */
+ const char *package_name;
+ /**
+ * Size in bytes of the C structure representing an instance of this
+ * type of message.
+ */
+ size_t sizeof_message;
+ /** Number of elements in `fields`. */
+ unsigned n_fields;
+ /** Field descriptors, sorted by tag number. */
+ const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *fields;
+ /** Used for looking up fields by name. */
+ const unsigned *fields_sorted_by_name;
+ /** Number of elements in `field_ranges`. */
+ unsigned n_field_ranges;
+ /** Used for looking up fields by id. */
+ const ProtobufCIntRange *field_ranges;
+ /** Message initialisation function. */
+ ProtobufCMessageInit message_init;
+ /** Reserved for future use. */
+ void *reserved1;
+ /** Reserved for future use. */
+ void *reserved2;
+ /** Reserved for future use. */
+ void *reserved3;
+ * An unknown message field.
+ */
+struct ProtobufCMessageUnknownField {
+ /** The tag number. */
+ uint32_t tag;
+ /** The wire type of the field. */
+ ProtobufCWireType wire_type;
+ /** Number of bytes in `data`. */
+ size_t len;
+ /** Field data. */
+ uint8_t *data;
+ * Method descriptor.
+ */
+struct ProtobufCMethodDescriptor {
+ /** Method name. */
+ const char *name;
+ /** Input message descriptor. */
+ const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor *input;
+ /** Output message descriptor. */
+ const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor *output;
+ * Service.
+ */
+struct ProtobufCService {
+ /** Service descriptor. */
+ const ProtobufCServiceDescriptor *descriptor;
+ /** Function to invoke the service. */
+ void (*invoke)(ProtobufCService *service,
+ unsigned method_index,
+ const ProtobufCMessage *input,
+ ProtobufCClosure closure,
+ void *closure_data);
+ /** Function to destroy the service. */
+ void (*destroy)(ProtobufCService *service);
+ * Service descriptor.
+ */
+struct ProtobufCServiceDescriptor {
+ /** Magic value checked to ensure that the API is used correctly. */
+ uint32_t magic;
+ /** Service name. */
+ const char *name;
+ /** Short version of service name. */
+ const char *short_name;
+ /** C identifier for the service name. */
+ const char *c_name;
+ /** Package name. */
+ const char *package;
+ /** Number of elements in `methods`. */
+ unsigned n_methods;
+ /** Method descriptors, in the order defined in the .proto file. */
+ const ProtobufCMethodDescriptor *methods;
+ /** Sort index of methods. */
+ const unsigned *method_indices_by_name;
+ * Get the version of the protobuf-c library. Note that this is the version of
+ * the library linked against, not the version of the headers compiled against.
+ *
+ * \return A string containing the version number of protobuf-c.
+ */
+const char *
+ * Get the version of the protobuf-c library. Note that this is the version of
+ * the library linked against, not the version of the headers compiled against.
+ *
+ * \return A 32 bit unsigned integer containing the version number of
+ * protobuf-c, represented in base-10 as (MAJOR*1E6) + (MINOR*1E3) + PATCH.
+ */
+ * The version of the protobuf-c headers, represented as a string using the same
+ * format as protobuf_c_version().
+ */
+#define PROTOBUF_C_VERSION "1.1.1"
+ * The version of the protobuf-c headers, represented as an integer using the
+ * same format as protobuf_c_version_number().
+ */
+ * The minimum protoc-c version which works with the current version of the
+ * protobuf-c headers.
+ */
+ * Look up a `ProtobufCEnumValue` from a `ProtobufCEnumDescriptor` by name.
+ *
+ * \param desc
+ * The `ProtobufCEnumDescriptor` object.
+ * \param name
+ * The `name` field from the corresponding `ProtobufCEnumValue` object to
+ * match.
+ * \return
+ * A `ProtobufCEnumValue` object.
+ * \retval NULL
+ * If not found.
+ */
+const ProtobufCEnumValue *
+ const ProtobufCEnumDescriptor *desc,
+ const char *name);
+ * Look up a `ProtobufCEnumValue` from a `ProtobufCEnumDescriptor` by numeric
+ * value.
+ *
+ * \param desc
+ * The `ProtobufCEnumDescriptor` object.
+ * \param value
+ * The `value` field from the corresponding `ProtobufCEnumValue` object to
+ * match.
+ *
+ * \return
+ * A `ProtobufCEnumValue` object.
+ * \retval NULL
+ * If not found.
+ */
+const ProtobufCEnumValue *
+ const ProtobufCEnumDescriptor *desc,
+ int value);
+ * Look up a `ProtobufCFieldDescriptor` from a `ProtobufCMessageDescriptor` by
+ * the name of the field.
+ *
+ * \param desc
+ * The `ProtobufCMessageDescriptor` object.
+ * \param name
+ * The name of the field.
+ * \return
+ * A `ProtobufCFieldDescriptor` object.
+ * \retval NULL
+ * If not found.
+ */
+const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *
+ const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor *desc,
+ const char *name);
+ * Look up a `ProtobufCFieldDescriptor` from a `ProtobufCMessageDescriptor` by
+ * the tag value of the field.
+ *
+ * \param desc
+ * The `ProtobufCMessageDescriptor` object.
+ * \param value
+ * The tag value of the field.
+ * \return
+ * A `ProtobufCFieldDescriptor` object.
+ * \retval NULL
+ * If not found.
+ */
+const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *
+ const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor *desc,
+ unsigned value);
+ * Determine the number of bytes required to store the serialised message.
+ *
+ * \param message
+ * The message object to serialise.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes.
+ */
+protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size(const ProtobufCMessage *message);
+ * Serialise a message from its in-memory representation.
+ *
+ * This function stores the serialised bytes of the message in a pre-allocated
+ * buffer.
+ *
+ * \param message
+ * The message object to serialise.
+ * \param[out] out
+ * Buffer to store the bytes of the serialised message. This buffer must
+ * have enough space to store the packed message. Use
+ * protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size() to determine the number of bytes
+ * required.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes stored in `out`.
+ */
+protobuf_c_message_pack(const ProtobufCMessage *message, uint8_t *out);
+ * Serialise a message from its in-memory representation to a virtual buffer.
+ *
+ * This function calls the `append` method of a `ProtobufCBuffer` object to
+ * consume the bytes generated by the serialiser.
+ *
+ * \param message
+ * The message object to serialise.
+ * \param buffer
+ * The virtual buffer object.
+ * \return
+ * Number of bytes passed to the virtual buffer.
+ */
+ const ProtobufCMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer);
+ * Unpack a serialised message into an in-memory representation.
+ *
+ * \param descriptor
+ * The message descriptor.
+ * \param allocator
+ * `ProtobufCAllocator` to use for memory allocation. May be NULL to
+ * specify the default allocator.
+ * \param len
+ * Length in bytes of the serialised message.
+ * \param data
+ * Pointer to the serialised message.
+ * \return
+ * An unpacked message object.
+ * \retval NULL
+ * If an error occurred during unpacking.
+ */
+ProtobufCMessage *
+ const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor *descriptor,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator,
+ size_t len,
+ const uint8_t *data);
+ * Free an unpacked message object.
+ *
+ * This function should be used to deallocate the memory used by a call to
+ * protobuf_c_message_unpack().
+ *
+ * \param message
+ * The message object to free.
+ * \param allocator
+ * `ProtobufCAllocator` to use for memory deallocation. May be NULL to
+ * specify the default allocator.
+ */
+ ProtobufCMessage *message,
+ ProtobufCAllocator *allocator);
+ * Check the validity of a message object.
+ *
+ * Makes sure all required fields (`PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_REQUIRED`) are present.
+ * Recursively checks nested messages.
+ *
+ * \retval TRUE
+ * Message is valid.
+ * \retval FALSE
+ * Message is invalid.
+ */
+protobuf_c_message_check(const ProtobufCMessage *);
+/** Message initialiser. */
+#define PROTOBUF_C_MESSAGE_INIT(descriptor) { descriptor, 0, NULL }
+ * Initialise a message object from a message descriptor.
+ *
+ * \param descriptor
+ * Message descriptor.
+ * \param message
+ * Allocated block of memory of size `descriptor->sizeof_message`.
+ */
+ const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor *descriptor,
+ void *message);
+ * Free a service.
+ *
+ * \param service
+ * The service object to free.
+ */
+protobuf_c_service_destroy(ProtobufCService *service);
+ * Look up a `ProtobufCMethodDescriptor` by name.
+ *
+ * \param desc
+ * Service descriptor.
+ * \param name
+ * Name of the method.
+ *
+ * \return
+ * A `ProtobufCMethodDescriptor` object.
+ * \retval NULL
+ * If not found.
+ */
+const ProtobufCMethodDescriptor *
+ const ProtobufCServiceDescriptor *desc,
+ const char *name);
+ * Initialise a `ProtobufCBufferSimple` object.
+ */
+#define PROTOBUF_C_BUFFER_SIMPLE_INIT(array_of_bytes) \
+{ \
+ { protobuf_c_buffer_simple_append }, \
+ sizeof(array_of_bytes), \
+ 0, \
+ (array_of_bytes), \
+ 0, \
+ NULL \
+ * Clear a `ProtobufCBufferSimple` object, freeing any allocated memory.
+ */
+do { \
+ if ((simp_buf)->must_free_data) { \
+ if ((simp_buf)->allocator != NULL) \
+ (simp_buf)->allocator->free( \
+ (simp_buf)->allocator, \
+ (simp_buf)->data); \
+ else \
+ free((simp_buf)->data); \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+ * The `append` method for `ProtobufCBufferSimple`.
+ *
+ * \param buffer
+ * The buffer object to append to. Must actually be a
+ * `ProtobufCBufferSimple` object.
+ * \param len
+ * Number of bytes in `data`.
+ * \param data
+ * Data to append.
+ */
+ ProtobufCBuffer *buffer,
+ size_t len,
+ const unsigned char *data);
+ ProtobufCService *service,
+ const ProtobufCServiceDescriptor *descriptor,
+ ProtobufCServiceDestroy destroy);
+ ProtobufCService *service,
+ unsigned method_index,
+ const ProtobufCMessage *input,
+ ProtobufCClosure closure,
+ void *closure_data);
+#endif /* PROTOBUF_C_H */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/protocol.c b/libs/libsignal/src/protocol.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2b97344e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/protocol.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1440 @@
+#include "protocol.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "curve.h"
+#include "signal_protocol_internal.h"
+#include "WhisperTextProtocol.pb-c.h"
+struct ciphertext_message
+ signal_type_base base;
+ int message_type;
+ signal_context *global_context;
+ signal_buffer *serialized;
+struct signal_message
+ ciphertext_message base_message;
+ uint8_t message_version;
+ ec_public_key *sender_ratchet_key;
+ uint32_t counter;
+ uint32_t previous_counter;
+ signal_buffer *ciphertext;
+struct pre_key_signal_message
+ ciphertext_message base_message;
+ uint8_t version;
+ uint32_t registration_id;
+ int has_pre_key_id;
+ uint32_t pre_key_id;
+ uint32_t signed_pre_key_id;
+ ec_public_key *base_key;
+ ec_public_key *identity_key;
+ signal_message *message;
+struct sender_key_message
+ ciphertext_message base_message;
+ uint8_t message_version;
+ uint32_t key_id;
+ uint32_t iteration;
+ signal_buffer *ciphertext;
+struct sender_key_distribution_message
+ ciphertext_message base_message;
+ uint32_t id;
+ uint32_t iteration;
+ signal_buffer *chain_key;
+ ec_public_key *signature_key;
+static int signal_message_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, const signal_message *message);
+static int signal_message_get_mac(signal_buffer **buffer,
+ uint8_t message_version,
+ ec_public_key *sender_identity_key,
+ ec_public_key *receiver_identity_key,
+ const uint8_t *mac_key, size_t mac_key_len,
+ const uint8_t *serialized, size_t serialized_len,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+static int pre_key_signal_message_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, const pre_key_signal_message *message);
+static int sender_key_message_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, const sender_key_message *message, ec_private_key *signature_key, signal_context *global_context);
+static int sender_key_distribution_message_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, const sender_key_distribution_message *message);
+int ciphertext_message_get_type(const ciphertext_message *message)
+ assert(message);
+ return message->message_type;
+signal_buffer *ciphertext_message_get_serialized(const ciphertext_message *message)
+ assert(message);
+ return message->serialized;
+int signal_message_create(signal_message **message, uint8_t message_version,
+ const uint8_t *mac_key, size_t mac_key_len,
+ ec_public_key *sender_ratchet_key, uint32_t counter, uint32_t previous_counter,
+ const uint8_t *ciphertext, size_t ciphertext_len,
+ ec_public_key *sender_identity_key, ec_public_key *receiver_identity_key,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *message_buf = 0;
+ signal_buffer *mac_buf = 0;
+ signal_message *result_message = 0;
+ assert(global_context);
+ result_message = malloc(sizeof(signal_message));
+ if(!result_message) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result_message, 0, sizeof(signal_message));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result_message, signal_message_destroy);
+ result_message->base_message.message_type = CIPHERTEXT_SIGNAL_TYPE;
+ result_message->base_message.global_context = global_context;
+ SIGNAL_REF(sender_ratchet_key);
+ result_message->sender_ratchet_key = sender_ratchet_key;
+ result_message->counter = counter;
+ result_message->previous_counter = previous_counter;
+ result_message->ciphertext = signal_buffer_create(ciphertext, ciphertext_len);
+ if(!result_message->ciphertext) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result_message->message_version = message_version;
+ result = signal_message_serialize(&message_buf, result_message);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_message_get_mac(&mac_buf,
+ message_version, sender_identity_key, receiver_identity_key,
+ mac_key, mac_key_len,
+ signal_buffer_data(message_buf),
+ signal_buffer_len(message_buf),
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result_message->base_message.serialized = signal_buffer_append(
+ message_buf,
+ signal_buffer_data(mac_buf),
+ signal_buffer_len(mac_buf));
+ if(result_message->base_message.serialized) {
+ message_buf = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ if(message_buf) {
+ signal_buffer_free(message_buf);
+ }
+ if(mac_buf) {
+ signal_buffer_free(mac_buf);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ result = 0;
+ *message = result_message;
+ }
+ else {
+ if(result_message) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_message);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+static int signal_message_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, const signal_message *message)
+ int result = 0;
+ size_t result_size = 0;
+ signal_buffer *result_buf = 0;
+ Textsecure__SignalMessage message_structure = TEXTSECURE__SIGNAL_MESSAGE__INIT;
+ size_t len = 0;
+ uint8_t *data = 0;
+ uint8_t version = (message->message_version << 4) | CIPHERTEXT_CURRENT_VERSION;
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize_protobuf(&message_structure.ratchetkey, message->sender_ratchet_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ message_structure.has_ratchetkey = 1;
+ message_structure.counter = message->counter;
+ message_structure.has_counter = 1;
+ message_structure.previouscounter = message->previous_counter;
+ message_structure.has_previouscounter = 1;
+ = signal_buffer_data(message->ciphertext);
+ message_structure.ciphertext.len = signal_buffer_len(message->ciphertext);
+ message_structure.has_ciphertext = 1;
+ len = textsecure__signal_message__get_packed_size(&message_structure);
+ result_buf = signal_buffer_alloc(len + 1);
+ if(!result_buf) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ data = signal_buffer_data(result_buf);
+ data[0] = version;
+ result_size = textsecure__signal_message__pack(&message_structure, data + 1);
+ if(result_size != len) {
+ signal_buffer_free(result_buf);
+ result_buf = 0;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if( {
+ free(;
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *buffer = result_buf;
+ }
+ return result;
+int signal_message_deserialize(signal_message **message, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_message *result_message = 0;
+ Textsecure__SignalMessage *message_structure = 0;
+ uint8_t version = 0;
+ uint8_t *ciphertext_data = 0;
+ uint8_t *serialized_data = 0;
+ const uint8_t *message_data = 0;
+ size_t message_len = 0;
+ assert(global_context);
+ if(!data || len <= 1 + SIGNAL_MESSAGE_MAC_LENGTH) {
+ result = SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ version = (data[0] & 0xF0) >> 4;
+ /* Set some pointers and lengths for the sections of the raw data */
+ message_data = data + 1;
+ message_len = len - 1 - SIGNAL_MESSAGE_MAC_LENGTH;
+ signal_log(global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "Unsupported legacy version: %d", version);
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ signal_log(global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "Unknown version: %d", version);
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ message_structure = textsecure__signal_message__unpack(0, message_len, message_data);
+ if(!message_structure) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(!message_structure->has_ciphertext
+ || !message_structure->has_counter
+ || !message_structure->has_ratchetkey) {
+ signal_log(global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "Incomplete message");
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result_message = malloc(sizeof(signal_message));
+ if(!result_message) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memset(result_message, 0, sizeof(signal_message));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result_message, signal_message_destroy);
+ result_message->base_message.message_type = CIPHERTEXT_SIGNAL_TYPE;
+ result_message->base_message.global_context = global_context;
+ result = curve_decode_point(&result_message->sender_ratchet_key,
+ message_structure->, message_structure->ratchetkey.len, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result_message->message_version = version;
+ result_message->counter = message_structure->counter;
+ result_message->previous_counter = message_structure->previouscounter;
+ result_message->ciphertext = signal_buffer_alloc(message_structure->ciphertext.len);
+ if(!result_message->ciphertext) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ ciphertext_data = signal_buffer_data(result_message->ciphertext);
+ memcpy(ciphertext_data, message_structure->, message_structure->ciphertext.len);
+ result_message->base_message.serialized = signal_buffer_alloc(len);
+ if(!result_message->base_message.serialized) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ serialized_data = signal_buffer_data(result_message->base_message.serialized);
+ memcpy(serialized_data, data, len);
+ if(message_structure) {
+ textsecure__signal_message__free_unpacked(message_structure, 0);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *message = result_message;
+ }
+ else {
+ if(result_message) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_message);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+int signal_message_copy(signal_message **message, signal_message *other_message, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_message *result_message = 0;
+ assert(other_message);
+ assert(global_context);
+ result = signal_message_deserialize(
+ &result_message,
+ signal_buffer_data(other_message->base_message.serialized),
+ signal_buffer_len(other_message->base_message.serialized),
+ global_context);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *message = result_message;
+ }
+ return result;
+ec_public_key *signal_message_get_sender_ratchet_key(const signal_message *message)
+ assert(message);
+ return message->sender_ratchet_key;
+uint8_t signal_message_get_message_version(const signal_message *message)
+ assert(message);
+ return message->message_version;
+uint32_t signal_message_get_counter(const signal_message *message)
+ assert(message);
+ return message->counter;
+signal_buffer *signal_message_get_body(const signal_message *message)
+ assert(message);
+ return message->ciphertext;
+int signal_message_verify_mac(signal_message *message,
+ ec_public_key *sender_identity_key,
+ ec_public_key *receiver_identity_key,
+ const uint8_t *mac_key, size_t mac_key_len,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *our_mac_buffer = 0;
+ uint8_t *serialized_data = 0;
+ size_t serialized_len = 0;
+ uint8_t *serialized_message_data = 0;
+ size_t serialized_message_len = 0;
+ uint8_t *their_mac_data = 0;
+ const size_t their_mac_len = SIGNAL_MESSAGE_MAC_LENGTH;
+ uint8_t *our_mac_data = 0;
+ size_t our_mac_len = 0;
+ assert(message);
+ assert(message->base_message.serialized);
+ /* Set some pointers and lengths for the sections of the raw data */
+ serialized_data = signal_buffer_data(message->base_message.serialized);
+ serialized_len = signal_buffer_len(message->base_message.serialized);
+ serialized_message_data = serialized_data;
+ serialized_message_len = serialized_len - SIGNAL_MESSAGE_MAC_LENGTH;
+ their_mac_data = serialized_data + serialized_message_len;
+ result = signal_message_get_mac(&our_mac_buffer,
+ message->message_version,
+ sender_identity_key, receiver_identity_key,
+ mac_key, mac_key_len,
+ serialized_message_data, serialized_message_len,
+ message->base_message.global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ our_mac_data = signal_buffer_data(our_mac_buffer);
+ our_mac_len = signal_buffer_len(our_mac_buffer);
+ if(our_mac_len != their_mac_len) {
+ signal_log(global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "MAC length mismatch: %d != %d", our_mac_len, their_mac_len);
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(signal_constant_memcmp(our_mac_data, their_mac_data, our_mac_len) == 0) {
+ result = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ signal_log(global_context, SG_LOG_NOTICE, "Bad MAC");
+ result = 0;
+ }
+ if(our_mac_buffer) {
+ signal_buffer_free(our_mac_buffer);
+ }
+ return result;
+static int signal_message_get_mac(signal_buffer **buffer,
+ uint8_t message_version,
+ ec_public_key *sender_identity_key,
+ ec_public_key *receiver_identity_key,
+ const uint8_t *mac_key, size_t mac_key_len,
+ const uint8_t *serialized, size_t serialized_len,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ void *hmac_context;
+ signal_buffer *sender_key_buffer = 0;
+ signal_buffer *receiver_key_buffer = 0;
+ signal_buffer *full_mac_buffer = 0;
+ signal_buffer *result_buf = 0;
+ uint8_t *result_data = 0;
+ assert(global_context);
+ result = signal_hmac_sha256_init(global_context,
+ &hmac_context, mac_key, mac_key_len);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(message_version >= 3) {
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize(&sender_key_buffer, sender_identity_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_hmac_sha256_update(global_context, hmac_context,
+ signal_buffer_data(sender_key_buffer),
+ signal_buffer_len(sender_key_buffer));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize(&receiver_key_buffer, receiver_identity_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_hmac_sha256_update(global_context, hmac_context,
+ signal_buffer_data(receiver_key_buffer),
+ signal_buffer_len(receiver_key_buffer));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ result = signal_hmac_sha256_update(global_context, hmac_context,
+ serialized, serialized_len);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_hmac_sha256_final(global_context,
+ hmac_context, &full_mac_buffer);
+ if(result < 0 || signal_buffer_len(full_mac_buffer) < SIGNAL_MESSAGE_MAC_LENGTH) {
+ if(result >= 0) { result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; }
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result_buf = signal_buffer_alloc(SIGNAL_MESSAGE_MAC_LENGTH);
+ if(!result_buf) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result_data = signal_buffer_data(result_buf);
+ memcpy(result_data, signal_buffer_data(full_mac_buffer), SIGNAL_MESSAGE_MAC_LENGTH);
+ signal_hmac_sha256_cleanup(global_context, hmac_context);
+ signal_buffer_free(sender_key_buffer);
+ signal_buffer_free(receiver_key_buffer);
+ signal_buffer_free(full_mac_buffer);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *buffer = result_buf;
+ }
+ return result;
+int signal_message_is_legacy(const uint8_t *data, size_t len)
+ return data && len >= 1 && ((data[0] & 0xF0) >> 4) <= CIPHERTEXT_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION;
+void signal_message_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ signal_message *message = (signal_message *)type;
+ if(message->base_message.serialized) {
+ signal_buffer_free(message->base_message.serialized);
+ }
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(message->sender_ratchet_key);
+ if(message->ciphertext) {
+ signal_buffer_free(message->ciphertext);
+ }
+ free(message);
+int pre_key_signal_message_create(pre_key_signal_message **pre_key_message,
+ uint8_t message_version, uint32_t registration_id, const uint32_t *pre_key_id,
+ uint32_t signed_pre_key_id, ec_public_key *base_key, ec_public_key *identity_key,
+ signal_message *message,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ pre_key_signal_message *result_message = 0;
+ assert(global_context);
+ result_message = malloc(sizeof(pre_key_signal_message));
+ if(!result_message) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result_message, 0, sizeof(pre_key_signal_message));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result_message, pre_key_signal_message_destroy);
+ result_message->base_message.message_type = CIPHERTEXT_PREKEY_TYPE;
+ result_message->base_message.global_context = global_context;
+ result_message->version = message_version;
+ result_message->registration_id = registration_id;
+ if(pre_key_id) {
+ result_message->has_pre_key_id = 1;
+ result_message->pre_key_id = *pre_key_id;
+ }
+ result_message->signed_pre_key_id = signed_pre_key_id;
+ SIGNAL_REF(base_key);
+ result_message->base_key = base_key;
+ SIGNAL_REF(identity_key);
+ result_message->identity_key = identity_key;
+ SIGNAL_REF(message);
+ result_message->message = message;
+ result = pre_key_signal_message_serialize(&result_message->base_message.serialized, result_message);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ result = 0;
+ *pre_key_message = result_message;
+ }
+ else {
+ if(result_message) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_message);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+static int pre_key_signal_message_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, const pre_key_signal_message *message)
+ int result = 0;
+ size_t result_size = 0;
+ signal_buffer *result_buf = 0;
+ Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage message_structure = TEXTSECURE__PRE_KEY_SIGNAL_MESSAGE__INIT;
+ signal_buffer *inner_message_buffer = 0;
+ size_t len = 0;
+ uint8_t *data = 0;
+ uint8_t version = (message->version << 4) | CIPHERTEXT_CURRENT_VERSION;
+ message_structure.registrationid = message->registration_id;
+ message_structure.has_registrationid = 1;
+ if(message->has_pre_key_id) {
+ message_structure.prekeyid = message->pre_key_id;
+ message_structure.has_prekeyid = 1;
+ }
+ message_structure.signedprekeyid = message->signed_pre_key_id;
+ message_structure.has_signedprekeyid = 1;
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize_protobuf(&message_structure.basekey, message->base_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ message_structure.has_basekey = 1;
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize_protobuf(&message_structure.identitykey, message->identity_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ message_structure.has_identitykey = 1;
+ inner_message_buffer = message->message->base_message.serialized;
+ = signal_buffer_data(inner_message_buffer);
+ message_structure.message.len = signal_buffer_len(inner_message_buffer);
+ message_structure.has_message = 1;
+ len = textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__get_packed_size(&message_structure);
+ result_buf = signal_buffer_alloc(len + 1);
+ if(!result_buf) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ data = signal_buffer_data(result_buf);
+ data[0] = version;
+ result_size = textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__pack(&message_structure, data + 1);
+ if(result_size != len) {
+ signal_buffer_free(result_buf);
+ result_buf = 0;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if( {
+ free(;
+ }
+ if( {
+ free(;
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *buffer = result_buf;
+ }
+ return result;
+int pre_key_signal_message_deserialize(pre_key_signal_message **message,
+ const uint8_t *data, size_t len,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ pre_key_signal_message *result_message = 0;
+ Textsecure__PreKeySignalMessage *message_structure = 0;
+ uint8_t version = 0;
+ const uint8_t *message_data = 0;
+ size_t message_len = 0;
+ uint8_t *serialized_data = 0;
+ assert(global_context);
+ if(!data || len <= 1) {
+ result = SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ version = (data[0] & 0xF0) >> 4;
+ /* Set some pointers and lengths for the sections of the raw data */
+ message_data = data + 1;
+ message_len = len - 1;
+ signal_log(global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "Unsupported legacy version: %d", version);
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ signal_log(global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "Unknown version: %d", version);
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ message_structure = textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__unpack(0, message_len, message_data);
+ if(!message_structure) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(!message_structure->has_signedprekeyid ||
+ !message_structure->has_basekey ||
+ !message_structure->has_identitykey ||
+ !message_structure->has_message) {
+ signal_log(global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "Incomplete message");
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result_message = malloc(sizeof(pre_key_signal_message));
+ if(!result_message) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memset(result_message, 0, sizeof(pre_key_signal_message));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result_message, pre_key_signal_message_destroy);
+ result_message->base_message.message_type = CIPHERTEXT_PREKEY_TYPE;
+ result_message->base_message.global_context = global_context;
+ result_message->version = version;
+ if(message_structure->has_registrationid) {
+ result_message->registration_id = message_structure->registrationid;
+ }
+ if(message_structure->has_prekeyid) {
+ result_message->pre_key_id = message_structure->prekeyid;
+ result_message->has_pre_key_id = 1;
+ }
+ if(message_structure->has_signedprekeyid) {
+ result_message->signed_pre_key_id = message_structure->signedprekeyid;
+ }
+ if(message_structure->has_basekey) {
+ result = curve_decode_point(&result_message->base_key,
+ message_structure->, message_structure->basekey.len, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(message_structure->has_identitykey) {
+ result = curve_decode_point(&result_message->identity_key,
+ message_structure->, message_structure->identitykey.len, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(message_structure->has_message) {
+ result = signal_message_deserialize(&result_message->message,
+ message_structure->,
+ message_structure->message.len,
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(result_message->message->message_version != version) {
+ signal_log(global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "Inner message version mismatch: %d != %d",
+ result_message->message->message_version, version);
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ result_message->base_message.serialized = signal_buffer_alloc(len);
+ if(!result_message->base_message.serialized) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ serialized_data = signal_buffer_data(result_message->base_message.serialized);
+ memcpy(serialized_data, data, len);
+ if(message_structure) {
+ textsecure__pre_key_signal_message__free_unpacked(message_structure, 0);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *message = result_message;
+ }
+ else {
+ if(result_message) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_message);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+int pre_key_signal_message_copy(pre_key_signal_message **message, pre_key_signal_message *other_message, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ pre_key_signal_message *result_message = 0;
+ assert(other_message);
+ assert(global_context);
+ result = pre_key_signal_message_deserialize(
+ &result_message,
+ signal_buffer_data(other_message->base_message.serialized),
+ signal_buffer_len(other_message->base_message.serialized),
+ global_context);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *message = result_message;
+ }
+ return result;
+uint8_t pre_key_signal_message_get_message_version(const pre_key_signal_message *message)
+ assert(message);
+ return message->version;
+ec_public_key *pre_key_signal_message_get_identity_key(const pre_key_signal_message *message)
+ assert(message);
+ return message->identity_key;
+uint32_t pre_key_signal_message_get_registration_id(const pre_key_signal_message *message)
+ assert(message);
+ return message->registration_id;
+int pre_key_signal_message_has_pre_key_id(const pre_key_signal_message *message)
+ assert(message);
+ return message->has_pre_key_id;
+uint32_t pre_key_signal_message_get_pre_key_id(const pre_key_signal_message *message)
+ assert(message);
+ assert(message->has_pre_key_id);
+ return message->pre_key_id;
+uint32_t pre_key_signal_message_get_signed_pre_key_id(const pre_key_signal_message *message)
+ assert(message);
+ return message->signed_pre_key_id;
+ec_public_key *pre_key_signal_message_get_base_key(const pre_key_signal_message *message)
+ assert(message);
+ return message->base_key;
+signal_message *pre_key_signal_message_get_signal_message(const pre_key_signal_message *message)
+ assert(message);
+ return message->message;
+void pre_key_signal_message_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ pre_key_signal_message *message = (pre_key_signal_message *)type;
+ if(message->base_message.serialized) {
+ signal_buffer_free(message->base_message.serialized);
+ }
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(message->base_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(message->identity_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(message->message);
+ free(message);
+int sender_key_message_create(sender_key_message **message,
+ uint32_t key_id, uint32_t iteration,
+ const uint8_t *ciphertext, size_t ciphertext_len,
+ ec_private_key *signature_key,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ sender_key_message *result_message = 0;
+ signal_buffer *message_buf = 0;
+ assert(global_context);
+ result_message = malloc(sizeof(sender_key_message));
+ if(!result_message) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result_message, 0, sizeof(sender_key_message));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result_message, sender_key_message_destroy);
+ result_message->base_message.message_type = CIPHERTEXT_SENDERKEY_TYPE;
+ result_message->base_message.global_context = global_context;
+ result_message->message_version = CIPHERTEXT_CURRENT_VERSION;
+ result_message->key_id = key_id;
+ result_message->iteration = iteration;
+ result_message->ciphertext = signal_buffer_create(ciphertext, ciphertext_len);
+ if(!result_message->ciphertext) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = sender_key_message_serialize(&message_buf, result_message, signature_key, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result_message->base_message.serialized = message_buf;
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ result = 0;
+ *message = result_message;
+ }
+ else {
+ if(result_message) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_message);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+int sender_key_message_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, const sender_key_message *message, ec_private_key *signature_key, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ size_t result_size = 0;
+ signal_buffer *result_buf = 0;
+ signal_buffer *signature_buf = 0;
+ Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage message_structure = TEXTSECURE__SENDER_KEY_MESSAGE__INIT;
+ size_t len = 0;
+ uint8_t *data = 0;
+ = message->key_id;
+ message_structure.has_id = 1;
+ message_structure.iteration = message->iteration;
+ message_structure.has_iteration = 1;
+ = signal_buffer_data(message->ciphertext);
+ message_structure.ciphertext.len = signal_buffer_len(message->ciphertext);
+ message_structure.has_ciphertext = 1;
+ len = textsecure__sender_key_message__get_packed_size(&message_structure);
+ result_buf = signal_buffer_alloc(sizeof(version) + len + SIGNATURE_LENGTH);
+ if(!result_buf) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ data = signal_buffer_data(result_buf);
+ data[0] = version;
+ result_size = textsecure__sender_key_message__pack(&message_structure, data + sizeof(version));
+ if(result_size != len) {
+ signal_buffer_free(result_buf);
+ result_buf = 0;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = curve_calculate_signature(global_context, &signature_buf, signature_key,
+ data, len + sizeof(version));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ if(result == SG_ERR_INVALID_KEY) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ else if(signal_buffer_len(signature_buf) != SIGNATURE_LENGTH) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memcpy(data + sizeof(version) + len, signal_buffer_data(signature_buf), SIGNATURE_LENGTH);
+ signal_buffer_free(signature_buf);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *buffer = result_buf;
+ }
+ else {
+ signal_buffer_free(result_buf);
+ }
+ return result;
+int sender_key_message_deserialize(sender_key_message **message,
+ const uint8_t *data, size_t len,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ sender_key_message *result_message = 0;
+ uint8_t version = 0;
+ const uint8_t *message_data = 0;
+ size_t message_len = 0;
+ Textsecure__SenderKeyMessage *message_structure = 0;
+ assert(global_context);
+ if(!data || len <= sizeof(uint8_t) + SIGNATURE_LENGTH) {
+ result = SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ version = (data[0] & 0xF0) >> 4;
+ message_data = data + sizeof(uint8_t);
+ message_len = len - sizeof(uint8_t) - SIGNATURE_LENGTH;
+ signal_log(global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "Legacy message: %d", version);
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ signal_log(global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "Unknown version: %d", version);
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ message_structure = textsecure__sender_key_message__unpack(0, message_len, message_data);
+ if(!message_structure) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(!message_structure->has_id
+ || !message_structure->has_iteration
+ || !message_structure->has_ciphertext) {
+ signal_log(global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "Incomplete message");
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result_message = malloc(sizeof(sender_key_message));
+ if(!result_message) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memset(result_message, 0, sizeof(sender_key_message));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result_message, sender_key_message_destroy);
+ result_message->base_message.message_type = CIPHERTEXT_SENDERKEY_TYPE;
+ result_message->base_message.global_context = global_context;
+ result_message->key_id = message_structure->id;
+ result_message->iteration = message_structure->iteration;
+ result_message->message_version = version;
+ result_message->ciphertext = signal_buffer_create(
+ message_structure->,
+ message_structure->ciphertext.len);
+ if(!result_message->ciphertext) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result_message->base_message.serialized = signal_buffer_create(data, len);
+ if(!result_message->base_message.serialized) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(message_structure) {
+ textsecure__sender_key_message__free_unpacked(message_structure, 0);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *message = result_message;
+ }
+ else {
+ if(result_message) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_message);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+int sender_key_message_copy(sender_key_message **message, sender_key_message *other_message, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ sender_key_message *result_message = 0;
+ assert(other_message);
+ assert(global_context);
+ result = sender_key_message_deserialize(
+ &result_message,
+ signal_buffer_data(other_message->base_message.serialized),
+ signal_buffer_len(other_message->base_message.serialized),
+ global_context);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *message = result_message;
+ }
+ return result;
+uint32_t sender_key_message_get_key_id(sender_key_message *message)
+ assert(message);
+ return message->key_id;
+uint32_t sender_key_message_get_iteration(sender_key_message *message)
+ assert(message);
+ return message->iteration;
+signal_buffer *sender_key_message_get_ciphertext(sender_key_message *message)
+ assert(message);
+ return message->ciphertext;
+int sender_key_message_verify_signature(sender_key_message *message, ec_public_key *signature_key)
+ int result = 0;
+ uint8_t *data;
+ size_t data_len;
+ assert(message);
+ data = signal_buffer_data(message->base_message.serialized);
+ data_len = signal_buffer_len(message->base_message.serialized) - SIGNATURE_LENGTH;
+ result = curve_verify_signature(signature_key, data, data_len, data + data_len, SIGNATURE_LENGTH);
+ if(result == 0) {
+ signal_log(message->base_message.global_context, SG_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid signature!");
+ }
+ else if(result < 0) {
+ }
+ else {
+ result = 0;
+ }
+ return result;
+void sender_key_message_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ sender_key_message *message = (sender_key_message *)type;
+ if(message->base_message.serialized) {
+ signal_buffer_free(message->base_message.serialized);
+ }
+ if(message->ciphertext) {
+ signal_buffer_free(message->ciphertext);
+ }
+ free(message);
+int sender_key_distribution_message_create(sender_key_distribution_message **message,
+ uint32_t id, uint32_t iteration,
+ const uint8_t *chain_key, size_t chain_key_len,
+ ec_public_key *signature_key,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ sender_key_distribution_message *result_message = 0;
+ signal_buffer *message_buf = 0;
+ assert(global_context);
+ result_message = malloc(sizeof(sender_key_distribution_message));
+ if(!result_message) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result_message, 0, sizeof(sender_key_distribution_message));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result_message, sender_key_distribution_message_destroy);
+ result_message->base_message.message_type = CIPHERTEXT_SENDERKEY_DISTRIBUTION_TYPE;
+ result_message->base_message.global_context = global_context;
+ result_message->id = id;
+ result_message->iteration = iteration;
+ result_message->chain_key = signal_buffer_create(chain_key, chain_key_len);
+ if(!result_message->chain_key) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_REF(signature_key);
+ result_message->signature_key = signature_key;
+ result = sender_key_distribution_message_serialize(&message_buf, result_message);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result_message->base_message.serialized = message_buf;
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ result = 0;
+ *message = result_message;
+ }
+ else {
+ if(result_message) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_message);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+int sender_key_distribution_message_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, const sender_key_distribution_message *message)
+ int result = 0;
+ size_t result_size = 0;
+ signal_buffer *result_buf = 0;
+ Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage message_structure = TEXTSECURE__SENDER_KEY_DISTRIBUTION_MESSAGE__INIT;
+ size_t len = 0;
+ uint8_t *data = 0;
+ = message->id;
+ message_structure.has_id = 1;
+ message_structure.iteration = message->iteration;
+ message_structure.has_iteration = 1;
+ = signal_buffer_data(message->chain_key);
+ message_structure.chainkey.len = signal_buffer_len(message->chain_key);
+ message_structure.has_chainkey = 1;
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize_protobuf(&message_structure.signingkey, message->signature_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ message_structure.has_signingkey = 1;
+ len = textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__get_packed_size(&message_structure);
+ result_buf = signal_buffer_alloc(sizeof(version) + len);
+ if(!result_buf) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ data = signal_buffer_data(result_buf);
+ data[0] = version;
+ result_size = textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__pack(&message_structure, data + sizeof(version));
+ if(result_size != len) {
+ signal_buffer_free(result_buf);
+ result_buf = 0;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(message_structure.has_signingkey) {
+ free(;
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *buffer = result_buf;
+ }
+ else {
+ signal_buffer_free(result_buf);
+ }
+ return result;
+int sender_key_distribution_message_deserialize(sender_key_distribution_message **message,
+ const uint8_t *data, size_t len,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ sender_key_distribution_message *result_message = 0;
+ uint8_t version = 0;
+ const uint8_t *message_data = 0;
+ size_t message_len = 0;
+ Textsecure__SenderKeyDistributionMessage *message_structure = 0;
+ assert(global_context);
+ if(!data || len <= sizeof(uint8_t)) {
+ result = SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ version = (data[0] & 0xF0) >> 4;
+ message_data = data + sizeof(uint8_t);
+ message_len = len - sizeof(uint8_t);
+ signal_log(global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "Legacy message: %d", version);
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ signal_log(global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "Unknown version: %d", version);
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ message_structure = textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__unpack(0, message_len, message_data);
+ if(!message_structure) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(!message_structure->has_id
+ || !message_structure->has_iteration
+ || !message_structure->has_chainkey
+ || !message_structure->has_signingkey) {
+ signal_log(global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "Incomplete message");
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result_message = malloc(sizeof(sender_key_distribution_message));
+ if(!result_message) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memset(result_message, 0, sizeof(sender_key_distribution_message));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result_message, sender_key_distribution_message_destroy);
+ result_message->base_message.message_type = CIPHERTEXT_SENDERKEY_DISTRIBUTION_TYPE;
+ result_message->base_message.global_context = global_context;
+ result_message->id = message_structure->id;
+ result_message->iteration = message_structure->iteration;
+ result_message->chain_key = signal_buffer_create(
+ message_structure->,
+ message_structure->chainkey.len);
+ if(!result_message->chain_key) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = curve_decode_point(&result_message->signature_key,
+ message_structure->,
+ message_structure->signingkey.len,
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result_message->base_message.serialized = signal_buffer_create(data, len);
+ if(!result_message->base_message.serialized) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(message_structure) {
+ textsecure__sender_key_distribution_message__free_unpacked(message_structure, 0);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *message = result_message;
+ }
+ else {
+ if(result_message) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_message);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+int sender_key_distribution_message_copy(sender_key_distribution_message **message, sender_key_distribution_message *other_message, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ sender_key_distribution_message *result_message = 0;
+ assert(other_message);
+ assert(global_context);
+ result = sender_key_distribution_message_deserialize(
+ &result_message,
+ signal_buffer_data(other_message->base_message.serialized),
+ signal_buffer_len(other_message->base_message.serialized),
+ global_context);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *message = result_message;
+ }
+ return result;
+uint32_t sender_key_distribution_message_get_id(sender_key_distribution_message *message)
+ assert(message);
+ return message->id;
+uint32_t sender_key_distribution_message_get_iteration(sender_key_distribution_message *message)
+ assert(message);
+ return message->iteration;
+signal_buffer *sender_key_distribution_message_get_chain_key(sender_key_distribution_message *message)
+ assert(message);
+ return message->chain_key;
+ec_public_key *sender_key_distribution_message_get_signature_key(sender_key_distribution_message *message)
+ assert(message);
+ return message->signature_key;
+void sender_key_distribution_message_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ sender_key_distribution_message *message = (sender_key_distribution_message *)type;
+ if(message->base_message.serialized) {
+ signal_buffer_free(message->base_message.serialized);
+ }
+ if(message->chain_key) {
+ signal_buffer_free(message->chain_key);
+ }
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(message->signature_key);
+ free(message);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/protocol.h b/libs/libsignal/src/protocol.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73c2df9d86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/protocol.h
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+#ifndef PROTOCOL_H
+#define PROTOCOL_H
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "signal_protocol_types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* Worst case overhead. Not always accurate, but good enough for padding. */
+int ciphertext_message_get_type(const ciphertext_message *message);
+signal_buffer *ciphertext_message_get_serialized(const ciphertext_message *message);
+int signal_message_create(signal_message **message, uint8_t message_version,
+ const uint8_t *mac_key, size_t mac_key_len,
+ ec_public_key *sender_ratchet_key, uint32_t counter, uint32_t previous_counter,
+ const uint8_t *ciphertext, size_t ciphertext_len,
+ ec_public_key *sender_identity_key, ec_public_key *receiver_identity_key,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+int signal_message_deserialize(signal_message **message, const uint8_t *data, size_t len,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+int signal_message_copy(signal_message **message, signal_message *other_message, signal_context *global_context);
+ec_public_key *signal_message_get_sender_ratchet_key(const signal_message *message);
+uint8_t signal_message_get_message_version(const signal_message *message);
+uint32_t signal_message_get_counter(const signal_message *message);
+signal_buffer *signal_message_get_body(const signal_message *message);
+ * Verify the MAC on the Signal message.
