path: root/plugins/Clist_nicer
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authorGeorge Hazan <>2019-05-08 17:41:18 +0300
committerGeorge Hazan <>2019-05-08 17:41:18 +0300
commit085f077f0292ac339ab68e038e13044fae315944 (patch)
treea4f98680773b17bb70812b4ef83d967f4e72074a /plugins/Clist_nicer
parent7c8703e5f93cf25e5f973e624c6a5a9e2fb958a1 (diff)
unused code removed
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Clist_nicer')
4 files changed, 61 insertions, 1261 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Clist_nicer/src/coolsblib.cpp b/plugins/Clist_nicer/src/coolsblib.cpp
index f669a400a9..52cdf6f0a7 100644
--- a/plugins/Clist_nicer/src/coolsblib.cpp
+++ b/plugins/Clist_nicer/src/coolsblib.cpp
@@ -76,11 +76,6 @@ typedef BOOL(WINAPI *WPROC)(HWND, UINT, UINT);
static WPROC pEnableScrollBar = nullptr;
-void WINAPI CoolSB_SetESBProc(WPROC proc)
- pEnableScrollBar = proc;
static void RedrawNonClient(HWND hwnd, BOOL fFrameChanged)
if (fFrameChanged == FALSE) {
@@ -508,11 +503,11 @@ BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_ShowScrollBar(HWND hwnd, int wBar, BOOL fShow)
// Remove cool scrollbars from the specified window.
-HRESULT WINAPI UninitializeCoolSB(HWND hwnd)
+void WINAPI UninitializeCoolSB(HWND hwnd)
SCROLLWND *sw = GetScrollWndFromHwnd(hwnd);
if (!sw)
- return E_FAIL;
+ return;
RemoveProp(hwnd, szPropStr);
//SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, 0);
@@ -522,293 +517,9 @@ HRESULT WINAPI UninitializeCoolSB(HWND hwnd)
//Force WM_NCCALCSIZE and WM_NCPAINT so the original scrollbars can kick in
RedrawNonClient(hwnd, TRUE);
- return S_OK;
-// Cool scrollbar specific interface (BUTTON support)
-// Insert a button into the scrollbar area
-// wSBflags - SB_HORZ / SB_VERT only
-// uPos - position into which to insert.
-// can be 0 to insert at the start, or -1 to insert
-// at the end of previously inserted buttons
-BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_InsertButton(HWND hwnd, int wSBflags, UINT nPos, SCROLLBUT *psb)
- SCROLLBAR *sbar;
- SCROLLBUT *sbut;
- UINT i;
- if ( !psb) return FALSE;
- if ( !(sbar = GetScrollBarFromHwnd(hwnd, wSBflags)))
- return FALSE;
- //check that we havn't reached the maximum allowed buttons yet
- if (sbar->nButtons == MAX_COOLSB_BUTS)
- return FALSE;
- //insert at end
- if (nPos == -1)
- {
- sbut = &sbar->sbButtons[sbar->nButtons];
- }
- //otherwise, need to make room
- else if ((int)nPos < 0 || (int)nPos > (UINT)sbar->nButtons)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- //insert space for the button at the specified position
- for (i = sbar->nButtons; i > nPos; i--)
- {
- sbar->sbButtons[i] = sbar->sbButtons[i-1];
- }
- sbut = &sbar->sbButtons[nPos];
- }
- //only set the button's properties if they are
- //specified by the SCROLLBUT->fMask.
- //Otherwise, use a default property value
- if (psb->fMask & SBBF_TYPE)
- sbut->uButType = psb->uButType;
- else
- sbut->uButType = SBBT_PUSHBUTTON;
- if (psb->fMask & SBBF_STATE)
- sbut->uState = psb->uState;
- else
- sbut->uState = 0;
- if (psb->fMask & SBBF_ID)
- sbut->uCmdId = psb->uCmdId;
- else
- sbut->uCmdId = 0;
- if (psb->fMask & SBBF_SIZE)
- sbut->nSize = psb->nSize;
- else
- sbut->nSize = -1;
- if (psb->fMask & SBBF_PLACEMENT)
- sbut->uPlacement = psb->uPlacement;
- else
- sbut->uPlacement = SBBP_LEFT;
- if (psb->fMask & SBBF_BITMAP)
- sbut->hBmp = psb->hBmp;
- else
- sbut->hBmp = 0;
- if (psb->fMask & SBBF_ENHMETAFILE)
- sbut->hEmf = psb->hEmf;
- else
- sbut->hEmf = 0;
- if (psb->fMask & SBBF_CURSOR)
- sbut->hCurs = psb->hCurs;
- else
- sbut->hCurs = 0;
- /*
- We don't use the callback function anymore. The uButType
- member must now specify SBBT_OWNERDRAW, and a WM_NOTIFY will
- be sent when a button must be drawn
- if ((psb->fMask & SBBF_OWNERDRAW) && ((psb->uButType & SBBT_MASK) == SBBT_OWNERDRAW))
- pDrawProc = psb->pDrawProc;
- else
- pDrawProc = 0;*/
- sbar->nButtons++;
- sbut->nSizeReserved = sbut->nSize;
- //MAKE SURE that any resizable buttons are only to the left / above
- //a scrollbar. We don't support resize operations to the right of a scrollbar
- if ((sbut->uButType & SBBM_RESIZABLE) && sbut->uPlacement == SBBP_RIGHT)
- sbut->uButType &= ~SBBM_RESIZABLE;
- if (psb->fMask & SBBF_BUTMINMAX)
- {
- sbut->nMinSize = psb->nMinSize;
- sbut->nMaxSize = psb->nMaxSize;
- }
- else
- {
- sbut->nMinSize = 0;
- sbut->nMaxSize = -1;
- }
- return TRUE;
-static SCROLLBUT *GetButtonFromId(SCROLLBAR *sbar, UINT uCmdId)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < sbar->nButtons; i++)
- {
- if (sbar->sbButtons[i].uCmdId == uCmdId)
- return &sbar->sbButtons[i];
- }
- return 0;
-// Modify the properties of the specified scrollbar button.
