path: root/plugins
diff options
authorGeorge Hazan <>2020-06-23 16:24:12 +0300
committerGeorge Hazan <>2020-06-23 16:24:12 +0300
commit7e120902cd5b5fe17bf9cbdd799802a20eee5c6e (patch)
tree0e1b5edfcbaa634649719c7aade669489e63be3f /plugins
parent324885a4d935f29c22cd641c586b7a179b5690e5 (diff)
new_gpg: code reordering
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins')
8 files changed, 1264 insertions, 1357 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/NewStory/res/resource.rc b/plugins/NewStory/res/resource.rc
index f3453ca27d..ae57e7909c 100644
--- a/plugins/NewStory/res/resource.rc
+++ b/plugins/NewStory/res/resource.rc
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource.
-#include "afxres.h"
+#include <winres.h>
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ END
- "#include ""afxres.h""\r\n"
+ "#include ""winres.h""\r\n"
diff --git a/plugins/New_GPG/res/new_gpg.rc b/plugins/New_GPG/res/new_gpg.rc
index b45f3e3b19..83b52d5058 100644
--- a/plugins/New_GPG/res/new_gpg.rc
+++ b/plugins/New_GPG/res/new_gpg.rc
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource.
-#include "afxres.h"
+#include <winres.h>
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ END
- "#include ""afxres.h""\r\n"
+ "#include ""winres.h""\r\n"
diff --git a/plugins/New_GPG/src/main.cpp b/plugins/New_GPG/src/main.cpp
index db51945fa5..cdd38bebf7 100755
--- a/plugins/New_GPG/src/main.cpp
+++ b/plugins/New_GPG/src/main.cpp
@@ -18,6 +18,179 @@
#pragma comment(lib, "shlwapi.lib")
+// GPG binaries options
+class CDlgGpgBinOpts : public CDlgBase
+ CCtrlButton btn_SET_BIN_PATH, btn_SET_HOME_DIR, btn_OK, btn_GENERATE_RANDOM;
+ CCtrlEdit edit_BIN_PATH, edit_HOME_DIR;
+ CCtrlCheck chk_AUTO_EXCHANGE;
+ CDlgGpgBinOpts() :
+ CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_BIN_PATH),
+ btn_OK(this, ID_OK),
+ edit_BIN_PATH(this, IDC_BIN_PATH),
+ edit_HOME_DIR(this, IDC_HOME_DIR),
+ {
+ btn_SET_BIN_PATH.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgGpgBinOpts::onClick_SET_BIN_PATH);
+ btn_SET_HOME_DIR.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgGpgBinOpts::onClick_SET_HOME_DIR);
+ btn_OK.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgGpgBinOpts::onClick_OK);
+ btn_GENERATE_RANDOM.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgGpgBinOpts::onClick_GENERATE_RANDOM);
+ }
+ bool OnInitDialog() override
+ {
+ CMStringW path;
+ bool gpg_exists = false, lang_exists = false;
+ wchar_t mir_path[MAX_PATH];
+ PathToAbsoluteW(L"\\", mir_path);
+ SetCurrentDirectoryW(mir_path);
+ CMStringW gpg_path(mir_path); gpg_path.Append(L"\\GnuPG\\gpg.exe");
+ CMStringW gpg_lang_path(mir_path); gpg_lang_path.Append(L"\\GnuPG\\gnupg.nls\\");
+ if (boost::filesystem::exists(gpg_path.c_str())) {
+ gpg_exists = true;
+ path = L"GnuPG\\gpg.exe";
+ }
+ else path = gpg_path;
+ if (boost::filesystem::exists(gpg_lang_path.c_str()))
+ lang_exists = true;
+ if (gpg_exists && !lang_exists)
+ MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("GPG binary found in Miranda folder, but English locale does not exist.\nIt's highly recommended that you place \\gnupg.nls\\ in GnuPG folder under Miranda root.\nWithout this file you may experience many problems with GPG output on non-English systems\nand plugin may completely not work.\nYou have been warned."), TranslateT("Warning"), MB_OK);
+ bool bad_version = false;
+ {
+ ptrW tmp;
+ if (!gpg_exists) {
+ tmp = g_plugin.getWStringA("szGpgBinPath", (SHGetValueW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\GNU\\GnuPG", L"gpgProgram", 0, (void *)path.c_str(), &len) == ERROR_SUCCESS) ? path.c_str() : L"");
+ if (tmp[0])
+ if (!boost::filesystem::exists((wchar_t *)tmp))
+ MessageBoxW(nullptr, TranslateT("Wrong GPG binary location found in system.\nPlease choose another location"), TranslateT("Warning"), MB_OK);
+ }
+ else tmp = mir_wstrdup(path.c_str());
+ edit_BIN_PATH.SetText(tmp);
+ if (gpg_exists/* && lang_exists*/) {
+ g_plugin.setWString("szGpgBinPath", tmp);
+ gpg_execution_params params;
+ params.addParam(L"--version");
+ bool _gpg_valid = globals.gpg_valid;
+ globals.gpg_valid = true;
+ gpg_launcher(params);
+ globals.gpg_valid = _gpg_valid; //TODO: check this
+ g_plugin.delSetting("szGpgBinPath");
+ int p1 = params.out.Find("(GnuPG) ");
+ if (p1 != -1) {
+ p1 += mir_strlen("(GnuPG) ");
+ if (params.out[p1] != '1')
+ bad_version = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ bad_version = false;
+ MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("This is not GnuPG binary!\nIt is recommended that you use GnuPG v1.x.x with this plugin."), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
+ }
+ if (bad_version)
+ MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Unsupported GnuPG version found, use at you own risk!\nIt is recommended that you use GnuPG v1.x.x with this plugin."), TranslateT("Warning"), MB_OK);
+ }
+ }
+ CMStringW tmp(g_plugin.getMStringW("szHomePath"));
+ if (tmp.IsEmpty()) {
+ mir_wstrcat(mir_path, L"\\gpg");
+ if (_waccess(mir_path, 0) != -1) {
+ tmp = mir_path;
+ MessageBoxW(nullptr, TranslateT("\"GPG\" directory found in Miranda root.\nAssuming it's GPG home directory.\nGPG home directory set."), TranslateT("Info"), MB_OK);
+ }
+ else {
+ wstring path_ = _wgetenv(L"APPDATA");
+ path_ += L"\\GnuPG";
+ tmp = path_.c_str();
+ }
+ }
+ edit_HOME_DIR.SetText(!gpg_exists ? tmp : L"gpg");
+ // TODO: additional check for write access
+ if (gpg_exists && lang_exists && !bad_version)
+ MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Your GPG version is supported. The language file was found.\nGPG plugin should work fine.\nPress OK to continue."), TranslateT("Info"), MB_OK);
+ chk_AUTO_EXCHANGE.Enable();
+ return true;
+ }
+ void OnDestroy() override
+ {
+ void InitCheck();
+ InitCheck();
+ }
+ void onClick_SET_BIN_PATH(CCtrlButton *)
+ {
+ GetFilePath(L"Choose gpg.exe", "szGpgBinPath", L"*.exe", L"EXE Executables");
+ CMStringW tmp(g_plugin.getMStringW("szGpgBinPath", L"gpg.exe"));
+ edit_BIN_PATH.SetText(tmp);
+ wchar_t mir_path[MAX_PATH];
+ PathToAbsoluteW(L"\\", mir_path);
+ if (tmp.Find(mir_path, 0) == 0) {
+ CMStringW path = tmp.Mid(mir_wstrlen(mir_path));
+ edit_BIN_PATH.SetText(path);
+ }
+ }
+ void onClick_SET_HOME_DIR(CCtrlButton *)
+ {
+ GetFolderPath(L"Set home directory");
+ CMStringW tmp(g_plugin.getMStringW("szHomePath"));
+ edit_HOME_DIR.SetText(tmp);
+ wchar_t mir_path[MAX_PATH];
+ PathToAbsoluteW(L"\\", mir_path);
+ PathToAbsoluteW(L"\\", mir_path);
+ if (tmp.Find(mir_path, 0) == 0) {
+ CMStringW path = tmp.Mid(mir_wstrlen(mir_path));
+ edit_HOME_DIR.SetText(path);
+ }
+ }
+ void onClick_OK(CCtrlButton *)
+ {
+ if (gpg_validate_paths(edit_BIN_PATH.GetText(), edit_HOME_DIR.GetText())) {
+ gpg_save_paths(edit_BIN_PATH.GetText(), edit_HOME_DIR.GetText());
+ globals.gpg_valid = true;
+ g_plugin.setByte("FirstRun", 0);
+ this->Hide();
+ this->Close();
+ ShowFirstRunDialog();
+ }
+ }
+ void onClick_GENERATE_RANDOM(CCtrlButton *)
+ {
+ if (gpg_validate_paths(edit_BIN_PATH.GetText(), edit_HOME_DIR.GetText())) {
+ gpg_save_paths(edit_BIN_PATH.GetText(), edit_HOME_DIR.GetText());
+ globals.gpg_valid = true;
+ if (gpg_use_new_random_key(nullptr)) {
+ g_plugin.bAutoExchange = chk_AUTO_EXCHANGE.GetState();
+ globals.gpg_valid = true;
+ g_plugin.setByte("FirstRun", 0);
+ this->Close();
+ }
+ }
+ }
static int EnumProc(const char *szSetting, void *param)
auto *list = (OBJLIST<CMStringA> *)param;
@@ -49,10 +222,8 @@ void FirstRun()
g_plugin.setByte("CompatLevel", 1);
- if (!g_plugin.getByte("FirstRun", 1))
- return;
- CDlgGpgBinOpts *d = new CDlgGpgBinOpts;
- d->Show();
+ if (g_plugin.getByte("FirstRun", 1))
+ (new CDlgGpgBinOpts())->Show();
void InitCheck()
@@ -134,10 +305,8 @@ void InitCheck()
wszQuestion += TranslateT(" for account ");
wszQuestion += pa->tszAccountName;
wszQuestion += TranslateT(" deleted from GPG secret keyring.\nDo you want to set another key?");
- if (MessageBoxW(nullptr, wszQuestion, TranslateT("Own secret key warning"), MB_YESNO) == IDYES) {
- CDlgFirstRun *d = new CDlgFirstRun;
- d->DoModal();
- }
+ if (MessageBoxW(nullptr, wszQuestion, TranslateT("Own secret key warning"), MB_YESNO) == IDYES)
+ ShowFirstRunDialog();
p2 = p;
p = out.find("[", p);
@@ -174,10 +343,8 @@ void InitCheck()
wszQuestion += TranslateT(" for account ");
wszQuestion += pa->tszAccountName;
wszQuestion += TranslateT(" expired and will not work.\nDo you want to set another key?");
- if (MessageBoxW(nullptr, wszQuestion.c_str(), TranslateT("Own secret key warning"), MB_YESNO) == IDYES) {
- CDlgFirstRun *d = new CDlgFirstRun;
- d->DoModal();
- }
+ if (MessageBoxW(nullptr, wszQuestion.c_str(), TranslateT("Own secret key warning"), MB_YESNO) == IDYES)
+ ShowFirstRunDialog();
@@ -189,18 +356,14 @@ void InitCheck()
CMStringA key(g_plugin.getMStringA("GPGPubKey"));
if (!g_plugin.getByte("FirstRun", 1) && (keyid.IsEmpty() || key.IsEmpty())) {
wszQuestion = TranslateT("You didn't set a private key.\nWould you like to set it now?");
- if (MessageBoxW(nullptr, wszQuestion, TranslateT("Own private key warning"), MB_YESNO) == IDYES) {
- CDlgFirstRun *d = new CDlgFirstRun;
- d->DoModal();
- }
+ if (MessageBoxW(nullptr, wszQuestion, TranslateT("Own private key warning"), MB_YESNO) == IDYES)
+ ShowFirstRunDialog();
if ((p = out.find(keyid)) == string::npos) {
wszQuestion += keyid;
wszQuestion += TranslateT(" deleted from GPG secret keyring.\nDo you want to set another key?");
- if (MessageBoxW(nullptr, wszQuestion, TranslateT("Own secret key warning"), MB_YESNO) == IDYES) {
- CDlgFirstRun *d = new CDlgFirstRun;
- d->DoModal();
- }
+ if (MessageBoxW(nullptr, wszQuestion, TranslateT("Own secret key warning"), MB_YESNO) == IDYES)
+ ShowFirstRunDialog();
p2 = p;
p = out.find("[", p);
@@ -235,10 +398,8 @@ void InitCheck()
if (expired) {
wszQuestion += keyid;
wszQuestion += TranslateT(" expired and will not work.\nDo you want to set another key?");
- if (MessageBoxW(nullptr, wszQuestion, TranslateT("Own secret key warning"), MB_YESNO) == IDYES) {
- CDlgFirstRun *d = new CDlgFirstRun;
- d->DoModal();
- }
+ if (MessageBoxW(nullptr, wszQuestion, TranslateT("Own secret key warning"), MB_YESNO) == IDYES)
+ ShowFirstRunDialog();
diff --git a/plugins/New_GPG/src/messages.cpp b/plugins/New_GPG/src/messages.cpp
index f5deedd289..f446f5907e 100755
--- a/plugins/New_GPG/src/messages.cpp
+++ b/plugins/New_GPG/src/messages.cpp
@@ -37,287 +37,259 @@ static void RecvMsgSvc_func(RecvParams *param)
MCONTACT hContact = param->hContact;
std::string szScreenName(toUTF8(Clist_GetContactDisplayName(hContact)));
- {
- // check for gpg related data
- wstring::size_type s1 = param->str.find(L"-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----");
- wstring::size_type s2 = param->str.find(L"-----END PGP MESSAGE-----");
- if (s2 != wstring::npos && s1 != wstring::npos) { //this is generic encrypted data block
- if (!isContactSecured(hContact)) {
- if (globals.debuglog)
- globals.debuglog << "info: received encrypted message from: " + szScreenName + " with turned off encryption";
- if (MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("We received encrypted message from contact with encryption turned off.\nDo you want to turn on encryption for this contact?"), TranslateT("Warning"), MB_YESNO) == IDYES) {
- if (!isContactHaveKey(hContact))
- ShowLoadPublicKeyDialog(hContact, true);
- else {
- g_plugin.setByte(db_mc_isMeta(hContact) ? metaGetMostOnline(hContact) : hContact, "GPGEncryption", 1);
- setSrmmIcon(hContact);
- }
- if (isContactHaveKey(hContact)) {