+ *
+ * @return 1 if verified, 0 if invalid, negative on error
+ */
+int signal_message_verify_mac(signal_message *message,
+ ec_public_key *sender_identity_key,
+ ec_public_key *receiver_identity_key,
+ const uint8_t *mac_key, size_t mac_key_len,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+int signal_message_is_legacy(const uint8_t *data, size_t len);
+void signal_message_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+int pre_key_signal_message_create(pre_key_signal_message **pre_key_message,
+ uint8_t message_version, uint32_t registration_id, const uint32_t *pre_key_id,
+ uint32_t signed_pre_key_id, ec_public_key *base_key, ec_public_key *identity_key,
+ signal_message *message,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+int pre_key_signal_message_deserialize(pre_key_signal_message **message,
+ const uint8_t *data, size_t len,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+int pre_key_signal_message_copy(pre_key_signal_message **message, pre_key_signal_message *other_message, signal_context *global_context);
+uint8_t pre_key_signal_message_get_message_version(const pre_key_signal_message *message);
+ec_public_key *pre_key_signal_message_get_identity_key(const pre_key_signal_message *message);
+uint32_t pre_key_signal_message_get_registration_id(const pre_key_signal_message *message);
+int pre_key_signal_message_has_pre_key_id(const pre_key_signal_message *message);
+uint32_t pre_key_signal_message_get_pre_key_id(const pre_key_signal_message *message);
+uint32_t pre_key_signal_message_get_signed_pre_key_id(const pre_key_signal_message *message);
+ec_public_key *pre_key_signal_message_get_base_key(const pre_key_signal_message *message);
+signal_message *pre_key_signal_message_get_signal_message(const pre_key_signal_message *message);
+void pre_key_signal_message_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+int sender_key_message_create(sender_key_message **message,
+ uint32_t key_id, uint32_t iteration,
+ const uint8_t *ciphertext, size_t ciphertext_len,
+ ec_private_key *signature_key,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+int sender_key_message_deserialize(sender_key_message **message,
+ const uint8_t *data, size_t len,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+int sender_key_message_copy(sender_key_message **message, sender_key_message *other_message, signal_context *global_context);
+uint32_t sender_key_message_get_key_id(sender_key_message *message);
+uint32_t sender_key_message_get_iteration(sender_key_message *message);
+signal_buffer *sender_key_message_get_ciphertext(sender_key_message *message);
+int sender_key_message_verify_signature(sender_key_message *message, ec_public_key *signature_key);
+void sender_key_message_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+int sender_key_distribution_message_create(sender_key_distribution_message **message,
+ uint32_t id, uint32_t iteration,
+ const uint8_t *chain_key, size_t chain_key_len,
+ ec_public_key *signature_key,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+int sender_key_distribution_message_deserialize(sender_key_distribution_message **message,
+ const uint8_t *data, size_t len,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+int sender_key_distribution_message_copy(sender_key_distribution_message **message, sender_key_distribution_message *other_message, signal_context *global_context);
+uint32_t sender_key_distribution_message_get_id(sender_key_distribution_message *message);
+uint32_t sender_key_distribution_message_get_iteration(sender_key_distribution_message *message);
+signal_buffer *sender_key_distribution_message_get_chain_key(sender_key_distribution_message *message);
+ec_public_key *sender_key_distribution_message_get_signature_key(sender_key_distribution_message *message);
+void sender_key_distribution_message_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* PROTOCOL_H */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/ratchet.c b/libs/libsignal/src/ratchet.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c6822007a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/ratchet.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1240 @@
+#include "ratchet.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <protobuf-c/protobuf-c.h>
+#include "hkdf.h"
+#include "curve.h"
+#include "session_state.h"
+#include "protocol.h"
+#include "vpool.h"
+#include "LocalStorageProtocol.pb-c.h"
+#include "signal_protocol_internal.h"
+#define HASH_OUTPUT_SIZE 32
+struct ratchet_chain_key {
+ signal_type_base base;
+ signal_context *global_context;
+ hkdf_context *kdf;
+ uint8_t *key;
+ size_t key_len;
+ uint32_t index;
+struct ratchet_root_key {
+ signal_type_base base;
+ signal_context *global_context;
+ hkdf_context *kdf;
+ uint8_t *key;
+ size_t key_len;
+struct ratchet_identity_key_pair {
+ signal_type_base base;
+ ec_public_key *public_key;
+ ec_private_key *private_key;
+int ratchet_chain_key_create(ratchet_chain_key **chain_key, hkdf_context *kdf, const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len, uint32_t index, signal_context *global_context)
+ ratchet_chain_key *result = 0;
+ if(!kdf || !key) {
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ result = malloc(sizeof(ratchet_chain_key));
+ if(!result) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result, ratchet_chain_key_destroy);
+ result->global_context = global_context;
+ result->kdf = kdf;
+ result->key = malloc(key_len);
+ if(!result->key) {
+ free(result);
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memcpy(result->key, key, key_len);
+ result->key_len = key_len;
+ result->index = index;
+ SIGNAL_REF(result->kdf);
+ *chain_key = result;
+ return 0;
+int ratchet_chain_key_get_key(const ratchet_chain_key *chain_key, signal_buffer **buffer)
+ signal_buffer *buf = 0;
+ uint8_t *data = 0;
+ buf = signal_buffer_alloc(chain_key->key_len);
+ if(!buf) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ data = signal_buffer_data(buf);
+ memcpy(data, chain_key->key, chain_key->key_len);
+ *buffer = buf;
+ return 0;
+int ratchet_chain_key_get_key_protobuf(const ratchet_chain_key *chain_key, ProtobufCBinaryData *buffer)
+ uint8_t *data = 0;
+ assert(chain_key);
+ assert(buffer);
+ data = malloc(chain_key->key_len);
+ if(!data) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memcpy(data, chain_key->key, chain_key->key_len);
+ buffer->data = data;
+ buffer->len = chain_key->key_len;
+ return 0;
+uint32_t ratchet_chain_key_get_index(const ratchet_chain_key *chain_key)
+ return chain_key->index;
+ssize_t ratchet_chain_key_get_base_material(const ratchet_chain_key *chain_key, uint8_t **material, const uint8_t *seed, size_t seed_len)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *output_buffer = 0;
+ uint8_t *output = 0;
+ size_t output_len = 0;
+ void *hmac_context = 0;
+ result = signal_hmac_sha256_init(chain_key->global_context, &hmac_context, chain_key->key, chain_key->key_len);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_hmac_sha256_update(chain_key->global_context, hmac_context, seed, seed_len);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_hmac_sha256_final(chain_key->global_context, hmac_context, &output_buffer);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ output_len = signal_buffer_len(output_buffer);
+ output = malloc(output_len);
+ if(!output) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memcpy(output, signal_buffer_data(output_buffer), output_len);
+ signal_hmac_sha256_cleanup(chain_key->global_context, hmac_context);
+ signal_buffer_free(output_buffer);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *material = output;
+ return (ssize_t)output_len;
+ }
+ else {
+ return result;
+ }
+int ratchet_chain_key_get_message_keys(ratchet_chain_key *chain_key, ratchet_message_keys *message_keys)
+ static const uint8_t message_key_seed = 0x01;
+ static const char key_material_seed[] = "WhisperMessageKeys";
+ uint8_t salt[HASH_OUTPUT_SIZE];
+ int result = 0;
+ ssize_t result_size = 0;
+ uint8_t *input_key_material = 0;
+ size_t input_key_material_len = 0;
+ uint8_t *key_material_data = 0;
+ size_t key_material_data_len = 0;
+ memset(message_keys, 0, sizeof(ratchet_message_keys));
+ result_size = ratchet_chain_key_get_base_material(chain_key, &input_key_material, &message_key_seed, sizeof(message_key_seed));
+ if(result_size < 0) {
+ result = (int)result_size;
+ signal_log(chain_key->global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "ratchet_chain_key_get_base_material failed");
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ input_key_material_len = (size_t)result_size;
+ memset(salt, 0, sizeof(salt));
+ result_size = hkdf_derive_secrets(chain_key->kdf,
+ &key_material_data,
+ input_key_material, input_key_material_len,
+ salt, sizeof(salt),
+ (uint8_t *)key_material_seed, sizeof(key_material_seed) - 1,
+ if(result_size < 0) {
+ result = (int)result_size;
+ signal_log(chain_key->global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "hkdf_derive_secrets failed");
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ key_material_data_len = (size_t)result_size;
+ signal_log(chain_key->global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING,
+ "key_material_data length mismatch: %d != %d",
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memcpy(message_keys->cipher_key, key_material_data, RATCHET_CIPHER_KEY_LENGTH);
+ memcpy(message_keys->mac_key, key_material_data + RATCHET_CIPHER_KEY_LENGTH, RATCHET_MAC_KEY_LENGTH);
+ memcpy(message_keys->iv, key_material_data + RATCHET_CIPHER_KEY_LENGTH + RATCHET_MAC_KEY_LENGTH, RATCHET_IV_LENGTH);
+ message_keys->counter = chain_key->index;
+ if(input_key_material) {
+ free(input_key_material);
+ }
+ if(key_material_data) {
+ free(key_material_data);
+ }
+ if(result < 0) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+int ratchet_chain_key_create_next(const ratchet_chain_key *chain_key, ratchet_chain_key **next_chain_key)
+ static const uint8_t chain_key_seed = 0x02;
+ int result = 0;
+ ssize_t result_size = 0;
+ uint8_t *next_key = 0;
+ size_t next_key_len = 0;
+ result_size = ratchet_chain_key_get_base_material(chain_key, &next_key, &chain_key_seed, sizeof(chain_key_seed));
+ if(result_size < 0) {
+ result = (int)result_size;
+ signal_log(chain_key->global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "ratchet_chain_key_get_base_material failed");
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ next_key_len = (size_t)result_size;
+ result = ratchet_chain_key_create(
+ next_chain_key,
+ chain_key->kdf,
+ next_key, next_key_len,
+ chain_key->index + 1,
+ chain_key->global_context);
+ if(next_key) {
+ free(next_key);
+ }
+ return result;
+void ratchet_chain_key_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ ratchet_chain_key *chain_key = (ratchet_chain_key *)type;
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(chain_key->kdf);
+ if(chain_key->key) {
+ signal_explicit_bzero(chain_key->key, chain_key->key_len);
+ free(chain_key->key);
+ }
+ free(chain_key);
+int ratchet_root_key_create(ratchet_root_key **root_key, hkdf_context *kdf, const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len, signal_context *global_context)
+ ratchet_root_key *result = 0;
+ if(!kdf || !key) {
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ result = malloc(sizeof(ratchet_root_key));
+ if(!result) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result, ratchet_root_key_destroy);
+ result->global_context = global_context;
+ result->kdf = kdf;
+ result->key = malloc(key_len);
+ if(!result->key) {
+ free(result);
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memcpy(result->key, key, key_len);
+ result->key_len = key_len;
+ SIGNAL_REF(result->kdf);
+ *root_key = result;
+ return 0;
+int ratchet_root_key_create_chain(ratchet_root_key *root_key,
+ ratchet_root_key **new_root_key, ratchet_chain_key **new_chain_key,
+ ec_public_key *their_ratchet_key,
+ ec_private_key *our_ratchet_key_private)
+ static const char key_info[] = "WhisperRatchet";
+ int result = 0;
+ ssize_t result_size = 0;
+ uint8_t *shared_secret = 0;
+ size_t shared_secret_len = 0;
+ uint8_t *derived_secret = 0;
+ ratchet_root_key *new_root_key_result = 0;
+ ratchet_chain_key *new_chain_key_result = 0;
+ if(!their_ratchet_key || !our_ratchet_key_private) {
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ result = curve_calculate_agreement(&shared_secret, their_ratchet_key, our_ratchet_key_private);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ signal_log(root_key->global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "curve_calculate_agreement failed");
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ shared_secret_len = (size_t)result;
+ result_size = hkdf_derive_secrets(root_key->kdf, &derived_secret,
+ shared_secret, shared_secret_len,
+ root_key->key, root_key->key_len,
+ (uint8_t *)key_info, sizeof(key_info) - 1,
+ if(result_size < 0) {
+ result = (int)result_size;
+ signal_log(root_key->global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "hkdf_derive_secrets failed");
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ else if(result_size != DERIVED_ROOT_SECRETS_SIZE) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ signal_log(root_key->global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "hkdf_derive_secrets size mismatch");
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ratchet_root_key_create(&new_root_key_result, root_key->kdf,
+ derived_secret, 32,
+ root_key->global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ signal_log(root_key->global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "ratchet_root_key_create failed");
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ratchet_chain_key_create(&new_chain_key_result, root_key->kdf,
+ derived_secret + 32, 32, 0,
+ root_key->global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ signal_log(root_key->global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "ratchet_chain_key_create failed");
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(shared_secret) {
+ free(shared_secret);
+ }
+ if(derived_secret) {
+ free(derived_secret);
+ }
+ if(result < 0) {
+ if(new_root_key_result) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(new_root_key_result);
+ }
+ if(new_chain_key_result) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(new_chain_key_result);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ else {
+ *new_root_key = new_root_key_result;
+ *new_chain_key = new_chain_key_result;
+ return 0;
+ }
+int ratchet_root_key_get_key(ratchet_root_key *root_key, signal_buffer **buffer)
+ signal_buffer *buf = 0;
+ uint8_t *data = 0;
+ assert(root_key);
+ buf = signal_buffer_alloc(root_key->key_len);
+ if(!buf) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ data = signal_buffer_data(buf);
+ memcpy(data, root_key->key, root_key->key_len);
+ *buffer = buf;
+ return 0;
+int ratchet_root_key_get_key_protobuf(const ratchet_root_key *root_key, ProtobufCBinaryData *buffer)
+ uint8_t *data = 0;
+ assert(root_key);
+ assert(buffer);
+ data = malloc(root_key->key_len);
+ if(!data) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memcpy(data, root_key->key, root_key->key_len);
+ buffer->data = data;
+ buffer->len = root_key->key_len;
+ return 0;
+int ratchet_root_key_compare(const ratchet_root_key *key1, const ratchet_root_key *key2)
+ if(key1 == key2) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if(key1 == 0 && key2 != 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if(key1 != 0 && key2 == 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ int kdf_compare = hkdf_compare(key1->kdf, key2->kdf);
+ if(kdf_compare != 0) {
+ return kdf_compare;
+ }
+ else if(key1->key_len < key2->key_len) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if(key1->key_len > key2->key_len) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ return signal_constant_memcmp(key1->key, key2->key, key1->key_len);
+ }
+ }
+void ratchet_root_key_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ ratchet_root_key *root_key = (ratchet_root_key *)type;
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(root_key->kdf);
+ if(root_key->key) {
+ signal_explicit_bzero(root_key->key, root_key->key_len);
+ free(root_key->key);
+ }
+ free(root_key);
+int ratchet_identity_key_pair_create(
+ ratchet_identity_key_pair **key_pair,
+ ec_public_key *public_key,
+ ec_private_key *private_key)
+ ratchet_identity_key_pair *result = malloc(sizeof(ratchet_identity_key_pair));
+ if(!result) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result, ratchet_identity_key_pair_destroy);
+ SIGNAL_REF(public_key);
+ SIGNAL_REF(private_key);
+ result->public_key = public_key;
+ result->private_key = private_key;
+ *key_pair = result;
+ return 0;
+int ratchet_identity_key_pair_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, const ratchet_identity_key_pair *key_pair)
+ int result = 0;
+ size_t result_size = 0;
+ signal_buffer *result_buf = 0;
+ Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure key_structure = TEXTSECURE__IDENTITY_KEY_PAIR_STRUCTURE__INIT;
+ size_t len = 0;
+ uint8_t *data = 0;
+ if(!key_pair) {
+ result = SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize_protobuf(&key_structure.publickey, key_pair->public_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ key_structure.has_publickey = 1;
+ result = ec_private_key_serialize_protobuf(&key_structure.privatekey, key_pair->private_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ key_structure.has_privatekey = 1;
+ len = textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__get_packed_size(&key_structure);
+ result_buf = signal_buffer_alloc(len);
+ if(!result_buf) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ data = signal_buffer_data(result_buf);
+ result_size = textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__pack(&key_structure, data);
+ if(result_size != len) {
+ signal_buffer_free(result_buf);
+ result_buf = 0;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(key_structure.has_publickey) {
+ free(;
+ }
+ if(key_structure.has_privatekey) {
+ free(;
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ result = 0;
+ *buffer = result_buf;
+ }
+ return result;
+int ratchet_identity_key_pair_deserialize(ratchet_identity_key_pair **key_pair, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ ec_public_key *public_key = 0;
+ ec_private_key *private_key = 0;
+ ratchet_identity_key_pair *result_pair = 0;
+ Textsecure__IdentityKeyPairStructure *key_structure = 0;
+ key_structure = textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__unpack(0, len, data);
+ if(!key_structure) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(!key_structure->has_publickey || !key_structure->has_privatekey) {
+ result = SG_ERR_INVALID_KEY;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = curve_decode_point(
+ &public_key,
+ key_structure->,
+ key_structure->publickey.len,
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = curve_decode_private_point(
+ &private_key,
+ key_structure->,
+ key_structure->privatekey.len,
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ratchet_identity_key_pair_create(&result_pair,
+ public_key, private_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(public_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(private_key);
+ if(key_structure) {
+ textsecure__identity_key_pair_structure__free_unpacked(key_structure, 0);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *key_pair = result_pair;
+ }
+ return result;
+ec_public_key *ratchet_identity_key_pair_get_public(const ratchet_identity_key_pair *key_pair)
+ assert(key_pair);
+ assert(key_pair->public_key);
+ return key_pair->public_key;
+ec_private_key *ratchet_identity_key_pair_get_private(const ratchet_identity_key_pair *key_pair)
+ assert(key_pair);
+ assert(key_pair->private_key);
+ return key_pair->private_key;
+void ratchet_identity_key_pair_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ ratchet_identity_key_pair *key_pair = (ratchet_identity_key_pair *)type;
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(key_pair->public_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(key_pair->private_key);
+ free(key_pair);
+struct symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters
+ signal_type_base base;
+ ratchet_identity_key_pair *our_identity_key;
+ ec_key_pair *our_base_key;
+ ec_key_pair *our_ratchet_key;
+ ec_public_key *their_base_key;
+ ec_public_key *their_ratchet_key;
+ ec_public_key *their_identity_key;
+struct alice_signal_protocol_parameters
+ signal_type_base base;
+ ratchet_identity_key_pair *our_identity_key;
+ ec_key_pair *our_base_key;
+ ec_public_key *their_identity_key;
+ ec_public_key *their_signed_pre_key;
+ ec_public_key *their_one_time_pre_key; /* optional */
+ ec_public_key *their_ratchet_key;
+struct bob_signal_protocol_parameters
+ signal_type_base base;
+ ratchet_identity_key_pair *our_identity_key;
+ ec_key_pair *our_signed_pre_key;
+ ec_key_pair *our_one_time_pre_key; /* optional */
+ ec_key_pair *our_ratchet_key;
+ ec_public_key *their_identity_key;
+ ec_public_key *their_base_key;
+int symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters_create(
+ symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters **parameters,
+ ratchet_identity_key_pair *our_identity_key,
+ ec_key_pair *our_base_key,
+ ec_key_pair *our_ratchet_key,
+ ec_public_key *their_base_key,
+ ec_public_key *their_ratchet_key,
+ ec_public_key *their_identity_key)
+ symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters *result = 0;
+ if(!our_identity_key || !our_base_key || !our_ratchet_key
+ || !their_base_key || !their_ratchet_key || !their_identity_key) {
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ result = malloc(sizeof(symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters));
+ if(!result) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result, 0, sizeof(symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result, symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters_destroy);
+ SIGNAL_REF(our_identity_key);
+ SIGNAL_REF(our_base_key);
+ SIGNAL_REF(our_ratchet_key);
+ SIGNAL_REF(their_base_key);
+ SIGNAL_REF(their_ratchet_key);
+ SIGNAL_REF(their_identity_key);
+ result->our_identity_key = our_identity_key;
+ result->our_base_key = our_base_key;
+ result->our_ratchet_key = our_ratchet_key;
+ result->their_base_key = their_base_key;
+ result->their_ratchet_key = their_ratchet_key;
+ result->their_identity_key = their_identity_key;
+ *parameters = result;
+ return 0;
+ratchet_identity_key_pair *symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters_get_our_identity_key(const symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters *parameters)
+ assert(parameters);
+ return parameters->our_identity_key;
+ec_key_pair *symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters_get_our_base_key(const symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters *parameters)
+ assert(parameters);
+ return parameters->our_base_key;
+ec_key_pair *symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters_get_our_ratchet_key(const symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters *parameters)
+ assert(parameters);
+ return parameters->our_ratchet_key;
+ec_public_key *symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters_get_their_base_key(const symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters *parameters)
+ assert(parameters);
+ return parameters->their_base_key;
+ec_public_key *symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters_get_their_ratchet_key(const symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters *parameters)
+ assert(parameters);
+ return parameters->their_ratchet_key;
+ec_public_key *symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters_get_their_identity_key(const symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters *parameters)
+ assert(parameters);
+ return parameters->their_identity_key;
+void symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters *parameters = (symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters *)type;
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(parameters->our_identity_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(parameters->our_base_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(parameters->our_ratchet_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(parameters->their_base_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(parameters->their_ratchet_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(parameters->their_identity_key);
+ free(parameters);
+int alice_signal_protocol_parameters_create(
+ alice_signal_protocol_parameters **parameters,
+ ratchet_identity_key_pair *our_identity_key,
+ ec_key_pair *our_base_key,
+ ec_public_key *their_identity_key,
+ ec_public_key *their_signed_pre_key,
+ ec_public_key *their_one_time_pre_key,
+ ec_public_key *their_ratchet_key)
+ alice_signal_protocol_parameters *result = 0;
+ /* Only "their_one_time_pre_key" is allowed to be null */
+ if(!our_identity_key || !our_base_key || !their_identity_key
+ || !their_signed_pre_key || !their_ratchet_key) {
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ result = malloc(sizeof(alice_signal_protocol_parameters));
+ if(!result) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result, 0, sizeof(alice_signal_protocol_parameters));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result, alice_signal_protocol_parameters_destroy);
+ SIGNAL_REF(our_identity_key);
+ SIGNAL_REF(our_base_key);
+ SIGNAL_REF(their_identity_key);
+ SIGNAL_REF(their_signed_pre_key);
+ SIGNAL_REF(their_ratchet_key);
+ result->our_identity_key = our_identity_key;
+ result->our_base_key = our_base_key;
+ result->their_identity_key = their_identity_key;
+ result->their_signed_pre_key = their_signed_pre_key;
+ result->their_ratchet_key = their_ratchet_key;
+ if(their_one_time_pre_key) {
+ SIGNAL_REF(their_one_time_pre_key);
+ result->their_one_time_pre_key = their_one_time_pre_key;
+ }
+ *parameters = result;
+ return 0;
+void alice_signal_protocol_parameters_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ alice_signal_protocol_parameters *parameters = (alice_signal_protocol_parameters *)type;
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(parameters->our_identity_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(parameters->our_base_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(parameters->their_identity_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(parameters->their_signed_pre_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(parameters->their_ratchet_key);
+ if(parameters->their_one_time_pre_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(parameters->their_one_time_pre_key);
+ }
+ free(parameters);
+int bob_signal_protocol_parameters_create(
+ bob_signal_protocol_parameters **parameters,
+ ratchet_identity_key_pair *our_identity_key,
+ ec_key_pair *our_signed_pre_key,
+ ec_key_pair *our_one_time_pre_key,
+ ec_key_pair *our_ratchet_key,
+ ec_public_key *their_identity_key,
+ ec_public_key *their_base_key)
+ bob_signal_protocol_parameters *result = 0;
+ /* Only "our_one_time_pre_key" is allowed to be null */
+ if(!our_identity_key || !our_signed_pre_key || !our_ratchet_key
+ || !their_identity_key || !their_base_key) {
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ result = malloc(sizeof(bob_signal_protocol_parameters));
+ if(!result) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result, 0, sizeof(bob_signal_protocol_parameters));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result, bob_signal_protocol_parameters_destroy);
+ SIGNAL_REF(our_identity_key);
+ SIGNAL_REF(our_signed_pre_key);
+ SIGNAL_REF(our_ratchet_key);
+ SIGNAL_REF(their_identity_key);
+ SIGNAL_REF(their_base_key);
+ result->our_identity_key = our_identity_key;
+ result->our_signed_pre_key = our_signed_pre_key;
+ result->our_ratchet_key = our_ratchet_key;
+ result->their_identity_key = their_identity_key;
+ result->their_base_key = their_base_key;
+ if(our_one_time_pre_key) {
+ SIGNAL_REF(our_one_time_pre_key);
+ result->our_one_time_pre_key = our_one_time_pre_key;
+ }
+ *parameters = result;
+ return 0;
+void bob_signal_protocol_parameters_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ bob_signal_protocol_parameters *parameters = (bob_signal_protocol_parameters *)type;
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(parameters->our_identity_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(parameters->our_signed_pre_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(parameters->our_ratchet_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(parameters->their_identity_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(parameters->their_base_key);
+ if(parameters->our_one_time_pre_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(parameters->our_one_time_pre_key);
+ }
+ free(parameters);
+int ratcheting_session_calculate_derived_keys(ratchet_root_key **root_key, ratchet_chain_key **chain_key,
+ uint8_t *secret, size_t secret_len, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ ssize_t result_size = 0;
+ hkdf_context *kdf = 0;
+ ratchet_root_key *root_key_result = 0;
+ ratchet_chain_key *chain_key_result = 0;
+ uint8_t *output = 0;
+ uint8_t salt[HASH_OUTPUT_SIZE];
+ static const char key_info[] = "WhisperText";
+ result = hkdf_create(&kdf, 3, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memset(salt, 0, sizeof(salt));
+ result_size = hkdf_derive_secrets(kdf, &output,
+ secret, secret_len,
+ salt, sizeof(salt),
+ (uint8_t *)key_info, sizeof(key_info) - 1, 64);
+ if(result_size != 64) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ratchet_root_key_create(&root_key_result, kdf, output, 32, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ratchet_chain_key_create(&chain_key_result, kdf, output + 32, 32, 0, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(kdf) {
+ }
+ if(output) {
+ free(output);
+ }
+ if(result < 0) {
+ if(root_key_result) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(root_key_result);
+ }
+ if(chain_key_result) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(chain_key_result);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ *root_key = root_key_result;
+ *chain_key = chain_key_result;
+ }
+ return result;
+int ratcheting_session_symmetric_is_alice(symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters *parameters)
+ //FIXME Java code checks if our_base_key < their_base_key
+ // This comparison may not return the same result. However, we should find
+ // out whether the Java code was doing the right thing and why.
+ return ec_public_key_memcmp(
+ ec_key_pair_get_public(parameters->our_base_key),
+ parameters->their_base_key) < 0;
+int ratcheting_session_symmetric_initialize(
+ session_state *state,
+ symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters *parameters,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ assert(state);
+ assert(parameters);
+ assert(global_context);
+ if(ratcheting_session_symmetric_is_alice(parameters)) {
+ alice_signal_protocol_parameters *alice_parameters = 0;
+ result = alice_signal_protocol_parameters_create(&alice_parameters,
+ parameters->our_identity_key,
+ parameters->our_base_key,
+ parameters->their_identity_key,
+ parameters->their_base_key,
+ 0,
+ parameters->their_ratchet_key);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ result = ratcheting_session_alice_initialize(state, alice_parameters, global_context);
+ }
+ if(alice_parameters) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(alice_parameters);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ bob_signal_protocol_parameters *bob_parameters = 0;
+ result = bob_signal_protocol_parameters_create(&bob_parameters,
+ parameters->our_identity_key,
+ parameters->our_base_key,
+ 0,
+ parameters->our_ratchet_key,
+ parameters->their_identity_key,
+ parameters->their_base_key);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ result = ratcheting_session_bob_initialize(state, bob_parameters, global_context);
+ }
+ if(bob_parameters) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(bob_parameters);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+int ratcheting_session_alice_initialize(
+ session_state *state,
+ alice_signal_protocol_parameters *parameters,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ uint8_t *agreement = 0;
+ int agreement_len = 0;
+ ec_key_pair *sending_ratchet_key = 0;
+ ratchet_root_key *derived_root = 0;
+ ratchet_chain_key *derived_chain = 0;
+ ratchet_root_key *sending_chain_root = 0;
+ ratchet_chain_key *sending_chain_key = 0;
+ struct vpool vp;
+ uint8_t *secret = 0;
+ size_t secret_len = 0;
+ uint8_t discontinuity_data[32];
+ assert(state);
+ assert(parameters);
+ assert(global_context);
+ vpool_init(&vp, 1024, 0);
+ result = curve_generate_key_pair(global_context, &sending_ratchet_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memset(discontinuity_data, 0xFF, sizeof(discontinuity_data));
+ if(!vpool_insert(&vp, vpool_get_length(&vp), discontinuity_data, sizeof(discontinuity_data))) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ agreement_len = curve_calculate_agreement(&agreement,
+ parameters->their_signed_pre_key, parameters->our_identity_key->private_key);
+ if(agreement_len < 0) {
+ result = agreement_len;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(vpool_insert(&vp, vpool_get_length(&vp), agreement, (size_t)agreement_len)) {
+ free(agreement); agreement = 0; agreement_len = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ agreement_len = curve_calculate_agreement(&agreement,
+ parameters->their_identity_key, ec_key_pair_get_private(parameters->our_base_key));
+ if(agreement_len < 0) {
+ result = agreement_len;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(vpool_insert(&vp, vpool_get_length(&vp), agreement, (size_t)agreement_len)) {
+ free(agreement); agreement = 0; agreement_len = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ agreement_len = curve_calculate_agreement(&agreement,
+ parameters->their_signed_pre_key, ec_key_pair_get_private(parameters->our_base_key));
+ if(agreement_len < 0) {
+ result = agreement_len;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(vpool_insert(&vp, vpool_get_length(&vp), agreement, (size_t)agreement_len)) {
+ free(agreement); agreement = 0; agreement_len = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(parameters->their_one_time_pre_key) {
+ agreement_len = curve_calculate_agreement(&agreement,
+ parameters->their_one_time_pre_key, ec_key_pair_get_private(parameters->our_base_key));
+ if(agreement_len < 0) {
+ result = agreement_len;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(vpool_insert(&vp, vpool_get_length(&vp), agreement, (size_t)agreement_len)) {
+ free(agreement); agreement = 0; agreement_len = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(vpool_is_empty(&vp)) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ secret = vpool_get_buf(&vp);
+ secret_len = vpool_get_length(&vp);
+ result = ratcheting_session_calculate_derived_keys(&derived_root, &derived_chain, secret, secret_len, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ratchet_root_key_create_chain(derived_root,
+ &sending_chain_root, &sending_chain_key,
+ parameters->their_ratchet_key,
+ ec_key_pair_get_private(sending_ratchet_key));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = session_state_add_receiver_chain(state, parameters->their_ratchet_key, derived_chain);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ session_state_set_session_version(state, CIPHERTEXT_CURRENT_VERSION);
+ session_state_set_remote_identity_key(state, parameters->their_identity_key);
+ session_state_set_local_identity_key(state, parameters->our_identity_key->public_key);
+ session_state_set_sender_chain(state, sending_ratchet_key, sending_chain_key);
+ session_state_set_root_key(state, sending_chain_root);
+ vpool_final(&vp);
+ if(agreement) {
+ free(agreement);
+ }
+ if(sending_ratchet_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(sending_ratchet_key);
+ }
+ if(derived_root) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(derived_root);
+ }
+ if(derived_chain) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(derived_chain);
+ }
+ if(sending_chain_root) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(sending_chain_root);
+ }
+ if(sending_chain_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(sending_chain_key);
+ }
+ return result;
+int ratcheting_session_bob_initialize(
+ session_state *state,
+ bob_signal_protocol_parameters *parameters,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ uint8_t *agreement = 0;
+ int agreement_len = 0;
+ ratchet_root_key *derived_root = 0;
+ ratchet_chain_key *derived_chain = 0;
+ struct vpool vp;
+ uint8_t *secret = 0;
+ size_t secret_len = 0;
+ uint8_t discontinuity_data[32];
+ assert(state);
+ assert(parameters);
+ assert(global_context);
+ vpool_init(&vp, 1024, 0);
+ memset(discontinuity_data, 0xFF, sizeof(discontinuity_data));
+ if(!vpool_insert(&vp, vpool_get_length(&vp), discontinuity_data, sizeof(discontinuity_data))) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ agreement_len = curve_calculate_agreement(&agreement,
+ parameters->their_identity_key, ec_key_pair_get_private(parameters->our_signed_pre_key));
+ if(agreement_len < 0) {
+ result = agreement_len;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(vpool_insert(&vp, vpool_get_length(&vp), agreement, (size_t)agreement_len)) {
+ free(agreement); agreement = 0; agreement_len = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ agreement_len = curve_calculate_agreement(&agreement,
+ parameters->their_base_key, parameters->our_identity_key->private_key);
+ if(agreement_len < 0) {
+ result = agreement_len;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(vpool_insert(&vp, vpool_get_length(&vp), agreement, (size_t)agreement_len)) {
+ free(agreement); agreement = 0; agreement_len = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ agreement_len = curve_calculate_agreement(&agreement,
+ parameters->their_base_key, ec_key_pair_get_private(parameters->our_signed_pre_key));
+ if(agreement_len < 0) {
+ result = agreement_len;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(vpool_insert(&vp, vpool_get_length(&vp), agreement, (size_t)agreement_len)) {
+ free(agreement); agreement = 0; agreement_len = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(parameters->our_one_time_pre_key) {
+ agreement_len = curve_calculate_agreement(&agreement,
+ parameters->their_base_key, ec_key_pair_get_private(parameters->our_one_time_pre_key));
+ if(agreement_len < 0) {
+ result = agreement_len;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(vpool_insert(&vp, vpool_get_length(&vp), agreement, (size_t)agreement_len)) {
+ free(agreement); agreement = 0; agreement_len = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(vpool_is_empty(&vp)) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ secret = vpool_get_buf(&vp);
+ secret_len = vpool_get_length(&vp);
+ result = ratcheting_session_calculate_derived_keys(&derived_root, &derived_chain, secret, secret_len, global_context);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ session_state_set_session_version(state, CIPHERTEXT_CURRENT_VERSION);
+ session_state_set_remote_identity_key(state, parameters->their_identity_key);
+ session_state_set_local_identity_key(state, parameters->our_identity_key->public_key);
+ session_state_set_sender_chain(state, parameters->our_ratchet_key, derived_chain);
+ session_state_set_root_key(state, derived_root);
+ }
+ vpool_final(&vp);
+ if(agreement) {
+ free(agreement);
+ }
+ if(derived_root) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(derived_root);
+ }
+ if(derived_chain) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(derived_chain);
+ }
+ return result;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/ratchet.h b/libs/libsignal/src/ratchet.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e42c98a61e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/ratchet.h
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+#ifndef RATCHET_H
+#define RATCHET_H
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "signal_protocol_types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+int ratchet_chain_key_create(ratchet_chain_key **chain_key, hkdf_context *kdf,
+ const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len, uint32_t index,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+int ratchet_chain_key_get_key(const ratchet_chain_key *chain_key, signal_buffer **buffer);
+uint32_t ratchet_chain_key_get_index(const ratchet_chain_key *chain_key);
+int ratchet_chain_key_get_message_keys(ratchet_chain_key *chain_key, ratchet_message_keys *message_keys);
+int ratchet_chain_key_create_next(const ratchet_chain_key *chain_key, ratchet_chain_key **next_chain_key);
+void ratchet_chain_key_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+int ratchet_root_key_create(ratchet_root_key **root_key, hkdf_context *kdf,
+ const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+int ratchet_root_key_create_chain(ratchet_root_key *root_key,
+ ratchet_root_key **new_root_key, ratchet_chain_key **new_chain_key,
+ ec_public_key *their_ratchet_key,
+ ec_private_key *our_ratchet_key_private);
+int ratchet_root_key_get_key(ratchet_root_key *root_key, signal_buffer **buffer);
+int ratchet_root_key_compare(const ratchet_root_key *key1, const ratchet_root_key *key2);
+void ratchet_root_key_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+int ratchet_identity_key_pair_create(
+ ratchet_identity_key_pair **key_pair,
+ ec_public_key *public_key,
+ ec_private_key *private_key);
+int ratchet_identity_key_pair_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, const ratchet_identity_key_pair *key_pair);
+int ratchet_identity_key_pair_deserialize(ratchet_identity_key_pair **key_pair, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, signal_context *global_context);
+ec_public_key *ratchet_identity_key_pair_get_public(const ratchet_identity_key_pair *key_pair);
+ec_private_key *ratchet_identity_key_pair_get_private(const ratchet_identity_key_pair *key_pair);
+void ratchet_identity_key_pair_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+typedef struct symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters;
+typedef struct alice_signal_protocol_parameters alice_signal_protocol_parameters;
+typedef struct bob_signal_protocol_parameters bob_signal_protocol_parameters;
+int symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters_create(
+ symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters **parameters,
+ ratchet_identity_key_pair *our_identity_key,
+ ec_key_pair *our_base_key,
+ ec_key_pair *our_ratchet_key,
+ ec_public_key *their_base_key,
+ ec_public_key *their_ratchet_key,
+ ec_public_key *their_identity_key);
+ratchet_identity_key_pair *symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters_get_our_identity_key(const symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters *parameters);
+ec_key_pair *symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters_get_our_base_key(const symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters *parameters);
+ec_key_pair *symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters_get_our_ratchet_key(const symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters *parameters);
+ec_public_key *symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters_get_their_base_key(const symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters *parameters);
+ec_public_key *symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters_get_their_ratchet_key(const symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters *parameters);
+ec_public_key *symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters_get_their_identity_key(const symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters *parameters);
+void symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+int alice_signal_protocol_parameters_create(
+ alice_signal_protocol_parameters **parameters,
+ ratchet_identity_key_pair *our_identity_key,
+ ec_key_pair *our_base_key,
+ ec_public_key *their_identity_key,
+ ec_public_key *their_signed_pre_key,
+ ec_public_key *their_one_time_pre_key,
+ ec_public_key *their_ratchet_key);
+void alice_signal_protocol_parameters_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+int bob_signal_protocol_parameters_create(
+ bob_signal_protocol_parameters **parameters,
+ ratchet_identity_key_pair *our_identity_key,
+ ec_key_pair *our_signed_pre_key,
+ ec_key_pair *our_one_time_pre_key,
+ ec_key_pair *our_ratchet_key,
+ ec_public_key *their_identity_key,
+ ec_public_key *their_base_key);
+void bob_signal_protocol_parameters_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+int ratcheting_session_symmetric_initialize(session_state *state, symmetric_signal_protocol_parameters *parameters, signal_context *global_context);
+int ratcheting_session_alice_initialize(session_state *state, alice_signal_protocol_parameters *parameters, signal_context *global_context);
+int ratcheting_session_bob_initialize(session_state *state, bob_signal_protocol_parameters *parameters, signal_context *global_context);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* RATCHET_H */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/sender_key.c b/libs/libsignal/src/sender_key.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31d7499499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/sender_key.c
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+#include "sender_key.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "hkdf.h"
+#include "signal_protocol_internal.h"
+#define HASH_OUTPUT_SIZE 32
+struct sender_message_key {
+ signal_type_base base;
+ uint32_t iteration;
+ signal_buffer *iv;
+ signal_buffer *cipher_key;
+ signal_buffer *seed;
+ signal_context *global_context;
+struct sender_chain_key {
+ signal_type_base base;
+ uint32_t iteration;
+ signal_buffer *chain_key;
+ signal_context *global_context;
+static int sender_chain_key_get_derivative(signal_buffer **derivative, uint8_t seed, signal_buffer *key,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+int sender_message_key_create(sender_message_key **key,
+ uint32_t iteration, signal_buffer *seed,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ sender_message_key *result = 0;
+ int ret = 0;
+ ssize_t ret_size = 0;
+ hkdf_context *kdf = 0;
+ static const char info_material[] = "WhisperGroup";
+ uint8_t salt[HASH_OUTPUT_SIZE];
+ uint8_t *derivative = 0;
+ assert(global_context);
+ if(!seed) {
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ memset(salt, 0, sizeof(salt));
+ result = malloc(sizeof(sender_message_key));
+ if(!result) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result, sender_message_key_destroy);
+ ret = hkdf_create(&kdf, 3, global_context);
+ if(ret < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ ret_size = hkdf_derive_secrets(kdf, &derivative,
+ signal_buffer_data(seed), signal_buffer_len(seed),
+ salt, sizeof(salt),
+ (uint8_t *)info_material, sizeof(info_material) - 1, 48);
+ if(ret_size != 48) {
+ ret = (ret_size < 0) ? (int)ret_size : SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ signal_log(global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "hkdf_derive_secrets failed");
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result->iteration = iteration;
+ result->seed = signal_buffer_copy(seed);
+ if(!result->seed) {
+ ret = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result->iv = signal_buffer_create(derivative, 16);
+ if(!result->iv) {
+ ret = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result->cipher_key = signal_buffer_create(derivative + 16, 32);
+ if(!result->cipher_key) {
+ ret = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result->global_context = global_context;
+ if(derivative) {
+ free(derivative);
+ }
+ if(ret < 0) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result);
+ }
+ else {
+ ret = 0;
+ *key = result;
+ }
+ return ret;
+uint32_t sender_message_key_get_iteration(sender_message_key *key)
+ assert(key);
+ return key->iteration;
+signal_buffer *sender_message_key_get_iv(sender_message_key *key)
+ assert(key);
+ return key->iv;
+signal_buffer *sender_message_key_get_cipher_key(sender_message_key *key)
+ assert(key);
+ return key->cipher_key;
+signal_buffer *sender_message_key_get_seed(sender_message_key *key)
+ assert(key);
+ return key->seed;
+void sender_message_key_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ sender_message_key *key = (sender_message_key *)type;
+ signal_buffer_bzero_free(key->iv);
+ signal_buffer_bzero_free(key->cipher_key);
+ signal_buffer_bzero_free(key->seed);
+ free(key);
+int sender_chain_key_create(sender_chain_key **key,
+ uint32_t iteration, signal_buffer *chain_key,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ sender_chain_key *result = 0;
+ int ret = 0;
+ assert(global_context);
+ if(!chain_key) {
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ result = malloc(sizeof(sender_chain_key));
+ if(!result) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result, sender_chain_key_destroy);
+ result->iteration = iteration;
+ result->chain_key = signal_buffer_copy(chain_key);
+ if(!result->chain_key) {
+ ret = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result->global_context = global_context;
+ if(ret < 0) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result);
+ }
+ else {
+ ret = 0;
+ *key = result;
+ }
+ return ret;
+uint32_t sender_chain_key_get_iteration(sender_chain_key *key)
+ assert(key);
+ return key->iteration;
+int sender_chain_key_create_message_key(sender_chain_key *key, sender_message_key **message_key)
+ static const uint8_t MESSAGE_KEY_SEED = 0x01;
+ int ret = 0;
+ signal_buffer *derivative = 0;
+ sender_message_key *result = 0;
+ assert(key);
+ ret = sender_chain_key_get_derivative(&derivative, MESSAGE_KEY_SEED, key->chain_key, key->global_context);
+ if(ret < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ ret = sender_message_key_create(&result, key->iteration, derivative, key->global_context);
+ signal_buffer_free(derivative);
+ if(ret >= 0) {
+ ret = 0;
+ *message_key = result;
+ }
+ return ret;
+int sender_chain_key_create_next(sender_chain_key *key, sender_chain_key **next_key)
+ static const uint8_t CHAIN_KEY_SEED = 0x02;
+ int ret = 0;
+ signal_buffer *derivative = 0;
+ sender_chain_key *result = 0;
+ assert(key);
+ ret = sender_chain_key_get_derivative(&derivative, CHAIN_KEY_SEED, key->chain_key, key->global_context);
+ if(ret < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ ret = sender_chain_key_create(&result, key->iteration + 1, derivative, key->global_context);
+ signal_buffer_free(derivative);
+ if(ret >= 0) {
+ ret = 0;
+ *next_key = result;
+ }
+ return ret;
+signal_buffer *sender_chain_key_get_seed(sender_chain_key *key)
+ assert(key);
+ return key->chain_key;
+void sender_chain_key_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ sender_chain_key *key = (sender_chain_key *)type;
+ signal_buffer_bzero_free(key->chain_key);
+ free(key);
+int sender_chain_key_get_derivative(signal_buffer **derivative, uint8_t seed, signal_buffer *key,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *output_buffer = 0;
+ void *hmac_context = 0;
+ result = signal_hmac_sha256_init(global_context, &hmac_context,
+ signal_buffer_data(key), signal_buffer_len(key));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_hmac_sha256_update(global_context, hmac_context, &seed, sizeof(seed));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_hmac_sha256_final(global_context, hmac_context, &output_buffer);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ signal_hmac_sha256_cleanup(global_context, hmac_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ signal_buffer_free(output_buffer);
+ }
+ else {
+ *derivative = output_buffer;
+ }
+ return result;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/sender_key.h b/libs/libsignal/src/sender_key.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..113bb5daa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/sender_key.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#ifndef SENDER_KEY
+#define SENDER_KEY
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "signal_protocol_types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+int sender_message_key_create(sender_message_key **key,
+ uint32_t iteration, signal_buffer *seed,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+uint32_t sender_message_key_get_iteration(sender_message_key *key);
+signal_buffer *sender_message_key_get_iv(sender_message_key *key);
+signal_buffer *sender_message_key_get_cipher_key(sender_message_key *key);
+signal_buffer *sender_message_key_get_seed(sender_message_key *key);
+void sender_message_key_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+int sender_chain_key_create(sender_chain_key **key,
+ uint32_t iteration, signal_buffer *chain_key,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+uint32_t sender_chain_key_get_iteration(sender_chain_key *key);
+int sender_chain_key_create_message_key(sender_chain_key *key, sender_message_key **message_key);
+int sender_chain_key_create_next(sender_chain_key *key, sender_chain_key **next_key);
+signal_buffer *sender_chain_key_get_seed(sender_chain_key *key);
+void sender_chain_key_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* SENDER_KEY */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/sender_key_record.c b/libs/libsignal/src/sender_key_record.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6057ae1f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/sender_key_record.c
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+#include "sender_key_record.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include "sender_key_state.h"
+#include "sender_key.h"
+#include "utlist.h"
+#include "LocalStorageProtocol.pb-c.h"
+#include "signal_protocol_internal.h"
+#define MAX_STATES 5
+typedef struct sender_key_state_node {
+ sender_key_state *state;
+ struct sender_key_state_node *prev, *next;
+} sender_key_state_node;
+struct sender_key_record
+ signal_type_base base;
+ sender_key_state_node *sender_key_states_head;
+ signal_buffer *user_record;
+ signal_context *global_context;
+int sender_key_record_create(sender_key_record **record,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ sender_key_record *result = malloc(sizeof(sender_key_record));
+ if(!result) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result, 0, sizeof(sender_key_record));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result, sender_key_record_destroy);
+ result->global_context = global_context;
+ *record = result;
+ return 0;
+int sender_key_record_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, sender_key_record *record)
+ int result = 0;
+ size_t result_size = 0;
+ unsigned int i = 0;
+ Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure record_structure = TEXTSECURE__SENDER_KEY_RECORD_STRUCTURE__INIT;
+ sender_key_state_node *cur_node = 0;
+ signal_buffer *result_buf = 0;
+ uint8_t *data;
+ size_t len;
+ if(record->sender_key_states_head) {
+ size_t count;
+ DL_COUNT(record->sender_key_states_head, cur_node, count);
+ if(count > SIZE_MAX / sizeof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure *)) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ record_structure.senderkeystates = malloc(sizeof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure *) * count);
+ if(!record_structure.senderkeystates) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ DL_FOREACH(record->sender_key_states_head, cur_node) {
+ record_structure.senderkeystates[i] = malloc(sizeof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure));
+ if(!record_structure.senderkeystates[i]) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ break;
+ }
+ textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__init(record_structure.senderkeystates[i]);
+ result = sender_key_state_serialize_prepare(cur_node->state, record_structure.senderkeystates[i]);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ record_structure.n_senderkeystates = i;
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ len = textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__get_packed_size(&record_structure);
+ result_buf = signal_buffer_alloc(len);
+ if(!result_buf) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ data = signal_buffer_data(result_buf);
+ result_size = textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__pack(&record_structure, data);
+ if(result_size != len) {
+ signal_buffer_free(result_buf);
+ result_buf = 0;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(record_structure.senderkeystates) {
+ for(i = 0; i < record_structure.n_senderkeystates; i++) {
+ if(record_structure.senderkeystates[i]) {
+ sender_key_state_serialize_prepare_free(record_structure.senderkeystates[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ free(record_structure.senderkeystates);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *buffer = result_buf;
+ }
+ return result;
+int sender_key_record_deserialize(sender_key_record **record, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ sender_key_record *result_record = 0;
+ Textsecure__SenderKeyRecordStructure *record_structure = 0;
+ record_structure = textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__unpack(0, len, data);
+ if(!record_structure) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = sender_key_record_create(&result_record, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(record_structure->n_senderkeystates > 0) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ sender_key_state_node *state_node = 0;
+ sender_key_state *state_element = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < record_structure->n_senderkeystates; i++) {
+ result = sender_key_state_deserialize_protobuf(&state_element, record_structure->senderkeystates[i], global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ state_node = malloc(sizeof(sender_key_state_node));
+ if(!state_node) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ state_node->state = state_element;
+ DL_APPEND(result_record->sender_key_states_head, state_node);
+ }
+ }
+ if(record_structure) {
+ textsecure__sender_key_record_structure__free_unpacked(record_structure, 0);
+ }
+ if(result_record) {
+ if(result < 0) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_record);
+ }
+ else {
+ *record = result_record;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+int sender_key_record_copy(sender_key_record **record, sender_key_record *other_record, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ sender_key_record *result_record = 0;
+ signal_buffer *buffer = 0;
+ uint8_t *data;
+ size_t len;
+ assert(other_record);
+ assert(global_context);
+ result = sender_key_record_serialize(&buffer, other_record);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ data = signal_buffer_data(buffer);
+ len = signal_buffer_len(buffer);
+ result = sender_key_record_deserialize(&result_record, data, len, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(other_record->user_record) {
+ result_record->user_record = signal_buffer_copy(other_record->user_record);
+ if(!result_record->user_record) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(buffer) {
+ signal_buffer_free(buffer);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *record = result_record;
+ }
+ else {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_record);
+ }
+ return result;
+int sender_key_record_is_empty(sender_key_record *record)
+ assert(record);
+ if(record->sender_key_states_head) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ return 1;
+ }
+int sender_key_record_get_sender_key_state(sender_key_record *record, sender_key_state **state)
+ assert(record);
+ if(record->sender_key_states_head) {
+ *state = record->sender_key_states_head->state;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ signal_log(record->global_context, SG_LOG_ERROR, "No key state in record!");
+ }
+int sender_key_record_get_sender_key_state_by_id(sender_key_record *record, sender_key_state **state, uint32_t key_id)
+ sender_key_state_node *cur_node;
+ assert(record);
+ DL_FOREACH(record->sender_key_states_head, cur_node) {
+ if(sender_key_state_get_key_id(cur_node->state) == key_id) {
+ *state = cur_node->state;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ signal_log(record->global_context, SG_LOG_ERROR, "No keys for: %d", key_id);
+static int sender_key_record_add_sender_key_state_impl(sender_key_record *record,
+ uint32_t id, uint32_t iteration, signal_buffer *chain_key,
+ ec_public_key *signature_public_key, ec_private_key *signature_private_key)
+ int result = 0;
+ sender_chain_key *chain_key_element = 0;
+ sender_key_state *state = 0;
+ sender_key_state_node *state_node = 0;
+ int count;
+ assert(record);
+ result = sender_chain_key_create(&chain_key_element, iteration, chain_key, record->global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = sender_key_state_create(&state, id, chain_key_element,
+ signature_public_key, signature_private_key,
+ record->global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ state_node = malloc(sizeof(sender_key_state_node));
+ if(!state_node) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ state_node->state = state;
+ DL_PREPEND(record->sender_key_states_head, state_node);
+ DL_COUNT(record->sender_key_states_head, state_node, count);
