path: root/plugins/AdvaImg/src/FreeImage/ColorLookup.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/AdvaImg/src/FreeImage/ColorLookup.cpp')
1 files changed, 782 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/AdvaImg/src/FreeImage/ColorLookup.cpp b/plugins/AdvaImg/src/FreeImage/ColorLookup.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e81abdb95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/AdvaImg/src/FreeImage/ColorLookup.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,782 @@
+// ==========================================================
+// X11 and SVG Color name lookup
+// Design and implementation by
+// - Karl-Heinz Bussian (
+// This file is part of FreeImage 3
+// Use at your own risk!
+// ==========================================================
+#include "FreeImage.h"
+#include "Utilities.h"
+// RGB color names ---------------------------------------------------------
+typedef struct tagNamedColor {
+ const char *name; // color name
+ BYTE r; // red value
+ BYTE g; // green value
+ BYTE b; // blue value
+} NamedColor;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Helper function : perform a binary search on a color array
+@param name Color name
+@param color_array Color array
+@param n Length of the color array
+@return Returns the color index in the array if successful, returns -1 otherwise
+static int
+binsearch(const char *name, const NamedColor *color_array, int n) {
+ int cond, low, mid, high;
+ low = 0;
+ high = n - 1;
+ while (low <= high) {
+ mid = (low + high) / 2;
+ if ((cond = strcmp(name, color_array[mid].name)) < 0)
+ high = mid - 1;
+ else if (cond > 0)
+ low = mid + 1;
+ else
+ return mid;
+ }
+ return -1;
+Perform a binary search on a color array
+@param szColor Color name
+@param color_array Color array
+@param ncolors Length of the color array
+@return Returns the color index in the array if successful, returns -1 otherwise
+static int
+FreeImage_LookupNamedColor(const char *szColor, const NamedColor *color_array, int ncolors) {
+ int i;
+ char color[64];
+ // make lower case name, squezze white space
+ for (i = 0; szColor[i] && i < sizeof(color) - 1; i++) {
+ if (isspace(szColor[i]))
+ continue;
+ if (isupper(szColor[i]))
+ color[i] = (char)tolower(szColor[i]);
+ else
+ color[i] = szColor[i];
+ }
+ color[i] = 0;
+ return (binsearch(color, color_array, ncolors));
+// ==========================================================
+// X11 Color name lookup
+ This big list of color names was formed from the file: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt
+ found on a standard Linux installation.
+static NamedColor X11ColorMap[] = {
+ { "aliceblue", 240, 248, 255 },
+ { "antiquewhite", 250, 235, 215 },
+ { "antiquewhite1", 255, 239, 219 },
+ { "antiquewhite2", 238, 223, 204 },
+ { "antiquewhite3", 205, 192, 176 },
+ { "antiquewhite4", 139, 131, 120 },
+ { "aquamarine", 127, 255, 212 },
+ { "aquamarine1", 127, 255, 212 },
+ { "aquamarine2", 118, 238, 198 },
+ { "aquamarine3", 102, 205, 170 },
+ { "aquamarine4", 69, 139, 116 },
+ { "azure", 240, 255, 255 },
