path: root/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 755 deletions
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9af04ac9b0..0000000000
--- a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,755 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2017-2020 Leonid Yuriev <>
- * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
- * Public License.
- *
- * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
- * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
- * <>.
- */
-#include "test.h"
-const char *testcase2str(const actor_testcase testcase) {
- switch (testcase) {
- default:
- assert(false);
- return "?!";
- case ac_none:
- return "none";
- case ac_hill:
- return "hill";
- case ac_deadread:
- return "deadread";
- case ac_deadwrite:
- return "deadwrite";
- case ac_jitter:
- return "jitter";
- case ac_try:
- return "try";
- case ac_copy:
- return "copy";
- case ac_append:
- return "append";
- case ac_ttl:
- return "ttl";
- case ac_nested:
- return "nested";
- }
-const char *status2str(actor_status status) {
- switch (status) {
- default:
- assert(false);
- return "?!";
- case as_debugging:
- return "debugging";
- case as_running:
- return "running";
- case as_successful:
- return "successful";
- case as_killed:
- return "killed";
- case as_failed:
- return "failed";
- case as_coredump:
- return "coredump";
- }
-const char *keygencase2str(const keygen_case keycase) {
- switch (keycase) {
- default:
- assert(false);
- return "?!";
- case kc_random:
- return "random";
- case kc_dashes:
- return "dashes";
- case kc_custom:
- return "custom";
- }
-int testcase::oom_callback(MDBX_env *env, mdbx_pid_t pid, mdbx_tid_t tid,
- uint64_t txn, unsigned gap, size_t space,
- int retry) {
- testcase *self = (testcase *)mdbx_env_get_userctx(env);
- if (retry == 0)
- log_notice("oom_callback: waitfor pid %lu, thread %" PRIuPTR
- ", txn #%" PRIu64 ", gap %d, scape %zu",
- (long)pid, (size_t)tid, txn, gap, space);
- if (self->should_continue(true)) {
- osal_yield();
- if (retry > 0)
- osal_udelay(retry * 100);
- return 0 /* always retry */;
- }
- return -1;
-void testcase::db_prepare() {
- log_trace(">> db_prepare");
- assert(!db_guard);
- MDBX_env *env = nullptr;
- int rc = mdbx_env_create(&env);
- if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
- failure_perror("mdbx_env_create()", rc);
- assert(env != nullptr);
- db_guard.reset(env);
- rc = mdbx_env_set_userctx(env, this);
- if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
- failure_perror("mdbx_env_set_userctx()", rc);
- rc = mdbx_env_set_maxreaders(env, config.params.max_readers);
- if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
- failure_perror("mdbx_env_set_maxreaders()", rc);
- rc = mdbx_env_set_maxdbs(env, config.params.max_tables);
- if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
- failure_perror("mdbx_env_set_maxdbs()", rc);
- rc = mdbx_env_set_oomfunc(env, testcase::oom_callback);
- if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
- failure_perror("mdbx_env_set_oomfunc()", rc);
- rc = mdbx_env_set_geometry(
- env, config.params.size_lower, config.params.size_now,
- config.params.size_upper, config.params.growth_step,
- config.params.shrink_threshold, config.params.pagesize);
- if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
- failure_perror("mdbx_env_set_mapsize()", rc);
- log_trace("<< db_prepare");
-void testcase::db_open() {