+ while(count > MAX_STATES) {
+ state_node = record->sender_key_states_head->prev;
+ DL_DELETE(record->sender_key_states_head, state_node);
+ if(state_node->state) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state_node->state);
+ }
+ free(state_node);
+ --count;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(chain_key_element);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state);
+ }
+ return result;
+int sender_key_record_add_sender_key_state(sender_key_record *record,
+ uint32_t id, uint32_t iteration, signal_buffer *chain_key, ec_public_key *signature_key)
+ int result = sender_key_record_add_sender_key_state_impl(
+ record, id, iteration, chain_key, signature_key, 0);
+ return result;
+int sender_key_record_set_sender_key_state(sender_key_record *record,
+ uint32_t id, uint32_t iteration, signal_buffer *chain_key, ec_key_pair *signature_key_pair)
+ int result = 0;
+ sender_key_state_node *cur_node;
+ sender_key_state_node *tmp_node;
+ assert(record);
+ DL_FOREACH_SAFE(record->sender_key_states_head, cur_node, tmp_node) {
+ DL_DELETE(record->sender_key_states_head, cur_node);
+ if(cur_node->state) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(cur_node->state);
+ }
+ free(cur_node);
+ }
+ record->sender_key_states_head = 0;
+ result = sender_key_record_add_sender_key_state_impl(
+ record, id, iteration, chain_key,
+ ec_key_pair_get_public(signature_key_pair),
+ ec_key_pair_get_private(signature_key_pair));
+ return result;
+signal_buffer *sender_key_record_get_user_record(const sender_key_record *record)
+ assert(record);
+ return record->user_record;
+void sender_key_record_set_user_record(sender_key_record *record, signal_buffer *user_record)
+ assert(record);
+ if(record->user_record) {
+ signal_buffer_free(record->user_record);
+ }
+ record->user_record = user_record;
+void sender_key_record_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ sender_key_record *record = (sender_key_record *)type;
+ sender_key_state_node *cur_node;
+ sender_key_state_node *tmp_node;
+ DL_FOREACH_SAFE(record->sender_key_states_head, cur_node, tmp_node) {
+ DL_DELETE(record->sender_key_states_head, cur_node);
+ if(cur_node->state) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(cur_node->state);
+ }
+ free(cur_node);
+ }
+ record->sender_key_states_head = 0;
+ if(record->user_record) {
+ signal_buffer_free(record->user_record);
+ }
+ free(record);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/sender_key_record.h b/libs/libsignal/src/sender_key_record.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1113ceb62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/sender_key_record.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#include "signal_protocol_types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+int sender_key_record_create(sender_key_record **record,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+int sender_key_record_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, sender_key_record *record);
+int sender_key_record_deserialize(sender_key_record **record, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, signal_context *global_context);
+int sender_key_record_copy(sender_key_record **record, sender_key_record *other_state, signal_context *global_context);
+int sender_key_record_is_empty(sender_key_record *record);
+int sender_key_record_get_sender_key_state(sender_key_record *record, sender_key_state **state);
+int sender_key_record_get_sender_key_state_by_id(sender_key_record *record, sender_key_state **state, uint32_t key_id);
+int sender_key_record_add_sender_key_state(sender_key_record *record,
+ uint32_t id, uint32_t iteration, signal_buffer *chain_key, ec_public_key *signature_key);
+int sender_key_record_set_sender_key_state(sender_key_record *record,
+ uint32_t id, uint32_t iteration, signal_buffer *chain_key, ec_key_pair *signature_key_pair);
+signal_buffer *sender_key_record_get_user_record(const sender_key_record *record);
+void sender_key_record_set_user_record(sender_key_record *record, signal_buffer *user_record);
+void sender_key_record_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* SENDER_KEY_RECORD_H */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/sender_key_state.c b/libs/libsignal/src/sender_key_state.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b19cb7412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/sender_key_state.c
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+#include "sender_key_state.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "sender_key.h"
+#include "utlist.h"
+#include "LocalStorageProtocol.pb-c.h"
+#include "signal_protocol_internal.h"
+#define MAX_MESSAGE_KEYS 2000
+typedef struct sender_message_key_node {
+ sender_message_key *key;
+ struct sender_message_key_node *prev, *next;
+} sender_message_key_node;
+struct sender_key_state
+ signal_type_base base;
+ uint32_t key_id;
+ sender_chain_key *chain_key;
+ ec_public_key *signature_public_key;
+ ec_private_key *signature_private_key;
+ sender_message_key_node *message_keys_head;
+ signal_context *global_context;
+int sender_key_state_create(sender_key_state **state,
+ uint32_t id, sender_chain_key *chain_key,
+ ec_public_key *signature_public_key, ec_private_key *signature_private_key,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ sender_key_state *result = 0;
+ if(!chain_key || !signature_public_key) {
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ result = malloc(sizeof(sender_key_state));
+ if(!result) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result, 0, sizeof(sender_key_state));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result, sender_key_state_destroy);
+ result->key_id = id;
+ SIGNAL_REF(chain_key);
+ result->chain_key = chain_key;
+ SIGNAL_REF(signature_public_key);
+ result->signature_public_key = signature_public_key;
+ if(signature_private_key) {
+ SIGNAL_REF(signature_private_key);
+ result->signature_private_key = signature_private_key;
+ }
+ result->global_context = global_context;
+ *state = result;
+ return 0;
+int sender_key_state_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, sender_key_state *state)
+ int result = 0;
+ size_t result_size = 0;
+ uint8_t *data;
+ size_t len;
+ Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure *state_structure = 0;
+ signal_buffer *result_buf = 0;
+ state_structure = malloc(sizeof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure));
+ if(!state_structure) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__init(state_structure);
+ result = sender_key_state_serialize_prepare(state, state_structure);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ len = textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__get_packed_size(state_structure);
+ result_buf = signal_buffer_alloc(len);
+ if(!result_buf) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ data = signal_buffer_data(result_buf);
+ result_size = textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__pack(state_structure, data);
+ if(result_size != len) {
+ signal_buffer_free(result_buf);
+ result_buf = 0;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(state_structure) {
+ sender_key_state_serialize_prepare_free(state_structure);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *buffer = result_buf;
+ }
+ return result;
+int sender_key_state_deserialize(sender_key_state **state, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure *state_structure = 0;
+ sender_key_state *result_state = 0;
+ state_structure = textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__unpack(0, len, data);
+ if(!state_structure) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = sender_key_state_deserialize_protobuf(&result_state, state_structure, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(state_structure) {
+ textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__free_unpacked(state_structure, 0);
+ }
+ if(result_state) {
+ if(result < 0) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_state);
+ }
+ else {
+ *state = result_state;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+int sender_key_state_serialize_prepare(sender_key_state *state, Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure *state_structure)
+ int result = 0;
+ size_t i = 0;
+ Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderChainKey *chain_key_structure = 0;
+ Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderSigningKey *signing_key_structure = 0;
+ sender_message_key_node *cur_node = 0;
+ signal_buffer *chain_key_seed = 0;
+ assert(state);
+ assert(state_structure);
+ /* Sender key ID */
+ state_structure->has_senderkeyid = 1;
+ state_structure->senderkeyid = state->key_id;
+ /* Sender chain key */
+ chain_key_structure = malloc(sizeof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderChainKey));
+ if(!chain_key_structure) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_chain_key__init(chain_key_structure);
+ state_structure->senderchainkey = chain_key_structure;
+ chain_key_structure->iteration = sender_chain_key_get_iteration(state->chain_key);
+ chain_key_structure->has_iteration = 1;
+ chain_key_seed = sender_chain_key_get_seed(state->chain_key);
+ chain_key_structure-> = signal_buffer_data(chain_key_seed);
+ chain_key_structure->seed.len = signal_buffer_len(chain_key_seed);
+ chain_key_structure->has_seed = 1;
+ /* Sender signing key */
+ signing_key_structure = malloc(sizeof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderSigningKey));
+ if(!signing_key_structure) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_signing_key__init(signing_key_structure);
+ state_structure->sendersigningkey = signing_key_structure;
+ if(state->signature_public_key) {
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize_protobuf(&(signing_key_structure->public_), state->signature_public_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ signing_key_structure->has_public_ = 1;
+ }
+ if(state->signature_private_key) {
+ result = ec_private_key_serialize_protobuf(&(signing_key_structure->private_), state->signature_private_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ signing_key_structure->has_private_ = 1;
+ }
+ /* Sender message keys */
+ if(state->message_keys_head) {
+ size_t count;
+ DL_COUNT(state->message_keys_head, cur_node, count);
+ if(count > SIZE_MAX / sizeof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderMessageKey *)) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ state_structure->sendermessagekeys = malloc(sizeof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderMessageKey *) * count);
+ if(!state_structure->sendermessagekeys) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ DL_FOREACH(state->message_keys_head, cur_node) {
+ signal_buffer *seed = 0;
+ state_structure->sendermessagekeys[i] = malloc(sizeof(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderMessageKey));
+ if(!state_structure->sendermessagekeys[i]) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ break;
+ }
+ textsecure__sender_key_state_structure__sender_message_key__init(state_structure->sendermessagekeys[i]);
+ state_structure->sendermessagekeys[i]->iteration = sender_message_key_get_iteration(cur_node->key);
+ state_structure->sendermessagekeys[i]->has_iteration = 1;
+ seed = sender_message_key_get_seed(cur_node->key);
+ state_structure->sendermessagekeys[i]-> = signal_buffer_data(seed);
+ state_structure->sendermessagekeys[i]->seed.len = signal_buffer_len(seed);
+ state_structure->sendermessagekeys[i]->has_seed = 1;
+ if(result < 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ state_structure->n_sendermessagekeys = i;
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+void sender_key_state_serialize_prepare_free(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure *state_structure)
+ unsigned int i = 0;
+ if(state_structure->senderchainkey) {
+ free(state_structure->senderchainkey);
+ }
+ if(state_structure->sendersigningkey) {
+ if(state_structure->sendersigningkey-> {
+ free(state_structure->sendersigningkey->;
+ }
+ if(state_structure->sendersigningkey-> {
+ free(state_structure->sendersigningkey->;
+ }
+ free(state_structure->sendersigningkey);
+ }
+ if(state_structure->sendermessagekeys) {
+ for(i = 0; i < state_structure->n_sendermessagekeys; i++) {
+ if(state_structure->sendermessagekeys[i]) {
+ free(state_structure->sendermessagekeys[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ free(state_structure->sendermessagekeys);
+ }
+ free(state_structure);
+int sender_key_state_deserialize_protobuf(sender_key_state **state, Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure *state_structure, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ sender_key_state *result_state = 0;
+ sender_chain_key *chain_key = 0;
+ ec_public_key *signature_public_key = 0;
+ ec_private_key *signature_private_key = 0;
+ if(state_structure->senderchainkey
+ && state_structure->senderchainkey->has_iteration
+ && state_structure->senderchainkey->has_seed) {
+ signal_buffer *seed_buffer = signal_buffer_create(
+ state_structure->senderchainkey->,
+ state_structure->senderchainkey->seed.len);
+ if(!seed_buffer) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = sender_chain_key_create(&chain_key,
+ state_structure->senderchainkey->iteration,
+ seed_buffer,
+ global_context);
+ signal_buffer_free(seed_buffer);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(state_structure->sendersigningkey) {
+ if(state_structure->sendersigningkey->has_public_) {
+ result = curve_decode_point(&signature_public_key,
+ state_structure->sendersigningkey->,
+ state_structure->sendersigningkey->public_.len,
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(state_structure->sendersigningkey->has_private_) {
+ result = curve_decode_private_point(&signature_private_key,
+ state_structure->sendersigningkey->,
+ state_structure->sendersigningkey->private_.len,
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(state_structure->has_senderkeyid && chain_key && signature_public_key) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ result = sender_key_state_create(&result_state,
+ state_structure->senderkeyid, chain_key,
+ signature_public_key, signature_private_key,
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(state_structure->n_sendermessagekeys > 0) {
+ for(i = 0; i < state_structure->n_sendermessagekeys; i++) {
+ signal_buffer *seed_buffer;
+ sender_message_key *message_key;
+ Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure__SenderMessageKey *message_key_structure =
+ state_structure->sendermessagekeys[i];
+ if(!message_key_structure->has_iteration || !message_key_structure->has_seed) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ seed_buffer = signal_buffer_create(
+ message_key_structure->,
+ message_key_structure->seed.len);
+ if(!seed_buffer) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = sender_message_key_create(&message_key,
+ message_key_structure->iteration, seed_buffer,
+ global_context);
+ signal_buffer_free(seed_buffer);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = sender_key_state_add_sender_message_key(result_state, message_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(message_key);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ if(chain_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(chain_key);
+ }
+ if(signature_public_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(signature_public_key);
+ }
+ if(signature_private_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(signature_private_key);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *state = result_state;
+ }
+ else {
+ if(result_state) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_state);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+int sender_key_state_copy(sender_key_state **state, sender_key_state *other_state, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *buffer = 0;
+ uint8_t *data;
+ size_t len;
+ assert(other_state);
+ assert(global_context);
+ result = sender_key_state_serialize(&buffer, other_state);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ data = signal_buffer_data(buffer);
+ len = signal_buffer_len(buffer);
+ result = sender_key_state_deserialize(state, data, len, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(buffer) {
+ signal_buffer_free(buffer);
+ }
+ return result;
+uint32_t sender_key_state_get_key_id(sender_key_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ return state->key_id;
+sender_chain_key *sender_key_state_get_chain_key(sender_key_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ return state->chain_key;
+void sender_key_state_set_chain_key(sender_key_state *state, sender_chain_key *chain_key)
+ assert(state);
+ assert(chain_key);
+ if(state->chain_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->chain_key);
+ }
+ SIGNAL_REF(chain_key);
+ state->chain_key = chain_key;
+ec_public_key *sender_key_state_get_signing_key_public(sender_key_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ return state->signature_public_key;
+ec_private_key *sender_key_state_get_signing_key_private(sender_key_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ return state->signature_private_key;
+int sender_key_state_has_sender_message_key(sender_key_state *state, uint32_t iteration)
+ sender_message_key_node *cur_node = 0;
+ assert(state);
+ DL_FOREACH(state->message_keys_head, cur_node) {
+ if(sender_message_key_get_iteration(cur_node->key) == iteration) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int sender_key_state_add_sender_message_key(sender_key_state *state, sender_message_key *message_key)
+ int result = 0;
+ sender_message_key_node *node = 0;
+ int count;
+ assert(state);
+ assert(message_key);
+ node = malloc(sizeof(sender_message_key_node));
+ if(!node) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_REF(message_key);
+ node->key = message_key;
+ DL_APPEND(state->message_keys_head, node);
+ DL_COUNT(state->message_keys_head, node, count);
+ while(count > MAX_MESSAGE_KEYS) {
+ node = state->message_keys_head;
+ DL_DELETE(state->message_keys_head, node);
+ if(node->key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(node->key);
+ }
+ free(node);
+ --count;
+ }
+ return result;
+sender_message_key *sender_key_state_remove_sender_message_key(sender_key_state *state, uint32_t iteration)
+ sender_message_key *result = 0;
+ sender_message_key_node *cur_node = 0;
+ sender_message_key_node *tmp_node = 0;
+ assert(state);
+ DL_FOREACH_SAFE(state->message_keys_head, cur_node, tmp_node) {
+ if(sender_message_key_get_iteration(cur_node->key) == iteration) {
+ DL_DELETE(state->message_keys_head, cur_node);
+ result = cur_node->key;
+ free(cur_node);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+void sender_key_state_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ sender_key_state *state = (sender_key_state *)type;
+ sender_message_key_node *cur_node;
+ sender_message_key_node *tmp_node;
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->chain_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->signature_public_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->signature_private_key);
+ DL_FOREACH_SAFE(state->message_keys_head, cur_node, tmp_node) {
+ DL_DELETE(state->message_keys_head, cur_node);
+ if(cur_node->key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(cur_node->key);
+ }
+ free(cur_node);
+ }
+ state->message_keys_head = 0;
+ free(state);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/sender_key_state.h b/libs/libsignal/src/sender_key_state.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..968c7fb753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/sender_key_state.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "signal_protocol_types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+int sender_key_state_create(sender_key_state **state,
+ uint32_t id, sender_chain_key *chain_key,
+ ec_public_key *signature_public_key, ec_private_key *signature_private_key,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+int sender_key_state_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, sender_key_state *state);
+int sender_key_state_deserialize(sender_key_state **state, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, signal_context *global_context);
+int sender_key_state_copy(sender_key_state **state, sender_key_state *other_state, signal_context *global_context);
+uint32_t sender_key_state_get_key_id(sender_key_state *state);
+sender_chain_key *sender_key_state_get_chain_key(sender_key_state *state);
+void sender_key_state_set_chain_key(sender_key_state *state, sender_chain_key *chain_key);
+ec_public_key *sender_key_state_get_signing_key_public(sender_key_state *state);
+ec_private_key *sender_key_state_get_signing_key_private(sender_key_state *state);
+int sender_key_state_has_sender_message_key(sender_key_state *state, uint32_t iteration);
+int sender_key_state_add_sender_message_key(sender_key_state *state, sender_message_key *message_key);
+sender_message_key *sender_key_state_remove_sender_message_key(sender_key_state *state, uint32_t iteration);
+void sender_key_state_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* SENDER_KEY_STATE_H */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/session_builder.c b/libs/libsignal/src/session_builder.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2bfd62015f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/session_builder.c
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+#include "session_builder.h"
+#include "session_builder_internal.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "session_pre_key.h"
+#include "session_record.h"
+#include "session_state.h"
+#include "ratchet.h"
+#include "protocol.h"
+#include "key_helper.h"
+#include "signal_protocol_internal.h"
+struct session_builder
+ signal_protocol_store_context *store;
+ const signal_protocol_address *remote_address;
+ signal_context *global_context;
+static int session_builder_process_pre_key_signal_message_v3(session_builder *builder,
+ session_record *record, pre_key_signal_message *message, uint32_t *unsigned_pre_key_id);
+int session_builder_create(session_builder **builder,
+ signal_protocol_store_context *store, const signal_protocol_address *remote_address,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ session_builder *result = 0;
+ assert(store);
+ assert(global_context);
+ result = malloc(sizeof(session_builder));
+ if(!result) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result, 0, sizeof(session_builder));
+ result->store = store;
+ result->remote_address = remote_address;
+ result->global_context = global_context;
+ *builder = result;
+ return 0;
+int session_builder_process_pre_key_signal_message(session_builder *builder,
+ session_record *record, pre_key_signal_message *message, uint32_t *unsigned_pre_key_id)
+ int result = 0;
+ int has_unsigned_pre_key_id_result = 0;
+ uint32_t unsigned_pre_key_id_result = 0;
+ ec_public_key *their_identity_key = pre_key_signal_message_get_identity_key(message);
+ result = signal_protocol_identity_is_trusted_identity(builder->store,
+ builder->remote_address,
+ their_identity_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(result == 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = session_builder_process_pre_key_signal_message_v3(builder, record, message, &unsigned_pre_key_id_result);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ has_unsigned_pre_key_id_result = result;
+ result = signal_protocol_identity_save_identity(builder->store,
+ builder->remote_address,
+ their_identity_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = has_unsigned_pre_key_id_result;
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *unsigned_pre_key_id = unsigned_pre_key_id_result;
+ }
+ return result;
+static int session_builder_process_pre_key_signal_message_v3(session_builder *builder,
+ session_record *record, pre_key_signal_message *message, uint32_t *unsigned_pre_key_id)
+ int result = 0;
+ uint32_t unsigned_pre_key_id_result = 0;
+ session_signed_pre_key *our_signed_pre_key = 0;
+ ratchet_identity_key_pair *our_identity_key = 0;
+ bob_signal_protocol_parameters *parameters = 0;
+ session_pre_key *session_our_one_time_pre_key = 0;
+ ec_key_pair *our_one_time_pre_key = 0;
+ session_state *state = 0;
+ uint32_t local_registration_id = 0;
+ int has_session_state = session_record_has_session_state(record,
+ pre_key_signal_message_get_message_version(message),
+ pre_key_signal_message_get_base_key(message));
+ if(has_session_state) {
+ signal_log(builder->global_context, SG_LOG_INFO, "We've already setup a session for this V3 message, letting bundled message fall through...");
+ result = 0;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_protocol_signed_pre_key_load_key(builder->store,
+ &our_signed_pre_key,
+ pre_key_signal_message_get_signed_pre_key_id(message));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_protocol_identity_get_key_pair(builder->store, &our_identity_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(pre_key_signal_message_has_pre_key_id(message)) {
+ result = signal_protocol_pre_key_load_key(builder->store,
+ &session_our_one_time_pre_key,
+ pre_key_signal_message_get_pre_key_id(message));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ our_one_time_pre_key = session_pre_key_get_key_pair(session_our_one_time_pre_key);
+ }
+ result = bob_signal_protocol_parameters_create(
+ &parameters,
+ our_identity_key,
+ session_signed_pre_key_get_key_pair(our_signed_pre_key),
+ our_one_time_pre_key,
+ session_signed_pre_key_get_key_pair(our_signed_pre_key),
+ pre_key_signal_message_get_identity_key(message),
+ pre_key_signal_message_get_base_key(message));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(!session_record_is_fresh(record)) {
+ result = session_record_archive_current_state(record);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ state = session_record_get_state(record);
+ result = ratcheting_session_bob_initialize(
+ state, parameters,
+ builder->global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_protocol_identity_get_local_registration_id(builder->store, &local_registration_id);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ session_state_set_local_registration_id(state, local_registration_id);
+ session_state_set_remote_registration_id(state,
+ pre_key_signal_message_get_registration_id(message));
+ session_state_set_alice_base_key(state,
+ pre_key_signal_message_get_base_key(message));;
+ if(pre_key_signal_message_has_pre_key_id(message) &&
+ pre_key_signal_message_get_pre_key_id(message) != PRE_KEY_MEDIUM_MAX_VALUE) {
+ unsigned_pre_key_id_result = pre_key_signal_message_get_pre_key_id(message);
+ result = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ result = 0;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(parameters);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(our_identity_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(our_signed_pre_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(session_our_one_time_pre_key);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *unsigned_pre_key_id = unsigned_pre_key_id_result;
+ }
+ return result;
+int session_builder_process_pre_key_bundle(session_builder *builder, session_pre_key_bundle *bundle)
+ int result = 0;
+ session_record *record = 0;
+ ec_key_pair *our_base_key = 0;
+ ratchet_identity_key_pair *our_identity_key = 0;
+ alice_signal_protocol_parameters *parameters = 0;
+ ec_public_key *signed_pre_key = 0;
+ ec_public_key *pre_key = 0;
+ ec_public_key *their_identity_key = 0;
+ ec_public_key *their_signed_pre_key = 0;
+ ec_public_key *their_one_time_pre_key = 0;
+ int has_their_one_time_pre_key_id = 0;
+ uint32_t their_one_time_pre_key_id = 0;
+ session_state *state = 0;
+ uint32_t local_registration_id = 0;
+ assert(builder);
+ assert(builder->store);
+ assert(bundle);
+ signal_lock(builder->global_context);
+ result = signal_protocol_identity_is_trusted_identity(builder->store,
+ builder->remote_address,
+ session_pre_key_bundle_get_identity_key(bundle));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(result == 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ signed_pre_key = session_pre_key_bundle_get_signed_pre_key(bundle);
+ pre_key = session_pre_key_bundle_get_pre_key(bundle);
+ if(signed_pre_key) {
+ ec_public_key *identity_key = session_pre_key_bundle_get_identity_key(bundle);
+ signal_buffer *signature = session_pre_key_bundle_get_signed_pre_key_signature(bundle);
+ signal_buffer *serialized_signed_pre_key = 0;
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize(&serialized_signed_pre_key, signed_pre_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = curve_verify_signature(identity_key,
+ signal_buffer_data(serialized_signed_pre_key),
+ signal_buffer_len(serialized_signed_pre_key),
+ signal_buffer_data(signature),
+ signal_buffer_len(signature));
+ signal_buffer_free(serialized_signed_pre_key);
+ if(result == 0) {
+ signal_log(builder->global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "invalid signature on device key!");
+ result = SG_ERR_INVALID_KEY;
+ }
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!signed_pre_key) {
+ result = SG_ERR_INVALID_KEY;
+ signal_log(builder->global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "no signed pre key!");
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_protocol_session_load_session(builder->store, &record, builder->remote_address);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = curve_generate_key_pair(builder->global_context, &our_base_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ their_identity_key = session_pre_key_bundle_get_identity_key(bundle);
+ their_signed_pre_key = signed_pre_key;
+ their_one_time_pre_key = pre_key;
+ if(their_one_time_pre_key) {
+ has_their_one_time_pre_key_id = 1;
+ their_one_time_pre_key_id = session_pre_key_bundle_get_pre_key_id(bundle);
+ }
+ result = signal_protocol_identity_get_key_pair(builder->store, &our_identity_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = alice_signal_protocol_parameters_create(&parameters,
+ our_identity_key,
+ our_base_key,
+ their_identity_key,
+ their_signed_pre_key,
+ their_one_time_pre_key,
+ their_signed_pre_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(!session_record_is_fresh(record)) {
+ result = session_record_archive_current_state(record);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ state = session_record_get_state(record);
+ result = ratcheting_session_alice_initialize(
+ state, parameters,
+ builder->global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ session_state_set_unacknowledged_pre_key_message(state,
+ has_their_one_time_pre_key_id ? &their_one_time_pre_key_id : 0,
+ session_pre_key_bundle_get_signed_pre_key_id(bundle),
+ ec_key_pair_get_public(our_base_key));
+ result = signal_protocol_identity_get_local_registration_id(builder->store, &local_registration_id);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ session_state_set_local_registration_id(state, local_registration_id);
+ session_state_set_remote_registration_id(state,
+ session_pre_key_bundle_get_registration_id(bundle));
+ session_state_set_alice_base_key(state, ec_key_pair_get_public(our_base_key));
+ result = signal_protocol_session_store_session(builder->store, builder->remote_address, record);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_protocol_identity_save_identity(builder->store,
+ builder->remote_address,
+ their_identity_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(record);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(our_base_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(our_identity_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(parameters);
+ signal_unlock(builder->global_context);
+ return result;
+void session_builder_free(session_builder *builder)
+ if(builder) {
+ free(builder);
+ }
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/session_builder.h b/libs/libsignal/src/session_builder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e56ba24f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/session_builder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "signal_protocol_types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * Session builder is responsible for setting up encrypted sessions.
+ * Once a session has been established, session_cipher
+ * can be used to encrypt/decrypt messages in that session.
+ *
+ * Sessions are built from one these different possible vectors:
+ * - A session_pre_key_bundle retrieved from a server
+ * - A pre_key_signal_message received from a client
+ *
+ * Sessions are constructed per Signal Protocol address
+ * (recipient name + device ID tuple). Remote logical users are identified by
+ * their recipient name, and each logical recipient can have multiple
+ * physical devices.
+ */
+ * Constructs a session builder.
+ *
+ * The store and global contexts must remain valid for the lifetime of the
+ * session builder.
+ *
+ * When finished, free the returned instance by calling session_builder_free().
+ *
+ * @param builder set to a freshly allocated session builder instance
+ * @param store the signal_protocol_store_context to store all state information in
+ * @param remote_address the address of the remote user to build a session with
+ * @param global_context the global library context
+ * @return 0 on success, or negative on failure
+ */
+int session_builder_create(session_builder **builder,
+ signal_protocol_store_context *store, const signal_protocol_address *remote_address,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+ * Build a new session from a session_pre_key_bundle retrieved from a server.
+ *
+ * @param bundle A pre key bundle for the destination recipient, retrieved from a server.
+ * @retval SG_SUCCESS Success
+ * @retval SG_ERR_INVALID_KEY when the session_pre_key_bundle is badly formatted.
+ * @retval SG_ERR_UNTRUSTED_IDENTITY when the sender's identity key is not trusted.
+ */
+int session_builder_process_pre_key_bundle(session_builder *builder, session_pre_key_bundle *bundle);
+void session_builder_free(session_builder *builder);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* SESSION_BUILDER_H */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/session_builder_internal.h b/libs/libsignal/src/session_builder_internal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2bf8dba4e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/session_builder_internal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "signal_protocol_types.h"
+ * Build a new session from a received pre_key_signal_message.
+ *
+ * After a session is constructed in this way, the embedded signal_message
+ * can be decrypted.
+ *
+ * @param message The received pre_key_signal_message.
+ * @param unsigned_pre_key_id set to the unsigned pre key ID, if available.
+ * Return value indicates whether or not this value is available.
+ * @retval 0 Success, no unsigned pre key value available
+ * @retval 1 Success, an unsigned pre key is available
+ * @retval SG_ERR_INVALID_KEY_ID when there is no local pre_key_record that
+ * corresponds to the PreKey ID in the message.
+ * @retval SG_ERR_INVALID_KEY when the message is formatted incorrectly.
+ * @retval SG_ERR_UNTRUSTED_IDENTITY when the identity key of the sender is untrusted.
+ */
+int session_builder_process_pre_key_signal_message(session_builder *builder,
+ session_record *record, pre_key_signal_message *message, uint32_t *unsigned_pre_key_id);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/session_cipher.c b/libs/libsignal/src/session_cipher.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f5dcab953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/session_cipher.c
@@ -0,0 +1,885 @@
+#include "session_cipher.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "session_builder.h"
+#include "session_builder_internal.h"
+#include "session_record.h"
+#include "session_state.h"
+#include "ratchet.h"
+#include "protocol.h"
+#include "signal_protocol_internal.h"
+struct session_cipher
+ signal_protocol_store_context *store;
+ const signal_protocol_address *remote_address;
+ session_builder *builder;
+ signal_context *global_context;
+ int (*decrypt_callback)(session_cipher *cipher, signal_buffer *plaintext, void *decrypt_context);
+ int inside_callback;
+ void *user_data;
+static int session_cipher_decrypt_from_record_and_signal_message(session_cipher *cipher,
+ session_record *record, signal_message *ciphertext, signal_buffer **plaintext);
+static int session_cipher_decrypt_from_state_and_signal_message(session_cipher *cipher,
+ session_state *state, signal_message *ciphertext, signal_buffer **plaintext);
+static int session_cipher_get_or_create_chain_key(session_cipher *cipher,
+ ratchet_chain_key **chain_key,
+ session_state *state, ec_public_key *their_ephemeral);
+static int session_cipher_get_or_create_message_keys(ratchet_message_keys *message_keys,
+ session_state *state, ec_public_key *their_ephemeral,
+ ratchet_chain_key *chain_key, uint32_t counter,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+static int session_cipher_get_ciphertext(session_cipher *cipher,
+ signal_buffer **ciphertext,
+ uint32_t version, ratchet_message_keys *message_keys,
+ const uint8_t *plaintext, size_t plaintext_len);
+static int session_cipher_get_plaintext(session_cipher *cipher,
+ signal_buffer **plaintext,
+ uint32_t version, ratchet_message_keys *message_keys,
+ const uint8_t *ciphertext, size_t ciphertext_len);
+static int session_cipher_decrypt_callback(session_cipher *cipher, signal_buffer *plaintext, void *decrypt_context);
+int session_cipher_create(session_cipher **cipher,
+ signal_protocol_store_context *store, const signal_protocol_address *remote_address,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ session_builder *builder = 0;
+ session_cipher *result_cipher;
+ assert(store);
+ assert(global_context);
+ result = session_builder_create(&builder, store, remote_address, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ result_cipher = malloc(sizeof(session_cipher));
+ if(!result_cipher) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result_cipher, 0, sizeof(session_cipher));
+ result_cipher->store = store;
+ result_cipher->remote_address = remote_address;
+ result_cipher->builder = builder;
+ result_cipher->global_context = global_context;
+ *cipher = result_cipher;
+ return 0;
+void session_cipher_set_user_data(session_cipher *cipher, void *user_data)
+ assert(cipher);
+ cipher->user_data = user_data;
+void *session_cipher_get_user_data(session_cipher *cipher)
+ assert(cipher);
+ return cipher->user_data;
+void session_cipher_set_decryption_callback(session_cipher *cipher,
+ int (*callback)(session_cipher *cipher, signal_buffer *plaintext, void *decrypt_context))
+ assert(cipher);
+ cipher->decrypt_callback = callback;
+int session_cipher_encrypt(session_cipher *cipher,
+ const uint8_t *padded_message, size_t padded_message_len,
+ ciphertext_message **encrypted_message)
+ int result = 0;
+ session_record *record = 0;
+ session_state *state = 0;
+ ratchet_chain_key *chain_key = 0;
+ ratchet_chain_key *next_chain_key = 0;
+ ratchet_message_keys message_keys;
+ ec_public_key *sender_ephemeral = 0;
+ uint32_t previous_counter = 0;
+ uint32_t session_version = 0;
+ signal_buffer *ciphertext = 0;
+ uint32_t chain_key_index = 0;
+ ec_public_key *local_identity_key = 0;
+ ec_public_key *remote_identity_key = 0;
+ signal_message *message = 0;
+ pre_key_signal_message *pre_key_message = 0;
+ uint8_t *ciphertext_data = 0;
+ size_t ciphertext_len = 0;
+ assert(cipher);
+ signal_lock(cipher->global_context);
+ if(cipher->inside_callback == 1) {
+ result = SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_protocol_session_load_session(cipher->store, &record, cipher->remote_address);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ state = session_record_get_state(record);
+ if(!state) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ chain_key = session_state_get_sender_chain_key(state);
+ if(!chain_key) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ratchet_chain_key_get_message_keys(chain_key, &message_keys);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ sender_ephemeral = session_state_get_sender_ratchet_key(state);
+ if(!sender_ephemeral) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ previous_counter = session_state_get_previous_counter(state);
+ session_version = session_state_get_session_version(state);
+ result = session_cipher_get_ciphertext(cipher,
+ &ciphertext,
+ session_version, &message_keys,
+ padded_message, padded_message_len);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ ciphertext_data = signal_buffer_data(ciphertext);
+ ciphertext_len = signal_buffer_len(ciphertext);
+ chain_key_index = ratchet_chain_key_get_index(chain_key);
+ local_identity_key = session_state_get_local_identity_key(state);
+ if(!local_identity_key) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ remote_identity_key = session_state_get_remote_identity_key(state);
+ if(!remote_identity_key) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_message_create(&message,
+ session_version,
+ message_keys.mac_key, sizeof(message_keys.mac_key),
+ sender_ephemeral,
+ chain_key_index, previous_counter,
+ ciphertext_data, ciphertext_len,
+ local_identity_key, remote_identity_key,
+ cipher->global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(session_state_has_unacknowledged_pre_key_message(state) == 1) {
+ uint32_t local_registration_id = session_state_get_local_registration_id(state);
+ int has_pre_key_id = 0;
+ uint32_t pre_key_id = 0;
+ uint32_t signed_pre_key_id;
+ ec_public_key *base_key;
+ if(session_state_unacknowledged_pre_key_message_has_pre_key_id(state)) {
+ has_pre_key_id = 1;
+ pre_key_id = session_state_unacknowledged_pre_key_message_get_pre_key_id(state);
+ }
+ signed_pre_key_id = session_state_unacknowledged_pre_key_message_get_signed_pre_key_id(state);
+ base_key = session_state_unacknowledged_pre_key_message_get_base_key(state);
+ if(!base_key) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = pre_key_signal_message_create(&pre_key_message,
+ session_version, local_registration_id, (has_pre_key_id ? &pre_key_id : 0),
+ signed_pre_key_id, base_key, local_identity_key,
+ message,
+ cipher->global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(message);
+ message = 0;
+ }
+ result = ratchet_chain_key_create_next(chain_key, &next_chain_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = session_state_set_sender_chain_key(state, next_chain_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_protocol_session_store_session(cipher->store, cipher->remote_address, record);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ if(pre_key_message) {
+ *encrypted_message = (ciphertext_message *)pre_key_message;
+ }
+ else {
+ *encrypted_message = (ciphertext_message *)message;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(pre_key_message);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(message);
+ }
+ signal_buffer_free(ciphertext);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(next_chain_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(record);
+ signal_explicit_bzero(&message_keys, sizeof(ratchet_message_keys));
+ signal_unlock(cipher->global_context);
+ return result;
+int session_cipher_decrypt_pre_key_signal_message(session_cipher *cipher,
+ pre_key_signal_message *ciphertext, void *decrypt_context,
+ signal_buffer **plaintext)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *result_buf = 0;
+ session_record *record = 0;
+ int has_unsigned_pre_key_id = 0;
+ uint32_t unsigned_pre_key_id = 0;
+ assert(cipher);
+ signal_lock(cipher->global_context);
+ if(cipher->inside_callback == 1) {
+ result = SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_protocol_session_load_session(cipher->store, &record, cipher->remote_address);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = session_builder_process_pre_key_signal_message(cipher->builder, record, ciphertext, &unsigned_pre_key_id);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ has_unsigned_pre_key_id = result;
+ result = session_cipher_decrypt_from_record_and_signal_message(cipher, record,
+ pre_key_signal_message_get_signal_message(ciphertext),
+ &result_buf);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = session_cipher_decrypt_callback(cipher, result_buf, decrypt_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_protocol_session_store_session(cipher->store, cipher->remote_address, record);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(has_unsigned_pre_key_id) {
+ result = signal_protocol_pre_key_remove_key(cipher->store, unsigned_pre_key_id);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(record);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *plaintext = result_buf;
+ }
+ else {
+ signal_buffer_free(result_buf);
+ }
+ signal_unlock(cipher->global_context);
+ return result;
+int session_cipher_decrypt_signal_message(session_cipher *cipher,
+ signal_message *ciphertext, void *decrypt_context,
+ signal_buffer **plaintext)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *result_buf = 0;
+ session_record *record = 0;
+ assert(cipher);
+ signal_lock(cipher->global_context);
+ if(cipher->inside_callback == 1) {
+ result = SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_protocol_session_contains_session(cipher->store, cipher->remote_address);
+ if(result == 0) {
+ signal_log(cipher->global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "No session for: %s:%d", cipher->remote_address->name, cipher->remote_address->device_id);
+ result = SG_ERR_NO_SESSION;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ else if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_protocol_session_load_session(cipher->store, &record,
+ cipher->remote_address);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = session_cipher_decrypt_from_record_and_signal_message(
+ cipher, record, ciphertext, &result_buf);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = session_cipher_decrypt_callback(cipher, result_buf, decrypt_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_protocol_session_store_session(cipher->store,
+ cipher->remote_address, record);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(record);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *plaintext = result_buf;
+ }
+ else {
+ signal_buffer_free(result_buf);
+ }
+ signal_unlock(cipher->global_context);
+ return result;
+static int session_cipher_decrypt_from_record_and_signal_message(session_cipher *cipher,
+ session_record *record, signal_message *ciphertext, signal_buffer **plaintext)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *result_buf = 0;
+ session_state *state = 0;
+ session_state *state_copy = 0;
+ session_record_state_node *previous_states_node = 0;
+ assert(cipher);
+ signal_lock(cipher->global_context);
+ state = session_record_get_state(record);
+ if(state) {
+ result = session_state_copy(&state_copy, state, cipher->global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ //TODO Collect and log invalid message errors if totally unsuccessful
+ result = session_cipher_decrypt_from_state_and_signal_message(cipher, state_copy, ciphertext, &result_buf);
+ if(result < 0 && result != SG_ERR_INVALID_MESSAGE) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(result >= SG_SUCCESS) {
+ session_record_set_state(record, state_copy);
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state_copy);
+ }
+ previous_states_node = session_record_get_previous_states_head(record);
+ while(previous_states_node) {
+ state = session_record_get_previous_states_element(previous_states_node);
+ result = session_state_copy(&state_copy, state, cipher->global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = session_cipher_decrypt_from_state_and_signal_message(cipher, state_copy, ciphertext, &result_buf);
+ if(result < 0 && result != SG_ERR_INVALID_MESSAGE) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(result >= SG_SUCCESS) {
+ session_record_get_previous_states_remove(record, previous_states_node);
+ result = session_record_promote_state(record, state_copy);
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state_copy);
+ previous_states_node = session_record_get_previous_states_next(previous_states_node);
+ }
+ signal_log(cipher->global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "No valid sessions");
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state_copy);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *plaintext = result_buf;
+ }
+ else {
+ signal_buffer_free(result_buf);
+ }
+ signal_unlock(cipher->global_context);
+ return result;
+static int session_cipher_decrypt_from_state_and_signal_message(session_cipher *cipher,
+ session_state *state, signal_message *ciphertext, signal_buffer **plaintext)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *result_buf = 0;
+ ec_public_key *their_ephemeral = 0;
+ uint32_t counter = 0;
+ ratchet_chain_key *chain_key = 0;
+ ratchet_message_keys message_keys;
+ uint8_t message_version = 0;
+ uint32_t session_version = 0;
+ ec_public_key *remote_identity_key = 0;
+ ec_public_key *local_identity_key = 0;
+ signal_buffer *ciphertext_body = 0;
+ if(!session_state_has_sender_chain(state)) {
+ signal_log(cipher->global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "Uninitialized session!");
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ message_version = signal_message_get_message_version(ciphertext);
+ session_version = session_state_get_session_version(state);
+ if(message_version != session_version) {
+ signal_log(cipher->global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "Message version %d, but session version %d", message_version, session_version);
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ their_ephemeral = signal_message_get_sender_ratchet_key(ciphertext);
+ if(!their_ephemeral) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ counter = signal_message_get_counter(ciphertext);
+ result = session_cipher_get_or_create_chain_key(cipher, &chain_key, state, their_ephemeral);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = session_cipher_get_or_create_message_keys(&message_keys, state,
+ their_ephemeral, chain_key, counter, cipher->global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ remote_identity_key = session_state_get_remote_identity_key(state);
+ if(!remote_identity_key) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ local_identity_key = session_state_get_local_identity_key(state);
+ if(!local_identity_key) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_message_verify_mac(ciphertext,
+ remote_identity_key, local_identity_key,
+ message_keys.mac_key, sizeof(message_keys.mac_key),
+ cipher->global_context);
+ if(result != 1) {
+ if(result == 0) {
+ signal_log(cipher->global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "Message mac not verified");
+ }
+ else if(result < 0) {
+ signal_log(cipher->global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "Error attempting to verify message mac");
+ }
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ ciphertext_body = signal_message_get_body(ciphertext);
+ if(!ciphertext_body) {
+ signal_log(cipher->global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "Message body does not exist");
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = session_cipher_get_plaintext(cipher, &result_buf, message_version, &message_keys,
+ signal_buffer_data(ciphertext_body), signal_buffer_len(ciphertext_body));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ session_state_clear_unacknowledged_pre_key_message(state);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(chain_key);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *plaintext = result_buf;
+ }
+ else {
+ signal_buffer_free(result_buf);
+ }
+ signal_explicit_bzero(&message_keys, sizeof(ratchet_message_keys));
+ return result;
+static int session_cipher_get_or_create_chain_key(session_cipher *cipher,
+ ratchet_chain_key **chain_key,
+ session_state *state, ec_public_key *their_ephemeral)
+ int result = 0;
+ ratchet_chain_key *result_key = 0;
+ ratchet_root_key *receiver_root_key = 0;
+ ratchet_chain_key *receiver_chain_key = 0;
+ ratchet_root_key *sender_root_key = 0;
+ ratchet_chain_key *sender_chain_key = 0;
+ ec_key_pair *our_new_ephemeral = 0;
+ ratchet_root_key *root_key = 0;
+ ec_key_pair *our_ephemeral = 0;
+ ratchet_chain_key *previous_sender_chain_key = 0;
+ uint32_t index = 0;
+ result_key = session_state_get_receiver_chain_key(state, their_ephemeral);
+ if(result_key) {
+ SIGNAL_REF(result_key);
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ root_key = session_state_get_root_key(state);
+ if(!root_key) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ our_ephemeral = session_state_get_sender_ratchet_key_pair(state);
+ if(!our_ephemeral) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ratchet_root_key_create_chain(root_key,
+ &receiver_root_key, &receiver_chain_key,
+ their_ephemeral, ec_key_pair_get_private(our_ephemeral));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = curve_generate_key_pair(cipher->global_context, &our_new_ephemeral);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ratchet_root_key_create_chain(receiver_root_key,
+ &sender_root_key, &sender_chain_key,
+ their_ephemeral, ec_key_pair_get_private(our_new_ephemeral));
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ session_state_set_root_key(state, sender_root_key);
+ result = session_state_add_receiver_chain(state, their_ephemeral, receiver_chain_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ previous_sender_chain_key = session_state_get_sender_chain_key(state);
+ if(!previous_sender_chain_key) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ index = ratchet_chain_key_get_index(previous_sender_chain_key);
+ if(index > 0) { --index; }
+ session_state_set_previous_counter(state, index);
+ session_state_set_sender_chain(state, our_new_ephemeral, sender_chain_key);
+ result_key = receiver_chain_key;
+ SIGNAL_REF(result_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(receiver_root_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(receiver_chain_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(sender_root_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(sender_chain_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(our_new_ephemeral);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *chain_key = result_key;
+ }
+ else {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_key);
+ }
+ return result;
+static int session_cipher_get_or_create_message_keys(ratchet_message_keys *message_keys,
+ session_state *state, ec_public_key *their_ephemeral,
+ ratchet_chain_key *chain_key, uint32_t counter, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ ratchet_chain_key *cur_chain_key = 0;
+ ratchet_chain_key *next_chain_key = 0;
+ ratchet_message_keys message_keys_result;
+ if(ratchet_chain_key_get_index(chain_key) > counter) {
+ result = session_state_remove_message_keys(state, &message_keys_result, their_ephemeral, counter);
+ if(result == 1) {
+ result = 0;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ signal_log(global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "Received message with old counter: %d, %d",
+ ratchet_chain_key_get_index(chain_key), counter);
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(counter - ratchet_chain_key_get_index(chain_key) > 2000) {
+ signal_log(global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "Over 2000 messages into the future!");
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ cur_chain_key = chain_key;
+ SIGNAL_REF(cur_chain_key);
+ while(ratchet_chain_key_get_index(cur_chain_key) < counter) {
+ result = ratchet_chain_key_get_message_keys(cur_chain_key, &message_keys_result);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = session_state_set_message_keys(state, their_ephemeral, &message_keys_result);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ratchet_chain_key_create_next(cur_chain_key, &next_chain_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(cur_chain_key);
+ cur_chain_key = next_chain_key;
+ next_chain_key = 0;
+ }
+ result = ratchet_chain_key_create_next(cur_chain_key, &next_chain_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = session_state_set_receiver_chain_key(state, their_ephemeral, next_chain_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ratchet_chain_key_get_message_keys(cur_chain_key, &message_keys_result);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ memcpy(message_keys, &message_keys_result, sizeof(ratchet_message_keys));
+ }
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(cur_chain_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(next_chain_key);
+ signal_explicit_bzero(&message_keys_result, sizeof(ratchet_message_keys));
+ return result;
+int session_cipher_get_remote_registration_id(session_cipher *cipher, uint32_t *remote_id)
+ int result = 0;
+ uint32_t id_result = 0;
+ session_record *record = 0;
+ session_state *state = 0;
+ assert(cipher);
+ signal_lock(cipher->global_context);
+ result = signal_protocol_session_load_session(cipher->store, &record, cipher->remote_address);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ state = session_record_get_state(record);
+ if(!state) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ id_result = session_state_get_remote_registration_id(state);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *remote_id = id_result;
+ }
+ signal_unlock(cipher->global_context);
+ return result;
+int session_cipher_get_session_version(session_cipher *cipher, uint32_t *version)
+ int result = 0;
+ uint32_t version_result = 0;
+ session_record *record = 0;
+ session_state *state = 0;
+ assert(cipher);
+ signal_lock(cipher->global_context);
+ result = signal_protocol_session_contains_session(cipher->store, cipher->remote_address);
+ if(result != 1) {
+ if(result == 0) {
+ signal_log(cipher->global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "No session for: %s:%d", cipher->remote_address->name, cipher->remote_address->device_id);
+ result = SG_ERR_NO_SESSION;
+ }
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = signal_protocol_session_load_session(cipher->store, &record, cipher->remote_address);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ state = session_record_get_state(record);
+ if(!state) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ version_result = session_state_get_session_version(state);
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *version = version_result;
+ }
+ signal_unlock(cipher->global_context);
+ return result;
+static int session_cipher_get_ciphertext(session_cipher *cipher,
+ signal_buffer **ciphertext,
+ uint32_t version, ratchet_message_keys *message_keys,
+ const uint8_t *plaintext, size_t plaintext_len)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *output = 0;
+ if(version >= 3) {
+ result = signal_encrypt(cipher->global_context,
+ message_keys->cipher_key, sizeof(message_keys->cipher_key),
+ message_keys->iv, sizeof(message_keys->iv),
+ plaintext, plaintext_len);
+ }
+ else {
+ uint8_t iv[16];
+ memset(iv, 0, sizeof(iv));
+ iv[3] = (uint8_t)(message_keys->counter);
+ iv[2] = (uint8_t)(message_keys->counter >> 8);
+ iv[1] = (uint8_t)(message_keys->counter >> 16);
+ iv[0] = (uint8_t)(message_keys->counter >> 24);
+ result = signal_encrypt(cipher->global_context,
+ message_keys->cipher_key, sizeof(message_keys->cipher_key),
+ iv, sizeof(iv),
+ plaintext, plaintext_len);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *ciphertext = output;
+ }
+ return result;
+static int session_cipher_get_plaintext(session_cipher *cipher,
+ signal_buffer **plaintext,
+ uint32_t version, ratchet_message_keys *message_keys,
+ const uint8_t *ciphertext, size_t ciphertext_len)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *output = 0;
+ if(version >= 3) {
+ result = signal_decrypt(cipher->global_context,
+ message_keys->cipher_key, sizeof(message_keys->cipher_key),
+ message_keys->iv, sizeof(message_keys->iv),
+ ciphertext, ciphertext_len);
+ }
+ else {
+ uint8_t iv[16];
+ memset(iv, 0, sizeof(iv));
+ iv[3] = (uint8_t)(message_keys->counter);
+ iv[2] = (uint8_t)(message_keys->counter >> 8);
+ iv[1] = (uint8_t)(message_keys->counter >> 16);
+ iv[0] = (uint8_t)(message_keys->counter >> 24);
+ result = signal_decrypt(cipher->global_context,
+ message_keys->cipher_key, sizeof(message_keys->cipher_key),
+ iv, sizeof(iv),
+ ciphertext, ciphertext_len);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *plaintext = output;
+ }
+ return result;
+static int session_cipher_decrypt_callback(session_cipher *cipher, signal_buffer *plaintext, void *decrypt_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ if(cipher->decrypt_callback) {
+ cipher->inside_callback = 1;
+ result = cipher->decrypt_callback(cipher, plaintext, decrypt_context);
+ cipher->inside_callback = 0;
+ }
+ return result;
+void session_cipher_free(session_cipher *cipher)
+ if(cipher) {
+ session_builder_free(cipher->builder);
+ free(cipher);
+ }
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/session_cipher.h b/libs/libsignal/src/session_cipher.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..641dfea13b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/session_cipher.h
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "signal_protocol_types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * The main entry point for Signal Protocol encrypt/decrypt operations.
