path: root/plugins/RemovePersonalSettings
diff options
authorGeorge Hazan <>2018-05-17 19:41:35 +0300
committerGeorge Hazan <>2018-05-17 19:41:35 +0300
commit11e70d8c4e224d80015fffe0378c53abee5fd824 (patch)
tree8b21511f57aad4a9aaaa9391450cf5b83146a2f8 /plugins/RemovePersonalSettings
parent0c12fe889baeced3e7d8c3f2558d10f563a43612 (diff)
Popup, PManagerEx, QuickContacts, RemovePersonalSettings, Restart, SeenPlugin, SendSS, ShlExt, SimpleAR, SimpleStatusMsg, SkypeStatusChange, SmileyAdd, SMS => CMPlugin
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/RemovePersonalSettings')
2 files changed, 298 insertions, 327 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/RemovePersonalSettings/src/rps.cpp b/plugins/RemovePersonalSettings/src/rps.cpp
index b1ec8ef5b2..6038030e57 100644
--- a/plugins/RemovePersonalSettings/src/rps.cpp
+++ b/plugins/RemovePersonalSettings/src/rps.cpp
@@ -28,14 +28,22 @@ Based on work by nullbie
#include "stdafx.h"
-char gIniFile[MAX_PATH];
-char gMirandaDir[MAX_PATH];
+struct CMPlugin : public PLUGIN<CMPlugin>
+ CMPlugin() :
+ PLUGIN<CMPlugin>(nullptr)
+ {}
int hLangpack;
+char gIniFile[MAX_PATH];
+char gMirandaDir[MAX_PATH];
-PLUGININFOEX pluginInfo={
+PLUGININFOEX pluginInfo = {
@@ -48,122 +56,221 @@ PLUGININFOEX pluginInfo={
{ 0x60e94b84, 0xa799, 0x4021, { 0x94, 0x49, 0x5b, 0x83, 0x8f, 0xc0, 0x6a, 0x7c } }
+extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) PLUGININFOEX* MirandaPluginInfoEx(DWORD)
+ return &pluginInfo;
-INT_PTR RemoveAllService(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);
-void SetProtocolsOffline();
-void RemoveUsers();
-void RemoveSettings();
-void ExecuteServices();
-void RemoveDirectories();
-void DisablePlugins();
+extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) const MUUID MirandaInterfaces[] = { MIID_REMOVEPERSONALSETTINGS, MIID_LAST };
// Ini access functions
-BOOL GetSettingBool(const char *section, const char *key, BOOL defaultValue);
-BOOL GetSettings(const char *section, char *buffer, size_t bufferSize);
+BOOL GetSettingBool(const char *section, const char *key, BOOL defaultValue)
+ char tmp[16];
+ if (GetPrivateProfileStringA(section, key, defaultValue ? "true" : "false", tmp, sizeof(tmp), gIniFile) == 0)
+ return defaultValue;
-// Utils
-void DeleteFileOrFolder(const char *name);
-void DeleteSetting(const char *setting);
-void DeleteSettingEx(const char *szModule, const char *szSetting);
-BOOL isMetaContact(MCONTACT hContact);
+ return mir_strcmpi(tmp, "true") == 0;
+BOOL GetSettings(const char *section, char *buffer, size_t bufferSize)
+ buffer[0] = '\0\0';
+ return (BOOL)GetPrivateProfileSectionA(section, buffer, (DWORD)bufferSize, gIniFile) != 0;
+// Utils
+void DeleteFileOrFolder(const char *name)
- hInst=hinstDLL;
- return TRUE;
+ DWORD attibs = GetFileAttributesA(name);
+ if (attibs == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { // Not exists
+ // Try to find it
+ char tmp[MAX_PATH];
+ char *strTmp;
+ // Delete files
+ WIN32_FIND_DATAA findData;
+ HANDLE hwnd = FindFirstFileA(name, &findData);
+ if (hwnd != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ strncpy(tmp, name, sizeof(tmp) - 1);
+ strTmp = strrchr(tmp, '\\');
+ if (strTmp != nullptr) {
+ strTmp++;
+ *strTmp = '\0';
+ }
+ else {
