path: root/plugins/tabsrmm/docs
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7 files changed, 3691 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/tabsrmm/docs/INSTALL b/plugins/tabsrmm/docs/INSTALL
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+ ==================
+1.Miranda Requirements
+a) Miranda IM, Version or later
+2) OS Requirements
+For the UNICODE version, Windows 2000 or later is required. Windows XP or
+later are the only supported platforms.
+The x64 Version will require a 64bit Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 AND can
+only work with a 64bit Miranda installation.
+1) Copy the plugin DLL into your miranda plugins folder. Make sure that you HAVE
+ THE RIGHT VERSION (either ANSI or UNICODE). If unsure what you have downloaded,
+ do the following:
+ *) locate the plugin DLL in windows explorer
+ *) right click it, choose Properties... and navigate to the version tab. There
+ you will see the version number and also ANSI or UNICODE.
+DO NOT INSTALL A UNICODE build on a non-UNICODE Miranda installation. The opposite
+should work, but is not supported. In both cases, tabsrmm will throw a warning message
+when you start Miranda telling you that you had mixed UNICODE and ANSI versions.
+2) Install the icon pack (see below).
+You need to copy the included tabsrmm_icons.dll into the \icons folder.
+If you don't, you'll receive an error message about a missing resource
+dll, and you won't see any icons on the toolbar and elsewhere. More
+information about setting up icons can be found in README.ICONS.
diff --git a/plugins/tabsrmm/docs/MetaContacts.TXT b/plugins/tabsrmm/docs/MetaContacts.TXT
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+ tabSRMM + Metacontacts
+ ......................
+As of tabSRMM contains support for the MetaContacts plugin by SjE. You
+can find this plugin here:
+When you open a message tab for a meta contact, tabSRMM will automatically
+detect the MC and its current settings. The small protocol icon in the status
+bar of the container will show the icon for the active protocol of the MC.
+If you right-click this icon, you get a context menu from which you can:
+* change the default protocol
+* "force" a given protocol for sending to the MC. You cannot force a protocol, which
+ is offline, either on your or the other side.
+ If the forced protocol goes offline at any time (again, either on your or the
+ other side doesn't matter), the MC will revert to the "Auto selection mode"
+ and use the default or the "most online" protocol.
+In any case, a forced protocol will be "unforced" when you close the tab (i.e.
+revert to automatic protocol selection).
+While forcing works, you should still be careful with it. It shouldn't be necessary
+in most cases, as the metacontacts protocol will always ensure that its using the
+"most online" proto. It may make sense if your buddy asks you to send on a specific
+protocol though (for whatever reason...)
+This status bar icon is also there for non-metacontacts, but is not going to do
+anything other than showing the protocol in use for that tab. If you hover over
+it, then it will display a tooltip with your current nickname and the protocol
diff --git a/plugins/tabsrmm/docs/POPUPS.TXT b/plugins/tabsrmm/docs/POPUPS.TXT
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+tabSRMM event notifications (also known as "popups"
+Beginning with, tabSRMM has its own event notification system
+built into the plugin. That means, you should deactivate or uninstall
+existing event notifications plugins like NewEventNotify. If you want
+to continue using an external event notification plugin, you can disable
+tabSRMMs own system by doing the following:
+* Open Mirandas options dialog, go to Message Sessions -> Event notifications
+* Check "Disable ALL event notifications..."
+This will disable tabSRMMs own event notifications, and you'll never see popups
+or other types of notifications. You can then use an external plugin for
+this purpose (like any version of NewEventNotify.dll)
+In any way, you should always only have one system running at any given time.
+If you decide to use an external event notification plugin, then you should
+disable tabSRMMs internal system and vice versa. Having both active, may cause
+troubles like double popups and more. If you get double popups, then this is
+a strong indication for more than one event notification system being active.
+Why use tabSRMMs own event notification system?
+Simply, because it works better :) Since it is tightly integrates into the
+message dialog, it can do some things which an external plugin cannot. Also,
+most external plugins are written with top-level message windows in mind and
+therefore don't work very well with tabbed chat windows.
+Also, tabSRMMs event notify system is not limited to popups only. It can use
+the following ways to announce incoming messages:
+1) popups (need popup.dll installed - I suggest using a recent version of
+ popup PLUS or YAPP - the latter being more stable and actively maintained.
+2) On Screen Display (OSD). You can either use wbOSD or the old OSD plugin
+ - both available on the miranda file listing.
+3) Balloon (system tray) tooltips. Only available on Windows 2000 or
+ later.
+Configuration of event notifications is done on the "Message Sessions >
+Event Notifications" page. Most options should be familar if you have ever been
+using a NewEventNotify plugin.
+The "announce method" specifies in which way you want to see the event
+notifications (popups, osd or balloon tooltips). The combo box will only
+contain entries which are available (the necessary plugin is installed and
+If you have choosen that you want to see notifications, even if a message
+window is already open (UNCHECK "Don't announce event when message dialog
+is open"), you can further configure that on a "per container" base. You
+can find these options on the containers menu bar (Container->Event
+The relevant options are:
+1) Enable popups if minimized
+ The container and all its tabs will show popups if the container has
+ been minimized to the taskbar.
+2) Enable popups if unfocused
+ More aggressive popup behaviour. Now, you will always see event popups
+ unless the container is in the foreground (active and focused).
+3) Always enable popups for inactive tabs.
+ This is the most aggressive setting. You will always see popups, UNLESS
+ the container is focused (in the foreground) and the tab which received
+ the event is the active one (selected).
+The last option will basically show you popups for all your open sessions,
+except for the session which is active (in the foreground).
+You can set default values for these under Options->Message containers
+which will apply to containers at creation time. Once a container exists,
+it has its own copy of these settings, so if you need to change them, you
+will have to use the container settings dialog (right click the title- or
+button bar of an open container or use the system menu and choose
+"Container Options".
diff --git a/plugins/tabsrmm/docs/changelog.OLD b/plugins/tabsrmm/docs/changelog.OLD
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index 0000000000..0449d8840b
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+++ b/plugins/tabsrmm/docs/changelog.OLD
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+ Project Information:
+ ====================
+Name: tabsrmm
+SF.NET Project Page:
+ --------------------
+ Version History:
+ ================
++ : new feature
+* : changed
+! : bufgix
+- : feature removed or disabled because of pending bugs
+ Changelog is now provided online and updated more often.
+Version - nightly build #47) - 2006/02/xx
+ + added hotkey (CTRL-n) for sending a MSN nudge. Requires recent version of MSN plugin
+ * remmoved own copy of xStatus icons from tabSRMM. It is now using the ICQJ XStatus
+ API to get the icon (works only with recent versions of ICQJ).
+Version - nightly build #46) - 2006/01/20
+ + enabled the send menu entry to force a "timeout less" sending mode. The option can
+ also be found on the contact preferences dialog (user menu) and basically does the
+ following: If enabled, the message window does NOT wait for a sending confirmation
+ of the protocol. This means that you'll never get notified if something goes wrong
+ while sending the message. Only enable it if you have constant timeout problems for
+ this particular contact.
+ This option is a "per contact" setting and there is no global counterpart. It is meant
+ to help solving troubles with "problematic" contacts (that is, contacts which often
+ cause timeouts when sending messages, because of networking or other issues).
+ + enhancement: The "vertical maximize" feature can now also be triggered by holding the
+ CTRL key while clicking the maximize button. The old way of setting vertical maximize
+ for each container permanently (container options dialog) is still available though.
+ * reduced the number of scrolling commands sent to IEView when resizing and/or creating
+ the message window. This should speed up IEView somewhat when using more complex
+ templates.
+ * the info panel avatar now follows the avatar visibility setting on the Message Window->
+ General option page. For example, if this is set to "Globally off", no avatars will
+ appear on the info panel.
+ * message window avatar display(s) (both bottom and info panel) now respect the avatar
+ service "Set as hidden" property which one can configure for a contacts picture.
+ So you are no longer forced to view really ugly avatars :)
+Version - 2005/12/27
+ + added option to enable/disable drop shadows (options->Message Window->containers)
+ ! fix: the options to set message log background colors were disabled when using font
+ service.
+Version - 2005/12/23 - happy Xmas :)
+ * improvments for own avatar display. Now, this uses the avatar service (minimum
+ version for managing your own avatars. tabSRMM now always shows the proper
+ avatar you have configured for a given protocol under Main Menu -> View/Change my details.
+ Setting your own avatar in the message window is possible (right click your avatar image
+ and choose "Set your avatar...". However, the menu entry may appear grayed which means
+ that the protocol does not support setting the avatar from "outside" its own option
+ pages. Currently, only MSN allows to set the avatar using an external service.
+ + added workaround for the "Unknown Contact" problem with some protocols (fallback to
+ non-unicode nickname). (unicode build only).
+ + added EXPERIMENTAL feature - real time message log trimming.
+ What the.... ?
+ This feature was inspired (or suggested) by one user on the forum. At first,
+ i thought that it is almost impossible to implement with the rich edit control as
+ our message history viewer. But I found a reasonable way to do it anyway.
+ It is for people who are rarely closing their message windows. As a result, a growing
+ message history in the chat window(s) may consume HUGE amounts of memory, especially when
+ emoticons and message log icons are enabled.
+ The solution? Trim the message log to a maximum number of events (e.g. 200) - older events
+ will disappear from the top of the message history and only the N most recent events
+ will remain in the chat window. As a result, memory requirements may drop significantly.
+ The feature is different from the already exsting "load N number of old history events",
+ because it works in "real time". Whenever a new message is sent or received, the
+ message history will be trimmed at the top so that only old text will disappear.
+ How to use?
+ Set the global limit for all message windows on the "Message Log" options page. A per-
+ contact setting is also available in the "tabSRMM settings" dialog which you can reach
+ from the contacts context menu. The per contact setting overrides the global value.
+ NOTE: changing this setting will not affect message windows which are already open,
+ so you need to close and re-open them.
+ One word of warning, though. This feature has a side effect. In order to "know" where to cut
+ off the message history, markers need to be placed in the text. The markers are hidden
+ number sequences (which actually correspond to database event handles), but when you copy
+ text from the log, the rich edit control will copy the hidden text. As far as I know, there
+ is no way to avoid this.
+ Also, depending on your template, the top of the message log may not always look perfectly
+ formatted, because text is removed from the top only.
+ NOTE2: won't work with IEView as IEView uses a completely different way of displaying
+ messages and tabSRMM has no control over the contents of the IEView message history
+ window.
+ ! FIX: Alt-M didn't properly create the embedded multisend contact list.
+ + added a color control for setting the info panel fields background color to the font
+ configuration dialog. Previously, this was only possible with font service.
+ * improved avatar display on the info panel. Avatars will no longer waste horizontal space
+ if their width is smaller than their height (like most ICQ avatars). The size of the
+ avatar field is now properly calculated so that the avatar fits.
+ Also, the info panel does no longer show the "unknown" avatar for contacts which don't
+ have a contact picture available.
+ * redesigned the info panel somewhat. The ugly check box is gone, the fields have been
+ re-arranged to allow more space for the nickname.
+ + the option to allow active status message retrieval when hovering the info panel field
+ can now be found under Options->Message Window->General
+ ! bugfix - message window did not react on manual nick name changes on the contact list
+ (changing CList/MyHAndle).
+ + added a "simple" event popup configuration mode. Its on options->Message Window->Event
+ notifications and knows 3 modes:
+ * Notify always -> popups will show for each message
+ * Notify for unfocused sessions -> popups will show for minimized or background message
+ windows.
+ * Notify only when no window is open -> Message popups will only appear when no message
+ window is open for that contact.
+ The simple mode skips some of the advanced popup configuration options, including the
+ "per container settings". It also skips the "Sync sounds" option.
+ + added the per contact infopanel setting to the per contact settings dialog.
+ + added option to specify the type of border for the avatar(s) in the message window.
+ There are 5 options:
+ * None
+ * Automatic
+ * Sunken
+ * 1 pixel solid
+ * rounded border
+ Automatic means that it will draw a solid border for normal avatars, while for transparent
+ or semi-transparent images, a sunken frame will be drawn.
+ The color for solid borders can be configured aswell.
+ The options are on the "General" tab, in the "Avatar options" section.
+ * fixed bug with non-appearing message log icons
+ * fixed wrong hotkey Ctrl-C was opening the user preferences dialog instead of doing the
+ usual copy action. User preferences is now on Alt-C
+ + some smoother and less "jumpy" resizing when switching tabs after container size changed.
+ + when using the "Trim message log feature", the message input area now tries to delete the
+ invisible markers when copying text from the message log to the message input area.
+ + new hotkey: Alt-F (send file, brings up the send file dialog)
+ ! fixed a few minor visual glitches (button mode tabs clipping issues)
+Version - 2005/11/07
+ * several sanity checks added (pointers, window handles)
+ ! status bar remembers typing notification state when switching tabs even with
+ the session list button active.
+ + added about dialog
+ ! fixed small visual glitch with multisend indicator
+ + hotkey: Ctrl-T -> toggle menu bar
+ ! local avatars (load a local picture) can now use relative pathnames when the picture
+ you selected is located in a subdirectory of your miranda folder.
+ + added first run configuration dialog
+ + added "per container themes". It is now possible to define a private .tabsrmm theme
+ file for a container. This includes the entire theme, fonts, colors, template message
+ log settings.
+ ! bugfix (UI problem in the global/local radio button of the user preferences dialog).
+ * changed multisend contact list. It is no longer created automatically for each tab
+ you open, instead, the contact list is only created when you activate the multisend
+ feature and destroyed when it is no longer needed. Saves quite *some* resources and
+ loading time, especially with complex contact lists (clist_nicer, clist_modern and
+ such).
+ * updated for new smileyadd api (event for changed emoticon configuration). Changing
+ smileyadd options will now instantly reconfigure smileyadd settings in all open message
+ windows (button icon + smileys in the message window).
+ + added support for the updater plugin
+ + removed tabsrmms own avatar loading and managment code. It now builds on top of the
+ avatar service plugin (loadavatars.dll). You need this plugin installed in order to
+ get avatars working.
+ + added ability to render transparent PNG images when set as local contact pictures by
+ the avatar service.
+ ! fixed bug with formatting parser - ignore messages when they contain curly braces ( {
+ and } ) to avoid conflicts with the rtf syntax.
+ * several unicode fixes (status messages, xstatus messages and names, title bar format
+ (%m variable) and more.
+ * upgraded build environment to Visual C++ 8.0 (VSNET 2005).
+ New project file(s) are added to the source tree. tabSRMM_8.sln and tabSRMM_8.vcproj
+ are VC++ 8 compatible project files and can only be used with visual studio 2005.
+ The project files for Visual Studio .NET 2003 (tabSRMM.sln and tabSRMM.vcproj) are
+ still available.
+Version - 2005/07/23
+ ! extended status tooltip working with all (recent) ICQ.dll builds.
+ ! fixed clock symbol for some special situations.
+ + new title format variable: %m -> meta status. Has nothing to do with metacontacts.
+ How it works: If an extended status is set, it will be used. If not, the normal
+ protocol status is shown. Also supports custom status mode names using the XStatusName
+ db setting (supported by ICQJ and ISee).
+ ! typo in the template parser (%m variable)
+ * removed smiley selection window focus workaround. No longer necessary, because
+ fixed smileyadd doesn't mess up input focus any more.
+ + new shortcut: Ctrl-K -> clear input area
+ ! fixed %D and %E variables
+ + updated for smileyadd 1.5.0 (by borkra). Beginning with this release, tabSRMM does
+ no longer require its own smileyadd plugin and therefore this plugin has been removed
+ from the archive.
+ I suggest to update to the most recent smileyadd, available from:
+ It is strongly recommended to use this version, because it fixes a lot of issues and
+ has some internal improvements. It is fully compatible with all SRMM-based message
+ windows and therefore works with SRMM, tabSRMM, scriver and others.
+Version - 2005/07/18
+ ! null pointer check when retrieving status message. Fixes crash when retrieving
+ status messages.
+ ! fixed window icon problem (autoswitch related)
+ * added range checks for the panel splitter (don't save/load "invalid" values)
+ ! fixed icon on the "visibility indicator" in the info panel (only, when
+ using the manual quick toggle mode).
+ ! fixed "sticky" unread icon (didn't always go away when container got the focus.
