path: root/plugins/QuickMessages/Utils.cpp
diff options
authorVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-07-23 12:31:44 +0000
committerVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-07-23 12:31:44 +0000
commitbd80013253c1fabc856c05c4f839d00ec18b2b06 (patch)
treeef23678929953fd4730d2c1f00ae48e9134a96e8 /plugins/QuickMessages/Utils.cpp
parent905145a0553737e82ca04a5a3d3c6e0e8e78b90d (diff)
QuickMessages, QuickReplies: changed folder structure
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/QuickMessages/Utils.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 609 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/QuickMessages/Utils.cpp b/plugins/QuickMessages/Utils.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9531268524..0000000000
--- a/plugins/QuickMessages/Utils.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,609 +0,0 @@
-Quick Messages plugin for Miranda IM
-Copyright (C) 2008 Danil Mozhar
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see <>.
-#include "quickmessages.h"
-ListData* ButtonsList[100];
-SortedList* QuickList=NULL;
-typedef void (*ItemDestuctor)(void*);
-int sstSortButtons(const void * vmtbi1, const void * vmtbi2)
- {
- ButtonData * mtbi1=(ButtonData *)*((ButtonData ** )vmtbi1);
- ButtonData * mtbi2=(ButtonData *)*((ButtonData ** )vmtbi2);
- if (mtbi1==NULL || mtbi2==NULL) return (mtbi1-mtbi2);
- return mtbi1->dwPos-mtbi2->dwPos;
- }
-int sstQuickSortButtons(const void * vmtbi1, const void * vmtbi2)
- {
- QuickData * mtbi1=(QuickData *)*((QuickData ** )vmtbi1);
- QuickData * mtbi2=(QuickData *)*((QuickData ** )vmtbi2);
- if (mtbi1==NULL || mtbi2==NULL) return (mtbi1-mtbi2);
- return mtbi1->dwPos-mtbi2->dwPos;
- }
-int sstOpSortButtons(const void * vmtbi1, const void * vmtbi2)
- {
- ButtonData * mtbi1=(ButtonData *)*((ButtonData ** )vmtbi1);
- ButtonData * mtbi2=(ButtonData *)*((ButtonData ** )vmtbi2);
- if (mtbi1==NULL || mtbi2==NULL) return (mtbi1-mtbi2);
- return mtbi1->dwOPPos-mtbi2->dwOPPos;
- }
-void li_ListDestruct(SortedList *pList, ItemDestuctor pItemDestructor)
- {
- int i=0;
- if (!pList) return;
- for (i=0; i<pList->realCount; i++) pItemDestructor(pList->items[i]);
- List_Destroy(pList);
- mir_free(pList);
- }
-void li_RemoveDestruct(SortedList *pList, int index, ItemDestuctor pItemDestructor)
- {
- if (index>=0 && index<pList->realCount)
- {
- pItemDestructor(pList->items[index]);
- List_Remove(pList, index);
- }
- }
-void li_RemovePtrDestruct(SortedList *pList, void * ptr, ItemDestuctor pItemDestructor)
- {
- if (List_RemovePtr(pList, ptr))
- pItemDestructor(ptr);
- }
-void li_SortList(SortedList *pList, FSortFunc pSortFunct)
- {
- FSortFunc pOldSort=pList->sortFunc;
- int i;
- if (!pSortFunct) pSortFunct=pOldSort;
- pList->sortFunc=NULL;
- for (i=0; i<pList->realCount-1; i++)
- if (pOldSort(pList->items[i],pList->items[i+1])<0)
- {
- void * temp=pList->items[i];
- pList->items[i]=pList->items[i+1];
- pList->items[i+1]=temp;
- i--;
- if (i>0) i--;
- }
- pList->sortFunc=pOldSort;
- }
-void li_ZeroQuickList(SortedList *pList)
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<pList->realCount; i++)
- {
- QuickData * qd=(QuickData *)pList->items[i];
- qd->dwPos=0;
- qd->bIsService=0;
- qd->ptszValue=NULL;
- qd->ptszValueName=NULL;