- log_trace(">> db_open");
- if (!db_guard)
- db_prepare();
- jitter_delay(true);
- unsigned mode = (unsigned)config.params.mode_flags;
- if (config.params.random_writemap && flipcoin())
- mode ^= MDBX_WRITEMAP;
- actual_db_mode = mode;
- int rc = mdbx_env_open(db_guard.get(), config.params.pathname_db.c_str(),
- mode, 0640);
- if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
- failure_perror("mdbx_env_open()", rc);
- log_trace("<< db_open");
-void testcase::db_close() {
- log_trace(">> db_close");
- cursor_guard.reset();
- txn_guard.reset();
- db_guard.reset();
- log_trace("<< db_close");
-void testcase::txn_begin(bool readonly, unsigned flags) {
- assert((flags & MDBX_RDONLY) == 0);
- log_trace(">> txn_begin(%s, 0x%04X)", readonly ? "read-only" : "read-write",
- flags);
- assert(!txn_guard);
- MDBX_txn *txn = nullptr;
- int rc = mdbx_txn_begin(db_guard.get(), nullptr,
- readonly ? flags | MDBX_RDONLY : flags, &txn);
- if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
- failure_perror("mdbx_txn_begin()", rc);
- txn_guard.reset(txn);
- need_speculum_assign = config.params.speculum && !readonly;
- log_trace("<< txn_begin(%s, 0x%04X)", readonly ? "read-only" : "read-write",
- flags);
-int testcase::breakable_commit() {
- log_trace(">> txn_commit");
- assert(txn_guard);
- MDBX_txn *txn = txn_guard.release();
- txn_inject_writefault(txn);
- int rc = mdbx_txn_commit(txn);
- if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS) &&
- (rc != MDBX_MAP_FULL || !config.params.ignore_dbfull))
- failure_perror("mdbx_txn_commit()", rc);
- if (need_speculum_assign) {
- need_speculum_assign = false;
- if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
- speculum = speculum_commited;
- else
- speculum_commited = speculum;
- }
- log_trace("<< txn_commit: %s", rc ? "failed" : "Ok");
- return rc;
-unsigned testcase::txn_underutilization_x256(MDBX_txn *txn) const {
- if (txn) {
- MDBX_txn_info info;
- int err = mdbx_txn_info(txn, &info, false);
- if (unlikely(err != MDBX_SUCCESS))
- failure_perror("mdbx_txn_info()", err);
- const size_t left = size_t(info.txn_space_leftover);
- const size_t total =
- size_t(info.txn_space_leftover) + size_t(info.txn_space_dirty);
- return (unsigned)(left / (total >> 8));
- }
- return 0;
-void testcase::txn_end(bool abort) {
- log_trace(">> txn_end(%s)", abort ? "abort" : "commit");
- assert(txn_guard);
- MDBX_txn *txn = txn_guard.release();
- if (abort) {
- int err = mdbx_txn_abort(txn);
- if (unlikely(err != MDBX_SUCCESS))
- failure_perror("mdbx_txn_abort()", err);
- if (need_speculum_assign)
- speculum = speculum_commited;
- } else {
- txn_inject_writefault(txn);
- int err = mdbx_txn_commit(txn);
- if (unlikely(err != MDBX_SUCCESS))
- failure_perror("mdbx_txn_commit()", err);
- if (need_speculum_assign)
- speculum_commited = speculum;
- }
- log_trace("<< txn_end(%s)", abort ? "abort" : "commit");
-void testcase::cursor_open(MDBX_dbi handle) {
- log_trace(">> cursor_open(%u)", handle);
- assert(!cursor_guard);
- assert(txn_guard);
- MDBX_cursor *cursor = nullptr;
- int rc = mdbx_cursor_open(txn_guard.get(), handle, &cursor);
- if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
- failure_perror("mdbx_cursor_open()", rc);
- cursor_guard.reset(cursor);
- log_trace("<< cursor_open(%u)", handle);
-void testcase::cursor_close() {
- log_trace(">> cursor_close()");
- assert(cursor_guard);