- g_plugin.setByte(db_mc_isMeta(hContact) ? metaGetMostOnline(hContact) : hContact, "GPGEncryption", 1);
- setSrmmIcon(hContact);
- }
+ // check for gpg related data
+ wstring::size_type s1 = param->str.find(L"-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----");
+ wstring::size_type s2 = param->str.find(L"-----END PGP MESSAGE-----");
+ if (s2 != wstring::npos && s1 != wstring::npos) { //this is generic encrypted data block
+ if (!isContactSecured(hContact)) {
+ if (globals.debuglog)
+ globals.debuglog << "info: received encrypted message from: " + szScreenName + " with turned off encryption";
+ if (MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("We received encrypted message from contact with encryption turned off.\nDo you want to turn on encryption for this contact?"), TranslateT("Warning"), MB_YESNO) == IDYES) {
+ if (!isContactHaveKey(hContact))
+ ShowLoadPublicKeyDialog(hContact, true);
+ else {
+ g_plugin.setByte(db_mc_isMeta(hContact) ? metaGetMostOnline(hContact) : hContact, "GPGEncryption", 1);
+ setSrmmIcon(hContact);
- else if (MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Do you want to try to decrypt encrypted message?"), TranslateT("Warning"), MB_YESNO) == IDNO) {
- HistoryLog(hContact, param->msg.c_str(), param->timestamp);
- delete param;
- return;
+ if (isContactHaveKey(hContact)) {
+ g_plugin.setByte(db_mc_isMeta(hContact) ? metaGetMostOnline(hContact) : hContact, "GPGEncryption", 1);
+ setSrmmIcon(hContact);
- else if (globals.debuglog)
- globals.debuglog << "info: received encrypted message from: " + szScreenName;
- boost::algorithm::erase_all(param->str, "\r");
- s2 += mir_wstrlen(L"-----END PGP MESSAGE-----");
- ptrW ptszHomePath(g_plugin.getWStringA("szHomePath", L""));
- wstring encfile = toUTF16(get_random(10));
- wstring decfile = toUTF16(get_random(10));
- {
- wstring path = wstring(ptszHomePath) + L"\\tmp\\" + encfile;
- if (!globals.debuglog) {
- boost::system::error_code e;
- boost::filesystem::remove(path, e);
- }
- {
- const int timeout = 5000, step = 100;
- int count = 0;
+ else if (MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Do you want to try to decrypt encrypted message?"), TranslateT("Warning"), MB_YESNO) == IDNO) {
+ HistoryLog(hContact, param->msg.c_str(), param->timestamp);
+ delete param;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (globals.debuglog)
+ globals.debuglog << "info: received encrypted message from: " + szScreenName;
+ boost::algorithm::erase_all(param->str, "\r");
+ s2 += mir_wstrlen(L"-----END PGP MESSAGE-----");
+ ptrW ptszHomePath(g_plugin.getWStringA("szHomePath", L""));
+ wstring encfile = toUTF16(get_random(10));
+ wstring decfile = toUTF16(get_random(10));
+ {
+ wstring path = wstring(ptszHomePath) + L"\\tmp\\" + encfile;
+ if (!globals.debuglog) {
+ boost::system::error_code e;
+ boost::filesystem::remove(path, e);
+ }
- fstream f(path.c_str(), std::ios::out);
- while (!f.is_open()) {
- ::Sleep(step);
- count += step;
- if (count >= timeout) {
- g_plugin.setByte(hContact, "GPGEncryption", 0);
- setSrmmIcon(hContact);
- globals.debuglog << "info: failed to create temporary file for decryption, disabling gpg for contact to avoid deadlock";
- delete param;
- return;
- }
-, std::ios::out);
+ {
+ const int timeout = 5000, step = 100;
+ int count = 0;
+ fstream f(path.c_str(), std::ios::out);
+ while (!f.is_open()) {
+ ::Sleep(step);
+ count += step;
+ if (count >= timeout) {
+ g_plugin.setByte(hContact, "GPGEncryption", 0);
+ setSrmmIcon(hContact);
+ globals.debuglog << "info: failed to create temporary file for decryption, disabling gpg for contact to avoid deadlock";
+ delete param;
+ return;
- char *tmp = mir_u2a(param->str.substr(s1, s2 - s1).c_str());
- f << tmp;
- mir_free(tmp);
- f.close();
+, std::ios::out);
+ char *tmp = mir_u2a(param->str.substr(s1, s2 - s1).c_str());
+ f << tmp;
+ mir_free(tmp);
+ f.close();
+ }
- gpg_execution_params params;
- params.addParam(L"--batch");
- {
- CMStringA inkeyid = g_plugin.getMStringA(db_mc_isMeta(hContact) ? metaGetMostOnline(hContact) : hContact, "InKeyID");
- CMStringW pass;
- if (!inkeyid.IsEmpty()) {
- string dbsetting = "szKey_";
- dbsetting += inkeyid;
- dbsetting += "_Password";
- pass = g_plugin.getMStringW(dbsetting.c_str());
- if (!pass.IsEmpty() && globals.debuglog)
- globals.debuglog << "info: found password in database for key ID: " + string(inkeyid.c_str()) + ", trying to decrypt message from " + szScreenName + " with password";
- }
- else {
- pass = g_plugin.getMStringW("szKeyPassword");
- if (!pass.IsEmpty() && globals.debuglog)
- globals.debuglog << "info: found password for all keys in database, trying to decrypt message from " + szScreenName + " with password";
- }
- if (!pass.IsEmpty()) {
- params.addParam(L"--passphrase");
- params.addParam(pass.c_str());
- }
- else if (!globals.wszPassword.IsEmpty()) {
- if (globals.debuglog)
- globals.debuglog << "info: found password in memory, trying to decrypt message from " + szScreenName + " with password";
- params.addParam(L"--passphrase");
- params.addParam(globals.wszPassword.c_str());
- }
- else if (globals.debuglog)
- globals.debuglog << "info: passwords not found in database or memory, trying to decrypt message from " + szScreenName + " without password";
+ gpg_execution_params params;
+ params.addParam(L"--batch");
+ {
+ CMStringA inkeyid = g_plugin.getMStringA(db_mc_isMeta(hContact) ? metaGetMostOnline(hContact) : hContact, "InKeyID");
+ CMStringW pass;
+ if (!inkeyid.IsEmpty()) {
+ string dbsetting = "szKey_";
+ dbsetting += inkeyid;
+ dbsetting += "_Password";
+ pass = g_plugin.getMStringW(dbsetting.c_str());
+ if (!pass.IsEmpty() && globals.debuglog)
+ globals.debuglog << "info: found password in database for key ID: " + string(inkeyid.c_str()) + ", trying to decrypt message from " + szScreenName + " with password";
+ }
+ else {
+ pass = g_plugin.getMStringW("szKeyPassword");
+ if (!pass.IsEmpty() && globals.debuglog)
+ globals.debuglog << "info: found password for all keys in database, trying to decrypt message from " + szScreenName + " with password";
+ if (!pass.IsEmpty()) {
+ params.addParam(L"--passphrase");
+ params.addParam(pass.c_str());
+ }
+ else if (!globals.wszPassword.IsEmpty()) {
+ if (globals.debuglog)
+ globals.debuglog << "info: found password in memory, trying to decrypt message from " + szScreenName + " with password";
+ params.addParam(L"--passphrase");
+ params.addParam(globals.wszPassword.c_str());
+ }
+ else if (globals.debuglog)
+ globals.debuglog << "info: passwords not found in database or memory, trying to decrypt message from " + szScreenName + " without password";
+ }
+ if (!globals.debuglog) {
+ boost::system::error_code e;
+ boost::filesystem::remove(wstring(ptszHomePath) + L"\\tmp\\" + decfile, e);
+ }
+ params.addParam(L"--output");
+ params.addParam(std::wstring(ptszHomePath) + L"\\tmp\\" + decfile);
+ params.addParam(L"-d");
+ params.addParam(L"-a");
+ params.addParam(path);
+ bool bRes = gpg_launcher(params);
+ if (!bRes || params.result == pxNotFound) {
if (!globals.debuglog) {
boost::system::error_code e;
- boost::filesystem::remove(wstring(ptszHomePath) + L"\\tmp\\" + decfile, e);
+ boost::filesystem::remove(path, e);
- params.addParam(L"--output");
- params.addParam(std::wstring(ptszHomePath) + L"\\tmp\\" + decfile);
- params.addParam(L"-d");
- params.addParam(L"-a");
- params.addParam(path);
- if (!gpg_launcher(params)) {
- if (!globals.debuglog) {
- boost::system::error_code e;
- boost::filesystem::remove(path, e);
- }
- HistoryLog(hContact, param->msg.c_str(), param->timestamp);
+ SendErrorMessage(hContact);
+ HistoryLog(hContact, TranslateU("GPG cannot decrypt imcoming message"), param->timestamp);
+ delete param;
+ return;
+ }
+ // TODO: check gpg output for errors
+ globals._terminate = false;
+ string out(params.out);
+ while (out.find("public key decryption failed: bad passphrase") != string::npos) {
+ if (globals.debuglog)
+ globals.debuglog << "info: failed to decrypt messaage from " + szScreenName + " password needed, trying to get one";
+ if (globals._terminate) {
- delete param;
- return;
+ break;
- if (params.result == pxNotFound) {
- if (!globals.debuglog) {
- boost::system::error_code e;
- boost::filesystem::remove(path, e);
- }
- HistoryLog(hContact, param->msg.c_str(), param->timestamp);
- delete param;
- return;
+ {
+ // save inkey id
+ string::size_type s = out.find(" encrypted with ");
+ s = out.find(" ID ", s);
+ s += mir_strlen(" ID ");
+ g_plugin.setString(db_mc_isMeta(hContact) ? metaGetMostOnline(hContact) : hContact, "InKeyID", out.substr(s, out.find(",", s) - s).c_str());
- // TODO: check gpg output for errors
- globals._terminate = false;
+ CDlgKeyPasswordMsgBox(hContact).DoModal();
- string out(params.out);
- while (out.find("public key decryption failed: bad passphrase") != string::npos) {
+ gpg_execution_params params2;
+ params2.aargv = params.aargv;
+ if (!globals.wszPassword.IsEmpty()) {
if (globals.debuglog)
- globals.debuglog << "info: failed to decrypt messaage from " + szScreenName + " password needed, trying to get one";
- if (globals._terminate) {
- SendErrorMessage(hContact);
- break;
- }
- { //save inkey id
- string::size_type s = out.find(" encrypted with ");
- s = out.find(" ID ", s);
- s += mir_strlen(" ID ");
- g_plugin.setString(db_mc_isMeta(hContact) ? metaGetMostOnline(hContact) : hContact, "InKeyID", out.substr(s, out.find(",", s) - s).c_str());
- }
- CDlgKeyPasswordMsgBox *d = new CDlgKeyPasswordMsgBox(hContact);
- d->DoModal();
+ globals.debuglog << "info: found password in memory, trying to decrypt message from " + szScreenName;
- gpg_execution_params params2;
- params2.aargv = params.aargv;
- if (!globals.wszPassword.IsEmpty()) {
- if (globals.debuglog)
- globals.debuglog << "info: found password in memory, trying to decrypt message from " + szScreenName;
- params2.addParam(L"--passphrase");
- params2.addParam(globals.wszPassword.c_str());
- }
- if (!gpg_launcher(params2)) {
- if (!globals.debuglog) {
- boost::system::error_code e;
- boost::filesystem::remove(path, e);
- }
- HistoryLog(hContact, param->msg.c_str(), param->timestamp);
- SendErrorMessage(hContact);
- delete param;
- return;
- }
- if (params2.result == pxNotFound) {
- if (!globals.debuglog) {
- boost::system::error_code e;
- boost::filesystem::remove(path, e);
- }
- HistoryLog(hContact, param->msg.c_str(), param->timestamp);
- delete param;
- return;
- }
+ params2.addParam(L"--passphrase");
+ params2.addParam(globals.wszPassword.c_str());
- out.clear();
- if (!gpg_launcher(params)) {
+ bRes = gpg_launcher(params2);
+ if (!bRes || params2.result == pxNotFound) {
if (!globals.debuglog) {
boost::system::error_code e;
boost::filesystem::remove(path, e);
- HistoryLog(hContact, param->msg.c_str(), param->timestamp);
+ HistoryLog(hContact, TranslateU("GPG cannot decrypt imcoming message"), param->timestamp);
delete param;
- if (params.result == pxNotFound) {
- if (!globals.debuglog) {
- boost::system::error_code e;
- boost::filesystem::remove(path, e);
- }
- HistoryLog(hContact, param->msg.c_str(), param->timestamp);
- }
+ }
+ out.clear();
+ bRes = gpg_launcher(params);
+ if (!bRes || params.result == pxNotFound) {
if (!globals.debuglog) {
boost::system::error_code e;
- boost::filesystem::remove(wstring(ptszHomePath) + L"\\tmp\\" + encfile, e);
+ boost::filesystem::remove(path, e);
- if (!boost::filesystem::exists(wstring(ptszHomePath) + L"\\tmp\\" + decfile)) {
- string str1 = param->msg;
- str1.insert(0, "Received unencrypted message:\n");