+ { "azure1", 240, 255, 255 },
+ { "azure2", 224, 238, 238 },
+ { "azure3", 193, 205, 205 },
+ { "azure4", 131, 139, 139 },
+ { "beige", 245, 245, 220 },
+ { "bisque", 255, 228, 196 },
+ { "bisque1", 255, 228, 196 },
+ { "bisque2", 238, 213, 183 },
+ { "bisque3", 205, 183, 158 },
+ { "bisque4", 139, 125, 107 },
+ { "black", 0, 0, 0 },
+ { "blanchedalmond", 255, 235, 205 },
+ { "blue", 0, 0, 255 },
+ { "blue1", 0, 0, 255 },
+ { "blue2", 0, 0, 238 },
+ { "blue3", 0, 0, 205 },
+ { "blue4", 0, 0, 139 },
+ { "blueviolet", 138, 43, 226 },
+ { "brown", 165, 42, 42 },
+ { "brown1", 255, 64, 64 },
+ { "brown2", 238, 59, 59 },
+ { "brown3", 205, 51, 51 },
+ { "brown4", 139, 35, 35 },
+ { "burlywood", 222, 184, 135 },
+ { "burlywood1", 255, 211, 155 },
+ { "burlywood2", 238, 197, 145 },
+ { "burlywood3", 205, 170, 125 },
+ { "burlywood4", 139, 115, 85 },
+ { "cadetblue", 95, 158, 160 },
+ { "cadetblue1", 152, 245, 255 },
+ { "cadetblue2", 142, 229, 238 },
+ { "cadetblue3", 122, 197, 205 },
+ { "cadetblue4", 83, 134, 139 },
+ { "chartreuse", 127, 255, 0 },
+ { "chartreuse1", 127, 255, 0 },
+ { "chartreuse2", 118, 238, 0 },
+ { "chartreuse3", 102, 205, 0 },
+ { "chartreuse4", 69, 139, 0 },
+ { "chocolate", 210, 105, 30 },
+ { "chocolate1", 255, 127, 36 },
+ { "chocolate2", 238, 118, 33 },
+ { "chocolate3", 205, 102, 29 },
+ { "chocolate4", 139, 69, 19 },
+ { "coral", 255, 127, 80 },
+ { "coral1", 255, 114, 86 },
+ { "coral2", 238, 106, 80 },
+ { "coral3", 205, 91, 69 },
+ { "coral4", 139, 62, 47 },
+ { "cornflowerblue", 100, 149, 237 },
+ { "cornsilk", 255, 248, 220 },
+ { "cornsilk1", 255, 248, 220 },
+ { "cornsilk2", 238, 232, 205 },
+ { "cornsilk3", 205, 200, 177 },
+ { "cornsilk4", 139, 136, 120 },
+ { "cyan", 0, 255, 255 },
+ { "cyan1", 0, 255, 255 },
+ { "cyan2", 0, 238, 238 },
+ { "cyan3", 0, 205, 205 },
+ { "cyan4", 0, 139, 139 },
+ { "darkblue", 0, 0, 139 },
+ { "darkcyan", 0, 139, 139 },
+ { "darkgoldenrod", 184, 134, 11 },
+ { "darkgoldenrod1", 255, 185, 15 },
+ { "darkgoldenrod2", 238, 173, 14 },
+ { "darkgoldenrod3", 205, 149, 12 },
+ { "darkgoldenrod4", 139, 101, 8 },
+ { "darkgreen", 0, 100, 0 },
+ { "darkkhaki", 189, 183, 107 },
+ { "darkmagenta", 139, 0, 139 },
+ { "darkolivegreen", 85, 107, 47 },
+ { "darkolivegreen1", 202, 255, 112 },
+ { "darkolivegreen2", 188, 238, 104 },
+ { "darkolivegreen3", 162, 205, 90 },
+ { "darkolivegreen4", 110, 139, 61 },
+ { "darkorange", 255, 140, 0 },
+ { "darkorange1", 255, 127, 0 },
+ { "darkorange2", 238, 118, 0 },
+ { "darkorange3", 205, 102, 0 },
+ { "darkorange4", 139, 69, 0 },
+ { "darkorchid", 153, 50, 204 },
+ { "darkorchid1", 191, 62, 255 },
+ { "darkorchid2", 178, 58, 238 },
+ { "darkorchid3", 154, 50, 205 },
+ { "darkorchid4", 104, 34, 139 },
+ { "darkred", 139, 0, 0 },
+ { "darksalmon", 233, 150, 122 },
+ { "darkseagreen", 143, 188, 143 },
+ { "darkseagreen1", 193, 255, 193 },
+ { "darkseagreen2", 180, 238, 180 },
+ { "darkseagreen3", 155, 205, 155 },
+ { "darkseagreen4", 105, 139, 105 },
+ { "darkslateblue", 72, 61, 139 },
+ { "darkslategray", 47, 79, 79 },
+ { "darkslategray1", 151, 255, 255 },