-// wSBflags - SB_HORZ / SB_VERT only
-// uItem - the command identifier specified when the button was created,
-// or a non-negative position of the button, depending on if
-// fByCmd is FALSE or TRUE, respectively
-BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_ModifyButton (HWND hwnd, int wSBflags, UINT uItem, BOOL fByCmd, SCROLLBUT *psb)
- SCROLLBAR *sbar;
- SCROLLBUT *sbut;
- if ( !psb) return FALSE;
- //find if this window is CoolScroll enabled
- if ( !(sbar = GetScrollBarFromHwnd(hwnd, wSBflags)))
- return FALSE;
- //find the button to modify, depending on if we
- //are modifying by position or command id
- if (fByCmd == FALSE)
- {
- //button from position
- if ((int)uItem < 0 || (int)uItem >= (UINT)sbar->nButtons)
- return FALSE;
- else
- sbut = &sbar->sbButtons[uItem];
- }
- else if (fByCmd == TRUE)
- {
- //button from command identifier
- if ( !(sbut = GetButtonFromId(sbar, uItem)))
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (psb->fMask & SBBF_TYPE) sbut->uButType = psb->uButType;
- if (psb->fMask & SBBF_STATE) sbut->uState = psb->uState;
- if (psb->fMask & SBBF_ID) sbut->uCmdId = psb->uCmdId;
- if (psb->fMask & SBBF_SIZE) sbut->nSize = psb->nSize;
- if (psb->fMask & SBBF_PLACEMENT) sbut->uPlacement = psb->uPlacement;
- if (psb->fMask & SBBF_BITMAP) sbut->hBmp = psb->hBmp;
- if (psb->fMask & SBBF_ENHMETAFILE) sbut->hEmf = psb->hEmf;
- if (psb->fMask & SBBF_CURSOR) sbut->hCurs = psb->hCurs;
- if (psb->fMask & SBBF_BUTMINMAX)
- {
- sbut->nMinSize = psb->nMinSize;
- sbut->nMaxSize = psb->nMaxSize;
- }
- return TRUE;
-BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_RemoveButton(HWND hwnd, int wSBflags, UINT uItem, BOOL fByCmd)
- int i;
- SCROLLBAR *sbar;
- //find if this window is CoolScroll enabled
- if ( !(sbar = GetScrollBarFromHwnd(hwnd, wSBflags)))
- return FALSE;
- //find the button to modify, depending on if we
- //are modifying by position or command id
- if (fByCmd == FALSE && ((int)uItem < 0 || (int)uItem >= (UINT)sbar->nButtons))
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- else if (fByCmd == TRUE)
- {
- //find the button with the specified command id
- for (i = 0; i < sbar->nButtons; i++)
- {
- if (sbar->sbButtons[i].uCmdId == uItem)
- {
- //change the id to an index
- uItem = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- //if we failed to find the button...
- if (i == sbar->nButtons) return FALSE;
- }
- //remove the button!
- for (i = uItem; i < sbar->nButtons - 1; i++)
- {
- sbar->sbButtons[i] = sbar->sbButtons[i+1];
- }
- sbar->nButtons--;
- RedrawNonClient(hwnd, TRUE);
- return TRUE;
-// fill in the supplied SCROLLBUT structure
-BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_GetButton(HWND hwnd, int wSBflags, UINT uItem, BOOL fByCmd, SCROLLBUT *psb)
- SCROLLBAR *sbar;
- SCROLLBUT *sbut;
- if ( !psb) return FALSE;
- //find if this window is CoolScroll enabled
- if ( !(sbar = GetScrollBarFromHwnd(hwnd, wSBflags)))
- return FALSE;
- //find the button to modify, depending on if we
- //are modifying by position or command id
- if (fByCmd == FALSE)
- {
- //button from position
- if ((int)uItem < 0 || (int)uItem >= (UINT)sbar->nButtons)
- return FALSE;
- else
- sbut = &sbar->sbButtons[uItem];
- }
- else if (fByCmd == TRUE)
- {
- //button from command identifier
- if ( !(sbut = GetButtonFromId(sbar, uItem)))
- return FALSE;
- }
- //copy them across
- *psb = *sbut;
- return FALSE;
-BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_InsertButton(HWND, int, UINT, SCROLLBUT*) { return FALSE; }
-BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_ModifyButton(HWND, int, UINT, BOOL, SCROLLBUT*) { return FALSE; }
-BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_RemoveButton(HWND, int, UINT, BOOL) { return FALSE; }
-BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_GetButton(HWND, int, UINT, BOOL, SCROLLBUT*) { return FALSE; }
// Set the size of the scrollbars
BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_SetSize(HWND hwnd, int wBar, int nLength, int nWidth)
diff --git a/plugins/Clist_nicer/src/coolscroll.cpp b/plugins/Clist_nicer/src/coolscroll.cpp
index 0d6b91aa0e..f27fcf6e9c 100644
--- a/plugins/Clist_nicer/src/coolscroll.cpp
+++ b/plugins/Clist_nicer/src/coolscroll.cpp
@@ -478,54 +478,6 @@ BOOL GetScrollRect(SCROLLWND *sw, UINT nBar, HWND hwnd, RECT *rect)
-// This code is a prime candidate for splitting out into a separate
-// file at some stage
-// Calculate the size in pixels of the specified button
-static int GetSingleButSize(SCROLLBAR *sbar, SCROLLBUT *sbut)
- //multiple of the system button size
- //or a specific button size
- if (sbut->nSize < 0)
- {
- if (sbar->nBarType == SB_HORZ)
- return -sbut->nSize * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXHSCROLL);
- else
- return -sbut->nSize * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVSCROLL);
- }
- else
- return sbut->nSize;
-// Find the size in pixels of all the inserted buttons,
-// either before or after the specified scrollbar
-static int GetButtonSize(SCROLLBAR *sbar, HWND hwnd, UINT uBeforeAfter)
- int i;
- int nPixels = 0;
- SCROLLBUT *sbut = sbar->sbButtons;
- for (i = 0; i < sbar->nButtons; i++)
- {
- //only consider those buttons on the same side as nTopBottom says
- if (sbut[i].uPlacement == uBeforeAfter)
- {
- nPixels += GetSingleButSize(sbar, &sbut[i]);
- }
- }
- return nPixels;
// Work out the scrollbar width/height for either type of scrollbar (SB_HORZ/SB_VERT)
// rect - coords of the scrollbar.
