path: root/tools/mdbx_load
diff options
authorGeorge Hazan <>2020-05-22 20:25:34 +0300
committerGeorge Hazan <>2020-05-22 20:25:34 +0300
commit4ba812b71eb6e3cbefcea50d71dd8b7b98779a73 (patch)
tree89f8527d0e01ccaa96b3f9498dad1073e512b8c6 /tools/mdbx_load
parente705d77b5ce00ddcddb4584b6b3df3e538a86b46 (diff)
- libmdbx inlined not to change the code of utilities - libmdbx.mir removed from build scripts
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/mdbx_load')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 737 deletions
diff --git a/tools/mdbx_load/mdbx_load.vcxproj b/tools/mdbx_load/mdbx_load.vcxproj
deleted file mode 100644
index 01a3886306..0000000000
--- a/tools/mdbx_load/mdbx_load.vcxproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
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- <SubSystem>Console</SubSystem>
- <DelayLoadDLLs Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Debug'">libmdbx.mir;ucrtbased.dll;vcruntime140d.dll</DelayLoadDLLs>
- <DelayLoadDLLs Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Release'">libmdbx.mir;ucrtbase.dll;api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll;api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll;api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0.dll;api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll;api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll;api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll;VCRUNTIME140.dll</DelayLoadDLLs>
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diff --git a/tools/mdbx_load/mdbx_load.vcxproj.filters b/tools/mdbx_load/mdbx_load.vcxproj.filters
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e52002c3c..0000000000
--- a/tools/mdbx_load/mdbx_load.vcxproj.filters
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
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- <ClCompile Include="src\">
- <Filter>Source Files</Filter>
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- <ItemGroup>
- <ClInclude Include="src\stdafx.h">
- <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
- </ClInclude>
- </ItemGroup>
-</Project> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/mdbx_load/src/ b/tools/mdbx_load/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index d9f7f872bd..0000000000
--- a/tools/mdbx_load/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,622 +0,0 @@
-/* mdbx_load.c - memory-mapped database load tool */
- * Copyright 2015-2020 Leonid Yuriev <>
- * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
- * Public License.
- *
- * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
- * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
- * <>. */
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#if _MSC_VER > 1800
-#pragma warning(disable : 4464) /* relative include path contains '..' */
-#pragma warning(disable : 4996) /* The POSIX name is deprecated... */
-#endif /* _MSC_VER (warnings) */
-#define MDBX_TOOLS /* Avoid using internal mdbx_assert() */
-#include "../../libs/libmdbx/src/src/internals.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
-#include "../../libs/libmdbx/src/src/wingetopt.h"
-#include "../../libs/libmdbx/src/src/wingetopt.c"
-static volatile BOOL user_break;
-static BOOL WINAPI ConsoleBreakHandlerRoutine(DWORD dwCtrlType) {
- (void)dwCtrlType;
- user_break = true;
- return true;
-#else /* WINDOWS */
-static volatile sig_atomic_t user_break;
-static void signal_handler(int sig) {
- (void)sig;
- user_break = 1;
-#endif /* !WINDOWS */
-#define PRINT 1
-#define NOHDR 2
-static int mode;
-static char *subname = NULL;
-static size_t lineno;
-static int version;
-static int dbi_flags;
-static char *prog;
-static bool Eof;
-static MDBX_envinfo envinfo;
-static MDBX_val kbuf, dbuf;
-static MDBX_val k0buf;
