path: root/libs/libmdbx/src/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/libmdbx/src/test')
27 files changed, 5492 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/CMakeLists.txt b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ed01bddf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+set(TARGET mdbx_test)
+set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wno-missing-declarations")
+set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wno-cast-qual")
+ base.h
+ chrono.h
+ config.h
+ keygen.h
+ log.h
+ osal.h
+ test.h
+ utils.h
+ mdbx
+ )
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/base.h b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/base.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b23f776aa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/base.h
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-2018 Leonid Yuriev <>
+ * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+ * Public License.
+ *
+ * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+ * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+ * <>.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#ifndef NOMINMAX
+#define NOMINMAX
+#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WINDOWS)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(push, 1)
+#pragma warning(disable : 4548) /* expression before comma has no effect; \
+ expected expression with side - effect */
+#pragma warning(disable : 4530) /* C++ exception handler used, but unwind \
+ semantics are not enabled. Specify /EHsc */
+#pragma warning(disable : 4577) /* 'noexcept' used with no exception handling \
+ mode specified; termination on exception \
+ is not guaranteed. Specify /EHsc */
+#endif /* _MSC_VER (warnings) */
+/* If you wish to build your application for a previous Windows platform,
+ * include WinSDKVer.h and set the _WIN32_WINNT macro to the platform you
+ * wish to support before including SDKDDKVer.h.
+ *
+ * TODO: #define _WIN32_WINNT WIN32_MUSTDIE */
+#include <SDKDDKVer.h>
+#endif /* WINDOWS */
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WINDOWS)
+#include <io.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#ifdef _BSD_SOURCE
+#include <endian.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cinttypes> // for PRId64, PRIu64
+#include <cstdarg>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <vector>
+#include "../mdbx.h"
+#include "../src/defs.h"
+#include "../src/osal.h"
+#if !defined(__thread) && (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__DMC__))
+#define __thread __declspec(thread)
+#endif /* __thread */
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#pragma warning(disable : 4201) /* nonstandard extension used : \
+ nameless struct / union */
+#pragma warning(disable : 4127) /* conditional expression is constant */
+#if _MSC_VER < 1900
+#pragma warning(disable : 4510) /* default constructor could \
+ not be generated */
+#pragma warning(disable : 4512) /* assignment operator could \
+ not be generated */
+#pragma warning(disable : 4610) /* user-defined constructor required */
+#ifndef snprintf
+#define snprintf(buffer, buffer_size, format, ...) \
+ _snprintf_s(buffer, buffer_size, _TRUNCATE, format, __VA_ARGS__)
+#ifndef vsnprintf
+#define vsnprintf(buffer, buffer_size, format, args) \
+ _vsnprintf_s(buffer, buffer_size, _TRUNCATE, format, args)
+#pragma warning(disable : 4996) /* 'vsnprintf': This function or variable \
+ may be unsafe */
+#endif /* _MSC_VER */
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f4306d58e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-2018 Leonid Yuriev <>
+ * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+ * Public License.
+ *
+ * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+ * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include "test.h"
+void configure_actor(unsigned &last_space_id, const actor_testcase testcase,
+ const char *space_id_cstr, const actor_params &params) {
+ unsigned wait4id = 0;
+ if (params.waitfor_nops) {
+ for (auto i = global::actors.rbegin(); i != global::actors.rend(); ++i) {
+ if (i->is_waitable(params.waitfor_nops)) {
+ if (i->signal_nops && i->signal_nops != params.waitfor_nops)
+ failure("Previous waitable actor (id=%u) already linked on %u-ops\n",
+ i->actor_id, i->signal_nops);
+ wait4id = i->actor_id;
+ i->signal_nops = params.waitfor_nops;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!wait4id)
+ failure("No previous waitable actor for %u-ops\n", params.waitfor_nops);
+ }
+ unsigned space_id = 0;
+ if (!space_id_cstr || strcmp(space_id_cstr, "auto") == 0)
+ space_id = last_space_id + 1;
+ else {
+ char *end = nullptr;
+ errno = 0;
+ space_id = strtoul(space_id_cstr, &end, 0);
+ if (errno)
+ failure_perror("Expects an integer value for space-id\n", errno);
+ if (end && *end)
+ failure("The '%s' is unexpected for space-id\n", end);
+ }
+ if (space_id > ACTOR_ID_MAX)
+ failure("Invalid space-id %u\n", space_id);
+ last_space_id = space_id;
+ log_trace("configure_actor: space %u for %s", space_id,
+ testcase2str(testcase));
+ global::actors.emplace_back(
+ actor_config(testcase, params, space_id, wait4id));
+ global::databases.insert(params.pathname_db);
+void testcase_setup(const char *casename, actor_params &params,
+ unsigned &last_space_id) {
+ if (strcmp(casename, "basic") == 0) {
+ log_notice(">>> testcase_setup(%s)", casename);
+ configure_actor(last_space_id, ac_jitter, nullptr, params);
+ configure_actor(last_space_id, ac_hill, nullptr, params);
+ configure_actor(last_space_id, ac_jitter, nullptr, params);
+ configure_actor(last_space_id, ac_hill, nullptr, params);
+ configure_actor(last_space_id, ac_jitter, nullptr, params);
+ configure_actor(last_space_id, ac_hill, nullptr, params);
+ configure_actor(last_space_id, ac_try, nullptr, params);
+ log_notice("<<< testcase_setup(%s): done", casename);
+ } else {
+ failure("unknown testcase `%s`", casename);
+ }
+void keycase_setup(const char *casename, actor_params &params) {
+ if (strcmp(casename, "random") == 0 || strcmp(casename, "prng") == 0) {
+ log_notice(">>> keycase_setup(%s)", casename);
+ params.keygen.keycase = kc_random;
+ // TODO
+ log_notice("<<< keycase_setup(%s): done", casename);
+ } else if (strcmp(casename, "dashes") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(casename, "aside") == 0) {
+ log_notice(">>> keycase_setup(%s)", casename);
+ params.keygen.keycase = kc_dashes;
+ // TODO
+ log_notice("<<< keycase_setup(%s): done", casename);
+ } else if (strcmp(casename, "custom") == 0) {
+ log_notice("=== keycase_setup(%s): skip", casename);
+ params.keygen.keycase = kc_custom;
+ } else {
+ failure("unknown keycase `%s`", casename);
+ }
+/* TODO */
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f734668628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-2018 Leonid Yuriev <>
+ * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+ * Public License.
+ *
+ * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+ * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include "test.h"
+namespace chrono {
+#define NSEC_PER_SEC 1000000000u
+uint32_t ns2fractional(uint32_t ns) {
+ assert(ns < NSEC_PER_SEC);
+ /* LY: здесь и далее используется "длинное деление", которое
+ * для ясности кода оставлено как есть (без ручной оптимизации). Так как
+ * GCC, Clang и даже MSVC сами давно умеют конвертировать деление на
+ * константу в быструю reciprocal-форму. */
+ return ((uint64_t)ns << 32) / NSEC_PER_SEC;
+uint32_t fractional2ns(uint32_t fractional) {
+ return (fractional * (uint64_t)NSEC_PER_SEC) >> 32;
+#define USEC_PER_SEC 1000000u
+uint32_t us2fractional(uint32_t us) {
+ assert(us < USEC_PER_SEC);
+ return ((uint64_t)us << 32) / USEC_PER_SEC;
+uint32_t fractional2us(uint32_t fractional) {
+ return (fractional * (uint64_t)USEC_PER_SEC) >> 32;
+#define MSEC_PER_SEC 1000u
+uint32_t ms2fractional(uint32_t ms) {
+ assert(ms < MSEC_PER_SEC);
+ return ((uint64_t)ms << 32) / MSEC_PER_SEC;
+uint32_t fractional2ms(uint32_t fractional) {
+ return (fractional * (uint64_t)MSEC_PER_SEC) >> 32;
+time from_ns(uint64_t ns) {
+ time result;
+ result.fixedpoint = ((ns / NSEC_PER_SEC) << 32) |
+ ns2fractional((uint32_t)(ns % NSEC_PER_SEC));
+ return result;
+time from_us(uint64_t us) {
+ time result;
+ result.fixedpoint = ((us / USEC_PER_SEC) << 32) |
+ us2fractional((uint32_t)(us % USEC_PER_SEC));
+ return result;
+time from_ms(uint64_t ms) {
+ time result;
+ result.fixedpoint = ((ms / MSEC_PER_SEC) << 32) |
+ ms2fractional((uint32_t)(ms % MSEC_PER_SEC));
+ return result;
+time now_realtime() {
+#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WINDOWS)
+ static void(WINAPI * query_time)(LPFILETIME);
+ if (!query_time) {
+ query_time = (void(WINAPI *)(LPFILETIME))GetProcAddress(
+ GetModuleHandle(TEXT("kernel32.dll")),
+ "GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime");
+ if (!query_time)
+ query_time = GetSystemTimeAsFileTime;
+ }
+ FILETIME filetime;
+ query_time(&filetime);
+ uint64_t ns100 =
+ (uint64_t)filetime.dwHighDateTime << 32 | filetime.dwLowDateTime;
+ return from_ns((ns100 - UINT64_C(116444736000000000)) * 100u);
+ struct timespec ts;
+ if (unlikely(clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts)))
+ failure_perror("clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME", errno);
+ return from_timespec(ts);
+time now_motonic() {
+#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WINDOWS)
+ static uint64_t reciprocal;
+ static LARGE_INTEGER Frequency;
+ if (reciprocal == 0) {
+ if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency(&Frequency))
+ failure_perror("QueryPerformanceFrequency()", GetLastError());
+ reciprocal = (((UINT64_C(1) << 48) + Frequency.QuadPart / 2 + 1) /
+ Frequency.QuadPart);
+ assert(reciprocal);
+ }
+ if (!QueryPerformanceCounter(&Counter))
+ failure_perror("QueryPerformanceCounter()", GetLastError());
+ time result;
+ result.fixedpoint = (Counter.QuadPart / Frequency.QuadPart) << 32;
+ uint64_t mod = Counter.QuadPart % Frequency.QuadPart;
+ result.fixedpoint += (mod * reciprocal) >> 16;
+ return result;
+ struct timespec ts;
+ if (unlikely(clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts)))
+ failure_perror("clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)", errno);
+ return from_timespec(ts);
+} /* namespace chrono */
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/chrono.h b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/chrono.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2bd5627a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/chrono.h
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-2018 Leonid Yuriev <>
+ * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+ * Public License.
+ *
+ * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+ * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+ * <>.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "base.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+namespace chrono {
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+typedef union time {
+ uint64_t fixedpoint;
+ struct {
+ uint32_t fractional;
+ union {
+ uint32_t utc;
+ uint32_t integer;
+ };
+ union {
+ uint32_t utc;
+ uint32_t integer;
+ };
+ uint32_t fractional;
+ };
+ void reset() { fixedpoint = 0; }
+ uint32_t seconds() const { return utc; }
+} time;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+uint32_t ns2fractional(uint32_t);
+uint32_t fractional2ns(uint32_t);
+uint32_t us2fractional(uint32_t);
+uint32_t fractional2us(uint32_t);
+uint32_t ms2fractional(uint32_t);
+uint32_t fractional2ms(uint32_t);
+time from_ns(uint64_t us);
+time from_us(uint64_t ns);
+time from_ms(uint64_t ms);
+inline time from_seconds(uint64_t seconds) {
+ assert(seconds < UINT32_MAX);
+ time result;
+ result.fixedpoint = seconds << 32;
+ return result;
+inline time from_utc(time_t utc) {
+ assert(utc >= 0);
+ return from_seconds((uint64_t)utc);
+inline time infinite() {
+ time result;
+ result.fixedpoint = UINT64_MAX;
+ return result;
+#if defined(HAVE_TIMESPEC_TV_NSEC) || defined(__timespec_defined) || \
+inline time from_timespec(const struct timespec &ts) {
+ time result;
+ result.fixedpoint =
+ ((uint64_t)ts.tv_sec << 32) | ns2fractional((uint32_t)ts.tv_nsec);
+ return result;
+#if defined(HAVE_TIMEVAL_TV_USEC) || defined(_STRUCT_TIMEVAL)
+inline time from_timeval(const struct timeval &tv) {
+ time result;
+ result.fixedpoint =
+ ((uint64_t)tv.tv_sec << 32) | us2fractional((uint32_t)tv.tv_usec);
+ return result;
+#endif /* HAVE_TIMEVAL_TV_USEC */
+time now_realtime();
+time now_motonic();
+} /* namespace chrono */
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cbff68ce4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-2018 Leonid Yuriev <>
+ * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+ * Public License.
+ *
+ * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+ * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include "test.h"
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(strcasecmp)
+#define strcasecmp(str, len) _stricmp(str, len)
+#endif /* _MSC_VER && strcasecmp() */
+namespace config {
+bool parse_option(int argc, char *const argv[], int &narg, const char *option,
+ const char **value, const char *default_value) {
+ assert(narg < argc);
+ const char *current = argv[narg];
+ const size_t optlen = strlen(option);
+ if (strncmp(current, "--", 2) || strncmp(current + 2, option, optlen))
+ return false;
+ if (!value) {
+ if (current[optlen + 2] == '=')
+ failure("Option '--%s' doen't accept any value\n", option);
+ return true;
+ }
+ *value = nullptr;
+ if (current[optlen + 2] == '=') {
+ *value = &current[optlen + 3];
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (narg + 1 < argc && strncmp("--", argv[narg + 1], 2) != 0) {
+ *value = argv[narg + 1];
+ ++narg;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (default_value) {
+ *value = default_value;
+ return true;
+ }
+ failure("No value given for '--%s' option\n", option);
+bool parse_option(int argc, char *const argv[], int &narg, const char *option,
+ std::string &value, bool allow_empty) {
+ const char *value_cstr;
+ if (!parse_option(argc, argv, narg, option, &value_cstr,
+ allow_empty ? "" : nullptr))
+ return false;
+ if (!allow_empty && strlen(value_cstr) == 0)
+ failure("Value for option '--%s' could't be empty\n", option);
+ value = value_cstr;
+ return true;
+bool parse_option(int argc, char *const argv[], int &narg, const char *option,
+ unsigned &mask, const option_verb *verbs) {
+ const char *list;
+ if (!parse_option(argc, argv, narg, option, &list))
+ return false;
+ mask = 0;
+ while (*list) {
+ if (*list == ',' || *list == ' ' || *list == '\t') {
+ ++list;
+ continue;
+ }
+ const char *const comma = strchr(list, ',');
+ const size_t len = (comma) ? comma - list : strlen(list);
+ const option_verb *scan = verbs;
+ while (true) {
+ if (!scan->verb)
+ failure("Unknown verb '%.*s', for option '==%s'\n", (int)len, list,
+ option);
+ if (strlen(scan->verb) == len && strncmp(list, scan->verb, len) == 0) {
+ mask |= scan->mask;
+ list += len;
+ break;
+ }
+ ++scan;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool parse_option(int argc, char *const argv[], int &narg, const char *option,
+ uint64_t &value, const scale_mode scale,
+ const uint64_t minval, const uint64_t maxval) {
+ const char *value_cstr;
+ if (!parse_option(argc, argv, narg, option, &value_cstr))
+ return false;
+ char *suffix = nullptr;
+ errno = 0;
+ unsigned long raw = strtoul(value_cstr, &suffix, 0);
+ if (errno)
+ failure("Option '--%s' expects a numeric value (%s)\n", option,
+ test_strerror(errno));
+ uint64_t multipler = 1;
+ if (suffix && *suffix) {
+ if (scale == no_scale)
+ failure("Option '--%s' doen't accepts suffixes, so '%s' is unexpected\n",
+ option, suffix);
+ if (strcmp(suffix, "K") == 0 || strcasecmp(suffix, "Kilo") == 0)
+ multipler = (scale == decimal) ? UINT64_C(1000) : UINT64_C(1024);
+ else if (strcmp(suffix, "M") == 0 || strcasecmp(suffix, "Mega") == 0)
+ multipler =
+ (scale == decimal) ? UINT64_C(1000) * 1000 : UINT64_C(1024) * 1024;
+ else if (strcmp(suffix, "G") == 0 || strcasecmp(suffix, "Giga") == 0)
+ multipler = (scale == decimal) ? UINT64_C(1000) * 1000 * 1000
+ : UINT64_C(1024) * 1024 * 1024;
+ else if (strcmp(suffix, "T") == 0 || strcasecmp(suffix, "Tera") == 0)
+ multipler = (scale == decimal) ? UINT64_C(1000) * 1000 * 1000 * 1000
+ : UINT64_C(1024) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
+ else if (scale == duration &&
+ (strcmp(suffix, "s") == 0 || strcasecmp(suffix, "Seconds") == 0))
+ multipler = 1;
+ else if (scale == duration &&
+ (strcmp(suffix, "m") == 0 || strcasecmp(suffix, "Minutes") == 0))
+ multipler = 60;
+ else if (scale == duration &&
+ (strcmp(suffix, "h") == 0 || strcasecmp(suffix, "Hours") == 0))
+ multipler = 3600;
+ else if (scale == duration &&
+ (strcmp(suffix, "d") == 0 || strcasecmp(suffix, "Days") == 0))
+ multipler = 3600 * 24;
+ else
+ failure(
+ "Option '--%s' expects a numeric value with Kilo/Mega/Giga/Tera %s"
+ "suffixes, but '%s' is unexpected\n",
+ option, (scale == duration) ? "or Seconds/Minutes/Hours/Days " : "",
+ suffix);
+ }
+ if (raw >= UINT64_MAX / multipler)
+ failure("The value for option '--%s' is too huge\n", option);
+ value = raw * multipler;
+ if (maxval && value > maxval)
+ failure("The maximal value for option '--%s' is %" PRIu64 "\n", option,
+ maxval);
+ if (value < minval)
+ failure("The minimal value for option '--%s' is %" PRIu64 "\n", option,
+ minval);
+ return true;
+bool parse_option(int argc, char *const argv[], int &narg, const char *option,
+ unsigned &value, const scale_mode scale,
+ const unsigned minval, const unsigned maxval) {
+ uint64_t huge;
+ if (!parse_option(argc, argv, narg, option, huge, scale, minval, maxval))
+ return false;
+ value = (unsigned)huge;
+ return true;
+bool parse_option(int argc, char *const argv[], int &narg, const char *option,
+ uint8_t &value, const uint8_t minval, const uint8_t maxval) {
+ uint64_t huge;
+ if (!parse_option(argc, argv, narg, option, huge, no_scale, minval, maxval))
+ return false;
+ value = (uint8_t)huge;
+ return true;
+bool parse_option(int argc, char *const argv[], int &narg, const char *option,
+ bool &value) {
+ const char *value_cstr = NULL;
+ if (!parse_option(argc, argv, narg, option, &value_cstr, "yes")) {
+ const char *current = argv[narg];
+ if (strncmp(current, "--no-", 5) == 0 && strcmp(current + 5, option) == 0) {
+ value = false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (strncmp(current, "--dont-", 7) == 0 &&
+ strcmp(current + 7, option) == 0) {
+ value = false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!value_cstr) {
+ value = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (strcasecmp(value_cstr, "yes") == 0 || strcasecmp(value_cstr, "1") == 0) {
+ value = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (strcasecmp(value_cstr, "no") == 0 || strcasecmp(value_cstr, "0") == 0) {
