path: root/plugins
diff options
authorGeorge Hazan <>2018-06-28 17:10:04 +0300
committerGeorge Hazan <>2018-06-28 17:10:04 +0300
commitefcc72419ea3416b201e0b95700b28bbe402aae5 (patch)
tree17354b62860710fe9467da9df4e5157395bcabbb /plugins
parentdd12ff36453d84e83e5e80740d36992c77b95227 (diff)
fixes #1435 (Db_autobackups: option "Backup profile folder" must be dependent on "Use Zip")
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins')
3 files changed, 295 insertions, 324 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Db_autobackups/res/db_autobackups.rc b/plugins/Db_autobackups/res/db_autobackups.rc
index 1913f697c5..5f49d154c1 100644
--- a/plugins/Db_autobackups/res/db_autobackups.rc
+++ b/plugins/Db_autobackups/res/db_autobackups.rc
@@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ BEGIN
PUSHBUTTON "Browse...",IDC_BUT_BROWSE,199,129,49,14
CONTROL "Go to the ""Options -> Customize -> Folders"" to change settings",IDC_LNK_FOLDERS,
- "Hyperlink",NOT WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP,18,132,231,17
- CONTROL "Compress backup to zip-archive",IDC_CHK_USEZIP,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,17,153,231,10
- CONTROL "Disable progress bar",IDC_CHK_NOPROG,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,17,164,231,10
- CONTROL "Disable popups",IDC_CHK_NOPOPUP,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,17,173,231,11
- CONTROL "Backup profile folder",IDC_BACKUPPROFILE,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,17,184,176,10
+ "Hyperlink",NOT WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP,17,126,231,17
+ CONTROL "Compress backup to zip-archive",IDC_CHK_USEZIP,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,17,149,231,10
+ CONTROL "Backup profile folder",IDC_BACKUPPROFILE,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,26,161,176,10
+ CONTROL "Disable progress bar",IDC_CHK_NOPROG,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,17,184,231,10
+ CONTROL "Disable popups",IDC_CHK_NOPOPUP,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,17,172,231,11
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ CAPTION "Backup progress"
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 400, 0, 0x1
CONTROL "",IDC_PROGRESS,"msctls_progress32",WS_BORDER,7,24,172,9
PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,58,39,67,12
diff --git a/plugins/Db_autobackups/src/options.cpp b/plugins/Db_autobackups/src/options.cpp
index ad70ed9a5f..424c8961e1 100644
--- a/plugins/Db_autobackups/src/options.cpp
+++ b/plugins/Db_autobackups/src/options.cpp
@@ -16,313 +16,333 @@ Options::Options() :
Options options;
- : CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_OPTIONS),
- m_disable(this, IDC_RAD_DISABLED), m_backupOnStart(this, IDC_RAD_START),
- m_backupOnExit(this, IDC_RAD_EXIT), m_backupPeriodic(this, IDC_RAD_PERIODIC),
- m_backup(this, IDC_BUT_NOW), m_backupProfile(this, IDC_BACKUPPROFILE),
- m_period(this, SPIN_PERIOD), m_periodType(this, IDC_PT),
- m_folder(this, IDC_ED_FOLDER), m_browseFolder(this, IDC_BUT_BROWSE),
- m_foldersPageLink(this, IDC_LNK_FOLDERS, nullptr), m_numBackups(this, SPIN_NUMBACKUPS),
- m_disableProgress(this, IDC_CHK_NOPROG), m_disablePopups(this, IDC_CHK_NOPOPUP),
- m_useZip(this, IDC_CHK_USEZIP), m_useCloudFile(this, IDC_CLOUDFILE),
- m_cloudFileService(this, IDC_CLOUDFILESEVICE)
- CreateLink(m_period, options.period);
- CreateLink(m_numBackups, options.num_backups);