// store results into *thumbsize and *thumbpos
@@ -1076,287 +1028,6 @@ static LRESULT NCDrawScrollbar(SCROLLBAR *sb, HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, const RECT *re
return NCDrawVScrollbar(sb, hwnd, hdc, rect, uDrawFlags);
-// Draw the specified bitmap centered in the rectangle
-static void DrawImage(HDC hdc, HBITMAP hBitmap, RECT *rc)
- BITMAP bm;
- int cx;
- int cy;
- HDC memdc;
- RECT rcDest = *rc;
- POINT p;
- SIZE delta;
- COLORREF colorOld;
- if (hBitmap == NULL)
- return;
- // center bitmap in caller's rectangle
- GetObject(hBitmap, sizeof bm, &bm);
- cx = bm.bmWidth;
- cy = bm.bmHeight;
- = (rc->right-rc->left - cx) / 2;
- = (rc->bottom-rc->top - cy) / 2;
- if (rc->right-rc->left > cx)
- {
- SetRect(&rcDest, rc->, rc->top +, 0, 0);
- rcDest.right = rcDest.left + cx;
- rcDest.bottom = + cy;
- p.x = 0;
- p.y = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- p.x =;
- p.y =;
- }
- // select checkmark into memory DC
- memdc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
- hOldBM = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(memdc, hBitmap);
- // set BG color based on selected state
- colorOld = SetBkColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
- BitBlt(hdc, rcDest.left,, rcDest.right-rcDest.left,, memdc, p.x, p.y, SRCCOPY);
- // restore
- SetBkColor(hdc, colorOld);
- SelectObject(memdc, hOldBM);
- DeleteDC(memdc);
-// Draw the specified metafile
-static void DrawMetaFile(HDC hdc, HENHMETAFILE hemf, RECT *rect)
- RECT rc;
- POINT pt;
- SetRect(&rc, 0, 0, rect->right-rect->left, rect->bottom-rect->top);
- SetWindowOrgEx(hdc, -rect->left, -rect->top, &pt);
- PlayEnhMetaFile(hdc, hemf, &rc);
- SetWindowOrgEx(hdc, pt.x, pt.y, 0);
-// Draw a single scrollbar inserted button, in whatever style
-// it has been defined to use.
-static UINT DrawScrollButton(SCROLLBUT *sbut, HDC hdc, const RECT *pctrl, UINT flags)
- HWND hwnd;
- RECT rect = *pctrl;
- UINT f;
- switch(sbut->uButType & SBBT_MASK)
- {
- hwnd = WindowFromDC(hdc);
- //fill in the standard header
- nmcd.hdr.hwndFrom = hwnd;
- nmcd.hdr.idFrom = GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_ID);
- nmcd.hdr.code = NM_COOLSB_CUSTOMDRAW;
- nmcd.dwDrawStage = CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT;
- nmcd.nBar = SB_INSBUT;
- nmcd.rect = *pctrl;
- nmcd.uItem = sbut->uCmdId;
- nmcd.hdc = hdc;
- nmcd.uState = flags;
- IntersectClipRect(hdc, rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom);
- SendMessage(GetParent(hwnd), WM_NOTIFY, nmcd.hdr.idFrom, (LPARAM)&nmcd);
- SelectClipRgn(hdc, NULL);
- break;
- case SBBT_FIXED:
- flags &= ~SBBS_PUSHED;
- if (sbut->uState != SBBS_NORMAL)
- flags |= SBBS_PUSHED;
- __fallthrough;
- f = flags & SBBS_PUSHED ? DFCS_PUSHED | DFCS_FLAT : 0;
- if (sbut->uButType & SBBM_LEFTARROW)
- {
- DrawFrameControl(hdc, &rect, DFC_SCROLL, DFCS_SCROLLLEFT | f);
- }
- else if (sbut->uButType & SBBM_RIGHTARROW)
- {
- DrawFrameControl(hdc, &rect, DFC_SCROLL, DFCS_SCROLLRIGHT | f);
- }
- else if (sbut->uButType & SBBM_UPARROW)
- {
- DrawFrameControl(hdc, &rect, DFC_SCROLL, DFCS_SCROLLUP | f);
- }
- else if (sbut->uButType & SBBM_DOWNARROW)
- {
- DrawFrameControl(hdc, &rect, DFC_SCROLL, DFCS_SCROLLDOWN | f);
- }
- else
- {
- //
- if (flags & SBBS_PUSHED)
- {
- if (sbut->uButType & SBBM_RECESSED)
- {
- InflateRect(&rect, -1, -1);
- DrawEdge(hdc, &rect, EDGE_SUNKEN, BF_RECT|BF_FLAT);
- InflateRect(&rect, 1, 1);
- FrameRect(hdc, &rect, GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_3DDKSHADOW));
- InflateRect(&rect, -2, -2);
- }
- else
- {
- DrawEdge(hdc, &rect, EDGE_SUNKEN, BF_RECT | BF_FLAT | BF_ADJUST);
- InflateRect(&rect, 1, 1);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // draw the button borders
- if (sbut->uButType & SBBM_TYPE2)
- {
- DrawFrameControl(hdc, &rect, DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH);