+ value = false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ failure(
+ "Option '--%s' expects a 'boolean' value Yes/No, so '%s' is unexpected\n",
+ option, value_cstr);
+const struct option_verb mode_bits[] = {
+ {"rdonly", MDBX_RDONLY}, {"mapasync", MDBX_MAPASYNC},
+ {"utterly", MDBX_UTTERLY_NOSYNC}, {"nosubdir", MDBX_NOSUBDIR},
+ {"nosync", MDBX_NOSYNC}, {"nometasync", MDBX_NOMETASYNC},
+ {"writemap", MDBX_WRITEMAP}, {"notls", MDBX_NOTLS},
+ {"nordahead", MDBX_NORDAHEAD}, {"nomeminit", MDBX_NOMEMINIT},
+ {"coalesce", MDBX_COALESCE}, {"lifo", MDBX_LIFORECLAIM},
+ {"perturb", MDBX_PAGEPERTURB}, {nullptr, 0}};
+const struct option_verb table_bits[] = {
+ {"key.reverse", MDBX_REVERSEKEY},
+ {"key.integer", MDBX_INTEGERKEY},
+ {"data.fixed", MDBX_DUPFIXED | MDBX_DUPSORT},
+ {"data.reverse", MDBX_REVERSEDUP | MDBX_DUPSORT},
+ {"data.dups", MDBX_DUPSORT},
+ {nullptr, 0}};
+static void dump_verbs(const char *caption, size_t bits,
+ const struct option_verb *verbs) {
+ log_info("%s: 0x%" PRIx64 " = ", caption, (uint64_t)bits);
+ const char *comma = "";
+ while (verbs->mask && bits) {
+ if ((bits & verbs->mask) == verbs->mask) {
+ logging::feed("%s%s", comma, verbs->verb);
+ bits -= verbs->mask;
+ comma = ", ";
+ }
+ ++verbs;
+ }
+ logging::feed("\n");
+static void dump_duration(const char *caption, unsigned duration) {
+ log_info("%s: ", caption);
+ if (duration) {
+ if (duration > 24 * 3600)
+ logging::feed("%u_", duration / (24 * 3600));
+ if (duration > 3600)
+ logging::feed("%02u:", (duration % (24 * 3600)) / 3600);
+ logging::feed("%02u:%02u", (duration % 3600) / 60, duration % 60);
+ } else {
+ logging::feed("INFINITE");
+ }
+ logging::feed("\n");
+void dump(const char *title) {
+ logging::local_suffix indent(title);
+ for (auto i = global::actors.begin(); i != global::actors.end(); ++i) {
+ log_info("#%u, testcase %s, space_id/table %u\n", i->actor_id,
+ testcase2str(i->testcase), i->space_id);
+ indent.push();
+ if (i->params.loglevel) {
+ log_info("log: level %u, %s\n", i->params.loglevel,
+ i->params.pathname_log.empty() ? "console"
+ : i->params.pathname_log.c_str());
+ }
+ log_info("database: %s, size %" PRIu64 "\n", i->params.pathname_db.c_str(),
+ i->params.size);
+ dump_verbs("mode", i->params.mode_flags, mode_bits);
+ dump_verbs("table", i->params.table_flags, table_bits);
+ if (i->params.test_nops)
+ log_info("iterations/records %u\n", i->params.test_nops);
+ else
+ dump_duration("duration", i->params.test_duration);
+ if (i->params.nrepeat)
+ log_info("repeat %u\n", i->params.nrepeat);
+ else
+ log_info("repeat ETERNALLY\n");
+ log_info("threads %u\n", i->params.nthreads);
+ log_info(" %s\n", keygencase2str(i->params.keygen.keycase));
+ log_info("keygen.seed: %u\n", i->params.keygen.seed);
+ log_info("key: minlen %u, maxlen %u\n", i->params.keylen_min,
+ i->params.keylen_max);
+ log_info("data: minlen %u, maxlen %u\n", i->params.datalen_min,
+ i->params.datalen_max);
+ log_info("batch: read %u, write %u\n", i->params.batch_read,
+ i->params.batch_write);
+ if (i->params.waitfor_nops)
+ log_info("wait: actor %u for %u ops\n", i->wait4id,
+ i->params.waitfor_nops);
+ else if (i->params.delaystart)
+ dump_duration("delay", i->params.delaystart);
+ else
+ log_info("no-delay\n");
+ if (i->params.inject_writefaultn)
+ log_info("inject-writefault on %u ops\n", i->params.inject_writefaultn);
+ else
+ log_info("no-inject-writefault\n");
+ log_info("limits: readers %u, tables %u\n", i->params.max_readers,
+ i->params.max_tables);
+ log_info("drop table: %s\n", i->params.drop_table ? "Yes" : "No");
+ indent.pop();
+ }
+ dump_duration("timeout", global::config::timeout_duration_seconds);
+ log_info("cleanup: before %s, after %s\n",
+ global::config::cleanup_before ? "Yes" : "No",
+ global::config::cleanup_after ? "Yes" : "No");
+ log_info("failfast: %s\n", global::config::failfast ? "Yes" : "No");
+ log_info("progress indicator: %s\n",
+ global::config::progress_indicator ? "Yes" : "No");
+} /* namespace config */
+using namespace config;
+actor_config::actor_config(actor_testcase testcase, const actor_params &params,
+ unsigned space_id, unsigned wait4id)
+ : params(params) {
+ this->space_id = space_id;
+ this->actor_id = 1 + (unsigned)global::actors.size();
+ this->testcase = testcase;
+ this->wait4id = wait4id;
+ signal_nops = 0;
+const std::string actor_config::serialize(const char *prefix) const {
+ simple_checksum checksum;
+ std::string result;
+ if (prefix)
+ result.append(prefix);
+ checksum.push(params.pathname_db);
+ result.append(params.pathname_db);
+ result.append("|");
+ checksum.push(params.pathname_log);
+ result.append(params.pathname_log);
+ result.append("|");
+ static_assert(std::is_pod<actor_params_pod>::value,
+ "actor_params_pod should by POD");
+ result.append(data2hex(static_cast<const actor_params_pod *>(&params),
+ sizeof(actor_params_pod), checksum));
+ result.append("|");
+ static_assert(std::is_pod<actor_config_pod>::value,
+ "actor_config_pod should by POD");
+ result.append(data2hex(static_cast<const actor_config_pod *>(this),
+ sizeof(actor_config_pod), checksum));
+ result.append("|");
+ result.append(osal_serialize(checksum));
+ result.append("|");
+ result.append(std::to_string(checksum.value));
+ return result;
+bool actor_config::deserialize(const char *str, actor_config &config) {
+ simple_checksum checksum;
+ TRACE(">> actor_config::deserialize: %s\n", str);
+ const char *slash = strchr(str, '|');
+ if (!slash) {
+ TRACE("<< actor_config::deserialize: slash-1\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ config.params.pathname_db.assign(str, slash - str);
+ checksum.push(config.params.pathname_db);
+ str = slash + 1;
+ slash = strchr(str, '|');
+ if (!slash) {
+ TRACE("<< actor_config::deserialize: slash-2\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ config.params.pathname_log.assign(str, slash - str);
+ checksum.push(config.params.pathname_log);
+ str = slash + 1;
+ slash = strchr(str, '|');
+ if (!slash) {
+ TRACE("<< actor_config::deserialize: slash-3\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ static_assert(std::is_pod<actor_params_pod>::value,
+ "actor_params_pod should by POD");
+ if (!hex2data(str, slash, static_cast<actor_params_pod *>(&config.params),
+ sizeof(actor_params_pod), checksum)) {
+ TRACE("<< actor_config::deserialize: actor_params_pod(%.*s)\n",
+ (int)(slash - str), str);
+ return false;
+ }
+ str = slash + 1;
+ slash = strchr(str, '|');
+ if (!slash) {
+ TRACE("<< actor_config::deserialize: slash-4\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ static_assert(std::is_pod<actor_config_pod>::value,
+ "actor_config_pod should by POD");
+ if (!hex2data(str, slash, static_cast<actor_config_pod *>(&config),
+ sizeof(actor_config_pod), checksum)) {
+ TRACE("<< actor_config::deserialize: actor_config_pod(%.*s)\n",
+ (int)(slash - str), str);
+ return false;
+ }
+ str = slash + 1;
+ slash = strchr(str, '|');
+ if (!slash) {
+ TRACE("<< actor_config::deserialize: slash-5\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!config.osal_deserialize(str, slash, checksum)) {
+ TRACE("<< actor_config::deserialize: osal\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ str = slash + 1;
+ uint64_t verify = std::stoull(std::string(str));
+ if (checksum.value != verify) {
+ TRACE("<< actor_config::deserialize: checksum mismatch\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ TRACE("<< actor_config::deserialize: OK\n");
+ return true;
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/config.h b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/config.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86f37fbed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-2018 Leonid Yuriev <>
+ * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+ * Public License.
+ *
+ * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+ * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+ * <>.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "base.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+enum actor_testcase {
+ ac_none,
+ ac_hill,
+ ac_deadread,
+ ac_deadwrite,
+ ac_jitter,
+ ac_try
+enum actor_status {
+ as_unknown,
+ as_debuging,
+ as_running,
+ as_successful,
+ as_killed,
+ as_failed
+const char *testcase2str(const actor_testcase);
+const char *status2str(actor_status status);
+enum keygen_case {
+ kc_random, /* [ 6.. 2.. 7.. 4.. 0.. 1.. 5.. 3.. ] */
+ kc_dashes, /* [ 0123.. 4567.. ] */
+ kc_custom,
+ /* TODO: more cases */
+const char *keygencase2str(const keygen_case);
+namespace config {
+enum scale_mode { no_scale, decimal, binary, duration };
+bool parse_option(int argc, char *const argv[], int &narg, const char *option,
+ const char **value, const char *default_value = nullptr);
+bool parse_option(int argc, char *const argv[], int &narg, const char *option,
+ std::string &value, bool allow_empty = false);
+bool parse_option(int argc, char *const argv[], int &narg, const char *option,
+ bool &value);
+struct option_verb {
+ const char *const verb;
+ unsigned mask;
+bool parse_option(int argc, char *const argv[], int &narg, const char *option,
+ unsigned &mask, const option_verb *verbs);
+bool parse_option(int argc, char *const argv[], int &narg, const char *option,
+ uint64_t &value, const scale_mode scale,
+ const uint64_t minval = 0, const uint64_t maxval = INT64_MAX);
+bool parse_option(int argc, char *const argv[], int &narg, const char *option,
+ unsigned &value, const scale_mode scale,
+ const unsigned minval = 0, const unsigned maxval = INT32_MAX);
+bool parse_option(int argc, char *const argv[], int &narg, const char *option,
+ uint8_t &value, const uint8_t minval = 0,
+ const uint8_t maxval = 255);
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct keygen_params_pod {
+ keygen_case keycase;
+ /* Параметры генератора пар key-value.
+ *
+ * Ключи и значения генерируются по задаваемым параметрам на основе "плоской"
+ * исходной координаты. При этом, в общем случае, в процессе тестов исходная
+ * координата последовательно итерируется в заданном диапазоне, а необходимые
+ * паттерны/последовательности/узоры получаются за счет преобразования
+ * исходной координаты, согласно описанным ниже параметрам.
+ *
+ * Стоит отметить, что порядок описания параметров для удобства совпадает с
+ * порядком их использования, т.е. с порядком соответствующих преобразований.
+ *
+ * Второе важное замечание касается ограничений одновременной координированной
+ * генерации паттеров как для ключей, так и для значений. Суть в том, что
+ * такая возможность не нужна по следующим причинам:
+ * - libmdbx поддерживает два существенно различающихся вида таблиц,
+ * "уникальные" (без дубликатов и без multi-value), и так называемые
+ * "с дубликатами" (c multi-value).
+ * - Для таблиц "без дубликатов" только размер связанных к ключами значений
+ * (данных) оказывает влияния на работу движка, непосредственно содержимое
+ * данных не анализируется движком и не оказывает влияния на его работу.
+ * - Для таблиц "с дубликатами", при наличии более одного значения для
+ * некоторого ключа, формируется дочернее btree-поддерево. Это дерево
+ * формируется в отдельном "кусте" страниц и обслуживается независимо
+ * от окружения родительского ключа.
+ * - Таким образом, паттерн генерации значений имеет смысл только для
+ * таблиц "с дубликатами" и только в контексте одного значения ключа.
+ * Иначе говоря, нет смысла в со-координации генерации паттернов для
+ * ключей и значений. Более того, генерацию значений всегда необходимо
+ * рассматривать в контексте связки с одним значением ключа.
+ *
+ * width:
+ * Большинство тестов предполагают создание или итерирование некоторого
+ * количества записей. При этом требуется итерирование или генерация
+ * значений и ключей из некоторого ограниченного пространства вариантов.
+ *
+ * Параметр width задает такую ширину пространства вариантов в битах.
+ * Таким образом мощность пространства вариантов (пока) всегда равна
+ * степени двойки. Это ограничение можно снять, но ценой увеличения
+ * вычислительной сложности, включая потерю простоты и прозрачности.
+ *
+ * С другой стороны, не-битовый width может быть полезен:
+ * - Позволит генерировать ключи/значения в точно задаваемом диапазоне.
+ * Например, перебрать в псевдо-случайном порядке 10001 значение.
+ * - Позволит поровну разделять заданное пространство (диапазон)
+ * ключей/значений между количеством потоков некратным степени двойки.
+ *
+ * mesh и seed:
+ * Позволяют получить псевдо-случайные последовательности ключей/значений.
+ * Параметр mesh задает сколько младших бит исходной плоской координаты
+ * будет "перемешано" (инъективно отображено), а параметр seed позволяет
+ * выбрать конкретный вариант "перемешивания".
+ *
+ * Перемешивание выполняется при ненулевом значении mesh. Перемешивание
+ * реализуется посредством применения двух инъективных функций для
+ * заданного количества бит:
+ * - применяется первая инъективная функция;
+ * - к результату добавляется salt полученный из seed;
+ * - применяется вторая инъективная функция;
+ *
+ * Следует отметить, что mesh умышленно позволяет перемешать только младшую
+ * часть, что при ненулевом значении split (см далее) не позволяет получать
+ * псевдо-случайные значений ключей без псевдо-случайности в значениях.
+ *
+ * Такое ограничение соответствуют внутренней алгоритмике libmdbx. Проще
+ * говоря мы можем проверить движок псевдо-случайной последовательностью
+ * ключей на таблицах без дубликатов (без multi-value), а затем проверить
+ * корректность работу псевдо-случайной последовательностью значений на
+ * таблицах с дубликатами (с multi-value), опционально добавляя
+ * псевдо-случайности к последовательности ключей. Однако, нет смысла
+ * генерировать псевдо-случайные ключи, одновременно с формированием
+ * какого-либо паттерна в значениях, так как содержимое в данных либо
+ * не будет иметь значения (для таблиц без дубликатов), либо будет
+ * обрабатываться в отдельных btree-поддеревьях.
+ *
+ * rotate и offset:
+ * Для проверки слияния и разделения страниц внутри движка требуются
+ * генерация ключей/значений в виде не-смежных последовательностей, как-бы
+ * в виде "пунктира", который постепенно заполняет весь заданных диапазон.
+ *
+ * Параметры позволяют генерировать такой "пунктир". Соответственно rotate
+ * задает циклический сдвиг вправо, а offset задает смещение, точнее говоря
+ * сложение по модулю внутри диапазона заданного посредством width.
+ *
+ * Например, при rotate равном 1 (циклический сдвиг вправо на 1 бит),
+ * четные и нечетные исходные значения сложатся в две линейные
+ * последовательности, которые постепенно закроют старшую и младшую
+ * половины диапазона.
+ *
+ * split:
+ * Для таблиц без дубликатов (без multi-value ключей) фактически требуется
+ * генерация только ключей, а данные могут быть постоянным. Но для таблиц с
+ * дубликатами (с multi-value ключами) также требуется генерация значений.
+ *
+ * Ненулевое значение параметра split фактически включает генерацию значений,
+ * при этом значение split определяет сколько бит исходного абстрактного
+ * номера будет отрезано для генерации значения.
+ */
+ uint8_t width;
+ uint8_t mesh;
+ uint8_t rotate;
+ uint8_t split;
+ uint32_t seed;
+ uint64_t offset;
+struct actor_params_pod {
+ unsigned loglevel;
+ unsigned mode_flags;
+ unsigned table_flags;
+ uint64_t size;
+ unsigned test_duration;
+ unsigned test_nops;
+ unsigned nrepeat;
+ unsigned nthreads;
+ unsigned keylen_min, keylen_max;
+ unsigned datalen_min, datalen_max;
+ unsigned batch_read;
+ unsigned batch_write;
+ unsigned delaystart;
+ unsigned waitfor_nops;
+ unsigned inject_writefaultn;
+ unsigned max_readers;
+ unsigned max_tables;
+ keygen_params_pod keygen;
+ bool drop_table;
+struct actor_config_pod {
+ unsigned actor_id, space_id;
+ actor_testcase testcase;
+ unsigned wait4id;
+ unsigned signal_nops;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+extern const struct option_verb mode_bits[];
+extern const struct option_verb table_bits[];
+void dump(const char *title = "config-dump: ");
+} /* namespace config */
+struct actor_params : public config::actor_params_pod {
+ std::string pathname_log;
+ std::string pathname_db;
+ void set_defaults(const std::string &tmpdir);
+struct actor_config : public config::actor_config_pod {
+ actor_params params;
+ bool wanna_event4signalling() const { return true /* TODO ? */; }
+ actor_config(actor_testcase testcase, const actor_params &params,
+ unsigned space_id, unsigned wait4id);
+ actor_config(const char *str) {
+ if (!deserialize(str, *this))
+ failure("Invalid internal parameter '%s'\n", str);
+ }
+ const std::string osal_serialize(simple_checksum &) const;
+ bool osal_deserialize(const char *str, const char *end, simple_checksum &);
+ const std::string serialize(const char *prefix) const;
+ static bool deserialize(const char *str, actor_config &config);
+ bool is_waitable(size_t nops) const {
+ switch (testcase) {
+ case ac_hill:
+ if (!params.test_nops || params.test_nops >= nops)
+ return true;
+ __fallthrough;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee13fbd0ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-2018 Leonid Yuriev <>
+ * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+ * Public License.
+ *
+ * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+ * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include "test.h"
+bool testcase_deadread::setup() {
+ log_trace(">> setup");
+ if (!inherited::setup())
+ return false;
+ log_trace("<< setup");
+ return true;
+bool testcase_deadread::run() {
+ db_open();
+ txn_begin(true);
+ return true;
+bool testcase_deadread::teardown() {
+ log_trace(">> teardown");
+ cursor_guard.release();
+ txn_guard.release();
+ db_guard.release();
+ return inherited::teardown();
+bool testcase_deadwrite::setup() {
+ log_trace(">> setup");
+ if (!inherited::setup())
+ return false;
+ log_trace("<< setup");
+ return true;
+bool testcase_deadwrite::run() {
+ db_open();
+ txn_begin(false);
+ return true;
+bool testcase_deadwrite::teardown() {
+ log_trace(">> teardown");
+ cursor_guard.release();
+ txn_guard.release();
+ db_guard.release();
+ return inherited::teardown();
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c9115784d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-2018 Leonid Yuriev <>
+ * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+ * Public License.
+ *
+ * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+ * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include "test.h"
+bool testcase_hill::setup() {
+ log_trace(">> setup");
+ if (!inherited::setup())
+ return false;
+ /* TODO */
+ log_trace("<< setup");
+ return true;
+bool testcase_hill::run() {
+ db_open();
+ txn_begin(false);
+ MDBX_dbi dbi = db_table_open(true);
+ txn_end(false);
+ /* LY: тест "холмиком":
+ * - сначала наполняем таблицу циклическими CRUD-манипуляциями,
+ * которые в каждом цикле делают несколько операций, включая удаление,
+ * но в результате добавляют записи.