+ ! corrected some typos
+ ! minor info panel fixes (toolbar menu)
+ * allow close tab within error state (visible error controls), Unsent messages which
+ returned an error are canceled. Messages "in progress" may still be sent, but the
+ ACK will then go to nowhere after the msg window has been closed.
+ * version bump (
+ * added %x variable for the titlebar to show the extended status mode description.
+ The following variables are now available:
+ %n - Nickname
+ %s - Status mode description
+ %c - container name
+ %u - UIN
+ %p - protocol
+ %x - extended status mode description (icq only)
+ + added ability to use underlined fonts in the message window when configured with
+ the font service plugin.
+ + the user notes field now follows the message input area configuration more closely.
+ ! some container settings didn't "stick" when set from the system menu or title bar
+ (stay on top, hidden titlebar)
+ + added support for unicode popups (tabsrmm_unicode only, obviously). It will auto-
+ matically detect a unicode-enabled popup.dll and use it.
+ * removed the clock icon from the contacts local time display. It is replaced by clock
+ symbols from the Wingdings font.
+ + added ability to configure several aspects of the info panel. Fonts and colors for
+ various fields can now be changed. Also, you can set up the background color for the
+ fields and their frame style.
+ Requires the font service plugin.
+ Frame style can be set on the "Tabs and layout" option page.
+ ! fixed Alt-GR (right alt) problem with some hotkeys.
+ + added hotkeys: it is now possible to cycle tabs using the multimedia keys:
+ "Browser backward" switches to the previous tabs
+ "Browser forward" switches to the next tab.
+ This should work with all properly configured multimedia keyboards and most
+ mice featuring extended button mapping (e.g. it works with the Logitech MX 510)
+ If it doesn't work for you, then your system is not configured properly.
+ NOTE: requires Windows 2000 or later.
+ * don't send typing notifications while opening a message window with a "saved" message.
+ * info panel can now retrieve and show custom extended status names and extended status
+ messages (very recent build of ICQJ required). If no custom status name is available,
+ the "built in" will be used, depending on the extended status code.
+ ! ignore icon pack version info check was, well, ignored... :)
+ ! fixed %E variable (did sometimes convert date/time to empty strings).
+Version - 2005/06/28
+ * container icon and title is now set earlier so that the container does not
+ show "Dialog" while tabs are created.
+ * fixed rtf parser to deal with some (rare) rich edit bugs.
+ * changed tab layouting for single AND multiline BUTTON tabs. Both modes are
+ now using fixed width tabs and the layouting code will try to always "fill"
+ the rows. An option to set the default fixed tab width has been added
+ to the tab appearance configuration dialog.
+ + new feature for event notifications (popups only):
+ tabSRMM can now remove popups for a contact under the following situations:
+ 1) container receives focus
+ 2) you start typing a reply
+ 3) you send a reply
+ The feature can be configured on the Options->Event Notifications page (in the
+ listbox with all the checkboxes inside - at the very end of the list).
+ Whenever one of these options is checked, tabSRMM will remove ALL popups for the
+ contact when one of the above conditions is true. Note that you can combine them,
+ but that doesn't make much sense. 1) (focus) always happens before any other event.
+ The feature is pretty useful if you have multiple popups from a single contact on
+ screen.
+ - removed status bar message "keyboard layout saved". No longer needed, because
+ the keyboard layout is now always visible as 2-digit code in the 2nd status bar
+ panel.
+ * minor layout changes in the message window. Toolbar buttons are slightly smaller
+ and got a better look when using classic Windows theme (3d effect toned down a
+ a bit).
+ * implemented a suggestion by Joe @ Whale, using IsUnicodeAscii() to check if a given
+ message really needs to be sent as unicode. If not, the message is sent ANSI only.
+ The advantage is that this may save A LOT of database / history size, because it
+ avoids storing every message twice (both ansi and UCS-2 parts). With the new
+ system, an UCS-2 part is only saved (and sent) when needed. Messages containing
+ 7bit characters only (0x00 - 0x7f, most latin characters) are safe to be sent as ansi.
+ ! fixed bug with formatting buttons
+ * removed "ding" sounds when using some hotkeys (Alt-S for example)
+ * various langpack updates
+ * ICON PACK: updated "unknown.bmp" (default avatar image). Thanks to Faith for the
+ .bmp.
+ * several (internal) changes to focus handling and tab activation. Some things have been
+ simplified in the code, and in some areas additional safety checks were added.
+ May result in new focus/redraw bugs, but overall, the new system is an
+ improvement. It just needs to stabilize.
+ * toolbar buttons are now always "flat" when using visual styles under XP. They no
+ longer use push button skinning. Beveled (3d) buttons are still available for
+ classic windows theme.
+ * DISMISS EVENT is back, but with a big warning when you first activate it / and or
+ run miranda with that option active. Also, it is only available for "click" actions,
+ you cannot set dismiss event for the popup timeout action.
+ * the tab control is now a full window class, and no longer only subclassed.
+ + new hotkeys:
+ ALT-I: quick show / hide the info panel
+ ALT-B: toggle BiDi option (switch between RTL and LTR)
+ * new option to format the title bar using variables. The format string for the title
+ bar is simple and may be up to 50 characters long. It can contain any text you want
+ and the following variables as placeholders:
+ %n - Nickname
+ %p - protocol
+ %u - UIN
+ %s - Status mode
+ You can set the default format string for all containers under Message Sessions->
+ Message Window->Containers.
+ You can also set a private title bar format string in the container options dialog.
+ Just tick "use private title format" and set the format template string.
+ * possible fix for a rare redrawing bug, resulting in black background on tabs (visual
+ styles, tabs at the top only).
+ * prevent custom template background colors from taking the rgb value 0,0,0 to avoid
+ a problem with icon transparency and "pure" black bg color. A pure black bg color
+ is converted to rgb(1,1,1).
+ + added support for the FontService plugin by sje to customize message window fonts and back-
+ grounds. If font service plugin is enabled, tabSRMMs own font+color configuration page
+ is disabled. However, tabSRMM still maintains its own copy of font + color settings in
+ the DB so that you can switch between using font service and the old dialog easily.
+ + restored "mark on double click" for the message history log.
+ * the info panel splitter now follows the settings for the normal splitter (global, private
+ saving policy etc.).
+ + added visual styles support for button tabs (using pushbutton skins).
+ ! fixed transparency issues when changing focus
+ + activating the smiley selection window does no longer switch containers transparency to
+ "inactive".
+ NOTE: requires new build of smileyadd.dll (included in this release) and does NOT work
+ with IEViews smiley selection window. Sorry for that, but it needs a small change in
+ the smiley selection window code. So I would have to distribute a modified IEView aswell
+ (which I don't like).
+ + added global options for container(s). The container options dialog now allows you to
+ set the options for any container to "global" or "private". All containers using global
+ options share one set of container configuration flags (and transparency values).
+ Title bar format and container window position/size can be set independently to either
+ global or private.
+ + added the info panel allowing for dual avatar display.
+ + added idle detection (if the protocol supports it) and render icons "dimmed" for idle
+ contactst.
+ + improved support for international nicknames. tabSRMM can now encode nicknames with the
+ ANSI codepage you've set for a given contact. To set a codepage, do the following:
+ * right click the message log in an open tabSRMM message window and select a code page
+ OR
+ * use the user preferences dialog (tabSRMM settings), available from the contacts context
+ menu
+ + more info panel stuff - ability to show the local time of the contact (if a timezone is
+ provided). Now also shows the protocol beside the status mode.
+ + hovering the status field in the info panel will try to retrieve the away message for
+ that contact and show it using a tooltip. Away msg retrieval is limited to once per
+ minute to avoid abuse by flooding the contact with awaymsg requests.
+ The little checkbox between the avatar and the status field can be used to disable
+ that feature (to avoid "accidentially" retrieving the status msg).
+ + tree views in various option pages were updated to use better check box and node
+ images.
+ + support for the scrolling service in future builds of IEView was added. Now, ieview
+ will always properly scroll down the message log.
+ + setting the own avatar, using the bottom avatar display (when the info panel is active)
+ will now set the protocols avatar. At the moment, this works only with MSN, because
+ it's the only protocol providing the SetAvatar service.
+ + added support for extra status icons (icq5). Requires a recent build of ICQJ (alpha) or
+ ISee. The extra status icon is visible in the info panel, just in front of the nickname.
+ + added ability to set a timezone for any contact, using the user preferences dialog box
+ (tabSRMM settings in the user context menu). This will work with all protocols and
+ OVERRIDE the contacts timezone provided by the protocol (currently, only icq provides a
+ timezone information).
+ If a valid timezone is found, the contacts local time will be shown in the info panel,
+ and can be used for message log timestamps.
+ + added "paste and send" feature. Available as a hotkey (Ctrl-D) or from the context menu
+ in the input area. Pastes the current contents of the clipboard to the message input area
+ and immediately sends the message. Needs to be enabled under Options->General->Sending
+ Messages.
+ + added tooltip to the info panel nickname field when the contact has set an extended
+ status (icq only).
+Version - 2005/05/23
+ * double click works again for closing tabs (even with button tabs)
+ ! bugfix: redraw errors when restoring a maximized container
+ + added a help window to the template editor describing all the variables and
+ modifiers.
+ * 2nd try to fix Ctrl-W and Ctrl-F4 (Win 9x only)
+ + added option to force some extra redraws (options -> tabs and layout -> Force
+ more aggressive window updates). If enabled, it will force additional re-
+ draws.
+ * optimized visual styles rendering on the tab control. Don't draw unneeded stuff.
+Version - 2005/05/20
+ ! bugfix - tab control did not use the proper visual style part for leftmost
+ tabs.
+ ! bugfix - in some cases, the wrong font was used for drawing the tab labels
+ so that they appeared oversized and clipped (or the opposite which resulted
+ in too much padding).
+ ! fixed Ctrl-W and Ctrl-F4 causing crashes.
+ * rewrote automatic container creation. Should be faster now, and hopefully
+ with less problems.
+ * changed visual style drawing method on tabs. Now, it uses real transparency
+ so it should work with all visual styles w/o drawing problems or inaccuracies.
+ ! when changing the style or theme, tab colors are re-read when using standard
+ windows colors to draw tab labels and backgrounds.
+ + added current 2-digit input locale identifier to the status bar.
+ + autlocale does no longer use WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST, because that's causing
+ troubles with some systems (reasons unknown). Instead, it now uses WM_INPUTLANGCHAGE
+Version - 2005/05/20
+ ! fixed bugs with the new custom tab control. No more label clipping errors
+ (hopefully). Also, when using classic windows theme, bottom tabs are
+ are restored to their default look and no longer show as buttons.
+ + added option to use standard windows colors for button style tabs to mark the
+ active and hot-tracked tab.
+ + added "autolayout" option for single row tab controls. If enabled, all tabs
+ will have the same width, depending on the number of tabs and available
+ space. Works only, if the tab control is in "single row mode". Tab text will
+ be clipped accordingly and filled with ellipsis (...), if needed.
+ The option to set the tab control to "single row" has been removed from the
+ container options and moved to the "Tab Appearance" dialog. It is now a
+ global setting. Multi-row tab controls are still supported however.
+ ! fixed weird bug with mousewheel behaviour when IEView is active.
+ * changed the "tabs and layout" option page to use a tree view with check-
+ boxes to make it consistent with other option pages.
+Version - 2005/05/20
+ * docs updated (Popups.txt, readme.txt, README.ICONS)
+ + added an option to disable tabSRMMs internal event notifications system
+ (options -> Message Sessions -> Event notifications). Use this, if you
+ want to continue using an external NewEventNotify plugin. This will only
+ prevent tabSRMM from showing popups or other notifications. Things like
+ the session list will continue to work.
+ The same switch is available on the tray context menu (Disable all event
+ notifications)
+ ! don't re-create the tray icon after explorer crash, if tray icon support
+ is disabled.
+ + variables added: %cX for setting a font color, & as variable modifier to
+ "skip" the contextual font setting.
+ * improvements to the tray and floater. There is a new option to show the
+ floater only when the contact list is minimized (not visible). Also, a bug
+ with windows minimized to the tray has been solved.
+ * optimized the template parser for more speed (as a penalty, the code size
+ increased a few k).
+ * several UI improvements to increase usabilty.
+ + added custom tab control with the ability to show skinned tabs at the bottom
+ properly. Also, it can be configured to act as a "button bar".
+ Right click a tab and choose "Configure Tab Appearance" to set some
+ options.
+ In "classic mode" (visual styles not available or disabled), bottom tabs
+ will always look "flat" (like a switch bar).
+ + added mousewheel-controlled tab switching. If you move the mousewheel while
+ the pointer is over the tab bar area, it will switch tabs. Moving the wheel
+ upwards will switch to the previous tab, while moving the wheel downwards
+ will switch to the next tab.
+ + added flicker-free avatar drawing
+ + changed grouping mode slightly. Last midnight will now break a group in any
+ case, so messages from yesterday cannot be grouped with messages from today.
+Version - 2005/05/10
+ ! fixed HUGE bug with bbcode color handling.
+ ! fixed memory leak in ShowPicture() (avatar handling). thanks to ghazan.
+ + added various settings to the message log and general options pages (icon/
+ symbol config, default send format).
+ + attempt to fix the mouswheel problem.
+ ! fixed month number variable
+ + added %fX variable (switch to font).
+ * autoreplacer should work again.
+ * fixed few visual glitches (multiple send indicator and switch toolbar on/off,
+ overlapping multisend indicator and message input area).
+ * free() sendqueue buffers in Unload() to stop BC complaining.
+ * msg log icons are no longer cached to allow fully "transparent" icons in
+ the message log. slightly slower when loading lots of events, but not
+ dramatically.
+ ! fixed bug with WYSIWYG formatting in the input box.
+ * bbcodes are no longer stripped when bbcode support is off. They are now ignored.
+ * redesigned the event popups option page. Separate settings for the floater are
+ now available.
+ + added option to show/hide floater (independent of tray icon support)
+ + added option to show the floater functionality in the message window. If enabled,
+ the status bar will show a small icon in the bottom left corner. Left click it
+ for a session list (list of open tabs), right click it for the tray menu to access
+ favorites, recent list and some global options. Again, this option is not related
+ to tray icon or floater support and can be enabled without the tray icon or the
+ floater being visible.
+ * some improvments to the template editor.
+ + fixed bug with favorite contacts menu.
+ + New hotkeys added:
+ Alt-NumPad/ -> set focus to the message log
+ Alt-NumPad* -> set focus to the message input area
+ Alt-M -> activate multisend mode (and set the focus to the multisend contact list
+ Alt-NumPad+ and AltNumPad- cycle tabs (same as CtrlPgUp/Dn)
+ ! fixed bug with IcoLib support (icons disappearing, crashes)
+Version - 2005/04/15
+ + added message templates for the default message log. As a result, many options
+ are now different or gone, because they can be replaced by using custom
+ templates in a better way.
+ Please refer to:,610.0.html
+ for some documentation about available variables and templates in general.
+ + Icon packs have been updated with proxal icons. Both the XP and the default
+ (98/ME) packs are now using the icons from the proxal set).
+ * no more smiley button in forwarding sessions, both for smileyadd and ieview.
+ Depending on the smiley pack configuration, smileyadd or ieview may crash,
+ because forwarding windows are not assigned to a specific protocol.
+ ! quoting selection with ieview may fail in a few very rare cases.
+ * Splitter position is now saved in a private database entry. It is no longer
+ shared with SRMM or other SRMM-based message windows. As a result, message
+ windows may come up with a default splitter position.
+ + added support for SRMM-style "focused" and "unfocused" incoming message
+ sounds. Focused, in that context, means that the container needs to be the
+ foreground window and the tab needs to be active. All inactive tabs or containers
+ are considered "unfocused".
+ Sound effects can be configured under Miranda Options->Events->Sounds
+ + added quick sound toggle switch on the status bar. The icon shows whether
+ sounds are off or on. Clicking the icon will toggle sound effects, holding
+ SHIFT while clicking the icon will apply the current state to all *open*
+ containers. Sound toggle is a per container setting and will be saved when
+ you close a container.
+ + save the font for the input area under SRMsg aswell so that the MSN plugin
+ will find it.
