path: root/protocols/YAMN/src/proto/pop3
diff options
authorGeorge Hazan <>2023-10-06 14:03:42 +0300
committerGeorge Hazan <>2023-10-06 14:03:42 +0300
commit4f7cb79f7c8d1b46260f135e3ab7ba615cf8ea29 (patch)
tree70bab49f49e7f4989445ba9a8bff94c90e1acf60 /protocols/YAMN/src/proto/pop3
parent4549087d4f7044dbf51a75d1af605ac93f6fbd6b (diff)
fixes #3704 (YAMN: Миранда зависает если изменить настройки YAMN во время прилёта письма)
Diffstat (limited to 'protocols/YAMN/src/proto/pop3')
3 files changed, 379 insertions, 491 deletions
diff --git a/protocols/YAMN/src/proto/pop3/pop3comm.cpp b/protocols/YAMN/src/proto/pop3/pop3comm.cpp
index fc0f5819bb..ba793cd9d3 100644
--- a/protocols/YAMN/src/proto/pop3/pop3comm.cpp
+++ b/protocols/YAMN/src/proto/pop3/pop3comm.cpp
@@ -14,13 +14,15 @@
#define ERRORSTR_MAXLEN 1024 //in wide-chars
HANDLE hNetLib = nullptr;
-PSCOUNTER CPOP3Account::AccountWriterSO = nullptr;
+SCOUNTER CPOP3Account::AccountWriterSO;
//Creates new CPOP3Account structure
-CAccount *WINAPI CreatePOP3Account(HYAMNPROTOPLUGIN Plugin, DWORD CAccountVersion);
+CAccount *WINAPI CreatePOP3Account(YAMN_PROTOPLUGIN *Plugin, DWORD CAccountVersion);
//Deletes CPOP3Account structure
void WINAPI DeletePOP3Account(CAccount *Which);
@@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ HYAMNMAIL WINAPI CreatePOP3Mail(CAccount *Account, DWORD CMimeMailVersion);
//Function does all needed work when connection failed or any error occured
//Creates structure containing error code, closes internet session, runs "bad connect" function
-static void PostErrorProc(HPOP3ACCOUNT ActualAccount, void *ParamToBadConnect, uint32_t POP3PluginParam, BOOL UseSSL);
+static void PostErrorProc(CPOP3Account *ActualAccount, void *ParamToBadConnect, uint32_t POP3PluginParam, BOOL UseSSL);
//Checks POP3 account and stores all info to account. It deletes old mails=> synchro
// WhichTemp- pointer to strucure containing needed information
@@ -87,9 +89,6 @@ void ExtractList(char *stream, int len, HYAMNMAIL queue);
void ExtractMail(char *stream, int len, HYAMNMAIL queue);
-YAMNExportedFcns *pYAMNFcn = nullptr;
-MailExportedFcns *pYAMNMailFcn = nullptr;
@@ -117,8 +116,7 @@ YAMN_MAILIMPORTFCN POP3MailFunctions =
+YAMN_PROTOPLUGIN *POP3Plugin = nullptr;
@@ -138,24 +136,21 @@ HANDLE RegisterNLClient(char *name);
- //NOTE! This constructor constructs CAccount structure. If your plugin is not internal,
- //you will need these constructors. All you need is in Account.cpp. Just copy to your source code
- //constructor and destructor of CAccount.
+ // NOTE! This constructor constructs CAccount structure. If your plugin is not internal,
+ // you will need these constructors. All you need is in Account.cpp. Just copy to your source code
+ // constructor and destructor of CAccount.
UseInternetFree = CreateEvent(nullptr, FALSE, TRUE, nullptr);
- InternetQueries = new SCOUNTER;
- SetAccountStatus((CAccount *)this, TranslateT("Disconnected"));
+ SetStatusFcn(this, TranslateT("Disconnected"));
- if (InternetQueries != nullptr)
- delete InternetQueries;
//First, we should check whether CAccountVersion matches.
//But this is internal plugin, so YAMN's CAccount structure and our CAccount structure are
@@ -164,75 +159,39 @@ CAccount *WINAPI CreatePOP3Account(HYAMNPROTOPLUGIN, DWORD)
// if (CAccountVersion != YAMN_ACCOUNTVERSION) return NULL;
//Now it is needed to construct our POP3 account and return its handle
- return (CAccount *)new struct CPOP3Account();
+ return new CPOP3Account();
void WINAPI DeletePOP3Account(CAccount *Which)
- delete (HPOP3ACCOUNT)Which;
+ delete (CPOP3Account*)Which;
void WINAPI StopPOP3Account(CAccount *Which)
- ((HPOP3ACCOUNT)Which)->Client.Stopped = TRUE;
- if (((HPOP3ACCOUNT)Which)->Client.NetClient != nullptr) //we should inform also network client. Usefull only when network client implements this feature
- ((HPOP3ACCOUNT)Which)->Client.NetClient->Stopped = TRUE;
+ ((CPOP3Account*)Which)->Client.Stopped = TRUE;
+ if (((CPOP3Account*)Which)->Client.NetClient != nullptr) //we should inform also network client. Usefull only when network client implements this feature
+ ((CPOP3Account*)Which)->Client.NetClient->Stopped = TRUE;
//This function is like main function for POP3 internal protocol
int RegisterPOP3Plugin(WPARAM, LPARAM)
- // Get YAMN variables we can use
- return 0;
- // We have to get pointers to YAMN exported functions: allocate structure and fill it
- if (nullptr == (pYAMNFcn = new struct YAMNExportedFcns)) {
+ // Register new pop3 user in netlib
+ if (nullptr == (hNetLib = RegisterNLClient("YAMN (POP3)"))) {
return 0;
- // Register new pop3 user in netlib
- if (nullptr == (hNetLib = RegisterNLClient("YAMN (POP3)")))
- goto LBL_Error;
- if (nullptr == (pYAMNMailFcn = new struct MailExportedFcns))
- goto LBL_Error;
- //set static variable
- if (CPOP3Account::AccountWriterSO == nullptr)
- if (nullptr == (CPOP3Account::AccountWriterSO = new SCOUNTER))
- goto LBL_Error;
- //First, we register this plugin
- //it is quite impossible this function returns zero (failure) as YAMN and internal plugin structre versions are the same
+ // First, we register this plugin
+ // it is quite impossible this function returns zero (failure) as YAMN and internal plugin structre versions are the same
POP3ProtocolRegistration.Name = Translate("POP3 protocol (internal)");
POP3ProtocolRegistration.Description = Translate(__DESCRIPTION);
return 0;
//Next we set our imported functions for YAMN
- if (!SetProtocolPluginFcnImport(POP3Plugin, &POP3ProtocolFunctions, YAMN_PROTOIMPORTFCNVERSION, &POP3MailFunctions, YAMN_MAILIMPORTFCNVERSION))
+ if (!SetProtocolPluginFcnImportFcn(POP3Plugin, &POP3ProtocolFunctions, YAMN_PROTOIMPORTFCNVERSION, &POP3MailFunctions, YAMN_MAILIMPORTFCNVERSION))
return 0;
//Then, we read all mails for accounts.
@@ -303,19 +262,9 @@ LBL_Error:
- //pYAMNVar is only a pointr, no need delete or free
if (hNetLib) {
Netlib_CloseHandle(hNetLib); hNetLib = nullptr;
- if (CPOP3Account::AccountWriterSO) {
- delete CPOP3Account::AccountWriterSO; CPOP3Account::AccountWriterSO = nullptr;
- }
- if (pYAMNMailFcn) {
- delete pYAMNMailFcn; pYAMNMailFcn = nullptr;
- }
- if (pYAMNFcn) {
- delete pYAMNFcn; pYAMNFcn = nullptr;
- }
if (FileName) {
CallService(MS_YAMN_DELETEFILENAME, (WPARAM)FileName, 0); FileName = nullptr;
@@ -341,7 +290,7 @@ DWORD WINAPI WritePOP3Options(HANDLE File, CAccount *Which)
uint32_t Ver = POP3_FILEVERSION;
if ((!WriteFile(File, (char *)&Ver, sizeof(uint32_t), &WrittenBytes, nullptr)) ||
- (!WriteFile(File, (char *)&((HPOP3ACCOUNT)Which)->CP, sizeof(uint16_t), &WrittenBytes, nullptr)))
+ (!WriteFile(File, (char *)&((CPOP3Account*)Which)->CP, sizeof(uint16_t), &WrittenBytes, nullptr)))
return 0;
@@ -359,12 +308,12 @@ DWORD WINAPI ReadPOP3Options(CAccount *Which, char **Parser, char *End)
- ((HPOP3ACCOUNT)Which)->CP = *(uint16_t *)(*Parser);
+ ((CPOP3Account*)Which)->CP = *(uint16_t *)(*Parser);
(*Parser) += sizeof(uint16_t);
if (*Parser >= End)
- mir_snwprintf(Debug, L"CodePage: %d, remaining %d chars", ((HPOP3ACCOUNT)Which)->CP, End - *Parser);
+ mir_snwprintf(Debug, L"CodePage: %d, remaining %d chars", ((CPOP3Account*)Which)->CP, End - *Parser);
MessageBox(NULL, Debug, L"debug", MB_OK);
return 0;
@@ -387,7 +336,7 @@ HYAMNMAIL WINAPI CreatePOP3Mail(CAccount *Account, DWORD)
delete NewMail;
return nullptr;
- NewMail->MailData->CP = ((HPOP3ACCOUNT)Account)->CP;
+ NewMail->MailData->CP = ((CPOP3Account*)Account)->CP;
return (HYAMNMAIL)NewMail;
@@ -397,7 +346,7 @@ static void SetContactStatus(CAccount *account, int status)
g_plugin.setWord(account->hContact, "Status", status);
-static void PostErrorProc(HPOP3ACCOUNT ActualAccount, void *ParamToBadConnection, uint32_t POP3PluginParam, BOOL UseSSL)
+static void PostErrorProc(CPOP3Account* ActualAccount, void *ParamToBadConnection, uint32_t POP3PluginParam, BOOL UseSSL)
char *DataRX;
@@ -431,7 +380,7 @@ static void PostErrorProc(HPOP3ACCOUNT ActualAccount, void *ParamToBadConnection
catch (...) {
- SetAccountStatus(ActualAccount, TranslateT("Disconnected"));
+ SetStatusFcn(ActualAccount, TranslateT("Disconnected"));
//If we cannot allocate memory, do nothing
if (ErrorCode == nullptr) {
@@ -453,7 +402,7 @@ static void PostErrorProc(HPOP3ACCOUNT ActualAccount, void *ParamToBadConnection
//Checks POP3 account and synchronizes it
DWORD WINAPI SynchroPOP3(struct CheckParam *WhichTemp)
- HPOP3ACCOUNT ActualAccount;
+ CPOP3Account* ActualAccount;
CPop3Client *MyClient;
HYAMNMAIL NewMails = nullptr, MsgQueuePtr = nullptr;
char *DataRX = nullptr, *Temp;
@@ -484,19 +433,18 @@ DWORD WINAPI SynchroPOP3(struct CheckParam *WhichTemp)
// //and then we can in our GetErrorStringFcn e.g. return string "Uncompatible version of YAMN".
