path: root/plugins
diff options
authorGeorge Hazan <>2019-05-15 22:06:36 +0300
committerGeorge Hazan <>2019-05-15 22:06:36 +0300
commit7704bcb8fc6d74d1d4e4bc6b40b52f2565a7c215 (patch)
treedba35e13b37913ef19d5c6e4af9e571d4ebffbb0 /plugins
parent7a20312b1ea4998111a05f207be8023a499050fb (diff)
Import: QIP Infium support
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins')
5 files changed, 209 insertions, 82 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Import/ini/qip2012.ini b/plugins/Import/ini/qip2012.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5cdf0d1a23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Import/ini/qip2012.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Name=QIP 2012/2010/Infium
diff --git a/plugins/Import/src/patterns.cpp b/plugins/Import/src/patterns.cpp
index 7e3b239654..15fcf4d725 100644
--- a/plugins/Import/src/patterns.cpp
+++ b/plugins/Import/src/patterns.cpp
@@ -60,13 +60,15 @@ void CMPlugin::LoadPattern(const wchar_t *pwszFileName)
if (GetPrivateProfileStringW(L"General", L"DefaultExtension", L"", buf, _countof(buf), pwszFileName))
pNew->wszExt = buf;
- if (GetPrivateProfileStringW(L"General", L"Charset", L"", buf, _countof(buf), pwszFileName)) {
- if (!wcsicmp(buf, L"ANSI"))
- pNew->iCodePage = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"General", L"Codepage", CP_ACP, pwszFileName);
- else if (!wcsicmp(buf, L"UCS2"))
- pNew->iCodePage = 1200;
+ if (pNew->iType == 1) {
+ if (GetPrivateProfileStringW(L"General", L"Charset", L"", buf, _countof(buf), pwszFileName)) {
+ if (!wcsicmp(buf, L"ANSI"))
+ pNew->iCodePage = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"General", L"Codepage", CP_ACP, pwszFileName);
+ else if (!wcsicmp(buf, L"UCS2"))
+ pNew->iCodePage = 1200;
+ }
+ else return;
- else return;
pNew->iUseHeader = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"General", L"UseHeader", 0, pwszFileName);
pNew->iUsePreMsg = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"General", L"UsePreMsg", 0, pwszFileName);
@@ -75,25 +77,27 @@ void CMPlugin::LoadPattern(const wchar_t *pwszFileName)
// [Message] section
int erroffset;
const char *err;
- if (GetPrivateProfileStringW(L"Message", L"Pattern", L"", buf, _countof(buf), pwszFileName)) {
- if ((pNew->regMessage.pattern = pcre16_compile(buf, PCRE_MULTILINE, &err, &erroffset, nullptr)) == nullptr)
- return;
- pNew->regMessage.extra = pcre16_study(pNew->regMessage.pattern, 0, &err);
+ if (pNew->iType == 1) {
+ if (GetPrivateProfileStringW(L"Message", L"Pattern", L"", buf, _countof(buf), pwszFileName)) {
+ if ((pNew->regMessage.pattern = pcre16_compile(buf, PCRE_MULTILINE, &err, &erroffset, nullptr)) == nullptr)
+ return;
+ pNew->regMessage.extra = pcre16_study(pNew->regMessage.pattern, 0, &err);
+ }
+ else return;
+ if (GetPrivateProfileStringW(L"Message", L"In", L"", buf, _countof(buf), pwszFileName))
+ pNew->wszIncoming = buf;
+ if (GetPrivateProfileStringW(L"Message", L"Out", L"", buf, _countof(buf), pwszFileName))
+ pNew->wszOutgoing = buf;
+ pNew->iDirection = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"Message", L"Direction", 0, pwszFileName);
+ pNew->iDay = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"Message", L"Day", 0, pwszFileName);
+ pNew->iMonth = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"Message", L"Month", 0, pwszFileName);
+ pNew->iYear = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"Message", L"Year", 0, pwszFileName);
+ pNew->iHours = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"Message", L"Hours", 0, pwszFileName);
+ pNew->iMinutes = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"Message", L"Minutes", 0, pwszFileName);
