path: root/plugins/Folders
diff options
authorKirill Volinsky <>2018-12-27 10:54:45 +0300
committerKirill Volinsky <>2018-12-27 10:54:45 +0300
commit02c1073358630dc010bc74df7e35e14d30d58488 (patch)
treeda460e474bba4831f8114d65b0c584ac588df488 /plugins/Folders
parent50b460e1381cfd3d8dbccc69892a70db2eeb2288 (diff)
Folders: options class structure fix
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Folders')
2 files changed, 200 insertions, 234 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Folders/src/dlg_handlers.cpp b/plugins/Folders/src/dlg_handlers.cpp
index 11161e1ddc..d29e02aaaa 100644
--- a/plugins/Folders/src/dlg_handlers.cpp
+++ b/plugins/Folders/src/dlg_handlers.cpp
@@ -4,228 +4,241 @@ PFolderItem lastItem = nullptr;
CDlgBase *pHelpDialog = nullptr;
-PFolderItem COptDialog::GetSelectedItem()
- int index = m_lbItems.GetCurSel();
- if (index == LB_ERR)
- return nullptr;
+class CHelpDialog : public CDlgBase
+ CCtrlButton m_btnClose;
+ CCtrlRichEdit m_redtHelp;
+ CHelpDialog() :
+ CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_VARIABLES_HELP),
+ m_btnClose(this, IDCLOSE),
+ m_redtHelp(this, IDC_HELP_RICHEDIT)
+ {
+ m_btnClose.OnClick = Callback(this, &CHelpDialog::OnCloseClick);
+ }
- return (PFolderItem)m_lbItems.GetItemData(index);
+ bool OnInitDialog() override
+ {
+ wchar_t tszMessage[2048];
+ mir_snwprintf(tszMessage, L"%s\r\n%s\r\n\r\n%s\t\t%s\r\n%%miranda_path%%\t\t%s\r\n%%profile_path%%\t\t%s\r\n\t\t\t%s\r\n%%current_profile%%\t\t%s\r\n\t\t\t%s\r\n\r\n\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n%%miranda_path%%\t\t\t%s\r\n%%profile_path%%\t\t\t%s\r\n%%current_profile%%\t\t\t%s\r\n%%temp%%\t\t\t\t%s\r\n%%profile_path%%\\%%current_profile%%\t%s\r\n%%miranda_path%%\\plugins\\config\t%s\r\n' %%miranda_path%%\\\\\\\\ '\t\t%s\r\n\r\n%s",
+ TranslateT("Don't forget to click on Apply to save the changes. If you don't then the changes won't"),
+ TranslateT("be saved to the database, they will only be valid for this session."),
+ TranslateT("Variable string"),
+ TranslateT("What it expands to:"),
+ TranslateT("Expands to your Miranda path (e.g., c:\\program files\\miranda ng)."),
+ TranslateT("Expands to your profile path - the value found in mirandaboot.ini,"),
+ TranslateT("ProfileDir section (usually inside Miranda's folder)."),
+ TranslateT("Expands to your current profile name without the extenstion."),
+ TranslateT("(e.g., default if your your profile is default.dat)."),
+ TranslateT("Environment variables"),
+ TranslateT("The plugin can also expand environment variables; the variables are specified like in any other"),
+ TranslateT("program that can use environment variables, i.e., %<env variable>%."),
+ TranslateT("Note: Environment variables are expanded before any Miranda variables. So if you have, for"),
+ TranslateT("example, %profile_path% defined as a system variable then it will be expanded to that value"),
+ TranslateT("instead of expanding to Miranda's profile path."),
+ TranslateT("Examples:"),
+ TranslateT("If the value for the ProfileDir inside mirandaboot.ini, ProfileDir section is '.\\profiles\\', current"),
+ TranslateT("profile is 'default.dat' and Miranda path is 'c:\\program files\\miranda ng\\' then:"),
+ TranslateT("will expand to 'c:\\program files\\miranda ng'"),