+ mir_strcat(tmp, "\\");
+ strTmp = &tmp[mir_strlen(tmp)];
+ }
+ do {
+ if (mir_strcmp(findData.cFileName, ".") && mir_strcmp(findData.cFileName, "..")) {
+ mir_strcpy(strTmp, findData.cFileName);
+ DeleteFileOrFolder(tmp);
+ }
+ } while (FindNextFileA(hwnd, &findData) != 0);
+ FindClose(hwnd);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (attibs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { // Is a directory
+ // Get all files and delete then
+ char tmp[MAX_PATH];
+ mir_snprintf(tmp, "%s\\*.*", name);
+ // Delete files
+ WIN32_FIND_DATAA findData;
+ HANDLE hwnd = FindFirstFileA(tmp, &findData);
+ if (hwnd != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ do {
+ if (mir_strcmp(findData.cFileName, ".") && mir_strcmp(findData.cFileName, "..")) {
+ mir_snprintf(tmp, "%s\\%s", name, findData.cFileName);
+ DeleteFileOrFolder(tmp);
+ }
+ } while (FindNextFileA(hwnd, &findData) != 0);
+ FindClose(hwnd);
+ }
+ // Delete directory
+ RemoveDirectoryA(name);
+ }
+ else { // Is a File
+ SetFileAttributesA(name, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE);
+ DeleteFileA(name);
+ }
+struct DeleteModuleStruct
+ char buffer[10000];
+ size_t pos;
+ const char *filter;
+ size_t lenFilterMinusOne;
-extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) PLUGININFOEX* MirandaPluginInfoEx(DWORD)
+int EnumProc(const char *szName, void *lParam)
- return &pluginInfo;
+ DeleteModuleStruct *dms = (DeleteModuleStruct *)lParam;
+ size_t len = mir_strlen(szName);
+ if (dms->filter != nullptr && dms->lenFilterMinusOne > 0) {
+ if (len >= dms->lenFilterMinusOne) {
+ if (dms->filter[0] == '*') {
+ if (mir_strcmp(&dms->filter[1], &szName[len - dms->lenFilterMinusOne]) != 0)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else { // if (dms->filter[dms->lenFilterMinusOne] == '*')
+ if (strncmp(dms->filter, szName, dms->lenFilterMinusOne) != 0)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
-extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) const MUUID MirandaInterfaces[] = { MIID_REMOVEPERSONALSETTINGS, MIID_LAST };
+ // Add to the struct
+ if (len > 0 && len < sizeof(dms->buffer) - dms->pos - 2) {
+ mir_strcpy(&dms->buffer[dms->pos], szName);
+ dms->pos += len + 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
-extern "C" int __declspec(dllexport) Load()
+int ModuleEnumProc(const char *szName, void *lParam)
- mir_getLP(&pluginInfo);
+ return EnumProc(szName, lParam);
- char *strTmp;
+void DeleteSettingEx(const char *szModule, const char *szSetting)
+ size_t lenModule;
- CMenuItem mi;
- SET_UID(mi, 0x2f9f21df, 0xf33c, 0x4640, 0xb9, 0x63, 0xd3, 0x26, 0x8a, 0xb8, 0xb1, 0xf0);
- mi.position = -0x7FFFFFFF;
- mi.hIcolibItem = Skin_LoadIcon(SKINICON_OTHER_MIRANDA);
- = LPGEN("Remove Personal Settings...");
- mi.pszService="RemovePersonalSettings/RemoveAll";
- Menu_AddMainMenuItem(&mi);
- CreateServiceFunction(mi.pszService, RemoveAllService);
+ if (szModule == nullptr)
+ return;
- // Get ini file name
- gMirandaDir[0] = '\0';
- GetModuleFileNameA(GetModuleHandle(nullptr),gMirandaDir,sizeof(gMirandaDir));
+ lenModule = mir_strlen(szModule);
+ if (szModule[0] == '*' || szModule[lenModule - 1] == '*') {
+ DeleteModuleStruct dms;
+ memset(&dms, 0, sizeof(dms));
- // Remove last name