+ * - затем очищаем таблицу также CRUD-манипуляциями, но уже с другой
+ * пропорцией удалений.
+ *
+ * При этом очень многое зависит от порядка перебора ключей:
+ * - (псевдо)случайное распределение требуется лишь для полноты картины,
+ * но в целом не покрывает важных кейсов.
+ * - кроме (псевдо)случайного перебора требуется последовательное
+ * итерирование ключей интервалами различной ширины, с тем чтобы
+ * проверить различные варианты как разделения, так и слияния страниц
+ * внутри движка.
+ * - при не-уникальных ключах (MDBX_DUPSORT с подвариантами), для каждого
+ * повтора внутри движка формируется вложенное btree-дерево,
+ * соответственно требуется соблюдение аналогичных принципов
+ * итерирования для значений.
+ */
+ /* TODO: работа в несколько потоков */
+ keyvalue_maker.setup(config.params, 0 /* thread_number */);
+ keygen::buffer a_key = keygen::alloc(config.params.keylen_max);
+ keygen::buffer a_data_0 = keygen::alloc(config.params.datalen_max);
+ keygen::buffer a_data_1 = keygen::alloc(config.params.datalen_max);
+ keygen::buffer b_key = keygen::alloc(config.params.keylen_max);
+ keygen::buffer b_data = keygen::alloc(config.params.datalen_max);
+ const unsigned insert_flags = (config.params.table_flags & MDBX_DUPSORT)
+ const unsigned update_flags =
+ uint64_t serial_count = 0;
+ unsigned txn_nops = 0;
+ if (!txn_guard)
+ txn_begin(false);
+ while (should_continue()) {
+ const keygen::serial_t a_serial = serial_count;
+ if (unlikely(!keyvalue_maker.increment(serial_count, 1)))
+ failure("uphill: unexpected key-space overflow");
+ const keygen::serial_t b_serial = serial_count;
+ assert(b_serial > a_serial);
+ // создаем первую запись из пары
+ const keygen::serial_t age_shift = UINT64_C(1) << (a_serial % 31);
+ log_trace("uphill: insert-a (age %" PRIu64 ") %" PRIu64, age_shift,
+ a_serial);
+ generate_pair(a_serial, a_key, a_data_1, age_shift);
+ int rc = mdbx_put(txn_guard.get(), dbi, &a_key->value, &a_data_1->value,
+ insert_flags);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_put(insert-a.1)", rc);
+ if (++txn_nops >= config.params.batch_write) {
+ txn_restart(false, false);
+ txn_nops = 0;
+ }
+ // создаем вторую запись из пары
+ log_trace("uphill: insert-b %" PRIu64, b_serial);
+ generate_pair(b_serial, b_key, b_data, 0);
+ rc = mdbx_put(txn_guard.get(), dbi, &b_key->value, &b_data->value,
+ insert_flags);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_put(insert-b)", rc);
+ if (++txn_nops >= config.params.batch_write) {
+ txn_restart(false, false);
+ txn_nops = 0;
+ }
+ // обновляем данные в первой записи
+ log_trace("uphill: update-a (age %" PRIu64 "->0) %" PRIu64, age_shift,
+ a_serial);
+ generate_pair(a_serial, a_key, a_data_0, 0);
+ rc = mdbx_replace(txn_guard.get(), dbi, &a_key->value, &a_data_0->value,
+ &a_data_1->value, update_flags);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_put(update-a: 1->0)", rc);
+ if (++txn_nops >= config.params.batch_write) {
+ txn_restart(false, false);
+ txn_nops = 0;
+ }
+ // удаляем вторую запись
+ log_trace("uphill: delete-b %" PRIu64, b_serial);
+ rc = mdbx_del(txn_guard.get(), dbi, &b_key->value, &b_data->value);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_del(b)", rc);
+ if (++txn_nops >= config.params.batch_write) {
+ txn_restart(false, false);
+ txn_nops = 0;
+ }
+ report(1);
+ if (!keyvalue_maker.increment(serial_count, 1)) {
+ // дошли до границы пространства ключей
+ serial_count = a_serial;
+ goto overflow;
+ }
+ }
+ while (serial_count > 0) {
+ if (unlikely(!keyvalue_maker.increment(serial_count, -2)))
+ failure("downhill: unexpected key-space underflow");
+ overflow:
+ const keygen::serial_t a_serial = serial_count;
+ const keygen::serial_t b_serial = a_serial + 1;
+ assert(b_serial > a_serial);
+ // обновляем первую запись из пары
+ const keygen::serial_t age_shift = UINT64_C(1) << (a_serial % 31);
+ log_trace("downhill: update-a (age 0->%" PRIu64 ") %" PRIu64, age_shift,
+ a_serial);
+ generate_pair(a_serial, a_key, a_data_0, 0);
+ generate_pair(a_serial, a_key, a_data_1, age_shift);
+ if (a_serial == 808)
+ log_trace("!!!");
+ int rc = mdbx_replace(txn_guard.get(), dbi, &a_key->value, &a_data_1->value,
+ &a_data_0->value, update_flags);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_put(update-a: 0->1)", rc);
+ if (++txn_nops >= config.params.batch_write) {
+ txn_restart(false, false);
+ txn_nops = 0;
+ }
+ // создаем вторую запись из пары
+ log_trace("downhill: insert-b %" PRIu64, b_serial);
+ generate_pair(b_serial, b_key, b_data, 0);
+ rc = mdbx_put(txn_guard.get(), dbi, &b_key->value, &b_data->value,
+ insert_flags);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_put(insert-b)", rc);
+ if (++txn_nops >= config.params.batch_write) {
+ txn_restart(false, false);
+ txn_nops = 0;
+ }
+ // удаляем первую запись
+ log_trace("downhill: delete-a (age %" PRIu64 ") %" PRIu64, age_shift,
+ a_serial);
+ rc = mdbx_del(txn_guard.get(), dbi, &a_key->value, &a_data_1->value);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_del(a)", rc);
+ if (++txn_nops >= config.params.batch_write) {
+ txn_restart(false, false);
+ txn_nops = 0;
+ }
+ // удаляем вторую запись
+ log_trace("downhill: delete-b %" PRIu64, b_serial);
+ rc = mdbx_del(txn_guard.get(), dbi, &b_key->value, &b_data->value);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_del(b)", rc);
+ if (++txn_nops >= config.params.batch_write) {
+ txn_restart(false, false);
+ txn_nops = 0;
+ }
+ report(1);
+ }
+ if (txn_guard)
+ txn_end(false);
+ if (dbi) {
+ if (config.params.drop_table && !mode_readonly()) {
+ txn_begin(false);
+ db_table_drop(dbi);
+ txn_end(false);
+ } else
+ db_table_close(dbi);
+ }
+ return true;
+bool testcase_hill::teardown() {
+ log_trace(">> teardown");
+ return inherited::teardown();
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7faf2a3f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-2018 Leonid Yuriev <>
+ * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+ * Public License.
+ *
+ * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+ * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include "test.h"
+bool testcase_jitter::setup() {
+ log_trace(">> setup");
+ if (!inherited::setup())
+ return false;
+ log_trace("<< setup");
+ return true;
+bool testcase_jitter::run() {
+ while (should_continue()) {
+ jitter_delay();
+ db_open();
+ if (flipcoin()) {
+ jitter_delay();
+ txn_begin(true);
+ fetch_canary();
+ jitter_delay();
+ txn_end(flipcoin());
+ }
+ jitter_delay();
+ txn_begin(mode_readonly());
+ jitter_delay();
+ if (!mode_readonly()) {
+ fetch_canary();
+ update_canary(1);
+ /* TODO:
+ * - db_setsize()
+ * ...
+ */
+ }
+ txn_end(flipcoin());
+ if (flipcoin()) {
+ jitter_delay();
+ txn_begin(true);
+ jitter_delay();
+ txn_end(flipcoin());
+ }
+ jitter_delay();
+ db_close();
+ report(1);
+ }
+ return true;
+bool testcase_jitter::teardown() {
+ log_trace(">> teardown");
+ return inherited::teardown();
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99b46f2976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-2018 Leonid Yuriev <>
+ * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+ * Public License.
+ *
+ * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+ * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include "test.h"
+namespace keygen {
+static inline __pure_function serial_t mask(unsigned bits) {
+ assert(bits > 0 && bits <= serial_maxwith);
+ return serial_allones >> (serial_maxwith - bits);
+/* LY: */
+serial_t injective(const serial_t serial,
+ const unsigned bits /* at least serial_minwith (8) */,
+ const serial_t salt) {
+ assert(bits > serial_minwith && bits <= serial_maxwith);
+ /* LY: All these "magic" prime numbers were found
+ * and verified with a bit of brute force. */
+ static const uint64_t m[64 - serial_minwith] = {
+ /* 8 - 24 */
+ 113, 157, 397, 653, 1753, 5641, 9697, 23873, 25693, 80833, 105953, 316937,
+ 309277, 834497, 1499933, 4373441, 10184137,
+ /* 25 - 64 */
+ 10184137, 17279209, 33990377, 67295161, 284404553, 1075238767, 6346721573,
+ 6924051577, 19204053433, 45840188887, 53625693977, 73447827913,
+ 141638870249, 745683604649, 1283334050489, 1100828289853, 2201656586197,
+ 5871903036137, 11238507001417, 45264020802263, 105008404482889,
+ 81921776907059, 199987980256399, 307207457507641, 946769023178273,
+ 2420886491930041, 3601632139991929, 11984491914483833, 21805846439714153,
+ 23171543400565993, 53353226456762893, 155627817337932409,
+ 227827205384840249, 816509268558278821, 576933057762605689,
+ 2623957345935638441, 5048241705479929949, 4634245581946485653};
+ static const uint8_t s[64 - serial_minwith] = {
+ /* 8 - 24 */
+ 2, 3, 4, 4, 2, 4, 3, 3, 7, 3, 3, 4, 8, 3, 10, 3, 11,
+ /* 25 - 64 */
+ 11, 9, 9, 9, 11, 10, 5, 14, 11, 16, 14, 12, 13, 16, 19, 10, 10, 21, 7, 20,
+ 10, 14, 22, 19, 3, 21, 18, 19, 26, 24, 2, 21, 25, 29, 24, 10, 11, 14};
+ serial_t result = serial * m[bits - 8];
+ if (salt) {
+ const unsigned left = bits / 2;
+ const unsigned right = bits - left;
+ result = (result << left) | ((result & mask(bits)) >> right);
+ result = (result ^ salt) * m[bits - 8];
+ }
+ result ^= result << s[bits - 8];
+ result &= mask(bits);
+ log_trace("keygen-injective: serial %" PRIu64 " into %" PRIu64, serial,
+ result);
+ return result;
+void __hot maker::pair(serial_t serial, const buffer &key, buffer &value,
+ serial_t value_age) {
+ assert(mapping.width >= serial_minwith && mapping.width <= serial_maxwith);
+ assert(mapping.split <= mapping.width);
+ assert(mapping.mesh <= mapping.width);
+ assert(mapping.rotate <= mapping.width);
+ assert(mapping.offset <= mask(mapping.width));
+ assert(!(key_essentials.flags & (MDBX_INTEGERDUP | MDBX_REVERSEDUP)));
+ assert(!(value_essentials.flags & (MDBX_INTEGERKEY | MDBX_REVERSEKEY)));
+ log_trace("keygen-pair: serial %" PRIu64 ", data-age %" PRIu64, serial,
+ value_age);
+ if (mapping.mesh >= serial_minwith) {
+ serial =
+ (serial & ~mask(mapping.mesh)) | injective(serial, mapping.mesh, salt);
+ log_trace("keygen-pair: mesh %" PRIu64, serial);
+ }
+ if (mapping.rotate) {
+ const unsigned right = mapping.rotate;
+ const unsigned left = mapping.width - right;
+ serial = (serial << left) | ((serial & mask(mapping.width)) >> right);
+ log_trace("keygen-pair: rotate %" PRIu64 ", 0x%" PRIx64, serial, serial);
+ }
+ serial = (serial + mapping.offset) & mask(mapping.width);
+ log_trace("keygen-pair: offset %" PRIu64, serial);
+ serial += base;
+ serial_t key_serial = serial;
+ serial_t value_serial = value_age;
+ if (mapping.split) {
+ key_serial = serial >> mapping.split;
+ value_serial =
+ (serial & mask(mapping.split)) | (value_age << mapping.split);
+ }
+ log_trace("keygen-pair: key %" PRIu64 ", value %" PRIu64, key_serial,
+ value_serial);
+ mk(key_serial, key_essentials, *key);
+ mk(value_serial, value_essentials, *value);
+ if (log_enabled(logging::trace)) {
+ char dump_key[128], dump_value[128];
+ log_trace("keygen-pair: key %s, value %s",
+ mdbx_dkey(&key->value, dump_key, sizeof(dump_key)),
+ mdbx_dkey(&value->value, dump_value, sizeof(dump_value)));
+ }
+void maker::setup(const config::actor_params_pod &actor,
+ unsigned thread_number) {
+ key_essentials.flags =
+ actor.table_flags & (MDBX_INTEGERKEY | MDBX_REVERSEKEY);
+ assert(actor.keylen_min < UINT8_MAX);
+ key_essentials.minlen = (uint8_t)actor.keylen_min;
+ assert(actor.keylen_max < UINT16_MAX);
+ key_essentials.maxlen = (uint16_t)actor.keylen_max;
+ value_essentials.flags =
+ actor.table_flags & (MDBX_INTEGERDUP | MDBX_REVERSEDUP);
+ assert(actor.datalen_min < UINT8_MAX);
+ value_essentials.minlen = (uint8_t)actor.datalen_min;
+ assert(actor.datalen_max < UINT16_MAX);
+ value_essentials.maxlen = (uint16_t)actor.datalen_max;
+ assert(thread_number < 2);
+ (void)thread_number;
+ mapping = actor.keygen;
+ salt = actor.keygen.seed * UINT64_C(14653293970879851569);
+ base = 0;
+bool maker::increment(serial_t &serial, int delta) {
+ if (serial > mask(mapping.width)) {
+ log_extra("keygen-increment: %" PRIu64 " > %" PRIu64 ", overflow", serial,
+ mask(mapping.width));
+ return false;
+ }
+ serial_t target = serial + (int64_t)delta;
+ if (target > mask(mapping.width)) {
+ log_extra("keygen-increment: %" PRIu64 "%-d => %" PRIu64 ", overflow",
+ serial, delta, target);
+ return false;
+ }
+ log_extra("keygen-increment: %" PRIu64 "%-d => %" PRIu64 ", continue", serial,
+ delta, target);
+ serial = target;
+ return true;
+size_t length(serial_t serial) {
+ size_t n = 0;
+ if (serial > UINT32_MAX) {
+ n = 4;
+ serial >>= 32;
+ }
+ if (serial > UINT16_MAX) {
+ n += 2;
+ serial >>= 16;
+ }
+ if (serial > UINT8_MAX) {
+ n += 1;
+ serial >>= 8;
+ }
+ return (serial > 0) ? n + 1 : n;
+buffer alloc(size_t limit) {
+ result *ptr = (result *)malloc(sizeof(result) + limit);
+ if (unlikely(ptr == nullptr))
+ failure_perror("malloc(keyvalue_buffer)", errno);
+ ptr->value.iov_base = ptr->bytes;
+ ptr->value.iov_len = 0;
+ ptr->limit = limit;
+ return buffer(ptr);
+void __hot maker::mk(const serial_t serial, const essentials &params,
+ result &out) {
+ assert(out.limit >= params.maxlen);
+ assert(params.maxlen >= params.minlen);
+ assert(params.maxlen >= length(serial));
+ out.value.iov_base = out.bytes;
+ out.value.iov_len = params.minlen;
+ if (params.flags & (MDBX_INTEGERKEY | MDBX_INTEGERDUP)) {
+ assert(params.maxlen == params.minlen);
+ assert(params.minlen == 4 || params.minlen == 8);
+ if (is_byteorder_le() || params.minlen == 8)
+ out.u64 = serial;
+ else
+ out.u32 = (uint32_t)serial;
+ } else if (params.flags & (MDBX_REVERSEKEY | MDBX_REVERSEDUP)) {
+ if (out.value.iov_len > 8) {
+ memset(out.bytes, '\0', out.value.iov_len - 8);
+ unaligned::store(out.bytes + out.value.iov_len - 8, htobe64(serial));
+ } else {
+ out.u64 = htobe64(serial);
+ if (out.value.iov_len < 8) {
+ out.value.iov_len = std::max(length(serial), out.value.iov_len);
+ out.value.iov_base = out.bytes + 8 - out.value.iov_len;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ out.u64 = htole64(serial);
+ if (out.value.iov_len > 8)
+ memset(out.bytes + 8, '\0', out.value.iov_len - 8);
+ else
+ out.value.iov_len = std::max(length(serial), out.value.iov_len);
+ }
+ assert(out.value.iov_len >= params.minlen);
+ assert(out.value.iov_len <= params.maxlen);
+ assert(out.value.iov_len >= length(serial));
+ assert(out.value.iov_base >= out.bytes);
+ assert((uint8_t *)out.value.iov_base + out.value.iov_len <=
+ out.bytes + out.limit);
+} /* namespace keygen */
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/keygen.h b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/keygen.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1e907bc0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/keygen.h
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-2018 Leonid Yuriev <>
+ * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+ * Public License.
+ *
+ * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+ * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+ * <>.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "base.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+namespace keygen {
+/* Под "генерацией ключей" здесь понимается генерация обоих значений для
+ * пар key-value, т.е. не только ключей, но и ассоциированных с ними данных.
+ */
+/* Генерацию ключей нельзя отнести к простым задачам, так как требования
+ * примерно следующие:
+ * - генерация разного количества уникальных ключей различной длины
+ * в задаваемом диапазоне;
+ * - возможность выбора как псевдо-случайного порядка ключей,
+ * так и по некоторым специфическим законам (ограниченными упорядоченными
+ * последовательностями, в шахматном порядке по граница диапазона и т.д.);
+ * - возможность генерации дубликатов с задаваемым законом распределения;
+ * - возможность генерации непересекающимися кластерами для параллельного
+ * использования в нескольких потоках;
+ * - использовать минимум ресурсов, как CPU, так и RAM, в том числе
+ * включая cache pollution и ram bandwidth.