+ *
+ * Once a session has been established with session_builder,
+ * this class can be used for all encrypt/decrypt operations within
+ * that session.
+ */
+ * Construct a session cipher for encrypt/decrypt operations on a session.
+ * In order to use session_cipher, a session must have already been created
+ * and stored using session_builder.
+ *
+ * The store and global contexts must remain valid for the lifetime of the
+ * session cipher.
+ *
+ * When finished, free the returned instance by calling session_cipher_free().
+ *
+ * @param cipher set to a freshly allocated session cipher instance
+ * @param store the signal_protocol_store_context to store all state information in
+ * @param remote_address the remote address that messages will be encrypted to or decrypted from.
+ * @param global_context the global library context
+ * @return 0 on success, or negative on failure
+ */
+int session_cipher_create(session_cipher **cipher,
+ signal_protocol_store_context *store, const signal_protocol_address *remote_address,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+ * Set the optional user data pointer for the session cipher.
+ *
+ * This is to give callback functions a way of accessing app specific
+ * context information for this cipher.
+ */
+void session_cipher_set_user_data(session_cipher *cipher, void *user_data);
+ * Get the optional user data pointer for the session cipher.
+ *
+ * This is to give callback functions a way of accessing app specific
+ * context information for this cipher.
+ */
+void *session_cipher_get_user_data(session_cipher *cipher);
+ * Set the callback function that is called during the decrypt process.
+ *
+ * The callback function is called from within
+ * session_cipher_decrypt_pre_key_signal_message() and
+ * session_cipher_decrypt_signal_message() after decryption is complete
+ * but before the updated session state has been committed to the session
+ * store. If the callback function returns a negative value, then the
+ * decrypt function will immediately fail with an error.
+ *
+ * This a callback allows some implementations to store the committed plaintext
+ * to their local message store first, in case they are concerned with a crash
+ * or write error happening between the time the session state is updated but
+ * before they're able to successfully store the plaintext to disk.
+ *
+ * @param callback the callback function to set
+ */
+void session_cipher_set_decryption_callback(session_cipher *cipher,
+ int (*callback)(session_cipher *cipher, signal_buffer *plaintext, void *decrypt_context));
+ * Encrypt a message.
+ *
+ * @param padded_message The plaintext message bytes, optionally padded to a constant multiple.
+ * @param padded_message_len The length of the data pointed to by padded_message
+ * @param encrypted_message Set to a ciphertext message encrypted to the recipient+device tuple.
+ *
+ * @return SG_SUCCESS on success, negative on error
+ */
+int session_cipher_encrypt(session_cipher *cipher,
+ const uint8_t *padded_message, size_t padded_message_len,
+ ciphertext_message **encrypted_message);
+ * Decrypt a message.
+ *
+ * @param ciphertext The pre_key_signal_message to decrypt.
+ * @param decrypt_context Optional context pointer associated with the
+ * ciphertext, which is passed to the decryption callback function
+ * @param plaintext Set to a newly allocated buffer containing the plaintext.
+ *
+ * @retval SG_SUCCESS Success
+ * @retval SG_ERR_INVALID_MESSAGE if the input is not valid ciphertext.
+ * @retval SG_ERR_DUPLICATE_MESSAGE if the input is a message that has already been received.
+ * @retval SG_ERR_LEGACY_MESSAGE if the input is a message formatted by a protocol version that
+ * is no longer supported.
+ * @retval SG_ERR_INVALID_KEY_ID when there is no local pre_key_record
+ * that corresponds to the pre key ID in the message.
+ * @retval SG_ERR_INVALID_KEY when the message is formatted incorrectly.
+ * @retval SG_ERR_UNTRUSTED_IDENTITY when the identity key of the sender is untrusted.
+ */
+int session_cipher_decrypt_pre_key_signal_message(session_cipher *cipher,
+ pre_key_signal_message *ciphertext, void *decrypt_context,
+ signal_buffer **plaintext);
+ * Decrypt a message.
+ *
+ * @param ciphertext The signal_message to decrypt.
+ * @param decrypt_context Optional context pointer associated with the
+ * ciphertext, which is passed to the decryption callback function
+ * @param plaintext Set to a newly allocated buffer containing the plaintext.
+ *
+ * @retval SG_SUCCESS Success
+ * @retval SG_ERR_INVALID_MESSAGE if the input is not valid ciphertext.
+ * @retval SG_ERR_DUPLICATE_MESSAGE if the input is a message that has already been received.
+ * @retval SG_ERR_LEGACY_MESSAGE if the input is a message formatted by a protocol version that
+ * is no longer supported.
+ * @retval SG_ERR_NO_SESSION if there is no established session for this contact.
+ */
+int session_cipher_decrypt_signal_message(session_cipher *cipher,
+ signal_message *ciphertext, void *decrypt_context,
+ signal_buffer **plaintext);
+ * Gets the remote registration ID for this session cipher.
+ *
+ * @param remote_id Set to the value of the remote registration ID
+ *
+ * @return SG_SUCCESS on success, negative on error
+ */
+int session_cipher_get_remote_registration_id(session_cipher *cipher, uint32_t *remote_id);
+ * Gets the version of the session associated with this session cipher.
+ *
+ * @param version Set to the value of the session version
+ *
+ * @retval SG_SUCCESS Success
+ * @retval SG_ERR_NO_SESSION if no session could be found
+ */
+int session_cipher_get_session_version(session_cipher *cipher, uint32_t *version);
+void session_cipher_free(session_cipher *cipher);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* SESSION_CIPHER_H */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/session_pre_key.c b/libs/libsignal/src/session_pre_key.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..416ed6a1f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/session_pre_key.c
@@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
+#include "session_pre_key.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "curve.h"
+#include "LocalStorageProtocol.pb-c.h"
+#include "signal_protocol_internal.h"
+struct session_pre_key {
+ signal_type_base base;
+ uint32_t id;
+ ec_key_pair *key_pair;
+struct session_signed_pre_key {
+ signal_type_base base;
+ uint32_t id;
+ ec_key_pair *key_pair;
+ uint64_t timestamp;
+ size_t signature_len;
+ uint8_t signature[];
+struct session_pre_key_bundle {
+ signal_type_base base;
+ uint32_t registration_id;
+ int device_id;
+ uint32_t pre_key_id;
+ ec_public_key *pre_key_public;
+ uint32_t signed_pre_key_id;
+ ec_public_key *signed_pre_key_public;
+ signal_buffer *signed_pre_key_signature;
+ ec_public_key *identity_key;
+int session_pre_key_create(session_pre_key **pre_key, uint32_t id, ec_key_pair *key_pair)
+ session_pre_key *result = 0;
+ assert(key_pair);
+ result = malloc(sizeof(session_pre_key));
+ if(!result) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result, 0, sizeof(session_pre_key));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result, session_pre_key_destroy);
+ result->id = id;
+ SIGNAL_REF(key_pair);
+ result->key_pair = key_pair;
+ *pre_key = result;
+ return 0;
+int session_pre_key_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, const session_pre_key *pre_key)
+ int result = 0;
+ size_t result_size = 0;
+ Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure record = TEXTSECURE__PRE_KEY_RECORD_STRUCTURE__INIT;
+ signal_buffer *public_buf = 0;
+ signal_buffer *private_buf = 0;
+ signal_buffer *result_buf = 0;
+ ec_public_key *public_key = 0;
+ ec_private_key *private_key = 0;
+ size_t len = 0;
+ uint8_t *data = 0;
+ if(!pre_key) {
+ result = SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ public_key = ec_key_pair_get_public(pre_key->key_pair);
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize(&public_buf, public_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ private_key = ec_key_pair_get_private(pre_key->key_pair);
+ result = ec_private_key_serialize(&private_buf, private_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ record.has_id = 1;
+ = pre_key->id;
+ record.has_publickey = 1;
+ = signal_buffer_data(public_buf);
+ record.publickey.len = signal_buffer_len(public_buf);
+ record.has_privatekey = 1;
+ = signal_buffer_data(private_buf);
+ record.privatekey.len = signal_buffer_len(private_buf);
+ len = textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__get_packed_size(&record);
+ result_buf = signal_buffer_alloc(len);
+ if(!result_buf) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ data = signal_buffer_data(result_buf);
+ result_size = textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__pack(&record, data);
+ if(result_size != len) {
+ signal_buffer_free(result_buf);
+ result_buf = 0;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(public_buf) {
+ signal_buffer_free(public_buf);
+ }
+ if(private_buf) {
+ signal_buffer_free(private_buf);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *buffer = result_buf;
+ }
+ return result;
+int session_pre_key_deserialize(session_pre_key **pre_key, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ Textsecure__PreKeyRecordStructure *record = 0;
+ ec_public_key *public_key = 0;
+ ec_private_key *private_key = 0;
+ ec_key_pair *key_pair = 0;
+ session_pre_key *result_pre_key = 0;
+ record = textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__unpack(0, len, data);
+ if(!record) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(!record->has_id || !record->has_publickey || !record->has_privatekey) {
+ result = SG_ERR_INVALID_KEY;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = curve_decode_point(&public_key, record->, record->publickey.len, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = curve_decode_private_point(&private_key, record->, record->privatekey.len, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ec_key_pair_create(&key_pair, public_key, private_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = session_pre_key_create(&result_pre_key, record->id, key_pair);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(record) {
+ textsecure__pre_key_record_structure__free_unpacked(record, 0);
+ }
+ if(public_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(public_key);
+ }
+ if(private_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(private_key);
+ }
+ if(key_pair) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(key_pair);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *pre_key = result_pre_key;
+ }
+ return result;
+uint32_t session_pre_key_get_id(const session_pre_key *pre_key)
+ return pre_key->id;
+ec_key_pair *session_pre_key_get_key_pair(const session_pre_key *pre_key)
+ return pre_key->key_pair;
+void session_pre_key_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ session_pre_key *pre_key = (session_pre_key *)type;
+ if(pre_key->key_pair) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(pre_key->key_pair);
+ }
+ free(pre_key);
+int session_signed_pre_key_create(session_signed_pre_key **pre_key,
+ uint32_t id, uint64_t timestamp, ec_key_pair *key_pair,
+ const uint8_t *signature, size_t signature_len)
+ session_signed_pre_key *result = 0;
+ assert(key_pair);
+ assert(signature);
+ assert(signature_len > 0);
+ if(signature_len > (SIZE_MAX - sizeof(session_signed_pre_key)) / sizeof(uint8_t)) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ result = malloc(sizeof(session_signed_pre_key) + (sizeof(uint8_t) * signature_len));
+ if(!result) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result, 0, sizeof(session_signed_pre_key));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result, session_signed_pre_key_destroy);
+ result->id = id;
+ result->timestamp = timestamp;
+ SIGNAL_REF(key_pair);
+ result->key_pair = key_pair;
+ result->signature_len = signature_len;
+ memcpy(result->signature, signature, signature_len);
+ *pre_key = result;
+ return 0;
+int session_signed_pre_key_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, const session_signed_pre_key *pre_key)
+ int result = 0;
+ size_t result_size = 0;
+ Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure record = TEXTSECURE__SIGNED_PRE_KEY_RECORD_STRUCTURE__INIT;
+ signal_buffer *public_buf = 0;
+ signal_buffer *private_buf = 0;
+ signal_buffer *signature_buf = 0;
+ signal_buffer *result_buf = 0;
+ ec_public_key *public_key = 0;
+ ec_private_key *private_key = 0;
+ size_t len = 0;
+ uint8_t *data = 0;
+ public_key = ec_key_pair_get_public(pre_key->key_pair);
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize(&public_buf, public_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ private_key = ec_key_pair_get_private(pre_key->key_pair);
+ result = ec_private_key_serialize(&private_buf, private_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ signature_buf = signal_buffer_create(pre_key->signature, pre_key->signature_len);
+ if(!signature_buf) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ record.has_id = 1;
+ = pre_key->id;
+ record.has_timestamp = 1;
+ record.timestamp = pre_key->timestamp;
+ record.has_publickey = 1;
+ = signal_buffer_data(public_buf);
+ record.publickey.len = signal_buffer_len(public_buf);
+ record.has_privatekey = 1;
+ = signal_buffer_data(private_buf);
+ record.privatekey.len = signal_buffer_len(private_buf);
+ record.has_signature = 1;
+ = signal_buffer_data(signature_buf);
+ record.signature.len = signal_buffer_len(signature_buf);
+ len = textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__get_packed_size(&record);
+ result_buf = signal_buffer_alloc(len);
+ if(!result_buf) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ data = signal_buffer_data(result_buf);
+ result_size = textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__pack(&record, data);
+ if(result_size != len) {
+ signal_buffer_free(result_buf);
+ result_buf = 0;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(public_buf) {
+ signal_buffer_free(public_buf);
+ }
+ if(private_buf) {
+ signal_buffer_free(private_buf);
+ }
+ if(signature_buf) {
+ signal_buffer_free(signature_buf);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *buffer = result_buf;
+ }
+ return result;
+int session_signed_pre_key_deserialize(session_signed_pre_key **pre_key, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ Textsecure__SignedPreKeyRecordStructure *record = 0;
+ ec_public_key *public_key = 0;
+ ec_private_key *private_key = 0;
+ ec_key_pair *key_pair = 0;
+ session_signed_pre_key *result_pre_key = 0;
+ record = textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__unpack(0, len, data);
+ if(!record) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(!record->has_id || !record->has_timestamp
+ || !record->has_publickey || !record->has_privatekey
+ || !record->has_signature) {
+ result = SG_ERR_INVALID_KEY;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = curve_decode_point(&public_key, record->, record->publickey.len, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = curve_decode_private_point(&private_key, record->, record->privatekey.len, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ec_key_pair_create(&key_pair, public_key, private_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = session_signed_pre_key_create(&result_pre_key,
+ record->id, record->timestamp, key_pair,
+ record->, record->signature.len);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(record) {
+ textsecure__signed_pre_key_record_structure__free_unpacked(record, 0);
+ }
+ if(public_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(public_key);
+ }
+ if(private_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(private_key);
+ }
+ if(key_pair) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(key_pair);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *pre_key = result_pre_key;
+ }
+ return result;
+uint32_t session_signed_pre_key_get_id(const session_signed_pre_key *pre_key)
+ return pre_key->id;
+uint64_t session_signed_pre_key_get_timestamp(const session_signed_pre_key *pre_key)
+ return pre_key->timestamp;
+ec_key_pair *session_signed_pre_key_get_key_pair(const session_signed_pre_key *pre_key)
+ return pre_key->key_pair;
+const uint8_t *session_signed_pre_key_get_signature(const session_signed_pre_key *pre_key)
+ return pre_key->signature;
+size_t session_signed_pre_key_get_signature_len(const session_signed_pre_key *pre_key)
+ return pre_key->signature_len;
+void session_signed_pre_key_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ session_signed_pre_key *pre_key = (session_signed_pre_key *)type;
+ if(pre_key->key_pair) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(pre_key->key_pair);
+ }
+ free(pre_key);
+int session_pre_key_bundle_create(session_pre_key_bundle **bundle,
+ uint32_t registration_id, int device_id, uint32_t pre_key_id,
+ ec_public_key *pre_key_public,
+ uint32_t signed_pre_key_id, ec_public_key *signed_pre_key_public,
+ const uint8_t *signed_pre_key_signature_data, size_t signed_pre_key_signature_len,
+ ec_public_key *identity_key)
+ int result = 0;
+ session_pre_key_bundle *result_bundle = 0;
+ result_bundle = malloc(sizeof(session_pre_key_bundle));
+ if(!result_bundle) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memset(result_bundle, 0, sizeof(session_pre_key_bundle));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result_bundle, session_pre_key_bundle_destroy);
+ result_bundle->registration_id = registration_id;
+ result_bundle->device_id = device_id;
+ result_bundle->pre_key_id = pre_key_id;
+ if(pre_key_public) {
+ SIGNAL_REF(pre_key_public);
+ result_bundle->pre_key_public = pre_key_public;
+ }
+ result_bundle->signed_pre_key_id = signed_pre_key_id;
+ if(signed_pre_key_public) {
+ SIGNAL_REF(signed_pre_key_public);
+ result_bundle->signed_pre_key_public = signed_pre_key_public;
+ }
+ if(signed_pre_key_signature_data && signed_pre_key_signature_len > 0) {
+ result_bundle->signed_pre_key_signature = signal_buffer_create(
+ signed_pre_key_signature_data, signed_pre_key_signature_len);
+ }
+ if(identity_key) {
+ SIGNAL_REF(identity_key);
+ result_bundle->identity_key = identity_key;
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *bundle = result_bundle;
+ }
+ else {
+ if(result_bundle) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_bundle);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+uint32_t session_pre_key_bundle_get_registration_id(const session_pre_key_bundle *bundle)
+ assert(bundle);
+ return bundle->registration_id;
+int session_pre_key_bundle_get_device_id(const session_pre_key_bundle *bundle)
+ assert(bundle);
+ return bundle->device_id;
+uint32_t session_pre_key_bundle_get_pre_key_id(const session_pre_key_bundle *bundle)
+ assert(bundle);
+ return bundle->pre_key_id;
+ec_public_key *session_pre_key_bundle_get_pre_key(const session_pre_key_bundle *bundle)
+ assert(bundle);
+ return bundle->pre_key_public;
+uint32_t session_pre_key_bundle_get_signed_pre_key_id(const session_pre_key_bundle *bundle)
+ assert(bundle);
+ return bundle->signed_pre_key_id;
+ec_public_key *session_pre_key_bundle_get_signed_pre_key(const session_pre_key_bundle *bundle)
+ assert(bundle);
+ return bundle->signed_pre_key_public;
+signal_buffer *session_pre_key_bundle_get_signed_pre_key_signature(const session_pre_key_bundle *bundle)
+ assert(bundle);
+ return bundle->signed_pre_key_signature;
+ec_public_key *session_pre_key_bundle_get_identity_key(const session_pre_key_bundle *bundle)
+ assert(bundle);
+ return bundle->identity_key;
+void session_pre_key_bundle_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ session_pre_key_bundle *bundle = (session_pre_key_bundle *)type;
+ if(bundle->pre_key_public) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(bundle->pre_key_public);
+ }
+ if(bundle->signed_pre_key_public) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(bundle->signed_pre_key_public);
+ }
+ if(bundle->signed_pre_key_signature) {
+ signal_buffer_free(bundle->signed_pre_key_signature);
+ }
+ if(bundle->identity_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(bundle->identity_key);
+ }
+ free(bundle);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/session_pre_key.h b/libs/libsignal/src/session_pre_key.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff8a9a8de2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/session_pre_key.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "signal_protocol_types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+int session_pre_key_create(session_pre_key **pre_key, uint32_t id, ec_key_pair *key_pair);
+int session_pre_key_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, const session_pre_key *pre_key);
+int session_pre_key_deserialize(session_pre_key **pre_key, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, signal_context *global_context);
+uint32_t session_pre_key_get_id(const session_pre_key *pre_key);
+ec_key_pair *session_pre_key_get_key_pair(const session_pre_key *pre_key);
+void session_pre_key_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+int session_signed_pre_key_create(session_signed_pre_key **pre_key,
+ uint32_t id, uint64_t timestamp, ec_key_pair *key_pair,
+ const uint8_t *signature, size_t signature_len);
+int session_signed_pre_key_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, const session_signed_pre_key *pre_key);
+int session_signed_pre_key_deserialize(session_signed_pre_key **pre_key, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, signal_context *global_context);
+uint32_t session_signed_pre_key_get_id(const session_signed_pre_key *pre_key);
+uint64_t session_signed_pre_key_get_timestamp(const session_signed_pre_key *pre_key);
+ec_key_pair *session_signed_pre_key_get_key_pair(const session_signed_pre_key *pre_key);
+const uint8_t *session_signed_pre_key_get_signature(const session_signed_pre_key *pre_key);
+size_t session_signed_pre_key_get_signature_len(const session_signed_pre_key *pre_key);
+void session_signed_pre_key_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+int session_pre_key_bundle_create(session_pre_key_bundle **bundle,
+ uint32_t registration_id, int device_id, uint32_t pre_key_id,
+ ec_public_key *pre_key_public,
+ uint32_t signed_pre_key_id, ec_public_key *signed_pre_key_public,
+ const uint8_t *signed_pre_key_signature_data, size_t signed_pre_key_signature_len,
+ ec_public_key *identity_key);
+uint32_t session_pre_key_bundle_get_registration_id(const session_pre_key_bundle *bundle);
+int session_pre_key_bundle_get_device_id(const session_pre_key_bundle *bundle);
+uint32_t session_pre_key_bundle_get_pre_key_id(const session_pre_key_bundle *bundle);
+ec_public_key *session_pre_key_bundle_get_pre_key(const session_pre_key_bundle *bundle);
+uint32_t session_pre_key_bundle_get_signed_pre_key_id(const session_pre_key_bundle *bundle);
+ec_public_key *session_pre_key_bundle_get_signed_pre_key(const session_pre_key_bundle *bundle);
+signal_buffer *session_pre_key_bundle_get_signed_pre_key_signature(const session_pre_key_bundle *bundle);
+ec_public_key *session_pre_key_bundle_get_identity_key(const session_pre_key_bundle *bundle);
+void session_pre_key_bundle_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* SESSION_PRE_KEY_H */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/session_record.c b/libs/libsignal/src/session_record.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5ed577b37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/session_record.c
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+#include "session_record.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "session_state.h"
+#include "utlist.h"
+#include "LocalStorageProtocol.pb-c.h"
+#include "signal_protocol_internal.h"
+struct session_record_state_node
+ session_state *state;
+ struct session_record_state_node *prev, *next;
+struct session_record
+ signal_type_base base;
+ session_state *state;
+ session_record_state_node *previous_states_head;
+ int is_fresh;
+ signal_buffer *user_record;
+ signal_context *global_context;
+static void session_record_free_previous_states(session_record *record);
+int session_record_create(session_record **record, session_state *state, signal_context *global_context)
+ session_record *result = malloc(sizeof(session_record));
+ if(!result) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result, 0, sizeof(session_record));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result, session_record_destroy);
+ if(!state) {
+ int ret = session_state_create(&result->state, global_context);
+ if(ret < 0) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ result->is_fresh = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ SIGNAL_REF(state);
+ result->state = state;
+ result->is_fresh = 0;
+ }
+ result->global_context = global_context;
+ *record = result;
+ return 0;
+int session_record_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, const session_record *record)
+ int result = 0;
+ size_t result_size = 0;
+ unsigned int i = 0;
+ Textsecure__RecordStructure record_structure = TEXTSECURE__RECORD_STRUCTURE__INIT;
+ session_record_state_node *cur_node = 0;
+ signal_buffer *result_buf = 0;
+ size_t len = 0;
+ uint8_t *data = 0;
+ if(!record) {
+ result = SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(record->state) {
+ record_structure.currentsession = malloc(sizeof(Textsecure__SessionStructure));
+ if(!record_structure.currentsession) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ textsecure__session_structure__init(record_structure.currentsession);
+ result = session_state_serialize_prepare(record->state, record_structure.currentsession);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(record->previous_states_head) {
+ size_t count;
+ DL_COUNT(record->previous_states_head, cur_node, count);
+ if(count > SIZE_MAX / sizeof(Textsecure__SessionStructure *)) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ record_structure.previoussessions = malloc(sizeof(Textsecure__SessionStructure *) * count);
+ if(!record_structure.previoussessions) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ DL_FOREACH(record->previous_states_head, cur_node) {
+ record_structure.previoussessions[i] = malloc(sizeof(Textsecure__SessionStructure));
+ if(!record_structure.previoussessions[i]) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ break;
+ }
+ textsecure__session_structure__init(record_structure.previoussessions[i]);
+ result = session_state_serialize_prepare(cur_node->state, record_structure.previoussessions[i]);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ record_structure.n_previoussessions = i;
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ len = textsecure__record_structure__get_packed_size(&record_structure);
+ result_buf = signal_buffer_alloc(len);
+ if(!result_buf) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ data = signal_buffer_data(result_buf);
+ result_size = textsecure__record_structure__pack(&record_structure, data);
+ if(result_size != len) {
+ signal_buffer_free(result_buf);
+ result_buf = 0;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(record_structure.currentsession) {
+ session_state_serialize_prepare_free(record_structure.currentsession);
+ }
+ if(record_structure.previoussessions) {
+ for(i = 0; i < record_structure.n_previoussessions; i++) {
+ if(record_structure.previoussessions[i]) {
+ session_state_serialize_prepare_free(record_structure.previoussessions[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ free(record_structure.previoussessions);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *buffer = result_buf;
+ }
+ return result;
+int session_record_deserialize(session_record **record, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ session_record *result_record = 0;
+ session_state *current_state = 0;
+ session_record_state_node *previous_states_head = 0;
+ Textsecure__RecordStructure *record_structure = 0;
+ record_structure = textsecure__record_structure__unpack(0, len, data);
+ if(!record_structure) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(record_structure->currentsession) {
+ result = session_state_deserialize_protobuf(&current_state, record_structure->currentsession, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ result = session_record_create(&result_record, current_state, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(current_state);
+ current_state = 0;
+ result_record->is_fresh = 0;
+ if(record_structure->n_previoussessions > 0) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < record_structure->n_previoussessions; i++) {
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure *session_structure =
+ record_structure->previoussessions[i];
+ session_record_state_node *node = malloc(sizeof(session_record_state_node));
+ if(!node) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = session_state_deserialize_protobuf(&node->state, session_structure, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ free(node);
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ DL_APPEND(previous_states_head, node);
+ }
+ }
+ result_record->previous_states_head = previous_states_head;
+ previous_states_head = 0;
+ if(record_structure) {
+ textsecure__record_structure__free_unpacked(record_structure, 0);
+ }
+ if(current_state) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(current_state);
+ }
+ if(previous_states_head) {
+ session_record_state_node *cur_node;
+ session_record_state_node *tmp_node;
+ DL_FOREACH_SAFE(previous_states_head, cur_node, tmp_node) {
+ DL_DELETE(previous_states_head, cur_node);
+ free(cur_node);
+ }
+ }
+ if(result_record) {
+ if(result < 0) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_record);
+ }
+ else {
+ *record = result_record;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+int session_record_copy(session_record **record, session_record *other_record, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ session_record *result_record = 0;
+ signal_buffer *buffer = 0;
+ size_t len = 0;
+ uint8_t *data = 0;
+ assert(other_record);
+ assert(global_context);
+ result = session_record_serialize(&buffer, other_record);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ data = signal_buffer_data(buffer);
+ len = signal_buffer_len(buffer);
+ result = session_record_deserialize(&result_record, data, len, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(other_record->user_record) {
+ result_record->user_record = signal_buffer_copy(other_record->user_record);
+ if(!result_record->user_record) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(buffer) {
+ signal_buffer_free(buffer);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *record = result_record;
+ }
+ else {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_record);
+ }
+ return result;
+int session_record_has_session_state(session_record *record, uint32_t version, const ec_public_key *alice_base_key)
+ session_record_state_node *cur_node = 0;
+ assert(record);
+ assert(record->state);
+ if(session_state_get_session_version(record->state) == version &&
+ ec_public_key_compare(
+ session_state_get_alice_base_key(record->state),
+ alice_base_key) == 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ DL_FOREACH(record->previous_states_head, cur_node) {
+ if(session_state_get_session_version(cur_node->state) == version &&
+ ec_public_key_compare(
+ session_state_get_alice_base_key(cur_node->state),
+ alice_base_key) == 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+session_state *session_record_get_state(session_record *record)
+ return record->state;
+void session_record_set_state(session_record *record, session_state *state)
+ assert(record);
+ assert(state);
+ if(record->state) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(record->state);
+ }
+ SIGNAL_REF(state);
+ record->state = state;
+session_record_state_node *session_record_get_previous_states_head(const session_record *record)
+ assert(record);
+ return record->previous_states_head;
+session_state *session_record_get_previous_states_element(const session_record_state_node *node)
+ assert(node);
+ return node->state;
+session_record_state_node *session_record_get_previous_states_next(const session_record_state_node *node)
+ assert(node);
+ return node->next;
+session_record_state_node *session_record_get_previous_states_remove(session_record *record, session_record_state_node *node)
+ session_record_state_node *next_node = 0;
+ assert(record);
+ assert(node);
+ next_node = node->next;
+ DL_DELETE(record->previous_states_head, node);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(node->state);
+ free(node);
+ return next_node;
+int session_record_is_fresh(session_record *record)
+ assert(record);
+ return record->is_fresh;
+int session_record_archive_current_state(session_record *record)
+ int result = 0;
+ session_state *new_state = 0;
+ assert(record);
+ result = session_state_create(&new_state, record->global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = session_record_promote_state(record, new_state);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(new_state);
+ return result;
+int session_record_promote_state(session_record *record, session_state *promoted_state)
+ int count = 0;
+ session_record_state_node *cur_node = 0;
+ session_record_state_node *tmp_node = 0;
+ assert(record);
+ assert(promoted_state);
+ // Move the previously current state to the list of previous states
+ if(record->state) {
+ session_record_state_node *node = malloc(sizeof(session_record_state_node));
+ if(!node) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ node->state = record->state;
+ DL_PREPEND(record->previous_states_head, node);
+ record->state = 0;
+ }
+ // Make the promoted state the current state
+ SIGNAL_REF(promoted_state);
+ record->state = promoted_state;
+ // Remove any previous nodes beyond the maximum length
+ DL_FOREACH_SAFE(record->previous_states_head, cur_node, tmp_node) {
+ count++;
+ DL_DELETE(record->previous_states_head, cur_node);
+ if(cur_node->state) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(cur_node->state);
+ }
+ free(cur_node);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void session_record_free_previous_states(session_record *record)
+ session_record_state_node *cur_node;
+ session_record_state_node *tmp_node;
+ DL_FOREACH_SAFE(record->previous_states_head, cur_node, tmp_node) {
+ DL_DELETE(record->previous_states_head, cur_node);
+ if(cur_node->state) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(cur_node->state);
+ }
+ free(cur_node);
+ }
+ record->previous_states_head = 0;
+signal_buffer *session_record_get_user_record(const session_record *record)
+ assert(record);
+ return record->user_record;
+void session_record_set_user_record(session_record *record, signal_buffer *user_record)
+ assert(record);
+ if(record->user_record) {
+ signal_buffer_free(record->user_record);
+ }
+ record->user_record = user_record;
+void session_record_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ session_record *record = (session_record *)type;
+ if(record->state) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(record->state);
+ }
+ session_record_free_previous_states(record);
+ if(record->user_record) {
+ signal_buffer_free(record->user_record);
+ }
+ free(record);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/session_record.h b/libs/libsignal/src/session_record.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec21d08a7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/session_record.h
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "signal_protocol_types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+int session_record_create(session_record **record, session_state *state, signal_context *global_context);
+int session_record_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, const session_record *record);
+int session_record_deserialize(session_record **record, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, signal_context *global_context);
+int session_record_copy(session_record **record, session_record *other_record, signal_context *global_context);
+int session_record_has_session_state(session_record *record, uint32_t version, const ec_public_key *alice_base_key);
+session_state *session_record_get_state(session_record *record);
+void session_record_set_state(session_record *record, session_state *state);
+session_record_state_node *session_record_get_previous_states_head(const session_record *record);
+session_state *session_record_get_previous_states_element(const session_record_state_node *node);
+session_record_state_node *session_record_get_previous_states_next(const session_record_state_node *node);
+ * Removes the specified node in the previous states list.
+ * @param node the node to remove
+ * @return the node immediately following the removed node, or null if at the end of the list
+ */
+session_record_state_node *session_record_get_previous_states_remove(session_record *record, session_record_state_node *node);
+int session_record_is_fresh(session_record *record);
+ * Move the current session_state into the list of "previous" session states,
+ * and replace the current session_state with a fresh reset instance.
+ *
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+int session_record_archive_current_state(session_record *record);
+int session_record_promote_state(session_record *record, session_state *promoted_state);
+signal_buffer *session_record_get_user_record(const session_record *record);
+void session_record_set_user_record(session_record *record, signal_buffer *user_record);
+void session_record_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* SESSION_RECORD_H */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/session_state.c b/libs/libsignal/src/session_state.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4dfb9a1d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/session_state.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1856 @@
+#include "session_state.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "hkdf.h"
+#include "curve.h"
+#include "ratchet.h"
+#include "LocalStorageProtocol.pb-c.h"
+#include "signal_protocol_internal.h"
+#include "utlist.h"
+#define MAX_MESSAGE_KEYS 2000
+typedef struct message_keys_node
+ ratchet_message_keys message_key;
+ struct message_keys_node *prev, *next;
+} message_keys_node;
+typedef struct session_state_sender_chain
+ ec_key_pair *sender_ratchet_key_pair;
+ ratchet_chain_key *chain_key;
+} session_state_sender_chain;
+typedef struct session_state_receiver_chain
+ ec_public_key *sender_ratchet_key;
+ ratchet_chain_key *chain_key;
+ message_keys_node *message_keys_head;
+ struct session_state_receiver_chain *prev, *next;
+} session_state_receiver_chain;
+typedef struct session_pending_key_exchange
+ uint32_t sequence;
+ ec_key_pair *local_base_key;
+ ec_key_pair *local_ratchet_key;
+ ratchet_identity_key_pair *local_identity_key;
+} session_pending_key_exchange;
+typedef struct session_pending_pre_key
+ int has_pre_key_id;
+ uint32_t pre_key_id;
+ uint32_t signed_pre_key_id;
+ ec_public_key *base_key;
+} session_pending_pre_key;
+struct session_state
+ signal_type_base base;
+ uint32_t session_version;
+ ec_public_key *local_identity_public;
+ ec_public_key *remote_identity_public;
+ ratchet_root_key *root_key;
+ uint32_t previous_counter;
+ int has_sender_chain;
+ session_state_sender_chain sender_chain;
+ session_state_receiver_chain *receiver_chain_head;
+ int has_pending_key_exchange;
+ session_pending_key_exchange pending_key_exchange;
+ int has_pending_pre_key;
+ session_pending_pre_key pending_pre_key;
+ uint32_t remote_registration_id;
+ uint32_t local_registration_id;
+ int needs_refresh;
+ ec_public_key *alice_base_key;
+ signal_context *global_context;
+static int session_state_serialize_prepare_sender_chain(
+ session_state_sender_chain *chain,
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain *chain_structure);
+static int session_state_serialize_prepare_receiver_chain(
+ session_state_receiver_chain *chain,
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain *chain_structure);
+static void session_state_serialize_prepare_chain_free(
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain *chain_structure);
+static int session_state_serialize_prepare_chain_chain_key(
+ ratchet_chain_key *chain_key,
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain *chain_structure);
+static int session_state_serialize_prepare_chain_message_keys_list(
+ message_keys_node *message_keys_head,
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain *chain_structure);
+static int session_state_serialize_prepare_message_keys(
+ ratchet_message_keys *message_key,
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey *message_key_structure);
+static void session_state_serialize_prepare_message_keys_free(
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey *message_key_structure);
+static int session_state_serialize_prepare_pending_key_exchange(
+ session_pending_key_exchange *exchange,
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange *exchange_structure);
+static void session_state_serialize_prepare_pending_key_exchange_free(
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange *exchange_structure);
+static int session_state_serialize_prepare_pending_pre_key(
+ session_pending_pre_key *pre_key,
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey *pre_key_structure);
+static void session_state_serialize_prepare_pending_pre_key_free(
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey *pre_key_structure);
+static int session_state_deserialize_protobuf_pending_key_exchange(
+ session_pending_key_exchange *result_exchange,
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange *exchange_structure,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+static int session_state_deserialize_protobuf_pending_pre_key(
+ session_pending_pre_key *result_pre_key,
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey *pre_key_structure,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+static int session_state_deserialize_protobuf_sender_chain(
+ uint32_t session_version,
+ session_state_sender_chain *chain,
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain *chain_structure,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+static int session_state_deserialize_protobuf_receiver_chain(
+ uint32_t session_version,
+ session_state_receiver_chain *chain,
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain *chain_structure,
+ signal_context *global_context);
+static void session_state_free_sender_chain(session_state *state);
+static void session_state_free_receiver_chain_node(session_state_receiver_chain *node);
+static void session_state_free_receiver_chain(session_state *state);
+static session_state_receiver_chain *session_state_find_receiver_chain(const session_state *state, const ec_public_key *sender_ephemeral);
+int session_state_create(session_state **state, signal_context *global_context)
+ session_state *result = malloc(sizeof(session_state));
+ if(!result) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(result, 0, sizeof(session_state));
+ SIGNAL_INIT(result, session_state_destroy);
+ result->session_version = 2;
+ result->global_context = global_context;
+ *state = result;
+ return 0;
+int session_state_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, session_state *state)
+ int result = 0;
+ size_t result_size = 0;
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure *state_structure = 0;
+ signal_buffer *result_buf = 0;
+ size_t len = 0;
+ uint8_t *data = 0;
+ state_structure = malloc(sizeof(Textsecure__SessionStructure));
+ if(!state_structure) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ textsecure__session_structure__init(state_structure);
+ result = session_state_serialize_prepare(state, state_structure);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ len = textsecure__session_structure__get_packed_size(state_structure);
+ result_buf = signal_buffer_alloc(len);
+ if(!result_buf) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ data = signal_buffer_data(result_buf);
+ result_size = textsecure__session_structure__pack(state_structure, data);
+ if(result_size != len) {
+ signal_buffer_free(result_buf);
+ result_buf = 0;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(state_structure) {
+ session_state_serialize_prepare_free(state_structure);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *buffer = result_buf;
+ }
+ return result;
+int session_state_deserialize(session_state **state, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ session_state *result_state = 0;
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure *session_structure = 0;
+ session_structure = textsecure__session_structure__unpack(0, len, data);
+ if(!session_structure) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = session_state_deserialize_protobuf(&result_state, session_structure, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(session_structure) {
+ textsecure__session_structure__free_unpacked(session_structure, 0);
+ }
+ if(result_state) {
+ if(result < 0) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_state);
+ }
+ else {
+ *state = result_state;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+int session_state_serialize_prepare(session_state *state, Textsecure__SessionStructure *session_structure)
+ int result = 0;
+ assert(state);
+ assert(session_structure);
+ session_structure->has_sessionversion = 1;
+ session_structure->sessionversion = state->session_version;
+ if(state->local_identity_public) {
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize_protobuf(
+ &session_structure->localidentitypublic, state->local_identity_public);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ session_structure->has_localidentitypublic = 1;
+ }
+ if(state->remote_identity_public) {
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize_protobuf(
+ &session_structure->remoteidentitypublic, state->remote_identity_public);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ session_structure->has_remoteidentitypublic = 1;
+ }
+ if(state->root_key) {
+ result = ratchet_root_key_get_key_protobuf(
+ state->root_key, &session_structure->rootkey);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ session_structure->has_rootkey = 1;
+ }
+ session_structure->has_previouscounter = 1;
+ session_structure->previouscounter = state->previous_counter;
+ if(state->has_sender_chain) {
+ session_structure->senderchain = malloc(sizeof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain));
+ if(!session_structure->senderchain) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ textsecure__session_structure__chain__init(session_structure->senderchain);
+ result = session_state_serialize_prepare_sender_chain(
+ &state->sender_chain, session_structure->senderchain);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(state->receiver_chain_head) {
+ size_t count, i = 0;
+ session_state_receiver_chain *cur_node;
+ DL_COUNT(state->receiver_chain_head, cur_node, count);
+ if(count > SIZE_MAX / sizeof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain *)) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ session_structure->receiverchains = malloc(sizeof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain *) * count);
+ if(!session_structure->receiverchains) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ DL_FOREACH(state->receiver_chain_head, cur_node) {
+ session_structure->receiverchains[i] = malloc(sizeof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain));
+ if(!session_structure->receiverchains[i]) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ break;
+ }
+ textsecure__session_structure__chain__init(session_structure->receiverchains[i]);
+ result = session_state_serialize_prepare_receiver_chain(cur_node, session_structure->receiverchains[i]);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ session_structure->n_receiverchains = i;
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(state->has_pending_key_exchange) {
+ session_structure->pendingkeyexchange = malloc(sizeof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange));
+ if(!session_structure->pendingkeyexchange) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ textsecure__session_structure__pending_key_exchange__init(session_structure->pendingkeyexchange);
+ result = session_state_serialize_prepare_pending_key_exchange(
+ &state->pending_key_exchange,
+ session_structure->pendingkeyexchange);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(state->has_pending_pre_key) {
+ session_structure->pendingprekey = malloc(sizeof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey));
+ if(!session_structure->pendingprekey) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ textsecure__session_structure__pending_pre_key__init(session_structure->pendingprekey);
+ result = session_state_serialize_prepare_pending_pre_key(
+ &state->pending_pre_key,
+ session_structure->pendingprekey);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ session_structure->has_remoteregistrationid = 1;
+ session_structure->remoteregistrationid = state->remote_registration_id;
+ session_structure->has_localregistrationid = 1;
+ session_structure->localregistrationid = state->local_registration_id;
+ session_structure->has_needsrefresh = 1;
+ session_structure->needsrefresh = state->needs_refresh;
+ if(state->alice_base_key) {
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize_protobuf(
+ &session_structure->alicebasekey, state->alice_base_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ session_structure->has_alicebasekey = 1;
+ }
+ return result;
+static int session_state_serialize_prepare_sender_chain(
+ session_state_sender_chain *chain,
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain *chain_structure)
+ int result = 0;
+ if(chain->sender_ratchet_key_pair) {
+ ec_public_key *public_key = 0;
+ ec_private_key *private_key = 0;
+ public_key = ec_key_pair_get_public(chain->sender_ratchet_key_pair);
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize_protobuf(&chain_structure->senderratchetkey, public_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ chain_structure->has_senderratchetkey = 1;
+ private_key = ec_key_pair_get_private(chain->sender_ratchet_key_pair);
+ result = ec_private_key_serialize_protobuf(&chain_structure->senderratchetkeyprivate, private_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ chain_structure->has_senderratchetkeyprivate = 1;
+ }
+ if(chain->chain_key) {
+ result = session_state_serialize_prepare_chain_chain_key(chain->chain_key, chain_structure);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+static int session_state_serialize_prepare_receiver_chain(
+ session_state_receiver_chain *chain,
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain *chain_structure)
+ int result = 0;
+ if(chain->sender_ratchet_key) {
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize_protobuf(&chain_structure->senderratchetkey, chain->sender_ratchet_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ chain_structure->has_senderratchetkey = 1;
+ }
+ if(chain->chain_key) {
+ result = session_state_serialize_prepare_chain_chain_key(chain->chain_key, chain_structure);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(chain->message_keys_head) {
+ result = session_state_serialize_prepare_chain_message_keys_list(chain->message_keys_head, chain_structure);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+static int session_state_serialize_prepare_chain_chain_key(
+ ratchet_chain_key *chain_key,
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain *chain_structure)
+ int result = 0;
+ chain_structure->chainkey = malloc(sizeof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__ChainKey));
+ if(!chain_structure->chainkey) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ textsecure__session_structure__chain__chain_key__init(chain_structure->chainkey);
+ chain_structure->chainkey->has_index = 1;
+ chain_structure->chainkey->index = ratchet_chain_key_get_index(chain_key);
+ result = ratchet_chain_key_get_key_protobuf(chain_key, &chain_structure->chainkey->key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ chain_structure->chainkey->has_key = 1;
+ return result;
+static int session_state_serialize_prepare_chain_message_keys_list(
+ message_keys_node *message_keys_head,
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain *chain_structure)
+ int result = 0;
+ size_t count, i = 0;
+ message_keys_node *cur_node;
+ DL_COUNT(message_keys_head, cur_node, count);
+ if(count == 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(count > SIZE_MAX / sizeof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey *)) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ chain_structure->messagekeys = malloc(sizeof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey *) * count);
+ if(!chain_structure->messagekeys) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ DL_FOREACH(message_keys_head, cur_node) {
+ chain_structure->messagekeys[i] = malloc(sizeof(Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey));
+ if(!chain_structure->messagekeys[i]) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ break;
+ }
+ textsecure__session_structure__chain__message_key__init(chain_structure->messagekeys[i]);
+ result = session_state_serialize_prepare_message_keys(&cur_node->message_key, chain_structure->messagekeys[i]);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ chain_structure->n_messagekeys = i;
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ return result;
+static int session_state_serialize_prepare_message_keys(
+ ratchet_message_keys *message_key,
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey *message_key_structure)
+ int result = 0;
+ message_key_structure->has_index = 1;
+ message_key_structure->index = message_key->counter;
+ message_key_structure-> = malloc(sizeof(message_key->cipher_key));
+ if(!message_key_structure-> {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memcpy(message_key_structure->, message_key->cipher_key, sizeof(message_key->cipher_key));
+ message_key_structure->cipherkey.len = sizeof(message_key->cipher_key);
+ message_key_structure->has_cipherkey = 1;
+ message_key_structure-> = malloc(sizeof(message_key->mac_key));
+ if(!message_key_structure-> {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memcpy(message_key_structure->, message_key->mac_key, sizeof(message_key->mac_key));
+ message_key_structure->mackey.len = sizeof(message_key->mac_key);
+ message_key_structure->has_mackey = 1;
+ message_key_structure-> = malloc(sizeof(message_key->iv));
+ if(!message_key_structure-> {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memcpy(message_key_structure->, message_key->iv, sizeof(message_key->iv));
+ message_key_structure->iv.len = sizeof(message_key->iv);
+ message_key_structure->has_iv = 1;
+ return result;
+static void session_state_serialize_prepare_message_keys_free(
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey *message_key_structure)
+ if(message_key_structure->has_cipherkey) {
+ free(message_key_structure->;
+ }
+ if(message_key_structure->has_mackey) {
+ free(message_key_structure->;
+ }
+ if(message_key_structure->has_iv) {
+ free(message_key_structure->;
+ }
+ free(message_key_structure);
+static int session_state_serialize_prepare_pending_key_exchange(
+ session_pending_key_exchange *exchange,
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange *exchange_structure)
+ int result = 0;
+ exchange_structure->has_sequence = 1;
+ exchange_structure->sequence = exchange->sequence;
+ if(exchange->local_base_key) {
+ ec_public_key *public_key = 0;
+ ec_private_key *private_key = 0;
+ public_key = ec_key_pair_get_public(exchange->local_base_key);
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize_protobuf(&exchange_structure->localbasekey, public_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ exchange_structure->has_localbasekey = 1;
+ private_key = ec_key_pair_get_private(exchange->local_base_key);
+ result = ec_private_key_serialize_protobuf(&exchange_structure->localbasekeyprivate, private_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ exchange_structure->has_localbasekeyprivate = 1;
+ }
+ if(exchange->local_ratchet_key) {
+ ec_public_key *public_key;
+ ec_private_key *private_key;
+ public_key = ec_key_pair_get_public(exchange->local_ratchet_key);
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize_protobuf(&exchange_structure->localratchetkey, public_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ exchange_structure->has_localratchetkey = 1;
+ private_key = ec_key_pair_get_private(exchange->local_ratchet_key);
