path: root/plugins/BuddyPounce
diff options
authordartraiden <>2023-01-02 21:10:29 +0300
committerdartraiden <>2023-01-02 21:10:29 +0300
commit1979fd80424d16b2e489f9b57d01d9c7811d25a2 (patch)
tree960d42c5fe4a51f0fe2850bea91256e226bce221 /plugins/BuddyPounce
parentadfbbb217d4f4a05acf198755f219a5223d31c27 (diff)
Update copyrights
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/BuddyPounce')
2 files changed, 246 insertions, 246 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/BuddyPounce/src/options.cpp b/plugins/BuddyPounce/src/options.cpp
index b77dd1263e..aeedbc9b63 100644
--- a/plugins/BuddyPounce/src/options.cpp
+++ b/plugins/BuddyPounce/src/options.cpp
@@ -1,245 +1,245 @@
-Copyright (C) 2012-22 Miranda NG team (
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2
-of the License.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see <>.
-#include "stdafx.h"
-COptionsDlg::COptionsDlg(int dlgId) :
- CSuper(dlgId),
- m_settings(this, IDC_SETTINGS),
- spin(this, IDC_SPIN, 1024),
- msg1(this, IDC_SETTINGMSG),
- msg2(this, IDC_SETTINGMSG2),
- edtNumber(this, IDC_SETTINGNUMBER),
- chkAdvanced(this, IDC_USEADVANCED),
- chkShowDelivery(this, IDC_SHOWDELIVERYMSGS)
- CreateLink(chkAdvanced, g_plugin.bUseAdvanced);
- CreateLink(chkShowDelivery, g_plugin.bShowDelivery);
- m_settings.OnSelChange = Callback(this, &COptionsDlg::onSelChange_Settings);
-bool COptionsDlg::OnInitDialog()
- CSuper::OnInitDialog();
- m_settings.AddString(TranslateT("Send If My Status Is..."));
- m_settings.AddString(TranslateT("Send If They Change Status to..."));
- m_settings.AddString(L"----------------------------");
- m_settings.AddString(TranslateT("Reuse Pounce"));
- m_settings.AddString(TranslateT("Give Up delay"));
- m_settings.AddString(TranslateT("Confirmation Window"));
- m_settings.SetCurSel(g_plugin.getByte(hContact, "LastSetting"));
- onSelChange_Settings(0);
- return true;
-bool COptionsDlg::OnApply()
- CSuper::OnApply();
- saveLastSetting();
- return true;
-void COptionsDlg::OnDestroy()
- if (SendIfMy)
- DestroyWindow(SendIfMy);
- if (SendWhenThey)
- DestroyWindow(SendWhenThey);
-void COptionsDlg::onSelChange_Settings(CCtrlListBox*)
- if (m_bInitialized)
- saveLastSetting();
- int item = m_settings.GetCurSel();
- switch (item) {
- case 0: // Send If My Status Is...
- showAll(false);
- if (m_bInitialized)
- statusModes(true);
- break;
- case 1: // Send If They Change status to
- showAll(false);
- if (m_bInitialized)
- statusModes(false);
- break;
- case 3: // Reuse Pounce
- showAll(true);
- msg1.SetText(TranslateT("Reuse this message? (0 to use it once)"));
- msg2.SetText(TranslateT("Times"));
- edtNumber.SetInt(g_plugin.getByte(hContact, "Reuse"));
- break;
- case 4: // Give Up delay
- showAll(true);
- msg1.SetText(TranslateT("Give up after... (0 to not give up)"));
- msg2.SetText(TranslateT("Days"));
- edtNumber.SetInt(g_plugin.getByte(hContact, "GiveUpDays"));
- break;
- case 5: // confirm window
- showAll(true);
- msg1.SetText(TranslateT("Show confirmation window? (0 to not Show)"));
- msg2.SetText(TranslateT("Seconds to wait before sending"));
- edtNumber.SetInt(g_plugin.getWord(hContact, "ConfirmTimeout"));
- break;
- }
- g_plugin.setByte(hContact, "LastSetting", (uint8_t)item);
- NotifyChange();
-void COptionsDlg::saveLastSetting()