+ + the rich edit log can now recognize simple BBCode tags for formatting text in
+ bold, italic and underline.
+ + The parser has been updated and can now convert the rich edit output from the
+ message input box into bbcodes. It can still parse to "simple" tags (the */_
+ stuff) though. There is a new submenu in the protocol menu on the toolbar which
+ allows you to select which formatting method you want. You can also set this
+ "per contact" since not everybodys IM client can handle bbcodes.
+ + the message grouping mode has been overhauled. Just check it out - it looks
+ better :)
+ + integrated an own version of event notifications. tabSRMM no longer requires a
+ EventNotify plugin. This stuff has a lot of options, including support for system
+ tray baloon tooltips instead of popups (these can announce unicode messages). Also,
+ a very comprehensive system tray support has been added.
+ ! fixed a very rare unicode-related problem when using ieview.
+ + added message API as outlined in SRMM.
+ + added 2 submenus to the right-click tray menu: "Favorite Contacts" and "Recent
+ Sessions". The first lets you save up to 20 contacts as favorites. To save a
+ contact as favorite, open a message window and click the small dropdown button
+ on the toolbar, right of the user menu button. There is a submenu called "Favorites"
+ which allows you to add or remove a contact from the list of favorites.
+ The "Recent Sessions" list automatically saves the 20 most recently used sessions
+ (whenever you close a message window). Both favorites and recent sessions are
+ stored in the DB, so they will survive a miranda restart.
+ + added "auto select and copy" for the message history log. If you release the left mouse
+ button when text is selected in the log it will be copied to the clipboard instantly.
+ You need to enable this on the "General" option page ("Auto-copy message log selection")
+ * Hold CTRL to instantly insert the selected text in the message input area (plain text)
+ at the current cursor position (may replace any selection in the input area).
+ * Hold CTRL-ALT - as above, but inserts formatted text
+ * changed hotkeys: Alt-Left/Alt-Right for tab switching to Ctrl-PgUp/PgDown. Alt-Left/Right
+ causes some strange and annoying effects with some non-western keyboard layouts.
+ Reasons unknown so far.
+ + added hotkey to invoke the Protocol Menu: Ctrl-P (works with and without toolbar visible).
+ + included a new build of smileyadd which should fix the "gadu gadu" protocol bug (no smileys
+ visible on GG). The included smileyadd.dll is for TABSRMM ONLY.
+ ! various resource leaks fixed - thanks to ghazan for hunting them down :)
+ ! automatically creating tabs or windows does no longer switch and "steal" keyboard
+ layout (autolocale bug)
+ ! IEview no longer steals focus from the input area when a container has been created in
+ the background (minimized)
+ + added option to disable animation when minimizing containers to the system tray
+ + added tooltip for the tray icon so that XP remembers the autohide status of this icon.
+ + various popup fixes - they now show auth and added requests properly (including nickname
+ and protocol from which they came).
+ * the "add contact bar" is gone, because it was wasting way too much screenspace and made
+ the dialog layouting more complex than necessary. Instead, 2 buttons (Add it, Don't add)
+ are now visible for any contact which has not been permanently added to your contact list.
+ These buttons appear just right of the message input area (and left of the avatar, if
+ present) and are independent of the toolbar setting.
+ + added support for IEViews "save message log as html" feature. Choose File->Save Message
+ Log As..." from the menubar.
+ * reorganized message log options. Message log formatting is now global by default. A new
+ dialog has been added to the user menu (Messaging Options) which allows you to override
+ all "per contact" options.
+ + added hotkey: F12 toggles "freeze message log updates". When enabled, all updates to the
+ message log are frozen until you disable it again. That means, new messages are NOT sent
+ to the message log. However, these messages are not lost, they are internally queued and
+ will be written to the message log when you unfreeze it. This is useful, if you want to
+ read the message log w/o being disturbed by new arriving messages causing the log to scroll
+ to the bottom automatically.
+ + added better mouswheel handling. Using the mousewheel now scrolls the control with the
+ pointer in it (no need to change focus).
+ * replaced the tray-icon double click with a middle mouse button click action.
+ ! fixed: wrong (own) nickname may show up in the message log history for metacontacts.
+ + tray icon will now be recreated after explorer has crashed (and restarted).
+ * Meta Contacts support: show user details page of current protocol instead of the meta
+ contacts page.
+ + added a "floater" to access the session list and tray menus when tray icon support is
+ disabled. The floater is a small window which will stay on top and has 2 icons - one
+ will open the session list, the other will give you access to the tray icon context
+ menu holding some options and the favorites and recent menus.
+ Useful if you don't like the tray icon or usually work with a hidden taskbar.
+Version - 2005/04/11
+ * small fix with static avatars and toolbar button hiding.
+ + added support for the Math Module plugin. Requires recent MathModule
+ version. MathMod support can be activated on the Message Log options
+ page (only, if the plugin is active, otherwise the option is grayed out)
+ * attempt to fix a rich edit "feature" which may sometimes automatically change
+ input locale (keyboard layout).
+Version - 2005/04/11
+ * updated translation template, added german translation
+ * some option pages updated (conditionally enable/disable controls)
+ * removed unused "Sound" submenu from the menu bar.
+ * icon descriptions for IcoLib are now translateable (see the section at the
+ end of the language template).
+ + added MS_MSG_GETWINDOWAPI ("MessageAPI/WindowAPI") service for Message
+ API specs
+ * when using the "Send Later" send mode, a log message informs you about
+ successfully passing the message over to buddypounce. If using IEView, the
+ message is printed to the status bar instead.
+ * MetaContacts support - the status icons in the title bar and on the tool
+ bar are now showing the actual protocol icons. Also, smileyadd will now use
+ the smiley set which has been configured for the actual protocol. No more
+ need to define an extra smiley set for the MetaContacts protocol (does not
+ work with IEView though, because IEView does its smiley selection alone).
+ Consequently, the MetaContacts control menu has been moved from the status
+ bar to the tool bar -> right click the protocol button for the MetaContacts
+ context menu.
+ ! fixed small visual glitch with the add contact bar.
+ * changed memory handling for the sendqueue and input history.. fixed possible
+ memory corruption with DBCS strings.
+ * some IEView related updates.. codepage for force ansi send mode
+ + quoting support for IEView (requires very recent IEView, not yet released)
+ + bumped version requirement. Beginning with, tabSRMM REQUIRES Miranda
+ 0.4 or later.
+Version - 2005/03/31
+ * plugins like HTTPServer (and all others which try to feed text into the message
+ input area) should now work with the unicode version of tabsrmm.
+ ! fixed broken dialog layout on forward message
+ ! nicknames may again contain characters like { and } w/o messing up the message
+ log display.
+ * status bar remembers typing notification state
+ * static avatar code changed. It's now really static, although, internally
+ it is using the dynamic resizing code aswell. Static avatar mode can be
+ selected on the "General" options page, and you can specify a height limit for
+ avatars. Bigger images will be scaled down accordingly. When moving the splitter
+ upwards, the image will be vertically centered within the available space.
+ The splitter position may be adjusted to make enough space for the avatar.
+ NOTE: If you set the limit to 0, the avatars are hard limited to 100 pixels
+ in height (MSN appears to have the biggest avatars at 96x96 pixels).
+ ! GUI fixes (option pages)...
+ + it is now possible to set RTL as default text direction (Message Log options
+ page). The per-contact override is still working though, so if you have RTL set
+ as default, you can switch to LTR for some contacts.
+ ! splitter position is now decoupled from the message log settings. There is a new
+ submenu in the protocol menu dropdown on the toolbar where you can setup splitter
+ parameters (global, local, private).
+ Global: all tabs / windows use the same splitter position. Note that, when using
+ static avatars, splitter position may need to be corrected so that the avatar
+ can fit.
+ Per contact: Each contact has its own splitter position.
+ Private: This works as an "per contact" override. When using private, this contact
+ will always use its own splitter position and ignore global settings
+ completely. Useful, if you basically want a global splitter position, but
+ override it for a few contacts (for whatever reason given).
+ Also, the splitter menu allows you to disable auto-saving of the splitter position
+ when a tab is closed. "Save now" does exactly this - it saves the splitter position
+ depending on the current mode (global, per contact, private).
+ ! fixed some issues with forwarding and non-standard container modes (single window,
+ limited # of tabs/container).
+Version - 2005/03/28
+ * non-unicode version now sets the IEEF_NO_UNICODE flag for IEview. That may
+ resolve some crash problems.
+ * some fixes related to the new icon loading stuff (ico lib).
+ * rich edit max size fix for the message log
+ * more aggressivly obeys the maxmessagelen flag returned by a
+ protocol to set the maximum allowed size of a message typed into the input
+ area.
+ ! fixed typing notify icon in contact list and tray (did appear as blank).
+Version - 2005/03/24
+ * after quoting, input focus is set to the message input area.
+ + added support for the IcoLib plugin. If IcoLib is installed, you can change
+ tabSRMM icons using the GUI provided by IcoLib. You still NEED to install
+ an icon pack and put it into \plugins. This icon pack provides the default
+ icons, and you must not remove it, even if you override icons via IcoLib.
+ Iconpacks are still supported, so if you don't use IcoLib, you can still
+ change your icons by installing a different tabsrmm_icons.dll.
+ - the feature to load an icon pack at runtime has been removed, because of the
+ IcoLib support. IcoLib is a more comfortable way to change your icons at
+ runtime w/o having to restart miranda.
+ ! fixed vertical maximize when taskbar is at the top (hope so)
+ * the avatar does no longer react on left button clicks. This stops the flickering
+ aswell. Right button click still works and opens the context menu.
+ + added new send mode "send later". Buddypounce plugin is required for this
+ (otherwise it is disabled). It will just pass the message to buddypounce for
+ later delivery. Note: since buddypounce does not support unicode messages,
+ an implicit "force ansi" send mode is used.
+ * dialog layout tweaks. It is now possible to get rid of all borders, including
+ the outer tab control padding. The relevant settings are on the "tabs and
+ layout" option page. You can set inner and outer border/padding values. It's
+ a bit hard to explain what they do - best thing is to play around with them
+ + new options (message log option page). "Attempt to fix future timestamps.
+ CAUTION: may have side effects. What it does is simple: When appending incoming
+ events during a session (while the window is open), it does not check for the
+ timstamps and just appends them to the log. This will fix the issue, that messages
+ with a timestamp "in the future" will always appear at the bottom of the log.
+ It works only wile the window is open, it does not and CAN not work for loading
+ the history.
+Version - 2005/03/19
+ ! vertical maximize didn't allow to restore the window from the taskbar
+ + new hotkey Shift+Alt T toggles the menubar in the current container (remember,
+ Alt-T toggles the toolbar).
+ * vertical maximize can now be set quickly from the menu bar (view menu).
+ + added handler for ACKTYPE_FAILED (possibly used by "delete avatar" feature(s)
+ * changed smileybutton icon handling - if no button smiley is available in the
+ smileypack, the icon from the icons.DLL is now used by default.
+ * when "send formatting info is disabled", formatting buttons are hidden from the
+ toolbar.
+ * shift-clicking the user menu button now copies the real UIN of a metacontact (the
+ UIN of the "most online" protocol) and not the metacontact UIN itself (which is
+ pretty useless).
+Version - 2005/03/04
+ + added icon pack version information. Valid icon packs need to contain a string
+ identifier ("__tabSRMM_ICONPACK 1.0__") in order to be recognized. You can still
+ load icon packs without this identifier, but you'll get a warning message.
+ This was added to avoid problems when specifiyng a DLL which is, in fact, not
+ a valid icon pack for tabSRMM. In such cases, the plugin could even crash badly
+ on startup, which can be a very annoying (and hard to find) bug.
+ Also, with version information in the icon pack, future versions of tabsrmm may
+ work with "old" icon packs.
+ When you edit an iconpack, DO NOT change the string table identifier. The ordinal
+ number for the string identifier is 101.
+ The version check can be disabled on the "tabs and layout" page (just below the
+ option to load a new icon pack at runtime) by unchecking "Perform version check on Icon DLL"
+ + added option to "vertical maximize" a container (per container setting). If enabled,
+ a container is maximized only in its vertical dimension, so that the window will
+ take the entire screen *height*, but will keep its current width. When disabled,
+ the container will show default maximize behaviour (taking entire screen).
+ ! fixed bug with soft line feeds (SHIFT-Enter) when sending formatting info is enabled.
+ * changing message log or other option will no longer wipe the text from the input
+ area.
+ ! reset last eventtype and timestamp (for grouping messages) before rebuilding the log.
+ This fixes an issue where the first message in the log could be visible with "in group"
+ formatting (w/o an icon, nickname and long timestamp).
+ ! ctrl-enter inserts linefeed when "send on enter" is active. I broke that a few
+ versions ago.
+ * if an ansi codepage is set for the current contact (right click the message log and
+ select a codepage), the unicode version now uses this codepage to encode the ansi
+ part of the message. If no codepage is set, the default, system wide, codepage (CP_ACP)
+ will be used. This will only affect the unicode version, the ansi version is always
+ using the current codepage.
+ * force ansi send extended to receive - if set, messages received from a "force ansi"
+ contact will ignore the unicode part.
+Version - 2005/03/04
+ ! re-enabled the "show multisend" menu bar item.
+ ! export/import themes now show the appropriate file selection window (open/save as)
+ ! fixed send on shift enter.
+ ! "Flat message log" now tries to remove static edges from ieview and message input
+ area aswell.
+ ! detecting IEView on startup didn't work with some configurations.
+ ! When "send formatting info" was active in the non-unicode version, additional
+ linefeeds were sent at the end of each message.
+ ! new send mode - force ANSI. When enabled, messages will be sent as pure ansi,
+ using the current codepage. Useful when the client of your buddy has troubles
+ receiving unicode messages. This setting is a "per contact" OVERRIDE and WILL
+ STICK even if you close the message window until you deactivate it.
+ This has only an effect in the unicode version of tabSRMM - the non-unicode always
+ sends ANSI.
+ + the protocol menu is back. At the moment, it has only one submenu for configuring
+ the message log. It is now possible to switch between rich edit and IEView "on the
+ fly" while the message window is open. Please note, that these settings are saved
+ to the contacts db record, so you can now override the message log being in use
+ on a "per contact" basis.
+ Example: You have set the default option to use the IEView plugin (message log
+ options). You can now override this setting for a specific contact and force
+ the default message log.
+ (or vice versa, of course).
+ + made hotkeys translateable. Please refer to the translation template included in the
+ archive to figure out which strings need to be translated. The hotkeys are at the
+ very end of this file.
+ + new hotkey - Alt-T (default). Toggles toolbar quickly.
+Version - 2005/02/23
+ ! flicker-free formatting button update
+ ! changed multisend UI a bit. There is now a new button just right of the send button.
+ It's called "send menu" and looks like a small dropdown toolbar button. If you click
+ it (hotkey is Ctrl-S) a menu will open, allowing you to set the sending mode. 3
+ modes are available at the moment:
+ 1) Default (send to contact only).
+ 2) Send to multiple Users - will open the multisend window, allowing you to choose
+ up to 20 contacts.
+ 3) Send to container - this replaces the /all command (which didn't work well with
+ the new message input box code anyway) and will send the message to all tabs
+ in the current container.
+ More "sending modes" may be added in the future.
+ The old multisend button is gone, however, if you are in *any* multisend mode, an
+ icon will appear left of the input box, indicating that the message you are typing
+ *may* be sent to more than a single contact.
+ ! applying any options does no longer hide the error controls, if the window/tab is in
+ "error state".
+ * support for IEView's smiley-selection window added. If you have enabled the support
+ for the "external log" (ieview), the smiley button will now show IEViews smiley
+ selection control. This requires IEView or later.
+Version - 2005/02/22
+ Bugfix release only.
+ ! tab icons were partially broken because of the "load icon pack at runtime" feature.
+ ! The menu entry to select in/out icons did not work properly.
+ ! when loading a new icon pack at runtime, all message windows will be closed before
+ applying the new icons. A dialog box will inform you about this and you can, of course,
+ cancel the process.
+ ! the "protocol menu" button was visible, even it does not (yet) provide any functionality.
+ ! The option "do not resize avatars less than x pixels in height" should now work ok.
+ ! fixed possible problem with unicode detection.