- if (globals.debuglog)
- globals.debuglog << "info: Failed to decrypt GPG encrypted message.";
+ HistoryLog(hContact, TranslateU("GPG cannot decrypt imcoming message"), param->timestamp);
+ SendErrorMessage(hContact);
+ delete param;
+ return;
+ }
- ptrA tmp4((char*)mir_alloc(sizeof(char)*(str1.length() + 1)));
- mir_strcpy(tmp4, str1.c_str());
- HistoryLog(hContact, param->msg.c_str(), param->timestamp);
- SendErrorMessage(hContact);
- delete param;
- return;
- }
+ if (!globals.debuglog) {
+ boost::system::error_code e;
+ boost::filesystem::remove(wstring(ptszHomePath) + L"\\tmp\\" + encfile, e);
+ }
- param->str.clear();
+ if (!boost::filesystem::exists(wstring(ptszHomePath) + L"\\tmp\\" + decfile)) {
+ if (globals.debuglog)
+ globals.debuglog << "info: Failed to decrypt GPG encrypted message.";
- wstring tszDecPath = wstring(ptszHomePath) + L"\\tmp\\" + decfile;
- {
- fstream f(tszDecPath.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::ate | std::ios::binary);
- if (f.is_open()) {
- size_t size = f.tellg();
- char *tmp = new char[size + 1];
- f.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
-, size);
- tmp[size] = '\0';
- toUTF16(tmp);
- param->str.append(toUTF16(tmp));
- delete[] tmp;
- f.close();
- if (!globals.debuglog) {
- boost::system::error_code ec;
- boost::filesystem::remove(tszDecPath, ec);
- if (ec) {
- //TODO: handle error
- }
- }
+ string str1 = param->msg;
+ str1.insert(0, "\n");
+ str1.insert(0, TranslateU("Received unencrypted message:"));
+ HistoryLog(hContact, str1.c_str(), param->timestamp);
+ SendErrorMessage(hContact);
+ delete param;
+ return;
+ }
+ param->str.clear();
+ wstring tszDecPath = wstring(ptszHomePath) + L"\\tmp\\" + decfile;
+ fstream f(tszDecPath.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::ate | std::ios::binary);
+ if (f.is_open()) {
+ size_t size = f.tellg();
+ char *tmp = new char[size + 1];
+ f.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
+, size);
+ tmp[size] = '\0';
+ param->str.append(toUTF16(tmp));
+ delete[] tmp;
+ f.close();
+ if (!globals.debuglog) {
+ boost::system::error_code ec;
+ boost::filesystem::remove(tszDecPath, ec);
+ if (ec) {
+ //TODO: handle error
- if (param->str.empty()) {
- string szMsg = param->msg;
- szMsg.insert(0, "Failed to decrypt GPG encrypted message.\nMessage body for manual decryption:\n");
- if (globals.debuglog)
- globals.debuglog << "info: Failed to decrypt GPG encrypted message.";
+ }
- HistoryLog(hContact, param->msg.c_str(), param->timestamp);
- SendErrorMessage(hContact);
- delete param;
- return;
- }
+ if (param->str.empty()) {
+ if (globals.debuglog)
+ globals.debuglog << "info: Failed to decrypt GPG encrypted message.";
- fix_line_term(param->str);
- if (g_plugin.bAppendTags) {
- param->str.insert(0, globals.wszInopentag);
- param->str.append(globals.wszInclosetag);
- }
+ string szMsg = param->msg;
+ szMsg.insert(0, TranslateU("Failed to decrypt GPG encrypted message.\nMessage body for manual decryption:\n"));
- char *tmp = mir_strdup(toUTF8(param->str).c_str());
- HistoryLog(hContact, tmp, param->timestamp);
- mir_free(tmp);
+ HistoryLog(hContact, param->msg.c_str(), param->timestamp);
+ SendErrorMessage(hContact);
delete param;
+ fix_line_term(param->str);
+ if (g_plugin.bAppendTags) {
+ param->str.insert(0, globals.wszInopentag);
+ param->str.append(globals.wszInclosetag);
+ }
+ HistoryLog(hContact, toUTF8(param->str).c_str(), param->timestamp);
+ delete param;
+ return;
- if (g_plugin.getByte(db_mc_isMeta(hContact) ? metaGetMostOnline(hContact) : hContact, "GPGEncryption")) {
+ if (g_plugin.getByte(db_mc_isMeta(hContact) ? metaGetMostOnline(hContact) : hContact, "GPGEncryption"))
HistoryLog(hContact, param->msg.c_str(), param->timestamp, DBEF_READ);
- delete param;
- return;
- }
+ else
+ HistoryLog(hContact, param->msg.c_str(), param->timestamp);
- HistoryLog(hContact, param->msg.c_str(), param->timestamp);
delete param;
@@ -326,9 +298,11 @@ INT_PTR RecvMsgSvc(WPARAM w, LPARAM l)
if (!ccs)
return Proto_ChainRecv(w, ccs);
if (!pre)
return Proto_ChainRecv(w, ccs);
char *msg = pre->szMessage;
if (!msg)
return Proto_ChainRecv(w, ccs);
@@ -342,6 +316,7 @@ INT_PTR RecvMsgSvc(WPARAM w, LPARAM l)
return 0;
wstring str = toUTF16(msg);
size_t s1, s2;
if (g_plugin.bAutoExchange && (str.find(L"-----PGP KEY RESPONSE-----") != wstring::npos)) {
diff --git a/plugins/New_GPG/src/options.cpp b/plugins/New_GPG/src/options.cpp
index 2f2b61d5ea..485c7b431c 100755
--- a/plugins/New_GPG/src/options.cpp
+++ b/plugins/New_GPG/src/options.cpp
@@ -21,6 +21,201 @@ globals_s globals;
HWND hwndCurKey_p = nullptr;
+// Load existing key dialog
+class CDlgLoadExistingKey : public CDlgBase
+ wchar_t id[16];
+ CCtrlListView list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST;
+ CDlgLoadExistingKey() :
+ CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_LOAD_EXISTING_KEY),
+ {
+ id[0] = 0;
+ }
+ bool OnInitDialog() override
+ {
+ Utils_RestoreWindowPosition(m_hwnd, 0, MODULENAME, "LoadKeyWindow");
+ list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(0, TranslateT("Key ID"), 50);
+ list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(1, TranslateT("Email"), 30);
+ list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(2, TranslateT("Name"), 250);
+ list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(3, TranslateT("Creation date"), 30);
+ list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(4, TranslateT("Expiration date"), 30);
+ list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(5, TranslateT("Key length"), 30);
+ int i = 1;
+ // parse gpg output
+ gpg_execution_params params;
+ params.addParam(L"--batch");
+ params.addParam(L"--list-keys");
+ if (!gpg_launcher(params))
+ return false;
+ if (params.result == pxNotFound)
+ return false;
+ string out(params.out);
+ string::size_type p = 0, p2 = 0, stop = 0;
+ while (p != string::npos) {
+ if ((p = out.find("pub ", p)) == string::npos)
+ break;
+ p += 5;
+ if (p < stop)
+ break;
+ stop = p;
+ p2 = out.find("/", p) - 1;
+ int row = list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.AddItem(L"", 0);
+ list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 5, toUTF16(out.substr(p, p2 - p)).c_str());
+ p2 += 2;
+ p = out.find(" ", p2);
+ list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 0, toUTF16(out.substr(p2, p - p2)).c_str());
+ p++;
+ p2 = out.find("\n", p);
+ string::size_type p3 = out.substr(p, p2 - p).find("[");
+ if (p3 != string::npos) {
+ p3 += p;
+ p2 = p3;
+ p2--;
+ p3++;
+ p3 += mir_strlen("expires: ");
+ string::size_type p4 = out.find("]", p3);
+ list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 4, toUTF16(out.substr(p3, p4 - p3)).c_str());
+ }
+ else p2--;
+ list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 3, toUTF16(out.substr(p, p2 - p)).c_str());
+ p = out.find("uid ", p);
+ p += mir_strlen("uid ");
+ p2 = out.find("\n", p);
+ p3 = out.substr(p, p2 - p).find("<");
+ if (p3 != string::npos) {
+ p3 += p;
+ p2 = p3;
+ p2--;
+ p3++;
+ string::size_type p4 = out.find(">", p3);
+ list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 1, toUTF16(out.substr(p3, p4 - p3)).c_str());
+ }
+ else p2--;
+ p = out.find_first_not_of(" ", p);
+ list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 2, toUTF16(out.substr(p, p2 - p)).c_str());
+ list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.SetColumnWidth(0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE);// not sure about this
+ i++;
+ }
+ list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgLoadExistingKey::onChange_EXISTING_KEY_LIST);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnApply() override
+ {
+ int i = list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.GetSelectionMark();
+ if (i == -1)
+ return false; //TODO: error message
+ list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.GetItemText(i, 0, id, _countof(id));
+ extern CCtrlEdit *edit_p_PubKeyEdit;
+ gpg_execution_params params;
+ params.addParam(L"--batch");
+ params.addParam(L"-a");
+ params.addParam(L"--export");
+ params.addParam(id);
+ if (!gpg_launcher(params))
+ return false;
+ if (params.result == pxNotFound)
+ return false;
+ string out(params.out);
+ size_t p1 = out.find("-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----");
+ if (p1 != std::string::npos) {
+ size_t p2 = out.find("-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----", p1);
+ if (p2 != std::string::npos) {
+ p2 += mir_strlen("-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----");
+ out = out.substr(p1, p2 - p1);
+ if (edit_p_PubKeyEdit)
+ edit_p_PubKeyEdit->SetText(_A2T(out.c_str()));
+ }
+ else MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Failed to export public key."), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
+ }
+ else MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Failed to export public key."), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void OnDestroy() override
+ {
+ Utils_SaveWindowPosition(m_hwnd, 0, MODULENAME, "LoadKeyWindow");
+ }
+ void onChange_EXISTING_KEY_LIST(CCtrlListView::TEventInfo *)
+ {
+ EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDOK), TRUE);
+ }
+// Import key dialog
+class CDlgImportKey : public CDlgBase
+ MCONTACT hContact;
+ CCtrlCombo combo_KEYSERVER;
+ CCtrlButton btn_IMPORT;
+ CDlgImportKey(MCONTACT _hContact) :
+ CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_IMPORT_KEY),
+ btn_IMPORT(this, IDC_IMPORT)
+ {
+ hContact = _hContact;
+ btn_IMPORT.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgImportKey::onClick_IMPORT);
+ }
+ bool OnInitDialog() override
+ {
+ Utils_RestoreWindowPosition(m_hwnd, 0, MODULENAME, "ImportKeyWindow");
+ combo_KEYSERVER.AddString(L"");
+ combo_KEYSERVER.AddString(L"");
+ return true;
+ }
+ void OnDestroy() override
+ {
+ Utils_SaveWindowPosition(m_hwnd, 0, MODULENAME, "ImportKeyWindow");
+ }
+ void onClick_IMPORT(CCtrlButton *)
+ {
+ gpg_execution_params params;
+ params.addParam(L"--keyserver");
+ params.addParam(combo_KEYSERVER.GetText());
+ params.addParam(L"--recv-keys");
+ params.addParam(toUTF16(globals.hcontact_data[hContact].key_in_prescense));
+ gpg_launcher(params);
+ MessageBoxA(nullptr, params.out.c_str(), "GPG output", MB_OK);
+ }
// COptGpgMainDlg class
static class COptGpgMainDlg *g_pMainDlg;
@@ -232,8 +427,7 @@ public:
void onClick_SELECT_KEY(CCtrlButton*)
- CDlgFirstRun *d = new CDlgFirstRun;
- d->Show();
+ ShowFirstRunDialog();
void onClick_SAVE_KEY_BUTTON(CCtrlButton*)
@@ -626,8 +820,7 @@ public:
void onClick_SELECT_EXISTING(CCtrlButton*)
- CDlgLoadExistingKey *d = new CDlgLoadExistingKey;
- d->Show();
+ (new CDlgLoadExistingKey())->Show();
void onClick_OK(CCtrlButton*)
diff --git a/plugins/New_GPG/src/ui.cpp b/plugins/New_GPG/src/ui.cpp
index afd9c00def..8f0d9e8950 100755
--- a/plugins/New_GPG/src/ui.cpp
+++ b/plugins/New_GPG/src/ui.cpp
@@ -54,741 +54,774 @@ void CDlgEncryptedFileMsgBox::onClick_DECRYPT(CCtrlButton*)
-CDlgExportKeysMsgBox::CDlgExportKeysMsgBox() :
- CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_EXPORT_TYPE),
- chk_PUBLIC(this, IDC_PUBLIC),
- chk_ALL(this, IDC_ALL)
+class CDlgExportKeysMsgBox : public CDlgBase
+ CCtrlCheck chk_PUBLIC, chk_PRIVATE, chk_ALL;
-bool CDlgExportKeysMsgBox::OnInitDialog()
- chk_PUBLIC.SetState(1);
- return true;
+ CDlgExportKeysMsgBox() :
+ CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_EXPORT_TYPE),
+ chk_PUBLIC(this, IDC_PUBLIC),
+ chk_ALL(this, IDC_ALL)
+ {
+ }
-bool CDlgExportKeysMsgBox::OnApply()
+ bool OnInitDialog() override
