path: root/plugins
diff options
authorGeorge Hazan <>2021-04-08 13:38:35 +0300
committerGeorge Hazan <>2021-04-08 13:38:35 +0300
commit40489aa6b6db071b0696da1295b73cc8659614b3 (patch)
treea0bf75520164632f92447dd5789f7214b1c6ff70 /plugins
parent539c19ab997c4896cfe7740914a6e203cf5c1f3e (diff)
Notes & reminders:
- common date&time processing code moved to the base dialog class; - madness with manual combobox mode eliminated; - duplicate code removed; - also fixed #2773 (Notes and Reminders: невозможно выставить существующей напоминалке более раннее время); - version bump.
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins')
4 files changed, 421 insertions, 417 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/NotesAndReminders/res/resource.rc b/plugins/NotesAndReminders/res/resource.rc
index 01180176d3..0d492b5352 100644
--- a/plugins/NotesAndReminders/res/resource.rc
+++ b/plugins/NotesAndReminders/res/resource.rc
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ BEGIN
LTEXT "Date",IDC_STATIC,8,8,24,8
CONTROL "DateTimePicker1",IDC_DATE,"SysDateTimePick32",DTS_LONGDATEFORMAT | WS_TABSTOP,39,6,107,13
LTEXT "Time",IDC_STATIC,8,25,25,8
CONTROL "Repeat each day",IDC_CHECK_REPEAT,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,10,42,138,10
GROUPBOX "Reminder Note:",1006,4,58,230,99
@@ -125,9 +125,9 @@ BEGIN
GROUPBOX "",0,4,90,148,52
LTEXT "Date",IDC_STATIC_DATE,10,106,23,8
- CONTROL "DateTimePicker1",IDC_DATEAGAIN,"SysDateTimePick32",DTS_LONGDATEFORMAT | WS_TABSTOP,39,104,107,13
+ CONTROL "DateTimePicker1",IDC_DATE,"SysDateTimePick32",DTS_LONGDATEFORMAT | WS_TABSTOP,39,104,107,13
LTEXT "Time",IDC_STATIC_TIME,10,125,24,8
DEFPUSHBUTTON "&Remind Again",IDC_REMINDAGAIN,161,92,75,14
PUSHBUTTON "&Create Note",IDC_NONE,161,111,75,14
PUSHBUTTON "&Dismiss",IDC_DISMISS,161,129,75,14
diff --git a/plugins/NotesAndReminders/src/reminders.cpp b/plugins/NotesAndReminders/src/reminders.cpp
index 4ad33022d1..bf47810ee1 100644
--- a/plugins/NotesAndReminders/src/reminders.cpp
+++ b/plugins/NotesAndReminders/src/reminders.cpp
@@ -441,18 +441,6 @@ static LRESULT CALLBACK DatePickerWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam
return mir_callNextSubclass(hWnd, DatePickerWndProc, message, wParam, lParam);
-static void InitDatePicker(CCtrlDate &pDate)
- // tweak style of picker
- if (IsWinVerVistaPlus()) {
- DWORD dw = pDate.SendMsg(DTM_GETMCSTYLE, 0, 0);
- pDate.SendMsg(DTM_SETMCSTYLE, 0, dw);
- }
- mir_subclassWindow(pDate.GetHwnd(), DatePickerWndProc);
static BOOL ParseTime(const wchar_t *s, int *hout, int *mout, BOOL bTimeOffset, BOOL bAllowOffsetOverride)
// validate format: <WS><digit>[<digit>]<WS>[':'<WS><digit>[<digit>]]<WS>[p | P].*
@@ -591,382 +579,459 @@ static BOOL ParseTime(const wchar_t *s, int *hout, int *mout, BOOL bTimeOffset,
return TRUE;
-// returns TRUE if combo box list displays time offsets ("23:34 (5 Minutes)" etc.)
-__inline static bool IsRelativeCombo(CCtrlCombo &pCombo)
- return pCombo.GetItemData(0) < 0x80000000;
+// Basic reminder dialog class
-static void PopulateTimeCombo(CCtrlCombo &pCombo, const SYSTEMTIME *tmUtc)
+class CReminderBaseDlg : public CDlgBase
- // NOTE: may seem like a bit excessive time converstion and handling, but this is done in order
- // to gracefully handle crossing daylight saving boundaries
- pCombo.ResetContent();
- wchar_t s[64];
- // generate absolute time table for date different than today
- GetSystemTime(&tm2);
- if (tmUtc->wDay != tm2.wDay || tmUtc->wMonth != tm2.wMonth || tmUtc->wYear != tm2.wYear) {
- // ensure that we start on midnight local time
- SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(nullptr, tmUtc, &tm2);
- tm2.wHour = 0;
- tm2.wMinute = 0;
- tm2.wSecond = 0;
- tm2.wMilliseconds = 0;
- TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime(nullptr, &tm2, &tm2);
- SystemTimeToFileTime(&tm2, (FILETIME*)&li);
- // from 00:00 to 23:30 in 30 minute steps
- for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
- const int h = i >> 1;
- const int m = (i & 1) ? 30 : 0;
+ typedef CDlgBase CSuper;
- FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm2);
- mir_snwprintf(s, L"%02d:%02d", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute);
+ CCtrlDate m_date;
+ CCtrlCombo cmbTime;
- // item data contains time offset from midnight in seconds (bit 31 is set to flag that
- // combo box items are absolute times and not relative times like below
