path: root/libs/litehtml/src/gradient.cpp
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authorGeorge Hazan <>2024-03-30 19:43:42 +0300
committerGeorge Hazan <>2024-03-30 19:43:42 +0300
commit032787f69076aafd43843c9ab64bdc373dc9aa6a (patch)
treee8d761cf9adbf492ab2d249d9fc427be7660ca66 /libs/litehtml/src/gradient.cpp
parent79353069a2cc268c37c3bf8c50e8d74039298231 (diff)
update of litehtml, fixes the problem with empty lines
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/litehtml/src/gradient.cpp')
1 files changed, 553 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/litehtml/src/gradient.cpp b/libs/litehtml/src/gradient.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..081b0d405c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/litehtml/src/gradient.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+#include "html.h"
+#include "gradient.h"
+#ifndef M_PI
+# define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
+namespace litehtml
+ /**
+ * Parse CSS angle
+ * @param str css text of angle
+ * @param with_percent true to pare percent as angle (for conic gradient)
+ * @param angle output angle value in degrees
+ * @return
+ */
+ static bool parse_css_angle(const string& str, bool with_percent, float& angle)
+ {
+ const char* start = str.c_str();
+ for(;start[0]; start++)
+ {
+ if(!isspace(start[0])) break;
+ }
+ if(start[0] == 0) return false;
+ char* end = nullptr;
+ auto a = (float) t_strtod(start, &end);
+ if(end && end[0] == 0) return false;
+ if(!strcmp(end, "rad"))
+ {
+ a = (float) (a * 180.0 / M_PI);
+ } else if(!strcmp(end, "grad"))
+ {
+ a = a * 180.0f / 200.0f;
+ } else if(!strcmp(end, "turn"))
+ {
+ a = a * 360.0f;
+ } else if(strcmp(end, "deg"))
+ {
+ if(with_percent && strcmp(end, "%"))
+ {
+ a = a * 360.0f / 100.0f;
+ } else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ angle = a;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse colors stop list for radial and linear gradients.
+ * Formal syntax:
+ * \code
+ * <linear-color-stop> =
+ * <color> <length-percentage>?
+ *
+ * <linear-color-hint> =
+ * <length-percentage>
+ *
+ * <length-percentage> =
+ * <length> |
+ * <percentage>
+ * \endcode
+ * @param parts
+ * @param container
+ * @param grad
+ */
+ static void parse_color_stop_list(const string_vector& parts, document_container *container, std::vector<background_gradient::gradient_color>& colors)
+ {
+ auto color = web_color::from_string(parts[0], container);
+ css_length length;
+ if(parts.size() > 1)
+ {
+ length.fromString(parts[1]);
+ if(!length.is_predefined())
+ {
+ background_gradient::gradient_color gc;
+ gc.color = color;
+ gc.length = length;
+ colors.push_back(gc);
+ }
+ if(parts.size() > 2)
+ {
+ length.fromString(parts[2]);
+ if(!length.is_predefined())
+ {
+ background_gradient::gradient_color gc;
+ gc.color = color;
+ gc.length = length;
+ colors.push_back(gc);
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ background_gradient::gradient_color gc;
+ gc.color = color;
+ colors.push_back(gc);
+ }
+ }
+ static void parse_color_stop_angle_list(const string_vector& parts, document_container *container, background_gradient& grad)
+ {
+ auto color = web_color::from_string(parts[0], container);
+ if(parts.size() > 1)
+ {
+ float angle = 0;
+ if(parse_css_angle(parts[1], true, angle))
+ {
+ background_gradient::gradient_color gc;
+ gc.angle = angle;
+ gc.color = color;
+ grad.m_colors.push_back(gc);
+ }
+ if(parts.size() > 2)
+ {
+ if(parse_css_angle(parts[1], true, angle))
+ {
+ background_gradient::gradient_color gc;
+ gc.color = color;
+ gc.angle = angle;
+ grad.m_colors.push_back(gc);
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ background_gradient::gradient_color gc;
+ gc.color = color;
+ grad.m_colors.push_back(gc);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse linear gradient definition.