+ pNew->iSeconds = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"Message", L"Seconds", 0, pwszFileName);
- else return;
- if (GetPrivateProfileStringW(L"Message", L"In", L"", buf, _countof(buf), pwszFileName))
- pNew->wszIncoming = buf;
- if (GetPrivateProfileStringW(L"Message", L"Out", L"", buf, _countof(buf), pwszFileName))
- pNew->wszOutgoing = buf;
- pNew->iDirection = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"Message", L"Direction", 0, pwszFileName);
- pNew->iDay = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"Message", L"Day", 0, pwszFileName);
- pNew->iMonth = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"Message", L"Month", 0, pwszFileName);
- pNew->iYear = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"Message", L"Year", 0, pwszFileName);
- pNew->iHours = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"Message", L"Hours", 0, pwszFileName);
- pNew->iMinutes = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"Message", L"Minutes", 0, pwszFileName);
- pNew->iSeconds = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"Message", L"Seconds", 0, pwszFileName);
if (pNew->iUsePreMsg) {
pNew->preRN = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"PreMessage", L"PreRN", -1, pwszFileName);
@@ -124,80 +128,137 @@ void CMPlugin::LoadPattern(const wchar_t *pwszFileName)
class CDbxPattern : public MDatabaseReadonly, public MZeroedObject
CMStringW m_buf, m_folder;
- MCONTACT m_hCurrContact;
+ MCONTACT m_hCurrContact = 0;
+ HANDLE m_hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, m_hMap = 0;
+ const uint8_t *m_pFile = 0;
+ int m_iFileVersion = 0, m_iMsgHeaderSize = 0;
std::vector<DWORD> m_events;
std::vector<CMStringW> m_files;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // QHF file format
+ bool LoadBinaryFile(const uint8_t *pFile, uint32_t iSize)
+ {
+ if (memicmp(pFile, "QHF", 3))
+ return false;
+ m_iFileVersion = pFile[3];
+ uint32_t fsz = RLInteger(&pFile[4]); pFile += 0x2C;
+ uint32_t UIDLen = RLWord(pFile); pFile += 2;
+ char *UIDStr = (char*)_alloca(UIDLen + 2);
+ if (m_iFileVersion <= 2)
+ strncpy_s(UIDStr, UIDLen+2, (char*)pFile, UIDLen);
+ else
+ strncpy_s(UIDStr, UIDLen+2, (char*)pFile, UIDLen+1);
+ pFile += UIDLen;
+ uint32_t NickLen = RLWord(pFile); pFile += 2;
+ char *NickStr = (char*)_alloca(NickLen + 2);
+ if (m_iFileVersion <= 2)
+ strncpy_s(NickStr, NickLen + 2, (char*)pFile, NickLen);
+ else
+ strncpy_s(NickStr, NickLen + 2, (char*)pFile, NickLen + 1);
+ pFile += NickLen;
+ uint32_t iHeaderSize = 0x30 + NickLen + UIDLen;
+ if (fsz != iSize - iHeaderSize)
+ fsz = iSize - iHeaderSize;
+ m_iMsgHeaderSize = (m_iFileVersion >= 3) ? 0x23 : 0x21;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < fsz; i += m_iMsgHeaderSize) {
+ m_events.push_back(i + iHeaderSize);
+ i += RLWord(&pFile[i + m_iMsgHeaderSize - 2]);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Text file format, parsed by regexps
+ bool LoadTextFile(const uint8_t *pFile)
+ {
+ switch (g_pActivePattern->iCodePage) {
+ case CP_UTF8:
+ m_buf = mir_utf8decodeW((char*)pFile);
+ break;
+ case 1200:
+ m_buf = mir_wstrdup((wchar_t*)pFile);
+ break;
+ default:
+ m_buf = mir_a2u_cp((char*)pFile, g_pActivePattern->iCodePage);
+ break;
+ }
+ // smth went wrong or empty file
+ if (m_buf.IsEmpty())
+ return false;
+ int iOffset = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ int offsets[99];
+ int nMatch = pcre16_exec(g_pActivePattern->regMessage.pattern, g_pActivePattern->regMessage.extra, m_buf, m_buf.GetLength(), iOffset, PCRE_NEWLINE_ANYCRLF, offsets, _countof(offsets));
+ if (nMatch <= 0)
+ break;
+ m_events.push_back(offsets[0]);
+ iOffset = offsets[1];
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