- pCombo.AddString(s, ((h * 60 + m) * 60) | 0x80000000);
+ bool m_bManualTime = false, m_bRelativeCombo = false;
+ __int64 m_savedLi = 0;
- li += 30ll * MinutesToFileTime;
+ CReminderBaseDlg(int iDlgId) :
+ CSuper(g_plugin, iDlgId),
+ m_date(this, IDC_DATE),
+ cmbTime(this, IDC_TIMECOMBO)
+ {
+ m_date.OnChange = Callback(this, &CReminderBaseDlg::onChange_Date);
- if (tm2.wHour == 23 && tm2.wMinute >= 30)
- break;
- }
- return;
+ cmbTime.OnChange = Callback(this, &CReminderBaseDlg::onChange_Time);
+ cmbTime.OnSelChanged = Callback(this, &CReminderBaseDlg::onSelChange_Time);
+ cmbTime.OnKillFocus = Callback(this, &CReminderBaseDlg::onKillFocus_Time);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ void onChange_Time(CCtrlCombo *)
+ {
+ m_bManualTime = true;
+ }
- SystemTimeToFileTime(tmUtc, (FILETIME*)&li);
- ULONGLONG ref = li;
- // NOTE: item data contains offset from reference time (tmUtc) in seconds
- // cur time
- FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm2);
- WORD wCurHour = tm2.wHour;
- WORD wCurMinute = tm2.wMinute;
- mir_snwprintf(s, L"%02d:%02d", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute);
- pCombo.AddString(s, (li - ref) / FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC);
- // 5 minutes
- li += (ULONGLONG)5 * MinutesToFileTime;
- FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm2);
- mir_snwprintf(s, L"%02d:%02d (5 %s)", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute, TranslateT("Minutes"));
- pCombo.AddString(s, (li - ref) / FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC);
- // 10 minutes
- li += (ULONGLONG)5 * MinutesToFileTime;
- FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm2);
- mir_snwprintf(s, L"%02d:%02d (10 %s)", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute, TranslateT("Minutes"));
- pCombo.AddString(s, (li - ref) / FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC);
- // 15 minutes
- li += (ULONGLONG)5 * MinutesToFileTime;
- FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm2);
- mir_snwprintf(s, L"%02d:%02d (15 %s)", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute, TranslateT("Minutes"));
- pCombo.AddString(s, (li - ref) / FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC);
- // 30 minutes
- li += (ULONGLONG)15 * MinutesToFileTime;
- FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm2);
- mir_snwprintf(s, L"%02d:%02d (30 %s)", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute, TranslateT("Minutes"));
- pCombo.AddString(s, (li - ref) / FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC);
- // round +1h time to nearest even or half hour
- li += (ULONGLONG)30 * MinutesToFileTime;
- li = (li / (30 * MinutesToFileTime)) * (30 * MinutesToFileTime);
- // add from +1 to +23.5 (in half hour steps) if crossing daylight saving boundary it may be 22.5 or 24.5 hours
- for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
- UINT dt;
+ void onSelChange_Time(CCtrlCombo *)
+ {
+ m_bManualTime = false;
+ }
- FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm2);
+ void onKillFocus_Time(CCtrlCombo*)
+ {
+ if (cmbTime.GetCurSel() != -1)
+ return;
- if (i > 40) {
- UINT nLastEntry = ((UINT)wCurHour * 60 + (UINT)wCurMinute) / 30;
- if (nLastEntry)
- nLastEntry *= 30;
- else
- nLastEntry = 23 * 60 + 30;
+ wchar_t buf[64];
+ cmbTime.GetText(buf, _countof(buf));
- if (((UINT)tm2.wHour * 60 + (UINT)tm2.wMinute) == nLastEntry)
- break;
+ int h, m;
+ if (ParseTime(buf, &h, &m, FALSE, m_bRelativeCombo)) {
+ m_date.GetTime(&Date);
+ ReformatTimeInput(m_savedLi, h, m, &Date);
+ else cmbTime.SetCurSel(0);
+ }
- // icq-style display 1.0, 1.5 etc. hours even though that isn't accurate due to rounding
- //mir_snwprintf(s, L"%02d:%02d (%d.%d %s)", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute, 1+(i>>1), (i&1) ? 5 : 0, lpszHours);
- // display delta time more accurately to match reformatting (that icq doesn't do)
- dt = (UINT)((li / MinutesToFileTime) - (ref / MinutesToFileTime));
- if (dt < 60)
- mir_snwprintf(s, L"%02d:%02d (%d %s)", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute, dt, TranslateT("Minutes"));
- else
- mir_snwprintf(s, L"%02d:%02d (%d.%d %s)", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute, dt / 60, ((dt % 60) * 10) / 60, TranslateT("Hours"));
- pCombo.AddString(s, dt * 60);
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // repopulate time combo list with regular times (not offsets like "23:32 (5 minutes)" etc.)