- switch (g_plugin.getByte(hContact, "LastSetting", 2)) {
- case 3: // Reuse Pounce
- g_plugin.setByte(hContact, "Reuse", (uint8_t)edtNumber.GetInt());
- break;
- case 4: // Give Up delay
- g_plugin.setByte(hContact, "GiveUpDays", (uint8_t)edtNumber.GetInt());
- g_plugin.setDword(hContact, "GiveUpDate", (uint32_t)edtNumber.GetInt() * SECONDSINADAY);
- break;
- case 5: // confirm window
- g_plugin.setWord(hContact, "ConfirmTimeout", (uint16_t)edtNumber.GetInt());
- break;
- }
-void COptionsDlg::showAll(bool bShow)
- msg1.Show(bShow);
- msg2.Show(bShow);
- spin.Show(bShow);
- edtNumber.Show(bShow);
-// Status modes dialog wrapper
-class CStatusModesDlg : public CDlgBase
- COptionsDlg *pDlg;
- bool isMe;
- CCtrlCheck chk1, chk2, chk3, chk4, chk5, chk6, chk7, chk8;
- CStatusModesDlg(COptionsDlg *_1, bool _2) :
- CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_STATUSMODES),
- pDlg(_1),
- isMe(_2),
- chk1(this, IDC_CHECK1),
- chk2(this, IDC_CHECK2),
- chk3(this, IDC_CHECK3),
- chk4(this, IDC_CHECK4),
- chk5(this, IDC_CHECK5),
- chk6(this, IDC_CHECK6),
- chk7(this, IDC_CHECK7),
- chk8(this, IDC_CHECK8)
- {
- SetParent(pDlg->GetHwnd());
- }
- bool OnInitDialog() override
- {
- int statusFlag;
- if (isMe) {
- pDlg->SendIfMy = m_hwnd;
- statusFlag = g_plugin.getWord(pDlg->hContact, "SendIfMyStatusIsFLAG", 0);
- SetCaption(TranslateT("Send If My Status Is"));
- chk1.SetText(TranslateT("Any"));
- chk2.SetText(TranslateT("Online"));
- chk3.SetText(TranslateT("Away"));
- chk4.SetText(TranslateT("Not available"));
- chk5.SetText(TranslateT("Occupied"));
- chk6.SetText(TranslateT("Do not disturb"));
- chk7.SetText(TranslateT("Free for chat"));
- chk8.SetText(TranslateT("Invisible"));
- }
- else {
- pDlg->SendWhenThey = m_hwnd;
- statusFlag = g_plugin.getWord(pDlg->hContact, "SendIfTheirStatusIsFLAG", 0);
- SetCaption(TranslateT("Send If Their Status changes"));
- chk1.SetText(TranslateT("From Offline"));
- chk2.SetText(TranslateT("To Online"));
- chk3.SetText(TranslateT("To Away"));
- chk4.SetText(TranslateT("To Not available"));
- chk5.SetText(TranslateT("To Occupied"));
- chk6.SetText(TranslateT("To Do not disturb"));
- chk7.SetText(TranslateT("To Free for chat"));
- chk8.SetText(TranslateT("To Invisible"));
- }
- chk1.SetState((statusFlag & ANY) != 0);
- chk2.SetState((statusFlag & ONLINE) != 0);
- chk3.SetState((statusFlag & AWAY) != 0);
- chk4.SetState((statusFlag & NA) != 0);
- chk5.SetState((statusFlag & OCCUPIED) != 0);
- chk6.SetState((statusFlag & DND) != 0);
- chk7.SetState((statusFlag & FFC) != 0);
- chk8.SetState((statusFlag & INVISIBLE) != 0);
- return true;
- }
- bool OnApply() override
- {
- int flag = chk1.GetState()
- | (chk2.GetState() << 1)
- | (chk3.GetState() << 2)
- | (chk4.GetState() << 3)
- | (chk5.GetState() << 4)
- | (chk6.GetState() << 5)
- | (chk7.GetState() << 6)
- | (chk8.GetState() << 7);
- if (isMe)
- g_plugin.setWord(pDlg->hContact, "SendIfMyStatusIsFLAG", flag);
- else
- g_plugin.setWord(pDlg->hContact, "SendIfTheirStatusIsFLAG", flag);
- return true;
- }
- void OnDestroy() override
- {
- if (isMe)
- pDlg->SendIfMy = nullptr;
- else
- pDlg->SendWhenThey = nullptr;
- }
-void COptionsDlg::statusModes(bool isMe)
- if (isMe) {
- if (SendIfMy)
- SetForegroundWindow(SendIfMy);
- else
- (new CStatusModesDlg(this, true))->Create();
- }
- else {