+ { "darkslategray2", 141, 238, 238 },
+ { "darkslategray3", 121, 205, 205 },
+ { "darkslategray4", 82, 139, 139 },
+ { "darkslategrey", 47, 79, 79 },
+ { "darkturquoise", 0, 206, 209 },
+ { "darkviolet", 148, 0, 211 },
+ { "deeppink", 255, 20, 147 },
+ { "deeppink1", 255, 20, 147 },
+ { "deeppink2", 238, 18, 137 },
+ { "deeppink3", 205, 16, 118 },
+ { "deeppink4", 139, 10, 80 },
+ { "deepskyblue", 0, 191, 255 },
+ { "deepskyblue1", 0, 191, 255 },
+ { "deepskyblue2", 0, 178, 238 },
+ { "deepskyblue3", 0, 154, 205 },
+ { "deepskyblue4", 0, 104, 139 },
+ { "dimgray", 105, 105, 105 },
+ { "dimgrey", 105, 105, 105 },
+ { "dodgerblue", 30, 144, 255 },
+ { "dodgerblue1", 30, 144, 255 },
+ { "dodgerblue2", 28, 134, 238 },
+ { "dodgerblue3", 24, 116, 205 },
+ { "dodgerblue4", 16, 78, 139 },
+ { "firebrick", 178, 34, 34 },
+ { "firebrick1", 255, 48, 48 },
+ { "firebrick2", 238, 44, 44 },
+ { "firebrick3", 205, 38, 38 },
+ { "firebrick4", 139, 26, 26 },
+ { "floralwhite", 255, 250, 240 },
+ { "forestgreen", 176, 48, 96 },
+ { "gainsboro", 220, 220, 220 },
+ { "ghostwhite", 248, 248, 255 },
+ { "gold", 255, 215, 0 },
+ { "gold1", 255, 215, 0 },
+ { "gold2", 238, 201, 0 },
+ { "gold3", 205, 173, 0 },
+ { "gold4", 139, 117, 0 },
+ { "goldenrod", 218, 165, 32 },
+ { "goldenrod1", 255, 193, 37 },
+ { "goldenrod2", 238, 180, 34 },
+ { "goldenrod3", 205, 155, 29 },
+ { "goldenrod4", 139, 105, 20 },
+ { "gray", 190, 190, 190 },
+ { "green", 0, 255, 0 },
+ { "green1", 0, 255, 0 },
+ { "green2", 0, 238, 0 },
+ { "green3", 0, 205, 0 },
+ { "green4", 0, 139, 0 },
+ { "greenyellow", 173, 255, 47 },
+ { "grey", 190, 190, 190 },
+ { "honeydew", 240, 255, 240 },
+ { "honeydew1", 240, 255, 240 },
+ { "honeydew2", 224, 238, 224 },
+ { "honeydew3", 193, 205, 193 },
+ { "honeydew4", 131, 139, 131 },
+ { "hotpink", 255, 105, 180 },
+ { "hotpink1", 255, 110, 180 },
+ { "hotpink2", 238, 106, 167 },
+ { "hotpink3", 205, 96, 144 },
+ { "hotpink4", 139, 58, 98 },
+ { "indianred", 205, 92, 92 },
+ { "indianred1", 255, 106, 106 },
+ { "indianred2", 238, 99, 99 },
+ { "indianred3", 205, 85, 85 },
+ { "indianred4", 139, 58, 58 },
+ { "ivory", 255, 255, 240 },
+ { "ivory1", 255, 255, 240 },
+ { "ivory2", 238, 238, 224 },
+ { "ivory3", 205, 205, 193 },
+ { "ivory4", 139, 139, 131 },
+ { "khaki", 240, 230, 140 },
+ { "khaki1", 255, 246, 143 },
+ { "khaki2", 238, 230, 133 },
+ { "khaki3", 205, 198, 115 },
+ { "khaki4", 139, 134, 78 },
+ { "lavender", 230, 230, 250 },
+ { "lavenderblush", 255, 240, 245 },
+ { "lavenderblush1", 255, 240, 245 },
+ { "lavenderblush2", 238, 224, 229 },
+ { "lavenderblush3", 205, 193, 197 },
+ { "lavenderblush4", 139, 131, 134 },
+ { "lawngreen", 124, 252, 0 },
+ { "lemonchiffon", 255, 250, 205 },
+ { "lemonchiffon1", 255, 250, 205 },
+ { "lemonchiffon2", 238, 233, 191 },
+ { "lemonchiffon3", 205, 201, 165 },
+ { "lemonchiffon4", 139, 137, 112 },
+ { "lightblue", 173, 216, 230 },
+ { "lightblue1", 191, 239, 255 },
+ { "lightblue2", 178, 223, 238 },
+ { "lightblue3", 154, 192, 205 },
+ { "lightblue4", 104, 131, 139 },
+ { "lightcoral", 240, 128, 128 },
