path: root/libs/litehtml/containers/haiku/container_haiku.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/litehtml/containers/haiku/container_haiku.cpp')
1 files changed, 568 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/litehtml/containers/haiku/container_haiku.cpp b/libs/litehtml/containers/haiku/container_haiku.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c49f22b6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/litehtml/containers/haiku/container_haiku.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+ * Copyright 2019-2020 Haiku Inc.
+ * All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-clause license.
+ * Constributors
+ * 2019-2020 Adam Fowler <>
+ */
+#include "container_haiku.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <streambuf>
+#include <map>
+#include <Bitmap.h>
+#include <String.h>
+#include <Entry.h>
+#include <Path.h>
+#include <TranslationUtils.h>
+LiteHtmlView::LiteHtmlView(BRect frame, const char *name)
+ : BView(frame, name, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW),
+ fContext(NULL),
+ m_html(NULL),
+ m_images(),
+ m_base_url(),
+ m_url()
+ BRect bounds(Bounds());
+ BPoint topLeft = bounds.LeftTop();
+ std::cout << "Initial bounds: topLeft x: " << +topLeft.x << ", y: "
+ << +topLeft.y << ", width: " << +bounds.Width() << ", height: "
+ << +bounds.Height() << std::endl;
+ SetDrawingMode(B_OP_OVER);
+ SetFont(be_plain_font);
+ //FillRect(bounds,B_SOLID_LOW);
+ //FillRect(rect);
+LiteHtmlView::SetContext(litehtml::context* ctx)
+ fContext = ctx;
+LiteHtmlView::RenderFile(const char* localFilePath)
+ std::cout << "RenderFile" << std::endl;
+ //BUrlRequest req;
+ // assume a local file for now, that is HTML
+ std::ifstream t(localFilePath);
+ std::string html((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(t)),
+ std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
+ //std::cout << "HTML output:-" << std::endl << html << std::endl;
+ // Get parent folder for the base url
+ std::cout << "Loaded from file: " << localFilePath << std::endl;
+ BPath htmlPath(localFilePath);
+ BPath dirPath;
+ htmlPath.GetParent(&dirPath);
+ std::cout << "parent path: " << dirPath.Path() << std::endl;
+ set_base_url(dirPath.Path());
+ //std::cout << " base url now:" << m_base_url << std::endl;
+ RenderHTML(html);
+LiteHtmlView::RenderHTML(const std::string& htmlText)
+ std::cout << "RenderHTML" << std::endl;
+ // now use this string
+ m_html = litehtml::document::createFromString(
+ htmlText.c_str(), this, fContext);
+ if (m_html)
+ {
+ std::cout << "Successfully read html" << std::endl;
+ // success
+ // post-parse render operations, if required.
+ Invalidate();
+ } else {
+ std::cout << "Failed to read html" << std::endl;
+ }
+ // always fire the rendering complete message
+ std::cout << "Sending html rendered message: " << M_HTML_RENDERED << std::endl;
+LiteHtmlView::Draw(BRect b)
+ std::cout << "DRAW CALLED" << std::endl;
+ BRect bounds(Bounds());
+ FillRect(bounds,B_SOLID_LOW);
+ // b only part of the window, but we need to draw the whole lot
+ if (NULL != m_html) {
+ BPoint leftTop = bounds.LeftTop();
+ litehtml::position clip(leftTop.x,leftTop.y,
+ bounds.Width(),bounds.Height());
+ m_html->render(bounds.Width());
+ m_html->draw((litehtml::uint_ptr) this,0,0,&clip);
+ }
+ SendNotices(M_HTML_RENDERED,new BMessage(M_HTML_RENDERED));
+LiteHtmlView::GetPreferredSize(float* width,float* height)
+ if (NULL == m_html)
+ {
+ BRect bounds(Bounds());
+ *width = bounds.Width();
+ *height = bounds.Height();
+ } else {
+ *width = m_html->width();
+ *height = m_html->height();
+ }