+ * Formal syntax:
+ * \code{plain}
+ * <linear-gradient()> =
+ * linear-gradient( [ <linear-gradient-syntax> ] )
+ *
+ * <linear-gradient-syntax> =
+ * [ <angle> | to <side-or-corner> ]? , <color-stop-list>
+ *
+ * <side-or-corner> =
+ * [ left | right ] ||
+ * [ top | bottom ]
+ *
+ * <color-stop-list> =
+ * <linear-color-stop> , [ <linear-color-hint>? , <linear-color-stop> ]#
+ *
+ * <linear-color-stop> =
+ * <color> <length-percentage>?
+ *
+ * <linear-color-hint> =
+ * <length-percentage>
+ *
+ * <length-percentage> =
+ * <length> |
+ * <percentage>
+ * \endcode
+ * @param gradient_str
+ * @param container
+ * @param grad
+ */
+ void parse_linear_gradient(const std::string& gradient_str, document_container *container, background_gradient& grad)
+ {
+ string_vector items;
+ split_string(gradient_str, items, ",", "", "()");
+ for (auto &item: items)
+ {
+ trim(item);
+ string_vector parts;
+ split_string(item, parts, split_delims_spaces, "", "()");
+ if (parts.empty()) continue;
+ if (parts[0] == "to")
+ {
+ uint32_t grad_side = 0;
+ for (size_t part_idx = 1; part_idx < parts.size(); part_idx++)
+ {
+ int side = value_index(parts[part_idx], "left;right;top;bottom");
+ if (side >= 0)
+ {
+ grad_side |= 1 << side;
+ }
+ }
+ switch(grad_side)
+ {
+ case background_gradient::gradient_side_top:
+ grad.angle = 0;
+ break;
+ case background_gradient::gradient_side_bottom:
+ grad.angle = 180;
+ break;
+ case background_gradient::gradient_side_left:
+ grad.angle = 270;
+ break;
+ case background_gradient::gradient_side_right:
+ grad.angle = 90;
+ break;
+ case background_gradient::gradient_side_top | background_gradient::gradient_side_left:
+ case background_gradient::gradient_side_top | background_gradient::gradient_side_right:
+ case background_gradient::gradient_side_bottom | background_gradient::gradient_side_left:
+ case background_gradient::gradient_side_bottom | background_gradient::gradient_side_right:
+ grad.m_side = grad_side;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (parts.size() == 1 && parse_css_angle(parts[0], false, grad.angle))
+ {
+ continue;
+ } else if (web_color::is_color(parts[0], container))
+ {
+ parse_color_stop_list(parts, container, grad.m_colors);
+ } else
+ {
+ css_length length;
+ length.fromString(parts[0]);
+ if (!length.is_predefined())
+ {
+ background_gradient::gradient_color gc;
+ gc.length = length;
+ gc.is_color_hint = true;
+ grad.m_colors.push_back(gc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse position part for radial gradient.
+ * Formal syntax:
+ * \code
+ * <position> =
+ * [ left | center | right | top | bottom | <length-percentage> ] |
+ * [ left | center | right ] && [ top | center | bottom ] |
+ * [ left | center | right | <length-percentage> ] [ top | center | bottom | <length-percentage> ] |
+ * [ [ left | right ] <length-percentage> ] && [ [ top | bottom ] <length-percentage> ]
+ * \endcode
+ * @param grad
+ * @param parts
+ * @param i
+ */
+ static inline void parse_radial_position(litehtml::background_gradient &grad, const litehtml::string_vector &parts, size_t i)
+ {
+ grad.m_side = 0;
+ while (i < parts.size())
+ {
+ int side = litehtml::value_index(parts[i], "left;right;top;bottom;center");
+ if (side >= 0)
+ {
+ if(side == 4)
+ {
+ if(grad.m_side & litehtml::background_gradient::gradient_side_x_center)
+ {
+ grad.m_side |= litehtml::background_gradient::gradient_side_y_center;
+ } else
+ {
+ grad.m_side |= litehtml::background_gradient::gradient_side_x_center;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ grad.m_side |= 1 << side;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ litehtml::css_length length;