+ {
+ chk_PUBLIC.SetState(true);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool OnApply() override
+ {
+ if (chk_PUBLIC.GetState())
+ ExportGpGKeysFunc(0);
+ else if (chk_PRIVATE.GetState())
+ ExportGpGKeysFunc(1);
+ else if (chk_ALL.GetState())
+ ExportGpGKeysFunc(2);
+ return true;
+ }
- if (chk_PUBLIC.GetState())
- ExportGpGKeysFunc(0);
- else if (chk_PRIVATE.GetState())
- ExportGpGKeysFunc(1);
- else if (chk_ALL.GetState())
- ExportGpGKeysFunc(2);
- return true;
+ (new CDlgExportKeysMsgBox())->Show();
+ return 0;
-CDlgChangePasswdMsgBox::CDlgChangePasswdMsgBox() :
- CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_CHANGE_PASSWD),
- edit_NEW_PASSWD1(this, IDC_NEW_PASSWD1),
- edit_NEW_PASSWD2(this, IDC_NEW_PASSWD2),
+class CDlgChangePasswdMsgBox : public CDlgBase //always modal
+ CCtrlEdit edit_NEW_PASSWD1, edit_NEW_PASSWD2, edit_OLD_PASSWD;
-bool CDlgChangePasswdMsgBox::OnApply()
- //TODO: show some prgress
- if (mir_wstrcmp(edit_NEW_PASSWD1.GetText(), edit_NEW_PASSWD2.GetText())) {
- MessageBox(m_hwnd, TranslateT("New passwords do not match"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
- return false;
+ CDlgChangePasswdMsgBox() :
+ CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_CHANGE_PASSWD),
+ edit_NEW_PASSWD1(this, IDC_NEW_PASSWD1),
+ edit_NEW_PASSWD2(this, IDC_NEW_PASSWD2),
+ {
- std::string old_pass, new_pass;
- new_pass = toUTF8(ptrW(edit_NEW_PASSWD1.GetText()).get());
- old_pass = toUTF8(ptrW(edit_OLD_PASSWD.GetText()).get());
- bool old_pass_match = false;
- if (!mir_strcmp(ptrA(g_plugin.getUStringA("szKeyPassword")), old_pass.c_str()))
- old_pass_match = true;
+ bool OnApply() override
+ {
+ //TODO: show some prgress
+ if (mir_wstrcmp(edit_NEW_PASSWD1.GetText(), edit_NEW_PASSWD2.GetText())) {
+ MessageBox(m_hwnd, TranslateT("New passwords do not match"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
+ return false;
+ }
- if (!old_pass_match) {
- if (globals.key_id_global[0]) {
- string dbsetting = "szKey_";
- dbsetting += toUTF8(globals.key_id_global);
- dbsetting += "_Password";
- ptrA pass(g_plugin.getUStringA(dbsetting.c_str()));
- if (!mir_strcmp(pass, old_pass.c_str()))
- old_pass_match = true;
+ std::string old_pass, new_pass;
+ new_pass = toUTF8(ptrW(edit_NEW_PASSWD1.GetText()).get());
+ old_pass = toUTF8(ptrW(edit_OLD_PASSWD.GetText()).get());
+ bool old_pass_match = false;
+ if (!mir_strcmp(ptrA(g_plugin.getUStringA("szKeyPassword")), old_pass.c_str()))
+ old_pass_match = true;
+ if (!old_pass_match) {
+ if (globals.key_id_global[0]) {
+ string dbsetting = "szKey_";
+ dbsetting += toUTF8(globals.key_id_global);
+ dbsetting += "_Password";
+ ptrA pass(g_plugin.getUStringA(dbsetting.c_str()));
+ if (!mir_strcmp(pass, old_pass.c_str()))
+ old_pass_match = true;
+ }
- }
- if (!old_pass_match)
- if (MessageBox(m_hwnd, TranslateT("Old password does not match, you can continue, but GPG will reject wrong password.\nDo you want to continue?"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_YESNO) == IDNO)
- return false;
+ if (!old_pass_match)
+ if (MessageBox(m_hwnd, TranslateT("Old password does not match, you can continue, but GPG will reject wrong password.\nDo you want to continue?"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_YESNO) == IDNO)
+ return false;
+ gpg_execution_params_pass params(old_pass, new_pass);
+ params.addParam(L"--edit-key");
+ params.addParam(globals.key_id_global);
+ params.addParam(L"passwd");
+ HANDLE hThread = mir_forkThread<gpg_execution_params_pass>(&pxEexcute_passwd_change_thread, &params);
+ if (WaitForSingleObject(hThread, 600000) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
+ if (params.child)
+ params.child->terminate();
+ if (globals.debuglog)
+ globals.debuglog << "GPG execution timed out, aborted";
+ return true;
+ }
- gpg_execution_params_pass params(old_pass, new_pass);
- params.addParam(L"--edit-key");
- params.addParam(globals.key_id_global);
- params.addParam(L"passwd");
- HANDLE hThread = mir_forkThread<gpg_execution_params_pass>(&pxEexcute_passwd_change_thread, &params);
- if (WaitForSingleObject(hThread, 600000) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
- if (params.child)
- params.child->terminate();
- if (globals.debuglog)
- globals.debuglog << "GPG execution timed out, aborted";
- return true;
+ return params.result != pxNotFound;
- return params.result != pxNotFound;
+void ShowChangePasswdDlg()
+ CDlgChangePasswdMsgBox *d = new CDlgChangePasswdMsgBox;
+ d->DoModal();
+// New key generation dialog
+class CDlgKeyGen : public CDlgBase
+ CCtrlCombo combo_KEY_TYPE;
+ CDlgKeyGen() :
+ CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_KEY_GEN),
+ combo_KEY_TYPE(this, IDC_KEY_TYPE),
+ edit_KEY_EMAIL(this, IDC_KEY_EMAIL),
+ {
+ }
-CDlgFirstRun::CDlgFirstRun() :
- CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_FIRST_RUN),
- list_KEY_LIST(this, IDC_KEY_LIST),
- btn_OTHER(this, IDC_OTHER),
- btn_OK(this, ID_OK),
- combo_ACCOUNT(this, IDC_ACCOUNT),
- lbl_KEY_ID(this, IDC_KEY_ID),
- fp[0] = 0;
+ bool OnInitDialog() override
+ {
+ Utils_RestoreWindowPosition(m_hwnd, 0, MODULENAME, "KeygenWindow");
+ SetCaption(TranslateT("Key Generation dialog"));
+ combo_KEY_TYPE.AddString(L"RSA");
+ combo_KEY_TYPE.AddString(L"DSA");
+ combo_KEY_TYPE.SelectString(L"RSA");
+ edit_KEY_EXPIRE_DATE.SetText(L"0");
+ edit_KEY_LENGTH.SetText(L"4096");
+ return true;
+ }
- btn_COPY_PUBKEY.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgFirstRun::onClick_COPY_PUBKEY);
- btn_EXPORT_PRIVATE.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgFirstRun::onClick_EXPORT_PRIVATE);
- btn_CHANGE_PASSWD.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgFirstRun::onClick_CHANGE_PASSWD);
- btn_GENERATE_RANDOM.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgFirstRun::onClick_GENERATE_RANDOM);
- btn_GENERATE_KEY.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgFirstRun::onClick_GENERATE_KEY);
- btn_OTHER.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgFirstRun::onClick_OTHER);
- btn_DELETE_KEY.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgFirstRun::onClick_DELETE_KEY);
- btn_OK.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgFirstRun::onClick_OK);
+ bool OnApply() override
+ {
+ // data sanity checks
+ ptrW tmp(combo_KEY_TYPE.GetText());
+ if (mir_wstrlen(tmp) < 3) {
+ MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("You must set encryption algorithm first"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
+ return false;
+ }
- combo_ACCOUNT.OnChange = Callback(this, &CDlgFirstRun::onChange_ACCOUNT);
+ tmp = edit_KEY_LENGTH.GetText();
+ int length = _wtoi(tmp);
+ if (length < 1024 || length > 4096) {
+ MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Key length must be of length from 1024 to 4096 bits"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
+ return false;
+ }
- list_KEY_LIST.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgFirstRun::onChange_KEY_LIST);
+ tmp = edit_KEY_EXPIRE_DATE.GetText();
+ if (mir_wstrlen(tmp) != 10 && tmp[0] != '0') {
+ MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Invalid date"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
+ return false;
+ }
-bool CDlgFirstRun::OnInitDialog()
- Utils_RestoreWindowPosition(m_hwnd, 0, MODULENAME, "FirstrunWindow");
- SetCaption(TranslateT("Bind own keys to accounts"));
- btn_COPY_PUBKEY.Disable();
- btn_EXPORT_PRIVATE.Disable();
- btn_CHANGE_PASSWD.Disable();
- list_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(0, TranslateT("Key ID"), 50);
- list_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(1, TranslateT("Email"), 30);
- list_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(2, TranslateT("Name"), 250);
- list_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(3, TranslateT("Creation date"), 30);
- list_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(4, TranslateT("Expire date"), 30);
- list_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(5, TranslateT("Key length"), 30);
- list_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(6, TranslateT("Accounts"), 30);
- refresh_key_list();
- combo_ACCOUNT.AddString(TranslateT("Default"));
- for (auto &pa : Accounts()) {
- if (StriStr(pa->szModuleName, "metacontacts"))
- continue;
- if (StriStr(pa->szModuleName, "weather"))
- continue;
- combo_ACCOUNT.AddString(pa->tszAccountName, (LPARAM)pa->szModuleName);
- }
- combo_ACCOUNT.SetCurSel(0);
+ tmp = edit_KEY_REAL_NAME.GetText();
+ if (mir_wstrlen(tmp) < 5) {
+ MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Name must contain at least 5 characters"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (wcschr(tmp, '(') || wcschr(tmp, ')')) {
+ MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Name cannot contain '(' or ')'"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
+ return false;
+ }
- CMStringW keyinfo = TranslateT("key ID");
- keyinfo += L": ";
- keyinfo += g_plugin.getMStringW("KeyID", TranslateT("not set"));
- lbl_KEY_ID.SetText(keyinfo);
- return true;
+ tmp = edit_KEY_EMAIL.GetText();
+ if ((mir_wstrlen(tmp)) < 5 || (!wcschr(tmp, '@')) || (!wcschr(tmp, '.'))) {
+ MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Invalid Email"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
+ return false;
+ }
-void CDlgFirstRun::onClick_COPY_PUBKEY(CCtrlButton*)
- int i = list_KEY_LIST.GetSelectionMark();
- if (i == -1)
- return;
- if (!OpenClipboard(m_hwnd))
- return;
- list_KEY_LIST.GetItemText(i, 0, fp, _countof(fp));
- gpg_execution_params params;
- params.addParam(L"--batch");
- params.addParam(L"-a");
- params.addParam(L"--export");
- params.addParam(fp);
- if (!gpg_launcher(params))
- return;
- if (params.result == pxNotFound)
- return;
- params.out.Remove('\r');
- HGLOBAL hMem = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, params.out.GetLength() + 1);
- if (!hMem) {
- MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Failed to allocate memory"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
- return;
- }
- char *szKey = (char*)GlobalLock(hMem);
- if (!szKey) {
- wchar_t msg[64];
- mir_snwprintf(msg, TranslateT("Failed to lock memory with error %d"), GetLastError());
- MessageBox(nullptr, msg, TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
- GlobalFree(hMem);
- }
- memcpy(szKey, params.out.c_str(), params.out.GetLength());
- szKey[params.out.GetLength()] = '\0';
- EmptyClipboard();
- GlobalUnlock(hMem);
- if (!SetClipboardData(CF_OEMTEXT, hMem)) {
- GlobalFree(hMem);
- wchar_t msg[64];
- mir_snwprintf(msg, TranslateT("Failed write to clipboard with error %d"), GetLastError());
- MessageBox(nullptr, msg, TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
- }
- CloseClipboard();
+ // generating key file
+ CMStringW path = g_plugin.getMStringW("szHomePath");
+ path += L"\\new_key";
+ wfstream f(path.c_str(), std::ios::out);
+ if (!f.is_open()) {
+ MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Failed to open file"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
+ return false;
+ }
-void CDlgFirstRun::onClick_EXPORT_PRIVATE(CCtrlButton*)
- int i = list_KEY_LIST.GetSelectionMark();
- if (i == -1)
- return;
- ptrW p(GetFilePath(L"Choose file to export key", L"*", L"Any file", true));
- if (!p || !p[0])
- return;
- std::ofstream file;
-, std::ios::trunc | std::ios::out);
- if (!file.is_open())
- return; //TODO: handle error
- list_KEY_LIST.GetItemText(i, 0, fp, _countof(fp));
- gpg_execution_params params;
- params.addParam(L"--batch");
- params.addParam(L"-a");