+ { "lightcyan", 224, 255, 255 },
+ { "lightcyan1", 224, 255, 255 },
+ { "lightcyan2", 209, 238, 238 },
+ { "lightcyan3", 180, 205, 205 },
+ { "lightcyan4", 122, 139, 139 },
+ { "lightgoldenrod", 238, 221, 130 },
+ { "lightgoldenrod1", 255, 236, 139 },
+ { "lightgoldenrod2", 238, 220, 130 },
+ { "lightgoldenrod3", 205, 190, 112 },
+ { "lightgoldenrod4", 139, 129, 76 },
+ { "lightgoldenrodyellow", 250, 250, 210 },
+ { "lightgray", 211, 211, 211 },
+ { "lightgreen", 144, 238, 144 },
+ { "lightgrey", 211, 211, 211 },
+ { "lightpink", 255, 182, 193 },
+ { "lightpink1", 255, 174, 185 },
+ { "lightpink2", 238, 162, 173 },
+ { "lightpink3", 205, 140, 149 },
+ { "lightpink4", 139, 95, 101 },
+ { "lightsalmon", 255, 160, 122 },
+ { "lightsalmon1", 255, 160, 122 },
+ { "lightsalmon2", 238, 149, 114 },
+ { "lightsalmon3", 205, 129, 98 },
+ { "lightsalmon4", 139, 87, 66 },
+ { "lightseagreen", 32, 178, 170 },
+ { "lightskyblue", 135, 206, 250 },
+ { "lightskyblue1", 176, 226, 255 },
+ { "lightskyblue2", 164, 211, 238 },
+ { "lightskyblue3", 141, 182, 205 },
+ { "lightskyblue4", 96, 123, 139 },
+ { "lightslateblue", 132, 112, 255 },
+ { "lightslategray", 119, 136, 153 },
+ { "lightslategrey", 119, 136, 153 },
+ { "lightsteelblue", 176, 196, 222 },
+ { "lightsteelblue1", 202, 225, 255 },
+ { "lightsteelblue2", 188, 210, 238 },
+ { "lightsteelblue3", 162, 181, 205 },
+ { "lightsteelblue4", 110, 123, 139 },
+ { "lightyellow", 255, 255, 224 },
+ { "lightyellow1", 255, 255, 224 },
+ { "lightyellow2", 238, 238, 209 },
+ { "lightyellow3", 205, 205, 180 },
+ { "lightyellow4", 139, 139, 122 },
+ { "limegreen", 50, 205, 50 },
+ { "linen", 250, 240, 230 },
+ { "magenta", 255, 0, 255 },
+ { "magenta1", 255, 0, 255 },
+ { "magenta2", 238, 0, 238 },
+ { "magenta3", 205, 0, 205 },
+ { "magenta4", 139, 0, 139 },
+ { "maroon", 0, 255, 255 },
+ { "maroon1", 255, 52, 179 },
+ { "maroon2", 238, 48, 167 },
+ { "maroon3", 205, 41, 144 },
+ { "maroon4", 139, 28, 98 },
+ { "mediumaquamarine", 102, 205, 170 },
+ { "mediumblue", 0, 0, 205 },
+ { "mediumorchid", 186, 85, 211 },
+ { "mediumorchid1", 224, 102, 255 },
+ { "mediumorchid2", 209, 95, 238 },
+ { "mediumorchid3", 180, 82, 205 },
+ { "mediumorchid4", 122, 55, 139 },
+ { "mediumpurple", 147, 112, 219 },
+ { "mediumpurple1", 171, 130, 255 },
+ { "mediumpurple2", 159, 121, 238 },
+ { "mediumpurple3", 137, 104, 205 },
+ { "mediumpurple4", 93, 71, 139 },
+ { "mediumseagreen", 60, 179, 113 },
+ { "mediumslateblue", 123, 104, 238 },
+ { "mediumspringgreen", 0, 250, 154 },
+ { "mediumturquoise", 72, 209, 204 },
+ { "mediumvioletred", 199, 21, 133 },
+ { "midnightblue", 25, 25, 112 },
+ { "mintcream", 245, 255, 250 },
+ { "mistyrose", 255, 228, 225 },
+ { "mistyrose1", 255, 228, 225 },
+ { "mistyrose2", 238, 213, 210 },
+ { "mistyrose3", 205, 183, 181 },
+ { "mistyrose4", 139, 125, 123 },
+ { "moccasin", 255, 228, 181 },
+ { "navajowhite", 255, 222, 173 },
+ { "navajowhite1", 255, 222, 173 },
+ { "navajowhite2", 238, 207, 161 },
+ { "navajowhite3", 205, 179, 139 },
+ { "navajowhite4", 139, 121, 94 },
+ { "navy", 0, 0, 128 },