+ TranslateT("will expand to 'c:\\program files\\miranda ng\\profiles'"),
+ TranslateT("will expand to 'default'"),
+ TranslateT("will expand to the temp folder of the current user."),
+ TranslateT("will expand to 'c:\\program files\\miranda ng\\profiles\\default'"),
+ TranslateT("will expand to 'c:\\program files\\miranda ng\\plugins\\config'"),
+ TranslateT("will expand to 'c:\\program files\\miranda ng'"),
+ TranslateT("Notice that the spaces at the beginning and the end of the string are trimmed, as well as the last."));
+ m_redtHelp.SetText(tszMessage);
+ return true;
+ }
-int COptDialog::ContainsSection(const wchar_t *section)
- int index = m_lbSections.SendMsg(LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, -1, (LPARAM)section);
- return (index != LB_ERR);
+ bool OnClose() override
+ {
+ if (pHelpDialog == this)
+ pHelpDialog = nullptr;
+ return true;
+ }
-void COptDialog::LoadRegisteredFolderSections()
- for (auto &it : lstRegisteredFolders) {
- wchar_t *translated = mir_a2u(it->GetSection());
- if (!ContainsSection(TranslateW(translated))) {
- int idx = m_lbSections.AddString(TranslateW(translated), 0);
- m_lbSections.SetItemData(idx, (LPARAM)it->GetSection());
- }
- mir_free(translated);
+ void OnCloseClick(CCtrlBase*)
+ {
+ Close();
-void COptDialog::LoadRegisteredFolderItems()
+class COptDialog : public CDlgBase
- int idx = m_lbSections.GetCurSel();
- if (idx == LB_ERR)
- return;
+ CCtrlListBox m_lbSections, m_lbItems;
+ CCtrlEdit m_edtPreview, m_edtEdit;
+ CCtrlButton m_btnRefresh, m_btnHelp;
- char* szSection = (char*)m_lbSections.GetItemData(idx);
+ PFolderItem GetSelectedItem()
+ {
+ int index = m_lbItems.GetCurSel();
+ if (index == LB_ERR)
+ return nullptr;
- m_lbItems.ResetContent();
- for (auto &it : lstRegisteredFolders) {
- if (!mir_strcmp(szSection, it->GetSection())) {
- idx = m_lbItems.AddString(TranslateW(it->GetUserName()), 0);
- m_lbItems.SetItemData(idx, (LPARAM)it);
- }
+ return (PFolderItem)m_lbItems.GetItemData(index);
- m_lbItems.SetCurSel(0); //select the first item
- OnItemsSelChange(0); //tell the dialog to refresh the preview
-void COptDialog::RefreshPreview()
- wchar_t tmp[MAX_FOLDER_SIZE];
- m_edtEdit.GetText(tmp, _countof(tmp));
- m_edtPreview.SetText(ExpandPath(tmp));
-void COptDialog::LoadItem(PFolderItem item)
- if (!item)
- return;
- m_edtEdit.SetText(item->GetFormat());
- RefreshPreview();
+ int ContainsSection(const wchar_t *section)
+ {
+ int index = m_lbSections.SendMsg(LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, -1, (LPARAM)section);
+ return (index != LB_ERR);
+ }
-void COptDialog::SaveItem(PFolderItem item, int bEnableApply)
- if (!item)
- return;
+ void LoadRegisteredFolderSections()
+ {
+ for (auto &it : lstRegisteredFolders) {
+ wchar_t *translated = mir_a2u(it->GetSection());
+ if (!ContainsSection(TranslateW(translated))) {
+ int idx = m_lbSections.AddString(TranslateW(translated), 0);
+ m_lbSections.SetItemData(idx, (LPARAM)it->GetSection());
+ }
+ mir_free(translated);
+ }
+ }
- wchar_t buffer[MAX_FOLDER_SIZE];
- m_edtEdit.GetText(buffer, _countof(buffer));
- item->SetFormat(buffer);
+ void LoadRegisteredFolderItems()
+ {
+ int idx = m_lbSections.GetCurSel();
+ if (idx == LB_ERR)
+ return;