- CDbxPattern() :
- m_hCurrContact(0)
+ CDbxPattern()
+ Close();
+ }
+ void Close()
+ {
+ if (m_pFile != nullptr)
+ ::UnmapViewOfFile(m_pFile);
+ if (m_hMap != nullptr)
+ ::CloseHandle(m_hMap);
+ if (m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ ::CloseHandle(m_hFile);
bool Load(const wchar_t *pwszFileName)
+ Close();
- HANDLE hFile = ::CreateFileW(pwszFileName, GENERIC_READ, 0, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
- if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ m_hFile = ::CreateFileW(pwszFileName, GENERIC_READ, 0, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
+ if (m_hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
Netlib_Logf(0, "failed to open file <%S> for import: %d", pwszFileName, GetLastError());
return false;
- HANDLE hMap = ::CreateFileMappingW(hFile, nullptr, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, L"ImportMapfile");
- if (hMap == nullptr) {
+ uint32_t cbLen = ::GetFileSize(m_hFile, 0);
+ m_hMap = ::CreateFileMappingW(m_hFile, nullptr, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, L"ImportMapfile");
+ if (m_hMap == nullptr) {
Netlib_Logf(0, "failed to mmap file <%S> for import: %d", pwszFileName, GetLastError());
return false;
- char *pFile = (char*)::MapViewOfFile(hMap, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);
- if (pFile == nullptr) {
+ m_pFile = (const uint8_t*)::MapViewOfFile(m_hMap, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (m_pFile == nullptr) {
Netlib_Logf(0, "failed to map view of file <%S> for import: %d", pwszFileName, GetLastError());
return false;
- switch (g_pActivePattern->iCodePage) {
- case CP_UTF8:
- m_buf = mir_utf8decodeW(pFile);
- break;
- case 1200:
- m_buf = mir_wstrdup((wchar_t*)pFile);
- break;
- default:
- m_buf = mir_a2u_cp(pFile, g_pActivePattern->iCodePage);
- break;
- }
- bool bRes = false;
- if (!m_buf.IsEmpty()) {
- int iOffset = 0;
- while (true) {
- int offsets[99];
- int nMatch = pcre16_exec(g_pActivePattern->regMessage.pattern, g_pActivePattern->regMessage.extra, m_buf, m_buf.GetLength(), iOffset, PCRE_NEWLINE_ANYCRLF, offsets, _countof(offsets));
- if (nMatch <= 0)
- break;
- m_events.push_back(offsets[0]);
- iOffset = offsets[1];
- }
- bRes = true;
- }
- if (pFile != nullptr)
- ::UnmapViewOfFile(pFile);
- if (hMap != nullptr)
- ::CloseHandle(hMap);
- ::CloseHandle(hFile);
- return bRes;
+ if (g_pActivePattern->iType == 1) // text file
+ return LoadTextFile(m_pFile);
+ return LoadBinaryFile(m_pFile, cbLen);
int Open(const wchar_t *profile)
@@ -213,7 +274,7 @@ public:
else {
int i = wszBaseFolder.ReverseFind('\\');
if (i != -1)
- wszBaseFolder = wszBaseFolder.Left(i - 1);
+ wszBaseFolder = wszBaseFolder.Left(i);
m_folder = profile;
@@ -282,9 +343,17 @@ public:
if (m_events.size() == 0 || idx < 1 || idx > m_events.size())
return 0;
- int iStart = m_events[idx-1], iEnd = (idx == m_events.size()) ? m_buf.GetLength() : m_events[idx];
- CMStringW msg = m_buf.Mid(iStart, iEnd - iStart);
- return (LONG)mir_strlen(ptrA(mir_utf8encodeW(msg))) + 1;
+ if (g_pActivePattern->iType == 1) {
+ int iStart = m_events[idx-1], iEnd = (idx == m_events.size()) ? m_buf.GetLength() : m_events[idx];
+ CMStringW msg = m_buf.Mid(iStart, iEnd - iStart);
+ return (LONG)mir_strlen(ptrA(mir_utf8encodeW(msg))) + 1;
+ }
+ if (m_pFile == nullptr)
+ return 0;
+ const uint8_t *pMsg = m_pFile + m_events[idx-1];
+ return RLWord(&pMsg[m_iMsgHeaderSize - 2]) + 1;
STDMETHODIMP_(LONG) GetContactCount(void) override
@@ -382,13 +451,35 @@ public:
return _wtoi(str);
- STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) GetEvent(MEVENT idx, DBEVENTINFO *dbei) override
+ int getBinaryEvent(MEVENT idx, DBEVENTINFO *dbei)