- params.addParam(L"--export-secret-keys");
- params.addParam(fp);
- if (!gpg_launcher(params))
- return;
- if (params.result == pxNotFound)
- return;
- params.out.Remove('\r');
- file << params.out.c_str();
- if (file.is_open())
- file.close();
+ f << "Key-Type: ";
+ char *tmp2 = mir_u2a(combo_KEY_TYPE.GetText());
+ char *subkeytype = (char *)mir_alloc(6);
+ if (strstr(tmp2, "RSA"))
+ mir_strcpy(subkeytype, "RSA");
+ else if (strstr(tmp2, "DSA")) //this is useless check for now, but it will be required if someone add another key types support
+ mir_strcpy(subkeytype, "ELG-E");
+ f << tmp2;
+ mir_free(tmp2);
+ f << "\n";
+ f << "Key-Length: ";
+ f << _wtoi(edit_KEY_LENGTH.GetText());
+ f << "\n";
+ f << "Subkey-Length: ";
+ f << _wtoi(edit_KEY_LENGTH.GetText());
+ f << "\n";
+ f << "Subkey-Type: ";
+ f << subkeytype;
+ mir_free(subkeytype);
+ f << "\n";
+ if (edit_KEY_PASSWD.GetText()[0]) {
+ f << "Passphrase: ";
+ f << toUTF8(edit_KEY_PASSWD.GetText()).c_str();
+ f << "\n";
+ }
+ f << "Name-Real: ";
+ f << toUTF8(edit_KEY_REAL_NAME.GetText()).c_str();
+ f << "\n";
+ if (edit_KEY_COMMENT.GetText()[0]) {
+ f << "Name-Comment: ";
+ f << toUTF8(edit_KEY_COMMENT.GetText()).c_str();
+ f << "\n";
+ }
+ f << "Name-Email: ";
+ f << toUTF8(edit_KEY_EMAIL.GetText()).c_str();
+ f << "\n";
+ f << "Expire-Date: ";
+ f << toUTF8(edit_KEY_EXPIRE_DATE.GetText()).c_str();
+ f << "\n";
+ f.close();
+ lbl_GENERATING_TEXT.SendMsg(WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)globals.bold_font, TRUE);
+ lbl_GENERATING_TEXT.SetText(TranslateT("Generating new key, please wait..."));
+ combo_KEY_TYPE.Disable();
+ edit_KEY_LENGTH.Disable();
+ edit_KEY_PASSWD.Disable();
+ edit_KEY_REAL_NAME.Disable();
+ edit_KEY_EMAIL.Disable();
+ edit_KEY_COMMENT.Disable();
+ edit_KEY_EXPIRE_DATE.Disable();
+ // gpg execution
+ gpg_execution_params params;
+ params.addParam(L"--batch");
+ params.addParam(L"--yes");
+ params.addParam(L"--gen-key");
+ params.addParam(path.c_str());
+ params.bNoOutput = true;
+ if (!gpg_launcher(params, boost::posix_time::minutes(10)))
+ return false;
+ if (params.result == pxNotFound)
+ return false;
-void CDlgFirstRun::onClick_CHANGE_PASSWD(CCtrlButton*)
- int i = list_KEY_LIST.GetSelectionMark();
- if (i == -1)
- return;
- list_KEY_LIST.GetItemText(i, 0, globals.key_id_global, _countof(globals.key_id_global));
- // temporary code follows
- std::string old_pass, new_pass;
- gpg_execution_params_pass params(old_pass, new_pass);
- params.addParam(L"--edit-key");
- params.addParam(globals.key_id_global);
- params.addParam(L"passwd");
- HANDLE hThread = mir_forkThread<gpg_execution_params_pass>(pxEexcute_passwd_change_thread, &params);
- if (WaitForSingleObject(hThread, 600000) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
- if (params.child)
- params.child->terminate();
- if (globals.debuglog)
- globals.debuglog << "GPG execution timed out, aborted";
- this->Close();
+ boost::filesystem::remove(path.c_str());
+ return true;
-void CDlgFirstRun::onClick_GENERATE_RANDOM(CCtrlButton*)
- lbl_GENERATING_KEY.SendMsg(WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)globals.bold_font, TRUE);
- lbl_GENERATING_KEY.SetText(TranslateT("Generating new random key, please wait"));
- btn_GENERATE_KEY.Disable();
- btn_OTHER.Disable();
- btn_DELETE_KEY.Disable();
- list_KEY_LIST.Disable();
- btn_GENERATE_RANDOM.Disable();
- gpg_use_new_random_key(m_szCurrAcc);
- this->Close();
-void CDlgFirstRun::onClick_GENERATE_KEY(CCtrlButton*)
- CDlgKeyGen *d = new CDlgKeyGen;
- d->DoModal();
- refresh_key_list();
+ void OnDestroy() override
+ {
+ Utils_SaveWindowPosition(m_hwnd, 0, MODULENAME, "KeygenWindow");
+ }
-void CDlgFirstRun::onClick_OTHER(CCtrlButton*)
- ShowLoadPublicKeyDialog(0, true);
- refresh_key_list();
+// First run dialog
-void CDlgFirstRun::onClick_DELETE_KEY(CCtrlButton*)
+class CDlgFirstRun : public CDlgBase
- int i = list_KEY_LIST.GetSelectionMark();
- if (i == -1)
- return;
- list_KEY_LIST.GetItemText(i, 0, fp, _countof(fp));
+ void refresh_key_list()
+ list_KEY_LIST.DeleteAllItems();
+ int i = 1;
+ // parse gpg output
gpg_execution_params params;
- params.addParam(L"--fingerprint");
- params.addParam(fp);
+ params.addParam(L"--list-secret-keys");
if (!gpg_launcher(params))
if (params.result == pxNotFound)
- int s = params.out.Find("Key fingerprint = ");
- s += mir_strlen("Key fingerprint = ");
- int s2 = params.out.Find("\n", s);
+ wstring::size_type p = 0, p2 = 0, stop = 0;
+ string out(params.out);
+ while (p != string::npos) {
+ if ((p = out.find("sec ", p)) == string::npos)
+ break;
+ p += 5;
+ if (p < stop)
+ break;
+ stop = p;
+ p2 = out.find("/", p) - 1;
+ wchar_t *key_len = mir_wstrdup(toUTF16(out.substr(p, p2 - p)).c_str()), *creation_date = nullptr, *expire_date = nullptr;
+ p2 += 2;
+ p = out.find(" ", p2);
+ std::wstring key_id = toUTF16(out.substr(p2, p - p2));
+ p += 1;
+ p2 = out.find(" ", p);
+ std::string::size_type p3 = out.find("\n", p);
+ if ((p2 != std::string::npos) && (p3 < p2)) {
+ p2 = p3;
+ creation_date = mir_wstrdup(toUTF16(out.substr(p, p2 - p - 1)).c_str());
+ }
+ else {
+ creation_date = mir_wstrdup(toUTF16(out.substr(p, p2 - p)).c_str());
+ p2 = out.find("[", p2);
+ p2 = out.find("expires:", p2);
+ p2 += mir_strlen("expires:");
+ if (p2 != std::string::npos) {
+ p2++;
+ p = p2;
+ p2 = out.find("]", p);
+ expire_date = mir_wstrdup(toUTF16(out.substr(p, p2 - p)).c_str());
+ //check expiration
+ bool expired = false;
+ {
+ boost::posix_time::ptime now = boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time();
+ wchar_t buf[5];
+ wcsncpy_s(buf, expire_date, _TRUNCATE);
+ int year = _wtoi(buf);
+ if (year <
+ expired = true;
+ else if (year == {
+ wcsncpy_s(buf, (expire_date + 5), _TRUNCATE);
+ int month = _wtoi(buf);
+ if (month <
+ expired = true;
+ else if (month == {
+ wcsncpy_s(buf, (expire_date + 8), _TRUNCATE);
+ unsigned day = _wtoi(buf);
+ if (day <=
+ expired = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (expired) {
+ mir_free(key_len);
+ mir_free(creation_date);
+ mir_free(expire_date);
+ //mimic normal behaviour
+ p = out.find("uid ", p);
+ p2 = out.find_first_not_of(" ", p + 5);
+ p = out.find("<", p2);
+ p++;
+ //p2 = out.find(">", p);
+ //
+ continue; //does not add to key list
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int row = list_KEY_LIST.AddItem(L"", 0);
+ list_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 3, creation_date);
+ mir_free(creation_date);
+ if (expire_date) {
+ list_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 4, expire_date);
+ mir_free(expire_date);
+ }
+ list_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 5, key_len);
+ mir_free(key_len);
+ list_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 0, (wchar_t *)key_id.c_str());
+ p = out.find("uid ", p);
+ p2 = out.find_first_not_of(" ", p + 5);
+ p = out.find("<", p2);
+ wstring tmp = toUTF16(out.substr(p2, p - p2));
+ list_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 2, (wchar_t *)tmp.c_str());
- CMStringW tmp = params.out.Mid(s, s2 - s);
- tmp.Remove(' ');
+ p++;
+ p2 = out.find(">", p);
+ tmp = toUTF16(out.substr(p, p2 - p));
+ list_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 1, (wchar_t *)tmp.c_str());
+ // get accounts
+ std::wstring accs;
+ for (auto &pa : Accounts()) {
+ std::string setting = pa->szModuleName;
+ setting += "_KeyID";
+ ptrW str(g_plugin.getWStringA(setting.c_str(), L""));
+ if (key_id == str.get()) {
+ if (!accs.empty())
+ accs += L",";
+ accs += pa->tszAccountName;
+ }
+ }
+ list_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 6, accs.c_str());
+ }
+ i++;
+ list_KEY_LIST.SetColumnWidth(0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE);
+ list_KEY_LIST.SetColumnWidth(1, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE);
+ list_KEY_LIST.SetColumnWidth(2, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE);
+ list_KEY_LIST.SetColumnWidth(3, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE);
+ list_KEY_LIST.SetColumnWidth(4, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE);
+ list_KEY_LIST.SetColumnWidth(5, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE);
+ list_KEY_LIST.SetColumnWidth(6, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE);
+ }
+ CCtrlListView list_KEY_LIST;
+ CCtrlEdit edit_KEY_PASSWORD;
+ CCtrlCombo combo_ACCOUNT;
+ CCtrlData lbl_KEY_ID, lbl_GENERATING_KEY;
+ wchar_t fp[16];
+ const char *m_szCurrAcc = nullptr;
+ CDlgFirstRun() :
+ CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_FIRST_RUN),
+ list_KEY_LIST(this, IDC_KEY_LIST),
+ btn_OTHER(this, IDC_OTHER),
+ btn_OK(this, ID_OK),
+ combo_ACCOUNT(this, IDC_ACCOUNT),
+ lbl_KEY_ID(this, IDC_KEY_ID),
+ {
+ fp[0] = 0;
- gpg_execution_params params2;
- params2.addParam(L"--batch");
- params2.addParam(L"--delete-secret-and-public-key");
- params2.addParam(L"--fingerprint");
- params2.addParam(tmp.c_str());
+ btn_COPY_PUBKEY.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgFirstRun::onClick_COPY_PUBKEY);
+ btn_EXPORT_PRIVATE.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgFirstRun::onClick_EXPORT_PRIVATE);
+ btn_CHANGE_PASSWD.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgFirstRun::onClick_CHANGE_PASSWD);
+ btn_GENERATE_RANDOM.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgFirstRun::onClick_GENERATE_RANDOM);
+ btn_GENERATE_KEY.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgFirstRun::onClick_GENERATE_KEY);
+ btn_OTHER.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgFirstRun::onClick_OTHER);
+ btn_DELETE_KEY.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgFirstRun::onClick_DELETE_KEY);
+ btn_OK.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgFirstRun::onClick_OK);
- if (!gpg_launcher(params2))
- return;
- if (params2.result == pxNotFound)
- return;
- }
+ combo_ACCOUNT.OnChange = Callback(this, &CDlgFirstRun::onChange_ACCOUNT);
- if (m_szCurrAcc == nullptr) {
- g_plugin.delSetting("GPGPubKey");
- g_plugin.delSetting("KeyID");
- g_plugin.delSetting("KeyComment");
- g_plugin.delSetting("KeyMainName");
- g_plugin.delSetting("KeyMainEmail");
- g_plugin.delSetting("KeyType");
- }
- else {
- CMStringA acc_str = m_szCurrAcc;
- g_plugin.delSetting(acc_str + "_GPGPubKey");
- g_plugin.delSetting(acc_str + "_KeyMainName");
- g_plugin.delSetting(acc_str + "_KeyID");
- g_plugin.delSetting(acc_str + "_KeyComment");
- g_plugin.delSetting(acc_str + "_KeyMainEmail");
- g_plugin.delSetting(acc_str + "_KeyType");
+ list_KEY_LIST.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgFirstRun::onChange_KEY_LIST);
- list_KEY_LIST.DeleteItem(i);
+ bool OnInitDialog() override
+ {
+ Utils_RestoreWindowPosition(m_hwnd, 0, MODULENAME, "FirstrunWindow");
+ SetCaption(TranslateT("Bind own keys to accounts"));
+ btn_COPY_PUBKEY.Disable();
+ btn_EXPORT_PRIVATE.Disable();
+ btn_CHANGE_PASSWD.Disable();
-void CDlgFirstRun::onClick_OK(CCtrlButton*)
- int i = list_KEY_LIST.GetSelectionMark();
- if (i == -1)
- return;
+ list_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(0, TranslateT("Key ID"), 50);
+ list_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(1, TranslateT("Email"), 30);
+ list_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(2, TranslateT("Name"), 250);
+ list_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(3, TranslateT("Creation date"), 30);
+ list_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(4, TranslateT("Expire date"), 30);
+ list_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(5, TranslateT("Key length"), 30);