-#define STRLENOF(s) (sizeof(s) - 1)
-typedef struct flagbit {
- int bit;
- char *name;
- int len;
-} flagbit;
-#define S(s) s, STRLENOF(s)
-flagbit dbflags[] = {{MDBX_REVERSEKEY, S("reversekey")},
- {MDBX_DUPSORT, S("dupsort")},
- {MDBX_INTEGERKEY, S("integerkey")},
- {MDBX_DUPFIXED, S("dupfixed")},
- {MDBX_INTEGERDUP, S("integerdup")},
- {MDBX_REVERSEDUP, S("reversedup")},
- {0, NULL, 0}};
-static void readhdr(void) {
- char *ptr;
- dbi_flags = 0;
- while (fgets((char*)dbuf.iov_base, (int)dbuf.iov_len, stdin) != NULL) {
- lineno++;
- if (!strncmp((char *)dbuf.iov_base, "db_pagesize=", STRLENOF("db_pagesize="))) {
- envinfo.mi_dxb_pagesize =
- atoi((char *)dbuf.iov_base + STRLENOF("db_pagesize="));
- continue;
- }
- if (!strncmp((char *)dbuf.iov_base, "duplicates=", STRLENOF("duplicates="))) {
- dbi_flags |= MDBX_DUPSORT;
- continue;
- }
- if (!strncmp((char *)dbuf.iov_base, "VERSION=", STRLENOF("VERSION="))) {
- version = atoi((char *)dbuf.iov_base + STRLENOF("VERSION="));
- if (version > 3) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: line %" PRIiSIZE ": unsupported VERSION %d\n",
- prog, lineno, version);
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (!strncmp((char *)dbuf.iov_base, "HEADER=END", STRLENOF("HEADER=END")))
- return;
- if (!strncmp((char *)dbuf.iov_base, "format=", STRLENOF("format="))) {
- if (!strncmp((char *)dbuf.iov_base + STRLENOF("FORMAT="), "print",
- STRLENOF("print")))
- mode |= PRINT;
- else if (strncmp((char *)dbuf.iov_base + STRLENOF("FORMAT="), "bytevalue",
- STRLENOF("bytevalue"))) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: line %" PRIiSIZE ": unsupported FORMAT %s\n", prog,
- lineno, (char *)dbuf.iov_base + STRLENOF("FORMAT="));
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (!strncmp((char *)dbuf.iov_base, "database=", STRLENOF("database="))) {
- ptr = (char *)memchr(dbuf.iov_base, '\n', dbuf.iov_len);
- if (ptr)
- *ptr = '\0';
- if (subname)
- mdbx_free(subname);
- subname = mdbx_strdup((char *)dbuf.iov_base + STRLENOF("database="));
- continue;
- }
- if (!strncmp((char *)dbuf.iov_base, "type=", STRLENOF("type="))) {
- if (strncmp((char *)dbuf.iov_base + STRLENOF("type="), "btree",
- STRLENOF("btree"))) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: line %" PRIiSIZE ": unsupported type %s\n", prog,
- lineno, (char *)dbuf.iov_base + STRLENOF("type="));
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (!strncmp((char *)dbuf.iov_base, "mapaddr=", STRLENOF("mapaddr="))) {
- int i;
- ptr = (char *)memchr(dbuf.iov_base, '\n', dbuf.iov_len);
- if (ptr)
- *ptr = '\0';
- void *unused;
- i = sscanf((char *)dbuf.iov_base + STRLENOF("mapaddr="), "%p", &unused);
- if (i != 1) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: line %" PRIiSIZE ": invalid mapaddr %s\n", prog,
- lineno, (char *)dbuf.iov_base + STRLENOF("mapaddr="));
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (!strncmp((char *)dbuf.iov_base, "mapsize=", STRLENOF("mapsize="))) {
- int i;
- ptr = (char *)memchr(dbuf.iov_base, '\n', dbuf.iov_len);
- if (ptr)
- *ptr = '\0';
- i = sscanf((char *)dbuf.iov_base + STRLENOF("mapsize="), "%" PRIu64,
- &envinfo.mi_mapsize);
- if (i != 1) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: line %" PRIiSIZE ": invalid mapsize %s\n", prog,
- lineno, (char *)dbuf.iov_base + STRLENOF("mapsize="));
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (!strncmp((char *)dbuf.iov_base, "maxreaders=", STRLENOF("maxreaders="))) {
- int i;
- ptr = (char *)memchr(dbuf.iov_base, '\n', dbuf.iov_len);
- if (ptr)
- *ptr = '\0';
- i = sscanf((char *)dbuf.iov_base + STRLENOF("maxreaders="), "%u",
- &envinfo.mi_maxreaders);
- if (i != 1) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: line %" PRIiSIZE ": invalid maxreaders %s\n", prog,