+ *
+ * При этом заведомо известно, что для MDBX не имеет значения:
+ * - используемый алфавит (значения байтов);
+ * - частотное распределение по алфавиту;
+ * - абсолютное значение ключей или разность между отдельными значениями;
+ *
+ * Соответственно, в общих чертах, схема генерации следующая:
+ * - вводится плоская одномерная "координата" uint64_t;
+ * - генерация специфических паттернов (последовательностей)
+ * реализуется посредством соответствующих преобразований "координат", при
+ * этом все подобные преобразования выполняются только над "координатой";
+ * - итоговая "координата" преобразуется в 8-байтное суррогатное значение
+ * ключа;
+ * - для получения ключей длиной МЕНЕЕ 8 байт суррогат может усекаться
+ * до ненулевых байт, в том числе до нулевой длины;
+ * - для получения ключей длиной БОЛЕЕ 8 байт суррогат дополняется
+ * нулями или псевдослучайной последовательностью;
+ *
+ * Механизм генерации паттернов:
+ * - реализованный механизм является компромиссом между скоростью/простотой
+ * и гибкостью, необходимой для получения последовательностей, которых
+ * будет достаточно для проверки сценариев разделения и слияния страниц
+ * с данными внутри mdbx;
+ * - псевдо-случайные паттерны реализуются посредством набора инъективных
+ * отображающих функций;
+ * - не-псевдо-случайные паттерны реализуются посредством параметризируемого
+ * трех-этапного преобразования:
+ * 1) смещение (сложение) по модулю;
+ * 2) циклический сдвиг;
+ * 3) добавление абсолютного смещения (базы);
+ */
+typedef uint64_t serial_t;
+enum : serial_t {
+ serial_minwith = 8,
+ serial_maxwith = sizeof(serial_t) * 8,
+ serial_allones = ~(serial_t)0
+struct result {
+ MDBX_val value;
+ size_t limit;
+ union {
+ uint8_t bytes[sizeof(uint64_t)];
+ uint32_t u32;
+ uint64_t u64;
+ };
+struct buffer_deleter : public std::unary_function<void, result *> {
+ void operator()(result *buffer) const { free(buffer); }
+typedef std::unique_ptr<result, buffer_deleter> buffer;
+buffer alloc(size_t limit);
+class maker {
+ config::keygen_params_pod mapping;
+ serial_t base;
+ serial_t salt;
+ struct essentials {
+ uint8_t minlen;
+ uint8_t flags;
+ uint16_t maxlen;
+ } key_essentials, value_essentials;
+ static void mk(const serial_t serial, const essentials &params, result &out);
+ maker() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
+ void pair(serial_t serial, const buffer &key, buffer &value,
+ serial_t value_age);
+ void setup(const config::actor_params_pod &actor, unsigned thread_number);
+ bool increment(serial_t &serial, int delta);
+size_t length(serial_t serial);
+} /* namespace keygen */
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..521e1d6900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-2018 Leonid Yuriev <>
+ * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+ * Public License.
+ *
+ * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+ * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include "test.h"
+static void fflushall() { fflush(nullptr); }
+void failure(const char *fmt, ...) {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, fmt);
+ fflushall();
+ logging::output(logging::failure, fmt, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ fflushall();
+const char *test_strerror(int errnum) {
+ static __thread char buf[1024];
+ return mdbx_strerror_r(errnum, buf, sizeof(buf));
+void __noreturn failure_perror(const char *what, int errnum) {
+ failure("%s failed: %s (%d)\n", what, test_strerror(errnum), errnum);
+namespace logging {
+static std::string prefix;
+static std::string suffix;
+static loglevel level;
+static FILE *last;
+void setup(loglevel _level, const std::string &_prefix) {
+ level = (_level > error) ? failure : _level;
+ prefix = _prefix;
+void setup(const std::string &_prefix) { prefix = _prefix; }
+const char *level2str(const loglevel alevel) {
+ switch (alevel) {
+ default:
+ return "invalid/unknown";
+ case extra:
+ return "extra";
+ case trace:
+ return "trace";
+ case verbose:
+ return "verbose";
+ case info:
+ return "info";
+ case notice:
+ return "notice";
+ case warning:
+ return "warning";
+ case error:
+ return "error";
+ case failure:
+ return "failure";
+ }
+bool output(const loglevel priority, const char *format, ...) {
+ if (priority < level)
+ return false;
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, format);
+ output(priority, format, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ return true;
+bool output(const logging::loglevel priority, const char *format, va_list ap) {
+ if (last) {
+ putc('\n', last);
+ fflush(last);
+ last = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (priority < level)
+ return false;
+ chrono::time now = chrono::now_realtime();
+ struct tm tm;
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ int rc = _localtime32_s(&tm, (const __time32_t *)&now.utc);
+ time_t time = now.utc;
+ int rc = localtime_r(&time, &tm) ? MDBX_SUCCESS : errno;
+ if (rc != MDBX_SUCCESS)
+ failure_perror("localtime_r()", rc);
+ last = stdout;
+ fprintf(last,
+ "[ %02d%02d%02d-%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d_%05u %-10s %.4s ] %s" /* TODO */,
+ tm.tm_year - 100, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min,
+ tm.tm_sec, chrono::fractional2us(now.fractional), osal_getpid(),
+ prefix.c_str(), level2str(priority), suffix.c_str());
+ va_list ones;
+ memset(&ones, 0, sizeof(ones)) /* zap MSVC and other stupid compilers */;
+ if (priority >= error)
+ va_copy(ones, ap);
+ vfprintf(last, format, ap);
+ size_t len = strlen(format);
+ char end = len ? format[len - 1] : '\0';
+ switch (end) {
+ default:
+ putc('\n', last);
+ // fall through
+ case '\n':
+ fflush(last);
+ last = nullptr;
+ // fall through
+ case ' ':
+ case '_':
+ case ':':
+ case '|':
+ case ',':
+ case '\t':
+ case '\b':
+ case '\r':
+ case '\0':
+ break;
+ }
+ if (priority >= error) {
+ if (last != stderr) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "[ %05u %-10s %.4s ] %s", osal_getpid(), prefix.c_str(),
+ level2str(priority), suffix.c_str());
+ vfprintf(stderr, format, ones);
+ if (end != '\n')
+ putc('\n', stderr);
+ fflush(stderr);
+ }
+ va_end(ones);
+ }
+ return true;
+bool feed(const char *format, va_list ap) {
+ if (!last)
+ return false;
+ vfprintf(last, format, ap);
+ size_t len = strlen(format);
+ if (len && format[len - 1] == '\n') {
+ fflush(last);
+ last = nullptr;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool feed(const char *format, ...) {
+ if (!last)
+ return false;
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, format);
+ feed(format, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ return true;
+local_suffix::local_suffix(const char *c_str)
+ : trim_pos(suffix.size()), indent(0) {
+ suffix.append(c_str);
+local_suffix::local_suffix(const std::string &str)
+ : trim_pos(suffix.size()), indent(0) {
+ suffix.append(str);
+void local_suffix::push() {
+ indent += 1;
+ suffix.push_back('\t');
+void local_suffix::pop() {
+ assert(indent > 0);
+ if (indent > 0) {
+ indent -= 1;
+ suffix.pop_back();
+ }
+local_suffix::~local_suffix() { suffix.erase(trim_pos); }
+} // namespace logging
+void log_extra(const char *msg, ...) {
+ if (logging::extra >= logging::level) {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, msg);
+ logging::output(logging::extra, msg, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ } else
+ logging::last = nullptr;
+void log_trace(const char *msg, ...) {
+ if (logging::trace >= logging::level) {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, msg);
+ logging::output(logging::trace, msg, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ } else
+ logging::last = nullptr;
+void log_verbose(const char *msg, ...) {
+ if (logging::verbose >= logging::level) {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, msg);
+ logging::output(logging::verbose, msg, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ } else
+ logging::last = nullptr;
+void log_info(const char *msg, ...) {
+ if (logging::info >= logging::level) {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, msg);
+ logging::output(logging::info, msg, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ } else
+ logging::last = nullptr;
+void log_notice(const char *msg, ...) {
+ if (logging::notice >= logging::level) {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, msg);
+ logging::output(logging::notice, msg, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ } else
+ logging::last = nullptr;
+void log_warning(const char *msg, ...) {
+ if (logging::warning >= logging::level) {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, msg);
+ logging::output(logging::warning, msg, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ } else
+ logging::last = nullptr;
+void log_error(const char *msg, ...) {
+ if (logging::error >= logging::level) {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, msg);
+ logging::output(logging::error, msg, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ } else
+ logging::last = nullptr;
+void log_trouble(const char *where, const char *what, int errnum) {
+ log_error("%s: %s %s", where, what, test_strerror(errnum));
+bool log_enabled(const logging::loglevel priority) {
+ return (priority >= logging::level);
+void log_flush(void) { fflushall(); }
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/log.h b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/log.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e97e954cea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/log.h
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-2018 Leonid Yuriev <>
+ * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+ * Public License.
+ *
+ * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+ * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+ * <>.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "base.h"
+void __noreturn usage(void);
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#define __printf_args(format_index, first_arg) \
+ __attribute__((format(printf, format_index, first_arg)))
+#define __printf_args(format_index, first_arg)
+void __noreturn __printf_args(1, 2) failure(const char *fmt, ...);
+void __noreturn failure_perror(const char *what, int errnum);
+const char *test_strerror(int errnum);
+namespace logging {
+enum loglevel {
+ extra,
+ trace,
+ verbose,
+ info,
+ notice,
+ warning,
+ error,
+ failure,
+const char *level2str(const loglevel level);
+void setup(loglevel level, const std::string &prefix);
+void setup(const std::string &prefix);
+bool output(const loglevel priority, const char *format, va_list ap);
+bool __printf_args(2, 3)
+ output(const loglevel priority, const char *format, ...);
+bool feed(const char *format, va_list ap);
+bool __printf_args(1, 2) feed(const char *format, ...);
+class local_suffix {
+ size_t trim_pos;
+ int indent;
+ local_suffix(const local_suffix &) = delete;
+ local_suffix(const local_suffix &&) = delete;
+ const local_suffix &operator=(const local_suffix &) = delete;
+ local_suffix(const char *c_str);
+ local_suffix(const std::string &str);
+ void push();
+ void pop();
+ ~local_suffix();
+} // namespace logging
+void __printf_args(1, 2) log_extra(const char *msg, ...);
+void __printf_args(1, 2) log_trace(const char *msg, ...);
+void __printf_args(1, 2) log_verbose(const char *msg, ...);
+void __printf_args(1, 2) log_info(const char *msg, ...);
+void __printf_args(1, 2) log_notice(const char *msg, ...);
+void __printf_args(1, 2) log_warning(const char *msg, ...);
+void __printf_args(1, 2) log_error(const char *msg, ...);
+void log_trouble(const char *where, const char *what, int errnum);
+void log_flush(void);
+bool log_enabled(const logging::loglevel priority);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#define TRACE(...) log_trace(__VA_ARGS__)
+#define TRACE(...) __noop(__VA_ARGS__)
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc3198ed3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-2018 Leonid Yuriev <>
+ * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+ * Public License.
+ *
+ * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+ * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include "test.h"
+void __noreturn usage(void) {
+ printf("usage:\n"
+ "\tFIXME\n");
+void actor_params::set_defaults(const std::string &tmpdir) {
+ pathname_log = "";
+ loglevel =
+#ifdef NDEBUG
+ logging::info;
+ logging::trace;
+ pathname_db = tmpdir + "mdbx-test.db";
+ table_flags = MDBX_DUPSORT;
+ size = 1024 * 1024 * 4;
+ keygen.seed = 1;
+ keygen.keycase = kc_random;
+ keygen.width = 32;
+ keygen.mesh = 32;
+ keygen.split = keygen.width / 2;
+ keygen.rotate = 0;
+ keygen.offset = 0;
+ test_duration = 0;
+ test_nops = 1000;
+ nrepeat = 1;
+ nthreads = 1;
+ keylen_min = 0;
+ keylen_max = 42;
+ datalen_min = 0;
+ datalen_max = 256;
+ batch_read = 4;
+ batch_write = 4;
+ delaystart = 0;
+ waitfor_nops = 0;
+ inject_writefaultn = 0;
+ drop_table = false;
+ max_readers = 42;
+ max_tables = 42;
+ global::config::timeout_duration_seconds = 0 /* infinite */;
+ global::config::dump_config = true;
+ global::config::cleanup_before = true;
+ global::config::cleanup_after = true;
+ global::config::failfast = true;
+ global::config::progress_indicator = osal_istty(STDERR_FILENO);
+namespace global {
+std::vector<actor_config> actors;
+std::unordered_map<unsigned, actor_config *> events;
+std::unordered_map<mdbx_pid_t, actor_config *> pid2actor;
+std::set<std::string> databases;
+unsigned nactors;
+chrono::time start_motonic;
+chrono::time deadline_motonic;
+bool singlemode;
+namespace config {
+unsigned timeout_duration_seconds;
+bool dump_config;
+bool cleanup_before;
+bool cleanup_after;
+bool failfast;
+bool progress_indicator;
+} /* namespace config */
+} /* namespace global */
+const char global::thunk_param_prefix[] = "--execute=";
+std::string thunk_param(const actor_config &config) {
+ return config.serialize(global::thunk_param_prefix);
+void cleanup() {
+ log_trace(">> cleanup");
+ /* TODO: remove each database */
+ log_trace("<< cleanup");
+int main(int argc, char *const argv[]) {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ log_trace("#argc = %d", argc);
+ for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
+ log_trace("#argv[%d] = %s", i, argv[i]);
+#endif /* _DEBUG */
+ if (argc < 2)
+ failure("No parameters given\n");
+ if (argc == 2 && strncmp(argv[1], global::thunk_param_prefix,
+ strlen(global::thunk_param_prefix)) == 0)
+ return test_execute(
+ actor_config(argv[1] + strlen(global::thunk_param_prefix)))
+ actor_params params;
+ params.set_defaults(osal_tempdir());
+ global::config::dump_config = true;
+ logging::setup((logging::loglevel)params.loglevel, "main");
+ unsigned last_space_id = 0;
+ for (int narg = 1; narg < argc; ++narg) {
+ const char *value = nullptr;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "case", &value)) {
+ testcase_setup(value, params, last_space_id);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "pathname", params.pathname_db))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "mode", params.mode_flags,
+ config::mode_bits))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "table", params.table_flags,
+ config::table_bits))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "size", params.size,
+ config::binary, 4096 * 4))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "keygen.width",
+ params.keygen.width, 1, 64))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "keygen.mesh",
+ params.keygen.mesh, 1, 64))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "keygen.seed",
+ params.keygen.seed, config::no_scale))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "keygen.split",
+ params.keygen.split, 1, 64))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "keygen.rotate",
+ params.keygen.rotate, 1, 64))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "keygen.offset",
+ params.keygen.offset, config::binary))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "", &value)) {
+ keycase_setup(value, params);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "repeat", params.nrepeat,
+ config::no_scale))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "threads", params.nthreads,
+ config::no_scale, 1, 64))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "timeout",
+ global::config::timeout_duration_seconds,
+ config::duration, 1))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "keylen.min", params.keylen_min,
+ config::no_scale, 0, params.keylen_max))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "keylen.max", params.keylen_max,
+ config::no_scale, params.keylen_min,
+ mdbx_get_maxkeysize(0)))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "datalen.min",
+ params.datalen_min, config::no_scale, 0,
+ params.datalen_max))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "datalen.max",
+ params.datalen_max, config::no_scale,
+ params.datalen_min, MDBX_MAXDATASIZE))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "", params.batch_read,
+ config::no_scale, 1))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "batch.write",
+ params.batch_write, config::no_scale, 1))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "delay", params.delaystart,
+ config::duration))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "wait4ops", params.waitfor_nops,
+ config::decimal))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "inject-writefault",
+ params.inject_writefaultn, config::decimal))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "drop", params.drop_table))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "dump-config",
+ global::config::dump_config))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "cleanup-before",
+ global::config::cleanup_before))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "cleanup-after",
+ global::config::cleanup_after))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "max-readers",
+ params.max_readers, config::no_scale, 1, 255))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "max-tables", params.max_tables,
+ config::no_scale, 1, INT16_MAX))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "no-delay", nullptr)) {
+ params.delaystart = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "no-wait", nullptr)) {
+ params.waitfor_nops = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "duration", params.test_duration,
+ config::duration, 1)) {
+ params.test_nops = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "nops", params.test_nops,
+ config::decimal, 1)) {
+ params.test_duration = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "hill", &value, "auto")) {
+ configure_actor(last_space_id, ac_hill, value, params);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "jitter", nullptr)) {
+ configure_actor(last_space_id, ac_jitter, value, params);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "dead.reader", nullptr)) {
+ configure_actor(last_space_id, ac_deadread, value, params);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "dead.writer", nullptr)) {
+ configure_actor(last_space_id, ac_deadwrite, value, params);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "failfast",
+ global::config::failfast))
+ continue;
+ if (config::parse_option(argc, argv, narg, "progress",
+ global::config::progress_indicator))
+ continue;
+ if (*argv[narg] != '-')
+ testcase_setup(argv[narg], params, last_space_id);
+ else
+ failure("Unknown option '%s'\n", argv[narg]);
+ }
+ if (global::config::dump_config)
+ config::dump();
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (global::actors.empty()) {
+ log_notice("no testcase(s) configured, exiting");
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ bool failed = false;
+ global::start_motonic = chrono::now_motonic();
+ global::deadline_motonic.fixedpoint =
+ (global::config::timeout_duration_seconds == 0)
+ ? chrono::infinite().fixedpoint
+ : global::start_motonic.fixedpoint +
+ chrono::from_seconds(global::config::timeout_duration_seconds)
+ .fixedpoint;
+ if (global::config::cleanup_before)
+ cleanup();
+ if (global::actors.size() == 1) {
+ logging::setup("main");
+ global::singlemode = true;
+ if (!test_execute(global::actors.front()))
+ failed = true;
+ } else {
+ logging::setup("overlord");
+ log_trace("=== preparing...");
+ log_trace(">> osal_setup");
+ osal_setup(global::actors);
+ log_trace("<< osal_setup");
+ for (auto &a : global::actors) {
+ mdbx_pid_t pid;
+ log_trace(">> actor_start");
+ int rc = osal_actor_start(a, pid);
+ log_trace("<< actor_start");
+ if (rc) {
+ log_trace(">> killall_actors: (%s)", "start failed");
+ osal_killall_actors();
+ log_trace("<< killall_actors");
+ failure("Failed to start actor #%u (%s)\n", a.actor_id,
+ test_strerror(rc));
+ }
+ global::pid2actor[pid] = &a;
+ }
+ log_trace("=== ready to start...");
+ atexit(osal_killall_actors);
+ log_trace(">> wait4barrier");
+ osal_wait4barrier();
+ log_trace("<< wait4barrier");
+ size_t left = global::actors.size();
+ log_trace("=== polling...");
+ while (left > 0) {
+ unsigned timeout_seconds_left = INT_MAX;
+ chrono::time now_motonic = chrono::now_motonic();
+ if (now_motonic.fixedpoint >= global::deadline_motonic.fixedpoint)
+ timeout_seconds_left = 0;
+ else {
+ chrono::time left_motonic;
+ left_motonic.fixedpoint =
+ global::deadline_motonic.fixedpoint - now_motonic.fixedpoint;
+ timeout_seconds_left = left_motonic.seconds();
+ }
+ mdbx_pid_t pid;
+ int rc = osal_actor_poll(pid, timeout_seconds_left);
+ if (rc)
+ failure("Poll error: %s (%d)\n", test_strerror(rc), rc);
+ if (pid) {
+ actor_status status = osal_actor_info(pid);
+ actor_config *actor =;
+ if (!actor)
+ continue;
+ log_info("actor #%u, id %d, pid %u: %s\n", actor->actor_id,
+ actor->space_id, pid, status2str(status));
+ if (status > as_running) {
+ left -= 1;
+ if (status != as_successful) {
+ if (global::config::failfast && !failed) {
+ log_trace(">> killall_actors: (%s)", "failfast");
+ osal_killall_actors();
+ log_trace("<< killall_actors");
+ }
+ failed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (timeout_seconds_left == 0)
+ failure("Timeout\n");
+ }
+ }
+ log_trace("=== done...");
+ }
+ log_notice("RESULT: %s\n", failed ? "Failed" : "Successful");
+ if (global::config::cleanup_before) {
+ if (failed)
+ log_info("skip cleanup");
+ else
+ cleanup();
+ }
+ return failed ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8132e267ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-2018 Leonid Yuriev <>
+ * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+ * Public License.