+ result = ec_private_key_serialize_protobuf(&exchange_structure->localratchetkeyprivate, private_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ exchange_structure->has_localratchetkeyprivate = 1;
+ }
+ if(exchange->local_identity_key) {
+ ec_public_key *public_key;
+ ec_private_key *private_key;
+ public_key = ratchet_identity_key_pair_get_public(exchange->local_identity_key);
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize_protobuf(&exchange_structure->localidentitykey, public_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ exchange_structure->has_localidentitykey = 1;
+ private_key = ratchet_identity_key_pair_get_private(exchange->local_identity_key);
+ result = ec_private_key_serialize_protobuf(&exchange_structure->localidentitykeyprivate, private_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ exchange_structure->has_localidentitykeyprivate = 1;
+ }
+ return result;
+static int session_state_serialize_prepare_pending_pre_key(
+ session_pending_pre_key *pre_key,
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey *pre_key_structure)
+ int result = 0;
+ if(pre_key->has_pre_key_id) {
+ pre_key_structure->has_prekeyid = 1;
+ pre_key_structure->prekeyid = pre_key->pre_key_id;
+ }
+ pre_key_structure->has_signedprekeyid = 1;
+ pre_key_structure->signedprekeyid = (int32_t)pre_key->signed_pre_key_id;
+ if(pre_key->base_key) {
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize_protobuf(&pre_key_structure->basekey, pre_key->base_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ pre_key_structure->has_basekey = 1;
+ }
+ return result;
+void session_state_serialize_prepare_free(Textsecure__SessionStructure *session_structure)
+ assert(session_structure);
+ if(session_structure->has_localidentitypublic) {
+ free(session_structure->;
+ }
+ if(session_structure->has_remoteidentitypublic) {
+ free(session_structure->;
+ }
+ if(session_structure->has_rootkey) {
+ free(session_structure->;
+ }
+ if(session_structure->senderchain) {
+ session_state_serialize_prepare_chain_free(session_structure->senderchain);
+ }
+ if(session_structure->receiverchains) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < session_structure->n_receiverchains; i++) {
+ if(session_structure->receiverchains[i]) {
+ session_state_serialize_prepare_chain_free(session_structure->receiverchains[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ free(session_structure->receiverchains);
+ }
+ if(session_structure->pendingkeyexchange) {
+ session_state_serialize_prepare_pending_key_exchange_free(session_structure->pendingkeyexchange);
+ }
+ if(session_structure->pendingprekey) {
+ session_state_serialize_prepare_pending_pre_key_free(session_structure->pendingprekey);
+ }
+ if(session_structure->has_alicebasekey) {
+ free(session_structure->;
+ }
+ free(session_structure);
+static void session_state_serialize_prepare_chain_free(
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain *chain_structure)
+ if(chain_structure->has_senderratchetkey) {
+ free(chain_structure->;
+ }
+ if(chain_structure->has_senderratchetkeyprivate) {
+ free(chain_structure->;
+ }
+ if(chain_structure->chainkey) {
+ if(chain_structure->chainkey->has_key) {
+ free(chain_structure->chainkey->;
+ }
+ free(chain_structure->chainkey);
+ }
+ if(chain_structure->messagekeys) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < chain_structure->n_messagekeys; i++) {
+ if(chain_structure->messagekeys[i]) {
+ session_state_serialize_prepare_message_keys_free(chain_structure->messagekeys[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ free(chain_structure->messagekeys);
+ }
+ free(chain_structure);
+static void session_state_serialize_prepare_pending_key_exchange_free(
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange *exchange_structure)
+ if(exchange_structure->has_localbasekey) {
+ free(exchange_structure->;
+ }
+ if(exchange_structure->has_localbasekeyprivate) {
+ free(exchange_structure->;
+ }
+ if(exchange_structure->has_localratchetkey) {
+ free(exchange_structure->;
+ }
+ if(exchange_structure->has_localratchetkeyprivate) {
+ free(exchange_structure->;
+ }
+ if(exchange_structure->has_localidentitykey) {
+ free(exchange_structure->;
+ }
+ if(exchange_structure->has_localidentitykeyprivate) {
+ free(exchange_structure->;
+ }
+ free(exchange_structure);
+static void session_state_serialize_prepare_pending_pre_key_free(
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey *pre_key_structure)
+ if(pre_key_structure->has_basekey) {
+ free(pre_key_structure->;
+ }
+ free(pre_key_structure);
+int session_state_deserialize_protobuf(session_state **state, Textsecure__SessionStructure *session_structure, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ session_state *result_state = 0;
+ result = session_state_create(&result_state, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(session_structure->has_sessionversion) {
+ result_state->session_version = session_structure->sessionversion;
+ }
+ if(session_structure->has_localidentitypublic) {
+ result = curve_decode_point(
+ &result_state->local_identity_public,
+ session_structure->,
+ session_structure->localidentitypublic.len,
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(session_structure->has_remoteidentitypublic) {
+ result = curve_decode_point(
+ &result_state->remote_identity_public,
+ session_structure->,
+ session_structure->remoteidentitypublic.len,
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(session_structure->has_rootkey) {
+ hkdf_context *kdf = 0;
+ result = hkdf_create(&kdf, (int)result_state->session_version, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ratchet_root_key_create(
+ &result_state->root_key, kdf,
+ session_structure->,
+ session_structure->rootkey.len, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(session_structure->has_previouscounter) {
+ result_state->previous_counter = session_structure->previouscounter;
+ }
+ if(session_structure->senderchain) {
+ session_state_deserialize_protobuf_sender_chain(
+ result_state->session_version,
+ &result_state->sender_chain, session_structure->senderchain,
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result_state->has_sender_chain = 1;
+ }
+ if(session_structure->n_receiverchains > 0) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < session_structure->n_receiverchains; i++) {
+ session_state_receiver_chain *node = malloc(sizeof(session_state_receiver_chain));
+ if(!node) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memset(node, 0, sizeof(session_state_receiver_chain));
+ result = session_state_deserialize_protobuf_receiver_chain(
+ result_state->session_version,
+ node, session_structure->receiverchains[i],
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ free(node);
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ DL_APPEND(result_state->receiver_chain_head, node);
+ }
+ }
+ if(session_structure->pendingkeyexchange) {
+ result = session_state_deserialize_protobuf_pending_key_exchange(
+ &result_state->pending_key_exchange,
+ session_structure->pendingkeyexchange, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result_state->has_pending_key_exchange = 1;
+ }
+ if(session_structure->pendingprekey) {
+ result = session_state_deserialize_protobuf_pending_pre_key(
+ &result_state->pending_pre_key,
+ session_structure->pendingprekey, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result_state->has_pending_pre_key = 1;
+ }
+ if(session_structure->has_remoteregistrationid) {
+ result_state->remote_registration_id = session_structure->remoteregistrationid;
+ }
+ if(session_structure->has_localregistrationid) {
+ result_state->local_registration_id = session_structure->localregistrationid;
+ }
+ if(session_structure->has_needsrefresh) {
+ result_state->needs_refresh = session_structure->needsrefresh;
+ }
+ if(session_structure->has_alicebasekey) {
+ result = curve_decode_point(
+ &result_state->alice_base_key,
+ session_structure->,
+ session_structure->alicebasekey.len,
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *state = result_state;
+ }
+ else {
+ if(result_state) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(result_state);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+static int session_state_deserialize_protobuf_pending_key_exchange(
+ session_pending_key_exchange *result_exchange,
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingKeyExchange *exchange_structure,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ ec_key_pair *local_base_key = 0;
+ ec_public_key *local_base_key_public = 0;
+ ec_private_key *local_base_key_private = 0;
+ ec_key_pair *local_ratchet_key = 0;
+ ec_public_key *local_ratchet_key_public = 0;
+ ec_private_key *local_ratchet_key_private = 0;
+ ratchet_identity_key_pair *local_identity_key = 0;
+ ec_public_key *local_identity_key_public = 0;
+ ec_private_key *local_identity_key_private = 0;
+ if(exchange_structure->has_localbasekey && exchange_structure->has_localbasekeyprivate) {
+ result = curve_decode_point(&local_base_key_public,
+ exchange_structure->,
+ exchange_structure->localbasekey.len,
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = curve_decode_private_point(&local_base_key_private,
+ exchange_structure->,
+ exchange_structure->localbasekeyprivate.len,
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ec_key_pair_create(&local_base_key,
+ local_base_key_public, local_base_key_private);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(exchange_structure->has_localratchetkey && exchange_structure->has_localratchetkeyprivate) {
+ result = curve_decode_point(&local_ratchet_key_public,
+ exchange_structure->,
+ exchange_structure->localratchetkey.len,
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = curve_decode_private_point(&local_ratchet_key_private,
+ exchange_structure->,
+ exchange_structure->localratchetkeyprivate.len,
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ec_key_pair_create(&local_ratchet_key,
+ local_ratchet_key_public, local_ratchet_key_private);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(exchange_structure->has_localidentitykey && exchange_structure->has_localidentitykeyprivate) {
+ result = curve_decode_point(&local_identity_key_public,
+ exchange_structure->,
+ exchange_structure->localidentitykey.len,
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = curve_decode_private_point(&local_identity_key_private,
+ exchange_structure->,
+ exchange_structure->localidentitykeyprivate.len,
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ratchet_identity_key_pair_create(&local_identity_key,
+ local_identity_key_public,
+ local_identity_key_private);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ result_exchange->sequence = exchange_structure->sequence;
+ result_exchange->local_base_key = local_base_key;
+ result_exchange->local_ratchet_key = local_ratchet_key;
+ result_exchange->local_identity_key = local_identity_key;
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(local_base_key_public);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(local_base_key_private);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(local_ratchet_key_public);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(local_ratchet_key_private);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(local_identity_key_public);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(local_identity_key_private);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(local_base_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(local_ratchet_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(local_identity_key);
+ }
+ return result;
+static int session_state_deserialize_protobuf_pending_pre_key(
+ session_pending_pre_key *result_pre_key,
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__PendingPreKey *pre_key_structure,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ if(pre_key_structure->has_basekey) {
+ ec_public_key *base_key = 0;
+ result = curve_decode_point(&base_key,
+ pre_key_structure->,
+ pre_key_structure->basekey.len,
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result_pre_key->base_key = base_key;
+ }
+ if(pre_key_structure->has_prekeyid) {
+ result_pre_key->has_pre_key_id = 1;
+ result_pre_key->pre_key_id = pre_key_structure->prekeyid;
+ }
+ if(pre_key_structure->has_signedprekeyid) {
+ result_pre_key->signed_pre_key_id = (uint32_t)pre_key_structure->signedprekeyid;
+ }
+ return result;
+static int session_state_deserialize_protobuf_sender_chain(
+ uint32_t session_version,
+ session_state_sender_chain *chain,
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain *chain_structure,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ hkdf_context *kdf = 0;
+ ec_key_pair *sender_ratchet_key_pair = 0;
+ ec_public_key *sender_ratchet_key_public = 0;
+ ec_private_key *sender_ratchet_key_private = 0;
+ ratchet_chain_key *sender_chain_key = 0;
+ if(chain_structure->has_senderratchetkey && chain_structure->has_senderratchetkeyprivate) {
+ result = curve_decode_point(&sender_ratchet_key_public,
+ chain_structure->,
+ chain_structure->senderratchetkey.len,
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = curve_decode_private_point(&sender_ratchet_key_private,
+ chain_structure->,
+ chain_structure->senderratchetkeyprivate.len,
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ec_key_pair_create(&sender_ratchet_key_pair,
+ sender_ratchet_key_public, sender_ratchet_key_private);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(chain_structure->chainkey && chain_structure->chainkey->has_key && chain_structure->chainkey->has_index) {
+ result = hkdf_create(&kdf, (int)session_version, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ratchet_chain_key_create(
+ &sender_chain_key, kdf,
+ chain_structure->chainkey->,
+ chain_structure->chainkey->key.len,
+ chain_structure->chainkey->index,
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ chain->sender_ratchet_key_pair = sender_ratchet_key_pair;
+ chain->chain_key = sender_chain_key;
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(sender_ratchet_key_public);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(sender_ratchet_key_private);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(sender_ratchet_key_pair);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(sender_chain_key);
+ }
+ return result;
+static int session_state_deserialize_protobuf_receiver_chain(
+ uint32_t session_version,
+ session_state_receiver_chain *chain,
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain *chain_structure,
+ signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ hkdf_context *kdf = 0;
+ ec_public_key *sender_ratchet_key = 0;
+ ratchet_chain_key *chain_key = 0;
+ message_keys_node *message_keys_head = 0;
+ if(chain_structure->has_senderratchetkey) {
+ result = curve_decode_point(&sender_ratchet_key,
+ chain_structure->,
+ chain_structure->senderratchetkey.len,
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(chain_structure->chainkey && chain_structure->chainkey->has_key && chain_structure->chainkey->has_index) {
+ result = hkdf_create(&kdf, (int)session_version, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ratchet_chain_key_create(
+ &chain_key, kdf,
+ chain_structure->chainkey->,
+ chain_structure->chainkey->key.len,
+ chain_structure->chainkey->index,
+ global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ }
+ if(chain_structure->n_messagekeys > 0) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < chain_structure->n_messagekeys; i++) {
+ Textsecure__SessionStructure__Chain__MessageKey *key_structure =
+ chain_structure->messagekeys[i];
+ message_keys_node *node = malloc(sizeof(message_keys_node));
+ if(!node) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memset(node, 0, sizeof(message_keys_node));
+ if(key_structure->has_index) {
+ node->message_key.counter = key_structure->index;
+ }
+ if(key_structure->has_cipherkey && key_structure->cipherkey.len == sizeof(node->message_key.cipher_key)) {
+ memcpy(node->message_key.cipher_key, key_structure->, key_structure->cipherkey.len);
+ }
+ if(key_structure->has_mackey && key_structure->mackey.len == sizeof(node->message_key.mac_key)) {
+ memcpy(node->message_key.mac_key, key_structure->, key_structure->mackey.len);
+ }
+ if(key_structure->has_iv && key_structure->iv.len == sizeof(node->message_key.iv)) {
+ memcpy(node->message_key.iv, key_structure->, key_structure->iv.len);
+ }
+ DL_APPEND(message_keys_head, node);
+ }
+ }
+ chain->sender_ratchet_key = sender_ratchet_key;
+ chain->chain_key = chain_key;
+ chain->message_keys_head = message_keys_head;
+ if(result < 0) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(sender_ratchet_key);
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(chain_key);
+ if(message_keys_head) {
+ message_keys_node *cur_node;
+ message_keys_node *tmp_node;
+ DL_FOREACH_SAFE(message_keys_head, cur_node, tmp_node) {
+ DL_DELETE(message_keys_head, cur_node);
+ signal_explicit_bzero(&cur_node->message_key, sizeof(ratchet_message_keys));
+ free(cur_node);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+int session_state_copy(session_state **state, session_state *other_state, signal_context *global_context)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *buffer = 0;
+ size_t len = 0;
+ uint8_t *data = 0;
+ assert(other_state);
+ assert(global_context);
+ result = session_state_serialize(&buffer, other_state);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ data = signal_buffer_data(buffer);
+ len = signal_buffer_len(buffer);
+ result = session_state_deserialize(state, data, len, global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(buffer) {
+ signal_buffer_free(buffer);
+ }
+ return result;
+void session_state_set_session_version(session_state *state, uint32_t version)
+ assert(state);
+ state->session_version = version;
+uint32_t session_state_get_session_version(const session_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ return state->session_version;
+void session_state_set_local_identity_key(session_state *state, ec_public_key *identity_key)
+ assert(state);
+ assert(identity_key);
+ if(state->local_identity_public) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->local_identity_public);
+ }
+ SIGNAL_REF(identity_key);
+ state->local_identity_public = identity_key;
+ec_public_key *session_state_get_local_identity_key(const session_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ return state->local_identity_public;
+void session_state_set_remote_identity_key(session_state *state, ec_public_key *identity_key)
+ assert(state);
+ assert(identity_key);
+ if(state->remote_identity_public) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->remote_identity_public);
+ }
+ SIGNAL_REF(identity_key);
+ state->remote_identity_public = identity_key;
+ec_public_key *session_state_get_remote_identity_key(const session_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ return state->remote_identity_public;
+void session_state_set_root_key(session_state *state, ratchet_root_key *root_key)
+ assert(state);
+ assert(root_key);
+ if(state->root_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->root_key);
+ }
+ SIGNAL_REF(root_key);
+ state->root_key = root_key;
+ratchet_root_key *session_state_get_root_key(const session_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ return state->root_key;
+void session_state_set_previous_counter(session_state *state, uint32_t counter)
+ assert(state);
+ state->previous_counter = counter;
+uint32_t session_state_get_previous_counter(const session_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ return state->previous_counter;
+void session_state_set_sender_chain(session_state *state, ec_key_pair *sender_ratchet_key_pair, ratchet_chain_key *chain_key)
+ assert(state);
+ assert(sender_ratchet_key_pair);
+ assert(chain_key);
+ state->has_sender_chain = 1;
+ if(state->sender_chain.sender_ratchet_key_pair) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->sender_chain.sender_ratchet_key_pair);
+ }
+ SIGNAL_REF(sender_ratchet_key_pair);
+ state->sender_chain.sender_ratchet_key_pair = sender_ratchet_key_pair;
+ if(state->sender_chain.chain_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->sender_chain.chain_key);
+ }
+ SIGNAL_REF(chain_key);
+ state->sender_chain.chain_key = chain_key;
+ec_public_key *session_state_get_sender_ratchet_key(const session_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ if(state->sender_chain.sender_ratchet_key_pair) {
+ return ec_key_pair_get_public(state->sender_chain.sender_ratchet_key_pair);
+ }
+ else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ec_key_pair *session_state_get_sender_ratchet_key_pair(const session_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ return state->sender_chain.sender_ratchet_key_pair;
+ratchet_chain_key *session_state_get_sender_chain_key(const session_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ return state->sender_chain.chain_key;
+int session_state_set_sender_chain_key(session_state *state, ratchet_chain_key *chain_key)
+ assert(state);
+ if(state->has_sender_chain) {
+ if(state->sender_chain.chain_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->sender_chain.chain_key);
+ }
+ SIGNAL_REF(chain_key);
+ state->sender_chain.chain_key = chain_key;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ return SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ }
+int session_state_has_sender_chain(const session_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ return state->has_sender_chain;
+int session_state_has_message_keys(session_state *state, ec_public_key *sender_ephemeral, uint32_t counter)
+ session_state_receiver_chain *chain = 0;
+ message_keys_node *cur_node = 0;
+ assert(state);
+ assert(sender_ephemeral);
+ chain = session_state_find_receiver_chain(state, sender_ephemeral);
+ if(!chain) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ DL_FOREACH(chain->message_keys_head, cur_node) {
+ if(cur_node->message_key.counter == counter) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int session_state_remove_message_keys(session_state *state,
+ ratchet_message_keys *message_keys_result,
+ ec_public_key *sender_ephemeral, uint32_t counter)
+ session_state_receiver_chain *chain = 0;
+ message_keys_node *cur_node = 0;
+ message_keys_node *tmp_node = 0;
+ assert(state);
+ assert(message_keys_result);
+ assert(sender_ephemeral);
+ chain = session_state_find_receiver_chain(state, sender_ephemeral);
+ if(!chain) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ DL_FOREACH_SAFE(chain->message_keys_head, cur_node, tmp_node) {
+ if(cur_node->message_key.counter == counter) {
+ memcpy(message_keys_result, &(cur_node->message_key), sizeof(ratchet_message_keys));
+ DL_DELETE(chain->message_keys_head, cur_node);
+ signal_explicit_bzero(&cur_node->message_key, sizeof(ratchet_message_keys));
+ free(cur_node);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int session_state_set_message_keys(session_state *state,
+ ec_public_key *sender_ephemeral, ratchet_message_keys *message_keys)
+ session_state_receiver_chain *chain = 0;
+ message_keys_node *node = 0;
+ int count;
+ assert(state);
+ assert(sender_ephemeral);
+ assert(message_keys);
+ chain = session_state_find_receiver_chain(state, sender_ephemeral);
+ if(!chain) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ node = malloc(sizeof(message_keys_node));
+ if(!node) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memcpy(&(node->message_key), message_keys, sizeof(ratchet_message_keys));
+ node->prev = 0;
+ node->next = 0;
+ DL_APPEND(chain->message_keys_head, node);
+ DL_COUNT(chain->message_keys_head, node, count);
+ while(count > MAX_MESSAGE_KEYS) {
+ node = chain->message_keys_head;
+ DL_DELETE(chain->message_keys_head, node);
+ signal_explicit_bzero(&node->message_key, sizeof(ratchet_message_keys));
+ free(node);
+ --count;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int session_state_add_receiver_chain(session_state *state, ec_public_key *sender_ratchet_key, ratchet_chain_key *chain_key)
+ session_state_receiver_chain *node;
+ int count;
+ assert(state);
+ assert(sender_ratchet_key);
+ assert(chain_key);
+ node = malloc(sizeof(session_state_receiver_chain));
+ if(!node) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(node, 0, sizeof(session_state_receiver_chain));
+ SIGNAL_REF(sender_ratchet_key);
+ node->sender_ratchet_key = sender_ratchet_key;
+ SIGNAL_REF(chain_key);
+ node->chain_key = chain_key;
+ DL_APPEND(state->receiver_chain_head, node);
+ DL_COUNT(state->receiver_chain_head, node, count);
+ while(count > 5) {
+ node = state->receiver_chain_head;
+ DL_DELETE(state->receiver_chain_head, node);
+ session_state_free_receiver_chain_node(node);
+ --count;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int session_state_set_receiver_chain_key(session_state *state, ec_public_key *sender_ephemeral, ratchet_chain_key *chain_key)
+ int result = 0;
+ session_state_receiver_chain *node;
+ assert(state);
+ assert(sender_ephemeral);
+ assert(chain_key);
+ node = session_state_find_receiver_chain(state, sender_ephemeral);
+ if(!node) {
+ signal_log(state->global_context, SG_LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't find receiver chain to set chain key on");
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(node->chain_key);
+ SIGNAL_REF(chain_key);
+ node->chain_key = chain_key;
+ return result;
+static session_state_receiver_chain *session_state_find_receiver_chain(const session_state *state, const ec_public_key *sender_ephemeral)
+ session_state_receiver_chain *result = 0;
+ session_state_receiver_chain *cur_node;
+ DL_FOREACH(state->receiver_chain_head, cur_node) {
+ if(ec_public_key_compare(cur_node->sender_ratchet_key, sender_ephemeral) == 0) {
+ result = cur_node;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ratchet_chain_key *session_state_get_receiver_chain_key(session_state *state, ec_public_key *sender_ephemeral)
+ ratchet_chain_key *result = 0;
+ session_state_receiver_chain *node = session_state_find_receiver_chain(state, sender_ephemeral);
+ if(node) {
+ result = node->chain_key;
+ }
+ return result;
+void session_state_set_pending_key_exchange(session_state *state,
+ uint32_t sequence,
+ ec_key_pair *our_base_key, ec_key_pair *our_ratchet_key,
+ ratchet_identity_key_pair *our_identity_key)
+ assert(state);
+ assert(our_base_key);
+ assert(our_ratchet_key);
+ assert(our_identity_key);
+ if(state->pending_key_exchange.local_base_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->pending_key_exchange.local_base_key);
+ state->pending_key_exchange.local_base_key = 0;
+ }
+ if(state->pending_key_exchange.local_ratchet_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->pending_key_exchange.local_ratchet_key);
+ state->pending_key_exchange.local_ratchet_key = 0;
+ }
+ if(state->pending_key_exchange.local_identity_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->pending_key_exchange.local_identity_key);
+ state->pending_key_exchange.local_identity_key = 0;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_REF(our_base_key);
+ SIGNAL_REF(our_ratchet_key);
+ SIGNAL_REF(our_identity_key);
+ state->has_pending_key_exchange = 1;
+ state->pending_key_exchange.sequence = sequence;
+ state->pending_key_exchange.local_base_key = our_base_key;
+ state->pending_key_exchange.local_ratchet_key = our_ratchet_key;
+ state->pending_key_exchange.local_identity_key = our_identity_key;
+uint32_t session_state_get_pending_key_exchange_sequence(session_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ if(state->has_pending_key_exchange) {
+ return state->pending_key_exchange.sequence;
+ }
+ else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ec_key_pair *session_state_get_pending_key_exchange_base_key(const session_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ if(state->has_pending_key_exchange) {
+ return state->pending_key_exchange.local_base_key;
+ }
+ else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ec_key_pair *session_state_get_pending_key_exchange_ratchet_key(const session_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ if(state->has_pending_key_exchange) {
+ return state->pending_key_exchange.local_ratchet_key;
+ }
+ else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ratchet_identity_key_pair *session_state_get_pending_key_exchange_identity_key(const session_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ if(state->has_pending_key_exchange) {
+ return state->pending_key_exchange.local_identity_key;
+ }
+ else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+int session_state_has_pending_key_exchange(const session_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ return state->has_pending_key_exchange;
+void session_state_set_unacknowledged_pre_key_message(session_state *state,
+ const uint32_t *pre_key_id, uint32_t signed_pre_key_id, ec_public_key *base_key)
+ assert(state);
+ assert(base_key);
+ if(state->pending_pre_key.base_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->pending_pre_key.base_key);
+ state->pending_pre_key.base_key = 0;
+ }
+ SIGNAL_REF(base_key);
+ state->has_pending_pre_key = 1;
+ if(pre_key_id) {
+ state->pending_pre_key.has_pre_key_id = 1;
+ state->pending_pre_key.pre_key_id = *pre_key_id;
+ }
+ else {
+ state->pending_pre_key.has_pre_key_id = 0;
+ state->pending_pre_key.pre_key_id = 0;
+ }
+ state->pending_pre_key.signed_pre_key_id = signed_pre_key_id;
+ state->pending_pre_key.base_key = base_key;
+int session_state_unacknowledged_pre_key_message_has_pre_key_id(const session_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ return state->pending_pre_key.has_pre_key_id;
+uint32_t session_state_unacknowledged_pre_key_message_get_pre_key_id(const session_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ assert(state->pending_pre_key.has_pre_key_id);
+ return state->pending_pre_key.pre_key_id;
+uint32_t session_state_unacknowledged_pre_key_message_get_signed_pre_key_id(const session_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ return state->pending_pre_key.signed_pre_key_id;
+ec_public_key *session_state_unacknowledged_pre_key_message_get_base_key(const session_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ return state->pending_pre_key.base_key;
+int session_state_has_unacknowledged_pre_key_message(const session_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ return state->has_pending_pre_key;
+void session_state_clear_unacknowledged_pre_key_message(session_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ if(state->pending_pre_key.base_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->pending_pre_key.base_key);
+ }
+ memset(&state->pending_pre_key, 0, sizeof(state->pending_pre_key));
+ state->has_pending_pre_key = 0;
+void session_state_set_remote_registration_id(session_state *state, uint32_t id)
+ assert(state);
+ state->remote_registration_id = id;
+uint32_t session_state_get_remote_registration_id(const session_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ return state->remote_registration_id;
+void session_state_set_local_registration_id(session_state *state, uint32_t id)
+ assert(state);
+ state->local_registration_id = id;
+uint32_t session_state_get_local_registration_id(const session_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ return state->local_registration_id;
+void session_state_set_needs_refresh(session_state *state, int value)
+ assert(state);
+ assert(value == 0 || value == 1);
+ state->needs_refresh = value;
+int session_state_get_needs_refresh(const session_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ return state->needs_refresh;
+void session_state_set_alice_base_key(session_state *state, ec_public_key *key)
+ assert(state);
+ assert(key);
+ if(state->alice_base_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->alice_base_key);
+ }
+ SIGNAL_REF(key);
+ state->alice_base_key = key;
+ec_public_key *session_state_get_alice_base_key(const session_state *state)
+ assert(state);
+ return state->alice_base_key;
+static void session_state_free_sender_chain(session_state *state)
+ if(state->sender_chain.sender_ratchet_key_pair) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->sender_chain.sender_ratchet_key_pair);
+ state->sender_chain.sender_ratchet_key_pair = 0;
+ }
+ if(state->sender_chain.chain_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->sender_chain.chain_key);
+ state->sender_chain.chain_key = 0;
+ }
+static void session_state_free_receiver_chain_node(session_state_receiver_chain *node)
+ if(node->sender_ratchet_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(node->sender_ratchet_key);
+ }
+ if(node->chain_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(node->chain_key);
+ }
+ if(node->message_keys_head) {
+ message_keys_node *cur_node;
+ message_keys_node *tmp_node;
+ DL_FOREACH_SAFE(node->message_keys_head, cur_node, tmp_node) {
+ DL_DELETE(node->message_keys_head, cur_node);
+ signal_explicit_bzero(&cur_node->message_key, sizeof(ratchet_message_keys));
+ free(cur_node);
+ }
+ node->message_keys_head = 0;
+ }
+ free(node);
+static void session_state_free_receiver_chain(session_state *state)
+ session_state_receiver_chain *cur_node;
+ session_state_receiver_chain *tmp_node;
+ DL_FOREACH_SAFE(state->receiver_chain_head, cur_node, tmp_node) {
+ DL_DELETE(state->receiver_chain_head, cur_node);
+ session_state_free_receiver_chain_node(cur_node);
+ }
+ state->receiver_chain_head = 0;
+void session_state_destroy(signal_type_base *type)
+ session_state *state = (session_state *)type;
+ if(state->local_identity_public) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->local_identity_public);
+ }
+ if(state->remote_identity_public) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->remote_identity_public);
+ }
+ if(state->root_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->root_key);
+ }
+ session_state_free_sender_chain(state);
+ session_state_free_receiver_chain(state);
+ if(state->has_pending_key_exchange) {
+ if(state->pending_key_exchange.local_base_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->pending_key_exchange.local_base_key);
+ }
+ if(state->pending_key_exchange.local_ratchet_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->pending_key_exchange.local_ratchet_key);
+ }
+ if(state->pending_key_exchange.local_identity_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->pending_key_exchange.local_identity_key);
+ }
+ }
+ if(state->has_pending_pre_key) {
+ if(state->pending_pre_key.base_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->pending_pre_key.base_key);
+ }
+ }
+ if(state->alice_base_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(state->alice_base_key);
+ }
+ free(state);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/session_state.h b/libs/libsignal/src/session_state.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef1ecaed97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/session_state.h
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "signal_protocol_types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+int session_state_create(session_state **state, signal_context *global_context);
+int session_state_serialize(signal_buffer **buffer, session_state *state);
+int session_state_deserialize(session_state **state, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, signal_context *global_context);
+int session_state_copy(session_state **state, session_state *other_state, signal_context *global_context);
+void session_state_set_session_version(session_state *state, uint32_t version);
+uint32_t session_state_get_session_version(const session_state *state);
+void session_state_set_local_identity_key(session_state *state, ec_public_key *identity_key);
+ec_public_key *session_state_get_local_identity_key(const session_state *state);
+void session_state_set_remote_identity_key(session_state *state, ec_public_key *identity_key);
+ec_public_key *session_state_get_remote_identity_key(const session_state *state);
+void session_state_set_root_key(session_state *state, ratchet_root_key *root_key);
+ratchet_root_key *session_state_get_root_key(const session_state *state);
+void session_state_set_previous_counter(session_state *state, uint32_t counter);
+uint32_t session_state_get_previous_counter(const session_state *state);
+void session_state_set_sender_chain(session_state *state, ec_key_pair *sender_ratchet_key_pair, ratchet_chain_key *chain_key);
+ec_public_key *session_state_get_sender_ratchet_key(const session_state *state);
+ec_key_pair *session_state_get_sender_ratchet_key_pair(const session_state *state);
+ratchet_chain_key *session_state_get_sender_chain_key(const session_state *state);
+int session_state_set_sender_chain_key(session_state *state, ratchet_chain_key *chain_key);
+int session_state_has_sender_chain(const session_state *state);
+int session_state_has_message_keys(session_state *state, ec_public_key *sender_ephemeral, uint32_t counter);
+int session_state_remove_message_keys(session_state *state,
+ ratchet_message_keys *message_keys_result,
+ ec_public_key *sender_ephemeral, uint32_t counter);
+int session_state_set_message_keys(session_state *state,
+ ec_public_key *sender_ephemeral, ratchet_message_keys *message_keys);
+int session_state_add_receiver_chain(session_state *state, ec_public_key *sender_ratchet_key, ratchet_chain_key *chain_key);
+int session_state_set_receiver_chain_key(session_state *state, ec_public_key *sender_ephemeral, ratchet_chain_key *chain_key);
+ratchet_chain_key *session_state_get_receiver_chain_key(session_state *state, ec_public_key *sender_ephemeral);
+void session_state_set_pending_key_exchange(session_state *state,
+ uint32_t sequence,
+ ec_key_pair *our_base_key, ec_key_pair *our_ratchet_key,
+ ratchet_identity_key_pair *our_identity_key);
+uint32_t session_state_get_pending_key_exchange_sequence(session_state *state);
+ec_key_pair *session_state_get_pending_key_exchange_base_key(const session_state *state);
+ec_key_pair *session_state_get_pending_key_exchange_ratchet_key(const session_state *state);
+ratchet_identity_key_pair *session_state_get_pending_key_exchange_identity_key(const session_state *state);
+int session_state_has_pending_key_exchange(const session_state *state);
+void session_state_set_unacknowledged_pre_key_message(session_state *state,
+ const uint32_t *pre_key_id, uint32_t signed_pre_key_id, ec_public_key *base_key);
+int session_state_unacknowledged_pre_key_message_has_pre_key_id(const session_state *state);
+uint32_t session_state_unacknowledged_pre_key_message_get_pre_key_id(const session_state *state);
+uint32_t session_state_unacknowledged_pre_key_message_get_signed_pre_key_id(const session_state *state);
+ec_public_key *session_state_unacknowledged_pre_key_message_get_base_key(const session_state *state);
+int session_state_has_unacknowledged_pre_key_message(const session_state *state);
+void session_state_clear_unacknowledged_pre_key_message(session_state *state);
+void session_state_set_remote_registration_id(session_state *state, uint32_t id);
+uint32_t session_state_get_remote_registration_id(const session_state *state);
+void session_state_set_local_registration_id(session_state *state, uint32_t id);
+uint32_t session_state_get_local_registration_id(const session_state *state);
+void session_state_set_needs_refresh(session_state *state, int value);
+int session_state_get_needs_refresh(const session_state *state);
+void session_state_set_alice_base_key(session_state *state, ec_public_key *key);
+ec_public_key *session_state_get_alice_base_key(const session_state *state);
+void session_state_destroy(signal_type_base *type);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* SESSION_STATE_H */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/signal.def b/libs/libsignal/src/signal.def
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de31cfe4c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/signal.def
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+LIBRARY libsignal.mir
+ signal_type_ref
+ signal_type_unref
+ signal_buffer_alloc
+ signal_buffer_create
+ signal_buffer_copy
+ signal_buffer_append
+ signal_buffer_data
+ signal_buffer_len
+ signal_buffer_compare
+ signal_buffer_free
+ signal_buffer_bzero_free
+ signal_buffer_list_alloc
+ signal_buffer_list_size
+ signal_buffer_list_free
+ signal_int_list_alloc
+ signal_int_list_push_back
+ signal_int_list_size
+ signal_int_list_at
+ signal_int_list_free
+ signal_context_create
+ signal_context_set_crypto_provider
+ signal_context_set_locking_functions
+ signal_context_set_log_function
+ signal_context_destroy
+ signal_protocol_store_context_create
+ signal_protocol_store_context_set_session_store
+ signal_protocol_store_context_set_pre_key_store
+ signal_protocol_store_context_set_signed_pre_key_store
+ signal_protocol_store_context_set_identity_key_store
+ signal_protocol_store_context_set_sender_key_store
+ signal_protocol_store_context_destroy
+ signal_protocol_session_load_session
+ signal_protocol_session_get_sub_device_sessions
+ signal_protocol_session_store_session
+ signal_protocol_session_contains_session
+ signal_protocol_session_delete_session
+ signal_protocol_session_delete_all_sessions
+ signal_protocol_pre_key_load_key
+ signal_protocol_pre_key_store_key
+ signal_protocol_pre_key_contains_key
+ signal_protocol_pre_key_remove_key
+ signal_protocol_signed_pre_key_load_key
+ signal_protocol_signed_pre_key_store_key
+ signal_protocol_signed_pre_key_contains_key
+ signal_protocol_signed_pre_key_remove_key
+ signal_protocol_identity_get_key_pair
+ signal_protocol_identity_get_local_registration_id
+ signal_protocol_identity_save_identity
+ signal_protocol_identity_is_trusted_identity
+ signal_protocol_sender_key_store_key
+ signal_protocol_sender_key_load_key
+ curve_generate_key_pair
+ ec_public_key_serialize
+ ec_key_pair_get_public
+ ec_key_pair_get_private
+ ec_private_key_serialize
+ ratchet_identity_key_pair_get_public
+ ratchet_identity_key_pair_get_private
+ signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_identity_key_pair
+ signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_signed_pre_key
+ session_signed_pre_key_get_key_pair
+ session_signed_pre_key_get_signature
+ session_signed_pre_key_get_signature_len
+ session_pre_key_get_key_pair
+ signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_pre_keys
+ signal_protocol_key_helper_key_list_element
+ signal_protocol_key_helper_key_list_next
+ signal_protocol_key_helper_key_list_free
+ session_builder_create
+ session_cipher_create
+ session_builder_free
+ session_cipher_free
+ curve_decode_point
+ session_pre_key_bundle_create
+ session_builder_process_pre_key_bundle
+ session_cipher_encrypt
+ ciphertext_message_get_serialized
+ session_cipher_decrypt_signal_message
+ signal_message_deserialize
+ session_cipher_decrypt_pre_key_signal_message
+ pre_key_signal_message_deserialize
+ pre_key_signal_message_get_pre_key_id
+ session_signed_pre_key_serialize
+ session_pre_key_serialize
+ session_pre_key_get_id
+ session_pre_key_deserialize
+ fingerprint_generator_create
+ fingerprint_generator_free
+ fingerprint_generator_create_for
+ fingerprint_get_displayable
+ displayable_fingerprint_text
+ displayable_fingerprint_local
+ displayable_fingerprint_remote
+ ciphertext_message_get_type
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/signal_protocol.c b/libs/libsignal/src/signal_protocol.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d9ea5b5921
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/signal_protocol.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1230 @@
+#include "signal_protocol.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "signal_protocol_internal.h"
+#include "signal_utarray.h"
+#ifdef _WINDOWS
+#include "Windows.h"
+#include "WinBase.h"
+int type_ref_count = 0;
+int type_unref_count = 0;
+#define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
+struct signal_protocol_store_context {
+ signal_context *global_context;
+ signal_protocol_session_store session_store;
+ signal_protocol_pre_key_store pre_key_store;
+ signal_protocol_signed_pre_key_store signed_pre_key_store;
+ signal_protocol_identity_key_store identity_key_store;
+ signal_protocol_sender_key_store sender_key_store;
+void signal_type_init(signal_type_base *instance,
+ void (*destroy_func)(signal_type_base *instance))
+ instance->ref_count = 1;
+ instance->destroy = destroy_func;
+ type_ref_count++;
+void signal_type_ref(signal_type_base *instance)
+ type_ref_count++;
+ assert(instance);
+ assert(instance->ref_count > 0);
+ instance->ref_count++;
+void signal_type_unref(signal_type_base *instance)
+ if(instance) {
+ type_unref_count++;
+ assert(instance->ref_count > 0);
+ if(instance->ref_count > 1) {
+ instance->ref_count--;
+ }
+ else {
+ instance->destroy(instance);
+ }
+ }
+int signal_type_ref_count(signal_type_base *instance)
+ if(!instance) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return instance->ref_count;
+signal_buffer *signal_buffer_alloc(size_t len)
+ signal_buffer *buffer;
+ if(len > (SIZE_MAX - sizeof(struct signal_buffer)) / sizeof(uint8_t)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ buffer = malloc(sizeof(struct signal_buffer) + (sizeof(uint8_t) * len));
+ if(buffer) {
+ buffer->len = len;
+ }
+ return buffer;
+signal_buffer *signal_buffer_create(const uint8_t *data, size_t len)
+ signal_buffer *buffer = signal_buffer_alloc(len);
+ if(!buffer) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ memcpy(buffer->data, data, len);
+ return buffer;
+signal_buffer *signal_buffer_copy(const signal_buffer *buffer)
+ return signal_buffer_create(buffer->data, buffer->len);
+signal_buffer *signal_buffer_n_copy(const signal_buffer *buffer, size_t n)
+ size_t len = MIN(buffer->len, n);
+ return signal_buffer_create(buffer->data, len);
+signal_buffer *signal_buffer_append(signal_buffer *buffer, const uint8_t *data, size_t len)
+ signal_buffer *tmp_buffer;
+ size_t previous_size = buffer->len;
+ size_t previous_alloc = sizeof(struct signal_buffer) + (sizeof(uint8_t) * previous_size);
+ if(len > (SIZE_MAX - previous_alloc)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ tmp_buffer = realloc(buffer, previous_alloc + (sizeof(uint8_t) * len));
+ if(!tmp_buffer) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ memcpy(tmp_buffer->data + previous_size, data, len);
+ tmp_buffer->len = previous_size + len;
+ return tmp_buffer;
+uint8_t *signal_buffer_data(signal_buffer *buffer)
+ return buffer->data;
+const uint8_t *signal_buffer_const_data(const signal_buffer *buffer)
+ return buffer->data;
+size_t signal_buffer_len(const signal_buffer *buffer)
+ return buffer->len;
+int signal_buffer_compare(signal_buffer *buffer1, signal_buffer *buffer2)
+ if(buffer1 == buffer2) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if(buffer1 == 0 && buffer2 != 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if(buffer1 != 0 && buffer2 == 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ if(buffer1->len < buffer2->len) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if(buffer1->len > buffer2->len) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ return signal_constant_memcmp(buffer1->data, buffer2->data, buffer1->len);
+ }
+ }
+void signal_buffer_free(signal_buffer *buffer)
+ if(buffer) {
+ free(buffer);
+ }
+void signal_buffer_bzero_free(signal_buffer *buffer)
+ if(buffer) {
+ signal_explicit_bzero(buffer->data, buffer->len);
+ free(buffer);
+ }
+struct signal_buffer_list
+ UT_array *values;
+signal_buffer_list *signal_buffer_list_alloc(void)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer_list *list = malloc(sizeof(signal_buffer_list));
+ if(!list) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memset(list, 0, sizeof(signal_buffer_list));
+ utarray_new(list->values, &ut_ptr_icd);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ if(list) {
+ free(list);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ return list;
+ }
+signal_buffer_list *signal_buffer_list_copy(const signal_buffer_list *list)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer_list *result_list = 0;
+ signal_buffer *buffer_copy = 0;
+ unsigned int list_size;
+ unsigned int i;
+ result_list = signal_buffer_list_alloc();
+ if(!result_list) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ list_size = utarray_len(list->values);
+ utarray_reserve(result_list->values, list_size);
+ for(i = 0; i < list_size; i++) {
+ signal_buffer **buffer = (signal_buffer**)utarray_eltptr(list->values, i);
+ buffer_copy = signal_buffer_copy(*buffer);
+ utarray_push_back(result_list->values, &buffer_copy);
+ buffer_copy = 0;
+ }
+ if(result < 0) {
+ signal_buffer_free(buffer_copy);
+ signal_buffer_list_free(result_list);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ return result_list;
+ }
+int signal_buffer_list_push_back(signal_buffer_list *list, signal_buffer *buffer)
+ int result = 0;
+ assert(list);
+ utarray_push_back(list->values, &buffer);
+ return result;
+unsigned int signal_buffer_list_size(signal_buffer_list *list)
+ assert(list);
+ return utarray_len(list->values);
+signal_buffer *signal_buffer_list_at(signal_buffer_list *list, unsigned int index)
+ signal_buffer **value = 0;
+ assert(list);
+ assert(index < utarray_len(list->values));
+ value = (signal_buffer**)utarray_eltptr(list->values, index);
+ assert(*value);
+ return *value;
+void signal_buffer_list_free(signal_buffer_list *list)
+ unsigned int size;
+ unsigned int i;
+ signal_buffer **p;
+ if(list) {
+ size = utarray_len(list->values);
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ p = (signal_buffer **)utarray_eltptr(list->values, i);
+ signal_buffer_free(*p);
+ }
+ utarray_free(list->values);
+ free(list);
+ }
+void signal_buffer_list_bzero_free(signal_buffer_list *list)
+ unsigned int size;
+ unsigned int i;
+ signal_buffer **p;
+ if(list) {
+ size = utarray_len(list->values);
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ p = (signal_buffer **)utarray_eltptr(list->values, i);
+ signal_buffer_bzero_free(*p);
+ }
+ utarray_free(list->values);
+ free(list);
+ }
+struct signal_int_list
+ UT_array *values;
+signal_int_list *signal_int_list_alloc()
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_int_list *list = malloc(sizeof(signal_int_list));
+ if(!list) {
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ memset(list, 0, sizeof(signal_int_list));
+ utarray_new(list->values, &ut_int_icd);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ if(list) {
+ free(list);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ return list;
+ }
+int signal_int_list_push_back(signal_int_list *list, int value)
+ int result = 0;
+ assert(list);
+ utarray_push_back(list->values, &value);
+ return result;
+unsigned int signal_int_list_size(signal_int_list *list)
+ assert(list);
+ return utarray_len(list->values);
+int signal_int_list_at(signal_int_list *list, unsigned int index)
+ int *value = 0;
+ assert(list);
+ assert(index < utarray_len(list->values));
+ value = (int *)utarray_eltptr(list->values, index);
+ assert(value);
+ return *value;
+void signal_int_list_free(signal_int_list *list)
+ if(list) {
+ utarray_free(list->values);
+ free(list);
+ }
+int signal_context_create(signal_context **context, void *user_data)
+ *context = malloc(sizeof(signal_context));
+ if(!(*context)) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(*context, 0, sizeof(signal_context));
+ (*context)->user_data = user_data;
+ type_ref_count = 0;
+ type_unref_count = 0;
+ return 0;
+int signal_context_set_crypto_provider(signal_context *context, const signal_crypto_provider *crypto_provider)
+ assert(context);
+ if(!crypto_provider
+ || !crypto_provider->hmac_sha256_init_func
+ || !crypto_provider->hmac_sha256_update_func
+ || !crypto_provider->hmac_sha256_final_func
+ || !crypto_provider->hmac_sha256_cleanup_func) {
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ memcpy(&(context->crypto_provider), crypto_provider, sizeof(signal_crypto_provider));
+ return 0;
+int signal_context_set_locking_functions(signal_context *context,
+ void (*lock)(void *user_data), void (*unlock)(void *user_data))
+ assert(context);
+ if((lock && !unlock) || (!lock && unlock)) {
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ context->lock = lock;
+ context->unlock = unlock;
+ return 0;
+int signal_context_set_log_function(signal_context *context,
+ void (*log)(int level, const char *message, size_t len, void *user_data))
+ assert(context);
+ context->log = log;
+ return 0;
+void signal_context_destroy(signal_context *context)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Global REF count: %d\n", type_ref_count);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Global UNREF count: %d\n", type_unref_count);
+ if(context) {
+ free(context);
+ }
+int signal_crypto_random(signal_context *context, uint8_t *data, size_t len)
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->crypto_provider.random_func);
+ return context->crypto_provider.random_func(data, len, context->crypto_provider.user_data);
+int signal_hmac_sha256_init(signal_context *context, void **hmac_context, const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len)
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->crypto_provider.hmac_sha256_init_func);
+ return context->crypto_provider.hmac_sha256_init_func(hmac_context, key, key_len, context->crypto_provider.user_data);
+int signal_hmac_sha256_update(signal_context *context, void *hmac_context, const uint8_t *data, size_t data_len)
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->crypto_provider.hmac_sha256_update_func);
+ return context->crypto_provider.hmac_sha256_update_func(hmac_context, data, data_len, context->crypto_provider.user_data);
+int signal_hmac_sha256_final(signal_context *context, void *hmac_context, signal_buffer **output)
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->crypto_provider.hmac_sha256_final_func);
+ return context->crypto_provider.hmac_sha256_final_func(hmac_context, output, context->crypto_provider.user_data);
+void signal_hmac_sha256_cleanup(signal_context *context, void *hmac_context)
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->crypto_provider.hmac_sha256_cleanup_func);
+ context->crypto_provider.hmac_sha256_cleanup_func(hmac_context, context->crypto_provider.user_data);
+int signal_sha512_digest_init(signal_context *context, void **digest_context)
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->crypto_provider.sha512_digest_init_func);
+ return context->crypto_provider.sha512_digest_init_func(digest_context, context->crypto_provider.user_data);
+int signal_sha512_digest_update(signal_context *context, void *digest_context, const uint8_t *data, size_t data_len)
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->crypto_provider.sha512_digest_update_func);
+ return context->crypto_provider.sha512_digest_update_func(digest_context, data, data_len, context->crypto_provider.user_data);
+int signal_sha512_digest_final(signal_context *context, void *digest_context, signal_buffer **output)
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->crypto_provider.sha512_digest_final_func);
+ return context->crypto_provider.sha512_digest_final_func(digest_context, output, context->crypto_provider.user_data);
+void signal_sha512_digest_cleanup(signal_context *context, void *digest_context)
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->crypto_provider.sha512_digest_cleanup_func);
+ return context->crypto_provider.sha512_digest_cleanup_func(digest_context, context->crypto_provider.user_data);
+int signal_encrypt(signal_context *context,
+ signal_buffer **output,
+ int cipher,
+ const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len,
+ const uint8_t *iv, size_t iv_len,
+ const uint8_t *plaintext, size_t plaintext_len)
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->crypto_provider.encrypt_func);
+ return context->crypto_provider.encrypt_func(
+ output, cipher, key, key_len, iv, iv_len,
+ plaintext, plaintext_len,
+ context->crypto_provider.user_data);
+int signal_decrypt(signal_context *context,
+ signal_buffer **output,
+ int cipher,
+ const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len,
+ const uint8_t *iv, size_t iv_len,
+ const uint8_t *ciphertext, size_t ciphertext_len)
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->crypto_provider.decrypt_func);
+ return context->crypto_provider.decrypt_func(
+ output, cipher, key, key_len, iv, iv_len,
+ ciphertext, ciphertext_len,
+ context->crypto_provider.user_data);
+void signal_lock(signal_context *context)
+ if(context->lock) {
+ context->lock(context->user_data);
+ }
+void signal_unlock(signal_context *context)
+ if(context->unlock) {
+ context->unlock(context->user_data);
+ }
+void signal_log(signal_context *context, int level, const char *format, ...)