+LiteHtmlView::create_font( const litehtml::tchar_t* faceName, int size,
+ int weight, litehtml::font_style italic, unsigned int decoration,
+ litehtml::font_metrics* fm )
+ //std::cout << "create_font" << std::endl;
+ litehtml::string_vector fonts;
+ litehtml::split_string(faceName, fonts, ",");
+ litehtml::trim(fonts[0]);
+ uint16 face = B_REGULAR_FACE; // default
+ if (italic == litehtml::font_style_italic)
+ {
+ face |= B_ITALIC_FACE;
+ }
+ if (decoration & litehtml::font_decoration_underline)
+ {
+ }
+ if (decoration & litehtml::font_decoration_linethrough)
+ {
+ }
+ // Note: LIGHT, HEAVY, CONDENSED not supported in BeOS R5
+#ifdef __HAIKU__
+ if(weight >= 0 && weight < 150) face |= B_LIGHT_FACE;
+ else if(weight >= 150 && weight < 250) face |= B_LIGHT_FACE;
+ else if(weight >= 250 && weight < 350) face |= B_LIGHT_FACE;
+ //else if(weight >= 350 && weight < 450) face |= B_REGULAR_FACE;
+ //else if(weight >= 450 && weight < 550) face |= B_REGULAR_FACE;
+ else if(weight >= 550 && weight < 650) face |= B_CONDENSED_FACE;
+ else if(weight >= 550 && weight < 650) face |= B_BOLD_FACE;
+ else if(weight >= 650 && weight < 750) face |= B_BOLD_FACE;
+#ifndef __HAIKU__
+ else if(weight >= 750 && weight < 850) face |= B_BOLD_FACE;
+ else if(weight >= 950) face |= B_BOLD_FACE;
+ else if(weight >= 750 && weight < 850) face |= B_HEAVY_FACE;
+ else if(weight >= 950) face |= B_HEAVY_FACE;
+ BFont* tempFont = new BFont();
+ bool found = false;
+ for(litehtml::string_vector::iterator i = fonts.begin();
+ i != fonts.end(); i++)
+ {
+ if (B_OK == tempFont->SetFamilyAndFace(i->c_str(),face))
+ {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ {
+ // default to the Be plain font
+ tempFont = new BFont(be_plain_font);
+ if (weight >= 550)
+ {
+ tempFont = new BFont(be_bold_font);
+ }
+ tempFont->SetFace(face); // chooses closest
+ }
+ tempFont->SetSize(size);
+ font_height hgt;
+ tempFont->GetHeight(&hgt);
+ fm->ascent = hgt.ascent;
+ fm->descent = hgt.descent;
+ fm->height = (int) (hgt.ascent + hgt.descent);
+ fm->x_height = (int) hgt.leading;
+ return (litehtml::uint_ptr) tempFont;
+LiteHtmlView::delete_font( litehtml::uint_ptr hFont )
+ std::cout << "delete_font" << std::endl;
+LiteHtmlView::text_width( const litehtml::tchar_t* text,
+ litehtml::uint_ptr hFont )
+ //std::cout << "text_width" << std::endl;
+ BFont* fnt = (BFont*)hFont;
+ int width = fnt->StringWidth(text);
+ //std::cout << " Width: " << +width << std::endl;
+ return width;
+LiteHtmlView::draw_text( litehtml::uint_ptr hdc, const litehtml::tchar_t* text,
+ litehtml::uint_ptr hFont, litehtml::web_color color,
+ const litehtml::position& pos )
+ //std::cout << "draw_text" << std::endl;
+ if (!text) return;
+ if (0 == strlen(text)) return;
+ BFont* fnt = (BFont*)hFont;
+ //std::cout << " left: " << +pos.left() << ", top: " << << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << " RGBA: " << << "," << << "," << << "," << +color.alpha << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << " Font size: " << +fnt->Size() << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << " Text: " << text << std::endl;
+ BRect bounds(Bounds());
+ //FillRect(bounds,B_SOLID_LOW);
+ BPoint leftTop = bounds.LeftTop();
+ //std::cout << " Bounds left: " << +leftTop.x << ", top: " << +leftTop.y << ", Width: " << +bounds.Width() << ", Height: " << +bounds.Height() << std::endl;
+ font_height fh;
+ fnt->GetHeight(&fh);
+ int baseline = fh.ascent + fh.descent;// + 10;
+ int leftbase = 0; //10;
+ MovePenTo(pos.left() + leftbase, + baseline);//leftTop.x,leftTop.y);
+ SetFont(fnt);
+ //SetFont(be_plain_font);
