path: root/plugins/FingerprintNG/src
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1 files changed, 977 insertions, 977 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/FingerprintNG/src/fingerprint.cpp b/plugins/FingerprintNG/src/fingerprint.cpp
index 1e3572b07e..ed23f8a94c 100644
--- a/plugins/FingerprintNG/src/fingerprint.cpp
+++ b/plugins/FingerprintNG/src/fingerprint.cpp
@@ -1,977 +1,977 @@
-Fingerprint NG (client version) icons module for Miranda NG
-Copyright © 2006-12 ghazan, mataes, HierOS, FYR, Bio, nullbie, faith_healer and all respective contributors.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-//Start of header
-#include "global.h"
-static UINT g_LPCodePage;
-static TCHAR g_szSkinLib[MAX_PATH];
-static HANDLE hExtraIcon = NULL;
-static HANDLE hFolderChanged = NULL, hIconFolder = NULL;
-static FOUNDINFO* fiList = NULL;
-static int nFICount = 0;
-static LIST<void> arMonitoredWindows(3, PtrKeySortT);
-static INT_PTR ServiceGetClientIconW(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
-* Prepare
-* prepares upperstring masks and registers them in IcoLib
-static TCHAR* getSectionName(int flag)
- switch(flag)
- {
- #include "finger_groups.h"
- }
- return NULL;
-void __fastcall Prepare(KN_FP_MASK* mask, bool bEnable)
- mask->szMaskUpper = NULL;
- if (mask->hIcolibItem)
- Skin_RemoveIcon(mask->szIconName);
- mask->hIcolibItem = NULL;
- if (!mask->szMask || !bEnable)
- return;
- size_t iMaskLen = _tcslen(mask->szMask) + 1;
- LPTSTR pszNewMask = (LPTSTR)HeapAlloc(hHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, iMaskLen * sizeof(TCHAR));
- _tcscpy_s(pszNewMask, iMaskLen, mask->szMask);
- _tcsupr_s(pszNewMask, iMaskLen);
- mask->szMaskUpper = pszNewMask;
- TCHAR destfile[MAX_PATH];
- if (mask->iIconIndex == IDI_NOTFOUND || mask->iIconIndex == IDI_UNKNOWN || mask->iIconIndex == IDI_UNDETECTED)
- GetModuleFileName(g_hInst, destfile, MAX_PATH);
- else {
- mir_sntprintf(destfile, SIZEOF(destfile), _T("%s"), g_szSkinLib);
- struct _stat64i32 stFileInfo;
- if ( _tstat(destfile, &stFileInfo) == -1)
- return;
- }
- LPTSTR SectName = getSectionName(mask->iSectionFlag);
- if (SectName == NULL)
- return;
- SKINICONDESC sid = { sizeof(sid) };
- sid.flags = SIDF_ALL_TCHAR;
- sid.ptszSection = SectName;
- sid.pszName = mask->szIconName;
- sid.ptszDescription = mask->szClientDescription;
- sid.ptszDefaultFile = destfile;
- sid.iDefaultIndex = -mask->iIconIndex;
- = = 16;
- mask->hIcolibItem = Skin_AddIcon(&sid);
-* Register icons
-void RegisterIcons()
- // prepare masks
- int i;
- if (hHeap)
- HeapDestroy(hHeap);
- hHeap = HeapCreate(HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, 0, 0);
- for (i = 0; i < DEFAULT_KN_FP_MASK_COUNT; i++)
- Prepare(&def_kn_fp_mask[i], true);
- for (i = 0; i < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS_COUNT; i++)
- Prepare(&def_kn_fp_overlays_mask[i], true);
- if ( db_get_b(NULL, MODULENAME, "GroupMirandaVersion", 0)) {
- for (i = 0; i < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS2_COUNT; i++)
- Prepare(&def_kn_fp_overlays2_mask[i], true);
- }
- else {
- for (i = 0; i < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS2_NO_VER_COUNT; i++)
- Prepare(&def_kn_fp_overlays2_mask[i], true);
- for (; i < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS2_COUNT; i++)
- Prepare(&def_kn_fp_overlays2_mask[i], false);
- }
- if ( db_get_b(NULL, MODULENAME, "GroupOverlaysUnicode", 1)) {
- for (i = 0; i < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS3_COUNT; i++)
- Prepare(&def_kn_fp_overlays3_mask[i], true);
- }
- else {
- Prepare(&def_kn_fp_overlays3_mask[i], true);
- for (; i < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS3_COUNT; i++)
- Prepare(&def_kn_fp_overlays3_mask[i], false);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS4_COUNT; i++)
- Prepare(&def_kn_fp_overlays4_mask[i], true);
-/* ApplyFingerprintImage
-* 1)Try to find appropriate mask
-* 2)Register icon in extraimage list if not yet registered (EMPTY_EXTRA_ICON)
-* 3)Set ExtraImage for contact
-static void SetSrmmIcon(MCONTACT hContact, LPTSTR ptszMirver)
- StatusIconData sid = { sizeof(sid) };
- sid.szModule = MODULENAME;
- sid.dwId = 1;
- sid.flags = MBF_TCHAR;
- sid.tszTooltip = ptszMirver;
- if ( lstrlen(ptszMirver))
- sid.hIcon = (HICON)ServiceGetClientIconW((WPARAM)ptszMirver, TRUE);
- else
- sid.flags |= MBF_HIDDEN;
- Srmm_ModifyIcon(hContact, &sid);
-int __fastcall ApplyFingerprintImage(MCONTACT hContact, LPTSTR szMirVer)
- if (hContact == NULL)
- return 0;
- if (szMirVer)
- hImage = GetIconIndexFromFI(szMirVer);
- ExtraIcon_SetIcon(hExtraIcon, hContact, hImage);
- if (arMonitoredWindows.getIndex((HANDLE)hContact) != -1)
- SetSrmmIcon(hContact, szMirVer);
- MCONTACT hMeta = db_mc_getMeta(hContact);
- if (hMeta && db_mc_getMostOnline(hMeta) == hContact)
- db_set_ts(hMeta, META_PROTO, "MirVer", szMirVer);
- return 0;
-int OnExtraIconClick(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LPARAM)
- return 0;
-* WildCompareW
-* Compare 'name' string with 'mask' strings.
-* Masks can contain '*' or '?' wild symbols
-* Asterics '*' symbol covers 'empty' symbol too e.g WildCompare("Tst","T*st*"), returns TRUE
-* In order to handle situation 'at least one any sybol' use "?*" combination:
-* e.g WildCompare("Tst","T?*st*"), returns FALSE, but both WildCompare("Test","T?*st*") and
-* WildCompare("Teeest","T?*st*") return TRUE.
-* Function is case sensitive! so convert input or modify func to use _qtoupper()
-* Mask can contain several submasks. In this case each submask (including first)
-* should start from '|' e.g: "|first*submask|second*mask".