- li += 30ll * MinutesToFileTime;
- }
+ void onChange_Date(CCtrlDate*)
+ {
+ wchar_t s[32];
+ cmbTime.GetText(s, _countof(s));
-// returns non-zero if specified time was inside "missing" hour of daylight saving
-// IMPORTANT: triggerRelUtcOut is only initialized if IsRelativeCombo() is TRUE and return value is 0
-static int ReformatTimeInput(CCtrlCombo &pCombo, ULONGLONG savedLi, int h, int m, const SYSTEMTIME *pDateLocal, ULONGLONG *triggerRelUtcOut = nullptr)
- if (h < 0) {
- // time value is an offset ('m' holds the offset in minutes)
- if (IsRelativeCombo(pCombo)) {
- ULONGLONG ref, li;
- li = ref = savedLi;
+ int h = -1, m;
+ ParseTime(s, &h, &m, FALSE, FALSE);
- // clamp delta time to 23.5 hours (coule be issues otherwise as relative combo only handles <24)
- if (m > (23 * 60 + 30))
- m = 23 * 60 + 30;
+ SYSTEMTIME Date, DateUtc;
+ m_date.GetTime(&Date);
+ TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime(nullptr, &Date, &DateUtc);
+ PopulateTimeCombo(&DateUtc);
+ if (h < 0) {
+ // parsing failed, default to current time
- FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm);
- h = (int)tm.wHour;
- m = (int)tm.wMinute;
+ GetLocalTime(&tm);
+ h = (UINT)tm.wHour;
+ m = (UINT)tm.wMinute;
+ }
- if (triggerRelUtcOut)
- *triggerRelUtcOut = li;
+ ReformatTimeInput(m_savedLi, h, m, &Date);
+ }
- wchar_t buf[64];
- UINT dt = (UINT)((li / MinutesToFileTime) - (ref / MinutesToFileTime));
- if (dt < 60)
- mir_snwprintf(buf, L"%02d:%02d (%d %s)", h, m, dt, TranslateT("Minutes"));
- else
- mir_snwprintf(buf, L"%02d:%02d (%d.%d %s)", h, m, dt / 60, ((dt % 60) * 10) / 60, TranslateT("Hours"));
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // in: pDate contains the desired trigger date in LOCAL time
+ // out: pDate contains the resulting trigger time and date in UTC
- // search for preset
- int n = pCombo.FindString(buf);
- if (n != -1) {
- pCombo.SetCurSel(n);
- return 0;
+ bool GetTriggerTime(ULONGLONG savedLi, SYSTEMTIME &pDate)
+ {
+ // absolute time specified in combobox item data
+ if (!m_bManualTime) {
+ // use preset value
+ UINT nDeltaSeconds = cmbTime.GetItemData(cmbTime.GetCurSel());
+ if (m_bRelativeCombo) {
+ // combine date from pDate (local) and time from savedLi (utc)
+ SYSTEMTIME st, st2;
+ FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME *)&savedLi, &st);
+ SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(nullptr, &st, &st2);
+ st2.wYear = pDate.wYear; st2.wMonth = pDate.wMonth; st2.wDay = pDate.wDay; st2.wDayOfWeek = pDate.wDayOfWeek;
+ SystemTimeToFileTime(&st2, (FILETIME*)&savedLi);
+ // time offset from ref time ("24:43 (5 Minutes)" etc.)
+ savedLi += (ULONGLONG)nDeltaSeconds * FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC;
+ FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME*)&savedLi, &st);
+ TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime(nullptr, &st, &pDate);
+ // if specified time is a small offset (< 10 Minutes) then retain current second count for better accuracy
+ // otherwise try to match specified time (which never contains seconds only even minutes) as close as possible
+ if (nDeltaSeconds >= 10 * 60) {
+ pDate.wSecond = 0;
+ pDate.wMilliseconds = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ // absolute time (offset from midnight on pDate)
+ pDate.wHour = pDate.wMinute = pDate.wSecond = pDate.wMilliseconds = 0;
+ TzLocalSTToFileTime(&pDate, (FILETIME*)&savedLi);
+ savedLi += (ULONGLONG)nDeltaSeconds * FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC;
- pCombo.SetText(buf);
+ FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME*)&savedLi, &pDate);
+ }
+ return true;
- else // should never happen
- pCombo.SetCurSel(0);
- return 0;
+ // user entered a custom value
+ wchar_t buf[32];
+ cmbTime.GetText(buf, _countof(buf));
+ int h, m;
+ if (!ParseTime(buf, &h, &m, FALSE, m_bRelativeCombo)) {
+ MessageBox(cmbTime.GetParent()->GetHwnd(), TranslateT("The specified time is invalid."), _A2W(SECTIONNAME), MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // absolute time (on pDate)
+ if (ReformatTimeInput(savedLi, h, m, &pDate, nullptr))
+ return false;
+ pDate.wHour = h;
+ pDate.wMinute = m;
+ pDate.wSecond = 0;
+ pDate.wMilliseconds = 0;
+ TzLocalSTToFileTime(&pDate, (FILETIME*)&li);
+ FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME*)&li, &pDate);
+ return true;
- // search for preset first
- wchar_t buf[64];
- mir_snwprintf(buf, L"%02d:%02d", h, m);
- int n = pCombo.FindString(buf);
- if (n != -1) {
- pCombo.SetCurSel(n);
- return 0;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Initialize date control
+ void InitDatePicker(LONGLONG li)
+ {
+ FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm);
+ m_date.SetTime(&tm);
+ // tweak style of picker
+ if (IsWinVerVistaPlus()) {
+ DWORD dw = m_date.SendMsg(DTM_GETMCSTYLE, 0, 0);
+ m_date.SendMsg(DTM_SETMCSTYLE, 0, dw);
+ }
+ mir_subclassWindow(m_date.GetHwnd(), DatePickerWndProc);
- // date format is a time offset ("24:43 (5 Minutes)" etc.)
