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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Folders/folders/variablesHelp.inc')
-rw-r--r-- | plugins/Folders/folders/variablesHelp.inc | 32 |
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Folders/folders/variablesHelp.inc b/plugins/Folders/folders/variablesHelp.inc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bdc79692e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Folders/folders/variablesHelp.inc @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +"{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang1033\\deflangfe1033{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fswiss\\fprq2\\fcharset0 Arial;}}\n"
+"{\\*\\generator Msftedit;}\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\nowidctlpar\\ri-1686\\f0\\fs20 Don't forget to click on \\i Apply\\i0 to save the changes. If you don't then the changes won't\n"
+"be saved to the database, they will only be valid for this session.\\par"
+"Variable string\\ulnone\\b0\\tab\\tab\\ul\\b What it expands to:\\ulnone\\b0\\par\n"
+"%miranda_userdata%\\tab Expands to the private profile data directory.\\par"
+"%miranda_path%\\tab Expands to your miranda path (e.g: c:\\\\program files\\\\miranda im).\\par"
+"%profile_path%\\tab\\tab Expands to your profile path - the value found in mirandaboot.ini,\\par"
+"\\tab\\tab\\tab\\ul ProfileDir\\ulnone section (usually inside miranda's folder).\\par"
+"\\pard\\nowidctlpar\\ri-696 %current_profile%\\tab Expands to your current profile name without the extenstion.\\par"
+"\\tab\\tab\\tab (e.g.\\b default\\b0 if your your profile is \\i default.dat\\i0 ).\\par"
+"\\ul\\b Environment variables\\par\n"
+"\\ulnone\\b0 The plugin can also expand environment variables; the variables are specified like in any other\n"
+"program that can use environment variables, i.e. %<env variable>%.\n\n"
+"\\b Note\\b0 : Environment variables are expanded before any Miranda variables. So if you have, for\n"
+"example, %profile_path% defined as a system variable then it will be expanded to that value\\n"
+"instead of expanding to Miranda\\rquote s profile path.\\par\n"
+"\\ul\\b Examples:\\par\n"
+"\\ulnone\\b0 If the value for the ProfileDir inside \\i mirandaboot.ini\\i0 , \\ul ProfileDir\\ulnone section is '.\\\\profiles', current\n"
+"profile is 'default.dat' and miranda's path is 'c:\\\\program files\\\\miranda im' then:\\par\n"
+"\\b %miranda_path%\\b0 \\tab\\tab\\tab will expand to 'c:\\\\program files\\\\miranda im'\\par"
+"\\b %profile_path%\\b0 \\tab\\tab\\tab will expand to 'c:\\\\program files\\\\miranda im\\\\profiles'\\par"
+"\\b %current_profile%\\b0\\tab\\tab\\tab will expand to 'default'\\par"
+"\\b %temp%\\b0\\tab\\tab\\tab\\tab will expand to the temp folder of the current user.\\par"
+"\\b %profile_path%\\\\%current_profile%\\tab\\b0 will expand to 'c:\\\\program files\\\\miranda im\\\\profiles\\\\default'\\par"
+"\\b %miranda_path%\\\\plugins\\\\config\\b0\\tab will expand to 'c:\\\\program files\\\\miranda im\\\\plugins\\\\config'\\par"
+"\\b ' %miranda_path%\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ '\\b0\\tab will expand to 'c:\\\\program files\\\\miranda im'\\par\n"
+"notice that the spaces at the beginning and the end of the string are trimmed, as well as the last \\\\\\par\n"