diff options
author | George Hazan <ghazan@miranda.im> | 2021-04-28 19:48:34 +0300 |
committer | George Hazan <ghazan@miranda.im> | 2021-04-28 19:48:34 +0300 |
commit | 31a64b25521f2c96e88b7238343d9c05832d1eda (patch) | |
tree | b8ec781347dcc218aecf79535fae8c8fecfad01a /plugins | |
parent | f6371614901ecb7009a4b489588d81952237fbce (diff) |
- Search/Replace dialog -> UI classes;
- fixes #2863 (DbEditor: невозможно перейти к результатам поиска без мыши);
- version bump
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins')
-rw-r--r-- | plugins/DbEditorPP/res/resource.rc | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | plugins/DbEditorPP/src/findwindow.cpp | 879 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | plugins/DbEditorPP/src/stdafx.h | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | plugins/DbEditorPP/src/utils.cpp | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | plugins/DbEditorPP/src/version.h | 2 |
5 files changed, 435 insertions, 452 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/DbEditorPP/res/resource.rc b/plugins/DbEditorPP/res/resource.rc index 2a5154b7f8..947d3ad4d0 100644 --- a/plugins/DbEditorPP/res/resource.rc +++ b/plugins/DbEditorPP/res/resource.rc @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ BEGIN CONTROL "Entirely",IDC_ENTIRELY,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,249,58,69,10
PUSHBUTTON "&Replace",IDOK,325,56,60,14
- CONTROL "",IDC_SBAR,"msctls_statusbar32",WS_TABSTOP | 0x100,4,238,387,12
+ CONTROL "",IDC_SBAR,"msctls_statusbar32",0x100,4,238,387,12
diff --git a/plugins/DbEditorPP/src/findwindow.cpp b/plugins/DbEditorPP/src/findwindow.cpp index 6615bc1405..eb52b401ad 100644 --- a/plugins/DbEditorPP/src/findwindow.cpp +++ b/plugins/DbEditorPP/src/findwindow.cpp @@ -1,249 +1,53 @@ #include "stdafx.h"
-#define F_CASE 1
-#define F_EXACT 2
-#define F_MODNAME 4
-#define F_SETNAME 8
-#define F_SETVAL 0x10
-#define F_ENTIRE 0x20
-#define F_NUMSRCH 0x40
-#define F_NUMREPL 0x80
-#define F_UNICODE 0x100
-#define F_REPLACED 0x200
-#define F_DELETED 0x400
-static int lastColumn = -1;
-struct FindInfo
+#define F_CASE 0x0001
+#define F_EXACT 0x0002
+#define F_MODNAME 0x0004
+#define F_SETNAME 0x0008
+#define F_SETVAL 0x0010
+#define F_ENTIRE 0x0020
+#define F_NUMSRCH 0x0040
+#define F_NUMREPL 0x0080
+#define F_UNICODE 0x0100
+#define F_REPLACED 0x0200
+#define F_DELETED 0x0400
+static int FindMatchA(const char *text, char *search, int options)
- HWND hwnd; // hwnd to item list
- wchar_t* search; // text to find
- wchar_t* replace; // text to replace
- int options; // or'd about items
-static ColumnsSettings csResultList[] =
- { LPGENW("Result"), 0, "Search0width", 100 },
- { LPGENW("Contact"), 1, "Search1width", 100 },
- { LPGENW("Module"), 2, "Search2width", 100 },
- { LPGENW("Setting"), 3, "Search3width", 100 },
- { LPGENW("Value"), 4, "Search4width", 150 },
- { nullptr }
-void __cdecl FindSettings(LPVOID di);
- switch (urc->wId) {
- case IDC_LIST:
- case IDC_SBAR:
- default:
- }
-INT_PTR CALLBACK FindWindowDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- HWND hwndResults = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_LIST);
- switch (msg) {
- SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_SBAR, SB_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)TranslateT("Enter a string to search the database for"));
- CheckDlgButton(hwnd, IDC_MODNAME, BST_CHECKED);
- CheckDlgButton(hwnd, IDC_FOUND, BST_CHECKED);
- SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)LoadIcon(g_plugin.getInst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(ICO_REGEDIT)));
- SetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_REPLACE), GWLP_USERDATA, 0);
- SetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_SEARCH), GWLP_USERDATA, 0);
- SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) | WS_EX_APPWINDOW); // taskbar icon
- TranslateDialogDefault(hwnd);
- ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(hwndResults, 32 | LVS_EX_LABELTIP); // LVS_EX_GRIDLINES