- lineno, (char *)dbuf.iov_base + STRLENOF("maxreaders="));
- }
- continue;
- }
- int i;
- for (i = 0; dbflags[i].bit; i++) {
- if (!strncmp((char *)dbuf.iov_base, dbflags[i].name, dbflags[i].len) &&
- ((char *)dbuf.iov_base)[dbflags[i].len] == '=') {
- if (((char *)dbuf.iov_base)[dbflags[i].len + 1] == '1')
- dbi_flags |= dbflags[i].bit;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!dbflags[i].bit) {
- ptr = (char *)memchr(dbuf.iov_base, '=', dbuf.iov_len);
- if (!ptr) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: line %" PRIiSIZE ": unexpected format\n", prog,
- lineno);
- } else {
- *ptr = '\0';
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%s: line %" PRIiSIZE ": unrecognized keyword ignored: %s\n",
- prog, lineno, (char *)dbuf.iov_base);
- }
- }
- }
- Eof = true;
-static void badend(void) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: line %" PRIiSIZE ": unexpected end of input\n", prog,
- lineno);
-static int unhex(unsigned char *c2) {
- int x, c;
- x = *c2++ & 0x4f;
- if (x & 0x40)
- x -= 55;
- c = x << 4;
- x = *c2 & 0x4f;
- if (x & 0x40)
- x -= 55;
- c |= x;
- return c;
-static int readline(MDBX_val *out, MDBX_val *buf) {
- unsigned char *c1, *c2, *end;
- size_t len, l2;
- int c;
- if (!(mode & NOHDR)) {
- c = fgetc(stdin);
- if (c == EOF) {
- Eof = true;
- return EOF;
- }
- if (c != ' ') {
- lineno++;
- if (fgets((char *)buf->iov_base, (int)buf->iov_len, stdin) == NULL) {
- badend:
- Eof = true;
- badend();
- return EOF;
- }
- if (c == 'D' && !strncmp((char *)buf->iov_base, "ATA=END", STRLENOF("ATA=END")))
- return EOF;
- goto badend;
- }
- }
- if (fgets((char *)buf->iov_base, (int)buf->iov_len, stdin) == NULL) {
- Eof = true;
- return EOF;
- }
- lineno++;
- c1 = (unsigned char *)buf->iov_base;
- len = strlen((char *)c1);
- l2 = len;
- /* Is buffer too short? */
- while (c1[len - 1] != '\n') {
- buf->iov_base = mdbx_realloc(buf->iov_base, buf->iov_len * 2);
- if (!buf->iov_base) {
- Eof = true;
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: line %" PRIiSIZE ": out of memory, line too long\n",
- prog, lineno);
- return EOF;
- }
- c1 = (unsigned char *)buf->iov_base;
- c1 += l2;
- if (fgets((char *)c1, (int)buf->iov_len + 1, stdin) == NULL) {
- Eof = true;
- badend();
- return EOF;
- }
- buf->iov_len *= 2;
- len = strlen((char *)c1);
- l2 += len;
- }
- c1 = c2 = (unsigned char *)buf->iov_base;
- len = l2;
- c1[--len] = '\0';
- end = c1 + len;
- if (mode & PRINT) {
- while (c2 < end) {
- if (unlikely(*c2 == '\\')) {
- if (c2[1] == '\\') {
- *c1++ = '\\';
- } else {
- if (c2 + 3 > end || !isxdigit(c2[1]) || !isxdigit(c2[2])) {
- Eof = true;
- badend();
- return EOF;
- }
- *c1++ = (char)unhex(++c2);
- }
- c2 += 2;
- } else {
- /* copies are redundant when no escapes were used */
- *c1++ = *c2++;
- }
- }
- } else {
- /* odd length not allowed */
- if (len & 1) {
- Eof = true;
- badend();
- return EOF;
- }
- while (c2 < end) {
- if (!isxdigit(*c2) || !isxdigit(c2[1])) {
- Eof = true;
- badend();
- return EOF;
- }
- *c1++ = (char)unhex(c2);
- c2 += 2;
- }
- }
- c2 = (unsigned char *)(out->iov_base = buf->iov_base);
- out->iov_len = c1 - c2;
- return 0;
-static void usage(void) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "usage: %s [-V] [-q] [-a] [-f file] [-s name] [-N] [-T] [-r] [-n] "
- "dbpath\n"
- " -V\t\tprint version and exit\n"
- " -q\t\tbe quiet\n"
- " -a\t\tappend records in input order (required for custom "
- "comparators)\n"
- " -f file\tread from file instead of stdin\n"
- " -s name\tload into named subDB\n"
- " -N\t\tuse NOOVERWRITE on puts\n"
- " -T\t\tread plaintext\n"
- " -r\t\trescure mode (ignore errors to load corrupted DB dump)\n"
- " -n\t\tNOSUBDIR mode for open\n",
- prog);
-static int anyway_greater(const MDBX_val *a, const MDBX_val *b) {
- (void)a;
- (void)b;
- return 1;