- CreateLink(m_disableProgress, options.disable_progress);
- CreateLink(m_disablePopups, options.disable_popups);
- CreateLink(m_useZip, options.use_zip);
- CreateLink(m_backupProfile, options.backup_profile);
- CreateLink(m_useCloudFile, options.use_cloudfile);
- m_disable.OnChange = Callback(this, &COptionsDlg::Disable_OnChange);
- m_backupOnStart.OnChange = Callback(this, &COptionsDlg::BackupType_OnChange);
- m_backupOnExit.OnChange = Callback(this, &COptionsDlg::BackupType_OnChange);
- m_backupPeriodic.OnChange = Callback(this, &COptionsDlg::BackupType_OnChange);
- m_useCloudFile.OnChange = Callback(this, &COptionsDlg::UseCloudFile_OnChange);
- m_backup.OnClick = Callback(this, &COptionsDlg::Backup_OnClick);
- m_browseFolder.OnClick = Callback(this, &COptionsDlg::BrowseFolder_OnClick);
- m_foldersPageLink.OnClick = Callback(this, &COptionsDlg::FoldersPageLink_OnClick);
-void COptionsDlg::OnInitDialog()
+class COptionsDlg : public CDlgBase
- m_disable.SetState(options.backup_types == BT_DISABLED);
- m_backupOnStart.SetState(options.backup_types & BT_START ? TRUE : FALSE);
- m_backupOnExit.SetState(options.backup_types & BT_EXIT ? TRUE : FALSE);
- m_backupPeriodic.SetState(options.backup_types & BT_PERIODIC ? TRUE : FALSE);
- m_period.SetRange(60, 1);
+ void SetDialogState()
+ {
+ CCtrlEdit &periodText = *(CCtrlEdit*)FindControl(IDC_ED_PERIOD);
+ CCtrlEdit &numBackupsText = *(CCtrlEdit*)FindControl(IDC_ED_NUMBACKUPS);
+ bool bEnabled = !m_disable.IsChecked();
+ m_backupOnStart.Enable(bEnabled);
+ m_backupOnExit.Enable(bEnabled);
+ m_backupPeriodic.Enable(bEnabled);
+ numBackupsText.Enable(bEnabled);
+ m_numBackups.Enable(bEnabled);
+ m_backup.Enable(bEnabled);
+ m_folder.Enable(bEnabled);
+ m_browseFolder.Enable(bEnabled);
+ m_foldersPageLink.Enable(bEnabled);
+ m_disableProgress.Enable(bEnabled);
+ m_disablePopups.Enable(bEnabled);
+ m_useZip.Enable(bEnabled);
+ periodText.Enable(bEnabled);
+ m_period.Enable(bEnabled);
+ m_periodType.Enable(bEnabled);
+ m_backupProfile.Enable(bEnabled);
+ m_useCloudFile.Enable(bEnabled);
+ if (!bEnabled) {
+ m_cloudFileService.Disable();
+ m_backupOnStart.SetState(FALSE);
+ m_backupOnExit.SetState(FALSE);
+ m_backupPeriodic.SetState(FALSE);
+ }
+ else {
+ m_cloudFileService.Enable(m_useCloudFile.IsChecked());
+ UseZip_OnChange(0);
+ BYTE backupTypes = options.backup_types;
+ if (backupTypes == BT_DISABLED)
+ backupTypes = options.backup_types.Default();
+ m_backupOnStart.SetState(backupTypes & BT_START ? TRUE : FALSE);
+ m_backupOnExit.SetState(backupTypes & BT_EXIT ? TRUE : FALSE);
+ m_backupPeriodic.SetState(backupTypes & BT_PERIODIC ? TRUE : FALSE);
+ }
+ }
- m_numBackups.SetRange(9999, 1);
- m_numBackups.SetPosition(options.num_backups);
+ void CreateToolTip(LPTSTR ptszText, LPTSTR ptszTitle)
+ {
+ HWND hwndFolder = m_folder.GetHwnd();
+ m_hPathTip = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOPMOST,
+ TOOLTIPS_CLASS, nullptr,
+ hwndFolder, nullptr, g_plugin.getInst(), nullptr);
+ if (m_hPathTip == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ SetWindowPos(m_hPathTip, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, (SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE));
+ TOOLINFO ti = {};
+ ti.cbSize = sizeof(TOOLINFO);
+ ti.hwnd = hwndFolder;
+ ti.hinst = g_plugin.getInst();
+ ti.lpszText = ptszText;
+ GetClientRect(hwndFolder, &ti.rect);
+ ti.rect.left = -80;