- if (SendWhenThey)
- SetForegroundWindow(SendWhenThey);
- else
- (new CStatusModesDlg(this, false))->Create();
- }
+Copyright (C) 2012-23 Miranda NG team (
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2
+of the License.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "stdafx.h"
+COptionsDlg::COptionsDlg(int dlgId) :
+ CSuper(dlgId),
+ m_settings(this, IDC_SETTINGS),
+ spin(this, IDC_SPIN, 1024),
+ msg1(this, IDC_SETTINGMSG),
+ msg2(this, IDC_SETTINGMSG2),
+ edtNumber(this, IDC_SETTINGNUMBER),
+ chkAdvanced(this, IDC_USEADVANCED),
+ chkShowDelivery(this, IDC_SHOWDELIVERYMSGS)
+ CreateLink(chkAdvanced, g_plugin.bUseAdvanced);
+ CreateLink(chkShowDelivery, g_plugin.bShowDelivery);
+ m_settings.OnSelChange = Callback(this, &COptionsDlg::onSelChange_Settings);
+bool COptionsDlg::OnInitDialog()
+ CSuper::OnInitDialog();
+ m_settings.AddString(TranslateT("Send If My Status Is..."));
+ m_settings.AddString(TranslateT("Send If They Change Status to..."));
+ m_settings.AddString(L"----------------------------");
+ m_settings.AddString(TranslateT("Reuse Pounce"));
+ m_settings.AddString(TranslateT("Give Up delay"));
+ m_settings.AddString(TranslateT("Confirmation Window"));
+ m_settings.SetCurSel(g_plugin.getByte(hContact, "LastSetting"));
+ onSelChange_Settings(0);
+ return true;
+bool COptionsDlg::OnApply()
+ CSuper::OnApply();
+ saveLastSetting();
+ return true;
+void COptionsDlg::OnDestroy()
+ if (SendIfMy)
+ DestroyWindow(SendIfMy);
+ if (SendWhenThey)
+ DestroyWindow(SendWhenThey);
+void COptionsDlg::onSelChange_Settings(CCtrlListBox*)
+ if (m_bInitialized)
+ saveLastSetting();
+ int item = m_settings.GetCurSel();
+ switch (item) {
+ case 0: // Send If My Status Is...
+ showAll(false);
+ if (m_bInitialized)
+ statusModes(true);
+ break;
+ case 1: // Send If They Change status to
+ showAll(false);
+ if (m_bInitialized)
+ statusModes(false);
+ break;
+ case 3: // Reuse Pounce
+ showAll(true);
+ msg1.SetText(TranslateT("Reuse this message? (0 to use it once)"));
+ msg2.SetText(TranslateT("Times"));
+ edtNumber.SetInt(g_plugin.getByte(hContact, "Reuse"));
+ break;
+ case 4: // Give Up delay
+ showAll(true);
+ msg1.SetText(TranslateT("Give up after... (0 to not give up)"));
+ msg2.SetText(TranslateT("Days"));
+ edtNumber.SetInt(g_plugin.getByte(hContact, "GiveUpDays"));
+ break;
+ case 5: // confirm window
+ showAll(true);
+ msg1.SetText(TranslateT("Show confirmation window? (0 to not Show)"));
+ msg2.SetText(TranslateT("Seconds to wait before sending"));
+ edtNumber.SetInt(g_plugin.getWord(hContact, "ConfirmTimeout"));
+ break;
+ }
+ g_plugin.setByte(hContact, "LastSetting", (uint8_t)item);
+ NotifyChange();
+void COptionsDlg::saveLastSetting()
+ switch (g_plugin.getByte(hContact, "LastSetting", 2)) {
+ case 3: // Reuse Pounce
+ g_plugin.setByte(hContact, "Reuse", (uint8_t)edtNumber.GetInt());
+ break;
+ case 4: // Give Up delay
+ g_plugin.setByte(hContact, "GiveUpDays", (uint8_t)edtNumber.GetInt());
+ g_plugin.setDword(hContact, "GiveUpDate", (uint32_t)edtNumber.GetInt() * SECONDSINADAY);
+ break;
+ case 5: // confirm window
+ g_plugin.setWord(hContact, "ConfirmTimeout", (uint16_t)edtNumber.GetInt());
+ break;
+ }
+void COptionsDlg::showAll(bool bShow)
+ msg1.Show(bShow);
+ msg2.Show(bShow);
+ spin.Show(bShow);
+ edtNumber.Show(bShow);