- if (bEnableApply)
- NotifyChange();
+ char* szSection = (char*)m_lbSections.GetItemData(idx);
-int COptDialog::ChangesNotSaved(PFolderItem item)
- if (!item)
- return 0;
+ m_lbItems.ResetContent();
+ for (auto &it : lstRegisteredFolders) {
+ if (!mir_strcmp(szSection, it->GetSection())) {
+ idx = m_lbItems.AddString(TranslateW(it->GetUserName()), 0);
+ m_lbItems.SetItemData(idx, (LPARAM)it);
+ }
+ }
+ m_lbItems.SetCurSel(0); //select the first item
+ OnItemsSelChange(0); //tell the dialog to refresh the preview
+ }
- wchar_t buffer[MAX_FOLDER_SIZE];
- m_edtEdit.GetText(buffer, _countof(buffer));
- return mir_wstrcmp(item->GetFormat(), buffer) != 0;
+ void RefreshPreview()
+ {
+ wchar_t tmp[MAX_FOLDER_SIZE];
+ m_edtEdit.GetText(tmp, _countof(tmp));
+ m_edtPreview.SetText(ExpandPath(tmp));
+ }
-void COptDialog::CheckForChanges(int bNeedConfirmation = 1)
- if (ChangesNotSaved(lastItem))
- if ((!bNeedConfirmation) || MessageBox(m_hwnd, TranslateT("Some changes weren't saved. Apply the changes now?"), TranslateT("Changes not saved"), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONINFORMATION) == IDYES)
- SaveItem(lastItem, TRUE);
+ void LoadItem(PFolderItem item)
+ {
+ if (!item)
+ return;
-/************************************** DIALOG HANDLERS *************************************/
+ m_edtEdit.SetText(item->GetFormat());
+ RefreshPreview();
+ }
-CHelpDialog::CHelpDialog() :
- CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_VARIABLES_HELP),
- m_btnClose(this, IDCLOSE),
- m_redtHelp(this, IDC_HELP_RICHEDIT)
- m_btnClose.OnClick = Callback(this, &CHelpDialog::OnCloseClick);
+ void SaveItem(PFolderItem item, int bEnableApply)
+ {
+ if (!item)
+ return;
-bool CHelpDialog::OnInitDialog()
- wchar_t tszMessage[2048];
- mir_snwprintf(tszMessage, L"%s\r\n%s\r\n\r\n%s\t\t%s\r\n%%miranda_path%%\t\t%s\r\n%%profile_path%%\t\t%s\r\n\t\t\t%s\r\n%%current_profile%%\t\t%s\r\n\t\t\t%s\r\n\r\n\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n%%miranda_path%%\t\t\t%s\r\n%%profile_path%%\t\t\t%s\r\n%%current_profile%%\t\t\t%s\r\n%%temp%%\t\t\t\t%s\r\n%%profile_path%%\\%%current_profile%%\t%s\r\n%%miranda_path%%\\plugins\\config\t%s\r\n' %%miranda_path%%\\\\\\\\ '\t\t%s\r\n\r\n%s",
- TranslateT("Don't forget to click on Apply to save the changes. If you don't then the changes won't"),
- TranslateT("be saved to the database, they will only be valid for this session."),
- TranslateT("Variable string"),
- TranslateT("What it expands to:"),
- TranslateT("Expands to your Miranda path (e.g., c:\\program files\\miranda ng)."),
- TranslateT("Expands to your profile path - the value found in mirandaboot.ini,"),
- TranslateT("ProfileDir section (usually inside Miranda's folder)."),
- TranslateT("Expands to your current profile name without the extenstion."),
- TranslateT("(e.g., default if your your profile is default.dat)."),
- TranslateT("Environment variables"),
- TranslateT("The plugin can also expand environment variables; the variables are specified like in any other"),
- TranslateT("program that can use environment variables, i.e., %<env variable>%."),
- TranslateT("Note: Environment variables are expanded before any Miranda variables. So if you have, for"),