// }
- ActualAccount = (HPOP3ACCOUNT)WhichTemp->AccountParam; //copy address of structure from calling thread to stack of this thread
+ ActualAccount = (CPOP3Account*)WhichTemp->AccountParam; //copy address of structure from calling thread to stack of this thread
YAMNParam = WhichTemp->BrowserParam;
CheckFlags = WhichTemp->Flags;
- SCInc(ActualAccount->UsingThreads);
+ SCGuard sc(ActualAccount->UsingThreads);
//Unblock YAMN, signal that we have copied all parameters from YAMN thread stack
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != WhichTemp->ThreadRunningEV)
- if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != WaitToRead(ActualAccount)) {
- SCDec(ActualAccount->UsingThreads);
+ SReadGuard sra(ActualAccount->AccountAccessSO);
+ if (!sra.Succeeded())
return 0;
- }
MyClient = &ActualAccount->Client;
//Now, copy all needed information about account to local variables, so ActualAccount is not blocked in read mode during all connection process, which can last for several minutes.
@@ -507,19 +455,16 @@ DWORD WINAPI SynchroPOP3(struct CheckParam *WhichTemp)
ActualCopied.ServerPasswd = _strdup(ActualAccount->Server->Passwd);
ActualCopied.NFlags = ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags;
ActualCopied.NNFlags = ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.Flags;
- ReadDone(ActualAccount);
- SCInc(ActualAccount->InternetQueries); //increment counter, that there is one more thread waiting for connection
- WaitForSingleObject(ActualAccount->UseInternetFree, INFINITE); //wait until we can use connection
- SCDec(ActualAccount->InternetQueries);
+ sra.Uninit();
+ {
+ SCGuard scq(ActualAccount->InternetQueries); // increment counter, that there is one more thread waiting for connection
+ WaitForSingleObject(ActualAccount->UseInternetFree, INFINITE); // wait until we can use connection
+ }
//OK, we enter the "use internet" section. But after we start communication, we can test if we did not enter the "use internet" section only for the reason,
//that previous thread release the internet section because this account has stop signal (we stop account and there are 2 threads: one communicating,
//the second one waiting for network access- the first one ends because we want to stop account, this one is released, but should be stopped as well).
if (!ActualAccount->AbleToWork) {
- SCDec(ActualAccount->UsingThreads);
return 0;
UsingInternet = TRUE;
@@ -532,7 +477,7 @@ DWORD WINAPI SynchroPOP3(struct CheckParam *WhichTemp)
// if we are already connected, we have open session (another thread left us open session), so we don't need to login
// note that connected state without logging cannot occur, because if we close session, we always close socket too (we must close socket is the right word :))
if ((MyClient->NetClient == nullptr) || !MyClient->NetClient->Connected()) {
- SetAccountStatus(ActualAccount, TranslateT("Connecting to server"));
+ SetStatusFcn(ActualAccount, TranslateT("Connecting to server"));
DataRX = MyClient->Connect(ActualCopied.ServerName, ActualCopied.ServerPort, ActualCopied.Flags & YAMN_ACC_SSL23, ActualCopied.Flags & YAMN_ACC_NOTLS);
char *timestamp = nullptr;
@@ -552,7 +497,7 @@ DWORD WINAPI SynchroPOP3(struct CheckParam *WhichTemp)
DataRX = nullptr;
- SetAccountStatus(ActualAccount, TranslateT("Entering POP3 account"));
+ SetStatusFcn(ActualAccount, TranslateT("Entering POP3 account"));
if (ActualCopied.Flags & YAMN_ACC_APOP) {
DataRX = MyClient->APOP(ActualCopied.ServerLogin, ActualCopied.ServerPasswd, timestamp);
@@ -572,7 +517,7 @@ DWORD WINAPI SynchroPOP3(struct CheckParam *WhichTemp)
DataRX = nullptr;
- SetAccountStatus(ActualAccount, TranslateT("Searching for new mail message"));
+ SetStatusFcn(ActualAccount, TranslateT("Searching for new mail message"));
DataRX = MyClient->Stat();
@@ -607,58 +552,59 @@ DWORD WINAPI SynchroPOP3(struct CheckParam *WhichTemp)
DataRX = nullptr;
+ {
+ SWriteGuard swm(ActualAccount->MessagesAccessSO);
+ if (!swm.Succeeded())
+ throw (uint32_t)(ActualAccount->SystemError = EACC_STOPPED);
- if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != MsgsWaitToWrite(ActualAccount))
- throw (uint32_t)(ActualAccount->SystemError = EACC_STOPPED);
- ActualAccount->LastChecked = now;
- for (MsgQueuePtr = (HYAMNMAIL)ActualAccount->Mails; MsgQueuePtr != nullptr; MsgQueuePtr = MsgQueuePtr->Next) {
- if (MsgQueuePtr->Flags & YAMN_MSG_BODYREQUESTED) {
- HYAMNMAIL NewMsgsPtr = nullptr;
- for (NewMsgsPtr = (HYAMNMAIL)NewMails; NewMsgsPtr != nullptr; NewMsgsPtr = NewMsgsPtr->Next) {
- if (!mir_strcmp(MsgQueuePtr->ID, NewMsgsPtr->ID)) {
- wchar_t accstatus[512];
- mir_snwprintf(accstatus, TranslateT("Reading body %s"), NewMsgsPtr->ID);
- SetAccountStatus(ActualAccount, accstatus);
- DataRX = MyClient->Top(MsgQueuePtr->Number, 100);
- if (DataRX != nullptr) {
- Temp = DataRX;
- while ((Temp < DataRX + MyClient->NetClient->Rcv) && (WS(Temp) || ENDLINE(Temp))) Temp++;
- if (OKLINE(DataRX))
- for (Temp = DataRX; (Temp < DataRX + MyClient->NetClient->Rcv) && (!ENDLINE(Temp)); Temp++);
- while ((Temp < DataRX + MyClient->NetClient->Rcv) && ENDLINE(Temp)) Temp++;
- }
- else
- continue;
- //delete all the headers of the old mail MsgQueuePtr->MailData->TranslatedHeader
- struct CMimeItem *TH = MsgQueuePtr->MailData->TranslatedHeader;
- if (TH) for (; MsgQueuePtr->MailData->TranslatedHeader != nullptr;) {
- TH = TH->Next;
- if (MsgQueuePtr->MailData->TranslatedHeader->name != nullptr)
- delete[] MsgQueuePtr->MailData->TranslatedHeader->name;
- if (MsgQueuePtr->MailData->TranslatedHeader->value != nullptr)
- delete[] MsgQueuePtr->MailData->TranslatedHeader->value;
- delete MsgQueuePtr->MailData->TranslatedHeader;
- MsgQueuePtr->MailData->TranslatedHeader = TH;
- }
+ ActualAccount->LastChecked = now;
+ for (MsgQueuePtr = (HYAMNMAIL)ActualAccount->Mails; MsgQueuePtr != nullptr; MsgQueuePtr = MsgQueuePtr->Next) {
+ if (MsgQueuePtr->Flags & YAMN_MSG_BODYREQUESTED) {
+ HYAMNMAIL NewMsgsPtr = nullptr;
+ for (NewMsgsPtr = (HYAMNMAIL)NewMails; NewMsgsPtr != nullptr; NewMsgsPtr = NewMsgsPtr->Next) {
+ if (!mir_strcmp(MsgQueuePtr->ID, NewMsgsPtr->ID)) {
+ wchar_t accstatus[512];
+ mir_snwprintf(accstatus, TranslateT("Reading body %s"), NewMsgsPtr->ID);
+ SetStatusFcn(ActualAccount, accstatus);
+ DataRX = MyClient->Top(MsgQueuePtr->Number, 100);
+ if (DataRX != nullptr) {
+ Temp = DataRX;
+ while ((Temp < DataRX + MyClient->NetClient->Rcv) && (WS(Temp) || ENDLINE(Temp))) Temp++;
+ if (OKLINE(DataRX))
+ for (Temp = DataRX; (Temp < DataRX + MyClient->NetClient->Rcv) && (!ENDLINE(Temp)); Temp++);
+ while ((Temp < DataRX + MyClient->NetClient->Rcv) && ENDLINE(Temp)) Temp++;
+ }
+ else
+ continue;
+ //delete all the headers of the old mail MsgQueuePtr->MailData->TranslatedHeader
+ struct CMimeItem *TH = MsgQueuePtr->MailData->TranslatedHeader;
+ if (TH) for (; MsgQueuePtr->MailData->TranslatedHeader != nullptr;) {
+ TH = TH->Next;
+ if (MsgQueuePtr->MailData->TranslatedHeader->name != nullptr)
+ delete[] MsgQueuePtr->MailData->TranslatedHeader->name;
+ if (MsgQueuePtr->MailData->TranslatedHeader->value != nullptr)
+ delete[] MsgQueuePtr->MailData->TranslatedHeader->value;
+ delete MsgQueuePtr->MailData->TranslatedHeader;
+ MsgQueuePtr->MailData->TranslatedHeader = TH;
+ }
- TranslateHeader(Temp, MyClient->NetClient->Rcv - (Temp - DataRX), &MsgQueuePtr->MailData->TranslatedHeader);
+ TranslateHeaderFcn(Temp, MyClient->NetClient->Rcv - (Temp - DataRX), &MsgQueuePtr->MailData->TranslatedHeader);
- MsgQueuePtr->Flags |= YAMN_MSG_BODYRECEIVED;
+ MsgQueuePtr->Flags |= YAMN_MSG_BODYRECEIVED;
- if (DataRX != nullptr)
- free(DataRX);
- DataRX = nullptr;
- break;
+ if (DataRX != nullptr)
+ free(DataRX);
+ DataRX = nullptr;
+ break;
+ }
- }
- SynchroMessages(ActualAccount, (HYAMNMAIL *)&ActualAccount->Mails, nullptr, (HYAMNMAIL *)&NewMails, nullptr); //we get only new mails on server!