- strTmp = strrchr(gMirandaDir,'\\');
- if(strTmp != nullptr)
- *strTmp = '\0';
+ dms.filter = szModule;
+ dms.lenFilterMinusOne = lenModule - 1;
- // Set vars
- mir_strcat(gMirandaDir, "\\");
- mir_strcpy(gIniFile, gMirandaDir);
+ db_enum_modules(ModuleEnumProc, &dms);
- // Store last pos
- strTmp = &gIniFile[mir_strlen(gIniFile)];
+ // Delete then
+ szModule = dms.buffer;
+ while (szModule[0] != '\0') {
+ DeleteSettingEx(szModule, szSetting);
- // Lets try fist name
- mir_strcpy(strTmp, INI_FILE_NAME);
+ // Get next one
+ szModule += mir_strlen(szModule) + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ size_t lenSetting = szSetting == nullptr ? 0 : mir_strlen(szSetting);
+ if (szSetting == nullptr || szSetting[0] == '*' || szSetting[lenSetting - 1] == '*') {
+ DeleteModuleStruct dms;
+ memset(&dms, 0, sizeof(dms));
+ dms.filter = szSetting;
+ dms.lenFilterMinusOne = lenSetting - 1;
+ db_enum_settings(NULL, EnumProc, szModule, &dms);
- if (_access(gIniFile, 4) != 0) {
- // Not found, lets try the other aproach
- mir_strcpy(strTmp, "plugins\\" INI_FILE_NAME);
+ // Delete then
+ szSetting = dms.buffer;
+ while (szSetting[0] != '\0') {
+ db_unset(NULL, szModule, szSetting);
- if (_access(gIniFile, 4) != 0) {
- // Not found :(
- gIniFile[0] = '\0';
+ // Get next one
+ szSetting += mir_strlen(szSetting) + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ db_unset(NULL, szModule, szSetting);
- return 0;
-extern "C" int __declspec(dllexport) Unload(void)
+void DeleteSetting(const char *setting)
- return 0;
+ char *szModule;
+ char *szSetting;
+ if (setting == nullptr || setting[0] == '\0') {
+ return;
+ }
- if (gIniFile[0] == '\0') {
- MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Configuration file could not be found!"), TranslateW(MSGBOX_TITLE), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
- return -1;
+ // Split setting
+ szModule = strdup(setting);
+ szSetting = strrchr(szModule, '/');
+ if (szSetting != nullptr) {
+ *szSetting = '\0';
+ szSetting++;
- if (MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateW(NOTICE_TEXT), TranslateW(MSGBOX_TITLE), MB_YESNO) == IDYES) {
- SetProtocolsOffline();
- RemoveUsers();
- RemoveSettings();
- ExecuteServices();
- RemoveDirectories();
- DisablePlugins();
+ DeleteSettingEx(szModule, szSetting);
- MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Settings are deleted now."), TranslateW(MSGBOX_TITLE), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
- }
+ free(szModule);
- return 0;
+BOOL isMetaContact(MCONTACT hContact)
+ return mir_strcmp(GetContactProto(hContact), METACONTACTS_PROTOCOL_NAME) == 0;
void SetProtocolsOffline()
- if ( GetSettingBool("GlobalSettings", "SetProtocolsOffline", TRUE) ) {
+ if (GetSettingBool("GlobalSettings", "SetProtocolsOffline", TRUE)) {
for (auto &pa : Accounts()) {
if (!pa->bIsEnabled)
@@ -179,62 +286,28 @@ void SetProtocolsOffline()
-void RemoveUsers()
- if ( GetSettingBool("GlobalSettings", "RemoveAllUsers", TRUE) ) {
- // To be faster, remove first all metacontacts (because it syncs histories)
- MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first();
- while(hContact != NULL) {
- MCONTACT hContactOld = hContact;
- hContact = db_find_next(hContact);
- if (isMetaContact(hContactOld))