-* Dec 25, 2006 by FYR:
-* Added Exception to masks: the mask "|^mask3|mask2|mask1" means:
-* if NOT according to mask 3 AND (mask1 OR mask2)
-* EXCEPTION should be BEFORE main mask:
-* IF Exception match - the comparing stops as FALSE
-* IF Exception does not match - comparing continue
-* IF Mask match - comparing stops as TRUE
-* IF Mask does not not match comparing continue
-BOOL __fastcall WildCompareW(LPWSTR wszName, LPWSTR wszMask)
- if (wszMask == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if (*wszMask != L'|')
- return wildcmpw(wszName, wszMask);
- size_t s = 1, e = 1;
- LPWSTR wszTemp = (LPWSTR)_alloca(wcslen(wszMask) * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR));
- BOOL bExcept;
- while(wszMask[e] != L'\0')
- {
- s = e;
- while(wszMask[e] != L'\0' && wszMask[e] != L'|') e++;
- // exception mask
- bExcept = (*(wszMask + s) == L'^');
- if (bExcept) s++;
- memcpy(wszTemp, wszMask + s, (e - s) * sizeof(WCHAR));
- wszTemp[e - s] = L'\0';
- if ( wildcmpw(wszName, wszTemp))
- return !bExcept;
- if (wszMask[e] != L'\0')
- e++;
- else
- return FALSE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-static void MatchMasks(TCHAR* szMirVer, short *base, short *overlay, short *overlay2, short *overlay3, short *overlay4)
- int i = 0, j = -1, k = -1, n = -1, m = -1;
- for (i=0; i < DEFAULT_KN_FP_MASK_COUNT; i++) {
- KN_FP_MASK& p = def_kn_fp_mask[i];
- if (p.hIcolibItem == NULL)
- continue;
- if ( !WildCompareW(szMirVer, p.szMaskUpper))
- continue;
- if (p.iIconIndex != IDI_NOTFOUND && p.iIconIndex != IDI_UNKNOWN && p.iIconIndex != IDI_UNDETECTED) {
- TCHAR destfile[MAX_PATH];
- mir_sntprintf(destfile, SIZEOF(destfile), _T("%s"), g_szSkinLib);
- struct _stat64i32 stFileInfo;
- if ( _tstat(destfile, &stFileInfo) == -1)
- }
- break;
- }
- i = -1;
- if (!def_kn_fp_mask[i].fNotUseOverlay && i < DEFAULT_KN_FP_MASK_COUNT) {
- for (j = 0; j < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS_COUNT; j++) {
- KN_FP_MASK& p = def_kn_fp_overlays_mask[j];
- if (p.hIcolibItem == NULL)
- continue;
- if ( !WildCompare(szMirVer, p.szMaskUpper))
- continue;
- struct _stat64i32 stFileInfo;
- if ( _tstat(g_szSkinLib, &stFileInfo) != -1)
- break;
- }
- for (k = 0; k < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS2_COUNT; k++) {
- KN_FP_MASK& p = def_kn_fp_overlays2_mask[k];
- if (p.hIcolibItem == NULL)
- continue;
- if ( WildCompareW(szMirVer, p.szMaskUpper))
- break;
- }
- for (n = 0; n < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS3_COUNT; n++) {
- KN_FP_MASK& p = def_kn_fp_overlays3_mask[n];
- if (p.hIcolibItem == NULL)
- continue;
- if ( WildCompareW(szMirVer, p.szMaskUpper))
- break;
- }
- for (m = 0; m < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS4_COUNT; m++) {
- KN_FP_MASK& p = def_kn_fp_overlays4_mask[m];
- if (p.hIcolibItem == NULL)
- continue;
- if ( WildCompareW(szMirVer, p.szMaskUpper))
- break;
- }
- }
- *base = (i < DEFAULT_KN_FP_MASK_COUNT) ? i : -1;
- *overlay = (j < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS_COUNT) ? j : -1;
- *overlay2 = (k < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS2_COUNT) ? k : -1;
- *overlay3 = (n < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS3_COUNT) ? n : -1;
- *overlay4 = (m < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS4_COUNT) ? m : -1;
-/* GetIconsIndexesA
-* Retrieves Icons indexes by Mirver
-void __fastcall GetIconsIndexesA(LPSTR szMirVer, short *base, short *overlay, short *overlay2, short *overlay3, short *overlay4)
- if (strcmp(szMirVer, "?") == 0) {
- *overlay = -1;
- *overlay2 = -1;
- *overlay3 = -1;
- *overlay4 = -1;
- return;
- }
- LPTSTR tszMirVerUp = mir_a2t(szMirVer);
- _tcsupr(tszMirVerUp);
- MatchMasks(tszMirVerUp, base, overlay, overlay2, overlay3, overlay4);
- mir_free(tszMirVerUp);
-/* GetIconsIndexesW
-* Retrieves Icons indexes by Mirver
-void __fastcall GetIconsIndexesW(LPWSTR wszMirVer, short *base, short *overlay, short *overlay2, short *overlay3, short *overlay4)
- if (wcscmp(wszMirVer, L"?") == 0)
- {
- *overlay = -1;
- *overlay2 = -1;
- *overlay3 = -1;
- *overlay4 = -1;
- return;
- }
- LPWSTR wszMirVerUp = NEWWSTR_ALLOCA(wszMirVer);
- _wcsupr(wszMirVerUp);
- MatchMasks(wszMirVerUp, base, overlay, overlay2, overlay3, overlay4);
-* CreateIconFromIndexes
-* returns hIcon of joined icon by given indexes
-HICON __fastcall CreateIconFromIndexes(short base, short overlay, short overlay2, short overlay3, short overlay4)
- HICON hIcon = NULL; // returned HICON
- HICON hTmp = NULL;
- HICON icMain = NULL;
- HICON icOverlay = NULL;
- HICON icOverlay2 = NULL;
- HICON icOverlay3 = NULL;
- HICON icOverlay4 = NULL;
- KN_FP_MASK* mainMask = &(def_kn_fp_mask[base]);
- icMain = Skin_GetIconByHandle(mainMask->hIcolibItem);
- if (icMain) {
- KN_FP_MASK* overlayMask = (overlay != -1) ? &(def_kn_fp_overlays_mask[overlay]) : NULL;
- KN_FP_MASK* overlay2Mask = (overlay2 != -1) ? &(def_kn_fp_overlays2_mask[overlay2]) : NULL;
- KN_FP_MASK* overlay3Mask = (overlay3 != -1) ? &(def_kn_fp_overlays3_mask[overlay3]) : NULL;
- KN_FP_MASK* overlay4Mask = (overlay4 != -1) ? &(def_kn_fp_overlays4_mask[overlay4]) : NULL;
- icOverlay = (overlayMask == NULL) ? NULL : Skin_GetIconByHandle(overlayMask->hIcolibItem);
- icOverlay2 = (overlay2Mask == NULL) ? NULL : Skin_GetIconByHandle(overlay2Mask->hIcolibItem);
- icOverlay3 = (overlay3Mask == NULL) ? NULL : Skin_GetIconByHandle(overlay3Mask->hIcolibItem);
- icOverlay4 = (overlay4Mask == NULL) ? NULL : Skin_GetIconByHandle(overlay4Mask->hIcolibItem);
- hIcon = icMain;
- if (overlayMask)
- hTmp = hIcon = CreateJoinedIcon(hIcon, icOverlay);
- if (overlay2Mask) {
- hIcon = CreateJoinedIcon(hIcon, icOverlay2);
- if (hTmp) DestroyIcon(hTmp);
- hTmp = hIcon;
- }
- if (overlay3Mask) {
- hIcon = CreateJoinedIcon(hIcon, icOverlay3);
- if (hTmp) DestroyIcon(hTmp);
- hTmp = hIcon;
- }
- if (overlay4Mask) {
- hIcon = CreateJoinedIcon(hIcon, icOverlay4);
- if (hTmp) DestroyIcon(hTmp);
- }
- }
- if (hIcon == icMain)
- hIcon = CopyIcon(icMain);
- Skin_ReleaseIcon(icMain);
- Skin_ReleaseIcon(icOverlay);
- Skin_ReleaseIcon(icOverlay2);
- Skin_ReleaseIcon(icOverlay3);
- Skin_ReleaseIcon(icOverlay4);
- return hIcon;
- * Futher routines is for creating joined 'overlay' icons.
- ******************************************************************************/
- /*
- * CreateBitmap32 - Create DIB 32 bitmap with sizes cx*cy
- */
-HBITMAP __inline CreateBitmap32(int cx, int cy)
- return CreateBitmap32Point(cx, cy, NULL);
- /*
- * CreateBitmap32 - Create DIB 32 bitmap with sizes cx*cy and put reference
- * to new bitmap pixel image memory area to void ** bits
- */
-HBITMAP __fastcall CreateBitmap32Point(int cx, int cy, LPVOID* bits)
- BITMAPINFO bmpi = { 0 };
- LPVOID ptPixels = NULL;
- HBITMAP DirectBitmap;
- if (cx < 0 || cy < 0) return NULL;
- bmpi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- bmpi.bmiHeader.biWidth = cx;
- bmpi.bmiHeader.biHeight = cy;
- bmpi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
- bmpi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
- DirectBitmap = CreateDIBSection(NULL, &bmpi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &ptPixels, NULL, 0);
- GdiFlush();
- if (ptPixels) memset(ptPixels, 0, cx * cy * 4);
- if (bits != NULL) *bits = ptPixels;
- return DirectBitmap;
-* checkHasAlfa - checks if image has at least one BYTE in alpha channel
-* that is not a 0. (is image real 32 bit or just 24 bit)
-BOOL __fastcall checkHasAlfa(LPBYTE from, int width, int height)
- LPDWORD pt = (LPDWORD)from;
- LPDWORD lim = pt + width * height;
- while(pt < lim)
- {
- if (*pt & 0xFF000000)
- return TRUE;
- pt++;
- }
- return FALSE;
-* checkMaskUsed - checks if mask image has at least one that is not a 0.
-* Not sure is it required or not
-BOOL __fastcall checkMaskUsed(LPBYTE from)
- int i;
- for (i=0; i < 16 * 16 / 8; i++)
- {
- if (from[i] != 0) return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-* GetMaskBit - return value of apropriate mask bit in line at x position
-BOOL __inline GetMaskBit(LPBYTE line, int x)
- return ((*(line + (x >> 3))) & (0x01 << (7 - (x & 0x07)))) != 0;
-* blend - alpha blend ARGB values of 2 pixels. X1 - underlaying,
-* X2 - overlaying points.