+// Status modes dialog wrapper
+class CStatusModesDlg : public CDlgBase
+ COptionsDlg *pDlg;
+ bool isMe;
+ CCtrlCheck chk1, chk2, chk3, chk4, chk5, chk6, chk7, chk8;
+ CStatusModesDlg(COptionsDlg *_1, bool _2) :
+ CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_STATUSMODES),
+ pDlg(_1),
+ isMe(_2),
+ chk1(this, IDC_CHECK1),
+ chk2(this, IDC_CHECK2),
+ chk3(this, IDC_CHECK3),
+ chk4(this, IDC_CHECK4),
+ chk5(this, IDC_CHECK5),
+ chk6(this, IDC_CHECK6),
+ chk7(this, IDC_CHECK7),
+ chk8(this, IDC_CHECK8)
+ {
+ SetParent(pDlg->GetHwnd());
+ }
+ bool OnInitDialog() override
+ {
+ int statusFlag;
+ if (isMe) {
+ pDlg->SendIfMy = m_hwnd;
+ statusFlag = g_plugin.getWord(pDlg->hContact, "SendIfMyStatusIsFLAG", 0);
+ SetCaption(TranslateT("Send If My Status Is"));
+ chk1.SetText(TranslateT("Any"));
+ chk2.SetText(TranslateT("Online"));
+ chk3.SetText(TranslateT("Away"));
+ chk4.SetText(TranslateT("Not available"));
+ chk5.SetText(TranslateT("Occupied"));
+ chk6.SetText(TranslateT("Do not disturb"));
+ chk7.SetText(TranslateT("Free for chat"));
+ chk8.SetText(TranslateT("Invisible"));
+ }
+ else {
+ pDlg->SendWhenThey = m_hwnd;
+ statusFlag = g_plugin.getWord(pDlg->hContact, "SendIfTheirStatusIsFLAG", 0);
+ SetCaption(TranslateT("Send If Their Status changes"));
+ chk1.SetText(TranslateT("From Offline"));
+ chk2.SetText(TranslateT("To Online"));
+ chk3.SetText(TranslateT("To Away"));
+ chk4.SetText(TranslateT("To Not available"));
+ chk5.SetText(TranslateT("To Occupied"));
+ chk6.SetText(TranslateT("To Do not disturb"));
+ chk7.SetText(TranslateT("To Free for chat"));
+ chk8.SetText(TranslateT("To Invisible"));
+ }
+ chk1.SetState((statusFlag & ANY) != 0);
+ chk2.SetState((statusFlag & ONLINE) != 0);
+ chk3.SetState((statusFlag & AWAY) != 0);
+ chk4.SetState((statusFlag & NA) != 0);
+ chk5.SetState((statusFlag & OCCUPIED) != 0);
+ chk6.SetState((statusFlag & DND) != 0);
+ chk7.SetState((statusFlag & FFC) != 0);
+ chk8.SetState((statusFlag & INVISIBLE) != 0);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnApply() override
+ {
+ int flag = chk1.GetState()
+ | (chk2.GetState() << 1)
+ | (chk3.GetState() << 2)
+ | (chk4.GetState() << 3)
+ | (chk5.GetState() << 4)
+ | (chk6.GetState() << 5)
+ | (chk7.GetState() << 6)
+ | (chk8.GetState() << 7);
+ if (isMe)
+ g_plugin.setWord(pDlg->hContact, "SendIfMyStatusIsFLAG", flag);
+ else
+ g_plugin.setWord(pDlg->hContact, "SendIfTheirStatusIsFLAG", flag);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void OnDestroy() override
+ {
+ if (isMe)
+ pDlg->SendIfMy = nullptr;
+ else
+ pDlg->SendWhenThey = nullptr;
+ }
+void COptionsDlg::statusModes(bool isMe)
+ if (isMe) {
+ if (SendIfMy)
+ SetForegroundWindow(SendIfMy);
+ else
+ (new CStatusModesDlg(this, true))->Create();
+ }
+ else {
+ if (SendWhenThey)
+ SetForegroundWindow(SendWhenThey);
+ else
+ (new CStatusModesDlg(this, false))->Create();
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/BuddyPounce/src/stdafx.cxx b/plugins/BuddyPounce/src/stdafx.cxx
index f64d25234b..ebbde0ade1 100644
--- a/plugins/BuddyPounce/src/stdafx.cxx
+++ b/plugins/BuddyPounce/src/stdafx.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Copyright (C) 2012-22 Miranda NG team (
+Copyright (C) 2012-23 Miranda NG team (
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License