- TranslateT("example, %profile_path% defined as a system variable then it will be expanded to that value"),
- TranslateT("instead of expanding to Miranda's profile path."),
- TranslateT("Examples:"),
- TranslateT("If the value for the ProfileDir inside mirandaboot.ini, ProfileDir section is '.\\profiles\\', current"),
- TranslateT("profile is 'default.dat' and Miranda path is 'c:\\program files\\miranda ng\\' then:"),
- TranslateT("will expand to 'c:\\program files\\miranda ng'"),
- TranslateT("will expand to 'c:\\program files\\miranda ng\\profiles'"),
- TranslateT("will expand to 'default'"),
- TranslateT("will expand to the temp folder of the current user."),
- TranslateT("will expand to 'c:\\program files\\miranda ng\\profiles\\default'"),
- TranslateT("will expand to 'c:\\program files\\miranda ng\\plugins\\config'"),
- TranslateT("will expand to 'c:\\program files\\miranda ng'"),
- TranslateT("Notice that the spaces at the beginning and the end of the string are trimmed, as well as the last."));
- m_redtHelp.SetText(tszMessage);
- return true;
+ wchar_t buffer[MAX_FOLDER_SIZE];
+ m_edtEdit.GetText(buffer, _countof(buffer));
+ item->SetFormat(buffer);
-bool CHelpDialog::OnClose()
- if (pHelpDialog == this)
- pHelpDialog = nullptr;
- return true;
+ if (bEnableApply)
+ NotifyChange();
+ }
-void CHelpDialog::OnCloseClick(CCtrlBase*)
- Close();
+ int ChangesNotSaved(PFolderItem item)
+ {
+ if (!item)
+ return 0;
-COptDialog::COptDialog() :
- CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_OPT_FOLDERS),
- m_lbSections(this, IDC_FOLDERS_SECTIONS_LIST),
- m_lbItems(this, IDC_FOLDERS_ITEMS_LIST),
- m_edtPreview(this, IDC_PREVIEW_EDIT),
- m_edtEdit(this, IDC_FOLDER_EDIT),
- m_btnRefresh(this, IDC_REFRESH_BUTTON),
- m_btnHelp(this, IDC_HELP_BUTTON)
- m_edtEdit.OnChange = Callback(this, &COptDialog::OnEditChange);
- m_btnRefresh.OnClick = Callback(this, &COptDialog::OnRefreshClick);
- m_btnHelp.OnClick = Callback(this, &COptDialog::OnHelpClick);
- m_lbSections.OnSelChange = Callback(this, &COptDialog::OnSectionsSelChange);
- m_lbItems.OnSelChange = Callback(this, &COptDialog::OnItemsSelChange);
+ wchar_t buffer[MAX_FOLDER_SIZE];
+ m_edtEdit.GetText(buffer, _countof(buffer));
+ return mir_wstrcmp(item->GetFormat(), buffer) != 0;
+ }
-bool COptDialog::OnInitDialog()
- lastItem = nullptr;
- LoadRegisteredFolderSections();
- return true;
+ void CheckForChanges(int bNeedConfirmation = 1)
+ {
+ if (ChangesNotSaved(lastItem))
+ if ((!bNeedConfirmation) || MessageBox(m_hwnd, TranslateT("Some changes weren't saved. Apply the changes now?"), TranslateT("Changes not saved"), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONINFORMATION) == IDYES)
+ SaveItem(lastItem, TRUE);
+ }
-void COptDialog::OnEditChange(CCtrlBase*)
- RefreshPreview();
+ COptDialog() :
+ CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_OPT_FOLDERS),
+ m_lbSections(this, IDC_FOLDERS_SECTIONS_LIST),
+ m_lbItems(this, IDC_FOLDERS_ITEMS_LIST),
+ m_edtPreview(this, IDC_PREVIEW_EDIT),
+ m_edtEdit(this, IDC_FOLDER_EDIT),
+ m_btnRefresh(this, IDC_REFRESH_BUTTON),
+ m_btnHelp(this, IDC_HELP_BUTTON)
+ {
+ m_edtEdit.OnChange = Callback(this, &COptDialog::OnEditChange);
+ m_btnRefresh.OnClick = Callback(this, &COptDialog::OnRefreshClick);
+ m_btnHelp.OnClick = Callback(this, &COptDialog::OnHelpClick);