+ char buf[256];
+ int n;
+ if(context && context->log) {
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, format);
+ n = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ if(n > 0) {
+ context->log(level, buf, strlen(buf), context->user_data);
+ }
+ }
+void signal_explicit_bzero(void *v, size_t n)
+ SecureZeroMemory(v, n);
+ memset_s(v, n, 0, n);
+ volatile unsigned char *p = v;
+ while(n--) *p++ = 0;
+int signal_constant_memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n)
+ size_t i;
+ const unsigned char *c1 = (const unsigned char *) s1;
+ const unsigned char *c2 = (const unsigned char *) s2;
+ unsigned char result = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ result |= c1[i] ^ c2[i];
+ }
+ return result;
+void signal_protocol_str_serialize_protobuf(ProtobufCBinaryData *buffer, const char *str)
+ assert(buffer);
+ assert(str);
+ buffer->data = (uint8_t *)str;
+ buffer->len = strlen(str);
+char *signal_protocol_str_deserialize_protobuf(ProtobufCBinaryData *buffer)
+ char *str = 0;
+ assert(buffer);
+ str = malloc(buffer->len + 1);
+ if(!str) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ memcpy(str, buffer->data, buffer->len);
+ str[buffer->len] = '\0';
+ return str;
+int signal_protocol_store_context_create(signal_protocol_store_context **context, signal_context *global_context)
+ assert(global_context);
+ *context = malloc(sizeof(signal_protocol_store_context));
+ if(!(*context)) {
+ return SG_ERR_NOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(*context, 0, sizeof(signal_protocol_store_context));
+ (*context)->global_context = global_context;
+ return 0;
+int signal_protocol_store_context_set_session_store(signal_protocol_store_context *context, const signal_protocol_session_store *store)
+ if(!store) {
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ memcpy(&(context->session_store), store, sizeof(signal_protocol_session_store));
+ return 0;
+int signal_protocol_store_context_set_pre_key_store(signal_protocol_store_context *context, const signal_protocol_pre_key_store *store)
+ if(!store) {
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ memcpy(&(context->pre_key_store), store, sizeof(signal_protocol_pre_key_store));
+ return 0;
+int signal_protocol_store_context_set_signed_pre_key_store(signal_protocol_store_context *context, const signal_protocol_signed_pre_key_store *store)
+ if(!store) {
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ memcpy(&(context->signed_pre_key_store), store, sizeof(signal_protocol_signed_pre_key_store));
+ return 0;
+int signal_protocol_store_context_set_identity_key_store(signal_protocol_store_context *context, const signal_protocol_identity_key_store *store)
+ if(!store) {
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ memcpy(&(context->identity_key_store), store, sizeof(signal_protocol_identity_key_store));
+ return 0;
+int signal_protocol_store_context_set_sender_key_store(signal_protocol_store_context *context, const signal_protocol_sender_key_store *store)
+ if(!store) {
+ return SG_ERR_INVAL;
+ }
+ memcpy(&(context->sender_key_store), store, sizeof(signal_protocol_sender_key_store));
+ return 0;
+void signal_protocol_store_context_destroy(signal_protocol_store_context *context)
+ if(context) {
+ if(context->session_store.destroy_func) {
+ context->session_store.destroy_func(context->session_store.user_data);
+ }
+ if(context->pre_key_store.destroy_func) {
+ context->pre_key_store.destroy_func(context->pre_key_store.user_data);
+ }
+ if(context->signed_pre_key_store.destroy_func) {
+ context->signed_pre_key_store.destroy_func(context->signed_pre_key_store.user_data);
+ }
+ if(context->identity_key_store.destroy_func) {
+ context->identity_key_store.destroy_func(context->identity_key_store.user_data);
+ }
+ if(context->sender_key_store.destroy_func) {
+ context->sender_key_store.destroy_func(context->sender_key_store.user_data);
+ }
+ free(context);
+ }
+int signal_protocol_session_load_session(signal_protocol_store_context *context, session_record **record, const signal_protocol_address *address)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *buffer = 0;
+ signal_buffer *user_buffer = 0;
+ session_record *result_record = 0;
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->session_store.load_session_func);
+ result = context->session_store.load_session_func(
+ &buffer, &user_buffer, address,
+ context->session_store.user_data);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(result == 0) {
+ if(buffer) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = session_record_create(&result_record, 0, context->global_context);
+ }
+ else if(result == 1) {
+ if(!buffer) {
+ result = -1;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = session_record_deserialize(&result_record,
+ signal_buffer_data(buffer), signal_buffer_len(buffer), context->global_context);
+ }
+ else {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ if(buffer) {
+ signal_buffer_free(buffer);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ if(user_buffer) {
+ session_record_set_user_record(result_record, user_buffer);
+ }
+ *record = result_record;
+ }
+ else {
+ signal_buffer_free(user_buffer);
+ }
+ return result;
+int signal_protocol_session_get_sub_device_sessions(signal_protocol_store_context *context, signal_int_list **sessions, const char *name, size_t name_len)
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->session_store.get_sub_device_sessions_func);
+ return context->session_store.get_sub_device_sessions_func(
+ sessions, name, name_len,
+ context->session_store.user_data);
+int signal_protocol_session_store_session(signal_protocol_store_context *context, const signal_protocol_address *address, session_record *record)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *buffer = 0;
+ signal_buffer *user_buffer = 0;
+ uint8_t *user_buffer_data = 0;
+ size_t user_buffer_len = 0;
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->session_store.store_session_func);
+ assert(record);
+ result = session_record_serialize(&buffer, record);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ user_buffer = session_record_get_user_record(record);
+ if(user_buffer) {
+ user_buffer_data = signal_buffer_data(user_buffer);
+ user_buffer_len = signal_buffer_len(user_buffer);
+ }
+ result = context->session_store.store_session_func(
+ address,
+ signal_buffer_data(buffer), signal_buffer_len(buffer),
+ user_buffer_data, user_buffer_len,
+ context->session_store.user_data);
+ if(buffer) {
+ signal_buffer_free(buffer);
+ }
+ return result;
+int signal_protocol_session_contains_session(signal_protocol_store_context *context, const signal_protocol_address *address)
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->session_store.contains_session_func);
+ return context->session_store.contains_session_func(
+ address,
+ context->session_store.user_data);
+int signal_protocol_session_delete_session(signal_protocol_store_context *context, const signal_protocol_address *address)
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->session_store.delete_session_func);
+ return context->session_store.delete_session_func(
+ address,
+ context->session_store.user_data);
+int signal_protocol_session_delete_all_sessions(signal_protocol_store_context *context, const char *name, size_t name_len)
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->session_store.delete_all_sessions_func);
+ return context->session_store.delete_all_sessions_func(
+ name, name_len,
+ context->session_store.user_data);
+int signal_protocol_pre_key_load_key(signal_protocol_store_context *context, session_pre_key **pre_key, uint32_t pre_key_id)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *buffer = 0;
+ session_pre_key *result_key = 0;
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->pre_key_store.load_pre_key);
+ result = context->pre_key_store.load_pre_key(
+ &buffer, pre_key_id,
+ context->pre_key_store.user_data);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = session_pre_key_deserialize(&result_key,
+ signal_buffer_data(buffer), signal_buffer_len(buffer), context->global_context);
+ if(buffer) {
+ signal_buffer_free(buffer);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *pre_key = result_key;
+ }
+ return result;
+int signal_protocol_pre_key_store_key(signal_protocol_store_context *context, session_pre_key *pre_key)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *buffer = 0;
+ uint32_t id = 0;
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->pre_key_store.store_pre_key);
+ assert(pre_key);
+ id = session_pre_key_get_id(pre_key);
+ result = session_pre_key_serialize(&buffer, pre_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = context->pre_key_store.store_pre_key(
+ id,
+ signal_buffer_data(buffer), signal_buffer_len(buffer),
+ context->pre_key_store.user_data);
+ if(buffer) {
+ signal_buffer_free(buffer);
+ }
+ return result;
+int signal_protocol_pre_key_contains_key(signal_protocol_store_context *context, uint32_t pre_key_id)
+ int result = 0;
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->pre_key_store.contains_pre_key);
+ result = context->pre_key_store.contains_pre_key(
+ pre_key_id, context->pre_key_store.user_data);
+ return result;
+int signal_protocol_pre_key_remove_key(signal_protocol_store_context *context, uint32_t pre_key_id)
+ int result = 0;
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->pre_key_store.remove_pre_key);
+ result = context->pre_key_store.remove_pre_key(
+ pre_key_id, context->pre_key_store.user_data);
+ return result;
+int signal_protocol_signed_pre_key_load_key(signal_protocol_store_context *context, session_signed_pre_key **pre_key, uint32_t signed_pre_key_id)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *buffer = 0;
+ session_signed_pre_key *result_key = 0;
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->signed_pre_key_store.load_signed_pre_key);
+ result = context->signed_pre_key_store.load_signed_pre_key(
+ &buffer, signed_pre_key_id,
+ context->signed_pre_key_store.user_data);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = session_signed_pre_key_deserialize(&result_key,
+ signal_buffer_data(buffer), signal_buffer_len(buffer), context->global_context);
+ if(buffer) {
+ signal_buffer_free(buffer);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *pre_key = result_key;
+ }
+ return result;
+int signal_protocol_signed_pre_key_store_key(signal_protocol_store_context *context, session_signed_pre_key *pre_key)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *buffer = 0;
+ uint32_t id = 0;
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->signed_pre_key_store.store_signed_pre_key);
+ assert(pre_key);
+ id = session_signed_pre_key_get_id(pre_key);
+ result = session_signed_pre_key_serialize(&buffer, pre_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = context->signed_pre_key_store.store_signed_pre_key(
+ id,
+ signal_buffer_data(buffer), signal_buffer_len(buffer),
+ context->signed_pre_key_store.user_data);
+ if(buffer) {
+ signal_buffer_free(buffer);
+ }
+ return result;
+int signal_protocol_signed_pre_key_contains_key(signal_protocol_store_context *context, uint32_t signed_pre_key_id)
+ int result = 0;
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->signed_pre_key_store.contains_signed_pre_key);
+ result = context->signed_pre_key_store.contains_signed_pre_key(
+ signed_pre_key_id, context->signed_pre_key_store.user_data);
+ return result;
+int signal_protocol_signed_pre_key_remove_key(signal_protocol_store_context *context, uint32_t signed_pre_key_id)
+ int result = 0;
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->signed_pre_key_store.remove_signed_pre_key);
+ result = context->signed_pre_key_store.remove_signed_pre_key(
+ signed_pre_key_id, context->signed_pre_key_store.user_data);
+ return result;
+int signal_protocol_identity_get_key_pair(signal_protocol_store_context *context, ratchet_identity_key_pair **key_pair)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *public_buf = 0;
+ signal_buffer *private_buf = 0;
+ ec_public_key *public_key = 0;
+ ec_private_key *private_key = 0;
+ ratchet_identity_key_pair *result_key = 0;
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->identity_key_store.get_identity_key_pair);
+ result = context->identity_key_store.get_identity_key_pair(
+ &public_buf, &private_buf,
+ context->identity_key_store.user_data);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = curve_decode_point(&public_key, public_buf->data, public_buf->len, context->global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = curve_decode_private_point(&private_key, private_buf->data, private_buf->len, context->global_context);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = ratchet_identity_key_pair_create(&result_key, public_key, private_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(public_buf) {
+ signal_buffer_free(public_buf);
+ }
+ if(private_buf) {
+ signal_buffer_free(private_buf);
+ }
+ if(public_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(public_key);
+ }
+ if(private_key) {
+ SIGNAL_UNREF(private_key);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ *key_pair = result_key;
+ }
+ return result;
+int signal_protocol_identity_get_local_registration_id(signal_protocol_store_context *context, uint32_t *registration_id)
+ int result = 0;
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->identity_key_store.get_local_registration_id);
+ result = context->identity_key_store.get_local_registration_id(
+ context->identity_key_store.user_data, registration_id);
+ return result;
+int signal_protocol_identity_save_identity(signal_protocol_store_context *context, const signal_protocol_address *address, ec_public_key *identity_key)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *buffer = 0;
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->identity_key_store.save_identity);
+ if(identity_key) {
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize(&buffer, identity_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = context->identity_key_store.save_identity(
+ address,
+ signal_buffer_data(buffer),
+ signal_buffer_len(buffer),
+ context->identity_key_store.user_data);
+ }
+ else {
+ result = context->identity_key_store.save_identity(
+ address, 0, 0,
+ context->identity_key_store.user_data);
+ }
+ if(buffer) {
+ signal_buffer_free(buffer);
+ }
+ return result;
+int signal_protocol_identity_is_trusted_identity(signal_protocol_store_context *context, const signal_protocol_address *address, ec_public_key *identity_key)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *buffer = 0;
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->identity_key_store.is_trusted_identity);
+ result = ec_public_key_serialize(&buffer, identity_key);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = context->identity_key_store.is_trusted_identity(
+ address,
+ signal_buffer_data(buffer),
+ signal_buffer_len(buffer),
+ context->identity_key_store.user_data);
+ if(buffer) {
+ signal_buffer_free(buffer);
+ }
+ return result;
+int signal_protocol_sender_key_store_key(signal_protocol_store_context *context, const signal_protocol_sender_key_name *sender_key_name, sender_key_record *record)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *buffer = 0;
+ signal_buffer *user_buffer = 0;
+ uint8_t *user_buffer_data = 0;
+ size_t user_buffer_len = 0;
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->sender_key_store.store_sender_key);
+ assert(record);
+ result = sender_key_record_serialize(&buffer, record);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ user_buffer = sender_key_record_get_user_record(record);
+ if(user_buffer) {
+ user_buffer_data = signal_buffer_data(user_buffer);
+ user_buffer_len = signal_buffer_len(user_buffer);
+ }
+ result = context->sender_key_store.store_sender_key(
+ sender_key_name,
+ signal_buffer_data(buffer), signal_buffer_len(buffer),
+ user_buffer_data, user_buffer_len,
+ context->sender_key_store.user_data);
+ if(buffer) {
+ signal_buffer_free(buffer);
+ }
+ return result;
+int signal_protocol_sender_key_load_key(signal_protocol_store_context *context, sender_key_record **record, const signal_protocol_sender_key_name *sender_key_name)
+ int result = 0;
+ signal_buffer *buffer = 0;
+ signal_buffer *user_buffer = 0;
+ sender_key_record *result_record = 0;
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->sender_key_store.load_sender_key);
+ result = context->sender_key_store.load_sender_key(
+ &buffer, &user_buffer, sender_key_name,
+ context->sender_key_store.user_data);
+ if(result < 0) {
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ if(result == 0) {
+ if(buffer) {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = sender_key_record_create(&result_record, context->global_context);
+ }
+ else if(result == 1) {
+ if(!buffer) {
+ result = -1;
+ goto complete;
+ }
+ result = sender_key_record_deserialize(&result_record,
+ signal_buffer_data(buffer), signal_buffer_len(buffer), context->global_context);
+ }
+ else {
+ result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ if(buffer) {
+ signal_buffer_free(buffer);
+ }
+ if(result >= 0) {
+ if(user_buffer) {
+ sender_key_record_set_user_record(result_record, user_buffer);
+ }
+ *record = result_record;
+ }
+ else {
+ signal_buffer_free(user_buffer);
+ }
+ return result;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/signal_protocol.h b/libs/libsignal/src/signal_protocol.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e71355c2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/signal_protocol.h
@@ -0,0 +1,822 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "ratchet.h"
+#include "curve.h"
+#include "session_record.h"
+#include "session_pre_key.h"
+#include "sender_key_record.h"
+#include "signal_protocol_types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#define SG_SUCCESS 0
+/* Standard error codes with values that match errno.h equivalents */
+#define SG_ERR_NOMEM -12 /* Not enough space */
+#define SG_ERR_INVAL -22 /* Invalid argument */
+/* Custom error codes for error conditions specific to the library */
+#define SG_ERR_UNKNOWN -1000
+#define SG_ERR_INVALID_KEY -1002
+#define SG_ERR_INVALID_KEY_ID -1003
+#define SG_ERR_INVALID_MAC -1004
+#define SG_ERR_LEGACY_MESSAGE -1007
+#define SG_ERR_NO_SESSION -1008
+ * Minimum negative error code value that this library may use.
+ * When implementing library callback functions, using values
+ * less than this constant will ensure that application-specific
+ * errors can be distinguished from library errors.
+ */
+#define SG_ERR_MINIMUM -9999
+/* Log levels */
+#define SG_LOG_ERROR 0
+#define SG_LOG_WARNING 1
+#define SG_LOG_NOTICE 2
+#define SG_LOG_INFO 3
+#define SG_LOG_DEBUG 4
+/* Mode settings for the crypto callbacks */
+void signal_type_ref(signal_type_base *instance);
+void signal_type_unref(signal_type_base *instance);
+int signal_type_ref_count(signal_type_base *instance);
+#define SIGNAL_REF(instance) do { \
+ signal_type_ref((signal_type_base *)instance); \
+ fprintf(stderr, "REF: " #instance " = %d\n", signal_type_ref_count((signal_type_base *)instance)); \
+ } while (0)
+#define SIGNAL_UNREF(instance) do { \
+ fprintf(stderr, "UNREF: " #instance " = %d\n", signal_type_ref_count((signal_type_base *)instance)); \
+ signal_type_unref((signal_type_base *)instance); \
+ instance = 0; \
+ } while(0)
+#define SIGNAL_REF(instance) signal_type_ref((signal_type_base *)instance)
+#define SIGNAL_UNREF(instance) do { signal_type_unref((signal_type_base *)instance); instance = 0; } while(0)
+ * Allocate a new buffer to store data of the provided length.
+ *
+ * @param len length of the buffer to allocate
+ * @return pointer to the allocated buffer, or 0 on failure
+ */
+signal_buffer *signal_buffer_alloc(size_t len);
+ * Create a new buffer and copy the provided data into it.
+ *
+ * @param data pointer to the start of the data
+ * @param len length of the data
+ * @return pointer to the allocated buffer, or 0 on failure
+ */
+signal_buffer *signal_buffer_create(const uint8_t *data, size_t len);
+ * Create a copy of an existing buffer.
+ *
+ * @param buffer the existing buffer to copy
+ * @return pointer to the updated buffer, or 0 on failure
+ */
+signal_buffer *signal_buffer_copy(const signal_buffer *buffer);
+ * Create a copy of an existing buffer.
+ *
+ * @param buffer the existing buffer to copy
+ * @param n the maximum number of bytes to copy
+ * @return pointer to the updated buffer, or 0 on failure
+ */
+signal_buffer *signal_buffer_n_copy(const signal_buffer *buffer, size_t n);
+ * Append the provided data to an existing buffer.
+ * Note: The underlying buffer is only expanded by an amount sufficient
+ * to hold the data being appended. There is no additional reserved space
+ * to reduce the need for memory allocations.
+ *
+ * @param buffer the existing buffer to append to
+ * @param data pointer to the start of the data
+ * @param len length of the data
+ * @return pointer to the updated buffer, or 0 on failure
+ */
+signal_buffer *signal_buffer_append(signal_buffer *buffer, const uint8_t *data, size_t len);
+ * Gets the data pointer for the buffer.
+ * This can be used to read and write data stored in the buffer.
+ *
+ * @param buffer pointer to the buffer instance
+ * @return data pointer
+ */
+uint8_t *signal_buffer_data(signal_buffer *buffer);
+ * Gets the data pointer for the buffer.
+ * This can be used to read and write data stored in the buffer.
+ *
+ * @param buffer pointer to the buffer instance
+ * @return data pointer
+ */
+const uint8_t *signal_buffer_const_data(const signal_buffer *buffer);
+ * Gets the length of the data stored within the buffer.
+ *
+ * @param buffer pointer to the buffer instance
+ * @return data length
+ */
+size_t signal_buffer_len(const signal_buffer *buffer);
+ * Compare two buffers.
+ *
+ * @param buffer1 first buffer to compare
+ * @param buffer2 second buffer to compare
+ * @return 0 if the two buffers are equal, negative or positive otherwise
+ */
+int signal_buffer_compare(signal_buffer *buffer1, signal_buffer *buffer2);
+ * Free the data buffer.
+ *
+ * @param buffer pointer to the buffer instance to free
+ */
+void signal_buffer_free(signal_buffer *buffer);
+ * Zero and free the data buffer.
+ * This function should be used when the buffer contains sensitive
+ * data, to make sure the memory is cleared before being freed.
+ *
+ * @param buffer pointer to the buffer instance to free
+ */
+void signal_buffer_bzero_free(signal_buffer *buffer);
+ * Allocate a new buffer list.
+ *
+ * @return pointer to the allocated buffer, or 0 on failure
+ */
+signal_buffer_list *signal_buffer_list_alloc(void);
+ * Create a copy of an existing buffer list.
+ *
+ * @param list the existing buffer list to copy
+ * @return pointer to the updated buffer, or 0 on failure
+ */
+signal_buffer_list *signal_buffer_list_copy(const signal_buffer_list *list);
+ * Push the provided buffer onto the end of the list.
+ * The list will take ownership of the buffer, and free it when the list is
+ * freed.
+ *
+ * @param list the buffer list
+ * @param buffer the buffer to push
+ * @return 0 on success, or negative on failure
+ */
+int signal_buffer_list_push_back(signal_buffer_list *list, signal_buffer *buffer);
+ * Gets the size of the buffer list.
+ *
+ * @param list the buffer list
+ * @return the size of the list
+ */
+unsigned int signal_buffer_list_size(signal_buffer_list *list);
+ * Gets the value of the element at a particular index in the list
+ *
+ * @param list the list
+ * @param index the index within the list
+ * @return the value
+ */
+signal_buffer *signal_buffer_list_at(signal_buffer_list *list, unsigned int index);
+ * Free the buffer list, including all the buffers added to it.
+ *
+ * @param list the buffer list
+ */
+void signal_buffer_list_free(signal_buffer_list *list);
+ * Free the buffer list, including all the buffers added to it.
+ * This function should be used when the buffer list contains sensitive
+ * data, to make sure the memory is cleared before being freed.
+ *
+ * @param list the buffer list
+ */
+void signal_buffer_list_bzero_free(signal_buffer_list *list);
+ * Allocate a new int list
+ *
+ * @return pointer to the allocated buffer, or 0 on failure
+ */
+signal_int_list *signal_int_list_alloc(void);
+ * Push a new value onto the end of the list
+ *
+ * @param list the list
+ * @param value the value to push
+ * @return 0 on success, or negative on failure
+ */
+int signal_int_list_push_back(signal_int_list *list, int value);
+ * Gets the size of the list.
+ *
+ * @param list the list
+ * @return the size of the list
+ */
+unsigned int signal_int_list_size(signal_int_list *list);
+ * Gets the value of the element at a particular index in the list
+ *
+ * @param list the list
+ * @param index the index within the list
+ * @return the value
+ */
+int signal_int_list_at(signal_int_list *list, unsigned int index);
+ * Free the int list
+ * @param list the list to free
+ */
+void signal_int_list_free(signal_int_list *list);
+typedef struct signal_crypto_provider {
+ /**
+ * Callback for a secure random number generator.
+ * This function shall fill the provided buffer with random bytes.
+ *
+ * @param data pointer to the output buffer
+ * @param len size of the output buffer
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+ int (*random_func)(uint8_t *data, size_t len, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Callback for an HMAC-SHA256 implementation.
+ * This function shall initialize an HMAC context with the provided key.
+ *
+ * @param hmac_context private HMAC context pointer
+ * @param key pointer to the key
+ * @param key_len length of the key
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+ int (*hmac_sha256_init_func)(void **hmac_context, const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Callback for an HMAC-SHA256 implementation.
+ * This function shall update the HMAC context with the provided data
+ *
+ * @param hmac_context private HMAC context pointer
+ * @param data pointer to the data
+ * @param data_len length of the data
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+ int (*hmac_sha256_update_func)(void *hmac_context, const uint8_t *data, size_t data_len, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Callback for an HMAC-SHA256 implementation.
+ * This function shall finalize an HMAC calculation and populate the output
+ * buffer with the result.
+ *
+ * @param hmac_context private HMAC context pointer
+ * @param output buffer to be allocated and populated with the result
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+ int (*hmac_sha256_final_func)(void *hmac_context, signal_buffer **output, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Callback for an HMAC-SHA256 implementation.
+ * This function shall free the private context allocated in
+ * hmac_sha256_init_func.
+ *
+ * @param hmac_context private HMAC context pointer
+ */
+ void (*hmac_sha256_cleanup_func)(void *hmac_context, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Callback for a SHA512 message digest implementation.
+ * This function shall initialize a digest context.
+ *
+ * @param digest_context private digest context pointer
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+ int (*sha512_digest_init_func)(void **digest_context, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Callback for a SHA512 message digest implementation.
+ * This function shall update the digest context with the provided data.
+ *
+ * @param digest_context private digest context pointer
+ * @param data pointer to the data
+ * @param data_len length of the data
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+ int (*sha512_digest_update_func)(void *digest_context, const uint8_t *data, size_t data_len, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Callback for a SHA512 message digest implementation.
+ * This function shall finalize the digest calculation, populate the
+ * output buffer with the result, and prepare the context for reuse.
+ *
+ * @param digest_context private digest context pointer
+ * @param output buffer to be allocated and populated with the result
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+ int (*sha512_digest_final_func)(void *digest_context, signal_buffer **output, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Callback for a SHA512 message digest implementation.
+ * This function shall free the private context allocated in
+ * sha512_digest_init_func.
+ *
+ * @param digest_context private digest context pointer
+ */
+ void (*sha512_digest_cleanup_func)(void *digest_context, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Callback for an AES encryption implementation.
+ *
+ * @param output buffer to be allocated and populated with the ciphertext
+ * @param cipher specific cipher variant to use, either SG_CIPHER_AES_CTR_NOPADDING or SG_CIPHER_AES_CBC_PKCS5
+ * @param key the encryption key
+ * @param key_len length of the encryption key
+ * @param iv the initialization vector
+ * @param iv_len length of the initialization vector
+ * @param plaintext the plaintext to encrypt
+ * @param plaintext_len length of the plaintext
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+ int (*encrypt_func)(signal_buffer **output,
+ int cipher,
+ const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len,
+ const uint8_t *iv, size_t iv_len,
+ const uint8_t *plaintext, size_t plaintext_len,
+ void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Callback for an AES decryption implementation.
+ *
+ * @param output buffer to be allocated and populated with the plaintext
+ * @param cipher specific cipher variant to use, either SG_CIPHER_AES_CTR_NOPADDING or SG_CIPHER_AES_CBC_PKCS5
+ * @param key the encryption key
+ * @param key_len length of the encryption key
+ * @param iv the initialization vector
+ * @param iv_len length of the initialization vector
+ * @param ciphertext the ciphertext to decrypt
+ * @param ciphertext_len length of the ciphertext
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+ int (*decrypt_func)(signal_buffer **output,
+ int cipher,
+ const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len,
+ const uint8_t *iv, size_t iv_len,
+ const uint8_t *ciphertext, size_t ciphertext_len,
+ void *user_data);
+ /** User data pointer */
+ void *user_data;
+} signal_crypto_provider;
+typedef struct signal_protocol_session_store {
+ /**
+ * Returns a copy of the serialized session record corresponding to the
+ * provided recipient ID + device ID tuple.
+ *
+ * @param record pointer to a freshly allocated buffer containing the
+ * serialized session record. Unset if no record was found.
+ * The Signal Protocol library is responsible for freeing this buffer.
+ * @param user_record pointer to a freshly allocated buffer containing
+ * application specific data stored alongside the serialized session
+ * record. If no such data exists, then this pointer may be left unset.
+ * The Signal Protocol library is responsible for freeing this buffer.
+ * @param address the address of the remote client
+ * @return 1 if the session was loaded, 0 if the session was not found, negative on failure
+ */
+ int (*load_session_func)(signal_buffer **record, signal_buffer **user_record, const signal_protocol_address *address, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Returns all known devices with active sessions for a recipient
+ *
+ * @param pointer to an array that will be allocated and populated with the result
+ * @param name the name of the remote client
+ * @param name_len the length of the name
+ * @return size of the sessions array, or negative on failure
+ */
+ int (*get_sub_device_sessions_func)(signal_int_list **sessions, const char *name, size_t name_len, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Commit to storage the session record for a given
+ * recipient ID + device ID tuple.
+ *
+ * @param address the address of the remote client
+ * @param record pointer to a buffer containing the serialized session
+ * record for the remote client
+ * @param record_len length of the serialized session record
+ * @param user_record pointer to a buffer containing application specific
+ * data to be stored alongside the serialized session record for the
+ * remote client. If no such data exists, then this pointer will be null.
+ * @param user_record_len length of the application specific data
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+ int (*store_session_func)(const signal_protocol_address *address, uint8_t *record, size_t record_len, uint8_t *user_record, size_t user_record_len, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Determine whether there is a committed session record for a
+ * recipient ID + device ID tuple.
+ *
+ * @param address the address of the remote client
+ * @return 1 if a session record exists, 0 otherwise.
+ */
+ int (*contains_session_func)(const signal_protocol_address *address, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Remove a session record for a recipient ID + device ID tuple.
+ *
+ * @param address the address of the remote client
+ * @return 1 if a session was deleted, 0 if a session was not deleted, negative on error
+ */
+ int (*delete_session_func)(const signal_protocol_address *address, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Remove the session records corresponding to all devices of a recipient ID.
+ *
+ * @param name the name of the remote client
+ * @param name_len the length of the name
+ * @return the number of deleted sessions on success, negative on failure
+ */
+ int (*delete_all_sessions_func)(const char *name, size_t name_len, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Function called to perform cleanup when the data store context is being
+ * destroyed.
+ */
+ void (*destroy_func)(void *user_data);
+ /** User data pointer */
+ void *user_data;
+} signal_protocol_session_store;
+typedef struct signal_protocol_pre_key_store {
+ /**
+ * Load a local serialized PreKey record.
+ *
+ * @param record pointer to a newly allocated buffer containing the record,
+ * if found. Unset if no record was found.
+ * The Signal Protocol library is responsible for freeing this buffer.
+ * @param pre_key_id the ID of the local serialized PreKey record
+ * @retval SG_SUCCESS if the key was found
+ * @retval SG_ERR_INVALID_KEY_ID if the key could not be found
+ */
+ int (*load_pre_key)(signal_buffer **record, uint32_t pre_key_id, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Store a local serialized PreKey record.
+ *
+ * @param pre_key_id the ID of the PreKey record to store.
+ * @param record pointer to a buffer containing the serialized record
+ * @param record_len length of the serialized record
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+ int (*store_pre_key)(uint32_t pre_key_id, uint8_t *record, size_t record_len, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Determine whether there is a committed PreKey record matching the
+ * provided ID.
+ *
+ * @param pre_key_id A PreKey record ID.
+ * @return 1 if the store has a record for the PreKey ID, 0 otherwise
+ */
+ int (*contains_pre_key)(uint32_t pre_key_id, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Delete a PreKey record from local storage.
+ *
+ * @param pre_key_id The ID of the PreKey record to remove.
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+ int (*remove_pre_key)(uint32_t pre_key_id, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Function called to perform cleanup when the data store context is being
+ * destroyed.
+ */
+ void (*destroy_func)(void *user_data);
+ /** User data pointer */
+ void *user_data;
+} signal_protocol_pre_key_store;
+typedef struct signal_protocol_signed_pre_key_store {
+ /**
+ * Load a local serialized signed PreKey record.
+ *
+ * @param record pointer to a newly allocated buffer containing the record,
+ * if found. Unset if no record was found.
+ * The Signal Protocol library is responsible for freeing this buffer.
+ * @param signed_pre_key_id the ID of the local signed PreKey record
+ * @retval SG_SUCCESS if the key was found
+ * @retval SG_ERR_INVALID_KEY_ID if the key could not be found
+ */
+ int (*load_signed_pre_key)(signal_buffer **record, uint32_t signed_pre_key_id, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Store a local serialized signed PreKey record.
+ *
+ * @param signed_pre_key_id the ID of the signed PreKey record to store
+ * @param record pointer to a buffer containing the serialized record
+ * @param record_len length of the serialized record
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+ int (*store_signed_pre_key)(uint32_t signed_pre_key_id, uint8_t *record, size_t record_len, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Determine whether there is a committed signed PreKey record matching
+ * the provided ID.
+ *
+ * @param signed_pre_key_id A signed PreKey record ID.
+ * @return 1 if the store has a record for the signed PreKey ID, 0 otherwise
+ */
+ int (*contains_signed_pre_key)(uint32_t signed_pre_key_id, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Delete a SignedPreKeyRecord from local storage.
+ *
+ * @param signed_pre_key_id The ID of the signed PreKey record to remove.
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+ int (*remove_signed_pre_key)(uint32_t signed_pre_key_id, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Function called to perform cleanup when the data store context is being
+ * destroyed.
+ */
+ void (*destroy_func)(void *user_data);
+ /** User data pointer */
+ void *user_data;
+} signal_protocol_signed_pre_key_store;
+typedef struct signal_protocol_identity_key_store {
+ /**
+ * Get the local client's identity key pair.
+ *
+ * @param public_data pointer to a newly allocated buffer containing the
+ * public key, if found. Unset if no record was found.
+ * The Signal Protocol library is responsible for freeing this buffer.
+ * @param private_data pointer to a newly allocated buffer containing the
+ * private key, if found. Unset if no record was found.
+ * The Signal Protocol library is responsible for freeing this buffer.
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+ int (*get_identity_key_pair)(signal_buffer **public_data, signal_buffer **private_data, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Return the local client's registration ID.
+ *
+ * Clients should maintain a registration ID, a random number
+ * between 1 and 16380 that's generated once at install time.
+ *
+ * @param registration_id pointer to be set to the local client's
+ * registration ID, if it was successfully retrieved.
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+ int (*get_local_registration_id)(void *user_data, uint32_t *registration_id);
+ /**
+ * Save a remote client's identity key
+ * <p>
+ * Store a remote client's identity key as trusted.
+ * The value of key_data may be null. In this case remove the key data
+ * from the identity store, but retain any metadata that may be kept
+ * alongside it.
+ *
+ * @param address the address of the remote client
+ * @param key_data Pointer to the remote client's identity key, may be null
+ * @param key_len Length of the remote client's identity key
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+ int (*save_identity)(const signal_protocol_address *address, uint8_t *key_data, size_t key_len, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Verify a remote client's identity key.
+ *
+ * Determine whether a remote client's identity is trusted. Convention is
+ * that the TextSecure protocol is 'trust on first use.' This means that
+ * an identity key is considered 'trusted' if there is no entry for the recipient
+ * in the local store, or if it matches the saved key for a recipient in the local
+ * store. Only if it mismatches an entry in the local store is it considered
+ * 'untrusted.'
+ *
+ * @param address the address of the remote client
+ * @param identityKey The identity key to verify.
+ * @param key_data Pointer to the identity key to verify
+ * @param key_len Length of the identity key to verify
+ * @return 1 if trusted, 0 if untrusted, negative on failure
+ */
+ int (*is_trusted_identity)(const signal_protocol_address *address, uint8_t *key_data, size_t key_len, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Function called to perform cleanup when the data store context is being
+ * destroyed.
+ */
+ void (*destroy_func)(void *user_data);
+ /** User data pointer */
+ void *user_data;
+} signal_protocol_identity_key_store;
+typedef struct signal_protocol_sender_key_store {
+ /**
+ * Store a serialized sender key record for a given
+ * (groupId + senderId + deviceId) tuple.
+ *
+ * @param sender_key_name the (groupId + senderId + deviceId) tuple
+ * @param record pointer to a buffer containing the serialized record
+ * @param record_len length of the serialized record
+ * @param user_record pointer to a buffer containing application specific
+ * data to be stored alongside the serialized record. If no such
+ * data exists, then this pointer will be null.
+ * @param user_record_len length of the application specific data
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+ int (*store_sender_key)(const signal_protocol_sender_key_name *sender_key_name, uint8_t *record, size_t record_len, uint8_t *user_record, size_t user_record_len, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Returns a copy of the sender key record corresponding to the
+ * (groupId + senderId + deviceId) tuple.
+ *
+ * @param record pointer to a newly allocated buffer containing the record,
+ * if found. Unset if no record was found.
+ * The Signal Protocol library is responsible for freeing this buffer.
+ * @param user_record pointer to a newly allocated buffer containing
+ * application-specific data stored alongside the record. If no such
+ * data exists, then this pointer may be left unset.
+ * The Signal Protocol library is responsible for freeing this buffer.
+ * @param sender_key_name the (groupId + senderId + deviceId) tuple
+ * @return 1 if the record was loaded, 0 if the record was not found, negative on failure
+ */
+ int (*load_sender_key)(signal_buffer **record, signal_buffer **user_record, const signal_protocol_sender_key_name *sender_key_name, void *user_data);
+ /**
+ * Function called to perform cleanup when the data store context is being
+ * destroyed.
+ */
+ void (*destroy_func)(void *user_data);
+ /** User data pointer */
+ void *user_data;
+} signal_protocol_sender_key_store;
+ * Create a new instance of the global library context.
+ */
+int signal_context_create(signal_context **context, void *user_data);
+ * Set the crypto provider to be used by the Signal Protocol library.
+ *
+ * @param crypto_provider Populated structure of crypto provider function
+ * pointers. The contents of this structure are copied, so the caller
+ * does not need to maintain its instance.
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+int signal_context_set_crypto_provider(signal_context *context, const signal_crypto_provider *crypto_provider);
+ * Set the locking functions to be used by the Signal Protocol library for
+ * synchronization.
+ *
+ * Note: These functions must allow recursive locking (e.g. PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE)
+ *
+ * @param lock function to lock a mutex
+ * @param unlock function to unlock a mutex
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+int signal_context_set_locking_functions(signal_context *context,
+ void (*lock)(void *user_data), void (*unlock)(void *user_data));
+ * Set the log function to be used by the Signal Protocol library for logging.
+ *
+ * @return 0 on success, negative on failure
+ */
+int signal_context_set_log_function(signal_context *context,
+ void (*log)(int level, const char *message, size_t len, void *user_data));
+void signal_context_destroy(signal_context *context);
+ * Create a new instance of the Signal Protocol data store interface.
+ */
+int signal_protocol_store_context_create(signal_protocol_store_context **context, signal_context *global_context);
+int signal_protocol_store_context_set_session_store(signal_protocol_store_context *context, const signal_protocol_session_store *store);
+int signal_protocol_store_context_set_pre_key_store(signal_protocol_store_context *context, const signal_protocol_pre_key_store *store);
+int signal_protocol_store_context_set_signed_pre_key_store(signal_protocol_store_context *context, const signal_protocol_signed_pre_key_store *store);
+int signal_protocol_store_context_set_identity_key_store(signal_protocol_store_context *context, const signal_protocol_identity_key_store *store);
+int signal_protocol_store_context_set_sender_key_store(signal_protocol_store_context *context, const signal_protocol_sender_key_store *store);
+void signal_protocol_store_context_destroy(signal_protocol_store_context *context);
+ * Interface to the session store.
+ * These functions will use the callbacks in the provided
+ * signal_protocol_store_context instance and operate in terms of higher level
+ * library data structures.
+ */
+int signal_protocol_session_load_session(signal_protocol_store_context *context, session_record **record, const signal_protocol_address *address);
+int signal_protocol_session_get_sub_device_sessions(signal_protocol_store_context *context, signal_int_list **sessions, const char *name, size_t name_len);
+int signal_protocol_session_store_session(signal_protocol_store_context *context, const signal_protocol_address *address, session_record *record);
+int signal_protocol_session_contains_session(signal_protocol_store_context *context, const signal_protocol_address *address);
+int signal_protocol_session_delete_session(signal_protocol_store_context *context, const signal_protocol_address *address);
+int signal_protocol_session_delete_all_sessions(signal_protocol_store_context *context, const char *name, size_t name_len);
+ * Interface to the pre-key store.
+ * These functions will use the callbacks in the provided
+ * signal_protocol_store_context instance and operate in terms of higher level
+ * library data structures.
+ */
+int signal_protocol_pre_key_load_key(signal_protocol_store_context *context, session_pre_key **pre_key, uint32_t pre_key_id);
+int signal_protocol_pre_key_store_key(signal_protocol_store_context *context, session_pre_key *pre_key);
+int signal_protocol_pre_key_contains_key(signal_protocol_store_context *context, uint32_t pre_key_id);
+int signal_protocol_pre_key_remove_key(signal_protocol_store_context *context, uint32_t pre_key_id);
+ * Interface to the signed pre-key store.
+ * These functions will use the callbacks in the provided
+ * signal_protocol_store_context instance and operate in terms of higher level
+ * library data structures.
+ */
+int signal_protocol_signed_pre_key_load_key(signal_protocol_store_context *context, session_signed_pre_key **pre_key, uint32_t signed_pre_key_id);
+int signal_protocol_signed_pre_key_store_key(signal_protocol_store_context *context, session_signed_pre_key *pre_key);
+int signal_protocol_signed_pre_key_contains_key(signal_protocol_store_context *context, uint32_t signed_pre_key_id);
+int signal_protocol_signed_pre_key_remove_key(signal_protocol_store_context *context, uint32_t signed_pre_key_id);
+ * Interface to the identity key store.
+ * These functions will use the callbacks in the provided
+ * signal_protocol_store_context instance and operate in terms of higher level
+ * library data structures.
+ */
+int signal_protocol_identity_get_key_pair(signal_protocol_store_context *context, ratchet_identity_key_pair **key_pair);
+int signal_protocol_identity_get_local_registration_id(signal_protocol_store_context *context, uint32_t *registration_id);
+int signal_protocol_identity_save_identity(signal_protocol_store_context *context, const signal_protocol_address *address, ec_public_key *identity_key);
+int signal_protocol_identity_is_trusted_identity(signal_protocol_store_context *context, const signal_protocol_address *address, ec_public_key *identity_key);
+ * Interface to the sender key store.
+ * These functions will use the callbacks in the provided
+ * signal_protocol_store_context instance and operate in terms of higher level
+ * library data structures.
+ */
+int signal_protocol_sender_key_store_key(signal_protocol_store_context *context, const signal_protocol_sender_key_name *sender_key_name, sender_key_record *record);
+int signal_protocol_sender_key_load_key(signal_protocol_store_context *context, sender_key_record **record, const signal_protocol_sender_key_name *sender_key_name);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* SIGNAL_PROTOCOL_H */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/signal_protocol_internal.h b/libs/libsignal/src/signal_protocol_internal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a30a0f027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/signal_protocol_internal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#include <protobuf-c/protobuf-c.h>
+#include "LocalStorageProtocol.pb-c.h"
+#include "signal_protocol.h"
+struct signal_type_base {
+ unsigned int ref_count;
+ void (*destroy)(signal_type_base *instance);
+void signal_type_init(signal_type_base *instance,
+ void (*destroy_func)(signal_type_base *instance));
+#define SIGNAL_INIT(instance, destroy_func) signal_type_init((signal_type_base *)instance, destroy_func)
+struct signal_buffer {
+ size_t len;
+ uint8_t data[];
+struct signal_context {
+ signal_crypto_provider crypto_provider;
+ void (*lock)(void *user_data);
+ void (*unlock)(void *user_data);
+ void (*log)(int level, const char *message, size_t len, void *user_data);
+ void *user_data;
+int signal_crypto_random(signal_context *context, uint8_t *data, size_t len);
+int signal_hmac_sha256_init(signal_context *context, void **hmac_context, const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len);
+int signal_hmac_sha256_update(signal_context *context, void *hmac_context, const uint8_t *data, size_t data_len);
+int signal_hmac_sha256_final(signal_context *context, void *hmac_context, signal_buffer **output);
+void signal_hmac_sha256_cleanup(signal_context *context, void *hmac_context);
+int signal_sha512_digest_init(signal_context *context, void **digest_context);
+int signal_sha512_digest_update(signal_context *context, void *digest_context, const uint8_t *data, size_t data_len);
+int signal_sha512_digest_final(signal_context *context, void *digest_context, signal_buffer **output);
+void signal_sha512_digest_cleanup(signal_context *context, void *digest_context);
+int signal_encrypt(signal_context *context,
+ signal_buffer **output,
+ int cipher,
+ const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len,
+ const uint8_t *iv, size_t iv_len,
+ const uint8_t *plaintext, size_t plaintext_len);
+int signal_decrypt(signal_context *context,
+ signal_buffer **output,
+ int cipher,
+ const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len,
+ const uint8_t *iv, size_t iv_len,
+ const uint8_t *ciphertext, size_t ciphertext_len);
+void signal_lock(signal_context *context);
+void signal_unlock(signal_context *context);
+void signal_log(signal_context *context, int level, const char *format, ...);
+void signal_explicit_bzero(void *v, size_t n);
+int signal_constant_memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n);
+ * Functions used for internal protocol buffers serialization support.