+ rgb_color clr = ui_color(B_DOCUMENT_TEXT_COLOR);
+ /*
+ rgb_color clr;
+ = 40;
+ = 40;
+ = 40;
+ */
+ =;
+ =;
+ =;
+ clr.alpha = color.alpha;
+ //std::cout << " Final RGBA: " << << "," << << "," << << "," << +clr.alpha << std::endl;
+ SetHighColor(clr);
+ BString mystr("");
+ //mystr << "text: ";
+ mystr << text;
+ DrawString(mystr);
+LiteHtmlView::pt_to_px( int pt )
+ std::cout << "pt_to_px" << std::endl;
+ return (int) ((double) pt * 1.3333333333);
+LiteHtmlView::get_default_font_size() const
+ //std::cout << "get_default_font_size" << std::endl;
+ return 12;
+const litehtml::tchar_t*
+LiteHtmlView::get_default_font_name() const
+ //std::cout << "get_default_font_name" << std::endl;
+ font_family fam;
+ font_style style;
+ be_plain_font->GetFamilyAndStyle(&fam,&style);
+ char* cp = strdup(fam);
+ return (litehtml::tchar_t*)cp;
+LiteHtmlView::draw_list_marker( litehtml::uint_ptr hdc,
+ const litehtml::list_marker& marker )
+ std::cout << "draw_list_marker" << std::endl;
+ if (!marker.image.empty())
+ {
+ std::cout << " image marker" << std::endl;
+ }
+LiteHtmlView::load_image( const litehtml::tchar_t* src,
+ const litehtml::tchar_t* baseurl, bool redraw_on_ready )
+ std::cout << "load_image" << std::endl;
+ std::string url;
+ make_url(src, baseurl, url);
+ if(m_images.find(url.c_str()) == m_images.end())
+ {
+ BEntry entry(url.c_str(), true);
+ if (entry.Exists()) {
+ std::cout << " Loading bitmap from file" << std::endl;
+ BBitmap* img = BTranslationUtils::GetBitmap(url.c_str());
+ m_images[url] = img;
+ }
+ }
+LiteHtmlView::make_url(const litehtml::tchar_t* url,
+ const litehtml::tchar_t* basepath, litehtml::tstring& out)
+ std::cout << "make_url" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " url: " << url << std::endl;
+ if(!basepath || (basepath && !basepath[0]))
+ {
+ if(!m_base_url.empty())
+ {
+ //out = urljoin(m_base_url, std::string(url));
+ std::string ns(m_base_url);
+ ns += "/";
+ ns += url;
+ out = ns;
+ } else
+ {
+ out = url;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ std::cout << " basepath: " << basepath << std::endl;
+ //out = urljoin(std::string(basepath), std::string(url));
+ std::string ns(basepath);
+ ns += "/";
+ ns += url;
+ out = ns;
+ }
+ std::cout << " Output url: " << out << std::endl;
+LiteHtmlView::set_base_url(const litehtml::tchar_t* base_url)
+ std::cout << "set_base_url" << std::endl;
+ if(base_url)
+ {
+ m_base_url = urljoin(m_url, std::string(base_url));
+ } else
+ {
+ */
+ m_base_url = base_url;
+ std::cout << " base url set to: " << m_base_url << std::endl;
+ //}
+LiteHtmlView::get_image_size( const litehtml::tchar_t* src,
+ const litehtml::tchar_t* baseurl, litehtml::size& sz )
+ std::cout << "get_image_size" << std::endl;
+ std::string url;
+ make_url(src,NULL,url);
+ const auto& miter(m_images.find(url.c_str()));
+ if (m_images.end() != miter)
+ {
+ BBitmap* img = (BBitmap*)miter->second;
+ BRect size = img->Bounds();
+ sz.width = size.Width();
+ sz.height = size.Height();
+ std::cout << " width: " << +sz.width << ", height: " << +sz.height << std::endl;
+ }
+LiteHtmlView::draw_image( litehtml::uint_ptr hdc, const litehtml::tchar_t* src,
+ const litehtml::tchar_t* baseurl, const litehtml::position& pos )
+ std::string url;
+ make_url(src, baseurl, url);
+ const auto& img = m_images.find(url.c_str());
+ if(img != m_images.end())
+ {
+ if(img->second)
+ {
+ DrawBitmap(img->second,BPoint(pos.x,pos.y)); // TODO support scaling
+ //draw_txdib(cr, img->second.get(), pos.x, pos.y, pos.width, pos.height);
+ }
+ }
+LiteHtmlView::draw_background( litehtml::uint_ptr hdc,
+ const litehtml::background_paint& bg )