+ list_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(6, TranslateT("Accounts"), 30);
- list_KEY_LIST.GetItemText(i, 0, fp, _countof(fp));
- wchar_t name[65];
- list_KEY_LIST.GetItemText(i, 2, name, 64);
- {
- if (wcschr(name, '(')) {
- wstring str = name;
- wstring::size_type p = str.find(L"(") - 1;
- mir_wstrcpy(name, str.substr(0, p).c_str());
- }
- }
+ refresh_key_list();
- gpg_execution_params params;
- params.addParam(L"--batch");
- params.addParam(L"-a");
- params.addParam(L"--export");
- params.addParam(fp);
- if (!gpg_launcher(params))
- return;
- if (params.result == pxNotFound)
- return;
+ combo_ACCOUNT.AddString(TranslateT("Default"));
- params.out.Remove('\r');
+ for (auto &pa : Accounts()) {
+ if (StriStr(pa->szModuleName, "metacontacts"))
+ continue;
+ if (StriStr(pa->szModuleName, "weather"))
+ continue;
- if (m_szCurrAcc == nullptr) {
- g_plugin.setString("GPGPubKey", params.out.c_str());
- g_plugin.setWString("KeyMainName", name);
- g_plugin.setWString("KeyID", fp);
+ combo_ACCOUNT.AddString(pa->tszAccountName, (LPARAM)pa->szModuleName);
+ }
+ combo_ACCOUNT.SetCurSel(0);
- wstring keyinfo = TranslateT("Default private key ID");
+ CMStringW keyinfo = TranslateT("key ID");
keyinfo += L": ";
- keyinfo += (fp[0]) ? fp : L"not set";
- extern HWND hwndCurKey_p;
- SetWindowText(hwndCurKey_p, keyinfo.c_str());
- }
- else {
- CMStringA acc_str = m_szCurrAcc;
- g_plugin.setString(acc_str + "_GPGPubKey", params.out.c_str());
- g_plugin.setWString(acc_str + "_KeyMainName", name);
- g_plugin.setWString(acc_str + "_KeyID", fp);
+ keyinfo += g_plugin.getMStringW("KeyID", TranslateT("not set"));
+ lbl_KEY_ID.SetText(keyinfo);
+ return true;
- ptrW passwd(edit_KEY_PASSWORD.GetText());
- if (mir_wstrlen(passwd)) {
- string dbsetting = "szKey_";
- dbsetting += _T2A(fp);
- dbsetting += "_Password";
- g_plugin.setWString(dbsetting.c_str(), passwd);
+ void OnDestroy() override
+ {
+ Utils_SaveWindowPosition(m_hwnd, 0, MODULENAME, "FirstrunWindow");
- //bAutoExchange = CheckStateStoreDB(hwndDlg, IDC_AUTO_EXCHANGE, "bAutoExchange") != 0; //TODO: check is it just typo, or doing something
- globals.gpg_valid = isGPGValid();
- globals.gpg_keyexist = isGPGKeyExist();
- DestroyWindow(m_hwnd);
-void CDlgFirstRun::onChange_ACCOUNT(CCtrlCombo *pCombo)
- CMStringW keyinfo = TranslateT("key ID");
- keyinfo += ": ";
+ void onClick_COPY_PUBKEY(CCtrlButton *)
+ {
+ int i = list_KEY_LIST.GetSelectionMark();
+ if (i == -1)
+ return;
- m_szCurrAcc = (const char *)pCombo->GetItemData(pCombo->GetCurSel());
- if (m_szCurrAcc == nullptr) {
- keyinfo += g_plugin.getMStringW("KeyID", TranslateT("not set"));
- }
- else {
- std::string acc_str = m_szCurrAcc;
- acc_str += "_KeyID";
- keyinfo += g_plugin.getMStringW(acc_str.c_str(), TranslateT("not set"));
- }
- lbl_KEY_ID.SetText(keyinfo);
+ if (!OpenClipboard(m_hwnd))
+ return;
-void CDlgFirstRun::onChange_KEY_LIST(CCtrlListView::TEventInfo *ev) //TODO: check if this work
- if (ev->nmlv) {
- NMLISTVIEW *hdr = ev->nmlv;
- if (hdr->hdr.code == NM_CLICK) {
- btn_OK.Enable();
- btn_COPY_PUBKEY.Enable();
- btn_EXPORT_PRIVATE.Enable();
- btn_CHANGE_PASSWD.Enable();
- }
- }
+ list_KEY_LIST.GetItemText(i, 0, fp, _countof(fp));
-void CDlgFirstRun::OnDestroy()
- Utils_SaveWindowPosition(m_hwnd, 0, MODULENAME, "FirstrunWindow");
+ gpg_execution_params params;
+ params.addParam(L"--batch");
+ params.addParam(L"-a");
+ params.addParam(L"--export");
+ params.addParam(fp);
+ if (!gpg_launcher(params))
+ return;
+ if (params.result == pxNotFound)
+ return;
-void CDlgFirstRun::refresh_key_list()
- list_KEY_LIST.DeleteAllItems();
- int i = 1;
- // parse gpg output
- gpg_execution_params params;
- params.addParam(L"--batch");
- params.addParam(L"--list-secret-keys");
- if (!gpg_launcher(params))
- return;
- if (params.result == pxNotFound)
- return;
- wstring::size_type p = 0, p2 = 0, stop = 0;
- string out(params.out);
- while (p != string::npos) {
- if ((p = out.find("sec ", p)) == string::npos)
- break;
- p += 5;
- if (p < stop)
- break;
- stop = p;
- p2 = out.find("/", p) - 1;
- wchar_t *key_len = mir_wstrdup(toUTF16(out.substr(p, p2 - p)).c_str()), *creation_date = nullptr, *expire_date = nullptr;
- p2 += 2;
- p = out.find(" ", p2);
- std::wstring key_id = toUTF16(out.substr(p2, p - p2));
- p += 1;
- p2 = out.find(" ", p);
- std::string::size_type p3 = out.find("\n", p);
- if ((p2 != std::string::npos) && (p3 < p2)) {
- p2 = p3;
- creation_date = mir_wstrdup(toUTF16(out.substr(p, p2 - p - 1)).c_str());
+ params.out.Remove('\r');
+ HGLOBAL hMem = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, params.out.GetLength() + 1);
+ if (!hMem) {
+ MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Failed to allocate memory"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
+ return;
- else {
- creation_date = mir_wstrdup(toUTF16(out.substr(p, p2 - p)).c_str());
- p2 = out.find("[", p2);
- p2 = out.find("expires:", p2);
- p2 += mir_strlen("expires:");
- if (p2 != std::string::npos) {
- p2++;
- p = p2;
- p2 = out.find("]", p);
- expire_date = mir_wstrdup(toUTF16(out.substr(p, p2 - p)).c_str());
- //check expiration
- bool expired = false;
- {
- boost::posix_time::ptime now = boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time();
- wchar_t buf[5];
- wcsncpy_s(buf, expire_date, _TRUNCATE);
- int year = _wtoi(buf);
- if (year <
- expired = true;
- else if (year == {
- wcsncpy_s(buf, (expire_date + 5), _TRUNCATE);
- int month = _wtoi(buf);
- if (month <
- expired = true;
- else if (month == {
- wcsncpy_s(buf, (expire_date + 8), _TRUNCATE);
- unsigned day = _wtoi(buf);
- if (day <=
- expired = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (expired) {
- mir_free(key_len);
- mir_free(creation_date);
- mir_free(expire_date);
- //mimic normal behaviour
- p = out.find("uid ", p);
- p2 = out.find_first_not_of(" ", p + 5);
- p = out.find("<", p2);
- p++;
- //p2 = out.find(">", p);
- //
- continue; //does not add to key list
- }
- }
+ char *szKey = (char *)GlobalLock(hMem);
+ if (!szKey) {
+ wchar_t msg[64];
+ mir_snwprintf(msg, TranslateT("Failed to lock memory with error %d"), GetLastError());
+ MessageBox(nullptr, msg, TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
+ GlobalFree(hMem);
- int row = list_KEY_LIST.AddItem(L"", 0);
- list_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 3, creation_date);
- mir_free(creation_date);
- if (expire_date) {
- list_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 4, expire_date);
- mir_free(expire_date);
+ memcpy(szKey, params.out.c_str(), params.out.GetLength());
+ szKey[params.out.GetLength()] = '\0';
+ EmptyClipboard();
+ GlobalUnlock(hMem);
+ if (!SetClipboardData(CF_OEMTEXT, hMem)) {
+ GlobalFree(hMem);
+ wchar_t msg[64];
+ mir_snwprintf(msg, TranslateT("Failed write to clipboard with error %d"), GetLastError());
+ MessageBox(nullptr, msg, TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
- list_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 5, key_len);
- mir_free(key_len);
- list_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 0, (wchar_t *)key_id.c_str());
- p = out.find("uid ", p);
- p2 = out.find_first_not_of(" ", p + 5);
- p = out.find("<", p2);
+ CloseClipboard();
+ }
+ void onClick_EXPORT_PRIVATE(CCtrlButton *)
+ {
+ int i = list_KEY_LIST.GetSelectionMark();
+ if (i == -1)
+ return;
- wstring tmp = toUTF16(out.substr(p2, p - p2));
- list_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 2, (wchar_t *)tmp.c_str());
+ ptrW p(GetFilePath(L"Choose file to export key", L"*", L"Any file", true));
+ if (!p || !p[0])
+ return;
- p++;
- p2 = out.find(">", p);
+ std::ofstream file;
+, std::ios::trunc | std::ios::out);
+ if (!file.is_open())
+ return; //TODO: handle error
- tmp = toUTF16(out.substr(p, p2 - p));
- list_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 1, (wchar_t *)tmp.c_str());
+ list_KEY_LIST.GetItemText(i, 0, fp, _countof(fp));
- // get accounts
- std::wstring accs;
- for (auto &pa : Accounts()) {
- std::string setting = pa->szModuleName;
- setting += "_KeyID";
- ptrW str(g_plugin.getWStringA(setting.c_str(), L""));
- if (key_id == str.get()) {
- if (!accs.empty())
- accs += L",";
- accs += pa->tszAccountName;
- }
- }
- list_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 6, accs.c_str());
+ gpg_execution_params params;
+ params.addParam(L"--batch");
+ params.addParam(L"-a");
+ params.addParam(L"--export-secret-keys");
+ params.addParam(fp);
+ if (!gpg_launcher(params))
+ return;
+ if (params.result == pxNotFound)
+ return;
+ params.out.Remove('\r');
+ file << params.out.c_str();
+ if (file.is_open())
+ file.close();
- i++;
- list_KEY_LIST.SetColumnWidth(0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE);
- list_KEY_LIST.SetColumnWidth(1, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE);
- list_KEY_LIST.SetColumnWidth(2, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE);
- list_KEY_LIST.SetColumnWidth(3, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE);
- list_KEY_LIST.SetColumnWidth(4, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE);
- list_KEY_LIST.SetColumnWidth(5, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE);
- list_KEY_LIST.SetColumnWidth(6, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE);
+ void onClick_CHANGE_PASSWD(CCtrlButton *)
+ {
+ int i = list_KEY_LIST.GetSelectionMark();
+ if (i == -1)
+ return;
-CDlgGpgBinOpts::CDlgGpgBinOpts() :
- CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_BIN_PATH),
- btn_OK(this, ID_OK),
- edit_BIN_PATH(this, IDC_BIN_PATH),
- edit_HOME_DIR(this, IDC_HOME_DIR),
- btn_SET_BIN_PATH.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgGpgBinOpts::onClick_SET_BIN_PATH);
- btn_SET_HOME_DIR.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgGpgBinOpts::onClick_SET_HOME_DIR);
- btn_OK.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgGpgBinOpts::onClick_OK);
- btn_GENERATE_RANDOM.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgGpgBinOpts::onClick_GENERATE_RANDOM);
+ list_KEY_LIST.GetItemText(i, 0, globals.key_id_global, _countof(globals.key_id_global));
-bool CDlgGpgBinOpts::OnInitDialog()
- CMStringW path;
- bool gpg_exists = false, lang_exists = false;
- {
- wchar_t mir_path[MAX_PATH];
- PathToAbsoluteW(L"\\", mir_path);
- SetCurrentDirectoryW(mir_path);
+ // temporary code follows
+ std::string old_pass, new_pass;
- CMStringW gpg_path(mir_path); gpg_path.Append(L"\\GnuPG\\gpg.exe");
- CMStringW gpg_lang_path(mir_path); gpg_lang_path.Append(L"\\GnuPG\\gnupg.nls\\");
+ gpg_execution_params_pass params(old_pass, new_pass);
+ params.addParam(L"--edit-key");
+ params.addParam(globals.key_id_global);
+ params.addParam(L"passwd");
- if (boost::filesystem::exists(gpg_path.c_str())) {
- gpg_exists = true;
- path = L"GnuPG\\gpg.exe";
+ HANDLE hThread = mir_forkThread<gpg_execution_params_pass>(pxEexcute_passwd_change_thread, &params);
+ if (WaitForSingleObject(hThread, 600000) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
+ if (params.child)
+ params.child->terminate();
+ if (globals.debuglog)
+ globals.debuglog << "GPG execution timed out, aborted";
+ this->Close();
- else path = gpg_path;
+ }
- if (boost::filesystem::exists(gpg_lang_path.c_str()))
- lang_exists = true;
- if (gpg_exists && !lang_exists)
- MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("GPG binary found in Miranda folder, but English locale does not exist.\nIt's highly recommended that you place \\gnupg.nls\\ in GnuPG folder under Miranda root.\nWithout this file you may experience many problems with GPG output on non-English systems\nand plugin may completely not work.\nYou have been warned."), TranslateT("Warning"), MB_OK);