+ length.fromString(parts[i]);
+ if (!length.is_predefined())
+ {
+ if(grad.m_side & litehtml::background_gradient::gradient_side_x_length)
+ {
+ grad.m_side |= litehtml::background_gradient::gradient_side_y_length;
+ grad.radial_position_y = length;
+ } else
+ {
+ grad.m_side |= litehtml::background_gradient::gradient_side_x_length;
+ grad.radial_position_x = length;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse radial gradient definition
+ * Formal syntax:
+ * \code
+ * <radial-gradient()> =
+ * radial-gradient( [ <radial-gradient-syntax> ] )
+ *
+ * <radial-gradient-syntax> =
+ * [ <radial-shape> || <radial-size> ]? [ at <position> ]? , <color-stop-list>
+ *
+ * <radial-shape> =
+ * circle |
+ * ellipse
+ *
+ * <radial-size> =
+ * <radial-extent> |
+ * <length [0,∞]> |
+ * <length-percentage [0,∞]>{2}
+ *
+ * <position> =
+ * [ left | center | right | top | bottom | <length-percentage> ] |
+ * [ left | center | right ] && [ top | center | bottom ] |
+ * [ left | center | right | <length-percentage> ] [ top | center | bottom | <length-percentage> ] |
+ * [ [ left | right ] <length-percentage> ] && [ [ top | bottom ] <length-percentage> ]
+ *
+ * <color-stop-list> =
+ * <linear-color-stop> , [ <linear-color-hint>? , <linear-color-stop> ]#
+ *
+ * <radial-extent> =
+ * closest-corner |
+ * closest-side |
+ * farthest-corner |
+ * farthest-side
+ *
+ * <length-percentage> =
+ * <length> |
+ * <percentage>
+ * <linear-color-stop> =
+ * <color> <length-percentage>?
+ *
+ * <linear-color-hint> =
+ * <length-percentage>
+ * \endcode
+ * @param gradient_str
+ * @param container
+ * @param grad
+ */
+ void parse_radial_gradient(const std::string& gradient_str, document_container *container, background_gradient& grad)
+ {
+ string_vector items;
+ split_string(gradient_str, items, ",", "", "()");
+ for (auto &item: items)
+ {
+ trim(item);
+ string_vector parts;
+ split_string(item, parts, split_delims_spaces, "", "()");
+ if (parts.empty()) continue;
+ if (web_color::is_color(parts[0], container))
+ {
+ parse_color_stop_list(parts, container, grad.m_colors);
+ } else
+ {
+ size_t i = 0;
+ while(i < parts.size())
+ {
+ if(parts[i] == "at")
+ {
+ parse_radial_position(grad, parts, i + 1);
+ break;
+ } else // parts[i] == "at"
+ {
+ int val = value_index(parts[i], "closest-corner;closest-side;farthest-corner;farthest-side");
+ if(val >= 0)
+ {
+ grad.radial_extent = (background_gradient::radial_extent_t) (val + 1);
+ } else
+ {
+ val = value_index(parts[i], "circle;ellipse");
+ if(val >= 0)
+ {
+ grad.radial_shape = (background_gradient::radial_shape_t) (val + 1);
+ } else
+ {
+ css_length length;
+ length.fromString(parts[i]);
+ if (!length.is_predefined())
+ {
+ if(!grad.radial_length_x.is_predefined())
+ {
+ grad.radial_length_y = length;
+ } else
+ {
+ grad.radial_length_x = length;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // else parts[i] == "at"
+ i++;
+ } // while(i < parts.size())
+ } // else web_color::is_color(parts[0], container)
+ } // for
+ if(grad.radial_extent == background_gradient::radial_extent_none)
+ {
+ if(grad.radial_length_x.is_predefined())
+ {
+ grad.radial_extent = background_gradient::radial_extent_farthest_corner;
+ } else if(grad.radial_length_y.is_predefined())
+ {
+ grad.radial_length_y = grad.radial_length_x.val();
+ grad.radial_shape = background_gradient::radial_shape_circle;
+ }
+ }
+ if(grad.radial_shape == background_gradient::radial_shape_none)
+ {
+ grad.radial_shape = background_gradient::radial_shape_ellipse;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse conic gradient definition.