- loadListSettings(hwndResults, csResultList);
- Utils_RestoreWindowPositionNoMove(hwnd, NULL, MODULENAME, "Search_");
- return TRUE;
- case WM_COMMAND:
- switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
- case IDOK:
- case IDC_SEARCH:
- if (GetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_SEARCH), GWLP_USERDATA)) // stop the search
- SetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_SEARCH), GWLP_USERDATA, 0);
- else {
- wchar_t text[FLD_SIZE];
- wchar_t replace[FLD_SIZE] = {};
- if (!GetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_TEXT, text, _countof(text)) && !IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_EXACT)) break;
- // empty replace is done only for exact match or entire replace
- if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK &&
- !GetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_REPLACE, replace, _countof(replace)) &&
- (!IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_ENTIRELY) && !IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_EXACT)))
- break;
- if (BST_UNCHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_MODNAME) &&
- BST_UNCHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_SETTINGNAME) &&
- BST_UNCHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_SETTINGVALUE))
- break;
- FindInfo *fi = (FindInfo *)mir_calloc(sizeof(FindInfo));
- if (!fi)
- break;
- fi->hwnd = hwndResults;
- fi->options = (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CASESENSITIVE) ? F_CASE : 0) |
- (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_EXACT) ? F_EXACT : 0) |
- (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_MODNAME) ? F_MODNAME : 0) |
- (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_SETTINGNAME) ? F_SETNAME : 0) |
- (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_SETTINGVALUE) ? F_SETVAL : 0);
- if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK) {
- if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_ENTIRELY))
- fi->options |= F_ENTIRE;
- fi->replace = mir_wstrdup(replace);
- SetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDOK, TranslateT("Stop"));
- EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_SEARCH), 0);
- }
- else {
- SetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_SEARCH, TranslateT("Stop"));
- EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDOK), 0);
- }
- fi->search = mir_wstrdup(text);
- ListView_DeleteAllItems(fi->hwnd);
- SetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_SEARCH), GWLP_USERDATA, 1);
- EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDCANCEL), 0);
- mir_forkthread(FindSettings, fi);
- }
- break;
+ if (!search[0] && (!(options & F_EXACT) || !text[0]))
+ return 1;
- case IDCANCEL:
- DestroyWindow(hwnd);
- break;
- }
- break;
+ if (options & F_EXACT)
+ return (options & F_CASE) ? !strcmp(text, search) : !stricmp(text, search);
- {
- mmi->ptMinTrackSize.x = 610;
- mmi->ptMinTrackSize.y = 300;
- }
- return 0;
- case WM_SIZE:
- Utils_ResizeDialog(hwnd, g_plugin.getInst(), MAKEINTRESOURCEA(IDD_FIND), FindDialogResize);
- break;
- case WM_NOTIFY:
- if (LOWORD(wParam) != IDC_LIST) break;
- switch (((NMHDR *)lParam)->code) {
- case NM_DBLCLK:
- LVITEM lvi;
- hti.pt = ((NMLISTVIEW *)lParam)->ptAction;
- if (ListView_SubItemHitTest(hwndResults, &hti) > -1) {
- if (hti.flags & LVHT_ONITEM) {
- lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM;
- lvi.iItem = hti.iItem;
- lvi.iSubItem = 0;
- if (ListView_GetItem(hwndResults, &lvi)) {
- ItemInfo ii = {};
- ii.hContact = (MCONTACT)lvi.lParam;
- ListView_GetItemTextA(hwndResults, hti.iItem, 2, ii.module, _countof(ii.module));
- ListView_GetItemTextA(hwndResults, hti.iItem, 3, ii.setting, _countof(ii.setting));
- if (ii.setting[0])
- ii.type = FW_SETTINGNAME;
- else if (ii.module[0])
- ii.type = FW_MODULE;
- SendMessage(hwnd2mainWindow, WM_FINDITEM, (WPARAM)&ii, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- ColumnsSortParams params;
- params.hList = hwndResults;
- params.column = lv->iSubItem;
- params.last = lastColumn;