+ SendMessage(m_hPathTip, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM)&ti);
+ SendMessage(m_hPathTip, TTM_SETTITLE, 1, (LPARAM)ptszTitle);
+ SendMessage(m_hPathTip, TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, (LPARAM)650);
+ SetTimer(m_hwnd, 0, 3000, nullptr);
+ }
- m_periodType.AddString(TranslateT("days"));
- m_periodType.AddString(TranslateT("hours"));
- m_periodType.AddString(TranslateT("minutes"));
- m_periodType.SetCurSel(options.period_type);
+ static int CALLBACK BrowseProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPARAM, LPARAM)
+ {
+ switch (uMsg) {
+ wchar_t backupfolder[MAX_PATH];
+ PathToAbsoluteW(VARSW(options.folder), backupfolder);
+ SendMessage(hwnd, BFFM_SETSELECTION, TRUE, (LPARAM)backupfolder);
+ break;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
- if (ServiceExists(MS_FOLDERS_GET_PATH)) {
- m_folder.Hide();
- m_browseFolder.Hide();
- m_foldersPageLink.Show();
+ static int EnumCloudFileServices(const CFSERVICEINFO *serviceInfo, void *param)
+ {
+ CCtrlCombo &combo = *(CCtrlCombo*)param;
+ int pos = combo.GetCount();
+ combo.InsertString(serviceInfo->userName, pos, (LPARAM)serviceInfo->accountName);
+ if (mir_strcmp(serviceInfo->accountName, options.cloudfile_service) == 0)
+ combo.SetCurSel(pos);
+ return 0;
- else {
- m_folder.SetText(options.folder);
- wchar_t tszTooltipText[4096];
- mir_snwprintf(tszTooltipText, L"%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s",
- L"%miranda_path%", TranslateT("path to Miranda root folder"),
- L"%miranda_profilesdir%", TranslateT("path to folder containing Miranda profiles"),
- L"%miranda_profilename%", TranslateT("name of current Miranda profile (filename, without extension)"),
- L"%miranda_userdata%", TranslateT("will return parsed string %miranda_profilesdir%\\%miranda_profilename%"),
- L"%appdata%", TranslateT("same as environment variable %APPDATA% for currently logged-on Windows user"),
- L"%username%", TranslateT("username for currently logged-on Windows user"),
- L"%mydocuments%", TranslateT("\"My Documents\" folder for currently logged-on Windows user"),
- L"%desktop%", TranslateT("\"Desktop\" folder for currently logged-on Windows user"),
- L"%xxxxxxx%", TranslateT("any environment variable defined in current Windows session (like %systemroot%, %allusersprofile%, etc.)"));
- CreateToolTip(tszTooltipText, TranslateT("Variables"));
+ CCtrlCheck m_disable;
+ CCtrlCheck m_backupOnStart;
+ CCtrlCheck m_backupOnExit;
+ CCtrlCheck m_backupPeriodic;
+ CCtrlButton m_backup;
+ CCtrlSpin m_period;
+ CCtrlCombo m_periodType;
+ CCtrlEdit m_folder;
+ CCtrlButton m_browseFolder;
+ CCtrlHyperlink m_foldersPageLink;
+ CCtrlSpin m_numBackups;
+ CCtrlCheck m_disableProgress;
+ CCtrlCheck m_disablePopups;
+ CCtrlCheck m_useZip;
+ CCtrlCheck m_backupProfile;
+ CCtrlCheck m_useCloudFile;
+ CCtrlCombo m_cloudFileService;
+ HWND m_hPathTip;
+ COptionsDlg() :
+ CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_OPTIONS),
+ m_disable(this, IDC_RAD_DISABLED), m_backupOnStart(this, IDC_RAD_START),
+ m_backupOnExit(this, IDC_RAD_EXIT), m_backupPeriodic(this, IDC_RAD_PERIODIC),
+ m_backup(this, IDC_BUT_NOW), m_backupProfile(this, IDC_BACKUPPROFILE),
+ m_period(this, SPIN_PERIOD), m_periodType(this, IDC_PT),
+ m_folder(this, IDC_ED_FOLDER), m_browseFolder(this, IDC_BUT_BROWSE),
+ m_foldersPageLink(this, IDC_LNK_FOLDERS, nullptr), m_numBackups(this, SPIN_NUMBACKUPS),
+ m_disableProgress(this, IDC_CHK_NOPROG), m_disablePopups(this, IDC_CHK_NOPOPUP),