- if (IsRelativeCombo(pCombo)) {
- // get reference time (UTC) from hidden control
- ULONGLONG ref = savedLi;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // NOTE: may seem like a bit excessive time converstion and handling, but this is
+ // done in order to gracefully handle crossing daylight saving boundaries
- SYSTEMTIME tmRefLocal;
- FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&ref, &tmRefLocal);
+ void PopulateTimeCombo(const SYSTEMTIME *tmUtc)
+ {
+ cmbTime.ResetContent();
- const UINT nRefT = (UINT)tmRefLocal.wHour * 60 + (UINT)tmRefLocal.wMinute;
- const UINT nT = h * 60 + m;
- SYSTEMTIME tmTriggerLocal, tmTriggerLocal2;
- tmTriggerLocal = tmRefLocal;
- tmTriggerLocal.wHour = (WORD)h;
- tmTriggerLocal.wMinute = (WORD)m;
- tmTriggerLocal.wSecond = 0;
- tmTriggerLocal.wMilliseconds = 0;
- if (nT < nRefT) {
- // (this special case only works correctly if time can be returned in triggerRelUtcOut)
- if (tmRefLocal.wHour == tmTriggerLocal.wHour && triggerRelUtcOut) {
- // check for special case if daylight saving ends in this hour, then interpret as within the next hour
- TzLocalSTToFileTime(&tmTriggerLocal, (FILETIME*)&li);
- FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tmTriggerLocal2);
- if ((tmTriggerLocal2.wHour * 60 + tmTriggerLocal2.wMinute) == (tmTriggerLocal.wHour * 60 + tmTriggerLocal.wMinute))
- // special case detected
- goto output_result;
+ wchar_t s[64];
+ // generate absolute time table for date different than today
+ GetSystemTime(&tm2);
+ if (tmUtc->wDay != tm2.wDay || tmUtc->wMonth != tm2.wMonth || tmUtc->wYear != tm2.wYear) {
+ // ensure that we start on midnight local time
+ SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(nullptr, tmUtc, &tm2);
+ tm2.wHour = 0;
+ tm2.wMinute = 0;
+ tm2.wSecond = 0;
+ tm2.wMilliseconds = 0;
+ TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime(nullptr, &tm2, &tm2);
+ SystemTimeToFileTime(&tm2, (FILETIME*)&li);
+ // from 00:00 to 23:30 in 30 minute steps
+ for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
+ const int h = i >> 1;
+ const int m = (i & 1) ? 30 : 0;
+ FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm2);
+ mir_snwprintf(s, L"%02d:%02d", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute);
+ // item data contains time offset from midnight in seconds (bit 31 is set to flag that
+ // combo box items are absolute times and not relative times like below
+ cmbTime.AddString(s, ((h * 60 + m) * 60));
+ li += 30ll * MinutesToFileTime;
+ if (tm2.wHour == 23 && tm2.wMinute >= 30)
+ break;
- // tomorrow (add 24h to local time)
- SystemTimeToFileTime(&tmTriggerLocal, (FILETIME*)&li);
- FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME*)&li, &tmTriggerLocal);
+ m_bRelativeCombo = true; // time is relative to the current time
+ return;
- // clean up value for potential daylight saving boundary
- TzLocalSTToFileTime(&tmTriggerLocal, (FILETIME*)&li);
- FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tmTriggerLocal2);
- // NOTE: win32 time functions will round hour downward if supplied hour does not exist due to daylight saving
- // for example if supplied time is 02:30 on the night the clock is turned forward at 02:00 to 03:00, thus
- // there never is a 02:30, the time functions will convert it to 01:30 (and not 03:30 as one might think)
- // (02:00 would return 01:00)
- // check for special case when the current time and requested time is inside the "missing" hour
- // standard->daylight switch, so that the cleaned up time ends up being earlier than the current
- // time even though it originally wasn't (see note above)
- if ((tmTriggerLocal2.wHour * 60 + tmTriggerLocal2.wMinute) < (tmTriggerLocal.wHour * 60 + tmTriggerLocal.wMinute)) {
- // special case detected, fall back to current time so at least the reminder won't be missed
- // due to ending up at an undesired time (this way the user immediately notices something was wrong)
- pCombo.SetCurSel(0);
- MessageBox(pCombo.GetParent()->GetHwnd(),
- TranslateT("The specified time is invalid due to begin of daylight saving (summer time)."),
- return 1;
- }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- if (triggerRelUtcOut)
- *triggerRelUtcOut = li;
+ SystemTimeToFileTime(tmUtc, (FILETIME*)&li);
+ ULONGLONG ref = li;
+ m_bRelativeCombo = false; // absolute time
- UINT dt = (UINT)((li / MinutesToFileTime) - (ref / MinutesToFileTime));
- if (dt < 60)
- mir_snwprintf(buf, L"%02d:%02d (%d %s)", h, m, dt, TranslateT("Minutes"));
- else
- mir_snwprintf(buf, L"%02d:%02d (%d.%d %s)", h, m, dt / 60, ((dt % 60) * 10) / 60, TranslateT("Hours"));
- }
- else {
- // absolute time (00:00 to 23:59), clean up time to make sure it's not inside "missing" hour (will be rounded downward)
- SYSTEMTIME Date = *pDateLocal;
- Date.wHour = h;
- Date.wMinute = m;
- Date.wSecond = 0;
- Date.wMilliseconds = 0;
- TzLocalSTToFileTime(&Date, &ft);
- FileTimeToTzLocalST(&ft, &Date);
- if ((int)Date.wHour != h || (int)Date.wMinute != m) {
- mir_snwprintf(buf, L"%02d:%02d", Date.wHour, Date.wMinute);
- // search for preset again
- n = pCombo.FindString(buf);
- if (n != -1) {
- pCombo.SetCurSel(n);
- goto invalid_dst;
+ // NOTE: item data contains offset from reference time (tmUtc) in seconds
+ // cur time
+ FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm2);
+ WORD wCurHour = tm2.wHour;
+ WORD wCurMinute = tm2.wMinute;
+ mir_snwprintf(s, L"%02d:%02d", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute);
+ cmbTime.AddString(s, (li - ref) / FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC);
+ // 5 minutes
+ li += (ULONGLONG)5 * MinutesToFileTime;
+ FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm2);
+ mir_snwprintf(s, L"%02d:%02d (5 %s)", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute, TranslateT("Minutes"));
+ cmbTime.AddString(s, (li - ref) / FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC);
+ // 10 minutes
+ li += (ULONGLONG)5 * MinutesToFileTime;
+ FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm2);