- ListView_SortItemsEx(params.hList, ColumnsCompare, (LPARAM)¶ms);
- lastColumn = (params.column == lastColumn) ? -1 : params.column;
- break;
- } // switch
- break;
- case WM_DESTROY:
- ListView_DeleteAllItems(hwndResults);
- saveListSettings(hwndResults, csResultList);
- Utils_SaveWindowPosition(hwnd, NULL, MODULENAME, "Search_");
- break;
- }
- return 0;
+ // on empty string strstr() returns full string while StrStrI() returns NULL
+ return (options & F_CASE) ? (INT_PTR)strstr(text, search) : (INT_PTR)StrStrIA(text, search);
-void newFindWindow()
+static int FindMatchW(const wchar_t *text, wchar_t *search, int options)
- CreateDialog(g_plugin.getInst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_FIND), hwnd2mainWindow, FindWindowDlgProc);
-void ItemFound(HWND hwnd, MCONTACT hContact, const char *module, const char *setting, wchar_t *value, int type)
- wchar_t name[NAME_SIZE];
- wchar_t *mode;
- if (type & F_REPLACED)
- mode = TranslateT("Replaced");
- else if (type & F_DELETED)
- mode = TranslateT("Deleted");
- else
- mode = TranslateT("Found");
- GetContactName(hContact, nullptr, name, _countof(name));
- LVITEM lvi = {};
- lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM;
- lvi.lParam = (LPARAM)hContact;
- int index = ListView_InsertItem(hwnd, &lvi);
- ListView_SetItemText(hwnd, index, 0, mode);
- ListView_SetItemText(hwnd, index, 1, name);
- ListView_SetItemTextA(hwnd, index, 2, module);
- int F_type = type & 0xFF;
+ if (!search[0] && (!(options & F_EXACT) || !text[0]))
+ return 1;
- if (F_type == F_SETNAME || F_type == F_SETVAL)
- ListView_SetItemTextA(hwnd, index, 3, setting);
+ if (options & F_EXACT)
+ return (options & F_CASE) ? !wcscmp(text, search) : !wcsicmp(text, search);
- if (F_type == F_SETVAL && value)
- ListView_SetItemText(hwnd, index, 4, value);
+ // on empty string strstr() returns full string while StrStrI() returns NULL
+ return (options & F_CASE) ? (INT_PTR)wcsstr(text, search) : (INT_PTR)StrStrIW(text, search);
-char *multiReplaceA(const char *value, const char *search, const char *replace, int cs)
+static char* multiReplaceA(const char *value, const char *search, const char *replace, int cs)
int slen = (int)mir_strlen(search);
int rlen = (int)mir_strlen(replace);
int vlen = (int)mir_strlen(value);
int ci = slen ? cs : 1; // on empty string strstr() returns full string while StrStrI() returns NULL
- // let's try to calculate maximum length for result string
+ // let's try to calculate maximum length for result string
int newlen = (!slen) ? rlen + 1 : ((rlen <= slen) ? vlen + 1 : vlen * rlen / slen + 1);
char *head;
@@ -262,21 +66,20 @@ char *multiReplaceA(const char *value, const char *search, const char *replace, return out;
-WCHAR *multiReplaceW(const WCHAR *value, const WCHAR *search, const WCHAR *replace, int cs)
+static wchar_t* multiReplaceW(const wchar_t *value, const wchar_t *search, const wchar_t *replace, int cs)
int slen = (int)mir_wstrlen(search);
int rlen = (int)mir_wstrlen(replace);
int vlen = (int)mir_wstrlen(value);
int ci = slen ? cs : 1; // on empty string strstr() returns full string while StrStrI() returns NULL
- // let's try to calculate maximum length for result string
+ // let's try to calculate maximum length for result string
int newlen = (!slen) ? rlen + 1 : ((rlen <= slen) ? vlen + 1 : vlen * rlen / slen + 1);
- WCHAR *head;
- WCHAR *in = (WCHAR *)value;
- WCHAR *out = (WCHAR *)mir_alloc(newlen * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ wchar_t *in = (wchar_t *)value;
+ wchar_t *out = (wchar_t *)mir_alloc(newlen * sizeof(wchar_t));
out[0] = 0;
- while (head = ci ? wcsstr(in, search) : StrStrIW(in, search)) {
+ while (wchar_t *head = ci ? wcsstr(in, search) : StrStrIW(in, search)) {
if (head != in)
mir_wstrncat(out, in, head - in + 1);
in = head + slen;
@@ -287,278 +90,458 @@ WCHAR *multiReplaceW(const WCHAR *value, const WCHAR *search, const WCHAR *repla return out;
-int FindMatchA(const char *text, char *search, int options)
- if (!search[0] && (!(options & F_EXACT) || !text[0]))
- return 1;