- List_Remove(pList, i);
- i--;
- }
- }
-static void listdestructor(void * input)
- {
- ButtonData * cbdi=(ButtonData *)input;
- if(cbdi->pszName!=cbdi->pszOpName)
- {
- if(cbdi->pszOpName)
- mir_free(cbdi->pszOpName);
- if(cbdi->pszName)
- mir_free(cbdi->pszName);
- }
- else if(cbdi->pszName)
- mir_free(cbdi->pszName);
- if(cbdi->pszValue!=cbdi->pszOpValue)
- {
- if(cbdi->pszOpValue)
- mir_free(cbdi->pszOpValue);
- if(cbdi->pszValue)
- mir_free(cbdi->pszValue);
- }
- else if(cbdi->pszValue)
- mir_free(cbdi->pszValue);
- mir_free(cbdi);
- }
-void RemoveMenuEntryNode(SortedList *pList, int index)
- {
- li_RemoveDestruct(pList,index,listdestructor);
- }
-void DestroyButton(int listnum)
- {
- int i=listnum;
- ListData* ld=ButtonsList[listnum];
- if(ld->ptszButtonName) mir_free(ld->ptszButtonName);
- if(ld->ptszOPQValue!=ld->ptszQValue)
- if(ld->ptszOPQValue) mir_free(ld->ptszOPQValue);
- if (ld->ptszQValue) mir_free(ld->ptszQValue);
- li_ListDestruct((SortedList*)ld->sl,listdestructor);
- mir_free(ld);
- ButtonsList[i]=NULL;
- while(ButtonsList[i+1])
- {
- ButtonsList[i]=ButtonsList[i+1];
- ButtonsList[i+1]=NULL;
- i++;
- }
-void SaveModuleSettings(int buttonnum,ButtonData* bd)
- {
- char szMEntry[256]={'\0'};
- mir_snprintf(szMEntry,255,"EntryName_%u_%u",buttonnum,bd->dwPos);
- DBWriteContactSettingTString(NULL, PLGNAME,szMEntry,bd->pszName );
- mir_snprintf(szMEntry,255,"EntryValue_%u_%u",buttonnum,bd->dwPos);
- if(bd->pszValue)
- DBWriteContactSettingTString(NULL, PLGNAME,szMEntry,bd->pszValue );
- else
- DBDeleteContactSetting(NULL, PLGNAME,szMEntry);
- mir_snprintf(szMEntry,255,"EntryRel_%u_%u",buttonnum,bd->dwPos);
- DBWriteContactSettingByte(NULL, PLGNAME,szMEntry,bd->fEntryType );
- mir_snprintf(szMEntry,255,"EntryToQMenu_%u_%u",buttonnum,bd->dwPos);
- DBWriteContactSettingByte(NULL, PLGNAME,szMEntry,bd->bInQMenu);
- mir_snprintf(szMEntry,255,"EntryIsServiceName_%u_%u",buttonnum,bd->dwPos);
- DBWriteContactSettingByte(NULL, PLGNAME,szMEntry,bd->bIsServName);
- }
-void CleanSettings(int buttonnum,int from)
- {
- char szMEntry[256]={'\0'};
- DBVARIANT dbv = {0};
- if(from==-1){
- mir_snprintf(szMEntry,255,"ButtonName_%u",buttonnum);
- DBDeleteContactSetting(NULL, PLGNAME,szMEntry);
- mir_snprintf(szMEntry,255,"ButtonValue_%u",buttonnum);
- DBDeleteContactSetting(NULL, PLGNAME,szMEntry);
- mir_snprintf(szMEntry,255,"RCEntryIsServiceName_%u",buttonnum);
- DBDeleteContactSetting(NULL, PLGNAME,szMEntry);
- }
- mir_snprintf(szMEntry,255,"EntryName_%u_%u",buttonnum,from);
- while(!DBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, PLGNAME,szMEntry,&dbv)) {
- DBDeleteContactSetting(NULL, PLGNAME,szMEntry);
- mir_snprintf(szMEntry,255,"EntryValue_%u_%u",buttonnum,from);
- DBDeleteContactSetting(NULL, PLGNAME,szMEntry);
- mir_snprintf(szMEntry,255,"EntryRel_%u_%u",buttonnum,from);
- DBDeleteContactSetting(NULL, PLGNAME,szMEntry);
- mir_snprintf(szMEntry,255,"EntryToQMenu_%u_%u",buttonnum,from);
- DBDeleteContactSetting(NULL, PLGNAME,szMEntry);
- mir_snprintf(szMEntry,255,"EntryIsServiceName_%u_%u",buttonnum,from);
- DBDeleteContactSetting(NULL, PLGNAME,szMEntry);
- mir_snprintf(szMEntry,255,"EntryName_%u_%u",buttonnum,++from);
- }
- DBFreeVariant(&dbv);
- }
-BYTE getEntryByte(int buttonnum,int entrynum,BOOL mode)