+ *
+ * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+ * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include "test.h"
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+struct shared_t {
+ pthread_barrier_t barrier;
+ pthread_mutex_t mutex;
+ size_t conds_size;
+ pthread_cond_t conds[1];
+static shared_t *shared;
+void osal_wait4barrier(void) {
+ assert(shared != nullptr && shared != MAP_FAILED);
+ int rc = pthread_barrier_wait(&shared->barrier);
+ if (rc != 0 && rc != PTHREAD_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD) {
+ failure_perror("pthread_barrier_wait(shared)", rc);
+ }
+void osal_setup(const std::vector<actor_config> &actors) {
+ assert(shared == nullptr);
+ pthread_mutexattr_t mutexattr;
+ int rc = pthread_mutexattr_init(&mutexattr);
+ if (rc)
+ failure_perror("pthread_mutexattr_init()", rc);
+ rc = pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(&mutexattr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED);
+ if (rc)
+ failure_perror("pthread_mutexattr_setpshared()", rc);
+ pthread_barrierattr_t barrierattr;
+ rc = pthread_barrierattr_init(&barrierattr);
+ if (rc)
+ failure_perror("pthread_barrierattr_init()", rc);
+ rc = pthread_barrierattr_setpshared(&barrierattr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED);
+ if (rc)
+ failure_perror("pthread_barrierattr_setpshared()", rc);
+ pthread_condattr_t condattr;
+ rc = pthread_condattr_init(&condattr);
+ if (rc)
+ failure_perror("pthread_condattr_init()", rc);
+ rc = pthread_condattr_setpshared(&condattr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED);
+ if (rc)
+ failure_perror("pthread_condattr_setpshared()", rc);
+ shared = (shared_t *)mmap(
+ nullptr, sizeof(shared_t) + actors.size() * sizeof(pthread_cond_t),
+ if (MAP_FAILED == (void *)shared)
+ failure_perror("mmap(shared_conds)", errno);
+ rc = pthread_mutex_init(&shared->mutex, &mutexattr);
+ if (rc)
+ failure_perror("pthread_mutex_init(shared)", rc);
+ rc = pthread_barrier_init(&shared->barrier, &barrierattr, actors.size() + 1);
+ if (rc)
+ failure_perror("pthread_barrier_init(shared)", rc);
+ const size_t n = actors.size() + 1;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ pthread_cond_t *event = &shared->conds[i];
+ rc = pthread_cond_init(event, &condattr);
+ if (rc)
+ failure_perror("pthread_cond_init(shared)", rc);
+ log_trace("osal_setup: event(shared pthread_cond) %" PRIuPTR " -> %p", i,
+ event);
+ }
+ shared->conds_size = actors.size() + 1;
+ pthread_barrierattr_destroy(&barrierattr);
+ pthread_condattr_destroy(&condattr);
+ pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&mutexattr);
+void osal_broadcast(unsigned id) {
+ assert(shared != nullptr && shared != MAP_FAILED);
+ log_trace("osal_broadcast: event %u", id);
+ if (id >= shared->conds_size)
+ failure("osal_broadcast: id > limit");
+ int rc = pthread_cond_broadcast(shared->conds + id);
+ if (rc)
+ failure_perror("sem_post(shared)", rc);
+int osal_waitfor(unsigned id) {
+ assert(shared != nullptr && shared != MAP_FAILED);
+ log_trace("osal_waitfor: event %u", id);
+ if (id >= shared->conds_size)
+ failure("osal_waitfor: id > limit");
+ int rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&shared->mutex);
+ if (rc != 0)
+ failure_perror("pthread_mutex_lock(shared)", rc);
+ rc = pthread_cond_wait(shared->conds + id, &shared->mutex);
+ if (rc && rc != EINTR)
+ failure_perror("pthread_cond_wait(shared)", rc);
+ rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(&shared->mutex);
+ if (rc != 0)
+ failure_perror("pthread_mutex_unlock(shared)", rc);
+ return (rc == 0) ? true : false;
+const std::string
+actor_config::osal_serialize(simple_checksum &checksum) const {
+ (void)checksum;
+ /* not used in workload, but just for testing */
+ return "unix.fork";
+bool actor_config::osal_deserialize(const char *str, const char *end,
+ simple_checksum &checksum) {
+ (void)checksum;
+ /* not used in workload, but just for testing */
+ return strncmp(str, "unix.fork", 9) == 0 && str + 9 == end;
+static std::unordered_map<pid_t, actor_status> childs;
+static void handler_SIGCHLD(int unused) { (void)unused; }
+mdbx_pid_t osal_getpid(void) { return getpid(); }
+int osal_delay(unsigned seconds) { return sleep(seconds) ? errno : 0; }
+int osal_actor_start(const actor_config &config, mdbx_pid_t &pid) {
+ if (childs.empty())
+ signal(SIGCHLD, handler_SIGCHLD);
+ pid = fork();
+ if (pid == 0) {
+ const bool result = test_execute(config);
+ exit(result ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ if (pid < 0)
+ return errno;
+ log_trace("osal_actor_start: fork pid %i for %u", pid, config.actor_id);
+ childs[pid] = as_running;
+ return 0;
+actor_status osal_actor_info(const mdbx_pid_t pid) { return; }
+void osal_killall_actors(void) {
+ for (auto &pair : childs) {
+ kill(pair.first, SIGKILL);
+ pair.second = as_killed;
+ }
+int osal_actor_poll(mdbx_pid_t &pid, unsigned timeout) {
+ int status, options = WNOHANG;
+ options |= WUNTRACED;
+ options |= WCONTINUED;
+ pid = waitpid(0, &status, options);
+ if (pid > 0) {
+ if (WIFEXITED(status))
+ childs[pid] =
+ (WEXITSTATUS(status) == EXIT_SUCCESS) ? as_successful : as_failed;
+ else if (WIFSIGNALED(status) || WCOREDUMP(status))
+ childs[pid] = as_killed;
+ else if (WIFSTOPPED(status))
+ childs[pid] = as_debuging;
+ else if (WIFCONTINUED(status))
+ childs[pid] = as_running;
+ else {
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (pid == 0) {
+ if (timeout && sleep(timeout))
+ goto retry;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ switch (errno) {
+ case EINTR:
+ pid = 0;
+ return 0;
+ case ECHILD:
+ default:
+ pid = 0;
+ return errno;
+ }
+void osal_yield(void) {
+ if (sched_yield())
+ failure_perror("sched_yield()", errno);
+void osal_udelay(unsigned us) {
+ chrono::time until, now = chrono::now_motonic();
+ until.fixedpoint = now.fixedpoint + chrono::from_us(us).fixedpoint;
+ struct timespec ts;
+ static unsigned threshold_us;
+ if (threshold_us == 0) {
+ if (clock_getres(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &ts)) {
+ int rc = errno;
+ failure_perror("clock_getres(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID)", rc);
+ }
+ chrono::time threshold = chrono::from_timespec(ts);
+ assert(threshold.seconds() == 0);
+ threshold_us = chrono::fractional2us(threshold.fractional);
+ if (threshold_us < 1000)
+ threshold_us = 1000;
+ }
+ ts.tv_sec = ts.tv_nsec = 0;
+ if (us > threshold_us) {
+ ts.tv_sec = us / 1000000u;
+ ts.tv_nsec = (us % 1000000u) * 1000u;
+ }
+ do {
+ if (us > threshold_us) {
+ if (nanosleep(&ts, &ts)) {
+ int rc = errno;
+ /* if (rc == EINTR) { ... } ? */
+ failure_perror("usleep()", rc);
+ }
+ us = ts.tv_sec * 1000000u + ts.tv_nsec / 1000u;
+ }
+ cpu_relax();
+ now = chrono::now_motonic();
+ } while (until.fixedpoint > now.fixedpoint);
+bool osal_istty(int fd) { return isatty(fd) == 1; }
+std::string osal_tempdir(void) {
+ const char *tempdir = getenv("TMPDIR");
+ if (!tempdir)
+ tempdir = getenv("TMP");
+ if (!tempdir)
+ tempdir = getenv("TEMPDIR");
+ if (!tempdir)
+ tempdir = getenv("TEMP");
+ if (tempdir) {
+ std::string dir(tempdir);
+ if (!dir.empty() && - 1) != '/')
+ dir.append("/");
+ return dir;
+ }
+ if (access("/dev/shm/", R_OK | W_OK | X_OK) == 0)
+ return "/dev/shm/";
+ return "";
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..109c835a96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-2018 Leonid Yuriev <>
+ * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+ * Public License.
+ *
+ * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+ * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include "test.h"
+static std::unordered_map<unsigned, HANDLE> events;
+static HANDLE hBarrierSemaphore, hBarrierEvent;
+static int waitstatus2errcode(DWORD result) {
+ switch (result) {
+ case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
+ return MDBX_SUCCESS;
+ return GetLastError();
+ return ERROR_USER_APC;
+ default:
+ }
+void osal_wait4barrier(void) {
+ DWORD rc = WaitForSingleObject(hBarrierSemaphore, 0);
+ switch (rc) {
+ default:
+ failure_perror("WaitForSingleObject(BarrierSemaphore)",
+ waitstatus2errcode(rc));
+ case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
+ rc = WaitForSingleObject(hBarrierEvent, INFINITE);
+ if (rc != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
+ failure_perror("WaitForSingleObject(BarrierEvent)",
+ waitstatus2errcode(rc));
+ break;
+ if (!SetEvent(hBarrierEvent))
+ failure_perror("SetEvent(BarrierEvent)", GetLastError());
+ break;
+ }
+static HANDLE make_inharitable(HANDLE hHandle) {
+ assert(hHandle != NULL && hHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
+ if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), hHandle, GetCurrentProcess(),
+ &hHandle, 0, TRUE,
+ failure_perror("DuplicateHandle()", GetLastError());
+ return hHandle;
+void osal_setup(const std::vector<actor_config> &actors) {
+ assert(events.empty());
+ const size_t n = actors.size() + 1;
+ events.reserve(n);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ HANDLE hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
+ if (!hEvent)
+ failure_perror("CreateEvent()", GetLastError());
+ hEvent = make_inharitable(hEvent);
+ log_trace("osal_setup: event %" PRIuPTR " -> %p", i, hEvent);
+ events[i] = hEvent;
+ }
+ hBarrierSemaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, (LONG)actors.size(), NULL);
+ if (!hBarrierSemaphore)
+ failure_perror("CreateSemaphore(BarrierSemaphore)", GetLastError());
+ hBarrierSemaphore = make_inharitable(hBarrierSemaphore);
+ hBarrierEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
+ if (!hBarrierEvent)
+ failure_perror("CreateEvent(BarrierEvent)", GetLastError());
+ hBarrierEvent = make_inharitable(hBarrierEvent);
+void osal_broadcast(unsigned id) {
+ log_trace("osal_broadcast: event %u", id);
+ if (!SetEvent(
+ failure_perror("SetEvent()", GetLastError());
+int osal_waitfor(unsigned id) {
+ log_trace("osal_waitfor: event %u", id);
+ DWORD rc = WaitForSingleObject(, INFINITE);
+ return waitstatus2errcode(rc);
+mdbx_pid_t osal_getpid(void) { return GetCurrentProcessId(); }
+int osal_delay(unsigned seconds) {
+ Sleep(seconds * 1000u);
+ return 0;
+const std::string
+actor_config::osal_serialize(simple_checksum &checksum) const {
+ checksum.push(hBarrierSemaphore);
+ checksum.push(hBarrierEvent);
+ if (wait4id) {
+ hWait =;
+ checksum.push(hWait);
+ }
+ if (wanna_event4signalling()) {
+ hSignal =;
+ checksum.push(hSignal);
+ }
+ return format("%p.%p.%p.%p", hBarrierSemaphore, hBarrierEvent, hWait,
+ hSignal);
+bool actor_config::osal_deserialize(const char *str, const char *end,
+ simple_checksum &checksum) {
+ std::string copy(str, end - str);
+ TRACE(">> osal_deserialize(%s)\n", copy.c_str());
+ assert(hBarrierSemaphore == 0);
+ assert(hBarrierEvent == 0);
+ assert(events.empty());
+ HANDLE hWait, hSignal;
+ if (sscanf_s(copy.c_str(), "%p.%p.%p.%p", &hBarrierSemaphore, &hBarrierEvent,
+ &hWait, &hSignal) != 4) {
+ TRACE("<< osal_deserialize: failed\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ checksum.push(hBarrierSemaphore);
+ checksum.push(hBarrierEvent);
+ if (wait4id) {
+ checksum.push(hWait);
+ events[wait4id] = hWait;
+ }
+ if (wanna_event4signalling()) {
+ checksum.push(hSignal);
+ events[actor_id] = hSignal;
+ }
+ TRACE("<< osal_deserialize: OK\n");
+ return true;
+typedef std::pair<HANDLE, actor_status> child;
+static std::unordered_map<mdbx_pid_t, child> childs;
+static void ArgvQuote(std::string &CommandLine, const std::string &Argument,
+ bool Force = false)
+Routine Description:
+ This routine appends the given argument to a command line such
+ that CommandLineToArgvW will return the argument string unchanged.
+ Arguments in a command line should be separated by spaces; this
+ function does not add these spaces.
+ Argument - Supplies the argument to encode.
+ CommandLine - Supplies the command line to which we append the encoded
+argument string.
+ Force - Supplies an indication of whether we should quote
+ the argument even if it does not contain any characters that would
+ ordinarily require quoting.
+Return Value:
+ None.
+ Arbitrary.
+ //
+ // Unless we're told otherwise, don't quote unless we actually
+ // need to do so --- hopefully avoid problems if programs won't
+ // parse quotes properly
+ //
+ if (Force == false && Argument.empty() == false &&
+ Argument.find_first_of(" \t\n\v\"") == Argument.npos) {
+ CommandLine.append(Argument);
+ } else {
+ CommandLine.push_back('"');
+ for (auto It = Argument.begin();; ++It) {
+ unsigned NumberBackslashes = 0;
+ while (It != Argument.end() && *It == '\\') {
+ ++It;
+ ++NumberBackslashes;
+ }
+ if (It == Argument.end()) {
+ //
+ // Escape all backslashes, but let the terminating
+ // double quotation mark we add below be interpreted
+ // as a metacharacter.
+ //
+ CommandLine.append(NumberBackslashes * 2, '\\');
+ break;
+ } else if (*It == L'"') {
+ //
+ // Escape all backslashes and the following
+ // double quotation mark.
+ //
+ CommandLine.append(NumberBackslashes * 2 + 1, '\\');
+ CommandLine.push_back(*It);
+ } else {
+ //
+ // Backslashes aren't special here.
+ //
+ CommandLine.append(NumberBackslashes, '\\');
+ CommandLine.push_back(*It);
+ }
+ }
+ CommandLine.push_back('"');
+ }
+int osal_actor_start(const actor_config &config, mdbx_pid_t &pid) {
+ if (childs.size() == MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS)
+ failure("Could't manage more that %u actors on Windows\n",
+ _flushall();
+ GetStartupInfoA(&StartupInfo);
+ char exename[_MAX_PATH];
+ DWORD exename_size = sizeof(exename);
+ if (!QueryFullProcessImageNameA(GetCurrentProcess(), 0, exename,
+ &exename_size))
+ failure_perror("QueryFullProcessImageName()", GetLastError());
+ std::string cmdline = "test_mdbx.child ";
+ ArgvQuote(cmdline, thunk_param(config));
+ PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInformation;
+ if (!CreateProcessA(exename, const_cast<char *>(cmdline.c_str()),
+ NULL, // Retuned process handle is not inheritable.
+ NULL, // Retuned thread handle is not inheritable.
+ TRUE, // Child inherits all inheritable handles.
+ NULL, // Inherit the parent's environment.
+ NULL, // Inherit the parent's current directory.
+ &StartupInfo, &ProcessInformation))
+ return GetLastError();
+ CloseHandle(ProcessInformation.hThread);
+ pid = ProcessInformation.dwProcessId;
+ childs[pid] = std::make_pair(ProcessInformation.hProcess, as_running);
+ return 0;
+actor_status osal_actor_info(const mdbx_pid_t pid) {
+ actor_status status =;
+ if (status > as_running)
+ return status;
+ DWORD ExitCode;
+ if (!GetExitCodeProcess(, &ExitCode))
+ failure_perror("GetExitCodeProcess()", GetLastError());
+ switch (ExitCode) {
+ return as_running;
+ status = as_successful;
+ break;
+ status = as_debuging;
+ break;
+ status = as_killed;
+ break;
+ default:
+ status = as_failed;
+ break;
+ }
+ = status;
+ return status;
+void osal_killall_actors(void) {
+ for (auto &pair : childs)
+ TerminateProcess(pair.second.first, STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT);
+int osal_actor_poll(mdbx_pid_t &pid, unsigned timeout) {
+ std::vector<HANDLE> handles;
+ handles.reserve(childs.size());
+ for (const auto &pair : childs)
+ if (pair.second.second <= as_running)
+ handles.push_back(pair.second.first);
+ DWORD rc =
+ MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx((DWORD)handles.size(), &handles[0],
+ (timeout > 60) ? 60 * 1000 : timeout * 1000,
+ if (rc >= WAIT_OBJECT_0 && rc < WAIT_OBJECT_0 + handles.size()) {
+ pid = 0;
+ for (const auto &pair : childs)
+ if (pair.second.first == handles[rc - WAIT_OBJECT_0]) {
+ pid = pair.first;
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (rc == WAIT_TIMEOUT) {
+ pid = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return waitstatus2errcode(rc);
+void osal_yield(void) { SwitchToThread(); }
+void osal_udelay(unsigned us) {
+ chrono::time until, now = chrono::now_motonic();
+ until.fixedpoint = now.fixedpoint + chrono::from_us(us).fixedpoint;
+ static unsigned threshold_us;
+ if (threshold_us == 0) {
+#if 1
+ unsigned timeslice_ms = 1;
+ while (timeBeginPeriod(timeslice_ms) == TIMERR_NOCANDO)
+ ++timeslice_ms;
+ threshold_us = timeslice_ms * 1500u;
+ ULONGLONG InterruptTimePrecise_100ns;
+ QueryInterruptTimePrecise(&InterruptTimePrecise_100ns);
+ threshold_us = InterruptTimePrecise_100ns / 5;
+ assert(threshold_us > 0);
+ }
+ do {
+ if (us > threshold_us && us > 1000) {
+ DWORD rc = SleepEx(us / 1000, TRUE);
+ if (rc)
+ failure_perror("SleepEx()", waitstatus2errcode(rc));
+ us = 0;
+ }
+ YieldProcessor();
+ now = chrono::now_motonic();
+ } while (now.fixedpoint < until.fixedpoint);
+bool osal_istty(int fd) { return _isatty(fd) != 0; }
+std::string osal_tempdir(void) {
+ char buf[MAX_PATH + 1];
+ DWORD len = GetTempPathA(sizeof(buf), buf);
+ return std::string(buf, len);
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/osal.h b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/osal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c27282a656
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/osal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-2018 Leonid Yuriev <>
+ * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+ * Public License.