- db_delete_contact(hContactOld);
- }
- // Now delete all left-overs
- hContact = db_find_first();
- while(hContact != NULL) {
- db_delete_contact(hContact);
- hContact = db_find_first();
- }
- // Delete events for contacts not in list
- MEVENT hDbEvent = db_event_first(0);
- while(hDbEvent != NULL) {
- db_event_delete(0, hDbEvent);
- hDbEvent = db_event_first(0);
- }
- // Now delete groups
- DeleteSettingEx("CListGroups", nullptr);
- }
void RemoveProtocolSettings(const char * protocolName)
char buffer[10000];
// Remove protocol module settings
- if ( GetSettingBool("GlobalSettings", "RemoveWholeProtocolModule", FALSE) ) {
+ if (GetSettingBool("GlobalSettings", "RemoveWholeProtocolModule", FALSE)) {
DeleteSettingEx(protocolName, nullptr);
- else if ( GetSettings("ProtocolSettings", buffer, sizeof(buffer)) ) {
+ else if (GetSettings("ProtocolSettings", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) {
char *name;
char *value;
name = buffer;
- while(name[0] != '\0') {
+ while (name[0] != '\0') {
value = strchr(name, '=');
if (value == nullptr)
value = &name[mir_strlen(name)];
// Has " ?
- if (*name == '"' && *(value-1) == '"') {
+ if (*name == '"' && *(value - 1) == '"') {
- *(value-1) = '\0';
+ *(value - 1) = '\0';
// Disable it
@@ -247,21 +320,21 @@ void RemoveProtocolSettings(const char * protocolName)
// Remove modules by protocol sufixes
- if ( GetSettings("ProtocolModuleSufixes", buffer, sizeof(buffer)) ) {
+ if (GetSettings("ProtocolModuleSufixes", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) {
char *name;
char *value;
char moduleName[256];
name = buffer;
- while(name[0] != '\0') {
+ while (name[0] != '\0') {
value = strchr(name, '=');
if (value == nullptr)
value = &name[mir_strlen(name)];
// Has " ?
- if (*name == '"' && *(value-1) == '"') {
+ if (*name == '"' && *(value - 1) == '"') {
- *(value-1) = '\0';
+ *(value - 1) = '\0';
// Delete it
@@ -276,12 +349,46 @@ void RemoveProtocolSettings(const char * protocolName)
+void RemoveUsers()
+ if (GetSettingBool("GlobalSettings", "RemoveAllUsers", TRUE)) {
+ // To be faster, remove first all metacontacts (because it syncs histories)
+ MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first();
+ while (hContact != NULL) {
+ MCONTACT hContactOld = hContact;
+ hContact = db_find_next(hContact);
+ if (isMetaContact(hContactOld))
+ db_delete_contact(hContactOld);
+ }
+ // Now delete all left-overs
+ hContact = db_find_first();
+ while (hContact != NULL) {
+ db_delete_contact(hContact);
+ hContact = db_find_first();
+ }
+ // Delete events for contacts not in list
+ MEVENT hDbEvent = db_event_first(0);
+ while (hDbEvent != NULL) {
+ db_event_delete(0, hDbEvent);
+ hDbEvent = db_event_first(0);
+ }
+ // Now delete groups
+ DeleteSettingEx("CListGroups", nullptr);
+ }
void RemoveSettings()
char buffer[10000];
// Delete protocol settings
- if ( GetSettingBool("GlobalSettings", "RemoveProtocolSettings", TRUE) ) {
+ if (GetSettingBool("GlobalSettings", "RemoveProtocolSettings", TRUE)) {
for (auto &pa : Accounts()) {
if (!pa->bIsEnabled)
@@ -298,15 +405,15 @@ void RemoveSettings()
char *value;
name = buffer;
- while(name[0] != '\0') {
+ while (name[0] != '\0') {
value = strchr(name, '=');
if (value == nullptr)
value = &name[mir_strlen(name)];
// Has " ?