+Version - 2005/02/17
+ First, this requires a new tabsrmm_icons.dll format. Icons have been added , so you'll
+ need to upgrade your icon packs. You can use the provided .DLL files as a template
+ as always. The new ordinal numbers are:
+ #19 secureim disabled
+ #20 secured connection
+ 19 and 20 are only necessary, if you have a tabsrmm compatible SecureIM.dll (which
+ is not yet available).
+ #21 this icon is now used for status changes
+ + merged std's patch for improved indenting with tabstops. This option works best
+ with the following msg log settings:
+ *) grouping enabled
+ *) message body in a new line
+ *) mark followup messages with timestamps
+ It is a new message log option, available either as global or per-contact option
+ (depending on the message log option mode - global or per-contact).
+ + merged Ghosts patch for interaction with the SecureIM plugin. It needs an updated
+ Secure IM plugin which is not yet released.
+ ! fixed a resizing issue with "windowshade" mode (if you're using windowblinds or other
+ utilities which support "rolling up" a window and reduce it to the title bar only.
+ * changed the option pages to use a tab control. Now, tabSRMM inserts not more than
+ 2 entries into the options "tree" of Mirandas main options dialog.
+ * Message windows (all settings concerning the log, containers, layout etc.)
+ * typing notify (the old typing notify dialog).
+ * fonts and colors - still an extra page.
+ Thanks to JdGordon for providing the sample source code :)
+ + options->fonts and colors: New setting "Extra microspacing at the end of a paragraph".
+ Does exactly this. It adds "n" pixels of additional space after a paragraph and
+ before the grid line (if using them). This is to avoid the rather ugly look with
+ some fonts, where characters like "j, g, y" etc." are sitting directly ON the
+ grid line. You have to tweak this setting depending on the font you are using
+ for displaying messages - some fonts need it, others dont. Set it to 0 to
+ disable the effect.
+ + The hotkey Alt+X now works like in other programs - it interpretes the characters
+ preceding the cursor as hexadecimal representation of a valid unicode character code
+ and inserts this character right at the cursor.
+ e.g. type "263a" and hit Alt+X - it will insert a little face.
+ ! in status change events, the nickname was displayed with the wrong font/color setting
+ (own nickname configuration).
+ * changed ACK code - the "per message window" ack handler is now replaced by a global
+ ack dispatcher.
+ + multisend is back, still EXPERIMENTAL though. Use with care and be warned that some
+ stuff, like error handling, doesn't work as it should. Multisend is currently limited
+ to 20 contacts/send - this may or may not change in the future, depending on how well
+ it works.
+ ! when creating tabs minimized in the background, the container didn't always flash as
+ it should.
+ + added new icon to the tabsrmm_icons.dll ordinal #21 - used for status change messages
+ in the message log.
+ + added new color option in the "Fonts and colors" dialog. It is now possible to set the
+ color of the *horzontal" grid lines independently of the background color. The vertical
+ grid lines can not use this color (its a rich edit limitation), but you can disable them
+ if you want.
+ + added *basic* theming support. The message log menu (menubar or toolbar button) contains
+ 2 new entries which allow you to export or import all visual settings to/from .ini
+ format files. The following things are exported:
+ * all fonts (including colors, style, charset etc..)
+ * all background colors
+ * all message log formatting options.
+ The files are using a .tabrmm extension but are standard plaintext .ini files.
+ + added extra font setting for error messages. Previously, they were using the same font
+ as status changes did. The new font setting is appended to the font list, so you don't
+ need to reconfigure everything this time :)
+ * unified all eventhooks - finally.
+ + added simple text formatting routines for formatting *bold* /italic/ and _underline_
+ in the message log. Some code was taken from the textformat plugin and adopted to
+ tabSRMM (unicode aware, some small changes)-
+ * added message log options: "use symbols instead of icons". This will use symbols
+ from the webdings font for marking events in the message log, instead of drawing
+ icons. The advantage is that this is WAY faster and uses only a fraction of the
+ memory consumed by the icon code. There are 2 new font settings (symbols incoming
+ and symbols outgoing) - you can set the size+color, but not the font itself (it
+ is forced to use the Webdings symbol font).
+ - removed static avatar layout. Avatars are now always dynamically resized and the layout
+ is constantly tweaked to avoid a "damaged" tool bar. A new option is available
+ under Options->Messaging:
+ [ ] Always keep the button bar at full width
+ This option, when enabled, will prevent the avatar from using toolbar space. Its
+ useful if you have enabled the formatting buttons, because they will increase the
+ space needed on the toolbar significantly.
+ [ ] Do not resize avatars less than [___] pixels in height.
+ When opening a window/tab, the avatar will be kept in its original size when it is
+ less than x pixels heigh (where x is configurable). The splitter position will be
+ set so that the avatar can be drawn unresized.
+ ! fixed dividers screwing up linespacing sometimes.
+ * UIN is now cached for non-metacontacts (saves service calls at every status change and
+ titlebar update.
+ * UIN can now be shown in the status & title bar. The UIN button is gone from the tool-
+ bar.
+ * changed toolbar code. Its no longer possible to hide button groups separately. You
+ can now quickly show/hide the toolbar from a menu entry (view->tool bar) or from the
+ container options dialog. Toolbar is also no longer a global, but a "per container"
+ setting, so you can have different configurations in different containers.
+ Toolbar resizing and button hiding is now dyanmic. The layout code will hide less
+ important buttons when there is not enough space.
+ + new option -> Tabs and layout: Flat message log. When checked, the message log will
+ appear w/o a border or static window edge.
+ + ability to configure which buttons should be hidden first when the available space
+ on the button bar is not sufficient to display all buttons. You can choose between the
+ formatting controls and the standard buttons. You can also choose if you want the send
+ button to be hidden automatically.
+ * The "add contact" button is gone from the standard toolbar. For contacts which are not
+ on the contact list, additional controls will be shown "on demand", including a button
+ to add them.
+ * improved formatting code - you can now write something like _this_is_nice_ and the
+ formatting code will ignore tags within words. Options->message log->Format whole words
+ only. In general, this will ignore formatting "tags" (*/_) within words, which means
+ that you can only format whole words.
+ + it's now possible to change the icon theme "on the fly". You can load a new icon .dll
+ under Options->Message Window->Tabs and layout. All icons will be updated "on the fly".
+Version - 2005/01/24
+ + added support for the snapping windows plugin. Yeah, even if I personally HATE
+ snapping windows, its done. Why? Because this great plugin makes it so easy -
+ a single line of code is enough :)
+ You can find this great plugin here:
+ However, its off by default, you need to activate it by checking the option
+ under Options->Message sessions->Message containers.
+ * changed window flashing code. Its now using FlashWindowEx() which means that
+ tabSRMM won't work on Windows 95 anymore, but I don't think thats a problem :)
+ The advantage is a code which is less complex and saves resources as well (the
+ old code had to deal with timers for flashing the windows, the new code doesn't
+ need to do this anymore).
+ Another advantage is that you can now set the number of flashes (only applies to
+ containers which are using the "default" value and are NOT set to flash forever)
+ and the flashing interval. You can find both options under Options->Message sessions->
+ Container options.
+ ! The option "use contacts local time" should no longer break message grouping when
+ the adjusted time of the buddy is "in the future".
+Version - 2005/01/20
+ + new "per container option": "Use static icon" - if checked, the
+ container will use a static icon instead of showing the contacts
+ status icon. The icon will be obtained from the tabsrmm_icons.dll
+ using ordinal #18 (IDI_CONTAINER). If you're using a modified
+ tabsrmm_icons.dll, you'll have to reshack it and supply a valid
+ icon.
+ The message icon will still be visible when the container has unread
+ events in one of its tabs, but the status icon(s) will be replaced by
+ the static container icon.
+ * the tabsrmm_icons.dll will now be recognized in both the .\plugins and
+ .\icons subdirectories.
+ Order of search is:
+ a) .\plugins
+ b) .\icons
+ ! just another focus fix - in some cases, containers didn't gain the focus
+ when they actually should. Opening sessions using hokeys (HotContact plugin)
+ should now work again.
+ ! metacontacts support - don't force a protocol when the MetaContacts protocol
+ returns an error.
+ ! metacontacts support - check for forced protocol at tab creation.
+ PLEASE UPDATE your MetaContacts plugin -> at least is now required
+ by tabsrmm.
+ + new option: "Flash contact list and tray icons for new events in unfocused windows".
+ This is some kind of "icq style" event notification - the contact list and
+ the tray icon will flash when you receive a message in a window which is not
+ focused. Only the first event for each contact will trigger the flashing and
+ it will go away when the tab receives the focus. You may also click the tray icon
+ or double click the contact in the clist to activate the tab.
+ You can find this option under "Options->Message sessions->Messaging"
+ Note that, this MAY cause problems with other events like incoming file transfers.
+Version - 2005/01/18
+ ! fixed - status icon on the container did not appear when the title bar
+ was forced to not show the buddy status text.
+ ! the dialog box for choosing the autopopup status modes is now translateable.
+ ! hopefully fixed the long standing bug which was causing the container to
+ steal the focus, even when it was created minimized on the taskbar.
+ * NEW SEND QUEUE system - work in progress, handle with care :)
+ multisend is temporarily disabled, because it doesn't really work right
+ now, but in the end it should, and it should work even better than the
+ old system.
+ The rewritten send queue may cause troubles with error handling, so please
+ backup your old tabsrmm.dll first. You have been warned.
+ Also, icon feedback may be broken as of now.
+Version - 2005/01/14
+ ! fixed a few translation bugs (menu bar, the new status mode dialog)
+ + new option: typing notify->Flash window once on typing events.
+ This can be disabled to avoid the flashes when a typing notification
+ arrives...
+ It is enabled by default and replaces the old option to enable the
+ typing notify window icons (which is gone).
+ ! manually opening a container does not give him a message icon instead
+ of the status icon.
+ * when a container shows a message icon indicating unread events in one
+ of its tabs, the typing notify icon may temporarily override the message
+ icon.
+ + meta contact support: When the toolbar button is set to show the full UIN,
+ it will now display the UIN of the active subcontact, instead of the
+ MetaContact ID# (which is a simple number and not really important to know).
+Version - 2005/01/08 - BETA
+ This is the first official "BETA" version of tabSRMM. It will be released on
+ Mirandas plugin page as well as my sourceforge project site. There are a few
+ known bugs left, but otherwise the plugin works fine and has lots of new options
+ and features since the last "official" release which was 0.0.8.
+ * removed debugging option to disable micro linefeeds
+ * minor layout changes (avatar field alignment and tab control client area)
+ * removed obsolete code for layouting the multisend splitter in the old way.
+ * reviewed all dialog boxes and maxed the horizontal space for most
+ configuration options (checkboxes mainly) to make translation into other
+ languages easier.
+ * included new version of NewEventNotify which should help against double
+ popups when using the metacontacts plugin.
+ * the option "Remove trailing empty lines" is now on by default.
+ + added basic support for the metacontacts plugin. There is a new status
+ bar indicator showing the protocol in use. It is there for all contacts,
+ but for metacontacts it opens a context menu if you click the protocol
+ icon with your right mouse button.
+ * changed internal typing notification code - it's now using the popup configuration
+ setting from the current container so that you can have the baloon-type
+ tray notifications or flashing icons based on the state of the current window
+ (minimized, unfocused etc.)
+ ! the error control buttons were not translateable. Fixed.
+ * metacontacts support: unforce protocol added to tab closing code and the
+ context menu in the status bar.
+ * tabsrmm can now display notifications and debug messages using ballon-type
+ tray notifications. This feature no longer depends on the popup plugin.
+ See: Options->Message Session->Messaging->Notifications. Three settings are
+ available:
+ * None (disable them completely)
+ * Tray notifications (use baloon-style tray tooltips)
+ * Popups - use popups. If the popup plugin is not installed, it will fall
+ back to tray notifications.
+ * the included NewEventNotify plugin can now use the OSD (on screen display)
+ plugin to display its notifications about new messages. You need to have
+ the OSD plugin installed and you need to actiavte it under:
+ Options->Popups->Event Notify->Use OSD plugin instead of popups.
+ NOTE: this is experimental - the osd plugin is very new and may contain
+ bugs.
+ + added a tooltip to the new status bar panel - it shows your own nickname
+ and the active protocol.
+ ! (hopefully) fixed a possible "crash at exit" problem.
+ + session stats tracking code added. tabSRMM will now track the stats of a
+ session, including the session length, the number of sent and received
+ messages, the total amount of sent and received characters, and the number
+ of delivery failures.
+ There is no code (yet) to display these stats though.
+ + merged bids crash fixes for the smileyadd plugin into my own version of
+ smileyadd for tabSRMM.
+ + added versioninfo block to the resources.
+ + added an option to specify on which status modes, windows and tabs may be
+ created automatically on incoming events.
+ Check "Options->Message sessions->Message tabs->Setup Status modes...
+ * changed the title bar + icon notification code. The message icon is now ex-
+ clusivly used for indicating a waiting event in a tab. Typing notifications
+ will be shown in the title bar, unless the window is focused.
+ Typing notification messages + icons should no longer remain when the window
+ receives a "typing off" message.
+ Version - 2005/01/04
+ ! fixed close tab on double click
+ ! fixed missing PREF_UNICODE on resend attempts
+ * new event for the event API - its fired before a message is sent. An external
+ plugin can use it to alter the content of the message input area.
+ This is for developers only - The event is sent via the MSG_WINDOW_EVT_CUSTOM
+ event type and the tabMSG_WINDOW_EVT_CUSTOM_BEFORESEND subtype is passed
+ via the evtCode field of the TABSRMM_SessionInfo structure. A pointer to this
+ structure is passed via MessageWindowEventData.local.
+ (see m_tabsrmm.h and m_message.h for further details).
+Version - 2004/12/02
+ * small change in smileyadd and tabSRMM's interface to smileyadd as an attempt
+ to fix a rare bug with smiley background color in chat.dll windows.
+ YOU NEED TO REPLACE smileyadd.dll with the version in the archive, otherwise
+ smiley backgrounds in tabsrmm will not work when using the individual background
+ colors.
+ + new option - > auto close tab after x minutes of inactivity.
+ Does exactly that. Tabs don't get autoclosed when:
+ a) unread messages are there (the tab icon is flashing)
+ b) the input area contains characters
+ Things, which reset the inactivity timer:
+ a) typing in the input area
+ b) new message arriving
+ c) activating/focusing the tab
+ ! fixed disappearing avatar when applying options
+ ! fixed right-alt-v does no longer paste.
+ * quoting does no longer replace the entire typed message. The quoted text is now
+ inserted at the caret location.
+ * You can now disable "Send on SHIFT Enter".
+ * The small timestamp for grouped messages can be replaced by a simple ">" character.
+ * added a new icon pack to the archive which you can find in the contrib directory.
+ This iconpack was contributed by Faith Healer. Thanks for sharing :)
+ + added the new event api also found in SRMM to support external plugins.
+ + added new option to delete temporary contacts when closing a session.
+ + SHIFT-INS now behaves like CTRL-V and pastes plain text.
+Version - 2004/11/14
+ * unified the unsent and charcounter displays on the statusbar. The new format
+ is now: x/yyyy where is is the number of queued messages (normally 0) and yyyy
+ the number of chars typed into the input box.
+ Reason: Make space on the status bar for new indicators coming in the future.
+ * When using dynamic avatar resizing, the maximum size of an avatar is no longer
+ limited to 300 x 300 pixels. It can be up to 1024x768 pixels (not recommended though,
+ as this will use quite some memory) and will be downsized to match the splitter
+ position.
+ * the dynamic avatar resizing now enforces a horzontal size limit - the avatar cannot
+ gain more than 80% of the width of the window width so the message input area
+ will never completely disappear because of the avatar taking all the available
+ space. Note that this may corrupt the aspect ratio of an avatar picture.
+ ! fixed severe bug with avatars (messing up contacts handle)
+ * added smart avatar resizing - when using the dynamic avatar resizing option,
+ the layouting code will now take care that the avatar won't take too much space
+ of the button bar. it will try to keep all the button visible.
+ * threaded streaming (icon + smiley replacement) is now only used for filling the
+ initial message log. For adding single messages to the log, the threading stuff
+ is a waste because of its overhead.
+ ! a divider should not appear at the very beginning of the message log, even if the
+ session qualifies for a divider because of its unfocused state.