+ *
+ * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+ * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+ * <>.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "base.h"
+void osal_setup(const std::vector<actor_config> &actors);
+void osal_broadcast(unsigned id);
+int osal_waitfor(unsigned id);
+int osal_actor_start(const actor_config &config, mdbx_pid_t &pid);
+actor_status osal_actor_info(const mdbx_pid_t pid);
+void osal_killall_actors(void);
+int osal_actor_poll(mdbx_pid_t &pid, unsigned timeout);
+void osal_wait4barrier(void);
+mdbx_pid_t osal_getpid(void);
+int osal_delay(unsigned seconds);
+void osal_udelay(unsigned us);
+void osal_yield(void);
+bool osal_istty(int fd);
+std::string osal_tempdir(void);
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#define STDIN_FILENO _fileno(stdin)
+#define STDOUT_FILENO _fileno(stdout)
+#define STDERR_FILENO _fileno(stderr)
+#endif /* _MSC_VER */
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/pcrf/CMakeLists.txt b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/pcrf/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..399c33f88f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/pcrf/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+set(TARGET pcrf_test)
+add_executable(${TARGET} pcrf_test.c)
+target_link_libraries(${TARGET} mdbx)
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/pcrf/ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/pcrf/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2c9b5ce95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/pcrf/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+PCRF Session DB emulation test
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/pcrf/pcrf_test.c b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/pcrf/pcrf_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..213c8b1d80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/pcrf/pcrf_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+ * Copyright 2016-2017 Leonid Yuriev <>.
+ * Copyright 2015 Vladimir Romanov
+ * <>, Yota Lab.
+ *
+ * This file is part of libmdbx.
+ *
+ * ReOpenMDBX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ReOpenMDBX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include "mdbx.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#define IP_PRINTF_ARG_HOST(addr) \
+ (int)((addr) >> 24), (int)((addr) >> 16 & 0xff), (int)((addr) >> 8 & 0xff), \
+ (int)((addr)&0xff)
+char opt_db_path[PATH_MAX] = "/root/lmdbx_bench2";
+static MDBX_env *env;
+#define REC_COUNT 10240000
+int64_t ids[REC_COUNT * 10];
+int32_t ids_count = 0;
+int64_t mdbx_add_count = 0;
+int64_t mdbx_del_count = 0;
+uint64_t mdbx_add_time = 0;
+uint64_t mdbx_del_time = 0;
+int64_t obj_id = 0;
+int64_t mdbx_data_size = 0;
+int64_t mdbx_key_size = 0;
+typedef struct {
+ char session_id1[100];
+ char session_id2[100];
+ char ip[20];
+ uint8_t fill[100];
+} session_data_t;
+typedef struct {
+ int64_t obj_id;
+ int8_t event_type;
+} __attribute__((__packed__)) event_data_t;
+static void add_id_to_pool(int64_t id) {
+ ids[ids_count] = id;
+ ids_count++;
+static inline int64_t getClockUs(void) {
+ struct timespec val;
+#ifdef CYGWIN
+ clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &val);
+ clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &val);
+ return val.tv_sec * ((int64_t)1000000) + val.tv_nsec / 1000;
+static int64_t get_id_from_pool() {
+ if (ids_count == 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ int32_t index = rand() % ids_count;
+ int64_t id = ids[index];
+ ids[index] = ids[ids_count - 1];
+ ids_count--;
+ return id;
+#define MDBX_CHECK(x) \
+ do { \
+ const int rc = (x); \
+ if (rc != MDBX_SUCCESS) { \
+ printf("Error [%d] %s in %s at %s:%d\n", rc, mdbx_strerror(rc), #x, \
+ __FILE__, __LINE__); \
+ exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+static void db_connect() {
+ MDBX_dbi dbi_session;
+ MDBX_dbi dbi_session_id;
+ MDBX_dbi dbi_event;
+ MDBX_dbi dbi_ip;
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_env_create(&env));
+ mdbx_env_set_mapsize(env, REC_COUNT * sizeof(session_data_t) * 10));
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_env_set_maxdbs(env, 30));
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_env_open(env, opt_db_path,
+ 0664));
+ MDBX_txn *txn;
+ // transaction init
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_txn_begin(env, NULL, 0, &txn));
+ // open database in read-write mode
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_dbi_open(txn, "session", MDBX_CREATE, &dbi_session));
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_dbi_open(txn, "session_id", MDBX_CREATE, &dbi_session_id));
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_dbi_open(txn, "event", MDBX_CREATE, &dbi_event));
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_dbi_open(txn, "ip", MDBX_CREATE, &dbi_ip));
+ // transaction commit
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_txn_commit(txn));
+ printf("Connection open\n");
+static void create_record(int64_t record_id) {
+ MDBX_dbi dbi_session;
+ MDBX_dbi dbi_session_id;
+ MDBX_dbi dbi_event;
+ MDBX_dbi dbi_ip;
+ event_data_t event;
+ MDBX_txn *txn;
+ session_data_t data;
+ // transaction init
+ snprintf(data.session_id1, sizeof(data.session_id1),
+ "prefix%02ld_%02ld.fill.fill.fill.fill.fill.fill;%ld",
+ record_id % 3 + 1, record_id % 9 + 1, record_id);
+ snprintf(data.session_id2, sizeof(data.session_id2),
+ "dprefix%ld;%ld.fill.fill.;suffix", record_id,
+ record_id % 1000000000 + 99999);
+ snprintf(data.ip, sizeof(data.ip), "%d.%d.%d.%d",
+ IP_PRINTF_ARG_HOST(record_id & 0xFFFFFFFF));
+ event.obj_id = record_id;
+ event.event_type = 1;
+ MDBX_val _session_id1_rec = {data.session_id1, strlen(data.session_id1)};
+ MDBX_val _session_id2_rec = {data.session_id2, strlen(data.session_id2)};
+ MDBX_val _ip_rec = {data.ip, strlen(data.ip)};
+ MDBX_val _obj_id_rec = {&record_id, sizeof(record_id)};
+ MDBX_val _data_rec = {&data, offsetof(session_data_t, fill) +
+ (rand() % sizeof(data.fill))};
+ MDBX_val _event_rec = {&event, sizeof(event)};
+ uint64_t start = getClockUs();
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_txn_begin(env, NULL, 0, &txn));
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_dbi_open(txn, "session", MDBX_CREATE, &dbi_session));
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_dbi_open(txn, "session_id", MDBX_CREATE, &dbi_session_id));
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_dbi_open(txn, "event", MDBX_CREATE, &dbi_event));
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_dbi_open(txn, "ip", MDBX_CREATE, &dbi_ip));
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_put(txn, dbi_session, &_obj_id_rec, &_data_rec,
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_put(txn, dbi_session_id, &_session_id1_rec, &_obj_id_rec,
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_put(txn, dbi_session_id, &_session_id2_rec, &_obj_id_rec,
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_put(txn, dbi_ip, &_ip_rec, &_obj_id_rec, 0));
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_put(txn, dbi_event, &_event_rec, &_obj_id_rec, 0));
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_txn_commit(txn));
+ mdbx_data_size += (_data_rec.iov_len + _obj_id_rec.iov_len * 4);
+ mdbx_key_size +=
+ (_obj_id_rec.iov_len + _session_id1_rec.iov_len +
+ _session_id2_rec.iov_len + _ip_rec.iov_len + _event_rec.iov_len);
+ // transaction commit
+ mdbx_add_count++;
+ mdbx_add_time += (getClockUs() - start);
+static void delete_record(int64_t record_id) {
+ MDBX_dbi dbi_session;
+ MDBX_dbi dbi_session_id;
+ MDBX_dbi dbi_event;
+ MDBX_dbi dbi_ip;
+ event_data_t event;
+ MDBX_txn *txn;
+ // transaction init
+ uint64_t start = getClockUs();
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_txn_begin(env, NULL, 0, &txn));
+ // open database in read-write mode
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_dbi_open(txn, "session", MDBX_CREATE, &dbi_session));
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_dbi_open(txn, "session_id", MDBX_CREATE, &dbi_session_id));
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_dbi_open(txn, "event", MDBX_CREATE, &dbi_event));
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_dbi_open(txn, "ip", MDBX_CREATE, &dbi_ip));
+ // put data
+ MDBX_val _obj_id_rec = {&record_id, sizeof(record_id)};
+ MDBX_val _data_rec;
+ // get data
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_get(txn, dbi_session, &_obj_id_rec, &_data_rec));
+ session_data_t *data = (session_data_t *)_data_rec.iov_base;
+ MDBX_val _session_id1_rec = {data->session_id1, strlen(data->session_id1)};
+ MDBX_val _session_id2_rec = {data->session_id2, strlen(data->session_id2)};
+ MDBX_val _ip_rec = {data->ip, strlen(data->ip)};
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_del(txn, dbi_session_id, &_session_id1_rec, NULL));
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_del(txn, dbi_session_id, &_session_id2_rec, NULL));
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_del(txn, dbi_ip, &_ip_rec, NULL));
+ event.obj_id = record_id;
+ event.event_type = 1;
+ MDBX_val _event_rec = {&event, sizeof(event)};
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_del(txn, dbi_event, &_event_rec, NULL));
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_del(txn, dbi_session, &_obj_id_rec, NULL));
+ mdbx_data_size -= (_data_rec.iov_len + _obj_id_rec.iov_len * 4);
+ mdbx_key_size -=
+ (_obj_id_rec.iov_len + _session_id1_rec.iov_len +
+ _session_id2_rec.iov_len + _ip_rec.iov_len + _event_rec.iov_len);
+ // transaction commit
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_txn_commit(txn));
+ mdbx_del_count++;
+ mdbx_del_time += (getClockUs() - start);
+static void db_disconnect() {
+ mdbx_env_close(env);
+ printf("Connection closed\n");
+static void get_db_stat(const char *db, int64_t *ms_branch_pages,
+ int64_t *ms_leaf_pages) {
+ MDBX_txn *txn;
+ MDBX_stat stat;
+ MDBX_dbi dbi;
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_txn_begin(env, NULL, MDBX_RDONLY, &txn));
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_dbi_open(txn, db, MDBX_CREATE, &dbi));
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_dbi_stat(txn, dbi, &stat, sizeof(stat)));
+ mdbx_txn_abort(txn);
+ printf("%15s | %15ld | %5u | %10ld | %10ld | %11ld |\n", db,
+ stat.ms_branch_pages, stat.ms_depth, stat.ms_entries,
+ stat.ms_leaf_pages, stat.ms_overflow_pages);
+ (*ms_branch_pages) += stat.ms_branch_pages;
+ (*ms_leaf_pages) += stat.ms_leaf_pages;
+static void periodic_stat(void) {
+ int64_t ms_branch_pages = 0;
+ int64_t ms_leaf_pages = 0;
+ MDBX_stat mst;
+ MDBX_envinfo mei;
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_env_stat(env, &mst, sizeof(mst)));
+ MDBX_CHECK(mdbx_env_info(env, &mei, sizeof(mei)));
+ printf("Environment Info\n");
+ printf(" Pagesize: %u\n", mst.ms_psize);
+ if (mei.mi_geo.lower != mei.mi_geo.upper) {
+ printf(" Dynamic datafile: %" PRIu64 "..%" PRIu64 " bytes (+%" PRIu64
+ "/-%" PRIu64 "), %" PRIu64 "..%" PRIu64 " pages (+%" PRIu64
+ "/-%" PRIu64 ")\n",
+ mei.mi_geo.lower, mei.mi_geo.upper, mei.mi_geo.grow,
+ mei.mi_geo.shrink, mei.mi_geo.lower / mst.ms_psize,
+ mei.mi_geo.upper / mst.ms_psize, mei.mi_geo.grow / mst.ms_psize,
+ mei.mi_geo.shrink / mst.ms_psize);
+ printf(" Current datafile: %" PRIu64 " bytes, %" PRIu64 " pages\n",
+ mei.mi_geo.current, mei.mi_geo.current / mst.ms_psize);
+ } else {
+ printf(" Fixed datafile: %" PRIu64 " bytes, %" PRIu64 " pages\n",
+ mei.mi_geo.current, mei.mi_geo.current / mst.ms_psize);
+ }
+ printf(" Current mapsize: %" PRIu64 " bytes, %" PRIu64 " pages \n",
+ mei.mi_mapsize, mei.mi_mapsize / mst.ms_psize);
+ printf(" Number of pages used: %" PRIu64 "\n", mei.mi_last_pgno + 1);
+ printf(" Last transaction ID: %" PRIu64 "\n", mei.mi_recent_txnid);
+ printf(" Tail transaction ID: %" PRIu64 " (%" PRIi64 ")\n",
+ mei.mi_latter_reader_txnid,
+ mei.mi_latter_reader_txnid - mei.mi_recent_txnid);
+ printf(" Max readers: %u\n", mei.mi_maxreaders);
+ printf(" Number of readers used: %u\n", mei.mi_numreaders);
+ printf(" Name | ms_branch_pages | depth | entries | leaf_pages "
+ "| overf_pages |\n");
+ get_db_stat("session", &ms_branch_pages, &ms_leaf_pages);
+ get_db_stat("session_id", &ms_branch_pages, &ms_leaf_pages);
+ get_db_stat("event", &ms_branch_pages, &ms_leaf_pages);
+ get_db_stat("ip", &ms_branch_pages, &ms_leaf_pages);
+ printf("%15s | %15ld | %5s | %10s | %10ld | %11s |\n", "", ms_branch_pages,
+ "", "", ms_leaf_pages, "");
+ static int64_t prev_add_count;
+ static int64_t prev_del_count;
+ static uint64_t prev_add_time;
+ static uint64_t prev_del_time;
+ static int64_t t = -1;
+ if (t > 0) {
+ int64_t delta = (getClockUs() - t);
+ printf(
+ "CPS: add %ld, delete %ld, items processed - %ldK data=%ldK key=%ldK\n",
+ (mdbx_add_count - prev_add_count) * 1000000 / delta,
+ (mdbx_del_count - prev_del_count) * 1000000 / delta, obj_id / 1024,
+ mdbx_data_size / 1024, mdbx_key_size / 1024);
+ printf("usage data=%ld%%", ((mdbx_data_size + mdbx_key_size) * 100) /
+ ((ms_leaf_pages + ms_branch_pages) * 4096));
+ if (prev_add_time != mdbx_add_time) {
+ printf(" Add : %ld c/s", (mdbx_add_count - prev_add_count) * 1000000 /
+ (mdbx_add_time - prev_add_time));
+ }
+ if (prev_del_time != mdbx_del_time) {
+ printf(" Del : %ld c/s", (mdbx_del_count - prev_del_count) * 1000000 /
+ (mdbx_del_time - prev_del_time));
+ }
+ if (mdbx_add_time) {
+ printf(" tAdd : %ld c/s", mdbx_add_count * 1000000 / mdbx_add_time);
+ }
+ if (mdbx_del_time) {
+ printf(" tDel : %ld c/s", mdbx_del_count * 1000000 / mdbx_del_time);
+ }
+ puts("");
+ }
+ t = getClockUs();
+ prev_add_count = mdbx_add_count;
+ prev_del_count = mdbx_del_count;
+ prev_add_time = mdbx_add_time;
+ prev_del_time = mdbx_del_time;
+// static void periodic_add_rec() {
+// for (int i = 0; i < 10240; i++) {
+// if (ids_count <= REC_COUNT) {
+// int64_t id = obj_id++;
+// create_record(id);
+// add_id_to_pool(id);
+// }
+// if (ids_count > REC_COUNT) {
+// int64_t id = get_id_from_pool();
+// delete_record(id);
+// }
+// }
+// periodic_stat();
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ (void)argc;
+ (void)argv;
+ char filename[PATH_MAX];
+ int i;
+ mkdir(opt_db_path, 0775);
+ strcpy(filename, opt_db_path);
+ strcat(filename, "/mdbx.dat");
+ remove(filename);
+ strcpy(filename, opt_db_path);
+ strcat(filename, "/mdbx.lck");
+ remove(filename);
+ puts("Open DB...");
+ db_connect();
+ puts("Create data...");
+ int64_t t = getClockUs();
+ for (i = 0; i < REC_COUNT; i++) {
+ int64_t id = obj_id++;
+ create_record(id);
+ add_id_to_pool(id);
+ if (i % 1000 == 0) {
+ int64_t now = getClockUs();
+ if ((now - t) > 1000000L) {
+ periodic_stat();
+ t = now;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ periodic_stat();
+ while (1) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
+ int64_t id = obj_id++;
+ create_record(id);
+ add_id_to_pool(id);
+ id = get_id_from_pool();
+ delete_record(id);
+ }
+ // for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
+ // int64_t id = obj_id++;
+ // create_record(id);
+ // add_id_to_pool(id);
+ // }
+ // int64_t id = obj_id++;
+ // create_record(id);
+ // add_id_to_pool(id);
+ int64_t now = getClockUs();
+ if ((now - t) > 10000000L) {
+ periodic_stat();
+ t = now;
+ }
+ }
+ db_disconnect();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3750af525f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-2018 Leonid Yuriev <>
+ * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+ * Public License.