- if (options & F_EXACT)
- return (options & F_CASE) ? !strcmp(text, search) : !stricmp(text, search);
- // on empty string strstr() returns full string while StrStrI() returns NULL
- return (options & F_CASE) ? (INT_PTR)strstr(text, search) : (INT_PTR)StrStrIA(text, search);
-int FindMatchW(const WCHAR *text, WCHAR *search, int options)
+static ColumnsSettings csResultList[] =
- if (!search[0] && (!(options & F_EXACT) || !text[0]))
- return 1;
- if (options & F_EXACT)
- return (options & F_CASE) ? !wcscmp(text, search) : !wcsicmp(text, search);
- // on empty string strstr() returns full string while StrStrI() returns NULL
- return (options & F_CASE) ? (INT_PTR)wcsstr(text, search) : (INT_PTR)StrStrIW(text, search);
+ { LPGENW("Result"), 0, "Search0width", 100 },
+ { LPGENW("Contact"), 1, "Search1width", 100 },
+ { LPGENW("Module"), 2, "Search2width", 100 },
+ { LPGENW("Setting"), 3, "Search3width", 100 },
+ { LPGENW("Value"), 4, "Search4width", 150 },
+ { nullptr }
-void fi_free(FindInfo *fi)
+class CFindWindowDlg : public CDlgBase
- mir_free(fi->search);
- mir_free(fi->replace);
- mir_free(fi);
+ struct FindInfo
+ {
+ CFindWindowDlg *pDlg; // hwnd to item list
+ int options; // or'd about items
+ ptrW search; // text to find
+ ptrW replace; // text to replace
+ };
+ bool bSearchActive = false, bFirstMatch = false;
+ int lastColumn = -1;
-void __cdecl FindSettings(LPVOID param)
- FindInfo *fi = (FindInfo *)param;
- HWND hwndParent = GetParent(fi->hwnd);
+ static void __cdecl FindSettings(LPVOID param)
+ {
+ FindInfo *fi = (FindInfo *)param;
+ auto *pDlg = fi->pDlg;
+ pDlg->bSearchActive = pDlg->bFirstMatch = true;
- ModuleSettingLL ModuleList, SettingList;
- ModSetLinkLinkItem *module, *setting;
+ ModuleSettingLL ModuleList, SettingList;
+ ModSetLinkLinkItem *module, *setting;
- MCONTACT hContact;
- DBVARIANT dbv = {};
+ MCONTACT hContact;
+ DBVARIANT dbv = {};
- int foundCount = 0, replaceCount = 0, deleteCount = 0;
+ int foundCount = 0, replaceCount = 0, deleteCount = 0;
- DWORD numsearch = 0, numreplace = 0;
- int NULLContactDone = 0;
+ DWORD numsearch = 0, numreplace = 0;
+ int NULLContactDone = 0;
- if (!fi->search || !EnumModules(&ModuleList)) {
- fi_free(fi);
- return;
- }
+ if (!fi->search || !EnumModules(&ModuleList)) {
+ delete fi;
+ return;
+ }
- _T2A search(fi->search);
- _T2A replace(fi->replace);
+ _T2A search(fi->search);
+ _T2A replace(fi->replace);
- // skip modules and setting names on unicode search or replace
- if (IsRealUnicode(fi->search) || IsRealUnicode(fi->replace)) {
- fi->options &= ~(F_SETNAME | F_MODNAME);
- fi->options |= F_UNICODE;
- }
+ // skip modules and setting names on unicode search or replace
+ if (IsRealUnicode(fi->search) || IsRealUnicode(fi->replace)) {
+ fi->options &= ~(F_SETNAME | F_MODNAME);
+ fi->options |= F_UNICODE;
+ }
- if (!(fi->options & F_UNICODE) && (fi->options & F_SETVAL)) {
- char val[16];
- numsearch = strtoul(search, nullptr, 10);
- _ultoa(numsearch, val, 10);
- if (!mir_strcmp(search, val)) {
- fi->options |= F_NUMSRCH;
- // replace numeric values only entirely
- if (replace && (fi->options & F_ENTIRE)) {
- numreplace = strtoul(replace, nullptr, 10);
- _ultoa(numreplace, val, 10);
- if (!replace[0] || !mir_strcmp(replace, val))
- fi->options |= F_NUMREPL;
+ if (!(fi->options & F_UNICODE) && (fi->options & F_SETVAL)) {
+ char val[16];
+ numsearch = strtoul(search, nullptr, 10);
+ _ultoa(numsearch, val, 10);
+ if (!mir_strcmp(search, val)) {
+ fi->options |= F_NUMSRCH;
+ // replace numeric values only entirely
+ if (replace && (fi->options & F_ENTIRE)) {
+ numreplace = strtoul(replace, nullptr, 10);
+ _ultoa(numreplace, val, 10);
+ if (!replace[0] || !mir_strcmp(replace, val))
+ fi->options |= F_NUMREPL;
+ }
- }
- SendDlgItemMessage(hwndParent, IDC_SBAR, SB_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)TranslateT("Searching..."));
+ pDlg->m_sb.SendMsg(SB_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)TranslateT("Searching..."));
- hContact = 0;
+ hContact = 0;