- {
- char szMEntry[256]={'\0'};
- if (mode==0)
- mir_snprintf(szMEntry,255,"EntryToQMenu_%u_%u",buttonnum,entrynum);
- else if (mode==1)
- mir_snprintf(szMEntry,255,"EntryRel_%u_%u",buttonnum,entrynum);
- else if (mode==2)
- mir_snprintf(szMEntry,255,"EntryIsServiceName_%u_%u",buttonnum,entrynum);
- else if (mode==3)
- mir_snprintf(szMEntry,255,"RCEntryIsServiceName_%u",buttonnum);
- return DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, PLGNAME,szMEntry, 0);
- }
-DWORD BalanceButtons(int buttonsWas,int buttonsNow)
- {
- if (ServiceExists(MS_BB_ADDBUTTON))
- {
- BBButton bb={0};
- bb.cbSize=sizeof(BBButton);
- bb.pszModuleName=PLGNAME;
- while(buttonsWas>(buttonsNow))
- {
- bb.dwButtonID=--buttonsWas;
- CallService(MS_BB_REMOVEBUTTON,0,(LPARAM)&bb);
- }
- while (buttonsWas<(buttonsNow))
- {
- if (ServiceExists(MS_BB_ADDBUTTON))
- {
- char iconname[20]={'\0'};
- mir_snprintf(iconname,SIZEOF(iconname),"QMessagesButton_%u",buttonsWas);
- bb.dwButtonID=buttonsWas++;
- bb.dwDefPos=300+buttonsWas;
- bb.hIcon = (HANDLE)AddIcon(hIcon, iconname, iconname);
- CallService(MS_BB_ADDBUTTON, 0, (LPARAM)&bb);
- }
- }
- }
- return buttonsNow;
- }
-void InitButtonsList()
- {
- int i,j,k=0;
- QuickList=List_Create(0,1);
- for(i=0;i<g_iButtonsCount;i++)
- {
- TCHAR* pszBName=NULL;
- ListData* ld=NULL;
- if (!(pszBName=getMenuEntry(i,0,3))) {
- g_iButtonsCount=i;
- DBWriteContactSettingByte(NULL, PLGNAME,"ButtonsCount", (BYTE)g_iButtonsCount);
- break;}
- ld = (ListData *)mir_alloc(sizeof(ListData));
- ButtonsList[i]=ld;
- ld->sl=List_Create(0,1);
- ld->ptszQValue=ld->ptszOPQValue=getMenuEntry(i,0,2);
- ld->ptszButtonName=pszBName;
- ld->dwPos=ld->dwOPPos=i;
- ld->dwOPFlags=0;
- ld->bIsServName=ld->bIsOpServName=getEntryByte(i,0,3);
- for(j=0;;j++)
- {
- TCHAR* pszEntry=NULL;
- ButtonData *bd=NULL;
- if (!(pszEntry=getMenuEntry(i,j,0)))
- break;
- bd = (ButtonData *)mir_alloc(sizeof(ButtonData));
- memset(bd,0,sizeof(ButtonData));
- bd->dwPos=bd->dwOPPos=j;
- bd->pszName=bd->pszOpName=pszEntry;
- bd->pszValue=bd->pszOpValue=getMenuEntry(i,j,1);
- bd->fEntryType=bd->fEntryOpType=getEntryByte(i,j,1);
- bd->bInQMenu=bd->bOpInQMenu=getEntryByte(i,j,0);
- bd->bIsServName=bd->bIsOpServName=getEntryByte(i,j,2);
- if(bd->bInQMenu){
- QuickData* qd = (QuickData *)mir_alloc(sizeof(QuickData));
- qd->dwPos=k++;
- qd->ptszValue=bd->pszValue;
- qd->ptszValueName=bd->pszName;
- List_InsertPtr(QuickList,qd);
- }
- List_InsertPtr((SortedList*)ld->sl,bd);
- }
- }
- }
-void DestructButtonsList()
- int i=0;
-// for ( i=0; i < g_iButtonsCount; i++ )
- {
- li_ListDestruct(ButtonsList[i]->sl,listdestructor);
- mir_free(ButtonsList[i]->ptszButtonName);
- if(ButtonsList[i]->ptszOPQValue!=ButtonsList[i]->ptszQValue)
- if (ButtonsList[i]->ptszOPQValue) mir_free(ButtonsList[i]->ptszOPQValue);
- if (ButtonsList[i]->ptszQValue) mir_free(ButtonsList[i]->ptszQValue);
- i++;
- }
- {
- li_ZeroQuickList(QuickList);
- List_Destroy(QuickList);
- }
-TCHAR* getMenuEntry(int buttonnum,int entrynum,BYTE mode)
- {
- TCHAR* buffer=NULL;
- char szMEntry[256]={'\0'};
- DBVARIANT dbv = {0};
- if(mode==0)
- mir_snprintf(szMEntry,255,"EntryName_%u_%u",buttonnum,entrynum);
- else if (mode==1)
- mir_snprintf(szMEntry,255,"EntryValue_%u_%u",buttonnum,entrynum);
