path: root/include/delphi/
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/delphi/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/include/delphi/ b/include/delphi/
index 67bf5c473f..d308287544 100644
--- a/include/delphi/
+++ b/include/delphi/
@@ -57,13 +57,6 @@ type
- PCountryListEntry = ^TCountryListEntry;
- TCountryListEntry = record
- id : int;
- szName : PAnsiChar;
- ISOcode: array [0..2] of AnsiChar;
- end;
Affect : Open a URL in the user's default web browser, see notes
Notes : bOpenInWindow should be zero to open the URL in the browoser window
@@ -90,48 +83,6 @@ procedure Utils_OpenUrlW(const url:PWideChar; bOpenInWindow:BYTE=1); stdcall;
function Utils_ResizeDialog(hwndDlg:THANDLE; hInst:HINST; pTemplate:PAnsiChar; pFunc:TDIALOGRESIZERPROC; lParam:LPARAM=0) : int; stdcall;
external CoreDLL name 'Utils_ResizeDialog';
- {
- wParam : countryID
- lParam : 0
- Affect : Get the name of a country given it's number, e.g. 44 = UK
- Returns: Returns a pointer to a string containing the country name on success
- NULL(0) on failure
- Version: v0.1.2.0+
- }
- MS_UTILS_GETCOUNTRYBYNUMBER:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/GetCountryByNumber';
- {
- Gets the name of a country given its ISO code v0.1.2.0+
- wParam = (char*)ISOcode
- lParam = 0
- Returns a pointer to the string containing the country name on success,
- or NULL on failure
- }
- {
- wParam : Pointer to an int to be filled with count -- !TODO! test.
- lParam : Pointer to an PCountryListEntry, see notes
- Affect : Get the full list of country IDs, see notes
- Returns: 0 always
- Notes : the list is sorted alphabetically by name, on the assumption
- it's quicker to search numbers that are out of outer, than strings
- that are out of order. a NULL(0) entry terminates
- -
- Neither wParam or lParam can be NULL(0)
- -
- lParam is filled with the first entry, it can be accessed as a pointer,
- to get the next entry, increment the pointer by sizeof(Pointer) NOT
- sizeof(TCountryList), only increment the pointer as many times as
- given by iCount.
- -
- this data can NOT be copied if an array of TCountryListEntry's is passed
- so don't try it.
- Version: v0.1.2.0+
- }
- MS_UTILS_GETCOUNTRYLIST:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/GetCountryList';
//******************************* Window lists *******************************