+ mir_snwprintf(s, L"%02d:%02d (10 %s)", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute, TranslateT("Minutes"));
+ cmbTime.AddString(s, (li - ref) / FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC);
+ // 15 minutes
+ li += (ULONGLONG)5 * MinutesToFileTime;
+ FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm2);
+ mir_snwprintf(s, L"%02d:%02d (15 %s)", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute, TranslateT("Minutes"));
+ cmbTime.AddString(s, (li - ref) / FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC);
+ // 30 minutes
+ li += (ULONGLONG)15 * MinutesToFileTime;
+ FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm2);
+ mir_snwprintf(s, L"%02d:%02d (30 %s)", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute, TranslateT("Minutes"));
+ cmbTime.AddString(s, (li - ref) / FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC);
+ // round +1h time to nearest even or half hour
+ li += (ULONGLONG)30 * MinutesToFileTime;
+ li = (li / (30 * MinutesToFileTime)) * (30 * MinutesToFileTime);
+ // add from +1 to +23.5 (in half hour steps) if crossing daylight saving boundary it may be 22.5 or 24.5 hours
+ for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
+ UINT dt;
+ FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm2);
+ if (i > 40) {
+ UINT nLastEntry = ((UINT)wCurHour * 60 + (UINT)wCurMinute) / 30;
+ if (nLastEntry)
+ nLastEntry *= 30;
+ else
+ nLastEntry = 23 * 60 + 30;
+ if (((UINT)tm2.wHour * 60 + (UINT)tm2.wMinute) == nLastEntry)
+ break;
- goto invalid_dst;
+ // icq-style display 1.0, 1.5 etc. hours even though that isn't accurate due to rounding
+ //mir_snwprintf(s, L"%02d:%02d (%d.%d %s)", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute, 1+(i>>1), (i&1) ? 5 : 0, lpszHours);
+ // display delta time more accurately to match reformatting (that icq doesn't do)
+ dt = (UINT)((li / MinutesToFileTime) - (ref / MinutesToFileTime));
+ if (dt < 60)
+ mir_snwprintf(s, L"%02d:%02d (%d %s)", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute, dt, TranslateT("Minutes"));
+ else
+ mir_snwprintf(s, L"%02d:%02d (%d.%d %s)", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute, dt / 60, ((dt % 60) * 10) / 60, TranslateT("Hours"));
+ cmbTime.AddString(s, dt * 60);
+ li += 30ll * MinutesToFileTime;
- pCombo.SetText(buf);
- return 0;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // returns non-zero if specified time was inside "missing" hour of daylight saving
+ // IMPORTANT: triggerRelUtcOut is only initialized if IsRelativeCombo() is TRUE and return value is 0
-// in: pDate contains the desired trigger date in LOCAL time
-// out: pDate contains the resulting trigger time and date in UTC
-static bool GetTriggerTime(CCtrlCombo &pCombo, ULONGLONG savedLi, SYSTEMTIME &pDate)
- int n = pCombo.GetCurSel();
- if (n != -1) {
- // use preset value
- if (IsRelativeCombo(pCombo)) {
- // combine date from pDate (local) and time from savedLi (utc)
- SYSTEMTIME st, st2;
- FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME *)&savedLi, &st);
- SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(nullptr, &st, &st2);
- st2.wYear = pDate.wYear; st2.wMonth = pDate.wMonth; st2.wDay = pDate.wDay; st2.wDayOfWeek = pDate.wDayOfWeek;
- SystemTimeToFileTime(&st2, (FILETIME*)&savedLi);
- // time offset from ref time ("24:43 (5 Minutes)" etc.)
- UINT nDeltaSeconds = pCombo.GetItemData(n);
- savedLi += (ULONGLONG)nDeltaSeconds * FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC;
- FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME*)&savedLi, &st);
- TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime(nullptr, &st, &pDate);
- // if specified time is a small offset (< 10 Minutes) then retain current second count for better accuracy
- // otherwise try to match specified time (which never contains seconds only even minutes) as close as possible
- if (nDeltaSeconds >= 10 * 60) {
- pDate.wSecond = 0;
- pDate.wMilliseconds = 0;
+ int ReformatTimeInput(ULONGLONG savedLi, int h, int m, const SYSTEMTIME *pDateLocal, ULONGLONG *triggerRelUtcOut = nullptr)
+ {
+ if (h < 0) {
+ // time value is an offset ('m' holds the offset in minutes)
+ if (m_bRelativeCombo) {
+ ULONGLONG ref, li;
+ li = ref = savedLi;
+ // clamp delta time to 23.5 hours (coule be issues otherwise as relative combo only handles <24)
+ if (m > (23 * 60 + 30))
+ m = 23 * 60 + 30;
+ FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm);
+ h = (int)tm.wHour;
+ m = (int)tm.wMinute;
+ if (triggerRelUtcOut)
+ *triggerRelUtcOut = li;
+ wchar_t buf[64];
+ UINT dt = (UINT)((li / MinutesToFileTime) - (ref / MinutesToFileTime));
+ if (dt < 60)
+ mir_snwprintf(buf, L"%02d:%02d (%d %s)", h, m, dt, TranslateT("Minutes"));
+ else
+ mir_snwprintf(buf, L"%02d:%02d (%d.%d %s)", h, m, dt / 60, ((dt % 60) * 10) / 60, TranslateT("Hours"));
+ // search for preset
+ int n = cmbTime.FindString(buf);
+ if (n != -1) {
+ cmbTime.SetCurSel(n);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ cmbTime.SetText(buf);
- }
- else {
- // absolute time (offset from midnight on pDate)
- UINT nDeltaSeconds = pCombo.GetItemData(n) & ~0x80000000;
- pDate.wHour = pDate.wMinute = pDate.wSecond = pDate.wMilliseconds = 0;
- TzLocalSTToFileTime(&pDate, (FILETIME*)&savedLi);
- savedLi += (ULONGLONG)nDeltaSeconds * FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC;
+ else // should never happen
+ cmbTime.SetCurSel(0);
- FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME*)&savedLi, &pDate);
+ return 0;
- return true;
- }
- // user entered a custom value
- wchar_t buf[32];
- pCombo.GetText(buf, _countof(buf));
+ // search for preset first
+ wchar_t buf[64];
+ mir_snwprintf(buf, L"%02d:%02d", h, m);
+ int n = cmbTime.FindString(buf);
+ if (n != -1) {
+ cmbTime.SetCurSel(n);
+ return 0;
+ }
- int h, m;
- if (!ParseTime(buf, &h, &m, FALSE, IsRelativeCombo(pCombo))) {
- MessageBox(pCombo.GetParent()->GetHwnd(), TranslateT("The specified time is invalid."), _A2W(SECTIONNAME), MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
- return false;
- }
+ // date format is a time offset ("24:43 (5 Minutes)" etc.)