- MDBX_cursor *cursor = cursor_guard.release();
- mdbx_cursor_close(cursor);
- log_trace("<< cursor_close()");
-int testcase::breakable_restart() {
- int rc = MDBX_SUCCESS;
- if (txn_guard)
- rc = breakable_commit();
- if (cursor_guard)
- cursor_close();
- txn_begin(false, 0);
- return rc;
-void testcase::txn_restart(bool abort, bool readonly, unsigned flags) {
- if (txn_guard)
- txn_end(abort);
- if (cursor_guard)
- cursor_close();
- txn_begin(readonly, flags);
-void testcase::txn_inject_writefault(void) {
- if (txn_guard)
- txn_inject_writefault(txn_guard.get());
-void testcase::txn_inject_writefault(MDBX_txn *txn) {
- if (config.params.inject_writefaultn && txn) {
- if (config.params.inject_writefaultn <= nops_completed &&
- (mdbx_txn_flags(txn) & MDBX_RDONLY) == 0) {
- log_verbose(
- "== txn_inject_writefault(): got %u nops or more, inject FAULT",
- config.params.inject_writefaultn);
- log_flush();
-#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WINDOWS)
- TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), 42);
- raise(SIGKILL);
- }
- }
-bool testcase::wait4start() {
- if (config.wait4id) {
- log_trace(">> wait4start(%u)", config.wait4id);
- assert(!global::singlemode);
- int rc = osal_waitfor(config.wait4id);
- if (rc) {
- log_trace("<< wait4start(%u), failed %s", config.wait4id,
- test_strerror(rc));
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- log_trace("== skip wait4start: not needed");
- }
- if (config.params.delaystart) {
- int rc = osal_delay(config.params.delaystart);
- if (rc) {
- log_trace("<< delay(%u), failed %s", config.params.delaystart,
- test_strerror(rc));
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- log_trace("== skip delay: not needed");
- }
- return true;
-void testcase::kick_progress(bool active) const {
- if (!global::config::progress_indicator)
- return;
- logging::progress_canary(active);
-void testcase::report(size_t nops_done) {
- assert(nops_done > 0);
- if (!nops_done)
- return;
- nops_completed += nops_done;
- log_debug("== complete +%" PRIuPTR " iteration, total %" PRIu64 " done",
- nops_done, nops_completed);
- kick_progress(true);
- if (config.signal_nops && !signalled &&
- config.signal_nops <= nops_completed) {
- log_trace(">> signal(n-ops %" PRIu64 ")", nops_completed);
- if (!global::singlemode)
- osal_broadcast(config.actor_id);
- signalled = true;
- log_trace("<< signal(n-ops %" PRIu64 ")", nops_completed);
- }
-void testcase::signal() {
- if (!signalled) {
- log_trace(">> signal(forced)");
- if (!global::singlemode)
- osal_broadcast(config.actor_id);
- signalled = true;
- log_trace("<< signal(forced)");
- }
-bool testcase::setup() {
- db_prepare();
- if (!wait4start())
- return false;
- start_timestamp = chrono::now_motonic();
- nops_completed = 0;
- return true;
-bool testcase::teardown() {
- log_trace(">> testcase::teardown");
- signal();
- db_close();
- log_trace("<< testcase::teardown");
- return true;
-bool testcase::should_continue(bool check_timeout_only) const {
- bool result = true;
- if (config.params.test_duration) {
- chrono::time since;
- since.fixedpoint =
- chrono::now_motonic().fixedpoint - start_timestamp.fixedpoint;
- if (since.seconds() >= config.params.test_duration)
- result = false;
- }
- if (!check_timeout_only && config.params.test_nops &&
- nops_completed >= config.params.test_nops)
- result = false;
- if (result)
- kick_progress(false);
- return result;