- MsgsWriteDone(ActualAccount);
+ SynchroMessagesFcn(ActualAccount, (HYAMNMAIL *)&ActualAccount->Mails, nullptr, (HYAMNMAIL *)&NewMails, nullptr); //we get only new mails on server!
+ }
for (MsgQueuePtr = (HYAMNMAIL)ActualAccount->Mails; MsgQueuePtr != nullptr; MsgQueuePtr = MsgQueuePtr->Next) {
if ((MsgQueuePtr->Flags & YAMN_MSG_BODYREQUESTED) && (MsgQueuePtr->Flags & YAMN_MSG_BODYRECEIVED)) {
@@ -676,7 +622,7 @@ DWORD WINAPI SynchroPOP3(struct CheckParam *WhichTemp)
BOOL autoretr = (ActualAccount->Flags & YAMN_ACC_BODY) != 0;
DataRX = MyClient->Top(MsgQueuePtr->Number, autoretr ? 100 : 0);
mir_snwprintf(accstatus, TranslateT("Reading new mail messages (%d%% done)"), 100 * i / msgs);
- SetAccountStatus(ActualAccount, accstatus);
+ SetStatusFcn(ActualAccount, accstatus);
if (DataRX != nullptr) {
Temp = DataRX;
@@ -689,7 +635,7 @@ DWORD WINAPI SynchroPOP3(struct CheckParam *WhichTemp)
- TranslateHeader(Temp, MyClient->NetClient->Rcv - (Temp - DataRX), &MsgQueuePtr->MailData->TranslatedHeader);
+ TranslateHeaderFcn(Temp, MyClient->NetClient->Rcv - (Temp - DataRX), &MsgQueuePtr->MailData->TranslatedHeader);
@@ -713,19 +659,19 @@ DWORD WINAPI SynchroPOP3(struct CheckParam *WhichTemp)
MsgQueuePtr = MsgQueuePtr->Next;
+ { SWriteGuard swm(ActualAccount->MessagesAccessSO);
+ if (!swm.Succeeded())
+ throw (uint32_t)ActualAccount->SystemError == EACC_STOPPED;
- if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != MsgsWaitToWrite(ActualAccount))
- throw (uint32_t)ActualAccount->SystemError == EACC_STOPPED;
- if (ActualAccount->Mails == nullptr)
- ActualAccount->Mails = NewMails;
- else {
- ActualAccount->LastMail = ActualAccount->LastChecked;
- AppendQueue((HYAMNMAIL)ActualAccount->Mails, NewMails);
+ if (ActualAccount->Mails == nullptr)
+ ActualAccount->Mails = NewMails;
+ else {
+ ActualAccount->LastMail = ActualAccount->LastChecked;
+ AppendQueueFcn((HYAMNMAIL)ActualAccount->Mails, NewMails);
+ }
- MsgsWriteDone(ActualAccount);
// we are going to delete mails having SPAM flag level3 and 4 (see m_mails.h) set
struct DeleteParam ParamToDeleteMails = {YAMN_DELETEVERSION, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, ActualAccount, YAMNParam, (void *)POP3_DELETEFROMCHECK};
@@ -736,14 +682,14 @@ DWORD WINAPI SynchroPOP3(struct CheckParam *WhichTemp)
// if there is no waiting thread for internet connection close it
// else leave connection open
- if (0 == SCGetNumber(ActualAccount->InternetQueries)) {
+ if (0 == ActualAccount->InternetQueries.GetNumber()) {
DataRX = MyClient->Quit();
if (DataRX != nullptr)
DataRX = nullptr;
- SetAccountStatus(ActualAccount, TranslateT("Disconnected"));
+ SetStatusFcn(ActualAccount, TranslateT("Disconnected"));
UsingInternet = FALSE;
@@ -756,14 +702,12 @@ DWORD WINAPI SynchroPOP3(struct CheckParam *WhichTemp)
throw; //go to the main exception handling
- {
- YAMN_MAILBROWSERPARAM Param = {(HANDLE)nullptr, ActualAccount, ActualCopied.NFlags, ActualCopied.NNFlags, YAMNParam};
+ YAMN_MAILBROWSERPARAM Param = { ActualAccount, ActualCopied.NFlags, ActualCopied.NNFlags, YAMNParam};
+ if (CheckFlags & YAMN_FORCECHECK)
+ Param.nnflags |= YAMN_ACC_POP; // if force check, show popup anyway and if mailbrowser was opened, do not close
+ Param.nnflags |= YAMN_ACC_MSGP; // do not close browser if already open
- if (CheckFlags & YAMN_FORCECHECK)
- Param.nnflags |= YAMN_ACC_POP; //if force check, show popup anyway and if mailbrowser was opened, do not close
- Param.nnflags |= YAMN_ACC_MSGP; //do not close browser if already open
- }
SetContactStatus(ActualAccount, ActualAccount->isCounting ? ID_STATUS_ONLINE : ID_STATUS_OFFLINE);
@@ -777,12 +721,13 @@ DWORD WINAPI SynchroPOP3(struct CheckParam *WhichTemp)
DebugLog(CommFile, "ERROR: %x\n", ErrorCode);
- if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == MsgsWaitToWrite(ActualAccount)) {
- ActualAccount->LastChecked = now;
- MsgsWriteDone(ActualAccount);
+ {
+ SWriteGuard swm(ActualAccount->MessagesAccessSO);
+ if (swm.Succeeded())
+ ActualAccount->LastChecked = now;
- DeleteMIMEQueue(ActualAccount, NewMails);
+ DeleteMessagesToEndFcn(ActualAccount, NewMails);
if (DataRX != nullptr)
@@ -809,7 +754,6 @@ DWORD WINAPI SynchroPOP3(struct CheckParam *WhichTemp)
// WriteAccounts();
- SCDec(ActualAccount->UsingThreads);
return 0;
@@ -844,49 +788,46 @@ void __cdecl DeleteMailsPOP3(void *param)
// //and then we can in our GetErrorStringFcn e.g. return string "Uncompatible version of YAMN".
