path: root/plugins/MirandaG15/docs
diff options
authorVadim Dashevskiy <>2013-11-03 17:00:59 +0000
committerVadim Dashevskiy <>2013-11-03 17:00:59 +0000
commit27f0b7b585e87e361289c258b73038e755ed35a2 (patch)
tree85db83f4488039b16018734ed78fad30bdd656a8 /plugins/MirandaG15/docs
parent0ccf53dbbee25538795b39139318c7099c6700c3 (diff)
MirandaG15 added to solutions (x64 doesn't compile)
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/MirandaG15/docs')
4 files changed, 459 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/MirandaG15/docs/changelog.txt b/plugins/MirandaG15/docs/changelog.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dfbcb36f16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MirandaG15/docs/changelog.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+v - 23.04.2008
+- fixed: some messages were not shown on the lcd
+- changed: updated IRC plugin
+v - 05.10.2007
+- fixed: wrong version displayed in last release
+- fixed: small bug in displaying notifications
+v - 05.10.2007
+- fixed: a bug in metacontacts handling could cause mirandag15 to crash
+- fixed: no more notifications when copying history entries
+v - 26.09.2007
+- added: press chat on a metacontact to chat directly, hold and release the button to view the subcontacts
+- added: chatscreen can close automatically when the applet is inactive
+- changed: performance improvements
+- fixed: improved support for metacontacts plugin
+- fixed: improved device selection
+- fixed: support for miranda 0.7
+- fixed: added new IRC.dll
+v - 10.06.2007
+- fixed: bug in channelname shortening
+v - 10.06.2007
+- fixed: the applet could crash when LCDMon.exe got terminated (fixes the crash on shutdown problem)
+- fixed: improved connection handling (applet can now reconnect when LCDMon is restarted) & hotplugging support
+- fixed: 7zip compatible archive ;-)
+- added: irc channelnames can now be optionally shortened
+- added: applet can be locked when screensaver gets activated
+v - 23.05.2007
+- fixed: crash on exit that could occur with newer version of miranda
+- changed: updated to miranda 0.6.8
+v - 01.01.2007
+- added: the logitech lcd device to be used can now be selected on the configuration screen
+- added: option to keep contactlist selection rectangle from disappearing
+- changed: logitech drivers version 1.03 are now required
+- changed: miranda 0.6.x is now required
+- changed: updated the patched irc protocoll plugin
+- fixed: wrong nickname was displayed for authorizationrequest events
+- fixed: private messages on IRC are now working again
+- fixed: a bug that that disabled the plugin when saving the configuration without an lcd plugged in
+v - 02.08.2006
+- fixed: a bug in the IRC message handling could cause miranda to freeze
+v - 25.07.2006
+- fixed: the eventlog screen could get activated, when notifications where received on the chatscreen
+- fixed: the "Show typing notifications" option wasn't used (thanks to spiky1984)
+- fixed: no typing notifications were sent since
+v - 10.07.2006
+- fixed: bugs in the IRC event handling, that could cause miranda to crash (thanks to lastwebpage)
+- fixed: some IRC part/quit events were not handled correctly
+- fixed: many improvements in the IRC handling code
+v - 09.07.2006
+- added: support for language packs
+- added: german language pack (available at, thanks to Dober)
+- added: option to enable/disable showing the protocol on status and message notifications
+- fixed: metacontact signon notifications are no longer displayed when connecting
+v - 03.07.2006
+- added: support for multiple instances of the IRC protocol (thanks to lastwebpage for reporting it)
+v - 02.07.2006
+- fixed: a bug in the input control, that could cause miranda to freeze (thanks to QBUS for reporting it)
+v - 02.07.2006
+- added: IRC support
+- added: support for the metacontacts plugin
+- added: when applying configuration changes, the old screen layout morphs into the new one
+- added: a credit screen (somehow more effective than the readme I hope)
+- added: optional transition effects when changing screens
+- added: support for unicode contact-/groupnames (make sure you use a unicode font to use this)
+- added: new filters to hide protocols from the contactlist
+- added: optional timestamps in the eventlog, the chatlog and on the notificationscreen
+- added: when a chatsession is active, notifications can be skipped for that contact (optional)
+- added: option to use the volumewheel to scroll up and down
+- added: option to turn off the g15 backlight while the screensaver is active
+- added: new options to change the contactlists initial selection and groups states
+- added: some small changes to the configuration dialog
+- added: button to jump to the chatscreen from new notifications
+- added: contactlist can be displayed in two columns
+- added: replaced status strings on the contactlist with status icons, and added one to the chatscreen
+- added: events are now represented by small icons
+- added: option to shorten user nicknames inside of notifications
+- fixed: a bug with contact renaming that could result in the wrong name being displayed on the LCD
+- fixed: optimized the way contactlist & eventlog scroll
+- fixed: added case-insensitive alphabetical sorting as an additional condition for contacts
+- fixed: applet stays focused while replying even if automatic timed applet switching is enabled
+- fixed: wrong chatscreen layout when softkey labels where disabled
+- fixed: line breaks weren't displayed correctly in the eventlog
+- fixed: added scrollbar to messages on the notificationscreen
+- fixed: textlog & eventlog where immediately scrolling to the bottom on new events,
+ even if the user was just scrolling manually
+- fixed: added timeout delay to message sending, so the dialog can't get stuck
+- fixed: chatsession didn't update the status label when the contact signed off/on
+- fixed: some improvements to the hotplugging support
+- fixed: unread messages were counted wrong when a contact with unread messages was deleted
+- fixed: scrollbars could show the wrong position after starting miranda
+- fixed: some label issues (wrong cutoff positions, problems with multiline labels)
+- fixed: italic and bold fonts weren't handled correct (issues with wordwrapping, label cutoffs..)