+ */
+int ec_public_key_serialize_protobuf(ProtobufCBinaryData *buffer, const ec_public_key *key);
+int ec_private_key_serialize_protobuf(ProtobufCBinaryData *buffer, const ec_private_key *key);
+int ratchet_chain_key_get_key_protobuf(const ratchet_chain_key *chain_key, ProtobufCBinaryData *buffer);
+int ratchet_root_key_get_key_protobuf(const ratchet_root_key *root_key, ProtobufCBinaryData *buffer);
+int session_state_serialize_prepare(session_state *state, Textsecure__SessionStructure *session_structure);
+void session_state_serialize_prepare_free(Textsecure__SessionStructure *session_structure);
+int session_state_deserialize_protobuf(session_state **state, Textsecure__SessionStructure *session_structure, signal_context *global_context);
+int sender_key_state_serialize_prepare(sender_key_state *state, Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure *state_structure);
+void sender_key_state_serialize_prepare_free(Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure *state_structure);
+int sender_key_state_deserialize_protobuf(sender_key_state **state, Textsecure__SenderKeyStateStructure *state_structure, signal_context *global_context);
+void signal_protocol_str_serialize_protobuf(ProtobufCBinaryData *buffer, const char *str);
+char *signal_protocol_str_deserialize_protobuf(ProtobufCBinaryData *buffer);
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/signal_protocol_types.h b/libs/libsignal/src/signal_protocol_types.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b45fa4c7e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/signal_protocol_types.h
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifndef _WINDOWS
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <basetsd.h>
+typedef SSIZE_T ssize_t;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * Base library types
+ */
+typedef struct signal_type_base signal_type_base;
+typedef struct signal_buffer signal_buffer;
+typedef struct signal_buffer_list signal_buffer_list;
+typedef struct signal_int_list signal_int_list;
+ * Global context for the Signal Protocol library
+ */
+typedef struct signal_context signal_context;
+ * Context for the Signal Protocol data store implementation
+ */
+typedef struct signal_protocol_store_context signal_protocol_store_context;
+ * Address of an Signal Protocol message recipient
+ */
+typedef struct signal_protocol_address {
+ const char *name;
+ size_t name_len;
+ int32_t device_id;
+} signal_protocol_address;
+ * A representation of a (group + sender + device) tuple
+ */
+typedef struct signal_protocol_sender_key_name {
+ const char *group_id;
+ size_t group_id_len;
+ signal_protocol_address sender;
+} signal_protocol_sender_key_name;
+ * Curve key types
+ */
+typedef struct ec_public_key ec_public_key;
+typedef struct ec_private_key ec_private_key;
+typedef struct ec_key_pair ec_key_pair;
+typedef struct ec_public_key_list ec_public_key_list;
+ * HKDF types
+ */
+typedef struct hkdf_context hkdf_context;
+ * Key helper types
+ */
+typedef struct signal_protocol_key_helper_pre_key_list_node signal_protocol_key_helper_pre_key_list_node;
+ * Protocol types
+ */
+typedef struct ciphertext_message ciphertext_message;
+typedef struct signal_message signal_message;
+typedef struct pre_key_signal_message pre_key_signal_message;
+typedef struct sender_key_message sender_key_message;
+typedef struct sender_key_distribution_message sender_key_distribution_message;
+ * Ratchet types
+ */
+typedef struct ratchet_chain_key ratchet_chain_key;
+typedef struct ratchet_root_key ratchet_root_key;
+typedef struct ratchet_identity_key_pair ratchet_identity_key_pair;
+typedef struct ratchet_message_keys {
+ uint8_t cipher_key[RATCHET_CIPHER_KEY_LENGTH];
+ uint8_t mac_key[RATCHET_MAC_KEY_LENGTH];
+ uint8_t iv[RATCHET_IV_LENGTH];
+ uint32_t counter;
+} ratchet_message_keys;
+ * Session types
+ */
+typedef struct session_pre_key session_pre_key;
+typedef struct session_signed_pre_key session_signed_pre_key;
+typedef struct session_pre_key_bundle session_pre_key_bundle;
+typedef struct session_builder session_builder;
+typedef struct session_record session_record;
+typedef struct session_record_state_node session_record_state_node;
+typedef struct session_state session_state;
+typedef struct session_cipher session_cipher;
+ * Group types
+ */
+typedef struct sender_message_key sender_message_key;
+typedef struct sender_chain_key sender_chain_key;
+typedef struct sender_key_state sender_key_state;
+typedef struct sender_key_record sender_key_record;
+typedef struct group_session_builder group_session_builder;
+typedef struct group_cipher group_cipher;
+ * Fingerprint types
+ */
+typedef struct fingerprint fingerprint;
+typedef struct displayable_fingerprint displayable_fingerprint;
+typedef struct scannable_fingerprint scannable_fingerprint;
+typedef struct fingerprint_generator fingerprint_generator;
+ * Device consistency types
+ */
+typedef struct device_consistency_signature device_consistency_signature;
+typedef struct device_consistency_commitment device_consistency_commitment;
+typedef struct device_consistency_message device_consistency_message;
+typedef struct device_consistency_signature_list device_consistency_signature_list;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/signal_utarray.h b/libs/libsignal/src/signal_utarray.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..682fc0f0bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/signal_utarray.h
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#include "signal_protocol.h"
+#define oom() do { \
+ result = SG_ERR_NOMEM; \
+ goto complete; \
+} while(0)
+#include "utarray.h"
+#endif /* SIGNAL_UTARRAY_H */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/stdafx.cxx b/libs/libsignal/src/stdafx.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..10cc10d318
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/stdafx.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (C) 2012-19 Miranda NG team (
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2
+of the License.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "stdafx.h" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/stdafx.h b/libs/libsignal/src/stdafx.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44fd8c07ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/stdafx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright (c) 2012-19 Miranda NG team (,
+all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
+listed in contributors.txt.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#pragma once
+#include <stdio.h>
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/utarray.h b/libs/libsignal/src/utarray.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..979e99e98e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/utarray.h
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+Copyright (c) 2008-2016, Troy D. Hanson
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+/* a dynamic array implementation using macros
+ */
+#ifndef UTARRAY_H
+#define UTARRAY_H
+#define UTARRAY_VERSION 2.0.1
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#define _UNUSED_ __attribute__ ((__unused__))
+#define _UNUSED_
+#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
+#include <string.h> /* memset, etc */
+#include <stdlib.h> /* exit */
+#ifndef oom
+#define oom() exit(-1)
+typedef void (ctor_f)(void *dst, const void *src);
+typedef void (dtor_f)(void *elt);
+typedef void (init_f)(void *elt);
+typedef struct {
+ size_t sz;
+ init_f *init;
+ ctor_f *copy;
+ dtor_f *dtor;
+} UT_icd;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned i,n;/* i: index of next available slot, n: num slots */
+ UT_icd icd; /* initializer, copy and destructor functions */
+ char *d; /* n slots of size icd->sz*/
+} UT_array;
+#define utarray_init(a,_icd) do { \
+ memset(a,0,sizeof(UT_array)); \
+ (a)->icd = *(_icd); \
+} while(0)
+#define utarray_done(a) do { \
+ if ((a)->n) { \
+ if ((a)->icd.dtor) { \
+ unsigned _ut_i; \
+ for(_ut_i=0; _ut_i < (a)->i; _ut_i++) { \
+ (a)->icd.dtor(utarray_eltptr(a,_ut_i)); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ free((a)->d); \
+ } \
+ (a)->n=0; \
+} while(0)
+#define utarray_new(a,_icd) do { \
+ (a) = (UT_array*)malloc(sizeof(UT_array)); \
+ if ((a) == NULL) oom(); \
+ utarray_init(a,_icd); \
+} while(0)
+#define utarray_free(a) do { \
+ utarray_done(a); \
+ free(a); \
+} while(0)
+#define utarray_reserve(a,by) do { \
+ if (((a)->i+(by)) > (a)->n) { \
+ char *utarray_tmp; \
+ while (((a)->i+(by)) > (a)->n) { (a)->n = ((a)->n ? (2*(a)->n) : 8); } \
+ utarray_tmp=(char*)realloc((a)->d, (a)->n*(a)->; \
+ if (utarray_tmp == NULL) oom(); \
+ (a)->d=utarray_tmp; \
+ } \
+} while(0)
+#define utarray_push_back(a,p) do { \
+ utarray_reserve(a,1); \
+ if ((a)->icd.copy) { (a)->icd.copy( _utarray_eltptr(a,(a)->i++), p); } \
+ else { memcpy(_utarray_eltptr(a,(a)->i++), p, (a)->; }; \
+} while(0)
+#define utarray_pop_back(a) do { \
+ if ((a)->icd.dtor) { (a)->icd.dtor( _utarray_eltptr(a,--((a)->i))); } \
+ else { (a)->i--; } \
+} while(0)
+#define utarray_extend_back(a) do { \
+ utarray_reserve(a,1); \
+ if ((a)->icd.init) { (a)->icd.init(_utarray_eltptr(a,(a)->i)); } \
+ else { memset(_utarray_eltptr(a,(a)->i),0,(a)->; } \
+ (a)->i++; \
+} while(0)
+#define utarray_len(a) ((a)->i)
+#define utarray_eltptr(a,j) (((j) < (a)->i) ? _utarray_eltptr(a,j) : NULL)
+#define _utarray_eltptr(a,j) ((a)->d + ((a)-> * (j)))
+#define utarray_insert(a,p,j) do { \
+ if ((j) > (a)->i) utarray_resize(a,j); \
+ utarray_reserve(a,1); \
+ if ((j) < (a)->i) { \
+ memmove( _utarray_eltptr(a,(j)+1), _utarray_eltptr(a,j), \
+ ((a)->i - (j))*((a)->; \
+ } \
+ if ((a)->icd.copy) { (a)->icd.copy( _utarray_eltptr(a,j), p); } \
+ else { memcpy(_utarray_eltptr(a,j), p, (a)->; }; \
+ (a)->i++; \
+} while(0)
+#define utarray_inserta(a,w,j) do { \
+ if (utarray_len(w) == 0) break; \
+ if ((j) > (a)->i) utarray_resize(a,j); \
+ utarray_reserve(a,utarray_len(w)); \
+ if ((j) < (a)->i) { \
+ memmove(_utarray_eltptr(a,(j)+utarray_len(w)), \
+ _utarray_eltptr(a,j), \
+ ((a)->i - (j))*((a)->; \
+ } \
+ if ((a)->icd.copy) { \
+ unsigned _ut_i; \
+ for(_ut_i=0;_ut_i<(w)->i;_ut_i++) { \
+ (a)->icd.copy(_utarray_eltptr(a, (j) + _ut_i), _utarray_eltptr(w, _ut_i)); \
+ } \
+ } else { \
+ memcpy(_utarray_eltptr(a,j), _utarray_eltptr(w,0), \
+ utarray_len(w)*((a)->; \
+ } \
+ (a)->i += utarray_len(w); \
+} while(0)
+#define utarray_resize(dst,num) do { \
+ unsigned _ut_i; \
+ if ((dst)->i > (unsigned)(num)) { \
+ if ((dst)->icd.dtor) { \
+ for (_ut_i = (num); _ut_i < (dst)->i; ++_ut_i) { \
+ (dst)->icd.dtor(_utarray_eltptr(dst, _ut_i)); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ } else if ((dst)->i < (unsigned)(num)) { \
+ utarray_reserve(dst, (num) - (dst)->i); \
+ if ((dst)->icd.init) { \
+ for (_ut_i = (dst)->i; _ut_i < (unsigned)(num); ++_ut_i) { \
+ (dst)->icd.init(_utarray_eltptr(dst, _ut_i)); \
+ } \
+ } else { \
+ memset(_utarray_eltptr(dst, (dst)->i), 0, (dst)->*((num) - (dst)->i)); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ (dst)->i = (num); \
+} while(0)
+#define utarray_concat(dst,src) do { \
+ utarray_inserta(dst, src, utarray_len(dst)); \
+} while(0)
+#define utarray_erase(a,pos,len) do { \
+ if ((a)->icd.dtor) { \
+ unsigned _ut_i; \
+ for (_ut_i = 0; _ut_i < (len); _ut_i++) { \
+ (a)->icd.dtor(utarray_eltptr(a, (pos) + _ut_i)); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ if ((a)->i > ((pos) + (len))) { \
+ memmove(_utarray_eltptr(a, pos), _utarray_eltptr(a, (pos) + (len)), \
+ ((a)->i - ((pos) + (len))) * (a)->; \
+ } \
+ (a)->i -= (len); \
+} while(0)
+#define utarray_renew(a,u) do { \
+ if (a) utarray_clear(a); \
+ else utarray_new(a, u); \
+} while(0)
+#define utarray_clear(a) do { \
+ if ((a)->i > 0) { \
+ if ((a)->icd.dtor) { \
+ unsigned _ut_i; \
+ for(_ut_i=0; _ut_i < (a)->i; _ut_i++) { \
+ (a)->icd.dtor(_utarray_eltptr(a, _ut_i)); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ (a)->i = 0; \
+ } \
+} while(0)
+#define utarray_sort(a,cmp) do { \
+ qsort((a)->d, (a)->i, (a)->, cmp); \
+} while(0)
+#define utarray_find(a,v,cmp) bsearch((v),(a)->d,(a)->i,(a)->,cmp)
+#define utarray_front(a) (((a)->i) ? (_utarray_eltptr(a,0)) : NULL)
+#define utarray_next(a,e) (((e)==NULL) ? utarray_front(a) : ((((a)->i) > (utarray_eltidx(a,e)+1)) ? _utarray_eltptr(a,utarray_eltidx(a,e)+1) : NULL))
+#define utarray_prev(a,e) (((e)==NULL) ? utarray_back(a) : ((utarray_eltidx(a,e) > 0) ? _utarray_eltptr(a,utarray_eltidx(a,e)-1) : NULL))
+#define utarray_back(a) (((a)->i) ? (_utarray_eltptr(a,(a)->i-1)) : NULL)
+#define utarray_eltidx(a,e) (((char*)(e) >= (a)->d) ? (((char*)(e) - (a)->d)/(a)-> : -1)
+/* last we pre-define a few icd for common utarrays of ints and strings */
+static void utarray_str_cpy(void *dst, const void *src) {
+ char **_src = (char**)src, **_dst = (char**)dst;
+ *_dst = (*_src == NULL) ? NULL : strdup(*_src);
+static void utarray_str_dtor(void *elt) {
+ char **eltc = (char**)elt;
+ if (*eltc != NULL) free(*eltc);
+static const UT_icd ut_str_icd _UNUSED_ = {sizeof(char*),NULL,utarray_str_cpy,utarray_str_dtor};
+static const UT_icd ut_int_icd _UNUSED_ = {sizeof(int),NULL,NULL,NULL};
+static const UT_icd ut_ptr_icd _UNUSED_ = {sizeof(void*),NULL,NULL,NULL};
+#endif /* UTARRAY_H */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/uthash.h b/libs/libsignal/src/uthash.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..775599c9a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/uthash.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1074 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2016, Troy D. Hanson
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+#ifndef UTHASH_H
+#define UTHASH_H
+#define UTHASH_VERSION 2.0.1
+#include <string.h> /* memcmp,strlen */
+#include <stddef.h> /* ptrdiff_t */
+#include <stdlib.h> /* exit() */
+/* These macros use decltype or the earlier __typeof GNU extension.
+ As decltype is only available in newer compilers (VS2010 or gcc 4.3+
+ when compiling c++ source) this code uses whatever method is needed
+ or, for VS2008 where neither is available, uses casting workarounds. */
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) /* MS compiler */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1600 && defined(__cplusplus) /* VS2010 or newer in C++ mode */
+#define DECLTYPE(x) (decltype(x))
+#else /* VS2008 or older (or VS2010 in C mode) */
+#define NO_DECLTYPE
+#define DECLTYPE(x)
+#elif defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(__LCC__) || defined(__WATCOMC__)
+#define NO_DECLTYPE
+#define DECLTYPE(x)
+#else /* GNU, Sun and other compilers */
+#define DECLTYPE(x) (__typeof(x))
+#define DECLTYPE_ASSIGN(dst,src) \
+do { \
+ char **_da_dst = (char**)(&(dst)); \
+ *_da_dst = (char*)(src); \
+} while (0)
+#define DECLTYPE_ASSIGN(dst,src) \
+do { \
+ (dst) = DECLTYPE(dst)(src); \
+} while (0)
+/* a number of the hash function use uint32_t which isn't defined on Pre VS2010 */
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1600
+#include <stdint.h>
+#elif defined(__WATCOMC__) || defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#include <stdint.h>
+typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
+typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__VXWORKS__)
+#include <stdint.h>
+typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
+typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
+#ifndef uthash_fatal
+#define uthash_fatal(msg) exit(-1) /* fatal error (out of memory,etc) */
+#ifndef uthash_malloc
+#define uthash_malloc(sz) malloc(sz) /* malloc fcn */
+#ifndef uthash_free
+#define uthash_free(ptr,sz) free(ptr) /* free fcn */
+#ifndef uthash_strlen
+#define uthash_strlen(s) strlen(s)
+#ifndef uthash_memcmp
+#define uthash_memcmp(a,b,n) memcmp(a,b,n)
+#ifndef uthash_noexpand_fyi
+#define uthash_noexpand_fyi(tbl) /* can be defined to log noexpand */
+#ifndef uthash_expand_fyi
+#define uthash_expand_fyi(tbl) /* can be defined to log expands */
+/* initial number of buckets */
+#define HASH_INITIAL_NUM_BUCKETS 32U /* initial number of buckets */
+#define HASH_INITIAL_NUM_BUCKETS_LOG2 5U /* lg2 of initial number of buckets */
+#define HASH_BKT_CAPACITY_THRESH 10U /* expand when bucket count reaches */
+/* calculate the element whose hash handle address is hhp */
+#define ELMT_FROM_HH(tbl,hhp) ((void*)(((char*)(hhp)) - ((tbl)->hho)))
+/* calculate the hash handle from element address elp */
+#define HH_FROM_ELMT(tbl,elp) ((UT_hash_handle *)(((char*)(elp)) + ((tbl)->hho)))
+#define HASH_VALUE(keyptr,keylen,hashv) \
+do { \
+ HASH_FCN(keyptr, keylen, hashv); \
+} while (0)
+#define HASH_FIND_BYHASHVALUE(hh,head,keyptr,keylen,hashval,out) \
+do { \
+ (out) = NULL; \
+ if (head) { \
+ unsigned _hf_bkt; \
+ HASH_TO_BKT(hashval, (head)->hh.tbl->num_buckets, _hf_bkt); \
+ if (HASH_BLOOM_TEST((head)->hh.tbl, hashval) != 0) { \
+ HASH_FIND_IN_BKT((head)->hh.tbl, hh, (head)->hh.tbl->buckets[ _hf_bkt ], keyptr, keylen, hashval, out); \
+ } \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define HASH_FIND(hh,head,keyptr,keylen,out) \
+do { \
+ unsigned _hf_hashv; \
+ HASH_VALUE(keyptr, keylen, _hf_hashv); \
+ HASH_FIND_BYHASHVALUE(hh, head, keyptr, keylen, _hf_hashv, out); \
+} while (0)
+#ifdef HASH_BLOOM
+#define HASH_BLOOM_MAKE(tbl) \
+do { \
+ (tbl)->bloom_nbits = HASH_BLOOM; \
+ (tbl)->bloom_bv = (uint8_t*)uthash_malloc(HASH_BLOOM_BYTELEN); \
+ if (!((tbl)->bloom_bv)) { uthash_fatal( "out of memory"); } \
+ memset((tbl)->bloom_bv, 0, HASH_BLOOM_BYTELEN); \
+ (tbl)->bloom_sig = HASH_BLOOM_SIGNATURE; \
+} while (0)
+#define HASH_BLOOM_FREE(tbl) \
+do { \
+ uthash_free((tbl)->bloom_bv, HASH_BLOOM_BYTELEN); \
+} while (0)
+#define HASH_BLOOM_BITSET(bv,idx) (bv[(idx)/8U] |= (1U << ((idx)%8U)))
+#define HASH_BLOOM_BITTEST(bv,idx) (bv[(idx)/8U] & (1U << ((idx)%8U)))
+#define HASH_BLOOM_ADD(tbl,hashv) \
+ HASH_BLOOM_BITSET((tbl)->bloom_bv, (hashv & (uint32_t)((1ULL << (tbl)->bloom_nbits) - 1U)))
+#define HASH_BLOOM_TEST(tbl,hashv) \
+ HASH_BLOOM_BITTEST((tbl)->bloom_bv, (hashv & (uint32_t)((1ULL << (tbl)->bloom_nbits) - 1U)))
+#define HASH_BLOOM_MAKE(tbl)
+#define HASH_BLOOM_FREE(tbl)
+#define HASH_BLOOM_ADD(tbl,hashv)
+#define HASH_BLOOM_TEST(tbl,hashv) (1)
+#define HASH_MAKE_TABLE(hh,head) \
+do { \
+ (head)->hh.tbl = (UT_hash_table*)uthash_malloc( \
+ sizeof(UT_hash_table)); \
+ if (!((head)->hh.tbl)) { uthash_fatal( "out of memory"); } \
+ memset((head)->hh.tbl, 0, sizeof(UT_hash_table)); \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->tail = &((head)->hh); \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->num_buckets = HASH_INITIAL_NUM_BUCKETS; \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->log2_num_buckets = HASH_INITIAL_NUM_BUCKETS_LOG2; \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->hho = (char*)(&(head)->hh) - (char*)(head); \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->buckets = (UT_hash_bucket*)uthash_malloc( \
+ HASH_INITIAL_NUM_BUCKETS*sizeof(struct UT_hash_bucket)); \
+ if (! (head)->hh.tbl->buckets) { uthash_fatal( "out of memory"); } \
+ memset((head)->hh.tbl->buckets, 0, \
+ HASH_INITIAL_NUM_BUCKETS*sizeof(struct UT_hash_bucket)); \
+ HASH_BLOOM_MAKE((head)->hh.tbl); \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->signature = HASH_SIGNATURE; \
+} while (0)
+#define HASH_REPLACE_BYHASHVALUE_INORDER(hh,head,fieldname,keylen_in,hashval,add,replaced,cmpfcn) \
+do { \
+ (replaced) = NULL; \
+ HASH_FIND_BYHASHVALUE(hh, head, &((add)->fieldname), keylen_in, hashval, replaced); \
+ if (replaced) { \
+ HASH_DELETE(hh, head, replaced); \
+ } \
+ HASH_ADD_KEYPTR_BYHASHVALUE_INORDER(hh, head, &((add)->fieldname), keylen_in, hashval, add, cmpfcn); \
+} while (0)
+#define HASH_REPLACE_BYHASHVALUE(hh,head,fieldname,keylen_in,hashval,add,replaced) \
+do { \
+ (replaced) = NULL; \
+ HASH_FIND_BYHASHVALUE(hh, head, &((add)->fieldname), keylen_in, hashval, replaced); \
+ if (replaced) { \
+ HASH_DELETE(hh, head, replaced); \
+ } \
+ HASH_ADD_KEYPTR_BYHASHVALUE(hh, head, &((add)->fieldname), keylen_in, hashval, add); \
+} while (0)
+#define HASH_REPLACE(hh,head,fieldname,keylen_in,add,replaced) \
+do { \
+ unsigned _hr_hashv; \
+ HASH_VALUE(&((add)->fieldname), keylen_in, _hr_hashv); \
+ HASH_REPLACE_BYHASHVALUE(hh, head, fieldname, keylen_in, _hr_hashv, add, replaced); \
+} while (0)
+#define HASH_REPLACE_INORDER(hh,head,fieldname,keylen_in,add,replaced,cmpfcn) \
+do { \
+ unsigned _hr_hashv; \
+ HASH_VALUE(&((add)->fieldname), keylen_in, _hr_hashv); \
+ HASH_REPLACE_BYHASHVALUE_INORDER(hh, head, fieldname, keylen_in, _hr_hashv, add, replaced, cmpfcn); \
+} while (0)
+#define HASH_APPEND_LIST(hh, head, add) \
+do { \
+ (add)-> = NULL; \
+ (add)->hh.prev = ELMT_FROM_HH((head)->hh.tbl, (head)->hh.tbl->tail); \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->tail->next = (add); \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->tail = &((add)->hh); \
+} while (0)
+#define HASH_ADD_KEYPTR_BYHASHVALUE_INORDER(hh,head,keyptr,keylen_in,hashval,add,cmpfcn) \
+do { \
+ unsigned _ha_bkt; \
+ (add)->hh.hashv = (hashval); \
+ (add)->hh.key = (char*) (keyptr); \
+ (add)->hh.keylen = (unsigned) (keylen_in); \
+ if (!(head)) { \
+ (add)-> = NULL; \
+ (add)->hh.prev = NULL; \
+ (head) = (add); \
+ HASH_MAKE_TABLE(hh, head); \
+ } else { \
+ void *_hs_iter = (head); \
+ (add)->hh.tbl = (head)->hh.tbl; \
+ do { \
+ if (cmpfcn(DECLTYPE(head)(_hs_iter), add) > 0) \
+ break; \
+ } while ((_hs_iter = HH_FROM_ELMT((head)->hh.tbl, _hs_iter)->next)); \
+ if (_hs_iter) { \
+ (add)-> = _hs_iter; \
+ if (((add)->hh.prev = HH_FROM_ELMT((head)->hh.tbl, _hs_iter)->prev)) { \
+ HH_FROM_ELMT((head)->hh.tbl, (add)->hh.prev)->next = (add); \
+ } else { \
+ (head) = (add); \
+ } \
+ HH_FROM_ELMT((head)->hh.tbl, _hs_iter)->prev = (add); \
+ } else { \
+ HASH_APPEND_LIST(hh, head, add); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->num_items++; \
+ HASH_TO_BKT(hashval, (head)->hh.tbl->num_buckets, _ha_bkt); \
+ HASH_ADD_TO_BKT((head)->hh.tbl->buckets[_ha_bkt], &(add)->hh); \
+ HASH_BLOOM_ADD((head)->hh.tbl, hashval); \
+ HASH_EMIT_KEY(hh, head, keyptr, keylen_in); \
+ HASH_FSCK(hh, head); \
+} while (0)
+#define HASH_ADD_KEYPTR_INORDER(hh,head,keyptr,keylen_in,add,cmpfcn) \
+do { \
+ unsigned _hs_hashv; \
+ HASH_VALUE(keyptr, keylen_in, _hs_hashv); \
+ HASH_ADD_KEYPTR_BYHASHVALUE_INORDER(hh, head, keyptr, keylen_in, _hs_hashv, add, cmpfcn); \
+} while (0)
+#define HASH_ADD_BYHASHVALUE_INORDER(hh,head,fieldname,keylen_in,hashval,add,cmpfcn) \
+ HASH_ADD_KEYPTR_BYHASHVALUE_INORDER(hh, head, &((add)->fieldname), keylen_in, hashval, add, cmpfcn)
+#define HASH_ADD_INORDER(hh,head,fieldname,keylen_in,add,cmpfcn) \
+ HASH_ADD_KEYPTR_INORDER(hh, head, &((add)->fieldname), keylen_in, add, cmpfcn)
+#define HASH_ADD_KEYPTR_BYHASHVALUE(hh,head,keyptr,keylen_in,hashval,add) \
+do { \
+ unsigned _ha_bkt; \
+ (add)->hh.hashv = (hashval); \
+ (add)->hh.key = (char*) (keyptr); \
+ (add)->hh.keylen = (unsigned) (keylen_in); \
+ if (!(head)) { \
+ (add)-> = NULL; \
+ (add)->hh.prev = NULL; \
+ (head) = (add); \
+ HASH_MAKE_TABLE(hh, head); \
+ } else { \
+ (add)->hh.tbl = (head)->hh.tbl; \
+ HASH_APPEND_LIST(hh, head, add); \
+ } \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->num_items++; \
+ HASH_TO_BKT(hashval, (head)->hh.tbl->num_buckets, _ha_bkt); \
+ HASH_ADD_TO_BKT((head)->hh.tbl->buckets[_ha_bkt], &(add)->hh); \
+ HASH_BLOOM_ADD((head)->hh.tbl, hashval); \
+ HASH_EMIT_KEY(hh, head, keyptr, keylen_in); \
+ HASH_FSCK(hh, head); \
+} while (0)
+#define HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh,head,keyptr,keylen_in,add) \
+do { \
+ unsigned _ha_hashv; \
+ HASH_VALUE(keyptr, keylen_in, _ha_hashv); \
+ HASH_ADD_KEYPTR_BYHASHVALUE(hh, head, keyptr, keylen_in, _ha_hashv, add); \
+} while (0)
+#define HASH_ADD_BYHASHVALUE(hh,head,fieldname,keylen_in,hashval,add) \
+ HASH_ADD_KEYPTR_BYHASHVALUE(hh, head, &((add)->fieldname), keylen_in, hashval, add)
+#define HASH_ADD(hh,head,fieldname,keylen_in,add) \
+ HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, head, &((add)->fieldname), keylen_in, add)
+#define HASH_TO_BKT(hashv,num_bkts,bkt) \
+do { \
+ bkt = ((hashv) & ((num_bkts) - 1U)); \
+} while (0)
+/* delete "delptr" from the hash table.
+ * "the usual" patch-up process for the app-order doubly-linked-list.
+ * The use of _hd_hh_del below deserves special explanation.
+ * These used to be expressed using (delptr) but that led to a bug
+ * if someone used the same symbol for the head and deletee, like
+ * HASH_DELETE(hh,users,users);
+ * We want that to work, but by changing the head (users) below
+ * we were forfeiting our ability to further refer to the deletee (users)
+ * in the patch-up process. Solution: use scratch space to
+ * copy the deletee pointer, then the latter references are via that
+ * scratch pointer rather than through the repointed (users) symbol.
+ */
+#define HASH_DELETE(hh,head,delptr) \
+do { \
+ struct UT_hash_handle *_hd_hh_del; \
+ if ( ((delptr)->hh.prev == NULL) && ((delptr)-> == NULL) ) { \
+ uthash_free((head)->hh.tbl->buckets, \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->num_buckets*sizeof(struct UT_hash_bucket) ); \
+ HASH_BLOOM_FREE((head)->hh.tbl); \
+ uthash_free((head)->hh.tbl, sizeof(UT_hash_table)); \
+ head = NULL; \
+ } else { \
+ unsigned _hd_bkt; \
+ _hd_hh_del = &((delptr)->hh); \
+ if ((delptr) == ELMT_FROM_HH((head)->hh.tbl,(head)->hh.tbl->tail)) { \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->tail = \
+ (UT_hash_handle*)((ptrdiff_t)((delptr)->hh.prev) + \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->hho); \
+ } \
+ if ((delptr)->hh.prev != NULL) { \
+ ((UT_hash_handle*)((ptrdiff_t)((delptr)->hh.prev) + \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->hho))->next = (delptr)->; \
+ } else { \
+ DECLTYPE_ASSIGN(head,(delptr)->; \
+ } \
+ if (_hd_hh_del->next != NULL) { \
+ ((UT_hash_handle*)((ptrdiff_t)_hd_hh_del->next + \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->hho))->prev = \
+ _hd_hh_del->prev; \
+ } \
+ HASH_TO_BKT( _hd_hh_del->hashv, (head)->hh.tbl->num_buckets, _hd_bkt); \
+ HASH_DEL_IN_BKT(hh,(head)->hh.tbl->buckets[_hd_bkt], _hd_hh_del); \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->num_items--; \
+ } \
+ HASH_FSCK(hh,head); \
+} while (0)
+/* convenience forms of HASH_FIND/HASH_ADD/HASH_DEL */
+#define HASH_FIND_STR(head,findstr,out) \
+ HASH_FIND(hh,head,findstr,(unsigned)uthash_strlen(findstr),out)
+#define HASH_ADD_STR(head,strfield,add) \
+ HASH_ADD(hh,head,strfield[0],(unsigned)uthash_strlen(add->strfield),add)
+#define HASH_REPLACE_STR(head,strfield,add,replaced) \
+ HASH_REPLACE(hh,head,strfield[0],(unsigned)uthash_strlen(add->strfield),add,replaced)
+#define HASH_FIND_INT(head,findint,out) \
+ HASH_FIND(hh,head,findint,sizeof(int),out)
+#define HASH_ADD_INT(head,intfield,add) \
+ HASH_ADD(hh,head,intfield,sizeof(int),add)
+#define HASH_REPLACE_INT(head,intfield,add,replaced) \
+ HASH_REPLACE(hh,head,intfield,sizeof(int),add,replaced)
+#define HASH_FIND_PTR(head,findptr,out) \
+ HASH_FIND(hh,head,findptr,sizeof(void *),out)
+#define HASH_ADD_PTR(head,ptrfield,add) \
+ HASH_ADD(hh,head,ptrfield,sizeof(void *),add)
+#define HASH_REPLACE_PTR(head,ptrfield,add,replaced) \
+ HASH_REPLACE(hh,head,ptrfield,sizeof(void *),add,replaced)
+#define HASH_DEL(head,delptr) \
+ HASH_DELETE(hh,head,delptr)
+/* HASH_FSCK checks hash integrity on every add/delete when HASH_DEBUG is defined.
+ * This is for uthash developer only; it compiles away if HASH_DEBUG isn't defined.
+ */
+#ifdef HASH_DEBUG
+#define HASH_OOPS(...) do { fprintf(stderr,__VA_ARGS__); exit(-1); } while (0)
+#define HASH_FSCK(hh,head) \
+do { \
+ struct UT_hash_handle *_thh; \
+ if (head) { \
+ unsigned _bkt_i; \
+ unsigned _count; \
+ char *_prev; \
+ _count = 0; \
+ for( _bkt_i = 0; _bkt_i < (head)->hh.tbl->num_buckets; _bkt_i++) { \
+ unsigned _bkt_count = 0; \
+ _thh = (head)->hh.tbl->buckets[_bkt_i].hh_head; \
+ _prev = NULL; \
+ while (_thh) { \
+ if (_prev != (char*)(_thh->hh_prev)) { \
+ HASH_OOPS("invalid hh_prev %p, actual %p\n", \
+ _thh->hh_prev, _prev ); \
+ } \
+ _bkt_count++; \
+ _prev = (char*)(_thh); \
+ _thh = _thh->hh_next; \
+ } \
+ _count += _bkt_count; \
+ if ((head)->hh.tbl->buckets[_bkt_i].count != _bkt_count) { \
+ HASH_OOPS("invalid bucket count %u, actual %u\n", \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->buckets[_bkt_i].count, _bkt_count); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ if (_count != (head)->hh.tbl->num_items) { \
+ HASH_OOPS("invalid hh item count %u, actual %u\n", \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->num_items, _count ); \
+ } \
+ /* traverse hh in app order; check next/prev integrity, count */ \
+ _count = 0; \
+ _prev = NULL; \
+ _thh = &(head)->hh; \
+ while (_thh) { \
+ _count++; \
+ if (_prev !=(char*)(_thh->prev)) { \
+ HASH_OOPS("invalid prev %p, actual %p\n", \
+ _thh->prev, _prev ); \
+ } \
+ _prev = (char*)ELMT_FROM_HH((head)->hh.tbl, _thh); \
+ _thh = ( _thh->next ? (UT_hash_handle*)((char*)(_thh->next) + \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->hho) : NULL ); \
+ } \
+ if (_count != (head)->hh.tbl->num_items) { \
+ HASH_OOPS("invalid app item count %u, actual %u\n", \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->num_items, _count ); \
+ } \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define HASH_FSCK(hh,head)
+/* When compiled with -DHASH_EMIT_KEYS, length-prefixed keys are emitted to
+ * the descriptor to which this macro is defined for tuning the hash function.
+ * The app can #include <unistd.h> to get the prototype for write(2). */
+#define HASH_EMIT_KEY(hh,head,keyptr,fieldlen) \
+do { \
+ unsigned _klen = fieldlen; \
+ write(HASH_EMIT_KEYS, &_klen, sizeof(_klen)); \
+ write(HASH_EMIT_KEYS, keyptr, (unsigned long)fieldlen); \
+} while (0)
+#define HASH_EMIT_KEY(hh,head,keyptr,fieldlen)
+/* default to Jenkin's hash unless overridden e.g. DHASH_FUNCTION=HASH_SAX */
+/* The Bernstein hash function, used in Perl prior to v5.6. Note (x<<5+x)=x*33. */
+#define HASH_BER(key,keylen,hashv) \
+do { \
+ unsigned _hb_keylen=(unsigned)keylen; \
+ const unsigned char *_hb_key=(const unsigned char*)(key); \
+ (hashv) = 0; \
+ while (_hb_keylen-- != 0U) { \
+ (hashv) = (((hashv) << 5) + (hashv)) + *_hb_key++; \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+/* SAX/FNV/OAT/JEN hash functions are macro variants of those listed at
+ * */
+#define HASH_SAX(key,keylen,hashv) \
+do { \
+ unsigned _sx_i; \
+ const unsigned char *_hs_key=(const unsigned char*)(key); \
+ hashv = 0; \
+ for(_sx_i=0; _sx_i < keylen; _sx_i++) { \
+ hashv ^= (hashv << 5) + (hashv >> 2) + _hs_key[_sx_i]; \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+/* FNV-1a variation */
+#define HASH_FNV(key,keylen,hashv) \
+do { \
+ unsigned _fn_i; \
+ const unsigned char *_hf_key=(const unsigned char*)(key); \
+ hashv = 2166136261U; \
+ for(_fn_i=0; _fn_i < keylen; _fn_i++) { \
+ hashv = hashv ^ _hf_key[_fn_i]; \
+ hashv = hashv * 16777619U; \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define HASH_OAT(key,keylen,hashv) \
+do { \
+ unsigned _ho_i; \
+ const unsigned char *_ho_key=(const unsigned char*)(key); \
+ hashv = 0; \
+ for(_ho_i=0; _ho_i < keylen; _ho_i++) { \
+ hashv += _ho_key[_ho_i]; \
+ hashv += (hashv << 10); \
+ hashv ^= (hashv >> 6); \
+ } \
+ hashv += (hashv << 3); \
+ hashv ^= (hashv >> 11); \
+ hashv += (hashv << 15); \
+} while (0)
+#define HASH_JEN_MIX(a,b,c) \
+do { \
+ a -= b; a -= c; a ^= ( c >> 13 ); \
+ b -= c; b -= a; b ^= ( a << 8 ); \
+ c -= a; c -= b; c ^= ( b >> 13 ); \
+ a -= b; a -= c; a ^= ( c >> 12 ); \
+ b -= c; b -= a; b ^= ( a << 16 ); \
+ c -= a; c -= b; c ^= ( b >> 5 ); \
+ a -= b; a -= c; a ^= ( c >> 3 ); \
+ b -= c; b -= a; b ^= ( a << 10 ); \
+ c -= a; c -= b; c ^= ( b >> 15 ); \
+} while (0)
+#define HASH_JEN(key,keylen,hashv) \
+do { \
+ unsigned _hj_i,_hj_j,_hj_k; \
+ unsigned const char *_hj_key=(unsigned const char*)(key); \
+ hashv = 0xfeedbeefu; \
+ _hj_i = _hj_j = 0x9e3779b9u; \
+ _hj_k = (unsigned)(keylen); \
+ while (_hj_k >= 12U) { \
+ _hj_i += (_hj_key[0] + ( (unsigned)_hj_key[1] << 8 ) \
+ + ( (unsigned)_hj_key[2] << 16 ) \
+ + ( (unsigned)_hj_key[3] << 24 ) ); \
+ _hj_j += (_hj_key[4] + ( (unsigned)_hj_key[5] << 8 ) \
+ + ( (unsigned)_hj_key[6] << 16 ) \
+ + ( (unsigned)_hj_key[7] << 24 ) ); \
+ hashv += (_hj_key[8] + ( (unsigned)_hj_key[9] << 8 ) \
+ + ( (unsigned)_hj_key[10] << 16 ) \
+ + ( (unsigned)_hj_key[11] << 24 ) ); \
+ \
+ HASH_JEN_MIX(_hj_i, _hj_j, hashv); \
+ \
+ _hj_key += 12; \
+ _hj_k -= 12U; \
+ } \
+ hashv += (unsigned)(keylen); \
+ switch ( _hj_k ) { \
+ case 11: hashv += ( (unsigned)_hj_key[10] << 24 ); /* FALLTHROUGH */ \
+ case 10: hashv += ( (unsigned)_hj_key[9] << 16 ); /* FALLTHROUGH */ \
+ case 9: hashv += ( (unsigned)_hj_key[8] << 8 ); /* FALLTHROUGH */ \
+ case 8: _hj_j += ( (unsigned)_hj_key[7] << 24 ); /* FALLTHROUGH */ \
+ case 7: _hj_j += ( (unsigned)_hj_key[6] << 16 ); /* FALLTHROUGH */ \
+ case 6: _hj_j += ( (unsigned)_hj_key[5] << 8 ); /* FALLTHROUGH */ \
+ case 5: _hj_j += _hj_key[4]; /* FALLTHROUGH */ \
+ case 4: _hj_i += ( (unsigned)_hj_key[3] << 24 ); /* FALLTHROUGH */ \
+ case 3: _hj_i += ( (unsigned)_hj_key[2] << 16 ); /* FALLTHROUGH */ \
+ case 2: _hj_i += ( (unsigned)_hj_key[1] << 8 ); /* FALLTHROUGH */ \
+ case 1: _hj_i += _hj_key[0]; \
+ } \
+ HASH_JEN_MIX(_hj_i, _hj_j, hashv); \
+} while (0)
+/* The Paul Hsieh hash function */
+#undef get16bits
+#if (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386__)) || defined(__WATCOMC__) \
+ || defined(_MSC_VER) || defined (__BORLANDC__) || defined (__TURBOC__)
+#define get16bits(d) (*((const uint16_t *) (d)))
+#if !defined (get16bits)
+#define get16bits(d) ((((uint32_t)(((const uint8_t *)(d))[1])) << 8) \
+ +(uint32_t)(((const uint8_t *)(d))[0]) )
+#define HASH_SFH(key,keylen,hashv) \
+do { \
+ unsigned const char *_sfh_key=(unsigned const char*)(key); \
+ uint32_t _sfh_tmp, _sfh_len = (uint32_t)keylen; \
+ \
+ unsigned _sfh_rem = _sfh_len & 3U; \
+ _sfh_len >>= 2; \
+ hashv = 0xcafebabeu; \
+ \
+ /* Main loop */ \
+ for (;_sfh_len > 0U; _sfh_len--) { \
+ hashv += get16bits (_sfh_key); \
+ _sfh_tmp = ((uint32_t)(get16bits (_sfh_key+2)) << 11) ^ hashv; \
+ hashv = (hashv << 16) ^ _sfh_tmp; \
+ _sfh_key += 2U*sizeof (uint16_t); \
+ hashv += hashv >> 11; \
+ } \
+ \
+ /* Handle end cases */ \
+ switch (_sfh_rem) { \
+ case 3: hashv += get16bits (_sfh_key); \
+ hashv ^= hashv << 16; \
+ hashv ^= (uint32_t)(_sfh_key[sizeof (uint16_t)]) << 18; \
+ hashv += hashv >> 11; \
+ break; \
+ case 2: hashv += get16bits (_sfh_key); \
+ hashv ^= hashv << 11; \
+ hashv += hashv >> 17; \
+ break; \
+ case 1: hashv += *_sfh_key; \
+ hashv ^= hashv << 10; \
+ hashv += hashv >> 1; \
+ } \
+ \
+ /* Force "avalanching" of final 127 bits */ \
+ hashv ^= hashv << 3; \
+ hashv += hashv >> 5; \
+ hashv ^= hashv << 4; \
+ hashv += hashv >> 17; \
+ hashv ^= hashv << 25; \
+ hashv += hashv >> 6; \
+} while (0)
+/* The MurmurHash exploits some CPU's (x86,x86_64) tolerance for unaligned reads.
+ * For other types of CPU's (e.g. Sparc) an unaligned read causes a bus error.
+ * MurmurHash uses the faster approach only on CPU's where we know it's safe.
+ *
+ * Note the preprocessor built-in defines can be emitted using:
+ *
+ * gcc -m64 -dM -E - < /dev/null (on gcc)
+ * cc -## a.c (where a.c is a simple test file) (Sun Studio)
+ */
+#if (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_IX86))
+#define MUR_GETBLOCK(p,i) p[i]
+#else /* non intel */
+#define MUR_PLUS0_ALIGNED(p) (((unsigned long)p & 3UL) == 0UL)
+#define MUR_PLUS1_ALIGNED(p) (((unsigned long)p & 3UL) == 1UL)
+#define MUR_PLUS2_ALIGNED(p) (((unsigned long)p & 3UL) == 2UL)
+#define MUR_PLUS3_ALIGNED(p) (((unsigned long)p & 3UL) == 3UL)
+#define WP(p) ((uint32_t*)((unsigned long)(p) & ~3UL))
+#if (defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) || defined(SPARC) || defined(__ppc__) || defined(__ppc64__))
+#define MUR_THREE_ONE(p) ((((*WP(p))&0x00ffffff) << 8) | (((*(WP(p)+1))&0xff000000) >> 24))
+#define MUR_TWO_TWO(p) ((((*WP(p))&0x0000ffff) <<16) | (((*(WP(p)+1))&0xffff0000) >> 16))
+#define MUR_ONE_THREE(p) ((((*WP(p))&0x000000ff) <<24) | (((*(WP(p)+1))&0xffffff00) >> 8))
+#else /* assume little endian non-intel */
+#define MUR_THREE_ONE(p) ((((*WP(p))&0xffffff00) >> 8) | (((*(WP(p)+1))&0x000000ff) << 24))
+#define MUR_TWO_TWO(p) ((((*WP(p))&0xffff0000) >>16) | (((*(WP(p)+1))&0x0000ffff) << 16))
+#define MUR_ONE_THREE(p) ((((*WP(p))&0xff000000) >>24) | (((*(WP(p)+1))&0x00ffffff) << 8))
+#define MUR_GETBLOCK(p,i) (MUR_PLUS0_ALIGNED(p) ? ((p)[i]) : \
+#define MUR_ROTL32(x,r) (((x) << (r)) | ((x) >> (32 - (r))))
+#define MUR_FMIX(_h) \
+do { \
+ _h ^= _h >> 16; \
+ _h *= 0x85ebca6bu; \
+ _h ^= _h >> 13; \
+ _h *= 0xc2b2ae35u; \
+ _h ^= _h >> 16; \
+} while (0)
+#define HASH_MUR(key,keylen,hashv) \
+do { \
+ const uint8_t *_mur_data = (const uint8_t*)(key); \
+ const int _mur_nblocks = (int)(keylen) / 4; \
+ uint32_t _mur_h1 = 0xf88D5353u; \
+ uint32_t _mur_c1 = 0xcc9e2d51u; \
+ uint32_t _mur_c2 = 0x1b873593u; \
+ uint32_t _mur_k1 = 0; \
+ const uint8_t *_mur_tail; \
+ const uint32_t *_mur_blocks = (const uint32_t*)(_mur_data+(_mur_nblocks*4)); \
+ int _mur_i; \
+ for(_mur_i = -_mur_nblocks; _mur_i!=0; _mur_i++) { \
+ _mur_k1 = MUR_GETBLOCK(_mur_blocks,_mur_i); \
+ _mur_k1 *= _mur_c1; \
+ _mur_k1 = MUR_ROTL32(_mur_k1,15); \
+ _mur_k1 *= _mur_c2; \
+ \
+ _mur_h1 ^= _mur_k1; \
+ _mur_h1 = MUR_ROTL32(_mur_h1,13); \
+ _mur_h1 = (_mur_h1*5U) + 0xe6546b64u; \
+ } \
+ _mur_tail = (const uint8_t*)(_mur_data + (_mur_nblocks*4)); \
+ _mur_k1=0; \
+ switch((keylen) & 3U) { \
+ case 3: _mur_k1 ^= (uint32_t)_mur_tail[2] << 16; /* FALLTHROUGH */ \
+ case 2: _mur_k1 ^= (uint32_t)_mur_tail[1] << 8; /* FALLTHROUGH */ \
+ case 1: _mur_k1 ^= (uint32_t)_mur_tail[0]; \
+ _mur_k1 *= _mur_c1; \
+ _mur_k1 = MUR_ROTL32(_mur_k1,15); \
+ _mur_k1 *= _mur_c2; \
+ _mur_h1 ^= _mur_k1; \
+ } \
+ _mur_h1 ^= (uint32_t)(keylen); \
+ MUR_FMIX(_mur_h1); \
+ hashv = _mur_h1; \
+} while (0)
+/* iterate over items in a known bucket to find desired item */
+#define HASH_FIND_IN_BKT(tbl,hh,head,keyptr,keylen_in,hashval,out) \
+do { \
+ if ((head).hh_head != NULL) { \
+ DECLTYPE_ASSIGN(out, ELMT_FROM_HH(tbl, (head).hh_head)); \
+ } else { \
+ (out) = NULL; \
+ } \
+ while ((out) != NULL) { \
+ if ((out)->hh.hashv == (hashval) && (out)->hh.keylen == (keylen_in)) { \
+ if (uthash_memcmp((out)->hh.key, keyptr, keylen_in) == 0) { \
+ break; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ if ((out)->hh.hh_next != NULL) { \
+ DECLTYPE_ASSIGN(out, ELMT_FROM_HH(tbl, (out)->hh.hh_next)); \
+ } else { \
+ (out) = NULL; \
+ } \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+/* add an item to a bucket */
+#define HASH_ADD_TO_BKT(head,addhh) \
+do { \
+ head.count++; \
+ (addhh)->hh_next = head.hh_head; \
+ (addhh)->hh_prev = NULL; \
+ if (head.hh_head != NULL) { (head).hh_head->hh_prev = (addhh); } \
+ (head).hh_head=addhh; \
+ if ((head.count >= ((head.expand_mult+1U) * HASH_BKT_CAPACITY_THRESH)) \
+ && ((addhh)->tbl->noexpand != 1U)) { \
+ HASH_EXPAND_BUCKETS((addhh)->tbl); \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+/* remove an item from a given bucket */
+#define HASH_DEL_IN_BKT(hh,head,hh_del) \
+ (head).count--; \
+ if ((head).hh_head == hh_del) { \
+ (head).hh_head = hh_del->hh_next; \
+ } \
+ if (hh_del->hh_prev) { \
+ hh_del->hh_prev->hh_next = hh_del->hh_next; \
+ } \
+ if (hh_del->hh_next) { \
+ hh_del->hh_next->hh_prev = hh_del->hh_prev; \
+ }
+/* Bucket expansion has the effect of doubling the number of buckets
+ * and redistributing the items into the new buckets. Ideally the
+ * items will distribute more or less evenly into the new buckets
+ * (the extent to which this is true is a measure of the quality of
+ * the hash function as it applies to the key domain).
+ *
+ * With the items distributed into more buckets, the chain length
+ * (item count) in each bucket is reduced. Thus by expanding buckets
+ * the hash keeps a bound on the chain length. This bounded chain
+ * length is the essence of how a hash provides constant time lookup.
+ *
+ * The calculation of tbl->ideal_chain_maxlen below deserves some
+ * explanation. First, keep in mind that we're calculating the ideal
+ * maximum chain length based on the *new* (doubled) bucket count.
+ * In fractions this is just n/b (n=number of items,b=new num buckets).
+ * Since the ideal chain length is an integer, we want to calculate
+ * ceil(n/b). We don't depend on floating point arithmetic in this
+ * hash, so to calculate ceil(n/b) with integers we could write
+ *
+ * ceil(n/b) = (n/b) + ((n%b)?1:0)
+ *
+ * and in fact a previous version of this hash did just that.
+ * But now we have improved things a bit by recognizing that b is
+ * always a power of two. We keep its base 2 log handy (call it lb),
+ * so now we can write this with a bit shift and logical AND:
+ *
+ * ceil(n/b) = (n>>lb) + ( (n & (b-1)) ? 1:0)
+ *
+ */
+#define HASH_EXPAND_BUCKETS(tbl) \
+do { \
+ unsigned _he_bkt; \
+ unsigned _he_bkt_i; \
+ struct UT_hash_handle *_he_thh, *_he_hh_nxt; \
+ UT_hash_bucket *_he_new_buckets, *_he_newbkt; \
+ _he_new_buckets = (UT_hash_bucket*)uthash_malloc( \
+ 2UL * tbl->num_buckets * sizeof(struct UT_hash_bucket)); \
+ if (!_he_new_buckets) { uthash_fatal( "out of memory"); } \
+ memset(_he_new_buckets, 0, \
+ 2UL * tbl->num_buckets * sizeof(struct UT_hash_bucket)); \
+ tbl->ideal_chain_maxlen = \
+ (tbl->num_items >> (tbl->log2_num_buckets+1U)) + \
+ (((tbl->num_items & ((tbl->num_buckets*2U)-1U)) != 0U) ? 1U : 0U); \
+ tbl->nonideal_items = 0; \
+ for(_he_bkt_i = 0; _he_bkt_i < tbl->num_buckets; _he_bkt_i++) \
+ { \
+ _he_thh = tbl->buckets[ _he_bkt_i ].hh_head; \
+ while (_he_thh != NULL) { \
+ _he_hh_nxt = _he_thh->hh_next; \
+ HASH_TO_BKT( _he_thh->hashv, tbl->num_buckets*2U, _he_bkt); \
+ _he_newbkt = &(_he_new_buckets[ _he_bkt ]); \
+ if (++(_he_newbkt->count) > tbl->ideal_chain_maxlen) { \
+ tbl->nonideal_items++; \
+ _he_newbkt->expand_mult = _he_newbkt->count / \
+ tbl->ideal_chain_maxlen; \
+ } \
+ _he_thh->hh_prev = NULL; \
+ _he_thh->hh_next = _he_newbkt->hh_head; \
+ if (_he_newbkt->hh_head != NULL) { _he_newbkt->hh_head->hh_prev = \
+ _he_thh; } \
+ _he_newbkt->hh_head = _he_thh; \
+ _he_thh = _he_hh_nxt; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ uthash_free( tbl->buckets, tbl->num_buckets*sizeof(struct UT_hash_bucket) ); \
+ tbl->num_buckets *= 2U; \
+ tbl->log2_num_buckets++; \
+ tbl->buckets = _he_new_buckets; \
+ tbl->ineff_expands = (tbl->nonideal_items > (tbl->num_items >> 1)) ? \
+ (tbl->ineff_expands+1U) : 0U; \
+ if (tbl->ineff_expands > 1U) { \
+ tbl->noexpand=1; \
+ uthash_noexpand_fyi(tbl); \
+ } \
+ uthash_expand_fyi(tbl); \
+} while (0)
+/* This is an adaptation of Simon Tatham's O(n log(n)) mergesort */
+/* Note that HASH_SORT assumes the hash handle name to be hh.
