path: root/plugins/Msg_Export/src
diff options
authorGeorge Hazan <>2019-06-05 18:05:32 +0300
committerGeorge Hazan <>2019-06-05 18:05:32 +0300
commite1d7db348d184d901532d0aad1c9024f3113ca9c (patch)
tree715e1bc368eb719dc2665fe54ccbfde170d93678 /plugins/Msg_Export/src
parentab2fcd7774aa6c2483b202fbacf573a1fb68dcd4 (diff)
warning fix
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Msg_Export/src')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Msg_Export/src/utils.cpp b/plugins/Msg_Export/src/utils.cpp
index a0892fd5d0..8e137e3f73 100755
--- a/plugins/Msg_Export/src/utils.cpp
+++ b/plugins/Msg_Export/src/utils.cpp
@@ -581,22 +581,16 @@ void DisplayErrorDialog(const wchar_t *pszError, wstring &sFilePath, DBEVENTINFO
sError += TranslateT("\nMessage has not been saved!\n");
sError += TranslateT("Do you wish to save debug information?");
if (MessageBox(nullptr, sError.c_str(), MSG_BOX_TITEL, MB_YESNO) == IDYES) {
- OPENFILENAME ofn; // common dialog box structure
wchar_t szFile[260]; // buffer for file name
wcsncpy_s(szFile, L"DebugInfo.txt", _TRUNCATE);
// Initialize OPENFILENAME
- memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(OPENFILENAME));
+ OPENFILENAME ofn = {};
ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
- //ofn.hwndOwner = NULL;
ofn.lpstrFile = szFile;
ofn.nMaxFile = _countof(szFile);
ofn.lpstrFilter = TranslateT("All\0*.*\0Text\0*.TXT\0\0");
ofn.nFilterIndex = 1;
- ofn.lpstrFileTitle = nullptr;
- ofn.nMaxFileTitle = 0;
- ofn.lpstrInitialDir = nullptr;
ofn.lpstrDefExt = L"TXT";
// Display the Open dialog box.
@@ -750,11 +744,11 @@ static bool ExportDBEventInfo(MCONTACT hContact, HANDLE hFile, wstring sFilePath
// This is written this way because I expect this will become a string the user may set
// in the options dialog.
output.AppendFormat(L"%-10s: %s\r\n", TranslateT("User"), sRemoteUser.c_str());
- output.AppendFormat(L"%-10s: %s\r\n", TranslateT("Protocol"), _A2T(szProto));
+ output.AppendFormat(L"%-10s: %S\r\n", TranslateT("Protocol"), szProto);
ptrW id(Contact_GetInfo(CNF_UNIQUEID, hContact, szProto));
if (id != NULL)
- output.AppendFormat(L"%-10s: %s\r\n", TranslateT("UIN"), id);
+ output.AppendFormat(L"%-10s: %s\r\n", TranslateT("UIN"), id.get());
szTemp[0] = (wchar_t)db_get_b(hContact, szProto, "Gender", 0);
if (szTemp[0]) {