+ { "navyblue", 0, 0, 128 },
+ { "oldlace", 253, 245, 230 },
+ { "olivedrab", 107, 142, 35 },
+ { "olivedrab1", 192, 255, 62 },
+ { "olivedrab2", 179, 238, 58 },
+ { "olivedrab3", 154, 205, 50 },
+ { "olivedrab4", 105, 139, 34 },
+ { "orange", 255, 165, 0 },
+ { "orange1", 255, 165, 0 },
+ { "orange2", 238, 154, 0 },
+ { "orange3", 205, 133, 0 },
+ { "orange4", 139, 90, 0 },
+ { "orangered", 255, 69, 0 },
+ { "orangered1", 255, 69, 0 },
+ { "orangered2", 238, 64, 0 },
+ { "orangered3", 205, 55, 0 },
+ { "orangered4", 139, 37, 0 },
+ { "orchid", 218, 112, 214 },
+ { "orchid1", 255, 131, 250 },
+ { "orchid2", 238, 122, 233 },
+ { "orchid3", 205, 105, 201 },
+ { "orchid4", 139, 71, 137 },
+ { "palegoldenrod", 238, 232, 170 },
+ { "palegreen", 152, 251, 152 },
+ { "palegreen1", 154, 255, 154 },
+ { "palegreen2", 144, 238, 144 },
+ { "palegreen3", 124, 205, 124 },
+ { "palegreen4", 84, 139, 84 },
+ { "paleturquoise", 175, 238, 238 },
+ { "paleturquoise1", 187, 255, 255 },
+ { "paleturquoise2", 174, 238, 238 },
+ { "paleturquoise3", 150, 205, 205 },
+ { "paleturquoise4", 102, 139, 139 },
+ { "palevioletred", 219, 112, 147 },
+ { "palevioletred1", 255, 130, 171 },
+ { "palevioletred2", 238, 121, 159 },
+ { "palevioletred3", 205, 104, 137 },
+ { "palevioletred4", 139, 71, 93 },
+ { "papayawhip", 255, 239, 213 },
+ { "peachpuff", 255, 218, 185 },
+ { "peachpuff1", 255, 218, 185 },
+ { "peachpuff2", 238, 203, 173 },
+ { "peachpuff3", 205, 175, 149 },
+ { "peachpuff4", 139, 119, 101 },
+ { "peru", 205, 133, 63 },
+ { "pink", 255, 192, 203 },
+ { "pink1", 255, 181, 197 },
+ { "pink2", 238, 169, 184 },
+ { "pink3", 205, 145, 158 },
+ { "pink4", 139, 99, 108 },
+ { "plum", 221, 160, 221 },
+ { "plum1", 255, 187, 255 },
+ { "plum2", 238, 174, 238 },
+ { "plum3", 205, 150, 205 },
+ { "plum4", 139, 102, 139 },
+ { "powderblue", 176, 224, 230 },
+ { "purple", 160, 32, 240 },
+ { "purple1", 155, 48, 255 },
+ { "purple2", 145, 44, 238 },
+ { "purple3", 125, 38, 205 },
+ { "purple4", 85, 26, 139 },
+ { "red", 255, 0, 0 },
+ { "red1", 255, 0, 0 },
+ { "red2", 238, 0, 0 },
+ { "red3", 205, 0, 0 },
+ { "red4", 139, 0, 0 },
+ { "rosybrown", 188, 143, 143 },
+ { "rosybrown1", 255, 193, 193 },
+ { "rosybrown2", 238, 180, 180 },
+ { "rosybrown3", 205, 155, 155 },
+ { "rosybrown4", 139, 105, 105 },
+ { "royalblue", 65, 105, 225 },
+ { "royalblue1", 72, 118, 255 },
+ { "royalblue2", 67, 110, 238 },
+ { "royalblue3", 58, 95, 205 },
+ { "royalblue4", 39, 64, 139 },
+ { "saddlebrown", 139, 69, 19 },
+ { "salmon", 250, 128, 114 },
+ { "salmon1", 255, 140, 105 },
+ { "salmon2", 238, 130, 98 },
+ { "salmon3", 205, 112, 84 },
+ { "salmon4", 139, 76, 57 },
+ { "sandybrown", 244, 164, 96 },
+ { "seagreen", 46, 139, 87 },
+ { "seagreen1", 84, 255, 159 },
+ { "seagreen2", 78, 238, 148 },
+ { "seagreen3", 67, 205, 128 },
+ { "seagreen4", 46, 139, 87 },
+ { "seashell", 255, 245, 238 },
+ { "seashell1", 255, 245, 238 },
+ { "seashell2", 238, 229, 222 },
+ { "seashell3", 205, 197, 191 },
+ { "seashell4", 139, 134, 130 },
+ { "sienna", 160, 82, 45 },
+ { "sienna1", 255, 130, 71 },
+ { "sienna2", 238, 121, 66 },