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- int i, rc;
- MDBX_env *env = NULL;
- MDBX_txn *txn = NULL;
- MDBX_cursor *mc = NULL;
- MDBX_dbi dbi;
- char *envname = NULL;
- int envflags = MDBX_UTTERLY_NOSYNC, putflags = 0;
- int append = 0;
- int quiet = 0;
- int rescue = 0;
- MDBX_val prevk;
- prog = argv[0];
- if (argc < 2)
- usage();
- while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "af:ns:NTVrq")) != EOF) {
- switch (i) {
- case 'V':
- printf("mdbx_load version %d.%d.%d.%d\n"
- " - source: %s %s, commit %s, tree %s\n"
- " - anchor: %s\n"
- " - build: %s for %s by %s\n"
- " - flags: %s\n"
- " - options: %s\n",
- MDBX_version.major, MDBX_version.minor, MDBX_version.release,
- MDBX_version.revision, MDBX_version.git.describe,
- MDBX_version.git.datetime, MDBX_version.git.commit,
- MDBX_version.git.tree, MDBX_sourcery_anchor, MDBX_build.datetime,
-, MDBX_build.compiler, MDBX_build.flags,
- MDBX_build.options);
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- case 'a':
- append = 1;
- break;
- case 'f':
- if (freopen(optarg, "r", stdin) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: open: %s\n", prog, optarg,
- mdbx_strerror(errno));
- }
- break;
- case 'n':
- envflags |= MDBX_NOSUBDIR;
- break;
- case 's':
- subname = mdbx_strdup(optarg);
- break;
- case 'N':
- break;
- case 'T':
- mode |= NOHDR | PRINT;
- break;
- case 'q':
- quiet = 1;
- break;
- case 'r':
- rescue = 1;
- break;
- default:
- usage();
- }
- }
- if (optind != argc - 1)
- usage();
-#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
- SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ConsoleBreakHandlerRoutine, true);
-#ifdef SIGPIPE
- signal(SIGPIPE, signal_handler);
-#ifdef SIGHUP
- signal(SIGHUP, signal_handler);
- signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
- signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler);
-#endif /* !WINDOWS */
- envname = argv[optind];
- if (!quiet)
- printf("mdbx_load %s (%s, T-%s)\nRunning for %s...\n",
- MDBX_version.git.describe, MDBX_version.git.datetime,
- MDBX_version.git.tree, envname);
- fflush(NULL);
- dbuf.iov_len = 4096;
- dbuf.iov_base = mdbx_malloc(dbuf.iov_len);
- /* read first header for mapsize= */
- if (!(mode & NOHDR))
- readhdr();
- rc = mdbx_env_create(&env);
- if (rc) {
- fprintf(stderr, "mdbx_env_create failed, error %d %s\n", rc,
- mdbx_strerror(rc));
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- mdbx_env_set_maxdbs(env, 2);
- if (info.mi_mapaddr)
- envflags |= MDBX_FIXEDMAP;
- if (envinfo.mi_mapsize) {
- if (envinfo.mi_mapsize > INTPTR_MAX) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Database size is too large for current system (mapsize=%" PRIu64
- " is great than system-limit %zi)\n",
- envinfo.mi_mapsize, INTPTR_MAX);
- goto env_close;
- }
- rc = mdbx_env_set_geometry(env, 0, 0, (intptr_t)envinfo.mi_mapsize, -1, -1,
- -1);
- if (rc) {
- fprintf(stderr, "mdbx_env_set_geometry failed, error %d %s\n", rc,
- mdbx_strerror(rc));
- goto env_close;
- }
- }
- rc = mdbx_env_open(env, envname, envflags, 0664);
- if (rc) {
- fprintf(stderr, "mdbx_env_open failed, error %d %s\n", rc,
- mdbx_strerror(rc));
- goto env_close;
- }
- kbuf.iov_len = mdbx_env_get_maxvalsize_ex(env, MDBX_DUPSORT);
- if (kbuf.iov_len >= INTPTR_MAX / 4) {
- fprintf(stderr, "mdbx_env_get_maxkeysize failed, returns %zu\n",
- kbuf.iov_len);
- goto env_close;
- }
- kbuf.iov_len = (kbuf.iov_len + 1) * 2;
- kbuf.iov_base = malloc(kbuf.iov_len * 2);
- k0buf.iov_len = kbuf.iov_len;
- k0buf.iov_base = (char *)kbuf.iov_base + kbuf.iov_len;
- prevk.iov_base = k0buf.iov_base;
- while (!Eof) {
- if (user_break) {
- rc = MDBX_EINTR;
- break;
- }
- rc = mdbx_txn_begin(env, NULL, 0, &txn);
- if (rc) {
- fprintf(stderr, "mdbx_txn_begin failed, error %d %s\n", rc,
- mdbx_strerror(rc));