+ m_useZip(this, IDC_CHK_USEZIP), m_useCloudFile(this, IDC_CLOUDFILE),
+ m_cloudFileService(this, IDC_CLOUDFILESEVICE)
+ {
+ CreateLink(m_period, options.period);
+ CreateLink(m_numBackups, options.num_backups);
+ CreateLink(m_disableProgress, options.disable_progress);
+ CreateLink(m_disablePopups, options.disable_popups);
+ CreateLink(m_useZip, options.use_zip);
+ CreateLink(m_backupProfile, options.backup_profile);
+ CreateLink(m_useCloudFile, options.use_cloudfile);
+ m_disable.OnChange = Callback(this, &COptionsDlg::Disable_OnChange);
+ m_backupOnStart.OnChange = Callback(this, &COptionsDlg::BackupType_OnChange);
+ m_backupOnExit.OnChange = Callback(this, &COptionsDlg::BackupType_OnChange);
+ m_backupPeriodic.OnChange = Callback(this, &COptionsDlg::BackupType_OnChange);
+ m_useCloudFile.OnChange = Callback(this, &COptionsDlg::UseCloudFile_OnChange);
+ m_useZip.OnChange = Callback(this, &COptionsDlg::UseZip_OnChange);
+ m_backup.OnClick = Callback(this, &COptionsDlg::Backup_OnClick);
+ m_browseFolder.OnClick = Callback(this, &COptionsDlg::BrowseFolder_OnClick);
+ m_foldersPageLink.OnClick = Callback(this, &COptionsDlg::FoldersPageLink_OnClick);
- m_disablePopups.Show(ServiceExists(MS_POPUP_ADDPOPUPT));
+ void OnInitDialog() override
+ {
+ m_disable.SetState(options.backup_types == BT_DISABLED);
+ m_backupOnStart.SetState(options.backup_types & BT_START ? TRUE : FALSE);
+ m_backupOnExit.SetState(options.backup_types & BT_EXIT ? TRUE : FALSE);
+ m_backupPeriodic.SetState(options.backup_types & BT_PERIODIC ? TRUE : FALSE);
+ m_period.SetRange(60, 1);
+ m_numBackups.SetRange(9999, 1);
+ m_numBackups.SetPosition(options.num_backups);
+ m_periodType.AddString(TranslateT("days"));
+ m_periodType.AddString(TranslateT("hours"));
+ m_periodType.AddString(TranslateT("minutes"));
+ m_periodType.SetCurSel(options.period_type);
+ if (ServiceExists(MS_FOLDERS_GET_PATH)) {
+ m_folder.Hide();
+ m_browseFolder.Hide();
+ m_foldersPageLink.Show();
+ }
+ else {
+ m_folder.SetText(options.folder);
+ wchar_t tszTooltipText[4096];
+ mir_snwprintf(tszTooltipText, L"%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s",
+ L"%miranda_path%", TranslateT("path to Miranda root folder"),
+ L"%miranda_profilesdir%", TranslateT("path to folder containing Miranda profiles"),
+ L"%miranda_profilename%", TranslateT("name of current Miranda profile (filename, without extension)"),
+ L"%miranda_userdata%", TranslateT("will return parsed string %miranda_profilesdir%\\%miranda_profilename%"),
+ L"%appdata%", TranslateT("same as environment variable %APPDATA% for currently logged-on Windows user"),
+ L"%username%", TranslateT("username for currently logged-on Windows user"),
+ L"%mydocuments%", TranslateT("\"My Documents\" folder for currently logged-on Windows user"),
+ L"%desktop%", TranslateT("\"Desktop\" folder for currently logged-on Windows user"),
+ L"%xxxxxxx%", TranslateT("any environment variable defined in current Windows session (like %systemroot%, %allusersprofile%, etc.)"));
+ CreateToolTip(tszTooltipText, TranslateT("Variables"));
+ }
+ m_disablePopups.Show(ServiceExists(MS_POPUP_ADDPOPUPT));
+ m_useCloudFile.Enable(ServiceExists(MS_CLOUDFILE_UPLOAD));
+ m_cloudFileService.Enable();
+ CallService(MS_CLOUDFILE_ENUMSERVICES, (WPARAM)&COptionsDlg::EnumCloudFileServices, (LPARAM)&m_cloudFileService);
+ }
- m_useCloudFile.Enable(ServiceExists(MS_CLOUDFILE_UPLOAD));