- while (GetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(hwndParent, IDC_SEARCH), GWLP_USERDATA)) {
+ while (pDlg->bSearchActive) {
- if (!hContact) {
- if (NULLContactDone)
- break;
- else {
- NULLContactDone = 1;
- hContact = db_find_first();
+ if (!hContact) {
+ if (NULLContactDone)
+ break;
+ else {
+ NULLContactDone = 1;
+ hContact = db_find_first();
+ }
- }
- else hContact = db_find_next(hContact);
- for (module = ModuleList.first; module; module = module->next) {
+ else hContact = db_find_next(hContact);
- if (IsModuleEmpty(hContact, module->name))
- continue;
+ for (module = ModuleList.first; module; module = module->next) {
- if (fi->options & (F_SETVAL | F_SETNAME)) {
+ if (IsModuleEmpty(hContact, module->name))
+ continue;
- if (!EnumSettings(hContact, module->name, &SettingList)) {
- fi_free(fi);
- FreeModuleSettingLL(&ModuleList);
- return;
- }
+ if (fi->options & (F_SETVAL | F_SETNAME)) {
- for (setting = SettingList.first; setting; setting = setting->next) {
+ if (!EnumSettings(hContact, module->name, &SettingList)) {
+ delete fi;
+ FreeModuleSettingLL(&ModuleList);
+ return;
+ }
- dbv.type = 0;
- if (db_get_s(hContact, module->name, setting->name, &dbv, 0))
- continue;
+ for (setting = SettingList.first; setting; setting = setting->next) {
- // check in settings value
- if (fi->options & F_SETVAL) {
+ dbv.type = 0;
+ if (db_get_s(hContact, module->name, setting->name, &dbv, 0))
+ continue;
- wchar_t *value = nullptr;
+ // check in settings value
+ if (fi->options & F_SETVAL) {
- switch (dbv.type) {
+ wchar_t *value = nullptr;
- case DBVT_BYTE:
- case DBVT_WORD:
- case DBVT_DWORD:
- if ((fi->options & F_NUMSRCH) && numsearch == getNumericValue(&dbv)) {
- wchar_t *val = fi->search;
- int flag = F_SETVAL;
+ switch (dbv.type) {
+ case DBVT_BYTE:
+ case DBVT_WORD:
+ case DBVT_DWORD:
+ if ((fi->options & F_NUMSRCH) && numsearch == getNumericValue(&dbv)) {
+ wchar_t *val = fi->search;
+ int flag = F_SETVAL;
- if (fi->options & F_NUMREPL) {
- if (replace[0]) {
- db_unset(hContact, module->name, setting->name);
- flag |= F_DELETED;
- deleteCount++;
- }
- else
- if (setNumericValue(hContact, module->name, setting->name, numreplace, dbv.type)) {
+ if (fi->options & F_NUMREPL) {
+ if (replace[0]) {
+ db_unset(hContact, module->name, setting->name);
+ flag |= F_DELETED;
+ deleteCount++;
+ }
+ else if (setNumericValue(hContact, module->name, setting->name, numreplace, dbv.type)) {
val = fi->replace;
flag |= F_REPLACED;
+ }
+ pDlg->ItemFound(hContact, module->name, setting->name, val, flag);
+ break;
+ case DBVT_WCHAR:
+ if (!value) value = mir_wstrdup(dbv.pwszVal);
+ __fallthrough;
+ case DBVT_UTF8:
+ if (!value) value = mir_utf8decodeW(dbv.pszVal);
+ __fallthrough;
+ if (!value) value = mir_a2u(dbv.pszVal);
+ if (FindMatchW(value, fi->search, fi->options)) {
+ foundCount++;
+ ptrW ptr;
+ wchar_t *newValue = value;
+ int flag = F_SETVAL;
+ if (fi->replace) {
+ newValue = (fi->options & F_ENTIRE) ? fi->replace : ptr = multiReplaceW(value, fi->search, fi->replace, fi->options & F_CASE);
+ // !!!! delete or make empty ?
+ if (!newValue[0]) {
+ db_unset(hContact, module->name, setting->name);
+ flag |= F_DELETED;
+ newValue = value;
+ deleteCount++;
+ }
+ else {
+ // save as unicode if needed
+ if (dbv.type != DBVT_ASCIIZ || IsRealUnicode(newValue))
+ db_set_ws(hContact, module->name, setting->name, newValue);
+ else
+ db_set_s(hContact, module->name, setting->name, _T2A(newValue));
+ flag |= F_REPLACED;
+ replaceCount++;
+ }
+ }
- ItemFound(fi->hwnd, hContact, module->name, setting->name, val, flag);
- }
- break;
- case DBVT_WCHAR:
- if (!value) value = mir_wstrdup(dbv.pwszVal);
- case DBVT_UTF8:
- if (!value) value = mir_utf8decodeW(dbv.pszVal);
- if (!value) value = mir_a2u(dbv.pszVal);
- if (FindMatchW(value, fi->search, fi->options)) {
- foundCount++;
- ptrW ptr;
- wchar_t *newValue = value;
- int flag = F_SETVAL;
- if (fi->replace) {
- newValue = (fi->options & F_ENTIRE) ? fi->replace : ptr = multiReplaceW(value, fi->search, fi->replace, fi->options & F_CASE);
- // !!!! delete or make empty ?