- if (m_events.size() == 0 || idx < 1 || idx > m_events.size())
+ if (m_pFile == nullptr)
return 1;
+ const uint8_t *pMsg = m_pFile + m_events[idx-1];
+ dbei->eventType = EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE;
+ dbei->flags = DBEF_READ | DBEF_UTF;
+ if (pMsg[0x1A] != 0)
+ dbei->flags |= DBEF_SENT;
+ dbei->timestamp = RLInteger(&pMsg[0x12]);
+ dbei->cbBlob = RLWord(&pMsg[m_iMsgHeaderSize - 2]);
+ dbei->pBlob = (PBYTE)mir_alloc(dbei->cbBlob + 1);
+ memcpy(dbei->pBlob, pMsg + m_iMsgHeaderSize, dbei->cbBlob);
+ if (m_iFileVersion != 1)
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < dbei->cbBlob; i++) {
+ dbei->pBlob[i] += i+1;
+ dbei->pBlob[i] = 255 - dbei->pBlob[i];
+ }
+ dbei->pBlob[dbei->cbBlob] = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int getTextEvent(MEVENT idx, DBEVENTINFO *dbei)
+ {
int offsets[99];
- int nMatch = pcre16_exec(g_pActivePattern->regMessage.pattern, g_pActivePattern->regMessage.extra, m_buf, m_buf.GetLength(), m_events[idx - 1], PCRE_NEWLINE_ANYCRLF, offsets, _countof(offsets));
+ int nMatch = pcre16_exec(g_pActivePattern->regMessage.pattern, g_pActivePattern->regMessage.extra, m_buf, m_buf.GetLength(), m_events[idx-1], PCRE_NEWLINE_ANYCRLF, offsets, _countof(offsets));
if (nMatch <= 0)
return 1;
@@ -408,12 +499,12 @@ public:
if (arn != 0) {
int i = 0;
- while (m_buf[h2-2] == '\r' && m_buf[h2 - 1] == '\n' && i < arn)
+ while (m_buf[h2 - 2] == '\r' && m_buf[h2 - 1] == '\n' && i < arn)
h2 -= 2, i++;
if (dbei->cbBlob) {
- CMStringW wszBody = m_buf.Mid(h1, h2-h1).Trim();
+ CMStringW wszBody = m_buf.Mid(h1, h2 - h1).Trim();
if (!wszBody.IsEmpty()) {
ptrA tmp(mir_utf8encodeW(wszBody));
int copySize = min(dbei->cbBlob - 1, (int)mir_strlen(tmp));
@@ -444,10 +535,20 @@ public:
return 0;
+ STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) GetEvent(MEVENT idx, DBEVENTINFO *dbei) override
+ {
+ if (dbei == nullptr || m_events.size() == 0 || idx < 1 || idx > m_events.size())
+ return 1;
+ if (g_pActivePattern->iType == 1)
+ return getTextEvent(idx, dbei);
+ return getBinaryEvent(idx, dbei);
+ }
STDMETHODIMP_(MEVENT) FindFirstEvent(MCONTACT hContact) override
// no system history
@@ -484,7 +585,7 @@ public:
- return (idx >= 1) ? idx - 1 : 0;
+ return (idx >= 1) ? idx-1 : 0;
diff --git a/plugins/Import/src/stdafx.h b/plugins/Import/src/stdafx.h
index bcf93a8391..e0698a3fbd 100644
--- a/plugins/Import/src/stdafx.h
+++ b/plugins/Import/src/stdafx.h
@@ -232,6 +232,9 @@ bool IsDuplicateEvent(MCONTACT hContact, DBEVENTINFO dbei);
int CreateGroup(const wchar_t *name, MCONTACT hContact);
+uint32_t RLInteger(const uint8_t *p);
+uint32_t RLWord(const uint8_t *p);
extern HWND g_hwndWizard, g_hwndAccMerge;
extern wchar_t g_wszImportFile[MAX_PATH];
extern time_t dwSinceDate;
diff --git a/plugins/Import/src/utils.cpp b/plugins/Import/src/utils.cpp
index 51965cacef..b357d345a8 100644
--- a/plugins/Import/src/utils.cpp
+++ b/plugins/Import/src/utils.cpp
@@ -180,6 +180,24 @@ bool IsDuplicateEvent(MCONTACT hContact, DBEVENTINFO dbei)
+// rtl integers
+uint32_t RLInteger(const uint8_t *p)
+ uint32_t ret = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ ret <<= 8;
+ ret += p[i];
+ }
+ return ret;
+uint32_t RLWord(const uint8_t *p)
+ return (p[0] << 8) + p[1];
// icons
static IconItem iconList[] =
diff --git a/plugins/Import/src/version.h b/plugins/Import/src/version.h
index 632b288efb..32ee4ab17c 100644
--- a/plugins/Import/src/version.h
+++ b/plugins/Import/src/version.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#define __MAJOR_VERSION 0
#define __MINOR_VERSION 95
-#define __RELEASE_NUM 10
+#define __RELEASE_NUM 11
#define __BUILD_NUM 1
#include <stdver.h>