-void testcase::fetch_canary() {
- mdbx_canary canary_now;
- log_trace(">> fetch_canary");
- int rc = mdbx_canary_get(txn_guard.get(), &canary_now);
- if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
- failure_perror("mdbx_canary_get()", rc);
- if (canary_now.v < last.canary.v)
- failure("fetch_canary: %" PRIu64 "(canary-now.v) < %" PRIu64
- "(canary-last.v)",
- canary_now.v, last.canary.v);
- if (canary_now.y < last.canary.y)
- failure("fetch_canary: %" PRIu64 "(canary-now.y) < %" PRIu64
- "(canary-last.y)",
- canary_now.y, last.canary.y);
- last.canary = canary_now;
- log_trace("<< fetch_canary: db-sequence %" PRIu64
- ", db-sequence.txnid %" PRIu64,
- last.canary.y, last.canary.v);
-void testcase::update_canary(uint64_t increment) {
- mdbx_canary canary_now = last.canary;
- log_trace(">> update_canary: sequence %" PRIu64 " += %" PRIu64, canary_now.y,
- increment);
- canary_now.y += increment;
- int rc = mdbx_canary_put(txn_guard.get(), &canary_now);
- if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
- failure_perror("mdbx_canary_put()", rc);
- log_trace("<< update_canary: sequence = %" PRIu64, canary_now.y);
-int testcase::db_open__begin__table_create_open_clean(MDBX_dbi &handle) {
- db_open();
- int err, retry_left = 42;
- for (;;) {
- txn_begin(false);
- handle = db_table_open(true);
- db_table_clear(handle);
- err = breakable_commit();
- if (likely(err == MDBX_SUCCESS)) {
- txn_begin(false);
- return MDBX_SUCCESS;
- }
- if (--retry_left == 0)
- break;
- jitter_delay(true);
- }
- log_notice("db_begin_table_create_open_clean: bailout due '%s'",
- mdbx_strerror(err));
- return err;
-MDBX_dbi testcase::db_table_open(bool create) {
- log_trace(">> testcase::db_table_create");
- char tablename_buf[16];
- const char *tablename = nullptr;
- if (config.space_id) {
- int rc = snprintf(tablename_buf, sizeof(tablename_buf), "TBL%04u",
- config.space_id);
- if (rc < 4 || rc >= (int)sizeof(tablename_buf) - 1)
- failure("snprintf(tablename): %d", rc);
- tablename = tablename_buf;
- }
- log_debug("use %s table", tablename ? tablename : "MAINDB");
- MDBX_dbi handle = 0;
- int rc = mdbx_dbi_open(txn_guard.get(), tablename,
- (create ? MDBX_CREATE : 0) | config.params.table_flags,
- &handle);
- if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
- failure_perror("mdbx_dbi_open()", rc);
- log_trace("<< testcase::db_table_create, handle %u", handle);
- return handle;
-void testcase::db_table_drop(MDBX_dbi handle) {
- log_trace(">> testcase::db_table_drop, handle %u", handle);
- if (config.params.drop_table) {
- int rc = mdbx_drop(txn_guard.get(), handle, true);
- if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
- failure_perror("mdbx_drop(delete=true)", rc);
- speculum.clear();
- log_trace("<< testcase::db_table_drop");
- } else {
- log_trace("<< testcase::db_table_drop: not needed");
- }
-void testcase::db_table_clear(MDBX_dbi handle, MDBX_txn *txn) {
- log_trace(">> testcase::db_table_clear, handle %u", handle);
- int rc = mdbx_drop(txn ? txn : txn_guard.get(), handle, false);
- if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
- failure_perror("mdbx_drop(delete=false)", rc);
- speculum.clear();
- log_trace("<< testcase::db_table_clear");
-void testcase::db_table_close(MDBX_dbi handle) {
- log_trace(">> testcase::db_table_close, handle %u", handle);
- assert(!txn_guard);
- int rc = mdbx_dbi_close(db_guard.get(), handle);