-DWORD __fastcall blend(DWORD X1,DWORD X2)
- RGBA* q1 = (RGBA*)&X1;
- RGBA* q2 = (RGBA*)&X2;
- BYTE a_1 = ~q1->a;
- BYTE a_2 = ~q2->a;
- WORD am = q1->a * a_2;
- WORD ar = q1->a + ((a_1 * q2->a) / 255);
- // if a2 more than 0 than result should be more
- // or equal (if a1==0) to a2, else in combination
- // with mask we can get here black points
- ar = (q2->a > ar) ? q2->a : ar;
- if (ar == 0) return 0;
- {
- WORD arm = ar * 255;
- WORD rr = ((q1->r * am + q2->r * q2->a * 255)) / arm;
- WORD gr = ((q1->g * am + q2->g * q2->a * 255)) / arm;
- WORD br = ((q1->b * am + q2->b * q2->a * 255)) / arm;
- return (ar << 24) | (rr << 16) | (gr << 8) | br;
- }
-* CreateJoinedIcon - creates new icon by drawing hTop over hBottom.
-HICON __fastcall CreateJoinedIcon(HICON hBottom, HICON hTop)
- BOOL drawn = FALSE;
- HDC tempDC, tempDC2, tempDC3;
- HICON res = NULL;
- HBITMAP oImage,nImage;
- HBITMAP nMask, hbm, obmp, obmp2;
- LPBYTE ptPixels = NULL;
- ICONINFO iNew = { 0 };
- BYTE p[32] = { 0 };
- tempDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
- nImage = CreateBitmap32Point(16, 16, (LPVOID*)&ptPixels);
- oImage = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(tempDC, nImage);
- ICONINFO iciBottom = { 0 };
- ICONINFO iciTop = { 0 };
- BITMAP bmp_top = { 0 };
- BITMAP bmp_top_mask = { 0 };
- BITMAP bmp_bottom = { 0 };
- BITMAP bmp_bottom_mask = { 0 };
- GetIconInfo(hBottom, &iciBottom);
- GetObject(iciBottom.hbmColor, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmp_bottom);
- GetObject(iciBottom.hbmMask, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmp_bottom_mask);
- GetIconInfo(hTop, &iciTop);
- GetObject(iciTop.hbmColor, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmp_top);
- GetObject(iciTop.hbmMask, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmp_top_mask);
- if (bmp_bottom.bmBitsPixel == 32 && bmp_top.bmBitsPixel == 32)
- {
- LPBYTE BottomBuffer, TopBuffer, BottomMaskBuffer, TopMaskBuffer;
- LPBYTE bb, tb, bmb, tmb;
- LPBYTE db = ptPixels;
- int vstep_d = 16 * 4;
- int vstep_b = bmp_bottom.bmWidthBytes;
- int vstep_t = bmp_top.bmWidthBytes;
- int vstep_bm = bmp_bottom_mask.bmWidthBytes;
- int vstep_tm = bmp_top_mask.bmWidthBytes;
- if (bmp_bottom.bmBits)
- bb = BottomBuffer = (LPBYTE)bmp_bottom.bmBits;
- else
- {
- BottomBuffer = (LPBYTE)_alloca(bmp_bottom.bmHeight * bmp_bottom.bmWidthBytes);
- GetBitmapBits(iciBottom.hbmColor, bmp_bottom.bmHeight * bmp_bottom.bmWidthBytes, BottomBuffer);
- bb = BottomBuffer + vstep_b * (bmp_bottom.bmHeight - 1);
- vstep_b = -vstep_b;
- }
- if (bmp_top.bmBits)
- tb = TopBuffer = (LPBYTE)bmp_top.bmBits;
- else
- {
- TopBuffer = (LPBYTE)_alloca(bmp_top.bmHeight * bmp_top.bmWidthBytes);
- GetBitmapBits(iciTop.hbmColor, bmp_top.bmHeight * bmp_top.bmWidthBytes, TopBuffer);
- tb = TopBuffer + vstep_t * (bmp_top.bmHeight - 1);
- vstep_t = -vstep_t;
- }
- if (bmp_bottom_mask.bmBits)
- bmb = BottomMaskBuffer = (LPBYTE)bmp_bottom_mask.bmBits;
- else
- {
- BottomMaskBuffer = (LPBYTE)_alloca(bmp_bottom_mask.bmHeight * bmp_bottom_mask.bmWidthBytes);
- GetBitmapBits(iciBottom.hbmMask, bmp_bottom_mask.bmHeight * bmp_bottom_mask.bmWidthBytes, BottomMaskBuffer);
- bmb = BottomMaskBuffer + vstep_bm * (bmp_bottom_mask.bmHeight - 1);
- vstep_bm = -vstep_bm;
- }
- if (bmp_top_mask.bmBits)
- tmb = TopMaskBuffer = (LPBYTE)bmp_top_mask.bmBits;
- else
- {
- TopMaskBuffer = (LPBYTE)_alloca(bmp_top_mask.bmHeight * bmp_top_mask.bmWidthBytes);
- GetBitmapBits(iciTop.hbmMask, bmp_top_mask.bmHeight * bmp_top_mask.bmWidthBytes, TopMaskBuffer);
- tmb = TopMaskBuffer + vstep_tm * (bmp_top_mask.bmHeight - 1);
- vstep_tm = -vstep_tm;
- }
- {
- int x; int y;
- BOOL topHasAlpha = checkHasAlfa(TopBuffer, bmp_top.bmWidth, bmp_top.bmHeight);
- BOOL bottomHasAlpha = checkHasAlfa(BottomBuffer, bmp_bottom.bmWidth, bmp_bottom.bmHeight);
- BOOL topMaskUsed = !topHasAlpha && checkMaskUsed(TopMaskBuffer);
- BOOL bottomMaskUsed = !bottomHasAlpha && checkMaskUsed(BottomMaskBuffer);
- for(y = 0; y < 16; y++)
- {
- for(x = 0; x < 16; x++)
- {
- DWORD bottom_d = ((LPDWORD)bb)[x];
- DWORD top_d = ((LPDWORD)tb)[x];
- if (topMaskUsed)
- {
- if (GetMaskBit(tmb, x))
- top_d &= 0x00FFFFFF;
- else
- top_d |= 0xFF000000;
- }
- else if (!topHasAlpha)
- top_d |= 0xFF000000;
- if (bottomMaskUsed)
- {
- if (GetMaskBit(bmb, x))
- bottom_d &= 0x00FFFFFF;
- else
- bottom_d |= 0xFF000000;
- }
- else if (!bottomHasAlpha)
- bottom_d |= 0xFF000000;
- ((LPDWORD)db)[x] = blend(bottom_d, top_d);
- }
- bb += vstep_b;
- tb += vstep_t;
- bmb += vstep_bm;
- tmb += vstep_tm;
- db += vstep_d;
- }
- }
- drawn = TRUE;
- }
- DeleteObject(iciBottom.hbmColor);
- DeleteObject(iciTop.hbmColor);
- DeleteObject(iciBottom.hbmMask);
- DeleteObject(iciTop.hbmMask);
- if (!drawn) {
- DrawIconEx(tempDC, 0, 0, hBottom, 16, 16, 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL);
- DrawIconEx(tempDC, 0, 0, hTop, 16, 16, 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL);
- }
- nMask = CreateBitmap(16, 16, 1, 1, p);
- tempDC2 = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
- tempDC3 = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
- hbm = CreateCompatibleBitmap(tempDC3, 16, 16);
- obmp = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(tempDC2, nMask);
- obmp2 = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(tempDC3, hbm);
- DrawIconEx(tempDC2, 0, 0, hBottom, 16, 16, 0, NULL, DI_MASK);
- DrawIconEx(tempDC3, 0, 0, hTop, 16, 16, 0, NULL, DI_MASK);
- BitBlt(tempDC2, 0, 0, 16, 16, tempDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND);
- GdiFlush();
- SelectObject(tempDC2, obmp);
- DeleteDC(tempDC2);
- SelectObject(tempDC3, obmp2);
- DeleteDC(tempDC3);
- SelectObject(tempDC, oImage);
- DeleteDC(tempDC);
- DeleteObject(hbm);
- iNew.fIcon = TRUE;
- iNew.hbmColor = nImage;
- iNew.hbmMask = nMask;
- res = CreateIconIndirect(&iNew);
- DeleteObject(nImage);
- DeleteObject(nMask);
- return res;
-HANDLE __fastcall GetIconIndexFromFI(LPTSTR szMirVer)
- short base, overlay, overlay2, overlay3, overlay4;
- GetIconsIndexes(szMirVer, &base, &overlay, &overlay2, &overlay3, &overlay4);
- if (base == -1 || nFICount == 0xFFFF)
- // MAX: 256 + 64 + 64 + 64 + 64
- DWORD val = (base << 24) | ((overlay & 0x3F) << 18) | ((overlay2 & 0x3F) << 12) | ((overlay3 & 0x3F) << 6) | (overlay4 & 0x3F);
- int i;
- for (i=0; i < nFICount; i++) {
- if (fiList[i].dwArray == val) {
- hFoundImage = fiList[i].hRegisteredImage;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (hFoundImage == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && i == nFICount) { //not found - then add
- HICON hIcon = CreateIconFromIndexes(base, overlay, overlay2, overlay3, overlay4);
- fiList = (FOUNDINFO*)mir_realloc(fiList, sizeof(FOUNDINFO) * (nFICount + 1));
- fiList[nFICount].dwArray = val;
- if (hIcon != NULL) {
- hFoundImage = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_CLIST_EXTRA_ADD_ICON, (WPARAM)hIcon, 0);
- fiList[nFICount].hRegisteredImage = hFoundImage;
- DestroyIcon(hIcon);
- }
- else fiList[nFICount].hRegisteredImage = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
- nFICount++;
- }
- return hFoundImage;
-VOID ClearFI()
- if (fiList != NULL)
- mir_free(fiList);
- fiList = NULL;
- nFICount = 0;
-* ServiceGetClientIconW
-* MS_FP_GETCLIENTICONW service implementation.