+ if (m_bRelativeCombo) {
+ // get reference time (UTC) from hidden control
+ ULONGLONG ref = savedLi;
- // absolute time (on pDate)
- if (ReformatTimeInput(pCombo, savedLi, h, m, &pDate, nullptr))
- return false;
+ SYSTEMTIME tmRefLocal;
+ FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&ref, &tmRefLocal);
- pDate.wHour = h;
- pDate.wMinute = m;
- pDate.wSecond = 0;
- pDate.wMilliseconds = 0;
+ const UINT nRefT = (UINT)tmRefLocal.wHour * 60 + (UINT)tmRefLocal.wMinute;
+ const UINT nT = h * 60 + m;
+ SYSTEMTIME tmTriggerLocal, tmTriggerLocal2;
+ tmTriggerLocal = tmRefLocal;
+ tmTriggerLocal.wHour = (WORD)h;
+ tmTriggerLocal.wMinute = (WORD)m;
+ tmTriggerLocal.wSecond = 0;
+ tmTriggerLocal.wMilliseconds = 0;
+ if (nT < nRefT) {
+ // (this special case only works correctly if time can be returned in triggerRelUtcOut)
+ if (tmRefLocal.wHour == tmTriggerLocal.wHour && triggerRelUtcOut) {
+ // check for special case if daylight saving ends in this hour, then interpret as within the next hour
+ TzLocalSTToFileTime(&tmTriggerLocal, (FILETIME*)&li);
+ FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tmTriggerLocal2);
+ if ((tmTriggerLocal2.wHour * 60 + tmTriggerLocal2.wMinute) == (tmTriggerLocal.wHour * 60 + tmTriggerLocal.wMinute))
+ // special case detected
+ goto output_result;
+ }
- TzLocalSTToFileTime(&pDate, (FILETIME*)&li);
- FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME*)&li, &pDate);
- return true;
+ // tomorrow (add 24h to local time)
+ SystemTimeToFileTime(&tmTriggerLocal, (FILETIME*)&li);
+ FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME*)&li, &tmTriggerLocal);
+ }
-static void OnDateChanged(CCtrlDate &pDate, CCtrlCombo &pTime, ULONGLONG &savedLi)
- // repopulate time combo list with regular times (not offsets like "23:32 (5 minutes)" etc.)
- wchar_t s[32];
- pTime.GetText(s, _countof(s));
+ // clean up value for potential daylight saving boundary
+ TzLocalSTToFileTime(&tmTriggerLocal, (FILETIME*)&li);
+ FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tmTriggerLocal2);
+ // NOTE: win32 time functions will round hour downward if supplied hour does not exist due to daylight saving
+ // for example if supplied time is 02:30 on the night the clock is turned forward at 02:00 to 03:00, thus
+ // there never is a 02:30, the time functions will convert it to 01:30 (and not 03:30 as one might think)
+ // (02:00 would return 01:00)
+ // check for special case when the current time and requested time is inside the "missing" hour
+ // standard->daylight switch, so that the cleaned up time ends up being earlier than the current
+ // time even though it originally wasn't (see note above)
+ if ((tmTriggerLocal2.wHour * 60 + tmTriggerLocal2.wMinute) < (tmTriggerLocal.wHour * 60 + tmTriggerLocal.wMinute)) {
+ // special case detected, fall back to current time so at least the reminder won't be missed
+ // due to ending up at an undesired time (this way the user immediately notices something was wrong)
+ cmbTime.SetCurSel(0);
+ MessageBox(cmbTime.GetParent()->GetHwnd(),
+ TranslateT("The specified time is invalid due to begin of daylight saving (summer time)."),
+ return 1;
+ }
- int h = -1, m;
- ParseTime(s, &h, &m, FALSE, FALSE);
+ if (triggerRelUtcOut)
+ *triggerRelUtcOut = li;
- SYSTEMTIME Date, DateUtc;
- pDate.GetTime(&Date);
+ UINT dt = (UINT)((li / MinutesToFileTime) - (ref / MinutesToFileTime));
+ if (dt < 60)
+ mir_snwprintf(buf, L"%02d:%02d (%d %s)", h, m, dt, TranslateT("Minutes"));
+ else
+ mir_snwprintf(buf, L"%02d:%02d (%d.%d %s)", h, m, dt / 60, ((dt % 60) * 10) / 60, TranslateT("Hours"));
+ }
+ else {
+ // absolute time (00:00 to 23:59), clean up time to make sure it's not inside "missing" hour (will be rounded downward)
+ SYSTEMTIME Date = *pDateLocal;
+ Date.wHour = h;
+ Date.wMinute = m;
+ Date.wSecond = 0;
+ Date.wMilliseconds = 0;
+ TzLocalSTToFileTime(&Date, &ft);
+ FileTimeToTzLocalST(&ft, &Date);
+ if ((int)Date.wHour != h || (int)Date.wMinute != m) {
+ mir_snwprintf(buf, L"%02d:%02d", Date.wHour, Date.wMinute);
+ // search for preset again
+ n = cmbTime.FindString(buf);