+v - 30.04.2006
+- fixed: the messagelog could stop receiving messages when a notification was displayed
+v - 29.04.2006
+- fixed: bug that could cause a crash when the keyboard was not connected when starting miranda
+- fixed: some events were appearing in the chatlog multiple times \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/MirandaG15/docs/langpack_german.txt b/plugins/MirandaG15/docs/langpack_german.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e50301b8b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MirandaG15/docs/langpack_german.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+; MirandaG15
+; Dateiname: mirandag15.dll
+; Autor: Tharit
+; Übersetzung: Tharit 09.07.06
+; Aktualisierung: Dober 09.07.06
+; /CAppletManager.cpp
+[Timeout: No response from contact/server]
+Timeout: Keine Antwort von Kontakt/Server
+[New message from %s]
+Neue Nachricht von %s
+[Incoming URL from %s]
+Neue URL von %s
+[Incoming contacts from %s]
+Neue Kontakte von %s
+[You were added by %s]
+%s hat dich hinzugefügt!
+[Authrequest from %s]
+Autorisationsanfrage von %s
+[Incoming file from %s]
+Neuer Dateitransfer von %s
+[%s has joined the channel]
+%s hat den Channel betreten
+[%s has left]
+%s hat den Channel verlassen
+[%s has left: %s]
+%s hat den Channel verlassen: %s
+[%s has disconnected]
+%s hat die Verbindung beendet
+[%s has disconnected: %s]
+%s hat die Verbindung beendet: %s
+[%s has kicked %s: %s]
+%s hat %s gekickt: %s
+[%s is now known as %s]
+%s heißt jetzt %s
+[Notice from %s: %s]
+Hinweis von %s: %s
+[Topic is now '%s' (set by %s)]
+Neues Thema: '%s' (geändert von %s)
+[%s enables '%s' for %s]
+%s aktiviert '%s' für %s
+[%s disables '%s' for %s]
+%s deaktiviert '%s' für %s
+[Joined %s]
+%s beigetreten
+[%s signed on (%s)]
+%s hat sich angemeldet (%s)
+[Left %s]
+%s verlassen
+[%s signed off]
+%s hat sich abgemeldet
+[%s is now %s]
+%s ist jetzt %s
+[Contactlist event]
+[You are now %s]
+Du bist jetzt %s
+[Protocol status change]
+Verbindungsstatus geändert
+[%s was deleted from contactlist!]
+%s wurde von der Kontaktliste entfernt
+; /CChatScreen.cpp
+[IRC-Chatroom support is disabled!\nYou need to install the patched IRC.dll (see the readme) to use IRC-Chatrooms on the LCD]
+IRC-Chatraum Unterstützung ist deaktiviert!\nDu benötigst die gepatchte IRC.dll (siehe Readme) um sie zu aktivieren!
+[Sending message...]
+Nachricht wird gesendet...
+[Could not send the message!]
+Nachricht konnte nicht gesendet werden!