+ void onClick_GENERATE_RANDOM(CCtrlButton *)
+ {
+ lbl_GENERATING_KEY.SendMsg(WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)globals.bold_font, TRUE);
+ lbl_GENERATING_KEY.SetText(TranslateT("Generating new random key, please wait"));
+ btn_GENERATE_KEY.Disable();
+ btn_OTHER.Disable();
+ btn_DELETE_KEY.Disable();
+ list_KEY_LIST.Disable();
+ btn_GENERATE_RANDOM.Disable();
+ gpg_use_new_random_key(m_szCurrAcc);
+ this->Close();
- bool bad_version = false;
+ void onClick_GENERATE_KEY(CCtrlButton *)
- ptrW tmp;
- if (!gpg_exists) {
- tmp = g_plugin.getWStringA("szGpgBinPath", (SHGetValueW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\GNU\\GnuPG", L"gpgProgram", 0, (void *)path.c_str(), &len) == ERROR_SUCCESS) ? path.c_str() : L"");
- if (tmp[0])
- if (!boost::filesystem::exists((wchar_t *)tmp))
- MessageBoxW(nullptr, TranslateT("Wrong GPG binary location found in system.\nPlease choose another location"), TranslateT("Warning"), MB_OK);
- }
- else tmp = mir_wstrdup(path.c_str());
+ CDlgKeyGen().DoModal();
+ refresh_key_list();
+ }
- edit_BIN_PATH.SetText(tmp);
- if (gpg_exists/* && lang_exists*/) {
- g_plugin.setWString("szGpgBinPath", tmp);
+ void onClick_OTHER(CCtrlButton *)
+ {
+ ShowLoadPublicKeyDialog(0, true);
+ refresh_key_list();
+ }
+ void onClick_DELETE_KEY(CCtrlButton *)
+ {
+ int i = list_KEY_LIST.GetSelectionMark();
+ if (i == -1)
+ return;
+ list_KEY_LIST.GetItemText(i, 0, fp, _countof(fp));
+ {
gpg_execution_params params;
- params.addParam(L"--version");
- bool _gpg_valid = globals.gpg_valid;
- globals.gpg_valid = true;
- gpg_launcher(params);
- globals.gpg_valid = _gpg_valid; //TODO: check this
- g_plugin.delSetting("szGpgBinPath");
- int p1 = params.out.Find("(GnuPG) ");
- if (p1 != -1) {
- p1 += mir_strlen("(GnuPG) ");
- if (params.out[p1] != '1')
- bad_version = true;
- }
- else {
- bad_version = false;
- MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("This is not GnuPG binary!\nIt is recommended that you use GnuPG v1.x.x with this plugin."), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
- }
- if (bad_version)
- MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Unsupported GnuPG version found, use at you own risk!\nIt is recommended that you use GnuPG v1.x.x with this plugin."), TranslateT("Warning"), MB_OK);
+ params.addParam(L"--batch");
+ params.addParam(L"--fingerprint");
+ params.addParam(fp);
+ if (!gpg_launcher(params))
+ return;
+ if (params.result == pxNotFound)
+ return;
+ int s = params.out.Find("Key fingerprint = ");
+ s += mir_strlen("Key fingerprint = ");
+ int s2 = params.out.Find("\n", s);
+ CMStringW tmp = params.out.Mid(s, s2 - s);
+ tmp.Remove(' ');
+ gpg_execution_params params2;
+ params2.addParam(L"--batch");
+ params2.addParam(L"--delete-secret-and-public-key");
+ params2.addParam(L"--fingerprint");
+ params2.addParam(tmp.c_str());
+ if (!gpg_launcher(params2))
+ return;
+ if (params2.result == pxNotFound)
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m_szCurrAcc == nullptr) {
+ g_plugin.delSetting("GPGPubKey");
+ g_plugin.delSetting("KeyID");
+ g_plugin.delSetting("KeyComment");
+ g_plugin.delSetting("KeyMainName");
+ g_plugin.delSetting("KeyMainEmail");
+ g_plugin.delSetting("KeyType");
+ }
+ else {
+ CMStringA acc_str = m_szCurrAcc;
+ g_plugin.delSetting(acc_str + "_GPGPubKey");
+ g_plugin.delSetting(acc_str + "_KeyMainName");
+ g_plugin.delSetting(acc_str + "_KeyID");
+ g_plugin.delSetting(acc_str + "_KeyComment");
+ g_plugin.delSetting(acc_str + "_KeyMainEmail");
+ g_plugin.delSetting(acc_str + "_KeyType");
+ list_KEY_LIST.DeleteItem(i);
+ void onClick_OK(CCtrlButton *)
- CMStringW tmp(g_plugin.getMStringW("szHomePath"));
- if (tmp.IsEmpty()) {
- wchar_t mir_path[MAX_PATH];
- PathToAbsoluteW(L"\\", mir_path);
- mir_wstrcat(mir_path, L"\\gpg");
- if (_waccess(mir_path, 0) != -1) {
- tmp = mir_path;
- MessageBoxW(nullptr, TranslateT("\"GPG\" directory found in Miranda root.\nAssuming it's GPG home directory.\nGPG home directory set."), TranslateT("Info"), MB_OK);
- }
- else {
- wstring path_ = _wgetenv(L"APPDATA");
- path_ += L"\\GnuPG";
- tmp = path_.c_str();
+ int i = list_KEY_LIST.GetSelectionMark();
+ if (i == -1)
+ return;
+ list_KEY_LIST.GetItemText(i, 0, fp, _countof(fp));
+ wchar_t name[65];
+ list_KEY_LIST.GetItemText(i, 2, name, 64);
+ {
+ if (wcschr(name, '(')) {
+ wstring str = name;
+ wstring::size_type p = str.find(L"(") - 1;
+ mir_wstrcpy(name, str.substr(0, p).c_str());
- edit_HOME_DIR.SetText(!gpg_exists ? tmp : L"gpg");
- }
- //TODO: additional check for write access
- if (gpg_exists && lang_exists && !bad_version)
- MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Your GPG version is supported. The language file was found.\nGPG plugin should work fine.\nPress OK to continue."), TranslateT("Info"), MB_OK);
- chk_AUTO_EXCHANGE.Enable();
- return true;
-void CDlgGpgBinOpts::onClick_SET_BIN_PATH(CCtrlButton*)
- GetFilePath(L"Choose gpg.exe", "szGpgBinPath", L"*.exe", L"EXE Executables");
- CMStringW tmp(g_plugin.getMStringW("szGpgBinPath", L"gpg.exe"));
- edit_BIN_PATH.SetText(tmp);
- wchar_t mir_path[MAX_PATH];
- PathToAbsoluteW(L"\\", mir_path);
- if (tmp.Find(mir_path, 0) == 0) {
- CMStringW path = tmp.Mid(mir_wstrlen(mir_path));
- edit_BIN_PATH.SetText(path);
- }
+ gpg_execution_params params;
+ params.addParam(L"--batch");
+ params.addParam(L"-a");
+ params.addParam(L"--export");
+ params.addParam(fp);
+ if (!gpg_launcher(params))
+ return;
+ if (params.result == pxNotFound)
+ return;
-void CDlgGpgBinOpts::onClick_SET_HOME_DIR(CCtrlButton*)
- GetFolderPath(L"Set home directory");
- CMStringW tmp(g_plugin.getMStringW("szHomePath"));
- edit_HOME_DIR.SetText(tmp);
- wchar_t mir_path[MAX_PATH];
- PathToAbsoluteW(L"\\", mir_path);
- PathToAbsoluteW(L"\\", mir_path);
- if (tmp.Find(mir_path, 0) == 0) {
- CMStringW path = tmp.Mid(mir_wstrlen(mir_path));
- edit_HOME_DIR.SetText(path);
+ params.out.Remove('\r');
+ if (m_szCurrAcc == nullptr) {
+ g_plugin.setString("GPGPubKey", params.out.c_str());
+ g_plugin.setWString("KeyMainName", name);
+ g_plugin.setWString("KeyID", fp);
+ wstring keyinfo = TranslateT("Default private key ID");
+ keyinfo += L": ";
+ keyinfo += (fp[0]) ? fp : L"not set";
+ extern HWND hwndCurKey_p;
+ SetWindowText(hwndCurKey_p, keyinfo.c_str());
+ }
+ else {
+ CMStringA acc_str = m_szCurrAcc;
+ g_plugin.setString(acc_str + "_GPGPubKey", params.out.c_str());
+ g_plugin.setWString(acc_str + "_KeyMainName", name);
+ g_plugin.setWString(acc_str + "_KeyID", fp);
+ }
+ ptrW passwd(edit_KEY_PASSWORD.GetText());
+ if (mir_wstrlen(passwd)) {
+ string dbsetting = "szKey_";
+ dbsetting += _T2A(fp);
+ dbsetting += "_Password";
+ g_plugin.setWString(dbsetting.c_str(), passwd);
+ }
+ //bAutoExchange = CheckStateStoreDB(hwndDlg, IDC_AUTO_EXCHANGE, "bAutoExchange") != 0; //TODO: check is it just typo, or doing something
+ globals.gpg_valid = isGPGValid();
+ globals.gpg_keyexist = isGPGKeyExist();
+ DestroyWindow(m_hwnd);
-void CDlgGpgBinOpts::onClick_OK(CCtrlButton*)
- if (gpg_validate_paths(edit_BIN_PATH.GetText(), edit_HOME_DIR.GetText())) {
- gpg_save_paths(edit_BIN_PATH.GetText(), edit_HOME_DIR.GetText());
- globals.gpg_valid = true;
- g_plugin.setByte("FirstRun", 0);
- this->Hide();
- CDlgFirstRun *d = new CDlgFirstRun;
- d->Show();
- this->Close();
+ void onChange_ACCOUNT(CCtrlCombo *pCombo)
+ {
+ CMStringW keyinfo = TranslateT("key ID");
+ keyinfo += ": ";
+ m_szCurrAcc = (const char *)pCombo->GetItemData(pCombo->GetCurSel());
+ if (m_szCurrAcc == nullptr) {
+ keyinfo += g_plugin.getMStringW("KeyID", TranslateT("not set"));
+ }
+ else {
+ std::string acc_str = m_szCurrAcc;
+ acc_str += "_KeyID";
+ keyinfo += g_plugin.getMStringW(acc_str.c_str(), TranslateT("not set"));
+ }
+ lbl_KEY_ID.SetText(keyinfo);
-void CDlgGpgBinOpts::onClick_GENERATE_RANDOM(CCtrlButton*)
- if (gpg_validate_paths(edit_BIN_PATH.GetText(), edit_HOME_DIR.GetText())) {
- gpg_save_paths(edit_BIN_PATH.GetText(), edit_HOME_DIR.GetText());
- globals.gpg_valid = true;
- if (gpg_use_new_random_key(nullptr)) {
- g_plugin.bAutoExchange = chk_AUTO_EXCHANGE.GetState();
- globals.gpg_valid = true;
- g_plugin.setByte("FirstRun", 0);
- this->Close();
+ void onChange_KEY_LIST(CCtrlListView::TEventInfo *ev)
+ {
+ if (ev->nmlv) {
+ NMLISTVIEW *hdr = ev->nmlv;
+ if (hdr->hdr.code == NM_CLICK) {
+ btn_OK.Enable();
+ btn_COPY_PUBKEY.Enable();
+ btn_EXPORT_PRIVATE.Enable();
+ btn_CHANGE_PASSWD.Enable();
+ }
-void CDlgGpgBinOpts::OnDestroy()
+void ShowFirstRunDialog()
- void InitCheck();
- InitCheck();
+ CDlgFirstRun().DoModal();
@@ -848,342 +881,6 @@ void CDlgNewKey::onClick_IGNORE_KEY(CCtrlButton*)
-CDlgKeyGen::CDlgKeyGen() :
- CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_KEY_GEN),
- combo_KEY_TYPE(this, IDC_KEY_TYPE),
- edit_KEY_EMAIL(this, IDC_KEY_EMAIL),
-bool CDlgKeyGen::OnInitDialog()
- Utils_RestoreWindowPosition(m_hwnd, 0, MODULENAME, "KeygenWindow");
- SetCaption(TranslateT("Key Generation dialog"));
- combo_KEY_TYPE.AddString(L"RSA");
- combo_KEY_TYPE.AddString(L"DSA");
- combo_KEY_TYPE.SelectString(L"RSA");
- edit_KEY_EXPIRE_DATE.SetText(L"0");
- edit_KEY_LENGTH.SetText(L"4096");
- return true;
-bool CDlgKeyGen::OnApply()
- // data sanity checks
- ptrW tmp(combo_KEY_TYPE.GetText());
- if (mir_wstrlen(tmp) < 3) {
- MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("You must set encryption algorithm first"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
- return false;
- }
- tmp = edit_KEY_LENGTH.GetText();
- int length = _wtoi(tmp);
- if (length < 1024 || length > 4096) {
- MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Key length must be of length from 1024 to 4096 bits"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
- return false;
- }
- tmp = edit_KEY_EXPIRE_DATE.GetText();
- if (mir_wstrlen(tmp) != 10 && tmp[0] != '0') {
- MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Invalid date"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
- return false;
- }
- tmp = edit_KEY_REAL_NAME.GetText();
- if (mir_wstrlen(tmp) < 5) {
- MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Name must contain at least 5 characters"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
- return false;
- }
- if (wcschr(tmp, '(') || wcschr(tmp, ')')) {
- MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Name cannot contain '(' or ')'"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
- return false;
- }
- tmp = edit_KEY_EMAIL.GetText();
- if ((mir_wstrlen(tmp)) < 5 || (!wcschr(tmp, '@')) || (!wcschr(tmp, '.'))) {
- MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Invalid Email"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
- return false;
- }
- // generating key file
- CMStringW path = g_plugin.getMStringW("szHomePath");
- path += L"\\new_key";
- wfstream f(path.c_str(), std::ios::out);
- if (!f.is_open()) {
- MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Failed to open file"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
- return false;
- }
- f << "Key-Type: ";
- char *tmp2 = mir_u2a(combo_KEY_TYPE.GetText());
- char *subkeytype = (char *)mir_alloc(6);
- if (strstr(tmp2, "RSA"))
- mir_strcpy(subkeytype, "RSA");
- else if (strstr(tmp2, "DSA")) //this is useless check for now, but it will be required if someone add another key types support
- mir_strcpy(subkeytype, "ELG-E");
- f << tmp2;
- mir_free(tmp2);
- f << "\n";
- f << "Key-Length: ";