- else if (mode==2)
- mir_snprintf(szMEntry,255,"ButtonValue_%u",buttonnum);
- else if (mode==3)
- mir_snprintf(szMEntry,255,"ButtonName_%u",buttonnum);
- DBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, PLGNAME,szMEntry, &dbv);
- if(dbv.ptszVal&&_tcslen(dbv.ptszVal))
- {
- buffer=mir_tstrdup(dbv.ptszVal);
- DBFreeVariant(&dbv);
- }
- return buffer;
- }
-int AddIcon(HICON icon, char *name, char *description)
- SKINICONDESC sid = {0};
- sid.cbSize = sizeof(SKINICONDESC);
- sid.pszSection = "Quick Messages";
- = = 16;
- sid.pszDescription = description;
- sid.pszName = name;
- sid.hDefaultIcon = icon;
- return (int)Skin_AddIcon(&sid);
-int RegisterCustomButton(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
- {
- if (ServiceExists(MS_BB_ADDBUTTON))
- {
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<g_iButtonsCount;i++)
- {
- BBButton bbd={0};
- ListData* ld=ButtonsList[i];
- char iconname[20]={'\0'};
- mir_snprintf(iconname,SIZEOF(iconname),"QMessagesButton_%u",i);
- bbd.cbSize=sizeof(BBButton);
- bbd.dwButtonID=i;
- bbd.dwDefPos=320+i;
- bbd.hIcon=(HANDLE)AddIcon(hIcon, iconname, iconname);
- bbd.pszModuleName=PLGNAME;
- bbd.ptszTooltip=ld->ptszButtonName;
- CallService(MS_BB_ADDBUTTON, 0, (LPARAM)&bbd);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
-TCHAR* ParseString(HANDLE hContact,TCHAR* ptszQValIn,TCHAR* ptszText,TCHAR* ptszClip,int QVSize,int TextSize ,int ClipSize)
- {
- int i=0,iOffset=0,iCount=0;
- TCHAR* tempPointer=NULL;
- TCHAR* ptszQValue=_tcsdup(ptszQValIn);
- TCHAR* tempQValue=ptszQValue;
- TCHAR varstr=_T('%');
- if(TextSize&&ptszText[TextSize-1]=='\0') TextSize--;
- if(ClipSize&&ptszClip[ClipSize-1]=='\0') ClipSize--;
- if (!_tcschr(ptszQValue,varstr))
- return ptszQValue;
- while(ptszQValue[i])
- {
- if(ptszQValue[i]=='%') {
- switch(ptszQValue[i+1])
- {
- case 't':{
- p = (TCHAR *)realloc(tempQValue, (QVSize + TextSize+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
- if(p){
- int test=0;
- i=iOffset;
- tempQValue=ptszQValue=p;
- tempPointer = (TCHAR *)memmove(ptszQValue + i + TextSize, ptszQValue + i + 2, (QVSize - i - 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
- if(TextSize) memcpy(ptszQValue+i, ptszText, TextSize*sizeof(TCHAR));
- QVSize+=(TextSize-2);
- ptszQValue[QVSize]='\0';
- if (!_tcschr(ptszQValue,varstr))
- return ptszQValue;
- ptszQValue=tempPointer;
- iOffset+=TextSize-1;
- i=-1;
- }
- }break;
- case 'c':{
- p = (TCHAR *)realloc(tempQValue, (QVSize + ClipSize + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
- if(p){
- i=iOffset;
- tempQValue=ptszQValue=p;
- tempPointer = (TCHAR *)memmove(ptszQValue + i + ClipSize, ptszQValue + i + 2, (QVSize - i - 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
- if(ClipSize) memcpy(ptszQValue+i, ptszClip, ClipSize*sizeof(TCHAR));
- QVSize+=(ClipSize-2);
- ptszQValue[QVSize]='\0';
- if (!_tcschr(ptszQValue,varstr))
- return ptszQValue;
- ptszQValue=tempPointer;
- iOffset+=ClipSize-1;
- i=-1;
- }
- }break;
- case 'P':{
- int NameLenght=0;
- TCHAR* ptszName=NULL;
- ptszName=mir_a2u((char*)CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, (WPARAM)hContact, 0));
- NameLenght=(int)_tcslen(ptszName);
- p = (TCHAR *)realloc(tempQValue, (QVSize + NameLenght + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