- goto env_close;
- }
- rc = mdbx_dbi_open_ex(txn, subname, dbi_flags | MDBX_CREATE, &dbi,
- append ? anyway_greater : NULL,
- append ? anyway_greater : NULL);
- if (rc) {
- fprintf(stderr, "mdbx_open failed, error %d %s\n", rc, mdbx_strerror(rc));
- goto txn_abort;
- }
- rc = mdbx_cursor_open(txn, dbi, &mc);
- if (rc) {
- fprintf(stderr, "mdbx_cursor_open failed, error %d %s\n", rc,
- mdbx_strerror(rc));
- goto txn_abort;
- }
- int batch = 0;
- prevk.iov_len = 0;
- while (1) {
- MDBX_val key;
- rc = readline(&key, &kbuf);
- if (rc) /* rc == EOF */
- break;
- MDBX_val data;
- rc = readline(&data, &dbuf);
- if (rc) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: line %" PRIiSIZE ": failed to read key value\n",
- prog, lineno);
- goto txn_abort;
- }
- int appflag = 0;
- if (append) {
- appflag = MDBX_APPEND;
- if (dbi_flags & MDBX_DUPSORT) {
- if (prevk.iov_len == key.iov_len &&
- memcmp(prevk.iov_base, key.iov_base, key.iov_len) == 0)
- else
- memcpy(prevk.iov_base, key.iov_base, prevk.iov_len = key.iov_len);
- }
- }
- rc = mdbx_cursor_put(mc, &key, &data, putflags | appflag);
- if (rc == MDBX_KEYEXIST && putflags)
- continue;
- if (rc == MDBX_BAD_VALSIZE && rescue) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: skip line %" PRIiSIZE ": due %s\n", prog, lineno,
- mdbx_strerror(rc));
- continue;
- }
- if (rc) {
- fprintf(stderr, "mdbx_cursor_put failed, error %d %s\n", rc,
- mdbx_strerror(rc));
- goto txn_abort;
- }
- batch++;
- if (batch == 100) {
- rc = mdbx_txn_commit(txn);
- if (rc) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: line %" PRIiSIZE ": txn_commit: %s\n", prog,
- lineno, mdbx_strerror(rc));
- goto env_close;
- }
- rc = mdbx_txn_begin(env, NULL, 0, &txn);
- if (rc) {
- fprintf(stderr, "mdbx_txn_begin failed, error %d %s\n", rc,
- mdbx_strerror(rc));
- goto env_close;
- }
- rc = mdbx_cursor_open(txn, dbi, &mc);
- if (rc) {
- fprintf(stderr, "mdbx_cursor_open failed, error %d %s\n", rc,
- mdbx_strerror(rc));
- goto txn_abort;
- }
- batch = 0;
- }
- }
- rc = mdbx_txn_commit(txn);
- txn = NULL;
- if (rc) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: line %" PRIiSIZE ": txn_commit: %s\n", prog, lineno,
- mdbx_strerror(rc));
- goto env_close;
- }
- mdbx_dbi_close(env, dbi);
- subname = NULL;
- /* try read next header */
- if (!(mode & NOHDR))
- readhdr();
- }
- mdbx_txn_abort(txn);
- mdbx_env_close(env);
diff --git a/tools/mdbx_load/src/stdafx.cxx b/tools/mdbx_load/src/stdafx.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 22c4818d32..0000000000
--- a/tools/mdbx_load/src/stdafx.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2018-20 Miranda NG team (
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2
-of the License.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see <>.
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "..\..\build\appstub\appstub.cpp" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/mdbx_load/src/stdafx.h b/tools/mdbx_load/src/stdafx.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 518027200a..0000000000
--- a/tools/mdbx_load/src/stdafx.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2018-20 Miranda NG team (
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2
-of the License.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see <>.
-#pragma once
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <windows.h>
-#define DECLARE_VERSION() \
- mdbx_version_info MDBX_version; \
- mdbx_build_info MDBX_build; \
- char* MDBX_sourcery_anchor; \
- HINSTANCE hDll = LoadLibraryA("libmdbx.mir"); \
- MDBX_version = *(mdbx_version_info *)GetProcAddress(hDll, "mdbx_version"); \
- MDBX_build = *(mdbx_build_info*)GetProcAddress(hDll, "mdbx_build"); \
- MDBX_sourcery_anchor = (char*)GetProcAddress(hDll, "mdbx_sourcery_MDBX_BUILD_SOURCERY");