+ if (n != -1) {
+ cmbTime.SetCurSel(n);
+ goto invalid_dst;
+ }
- TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime(nullptr, &Date, &DateUtc);
- PopulateTimeCombo(pTime, &DateUtc);
+ goto invalid_dst;
+ }
+ }
- if (h < 0) {
- // parsing failed, default to current time
- GetLocalTime(&tm);
- h = (UINT)tm.wHour;
- m = (UINT)tm.wMinute;
+ cmbTime.SetText(buf);
+ return 0;
- ReformatTimeInput(pTime, savedLi, h, m, &Date);
-// szText notification dialog
+// Reminder notification dialog
-class CReminderNotifyDlg : public CDlgBase
+class CReminderNotifyDlg : public CReminderBaseDlg
+ typedef CReminderBaseDlg CSuper;
REMINDERDATA *m_pReminder;
- ULONGLONG m_savedLi;
void PopulateTimeOffsetCombo()
@@ -1004,32 +1069,28 @@ class CReminderNotifyDlg : public CDlgBase
cmbRemindAgainIn.AddString(s, 7 * 24 * 60);
- CCtrlDate dateAgain;
CCtrlEdit edtText;
CCtrlCheck chkAfter, chkOnDate;
- CCtrlCombo cmbTimeAgain, cmbRemindAgainIn;
+ CCtrlCombo cmbRemindAgainIn;
CCtrlButton btnDismiss, btnNone, btnRemindAgain;
CReminderNotifyDlg(REMINDERDATA *pReminder) :
- CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_NOTIFYREMINDER),
- m_savedLi(pReminder->When),
btnNone(this, IDC_NONE),
btnDismiss(this, IDC_DISMISS),
btnRemindAgain(this, IDC_REMINDAGAIN),
edtText(this, IDC_REMDATA),
chkAfter(this, IDC_AFTER),
chkOnDate(this, IDC_ONDATE),
- dateAgain(this, IDC_DATEAGAIN),
- cmbTimeAgain(this, IDC_TIMEAGAIN),
cmbRemindAgainIn(this, IDC_REMINDAGAININ)
+ m_savedLi = pReminder->When;
chkAfter.OnChange = Callback(this, &CReminderNotifyDlg::onChange_After);
chkOnDate.OnChange = Callback(this, &CReminderNotifyDlg::onChange_OnDate);
- dateAgain.OnChange = Callback(this, &CReminderNotifyDlg::onChange_Date);
- cmbTimeAgain.OnKillFocus = Callback(this, &CReminderNotifyDlg::onKillFocus_TimeAgain);
cmbRemindAgainIn.OnKillFocus = Callback(this, &CReminderNotifyDlg::onKillFocus_RemindAgain);
btnNone.OnClick = Callback(this, &CReminderNotifyDlg::onClick_None);
@@ -1063,14 +1124,10 @@ public:
- PopulateTimeCombo(cmbTimeAgain, &tm);
+ PopulateTimeCombo(&tm);
+ InitDatePicker(li);
- // make sure date picker uses reference time
- FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm);
- dateAgain.SetTime(&tm);
- InitDatePicker(dateAgain);
- cmbTimeAgain.SetCurSel(0);
+ cmbTime.SetCurSel(0);
wchar_t S1[128], S2[MAX_PATH];
GetTriggerTimeString(&m_pReminder->When, S1, sizeof(S1), TRUE);
@@ -1093,8 +1150,8 @@ public:
void onChange_After(CCtrlCheck*)
- dateAgain.Hide();
- cmbTimeAgain.Hide();
+ m_date.Hide();
+ cmbTime.Hide();
ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_STATIC_DATE), SW_HIDE);
ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_STATIC_TIME), SW_HIDE);
@@ -1104,35 +1161,13 @@ public:
if (!m_bInitialized)
- dateAgain.Show();
- cmbTimeAgain.Show();
+ m_date.Show();
+ cmbTime.Show();
ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_STATIC_DATE), SW_SHOW);
ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_STATIC_TIME), SW_SHOW);
- void onChange_Date(CCtrlDate*)
- {
- OnDateChanged(dateAgain, cmbTimeAgain, m_savedLi);
- }
- void onKillFocus_TimeAgain(CCtrlCombo*)
- {
- // reformat displayed value
- if (cmbTimeAgain.GetCurSel() == -1) {
- wchar_t buf[64];
- cmbTimeAgain.GetText(buf, _countof(buf));
- int h, m;
- if (ParseTime(buf, &h, &m, FALSE, IsRelativeCombo(cmbTimeAgain))) {
- dateAgain.GetTime(&Date);
- ReformatTimeInput(cmbTimeAgain, m_savedLi, h, m, &Date);
- }
- else cmbTimeAgain.SetCurSel(0);
- }
- }
void onKillFocus_RemindAgain(CCtrlCombo*)
// reformat displayed value if it has been edited
@@ -1199,8 +1234,8 @@ public:
else if (chkOnDate.GetState()) {
- dateAgain.GetTime(&Date);
- if (!GetTriggerTime(cmbTimeAgain, m_savedLi, Date))
+ m_date.GetTime(&Date);
+ if (!GetTriggerTime(m_savedLi, Date))
SystemTimeToFileTime(&Date, (FILETIME*)&m_pReminder->When);
@@ -1245,28 +1280,26 @@ INT_PTR OpenTriggeredReminder(WPARAM, LPARAM l)
-class CReminderFormDlg : public CDlgBase
+class CReminderFormDlg : public CReminderBaseDlg
+ typedef CReminderBaseDlg CSuper;
REMINDERDATA *m_pReminder;
- ULONGLONG m_savedLi;