- if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
- failure_perror("mdbx_dbi_close()", rc);
- log_trace("<< testcase::db_table_close");
-void testcase::checkdata(const char *step, MDBX_dbi handle, MDBX_val key2check,
- MDBX_val expected_valued) {
- MDBX_val actual_value = expected_valued;
- int rc = mdbx_get_nearest(txn_guard.get(), handle, &key2check, &actual_value);
- if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
- failure_perror(step, rc);
- if (!is_samedata(&actual_value, &expected_valued))
- failure("%s data mismatch", step);
-bool test_execute(const actor_config &config_const) {
- const mdbx_pid_t pid = osal_getpid();
- actor_config config = config_const;
- if (global::singlemode) {
- logging::setup(format("single_%s", testcase2str(config.testcase)));
- } else {
- logging::setup((logging::loglevel)config.params.loglevel,
- format("child_%u.%u", config.actor_id, config.space_id));
- log_trace(">> wait4barrier");
- osal_wait4barrier();
- log_trace("<< wait4barrier");
- }
- try {
- std::unique_ptr<testcase> test;
- switch (config.testcase) {
- case ac_hill:
- test.reset(new testcase_hill(config, pid));
- break;
- case ac_deadread:
- test.reset(new testcase_deadread(config, pid));
- break;
- case ac_deadwrite:
- test.reset(new testcase_deadwrite(config, pid));
- break;
- case ac_jitter:
- test.reset(new testcase_jitter(config, pid));
- break;
- case ac_try:
- test.reset(new testcase_try(config, pid));
- break;
- case ac_copy:
- test.reset(new testcase_copy(config, pid));
- break;
- case ac_append:
- test.reset(new testcase_append(config, pid));
- break;
- case ac_ttl:
- test.reset(new testcase_ttl(config, pid));
- break;
- case ac_nested:
- test.reset(new testcase_nested(config, pid));
- break;
- default:
- test.reset(new testcase(config, pid));
- break;
- }
- size_t iter = 0;
- do {
- iter++;
- if (!test->setup()) {
- log_notice("test setup failed");
- return false;
- }
- if (!test->run()) {
- log_notice("test failed");
- return false;
- }
- if (!test->teardown()) {
- log_notice("test teardown failed");
- return false;
- }
- if (config.params.nrepeat == 1)
- log_verbose("test successed");
- else {
- if (config.params.nrepeat)
- log_verbose("test successed (iteration %zi of %zi)", iter,
- size_t(config.params.nrepeat));
- else
- log_verbose("test successed (iteration %zi)", iter);
- config.params.keygen.seed += INT32_C(0xA4F4D37B);
- }
- } while (config.params.nrepeat == 0 || iter < config.params.nrepeat);
- return true;
- } catch (const std::exception &pipets) {
- failure("***** Exception: %s *****", pipets.what());
- return false;
- }
-int testcase::insert(const keygen::buffer &akey, const keygen::buffer &adata,
- unsigned flags) {
- int err = mdbx_put(txn_guard.get(), dbi, &akey->value, &adata->value, flags);
- if (err == MDBX_SUCCESS && config.params.speculum) {
- const auto S_key = S(akey);
- const auto S_data = S(adata);
- const bool inserted = speculum.emplace(S_key, S_data).second;
- assert(inserted);
- (void)inserted;
- }
- return err;
-int testcase::replace(const keygen::buffer &akey,
- const keygen::buffer &new_data,
- const keygen::buffer &old_data, unsigned flags) {
- if (config.params.speculum) {
- const auto S_key = S(akey);
- const auto S_old = S(old_data);
- const auto S_new = S(new_data);
- const auto removed = speculum.erase(SET::key_type(S_key, S_old));
- assert(removed == 1);
- (void)removed;