+ * Formal syntax:
+ * \code
+ * conic-gradient-syntax =
+ * [ [ [ from <angle> ]? [ at position ]? ] || <color-interpolation-method> ]? , <angular-color-stop-list>
+ *
+ * <position> =
+ * [ left | center | right | top | bottom | <length-percentage> ] |
+ * [ left | center | right ] && [ top | center | bottom ] |
+ * [ left | center | right | <length-percentage> ] [ top | center | bottom | <length-percentage> ] |
+ * [ [ left | right ] <length-percentage> ] && [ [ top | bottom ] <length-percentage> ]
+ *
+ * <color-interpolation-method> =
+ * in [ <rectangular-color-space> | <polar-color-space> <hue-interpolation-method>? ]
+ *
+ * <angular-color-stop-list> =
+ * <angular-color-stop> , [ <angular-color-hint>? , <angular-color-stop> ]#
+ *
+ * <length-percentage> =
+ * <length> |
+ * <percentage>
+ *
+ * <rectangular-color-space> =
+ * srgb |
+ * srgb-linear |
+ * display-p3 |
+ * a98-rgb |
+ * prophoto-rgb |
+ * rec2020 |
+ * lab |
+ * oklab |
+ * xyz |
+ * xyz-d50 |
+ * xyz-d65
+ *
+ * <polar-color-space> =
+ * hsl |
+ * hwb |
+ * lch |
+ * oklch
+ *
+ * <hue-interpolation-method> =
+ * [ shorter | longer | increasing | decreasing ] hue
+ *
+ * <angular-color-stop> =
+ * <color> <color-stop-angle>?
+ *
+ * <angular-color-hint> =
+ * <angle-percentage>
+ *
+ * <color-stop-angle> =
+ * <angle-percentage>{1,2}
+ *
+ * <angle-percentage> =
+ * <angle> |
+ * <percentage>
+ * \endcode
+ * @param gradient_str
+ * @param container
+ * @param grad
+ */
+ void parse_conic_gradient(const std::string& gradient_str, document_container *container, background_gradient& grad)
+ {
+ string_vector items;
+ split_string(gradient_str, items, ",", "", "()");
+ for (auto &item: items)
+ {
+ trim(item);
+ string_vector parts;
+ split_string(item, parts, split_delims_spaces, "", "()");
+ if (parts.empty()) continue;
+ // Parse colors stop list
+ if (web_color::is_color(parts[0], container))
+ {
+ parse_color_stop_angle_list(parts, container, grad);
+ continue;
+ }
+ size_t i = 0;
+ while(i < parts.size())
+ {
+ // parse position
+ if(parts[i] == "at")
+ {
+ parse_radial_position(grad, parts, i + 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ // parse "from angle"
+ if(parts[i] == "from")
+ {
+ i++;
+ if(i >= parts.size()) continue;
+ parse_css_angle(parts[i], false, grad.conic_from_angle);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(parts[i] == "in")
+ {
+ i++;
+ if(i >= parts.size()) continue;
+ int val = value_index(parts[i], "srgb;"
+ "srgb-linear;"
+ "display-p3;"
+ "a98-rgb;"
+ "prophoto-rgb;"
+ "rec2020;"
+ "lab;"
+ "oklab;"
+ "xyz;"
+ "xyz-d50;"
+ "xyz-d65");
+ if(val >= 0)
+ {
+ grad.conic_color_space = (decltype(grad.conic_color_space)) (val + 1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ val = value_index(parts[i], "hsl;"
+ "hwb;"
+ "lch;"
+ "oklch");
+ if(val < 0) continue;
+ grad.conic_color_space = (decltype(grad.conic_color_space)) (background_gradient::conic_color_space_polar_start + 1 + val);
+ int interpol = value_index(parts[i], "hue;shorter;longer;increasing;decreasing");
+ if(interpol == 0)
+ {
+ grad.conic_interpolation = background_gradient::interpolation_method_hue;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(interpol > 0)
+ {
+ i++;
+ if(i >= parts.size()) continue;
+ if(parts[i] != "hue") continue;
+ grad.conic_interpolation = (decltype(grad.conic_interpolation)) (val + 1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file