path: root/tools/build_scripts/z2_PackPluginUpater.bat
diff options
authorGeorge Hazan <>2017-09-27 19:32:51 +0300
committerGeorge Hazan <>2017-09-27 19:32:51 +0300
commiteb30a73faa4b0384f3707f44067d9f6e9356d640 (patch)
tree255bce48abb65c3d992911c5c8c1c27ffac84607 /tools/build_scripts/z2_PackPluginUpater.bat
parent0779b188d44b7795f4482c7066a064a38d7c130a (diff)
fix for typos in build scripts
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/build_scripts/z2_PackPluginUpater.bat')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 129 deletions
diff --git a/tools/build_scripts/z2_PackPluginUpater.bat b/tools/build_scripts/z2_PackPluginUpater.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index c58a529849..0000000000
--- a/tools/build_scripts/z2_PackPluginUpater.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-title MirandaNG packer
-rem Packing compiled MirandaNG
-rem use with param 32 or 64
-rem set target platform %tp% from first parameter
-set tp=%1
-set dp=%2
-if "%tp%"=="" (echo "please specify target platform 32 or 64!"&&pause&&goto :EOF)
-call a_SetVar%tp%.bat
-if exist %Arch% rd /Q /S "%Arch%" >nul
-rem making temp dirs
-mkdir %Arch%
-if not exist "bin10\Release%tp%" goto EOF
-pushd "bin10\Release%tp%"
-if exist %Errors% del /F /Q %Errors%
-if exist %NoErrors% del /F /Q %NoErrors%
-for /f %%a in (..\..\z2_PackPluginUpater_x%tp%.txt) do (if not exist %%a echo %%a >> %Errors%)
-REM Core
-%ZipIt% "%Arch%\" "Miranda%tp%.exe" "Core\*.dll" "Plugins\Dbx_mmap.dll" "Plugins\DbChecker.dll" "Icons\Proto_MetaContacts.dll" "Libs\mir_app.mir" "Libs\mir_core.mir" "Libs\libjson.mir" "Libs\Pcre16.mir" "Libs\Zlib.mir" "Libs\libeay32.mir" "Libs\ssleay32.mir"
-%ZipIt% "%Arch%\" msvcp100.dll
-%ZipIt% "%Arch%\" msvcr100.dll
-REM end Core
-REM Langpacks
-for /f %%a in ('dir Languages\lang*.txt /B /L') do (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Languages\" "Languages\%%~nXa")
-REM end Langpacks
-REM Protocols
-REM for /f %%a in ('dir Protocols\*.dll /B /L') do (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Plugins\%%~nXa")
-REM end Protocols
-REM Plugins
-for /f %%a in ('dir plugins\*.dll /B /L') do (
- rem check for special plugins and pack additional files first.
- if /I "%%a"=="Actman.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Plugins\services.ini")
- if /I "%%a"=="AIM.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_AIM.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="BASS_interface.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Plugins\BASS\*.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="Boltun.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Plugins\boltun.mindw")
- if /I "%%a"=="Clist_modern.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Plugins\AVS.dll" "Icons\Toolbar_icons.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="CmdLine.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "MimCmd.exe")
- if /I "%%a"=="Discord.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_Discord.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="Dropbox.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_Dropbox.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="Dummy.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_Dummy.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="Facebook.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_Facebook.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="FavContacts.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Gadgets\favcontacts.gadget")
- if /I "%%a"=="Fingerprint.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Fp_icons.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="FTPFile.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Libs\libcurl.mir")
- if /I "%%a"=="GG.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_GG.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="HistoryPP.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\HistoryPP_icons.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="ICQ.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_ICQ.dll" "Icons\xStatus_ICQ.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="ImportTXT.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Libs\pcre3.dll" Plugins\Importtxt\*.ini)
- if /I "%%a"=="IRC.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_IRC.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="Jabber.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_Jabber.dll" "Icons\xStatus_Jabber.dll" "Libs\libaxolotl.mir")
- if /I "%%a"=="Listeningto.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Plugins\Listeningto\*.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="MinecraftDynmap.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_MinecraftDynmap.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="MirLua.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Scripts\*.dll" "Libs\lua*.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="MRA.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_MRA.dll" "Icons\xStatus_MRA.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="mRadio.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_mRadio.dll" "Plugins\BASS\*.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="MSN.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_MSN.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="NewsAggregator.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_NewsAggregator.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="NotifyAnything.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "SendLog*.exe")
- if /I "%%a"=="Nudge.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Sounds\nudge.wav")
- if /I "%%a"=="Omegle.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_Omegle.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="PluginUpdater.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "pu_stub.exe")
- if /I "%%a"=="Quotes.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_Quotes.dll" "Plugins\Quotes\*.xml")
- if /I "%%a"=="RemovePersonalSettings.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "RemovePersonalSettings.ini")
- if /I "%%a"=="Sametime.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_Sametime.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="SecureIM.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Plugins\CryptoPP.dll" "Icons\SecureIM_icons.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="SkypeWeb.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_Skype.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="SpellChecker.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Flags_icons.dll" "Libs\hunspell.mir")
- if /I "%%a"=="Steam.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_Steam.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="TabSRMM.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\TabSRMM_icons.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="Tlen.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_Tlen.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="Tox.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_Tox.dll" "Libs\libtox.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="Twitter.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_Twitter.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="UInfoEx.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\UInfoEx_icons.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="VKontakte.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_VKontakte.dll")
- if /I "%%a"=="Watrack.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Watrack_buttons.dll" "Icons\Watrack_icons.dll" "Plugins\player.ini")
- if /I "%%a"=="Weather.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_Weather.dll" "Plugins\Weather\*.ini")
- if /I "%%a"=="WhatsApp.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_WhatsApp.dll" "Libs\libaxolotl.mir")
- if /I "%%a"=="YAMN.dll" (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" "Icons\Proto_YAMN.dll")
- rem now adding plugin itself into archive
- %ZipIt% "%Arch%\Plugins\" %%a
-REM end Plugins
-REM Icons
-for /f %%a in ('dir .\Icons\*.dll /B /L') do (%ZipIt% "%Arch%\Icons\" "-ir-!Icons\%%~nXa")
-REM end Icons
-copy /y /v hashes.txt %Arch%\hash.txt
-copy /y /v ..\CRC32.exe %Arch%
-pushd %Arch%
-if /i '%dp%' == 'DEV_N_STABLE' (
- echo ;DoNotSwitchToStable > hashes.txt
-) else if /i '%dp%' == 'DEV_ONLY' (
- echo DoNotSwitchToStable > hashes.txt
-) else (
- echo ;StableAllowed > hashes.txt
-for /f "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%i in (hash.txt) do call :WriteLine %%i %%j
-%ZipIt% "" hashes.txt
-del /f /q hash*.txt
-del /f /q CRC32.exe
-REM end CRC32
-if not exist %Errors% echo "No errors!" >> %NoErrors%
-cd ..
-goto :eof
-for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%i in ('crc32.exe') do echo %1 %2 %%j >> hashes.txt
-goto :eof