-* wParam - LPWSTR MirVer value to get client for.
-* lParam - int noCopy - if wParam is equal to "1" will return icon handler without copiing icon.
-static INT_PTR ServiceGetClientIconW(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- LPWSTR wszMirVer = (LPWSTR)wParam; // MirVer value to get client for.
- if (wszMirVer == NULL)
- return 0;
- short base, overlay, overlay2, overlay3, overlay4;
- GetIconsIndexesW(wszMirVer, &base, &overlay, &overlay2, &overlay3, &overlay4);
- HICON hIcon = NULL; // returned HICON
- if (base != -1)
- hIcon = CreateIconFromIndexes(base, overlay, overlay2, overlay3, overlay4);
- return (INT_PTR)hIcon;
- * ServiceGetClientDescrW
- * MS_FP_GETCLIENTDESCRW service implementation.
- * wParam - LPCWSTR MirVer value
- * lParam - (NULL) unused
- * returns LPCWSTR: client desription (do not destroy) or NULL
- */
-static INT_PTR ServiceGetClientDescrW(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- LPWSTR wszMirVer = (LPWSTR)wParam; // MirVer value to get client for.
- if (wszMirVer == NULL)
- return 0;
- LPWSTR wszMirVerUp = NEWWSTR_ALLOCA(wszMirVer); _wcsupr(wszMirVerUp);
- if (wcscmp(wszMirVerUp, L"?") == 0)
- return (INT_PTR)def_kn_fp_mask[UNKNOWN_MASK_NUMBER].szClientDescription;
- for (int index = 0; index < DEFAULT_KN_FP_MASK_COUNT; index++)
- if (WildCompareW(wszMirVerUp, def_kn_fp_mask[index].szMaskUpper))
- return (INT_PTR)def_kn_fp_mask[index].szClientDescription;
- return NULL;
- * ServiceSameClientW
- * MS_FP_SAMECLIENTSW service implementation.
- * wParam - LPWSTR first MirVer value
- * lParam - LPWSTR second MirVer value
- * returns LPCWSTR: client desñription (do not destroy) if clients are same or NULL
- */
-static INT_PTR ServiceSameClientsW(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- if (!wParam || !lParam)
- return NULL; //one of its is not null
- INT_PTR res1 = ServiceGetClientDescrW(wParam, 0);
- INT_PTR res2 = ServiceGetClientDescrW(lParam, 0);
- return (res1 == res2 && res1 != 0) ? res1 : NULL;
-* OnExtraIconListRebuild
-* Set all registered indexes in array to EMPTY_EXTRA_ICON (unregistered icon)
-static int OnExtraIconListRebuild(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- ClearFI();
- return 0;
-* OnIconsChanged
-static int OnIconsChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- ClearFI();
- return 0;
-* OnExtraImageApply
-* Try to get MirVer value from db for contact and if success calls ApplyFingerprintImage
-int OnExtraImageApply(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM lParam)
- if (hContact == NULL)
- return 0;
- ptrT tszMirver;
- char *szProto = GetContactProto(hContact);
- if (szProto != NULL)
- tszMirver = db_get_tsa(hContact, szProto, "MirVer");
- ApplyFingerprintImage(hContact, tszMirver);
- return 0;
-* OnMetaDefaultChanged
-* update MC icon according to its default contact
-static int OnMetaDefaultChanged(WPARAM hMeta, LPARAM hSub)
- if (hSub != NULL) {
- char *szProto = GetContactProto(hSub);
- if (szProto != NULL) {
- ptrT tszMirver(db_get_tsa(hSub, szProto, "MirVer"));
- if (tszMirver)
- db_set_ts(hMeta, META_PROTO, "MirVer", tszMirver);
- else
- db_unset(hMeta, META_PROTO, "MirVer");
- }
- }
- return 0;
-* OnContactSettingChanged
-* if contact settings changed apply new image or remove it
-static int OnContactSettingChanged(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM lParam)
- if (hContact == NULL)
- return 0;
- if (cws && cws->szSetting && !strcmp(cws->szSetting, "MirVer")) {
- switch (cws->value.type) {
- case DBVT_UTF8:
- ApplyFingerprintImage(hContact, ptrT(mir_utf8decodeT(cws->value.pszVal)));
- break;
- ApplyFingerprintImage(hContact, _A2T(cws->value.pszVal));
- break;
- case DBVT_WCHAR:
- ApplyFingerprintImage(hContact, cws->value.pwszVal);
- break;
- default:
- ApplyFingerprintImage(hContact, NULL);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-* OnSrmmWindowEvent
-* Monitors SRMM window's creation to draw a statusbar icon
-static int OnSrmmWindowEvent(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- if ( !db_get_b(NULL, MODULENAME, "StatusBarIcon", 1))
- return 0;
- MessageWindowEventData *event = (MessageWindowEventData *)lParam;
- if (event == NULL || event->cbSize < sizeof(MessageWindowEventData))
- return 0;
- if (event->uType == MSG_WINDOW_EVT_OPEN) {
- ptrT ptszMirVer;
- char *szProto = GetContactProto(event->hContact);
- if (szProto != NULL)
- ptszMirVer = db_get_tsa(event->hContact, szProto, "MirVer");
- SetSrmmIcon(event->hContact, ptszMirVer);
- arMonitoredWindows.insert((HANDLE)event->hContact);
- }
- else if (event->uType == MSG_WINDOW_EVT_CLOSE)
- arMonitoredWindows.remove(event->hContact);
- return 0;
-* OnModulesLoaded
-* Hook necessary events here
-int OnModulesLoaded(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- g_LPCodePage = CallService(MS_LANGPACK_GETCODEPAGE, 0, 0);
- //Hook necessary events
- HookEvent(ME_SKIN2_ICONSCHANGED, OnIconsChanged);
- HookEvent(ME_DB_CONTACT_SETTINGCHANGED, OnContactSettingChanged);
- HookEvent(ME_OPT_INITIALISE, OnOptInitialise);
- HookEvent(ME_MSG_WINDOWEVENT, OnSrmmWindowEvent);
- PathToAbsoluteT(DEFAULT_SKIN_FOLDER, g_szSkinLib);
- RegisterIcons();
- if (db_get_b(NULL, MODULENAME, "StatusBarIcon", 1)) {
- StatusIconData sid = { sizeof(sid) };
- sid.szModule = MODULENAME;
- sid.flags = MBF_HIDDEN;
- sid.dwId = 1;
- Srmm_AddIcon(&sid);
- }
- return 0;
-void InitFingerModule()
- HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED, OnModulesLoaded);
- HookEvent(ME_MC_DEFAULTTCHANGED, OnMetaDefaultChanged);
- CreateServiceFunction(MS_FP_SAMECLIENTSW, ServiceSameClientsW);