+ * HASH_SRT was added to allow the hash handle name to be passed in. */
+#define HASH_SORT(head,cmpfcn) HASH_SRT(hh,head,cmpfcn)
+#define HASH_SRT(hh,head,cmpfcn) \
+do { \
+ unsigned _hs_i; \
+ unsigned _hs_looping,_hs_nmerges,_hs_insize,_hs_psize,_hs_qsize; \
+ struct UT_hash_handle *_hs_p, *_hs_q, *_hs_e, *_hs_list, *_hs_tail; \
+ if (head != NULL) { \
+ _hs_insize = 1; \
+ _hs_looping = 1; \
+ _hs_list = &((head)->hh); \
+ while (_hs_looping != 0U) { \
+ _hs_p = _hs_list; \
+ _hs_list = NULL; \
+ _hs_tail = NULL; \
+ _hs_nmerges = 0; \
+ while (_hs_p != NULL) { \
+ _hs_nmerges++; \
+ _hs_q = _hs_p; \
+ _hs_psize = 0; \
+ for ( _hs_i = 0; _hs_i < _hs_insize; _hs_i++ ) { \
+ _hs_psize++; \
+ _hs_q = (UT_hash_handle*)((_hs_q->next != NULL) ? \
+ ((void*)((char*)(_hs_q->next) + \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->hho)) : NULL); \
+ if (! (_hs_q) ) { break; } \
+ } \
+ _hs_qsize = _hs_insize; \
+ while ((_hs_psize > 0U) || ((_hs_qsize > 0U) && (_hs_q != NULL))) {\
+ if (_hs_psize == 0U) { \
+ _hs_e = _hs_q; \
+ _hs_q = (UT_hash_handle*)((_hs_q->next != NULL) ? \
+ ((void*)((char*)(_hs_q->next) + \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->hho)) : NULL); \
+ _hs_qsize--; \
+ } else if ( (_hs_qsize == 0U) || (_hs_q == NULL) ) { \
+ _hs_e = _hs_p; \
+ if (_hs_p != NULL){ \
+ _hs_p = (UT_hash_handle*)((_hs_p->next != NULL) ? \
+ ((void*)((char*)(_hs_p->next) + \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->hho)) : NULL); \
+ } \
+ _hs_psize--; \
+ } else if (( \
+ cmpfcn(DECLTYPE(head)(ELMT_FROM_HH((head)->hh.tbl,_hs_p)), \
+ DECLTYPE(head)(ELMT_FROM_HH((head)->hh.tbl,_hs_q))) \
+ ) <= 0) { \
+ _hs_e = _hs_p; \
+ if (_hs_p != NULL){ \
+ _hs_p = (UT_hash_handle*)((_hs_p->next != NULL) ? \
+ ((void*)((char*)(_hs_p->next) + \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->hho)) : NULL); \
+ } \
+ _hs_psize--; \
+ } else { \
+ _hs_e = _hs_q; \
+ _hs_q = (UT_hash_handle*)((_hs_q->next != NULL) ? \
+ ((void*)((char*)(_hs_q->next) + \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->hho)) : NULL); \
+ _hs_qsize--; \
+ } \
+ if ( _hs_tail != NULL ) { \
+ _hs_tail->next = ((_hs_e != NULL) ? \
+ ELMT_FROM_HH((head)->hh.tbl,_hs_e) : NULL); \
+ } else { \
+ _hs_list = _hs_e; \
+ } \
+ if (_hs_e != NULL) { \
+ _hs_e->prev = ((_hs_tail != NULL) ? \
+ ELMT_FROM_HH((head)->hh.tbl,_hs_tail) : NULL); \
+ } \
+ _hs_tail = _hs_e; \
+ } \
+ _hs_p = _hs_q; \
+ } \
+ if (_hs_tail != NULL){ \
+ _hs_tail->next = NULL; \
+ } \
+ if ( _hs_nmerges <= 1U ) { \
+ _hs_looping=0; \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->tail = _hs_tail; \
+ DECLTYPE_ASSIGN(head,ELMT_FROM_HH((head)->hh.tbl, _hs_list)); \
+ } \
+ _hs_insize *= 2U; \
+ } \
+ HASH_FSCK(hh,head); \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+/* This function selects items from one hash into another hash.
+ * The end result is that the selected items have dual presence
+ * in both hashes. There is no copy of the items made; rather
+ * they are added into the new hash through a secondary hash
+ * hash handle that must be present in the structure. */
+#define HASH_SELECT(hh_dst, dst, hh_src, src, cond) \
+do { \
+ unsigned _src_bkt, _dst_bkt; \
+ void *_last_elt=NULL, *_elt; \
+ UT_hash_handle *_src_hh, *_dst_hh, *_last_elt_hh=NULL; \
+ ptrdiff_t _dst_hho = ((char*)(&(dst)->hh_dst) - (char*)(dst)); \
+ if (src != NULL) { \
+ for(_src_bkt=0; _src_bkt < (src)->hh_src.tbl->num_buckets; _src_bkt++) { \
+ for(_src_hh = (src)->hh_src.tbl->buckets[_src_bkt].hh_head; \
+ _src_hh != NULL; \
+ _src_hh = _src_hh->hh_next) { \
+ _elt = ELMT_FROM_HH((src)->hh_src.tbl, _src_hh); \
+ if (cond(_elt)) { \
+ _dst_hh = (UT_hash_handle*)(((char*)_elt) + _dst_hho); \
+ _dst_hh->key = _src_hh->key; \
+ _dst_hh->keylen = _src_hh->keylen; \
+ _dst_hh->hashv = _src_hh->hashv; \
+ _dst_hh->prev = _last_elt; \
+ _dst_hh->next = NULL; \
+ if (_last_elt_hh != NULL) { _last_elt_hh->next = _elt; } \
+ if (dst == NULL) { \
+ DECLTYPE_ASSIGN(dst,_elt); \
+ HASH_MAKE_TABLE(hh_dst,dst); \
+ } else { \
+ _dst_hh->tbl = (dst)->hh_dst.tbl; \
+ } \
+ HASH_TO_BKT(_dst_hh->hashv, _dst_hh->tbl->num_buckets, _dst_bkt); \
+ HASH_ADD_TO_BKT(_dst_hh->tbl->buckets[_dst_bkt],_dst_hh); \
+ (dst)->hh_dst.tbl->num_items++; \
+ _last_elt = _elt; \
+ _last_elt_hh = _dst_hh; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ } \
+ } \
+ HASH_FSCK(hh_dst,dst); \
+} while (0)
+#define HASH_CLEAR(hh,head) \
+do { \
+ if (head != NULL) { \
+ uthash_free((head)->hh.tbl->buckets, \
+ (head)->hh.tbl->num_buckets*sizeof(struct UT_hash_bucket)); \
+ HASH_BLOOM_FREE((head)->hh.tbl); \
+ uthash_free((head)->hh.tbl, sizeof(UT_hash_table)); \
+ (head)=NULL; \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define HASH_OVERHEAD(hh,head) \
+ ((head != NULL) ? ( \
+ (size_t)(((head)->hh.tbl->num_items * sizeof(UT_hash_handle)) + \
+ ((head)->hh.tbl->num_buckets * sizeof(UT_hash_bucket)) + \
+ sizeof(UT_hash_table) + \
+#define HASH_ITER(hh,head,el,tmp) \
+for(((el)=(head)), ((*(char**)(&(tmp)))=(char*)((head!=NULL)?(head)->; \
+ (el) != NULL; ((el)=(tmp)), ((*(char**)(&(tmp)))=(char*)((tmp!=NULL)?(tmp)->
+#define HASH_ITER(hh,head,el,tmp) \
+for(((el)=(head)), ((tmp)=DECLTYPE(el)((head!=NULL)?(head)->; \
+ (el) != NULL; ((el)=(tmp)), ((tmp)=DECLTYPE(el)((tmp!=NULL)?(tmp)->
+/* obtain a count of items in the hash */
+#define HASH_COUNT(head) HASH_CNT(hh,head)
+#define HASH_CNT(hh,head) ((head != NULL)?((head)->hh.tbl->num_items):0U)
+typedef struct UT_hash_bucket {
+ struct UT_hash_handle *hh_head;
+ unsigned count;
+ /* expand_mult is normally set to 0. In this situation, the max chain length
+ * threshold is enforced at its default value, HASH_BKT_CAPACITY_THRESH. (If
+ * the bucket's chain exceeds this length, bucket expansion is triggered).
+ * However, setting expand_mult to a non-zero value delays bucket expansion
+ * (that would be triggered by additions to this particular bucket)
+ * until its chain length reaches a *multiple* of HASH_BKT_CAPACITY_THRESH.
+ * (The multiplier is simply expand_mult+1). The whole idea of this
+ * multiplier is to reduce bucket expansions, since they are expensive, in
+ * situations where we know that a particular bucket tends to be overused.
+ * It is better to let its chain length grow to a longer yet-still-bounded
+ * value, than to do an O(n) bucket expansion too often.
+ */
+ unsigned expand_mult;
+} UT_hash_bucket;
+/* random signature used only to find hash tables in external analysis */
+#define HASH_SIGNATURE 0xa0111fe1u
+#define HASH_BLOOM_SIGNATURE 0xb12220f2u
+typedef struct UT_hash_table {
+ UT_hash_bucket *buckets;
+ unsigned num_buckets, log2_num_buckets;
+ unsigned num_items;
+ struct UT_hash_handle *tail; /* tail hh in app order, for fast append */
+ ptrdiff_t hho; /* hash handle offset (byte pos of hash handle in element */
+ /* in an ideal situation (all buckets used equally), no bucket would have
+ * more than ceil(#items/#buckets) items. that's the ideal chain length. */
+ unsigned ideal_chain_maxlen;
+ /* nonideal_items is the number of items in the hash whose chain position
+ * exceeds the ideal chain maxlen. these items pay the penalty for an uneven
+ * hash distribution; reaching them in a chain traversal takes >ideal steps */
+ unsigned nonideal_items;
+ /* ineffective expands occur when a bucket doubling was performed, but
+ * afterward, more than half the items in the hash had nonideal chain
+ * positions. If this happens on two consecutive expansions we inhibit any
+ * further expansion, as it's not helping; this happens when the hash
+ * function isn't a good fit for the key domain. When expansion is inhibited
+ * the hash will still work, albeit no longer in constant time. */
+ unsigned ineff_expands, noexpand;
+ uint32_t signature; /* used only to find hash tables in external analysis */
+#ifdef HASH_BLOOM
+ uint32_t bloom_sig; /* used only to test bloom exists in external analysis */
+ uint8_t *bloom_bv;
+ uint8_t bloom_nbits;
+} UT_hash_table;
+typedef struct UT_hash_handle {
+ struct UT_hash_table *tbl;
+ void *prev; /* prev element in app order */
+ void *next; /* next element in app order */
+ struct UT_hash_handle *hh_prev; /* previous hh in bucket order */
+ struct UT_hash_handle *hh_next; /* next hh in bucket order */
+ void *key; /* ptr to enclosing struct's key */
+ unsigned keylen; /* enclosing struct's key len */
+ unsigned hashv; /* result of hash-fcn(key) */
+} UT_hash_handle;
+#endif /* UTHASH_H */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/utlist.h b/libs/libsignal/src/utlist.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b5534ffbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/utlist.h
@@ -0,0 +1,895 @@
+Copyright (c) 2007-2016, Troy D. Hanson
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+#ifndef UTLIST_H
+#define UTLIST_H
+#define UTLIST_VERSION 2.0.1
+#include <assert.h>
+ * This file contains macros to manipulate singly and doubly-linked lists.
+ *
+ * 1. LL_ macros: singly-linked lists.
+ * 2. DL_ macros: doubly-linked lists.
+ * 3. CDL_ macros: circular doubly-linked lists.
+ *
+ * To use singly-linked lists, your structure must have a "next" pointer.
+ * To use doubly-linked lists, your structure must "prev" and "next" pointers.
+ * Either way, the pointer to the head of the list must be initialized to NULL.
+ *
+ * ----------------.EXAMPLE -------------------------
+ * struct item {
+ * int id;
+ * struct item *prev, *next;
+ * }
+ *
+ * struct item *list = NULL:
+ *
+ * int main() {
+ * struct item *item;
+ * ... allocate and populate item ...
+ * DL_APPEND(list, item);
+ * }
+ * --------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * For doubly-linked lists, the append and delete macros are O(1)
+ * For singly-linked lists, append and delete are O(n) but prepend is O(1)
+ * The sort macro is O(n log(n)) for all types of single/double/circular lists.
+ */
+/* These macros use decltype or the earlier __typeof GNU extension.
+ As decltype is only available in newer compilers (VS2010 or gcc 4.3+
+ when compiling c++ code), this code uses whatever method is needed
+ or, for VS2008 where neither is available, uses casting workarounds. */
+#ifdef _MSC_VER /* MS compiler */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1600 && defined(__cplusplus) /* VS2010 or newer in C++ mode */
+#define LDECLTYPE(x) decltype(x)
+#else /* VS2008 or older (or VS2010 in C mode) */
+#define NO_DECLTYPE
+#elif defined(__ICCARM__)
+#define NO_DECLTYPE
+#else /* GNU, Sun and other compilers */
+#define LDECLTYPE(x) __typeof(x)
+/* for VS2008 we use some workarounds to get around the lack of decltype,
+ * namely, we always reassign our tmp variable to the list head if we need
+ * to dereference its prev/next pointers, and save/restore the real head.*/
+#define IF_NO_DECLTYPE(x) x
+#define LDECLTYPE(x) char*
+#define _SV(elt,list) _tmp = (char*)(list); {char **_alias = (char**)&(list); *_alias = (elt); }
+#define _NEXT(elt,list,next) ((char*)((list)->next))
+#define _NEXTASGN(elt,list,to,next) { char **_alias = (char**)&((list)->next); *_alias=(char*)(to); }
+/* #define _PREV(elt,list,prev) ((char*)((list)->prev)) */
+#define _PREVASGN(elt,list,to,prev) { char **_alias = (char**)&((list)->prev); *_alias=(char*)(to); }
+#define _RS(list) { char **_alias = (char**)&(list); *_alias=_tmp; }
+#define _CASTASGN(a,b) { char **_alias = (char**)&(a); *_alias=(char*)(b); }
+#define IF_NO_DECLTYPE(x)
+#define _SV(elt,list)
+#define _NEXT(elt,list,next) ((elt)->next)
+#define _NEXTASGN(elt,list,to,next) ((elt)->next)=(to)
+/* #define _PREV(elt,list,prev) ((elt)->prev) */
+#define _PREVASGN(elt,list,to,prev) ((elt)->prev)=(to)
+#define _RS(list)
+#define _CASTASGN(a,b) (a)=(b)
+ * The sort macro is an adaptation of Simon Tatham's O(n log(n)) mergesort *
+ * Unwieldy variable names used here to avoid shadowing passed-in variables. *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#define LL_SORT(list, cmp) \
+ LL_SORT2(list, cmp, next)
+#define LL_SORT2(list, cmp, next) \
+do { \
+ LDECLTYPE(list) _ls_p; \
+ LDECLTYPE(list) _ls_q; \
+ LDECLTYPE(list) _ls_e; \
+ LDECLTYPE(list) _ls_tail; \
+ int _ls_insize, _ls_nmerges, _ls_psize, _ls_qsize, _ls_i, _ls_looping; \
+ if (list) { \
+ _ls_insize = 1; \
+ _ls_looping = 1; \
+ while (_ls_looping) { \
+ _CASTASGN(_ls_p,list); \
+ (list) = NULL; \
+ _ls_tail = NULL; \
+ _ls_nmerges = 0; \
+ while (_ls_p) { \
+ _ls_nmerges++; \
+ _ls_q = _ls_p; \
+ _ls_psize = 0; \
+ for (_ls_i = 0; _ls_i < _ls_insize; _ls_i++) { \
+ _ls_psize++; \
+ _SV(_ls_q,list); _ls_q = _NEXT(_ls_q,list,next); _RS(list); \
+ if (!_ls_q) break; \
+ } \
+ _ls_qsize = _ls_insize; \
+ while (_ls_psize > 0 || (_ls_qsize > 0 && _ls_q)) { \
+ if (_ls_psize == 0) { \
+ _ls_e = _ls_q; _SV(_ls_q,list); _ls_q = \
+ _NEXT(_ls_q,list,next); _RS(list); _ls_qsize--; \
+ } else if (_ls_qsize == 0 || !_ls_q) { \
+ _ls_e = _ls_p; _SV(_ls_p,list); _ls_p = \
+ _NEXT(_ls_p,list,next); _RS(list); _ls_psize--; \
+ } else if (cmp(_ls_p,_ls_q) <= 0) { \
+ _ls_e = _ls_p; _SV(_ls_p,list); _ls_p = \
+ _NEXT(_ls_p,list,next); _RS(list); _ls_psize--; \
+ } else { \
+ _ls_e = _ls_q; _SV(_ls_q,list); _ls_q = \
+ _NEXT(_ls_q,list,next); _RS(list); _ls_qsize--; \
+ } \
+ if (_ls_tail) { \
+ _SV(_ls_tail,list); _NEXTASGN(_ls_tail,list,_ls_e,next); _RS(list); \
+ } else { \
+ _CASTASGN(list,_ls_e); \
+ } \
+ _ls_tail = _ls_e; \
+ } \
+ _ls_p = _ls_q; \
+ } \
+ if (_ls_tail) { \
+ _SV(_ls_tail,list); _NEXTASGN(_ls_tail,list,NULL,next); _RS(list); \
+ } \
+ if (_ls_nmerges <= 1) { \
+ _ls_looping=0; \
+ } \
+ _ls_insize *= 2; \
+ } \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define DL_SORT(list, cmp) \
+ DL_SORT2(list, cmp, prev, next)
+#define DL_SORT2(list, cmp, prev, next) \
+do { \
+ LDECLTYPE(list) _ls_p; \
+ LDECLTYPE(list) _ls_q; \
+ LDECLTYPE(list) _ls_e; \
+ LDECLTYPE(list) _ls_tail; \
+ int _ls_insize, _ls_nmerges, _ls_psize, _ls_qsize, _ls_i, _ls_looping; \
+ if (list) { \
+ _ls_insize = 1; \
+ _ls_looping = 1; \
+ while (_ls_looping) { \
+ _CASTASGN(_ls_p,list); \
+ (list) = NULL; \
+ _ls_tail = NULL; \
+ _ls_nmerges = 0; \
+ while (_ls_p) { \
+ _ls_nmerges++; \
+ _ls_q = _ls_p; \
+ _ls_psize = 0; \
+ for (_ls_i = 0; _ls_i < _ls_insize; _ls_i++) { \
+ _ls_psize++; \
+ _SV(_ls_q,list); _ls_q = _NEXT(_ls_q,list,next); _RS(list); \
+ if (!_ls_q) break; \
+ } \
+ _ls_qsize = _ls_insize; \
+ while ((_ls_psize > 0) || ((_ls_qsize > 0) && _ls_q)) { \
+ if (_ls_psize == 0) { \
+ _ls_e = _ls_q; _SV(_ls_q,list); _ls_q = \
+ _NEXT(_ls_q,list,next); _RS(list); _ls_qsize--; \
+ } else if ((_ls_qsize == 0) || (!_ls_q)) { \
+ _ls_e = _ls_p; _SV(_ls_p,list); _ls_p = \
+ _NEXT(_ls_p,list,next); _RS(list); _ls_psize--; \
+ } else if (cmp(_ls_p,_ls_q) <= 0) { \
+ _ls_e = _ls_p; _SV(_ls_p,list); _ls_p = \
+ _NEXT(_ls_p,list,next); _RS(list); _ls_psize--; \
+ } else { \
+ _ls_e = _ls_q; _SV(_ls_q,list); _ls_q = \
+ _NEXT(_ls_q,list,next); _RS(list); _ls_qsize--; \
+ } \
+ if (_ls_tail) { \
+ _SV(_ls_tail,list); _NEXTASGN(_ls_tail,list,_ls_e,next); _RS(list); \
+ } else { \
+ _CASTASGN(list,_ls_e); \
+ } \
+ _SV(_ls_e,list); _PREVASGN(_ls_e,list,_ls_tail,prev); _RS(list); \
+ _ls_tail = _ls_e; \
+ } \
+ _ls_p = _ls_q; \
+ } \
+ _CASTASGN((list)->prev, _ls_tail); \
+ _SV(_ls_tail,list); _NEXTASGN(_ls_tail,list,NULL,next); _RS(list); \
+ if (_ls_nmerges <= 1) { \
+ _ls_looping=0; \
+ } \
+ _ls_insize *= 2; \
+ } \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define CDL_SORT(list, cmp) \
+ CDL_SORT2(list, cmp, prev, next)
+#define CDL_SORT2(list, cmp, prev, next) \
+do { \
+ LDECLTYPE(list) _ls_p; \
+ LDECLTYPE(list) _ls_q; \
+ LDECLTYPE(list) _ls_e; \
+ LDECLTYPE(list) _ls_tail; \
+ LDECLTYPE(list) _ls_oldhead; \
+ LDECLTYPE(list) _tmp; \
+ int _ls_insize, _ls_nmerges, _ls_psize, _ls_qsize, _ls_i, _ls_looping; \
+ if (list) { \
+ _ls_insize = 1; \
+ _ls_looping = 1; \
+ while (_ls_looping) { \
+ _CASTASGN(_ls_p,list); \
+ _CASTASGN(_ls_oldhead,list); \
+ (list) = NULL; \
+ _ls_tail = NULL; \
+ _ls_nmerges = 0; \
+ while (_ls_p) { \
+ _ls_nmerges++; \
+ _ls_q = _ls_p; \
+ _ls_psize = 0; \
+ for (_ls_i = 0; _ls_i < _ls_insize; _ls_i++) { \
+ _ls_psize++; \
+ _SV(_ls_q,list); \
+ if (_NEXT(_ls_q,list,next) == _ls_oldhead) { \
+ _ls_q = NULL; \
+ } else { \
+ _ls_q = _NEXT(_ls_q,list,next); \
+ } \
+ _RS(list); \
+ if (!_ls_q) break; \
+ } \
+ _ls_qsize = _ls_insize; \
+ while (_ls_psize > 0 || (_ls_qsize > 0 && _ls_q)) { \
+ if (_ls_psize == 0) { \
+ _ls_e = _ls_q; _SV(_ls_q,list); _ls_q = \
+ _NEXT(_ls_q,list,next); _RS(list); _ls_qsize--; \
+ if (_ls_q == _ls_oldhead) { _ls_q = NULL; } \
+ } else if (_ls_qsize == 0 || !_ls_q) { \
+ _ls_e = _ls_p; _SV(_ls_p,list); _ls_p = \
+ _NEXT(_ls_p,list,next); _RS(list); _ls_psize--; \
+ if (_ls_p == _ls_oldhead) { _ls_p = NULL; } \
+ } else if (cmp(_ls_p,_ls_q) <= 0) { \
+ _ls_e = _ls_p; _SV(_ls_p,list); _ls_p = \
+ _NEXT(_ls_p,list,next); _RS(list); _ls_psize--; \
+ if (_ls_p == _ls_oldhead) { _ls_p = NULL; } \
+ } else { \
+ _ls_e = _ls_q; _SV(_ls_q,list); _ls_q = \
+ _NEXT(_ls_q,list,next); _RS(list); _ls_qsize--; \
+ if (_ls_q == _ls_oldhead) { _ls_q = NULL; } \
+ } \
+ if (_ls_tail) { \
+ _SV(_ls_tail,list); _NEXTASGN(_ls_tail,list,_ls_e,next); _RS(list); \
+ } else { \
+ _CASTASGN(list,_ls_e); \
+ } \
+ _SV(_ls_e,list); _PREVASGN(_ls_e,list,_ls_tail,prev); _RS(list); \
+ _ls_tail = _ls_e; \
+ } \
+ _ls_p = _ls_q; \
+ } \
+ _CASTASGN((list)->prev,_ls_tail); \
+ _CASTASGN(_tmp,list); \
+ _SV(_ls_tail,list); _NEXTASGN(_ls_tail,list,_tmp,next); _RS(list); \
+ if (_ls_nmerges <= 1) { \
+ _ls_looping=0; \
+ } \
+ _ls_insize *= 2; \
+ } \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+ * singly linked list macros (non-circular) *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#define LL_PREPEND(head,add) \
+ LL_PREPEND2(head,add,next)
+#define LL_PREPEND2(head,add,next) \
+do { \
+ (add)->next = (head); \
+ (head) = (add); \
+} while (0)
+#define LL_CONCAT(head1,head2) \
+ LL_CONCAT2(head1,head2,next)
+#define LL_CONCAT2(head1,head2,next) \
+do { \
+ LDECLTYPE(head1) _tmp; \
+ if (head1) { \
+ _tmp = (head1); \
+ while (_tmp->next) { _tmp = _tmp->next; } \
+ _tmp->next=(head2); \
+ } else { \
+ (head1)=(head2); \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define LL_APPEND(head,add) \
+ LL_APPEND2(head,add,next)
+#define LL_APPEND2(head,add,next) \
+do { \
+ LDECLTYPE(head) _tmp; \
+ (add)->next=NULL; \
+ if (head) { \
+ _tmp = (head); \
+ while (_tmp->next) { _tmp = _tmp->next; } \
+ _tmp->next=(add); \
+ } else { \
+ (head)=(add); \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define LL_DELETE(head,del) \
+ LL_DELETE2(head,del,next)
+#define LL_DELETE2(head,del,next) \
+do { \
+ LDECLTYPE(head) _tmp; \
+ if ((head) == (del)) { \
+ (head)=(head)->next; \
+ } else { \
+ _tmp = (head); \
+ while (_tmp->next && (_tmp->next != (del))) { \
+ _tmp = _tmp->next; \
+ } \
+ if (_tmp->next) { \
+ _tmp->next = (del)->next; \
+ } \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define LL_COUNT(head,el,counter) \
+ LL_COUNT2(head,el,counter,next) \
+#define LL_COUNT2(head,el,counter,next) \
+do { \
+ (counter) = 0; \
+ LL_FOREACH2(head,el,next) { ++(counter); } \
+} while (0)
+#define LL_FOREACH(head,el) \
+ LL_FOREACH2(head,el,next)
+#define LL_FOREACH2(head,el,next) \
+ for ((el) = (head); el; (el) = (el)->next)
+#define LL_FOREACH_SAFE(head,el,tmp) \
+ LL_FOREACH_SAFE2(head,el,tmp,next)
+#define LL_FOREACH_SAFE2(head,el,tmp,next) \
+ for ((el) = (head); (el) && ((tmp) = (el)->next, 1); (el) = (tmp))
+#define LL_SEARCH_SCALAR(head,out,field,val) \
+ LL_SEARCH_SCALAR2(head,out,field,val,next)
+#define LL_SEARCH_SCALAR2(head,out,field,val,next) \
+do { \
+ LL_FOREACH2(head,out,next) { \
+ if ((out)->field == (val)) break; \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define LL_SEARCH(head,out,elt,cmp) \
+ LL_SEARCH2(head,out,elt,cmp,next)
+#define LL_SEARCH2(head,out,elt,cmp,next) \
+do { \
+ LL_FOREACH2(head,out,next) { \
+ if ((cmp(out,elt))==0) break; \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define LL_REPLACE_ELEM2(head, el, add, next) \
+do { \
+ LDECLTYPE(head) _tmp; \
+ assert((head) != NULL); \
+ assert((el) != NULL); \
+ assert((add) != NULL); \
+ (add)->next = (el)->next; \
+ if ((head) == (el)) { \
+ (head) = (add); \
+ } else { \
+ _tmp = (head); \
+ while (_tmp->next && (_tmp->next != (el))) { \
+ _tmp = _tmp->next; \
+ } \
+ if (_tmp->next) { \
+ _tmp->next = (add); \
+ } \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define LL_REPLACE_ELEM(head, el, add) \
+ LL_REPLACE_ELEM2(head, el, add, next)
+#define LL_PREPEND_ELEM2(head, el, add, next) \
+do { \
+ if (el) { \
+ LDECLTYPE(head) _tmp; \
+ assert((head) != NULL); \
+ assert((add) != NULL); \
+ (add)->next = (el); \
+ if ((head) == (el)) { \
+ (head) = (add); \
+ } else { \
+ _tmp = (head); \
+ while (_tmp->next && (_tmp->next != (el))) { \
+ _tmp = _tmp->next; \
+ } \
+ if (_tmp->next) { \
+ _tmp->next = (add); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ } else { \
+ LL_APPEND2(head, add, next); \
+ } \
+} while (0) \
+#define LL_PREPEND_ELEM(head, el, add) \
+ LL_PREPEND_ELEM2(head, el, add, next)
+#define LL_APPEND_ELEM2(head, el, add, next) \
+do { \
+ if (el) { \
+ assert((head) != NULL); \
+ assert((add) != NULL); \
+ (add)->next = (el)->next; \
+ (el)->next = (add); \
+ } else { \
+ LL_PREPEND2(head, add, next); \
+ } \
+} while (0) \
+#define LL_APPEND_ELEM(head, el, add) \
+ LL_APPEND_ELEM2(head, el, add, next)
+/* Here are VS2008 / NO_DECLTYPE replacements for a few functions */
+#undef LL_CONCAT2
+#define LL_CONCAT2(head1,head2,next) \
+do { \
+ char *_tmp; \
+ if (head1) { \
+ _tmp = (char*)(head1); \
+ while ((head1)->next) { (head1) = (head1)->next; } \
+ (head1)->next = (head2); \
+ _RS(head1); \
+ } else { \
+ (head1)=(head2); \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#undef LL_APPEND2
+#define LL_APPEND2(head,add,next) \
+do { \
+ if (head) { \
+ (add)->next = head; /* use add->next as a temp variable */ \
+ while ((add)->next->next) { (add)->next = (add)->next->next; } \
+ (add)->next->next=(add); \
+ } else { \
+ (head)=(add); \
+ } \
+ (add)->next=NULL; \
+} while (0)
+#undef LL_DELETE2
+#define LL_DELETE2(head,del,next) \
+do { \
+ if ((head) == (del)) { \
+ (head)=(head)->next; \
+ } else { \
+ char *_tmp = (char*)(head); \
+ while ((head)->next && ((head)->next != (del))) { \
+ (head) = (head)->next; \
+ } \
+ if ((head)->next) { \
+ (head)->next = ((del)->next); \
+ } \
+ _RS(head); \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define LL_REPLACE_ELEM2(head, el, add, next) \
+do { \
+ assert((head) != NULL); \
+ assert((el) != NULL); \
+ assert((add) != NULL); \
+ if ((head) == (el)) { \
+ (head) = (add); \
+ } else { \
+ (add)->next = head; \
+ while ((add)->next->next && ((add)->next->next != (el))) { \
+ (add)->next = (add)->next->next; \
+ } \
+ if ((add)->next->next) { \
+ (add)->next->next = (add); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ (add)->next = (el)->next; \
+} while (0)
+#define LL_PREPEND_ELEM2(head, el, add, next) \
+do { \
+ if (el) { \
+ assert((head) != NULL); \
+ assert((add) != NULL); \
+ if ((head) == (el)) { \
+ (head) = (add); \
+ } else { \
+ (add)->next = (head); \
+ while ((add)->next->next && ((add)->next->next != (el))) { \
+ (add)->next = (add)->next->next; \
+ } \
+ if ((add)->next->next) { \
+ (add)->next->next = (add); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ (add)->next = (el); \
+ } else { \
+ LL_APPEND2(head, add, next); \
+ } \
+} while (0) \
+#endif /* NO_DECLTYPE */
+ * doubly linked list macros (non-circular) *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#define DL_PREPEND(head,add) \
+ DL_PREPEND2(head,add,prev,next)
+#define DL_PREPEND2(head,add,prev,next) \
+do { \
+ (add)->next = (head); \
+ if (head) { \
+ (add)->prev = (head)->prev; \
+ (head)->prev = (add); \
+ } else { \
+ (add)->prev = (add); \
+ } \
+ (head) = (add); \
+} while (0)
+#define DL_APPEND(head,add) \
+ DL_APPEND2(head,add,prev,next)
+#define DL_APPEND2(head,add,prev,next) \
+do { \
+ if (head) { \
+ (add)->prev = (head)->prev; \
+ (head)->prev->next = (add); \
+ (head)->prev = (add); \
+ (add)->next = NULL; \
+ } else { \
+ (head)=(add); \
+ (head)->prev = (head); \
+ (head)->next = NULL; \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define DL_CONCAT(head1,head2) \
+ DL_CONCAT2(head1,head2,prev,next)
+#define DL_CONCAT2(head1,head2,prev,next) \
+do { \
+ LDECLTYPE(head1) _tmp; \
+ if (head2) { \
+ if (head1) { \
+ _CASTASGN(_tmp, (head2)->prev); \
+ (head2)->prev = (head1)->prev; \
+ (head1)->prev->next = (head2); \
+ _CASTASGN((head1)->prev, _tmp); \
+ } else { \
+ (head1)=(head2); \
+ } \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define DL_DELETE(head,del) \
+ DL_DELETE2(head,del,prev,next)
+#define DL_DELETE2(head,del,prev,next) \
+do { \
+ assert((del)->prev != NULL); \
+ if ((del)->prev == (del)) { \
+ (head)=NULL; \
+ } else if ((del)==(head)) { \
+ (del)->next->prev = (del)->prev; \
+ (head) = (del)->next; \
+ } else { \
+ (del)->prev->next = (del)->next; \
+ if ((del)->next) { \
+ (del)->next->prev = (del)->prev; \
+ } else { \
+ (head)->prev = (del)->prev; \
+ } \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define DL_COUNT(head,el,counter) \
+ DL_COUNT2(head,el,counter,next) \
+#define DL_COUNT2(head,el,counter,next) \
+do { \
+ (counter) = 0; \
+ DL_FOREACH2(head,el,next) { ++(counter); } \
+} while (0)
+#define DL_FOREACH(head,el) \
+ DL_FOREACH2(head,el,next)
+#define DL_FOREACH2(head,el,next) \
+ for ((el) = (head); el; (el) = (el)->next)
+/* this version is safe for deleting the elements during iteration */
+#define DL_FOREACH_SAFE(head,el,tmp) \
+ DL_FOREACH_SAFE2(head,el,tmp,next)
+#define DL_FOREACH_SAFE2(head,el,tmp,next) \
+ for ((el) = (head); (el) && ((tmp) = (el)->next, 1); (el) = (tmp))
+/* these are identical to their singly-linked list counterparts */
+#define DL_REPLACE_ELEM2(head, el, add, prev, next) \
+do { \
+ assert((head) != NULL); \
+ assert((el) != NULL); \
+ assert((add) != NULL); \
+ if ((head) == (el)) { \
+ (head) = (add); \
+ (add)->next = (el)->next; \
+ if ((el)->next == NULL) { \
+ (add)->prev = (add); \
+ } else { \
+ (add)->prev = (el)->prev; \
+ (add)->next->prev = (add); \
+ } \
+ } else { \
+ (add)->next = (el)->next; \
+ (add)->prev = (el)->prev; \
+ (add)->prev->next = (add); \
+ if ((el)->next == NULL) { \
+ (head)->prev = (add); \
+ } else { \
+ (add)->next->prev = (add); \
+ } \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define DL_REPLACE_ELEM(head, el, add) \
+ DL_REPLACE_ELEM2(head, el, add, prev, next)
+#define DL_PREPEND_ELEM2(head, el, add, prev, next) \
+do { \
+ if (el) { \
+ assert((head) != NULL); \
+ assert((add) != NULL); \
+ (add)->next = (el); \
+ (add)->prev = (el)->prev; \
+ (el)->prev = (add); \
+ if ((head) == (el)) { \
+ (head) = (add); \
+ } else { \
+ (add)->prev->next = (add); \
+ } \
+ } else { \
+ DL_APPEND2(head, add, prev, next); \
+ } \
+} while (0) \
+#define DL_PREPEND_ELEM(head, el, add) \
+ DL_PREPEND_ELEM2(head, el, add, prev, next)
+#define DL_APPEND_ELEM2(head, el, add, prev, next) \
+do { \
+ if (el) { \
+ assert((head) != NULL); \
+ assert((add) != NULL); \
+ (add)->next = (el)->next; \
+ (add)->prev = (el); \
+ (el)->next = (add); \
+ if ((add)->next) { \
+ (add)->next->prev = (add); \
+ } else { \
+ (head)->prev = (add); \
+ } \
+ } else { \
+ DL_PREPEND2(head, add, prev, next); \
+ } \
+} while (0) \
+#define DL_APPEND_ELEM(head, el, add) \
+ DL_APPEND_ELEM2(head, el, add, prev, next)
+ * circular doubly linked list macros *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#define CDL_APPEND(head,add) \
+ CDL_APPEND2(head,add,prev,next)
+#define CDL_APPEND2(head,add,prev,next) \
+do { \
+ if (head) { \
+ (add)->prev = (head)->prev; \
+ (add)->next = (head); \
+ (head)->prev = (add); \
+ (add)->prev->next = (add); \
+ } else { \
+ (add)->prev = (add); \
+ (add)->next = (add); \
+ (head) = (add); \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define CDL_PREPEND(head,add) \
+ CDL_PREPEND2(head,add,prev,next)
+#define CDL_PREPEND2(head,add,prev,next) \
+do { \
+ if (head) { \
+ (add)->prev = (head)->prev; \
+ (add)->next = (head); \
+ (head)->prev = (add); \
+ (add)->prev->next = (add); \
+ } else { \
+ (add)->prev = (add); \
+ (add)->next = (add); \
+ } \
+ (head) = (add); \
+} while (0)
+#define CDL_DELETE(head,del) \
+ CDL_DELETE2(head,del,prev,next)
+#define CDL_DELETE2(head,del,prev,next) \
+do { \
+ if (((head)==(del)) && ((head)->next == (head))) { \
+ (head) = NULL; \
+ } else { \
+ (del)->next->prev = (del)->prev; \
+ (del)->prev->next = (del)->next; \
+ if ((del) == (head)) (head)=(del)->next; \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define CDL_COUNT(head,el,counter) \
+ CDL_COUNT2(head,el,counter,next) \
+#define CDL_COUNT2(head, el, counter,next) \
+do { \
+ (counter) = 0; \
+ CDL_FOREACH2(head,el,next) { ++(counter); } \
+} while (0)
+#define CDL_FOREACH(head,el) \
+ CDL_FOREACH2(head,el,next)
+#define CDL_FOREACH2(head,el,next) \
+ for ((el)=(head);el;(el)=(((el)->next==(head)) ? NULL : (el)->next))
+#define CDL_FOREACH_SAFE(head,el,tmp1,tmp2) \
+ CDL_FOREACH_SAFE2(head,el,tmp1,tmp2,prev,next)
+#define CDL_FOREACH_SAFE2(head,el,tmp1,tmp2,prev,next) \
+ for ((el) = (head), (tmp1) = (head) ? (head)->prev : NULL; \
+ (el) && ((tmp2) = (el)->next, 1); \
+ (el) = ((el) == (tmp1) ? NULL : (tmp2)))
+#define CDL_SEARCH_SCALAR(head,out,field,val) \
+ CDL_SEARCH_SCALAR2(head,out,field,val,next)
+#define CDL_SEARCH_SCALAR2(head,out,field,val,next) \
+do { \
+ CDL_FOREACH2(head,out,next) { \
+ if ((out)->field == (val)) break; \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define CDL_SEARCH(head,out,elt,cmp) \
+ CDL_SEARCH2(head,out,elt,cmp,next)
+#define CDL_SEARCH2(head,out,elt,cmp,next) \
+do { \
+ CDL_FOREACH2(head,out,next) { \
+ if ((cmp(out,elt))==0) break; \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define CDL_REPLACE_ELEM2(head, el, add, prev, next) \
+do { \
+ assert((head) != NULL); \
+ assert((el) != NULL); \
+ assert((add) != NULL); \
+ if ((el)->next == (el)) { \
+ (add)->next = (add); \
+ (add)->prev = (add); \
+ (head) = (add); \
+ } else { \
+ (add)->next = (el)->next; \
+ (add)->prev = (el)->prev; \
+ (add)->next->prev = (add); \
+ (add)->prev->next = (add); \
+ if ((head) == (el)) { \
+ (head) = (add); \
+ } \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define CDL_REPLACE_ELEM(head, el, add) \
+ CDL_REPLACE_ELEM2(head, el, add, prev, next)
+#define CDL_PREPEND_ELEM2(head, el, add, prev, next) \
+do { \
+ if (el) { \
+ assert((head) != NULL); \
+ assert((add) != NULL); \
+ (add)->next = (el); \
+ (add)->prev = (el)->prev; \
+ (el)->prev = (add); \
+ (add)->prev->next = (add); \
+ if ((head) == (el)) { \
+ (head) = (add); \
+ } \
+ } else { \
+ CDL_APPEND2(head, add, prev, next); \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define CDL_PREPEND_ELEM(head, el, add) \
+ CDL_PREPEND_ELEM2(head, el, add, prev, next)
+#define CDL_APPEND_ELEM2(head, el, add, prev, next) \
+do { \
+ if (el) { \
+ assert((head) != NULL); \
+ assert((add) != NULL); \
+ (add)->next = (el)->next; \
+ (add)->prev = (el); \
+ (el)->next = (add); \
+ (add)->next->prev = (add); \
+ } else { \
+ CDL_PREPEND2(head, add, prev, next); \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define CDL_APPEND_ELEM(head, el, add) \
+ CDL_APPEND_ELEM2(head, el, add, prev, next)
+#endif /* UTLIST_H */
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/vpool.c b/libs/libsignal/src/vpool.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..97b4ec8dd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/vpool.c
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2006, 2008 Alexey Vatchenko <>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "vpool.h"
+static void vpool_shift(struct vpool *pool);
+static int vpool_new_size(struct vpool *pool, size_t datsize,
+ size_t *size);
+static int vpool_resize(struct vpool *pool, size_t datsize);
+static void
+vpool_shift(struct vpool *pool)
+ if (pool->v_buf != pool->v_basebuf) {
+ memmove(pool->v_basebuf, pool->v_buf, pool->v_off);
+ pool->v_buf = pool->v_basebuf;
+ }
+static int
+vpool_new_size(struct vpool *pool, size_t datsize, size_t *size)
+ size_t need;
+ size_t rem;
+ if (datsize <= pool->v_size - pool->v_off) {
+ *size = pool->v_size;
+ return (0);
+ }
+ /* Check limit of new requested size */
+ if (pool->v_limit - pool->v_off < datsize)
+ return (EFBIG);
+ need = pool->v_off + datsize;
+ /* Check limit of new size aligned to block size */
+ rem = need % pool->v_blksize;
+ if (rem != 0) {
+ if (pool->v_limit - pool->v_off >=
+ datsize + (pool->v_blksize - rem))
+ need += pool->v_blksize - rem;
+ else
+ need = pool->v_limit;
+ }
+ *size = need;
+ return (0);
+static int
+vpool_resize(struct vpool *pool, size_t datsize)
+ char *ret;
+ size_t size;
+ int error;
+ error = vpool_new_size(pool, datsize, &size);
+ if (error != 0)
+ return (error);
+ if (size > pool->v_size) {
+ ret = (char *) malloc(size);
+ if (ret == NULL)
+ return (ENOMEM);
+ memcpy(ret, pool->v_buf, pool->v_off);
+ free(pool->v_basebuf);
+ pool->v_basebuf = pool->v_buf = ret;
+ pool->v_size = size;
+ } else if ((pool->v_size - pool->v_off) -
+ (size_t)((char*)pool->v_buf - (char*)pool->v_basebuf) < datsize)
+ vpool_shift(pool);
+ return (0);
+vpool_init(struct vpool *pool, size_t blksize, size_t limit)
+ pool->v_basebuf = pool->v_buf = NULL;
+ pool->v_off = pool->v_size = 0;
+ pool->v_blksize = (blksize == 0) ? 4096 : blksize; /* XXX */
+ pool->v_limit = (limit == 0) ? SIZE_MAX : limit;
+ pool->v_lasterr = 0;
+vpool_final(struct vpool *pool)
+ free(pool->v_basebuf);
+vpool_reset(struct vpool *pool)
+ free(pool->v_basebuf);
+ pool->v_basebuf = pool->v_buf = NULL;
+ pool->v_off = pool->v_size = 0;
+ pool->v_lasterr = 0;
+vpool_wipe(struct vpool *pool)
+ pool->v_off = 0;
+ pool->v_lasterr = 0;
+void *
+vpool_insert(struct vpool *pool, size_t where, void *data, size_t datsize)
+ char *ret;
+ int error;
+ error = vpool_resize(pool, datsize);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ pool->v_lasterr = error;
+ return (NULL);
+ }
+ /*
+ * If ``where'' is greater than or equal to offset then
+ * we are appending data to the end of the buffer.
+ */
+ if (where > pool->v_off)
+ where = pool->v_off;
+ ret = (char *)pool->v_buf + where;
+ if (pool->v_off - where > 0)
+ memmove(ret + datsize, ret, pool->v_off - where);
+ memcpy(ret, data, datsize);
+ pool->v_off += datsize;
+ pool->v_lasterr = 0;
+ return (ret);
+void *
+vpool_expand(struct vpool *pool, size_t where, size_t size)
+ char *ret;
+ int error;
+ error = vpool_resize(pool, size);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ pool->v_lasterr = error;
+ return (NULL);
+ }
+ /*
+ * If ``where'' is greater than or equal to offset then
+ * we are appending data to the end of the buffer.
+ */
+ if (where > pool->v_off)
+ where = pool->v_off;
+ ret = (char *)pool->v_buf + where;
+ if (pool->v_off - where > 0)
+ memmove(ret + size, ret, pool->v_off - where);
+ pool->v_off += size;
+ pool->v_lasterr = 0;
+ return (ret);
+vpool_truncate(struct vpool *pool,
+ size_t where, size_t size, enum vpool_trunc how)
+ /* Check if caller wants to remove more data than we have */
+ if (where >= pool->v_off ||
+ size > pool->v_off || pool->v_off - size < where) {
+ pool->v_lasterr = ERANGE;
+ return (pool->v_lasterr);
+ }
+ if (how == VPOOL_EXCLUDE) {
+ if (where == 0) {
+ /*
+ * Optimization.
+ * Don't move data, just adjust pointer.
+ */
+ pool->v_buf = (char *)pool->v_buf + size;
+ } else {
+ memmove((char *)pool->v_buf + where,
+ (char *)pool->v_buf + where + size,
+ pool->v_off - size - where);
+ }
+ pool->v_off -= size;
+ } else {
+ pool->v_buf = (char*)(pool->v_buf) + where;
+ pool->v_off = size;
+ }
+ pool->v_lasterr = 0;
+ return (0);
+vpool_export(struct vpool *pool, void **buf, size_t *size)
+ vpool_shift(pool);
+ *buf = pool->v_buf;
+ *size = pool->v_off;
+ pool->v_basebuf = pool->v_buf = NULL;
+ pool->v_off = pool->v_size = 0;
+ pool->v_lasterr = 0;
diff --git a/libs/libsignal/src/vpool.h b/libs/libsignal/src/vpool.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a54e42825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libsignal/src/vpool.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2006, 2008 Alexey Vatchenko <>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ */
+ * VPool: implementation of pool of data with a variable size.
+ */
+#ifndef _VPOOL_H_
+#define _VPOOL_H_
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+struct vpool {
+ void *v_basebuf; /* pointer returned by (re|m)alloc() */
+ void *v_buf; /* actual data starts here */
+ size_t v_off;
+ size_t v_size;
+ size_t v_blksize;
+ size_t v_limit;
+ int v_lasterr;
+enum vpool_trunc {VPOOL_EXCLUDE, VPOOL_INCLUDE};
+void vpool_init(struct vpool *pool, size_t blksize, size_t limit);
+void vpool_final(struct vpool *pool);
+void vpool_reset(struct vpool *pool);
+void vpool_wipe(struct vpool *pool);
+void * vpool_insert(struct vpool *pool,
+ size_t where, void *data, size_t datsize);
+void * vpool_expand(struct vpool *pool, size_t where, size_t size);
+int vpool_truncate(struct vpool *pool,
+ size_t where, size_t size, enum vpool_trunc how);
+#define vpool_is_empty(pool) ((pool)->v_off == 0)
+#define vpool_get_buf(pool) ((pool)->v_buf)
+#define vpool_get_length(pool) ((pool)->v_off)
+#define vpool_get_error(pool) ((pool)->v_lasterr)
+void vpool_export(struct vpool *pool, void **buf, size_t *size);
+#endif /* !_VPOOL_H_ */