+ { "sienna3", 205, 104, 57 },
+ { "sienna4", 139, 71, 38 },
+ { "skyblue", 135, 206, 235 },
+ { "skyblue1", 135, 206, 255 },
+ { "skyblue2", 126, 192, 238 },
+ { "skyblue3", 108, 166, 205 },
+ { "skyblue4", 74, 112, 139 },
+ { "slateblue", 106, 90, 205 },
+ { "slateblue1", 131, 111, 255 },
+ { "slateblue2", 122, 103, 238 },
+ { "slateblue3", 105, 89, 205 },
+ { "slateblue4", 71, 60, 139 },
+ { "slategray", 112, 128, 144 },
+ { "slategray1", 198, 226, 255 },
+ { "slategray2", 185, 211, 238 },
+ { "slategray3", 159, 182, 205 },
+ { "slategray4", 108, 123, 139 },
+ { "slategrey", 112, 128, 144 },
+ { "snow", 255, 250, 250 },
+ { "snow1", 255, 250, 250 },
+ { "snow2", 238, 233, 233 },
+ { "snow3", 205, 201, 201 },
+ { "snow4", 139, 137, 137 },
+ { "springgreen", 0, 255, 127 },
+ { "springgreen1", 0, 255, 127 },
+ { "springgreen2", 0, 238, 118 },
+ { "springgreen3", 0, 205, 102 },
+ { "springgreen4", 0, 139, 69 },
+ { "steelblue", 70, 130, 180 },
+ { "steelblue1", 99, 184, 255 },
+ { "steelblue2", 92, 172, 238 },
+ { "steelblue3", 79, 148, 205 },
+ { "steelblue4", 54, 100, 139 },
+ { "tan", 210, 180, 140 },
+ { "tan1", 255, 165, 79 },
+ { "tan2", 238, 154, 73 },
+ { "tan3", 205, 133, 63 },
+ { "tan4", 139, 90, 43 },
+ { "thistle", 216, 191, 216 },
+ { "thistle1", 255, 225, 255 },
+ { "thistle2", 238, 210, 238 },
+ { "thistle3", 205, 181, 205 },
+ { "thistle4", 139, 123, 139 },
+ { "tomato", 255, 99, 71 },
+ { "tomato1", 255, 99, 71 },
+ { "tomato2", 238, 92, 66 },
+ { "tomato3", 205, 79, 57 },
+ { "tomato4", 139, 54, 38 },
+ { "turquoise", 64, 224, 208 },
+ { "turquoise1", 0, 245, 255 },
+ { "turquoise2", 0, 229, 238 },
+ { "turquoise3", 0, 197, 205 },
+ { "turquoise4", 0, 134, 139 },
+ { "violet", 238, 130, 238 },
+ { "violetred", 208, 32, 144 },
+ { "violetred1", 255, 62, 150 },
+ { "violetred2", 238, 58, 140 },
+ { "violetred3", 205, 50, 120 },
+ { "violetred4", 139, 34, 82 },
+ { "wheat", 245, 222, 179 },
+ { "wheat1", 255, 231, 186 },
+ { "wheat2", 238, 216, 174 },
+ { "wheat3", 205, 186, 150 },
+ { "wheat4", 139, 126, 102 },
+ { "white", 255, 255, 255 },
+ { "whitesmoke", 245, 245, 245 },
+ { "yellow", 255, 255, 0 },
+ { "yellow1", 255, 255, 0 },
+ { "yellow2", 238, 238, 0 },
+ { "yellow3", 205, 205, 0 },
+ { "yellow4", 139, 139, 0 },
+ { "yellowgreen", 154, 205, 50 }
+FreeImage_LookupX11Color(const char *szColor, BYTE *nRed, BYTE *nGreen, BYTE *nBlue) {
+ int i;
+ // lookup color
+ i = FreeImage_LookupNamedColor(szColor, X11ColorMap, sizeof(X11ColorMap)/sizeof(X11ColorMap[0]));
+ if (i >= 0) {
+ *nRed = X11ColorMap[i].r;
+ *nGreen = X11ColorMap[i].g;
+ *nBlue = X11ColorMap[i].b;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ // not found, try for grey color with attached percent value
+ if ( (szColor[0] == 'g' || szColor[0] == 'G') &&
+ (szColor[1] == 'r' || szColor[1] == 'R') &&
+ (szColor[2] == 'e' || szColor[2] == 'E' || szColor[2] == 'a' || szColor[2] == 'A' ) &&
+ (szColor[3] == 'y' || szColor[3] == 'Y' )) {
+ // grey<num>, or gray<num>, num 1...100
+ i = strtol(szColor+4, NULL, 10);
+ *nRed = (BYTE)(255.0/100.0 * i);