- CreateServiceFunction(MS_FP_GETCLIENTDESCRW, ServiceGetClientDescrW);
- CreateServiceFunction(MS_FP_GETCLIENTICONW, ServiceGetClientIconW);
- hExtraIcon = ExtraIcon_Register("Client", LPGEN("Fingerprint"), "client_Miranda_unknown",
- OnExtraIconListRebuild, OnExtraImageApply, OnExtraIconClick);
+Fingerprint NG (client version) icons module for Miranda NG
+Copyright © 2006-12 ghazan, mataes, HierOS, FYR, Bio, nullbie, faith_healer and all respective contributors.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+//Start of header
+#include "global.h"
+static UINT g_LPCodePage;
+static TCHAR g_szSkinLib[MAX_PATH];
+static HANDLE hExtraIcon = NULL;
+static HANDLE hFolderChanged = NULL, hIconFolder = NULL;
+static FOUNDINFO* fiList = NULL;
+static int nFICount = 0;
+static LIST<void> arMonitoredWindows(3, PtrKeySortT);
+static INT_PTR ServiceGetClientIconW(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+* Prepare
+* prepares upperstring masks and registers them in IcoLib
+static TCHAR* getSectionName(int flag)
+ switch(flag)
+ {
+ #include "finger_groups.h"
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void __fastcall Prepare(KN_FP_MASK* mask, bool bEnable)
+ mask->szMaskUpper = NULL;
+ if (mask->hIcolibItem)
+ Skin_RemoveIcon(mask->szIconName);
+ mask->hIcolibItem = NULL;
+ if (!mask->szMask || !bEnable)
+ return;
+ size_t iMaskLen = _tcslen(mask->szMask) + 1;
+ LPTSTR pszNewMask = (LPTSTR)HeapAlloc(hHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, iMaskLen * sizeof(TCHAR));
+ _tcscpy_s(pszNewMask, iMaskLen, mask->szMask);
+ _tcsupr_s(pszNewMask, iMaskLen);
+ mask->szMaskUpper = pszNewMask;
+ TCHAR destfile[MAX_PATH];
+ if (mask->iIconIndex == IDI_NOTFOUND || mask->iIconIndex == IDI_UNKNOWN || mask->iIconIndex == IDI_UNDETECTED)
+ GetModuleFileName(g_hInst, destfile, MAX_PATH);
+ else {
+ mir_sntprintf(destfile, SIZEOF(destfile), _T("%s"), g_szSkinLib);
+ struct _stat64i32 stFileInfo;
+ if ( _tstat(destfile, &stFileInfo) == -1)
+ return;
+ }
+ LPTSTR SectName = getSectionName(mask->iSectionFlag);
+ if (SectName == NULL)
+ return;
+ SKINICONDESC sid = { sizeof(sid) };
+ sid.flags = SIDF_ALL_TCHAR;
+ sid.ptszSection = SectName;
+ sid.pszName = mask->szIconName;
+ sid.ptszDescription = mask->szClientDescription;
+ sid.ptszDefaultFile = destfile;
+ sid.iDefaultIndex = -mask->iIconIndex;
+ = = 16;
+ mask->hIcolibItem = Skin_AddIcon(&sid);
+* Register icons
+void RegisterIcons()
+ // prepare masks
+ int i;
+ if (hHeap)
+ HeapDestroy(hHeap);
+ hHeap = HeapCreate(HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, 0, 0);
+ for (i = 0; i < DEFAULT_KN_FP_MASK_COUNT; i++)
+ Prepare(&def_kn_fp_mask[i], true);
+ for (i = 0; i < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS_COUNT; i++)
+ Prepare(&def_kn_fp_overlays_mask[i], true);
+ if ( db_get_b(NULL, MODULENAME, "GroupMirandaVersion", 0)) {
+ for (i = 0; i < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS2_COUNT; i++)
+ Prepare(&def_kn_fp_overlays2_mask[i], true);
+ }
+ else {
+ for (i = 0; i < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS2_NO_VER_COUNT; i++)
+ Prepare(&def_kn_fp_overlays2_mask[i], true);
+ for (; i < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS2_COUNT; i++)
+ Prepare(&def_kn_fp_overlays2_mask[i], false);
+ }
+ if ( db_get_b(NULL, MODULENAME, "GroupOverlaysUnicode", 1)) {
+ for (i = 0; i < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS3_COUNT; i++)
+ Prepare(&def_kn_fp_overlays3_mask[i], true);
+ }
+ else {
+ Prepare(&def_kn_fp_overlays3_mask[i], true);
+ for (; i < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS3_COUNT; i++)
+ Prepare(&def_kn_fp_overlays3_mask[i], false);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS4_COUNT; i++)
+ Prepare(&def_kn_fp_overlays4_mask[i], true);
+/* ApplyFingerprintImage
+* 1)Try to find appropriate mask
+* 2)Register icon in extraimage list if not yet registered (EMPTY_EXTRA_ICON)
+* 3)Set ExtraImage for contact
+static void SetSrmmIcon(MCONTACT hContact, LPTSTR ptszMirver)
+ StatusIconData sid = { sizeof(sid) };
+ sid.szModule = MODULENAME;
+ sid.dwId = 1;
+ sid.flags = MBF_TCHAR;
+ sid.tszTooltip = ptszMirver;
+ if ( lstrlen(ptszMirver))
+ sid.hIcon = (HICON)ServiceGetClientIconW((WPARAM)ptszMirver, TRUE);
+ else
+ sid.flags |= MBF_HIDDEN;
+ Srmm_ModifyIcon(hContact, &sid);
+int __fastcall ApplyFingerprintImage(MCONTACT hContact, LPTSTR szMirVer)
+ if (hContact == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ if (szMirVer)
+ hImage = GetIconIndexFromFI(szMirVer);
+ ExtraIcon_SetIcon(hExtraIcon, hContact, hImage);
+ if (arMonitoredWindows.getIndex((HANDLE)hContact) != -1)
+ SetSrmmIcon(hContact, szMirVer);
+ MCONTACT hMeta = db_mc_getMeta(hContact);
+ if (hMeta && db_mc_getMostOnline(hMeta) == hContact)
+ db_set_ts(hMeta, META_PROTO, "MirVer", szMirVer);
+ return 0;
+int OnExtraIconClick(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LPARAM)
+ return 0;
+* WildCompareW
+* Compare 'name' string with 'mask' strings.
+* Masks can contain '*' or '?' wild symbols
+* Asterics '*' symbol covers 'empty' symbol too e.g WildCompare("Tst","T*st*"), returns TRUE
+* In order to handle situation 'at least one any sybol' use "?*" combination:
+* e.g WildCompare("Tst","T?*st*"), returns FALSE, but both WildCompare("Test","T?*st*") and
+* WildCompare("Teeest","T?*st*") return TRUE.
+* Function is case sensitive! so convert input or modify func to use _qtoupper()
+* Mask can contain several submasks. In this case each submask (including first)
+* should start from '|' e.g: "|first*submask|second*mask".