- m_cloudFileService.Enable();
- CallService(MS_CLOUDFILE_ENUMSERVICES, (WPARAM)&COptionsDlg::EnumCloudFileServices, (LPARAM)&m_cloudFileService);
+ SetDialogState();
- SetDialogState();
-void COptionsDlg::OnApply()
- BYTE backupTypes = BT_DISABLED;
+ void OnApply() override
+ {
+ BYTE backupTypes = BT_DISABLED;
- if (m_backupOnStart.IsChecked())
- backupTypes |= BT_START;
- else
- backupTypes &= ~BT_START;
+ if (m_backupOnStart.IsChecked())
+ backupTypes |= BT_START;
+ else
+ backupTypes &= ~BT_START;
- if (m_backupOnExit.IsChecked())
- backupTypes |= BT_EXIT;
- else
- backupTypes &= ~BT_EXIT;
+ if (m_backupOnExit.IsChecked())
+ backupTypes |= BT_EXIT;
+ else
+ backupTypes &= ~BT_EXIT;
- if (m_backupPeriodic.IsChecked())
- backupTypes |= BT_PERIODIC;
- else
- backupTypes &= ~BT_PERIODIC;
+ if (m_backupPeriodic.IsChecked())
+ backupTypes |= BT_PERIODIC;
+ else
+ backupTypes &= ~BT_PERIODIC;
- options.backup_types = backupTypes;
+ options.backup_types = backupTypes;
- SetBackupTimer();
+ SetBackupTimer();
- options.period_type = m_periodType.GetCurSel();
+ options.period_type = m_periodType.GetCurSel();
- ptrW folder(m_folder.GetText());
+ ptrW folder(m_folder.GetText());
- wchar_t backupfolder[MAX_PATH];
- PathToAbsoluteW(VARSW(folder), backupfolder);
- int err = CreateDirectoryTreeW(backupfolder);
- if (err != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS && err != 0) {
- wchar_t msg[512];
- FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, nullptr, err, 0, msg, 512, nullptr);
- MessageBox(nullptr, msg, TranslateT("Error creating backup folder"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
- return;
+ wchar_t backupfolder[MAX_PATH];
+ PathToAbsoluteW(VARSW(folder), backupfolder);
+ int err = CreateDirectoryTreeW(backupfolder);
+ if (err != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS && err != 0) {
+ wchar_t msg[512];
+ FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, nullptr, err, 0, msg, 512, nullptr);
+ MessageBox(nullptr, msg, TranslateT("Error creating backup folder"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
+ return;
+ }
+ wcsncpy_s(options.folder, folder, _TRUNCATE);
+ db_set_ws(0, MODULENAME, "Folder", folder);
+ int currentService = m_cloudFileService.GetCurSel();
+ options.cloudfile_service = currentService >= 0
+ ? (char*)m_cloudFileService.GetItemData(currentService)
+ : nullptr;
- wcsncpy_s(options.folder, folder, _TRUNCATE);
- db_set_ws(0, MODULENAME, "Folder", folder);
- int currentService = m_cloudFileService.GetCurSel();
- options.cloudfile_service = currentService >= 0
- ? (char*)m_cloudFileService.GetItemData(currentService)
- : nullptr;
-void COptionsDlg::OnTimer(CTimer*)
- if (IsWindow(m_hPathTip))
- KillTimer(m_hwnd, 4); // It will prevent tooltip autoclosing
-void COptionsDlg::OnDestroy()
- if (m_hPathTip) {
- KillTimer(m_hwnd, 0);
- DestroyWindow(m_hPathTip);
- m_hPathTip = nullptr;
+ void OnTimer(CTimer*) override
+ {
+ if (IsWindow(m_hPathTip))
+ KillTimer(m_hwnd, 4); // It will prevent tooltip autoclosing
-void COptionsDlg::Disable_OnChange(CCtrlBase*)
- SetDialogState();
+ void OnDestroy() override
+ {
+ if (m_hPathTip) {
+ KillTimer(m_hwnd, 0);
+ DestroyWindow(m_hPathTip);
+ m_hPathTip = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
-void COptionsDlg::BackupType_OnChange(CCtrlBase*)
- if (!m_backupOnStart.IsChecked() &&
- !m_backupOnExit.IsChecked() &&
- !m_backupPeriodic.IsChecked()) {