// }
- HPOP3ACCOUNT ActualAccount = (HPOP3ACCOUNT)WhichTemp->AccountParam; //copy address of structure from calling thread to stack of this thread
+ CPOP3Account* ActualAccount = (CPOP3Account*)WhichTemp->AccountParam; //copy address of structure from calling thread to stack of this thread
LPVOID YAMNParam = WhichTemp->BrowserParam;
UINT_PTR POP3PluginParam = (UINT_PTR)((struct DeleteParam *)WhichTemp)->CustomParam;
- SCInc(ActualAccount->UsingThreads);
+ SCGuard sc(ActualAccount->UsingThreads);
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != WhichTemp->ThreadRunningEV)
+ { SReadGuard sra(ActualAccount->AccountAccessSO);
+ if (!sra.Succeeded())
+ return;
- if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != WaitToRead(ActualAccount)) {
- SCDec(ActualAccount->UsingThreads);
- return;
- }
- if (nullptr == (DeleteMails = (HYAMNMAIL)CreateNewDeleteQueue((HYAMNMAIL)ActualAccount->Mails))) //if there's no mail for deleting, return
- {
- if (POP3_DELETEFROMCHECK != POP3PluginParam) //We do not wait for free internet when calling from SynchroPOP3. It is because UseInternetFree is blocked
- {
- YAMN_MAILBROWSERPARAM Param = {(HANDLE)nullptr, ActualAccount, YAMN_ACC_MSGP, YAMN_ACC_MSGP, YAMNParam}; //Just update the window
+ // if there's no mail for deleting, return
+ if (nullptr == (DeleteMails = CreateNewDeleteQueueFcn((HYAMNMAIL)ActualAccount->Mails))) {
+ // We do not wait for free internet when calling from SynchroPOP3. It is because UseInternetFree is blocked
+ if (POP3_DELETEFROMCHECK != POP3PluginParam) {
+ YAMN_MAILBROWSERPARAM Param = { ActualAccount, YAMN_ACC_MSGP, YAMN_ACC_MSGP, YAMNParam }; //Just update the window
+ }
+ return;
- SCDec(ActualAccount->UsingThreads);
- return;
- }
+ MyClient = &ActualAccount->Client;
- MyClient = &(ActualAccount->Client);
- //Now, copy all needed information about account to local variables, so ActualAccount is not blocked in read mode during all connection process, which can last for several minutes.
- ActualCopied.ServerName = _strdup(ActualAccount->Server->Name);
- ActualCopied.ServerPort = ActualAccount->Server->Port;
- ActualCopied.Flags = ActualAccount->Flags;
- ActualCopied.ServerLogin = _strdup(ActualAccount->Server->Login);
- ActualCopied.ServerPasswd = _strdup(ActualAccount->Server->Passwd);
- ActualCopied.NFlags = ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags;
- ActualCopied.NNFlags = ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.Flags;
- ReadDone(ActualAccount);
- SCInc(ActualAccount->InternetQueries); //This is POP3-internal SCOUNTER, we set another thread wait for this account to be connected to inet
- if (POP3_DELETEFROMCHECK != POP3PluginParam) //We do not wait for free internet when calling from SynchroPOP3. It is because UseInternetFree is blocked
- WaitForSingleObject(ActualAccount->UseInternetFree, INFINITE);
+ // Now, copy all needed information about account to local variables, so ActualAccount is not blocked in read mode during all connection process, which can last for several minutes.
+ ActualCopied.ServerName = _strdup(ActualAccount->Server->Name);
+ ActualCopied.ServerPort = ActualAccount->Server->Port;
+ ActualCopied.Flags = ActualAccount->Flags;
+ ActualCopied.ServerLogin = _strdup(ActualAccount->Server->Login);
+ ActualCopied.ServerPasswd = _strdup(ActualAccount->Server->Passwd);
+ ActualCopied.NFlags = ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags;
+ ActualCopied.NNFlags = ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.Flags;
+ }
+ {
+ SCGuard scq(ActualAccount->InternetQueries); // This is POP3-internal SCOUNTER, we set another thread wait for this account to be connected to inet
+ if (POP3_DELETEFROMCHECK != POP3PluginParam) // We do not wait for free internet when calling from SynchroPOP3. It is because UseInternetFree is blocked
+ WaitForSingleObject(ActualAccount->UseInternetFree, INFINITE);
+ }
- SCDec(ActualAccount->InternetQueries);
UsingInternet = TRUE;
try {
@@ -895,7 +836,7 @@ void __cdecl DeleteMailsPOP3(void *param)
DebugLog(CommFile, "<--------Communication-------->\n");
if ((MyClient->NetClient == nullptr) || !MyClient->NetClient->Connected()) {
- SetAccountStatus(ActualAccount, TranslateT("Connecting to server"));
+ SetStatusFcn(ActualAccount, TranslateT("Connecting to server"));
DataRX = MyClient->Connect(ActualCopied.ServerName, ActualCopied.ServerPort, ActualCopied.Flags & YAMN_ACC_SSL23, ActualCopied.Flags & YAMN_ACC_NOTLS);
@@ -914,7 +855,7 @@ void __cdecl DeleteMailsPOP3(void *param)
DataRX = nullptr;
- SetAccountStatus(ActualAccount, TranslateT("Entering POP3 account"));
+ SetStatusFcn(ActualAccount, TranslateT("Entering POP3 account"));
if (ActualAccount->Flags & YAMN_ACC_APOP) {
DataRX = MyClient->APOP(ActualCopied.ServerLogin, ActualCopied.ServerPasswd, timestamp);
@@ -940,7 +881,7 @@ void __cdecl DeleteMailsPOP3(void *param)
if (POP3_DELETEFROMCHECK != POP3PluginParam) //We do not need to get mails on server as we have already it from check function
- SetAccountStatus(ActualAccount, TranslateT("Deleting requested mails"));
+ SetStatusFcn(ActualAccount, TranslateT("Deleting requested mails"));
DataRX = MyClient->Stat();
@@ -983,16 +924,16 @@ void __cdecl DeleteMailsPOP3(void *param)
DataRX = nullptr;
// we get "new mails" on server (NewMails will contain all mails on server not found in DeleteMails)
// but also in DeleteMails we get only those, which are still on server with their responsable numbers
- SynchroMessages(ActualAccount, (HYAMNMAIL *)&DeleteMails, nullptr, (HYAMNMAIL *)&NewMails, nullptr);
+ SynchroMessagesFcn(ActualAccount, (HYAMNMAIL *)&DeleteMails, nullptr, (HYAMNMAIL *)&NewMails, nullptr);
- else SetAccountStatus(ActualAccount, TranslateT("Deleting spam"));
+ else SetStatusFcn(ActualAccount, TranslateT("Deleting spam"));
- if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != MsgsWaitToWrite(ActualAccount))
- throw (uint32_t)EACC_STOPPED;
+ { SWriteGuard swm(ActualAccount->MessagesAccessSO);
+ if (!swm.Succeeded())
+ throw (uint32_t)EACC_STOPPED;
- if (msgs || POP3_DELETEFROMCHECK == POP3PluginParam) {
- try {
+ if (msgs || POP3_DELETEFROMCHECK == POP3PluginParam) {
for (i = 0, MsgQueuePtr = DeleteMails; MsgQueuePtr != nullptr; i++) {
@@ -1002,11 +943,11 @@ void __cdecl DeleteMailsPOP3(void *param)
Temp = MsgQueuePtr->Next;
if (POP3_FOK == MyClient->AckFlag) //if server answers that mail was deleted
- DeleteMIMEMessage((HYAMNMAIL *)&DeleteMails, MsgQueuePtr);
- HYAMNMAIL DeletedMail = FindMIMEMessageByID((HYAMNMAIL)ActualAccount->Mails, MsgQueuePtr->ID);
+ DeleteMessageFromQueueFcn((HYAMNMAIL *)&DeleteMails, MsgQueuePtr);
+ HYAMNMAIL DeletedMail = FindMessageByIDFcn((HYAMNMAIL)ActualAccount->Mails, MsgQueuePtr->ID);
if ((MsgQueuePtr->Flags & YAMN_MSG_MEMDELETE)) //if mail should be deleted from memory (or disk)
- DeleteMIMEMessage((HYAMNMAIL *)&ActualAccount->Mails, DeletedMail); //remove from queue
+ DeleteMessageFromQueueFcn((HYAMNMAIL *)&ActualAccount->Mails, DeletedMail); //remove from queue
else //else mark it only as "deleted mail"
@@ -1027,33 +968,27 @@ void __cdecl DeleteMailsPOP3(void *param)
MsgQueuePtr = MsgQueuePtr->Next;
- }
- catch (...) //if any exception in the code where we have write-access to account occured, don't forget to leave write-access
- {
- MsgsWriteDone(ActualAccount);
- throw; //and go to the main exception handling
- }
- if (NewMails != nullptr)
- // in ActualAccount->Mails we have all mails stored before calling this function
- // in NewMails we have all mails not found in DeleteMails (in other words: we performed new ID checking and we
- // stored all mails found on server, then we deleted the ones we wanted to delete in this function
- // and NewMails queue now contains actual state of mails on server). But we will not use NewMails as actual state, because NewMails does not contain header data (subject, from...)
- // We perform deleting from ActualAccount->Mails: we remove from original queue (ActualAccount->Mails) all deleted mails
- SynchroMessages(ActualAccount, (HYAMNMAIL *)&ActualAccount->Mails, nullptr, (HYAMNMAIL *)&NewMails, nullptr);
- // Now ActualAccount->Mails contains all mails when calling this function except the ones, we wanted to delete (these are in DeleteMails)
- // And in NewMails we have new mails (if any)
- else if (POP3_DELETEFROMCHECK != POP3PluginParam) {
- DeleteMIMEQueue(ActualAccount, (HYAMNMAIL)ActualAccount->Mails);
+ if (NewMails != nullptr)
+ // in ActualAccount->Mails we have all mails stored before calling this function
+ // in NewMails we have all mails not found in DeleteMails (in other words: we performed new ID checking and we
+ // stored all mails found on server, then we deleted the ones we wanted to delete in this function
+ // and NewMails queue now contains actual state of mails on server). But we will not use NewMails as actual state, because NewMails does not contain header data (subject, from...)