+ *
+ * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+ * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include "test.h"
+const char *testcase2str(const actor_testcase testcase) {
+ switch (testcase) {
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ return "?!";
+ case ac_none:
+ return "none";
+ case ac_hill:
+ return "hill";
+ case ac_deadread:
+ return "deadread";
+ case ac_deadwrite:
+ return "deadwrite";
+ case ac_jitter:
+ return "jitter";
+ case ac_try:
+ return "try";
+ }
+const char *status2str(actor_status status) {
+ switch (status) {
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ return "?!";
+ case as_debuging:
+ return "debuging";
+ case as_running:
+ return "running";
+ case as_successful:
+ return "successful";
+ case as_killed:
+ return "killed";
+ case as_failed:
+ return "failed";
+ }
+const char *keygencase2str(const keygen_case keycase) {
+ switch (keycase) {
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ return "?!";
+ case kc_random:
+ return "random";
+ case kc_dashes:
+ return "dashes";
+ case kc_custom:
+ return "custom";
+ }
+static void mdbx_logger(int type, const char *function, int line,
+ const char *msg, va_list args) {
+ logging::loglevel level = logging::info;
+ if (type & MDBX_DBG_EXTRA)
+ level = logging::extra;
+ if (type & MDBX_DBG_TRACE)
+ level = logging::trace;
+ if (type & MDBX_DBG_PRINT)
+ level = logging::verbose;
+ if (!function)
+ function = "unknown";
+ if (type & MDBX_DBG_ASSERT) {
+ log_error("mdbx: assertion failure: %s, %d", function, line);
+ level = logging::failure;
+ }
+ if (logging::output(
+ level,
+ strncmp(function, "mdbx_", 5) == 0 ? "%s: " : "mdbx: %s: ", function))
+ logging::feed(msg, args);
+ if (type & MDBX_DBG_ASSERT)
+ abort();
+int testcase::oom_callback(MDBX_env *env, int pid, mdbx_tid_t tid, uint64_t txn,
+ unsigned gap, int retry) {
+ testcase *self = (testcase *)mdbx_env_get_userctx(env);
+ if (retry == 0)
+ log_notice("oom_callback: waitfor pid %u, thread %" PRIuPTR
+ ", txn #%" PRIu64 ", gap %d",
+ pid, (size_t)tid, txn, gap);
+ if (self->should_continue(true)) {
+ osal_yield();
+ if (retry > 0)
+ osal_udelay(retry * 100);
+ return 0 /* always retry */;
+ }
+ return -1;
+void testcase::db_prepare() {
+ log_trace(">> db_prepare");
+ assert(!db_guard);
+ if (config.params.loglevel <= logging::trace)
+ mdbx_dbg_opts |= MDBX_DBG_TRACE;
+ if (config.params.loglevel <= logging::verbose)
+ mdbx_dbg_opts |= MDBX_DBG_PRINT;
+ int rc = mdbx_setup_debug(mdbx_dbg_opts, mdbx_logger);
+ log_trace("set mdbx debug-opts: 0x%02x", rc);
+ MDBX_env *env = nullptr;
+ rc = mdbx_env_create(&env);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_env_create()", rc);
+ assert(env != nullptr);
+ db_guard.reset(env);
+ rc = mdbx_env_set_userctx(env, this);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_env_set_userctx()", rc);
+ rc = mdbx_env_set_maxreaders(env, config.params.max_readers);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_env_set_maxreaders()", rc);
+ rc = mdbx_env_set_maxdbs(env, config.params.max_tables);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_env_set_maxdbs()", rc);
+ rc = mdbx_env_set_oomfunc(env, testcase::oom_callback);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_env_set_oomfunc()", rc);
+ rc = mdbx_env_set_mapsize(env, (size_t)config.params.size);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_env_set_mapsize()", rc);
+ log_trace("<< db_prepare");
+void testcase::db_open() {
+ log_trace(">> db_open");
+ if (!db_guard)
+ db_prepare();
+ int rc = mdbx_env_open(db_guard.get(), config.params.pathname_db.c_str(),
+ (unsigned)config.params.mode_flags, 0640);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_env_open()", rc);
+ log_trace("<< db_open");
+void testcase::db_close() {
+ log_trace(">> db_close");
+ cursor_guard.reset();
+ txn_guard.reset();
+ db_guard.reset();
+ log_trace("<< db_close");
+void testcase::txn_begin(bool readonly, unsigned flags) {
+ assert((flags & MDBX_RDONLY) == 0);
+ log_trace(">> txn_begin(%s, 0x%04X)", readonly ? "read-only" : "read-write",
+ flags);
+ assert(!txn_guard);
+ MDBX_txn *txn = nullptr;
+ int rc = mdbx_txn_begin(db_guard.get(), nullptr,
+ readonly ? flags | MDBX_RDONLY : flags, &txn);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_txn_begin()", rc);
+ txn_guard.reset(txn);
+ log_trace("<< txn_begin(%s, 0x%04X)", readonly ? "read-only" : "read-write",
+ flags);
+void testcase::txn_end(bool abort) {
+ log_trace(">> txn_end(%s)", abort ? "abort" : "commit");
+ assert(txn_guard);
+ MDBX_txn *txn = txn_guard.release();
+ if (abort) {
+ int rc = mdbx_txn_abort(txn);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_txn_abort()", rc);
+ } else {
+ txn_inject_writefault(txn);
+ int rc = mdbx_txn_commit(txn);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_txn_commit()", rc);
+ }
+ log_trace("<< txn_end(%s)", abort ? "abort" : "commit");
+void testcase::txn_restart(bool abort, bool readonly, unsigned flags) {
+ if (txn_guard)
+ txn_end(abort);
+ txn_begin(readonly, flags);
+void testcase::txn_inject_writefault(void) {
+ if (txn_guard)
+ txn_inject_writefault(txn_guard.get());
+void testcase::txn_inject_writefault(MDBX_txn *txn) {
+ if (config.params.inject_writefaultn && txn) {
+ if (config.params.inject_writefaultn <= nops_completed &&
+ (mdbx_txn_flags(txn) & MDBX_RDONLY) == 0) {
+ log_info("== txn_inject_writefault(): got %u nops or more, inject FAULT",
+ config.params.inject_writefaultn);
+ log_flush();
+#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WINDOWS)
+ TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), 42);
+ raise(SIGKILL);
+ }
+ }
+bool testcase::wait4start() {
+ if (config.wait4id) {
+ log_trace(">> wait4start(%u)", config.wait4id);
+ assert(!global::singlemode);
+ int rc = osal_waitfor(config.wait4id);
+ if (rc) {
+ log_trace("<< wait4start(%u), failed %s", config.wait4id,
+ test_strerror(rc));
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ log_trace("== skip wait4start: not needed");
+ }
+ if (config.params.delaystart) {
+ int rc = osal_delay(config.params.delaystart);
+ if (rc) {
+ log_trace("<< delay(%u), failed %s", config.params.delaystart,
+ test_strerror(rc));
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ log_trace("== skip delay: not needed");
+ }
+ return true;
+void testcase::kick_progress(bool active) const {
+ chrono::time now = chrono::now_motonic();
+ if (active) {
+ static int last_point = -1;
+ int point = (now.fixedpoint >> 29) & 3;
+ if (point != last_point) {
+ last.progress_timestamp = now;
+ fprintf(stderr, "%c\b", "-\\|/"[last_point = point]);
+ fflush(stderr);
+ }
+ } else if (now.fixedpoint - last.progress_timestamp.fixedpoint >
+ chrono::from_seconds(2).fixedpoint) {
+ last.progress_timestamp = now;
+ fprintf(stderr, "%c\b", "@*"[now.utc & 1]);
+ fflush(stderr);
+ }
+void testcase::report(size_t nops_done) {
+ assert(nops_done > 0);
+ if (!nops_done)
+ return;
+ nops_completed += nops_done;
+ log_verbose("== complete +%" PRIuPTR " iteration, total %" PRIuPTR " done",
+ nops_done, nops_completed);
+ if (global::config::progress_indicator)
+ kick_progress(true);
+ if (config.signal_nops && !signalled &&
+ config.signal_nops <= nops_completed) {
+ log_trace(">> signal(n-ops %" PRIuPTR ")", nops_completed);
+ if (!global::singlemode)
+ osal_broadcast(config.actor_id);
+ signalled = true;
+ log_trace("<< signal(n-ops %" PRIuPTR ")", nops_completed);
+ }
+void testcase::signal() {
+ if (!signalled) {
+ log_trace(">> signal(forced)");
+ if (!global::singlemode)
+ osal_broadcast(config.actor_id);
+ signalled = true;
+ log_trace("<< signal(forced)");
+ }
+bool testcase::setup() {
+ db_prepare();
+ if (!wait4start())
+ return false;
+ start_timestamp = chrono::now_motonic();
+ return true;
+bool testcase::teardown() {
+ log_trace(">> testcase::teardown");
+ signal();
+ db_close();
+ log_trace("<< testcase::teardown");
+ return true;
+bool testcase::should_continue(bool check_timeout_only) const {
+ bool result = true;
+ if (config.params.test_duration) {
+ chrono::time since;
+ since.fixedpoint =
+ chrono::now_motonic().fixedpoint - start_timestamp.fixedpoint;
+ if (since.seconds() >= config.params.test_duration)
+ result = false;
+ }
+ if (!check_timeout_only && config.params.test_nops &&
+ nops_completed >= config.params.test_nops)
+ result = false;
+ if (result && global::config::progress_indicator)
+ kick_progress(false);
+ return result;
+void testcase::fetch_canary() {
+ mdbx_canary canary_now;
+ log_trace(">> fetch_canary");
+ int rc = mdbx_canary_get(txn_guard.get(), &canary_now);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_canary_get()", rc);
+ if (canary_now.v < last.canary.v)
+ failure("fetch_canary: %" PRIu64 "(canary-now.v) < %" PRIu64
+ "(canary-last.v)",
+ canary_now.v, last.canary.v);
+ if (canary_now.y < last.canary.y)
+ failure("fetch_canary: %" PRIu64 "(canary-now.y) < %" PRIu64
+ "(canary-last.y)",
+ canary_now.y, last.canary.y);
+ last.canary = canary_now;
+ log_trace("<< fetch_canary: db-sequence %" PRIu64
+ ", db-sequence.txnid %" PRIu64,
+ last.canary.y, last.canary.v);
+void testcase::update_canary(uint64_t increment) {
+ mdbx_canary canary_now = last.canary;
+ log_trace(">> update_canary: sequence %" PRIu64 " += %" PRIu64, canary_now.y,
+ increment);
+ canary_now.y += increment;
+ int rc = mdbx_canary_put(txn_guard.get(), &canary_now);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_canary_put()", rc);
+ log_trace("<< update_canary: sequence = %" PRIu64, canary_now.y);
+MDBX_dbi testcase::db_table_open(bool create) {
+ log_trace(">> testcase::db_table_create");
+ char tablename_buf[16];
+ const char *tablename = nullptr;
+ if (config.space_id) {
+ int rc = snprintf(tablename_buf, sizeof(tablename_buf), "TBL%04u",
+ config.space_id);
+ if (rc < 4 || rc >= (int)sizeof(tablename_buf) - 1)
+ failure("snprintf(tablename): %d", rc);
+ tablename = tablename_buf;
+ }
+ log_verbose("use %s table", tablename ? tablename : "MAINDB");
+ MDBX_dbi handle = 0;
+ int rc = mdbx_dbi_open(txn_guard.get(), tablename,
+ (create ? MDBX_CREATE : 0) | config.params.table_flags,
+ &handle);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_dbi_open()", rc);
+ log_trace("<< testcase::db_table_create, handle %u", handle);
+ return handle;
+void testcase::db_table_drop(MDBX_dbi handle) {
+ log_trace(">> testcase::db_table_drop, handle %u", handle);
+ if (config.params.drop_table) {
+ int rc = mdbx_drop(txn_guard.get(), handle, true);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_drop()", rc);
+ log_trace("<< testcase::db_table_drop");
+ } else {
+ log_trace("<< testcase::db_table_drop: not needed");
+ }
+void testcase::db_table_close(MDBX_dbi handle) {
+ log_trace(">> testcase::db_table_close, handle %u", handle);
+ assert(!txn_guard);
+ int rc = mdbx_dbi_close(db_guard.get(), handle);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_dbi_close()", rc);
+ log_trace("<< testcase::db_table_close");
+bool test_execute(const actor_config &config) {
+ const mdbx_pid_t pid = osal_getpid();
+ if (global::singlemode) {
+ logging::setup(format("single_%s", testcase2str(config.testcase)));
+ } else {
+ logging::setup((logging::loglevel)config.params.loglevel,
+ format("child_%u.%u", config.actor_id, config.space_id));
+ log_trace(">> wait4barrier");
+ osal_wait4barrier();
+ log_trace("<< wait4barrier");
+ }
+ try {
+ std::unique_ptr<testcase> test;
+ switch (config.testcase) {
+ case ac_hill:
+ test.reset(new testcase_hill(config, pid));
+ break;
+ case ac_deadread:
+ test.reset(new testcase_deadread(config, pid));
+ break;
+ case ac_deadwrite:
+ test.reset(new testcase_deadwrite(config, pid));
+ break;
+ case ac_jitter:
+ test.reset(new testcase_jitter(config, pid));
+ break;
+ case ac_try:
+ test.reset(new testcase_try(config, pid));
+ break;
+ default:
+ test.reset(new testcase(config, pid));
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!test->setup())
+ log_notice("test setup failed");
+ else if (!test->run())
+ log_notice("test failed");
+ else if (!test->teardown())
+ log_notice("test teardown failed");
+ else {
+ log_info("test successed");
+ return true;
+ }
+ } catch (const std::exception &pipets) {
+ failure("***** Exception: %s *****", pipets.what());
+ }
+ return false;
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/test.h b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/test.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef1c4caa47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/test.h
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-2018 Leonid Yuriev <>
+ * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+ * Public License.
+ *
+ * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+ * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+ * <>.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "base.h"
+#include "chrono.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "keygen.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "osal.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+bool test_execute(const actor_config &config);
+std::string thunk_param(const actor_config &config);
+void testcase_setup(const char *casename, actor_params &params,
+ unsigned &last_space_id);
+void configure_actor(unsigned &last_space_id, const actor_testcase testcase,
+ const char *space_id_cstr, const actor_params &params);
+void keycase_setup(const char *casename, actor_params &params);
+namespace global {
+extern const char thunk_param_prefix[];
+extern std::vector<actor_config> actors;
+extern std::unordered_map<unsigned, actor_config *> events;
+extern std::unordered_map<mdbx_pid_t, actor_config *> pid2actor;
+extern std::set<std::string> databases;
+extern unsigned nactors;
+extern chrono::time start_motonic;
+extern chrono::time deadline_motonic;
+extern bool singlemode;
+namespace config {
+extern unsigned timeout_duration_seconds;
+extern bool dump_config;
+extern bool cleanup_before;
+extern bool cleanup_after;
+extern bool failfast;
+extern bool progress_indicator;
+} /* namespace config */
+} /* namespace global */
+struct db_deleter : public std::unary_function<void, MDBX_env *> {
+ void operator()(MDBX_env *env) const { mdbx_env_close(env); }
+struct txn_deleter : public std::unary_function<void, MDBX_txn *> {
+ void operator()(MDBX_txn *txn) const {
+ int rc = mdbx_txn_abort(txn);
+ if (rc)
+ log_trouble(mdbx_func_, "mdbx_txn_abort()", rc);
+ }
+struct cursor_deleter : public std::unary_function<void, MDBX_cursor *> {
+ void operator()(MDBX_cursor *cursor) const { mdbx_cursor_close(cursor); }
+typedef std::unique_ptr<MDBX_env, db_deleter> scoped_db_guard;
+typedef std::unique_ptr<MDBX_txn, txn_deleter> scoped_txn_guard;
+typedef std::unique_ptr<MDBX_cursor, cursor_deleter> scoped_cursor_guard;
+class testcase {
+ const actor_config &config;
+ const mdbx_pid_t pid;
+ scoped_db_guard db_guard;
+ scoped_txn_guard txn_guard;
+ scoped_cursor_guard cursor_guard;
+ bool signalled;
+ size_t nops_completed;
+ chrono::time start_timestamp;
+ keygen::buffer key;
+ keygen::buffer data;
+ keygen::maker keyvalue_maker;
+ struct {
+ mdbx_canary canary;
+ mutable chrono::time progress_timestamp;
+ } last;
+ static int oom_callback(MDBX_env *env, int pid, mdbx_tid_t tid, uint64_t txn,
+ unsigned gap, int retry);
+ void db_prepare();
+ void db_open();
+ void db_close();
+ void txn_begin(bool readonly, unsigned flags = 0);
+ void txn_end(bool abort);
+ void txn_restart(bool abort, bool readonly, unsigned flags = 0);
+ void txn_inject_writefault(void);
+ void txn_inject_writefault(MDBX_txn *txn);
+ void fetch_canary();
+ void update_canary(uint64_t increment);
+ void kick_progress(bool active) const;
+ MDBX_dbi db_table_open(bool create);
+ void db_table_drop(MDBX_dbi handle);
+ void db_table_close(MDBX_dbi handle);
+ bool wait4start();
+ void report(size_t nops_done);
+ void signal();
+ bool should_continue(bool check_timeout_only = false) const;
+ void generate_pair(const keygen::serial_t serial, keygen::buffer &out_key,
+ keygen::buffer &out_value, keygen::serial_t data_age = 0) {
+ keyvalue_maker.pair(serial, out_key, out_value, data_age);
+ }
+ void generate_pair(const keygen::serial_t serial,
+ keygen::serial_t data_age = 0) {
+ generate_pair(serial, key, data, data_age);
+ }
+ bool mode_readonly() const {
+ return (config.params.mode_flags & MDBX_RDONLY) ? true : false;
+ }
+ testcase(const actor_config &config, const mdbx_pid_t pid)
+ : config(config), pid(pid), signalled(false), nops_completed(0) {
+ start_timestamp.reset();
+ memset(&last, 0, sizeof(last));
+ }
+ virtual bool setup();
+ virtual bool run() { return true; }
+ virtual bool teardown();
+ virtual ~testcase() {}
+class testcase_hill : public testcase {
+ typedef testcase inherited;
+ testcase_hill(const actor_config &config, const mdbx_pid_t pid)
+ : testcase(config, pid) {}
+ bool setup();
+ bool run();
+ bool teardown();
+class testcase_deadread : public testcase {
+ typedef testcase inherited;
+ testcase_deadread(const actor_config &config, const mdbx_pid_t pid)
+ : testcase(config, pid) {}
+ bool setup();
+ bool run();
+ bool teardown();
+class testcase_deadwrite : public testcase {
+ typedef testcase inherited;
+ testcase_deadwrite(const actor_config &config, const mdbx_pid_t pid)
+ : testcase(config, pid) {}
+ bool setup();
+ bool run();
+ bool teardown();
+class testcase_jitter : public testcase {
+ typedef testcase inherited;
+ testcase_jitter(const actor_config &config, const mdbx_pid_t pid)
+ : testcase(config, pid) {}
+ bool setup();
+ bool run();
+ bool teardown();
+class testcase_try : public testcase {
+ typedef testcase inherited;
+ testcase_try(const actor_config &config, const mdbx_pid_t pid)
+ : testcase(config, pid) {}
+ bool setup();
+ bool run();
+ bool teardown();
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/test.vcxproj b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/test.vcxproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ee13cf8cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/test.vcxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1deae71d31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#include "test.h"
+bool testcase_try::setup() {
+ log_trace(">> setup");
+ if (!inherited::setup())
+ return false;
+ log_trace("<< setup");
+ return true;
+bool testcase_try::run() {
+ db_open();
+ assert(!txn_guard);
+ MDBX_txn *txn = nullptr;
+ MDBX_txn *txn2 = nullptr;
+ int rc = mdbx_txn_begin(db_guard.get(), nullptr, 0, &txn);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_SUCCESS))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_txn_begin(MDBX_TRYTXN)", rc);
+ else {
+ rc = mdbx_txn_begin(db_guard.get(), nullptr, MDBX_TRYTXN, &txn2);
+ if (unlikely(rc != MDBX_BUSY))
+ failure_perror("mdbx_txn_begin(MDBX_TRYTXN)", rc);
+ }
+ txn_guard.reset(txn);
+ return true;
+bool testcase_try::teardown() {
+ log_trace(">> teardown");
+ cursor_guard.release();
+ txn_guard.release();
+ db_guard.release();
+ return inherited::teardown();
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0855c7eef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-2018 Leonid Yuriev <>
+ * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+ * Public License.