- if (!newValue[0]) {
+ pDlg->ItemFound(hContact, module->name, setting->name, newValue, flag);
+ }
+ mir_free(value);
+ break;
+ } // switch
+ }
+ // check in setting name
+ if ((fi->options & F_SETNAME) && FindMatchA(setting->name, search, fi->options)) {
+ foundCount++;
+ ptrA ptr;
+ char *newSetting = setting->name;
+ int flag = F_SETNAME;
+ if (replace) {
+ newSetting = (fi->options & F_ENTIRE) ? replace : ptr = multiReplaceA(setting->name, search, replace, fi->options & F_CASE);
+ if (!newSetting[0]) {
+ db_unset(hContact, module->name, setting->name);
+ flag |= F_DELETED;
+ newSetting = setting->name;
+ deleteCount++;
+ }
+ else {
+ // skip if exist
+ if (!db_get_s(hContact, module->name, newSetting, &dbv2, 0))
+ db_free(&dbv2);
+ else if (!db_set(hContact, module->name, newSetting, &dbv)) {
db_unset(hContact, module->name, setting->name);
- flag |= F_DELETED;
- newValue = value;
- deleteCount++;
- }
- else {
- // save as unicode if needed
- if (dbv.type != DBVT_ASCIIZ || IsRealUnicode(newValue))
- db_set_ws(hContact, module->name, setting->name, newValue);
- else
- db_set_s(hContact, module->name, setting->name, _T2A(newValue));
flag |= F_REPLACED;
- ItemFound(fi->hwnd, hContact, module->name, setting->name, newValue, flag);
- mir_free(value);
- break;
- } // switch
- }
- // check in setting name
- if ((fi->options & F_SETNAME) && FindMatchA(setting->name, search, fi->options)) {
- foundCount++;
- ptrA ptr;
- char *newSetting = setting->name;
- int flag = F_SETNAME;
- if (replace) {
- newSetting = (fi->options & F_ENTIRE) ? replace : ptr = multiReplaceA(setting->name, search, replace, fi->options & F_CASE);
- if (!newSetting[0]) {
- db_unset(hContact, module->name, setting->name);
- flag |= F_DELETED;
- newSetting = setting->name;
- deleteCount++;
- }
- else {
- // skip if exist
- if (!db_get_s(hContact, module->name, newSetting, &dbv2, 0))
- db_free(&dbv2);
- else if (!db_set(hContact, module->name, newSetting, &dbv)) {
- db_unset(hContact, module->name, setting->name);
- flag |= F_REPLACED;
- replaceCount++;
- }
- }
+ pDlg->ItemFound(hContact, module->name, newSetting, nullptr, flag);
- ItemFound(fi->hwnd, hContact, module->name, newSetting, nullptr, flag);
- }
- db_free(&dbv);
+ db_free(&dbv);
- } // for(setting)
+ } // for(setting)
- FreeModuleSettingLL(&SettingList);
- }
+ FreeModuleSettingLL(&SettingList);
+ }
- // check in module name
- if ((fi->options & F_MODNAME) && FindMatchA(module->name, search, fi->options)) {
- foundCount++;
- char *newModule = module->name;
- int flag = F_MODNAME;
- ptrA ptr;
- if (replace) {
- newModule = (fi->options & F_ENTIRE) ? replace : ptr = multiReplaceA(module->name, search, replace, fi->options & F_CASE);
- if (!newModule[0]) {
- deleteModule(hContact, module->name, 0);
- replaceTreeItem(hContact, module->name, nullptr);
- flag |= F_DELETED;
- newModule = module->name;
- deleteCount++;
- }
- else if (renameModule(hContact, module->name, newModule)) {
- replaceTreeItem(hContact, module->name, nullptr);
- flag |= F_REPLACED;
- replaceCount++;
+ // check in module name
+ if ((fi->options & F_MODNAME) && FindMatchA(module->name, search, fi->options)) {
+ foundCount++;
+ char *newModule = module->name;
+ int flag = F_MODNAME;
+ ptrA ptr;
+ if (replace) {
+ newModule = (fi->options & F_ENTIRE) ? replace : ptr = multiReplaceA(module->name, search, replace, fi->options & F_CASE);
+ if (!newModule[0]) {
+ deleteModule(hContact, module->name, 0);
+ replaceTreeItem(hContact, module->name, nullptr);
+ flag |= F_DELETED;
+ newModule = module->name;
+ deleteCount++;
+ }
+ else if (renameModule(hContact, module->name, newModule)) {
+ replaceTreeItem(hContact, module->name, nullptr);
+ flag |= F_REPLACED;
+ replaceCount++;
+ }
+ pDlg->ItemFound(hContact, newModule, nullptr, nullptr, flag);
+ } // for(module)
+ }
- ItemFound(fi->hwnd, hContact, newModule, nullptr, nullptr, flag);
- }
- } // for(module)
+ wchar_t msg[MSG_SIZE];
+ mir_snwprintf(msg, TranslateT("Finished. Items found: %d / replaced: %d / deleted: %d"), foundCount, replaceCount, deleteCount);
+ pDlg->m_sb.SendMsg(SB_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)msg);
+ if (fi->replace) {
+ pDlg->btnReplace.SetText(TranslateT("&Replace"));
+ pDlg->btnSearch.Enable(1);
+ }
+ else {
+ pDlg->btnSearch.SetText(TranslateT("&Search"));
+ pDlg->btnReplace.Enable();
+ }
+ delete fi;
+ FreeModuleSettingLL(&ModuleList);