+ // We perform deleting from ActualAccount->Mails: we remove from original queue (ActualAccount->Mails) all deleted mails
+ SynchroMessagesFcn(ActualAccount, (HYAMNMAIL *)&ActualAccount->Mails, nullptr, (HYAMNMAIL *)&NewMails, nullptr);
+ // Now ActualAccount->Mails contains all mails when calling this function except the ones, we wanted to delete (these are in DeleteMails)
+ // And in NewMails we have new mails (if any)
+ else if (POP3_DELETEFROMCHECK != POP3PluginParam) {
+ DeleteMessagesToEndFcn(ActualAccount, (HYAMNMAIL)ActualAccount->Mails);
+ ActualAccount->Mails = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ DeleteMessagesToEndFcn(ActualAccount, (HYAMNMAIL)ActualAccount->Mails);
ActualAccount->Mails = nullptr;
- else {
- DeleteMIMEQueue(ActualAccount, (HYAMNMAIL)ActualAccount->Mails);
- ActualAccount->Mails = nullptr;
- }
- MsgsWriteDone(ActualAccount);
DebugLog(DecodeFile, "</--------Deleting requested mails-------->\n");
@@ -1065,18 +1000,17 @@ void __cdecl DeleteMailsPOP3(void *param)
// else leave connection open
// if this functin was called from SynchroPOP3, then do not try to disconnect
if (POP3_DELETEFROMCHECK != POP3PluginParam) {
- YAMN_MAILBROWSERPARAM Param = {(HANDLE)nullptr, ActualAccount, ActualCopied.NFlags, YAMN_ACC_MSGP, YAMNParam};
+ YAMN_MAILBROWSERPARAM Param = { ActualAccount, ActualCopied.NFlags, YAMN_ACC_MSGP, YAMNParam};
- if (0 == SCGetNumber(ActualAccount->InternetQueries)) {
+ if (0 == ActualAccount->InternetQueries.GetNumber()) {
DataRX = MyClient->Quit();
if (DataRX != nullptr)
DataRX = nullptr;
- SetAccountStatus(ActualAccount, TranslateT("Disconnected"));
+ SetStatusFcn(ActualAccount, TranslateT("Disconnected"));
UsingInternet = FALSE;
@@ -1114,15 +1048,14 @@ void __cdecl DeleteMailsPOP3(void *param)
- DeleteMIMEQueue(ActualAccount, NewMails);
- DeleteMIMEQueue(ActualAccount, DeleteMails);
+ DeleteMessagesToEndFcn(ActualAccount, NewMails);
+ DeleteMessagesToEndFcn(ActualAccount, DeleteMails);
DebugLog(CommFile, "</--------Communication-------->\n");
// WriteAccounts();
- SCDec(ActualAccount->UsingThreads);
diff --git a/protocols/YAMN/src/proto/pop3/pop3comm.h b/protocols/YAMN/src/proto/pop3/pop3comm.h
index f8edceb731..7a6d339d8d 100644
--- a/protocols/YAMN/src/proto/pop3/pop3comm.h
+++ b/protocols/YAMN/src/proto/pop3/pop3comm.h
@@ -3,38 +3,37 @@
#define POP3_FILEVERSION 1 //Version of aditional information stored in book file
-typedef struct CPOP3Account: public CAccount
+struct CPOP3Account : public CAccount
-// We can use SCOUNTER structure, because this is internal plugin.
-// This SO is used to determine if any POP3 account is in "write access" mode
- static PSCOUNTER AccountWriterSO;
+ // We can use SCOUNTER structure, because this is internal plugin.
+ // This SO is used to determine if any POP3 account is in "write access" mode
+ static SCOUNTER AccountWriterSO;
-// It is usefull to have client structure in account. With this structure we have access to account's socket.
-// This is related to InternetQueries and UseInternetFree
-// This member should be synchronized with UseInternetFree
+ // It is usefull to have client structure in account. With this structure we have access to account's socket.
+ // This is related to InternetQueries and UseInternetFree
+ // This member should be synchronized with UseInternetFree
class CPop3Client Client;
-// This member is usefull for MIME headers. It is default codepage, if no other codepage found
+ // This member is usefull for MIME headers. It is default codepage, if no other codepage found
uint16_t CP; //access only through AccountAccessSO
-// In this memeber last error code is stored
+ // In this memeber last error code is stored
uint32_t SystemError; //access through UseInternetFree
-// We use only counter from this object and it is # of threads waiting to work on internet.
-// We use event UseInternet to access critical sections.
-// It is usefull in 2 ways: we have mutual exclusion that only one thread works with account on internet.
-// Thread, which has done its work with account on internet can close socket, but it is not needed, when any other
-// thread wants to work (e.g. we have deleted mails, but when deleting, another thread wants to check new mail, so
-// we delete all needed mails and check if there's thread that wants to work. If yes, we do not need to quit session,
-// we leave socket open, and leave internet. Another thread then start checking and does not connect, does not send
-// user and password... because socket is open- it continues)
- PSCOUNTER InternetQueries;
+ // We use only counter from this object and it is # of threads waiting to work on internet.
+ // We use event UseInternet to access critical sections.
+ // It is usefull in 2 ways: we have mutual exclusion that only one thread works with account on internet.
+ // Thread, which has done its work with account on internet can close socket, but it is not needed, when any other
+ // thread wants to work (e.g. we have deleted mails, but when deleting, another thread wants to check new mail, so
+ // we delete all needed mails and check if there's thread that wants to work. If yes, we do not need to quit session,
+ // we leave socket open, and leave internet. Another thread then start checking and does not connect, does not send
+ // user and password... because socket is open- it continues)
+ SCOUNTER InternetQueries;
HANDLE UseInternetFree;
typedef struct POP3LayeredError
@@ -45,31 +44,6 @@ typedef struct POP3LayeredError
uint32_t SystemError;
-struct YAMNExportedFcns
-struct MailExportedFcns
EACC_QUEUEALLOC=1, //memory allocation
diff --git a/protocols/YAMN/src/proto/pop3/pop3opt.cpp b/protocols/YAMN/src/proto/pop3/pop3opt.cpp
index 7cf85e5b76..25937acbbb 100644
--- a/protocols/YAMN/src/proto/pop3/pop3opt.cpp
+++ b/protocols/YAMN/src/proto/pop3/pop3opt.cpp
@@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ struct CBaseOptionsDlg : public CDlgBase
CDlgBase(g_plugin, iDlgId)
- void DlgShowAccount(HPOP3ACCOUNT pAccount)
+ void DlgShowAccount(CPOP3Account* pAccount)
int i;
if (pAccount) {
// we do not need to check if account is deleted. It is not deleted, because only thread that can delete account is this thread
- WaitToRead(pAccount);
+ SReadGuard sra(pAccount->AccountAccessSO);
DlgSetItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_EDITSERVER, pAccount->Server->Name);
DlgSetItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_EDITNAME, pAccount->Name);
@@ -89,9 +89,8 @@ struct CBaseOptionsDlg : public CDlgBase
wchar_t accstatus[256];
- GetAccountStatus(pAccount, accstatus);
+ GetStatusFcn(pAccount, accstatus);
SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_STSTATUS, accstatus);
- ReadDone(pAccount);
else {
DlgSetItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_EDITSERVER, nullptr);
@@ -172,11 +171,10 @@ struct CGeneralOptDlg : public CBaseOptionsDlg
-static BOOL DlgShowAccountStatus(HWND hDlg, HPOP3ACCOUNT ActualAccount)
+static BOOL DlgShowAccountStatus(HWND hDlg, CPOP3Account* ActualAccount)
if (ActualAccount) {
- WaitToRead(ActualAccount); //we do not need to check if account is deleted. It is not deleted, because only thread that can delete account is this thread
+ SReadGuard sra(ActualAccount->AccountAccessSO);
CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_CHECKST0, ActualAccount->StatusFlags & YAMN_ACC_ST0 ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED);
CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_CHECKST1, ActualAccount->StatusFlags & YAMN_ACC_ST1 ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED);
CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_CHECKST2, ActualAccount->StatusFlags & YAMN_ACC_ST2 ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED);
@@ -185,8 +183,6 @@ static BOOL DlgShowAccountStatus(HWND hDlg, HPOP3ACCOUNT ActualAccount)
CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_CHECKST5, ActualAccount->StatusFlags & YAMN_ACC_ST5 ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED);
CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_CHECKST6, ActualAccount->StatusFlags & YAMN_ACC_ST6 ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED);
CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_CHECKST7, ActualAccount->StatusFlags & YAMN_ACC_ST7 ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED);
- ReadDone(ActualAccount);
else {
@@ -203,10 +199,10 @@ static BOOL DlgShowAccountStatus(HWND hDlg, HPOP3ACCOUNT ActualAccount)
static INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcPOP3AccStatusOpt(HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM)
- static HPOP3ACCOUNT ActualAccount;
+ static CPOP3Account* ActualAccount;
switch (msg) {