- m_disable.SetState(TRUE);
+ void Disable_OnChange(CCtrlBase*)
+ {
-void COptionsDlg::UseCloudFile_OnChange(CCtrlBase*)
- m_cloudFileService.Enable(m_useCloudFile.IsChecked());
-void COptionsDlg::Backup_OnClick(CCtrlButton*)
- BackupStart(nullptr);
-void COptionsDlg::BrowseFolder_OnClick(CCtrlButton*)
- wchar_t folder_buff[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
- bi.hwndOwner = m_hwnd;
- bi.pidlRoot = nullptr;
- bi.pszDisplayName = folder_buff;
- bi.lpszTitle = TranslateT("Select backup folder");
- bi.lpfn = BrowseProc;
- bi.lParam = 0;
- bi.iImage = 0;
- LPCITEMIDLIST pidl = SHBrowseForFolder(&bi);
- if (pidl != nullptr) {
- SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, folder_buff);
- m_folder.SetText(folder_buff);
- CoTaskMemFree((void*)pidl);
+ void BackupType_OnChange(CCtrlBase*)
+ {
+ if (!m_backupOnStart.IsChecked() &&
+ !m_backupOnExit.IsChecked() &&
+ !m_backupPeriodic.IsChecked()) {
+ m_disable.SetState(TRUE);
+ SetDialogState();
+ }
-void COptionsDlg::FoldersPageLink_OnClick(CCtrlHyperlink*)
- g_plugin.openOptions(L"Customize", L"Folders");
-void COptionsDlg::SetDialogState()
- CCtrlEdit &periodText = *(CCtrlEdit*)FindControl(IDC_ED_PERIOD);
- CCtrlEdit &numBackupsText = *(CCtrlEdit*)FindControl(IDC_ED_NUMBACKUPS);
- if (m_disable.IsChecked()) {
- m_disable.SetState(TRUE);
- m_backupOnStart.Disable();
- m_backupOnExit.Disable();
- m_backupPeriodic.Disable();
- m_backup.Disable();
- numBackupsText.Disable();
- m_numBackups.Disable();
- m_folder.Disable();
- m_browseFolder.Disable();
- m_foldersPageLink.Disable();
- m_disableProgress.Disable();
- m_disablePopups.Disable();
- m_useZip.Disable();
- periodText.Disable();
- m_period.Disable();
- m_periodType.Disable();
- m_backupProfile.Disable();
- m_useCloudFile.Disable();
- m_cloudFileService.Disable();
- m_backupOnStart.SetState(FALSE);
- m_backupOnExit.SetState(FALSE);
- m_backupPeriodic.SetState(FALSE);
- }
- else {
- m_backupOnStart.Enable();
- m_backupOnExit.Enable();
- m_backupPeriodic.Enable();
- numBackupsText.Enable();
- m_numBackups.Enable();
- m_backup.Enable();
- m_folder.Enable();
- m_browseFolder.Enable();
- m_foldersPageLink.Enable();
- m_disableProgress.Enable();
- m_disablePopups.Enable();
- m_useZip.Enable();
- periodText.Enable();
- m_period.Enable();
- m_periodType.Enable();
- m_backupProfile.Enable();
- m_useCloudFile.Enable();
+ void UseCloudFile_OnChange(CCtrlBase*)
+ {
- m_disable.SetState(FALSE);
- BYTE backupTypes = options.backup_types;
- if (backupTypes == BT_DISABLED)
- backupTypes = options.backup_types.Default();
- m_backupOnStart.SetState(backupTypes & BT_START ? TRUE : FALSE);
- m_backupOnExit.SetState(backupTypes & BT_EXIT ? TRUE : FALSE);
- m_backupPeriodic.SetState(backupTypes & BT_PERIODIC ? TRUE : FALSE);
-void COptionsDlg::CreateToolTip(LPTSTR ptszText, LPTSTR ptszTitle)
- HWND hwndFolder = m_folder.GetHwnd();
- m_hPathTip = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOPMOST,
- TOOLTIPS_CLASS, nullptr,
- hwndFolder, nullptr, g_plugin.getInst(), nullptr);
- if (m_hPathTip == nullptr) {
- return;
+ void UseZip_OnChange(CCtrlCheck*)
+ {
+ m_backupProfile.Enable(m_useZip.GetState());
- SetWindowPos(m_hPathTip, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, (SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE));
- TOOLINFO ti = { };
- ti.cbSize = sizeof(TOOLINFO);
- ti.hwnd = hwndFolder;
- ti.hinst = g_plugin.getInst();
- ti.lpszText = ptszText;