+; /MirandaG15.rc:IDD_FONTS
+[General settings]
+Generelle Einstellungen
+[Show softkey labels]
+Softkeybeschreibungen anzeigen
+[Event log:]
+[Message log:]
+[Turn off backlights while screensaver is active]
+Hintergrundbeleuchtung ausschalten wenn Bildschirmschoner aktiviert wird
+[If the applet is active:]
+Wenn das Applet aktiv ist:
+[Use the VolumeWheel to scroll up and down]
+Lautstärkerad zum Blättern benutzen
+[Show seconds in timestamps]
+Sekunden in Uhrzeiten anzeigen
+[Use transition effects when changing screens]
+Übergangseffekte für Bildschirmwechsel
+[For updates and news check the thread on]
+Für Neuigkeiten und Aktualisierungen, siehe den Thread auf
+[Or visit]
+Oder besuche
+[Notification screen title]
+[Hide it]
+[Show the plugin name]
+Pluginname anzeigen
+[Show a short event summary]
+Ereignisbeschreibung anzeigen
+[Size of the log]
+Einträge im Verlauf
+[Notification duration]
+[Notification types]
+[Incoming messages]
+Eingehende Nachrichten
+[Contact signs off]
+Kontakt meldet sich ab
+[Contact changes status]
+Kontakt wechselt Status
+[Incoming URL]
+Eingehende URL
+[Contactlist events]
+Kontaktlisten Ereignisse
+[Incoming file transfers]
+Eingehende Filetransfers
+[Protocol disconnected]
+Verbindung getrennt
+[Protocol connected]
+Verbindung hergestellt
+[Protocol status changes]
+Verbindungsstatus geändert
+[Show only events from the following protocols:]
+Nur Ereignisse der folgenden Protokolle zeigen:
+[Contact signs on]
+Kontakt meldet sich an
+[When a chatsession is active, skip the following notifications for that contact:]
+Wenn ein Chatfenster aktiv ist, ignoriere folgende Ereignisse dieses Kontakts:
+[Chatsession specific]
+Einstellungen für das Chatfenster
+[Show timestamps]
+Uhrzeit anzeigen
+[User events]
+Benutzer Ereignisse
+[Status changes]
+[Special IRC events:]
+IRC-spezifische Ereignisse
+[Channel events]
+Channel Ereignisse
+[Cutoff nicknames after]
+Nicks abschneiden nach
+[Show protocol labels]
+Protkoll anzeigen
+; /MirandaG15.rc:IDD_CLIST
+[Show the contacts protocols]
+Protokoll anzeigen
+[Hide offline users]
+Abgemeldete Benutzer ausblenden
+[Use ignore settings]
+"Ignorieren"-Einstellungen benutzen
+[Use groups/subgroups]
+Gruppen/Untergruppen benutzen
+[Grouped mode]
+[Draw tree lines]
+Baumlinien anzeigen
+[Show counters behind group names]
+Zähler hinter Gruppe anzeigen
+[Reset selection]
+Auswahl zurücksetzen
+[When opening the contactlist screen:]
+Wenn die Kontaktliste aktiviert wird:
+[Don't change group states]
+Gruppenzustände nicht ändern
+[Collapse all groups]
+Alle Gruppen schließen
+[Show only contacts from the following protocols:]
+Nur Kontakte der folgenden Protokolle anzeigen
+[Protocol filter]
+[Expand all groups]
+Alle Gruppen öffnen
+[Use two columns]
+Zwei Spalten verwenden
+; /MirandaG15.rc:IDD_CHAT
+[Typing notifications]
+[Show typing notifications]
+Tipp-Benachrichtigungen anzeigen
+[Send typing notifications]
+Tipp-Benachrichtigungen senden
+[When maximized]
+Wenn maximiert:
+[Hide title]
+Titel ausblenden
+[Hide labels]
+Softkeybeschreibungen ausblenden
+[Message log]
+[Load only unread messages]
+Nur ungelesene Nachrichten laden
+[Mark incoming messages as read]
+Eingehende Nachrichten als gelesen markieren
+[Maximized scrolling]
+Maximiertes Blättern
+[Size of the log:]
+Größe des Verlaufs:
+[On incoming messages:]
+Bei eingehenden Nachrichten:
+[Do nothing]
+Position nicht ändern
+[Scroll to the first line]
+Zur ersten Zeile blättern
+[Scroll to the last line]
+Zur letzten Zeile blättern
+[Show linebreak indicators]
+Zeilenumbrüche anzeigen
+[Send messages with return, insert linebreaks with ctrl+return]
+Nachrichten mit Enter senden (Zeilenumbruch mit STRG+Enter)
+[Maximized replying]
+Maximiertes Antworten \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/MirandaG15/docs/readme.txt b/plugins/MirandaG15/docs/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4606da0921
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MirandaG15/docs/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+MirandaG15 is a plugin for Miranda-IM (
+It's an applet for Logitech's G15 Keyboard.
+- Event notifications
+- Event log
+- Contactlist
+- Chatsessions on the LCD ( you can even reply without leaving the program/game you're in)
+1) Stop miranda if it is currently running
+2) Copy the included mirandag15.dll to the plugins\ directory of your Miranda-IM installation.
+ If you want to use IRC with this applet, you have to copy the included irc.dll, too.
+3) The plugin should be working on the next startup.
+ You can configure it in mirandas options under "MirandaG15".
+Starting with v0.1.1.7 you will need the logitech drivers v1.03 or newer and miranda 0.6.x!
+If you use tabsrmm make sure you have "enable third party event API" enabled for some features of this plugin
+to work correctly.
+If the plugin is not detected by miranda make sure you have the latest VC++ runtime from Microsoft installed.
+You can get it here:
+(you will need the x86 version, as there is no x64 version of miranda)
+Special thanks to:
+ Helped with the initial concept, testing since the very first day, softkey icons/labels
+Tauu, Cloonix
+ Testing, suggestions, moral support ;)
+Everyone else who reported bugs or gave suggestions on how to improve this plugin!
+MirandaG15 2007 by Martin Kleinhans
+Homepage: -
+If you experience any bugs or have any suggestions please report them to me per email or at \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/MirandaG15/docs/todo.txt b/plugins/MirandaG15/docs/todo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cde4eb5ade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MirandaG15/docs/todo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+- eventuell chat für metakontakte öffnen..?!
+hidden contacts bei gruppen-membercounter ignorieren
+irc disconnected message fehlt?
+status message anzeige?