+ Version - 2004/11/13
+ * various avatar layouting fixes.
+ * removed "Send on double enter" as this is broken due to the rich edit input
+ area.
+ * fixed MingW32 Makefile - works with GCC 3.4.1 and recent MingW32 builds.
+ Note, compiling with GCC results in a dll about 60-70 k larger than the
+ Visual C++ build - this is normal and no reason to worry...
+ * the "unsent" display did not update properly when changing tabs.
+ * the small line just below the menu bar (menu bar separator) is now coupled
+ with the visibility of the menu bar. It's invisible while the menu bar is
+ hidden.
+Version - 2004/11/11
+ * RTL didn't fully work for the message input area
+ * added small 2pixel margins to the message input area to make it look better
+ * If you're using per-contact message log settings, you can now apply the current
+ log formatting options to all your contacts by choosing the option from the menu.
+ * 2 new options for globally setting avatar display mode:
+ * On, if present -> show avatar if there is a valid one
+ * Globally off. Never show any avatar. No exceptions.
+ * dynamic avatar resizing added. Check this under options -> messaging.
+ It will resize the avatar so that it fits depending on the current splitter
+ position. Splitter setting is enforced, so it will never change because of
+ the size of the avatar.
+ * The unicode version is no longer using a RichEdit20W control for the input
+ area. Instead, its using the "A" version in conjunction with the extended
+ API for fetching and setting unicode strings.
+Version - 2004/11/07
+ * the unicode version now uses utf-8 encoding to store various unicode settings
+ in the DB. No more blobs.
+ * ability to show the tabs at the bottom. Looks fine with classic windows theme,
+ but may look strange with visual styles.
+ NOTE: Please don't complain - the official word from MS is that bottom tabs
+ are UNSUPPORTED under Windows XP when using visual styles. So either find
+ a style with "symmetric" tab skins (they look fine with bottom tabs in most
+ cases) or don't use bottom tabs.
+ Or use classic theme :)
+ * New menubar added. It can be hidden (as a per container setting) and contains
+ many options which are normally only accessible via various option pages.
+ * input area is now a rich edit control instead of a normal multiline edit box.
+ It was changed to allow future additions like text formatting
+ * new avatar setting: Disable automatic Avatar updates. You can find it in the
+ avatar menu on the toolbar and in the new menu bar. This setting is "per contact"
+ only and will prevent automatic avatar changes, if you have, for example, set
+ your own custom picture for a specific contact.
+ * simplified the font settings a bit. There are now less than before and they
+ were moved to another DB module path. So you will probably have to reconfigure
+ your fonts :(
+ * fast copy the UIN to the clipboard by clicking on the usermenu button (second
+ button from the left) while holding the shift key.
+ * Global settings for avatar display added. See Options -> Messaging. There are
+ 3 modes available to activate avatars per default, per default for protocols
+ which support them, or manually per contact.
+Version - 2004/10/17
+ * fixed middle click close did not respect the "warn onl close" setting.
+ * fixed small cosmetical issue with the status bar tn icon.
+ * fixed typing notify icon not clickable if char count panel was disabled.
+ * changed font and color configuration dialog. It now uses the same system
+ also used by the contact list font configuration screen. It's more
+ convient and easier to setup. You will probably have to re-setup some of
+ your font and color options.
+ * redone the message log options dialog. Now, with the fonts moved to their
+ own page, this option page is less cluttered and easier to use.
+ * changed the code which loads the smiley button icon. It now uses a button-
+ icon (if the smileypack contains one). If not, it tries to load the :) icon
+ and resizes it to 16x16 (if necessary). If all fails, a default icon from
+ the icon.dll is used.
+ * made the thin (1pixel) grid lines optional. They are causing troubles with
+ some versions of the rich edit control. If you happen to get "invisible"
+ messages at the end of the log, turn off the "Thin grid lines" option.
+ * changed the way indent works. There is now also a right-indent value.
+ If no indent value is given, a default of 3 pixel is used for left and right
+ margins.
+ * ARGH, don't free() a pointer which might be needed ages later :)
+ This one was ugly, causing crashes after a failed message delivery.
+ * redone the error controls. They are now at the top of the window, so there
+ is no more need to hide the button bar in order to show the error controls.
+ * New message log formatting option: Group subsequent messages. If this is on
+ and you receive or send more than 1 message in a row, then those messages
+ will be "grouped". There will be no divider (grid line) between the grouped
+ messages, and only the first one will show the full header (nick and complete
+ timestamp). Subsequent messages will only show a short timestamp (no date).
+ To make this look "good" you will probably have to play a bit with timestamp
+ and indentation settings.
+ * the message log code now caches rtf font formatting strings for the. This will save
+ a few dozens of DB accesses and font calculations PER EVENT (message) when
+ building the message log. The speedup when loading 100 old events is
+ noticeable, even on fast machines.
+ * its now possible to sync sounds for incoming message with the current container
+ option
+ * improved "scroll to bottom" code. Works better when aligning avatar settings.
+ + added ability to use "relative" timestamps like "Today" and "Yesterday"
+ + added option to display date in "long" format (depends on your regional settings)
+ * various fixes for the rich edit streaming code. All options, including thin
+ grid lines should now work for the Windows XP SP2 version of the rich edit
+ control.
+ * moved the status bar to the container window. Previously, each tab had its own
+ status bar, which is a waste of resources. Now, they have to share a single
+ status bar.
+ + added EXPERMIMENTAL multithreading for replacing icons and smileys in the message
+ log. The option is on the messaging options page and is off by default.
+Version - 2004/10/06
+ * sendquue stuff added. No more disabled input box while a message is sent.
+ * more smileyadd changes, tabSRMM now has "native" support for a custom version
+ of smileyadd. It also places its own smileybutton.
+ * icons splitted into a resource DLL. You NEED TO COPY ONE OF THE INCLUDED
+ tabsrmm_icons.dll to your Miranda plugin folder, otherwise you won't get
+ any icons.
+ + new feature: you can toggle your own typing notifications FOR THIS CONTACT
+ ONLY by clicking the icon in the lower right corner of the window.
+ NOTE that this only toggles the checkbox also found in the main miranda
+ options, so it will NOT force sending tn to contacts which are, for
+ example, not on your visible list.
+ * a small (2 pixel) padding has been added to the message log window, even
+ when the normal indent is switched off.
+ * grid lines are now only 1 pixel in width (they were 2).
+ + the smiley button now shows the default smiley icon used for the :) smiley
+ (if available). The icon will be sized down to SM_CXSMICON/SM_CYSMICON
+ if necessary in order to fit on the button.
+ If no default icon is available in the smiley pack, a fallback icon from
+ tabsrmms own icon.dll will be used.
+ * subclassed the tab control to make "close on middleclick" possible.
+Version - 2004/10/02
+ * disabled the streaming thread stuff - it was causing problems which could
+ be fixed, but require some more work "under the hood".
+ * simplified divider code. No need to stream en extra event for these little
+ lines.
+ * displaying message log icons should be way faster now
+ * fixed smileybutton appearance somewhere in the message log when button bar
+ was disabled.
+ * MSN avatars now update the mTooltip "Photo" page (if present).
+Version - 2004/09/26
+ ! message log icons are now forced into 16x16 format
+ ! the message log icon code now only searches the appended text when a new
+ message arrives which results in much faster operations for logs holding
+ a huge amount of text.
+ + new option to limit the maximum number of tabs per container. This works
+ only for unassigned contacts (contacts which open in the default container)
+ and is not available when using the CLIST group container mode (grouping
+ your contacts according to your clist group configuration and then breaking
+ them up again wouldn't make sense anyway).
+ Set the limit to 1 if you want one window per contact.
+ * changed the EVENTTYPE for the status logging code. This will avoid such events
+ beeing classified as "SMS" events.
+ NOTE: if you experience troubles with the log ignoring the color/font settings
+ for old and new events: This is a result of this change and it will AUTOMATICALLY
+ go away as soon as there are no more old status change events in the log. So
+ you could for example limit the number of old events loaded...
+ There is also a new "NewEventNotify.dll" which you need to install in order to
+ avoid the "unknown event" popups if you have:
+ a) status change logging enabled, and
+ b) enabled the NewEventNotify option to get notifications on "other" events.
+ * loading the avatar is now using its own thread to avoid a frozen main thread
+ while loading remote pictures.
+ + new option on "message tabs" options page: You can remove the static edges on
+ the splitter and the line just below the message log to get a completely "flat"
+ looking toolbar.
+ + new container mode: "Use single window mode". This will create implicit containers
+ for each session you open. It will completely ignore all container assignments
+ you have made (they will stay intact though, so you could switch back to
+ manual or CLIST group mode at any time) and open a single window per contact.
+ + added msg log icon for status changes (global "user online" icon.
+ + added multithreaded streaming. Now, all streaming is done by a separate thread
+ which frees the main thread from doing this. This can avoid a "frozen" main
+ thread and unresponsive ui when large amounts of data need to be streamed into
+ the message log window.
+ This is EXPERIMENTAL, it may cause other unexpected problems.
+ * disabled UNDO functionality in the Rich Edit control (message log). It's not
+ needed (the control is read-only) and just wastes resources.
+ + new icon set for the button bar. Contributed by a member from the Miranda
+ community. Very nice and colorful icons, the button bar looks a lot better
+ now :)
+ * more tightly interoperration with smileyadd. tabSRMM now has its own smiley
+ button. You can also change smiley replacement "on the fly" and do no longer
+ need to restart miranda. The code will detect if smileyadd is available and
+ installed. Please DISABLE the button inserted by smileyadd under
+ Options->Events->Smileys unless you want the button appear twice :) The new
+ smiley button also solves the "focus lost" problem, now the input area
+ regains focus after inserting a smiley.
+ * button bar icons are now loaded once at plugin startup. There is no need for
+ each tab having its own copy of the icons, since those icons are static and
+ never change during the "lifetime" of the plugin.
+ * its now possible to disable the multithreaded streaming code in case you have
+ problems. It's enabled by default and you can disable it on Options->Messaging
+ You NEED TO RESTART miranda if you change this setting.
+Version - 2004/09/24
+ + new "mIRC style" tab selection hotkeys. ALT-1 to ALT-0 will select the
+ corresponding tab. ALT-1 will select the leftmost (first) tab, and ALT-0
+ the rightmost (last) tab. Maybe confusing if you have more tabs than
+ actually fit on a single row.
+ + added a few pixels of padding "inside" the message log so that characters
+ won't touch the inner border of the rich edit control anymore.
+ * container system menu: rearranged menu items so that close will always be
+ at the bottom of the menu (hinted by OnO).
+ * new option on the message log page: Use Arrow icons: This will replace the
+ message icons in front of each message with small arrows showing the direction.
+ A green arrow marks outgoing, and a red arrow incoming events.
+ * experimental fix for highlighting issues when using individual background
+ colors. Trailing lines are now removed from the message if they are empty.
+ It's still possible to have empty lines within a message, but if the last
+ line of the message body is *completely* empty, it will be removed.
+ This solves the problem which occured with individual background colors
+ where those empty lines were actually drawn with the default background
+ color (very ugly).
+ You need to activate this explicitely on the "Message Log Options" page.
+ * avatar changes: It's now again possible to choose an avatar from the message
+ window if you do not have mTooltip installed. Just click the picture menu
+ button (left of the history button) and choose "Load a local picture as avatar".
+ Note that the avatar section must be visible (toggle it on before), otherwise
+ the menu item will be greyed out. Selecting the avatar from the message window
+ will also write the picture to the mTooltip setting (if available), so you
+ don't have to change the picture twice if you're using mTooltip plugin.
+ * fixed CTRL-backspace. If there are more lines than the input box can actually
+ display w/o scrolling, ctrl-backspace was always setting the cursor to the
+ start of the text. Now, the cursor is always placed at the end.
+ * changed MSN avatar code. Now, a single event hook cares about all sessions. This
+ should avoid performance problems on slower machines with lots of MSN sessions
+ opened.
+Version - 2004/09/21
+ ! fixed a few layout issues with multisend clist not updating correctly
+ + added support for the new avatar notifications of the MSN protocol. This
+ will require very recent builds of MSN and Miranda. Avatars are now up-
+ dated in "real time" whenever they change.
+Version - 2004/09/19
+ * new icon code for showing message log icons. It uses code from smileyadd
+ to insert icons as ole objects so they can use the "proper" background color
+ if you're using different colors for incoming and outgoing messages.
+ * message input area has now a "static edge" instead of the frame. Looks better
+ and matches the border style of the message log (also a static edge type).
+Version - 2004/09/17
+ ! fixed bug with autoswitch tabs and tabs created in the background (they
+ didn't flash after autoswitching to another tab).
+ ! layout changes. It's now possible to hide all tab control borders if
+ multiple tabs are opened by setting the value for "Tab control border"
+ to zero (Message tabs options page).
+ If only one tab is open and you have configured tabSRMM to hide the tab
+ bar, then no borders will be visible as well.
+Version - 2004/09/16
+ + added individual background colors for incoming and outgoing messages. Set
+ the colors under Options>Message Sessions->Message log and activate the
+ option. You can also activate the "grid" which will show grid-like lines
+ between the messages. The grid uses the default background color.
+ Known issues with this feature: a)Smileys are rendered with the default bg
+ color, because smileyadd cannot know about the new colors (it assumes that
+ the message log window has only one background color). Workaround: don't use
+ high contrast colors between the default and the individual colors. For
+ example, use a light grey as default color and a light blue/red for
+ the individual colors.
+ b) Icons break the background color stuff. No idea why and how to fix it
+ so if you care then don't use icons and the individual bg colors at
+ the same time.
+ * changed buddypounce interoperability. Now, tabSRMM does no longer add the
+ messages to the history. Instead you get a notification about the message
+ being sent to buddypounce for later delivery. Buddypounce adds them to the
+ database when it actually sends them.
+Version - 2004/09/14
+ * changed avatar code.
+ + new mouse "gesture". Double click the button bar while holding the left ALT key
+ to show/hide the button bar and its controls. This is only temporary and will
+ not affect the global options under Message Sessions->Messaging. It will also
+ not be saved anywhere.
+ + dividers can now use the popup configuration (basically, this wil dividers
+ make appear in tabs which would also trigger a event notification popup,
+ based on the containers popup configuration mode).
+ + avatars are now updated in "real time" when you change the picture on the
+ photo page.
+Version - 2004/09/13
+ + added a "send later" button to the error dialog which appears when a message
+ send fails. Clicking it will hand over the message to the buddy pounce
+ plugin for later delivery. Obviously, this feature requires the Buddy
+ Pounce plugin to be installed, otherwise the button will be inaccessible.
+ + added new option -> "use contact list group names for organizing containers"
+ You can find this option on the Container options page under Options->Message Sessions.
+ If this option is enabled, tabSRMM automatically assigns contacts according to
+ the group in which they are. Containers with the name of the group are created
+ automatically if needed. Contacts which are not in any group will be opened in
+ the default container.
+ Also note that, if this option is enabled, the options to attach contacts manually
+ are disabled, so you cannot change the container assignments until you disable
+ the option again.
+ Using this option will NOT overwrite assignments you have created manually.
+Version - 2004/09/11
+ * moved all option pages to a new group. "Message Sessions".
+ * the options concerning auto creation of tabs are now disabled if the "auto
+ popup" feature is checked. Remember, auto-popup always overrides the
+ "background create" features.
+Version - 2004/09/11
+ ! fixed "ding" sound when closing the last tab
+ ! fixed the option pages (apply button was always highlighted)
+ * removed the global container options page, because it was confusing more than
+ anything else :)
+ Container options can now only be changed by using the container options
+ dialog box, which is available by:
+ a) the system menu of any container
+ b) the tab control context menu (right click any tab)
+ c) the button bar context menu (right click an empty space on the button bar)
+ ! don't autoswitch on status change events.
+ * autoswitch now also works when creating tabs in the "background" and the
+ container was minimised to the taskbar.
+Version 0.0.8 - 2004/09/10
+ + merged "/all" mod by JdGordon. Allows you to send a message to all tabs within
+ the current container.
+ Just type /all message and the message will be sent to everyone in the current
+ container.