- CCtrlDate date;
CCtrlEdit edtText;
CCtrlCheck chkRepeat;
- CCtrlCombo cmbSound, cmbRepeat, cmbTime;
+ CCtrlCombo cmbSound, cmbRepeat;
CCtrlButton btnAdd, btnView, btnPlaySound;
CReminderFormDlg(REMINDERDATA *pReminder = nullptr) :
- CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_ADDREMINDER),
- date(this, IDC_DATE),
btnAdd(this, IDC_ADDREMINDER),
btnPlaySound(this, IDC_BTN_PLAYSOUND),
edtText(this, IDC_REMINDER),
chkRepeat(this, IDC_CHECK_REPEAT),
cmbSound(this, IDC_COMBO_SOUND),
cmbRepeat(this, IDC_COMBO_REPEATSND)
@@ -1274,10 +1307,7 @@ public:
btnView.OnClick = Callback(this, &CReminderFormDlg::onClick_View);
btnPlaySound.OnClick = Callback(this, &CReminderFormDlg::onClick_PlaySound);
- date.OnChange = Callback(this, &CReminderFormDlg::onChange_Date);
cmbSound.OnChange = Callback(this, &CReminderFormDlg::onChange_Sound);
- cmbTime.OnKillFocus = Callback(this, &CReminderFormDlg::onChange_Time);
bool OnInitDialog() override
@@ -1298,12 +1328,8 @@ public:
SystemTimeToFileTime(&tm, (FILETIME*)&m_savedLi);
- PopulateTimeCombo(cmbTime, &tm);
- // make sure date picker uses reference time
- FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&m_savedLi, &tm);
- date.SetTime(&tm);
- InitDatePicker(date);
+ PopulateTimeCombo(&tm);
+ InitDatePicker(m_savedLi);
@@ -1391,8 +1417,8 @@ public:
void onClick_Add(CCtrlButton*)
- date.GetTime(&Date);
- if (!GetTriggerTime(cmbTime, m_savedLi, Date))
+ m_date.GetTime(&Date);
+ if (!GetTriggerTime(m_savedLi, Date))
int RepeatSound = cmbRepeat.GetCurSel();
@@ -1458,28 +1484,6 @@ public:
- void onChange_Date(CCtrlDate*)
- {
- OnDateChanged(date, cmbTime, m_savedLi);
- }
- void onChange_Time(CCtrlCombo*)
- {
- if (cmbTime.GetCurSel() != -1)
- return;
- wchar_t buf[64];
- cmbTime.GetText(buf, _countof(buf));
- int h, m;
- if (ParseTime(buf, &h, &m, FALSE, IsRelativeCombo(cmbTime))) {
- date.GetTime(&Date);
- ReformatTimeInput(cmbTime, m_savedLi, h, m, &Date);
- }
- else cmbTime.SetCurSel(0);
- }
void onChange_Sound(CCtrlCombo*)
int n = cmbSound.GetItemData(cmbSound.GetCurSel());
@@ -1506,6 +1510,8 @@ static void EditReminder(REMINDERDATA *p)
class CReminderListDlg : public CDlgBase
+ typedef CDlgBase CSuper;
CMStringW m_wszFilter;
REMINDERDATA* getData(int idx)
@@ -1557,7 +1563,7 @@ class CReminderListDlg : public CDlgBase
CReminderListDlg() :
- CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_LISTREMINDERS),
+ CSuper(g_plugin, IDD_LISTREMINDERS),
m_list(this, IDC_LISTREMINDERS),
edtFilter(this, IDC_FILTER)
@@ -1740,7 +1746,7 @@ public:
case WM_SIZE:
- CDlgBase::DlgProc(msg, wParam, lParam);
+ CSuper::DlgProc(msg, wParam, lParam);
GetWindowRect(m_list.GetHwnd(), &rc);
int nWidth = rc.right - rc.left - m_list.GetColumnWidth(0) - 4;
@@ -1750,7 +1756,7 @@ public:
return 0;
- return CDlgBase::DlgProc(msg, wParam, lParam);
+ return CSuper::DlgProc(msg, wParam, lParam);
diff --git a/plugins/NotesAndReminders/src/resource.h b/plugins/NotesAndReminders/src/resource.h
index dcb67a72f6..a30504b4ae 100644
--- a/plugins/NotesAndReminders/src/resource.h
+++ b/plugins/NotesAndReminders/src/resource.h
@@ -28,11 +28,8 @@
#define IDC_AFTER 1004
-#define IDC_REMINDER 1004
#define IDC_ONDATE 1005
-#define IDC_DATEAGAIN 1006
#define IDC_BUTTON_RESET 1007
-#define IDC_TIMEAGAIN 1007
#define IDC_NONE 1008
#define IDC_DAILY 1009
@@ -42,13 +39,14 @@
#define IDC_EDIT_WIDTH 1012
#define IDC_EDIT_HEIGHT 1013
+#define IDC_TIMECOMBO 1015
+#define IDC_REMINDER 1016
#define IDC_EDIT_EMAILSMS 1017
#define IDC_CHECK_BUTTONS 1019
#define IDC_CHECK_CLOSE 1020
#define IDC_COMBODATE 1021
#define IDC_COMBOTIME 1022
#define IDC_CHECK_MSI 1023
#define IDC_STATIC_DATE 1025
#define IDC_STATIC_TIME 1026
diff --git a/plugins/NotesAndReminders/src/version.h b/plugins/NotesAndReminders/src/version.h
index c54bf2e367..fcfef34732 100644
--- a/plugins/NotesAndReminders/src/version.h
+++ b/plugins/NotesAndReminders/src/version.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#define __MAJOR_VERSION 0
#define __MINOR_VERSION 2
#define __RELEASE_NUM 2
-#define __BUILD_NUM 0
+#define __BUILD_NUM 1
#include <stdver.h>