+* Dec 25, 2006 by FYR:
+* Added Exception to masks: the mask "|^mask3|mask2|mask1" means:
+* if NOT according to mask 3 AND (mask1 OR mask2)
+* EXCEPTION should be BEFORE main mask:
+* IF Exception match - the comparing stops as FALSE
+* IF Exception does not match - comparing continue
+* IF Mask match - comparing stops as TRUE
+* IF Mask does not not match comparing continue
+BOOL __fastcall WildCompareW(LPWSTR wszName, LPWSTR wszMask)
+ if (wszMask == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ if (*wszMask != L'|')
+ return wildcmpw(wszName, wszMask);
+ size_t s = 1, e = 1;
+ LPWSTR wszTemp = (LPWSTR)_alloca(wcslen(wszMask) * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR));
+ BOOL bExcept;
+ while(wszMask[e] != L'\0')
+ {
+ s = e;
+ while(wszMask[e] != L'\0' && wszMask[e] != L'|') e++;
+ // exception mask
+ bExcept = (*(wszMask + s) == L'^');
+ if (bExcept) s++;
+ memcpy(wszTemp, wszMask + s, (e - s) * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ wszTemp[e - s] = L'\0';
+ if ( wildcmpw(wszName, wszTemp))
+ return !bExcept;
+ if (wszMask[e] != L'\0')
+ e++;
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static void MatchMasks(TCHAR* szMirVer, short *base, short *overlay, short *overlay2, short *overlay3, short *overlay4)
+ int i = 0, j = -1, k = -1, n = -1, m = -1;
+ for (i=0; i < DEFAULT_KN_FP_MASK_COUNT; i++) {
+ KN_FP_MASK& p = def_kn_fp_mask[i];
+ if (p.hIcolibItem == NULL)
+ continue;
+ if ( !WildCompareW(szMirVer, p.szMaskUpper))
+ continue;
+ if (p.iIconIndex != IDI_NOTFOUND && p.iIconIndex != IDI_UNKNOWN && p.iIconIndex != IDI_UNDETECTED) {
+ TCHAR destfile[MAX_PATH];
+ mir_sntprintf(destfile, SIZEOF(destfile), _T("%s"), g_szSkinLib);
+ struct _stat64i32 stFileInfo;
+ if ( _tstat(destfile, &stFileInfo) == -1)
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ i = -1;
+ if (!def_kn_fp_mask[i].fNotUseOverlay && i < DEFAULT_KN_FP_MASK_COUNT) {
+ for (j = 0; j < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS_COUNT; j++) {
+ KN_FP_MASK& p = def_kn_fp_overlays_mask[j];
+ if (p.hIcolibItem == NULL)
+ continue;
+ if ( !WildCompare(szMirVer, p.szMaskUpper))
+ continue;
+ struct _stat64i32 stFileInfo;
+ if ( _tstat(g_szSkinLib, &stFileInfo) != -1)
+ break;
+ }
+ for (k = 0; k < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS2_COUNT; k++) {
+ KN_FP_MASK& p = def_kn_fp_overlays2_mask[k];
+ if (p.hIcolibItem == NULL)
+ continue;
+ if ( WildCompareW(szMirVer, p.szMaskUpper))
+ break;
+ }
+ for (n = 0; n < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS3_COUNT; n++) {
+ KN_FP_MASK& p = def_kn_fp_overlays3_mask[n];
+ if (p.hIcolibItem == NULL)
+ continue;
+ if ( WildCompareW(szMirVer, p.szMaskUpper))
+ break;
+ }
+ for (m = 0; m < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS4_COUNT; m++) {
+ KN_FP_MASK& p = def_kn_fp_overlays4_mask[m];
+ if (p.hIcolibItem == NULL)
+ continue;
+ if ( WildCompareW(szMirVer, p.szMaskUpper))
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ *base = (i < DEFAULT_KN_FP_MASK_COUNT) ? i : -1;
+ *overlay = (j < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS_COUNT) ? j : -1;
+ *overlay2 = (k < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS2_COUNT) ? k : -1;
+ *overlay3 = (n < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS3_COUNT) ? n : -1;
+ *overlay4 = (m < DEFAULT_KN_FP_OVERLAYS4_COUNT) ? m : -1;
+/* GetIconsIndexesA
+* Retrieves Icons indexes by Mirver
+void __fastcall GetIconsIndexesA(LPSTR szMirVer, short *base, short *overlay, short *overlay2, short *overlay3, short *overlay4)
+ if (strcmp(szMirVer, "?") == 0) {
+ *overlay = -1;
+ *overlay2 = -1;
+ *overlay3 = -1;
+ *overlay4 = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ LPTSTR tszMirVerUp = mir_a2t(szMirVer);
+ _tcsupr(tszMirVerUp);
+ MatchMasks(tszMirVerUp, base, overlay, overlay2, overlay3, overlay4);
+ mir_free(tszMirVerUp);
+/* GetIconsIndexesW
+* Retrieves Icons indexes by Mirver
+void __fastcall GetIconsIndexesW(LPWSTR wszMirVer, short *base, short *overlay, short *overlay2, short *overlay3, short *overlay4)
+ if (wcscmp(wszMirVer, L"?") == 0)
+ {
+ *overlay = -1;
+ *overlay2 = -1;
+ *overlay3 = -1;
+ *overlay4 = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ LPWSTR wszMirVerUp = NEWWSTR_ALLOCA(wszMirVer);
+ _wcsupr(wszMirVerUp);
+ MatchMasks(wszMirVerUp, base, overlay, overlay2, overlay3, overlay4);
+* CreateIconFromIndexes
+* returns hIcon of joined icon by given indexes
+HICON __fastcall CreateIconFromIndexes(short base, short overlay, short overlay2, short overlay3, short overlay4)
+ HICON hIcon = NULL; // returned HICON
+ HICON hTmp = NULL;
+ HICON icMain = NULL;
+ HICON icOverlay = NULL;
+ HICON icOverlay2 = NULL;
+ HICON icOverlay3 = NULL;
+ HICON icOverlay4 = NULL;
+ KN_FP_MASK* mainMask = &(def_kn_fp_mask[base]);
+ icMain = Skin_GetIconByHandle(mainMask->hIcolibItem);
+ if (icMain) {
+ KN_FP_MASK* overlayMask = (overlay != -1) ? &(def_kn_fp_overlays_mask[overlay]) : NULL;
+ KN_FP_MASK* overlay2Mask = (overlay2 != -1) ? &(def_kn_fp_overlays2_mask[overlay2]) : NULL;
+ KN_FP_MASK* overlay3Mask = (overlay3 != -1) ? &(def_kn_fp_overlays3_mask[overlay3]) : NULL;
+ KN_FP_MASK* overlay4Mask = (overlay4 != -1) ? &(def_kn_fp_overlays4_mask[overlay4]) : NULL;
+ icOverlay = (overlayMask == NULL) ? NULL : Skin_GetIconByHandle(overlayMask->hIcolibItem);
+ icOverlay2 = (overlay2Mask == NULL) ? NULL : Skin_GetIconByHandle(overlay2Mask->hIcolibItem);
+ icOverlay3 = (overlay3Mask == NULL) ? NULL : Skin_GetIconByHandle(overlay3Mask->hIcolibItem);
+ icOverlay4 = (overlay4Mask == NULL) ? NULL : Skin_GetIconByHandle(overlay4Mask->hIcolibItem);
+ hIcon = icMain;
+ if (overlayMask)
+ hTmp = hIcon = CreateJoinedIcon(hIcon, icOverlay);
+ if (overlay2Mask) {
+ hIcon = CreateJoinedIcon(hIcon, icOverlay2);
+ if (hTmp) DestroyIcon(hTmp);
+ hTmp = hIcon;
+ }
+ if (overlay3Mask) {
+ hIcon = CreateJoinedIcon(hIcon, icOverlay3);
+ if (hTmp) DestroyIcon(hTmp);
+ hTmp = hIcon;
+ }
+ if (overlay4Mask) {
+ hIcon = CreateJoinedIcon(hIcon, icOverlay4);
+ if (hTmp) DestroyIcon(hTmp);
+ }
+ }
+ if (hIcon == icMain)
+ hIcon = CopyIcon(icMain);
+ Skin_ReleaseIcon(icMain);
+ Skin_ReleaseIcon(icOverlay);
+ Skin_ReleaseIcon(icOverlay2);
+ Skin_ReleaseIcon(icOverlay3);
+ Skin_ReleaseIcon(icOverlay4);
+ return hIcon;
+ * Futher routines is for creating joined 'overlay' icons.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ /*
+ * CreateBitmap32 - Create DIB 32 bitmap with sizes cx*cy
+ */
+HBITMAP __inline CreateBitmap32(int cx, int cy)
+ return CreateBitmap32Point(cx, cy, NULL);
+ /*
+ * CreateBitmap32 - Create DIB 32 bitmap with sizes cx*cy and put reference
+ * to new bitmap pixel image memory area to void ** bits
+ */
+HBITMAP __fastcall CreateBitmap32Point(int cx, int cy, LPVOID* bits)
+ BITMAPINFO bmpi = { 0 };
+ LPVOID ptPixels = NULL;
+ HBITMAP DirectBitmap;
+ if (cx < 0 || cy < 0) return NULL;
+ bmpi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
+ bmpi.bmiHeader.biWidth = cx;
+ bmpi.bmiHeader.biHeight = cy;
+ bmpi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
+ bmpi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
+ DirectBitmap = CreateDIBSection(NULL, &bmpi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &ptPixels, NULL, 0);
+ GdiFlush();
+ if (ptPixels) memset(ptPixels, 0, cx * cy * 4);
+ if (bits != NULL) *bits = ptPixels;
+ return DirectBitmap;
+* checkHasAlfa - checks if image has at least one BYTE in alpha channel
+* that is not a 0. (is image real 32 bit or just 24 bit)
+BOOL __fastcall checkHasAlfa(LPBYTE from, int width, int height)
+ LPDWORD pt = (LPDWORD)from;
+ LPDWORD lim = pt + width * height;
+ while(pt < lim)
+ {
+ if (*pt & 0xFF000000)
+ return TRUE;
+ pt++;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+* checkMaskUsed - checks if mask image has at least one that is not a 0.
+* Not sure is it required or not
+BOOL __fastcall checkMaskUsed(LPBYTE from)
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i < 16 * 16 / 8; i++)
+ {
+ if (from[i] != 0) return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+* GetMaskBit - return value of apropriate mask bit in line at x position
+BOOL __inline GetMaskBit(LPBYTE line, int x)
+ return ((*(line + (x >> 3))) & (0x01 << (7 - (x & 0x07)))) != 0;
+* blend - alpha blend ARGB values of 2 pixels. X1 - underlaying,
+* X2 - overlaying points.