+ WARNING: Depending on the IM network and their terms of use, this might be
+ considered as some kind of mass-messaging. Some networks may disconnect you or
+ even ban your account for some time in that case. I suggest that you do not
+ use this feature with a lot of contacts opened.
+ + container transparency added.
+ + container option dialog added. Most container settings are now saved on a "per-
+ container" base. This includes settings for: titlebar on/off, hide tabs when only
+ one tab is presend, flashing mode, sticky (stay on top) and the service report
+ facility.
+ There are still settings in the Prefrences page, but these will only affect new
+ containers.
+ * redesigned the option pages. There are now 2 pages - "Message tabs" for the
+ general options and "Message Containers" for the container-specific settings.
+ The old option page was getting too messy...
+ + added new feature: deferred timeout error handling.
+ To use this feature, the following things must be present:
+ * popup/popup Plus plugin must be active.
+ * popups must not be disabled.
+ * the option must be activated under Options>Message tabs>use popups for timeout errors
+ messages.
+ This is how it works: If the tab in which the error occurs is not active, then it
+ will NOT show the error dialog box. Instead, it will display a red popup and change the
+ tab icon to a red "X". The popup will show the error text reported by the protocol
+ and the icon will stay until you activate the tab.
+ ! fixed: options were only available with "expert mode settings" enabled.
+ * changed context menu. Removed the additional entrys from the right-click menu in the
+ message log. Now, the tab-context menu includes them.
+ + The tab-context menu is now also available by right-clicking the button bar.
+ + implemented rename/delete containers.
+ + added shortcut: Ctrl-W -> closes the active tab.
+ + added icon flashing for tabs created in the background.
+ * use contacts local time is now a per-contact setting. It is available from the new
+ "message log options" menu which you can reach by clicking the button.
+ * changed most of the message log options to "per contact" settings. You WILL most
+ likely need to reconfigure the defaults under Options->Messaging log (only applies
+ to yes/no switches, all font settings are still global and will remain so).
+ There is a new button which opens a pulldown menu when clicked. Basically, all
+ these settings can now be saved on a "per contact" basis. If you don't like it this
+ way, you can tick the option "Ignore per-contact settings under Options->Message tabs.
+ - removed the RTL button. The switch can now be found in the newly introduced
+ "Message log options" menu.
+ ! made "autosave msg" unicode aware. Note that, the unicode version of tabSRMM uses
+ a different way to store the message. This means, that you will not see what you have
+ saved with the non-unicode version and vice versa.
+ ! fixed quoting for unicode.
+ ! fixed bug with container options dialog not showing when container was minimized to
+ the taskbar.
+ * made the /all command unicode-aware
+ * fixed container delete/rename functions for the unicode version
+ * allow for gloabl splitter position (check the message log options menu)
+ + new container setting system added. Container names are now fully unicode-aware.
+ The unicode version uses different places to store its setting, so it will not
+ collide with settings written by the non-unicode version.
+ * more changes for "per-contact" message log options.
+ + new option: it is now possible to have containers created minimized, if you also
+ have the option "Auto create tab on event" activated. Just check "Also create
+ container, but do not activate it".
+ ! attempt to fix the ALT-S problem. The new layout does no longer allow for trans-
+ lating the "Send" button. Since this is a picture button anyway and does not
+ display any text, this solution should be fine.
+ * better visual cues for typing notification. If minimized or in the background,
+ the container now changes its title to show who is actually typing.
+ The "stuck" titlebar icon should no longer occur.
+ * internal layouting changes. new option to set left and right borders between window
+ border and the tab control. Set this to zero if you want the smallest possible border.
+ + added a "close container" entry to the tab-context menu to make closing a container
+ easier if title bar is hidden (remember, the tab-context menu is also available by
+ right-clicking the button bar).
+ ! fixed easydrag - window should no longer detach from the mouse pointer while left button
+ is still down.
+ + ability to hide statusbar. This is a global setting available from Options->Message tabs,
+ but you can override it on a per-contact base from the message log options menu.
+ + New submenu added to the tab context menu. It contains a list of all available
+ containers so you can quickly attach a message tab without using the container attach
+ dialog.
+ ! fixed the "warn on close" feature for containers. It was possible to force more than
+ one warning message dialog.
+ - removed old message layout.
+ * New layout option: "Multisend CLIST splits message history only"
+ If enabled, the embedded contact list will only take horizontal
+ space from the message history window. Everything else will retain its full width.
+ * tabSRMM is now a "conversion style only" message module. The old single send/read
+ modes have been disabled.
+ * The "Warn on close tab" feature does no longer ask if you exit miranda with
+ message windows opened.
+ * double-clicking the empty space on the button bar will now minimize the container.
+ Holding CTRL while double-clicking will close the container and holding down SHIFT
+ will toggle the titlebar.
+ ! fixed bug - double clicking an inactive tab caused problems when more than a single
+ row of tabs was shown in the control.
+ + added: "enable popups if unfocused". A new "per container" setting which will basically
+ do the same as "enable popups if minimized" but extend this to containers which are
+ only sent to the background but may still be visible on screen (at least, partially).
+ * if status bar is hidden, typing notify will change the tab icon on the active tab as
+ well.
+ + implemented a way to log and display status changes in the message window. You can
+ enable this globally under Options->Messaging log. There is however an option to override
+ the setting on a per-contact basis. Choose "Never log status changes" from the message
+ log options menu to disable it for a contact. You may NEED to disable it for RSS
+ contacts, because the status change events, if logged to the history, may confuse
+ the RSS plugin.
+ * the bottom limit for the horizontal splitter now takes into account whether the status
+ bar is hidden or not.
+ + two new hotkeys added: alt-left and alt-right for easy tab switching
+ * changed ESC to "minimize container". Use the more stadardized CTRL-W or CTRL-F4
+ shortcuts for closing tabs or ALT-F4 to close the entire container.
+ * added one more option for even more popup configuration. Please read POPUPS.TXT
+ for more information on this topic. it's getting complex :)
+ + added "input history". You probably know this from irc clients like mIRC. Basically,
+ the input line remembers the last n messages you sent (where n can be configured in
+ the options). By pressing CTRL-Arrow Up or CTRL-Arrow Down you can scroll through
+ the stored messages quickly.
+ * improved the input history:
+ 1) cursor is always at the end of the recalled message.
+ 2) the input history now saves the contents of the input area (if any) when replacing
+ it with an entry from the history. Scrolling down "past" the end of the history
+ will restore the previously saved content.
+ + added "single row tab control" to the container settings.
+ * made "close on esc" optional for those who don't like the newly introduced ESC
+ behaviour (minimize).
+ * changed closing behaviour. This should fix an ugly "crash on close container" in
+ some (although very rare) situations.
+ * changed the message-log scrolling hotkeys. It should no longer be possible to scroll
+ past the end of the log.
+ + it is now possible to have different background colors for the message log and the
+ message input area.
+ + added the "global search hotkeys" CTRL-SHIFT-U and CTRL-SHIFT-R. They are working
+ exactly like CTRL-U/CTRL-R, except that they search all open containers for unread
+ events.
+ If, for some reason, you cannot use those hotkey, because another applictaion needs
+ the keyboard shortcuts, you can configure the modifier keys under Options->message tabs.
+ Available choices are:
+ CTRL-SHIFT (default)
+ + added SHIFT-RETURN as another shortcut for sending a message.
+ + Dividers added. When active, they will draw a small horizontal line above the first
+ unread event in an inactive (unfocused) message session. Those lines are a visual cue
+ to help you finding messages which have been received while you were absent more
+ easily. Activating the window will cause a new divider to appear the next time you
+ put the window into the background (but only, if an event arrives while the window
+ is in the background or minimized).
+ Dividers look best if you choose a small font (maybe 4 pixel) for them. There is a new
+ font setting under Options->Message log for the divider available. Just change the
+ default value to make dividers use less space. Note that dividers are not stored
+ permanently. They will go away whenever the log is rebuilt (i.e. when you apply new
+ options ore when you close and open the tab).
+ + autoswitch tab feature added. If enabled, minimized containers may automatically
+ switch to a tab whenever a new event arrives.
+ + added support to compile and link tabSRMM with GCC using MINGW32. Use MAKEFILE.W32
+ for compiling the unicode version, and MAKEFILE.W32.ANSI for the non-unicode version.
+ I also added a project file for Dev-CPP.
+ Tested with very recent versions of MINGW32 (GCC 3.4.1)
+ + moved project to sourceforge.
+ Version 0.0.6 - 2004/08/13
+ --------------------------
+ + minimize window on exit is now working (of course, it minimizes the entire
+ container).
+ ! fixed more focus issues (damn, this Win32 dialog manager does suck)
+ + implemented a basic system to determine the minimum required window size
+ for the container (internal stuff, but will be required later).
+ ! prevent the horizontal splitter from having a position "outside" of the
+ window after restoring a maximized window.
+ * cosmetical changes for the new window layout
+ * changed the code for "always scroll log to bottom" again. Should work better
+ (and faster) now.
+ This works far more "intelligent" than before. A tab will remember its scroll
+ position in the log while you switch to another tab. It will however automatically
+ scroll the log to the bottom under the following conditions:
+ * a message arrived
+ * the container size changed while the tab was inactive
+ * you move the splitter
+ ! fixed some issues when closing tabs.
+ + merged mod#32 from srmm_mod. show history (old) events with different fonts/colors.
+ * changed user picture layout. The picture is now allowed to use the vertical space
+ of the button bar. This will save some vertical space for the message log if the
+ picture is shown.
+ + new option: Show full UIN on the button bar. This defaults to enabled and if you
+ disable it, you will get the old usermenu button instead of the larger button
+ showing the full UIN. If you disable this option, you will gain some space on
+ the button bar. The full UIN is then set as a tooltip for the usermenu button.
+ At the moment, this is a global setting affecting all tabs, it will be a
+ "per - contact" option in the future. It is only in effect for the new window
+ layout.
+ It also doesn't dynamically update while the tab is open and only affects newly
+ created tabs (yet).
+ ! fixed glitch with autolocale. Even when deactivating it, it wasn't really 100%
+ inactive.
+ ! (hopefully) fixed another Win98 - specific crash (closing the last tab).
+ + new option: "Enable popups if container is minimized". If this is enabled, the
+ container will not report open message tabs while minimized. "Service enabled"
+ popup plugins like my modified version of NewEventNotify or Bi0s TypingNotify
+ will then think that there is no message window open and display their popup
+ notifications.
+ Enable this, if you want notifications while the container is minimized to the
+ statusbar.
+ ! fixed flickering on save button while typing.
+ + multiple container support added. Basically you can now have as much containers
+ as you want. You can assign contacts to a new container by richt-clicking either
+ the tab of the contact or in the message area of the active tab. A dialog box
+ will appear allowing you to select one of the already existing container
+ definitions. You can also create a new container if you want.
+ The container "default" gets some special treatment: It acts as the container
+ in which all unassigned contacts will open their tabs.
+ The UI will be improved a bit, but don't expect too much. I will definately
+ NOT add drag'n drop support for re-arranging tabs, because it would be quite
+ hard to implement and not worth the effort. There are better and more important
+ things to do.
+ ! fixed a few layout issues on the button bar (unequal spacing).
+ * flashing tab icons will now show the eventtype (file, url, message).
+ * changed "easy drag" implementation.
+ ! restored msg could overwrite initial text (used by, for example, http share
+ file plugin). fixed. Now, the initial text passed to the message tab at creation
+ will *always* overwrite any saved msg.
+ - removed hotkey ctrl-h (for history). It was redundant anyway, because history is
+ available via Alt-H.
+ + added mod#11 from srmm_mod (message input area accept dropped files)
+ + some container options (stay on top, dont report if minimized, no titlebar) are now
+ saved on a "per container" basis. The settings on the option page are now used as
+ default values for new containers.
+Version 0.0.5b - 2004/08/13
+ + 2 new options:
+ * flash always - continously flash the container until activated.
+ (doesn't currently work with the "autocreate tabs" feature).
+ * Never flash - disable window flashing (tab icons will still flash)
+ ! fixed auto-save on exit. Saved msg now goes away if you close the
+ container when the message input area is empty.
+ ! fixed: new layout picture-dependent splitter calculations could confuse
+ splitter settings when switching to old layout.
+ * a few internal changes (resizing, tab item handling...) always check return
+ value from GetTabIndexFromHWND()
+ ! fixed focus & tab handling. Re-enabled Alt-Hotkeys inside the dialog.
+ + new icons for the RTL and userpic button. Thanks to kreisquadratur
+ (author of the original srmm_mod)
+ * more "new" layout changes. Smaller borders, especially the right one. Items
+ are now better aligned.
+ + merged "use contacts local time" from srmm_mod. If enabled, the message log
+ will show the local time of your contact instead of your own time. This does,
+ of course, require that a contact has a properly configured timezone in
+ his profile.
+Version 0.0.5 - 2004/08/10
+ + added autolocale support. You need to enable this under Options->Tabbed Messaging.
+ How it works: It remembers the input locale setting for each contact. Just set
+ the desired keyboard layout (either via hotkey or via the language bar) and the
+ statusbar should show a message saying that the locale has been saved.
+ tabSRMM will then switch locale whenever you activate or open a tab for this
+ contact again.
+ If you open a message window for a contact which does not yet have a locale
+ information saved to its db record, tabSRMM will save the current input locale
+ as the standard for this contact.
+ NOTE: DONT use the autolocale plugin with tabSRMM. Since both plugins will then
+ try to modify locale settings, strange things could happen :)
+ ! fixed small display problem with the multisend button and the new window
+ layout.
+ ! fixed a few issues with "autocreate tabs" feature. They now only show up if the
+ container is already open and don't steal focus on the active tab any longer.
+ They also properly open in the background and do no longer confuse the layout
+ of the tab bar when more than a single row of tabs is needed.
+ ! fixed compatibility issue with Window 98/ME which was introduced in 0.0.4a
+ * another attempt to fix the "log not always scrolling to the bottom" issue.
+ * minor layout changes for the "new layout" - the horizontal splitter now has
+ a static edge which makes it easier to spot.
+ Removing the buttons and the info text will narrow down the splitter.
+ + added small margins to the rich edit control (message log).
+ ! Restoring the window position should now always work. New database keys are
+ used, so the first time using this release the container will popup at the
+ default position with the default size.
+ + new hotkeys:
+ CTRL-U activate the first tab with unread messages (flashing icon)
+ CTRL-R activate the tab with the most recent unread event.
+ ! fixed crash when changing icon sets (recreating the image list).
+ * In order to free up some space on the button bar, I removed the "userinfo"
+ button. Instead, you can click the protocol icon to bring up the dialog
+ with contact information. This only applies to the new window layout.
+ + new option: hide tab bar when only one tab is open.
+ * resizing now causes less flicker than before.
+ + Resurrected the quote button. Only for the new window layout though.
+ + Ability to save typed message on close window. Works automagically, no
+ need to configure anything.
+ * more layout changes for the "new" window layout. The usermenu-button is
+ gone. Instead of this button, I made the username field clickable.
+ * several cleanups in the code and resource file. .DLL filesize -= 14k :)
+ ! fixed some redraw/resizing issues when using the classic windows theme.
+ + user picture support added. This works only with the new message window
+ layout and at the moment it can only display locally stored user pictures.
+ The code was merged from srmm_mod with only minor modifications.
+Version 0.0.4a - 2004/08/07
+ ! fixed critical (crash) bug with error dialogs after message timeout.
+ ! fixed tab titles not updating when the option "show status text on
+ tabs" was disabled.
+ ! CTRL-L (clear message log) was missing, even it was mentioned in the changelog.
+ ! attempt to fix a possible crash-on-send bug.
+ ! fixed crash on forwarding messages (hope so).
+ + added tab icons for typing notification (if tab is not active, tab icon will
+ change and show typing status) - THIS IS WORK IN PROGRESS, typing notification
+ still does not work as it should.
+ + merged UNICODE fix by ghazan (possible crash with link handling)
+ ! fixed internal window closing issues when only one tab was active (possible
+ crash).
+ * tooltips now also display the status text
+ * all hotkeys changed again. They are now working with CTRL-SHIFT excluivly.
+ The hotkeys for scrolling the log can be enabled/disabled on the options page
+ for those who prefer having advanced editing features in the input box.
+ + new hotkey: CTRL-F4 -> close active tab.