+ *nGreen = *nRed;
+ *nBlue = *nRed;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ // not found at all
+ *nRed = 0;
+ *nGreen = 0;
+ *nBlue = 0;
+ return FALSE;
+// ==========================================================
+// SVG Color name lookup
+ These are the colors defined in the SVG standard (I haven't checked
+ the final recommendation for changes)
+static NamedColor SVGColorMap[] = {
+ { "aliceblue", 240, 248, 255 },
+ { "antiquewhite", 250, 235, 215 },
+ { "aqua", 0, 255, 255 },
+ { "aquamarine", 127, 255, 212 },
+ { "azure", 240, 255, 255 },
+ { "beige", 245, 245, 220 },
+ { "bisque", 255, 228, 196 },
+ { "black", 0, 0, 0 },
+ { "blanchedalmond", 255, 235, 205 },
+ { "blue", 0, 0, 255 },
+ { "blueviolet", 138, 43, 226 },
+ { "brown", 165, 42, 42 },
+ { "burlywood", 222, 184, 135 },
+ { "cadetblue", 95, 158, 160 },
+ { "chartreuse", 127, 255, 0 },
+ { "chocolate", 210, 105, 30 },
+ { "coral", 255, 127, 80 },
+ { "cornflowerblue", 100, 149, 237 },
+ { "cornsilk", 255, 248, 220 },
+ { "crimson", 220, 20, 60 },
+ { "cyan", 0, 255, 255 },
+ { "darkblue", 0, 0, 139 },
+ { "darkcyan", 0, 139, 139 },
+ { "darkgoldenrod", 184, 134, 11 },
+ { "darkgray", 169, 169, 169 },
+ { "darkgreen", 0, 100, 0 },
+ { "darkgrey", 169, 169, 169 },
+ { "darkkhaki", 189, 183, 107 },
+ { "darkmagenta", 139, 0, 139 },
+ { "darkolivegreen", 85, 107, 47 },
+ { "darkorange", 255, 140, 0 },
+ { "darkorchid", 153, 50, 204 },
+ { "darkred", 139, 0, 0 },
+ { "darksalmon", 233, 150, 122 },
+ { "darkseagreen", 143, 188, 143 },
+ { "darkslateblue", 72, 61, 139 },
+ { "darkslategray", 47, 79, 79 },
+ { "darkslategrey", 47, 79, 79 },
+ { "darkturquoise", 0, 206, 209 },
+ { "darkviolet", 148, 0, 211 },
+ { "deeppink", 255, 20, 147 },
+ { "deepskyblue", 0, 191, 255 },
+ { "dimgray", 105, 105, 105 },
+ { "dimgrey", 105, 105, 105 },
+ { "dodgerblue", 30, 144, 255 },
+ { "firebrick", 178, 34, 34 },
+ { "floralwhite", 255, 250, 240 },
+ { "forestgreen", 34, 139, 34 },
+ { "fuchsia", 255, 0, 255 },
+ { "gainsboro", 220, 220, 220 },
+ { "ghostwhite", 248, 248, 255 },
+ { "gold", 255, 215, 0 },
+ { "goldenrod", 218, 165, 32 },
+ { "gray", 128, 128, 128 },
+ { "grey", 128, 128, 128 },
+ { "green", 0, 128, 0 },
+ { "greenyellow", 173, 255, 47 },
+ { "honeydew", 240, 255, 240 },
+ { "hotpink", 255, 105, 180 },
+ { "indianred", 205, 92, 92 },
+ { "indigo", 75, 0, 130 },
+ { "ivory", 255, 255, 240 },
+ { "khaki", 240, 230, 140 },
+ { "lavender", 230, 230, 250 },
+ { "lavenderblush", 255, 240, 245 },
+ { "lawngreen", 124, 252, 0 },
+ { "lemonchiffon", 255, 250, 205 },
+ { "lightblue", 173, 216, 230 },
+ { "lightcoral", 240, 128, 128 },
+ { "lightcyan", 224, 255, 255 },
+ { "lightgoldenrodyellow", 250, 250, 210 },
+ { "lightgray", 211, 211, 211 },
+ { "lightgreen", 144, 238, 144 },
+ { "lightgrey", 211, 211, 211 },
+ { "lightpink", 255, 182, 193 },
+ { "lightsalmon", 255, 160, 122 },
+ { "lightseagreen", 32, 178, 170 },
+ { "lightskyblue", 135, 206, 250 },
+ { "lightslategray", 119, 136, 153 },
+ { "lightslategrey", 119, 136, 153 },
+ { "lightsteelblue", 176, 196, 222 },