+ *
+ * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+ * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include "test.h"
+#include <float.h>
+#if defined(HAVE_IEEE754_H) || __has_include(<ieee754.h>)
+#include <ieee754.h>
+std::string format(const char *fmt, ...) {
+ va_list ap, ones;
+ va_start(ap, fmt);
+ va_copy(ones, ap);
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ int needed = _vscprintf(fmt, ap);
+ int needed = vsnprintf(nullptr, 0, fmt, ap);
+ assert(needed >= 0);
+ va_end(ap);
+ std::string result;
+ result.reserve((size_t)needed + 1);
+ result.resize((size_t)needed, '\0');
+ int actual = vsnprintf((char *), result.capacity(), fmt, ones);
+ assert(actual == needed);
+ (void)actual;
+ va_end(ones);
+ return result;
+std::string data2hex(const void *ptr, size_t bytes, simple_checksum &checksum) {
+ std::string result;
+ if (bytes > 0) {
+ const uint8_t *data = (const uint8_t *)ptr;
+ checksum.push(data, bytes);
+ result.reserve(bytes * 2);
+ const uint8_t *const end = data + bytes;
+ do {
+ char h = *data >> 4;
+ char l = *data & 15;
+ result.push_back((l < 10) ? l + '0' : l - 10 + 'a');
+ result.push_back((h < 10) ? h + '0' : h - 10 + 'a');
+ } while (++data < end);
+ }
+ assert(result.size() == bytes * 2);
+ return result;
+bool hex2data(const char *hex_begin, const char *hex_end, void *ptr,
+ size_t bytes, simple_checksum &checksum) {
+ if (bytes * 2 != (size_t)(hex_end - hex_begin))
+ return false;
+ uint8_t *data = (uint8_t *)ptr;
+ for (const char *hex = hex_begin; hex != hex_end; hex += 2, ++data) {
+ unsigned l = hex[0], h = hex[1];
+ if (l >= '0' && l <= '9')
+ l = l - '0';
+ else if (l >= 'A' && l <= 'F')
+ l = l - 'A' + 10;
+ else if (l >= 'a' && l <= 'f')
+ l = l - 'a' + 10;
+ else
+ return false;
+ if (h >= '0' && h <= '9')
+ h = h - '0';
+ else if (h >= 'A' && h <= 'F')
+ h = h - 'A' + 10;
+ else if (h >= 'a' && h <= 'f')
+ h = h - 'a' + 10;
+ else
+ return false;
+ uint32_t c = l + (h << 4);
+ checksum.push(c);
+ *data = (uint8_t)c;
+ }
+ return true;
+/* TODO: replace my 'libmera' fomr t1ha. */
+uint64_t entropy_ticks(void) {
+#if defined(EMSCRIPTEN)
+ return (uint64_t)emscripten_get_now();
+#endif /* EMSCRIPTEN */
+#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACH__)
+ return mach_absolute_time();
+#endif /* defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACH__) */
+#if defined(__sun__) || defined(__sun)
+ return gethrtime();
+#endif /* __sun__ */
+#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
+#if defined(__ia64__)
+ uint64_t ticks;
+ __asm __volatile("mov %0=ar.itc" : "=r"(ticks));
+ return ticks;
+#elif defined(__hppa__)
+ uint64_t ticks;
+ __asm __volatile("mfctl 16, %0" : "=r"(ticks));
+ return ticks;
+#elif defined(__s390__)
+ uint64_t ticks;
+ __asm __volatile("stck 0(%0)" : : "a"(&(ticks)) : "memory", "cc");
+ return ticks;
+#elif defined(__alpha__)
+ uint64_t ticks;
+ __asm __volatile("rpcc %0" : "=r"(ticks));
+ return ticks;
+#elif defined(__sparc__) || defined(__sparc) || defined(__sparc64__) || \
+ defined(__sparc64) || defined(__sparc_v8plus__) || \
+ defined(__sparc_v8plus) || defined(__sparc_v8plusa__) || \
+ defined(__sparc_v8plusa) || defined(__sparc_v9__) || defined(__sparc_v9)
+ union {
+ uint64_t u64;
+ struct {
+ uint32_t h, l;
+ uint32_t l, h;
+ } u32;
+ } cycles;
+#if defined(__sparc_v8plus__) || defined(__sparc_v8plusa__) || \
+ defined(__sparc_v9__) || defined(__sparc_v8plus) || \
+ defined(__sparc_v8plusa) || defined(__sparc_v9)
+#if UINTPTR_MAX > 0xffffFFFFul || ULONG_MAX > 0xffffFFFFul || \
+ defined(__sparc64__) || defined(__sparc64)
+ __asm __volatile("rd %%tick, %0" : "=r"(cycles.u64));
+ __asm __volatile("rd %%tick, %1; srlx %1, 32, %0"
+ : "=r"(cycles.u32.h), "=r"(cycles.u32.l));
+#endif /* __sparc64__ */
+ __asm __volatile(".byte 0x83, 0x41, 0x00, 0x00; mov %%g1, %0"
+ : "=r"(cycles.u64)
+ :
+ : "%g1");
+#endif /* __sparc8plus__ || __sparc_v9__ */
+ return cycles.u64;
+#elif (defined(__powerpc64__) || defined(__ppc64__) || defined(__ppc64) || \
+ defined(__powerpc64))
+ uint64_t ticks;
+ __asm __volatile("mfspr %0, 268" : "=r"(ticks));
+ return ticks;
+#elif (defined(__powerpc__) || defined(__ppc__) || defined(__powerpc) || \
+ defined(__ppc))
+#if UINTPTR_MAX > 0xffffFFFFul || ULONG_MAX > 0xffffFFFFul
+ uint64_t ticks;
+ __asm __volatile("mftb %0" : "=r"(ticks));
+ *now = ticks;
+ uint64_t ticks;
+ uint32_t low, high_before, high_after;
+ __asm __volatile("mftbu %0; mftb %1; mftbu %2"
+ : "=r"(high_before), "=r"(low), "=r"(high_after));
+ ticks = (uint64_t)high_after << 32;
+ ticks |= low & /* zeroes if high part has changed */
+ ~(high_before - high_after);
+#elif defined(__aarch64__) || (defined(__ARM_ARCH) && __ARM_ARCH > 7)
+ uint64_t virtual_timer;
+ __asm __volatile("mrs %0, cntvct_el0" : "=r"(virtual_timer));
+ return virtual_timer;
+#elif defined(__ARM_ARCH) && __ARM_ARCH > 5 && __ARM_ARCH < 8
+ unsigned long pmccntr;
+ __asm __volatile("mrc p15, 0, %0, c9, c13, 0" : "=r"(pmccntr));
+ return pmccntr;
+#elif defined(__mips__) || defined(__mips) || defined(_R4000)
+ unsigned count;
+ __asm __volatile("rdhwr %0, $2" : "=r"(count));
+ return count;
+#endif /* arch selector */
+#endif /* __GNUC__ || __clang__ */
+#if defined(__e2k__) || defined(__ia32__)
+ return __rdtsc();
+#elif defined(_M_ARM)
+ return __rdpmccntr64();
+#elif defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WINDOWS)
+ LARGE_INTEGER PerformanceCount;
+ if (QueryPerformanceCounter(&PerformanceCount))
+ return PerformanceCount.QuadPart;
+ return GetTickCount64();
+ struct timespec ts;
+ clockid_t clock = CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE;
+#elif defined(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW)
+ clockid_t clock = CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW;
+ clockid_t clock = CLOCK_MONOTONIC;
+ int rc = clock_gettime(clock, &ts);
+ if (unlikely(rc))
+ failure_perror("clock_gettime()", rc);
+ return (((uint64_t)ts.tv_sec) << 32) + ts.tv_nsec;
+static __inline uint64_t bleach64(uint64_t dirty) {
+ return mul_64x64_high(bswap64(dirty), UINT64_C(17048867929148541611));
+static __inline uint32_t bleach32(uint32_t dirty) {
+ return (uint32_t)((bswap32(dirty) * UINT64_C(2175734609)) >> 32);
+uint64_t prng64_careless(uint64_t &state) {
+ state = state * UINT64_C(6364136223846793005) + 1;
+ return state;
+uint64_t prng64_white(uint64_t &state) {
+ state = state * UINT64_C(6364136223846793005) + UINT64_C(1442695040888963407);
+ return bleach64(state);
+uint32_t prng32(uint64_t &state) {
+ return (uint32_t)(prng64_careless(state) >> 32);
+void prng_fill(uint64_t &state, void *ptr, size_t bytes) {
+ while (bytes >= 4) {
+ *((uint32_t *)ptr) = prng32(state);
+ ptr = (uint32_t *)ptr + 1;
+ bytes -= 4;
+ }
+ switch (bytes & 3) {
+ case 3: {
+ uint32_t u32 = prng32(state);
+ memcpy(ptr, &u32, 3);
+ } break;
+ case 2:
+ *((uint16_t *)ptr) = (uint16_t)prng32(state);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ *((uint8_t *)ptr) = (uint8_t)prng32(state);
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ }
+static __thread uint64_t prng_state;
+void prng_seed(uint64_t seed) { prng_state = bleach64(seed); }
+uint32_t prng32(void) { return prng32(prng_state); }
+uint64_t prng64(void) { return prng64_white(prng_state); }
+void prng_fill(void *ptr, size_t bytes) { prng_fill(prng_state, ptr, bytes); }
+uint64_t entropy_white() { return bleach64(entropy_ticks()); }
+double double_from_lower(uint64_t salt) {
+ ieee754_double r;
+ = 0;
+ = (unsigned)(salt >> 32);
+ = (unsigned)salt;
+ return r.d;
+ const uint64_t top = (UINT64_C(1) << DBL_MANT_DIG) - 1;
+ const double scale = 1.0 / (double)top;
+ return (salt & top) * scale;
+double double_from_upper(uint64_t salt) {
+ ieee754_double r;
+ = 0;
+ salt >>= 64 - DBL_MANT_DIG;
+ = (unsigned)(salt >> 32);
+ = (unsigned)salt;
+ return r.d;
+ const uint64_t top = (UINT64_C(1) << DBL_MANT_DIG) - 1;
+ const double scale = 1.0 / (double)top;
+ return (salt >> (64 - DBL_MANT_DIG)) * scale;
+bool flipcoin() { return bleach32((uint32_t)entropy_ticks()) & 1; }
+bool jitter(unsigned probability_percent) {
+ const uint32_t top = UINT32_MAX - UINT32_MAX % 100;
+ uint32_t dice, edge = (top) / 100 * probability_percent;
+ do
+ dice = bleach32((uint32_t)entropy_ticks());
+ while (dice >= top);
+ return dice < edge;
+void jitter_delay(bool extra) {
+ unsigned dice = entropy_white() & 3;
+ if (dice == 0) {
+ log_trace("==");
+ } else {
+ log_trace(">> jitter.delay: dice %u", dice);
+ do {
+ cpu_relax();
+ memory_barrier();
+ cpu_relax();
+ if (dice > 1) {
+ osal_yield();
+ cpu_relax();
+ if (dice > 2) {
+ unsigned us = entropy_white() &
+ (extra ? 0xfffff /* 1.05 s */ : 0x3ff /* 1 ms */);
+ log_trace("== jitter.delay: %0.6f", us / 1000000.0);
+ osal_udelay(us);
+ }
+ }
+ } while (flipcoin());
+ log_trace("<< jitter.delay: dice %u", dice);
+ }
diff --git a/libs/libmdbx/src/test/utils.h b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/utils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d62909fd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/libmdbx/src/test/utils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-2018 Leonid Yuriev <>
+ * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
+ * Public License.
+ *
+ * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
+ * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
+ * <>.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "base.h"
+#if !defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) || !defined(__ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__) || \
+ !defined(__ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__)
+#error __BYTE_ORDER__ should be defined.
+#error Unsupported byte order.
+#if __GNUC_PREREQ(4, 4) || defined(__clang__)
+#define bswap64(v) __builtin_bswap64(v)
+#define bswap32(v) __builtin_bswap32(v)
+#if __GNUC_PREREQ(4, 8) || __has_builtin(__builtin_bswap16)
+#define bswap16(v) __builtin_bswap16(v)
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+#if _MSC_FULL_VER < 190024215
+#pragma message( \
+ "It is recommended to use Visual Studio 2015 (MSC 19.0) or newer.")
+#define bswap64(v) _byteswap_uint64(v)
+#define bswap32(v) _byteswap_ulong(v)
+#define bswap16(v) _byteswap_ushort(v)
+#define rot64(v, s) _rotr64(v, s)
+#define rot32(v, s) _rotr(v, s)
+#if defined(_M_ARM64) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_IA64)
+#pragma intrinsic(_umul128)
+#define mul_64x64_128(a, b, ph) _umul128(a, b, ph)
+#pragma intrinsic(__umulh)
+#define mul_64x64_high(a, b) __umulh(a, b)
+#if defined(_M_IX86)
+#pragma intrinsic(__emulu)
+#define mul_32x32_64(a, b) __emulu(a, b)
+#elif defined(_M_ARM)
+#define mul_32x32_64(a, b) _arm_umull(a, b)
+#endif /* compiler */
+#ifndef bswap64
+#ifdef __bswap_64
+#define bswap64(v) __bswap_64(v)
+static __inline uint64_t bswap64(uint64_t v) {
+ return v << 56 | v >> 56 | ((v << 40) & UINT64_C(0x00ff000000000000)) |
+ ((v << 24) & UINT64_C(0x0000ff0000000000)) |
+ ((v << 8) & UINT64_C(0x000000ff00000000)) |
+ ((v >> 8) & UINT64_C(0x00000000ff0000000)) |
+ ((v >> 24) & UINT64_C(0x0000000000ff0000)) |
+ ((v >> 40) & UINT64_C(0x000000000000ff00));
+#endif /* bswap64 */
+#ifndef bswap32
+#ifdef __bswap_32
+#define bswap32(v) __bswap_32(v)
+static __inline uint32_t bswap32(uint32_t v) {
+ return v << 24 | v >> 24 | ((v << 8) & UINT32_C(0x00ff0000)) |
+ ((v >> 8) & UINT32_C(0x0000ff00));
+#endif /* bswap32 */
+#ifndef bswap16
+#ifdef __bswap_16
+#define bswap16(v) __bswap_16(v)
+static __inline uint16_t bswap16(uint16_t v) { return v << 8 | v >> 8; }
+#endif /* bswap16 */
+#define is_byteorder_le() (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
+#define is_byteorder_be() (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__)
+#ifndef htole16
+#define htobe16(v) bswap16(v)
+#define htole16(v) (v)
+#define be16toh(v) bswap16(v)
+#define le16toh(v) (v)
+#define htobe16(v) (v)
+#define htole16(v) bswap16(v)
+#define be16toh(v) (v)
+#define le16toh(v) bswap16(v)
+#endif /* htole16 */
+#ifndef htole32
+#define htobe32(v) bswap32(v)
+#define htole32(v) (v)
+#define be32toh(v) bswap32(v)
+#define le32toh(v) (v)
+#define htobe32(v) (v)
+#define htole32(v) bswap32(v)
+#define be32toh(v) (v)
+#define le32toh(v) bswap32(v)
+#endif /* htole32 */
+#ifndef htole64
+#define htobe64(v) bswap64(v)
+#define htole64(v) (v)
+#define be64toh(v) bswap64(v)
+#define le64toh(v) (v)
+#define htobe64(v) (v)
+#define htole64(v) bswap_64(v)
+#define be64toh(v) (v)
+#define le64toh(v) bswap_64(v)
+#endif /* htole64 */
+namespace unaligned {
+template <typename T> static __inline T load(const void *ptr) {
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && \
+ (defined(_M_ARM64) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_IA64))
+ return *(const T __unaligned *)ptr;
+ return *(const T *)ptr;
+ T local;
+#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
+ __builtin_memcpy(&local, (const T *)ptr, sizeof(T));
+ memcpy(&local, (const T *)ptr, sizeof(T));
+#endif /* __GNUC__ || __clang__ */
+ return local;
+#endif /* UNALIGNED_OK */
+template <typename T> static __inline void store(void *ptr, const T &value) {
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && \
+ (defined(_M_ARM64) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_IA64))
+ *((T __unaligned *)ptr) = value;
+ *(volatile T *)ptr = value;
+#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
+ __builtin_memcpy(ptr, &value, sizeof(T));
+ memcpy(ptr, &value, sizeof(T));
+#endif /* __GNUC__ || __clang__ */
+#endif /* UNALIGNED_OK */
+} /* namespace unaligned */
+#ifndef rot64
+static __inline uint64_t rot64(uint64_t v, unsigned s) {
+ return (v >> s) | (v << (64 - s));
+#endif /* rot64 */
+#ifndef mul_32x32_64
+static __inline uint64_t mul_32x32_64(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
+ return a * (uint64_t)b;
+#endif /* mul_32x32_64 */
+#ifndef mul_64x64_128
+static __inline unsigned add_with_carry(uint64_t *sum, uint64_t addend) {
+ *sum += addend;
+ return (*sum < addend) ? 1u : 0u;
+static __inline uint64_t mul_64x64_128(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t *h) {
+#if defined(__SIZEOF_INT128__) || \
+ (defined(_INTEGRAL_MAX_BITS) && _INTEGRAL_MAX_BITS >= 128)
+ __uint128_t r = (__uint128_t)a * (__uint128_t)b;
+ /* modern GCC could nicely optimize this */
+ *h = r >> 64;
+ return r;
+#elif defined(mul_64x64_high)
+ *h = mul_64x64_high(a, b);
+ return a * b;
+ /* performs 64x64 to 128 bit multiplication */
+ uint64_t ll = mul_32x32_64((uint32_t)a, (uint32_t)b);
+ uint64_t lh = mul_32x32_64(a >> 32, (uint32_t)b);
+ uint64_t hl = mul_32x32_64((uint32_t)a, b >> 32);
+ *h = mul_32x32_64(a >> 32, b >> 32) + (lh >> 32) + (hl >> 32) +
+ add_with_carry(&ll, lh << 32) + add_with_carry(&ll, hl << 32);
+ return ll;
+#endif /* mul_64x64_128() */
+#ifndef mul_64x64_high
+static __inline uint64_t mul_64x64_high(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
+ uint64_t h;
+ mul_64x64_128(a, b, &h);
+ return h;
+#endif /* mul_64x64_high */
+static __inline bool is_power2(size_t x) { return (x & (x - 1)) == 0; }
+static __inline size_t roundup2(size_t value, size_t granularity) {
+ assert(is_power2(granularity));
+ return (value + granularity - 1) & ~(granularity - 1);
+static __inline void memory_barrier(void) {
+#if __has_extension(c_atomic) || __has_extension(cxx_atomic)
+ __c11_atomic_thread_fence(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
+#elif defined(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
+ __atomic_thread_fence(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
+#elif defined(__clang__) || defined(__GNUC__)
+ __sync_synchronize();
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+ MemoryBarrier();
+#elif defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) /* LY: Intel Compiler may mimic GCC and MSC */
+#if defined(__ia64__) || defined(__ia64) || defined(_M_IA64)
+ __mf();
+#elif defined(__ia32__)
+ _mm_mfence();
+#error "Unknown target for Intel Compiler, please report to us."
+#elif defined(__SUNPRO_C) || defined(__sun) || defined(sun)
+ __machine_rw_barrier();
+#elif (defined(_HPUX_SOURCE) || defined(__hpux) || defined(__HP_aCC)) && \
+ (defined(HP_IA64) || defined(__ia64))
+ _Asm_mf();
+#elif defined(_AIX) || defined(__ppc__) || defined(__powerpc__) || \
+ defined(__ppc64__) || defined(__powerpc64__)
+ __lwsync();
+#error "Could not guess the kind of compiler, please report to us."
+static __inline void cpu_relax() {
+#if defined(__ia32__)
+ _mm_pause();
+#elif defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WINDOWS) || \
+ defined(YieldProcessor)
+ YieldProcessor();
+/* nope */
+struct simple_checksum {
+ uint64_t value;
+ simple_checksum() : value(0) {}
+ void push(uint32_t data) {
+ value += data * UINT64_C(9386433910765580089) + 1;
+ value ^= value >> 41;
+ }
+ void push(uint64_t data) {
+ push((uint32_t)data);
+ push((uint32_t)(data >> 32));
+ }
+ void push(bool data) { push(data ? UINT32_C(0x780E) : UINT32_C(0xFA18E)); }
+ void push(const void *ptr, size_t bytes) {
+ const uint8_t *data = (const uint8_t *)ptr;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < bytes; ++i)
+ push((uint32_t)data[i]);
+ }
+ void push(const double &data) { push(&data, sizeof(double)); }
+ void push(const char *cstr) { push(cstr, strlen(cstr)); }
+ void push(const std::string &str) { push(, str.size()); }
+#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WINDOWS)
+ void push(const HANDLE &handle) { push(&handle, sizeof(handle)); }
+#endif /* _WINDOWS */
+std::string data2hex(const void *ptr, size_t bytes, simple_checksum &checksum);
+bool hex2data(const char *hex_begin, const char *hex_end, void *ptr,
+ size_t bytes, simple_checksum &checksum);
+std::string format(const char *fmt, ...);
+uint64_t entropy_ticks(void);
+uint64_t entropy_white(void);
+uint64_t prng64_careless(uint64_t &state);
+uint64_t prng64_white(uint64_t &state);
+uint32_t prng32(uint64_t &state);
+void prng_fill(uint64_t &state, void *ptr, size_t bytes);
+void prng_seed(uint64_t seed);
+uint32_t prng32(void);
+uint64_t prng64(void);
+void prng_fill(void *ptr, size_t bytes);
+bool flipcoin();
+bool jitter(unsigned probability_percent);
+void jitter_delay(bool extra = false);