- GetClientRect(hwndFolder, &ti.rect);
- ti.rect.left = -80;
- SendMessage(m_hPathTip, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM)&ti);
- SendMessage(m_hPathTip, TTM_SETTITLE, 1, (LPARAM)ptszTitle);
- SendMessage(m_hPathTip, TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, (LPARAM)650);
+ void Backup_OnClick(CCtrlButton*)
+ {
+ BackupStart(nullptr);
+ }
- SetTimer(m_hwnd, 0, 3000, nullptr);
+ void BrowseFolder_OnClick(CCtrlButton*)
+ {
+ wchar_t folder_buff[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
+ bi.hwndOwner = m_hwnd;
+ bi.pidlRoot = nullptr;
+ bi.pszDisplayName = folder_buff;
+ bi.lpszTitle = TranslateT("Select backup folder");
+ bi.lpfn = BrowseProc;
+ bi.lParam = 0;
+ bi.iImage = 0;
+ LPCITEMIDLIST pidl = SHBrowseForFolder(&bi);
+ if (pidl != nullptr) {
+ SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, folder_buff);
+ m_folder.SetText(folder_buff);
+ CoTaskMemFree((void*)pidl);
+ }
+ }
-int CALLBACK COptionsDlg::BrowseProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPARAM, LPARAM)
- switch (uMsg) {
- wchar_t backupfolder[MAX_PATH];
- PathToAbsoluteW(VARSW(options.folder), backupfolder);
- SendMessage(hwnd, BFFM_SETSELECTION, TRUE, (LPARAM)backupfolder);
- break;
+ void FoldersPageLink_OnClick(CCtrlHyperlink*)
+ {
+ g_plugin.openOptions(L"Customize", L"Folders");
- return FALSE;
-int COptionsDlg::EnumCloudFileServices(const CFSERVICEINFO *serviceInfo, void *param)
- CCtrlCombo &combo = *(CCtrlCombo*)param;
- int pos = combo.GetCount();
- combo.InsertString(serviceInfo->userName, pos, (LPARAM)serviceInfo->accountName);
- if (mir_strcmp(serviceInfo->accountName, options.cloudfile_service) == 0)
- combo.SetCurSel(pos);
- return 0;
+// module entry point
int OptionsInit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM)
@@ -332,6 +352,5 @@ int OptionsInit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM)
odp.szGroup.a = LPGEN("Database");
odp.pDialog = new COptionsDlg();
g_plugin.addOptions(wParam, &odp);
return 0;
diff --git a/plugins/Db_autobackups/src/options.h b/plugins/Db_autobackups/src/options.h
index 6182acf91d..69a61e57b1 100644
--- a/plugins/Db_autobackups/src/options.h
+++ b/plugins/Db_autobackups/src/options.h
@@ -55,51 +55,3 @@ struct Options
-class COptionsDlg : public CDlgBase
- CCtrlCheck m_disable;
- CCtrlCheck m_backupOnStart;
- CCtrlCheck m_backupOnExit;
- CCtrlCheck m_backupPeriodic;
- CCtrlButton m_backup;
- CCtrlSpin m_period;
- CCtrlCombo m_periodType;
- CCtrlEdit m_folder;
- CCtrlButton m_browseFolder;
- CCtrlHyperlink m_foldersPageLink;
- CCtrlSpin m_numBackups;
- CCtrlCheck m_disableProgress;
- CCtrlCheck m_disablePopups;
- CCtrlCheck m_useZip;
- CCtrlCheck m_backupProfile;
- CCtrlCheck m_useCloudFile;
- CCtrlCombo m_cloudFileService;
- HWND m_hPathTip;
- void OnInitDialog() override;
- void OnApply() override;
- void OnTimer(CTimer*) override;
- void OnDestroy() override;
- void Disable_OnChange(CCtrlBase*);
- void BackupType_OnChange(CCtrlBase*);
- void UseCloudFile_OnChange(CCtrlBase*);
- void Backup_OnClick(CCtrlButton*);
- void BrowseFolder_OnClick(CCtrlButton*);
- void FoldersPageLink_OnClick(CCtrlHyperlink*);
- void SetDialogState();
- void CreateToolTip(LPTSTR ptszText, LPTSTR ptszTitle);
- static int CALLBACK BrowseProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPARAM, LPARAM);
- static int EnumCloudFileServices(const CFSERVICEINFO *serviceInfo, void *param);
- COptionsDlg();