path: root/protocols/WinPopup/docs
diff options
authorKirill Volinsky <>2013-08-08 09:49:56 +0000
committerKirill Volinsky <>2013-08-08 09:49:56 +0000
commit7954c7a4bdbf73baa7fb15fbabf90937e1c6f6f0 (patch)
treef2321abb1886313aa05590af06afab53fed9d847 /protocols/WinPopup/docs
parent48d3759f4bd4c40340bdb65e83765fa70bc735c1 (diff)
WinPopup moved to NotAdopted coz don't work
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'protocols/WinPopup/docs')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 297 deletions
diff --git a/protocols/WinPopup/docs/winpopup_proto_readme.txt b/protocols/WinPopup/docs/winpopup_proto_readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d4dfb8bd9b..0000000000
--- a/protocols/WinPopup/docs/winpopup_proto_readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-WinPopup Protocol plugin for Miranda IM
-Copyright (C) 2004-2011 Nikolay Raspopov
-mailto: ryo-oh-ki[at]narod[dot]ru
-Communicate with users over LAN, compatible with "net send", WinPopup,
-VikPoup, RealPopup, Netter and Miranda`s net_send_protocol, mNetSend plugins.
-Uses Mailslot, NetBIOS and Messenger service for sending and receiving messages.
-System requirements:
- Network with NetBIOS over TCP/IP enabled
- for
- Miranda IM 0.5.2.x
- Windows 95,98,ME,NT.
- for
- Miranda IM 0.7.x.x
- Windows 2000,XP,2003,Vista,7.
- Search supports wildcards (case insensitive):
- ? - any single symbol,
- * - any number of symbols including zero,
- # - any digital symbol,
- [abcd] - symbol set,
- [a-z] - sumbol range,
- [!...] - NOT in symbol set or range.
- How to send group messages:
- 1) Open plugin options page;
- 2) Check "Use Mailslot when sending" option;
- 3) Press "Add Contact..." button;
- 4) Type domain/workgroup name or * for everybody and check "Group contact" option;
- 5) Send messge using newly created contact.
- You got "Access Denied" error when switching to online:
- Try to check "Use Messenger service when sending and receiving" option
- in plugin options.
- "Legacy online status detection" option:
- Detection online status by <00> NetBIOS-name also,
- normally status detected by <03> NetBIOS-name (aka Messenger).
- 1) Close similar applications - WinPopup, VikPopup, RealPopup, HiBuddy, NetHail,
- NetSend, Netter, OfficePopup, LanTalk XP etc.
- 2) Disable similar Miranda IM plugins - net_send_protocol, mNetSend.
- 3) Unzip winpopup_proto.dll to ..Miranda IM\Plugin\ folder.
- 4) Restart Miranda IM.
- winpopup_proto.dll - WinPopup Protocol Plugin
- winpopup_proto_readme.txt - This file
- winpopup_proto_translation.txt - Translation template for language pack authors only
- Old versions available at:
- - Tweaked NetBIOS time-outs
- - More NetBIOS debug messages
- - Fixed <CR><LF> sending over NetBIOS
- - Headers updated up to Miranda IM 0.9
- - Added Unicode support
- - Added 64-bit support
- - Added avatar support
- - Added group contact support
- - Performance optimizations
- - Added support for NetLib log
- - Fixed crash at miranda exit when contact still scanning
- - Fixed resource leaks (icons)
- - Fixed small memory leaks by replacing internal ForkThread() with Miranda mir_forkthread()
- - Fixed contact status detection when "Always Online" option set
- - Fixed extra requests of contact status retrieving
- - Fixed contact away message requesting
- - Fixed potential security problems
- - Reduced miranda exit time
- - Changed system requirements (removed Win9x/NT support, added Vista/7 support)
- - Project upgraded up to VS 2008
- - Headers updated up to Miranda IM 0.8
- - Added main menu
- - Added "Legacy online status detection" option (by Anatoliy Samara)
- - Headers updated up to Miranda IM 0.6 and plugin's sources were commented
- - Added support for non-latin (OEM) user/computer names
- - Added "Always Online" checkbox to contact's options
- - Added mNetSend contact's status support
- - Added "Free for chat" and "Invisible" statuses
- - Now Messenger service can be started even from disabled state (Administrators only)
- - Contact status check delay reduced from 60 to 30 seconds
- - Fixed plugin hangup is some cases during Miranda shutdown on Win9x
- - Updated translation file
- - Fixed duplicated NetBIOS-names of options page
- - Fixed non-Messenger dialogs stealing
- - Fixed false NetBIOS error 13 when computer and user names are equal
- - Fixed false Access Denied error when unprivileged user starts Miranda IM and
- Messenger service already stopped or started
- - Fixed incompatibility with WinNT 4.0 (since
- - Fixed empty NetBIOS names registration (some rare plugins combinations)
- - Changed infinite message popups timeout to 10 second timeout
- - Added message boxes with timeouts (used when Popup plugin is absent)
- - Added item "Explore" of contacts menu
- - Added NetBIOS names registration separate selection
- - Added automatic applying (switching to offline/online) of changed options
- - Added remote computer comment field to user info
- - Updated translation file
- - Added full implementation of "Messenger sevice" mode
- - Added enhanced network error messages
- - Added support for Popup plugin
- - Fixed unexpected long timeout of contact online status scanning
- - Fixed missed Translate() calls
- - Fixed worker threads handling (more robust way, like Miranda IM itself)
- - Updated translation file
- - Some minor fixes
- - System requirements lowered to Win95
- - ICMP CODS (contact online detection system :) replaced by NetBIOS CODS
- - Fixed empty message appearance when unsupported type of SMB-packet recieved
- (by Andrew O. Shadoura)
- - Fixed "missed names" in NetBIOS reciever
- - Fixed "connecting 2" plugin status (now "offline")
- - Added NetBIOS method of sending
- - Added NetMessageBufferSend method of sending
- (WinNT + started Messenger service)
- - Added "patient" NetBIOS-names deregistration routines
- - Added search cancellation capabilities
- - Added page with NetBIOS information to User Info dialog
- - Added "NetBIOS names registration status" to Options dialog
- - Added support for Updater plugin
- (
- - Updated translation file
- - Some minor fixes
- - Version fix
- - Fixed crash after Miranda exit (DestroyServiceFunction bug)
- - Persistent protocol status icons changed to customized
- - Fixed crash if invalid computer name consists of upper ASCII table symbols
- (russian symbols, germany umlauts etc.) in CharUpper WinAPI32 function
- - Fixed incorrect IP resolving if invalid computer name begins with digital
- - Fixed forgotten "unpingable" contacts (by Andrey anl_public3[at]
- - Fixed 100% CPU usage if network connection was lost (now switching to offline)
- - Added simple NetBIOS-names lookup
- - Allowed contacts with unknown IP (user responsibility)
- - Updated translation file
- - Now searching for computer names, comments or workgroups (using wildcards)
- - Added protection vs mailslot BO-attack
- - Added duplicate message filtering
- - Some small NetBIOS fixes
- - Removed 256 chars message limitation (doh!)