+ m_lbSections.OnSelChange = Callback(this, &COptDialog::OnSectionsSelChange);
+ m_lbItems.OnSelChange = Callback(this, &COptDialog::OnItemsSelChange);
+ }
-void COptDialog::OnRefreshClick(CCtrlBase*)
- RefreshPreview();
+ bool OnInitDialog() override
+ {
+ lastItem = nullptr;
+ LoadRegisteredFolderSections();
+ return true;
+ }
-void COptDialog::OnHelpClick(CCtrlBase*)
- if (pHelpDialog == nullptr) {
- pHelpDialog = new CHelpDialog();
- pHelpDialog->Show();
+ void OnEditChange(CCtrlBase*)
+ {
+ RefreshPreview();
- else {
- SetForegroundWindow(pHelpDialog->GetHwnd());
- SetFocus(pHelpDialog->GetHwnd());
+ void OnRefreshClick(CCtrlBase*)
+ {
+ RefreshPreview();
-void COptDialog::OnSectionsSelChange(CCtrlBase*)
- CheckForChanges();
- LoadRegisteredFolderItems();
+ void OnHelpClick(CCtrlBase*)
+ {
+ if (pHelpDialog == nullptr) {
+ pHelpDialog = new CHelpDialog();
+ pHelpDialog->Show();
+ }
+ else {
+ SetForegroundWindow(pHelpDialog->GetHwnd());
+ SetFocus(pHelpDialog->GetHwnd());
+ }
+ }
-void COptDialog::OnItemsSelChange(CCtrlBase*)
- PFolderItem item = GetSelectedItem();
- if (item != nullptr) {
+ void OnSectionsSelChange(CCtrlBase*)
+ {
- LoadItem(item);
+ LoadRegisteredFolderItems();
- lastItem = item;
-bool COptDialog::OnApply()
- PFolderItem item = GetSelectedItem();
- if (item) {
- SaveItem(item, FALSE);
- LoadItem(item);
+ void OnItemsSelChange(CCtrlBase*)
+ {
+ PFolderItem item = GetSelectedItem();
+ if (item != nullptr) {
+ CheckForChanges();
+ LoadItem(item);
+ }
+ lastItem = item;
- for (auto &it : lstRegisteredFolders)
- it->Save();
- CallPathChangedEvents();
- return true;
+ bool OnApply() override
+ {
+ PFolderItem item = GetSelectedItem();
+ if (item) {
+ SaveItem(item, FALSE);
+ LoadItem(item);
+ }
+ for (auto &it : lstRegisteredFolders)
+ it->Save();
+ CallPathChangedEvents();
+ return true;
+ }
int OnOptionsInitialize(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM)
diff --git a/plugins/Folders/src/stdafx.h b/plugins/Folders/src/stdafx.h
index cc828b2ceb..afadf0a653 100644
--- a/plugins/Folders/src/stdafx.h
+++ b/plugins/Folders/src/stdafx.h
@@ -65,51 +65,4 @@ struct CMPlugin : public PLUGIN<CMPlugin>
extern OBJLIST<CFolderItem> lstRegisteredFolders;
-class COptDialog : public CDlgBase
- CCtrlListBox m_lbSections, m_lbItems;
- CCtrlEdit m_edtPreview, m_edtEdit;
- CCtrlButton m_btnRefresh, m_btnHelp;
- bool OnInitDialog() override;
- bool OnApply() override;
- void OnEditChange(CCtrlBase*);
- void OnRefreshClick(CCtrlBase*);
- void OnHelpClick(CCtrlBase*);
- void OnSectionsSelChange(CCtrlBase*);
- void OnItemsSelChange(CCtrlBase*);
- PFolderItem GetSelectedItem();
- int ContainsSection(const wchar_t *section);
- void LoadRegisteredFolderSections();
- void LoadRegisteredFolderItems();
- void RefreshPreview();
- void LoadItem(PFolderItem item);
- void SaveItem(PFolderItem item, int bEnableApply);
- int ChangesNotSaved(PFolderItem item);
- void CheckForChanges(int bNeedConfirmation);
- COptDialog();
-class CHelpDialog : public CDlgBase
- CCtrlButton m_btnClose;
- CCtrlRichEdit m_redtHelp;
- bool OnInitDialog() override;
- bool OnClose() override;
- void OnCloseClick(CCtrlBase*);
- CHelpDialog();
#endif //FOLDERS_COMMONHEADERS_H \ No newline at end of file