- InflateRect(&rect, -2, -2);
- }
- else if (sbut->uButType & SBBM_TYPE3)
- {
- DrawFrameControl(hdc, &rect, DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH);
- InflateRect(&rect, -1, -1);
- }
- else
- {
- DrawEdge(hdc, &rect, EDGE_RAISED, BF_RECT | BF_ADJUST);
- rect.bottom++;
- rect.right++;
- }
- OffsetRect(&rect, -1, -1);
-; rect.left++;
- }
- if (sbut->hBmp)
- {
- PaintRect(hdc, &rect, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
- if (flags & SBBS_PUSHED)
- {
-; rect.left++;
- }
- IntersectClipRect(hdc, rect.left,, rect.right,rect.bottom);
- DrawImage(hdc, sbut->hBmp, &rect);
- SelectClipRgn(hdc, 0);
- }
- else if (sbut->hEmf)
- {
- PaintRect(hdc, &rect, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
- InflateRect(&rect, -1, -1);
- if (flags & SBBS_PUSHED)
- {
-; rect.left++;
- }
- IntersectClipRect(hdc, rect.left,, rect.right,rect.bottom);
- DrawMetaFile(hdc, sbut->hEmf, &rect);
- SelectClipRgn(hdc, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- PaintRect(hdc, &rect, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
- }
- }
- break;
- case SBBT_BLANK:
- PaintRect(hdc, &rect, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
- break;
- case SBBT_FLAT:
- DrawBlankButton(hdc, &rect, BF_FLAT);
- break;
- case SBBT_DARK:
- PaintRect(hdc, &rect, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DDKSHADOW));
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-// Draw any buttons inserted into the horizontal scrollbar
-// assume that the button widths have already been calculated
-// Note: RECT *rect is the rectangle of the scrollbar
-// leftright: 1 = left, 2 = right, 3 = both
-static LRESULT DrawHorzButtons(SCROLLBAR *sbar, HDC hdc, const RECT *rect, int leftright)
- int i;
- int xposl, xposr;
- RECT ctrl;
- SCROLLBUT *sbut = sbar->sbButtons;
- xposl = rect->left - sbar->nButSizeBefore;
- xposr = rect->right;
- for (i = 0; i < sbar->nButtons; i++)
- {
- if ((leftright & SBBP_LEFT) && sbut[i].uPlacement == SBBP_LEFT)
- {
- int butwidth = GetSingleButSize(sbar, &sbut[i]);
- SetRect(&ctrl, xposl, rect->top, xposl + butwidth, rect->bottom);
- RotateRect0(sbar, &ctrl);
- DrawScrollButton(&sbut[i], hdc, &ctrl, SBBS_NORMAL);
- xposl += butwidth;
- }
- if ((leftright & SBBP_RIGHT) && sbut[i].uPlacement == SBBP_RIGHT)
- {
- int butwidth = GetSingleButSize(sbar, &sbut[i]);
- SetRect(&ctrl, xposr, rect->top, xposr + butwidth, rect->bottom);
- RotateRect0(sbar, &ctrl);
- DrawScrollButton(&sbut[i], hdc, &ctrl, SBBS_NORMAL);
- xposr += butwidth;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static LRESULT DrawVertButtons(SCROLLBAR *sbar, HDC hdc, const RECT *rect, int leftright)
- RECT rc = *rect;
- RotateRect(&rc);
- DrawHorzButtons(sbar, hdc, &rc, leftright);
- return 0;
// Define these two for proper processing of NCPAINT
// NOT needed if we don't bother to mask the scrollbars we draw
@@ -1535,36 +1206,11 @@ static UINT GetHorzPortion(SCROLLBAR *sb, RECT *rect, int x, int y)
RECT rc = *rect;
- if (y < || y >= rc.bottom) return HTSCROLL_NONE;
- if (sb->fButVisibleBefore)
- {
- //clicked on the buttons to the left of the scrollbar
- if (x >= rc.left && x < rc.left + sb->nButSizeBefore)
- //adjust the rectangle to exclude the left-side buttons, now that we
- //know we havn't clicked on them
- rc.left += sb->nButSizeBefore;
- }
- if (sb->fButVisibleAfter)
- {
- //clicked on the buttons to the right of the scrollbar
- if (x >= rc.right - sb->nButSizeAfter && x < rc.right)
- //adjust the rectangle to exclude the right-side buttons, now that we
- //know we havn't clicked on them
- rc.right -= sb->nButSizeAfter;
- }
+ if (y < || y >= rc.bottom)
- //Now we have the rectangle for the scrollbar itself, so work out
- //what part we clicked on.
+ // Now we have the rectangle for the scrollbar itself, so work out
+ // what part we clicked on.