- - Fixed big message (> 424 bytes) handling error
- - Fixed unexpected locking inside Win32 API function ReadFile when
- reading from mailslot created with MAILSLOT_WAIT_FOREVER flag under Win98
- (MAILSLOT_WAIT_FOREVER replaced with 2000 ms timeout)
- - Added big message splitting (424 bytes parts)
- - Added send message throttle (1000 ms) to preventing receivers mailslot overloading
- - Added direct contact addition (inside Options page) by name or IP
- - Added "RealIP" (equal "IP") and "About" (computer comment) settings to contact
- - Changed translation file
- - Added options page
- - Added "Connecting" status (more smoother startup and shutdown)
- - Added translation template file
- - Added self message recognition
- - Added message CR-LF-B6 normalization
- - Added uninstaller support (PluginUninstaller
- - Some titles renamed from "WinPopup Protocol" to "WinPopup"
- - Extended error messages
- - Project updated up to Visual Studio .NET 2003
- - Project refactored (STL to ATL -> file size changed from 112Kb to 72Kb)
- - Fixed "Unknown Contact" in some poor interface plugins
- - Added persistent protocol status icons
- - Added "IP" setting to contacts (good for some plugins)
- - Optimized ping detection routine
- - Optimized LAN names search routine (now multithreaded, NetBIOS search not yet implemented)
- - Optimized message sender (now multithreaded)
- - Added NetBIOS message receiver
- - Fixed Stop/Restart Windows Messenger Service routine
- - Added experimental support for NetBIOS name registration (computer, current user, nick)
- - Added restoring Microsoft Network Messenger after closing Miranda IM
- - Fixed false contact status detection (was bug in ping functions)
- - Plugin file renamed to winpopup_proto.dll
- - Fixed tiny memory leak in ReceiveMessage function
- - Added online/offline status checker
- - Added auto-answer
- - Added support for extended statuses (away, na, dnd, etc.)
- - Added Miranda-aware safe threads handling
- - Fixed hidden contact of first message
- - Fixed tiny memory leak in SendMsg function
- - Mailslot-receiver thread code refactored
- - Released first version
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
diff --git a/protocols/WinPopup/docs/winpopup_proto_todo.txt b/protocols/WinPopup/docs/winpopup_proto_todo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 98409ccb7a..0000000000
--- a/protocols/WinPopup/docs/winpopup_proto_todo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-; this is a WinPopup Protocol plugin TODO list (russian)
-- Ввести кеширование поиска по сети (сбор имен все время?)
-- Ввести контакты на пользователя, а не на компьютер
-- Попробовать реализовать смену ника отправителя
-- Добавить поиск по IP
-- Ввести сравку и/или поддержку тултипов
-- Доделать в коде класса mailslot определение конфликтных процессов
- (найти способ определения процесса - владельца мейлслота)
diff --git a/protocols/WinPopup/docs/winpopup_proto_translation.txt b/protocols/WinPopup/docs/winpopup_proto_translation.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d8e26340ee..0000000000
--- a/protocols/WinPopup/docs/winpopup_proto_translation.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-; this is a template for translation of WinPopup Protocol plugin
-; last updated 25 Feb 2010 for
-[Add contact...]
-[Always Online]
-[Auto-reply to users with your status message while away]
-[Cannot send message]
-[Cannot create receiving mailslot]
-[Cannot operate Messenger service]
-[Cannot register NetBIOS name]
-[Cannot resolve contacts IP-address. Add it anyway?]
-[Cannot start Messenger service]
-[Cannot stop Messenger service]
-[Failed names]
-[Filter Duplicate Messages (RECOMMENDED)]
-[Group contact]
-[LAN adapter]
-[Legacy online status detection]
-[NetBIOS names:]
-[NetBIOS names registration]
-[No progress]
-[Other names]
-[Please shutdown any other IM applications and/or Messenger service]
-[Successful names]
-[Unexpected service status change]
-[Use Mailslot when sending (RECOMMENDED)]
-[Use NetBIOS when sending]
-[Use Messenger service when sending and receiving]