- if(p){
- i=iOffset;
- tempQValue=ptszQValue=p;
- tempPointer = (TCHAR *)memmove(ptszQValue + i + NameLenght, ptszQValue + i + 2, (QVSize - i - 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
- if(NameLenght) memcpy(ptszQValue+i, ptszName, NameLenght*sizeof(TCHAR));
- QVSize+=(NameLenght-2);
- ptszQValue[QVSize]='\0';
- if(ptszName) mir_free(ptszName);
- if (!_tcschr(ptszQValue,varstr))
- return ptszQValue;
- ptszQValue=tempPointer;
- iOffset+=NameLenght-1;
- i=-1;
- }
- }break;
- case 'n':{
- int NameLenght=0;
- TCHAR* ptszName=NULL;
- NameLenght=(int)_tcslen(ptszName);
- p = (TCHAR *)realloc(tempQValue, (QVSize + NameLenght + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
- if(p){
- i=iOffset;
- tempQValue=ptszQValue=p;
- tempPointer = (TCHAR *)memmove(ptszQValue + i + NameLenght, ptszQValue + i + 2, (QVSize - i - 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
- if(NameLenght)memcpy(ptszQValue+i, ptszName, NameLenght*sizeof(TCHAR));
- QVSize+=(NameLenght-2);
- //if(ptszName) mir_free(ptszName);
- ptszQValue[QVSize]='\0';
- if (!_tcschr(ptszQValue,varstr))
- return ptszQValue;
- ptszQValue=tempPointer;
- iOffset+=NameLenght-1;
- i=-1;
- }
- }break;
- case 'F':{
- int NameLenght=0;
- TCHAR* ptszName=NULL;
- ZeroMemory(&ci,sizeof(CONTACTINFO));
- ci.cbSize = sizeof(CONTACTINFO);
- ci.hContact = hContact;
- ci.szProto=(char*)CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, (WPARAM)hContact, 0);
- if (!CallService(MS_CONTACT_GETCONTACTINFO,(WPARAM)0,(LPARAM)&ci)&&ci.pszVal){
- NameLenght=(int)_tcslen(ci.pszVal);
- ptszName=ci.pszVal;
- }
- p = (TCHAR *)realloc(tempQValue, (QVSize + NameLenght + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
- if(p){
- i=iOffset;
- tempQValue=ptszQValue=p;
- tempPointer = (TCHAR *)memmove(ptszQValue + i + NameLenght, ptszQValue + i + 2, (QVSize - i - 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
- if(NameLenght)memcpy(ptszQValue+i, ptszName, NameLenght*sizeof(TCHAR));
- QVSize+=(NameLenght-2);
- if(ptszName) mir_free(ptszName);
- ptszQValue[QVSize]='\0';
- if (!_tcschr(ptszQValue,varstr))
- return ptszQValue;
- ptszQValue=tempPointer;
- iOffset+=NameLenght-1;
- i=-1;
- }
- }break;
- case 'L':{
- int NameLenght=0;
- TCHAR* ptszName=NULL;
- ZeroMemory(&ci,sizeof(CONTACTINFO));
- ci.cbSize = sizeof(CONTACTINFO);
- ci.hContact = hContact;
- ci.szProto=(char*)CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, (WPARAM)hContact, 0);
- if (!CallService(MS_CONTACT_GETCONTACTINFO,(WPARAM)0,(LPARAM)&ci)&&ci.pszVal){
- NameLenght=(int)_tcslen(ci.pszVal);
- ptszName=ci.pszVal;
- }
- p = (TCHAR *)realloc(tempQValue, (QVSize + NameLenght + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
- if(p){
- i=iOffset;
- tempQValue=ptszQValue=p;
- tempPointer = (TCHAR *)memmove(ptszQValue + i + NameLenght, ptszQValue + i + 2, (QVSize - i - 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
- if(NameLenght)memcpy(ptszQValue+i, ptszName, NameLenght*sizeof(TCHAR));
- QVSize+=(NameLenght-2);
- ptszQValue[QVSize]='\0';
- if (!_tcschr(ptszQValue,varstr))
- return ptszQValue;
- ptszQValue=tempPointer;
- iOffset+=NameLenght-1;
- i=-1;
- }
- }break;
- }
- }
- iOffset++;
- i++;
- }
- return ptszQValue;
- } \ No newline at end of file