return GetHorzScrollPortion(sb, &rc, x, y);
@@ -1630,172 +1276,6 @@ static void GetRealScrollRect(SCROLLBAR *sb, RECT *rect)
-// All button code shoule be collected together
-// Return the index of the button covering the specified point
-// rect - rectangle of the whole scrollbar area
-// pt - screen coords of the mouse
-// fReturnRect - do/don't modify the rect to return the button's area
-static UINT GetHorzButtonFromPt(SCROLLBAR *sb, RECT *rect, POINT pt, BOOL fReturnRect)
- int leftpos = rect->left, rightpos = rect->right;
- int i;
- int butwidth;
- SCROLLBUT *sbut = sb->sbButtons;
- if ( !PtInRect(rect, pt))
- return -1;
- if (sb->fButVisibleAfter)
- rightpos -= sb->nButSizeAfter;
- for (i = 0; i < sb->nButtons; i++)
- {
- if (sb->fButVisibleBefore && sbut[i].uPlacement == SBBP_LEFT)
- {
- butwidth = GetSingleButSize(sb, &sbut[i]);
- //if the current button is under the specified point
- if (pt.x >= leftpos && pt.x < leftpos + butwidth)
- {
- //if the caller wants us to return the rectangle of the button
- if (fReturnRect)
- {
- rect->left = leftpos;
- rect->right = leftpos + butwidth;
- }
- return i;
- }
- leftpos += butwidth;
- }
- else if (sb->fButVisibleAfter && sbut[i].uPlacement == SBBP_RIGHT)
- {
- butwidth = GetSingleButSize(sb, &sbut[i]);
- //if the current button is under the specified point
- if (pt.x >= rightpos && pt.x < rightpos + butwidth)
- {
- //if the caller wants us to return the rectangle of the button
- if (fReturnRect)
- {
- rect->left = rightpos;
- rect->right = rightpos + butwidth;
- }
- return i;
- }
- rightpos += butwidth;
- }
- }
- return -1;
-static UINT GetVertButtonFromPt(SCROLLBAR *sb, RECT *rect, POINT pt, BOOL fReturnRect)
- UINT ret;
- int temp;
- //swap the X/Y coords
- temp = pt.x;
- pt.x = pt.y;
- pt.y = temp;
- //swap the rectangle
- RotateRect(rect);
- ret = GetHorzButtonFromPt(sb, rect, pt, fReturnRect);
- RotateRect(rect);
- return ret;
-static UINT GetButtonFromPt(SCROLLBAR *sb, RECT *rect, POINT pt, BOOL fReturnRect)
- if (sb->nBarType == SB_HORZ)
- {
- return GetHorzButtonFromPt(sb, rect, pt, fReturnRect);
- }
- else
- {
- return GetVertButtonFromPt(sb, rect, pt, fReturnRect);
- }
-// Find the coordinates (in RECT format) of the specified button index
-static UINT GetHorzButtonRectFromId(SCROLLBAR *sb, RECT *rect, UINT index)
- UINT i;
- SCROLLBUT *sbut = sb->sbButtons;
- int leftpos = rect->left, rightpos = rect->right;
- if (sb->fButVisibleAfter)
- rightpos -= sb->nButSizeAfter;
- //find the particular button in question
- for (i = 0; i < index; i++)
- {
- if (sb->fButVisibleBefore && sbut[i].uPlacement == SBBP_LEFT)
- {
- leftpos += GetSingleButSize(sb, &sbut[i]);
- }
- else if (sb->fButVisibleAfter && sbut[i].uPlacement == SBBP_RIGHT)
- {
- rightpos += GetSingleButSize(sb, &sbut[i]);
- }
- }
- //now return the rectangle
- if (sbut[i].uPlacement == SBBP_LEFT)
- {
- rect->left = leftpos;
- rect->right = leftpos + GetSingleButSize(sb, &sbut[i]);
- }
- else
- {
- rect->left = rightpos;
- rect->right = rightpos + GetSingleButSize(sb, &sbut[i]);
- }
- return 0;
-static UINT GetVertButtonRectFromId(SCROLLBAR *sb, RECT *rect, UINT index)
- UINT ret;
- RotateRect(rect);
- ret = GetHorzButtonRectFromId(sb, rect, index);
- RotateRect(rect);
- return ret;
-static UINT GetButtonRectFromId(SCROLLBAR *sb, RECT *rect, UINT index)
- if (sb->nBarType == SB_HORZ)
- {
- return GetHorzButtonRectFromId(sb, rect, index);
- }
- else
- {
- return GetVertButtonRectFromId(sb, rect, index);
- }
// Left button click in the non-client area
static LRESULT NCLButtonDown(SCROLLWND *sw, HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
@@ -1849,38 +1329,7 @@ static LRESULT NCLButtonDown(SCROLLWND *sw, HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lPa
// we can now share the same code for vertical
// and horizontal scrollbars
- switch(uCurrentScrollPortion)
- {
- //inserted buttons to the left/right
- KillTimer(hwnd, uMouseOverId);
- uMouseOverId = 0;
- uMouseOverScrollbar = COOLSB_NONE;
- //find the index of the button that has been clicked
- //adjust the rectangle to give the button's rectangle
- uCurrentButton = GetButtonFromPt(sb, &rect, pt, TRUE);
- sbut = &sb->sbButtons[uCurrentButton];
- //post a notification message
- PostMouseNotify(hwnd, NM_CLICK, sb->nBarType, &rect, sbut->uCmdId, pt);
- GetWindowRect(hwnd, &winrect);
- OffsetRect(&rect, -winrect.left,;
- hdc = GetWindowDC(hwnd);
- DrawScrollButton(sbut, hdc, &rect, SBBS_PUSHED);
- ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
- break;
+ switch(uCurrentScrollPortion) {
//if the scrollbar is disabled, then do no further processing
@@ -2019,47 +1468,7 @@ static LRESULT LButtonUp(SCROLLWND *sw, HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
//we need to do different things depending on if the
//user is activating the scrollbar itself, or one of
//the inserted buttons
- switch(uCurrentScrollPortion)
- {
- //inserted buttons are being clicked
- //get the rectangle of the ACTIVE button
- buttonIdx = GetButtonFromPt(sb, &rect, pt, FALSE);
- GetButtonRectFromId(sb, &rect, uCurrentButton);
- OffsetRect(&rect, -winrect.left,;
- //Send the notification BEFORE we redraw, so the
- //bitmap can be changed smoothly by the user if they require
- if (uCurrentButton == buttonIdx)
- {
- SCROLLBUT *sbut = &sb->sbButtons[buttonIdx];
- UINT cmdid = sbut->uCmdId;
- if ((sbut->uButType & SBBT_MASK) == SBBT_TOGGLEBUTTON)
- sbut->uState ^= 1;
- //send a notify??