- f << _wtoi(edit_KEY_LENGTH.GetText());
- f << "\n";
- f << "Subkey-Length: ";
- f << _wtoi(edit_KEY_LENGTH.GetText());
- f << "\n";
- f << "Subkey-Type: ";
- f << subkeytype;
- mir_free(subkeytype);
- f << "\n";
- if (edit_KEY_PASSWD.GetText()[0]) {
- f << "Passphrase: ";
- f << toUTF8(edit_KEY_PASSWD.GetText()).c_str();
- f << "\n";
- }
- f << "Name-Real: ";
- f << toUTF8(edit_KEY_REAL_NAME.GetText()).c_str();
- f << "\n";
- if (edit_KEY_COMMENT.GetText()[0]) {
- f << "Name-Comment: ";
- f << toUTF8(edit_KEY_COMMENT.GetText()).c_str();
- f << "\n";
- }
- f << "Name-Email: ";
- f << toUTF8(edit_KEY_EMAIL.GetText()).c_str();
- f << "\n";
- f << "Expire-Date: ";
- f << toUTF8(edit_KEY_EXPIRE_DATE.GetText()).c_str();
- f << "\n";
- f.close();
- lbl_GENERATING_TEXT.SendMsg(WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)globals.bold_font, TRUE);
- lbl_GENERATING_TEXT.SetText(TranslateT("Generating new key, please wait..."));
- combo_KEY_TYPE.Disable();
- edit_KEY_LENGTH.Disable();
- edit_KEY_PASSWD.Disable();
- edit_KEY_REAL_NAME.Disable();
- edit_KEY_EMAIL.Disable();
- edit_KEY_COMMENT.Disable();
- edit_KEY_EXPIRE_DATE.Disable();
- // gpg execution
- gpg_execution_params params;
- params.addParam(L"--batch");
- params.addParam(L"--yes");
- params.addParam(L"--gen-key");
- params.addParam(path.c_str());
- params.bNoOutput = true;
- if (!gpg_launcher(params, boost::posix_time::minutes(10)))
- return false;
- if (params.result == pxNotFound)
- return false;
- boost::filesystem::remove(path.c_str());
- return true;
-void CDlgKeyGen::OnDestroy()
- Utils_SaveWindowPosition(m_hwnd, 0, MODULENAME, "KeygenWindow");
-CDlgLoadExistingKey::CDlgLoadExistingKey() :
- CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_LOAD_EXISTING_KEY),
- id[0] = 0;
-bool CDlgLoadExistingKey::OnInitDialog()
- Utils_RestoreWindowPosition(m_hwnd, 0, MODULENAME, "LoadKeyWindow");
- list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(0, TranslateT("Key ID"), 50);
- list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(1, TranslateT("Email"), 30);
- list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(2, TranslateT("Name"), 250);
- list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(3, TranslateT("Creation date"), 30);
- list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(4, TranslateT("Expiration date"), 30);
- list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.AddColumn(5, TranslateT("Key length"), 30);
- int i = 1;
- {
- // parse gpg output
- gpg_execution_params params;
- params.addParam(L"--batch");
- params.addParam(L"--list-keys");
- if (!gpg_launcher(params))
- return false;
- if (params.result == pxNotFound)
- return false;
- string out(params.out);
- string::size_type p = 0, p2 = 0, stop = 0;
- while (p != string::npos) {
- if ((p = out.find("pub ", p)) == string::npos)
- break;
- p += 5;
- if (p < stop)
- break;
- stop = p;
- p2 = out.find("/", p) - 1;
- wchar_t *tmp = mir_wstrdup(toUTF16(out.substr(p, p2 - p)).c_str());
- int row = list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.AddItem(L"", 0);
- list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 5, tmp);
- mir_free(tmp);
- p2 += 2;
- p = out.find(" ", p2);
- tmp = mir_wstrdup(toUTF16(out.substr(p2, p - p2)).c_str());
- list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 0, tmp);
- mir_free(tmp);
- p++;
- p2 = out.find("\n", p);
- string::size_type p3 = out.substr(p, p2 - p).find("[");
- if (p3 != string::npos) {
- p3 += p;
- p2 = p3;
- p2--;
- p3++;
- p3 += mir_strlen("expires: ");
- string::size_type p4 = out.find("]", p3);
- tmp = mir_wstrdup(toUTF16(out.substr(p3, p4 - p3)).c_str());
- list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 4, tmp);
- mir_free(tmp);
- }
- else
- p2--;
- tmp = mir_wstrdup(toUTF16(out.substr(p, p2 - p)).c_str());
- list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 3, tmp);
- mir_free(tmp);
- p = out.find("uid ", p);
- p += mir_strlen("uid ");
- p2 = out.find("\n", p);
- p3 = out.substr(p, p2 - p).find("<");
- if (p3 != string::npos) {
- p3 += p;
- p2 = p3;
- p2--;
- p3++;
- string::size_type p4 = out.find(">", p3);
- tmp = mir_wstrdup(toUTF16(out.substr(p3, p4 - p3)).c_str());
- list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 1, tmp);
- mir_free(tmp);
- }
- else
- p2--;
- p = out.find_first_not_of(" ", p);
- tmp = mir_wstrdup(toUTF16(out.substr(p, p2 - p)).c_str());
- list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.SetItemText(row, 2, tmp);
- mir_free(tmp);
- list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.SetColumnWidth(0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE);// not sure about this
- i++;
- }
- }
- list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgLoadExistingKey::onChange_EXISTING_KEY_LIST);
- return true;
-void CDlgLoadExistingKey::OnDestroy()
- Utils_SaveWindowPosition(m_hwnd, 0, MODULENAME, "LoadKeyWindow");
-bool CDlgLoadExistingKey::OnApply()
- int i = list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.GetSelectionMark();
- if (i == -1)
- return false; //TODO: error message
- list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST.GetItemText(i, 0, id, _countof(id));
- extern CCtrlEdit *edit_p_PubKeyEdit;
- gpg_execution_params params;
- params.addParam(L"--batch");
- params.addParam(L"-a");
- params.addParam(L"--export");
- params.addParam(id);
- if (!gpg_launcher(params))
- return false;
- if (params.result == pxNotFound)
- return false;
- string out(params.out);
- std::string::size_type p1 = 0, p2 = 0;
- p1 = out.find("-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----");
- if (p1 != std::string::npos) {
- p2 = out.find("-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----", p1);
- if (p2 != std::string::npos) {
- p2 += mir_strlen("-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----");
- out = out.substr(p1, p2 - p1);
- wchar_t *tmp = mir_a2u(out.c_str());
- if (edit_p_PubKeyEdit)
- edit_p_PubKeyEdit->SetText(tmp);
- mir_free(tmp);
- }
- else MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Failed to export public key."), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
- }
- else MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Failed to export public key."), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK);
- return true;
-void CDlgLoadExistingKey::onChange_EXISTING_KEY_LIST(CCtrlListView::TEventInfo*)
- EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDOK), TRUE);
-CDlgImportKey::CDlgImportKey(MCONTACT _hContact) :
- CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_IMPORT_KEY),
- btn_IMPORT(this, IDC_IMPORT)
- hContact = _hContact;
- btn_IMPORT.OnClick = Callback(this, &CDlgImportKey::onClick_IMPORT);
-bool CDlgImportKey::OnInitDialog()
- Utils_RestoreWindowPosition(m_hwnd, 0, MODULENAME, "ImportKeyWindow");
- combo_KEYSERVER.AddString(L"");
- combo_KEYSERVER.AddString(L"");
- return true;
-void CDlgImportKey::OnDestroy()
- Utils_SaveWindowPosition(m_hwnd, 0, MODULENAME, "ImportKeyWindow");
-void CDlgImportKey::onClick_IMPORT(CCtrlButton*)
- gpg_execution_params params;
- params.addParam(L"--keyserver");
- params.addParam(combo_KEYSERVER.GetText());
- params.addParam(L"--recv-keys");
- params.addParam(toUTF16(globals.hcontact_data[hContact].key_in_prescense));
- gpg_launcher(params);
- MessageBoxA(nullptr, params.out.c_str(), "GPG output", MB_OK);
CDlgKeyPasswordMsgBox::CDlgKeyPasswordMsgBox(MCONTACT _hContact) :
CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_KEY_PASSWD),
lbl_KEYID(this, IDC_KEYID),
diff --git a/plugins/New_GPG/src/ui.h b/plugins/New_GPG/src/ui.h
index e5c0c2c5ad..d97c7e09e5 100755
--- a/plugins/New_GPG/src/ui.h
+++ b/plugins/New_GPG/src/ui.h
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#define UI_H
void ShowLoadPublicKeyDialog(MCONTACT hContact, bool bModal);
+void ShowFirstRunDialog();
class CDlgEncryptedFileMsgBox : public CDlgBase
@@ -32,72 +33,6 @@ public:
void onClick_DECRYPT(CCtrlButton*);
-class CDlgExportKeysMsgBox : public CDlgBase
- CCtrlCheck chk_PUBLIC, chk_PRIVATE, chk_ALL;
- CDlgExportKeysMsgBox();
- bool OnInitDialog() override;
- bool OnApply() override;
-class CDlgChangePasswdMsgBox : public CDlgBase //always modal
- CCtrlEdit edit_NEW_PASSWD1, edit_NEW_PASSWD2, edit_OLD_PASSWD;
- CDlgChangePasswdMsgBox();
- bool OnApply() override;
-class CDlgFirstRun : public CDlgBase
- void refresh_key_list();
- CCtrlListView list_KEY_LIST;
- CCtrlEdit edit_KEY_PASSWORD;
- CCtrlCombo combo_ACCOUNT;
- CCtrlData lbl_KEY_ID, lbl_GENERATING_KEY;
- wchar_t fp[16];
- const char *m_szCurrAcc = nullptr;
- CDlgFirstRun();
- bool OnInitDialog() override;
- void OnDestroy() override;
- void onClick_COPY_PUBKEY(CCtrlButton*);
- void onClick_EXPORT_PRIVATE(CCtrlButton*);
- void onClick_CHANGE_PASSWD(CCtrlButton*);
- void onClick_GENERATE_RANDOM(CCtrlButton*);
- void onClick_GENERATE_KEY(CCtrlButton*);
- void onClick_OTHER(CCtrlButton*);
- void onClick_DELETE_KEY(CCtrlButton*);
- void onClick_OK(CCtrlButton*);
- void onChange_ACCOUNT(CCtrlCombo*);
- void onChange_KEY_LIST(CCtrlListView::TEventInfo *ev);
-class CDlgGpgBinOpts : public CDlgBase
- CCtrlButton btn_SET_BIN_PATH, btn_SET_HOME_DIR, btn_OK, btn_GENERATE_RANDOM;
- CCtrlEdit edit_BIN_PATH, edit_HOME_DIR;
- CCtrlCheck chk_AUTO_EXCHANGE;
- CDlgGpgBinOpts();
- bool OnInitDialog() override;
- void OnDestroy() override;
- void onClick_SET_BIN_PATH(CCtrlButton*);
- void onClick_SET_HOME_DIR(CCtrlButton*);
- void onClick_OK(CCtrlButton*);
- void onClick_GENERATE_RANDOM(CCtrlButton*);
class CDlgNewKey : public CDlgBase
wstring new_key;
@@ -115,48 +50,6 @@ public:
void onClick_IGNORE_KEY(CCtrlButton*);
-class CDlgKeyGen : public CDlgBase //TODO: in modal mode window destroying on any button press even without direct "Close" call
- CCtrlCombo combo_KEY_TYPE;
- CDlgKeyGen();
- bool OnInitDialog() override;
- bool OnApply() override;
- void OnDestroy() override;
-class CDlgLoadExistingKey : public CDlgBase
- wchar_t id[16];
- CCtrlListView list_EXISTING_KEY_LIST;
- CDlgLoadExistingKey();
- bool OnInitDialog() override;
- bool OnApply() override;
- void OnDestroy() override;
- void onChange_EXISTING_KEY_LIST(CCtrlListView::TEventInfo * /*ev*/);
-class CDlgImportKey : public CDlgBase
- MCONTACT hContact;
- CCtrlCombo combo_KEYSERVER;
- CCtrlButton btn_IMPORT;
- CDlgImportKey(MCONTACT hContact);
- bool OnInitDialog() override;
- void OnDestroy() override;
- void onClick_IMPORT(CCtrlButton*);
class CDlgKeyPasswordMsgBox : public CDlgBase //always modal
char *inkeyid = nullptr;
diff --git a/plugins/New_GPG/src/utilities.cpp b/plugins/New_GPG/src/utilities.cpp
index 3bbcbc2162..bcfd9205ef 100755
--- a/plugins/New_GPG/src/utilities.cpp
+++ b/plugins/New_GPG/src/utilities.cpp
@@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ int onProtoAck(WPARAM, LPARAM l)
g_plugin.setString(ack->hContact, "InKeyID", out.substr(s, s2 - s).c_str());
- CDlgKeyPasswordMsgBox *d = new CDlgKeyPasswordMsgBox(ack->hContact);
- d->DoModal();
+ CDlgKeyPasswordMsgBox(ack->hContact).DoModal();
if (!globals.wszPassword.IsEmpty()) {
if (globals.debuglog)
@@ -1015,12 +1015,6 @@ void ExportGpGKeysFunc(int type)
MessageBox(nullptr, msg, TranslateT("Keys export result"), MB_OK);
- (new CDlgExportKeysMsgBox())->Show();
- return 0;
ptrW p(GetFilePath(L"Choose file to import keys from", L"*", L"Any file"));
@@ -1272,12 +1266,6 @@ void ShowEncryptedFileMsgBox()
-void ShowChangePasswdDlg()
- CDlgChangePasswdMsgBox *d = new CDlgChangePasswdMsgBox;
- d->DoModal();
void clean_temp_dir()
using namespace boost::filesystem;