+ * essential hokeys (ctrl-tab, ctrl-f4) now also work while the message input
+ area is "greyed".
+ + added "double click closes tab" feature.
+ + added "no title bar mode" (switch from window menu - doubleclick the border
+ to get the titlebar back). There is also an option to make it permanent for
+ newly created tab containers.
+ If the titlebar is off, you can still drag the window by using the small border
+ at the top or the right of the container window.
+ ! hopefully fixed the issue which caused the icons for specific protocols not
+ to load on startup.
+ + new option: vertical tab padding. You can specify the vertical padding (in pixel)
+ on the tabs. The value largely depends on the icon sets you're using - if you
+ use some larger icons, you may want to increase the default value of 3 in
+ order to avoid clipping on the icons. If you tend to use small icons, you
+ can reduce this value to 2 or even 1 pixels, making the tabs using less vertical
+ space.
+ + new option: short caption on containers. when active, only the nickname is shown
+ in the titlebar, otherwise nickname and statustext are shown.
+ + new feature: auto create tabs. Works similar to "auto popup window on receive"
+ but the new tab is created in the background and the container window does not
+ popup if it was minimized to the taskbar (instead it flashes if a new tab was
+ created). You can still make the container "auto popup" if you want - the option
+ is just below the "auto create tabs" setting.
+ ! fixed "no titlebar mode" for classic (non themed) windows style. Window didn't
+ update correctly after removing/adding the titlebar.
+ * a few minor resizing and geometry changes
+ + new message dialog layout (optionally, you have to enable it under Options->
+ tabbed messaging). This is work in progress and not fully implemented. There
+ will be an option for showing a user picture and more.
+This is the third alpha release. It contains bug fixes and a few new features.
+Version 0.0.3c - 2004/08/02
+ + basic support for status icons on the tabs. This feature was contributed
+ by perf who asked me if I could need some help with development.
+ Currently, it uses the "global" status icons and not all icons do actually
+ look nicely on the tabs (some highcolor icons look seriously "broken").
+ This feature will be developed further so we will hopefully have full protocol
+ icon support in the future.
+ * some resizing changes. Also contributed by perf.
+ * changed the way hotkeys work. The old system was causing troubles. At the
+ moment, hotkeys do only work while the message input area has the focus.
+ Should not be a problem, because this is the case most of the time.
+ the following hotkeys are currently implemented:
+ * CTRL-TAB -> next tab (cycle if last was selected)
+ * CTRL+SHIFT-TAB -> previous tab (cycle if leftmost was selected)
+ * CTRL-H display history
+ Message log scrolling hotkeys:
+ ------------------------------
+ * CTRL-SHIFT-Arrow UP: scroll up in history
+ * CTRL-SHIFT-Arrow-Down: scroll down history
+ * CTRL-SHIFT-PageDown: scroll down faster
+ * CTRL-SHIFT-PageUp: scroll up faster
+ * CTRL-SHIFT-HOME: scroll to top of log
+ * CTRL-SHIFT-END: scroll to bottom of log
+ * CTRL-L: clear log (same as context menu entry)
+ * in case of a send error (timeout, protocol offline and so on), the message
+ dialog was never re-enabled again after the user clicked on "try again" or
+ cancel button in the error dialog. This bug caused the message window to
+ hang and the only way to get rid of it was to close the container. Fixed.
+ * when resizing, the message log scrolls to the bottom so that the last few
+ lines shouldn't disappear any longer.
+ ! attempt to fix the problem which is caused by wrong container geometry
+ information saved to the database.
+ If you get the message "Invalid geometry information found. Applying default values"
+ more than once, please let me know.
+ + context menu added to the tabs. Only a few options at the moment, but more
+ to come...
+ * tabSRMM related options moved to their own option page. It's under
+ Options->Tabbed Messaging.
+ + Ability to cut the length of the nicknames displayed on tabs. This should
+ prevent some extraordinary wide tabs for really long nicknames. Optionally,
+ a tooltip can be set for the tab, showing the full nickname.
+ + Option to select wheter protocol status should be shown on tabs in plain
+ text format. If disabled, only the nickname will be shown, making the
+ tabs even smaller.
+ ! activating the embedded contact list (multisend button) didn't properly work
+ if the container was maximized. Fixed.
+ ! fixed focus handling. Container passes the enter key (IDOK command) to the
+ active child, thus re-enabling the "TAB -> ENTER" sequence for sending
+ messages again.
+ + new option - show timestamp after nickname: If the message log is set to
+ display both the timestamp and the nickname, then the order in which they
+ appear can be set here.
+ * changed window flashing code. should work better now.
+ ! when sending a message by hitting ENTER while the send button had the
+ focus, the focus did remain on the send button. fixed. (for those who
+ prefer the TAB-ENTER sequence).
+ ! fixed several issues with closing tabs by using the context menu.
+ + NewEventNotify now works with tabSRMM. You HAVE to use the supplied DLL
+ in order to make it work with tabbed message sessions. Just replace
+ your existing NewEventNotify.DLL with the one provided in the tabSRMM
+ package.
+ + FULL status icon support implemented. Made the imagelist global (shared
+ by all containers), load all icons at plugin initialisation (should speed
+ up the creation of new containers)
+ Version 0.0.2 - 2004/07/26
+ * statusbar does no longer have a size grip (SBARS_SIZEGRIP removed)
+ NOTE: only for tabs, toplevel msg dialogs will get it when they are back.
+ + settings only used by tabSRMM moved to a new key in the database. The plugin
+ will continue to share common settings with SRMM (fonts, colors etc..)
+ ! "Cascade new windows" caused display errors with newly created tabs if
+ the container already had one or more tab opened in it. Fixed.
+ ! The plugin is now statically linked against msvcr71.dll and therefore
+ should no longer complain about this dll missing.
+ ! saving geometry information about the container could sometimes lead to
+ unexpected results which could cause problems while trying to restore
+ the geometry the next time the container was created.
+ * thinner outer border. Did look ugly with lower screen resolutions.
+ ! when a contact changed its status and its tab was not the active one,
+ the window title was still updated and therefore didn't any longer
+ show the name of the _active_ tab.
+ ! minor cosmetical fixes with send button alignment.
+ + It is now possible to have miranda ask if you really want to close a
+ tab. Warning is diabled by default, you can turn it on via Options->Messaging.
+ + Some hotkey support added:
+ 1. ESC = close current tab (was always there)
+ 2. CTRL+SHIFT+TAB -> select previos tab
+ 3. CTRL+TAB -> select next tab.
+ Both options are set to wrap around if you have either the leftmost or rightmost
+ tab selected.
+ 4. CTRL+H -> show history
+ 5. CTRL+ALT+ARROW UP -> move the focus to the message log (use page up/down for scrolling)
+ 6. CTRL+ALT+ARROW DOWN -> move focus to the message input area.
+ + merged the RTL support from srmm_mod originally written by kreisquadratur
+ ! workaround for some strange splitter issues. The vertical multisend splitter
+ is re-enabled again.
+ ! fixed a few resizing issues when restoring the window from maximized state.
+ ! display / refreshing errors after forwarding a message should be fixed.
+ + added a new menu item to the system (window) menu: Stay on top (make the
+ container "sticky").
+ + added a UNICODE build which is, however, completely untested. It compiles
+ without warnings though :)
+Version 0.0.1 - 2004/07/23
+ * initial release
diff --git a/plugins/tabsrmm/docs/changelog.txt b/plugins/tabsrmm/docs/changelog.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5d1f52406
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/tabsrmm/docs/changelog.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,777 @@
+ Project Information:
+ ====================
+Name: tabsrmm
+Source: (tabSRMM code is in Miranda SVN)
+Addtional annoucements can be found at my blog:
++ : new feature
+* : changed
+! : bugfix
+- : feature removed or disabled because of pending bugs
+View CHANGELOG.OLD to see pre-1.0 relevant changes. Version was declared
+splitted from trunk and declared as "stable" branch 2006/07/30. Released to
+the file listing the same day.
+ Global version information:
+ ===========================
+Version 2.0.x.x was released in October 2007 and is the current "stable" version.
+It NEEDS Miranda 0.7.x and will not work on older versions.
+Version 2.2.1.x is for Miranda 0.8 and was released in June 2009
+Version 3.x is for Miranda 0.9 and incompatible with older Miranda cores. There
+are currently no downloads for it, you'll have to compile it from source.
+ Detailed change log
+ ===================
+Version - 2010/12/10
+ * fixed visual anomalies when the tool bar is hidden
+ * TAB does no longer focus the send button when the tool bar
+ is hidden.
+ * MUC: strip unneeded trailing white space characters from messages
+ to prevent them from breaking highlighting.
+Version - 2010/10/28
+ * MUC: don't touch clist group at startup
+ * MUC: delay RTF header creation (workaround for a nasty bug that could
+ cause a hang on start). Not really a fix at this time.
+ * fixed a few minor visual glitches.
+Version - 2010/10/15
+ ! fixes for overlay icons
+ * changed location for aero settings. It's no longer considered an advanced
+ tweak. The options are now global container settings.
+ * merged all fixes from stable tree
+ * MUC: strip all formatting codes from topics so that they are not messed
+ up in the info panel or status bar.
+Version - 2010/09/02
+ ! propagate outgoing typing notifications to the active subcontact
+ * renamed sound group names for IM and group chats to make their meaning more
+ obvious.
+Version - 2010/08/28
+ ! bug fix: topic in info panel did not refresh immediately when it was changed
+ * updater support for the version on the addons site.
+ ! load system libraries in a safe way.
+ ! bugfix (MUC): Do not lose input focus after autocomplete did not find
+ a matching nick name when the option to allow TAB in the input area is
+ enabled.
+ ! bug fix (MUC): Allow undo for nick - autocomplete actions
+Version 3.0.2 - 2010/08/25
+ * first stable release for 3.0.x - forked from
+Version - 2010/08/10
+ * MUC: added code for case-insensitive highlighting of messages
+ containing your own nick name.
+ * MUC: fixed background color for popups (should now use the correct
+ color set for the MUC log background).
+ * added custom warning messages when importing a theme via
+ Customize->Message window skin.
+ * fixed wrong 32 pixel icon in the container options dialog. Now using
+ the message icon (for which we have both 16 and 32 pixel variants).
+ * avoid creating new windows and event notifications on non-message
+ events (e.g. file transfers).
+Version - 2010/08/09
+ * finished v5 theme support (improved exporting and importing group
+ chat settings)
+ * re-activated global message log background color and separated it
+ from MUC background color (allows for different background colors for
+ single and group chats)
+ * fixed autocomplete (MUC) bugs
+Version - 2010/08/05
+ * fixed disappearing code page selection menu.
+ * don't create MUC log files in the main profile directory any longer.
+ * MUC highlight: removed %m for own nick and replaced it with a separate
+ setting that allows white spaces in own nick names.
+Version - 2010/08/04
+ * disabled some known buggy and incomplete features to get ready for
+ 3.0 release.
+ * set final feature set for version 3 - some less important things are
+ pushed back.
+ * MUC: disc logging, properly check log base path for trailing backslashes
+ when using folders plugin.
+ * MUC: protect log root folder from being deleted while MIM is running.
+Version - 2010/07/10
+ * various fixes and improvements for Windows 7 task bar support.
+ * option to warn when closing a tab is gone. A replacement has been added which
+ will show you a warning when you are about to close a window with multiple tabs.
+ This warning uses a custom warning dialog and can be disabled by checking its
+ "Do not show this message again" option.
+ * fix for auto switching tabs incorrectly focusing tab when creating a new
+ one in the background.
+ * fixed crash when forcefully terminating Miranda while a custom warning
+ dialog is still open.
+Version - 2010/06/24
+ * task bar previews: removed placeholders and implemented real previews of
+ the message window contents.
+ * redesigned container options dialog for better translations. Most
+ options now offer much more space for translated strings.
+ * attempt to fix stuck typing notifications on arriving messages
+Version - 2010/06/21 - released with Miranda 0.9.alpha#11
+ * implemented warning dialog boxes with a "do not show this message again"
+ checkmark for various error- or informational messages.
+ * disabled aero peek previews when a skin is in use because of various
+ unresolved problems. Might be adressed at a later time.
+ * updated icon pack version to 5 and re-enabled a mandatory version check
+ on startup. The warning message can be disabled though.
+Version - 2010/06/15
+ * changed logic for calculating relative skin path names. You will most likely
+ have to reload your skins.
+ * fixed a possible crash when unloading/reloading skins.
+ * some updates for task bar thumbnails.
+Version - 2010/06/04 - released with Miranda 0.9.alpha#10
+ * task bar support (Win 7), removed check for running DWM. Task bar tabs should
+ now work with classic and non-aero themes in Windows 7 (no thumbnails, though,
+ because they require Aero to be active).
+ * renamed misleading option for task bar support as it implied to require an Aero
+ theme (which is not the case).
+ * another tool bar rendering fix - don't use gradients for the tool bar background
+ at all with classic Windows theme, unless both tool bar background colors are
+ properly set.
+ * Aero peek (task bar tabs) now default to enabled.
+Version - 2010/05/29
+ * taskbar thumbnails (Win7): better support for MUC tabs, set active session
+ should now work.
+ * autoclose tabs: converted to a more useful autoclose/autohide container
+ feature and moved to container options.
+ * fixed a bug where installing a language pack could break hotkeys (translation
+ issue)
+ * fixed "black tool bar bug" when classic windows theme is active on XP or later.
+Version - 2010/05/27
+ * fixed crash when running on Windows 2000
+ * cleaned up the mess in the TSButton class
+ * More work on Aero Peek thumbnail previews. Added custom thumbnails for MUC chat
+ rooms and server windows.
+ * updated msglog mark read code with some recent changes for srmm.
+Version - 2010/05/22
+ * some issues fixed
+ * improved compatibility for old (TabSRMM 2) skins
+ * preliminary support for large status icons on the Windows 7 task bar (Miranda 0.9
+ required).
+ * option to show avatars on task bar added to container settings (only
+ when running on Windows 7).
+ * option to enable/disable Windows 7 task bar features removed (now always on,
+ when running on Windows 7).
+ * Added aero peek for the Windows 7 task bar. Per tab thumbnails are partially
+ implemented, so you get a similar UI as seen in other tabbed applications
+ under Windows 7 (IE 8, Opera 10, for example). Still experimental, so it is
+ disabled by default (Message Sessions->Advanced tweaks is where you can enable
+ it). A Restart is required.
+Version - 2010/05/16
+ * menu bar is now using tool bar colors when using custom message window
+ colors
+ * fixed changelog URL for users of updater plugin and created new online
+ change log for TabSRMM 3 development versions
+ * added separate translation for default container name (avoid using common
+ translation for "default").
+Version - 2010/05/xx
+ * fixed drawing problem with animated info panel avatars
+ * moved all legacy color settings to font service
+ * added theme support for new color settings (+ updated theme version to
+ v5).
+ * fixed issue with own nickname when it has not been set on the protocol's
+ option page (use own UID instead).
+Version - 2010/05/12
+ * MUC: replaced (non working) log truncating with log rotation. Old log files
+ are archived when the size exceeds the maximum allowed length for a single
+ channel log file.
+ * updated some dialogs to make more space for translations.
+ * added UI button for quickly opening the MUC logs base folder.
+ * implemented right and middle click actions for side bar buttons (close/context
+ menu)
+Version - 2010/05/11
+ * fixed a number of drawing problems
+ * DB tweak to force tool bar always use visual styles
+ * added 2 new common colors for painting the UI in aero and visual styles
+ mode.
+ * improved exporting and importing of theme files to support UI settings that
+ are new in TabSRMM 3.
+Version - 2010/05/06
+ * send menu pulldown button is now always available, even if the
+ send button itself is disabled.
+ * fixed few problems with tool bar configuration dialog.
+ * send later UI improved
+ * skin selection dialog improved (added button for quickly closing
+ all open message windows when loading or unloading a skin).
+Version - 2010/04/30
+ * fixed the painting of close buttons on tabs when using a skin (they
+ were incorrectly using visual styles instead of the button skin)
+ * new skin item for the switch bar background
+ * send later out of hidden state (see:
+Version - 2010/04/23
+ * bug fixes
+ * added two new switch bar layouts (more complex, allow showing avatars
+ on the switch bar buttons).