+DWORD __fastcall blend(DWORD X1,DWORD X2)
+ RGBA* q1 = (RGBA*)&X1;
+ RGBA* q2 = (RGBA*)&X2;
+ BYTE a_1 = ~q1->a;
+ BYTE a_2 = ~q2->a;
+ WORD am = q1->a * a_2;
+ WORD ar = q1->a + ((a_1 * q2->a) / 255);
+ // if a2 more than 0 than result should be more
+ // or equal (if a1==0) to a2, else in combination
+ // with mask we can get here black points
+ ar = (q2->a > ar) ? q2->a : ar;
+ if (ar == 0) return 0;
+ {
+ WORD arm = ar * 255;
+ WORD rr = ((q1->r * am + q2->r * q2->a * 255)) / arm;
+ WORD gr = ((q1->g * am + q2->g * q2->a * 255)) / arm;
+ WORD br = ((q1->b * am + q2->b * q2->a * 255)) / arm;
+ return (ar << 24) | (rr << 16) | (gr << 8) | br;
+ }
+* CreateJoinedIcon - creates new icon by drawing hTop over hBottom.
+HICON __fastcall CreateJoinedIcon(HICON hBottom, HICON hTop)
+ BOOL drawn = FALSE;
+ HDC tempDC, tempDC2, tempDC3;
+ HICON res = NULL;
+ HBITMAP oImage,nImage;
+ HBITMAP nMask, hbm, obmp, obmp2;
+ LPBYTE ptPixels = NULL;
+ ICONINFO iNew = { 0 };
+ BYTE p[32] = { 0 };
+ tempDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
+ nImage = CreateBitmap32Point(16, 16, (LPVOID*)&ptPixels);
+ oImage = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(tempDC, nImage);
+ ICONINFO iciBottom = { 0 };
+ ICONINFO iciTop = { 0 };
+ BITMAP bmp_top = { 0 };
+ BITMAP bmp_top_mask = { 0 };
+ BITMAP bmp_bottom = { 0 };
+ BITMAP bmp_bottom_mask = { 0 };
+ GetIconInfo(hBottom, &iciBottom);
+ GetObject(iciBottom.hbmColor, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmp_bottom);
+ GetObject(iciBottom.hbmMask, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmp_bottom_mask);
+ GetIconInfo(hTop, &iciTop);
+ GetObject(iciTop.hbmColor, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmp_top);
+ GetObject(iciTop.hbmMask, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmp_top_mask);
+ if (bmp_bottom.bmBitsPixel == 32 && bmp_top.bmBitsPixel == 32)
+ {
+ LPBYTE BottomBuffer, TopBuffer, BottomMaskBuffer, TopMaskBuffer;
+ LPBYTE bb, tb, bmb, tmb;
+ LPBYTE db = ptPixels;
+ int vstep_d = 16 * 4;
+ int vstep_b = bmp_bottom.bmWidthBytes;
+ int vstep_t = bmp_top.bmWidthBytes;
+ int vstep_bm = bmp_bottom_mask.bmWidthBytes;
+ int vstep_tm = bmp_top_mask.bmWidthBytes;
+ if (bmp_bottom.bmBits)
+ bb = BottomBuffer = (LPBYTE)bmp_bottom.bmBits;
+ else
+ {
+ BottomBuffer = (LPBYTE)_alloca(bmp_bottom.bmHeight * bmp_bottom.bmWidthBytes);
+ GetBitmapBits(iciBottom.hbmColor, bmp_bottom.bmHeight * bmp_bottom.bmWidthBytes, BottomBuffer);
+ bb = BottomBuffer + vstep_b * (bmp_bottom.bmHeight - 1);
+ vstep_b = -vstep_b;
+ }
+ if (bmp_top.bmBits)
+ tb = TopBuffer = (LPBYTE)bmp_top.bmBits;
+ else
+ {
+ TopBuffer = (LPBYTE)_alloca(bmp_top.bmHeight * bmp_top.bmWidthBytes);
+ GetBitmapBits(iciTop.hbmColor, bmp_top.bmHeight * bmp_top.bmWidthBytes, TopBuffer);
+ tb = TopBuffer + vstep_t * (bmp_top.bmHeight - 1);
+ vstep_t = -vstep_t;
+ }
+ if (bmp_bottom_mask.bmBits)
+ bmb = BottomMaskBuffer = (LPBYTE)bmp_bottom_mask.bmBits;
+ else
+ {
+ BottomMaskBuffer = (LPBYTE)_alloca(bmp_bottom_mask.bmHeight * bmp_bottom_mask.bmWidthBytes);
+ GetBitmapBits(iciBottom.hbmMask, bmp_bottom_mask.bmHeight * bmp_bottom_mask.bmWidthBytes, BottomMaskBuffer);
+ bmb = BottomMaskBuffer + vstep_bm * (bmp_bottom_mask.bmHeight - 1);
+ vstep_bm = -vstep_bm;
+ }
+ if (bmp_top_mask.bmBits)
+ tmb = TopMaskBuffer = (LPBYTE)bmp_top_mask.bmBits;
+ else
+ {
+ TopMaskBuffer = (LPBYTE)_alloca(bmp_top_mask.bmHeight * bmp_top_mask.bmWidthBytes);
+ GetBitmapBits(iciTop.hbmMask, bmp_top_mask.bmHeight * bmp_top_mask.bmWidthBytes, TopMaskBuffer);
+ tmb = TopMaskBuffer + vstep_tm * (bmp_top_mask.bmHeight - 1);
+ vstep_tm = -vstep_tm;
+ }
+ {
+ int x; int y;
+ BOOL topHasAlpha = checkHasAlfa(TopBuffer, bmp_top.bmWidth, bmp_top.bmHeight);
+ BOOL bottomHasAlpha = checkHasAlfa(BottomBuffer, bmp_bottom.bmWidth, bmp_bottom.bmHeight);
+ BOOL topMaskUsed = !topHasAlpha && checkMaskUsed(TopMaskBuffer);
+ BOOL bottomMaskUsed = !bottomHasAlpha && checkMaskUsed(BottomMaskBuffer);
+ for(y = 0; y < 16; y++)
+ {
+ for(x = 0; x < 16; x++)
+ {
+ DWORD bottom_d = ((LPDWORD)bb)[x];
+ DWORD top_d = ((LPDWORD)tb)[x];
+ if (topMaskUsed)
+ {
+ if (GetMaskBit(tmb, x))
+ top_d &= 0x00FFFFFF;
+ else
+ top_d |= 0xFF000000;
+ }
+ else if (!topHasAlpha)
+ top_d |= 0xFF000000;
+ if (bottomMaskUsed)
+ {
+ if (GetMaskBit(bmb, x))
+ bottom_d &= 0x00FFFFFF;
+ else
+ bottom_d |= 0xFF000000;
+ }
+ else if (!bottomHasAlpha)
+ bottom_d |= 0xFF000000;
+ ((LPDWORD)db)[x] = blend(bottom_d, top_d);
+ }
+ bb += vstep_b;
+ tb += vstep_t;
+ bmb += vstep_bm;
+ tmb += vstep_tm;
+ db += vstep_d;
+ }
+ }
+ drawn = TRUE;
+ }
+ DeleteObject(iciBottom.hbmColor);
+ DeleteObject(iciTop.hbmColor);
+ DeleteObject(iciBottom.hbmMask);
+ DeleteObject(iciTop.hbmMask);
+ if (!drawn) {
+ DrawIconEx(tempDC, 0, 0, hBottom, 16, 16, 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL);
+ DrawIconEx(tempDC, 0, 0, hTop, 16, 16, 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL);
+ }
+ nMask = CreateBitmap(16, 16, 1, 1, p);
+ tempDC2 = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
+ tempDC3 = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
+ hbm = CreateCompatibleBitmap(tempDC3, 16, 16);
+ obmp = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(tempDC2, nMask);
+ obmp2 = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(tempDC3, hbm);
+ DrawIconEx(tempDC2, 0, 0, hBottom, 16, 16, 0, NULL, DI_MASK);
+ DrawIconEx(tempDC3, 0, 0, hTop, 16, 16, 0, NULL, DI_MASK);
+ BitBlt(tempDC2, 0, 0, 16, 16, tempDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND);
+ GdiFlush();
+ SelectObject(tempDC2, obmp);
+ DeleteDC(tempDC2);
+ SelectObject(tempDC3, obmp2);
+ DeleteDC(tempDC3);
+ SelectObject(tempDC, oImage);
+ DeleteDC(tempDC);
+ DeleteObject(hbm);
+ iNew.fIcon = TRUE;
+ iNew.hbmColor = nImage;
+ iNew.hbmMask = nMask;
+ res = CreateIconIndirect(&iNew);
+ DeleteObject(nImage);
+ DeleteObject(nMask);
+ return res;
+HANDLE __fastcall GetIconIndexFromFI(LPTSTR szMirVer)
+ short base, overlay, overlay2, overlay3, overlay4;
+ GetIconsIndexes(szMirVer, &base, &overlay, &overlay2, &overlay3, &overlay4);
+ if (base == -1 || nFICount == 0xFFFF)
+ // MAX: 256 + 64 + 64 + 64 + 64
+ DWORD val = (base << 24) | ((overlay & 0x3F) << 18) | ((overlay2 & 0x3F) << 12) | ((overlay3 & 0x3F) << 6) | (overlay4 & 0x3F);
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i < nFICount; i++) {
+ if (fiList[i].dwArray == val) {
+ hFoundImage = fiList[i].hRegisteredImage;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (hFoundImage == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && i == nFICount) { //not found - then add
+ HICON hIcon = CreateIconFromIndexes(base, overlay, overlay2, overlay3, overlay4);
+ fiList = (FOUNDINFO*)mir_realloc(fiList, sizeof(FOUNDINFO) * (nFICount + 1));
+ fiList[nFICount].dwArray = val;
+ if (hIcon != NULL) {
+ hFoundImage = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_CLIST_EXTRA_ADD_ICON, (WPARAM)hIcon, 0);
+ fiList[nFICount].hRegisteredImage = hFoundImage;
+ DestroyIcon(hIcon);
+ }
+ else fiList[nFICount].hRegisteredImage = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
+ nFICount++;
+ }
+ return hFoundImage;
+VOID ClearFI()
+ if (fiList != NULL)
+ mir_free(fiList);
+ fiList = NULL;
+ nFICount = 0;
+* ServiceGetClientIconW
+* MS_FP_GETCLIENTICONW service implementation.