+ pDlg->bSearchActive = false;
+ EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(pDlg->GetHwnd(), IDCANCEL), 1);
- wchar_t msg[MSG_SIZE];
- mir_snwprintf(msg, TranslateT("Finished. Items found: %d / replaced: %d / deleted: %d"), foundCount, replaceCount, deleteCount);
- SendDlgItemMessage(hwndParent, IDC_SBAR, SB_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)msg);
+ void ItemFound(MCONTACT hContact, const char *module, const char *setting, wchar_t *value, int type)
+ {
+ if (bFirstMatch) {
+ SetFocus(m_results.GetHwnd());
+ bFirstMatch = false;
+ }
+ wchar_t *mode;
+ if (type & F_REPLACED)
+ mode = TranslateT("Replaced");
+ else if (type & F_DELETED)
+ mode = TranslateT("Deleted");
+ else
+ mode = TranslateT("Found");
+ wchar_t name[NAME_SIZE];
+ GetContactName(hContact, nullptr, name, _countof(name));
+ LVITEM lvi = {};
+ lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM;
+ lvi.lParam = (LPARAM)hContact;
+ int index = m_results.InsertItem(&lvi);
+ m_results.SetItemText(index, 0, mode);
+ m_results.SetItemText(index, 1, name);
+ m_results.SetItemText(index, 2, _A2T(module));
+ int F_type = type & 0xFF;
- if (fi->replace) {
- EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndParent, IDC_SEARCH), 1);
- SetDlgItemText(hwndParent, IDOK, TranslateT("&Replace"));
+ if (F_type == F_SETNAME || F_type == F_SETVAL)
+ m_results.SetItemText(index, 3, _A2T(setting));
+ if (F_type == F_SETVAL && value)
+ m_results.SetItemText(index, 4, value);
+ }
+ CCtrlBase m_sb;
+ CCtrlButton btnSearch, btnReplace;
+ CCtrlListView m_results;
+ CFindWindowDlg(HWND hwndParent) :
+ CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_FIND),
+ m_sb(this, IDC_SBAR),
+ m_results(this, IDC_LIST),
+ btnReplace(this, IDOK),
+ btnSearch(this, IDC_SEARCH)
+ {
+ SetParent(hwndParent);
+ SetMinSize(610, 300);
+ btnSearch.OnClick = Callback(this, &CFindWindowDlg::onClick_Search);
+ }
+ bool OnInitDialog() override
+ {
+ m_sb.SendMsg(SB_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)TranslateT("Enter a string to search the database for"));
+ CheckDlgButton(m_hwnd, IDC_MODNAME, BST_CHECKED);
+ CheckDlgButton(m_hwnd, IDC_SETTINGNAME, BST_CHECKED);
+ CheckDlgButton(m_hwnd, IDC_SETTINGVALUE, BST_CHECKED);
+ CheckDlgButton(m_hwnd, IDC_FOUND, BST_CHECKED);
+ SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)LoadIcon(g_plugin.getInst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(ICO_REGEDIT)));
+ SetWindowLong(m_hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(m_hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) | WS_EX_APPWINDOW); // taskbar icon
+ m_results.SetExtendedListViewStyle(32 | LVS_EX_LABELTIP); // LVS_EX_GRIDLINES
+ loadListSettings(m_results.GetHwnd(), csResultList);
+ Utils_RestoreWindowPositionNoMove(m_hwnd, NULL, MODULENAME, "Search_");
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnApply() override
+ {
+ onClick_Search(0);
+ return false;
- else {
- SetDlgItemText(hwndParent, IDC_SEARCH, TranslateT("&Search"));
- EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndParent, IDOK), 1);
+ void OnDestroy() override
+ {
+ m_results.DeleteAllItems();
+ saveListSettings(m_results.GetHwnd(), csResultList);
+ Utils_SaveWindowPosition(m_hwnd, NULL, MODULENAME, "Search_");
- fi_free(fi);
- FreeModuleSettingLL(&ModuleList);
+ int Resizer(UTILRESIZECONTROL *urc) override
+ {
+ switch (urc->wId) {
+ case IDC_LIST:
+ case IDC_SBAR:
+ }
+ }
- SetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(hwndParent, IDC_SEARCH), GWLP_USERDATA, 0);
- EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndParent, IDCANCEL), 1);
+ void onClick_Search(CCtrlButton *pButton)
+ {
+ // stop the search, if it's active
+ if (bSearchActive) {
+ bSearchActive = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ wchar_t text[FLD_SIZE];
+ if (!GetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_TEXT, text, _countof(text)) && !IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, IDC_EXACT))
+ return;
+ // empty replace is done only for exact match or entire replace
+ wchar_t replace[FLD_SIZE] = {};
+ if (pButton->GetCtrlId() == IDOK &&
+ !GetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_REPLACE, replace, _countof(replace)) &&
+ (!IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, IDC_ENTIRELY) && !IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, IDC_EXACT)))
+ return;