- //only post a message if the command id is valid
- if (cmdid != -1 && cmdid > 0)
- SendMessage(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(cmdid, CSBN_CLICKED), 0);
- //user might have deleted this button, so redraw whole area
- NCPaint(sw, hwnd, 1, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- //otherwise, just redraw the button in its new state
- hdc = GetWindowDC(hwnd);
- DrawScrollButton(&sb->sbButtons[uCurrentButton], hdc, &rect, SBBS_NORMAL);
- ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
- }
- break;
+ switch(uCurrentScrollPortion) {
//The scrollbar is active
@@ -2323,101 +1732,6 @@ static LRESULT MouseMove(SCROLLWND *sw, HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
//user is activating the scrollbar itself, or one of
//the inserted buttons
switch(uCurrentScrollPortion) {
- //inserted buttons are being clicked
- //find the index of the button that has been clicked
- //Don't adjust the rectangle though
- buttonIdx = GetButtonFromPt(sb, &rect, pt, FALSE);
- //Get the rectangle of the active button
- GetButtonRectFromId(sb, &rect, uCurrentButton);
- //if the button to the LEFT of the current
- //button is resizable, then resize it
- if (uCurrentButton > 0)
- {
- sbut = &sb->sbButtons[uCurrentButton - 1];
- //only resize if BOTH buttons are on same side of scrollbar
- if (sbut->uPlacement == (sbut+1)->uPlacement && (sbut->uButType & SBBM_RESIZABLE))
- {
- int oldsize = sbut->nSize;
- int butsize1, butsize2;
- RECT rect2;
- int scrollsize;
- if (uCurrentScrollbar == SB_HORZ)
- {
- rect.left -= GetSingleButSize(sb, sbut);
- sbut->nSize = pt.x - rect.left;
- }
- else
- {
- -= GetSingleButSize(sb, sbut);
- sbut->nSize = pt.y -;
- }
- //if (sbut->nSize < 0) sbut->nSize = 0;
- if (sbut->nSize < (int)sbut->nMinSize)
- sbut->nSize = sbut->nMinSize;
- if ((UINT)sbut->nSize > (UINT)sbut->nMaxSize)
- sbut->nSize = sbut->nMaxSize;
- GetScrollRect(sw, uCurrentScrollbar, hwnd, &rect2);
- if (uCurrentScrollbar == SB_HORZ)
- scrollsize = rect2.right-rect2.left;
- else
- scrollsize =;
- butsize1 = GetButtonSize(sb, hwnd, SBBP_LEFT);
- butsize2 = GetButtonSize(sb, hwnd, SBBP_RIGHT);
- //adjust the button size if it gets too big
- if (butsize1 + butsize2 > scrollsize - MINSCROLLSIZE)
- {
- sbut->nSize -= (butsize1+butsize2) - (scrollsize - MINSCROLLSIZE);
- }
- //remember what size the USER set the button to
- sbut->nSizeReserved = sbut->nSize;
- NCPaint(sw, hwnd, 1, 0);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- OffsetRect(&rect, -winrect.left,;
- hdc = GetWindowDC(hwnd);
- //if the button under the mouse is not the active button,
- //then display the active button in its normal state
- if (buttonIdx != uCurrentButton
- //include this if toggle buttons always stay depressed
- //if they are being activated
- && (sb->sbButtons[uCurrentButton].uButType & SBBT_MASK) != SBBT_TOGGLEBUTTON)
- {
- if (lastbutton != buttonIdx)
- DrawScrollButton(&sb->sbButtons[uCurrentButton], hdc, &rect, SBBS_NORMAL);
- }
- //otherwise, depress the active button if the mouse is over
- //it (just like a normal scroll button works)
- else
- {
- if (lastbutton != buttonIdx)
- DrawScrollButton(&sb->sbButtons[uCurrentButton], hdc, &rect, SBBS_PUSHED);
- }
- ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
- return mir_callNextSubclass(hwnd, CoolSBWndProc, WM_MOUSEMOVE, wParam, lParam);
- //break;
//The scrollbar is active
@@ -2455,71 +1769,6 @@ static LRESULT MouseMove(SCROLLWND *sw, HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
return 0;
-// Any resizable buttons must be shrunk to fit if the window is made too small
-static void ResizeButtonsToFit(SCROLLWND *sw, SCROLLBAR *sbar, HWND hwnd)
- int butsize1, butsize2;
- RECT rc;
- int scrollsize;
- int i;
- SCROLLBUT *sbut;
- //make sure that the scrollbar can fit into space, by
- //shrinking any resizable buttons
- GetScrollRect(sw, sbar->nBarType, hwnd, &rc);
- if (sbar->nBarType == SB_HORZ)
- scrollsize = rc.right-rc.left;
- else
- scrollsize =;
- //restore any resizable buttons to their user-defined sizes,
- //before shrinking them to fit. This means when we make the window
- //bigger, the buttons will restore to their initial sizes
- for (i = 0; i < sbar->nButtons; i++)
- {
- sbut = &sbar->sbButtons[i];
- if (sbut->uButType & SBBM_RESIZABLE)
- {
- sbut->nSize = sbut->nSizeReserved;
- }
- }
- butsize1 = GetButtonSize(sbar, hwnd, SBBP_LEFT);
- butsize2 = GetButtonSize(sbar, hwnd, SBBP_RIGHT);
- if (butsize1 + butsize2 > scrollsize - MINSCROLLSIZE)
- {
- i = 0;
- while(i < sbar->nButtons &&
- butsize1 + butsize2 > scrollsize - MINSCROLLSIZE)
- {
- sbut = &sbar->sbButtons[i++];
- if (sbut->uButType & SBBM_RESIZABLE)
- {
- int oldsize = sbut->nSize;
- sbut->nSize -= (butsize1+butsize2) - (scrollsize-MINSCROLLSIZE);
- if (sbut->nSize < (int)sbut->nMinSize)
- sbut->nSize = sbut->nMinSize;
- if ((UINT)sbut->nSize > (UINT)sbut->nMaxSize)
- sbut->nSize = sbut->nMaxSize;
- butsize1 -= (oldsize - sbut->nSize);
- }
- }
- }
// We must allocate from in the non-client area for our scrollbars
// Call the default window procedure first, to get the borders (if any)
@@ -2574,18 +1823,12 @@ static LRESULT NCCalcSize(SCROLLWND *sw, HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam
//if there is room, allocate some space for the horizontal scrollbar
//NOTE: Change the ">" to a ">=" to make the horz bar totally fill the
//window before disappearing
- if ((sb->fScrollFlags & CSBS_VISIBLE) &&
- rect->bottom - rect->top >= GetScrollMetric(sb, SM_CYHORZSB))
- rect->bottom - rect->top > GetScrollMetric(sb, SM_CYHORZSB))
+ if ((sb->fScrollFlags & CSBS_VISIBLE) && rect->bottom - rect->top > GetScrollMetric(sb, SM_CYHORZSB))
rect->bottom -= GetScrollMetric(sb, SM_CYHORZSB);
sb->fScrollVisible = TRUE;
- else
- sb->fScrollVisible = FALSE;
+ else sb->fScrollVisible = FALSE;
sb = &sw->sbarVert;
@@ -2600,15 +1843,7 @@ static LRESULT NCCalcSize(SCROLLWND *sw, HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam
sb->fScrollVisible = TRUE;
- else
- sb->fScrollVisible = FALSE;
- ResizeButtonsToFit(sw, &sw->sbarHorz, hwnd);
- ResizeButtonsToFit(sw, &sw->sbarVert, hwnd);
+ else sb->fScrollVisible = FALSE;
//don't return a value unless we actually modify the other rectangles
//in the NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS structure. In this case, we return 0
@@ -2811,108 +2046,6 @@ static LRESULT SendToolTipMessage0(HWND hwndTT, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPA
#define SendToolTipMessage 1 ? (void)0 : SendToolTipMessage0
-// We must intercept any calls to SetWindowLongPtr, to make sure that
-// the user does not set the WS_VSCROLL or WS_HSCROLL styles
-static LRESULT CoolSB_SetCursor(SCROLLWND* /*swnd*/, HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- UINT lo = LOWORD(lParam);
- UINT hi = HIWORD(lParam);
- UINT xy;
- RECT rect;
- SCROLLBAR *sbar;
- SCROLLBUT *sbut;
- POINT pt;
- UINT id;
- static UINT lastid;
- static UINT lastmsg;
- if (lastmsg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN)
- {
- lastmsg = hi;
- return mir_callNextSubclass(hwnd, CoolSBWndProc, WM_SETCURSOR, wParam, lParam);
- }
- else
- lastmsg = hi;
- //if we are over either or our scrollbars
- if (lo == HTHSCROLL || lo == HTVSCROLL)
- {
- xy = GetMessagePos();
- pt.x = LOWORD(xy);
- pt.y = HIWORD(xy);
- if (lo == HTHSCROLL)
- {
- sbar = &swnd->sbarHorz;
- GetScrollRect(swnd, SB_HORZ, hwnd, &rect);
- id = GetHorzPortion(sbar, hwnd, &rect, pt.x, pt.y);
- }
- else
- {
- sbar = &swnd->sbarVert;
- GetScrollRect(swnd, SB_VERT, hwnd, &rect);
- id = GetVertPortion(sbar, hwnd, &rect, pt.x, pt.y);
- }
- {
- if (swnd->hwndToolTip != 0)
- {
- SendToolTipMessage(swnd->hwndToolTip, TTM_ACTIVATE, FALSE, 0);
- SendToolTipMessage(swnd->hwndToolTip, TTM_POP, 0, 0);
- }
- return mir_callNextSubclass(hwnd, CoolSBWndProc, WM_SETCURSOR, wParam, lParam);
- }
- if (swnd->hwndToolTip != 0)
- {
- SendToolTipMessage(swnd->hwndToolTip, TTM_ACTIVATE, TRUE, 0);
- }
- //set the cursor if one has been specified
- if ((id = GetButtonFromPt(sbar, &rect, pt, TRUE)) != -1)
- {
- sbut = &sbar->sbButtons[id];
- curTool = sbut->uCmdId;
- if (lastid != id && swnd->hwndToolTip != 0)
- {
- if (IsWindowVisible(swnd->hwndToolTip))
- SendToolTipMessage(swnd->hwndToolTip, TTM_UPDATE, TRUE, 0);
- }
- lastid = id;
- if (sbut->hCurs != 0)
- {
- SetCursor(sbut->hCurs);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- curTool = -1;
- lastid = -1;
- }
- }
- else if (swnd->hwndToolTip != 0)
- {
- SendToolTipMessage(swnd->hwndToolTip, TTM_ACTIVATE, FALSE, 0);
- SendToolTipMessage(swnd->hwndToolTip, TTM_POP, 0, 0);
- }
- return mir_callNextSubclass(hwnd, CoolSBWndProc, WM_SETCURSOR, wParam, lParam);
// Send the specified message to the tooltip control
@@ -3037,10 +2170,6 @@ LRESULT CALLBACK CoolSBWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lP
return NCMouseMove(swnd, hwnd, wParam, lParam);
- return CoolSB_SetCursor(swnd, hwnd, wParam, lParam);
diff --git a/plugins/Clist_nicer/src/coolscroll.h b/plugins/Clist_nicer/src/coolscroll.h
index c5fe848a83..4ffc36fdf7 100644
--- a/plugins/Clist_nicer/src/coolscroll.h
+++ b/plugins/Clist_nicer/src/coolscroll.h
@@ -123,102 +123,79 @@ extern "C"{
-BOOL WINAPI InitializeCoolSB(HWND hwnd);
-HRESULT WINAPI UninitializeCoolSB (HWND hwnd);
+BOOL WINAPI InitializeCoolSB(HWND hwnd);
+void WINAPI UninitializeCoolSB(HWND hwnd);
BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_SetMinThumbSize(HWND hwnd, UINT wBar, UINT size);
BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_IsThumbTracking(HWND hwnd);
BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_IsCoolScrollEnabled(HWND hwnd);
-BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_EnableScrollBar (HWND hwnd, int wSBflags, UINT wArrows);
-BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_GetScrollInfo (HWND hwnd, int fnBar, LPSCROLLINFO lpsi);
-int WINAPI CoolSB_GetScrollPos (HWND hwnd, int nBar);
-BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_GetScrollRange (HWND hwnd, int nBar, LPINT lpMinPos, LPINT lpMaxPos);
-int WINAPI CoolSB_SetScrollInfo (HWND hwnd, int fnBar, LPSCROLLINFO lpsi, BOOL fRedraw);
-int WINAPI CoolSB_SetScrollPos (HWND hwnd, int nBar, int nPos, BOOL fRedraw);
-int WINAPI CoolSB_SetScrollRange (HWND hwnd, int nBar, int nMinPos, int nMaxPos, BOOL fRedraw);
-BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_ShowScrollBar (HWND hwnd, int wBar, BOOL fShow);
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_EnableScrollBar(HWND hwnd, int wSBflags, UINT wArrows);