+* wParam - LPWSTR MirVer value to get client for.
+* lParam - int noCopy - if wParam is equal to "1" will return icon handler without copiing icon.
+static INT_PTR ServiceGetClientIconW(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ LPWSTR wszMirVer = (LPWSTR)wParam; // MirVer value to get client for.
+ if (wszMirVer == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ short base, overlay, overlay2, overlay3, overlay4;
+ GetIconsIndexesW(wszMirVer, &base, &overlay, &overlay2, &overlay3, &overlay4);
+ HICON hIcon = NULL; // returned HICON
+ if (base != -1)
+ hIcon = CreateIconFromIndexes(base, overlay, overlay2, overlay3, overlay4);
+ return (INT_PTR)hIcon;
+ * ServiceGetClientDescrW
+ * MS_FP_GETCLIENTDESCRW service implementation.
+ * wParam - LPCWSTR MirVer value
+ * lParam - (NULL) unused
+ * returns LPCWSTR: client desription (do not destroy) or NULL
+ */
+static INT_PTR ServiceGetClientDescrW(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ LPWSTR wszMirVer = (LPWSTR)wParam; // MirVer value to get client for.
+ if (wszMirVer == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ LPWSTR wszMirVerUp = NEWWSTR_ALLOCA(wszMirVer); _wcsupr(wszMirVerUp);
+ if (wcscmp(wszMirVerUp, L"?") == 0)
+ return (INT_PTR)def_kn_fp_mask[UNKNOWN_MASK_NUMBER].szClientDescription;
+ for (int index = 0; index < DEFAULT_KN_FP_MASK_COUNT; index++)
+ if (WildCompareW(wszMirVerUp, def_kn_fp_mask[index].szMaskUpper))
+ return (INT_PTR)def_kn_fp_mask[index].szClientDescription;
+ return NULL;
+ * ServiceSameClientW
+ * MS_FP_SAMECLIENTSW service implementation.
+ * wParam - LPWSTR first MirVer value
+ * lParam - LPWSTR second MirVer value
+ * returns LPCWSTR: client desñription (do not destroy) if clients are same or NULL
+ */
+static INT_PTR ServiceSameClientsW(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ if (!wParam || !lParam)
+ return NULL; //one of its is not null
+ INT_PTR res1 = ServiceGetClientDescrW(wParam, 0);
+ INT_PTR res2 = ServiceGetClientDescrW(lParam, 0);
+ return (res1 == res2 && res1 != 0) ? res1 : NULL;
+* OnExtraIconListRebuild
+* Set all registered indexes in array to EMPTY_EXTRA_ICON (unregistered icon)
+static int OnExtraIconListRebuild(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ ClearFI();
+ return 0;
+* OnIconsChanged
+static int OnIconsChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ ClearFI();
+ return 0;
+* OnExtraImageApply
+* Try to get MirVer value from db for contact and if success calls ApplyFingerprintImage
+int OnExtraImageApply(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM lParam)
+ if (hContact == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ ptrT tszMirver;
+ char *szProto = GetContactProto(hContact);
+ if (szProto != NULL)
+ tszMirver = db_get_tsa(hContact, szProto, "MirVer");
+ ApplyFingerprintImage(hContact, tszMirver);
+ return 0;
+* OnMetaDefaultChanged
+* update MC icon according to its default contact
+static int OnMetaDefaultChanged(WPARAM hMeta, LPARAM hSub)
+ if (hSub != NULL) {
+ char *szProto = GetContactProto(hSub);
+ if (szProto != NULL) {
+ ptrT tszMirver(db_get_tsa(hSub, szProto, "MirVer"));
+ if (tszMirver)
+ db_set_ts(hMeta, META_PROTO, "MirVer", tszMirver);
+ else
+ db_unset(hMeta, META_PROTO, "MirVer");
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+* OnContactSettingChanged
+* if contact settings changed apply new image or remove it
+static int OnContactSettingChanged(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM lParam)
+ if (hContact == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ if (cws && cws->szSetting && !strcmp(cws->szSetting, "MirVer")) {
+ switch (cws->value.type) {
+ case DBVT_UTF8:
+ ApplyFingerprintImage(hContact, ptrT(mir_utf8decodeT(cws->value.pszVal)));
+ break;
+ ApplyFingerprintImage(hContact, _A2T(cws->value.pszVal));
+ break;
+ case DBVT_WCHAR:
+ ApplyFingerprintImage(hContact, cws->value.pwszVal);
+ break;
+ default:
+ ApplyFingerprintImage(hContact, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+* OnSrmmWindowEvent
+* Monitors SRMM window's creation to draw a statusbar icon
+static int OnSrmmWindowEvent(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ if ( !db_get_b(NULL, MODULENAME, "StatusBarIcon", 1))
+ return 0;
+ MessageWindowEventData *event = (MessageWindowEventData *)lParam;
+ if (event == NULL || event->cbSize < sizeof(MessageWindowEventData))
+ return 0;
+ if (event->uType == MSG_WINDOW_EVT_OPEN) {
+ ptrT ptszMirVer;
+ char *szProto = GetContactProto(event->hContact);
+ if (szProto != NULL)
+ ptszMirVer = db_get_tsa(event->hContact, szProto, "MirVer");
+ SetSrmmIcon(event->hContact, ptszMirVer);
+ arMonitoredWindows.insert((HANDLE)event->hContact);
+ }
+ else if (event->uType == MSG_WINDOW_EVT_CLOSE)
+ arMonitoredWindows.remove(event->hContact);
+ return 0;
+* OnModulesLoaded
+* Hook necessary events here
+int OnModulesLoaded(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ g_LPCodePage = CallService(MS_LANGPACK_GETCODEPAGE, 0, 0);
+ //Hook necessary events
+ HookEvent(ME_SKIN2_ICONSCHANGED, OnIconsChanged);
+ HookEvent(ME_DB_CONTACT_SETTINGCHANGED, OnContactSettingChanged);
+ HookEvent(ME_OPT_INITIALISE, OnOptInitialise);
+ HookEvent(ME_MSG_WINDOWEVENT, OnSrmmWindowEvent);
+ PathToAbsoluteT(DEFAULT_SKIN_FOLDER, g_szSkinLib);
+ RegisterIcons();
+ if (db_get_b(NULL, MODULENAME, "StatusBarIcon", 1)) {
+ StatusIconData sid = { sizeof(sid) };
+ sid.szModule = MODULENAME;
+ sid.flags = MBF_HIDDEN;
+ sid.dwId = 1;
+ Srmm_AddIcon(&sid);
+ }
+ return 0;
+void InitFingerModule()
+ HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED, OnModulesLoaded);
+ HookEvent(ME_MC_DEFAULTTCHANGED, OnMetaDefaultChanged);
+ CreateServiceFunction(MS_FP_SAMECLIENTSW, ServiceSameClientsW);
+ CreateServiceFunction(MS_FP_GETCLIENTDESCRW, ServiceGetClientDescrW);
+ CreateServiceFunction(MS_FP_GETCLIENTICONW, ServiceGetClientIconW);
+ hExtraIcon = ExtraIcon_Register("Client", LPGEN("Fingerprint"), "client_Miranda_unknown",
+ OnExtraIconListRebuild, OnExtraImageApply, OnExtraIconClick);