+ { "lightyellow", 255, 255, 224 },
+ { "lime", 0, 255, 0 },
+ { "limegreen", 50, 205, 50 },
+ { "linen", 250, 240, 230 },
+ { "magenta", 255, 0, 255 },
+ { "maroon", 128, 0, 0 },
+ { "mediumaquamarine", 102, 205, 170 },
+ { "mediumblue", 0, 0, 205 },
+ { "mediumorchid", 186, 85, 211 },
+ { "mediumpurple", 147, 112, 219 },
+ { "mediumseagreen", 60, 179, 113 },
+ { "mediumslateblue", 123, 104, 238 },
+ { "mediumspringgreen", 0, 250, 154 },
+ { "mediumturquoise", 72, 209, 204 },
+ { "mediumvioletred", 199, 21, 133 },
+ { "midnightblue", 25, 25, 112 },
+ { "mintcream", 245, 255, 250 },
+ { "mistyrose", 255, 228, 225 },
+ { "moccasin", 255, 228, 181 },
+ { "navajowhite", 255, 222, 173 },
+ { "navy", 0, 0, 128 },
+ { "oldlace", 253, 245, 230 },
+ { "olive", 128, 128, 0 },
+ { "olivedrab", 107, 142, 35 },
+ { "orange", 255, 165, 0 },
+ { "orangered", 255, 69, 0 },
+ { "orchid", 218, 112, 214 },
+ { "palegoldenrod", 238, 232, 170 },
+ { "palegreen", 152, 251, 152 },
+ { "paleturquoise", 175, 238, 238 },
+ { "palevioletred", 219, 112, 147 },
+ { "papayawhip", 255, 239, 213 },
+ { "peachpuff", 255, 218, 185 },
+ { "peru", 205, 133, 63 },
+ { "pink", 255, 192, 203 },
+ { "plum", 221, 160, 221 },
+ { "powderblue", 176, 224, 230 },
+ { "purple", 128, 0, 128 },
+ { "red", 255, 0, 0 },
+ { "rosybrown", 188, 143, 143 },
+ { "royalblue", 65, 105, 225 },
+ { "saddlebrown", 139, 69, 19 },
+ { "salmon", 250, 128, 114 },
+ { "sandybrown", 244, 164, 96 },
+ { "seagreen", 46, 139, 87 },
+ { "seashell", 255, 245, 238 },
+ { "sienna", 160, 82, 45 },
+ { "silver", 192, 192, 192 },
+ { "skyblue", 135, 206, 235 },
+ { "slateblue", 106, 90, 205 },
+ { "slategray", 112, 128, 144 },
+ { "slategrey", 112, 128, 144 },
+ { "snow", 255, 250, 250 },
+ { "springgreen", 0, 255, 127 },
+ { "steelblue", 70, 130, 180 },
+ { "tan", 210, 180, 140 },
+ { "teal", 0, 128, 128 },
+ { "thistle", 216, 191, 216 },
+ { "tomato", 255, 99, 71 },
+ { "turquoise", 64, 224, 208 },
+ { "violet", 238, 130, 238 },
+ { "wheat", 245, 222, 179 },
+ { "white", 255, 255, 255 },
+ { "whitesmoke", 245, 245, 245 },
+ { "yellow", 255, 255, 0 },
+ { "yellowgreen", 154, 205, 50 }
+FreeImage_LookupSVGColor(const char *szColor, BYTE *nRed, BYTE *nGreen, BYTE *nBlue) {
+ int i;
+ // lookup color
+ i = FreeImage_LookupNamedColor(szColor, SVGColorMap, sizeof(SVGColorMap)/sizeof(SVGColorMap[0]));
+ if (i >= 0) {
+ *nRed = SVGColorMap[i].r;
+ *nGreen = SVGColorMap[i].g;
+ *nBlue = SVGColorMap[i].b;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ // not found, try for grey color with attached percent value
+ if ( (szColor[0] == 'g' || szColor[0] == 'G') &&
+ (szColor[1] == 'r' || szColor[1] == 'R') &&
+ (szColor[2] == 'e' || szColor[2] == 'E' || szColor[2] == 'a' || szColor[2] == 'A' ) &&
+ (szColor[3] == 'y' || szColor[3] == 'Y' )) {
+ // grey<num>, or gray<num>, num 1...100
+ i = strtol(szColor+4, NULL, 10);
+ *nRed = (BYTE)(255.0/100.0 * i);
+ *nGreen = *nRed;
+ *nBlue = *nRed;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ // not found at all
+ *nRed = 0;
+ *nGreen = 0;
+ *nBlue = 0;
+ return FALSE;