+ std::cout << "draw_background" << std::endl;
+ if (0 < bg.image.length())
+ {
+ std::cout << " background includes an image!" << std::endl;
+ draw_image(hdc,bg.image.c_str(),m_base_url.c_str(),litehtml::position(bg.position_x,bg.position_y,bg.image_size.width,bg.image_size.height));
+ }
+LiteHtmlView::draw_borders(litehtml::uint_ptr hdc, const litehtml::borders& borders, const litehtml::position& draw_pos, bool root)
+ std::cout << "draw_borders" << std::endl;
+ int bdr_top = 0;
+ int bdr_bottom = 0;
+ int bdr_left = 0;
+ int bdr_right = 0;
+ //std::cout << " uint ptr: " << +hdc << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << " this ptr: " << +this << std::endl;
+ if( != 0 && > litehtml::border_style_hidden)
+ {
+ bdr_top = (int);
+ std::cout << " Border top: " << bdr_right << std::endl;
+ }
+ if(borders.bottom.width != 0 && > litehtml::border_style_hidden)
+ {
+ bdr_bottom = (int) borders.bottom.width;
+ std::cout << " Border bottom: " << bdr_right << std::endl;
+ }
+ if(borders.left.width != 0 && > litehtml::border_style_hidden)
+ {
+ bdr_left = (int) borders.left.width;
+ std::cout << " Border left: " << bdr_right << std::endl;
+ }
+ if(borders.right.width != 0 && > litehtml::border_style_hidden)
+ {
+ bdr_right = (int) borders.right.width;
+ std::cout << " Border right: " << bdr_right << std::endl;
+ }
+ if (bdr_bottom)
+ {
+ // draw rectangle for now - no check for radius
+ StrokeRect(
+ BRect(
+ BPoint(draw_pos.left(), draw_pos.bottom()),
+ BPoint(draw_pos.left() + bdr_left, draw_pos.bottom() - bdr_bottom)
+ )
+ );
+ }
+LiteHtmlView::transform_text(litehtml::tstring& text, litehtml::text_transform tt)
+ std::cout << "transform_text" << std::endl;
+LiteHtmlView::set_clip( const litehtml::position& pos, const litehtml::border_radiuses& bdr_radius )
+ std::cout << "set_clip" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "del_clip" << std::endl;
+LiteHtmlView::create_element(const litehtml::tchar_t *tag_name,
+ const litehtml::string_map &attributes,
+ const std::shared_ptr<litehtml::document> &doc)
+ //std::cout << "create_element" << std::endl;
+ return 0;
+LiteHtmlView::get_media_features(litehtml::media_features& media) const
+ std::cout << "get_media_features" << std::endl;
+ litehtml::position client;
+ get_client_rect(client);
+ media.type = litehtml::media_type_screen;
+ media.width = client.width;
+ media.height = client.height;
+ BRect bounds(Bounds());
+ media.device_width = bounds.Width();
+ media.device_height = bounds.Height();
+ media.color = 8;
+ media.monochrome = 0;
+ media.color_index = 256;
+ media.resolution = 96;
+LiteHtmlView::link(const std::shared_ptr<litehtml::document> &ptr, const litehtml::element::ptr& el)
+ std::cout << "link" << std::endl;
+LiteHtmlView::set_caption(const char* caption)
+ std::cout << "set_caption" << std::endl;
+LiteHtmlView::get_client_rect(litehtml::position& client) const
+ //std::cout << "get_client_rect" << std::endl;
+ BRect bounds(Bounds());
+ BPoint leftTop = bounds.LeftTop();
+ client.width = bounds.Width();
+ client.height = bounds.Height();
+ client.x = leftTop.x;
+ client.y = leftTop.y;
+LiteHtmlView::on_anchor_click(const char* base, const litehtml::element::ptr& anchor)
+ std::cout << "on_anchor_click" << std::endl;
+LiteHtmlView::set_cursor(const char* cursor)
+ std::cout << "set_cursor" << std::endl;
+LiteHtmlView::import_css(litehtml::tstring& s1, const litehtml::tstring& s2, litehtml::tstring& s3)
+ std::cout << "import_css" << std::endl;
+LiteHtmlView::get_language(litehtml::tstring& s1, litehtml::tstring& s2) const
+ std::cout << "get_language" << std::endl;