- if (*name == '"' && *(value-1) == '"') {
+ if (*name == '"' && *(value - 1) == '"') {
- *(value-1) = '\0';
+ *(value - 1) = '\0';
// Disable it
@@ -326,15 +433,15 @@ void RemoveSettings()
char *value;
name = buffer;
- while(name[0] != '\0') {
+ while (name[0] != '\0') {
value = strchr(name, '=');
if (value == nullptr)
value = &name[mir_strlen(name)];
// Has " ?
- if (*name == '"' && *(value-1) == '"') {
+ if (*name == '"' && *(value - 1) == '"') {
- *(value-1) = '\0';
+ *(value - 1) = '\0';
// Delete it
@@ -351,26 +458,26 @@ void ExecuteServices()
char buffer[10000];
- if ( GetSettings("ExecuteServices", buffer, sizeof(buffer)) ) {
+ if (GetSettings("ExecuteServices", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) {
char *name;
char *value;
name = buffer;
- while(name[0] != '\0') {
+ while (name[0] != '\0') {
value = strchr(name, '=');
if (value == nullptr)
value = &name[mir_strlen(name)];
// Has " ?
- if (*name == '"' && *(value-1) == '"') {
+ if (*name == '"' && *(value - 1) == '"') {
- *(value-1) = '\0';
+ *(value - 1) = '\0';
// Disable it
if (name[0] != '\0')
if (ServiceExists(name))
- CallService(name,0,0);
+ CallService(name, 0, 0);
// Get next one
name = value + mir_strlen(value) + 1;
@@ -398,20 +505,20 @@ void RemoveDirectories()
// Remove other folders
- if ( GetSettings("RemoveFilesOrFolders", buffer, sizeof(buffer)) ) {
+ if (GetSettings("RemoveFilesOrFolders", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) {
char *name;
char *value;
name = buffer;
- while(name[0] != '\0') {
+ while (name[0] != '\0') {
value = strchr(name, '=');
if (value == nullptr)
value = &name[mir_strlen(name)];
// Has " ?
- if (*name == '"' && *(value-1) == '"') {
+ if (*name == '"' && *(value - 1) == '"') {
- *(value-1) = '\0';
+ *(value - 1) = '\0';
// Delete it
@@ -430,27 +537,26 @@ void DisablePlugins()
char buffer[10000];
- if ( GetSettings("DisablePlugins", buffer, sizeof(buffer)) ) {
+ if (GetSettings("DisablePlugins", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) {
char *name;
char *value;
name = buffer;
- while(name[0] != '\0') {
+ while (name[0] != '\0') {
value = strchr(name, '=');
if (value == nullptr)
value = &name[mir_strlen(name)];
// Has " ?
- if (*name == '"' && *(value-1) == '"') {
+ if (*name == '"' && *(value - 1) == '"') {
- *(value-1) = '\0';
+ *(value - 1) = '\0';
// Disable it
if (name[0] != '\0') {
- if (db_get_b(NULL, PLUGINDISABLELIST, name, 0) != 1)
- {
+ if (db_get_b(NULL, PLUGINDISABLELIST, name, 0) != 1) {
db_set_b(NULL, PLUGINDISABLELIST, name, 1);
@@ -461,211 +567,77 @@ void DisablePlugins()
-// Ini access functions
-BOOL GetSettingBool(const char *section, const char *key, BOOL defaultValue)
- char tmp[16];
- if (GetPrivateProfileStringA(section, key, defaultValue ? "true" : "false", tmp, sizeof(tmp), gIniFile) == 0)
- return defaultValue;
- return mir_strcmpi(tmp, "true") == 0;
-BOOL GetSettings(const char *section, char *buffer, size_t bufferSize)
- buffer[0] = '\0\0';
- return (BOOL)GetPrivateProfileSectionA(section, buffer, (DWORD)bufferSize, gIniFile) != 0;
-// Utils
-void DeleteFileOrFolder(const char *name)
+static INT_PTR RemoveAllService(WPARAM, LPARAM)