+ if (BST_UNCHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, IDC_MODNAME) &&
+ BST_UNCHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, IDC_SETTINGNAME) &&
+ BST_UNCHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, IDC_SETTINGVALUE))
+ return;
+ FindInfo *fi = new FindInfo();
+ fi->pDlg = this;
+ fi->options = (IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, IDC_CASESENSITIVE) ? F_CASE : 0) |
+ (IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, IDC_EXACT) ? F_EXACT : 0) |
+ (IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, IDC_MODNAME) ? F_MODNAME : 0) |
+ (IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, IDC_SETTINGNAME) ? F_SETNAME : 0) |
+ (IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, IDC_SETTINGVALUE) ? F_SETVAL : 0);
+ if (pButton->GetCtrlId() == IDOK) {
+ if (IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, IDC_ENTIRELY))
+ fi->options |= F_ENTIRE;
+ fi->replace = mir_wstrdup(replace);
+ btnReplace.SetText(TranslateT("Stop"));
+ btnSearch.Disable();
+ }
+ else {
+ btnSearch.SetText(TranslateT("Stop"));
+ btnReplace.Disable();
+ }
+ fi->search = mir_wstrdup(text);
+ m_results.DeleteAllItems();
+ EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDCANCEL), 0);
+ mir_forkthread(FindSettings, fi);
+ }
+ void onDblClick_List(CCtrlListView::TEventInfo *ev)
+ {
+ LVITEM lvi;
+ hti.pt = ev->nmlv->ptAction;
+ if (m_results.SubItemHitTest(&hti) == -1)
+ return;
+ if (hti.flags & LVHT_ONITEM) {
+ lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM;
+ lvi.iItem = hti.iItem;
+ lvi.iSubItem = 0;
+ if (m_results.GetItem(&lvi)) {
+ ItemInfo ii = {};
+ ii.hContact = (MCONTACT)lvi.lParam;
+ ListView_GetItemTextA(m_results.GetHwnd(), hti.iItem, 2, ii.module, _countof(ii.module));
+ ListView_GetItemTextA(m_results.GetHwnd(), hti.iItem, 3, ii.setting, _countof(ii.setting));
+ if (ii.setting[0])
+ ii.type = FW_SETTINGNAME;
+ else if (ii.module[0])
+ ii.type = FW_MODULE;
+ SendMessage(hwnd2mainWindow, WM_FINDITEM, (WPARAM)&ii, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void onColumnClick_List(CCtrlListView::TEventInfo *ev)
+ {
+ ColumnsSortParams params;
+ params.hList = m_results.GetHwnd();
+ params.column = ev->nmlv->iSubItem;
+ params.last = lastColumn;
+ ListView_SortItemsEx(params.hList, ColumnsCompare, (LPARAM)¶ms);
+ lastColumn = (params.column == lastColumn) ? -1 : params.column;
+ }
+void newFindWindow()
+ (new CFindWindowDlg(hwnd2mainWindow))->Create();
diff --git a/plugins/DbEditorPP/src/stdafx.h b/plugins/DbEditorPP/src/stdafx.h index afe1a23d68..0bdf7d8b05 100644 --- a/plugins/DbEditorPP/src/stdafx.h +++ b/plugins/DbEditorPP/src/stdafx.h @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ int setNumericValue(MCONTACT hContact, const char *module, const char *setting, int IsRealUnicode(wchar_t *value);
int setTextValue(MCONTACT hContact, const char *module, const char *setting, wchar_t *value, int type);
int GetValueA(MCONTACT hContact, const char *module, const char *setting, char *value, int length);
-int GetValueW(MCONTACT hContact, const char *module, const char *setting, WCHAR *value, int length);
+int GetValueW(MCONTACT hContact, const char *module, const char *setting, wchar_t *value, int length);
int GetContactName(MCONTACT hContact, const char *proto, wchar_t *value, int maxlen);
int ApplyProtoFilter(MCONTACT hContact);
void loadListSettings(HWND hwnd, ColumnsSettings *cs);
diff --git a/plugins/DbEditorPP/src/utils.cpp b/plugins/DbEditorPP/src/utils.cpp index 7861e66266..f6d394c8bf 100644 --- a/plugins/DbEditorPP/src/utils.cpp +++ b/plugins/DbEditorPP/src/utils.cpp @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ int GetValueA(MCONTACT hContact, const char *module, const char *setting, char * return 0; } -int GetValueW(MCONTACT hContact, const char *module, const char *setting, WCHAR *value, int length) +int GetValueW(MCONTACT hContact, const char *module, const char *setting, wchar_t *value, int length) { DBVARIANT dbv = {}; diff --git a/plugins/DbEditorPP/src/version.h b/plugins/DbEditorPP/src/version.h index 5d41638d3e..0c5cea7c4e 100644 --- a/plugins/DbEditorPP/src/version.h +++ b/plugins/DbEditorPP/src/version.h @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ #define __MAJOR_VERSION 4 #define __MINOR_VERSION 0 #define __RELEASE_NUM 2 -#define __BUILD_NUM 2 +#define __BUILD_NUM 3 #include <stdver.h> |