- const bool inserted = speculum.emplace(S_key, S_new).second;
- assert(inserted);
- (void)inserted;
- }
- return mdbx_replace(txn_guard.get(), dbi, &akey->value, &new_data->value,
- &old_data->value, flags);
-int testcase::remove(const keygen::buffer &akey, const keygen::buffer &adata) {
- if (config.params.speculum) {
- const auto S_key = S(akey);
- const auto S_data = S(adata);
- const auto removed = speculum.erase(SET::key_type(S_key, S_data));
- assert(removed == 1);
- (void)removed;
- }
- return mdbx_del(txn_guard.get(), dbi, &akey->value, &adata->value);
-bool testcase::speculum_verify() {
- if (!config.params.speculum)
- return true;
- if (!txn_guard)
- txn_begin(true);
- char dump_key[128], dump_value[128];
- char dump_mkey[128], dump_mvalue[128];
- MDBX_cursor *cursor;
- int err = mdbx_cursor_open(txn_guard.get(), dbi, &cursor);
- if (err != MDBX_SUCCESS)
- failure_perror("mdbx_cursor_open()", err);
- bool rc = true;
- MDBX_val akey, avalue;
- MDBX_val mkey, mvalue;
- err = mdbx_cursor_get(cursor, &akey, &avalue, MDBX_FIRST);
- unsigned extra = 0, lost = 0, n = 0;
- assert(std::is_sorted(speculum.cbegin(), speculum.cend(), ItemCompare(this)));
- auto it = speculum.cbegin();
- while (true) {
- if (err != MDBX_SUCCESS) {
- akey.iov_len = avalue.iov_len = 0;
- akey.iov_base = avalue.iov_base = nullptr;
- }
- const auto S_key = S(akey);
- const auto S_data = S(avalue);
- if (it != speculum.cend()) {
- mkey.iov_base = (void *)it->first.c_str();
- mkey.iov_len = it->first.size();
- mvalue.iov_base = (void *)it->second.c_str();
- mvalue.iov_len = it->second.size();
- }
- if (err == MDBX_SUCCESS && it != speculum.cend() && S_key == it->first &&
- S_data == it->second) {
- ++it;
- err = mdbx_cursor_get(cursor, &akey, &avalue, MDBX_NEXT);
- } else if (err == MDBX_SUCCESS &&
- (it == speculum.cend() || S_key < it->first ||
- (S_key == it->first && S_data < it->second))) {
- extra += 1;
- if (it != speculum.cend()) {
- log_error("extra pair %u/%u: db{%s, %s} < mi{%s, %s}", n, extra,
- mdbx_dump_val(&akey, dump_key, sizeof(dump_key)),
- mdbx_dump_val(&avalue, dump_value, sizeof(dump_value)),
- mdbx_dump_val(&mkey, dump_mkey, sizeof(dump_mkey)),
- mdbx_dump_val(&mvalue, dump_mvalue, sizeof(dump_mvalue)));
- } else {
- log_error("extra pair %u/%u: db{%s, %s} < mi.END", n, extra,
- mdbx_dump_val(&akey, dump_key, sizeof(dump_key)),
- mdbx_dump_val(&avalue, dump_value, sizeof(dump_value)));
- }
- err = mdbx_cursor_get(cursor, &akey, &avalue, MDBX_NEXT);
- rc = false;
- } else if (it != speculum.cend() &&
- (err == MDBX_NOTFOUND || S_key > it->first ||
- (S_key == it->first && S_data > it->second))) {
- lost += 1;
- if (err == MDBX_NOTFOUND) {
- log_error("lost pair %u/%u: db.END > mi{%s, %s}", n, lost,
- mdbx_dump_val(&mkey, dump_mkey, sizeof(dump_mkey)),
- mdbx_dump_val(&mvalue, dump_mvalue, sizeof(dump_mvalue)));
- } else {
- log_error("lost pair %u/%u: db{%s, %s} > mi{%s, %s}", n, lost,
- mdbx_dump_val(&akey, dump_key, sizeof(dump_key)),
- mdbx_dump_val(&avalue, dump_value, sizeof(dump_value)),
- mdbx_dump_val(&mkey, dump_mkey, sizeof(dump_mkey)),
- mdbx_dump_val(&mvalue, dump_mvalue, sizeof(dump_mvalue)));
- }
- ++it;
- rc = false;
- } else if (err == MDBX_NOTFOUND && it == speculum.cend()) {
- break;
- } else if (err != MDBX_SUCCESS) {
- failure_perror("mdbx_cursor_get()", err);
- } else {
- assert(!"WTF?");
- }
- n += 1;
- }
- mdbx_cursor_close(cursor);
- return rc;