- DWORD attibs = GetFileAttributesA(name);
- if (attibs == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { // Not exists
- // Try to find it
- char tmp[MAX_PATH];
- char *strTmp;
- // Delete files
- WIN32_FIND_DATAA findData;
- HANDLE hwnd = FindFirstFileA(name, &findData);
- if (hwnd != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
- strncpy(tmp, name, sizeof(tmp)-1);
- strTmp = strrchr(tmp,'\\');
- if(strTmp != nullptr) {
- strTmp++;
- *strTmp = '\0';
- }
- else {
- mir_strcat(tmp, "\\");
- strTmp = &tmp[mir_strlen(tmp)];
- }
- do {
- if (mir_strcmp(findData.cFileName, ".") && mir_strcmp(findData.cFileName, "..")) {
- mir_strcpy(strTmp, findData.cFileName);
- DeleteFileOrFolder(tmp);
- }
- }
- while(FindNextFileA(hwnd, &findData) != 0);
- FindClose(hwnd);
- }
- }
- else if (attibs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { // Is a directory
- // Get all files and delete then
- char tmp[MAX_PATH];
- mir_snprintf(tmp, "%s\\*.*", name);
- // Delete files
- WIN32_FIND_DATAA findData;
- HANDLE hwnd = FindFirstFileA(tmp, &findData);
- if (hwnd != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
- do {
- if (mir_strcmp(findData.cFileName, ".") && mir_strcmp(findData.cFileName, "..")) {
- mir_snprintf(tmp, "%s\\%s", name, findData.cFileName);
- DeleteFileOrFolder(tmp);
- }
- }
- while(FindNextFileA(hwnd, &findData) != 0);
- FindClose(hwnd);
- }
- // Delete directory
- RemoveDirectoryA(name);
- }
- else { // Is a File
- SetFileAttributesA(name, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE);
- DeleteFileA(name);
+ if (gIniFile[0] == '\0') {
+ MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Configuration file could not be found!"), TranslateW(MSGBOX_TITLE), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
+ return -1;
-BOOL isMetaContact(MCONTACT hContact)
- return mir_strcmp(GetContactProto(hContact), METACONTACTS_PROTOCOL_NAME) == 0;
+ if (MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateW(NOTICE_TEXT), TranslateW(MSGBOX_TITLE), MB_YESNO) == IDYES) {
+ SetProtocolsOffline();
+ RemoveUsers();
+ RemoveSettings();
+ ExecuteServices();
+ RemoveDirectories();
+ DisablePlugins();
-typedef struct {
- char buffer[10000];
- size_t pos;
- const char *filter;
- size_t lenFilterMinusOne;
-} DeleteModuleStruct;
-int EnumProc(const char *szName, void *lParam)
- DeleteModuleStruct *dms = (DeleteModuleStruct *) lParam;
- size_t len = mir_strlen(szName);
- if (dms->filter != nullptr && dms->lenFilterMinusOne > 0) {
- if (len >= dms->lenFilterMinusOne) {
- if (dms->filter[0] == '*') {
- if (mir_strcmp(&dms->filter[1], &szName[len - dms->lenFilterMinusOne]) != 0)
- return 0;
- }
- else { // if (dms->filter[dms->lenFilterMinusOne] == '*')
- if (strncmp(dms->filter, szName, dms->lenFilterMinusOne) != 0)
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- // Add to the struct
- if (len > 0 && len < sizeof(dms->buffer) - dms->pos - 2) {
- mir_strcpy(&dms->buffer[dms->pos], szName);
- dms->pos += len + 1;
+ MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Settings are deleted now."), TranslateW(MSGBOX_TITLE), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
return 0;