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_GetScrollInfo(HWND hwnd, int fnBar, LPSCROLLINFO lpsi);
+int WINAPI CoolSB_GetScrollPos(HWND hwnd, int nBar);
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_GetScrollRange(HWND hwnd, int nBar, LPINT lpMinPos, LPINT lpMaxPos);
+int WINAPI CoolSB_SetScrollInfo(HWND hwnd, int fnBar, LPSCROLLINFO lpsi, BOOL fRedraw);
+int WINAPI CoolSB_SetScrollPos(HWND hwnd, int nBar, int nPos, BOOL fRedraw);
+int WINAPI CoolSB_SetScrollRange(HWND hwnd, int nBar, int nMinPos, int nMaxPos, BOOL fRedraw);
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_ShowScrollBar(HWND hwnd, int wBar, BOOL fShow);
// Scrollbar dimension functions
-BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_SetSize (HWND hwnd, int wBar, int nLength, int nWidth);
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_SetSize(HWND hwnd, int wBar, int nLength, int nWidth);
// Set the visual nature of a scrollbar (flat, normal etc)
-BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_SetStyle (HWND hwnd, int wBar, UINT nStyle);
-BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_SetThumbAlways (HWND hwnd, int wBar, BOOL fThumbAlways);
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_SetStyle(HWND hwnd, int wBar, UINT nStyle);
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_SetThumbAlways(HWND hwnd, int wBar, BOOL fThumbAlways);
// Scrollbar button structure, for inserted buttons only
-typedef struct
- UINT fMask; //which members are in use
- UINT uPlacement; //is this button to the left/right (above/below) of the scrollbar??
- UINT uCmdId; //command identifier (WM_COMMAND value to send)
- UINT uButType; //
- UINT uState; //toggled etc
- int nSize; //size in pixels. -1 for autosize
+ UINT fMask; // which members are in use
+ UINT uPlacement; // is this button to the left/right (above/below) of the scrollbar??
+ UINT uCmdId; // command identifier (WM_COMMAND value to send)
+ UINT uButType;
+ UINT uState; // toggled etc
+ int nSize; // size in pixels. -1 for autosize
- HBITMAP hBmp; //handle to a bitmap to use as the button face
- HENHMETAFILE hEmf; //handle to an enhanced metafile
+ HBITMAP hBmp; // handle to a bitmap to use as the button face
+ HENHMETAFILE hEmf; // handle to an enhanced metafile
- HCURSOR hCurs; //handle to a user-supplied mouse cursor to apply
- //to this button
- int nSizeReserved; //internal variable used for resizing
- int nMinSize; //min size
- int nMaxSize; //max size
+ HCURSOR hCurs; // handle to a user-supplied mouse cursor to apply
+ // to this button
-BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_InsertButton(HWND hwnd, int wSBflags, UINT nPos, SCROLLBUT *psb);
-BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_ModifyButton(HWND hwnd, int wSBflags, UINT uItem, BOOL fByCmd, SCROLLBUT *psb);
-BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_RemoveButton(HWND hwnd, int wSBflags, UINT uItem, BOOL fByCmd);
-BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_GetButton (HWND hwnd, int wSBflags, UINT uItem, BOOL fByCmd, SCROLLBUT *psb);
+ int nSizeReserved; // internal variable used for resizing
+ int nMinSize; // min size
+ int nMaxSize; // max size
-void WINAPI CoolSB_SetESBProc(void *proc);
-typedef struct
NMHDR hdr;
- DWORD dwDrawStage;
- HDC hdc;
- RECT rect;
- UINT uItem;
- UINT uState;
- UINT nBar;
-typedef struct
+ DWORD dwDrawStage;
+ HDC hdc;
+ RECT rect;
+ UINT uItem;
+ UINT uState;
+ UINT nBar;
- NMHDR hdr;
- RECT rect;
- POINT pt;
- UINT uCmdId;
- UINT uState;
- int nBar;
-typedef struct
- NMHDR hdr;
- DWORD dwDrawStage;
- HDC hdc;
- RECT rect;
- UINT uCmdId;
- UINT uState;
+ NMHDR hdr;
+ RECT rect;
+ POINT pt;
+ UINT uCmdId;
+ UINT uState;
+ int nBar;
// Define the WM_NOTIFY code value for cool-scrollbar custom drawing
diff --git a/plugins/Clist_nicer/src/userdefs.h b/plugins/Clist_nicer/src/userdefs.h
index ea7ea1fe92..30e5afe63f 100644
--- a/plugins/Clist_nicer/src/userdefs.h
+++ b/plugins/Clist_nicer/src/userdefs.h
@@ -10,11 +10,6 @@
-/* allow inserted buttons. Without this, all button code will
- be excluded, resulting in a smaller build (about 4kb less). This
- may not seem much, but it is a 25% reduction! */
/* Allow user-resizable buttons. Makes no difference if INCLUDE_BUTTONS
is not defined for the project */
@@ -29,13 +24,6 @@
/* Define to enable WM_NOTIFY messages to be sent for mouse event */
-/* Define this value to make the horizontal scrollbar stay visible even
- if the window is sized to small vertically. Normal scrollbars always leave
- a 1-pixel line of "client" area before hiding the horizontal scrollbar. This
- value allows the window to be sized so the client area totally disappears if
- sized too small */
/* minimum size of scrollbar before inserted buttons are
hidden to make room when the window is sized too small */
#define MIN_COOLSB_SIZE 24
@@ -44,11 +32,6 @@
resize is stopped because the scrollbar has gotten too small */
-/* define this to display the default mouse arrow whenever the
- the mouse is released over a button which has a user-defined cursor.
- not really very useful, just provides a different type of feedback */
/* enable HOT_TRACKING to provide visual feedback when the mouse
moves over a scrollbar area (like Flat Scrollbars) */