+ ActualAccount = (CPOP3Account*)CallService(MS_YAMN_FINDACCOUNTBYNAME, (WPARAM)POP3Plugin, (LPARAM)DlgInput);
if (ActualAccount != nullptr) {
DlgShowAccountStatus(hDlg, ActualAccount);
for (auto &it : g_iStatusControls)
@@ -252,7 +248,7 @@ class CAccOptDlg : public CBaseOptionsDlg
INT_PTR Result;
UCHAR ActualStatus;
- HPOP3ACCOUNT ActualAccount = nullptr;
+ CPOP3Account* ActualAccount = nullptr;
CCtrlCheck chkContact, chkSsl, chkApp;
CCtrlCombo cmbAccount, cmbCP;
@@ -338,15 +334,13 @@ public:
// Fill accounts
- WaitToReadSO(POP3Plugin->AccountBrowserSO);
- for (ActualAccount = (HPOP3ACCOUNT)POP3Plugin->FirstAccount; ActualAccount != nullptr; ActualAccount = (HPOP3ACCOUNT)ActualAccount->Next)
- if (ActualAccount->Name != nullptr)
- cmbAccount.AddStringA(ActualAccount->Name);
+ { SReadGuard srb(POP3Plugin->AccountBrowserSO);
+ for (ActualAccount = (CPOP3Account *)POP3Plugin->FirstAccount; ActualAccount != nullptr; ActualAccount = (CPOP3Account *)ActualAccount->Next)
+ if (ActualAccount->Name != nullptr)
+ cmbAccount.AddStringA(ActualAccount->Name);
+ }
- ReadDoneSO(POP3Plugin->AccountBrowserSO);
// Fill code pages
for (int i = 1; i < CPLENSUPP; i++) {
@@ -360,22 +354,22 @@ public:
ActualAccount = nullptr;
SendMessage(GetParent(m_hwnd), PSM_UNCHANGED, (WPARAM)m_hwnd, 0);
- WindowList_Add(pYAMNVar->MessageWnds, m_hwnd);
+ WindowList_Add(YAMNVar.MessageWnds, m_hwnd);
return true;
void OnDestroy() override
- WindowList_Remove(pYAMNVar->MessageWnds, m_hwnd);
+ WindowList_Remove(YAMNVar.MessageWnds, m_hwnd);
INT_PTR DlgProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) override
switch (msg) {
- if ((HPOP3ACCOUNT)wParam == ActualAccount) {
+ if ((CPOP3Account*)wParam == ActualAccount) {
wchar_t accstatus[256];
- GetAccountStatus(ActualAccount, accstatus);
+ GetStatusFcn(ActualAccount, accstatus);
SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_STSTATUS, accstatus);
return TRUE;
@@ -386,7 +380,7 @@ public:
return TRUE;
- if ((HPOP3ACCOUNT)wParam == ActualAccount) {
+ if ((CPOP3Account*)wParam == ActualAccount) {
wchar_t Text[256];
mir_snwprintf(Text, TranslateT("Time left to next check [s]: %d"), (uint32_t)lParam);
SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_STTIMELEFT, Text);
@@ -406,7 +400,7 @@ public:
void onKillFocus_Account(CCtrlCombo *)
GetDlgItemTextA(m_hwnd, IDC_COMBOACCOUNT, DlgInput, _countof(DlgInput));
- if (nullptr == (ActualAccount = (HPOP3ACCOUNT)CallService(MS_YAMN_FINDACCOUNTBYNAME, (WPARAM)POP3Plugin, (LPARAM)DlgInput))) {
+ if (nullptr == (ActualAccount = (CPOP3Account*)CallService(MS_YAMN_FINDACCOUNTBYNAME, (WPARAM)POP3Plugin, (LPARAM)DlgInput))) {
DlgSetItemText(m_hwnd, (WPARAM)IDC_STTIMELEFT, nullptr);
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_BTNDEL), FALSE);
DlgEnableAccount(mir_strlen(DlgInput) > 0);
@@ -423,7 +417,7 @@ public:
if (CB_ERR != (Result = cmbAccount.GetCurSel()))
SendDlgItemMessageA(m_hwnd, IDC_COMBOACCOUNT, CB_GETLBTEXT, (WPARAM)Result, (LPARAM)DlgInput);
- if ((Result == CB_ERR) || (nullptr == (ActualAccount = (HPOP3ACCOUNT)CallService(MS_YAMN_FINDACCOUNTBYNAME, (WPARAM)POP3Plugin, (LPARAM)DlgInput)))) {
+ if ((Result == CB_ERR) || (nullptr == (ActualAccount = (CPOP3Account*)CallService(MS_YAMN_FINDACCOUNTBYNAME, (WPARAM)POP3Plugin, (LPARAM)DlgInput)))) {
DlgSetItemText(m_hwnd, (WPARAM)IDC_STTIMELEFT, nullptr);
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_BTNDEL), FALSE);
@@ -515,7 +509,7 @@ public:
GetDlgItemTextA(m_hwnd, IDC_COMBOACCOUNT, DlgInput, _countof(DlgInput));
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_BTNDEL), FALSE);
if ((CB_ERR == (Result = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_COMBOACCOUNT, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)))
- || (nullptr == (ActualAccount = (HPOP3ACCOUNT)CallService(MS_YAMN_FINDACCOUNTBYNAME, (WPARAM)POP3Plugin, (LPARAM)DlgInput))))
+ || (nullptr == (ActualAccount = (CPOP3Account*)CallService(MS_YAMN_FINDACCOUNTBYNAME, (WPARAM)POP3Plugin, (LPARAM)DlgInput))))
if (IDOK != MessageBox(m_hwnd, TranslateT("Do you really want to delete this account?"), TranslateT("Delete account confirmation"), MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONWARNING))
@@ -546,7 +540,8 @@ public:
char Text[MAX_PATH];
wchar_t TextW[MAX_PATH];
BOOL Translated, NewAcc = FALSE;
- size_t Length, index;
+ size_t Length;
+ int index;
if (!GetDlgItemTextA(m_hwnd, IDC_COMBOACCOUNT, Text, _countof(Text)))
return false;
@@ -600,129 +595,121 @@ public:
DlgSetItemTextW(m_hwnd, IDC_STTIMELEFT, TranslateT("Please wait while no account is in use."));
- if (nullptr == (ActualAccount = (HPOP3ACCOUNT)CallService(MS_YAMN_FINDACCOUNTBYNAME, (WPARAM)POP3Plugin, (LPARAM)Text))) {
+ if (nullptr == (ActualAccount = (CPOP3Account*)CallService(MS_YAMN_FINDACCOUNTBYNAME, (WPARAM)POP3Plugin, (LPARAM)Text))) {
NewAcc = TRUE;
- WaitToWriteSO(POP3Plugin->AccountBrowserSO);
- WriteDoneSO(POP3Plugin->AccountBrowserSO);
+ SWriteGuard swb(POP3Plugin->AccountBrowserSO);
+ if (nullptr == (ActualAccount = (CPOP3Account*)CallService(MS_YAMN_GETNEXTFREEACCOUNT, (WPARAM)POP3Plugin, (LPARAM)YAMN_ACCOUNTVERSION))) {
+ swb.Uninit();
MessageBox(m_hwnd, TranslateT("Cannot allocate memory space for new account"), TranslateT("Memory error"), MB_OK);
return false;
- else { // We have to get full access to AccountBrowser, so other iterating thrads cannot get new account until new account is right set
- WaitToWriteSO(POP3Plugin->AccountBrowserSO);
- }
- if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != WaitToWrite(ActualAccount))
- WriteDoneSO(POP3Plugin->AccountBrowserSO);
- GetDlgItemTextA(m_hwnd, IDC_EDITNAME, Text, _countof(Text));
- if (!(Length = mir_strlen(Text)))
- return false;
- if (nullptr != ActualAccount->Name)
- delete[] ActualAccount->Name;
- ActualAccount->Name = new char[mir_strlen(Text) + 1];
- mir_strcpy(ActualAccount->Name, Text);
- GetDlgItemTextA(m_hwnd, IDC_EDITSERVER, Text, _countof(Text));
- if (nullptr != ActualAccount->Server->Name)
- delete[] ActualAccount->Server->Name;
- ActualAccount->Server->Name = new char[mir_strlen(Text) + 1];
- mir_strcpy(ActualAccount->Server->Name, Text);
- GetDlgItemTextA(m_hwnd, IDC_EDITLOGIN, Text, _countof(Text));
- if (nullptr != ActualAccount->Server->Login)
- delete[] ActualAccount->Server->Login;
- ActualAccount->Server->Login = new char[mir_strlen(Text) + 1];
- mir_strcpy(ActualAccount->Server->Login, Text);
- GetDlgItemTextA(m_hwnd, IDC_EDITPASS, Text, _countof(Text));
- if (nullptr != ActualAccount->Server->Passwd)
- delete[] ActualAccount->Server->Passwd;
- ActualAccount->Server->Passwd = new char[mir_strlen(Text) + 1];
- mir_strcpy(ActualAccount->Server->Passwd, Text);
- GetDlgItemTextW(m_hwnd, IDC_EDITAPP, TextW, _countof(TextW));
- if (nullptr != ActualAccount->NewMailN.App)
- delete[] ActualAccount->NewMailN.App;
- ActualAccount->NewMailN.App = new wchar_t[mir_wstrlen(TextW) + 1];
- mir_wstrcpy(ActualAccount->NewMailN.App, TextW);
- GetDlgItemTextW(m_hwnd, IDC_EDITAPPPARAM, TextW, _countof(TextW));
- if (nullptr != ActualAccount->NewMailN.AppParam)
- delete[] ActualAccount->NewMailN.AppParam;
- ActualAccount->NewMailN.AppParam = new wchar_t[mir_wstrlen(TextW) + 1];
- mir_wstrcpy(ActualAccount->NewMailN.AppParam, TextW);
- ActualAccount->Server->Port = Port;
- ActualAccount->Interval = Interval * 60;
- if (CB_ERR == (index = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_COMBOCP, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)))
- index = CPDEFINDEX;
- ActualAccount->CP = CodePageNamesSupp[index].CP;
- if (NewAcc)
- ActualAccount->TimeLeft = Interval * 60;
- BOOL CheckStart = (IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, IDC_CHECKSTART) == BST_CHECKED);
- BOOL CheckForce = (IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, IDC_CHECKFORCE) == BST_CHECKED);
- ActualAccount->Flags =
- (Check ? YAMN_ACC_ENA : 0) |
- (CheckSSL ? YAMN_ACC_SSL23 : 0) |
- (CheckNoTLS ? YAMN_ACC_NOTLS : 0) |
- (CheckAPOP ? YAMN_ACC_APOP : 0) |
- (CheckABody ? YAMN_ACC_BODY : 0) |
- (ActualAccount->Flags & YAMN_ACC_POPN);
- ActualAccount->StatusFlags &= 0xFFFF;
- ActualAccount->StatusFlags |=
- (CheckStart ? YAMN_ACC_STARTS : 0) |
- (CheckForce ? YAMN_ACC_FORCE : 0);
- ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags =
- (CheckMsg ? YAMN_ACC_MSG : 0) |
- (CheckIco ? YAMN_ACC_ICO : 0) |
- (ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_POP) |
- (ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_POPC) |
- (CheckApp ? YAMN_ACC_APP : 0) |
- (CheckKBN ? YAMN_ACC_KBN : 0) |
- (CheckContact ? YAMN_ACC_CONT : 0) |
- (CheckContactNick ? YAMN_ACC_CONTNICK : 0) |
- (CheckContactNoEvent ? YAMN_ACC_CONTNOEVENT : 0) |
- YAMN_ACC_MSGP; //this is default: when new mail arrives and window was displayed, leave it displayed.
- ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.Flags =
- (ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_POP) |
- (ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_POPC) |
- (CheckNMsgP ? YAMN_ACC_MSGP : 0);
- ActualAccount->BadConnectN.Flags =
- (CheckFMsg ? YAMN_ACC_MSG : 0) |
- (CheckFIco ? YAMN_ACC_ICO : 0) |
- (ActualAccount->BadConnectN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_POP) |
- (ActualAccount->BadConnectN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_POPC);
- WriteDone(ActualAccount);
- WriteDoneSO(POP3Plugin->AccountBrowserSO);
+ {
+ SWriteGuard swa(ActualAccount->AccountAccessSO);
+ if (swa.Succeeded()) {
+ GetDlgItemTextA(m_hwnd, IDC_EDITNAME, Text, _countof(Text));
+ if (!(Length = mir_strlen(Text)))
+ return false;
+ if (nullptr != ActualAccount->Name)
+ delete[] ActualAccount->Name;
+ ActualAccount->Name = new char[mir_strlen(Text) + 1];
+ mir_strcpy(ActualAccount->Name, Text);
+ GetDlgItemTextA(m_hwnd, IDC_EDITSERVER, Text, _countof(Text));
+ if (nullptr != ActualAccount->Server->Name)
+ delete[] ActualAccount->Server->Name;
+ ActualAccount->Server->Name = new char[mir_strlen(Text) + 1];
+ mir_strcpy(ActualAccount->Server->Name, Text);
+ GetDlgItemTextA(m_hwnd, IDC_EDITLOGIN, Text, _countof(Text));
+ if (nullptr != ActualAccount->Server->Login)
+ delete[] ActualAccount->Server->Login;
+ ActualAccount->Server->Login = new char[mir_strlen(Text) + 1];
+ mir_strcpy(ActualAccount->Server->Login, Text);
+ GetDlgItemTextA(m_hwnd, IDC_EDITPASS, Text, _countof(Text));
+ if (nullptr != ActualAccount->Server->Passwd)
+ delete[] ActualAccount->Server->Passwd;
+ ActualAccount->Server->Passwd = new char[mir_strlen(Text) + 1];
+ mir_strcpy(ActualAccount->Server->Passwd, Text);
+ GetDlgItemTextW(m_hwnd, IDC_EDITAPP, TextW, _countof(TextW));
+ if (nullptr != ActualAccount->NewMailN.App)
+ delete[] ActualAccount->NewMailN.App;
+ ActualAccount->NewMailN.App = new wchar_t[mir_wstrlen(TextW) + 1];
+ mir_wstrcpy(ActualAccount->NewMailN.App, TextW);
+ GetDlgItemTextW(m_hwnd, IDC_EDITAPPPARAM, TextW, _countof(TextW));
+ if (nullptr != ActualAccount->NewMailN.AppParam)
+ delete[] ActualAccount->NewMailN.AppParam;
+ ActualAccount->NewMailN.AppParam = new wchar_t[mir_wstrlen(TextW) + 1];
+ mir_wstrcpy(ActualAccount->NewMailN.AppParam, TextW);
+ ActualAccount->Server->Port = Port;
+ ActualAccount->Interval = Interval * 60;
+ if (CB_ERR == (index = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_COMBOCP, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)))
+ index = CPDEFINDEX;
+ ActualAccount->CP = CodePageNamesSupp[index].CP;
+ if (NewAcc)
+ ActualAccount->TimeLeft = Interval * 60;
+ BOOL CheckStart = (IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, IDC_CHECKSTART) == BST_CHECKED);
+ BOOL CheckForce = (IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, IDC_CHECKFORCE) == BST_CHECKED);
+ ActualAccount->Flags =
+ (Check ? YAMN_ACC_ENA : 0) |
+ (CheckSSL ? YAMN_ACC_SSL23 : 0) |
+ (CheckNoTLS ? YAMN_ACC_NOTLS : 0) |
+ (CheckAPOP ? YAMN_ACC_APOP : 0) |
+ (CheckABody ? YAMN_ACC_BODY : 0) |
+ (ActualAccount->Flags & YAMN_ACC_POPN);
+ ActualAccount->StatusFlags &= 0xFFFF;
+ ActualAccount->StatusFlags |=
+ (CheckStart ? YAMN_ACC_STARTS : 0) |
+ (CheckForce ? YAMN_ACC_FORCE : 0);
+ ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags =
+ (CheckMsg ? YAMN_ACC_MSG : 0) |
+ (CheckIco ? YAMN_ACC_ICO : 0) |
+ (ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_POP) |
+ (ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_POPC) |
+ (CheckApp ? YAMN_ACC_APP : 0) |
+ (CheckKBN ? YAMN_ACC_KBN : 0) |
+ (CheckContact ? YAMN_ACC_CONT : 0) |
+ (CheckContactNick ? YAMN_ACC_CONTNICK : 0) |
+ (CheckContactNoEvent ? YAMN_ACC_CONTNOEVENT : 0) |
+ YAMN_ACC_MSGP; //this is default: when new mail arrives and window was displayed, leave it displayed.
+ ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.Flags =
+ (ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_POP) |
+ (ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_POPC) |
+ (CheckNMsgP ? YAMN_ACC_MSGP : 0);
+ ActualAccount->BadConnectN.Flags =
+ (CheckFMsg ? YAMN_ACC_MSG : 0) |
+ (CheckFIco ? YAMN_ACC_ICO : 0) |
+ (ActualAccount->BadConnectN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_POP) |
+ (ActualAccount->BadConnectN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_POPC);
+ }
+ }
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_BTNDEL), TRUE);
DlgSetItemText(m_hwnd, (WPARAM)IDC_STTIMELEFT, nullptr);
- index = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_COMBOACCOUNT, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
+ index = cmbAccount.GetCurSel();
+ cmbAccount.ResetContent();
- HPOP3ACCOUNT temp = ActualAccount;
- SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_COMBOACCOUNT, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
if (POP3Plugin->FirstAccount != nullptr)
- for (ActualAccount = (HPOP3ACCOUNT)POP3Plugin->FirstAccount; ActualAccount != nullptr; ActualAccount = (HPOP3ACCOUNT)ActualAccount->Next)
- if (ActualAccount->Name != nullptr)
- SendDlgItemMessageA(m_hwnd, IDC_COMBOACCOUNT, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)ActualAccount->Name);
+ for (auto *p = POP3Plugin->FirstAccount; p != nullptr; p = p->Next)
+ if (p->Name != nullptr)
+ cmbAccount.AddStringA(p->Name);
- ActualAccount = temp;
- SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_COMBOACCOUNT, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)index, (LPARAM)ActualAccount->Name);
+ index = cmbAccount.SetCurSel(index);
@@ -735,7 +722,7 @@ public:
class CPopupOptsDlg : public CBaseOptionsDlg
- HPOP3ACCOUNT ActualAccount = nullptr;
+ CPOP3Account* ActualAccount = nullptr;
UCHAR ActualStatus;
CCtrlCombo cmbAccount, cmbCP;
@@ -745,7 +732,7 @@ class CPopupOptsDlg : public CBaseOptionsDlg
void DlgShowAccountPopup()
if (ActualAccount) {
- WaitToRead(ActualAccount); //we do not need to check if account is deleted. It is not deleted, because only thread that can delete account is this thread
+ SReadGuard sra(ActualAccount->AccountAccessSO);
SetDlgItemInt(m_hwnd, IDC_EDITPOPS, ActualAccount->NewMailN.PopupTime, FALSE);
SetDlgItemInt(m_hwnd, IDC_EDITNPOPS, ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.PopupTime, FALSE);
SetDlgItemInt(m_hwnd, IDC_EDITFPOPS, ActualAccount->BadConnectN.PopupTime, FALSE);
@@ -758,7 +745,6 @@ class CPopupOptsDlg : public CBaseOptionsDlg
chkFcol.SetState(ActualAccount->BadConnectN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_POPC);
CheckDlgButton(m_hwnd, IDC_RADIOPOPN, ActualAccount->Flags & YAMN_ACC_POPN ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED);
CheckDlgButton(m_hwnd, IDC_RADIOPOP1, ActualAccount->Flags & YAMN_ACC_POPN ? BST_UNCHECKED : BST_CHECKED);
- ReadDone(ActualAccount);
else { // default
SetDlgItemInt(m_hwnd, IDC_EDITPOPS, 0, FALSE);
@@ -801,7 +787,7 @@ class CPopupOptsDlg : public CBaseOptionsDlg
void DlgShowAccountColors()
- WaitToRead(ActualAccount); //we do not need to check if account is deleted. It is not deleted, because only thread that can delete account is this thread
+ SReadGuard sra(ActualAccount->AccountAccessSO);
if (ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_POPC) {
SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_CPB, CPM_SETCOLOUR, 0, (LPARAM)ActualAccount->NewMailN.PopupB);
@@ -827,8 +813,6 @@ class CPopupOptsDlg : public CBaseOptionsDlg
SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_CPNB, CPM_SETCOLOUR, 0, (LPARAM)GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE));
SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_CPNT, CPM_SETCOLOUR, 0, (LPARAM)GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT));
- ReadDone(ActualAccount); //we do not need to check if account is deleted. It is not deleted, because only thread that can delete account is this thread
@@ -859,19 +843,17 @@ public:
bool OnInitDialog() override
- WindowList_Add(pYAMNVar->MessageWnds, m_hwnd);
+ WindowList_Add(YAMNVar.MessageWnds, m_hwnd);
- WaitToReadSO(POP3Plugin->AccountBrowserSO);
- if (POP3Plugin->FirstAccount != nullptr)
- for (ActualAccount = (HPOP3ACCOUNT)POP3Plugin->FirstAccount; ActualAccount != nullptr; ActualAccount = (HPOP3ACCOUNT)ActualAccount->Next)
- if (ActualAccount->Name != nullptr)
- cmbAccount.AddStringA(ActualAccount->Name);
- ReadDoneSO(POP3Plugin->AccountBrowserSO);
+ {
+ SReadGuard srb(POP3Plugin->AccountBrowserSO);
+ if (POP3Plugin->FirstAccount != nullptr)
+ for (ActualAccount = (CPOP3Account *)POP3Plugin->FirstAccount; ActualAccount != nullptr; ActualAccount = (CPOP3Account *)ActualAccount->Next)
+ if (ActualAccount->Name != nullptr)
+ cmbAccount.AddStringA(ActualAccount->Name);
+ }
ActualAccount = nullptr;
return true;
@@ -879,13 +861,13 @@ public:
void OnDestroy() override
- WindowList_Remove(pYAMNVar->MessageWnds, m_hwnd);
+ WindowList_Remove(YAMNVar.MessageWnds, m_hwnd);
void onKillFocus_Account(CCtrlCombo *)
GetDlgItemTextA(m_hwnd, IDC_COMBOACCOUNT, DlgInput, _countof(DlgInput));
- if (nullptr == (ActualAccount = (HPOP3ACCOUNT)CallService(MS_YAMN_FINDACCOUNTBYNAME, (WPARAM)POP3Plugin, (LPARAM)DlgInput))) {
+ if (nullptr == (ActualAccount = (CPOP3Account*)CallService(MS_YAMN_FINDACCOUNTBYNAME, (WPARAM)POP3Plugin, (LPARAM)DlgInput))) {
DlgSetItemText(m_hwnd, (WPARAM)IDC_STTIMELEFT, nullptr);
if (mir_strlen(DlgInput))
@@ -901,10 +883,10 @@ public:
void onSelChange_Account(CCtrlCombo *)
- int Result = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_COMBOACCOUNT, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
+ int Result = cmbAccount.GetCurSel();
if (CB_ERR != Result)
SendDlgItemMessageA(m_hwnd, IDC_COMBOACCOUNT, CB_GETLBTEXT, (WPARAM)Result, (LPARAM)DlgInput);
- if ((Result == CB_ERR) || (nullptr == (ActualAccount = (HPOP3ACCOUNT)CallService(MS_YAMN_FINDACCOUNTBYNAME, (WPARAM)POP3Plugin, (LPARAM)DlgInput)))) {
+ if ((Result == CB_ERR) || (nullptr == (ActualAccount = (CPOP3Account*)CallService(MS_YAMN_FINDACCOUNTBYNAME, (WPARAM)POP3Plugin, (LPARAM)DlgInput)))) {
DlgSetItemText(m_hwnd, (WPARAM)IDC_STTIMELEFT, nullptr);
else {
@@ -1049,53 +1031,52 @@ public:
DlgSetItemTextW(m_hwnd, IDC_STTIMELEFT, TranslateT("Please wait while no account is in use."));
- ActualAccount->Flags =
- (ActualAccount->Flags & YAMN_ACC_ENA) |
- (ActualAccount->Flags & YAMN_ACC_SSL23) |
- (ActualAccount->Flags & YAMN_ACC_NOTLS) |
- (ActualAccount->Flags & YAMN_ACC_APOP) |
- (ActualAccount->Flags & YAMN_ACC_BODY) |
- (CheckPopN ? YAMN_ACC_POPN : 0);
- ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags =
- (ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_MSG) |
- (ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_ICO) |
- (CheckPopup ? YAMN_ACC_POP : 0) |
- (CheckPopupW ? YAMN_ACC_POPC : 0) |
- (ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_APP) |
- (ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_KBN) |
- (ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_CONT) |
- (ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_CONTNICK) |
- (ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_CONTNOEVENT) |
- ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.Flags =
- (CheckNPopup ? YAMN_ACC_POP : 0) |
- (CheckNPopupW ? YAMN_ACC_POPC : 0) |
- (ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_MSGP);
- ActualAccount->BadConnectN.Flags =
- (ActualAccount->BadConnectN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_MSG) |
- (ActualAccount->BadConnectN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_ICO) |
- (CheckFPopup ? YAMN_ACC_POP : 0) |
- (CheckFPopupW ? YAMN_ACC_POPC : 0);
- ActualAccount->NewMailN.PopupB = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_CPB, CPM_GETCOLOUR, 0, 0);
- ActualAccount->NewMailN.PopupT = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_CPT, CPM_GETCOLOUR, 0, 0);
- ActualAccount->NewMailN.PopupTime = Time;
- ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.PopupB = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_CPNB, CPM_GETCOLOUR, 0, 0);
- ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.PopupT = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_CPNT, CPM_GETCOLOUR, 0, 0);
- ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.PopupTime = TimeN;
- ActualAccount->BadConnectN.PopupB = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_CPFB, CPM_GETCOLOUR, 0, 0);
- ActualAccount->BadConnectN.PopupT = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_CPFT, CPM_GETCOLOUR, 0, 0);
- ActualAccount->BadConnectN.PopupTime = TimeF;
- WriteDone(ActualAccount);
- WriteDoneSO(POP3Plugin->AccountBrowserSO);
+ {
+ SWriteGuard swa(ActualAccount->AccountAccessSO);
+ ActualAccount->Flags =
+ (ActualAccount->Flags & YAMN_ACC_ENA) |
+ (ActualAccount->Flags & YAMN_ACC_SSL23) |
+ (ActualAccount->Flags & YAMN_ACC_NOTLS) |
+ (ActualAccount->Flags & YAMN_ACC_APOP) |
+ (ActualAccount->Flags & YAMN_ACC_BODY) |
+ (CheckPopN ? YAMN_ACC_POPN : 0);
+ ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags =
+ (ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_MSG) |
+ (ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_ICO) |
+ (CheckPopup ? YAMN_ACC_POP : 0) |
+ (CheckPopupW ? YAMN_ACC_POPC : 0) |
+ (ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_APP) |
+ (ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_KBN) |
+ (ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_CONT) |
+ (ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_CONTNICK) |
+ (ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_CONTNOEVENT) |
+ ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.Flags =
+ (CheckNPopup ? YAMN_ACC_POP : 0) |
+ (CheckNPopupW ? YAMN_ACC_POPC : 0) |
+ (ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_MSGP);
+ ActualAccount->BadConnectN.Flags =
+ (ActualAccount->BadConnectN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_MSG) |
+ (ActualAccount->BadConnectN.Flags & YAMN_ACC_ICO) |
+ (CheckFPopup ? YAMN_ACC_POP : 0) |
+ (CheckFPopupW ? YAMN_ACC_POPC : 0);
+ ActualAccount->NewMailN.PopupB = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_CPB, CPM_GETCOLOUR, 0, 0);
+ ActualAccount->NewMailN.PopupT = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_CPT, CPM_GETCOLOUR, 0, 0);
+ ActualAccount->NewMailN.PopupTime = Time;
+ ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.PopupB = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_CPNB, CPM_GETCOLOUR, 0, 0);
+ ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.PopupT = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_CPNT, CPM_GETCOLOUR, 0, 0);
+ ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.PopupTime = TimeN;
+ ActualAccount->BadConnectN.PopupB = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_CPFB, CPM_GETCOLOUR, 0, 0);
+ ActualAccount->BadConnectN.PopupT = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_CPFT, CPM_GETCOLOUR, 0, 0);
+ ActualAccount->BadConnectN.PopupTime = TimeF;
+ }
return TRUE;