-int ModuleEnumProc(const char *szName, void *lParam)
- return EnumProc(szName, lParam);
-void DeleteSettingEx(const char *szModule, const char *szSetting)
+extern "C" int __declspec(dllexport) Load()
- size_t lenModule;
+ mir_getLP(&pluginInfo);
- if (szModule == nullptr)
- return;
+ CMenuItem mi;
+ SET_UID(mi, 0x2f9f21df, 0xf33c, 0x4640, 0xb9, 0x63, 0xd3, 0x26, 0x8a, 0xb8, 0xb1, 0xf0);
+ mi.position = -0x7FFFFFFF;
+ mi.hIcolibItem = Skin_LoadIcon(SKINICON_OTHER_MIRANDA);
+ = LPGEN("Remove Personal Settings...");
+ mi.pszService = "RemovePersonalSettings/RemoveAll";
+ Menu_AddMainMenuItem(&mi);
+ CreateServiceFunction(mi.pszService, RemoveAllService);
- lenModule = mir_strlen(szModule);
- if (szModule[0] == '*' || szModule[lenModule-1] == '*') {
- DeleteModuleStruct dms;
- memset(&dms, 0, sizeof(dms));
+ // Get ini file name
+ gMirandaDir[0] = '\0';
+ GetModuleFileNameA(GetModuleHandle(nullptr), gMirandaDir, sizeof(gMirandaDir));
- dms.filter = szModule;
- dms.lenFilterMinusOne = lenModule-1;
+ // Remove last name
+ char *strTmp = strrchr(gMirandaDir, '\\');
+ if (strTmp != nullptr)
+ *strTmp = '\0';
- db_enum_modules(ModuleEnumProc, &dms);
+ // Set vars
+ mir_strcat(gMirandaDir, "\\");
+ mir_strcpy(gIniFile, gMirandaDir);
- // Delete then
- szModule = dms.buffer;
- while(szModule[0] != '\0') {
- DeleteSettingEx(szModule, szSetting);
+ // Store last pos
+ strTmp = &gIniFile[mir_strlen(gIniFile)];
- // Get next one
- szModule += mir_strlen(szModule) + 1;
- }
- }
- else {
- size_t lenSetting = szSetting == nullptr ? 0 : mir_strlen(szSetting);
- if (szSetting == nullptr || szSetting[0] == '*' || szSetting[lenSetting-1] == '*') {
- DeleteModuleStruct dms;
- memset(&dms, 0, sizeof(dms));
- dms.filter = szSetting;
- dms.lenFilterMinusOne = lenSetting-1;
- db_enum_settings(NULL, EnumProc, szModule, &dms);
+ // Lets try fist name
+ mir_strcpy(strTmp, INI_FILE_NAME);
- // Delete then
- szSetting = dms.buffer;
- while(szSetting[0] != '\0') {
- db_unset(NULL, szModule, szSetting);
+ if (_access(gIniFile, 4) != 0) {
+ // Not found, lets try the other aproach
+ mir_strcpy(strTmp, "plugins\\" INI_FILE_NAME);
- // Get next one
- szSetting += mir_strlen(szSetting) + 1;
- }
- }
- else {
- db_unset(NULL, szModule, szSetting);
+ if (_access(gIniFile, 4) != 0) {
+ // Not found :(
+ gIniFile[0] = '\0';
-void DeleteSetting(const char *setting)
- char *szModule;
- char *szSetting;
- if (setting == nullptr || setting[0] == '\0') {
- return;
- }
- // Split setting
- szModule = strdup(setting);
- szSetting = strrchr(szModule, '/');
- if (szSetting != nullptr) {
- *szSetting = '\0';
- szSetting ++;
- }
+ return 0;
- DeleteSettingEx(szModule, szSetting);
- free(szModule);
+extern "C" int __declspec(dllexport) Unload(void)
+ return 0;
diff --git a/plugins/RemovePersonalSettings/src/stdafx.h b/plugins/RemovePersonalSettings/src/stdafx.h
index c8a1eef175..574cd69ad1 100644
--- a/plugins/RemovePersonalSettings/src/stdafx.h
+++ b/plugins/RemovePersonalSettings/src/stdafx.h
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
#include <io.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <newpluginapi.h>
#include <m_clist.h>
#include <m_skin.h>