+ * fix for a crash when AVS plugin is not available.
+Version - 2010/04/01
+ * Alpha snapshot released to my googlecode site.
+ * many bug fixes and small improvements, new skin selection dialog
+ * still INCOMPLETE and not all features are fully working.
+Version -
+ * again, many, many changes and new things. Refer to the Wiki page
+ ( for more information.
+Version -
+ * Ongoing rewrite of the plugin. New infopanel, MUC highlighting, aero effects
+ among many other things were added. Still in alpha stage.
+Version - 2009/08/20
+ * too many changes to list here. Major rewrites in many areas, aero support
+ new menu bar (rebar-based), new, more dynamic info panel layout and drawing,
+ support for core hotkey service added, folders support extended, reworked
+ some groupchat options, got rid of old protocol names where possible
+Version - 2009/07/30
+ * Major rewrites in some areas
+ * converted source to C++
+ * basic aero support added (experimental, disabled by default, you have to set
+ a database value BYTE "useAero" under the "Tab_SRMsg" module and set its
+ value to 1. Restart required
+ * many parts of the plugin rewritten in C++ (just started, more to come)
+Version - 2009/07/20
+ * MAJOR changes in some areas. Info panel overhaul and more. Expect
+ tabSRMM to be unstable for a while. 2.2.1.x will continue to exist for user
+ of a stable Miranda. 3.0.0.x is currently for TESTING ONLY.
+Version - 2009/07/20
+ ! various visual glitches fixed.
+ ! fixed problem with private container theme (using relative pathnames)
+ ! plugin version updated and restricted to Miranda 0.9.x development
+ branch.
+Version - 2009/07/08
+ ! fixed some slowdowns when opening new tabs
+ * branched to Miranda - stable (0.8.x).
+Version - 2009/06/28
+ ! bug fixes
+ ! Hotkeys rearranged (Ctrl-y and Ctrl-l disabled, Ctrl-r moved to Alt-r)
+Version - 2009/06/21
+ ! fixed possible crash, introduced by the new %a variable
+ ! fixed some problems with global Ctrl-Shift-U hotkey
+Version - 2009/06/14
+ * replaced internal protocol name with user defined account name in some places
+ (e.g. info panel).
+ * added new variable for title bar formatting: %a will be replaced with the
+ user defined account name for the current contact.
+ * various fixes and updates by core developers.
+ * released for Miranda 0.8.0
+Version - 2009/03/05
+ * fixed untranslateable strings
+Version - 2009/01/02
+ * merged changes from main Miranda tree (chat API, bugfixes)
+ * project is now fully GCC / MingW compatible. Build files were added to
+ build tabSRMM with GCC 4.x. See docs/README.GCC for more information.
+ * removed minimize to tray (or floater) feature. The same functionality
+ is now available via the "hidden container" feature.
+Version - 2008/12/30
+ * Windows Vista only: re-enabled transparency settings when using skins for the
+ message container. Experimental, but it seems to work and none of the
+ problems I've seen under XP (very slow redraw, CPU hogging while typing)
+ does occur. NOTE: When not using the Aero desktop (e.g. Vista Home Basic),
+ transparency combined with skins may still result in slow window redrawing.
+ * resolved some translation disambiguities in the user preferences dialog.
+ * added some missing translations
+ * fixed bug with container creation - in some cases, container may stay hidden
+ (bug ID #468)
+Version - 2008/09/26
+ * made compile under Visual Studio 2008 (workaround for the richedit.h issue
+ in PSDK 6.0)
+ * per channel event filter dialog is now translatable. (issue #0000435).
+Version - 2008/09/11
+ + added option for setting avatar visibility to the user preferences dialog.
+Version - 2008/07/15
+ ! fix for layout distortions when switching message log viewer in an active
+ tab.
+ * various source code cleanups and added comments (for devs only)
+ + added more help hyperlinks to various option dialog boxes. These link to the
+ wiki pages on the official documentation site.
+ ! fix for double cr/lf insertion (by Vasilich)
+ ! when toolbar is disabled, don't draw smiley selection window at random
+ position.
+ ! fixed crash/freeze with some nicknames (recursions when replacing character
+ sequences in the message window title bar). Bugtracker id: 0000223
+ ! status bar buttons will now check the source of the click event. Fixed
+ bug ID #0000146
+Version - not public, released with Miranda 0.8 nightly #18)
+ * for devs only: Patch by ono to make the code to compile with GCC
+ w/o problems.
+ ! hide on close feature: small fix for distorted layout when showing
+ a container with a previouly not yet activated tab.
+ ! fixed minor resource leak when the display of client icons in the
+ status bar is enabled (advanced tweak).
+ ! more minor fixes for the hidden container feature.
+Version - 2008/06/21
+ - internal, not released to public
+Version - not public
+ ! fixed "Revert to safe defaults" bug in advanced tweaks dialog.
+ ! fixed possible crash in message log streaming when history
+ keeper is installed
+ ! minor layout changes for 120 DPI setting.
+ ! custom smiley patch by borkra (show custom smileys on incoming
+ messages only)
+ ! fixed bug with bbcode colors (introduced by font service support)
+ ! fixed minor drawing issue with log freeze indicator.
+Version - 2008/05/08
+ ! bug fixes: smiley button visual glitch, group chat option tree
+ icon(s), possible crash with tool bar config, wrong background
+ colors in the message log, "load actual history" now works.
+ - some fixes for font service support.
+ * changed button highlight code for buttons with a "dropdown arrow".
+ Entire button is now "hovered" - the old way did look very strange
+ with some skins or visual styles.
+ * group chat related options were re-organized. Everything is now
+ in Message Sessions->Group chats. Options were slightly re-grouped
+ for a more logical appearance.
+ * popup configuration option pages are now only created when a popup
+ plugin is installed.
+ * small adjustments for minimum splitter position.
+ - removed 7bit ansi check for outgoing messages. Now obsolete, because
+ of UTF-8 database storage format.
+ + added support for History Events plugin by pescuma (patch submitted
+ by pescuma)
+ - removed useless help menu entries
+ + added spin controls to configure popup delay values
+ + allow to set -1 for each popup delay to use "infinite" delay (
+ popup will stay on screen forever).
+ * error popups will not timeout any longer. Instead, they must be
+ clicked to dismiss them.
+ + integrated "mod plus" options into Message Sessions->Advanced tweaks.
+ ! merged MButton patch by rainwater into TSButton control to check that
+ a button release event should be processed.
+ * don't close hovered popups (when mouse pointer is over a popup)
+ * reworked typing notify options.
+ - removed deprecated toolbar hiding options
+ + added various hyperlink controls to open online help pages to the
+ option dialogs.
+Version - 2008/05/08
+ * for internal testing only (not officially released)
+Version - 2008/04/XX
+ * for internal testing only (not officially released)
+Version - 2008/04/23
+ * increased limit of the time based "load previous events" feature.
+ It's now 24 hours instead of the 12 it was before. So the maximum
+ value you can enter on Message Log->Load previous events less than"
+ are 1440 minutes.
+ * various fixes by ghazan (compile fixes for VC 2003, msg timeout
+ fix and more)
+ * added font service support (patch by Mad Cluster). All fonts must
+ now be set under Customize->Fonts->tabSRMM. The old font and color
+ dialog is gone.
+ * the menu items for invoking the message log settings dialog (both
+ global and per contact) are now working. You can find them on the
+ Menu bar (Message Log popup) or by clicking the message log options
+ button on the tool bar.
+ * Removed the Message Sessions->Customize node and replaced it with
+ a new dialog holding all group chat related options.
+Version - 2008/04/10
+ * merged "MADMod" patch. This is a big contribution and adds several
+ new features like a fully customizable button bar and more. Also adds
+ old style typing notification popups (code taken from bio's old plugin),
+ support for animated .gif avatars and more.
+ See:
+ * New per contact message log settings are now almost complete and
+ working. Alt-B (RTL/LTR toggle has been restored).
+ * bug fix for splitter position syncing
+ * added nova icon pack (by Angeli-Ka).
+ NOTE: icon pack format has changed slightly because of the Mad
+ mod patch. You can still use an old icon pack, but you
+ may receive a warning when doing so.
+Version - 2008/03/26
+ * fixed small visual glitch when using the modern (styled) tabs
+ * groupchats: Fixed issue with indentation of multiline messages.
+ * groupchats: Implemented selective disc file logging. Under
+ Options->Message Sessions->Group chats, you will find a new option
+ tree where you can select events which should be logged to the
+ log file.
+Version - 2008/02/15
+ * groupchats: clickable nicknames can now be colorized. Patch by theMiron
+ (h++ author).
+ * reworked message log settings
+ see: for details.
+ * compatibility with Miranda 0.7 no longer given. was branched
+ as stable tree for 0.7 users.
+ * group chats: proper handling of RTF \endash, \emdash and \bullet (patch
+ by theMiron).
+Version - 2008/01/02
+ * increased timer for info panel tooltips to 1 sec (previously, it was set
+ to 500msec which may be too short and trigger unwanted tooltips).
+ * some better automatic detection for the MathMod plugin.
+ * changed tree controls on option pages to use simple checkboxes
+ instead of image lists.
+Version - 2007/12/23
+ + added incremental search feature to the group chat userlist. Simply
+ type what you want to find and it will be highlighted. Using cursor keys
+ to move the selection will clear the current search string. Typing
+ something which does not exist will also clear the current seach string
+ and start over.
+ ! fixed missing checkmarks in the message log submenu of the containers
+ menu bar.
+ ! fixed untranslateable strings in the container options dialog
+ - disabled skin editor for tabsrmm (still not complete, avoid confusing
+ people :) ).
+ ! fixed minor issue with double icons in status bar (on rare occasions)
+ ! fixed skin drawing on multimonitor systems (patch by Bryan)
+Version - 2007/11/29 (released with 0.8 alpha #5)
+ * changed per contact filter system in group chats
+ ! "revert splitter" option fixed for group chats.
+ ! "sync splitter with groupchats" option - fixed small (1px) alignment
+ bug
+ ! fixed idle time for metacontacts (may not work with older versions of
+ metacontacts plugin, so please update).
+ - removed active status message retrieval when hovering info panel.
+ tabSRMM now ONLY reads the status message from the database where it
+ should be stored by the protocol or a 3rd party status message retrieval
+ plugin.
+ ! fixed F12 hotkey (message log freeze). Will not be triggered anymore when
+ holding a modifier (alt, ctrl etc.).
+ * some internal code cleanup
+ ! #0000214 (accessibility issue with option dialogs)
+Version - 2007/10/02
+ ! fixed a few untranslatable strings.
+ ! fixed "revert to old" splitter option (was misaligned by a few pixels).
+ (issue # 0000024)
+ * cleaned up "clickable nicks code" (groupchats, patch by ghazan).
+Version - re-upload to enable updater support
+Version - 2007/10/02
+ * compatible ONLY with Miranda 0.7
+ * UTF-8 message storage now supported
+ * many bug fixes
+ * see online changelog at
+ for more detailed history.
+Version - 2007/01/20
+ * bugfixes
+ * 3-way message log selection added to the user preferences dialog.
+ * fixed problem with calling certain protocol services too early.
+ * fixed own nickname not showing in template editor.
+ * removed old icon loading code. IcoLib API is now required (either
+ via IcoLib plugin or new Miranda 0.7 core).
+Version - 2006/12/06
+ * more work on clickable nicknames in group chats.
+ * draw inactive / disabled status bar icons with high transparency to make
+ them appear "dimmed". Less confusing than constantly disappearing/jumping
+ icons in the status bar.
+ * clickable nicknames in the group chat history can now be right-clicked to
+ open the user context menu (same menu as in nickname list).
+ * fixed ugly crash bug introduced in .13 (clicking on the session list/tray
+ icon).
+Version - 2006/11/26
+ + group chat module has been converted to UNICODE (ghazan)
+ + Support for history++ as a message log viewer has been added.
+ + Support for the spell checker plugin by pescuma has been added to IM and
+ group chat sessions.
+ + codepage support for group chat windows added.
+ * various smaller enhancements and bugfixes (too many to list here).
+ + message window API support for status bar icons has been added.
+Version|11|12 - internal
+Version - 2006/09/20
+ ! fix: own avatar images are now rendered properly when they have transparency
+ * enabling or disabling the integrated group chat support will now set the chat.dll
+ plugin to enabled or disabled.
+ * most temporary error messages are now translateable
+Version - 2006/09/10
+ internal only
+Version - 2006/08/20
+ ! disable auto-bidi mode when no RTL language is installed
+ ! workaround for a loadavatars problem (may cause disappearing avatars in
+ the message window).
+Version - 2006/08/05
+ Mainly bugfixes from release.
+ ! fixed updater support (301, invalid response).
+ ! fixed bug when re-attaching a temporary contact to a new
+ container while the option to delete temporary contacts on close
+ is enabled.
+ ! fixed minor issue with [color] bbcode
+ ! using the own UIN as fallback for own nickname, to solve the "Unknown
+ Contact" problem which can appear when the own nickname is not
+ properly set.
+ ! fixed a few issues with global splitter positioning.
+ * selecting offline sub protocol throws a warning instead of an error.
+ - removed the feature to load a background image for the message input area.
+ was causing too many troubles and people did not understand that it was an
+ experimental feature, thus sending bug reports.
+ ! fixed problem with freezing when opening a message window by clicking on a
+ typing notify popup
+ ! fixed vertiacl maximize (patch by SloMo)
diff --git a/plugins/tabsrmm/docs/contributors.txt b/plugins/tabsrmm/docs/contributors.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6838692cd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/tabsrmm/docs/contributors.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ This is a fairly incomplete list of contributors to this project.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------
+* Original SRMM code by rainwater (robert _at_ rainwater _dot_ org)
+* Code merged from SRMM_Mod written by kreisquadratur
+* theMiron sent a number of patches, mainly for group chats and
+ History++ support.
+* Mad Cluster (daniok _at_ yandex _dot_ ru) wrote the "MadMOD" patch,
+ adding many new features and fixes.
+* Angeli-Ka contributed the icons for the default proxal icon pack.
+* Code for advanced typing notifications written by Bio for the
+ original typing notify plugin. This was integrated by the MadMod
+ patch in 2008.
+* Some code of the New Event Notify plugin was merged to add internal
+ event notification functionality into tabSRMM.
+* Many others contributed small fixes and ideas. If I forgot something,
+ let me know.
+NOTE: If you have contributed some code and want to be listed here, contact
+ me via mail (see below).
+Last modified: 2008/04/14, Nightwish (silvercircle _at_ gmail _dot_ com).
diff --git a/plugins/tabsrmm/docs/readme.txt b/plugins/tabsrmm/docs/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1326b6b12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/tabsrmm/docs/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+ tabbed SRMM plugin for Miranda IM 0.9.0
+ ----------------------------------------
+Online resources at:, and
+Version: 3.0
+Created: August 2009
+1. Overview
+tabSRMM is an advanced messaging module for Miranda IM (version 0.9.x or later
+required). It adds many new options and features to make instant messaging more
+enjoyable and allows you to tweak almost every aspect of the message window to
+fit your needs.
+2. Some features:
+* "tabbed messaging". All message dialog windows are now opened within a "container"
+ window. A simple tab bar can be used to switch between the message windows.
+ Currently, there is only one container and no way to make one or more message
+ windows "top level". You can define as many container windows as you want and
+ assign your contacts to different containers. This allows you to organize your
+ chat sessions in many different ways.
+ If you dislike a tabbed interface for chatting, you can also configure a "single
+ window mode" in which each session is opened in a separate window.
+* Lots of options to tweak the look of your message log.
+* Works with the external IEView plugin to give you a fully customizable message log
+ using HTML templates and CSS.
+* Avatar support - both contacts and own avatars can be shown in the message dialog.
+* message templates for the message history in the chat window. You can freely define
+ how messages will look like by using a powerful system of variables and templates.
+* built-in event notification system can announce messages and other events by using
+ popups, system tray tooltips or On Screen Displa (announcing via poups or on screen
+ display requires additional plugins).
+* WYSIWYG text editing in the message input box. Formatted text can be parsed to
+ either BBCodes or simple */_ style formatting tags.
+* many features which make chatting more user friendly and easier. Some examples.
+ * auto-select-and-copy: Selecting text in the message log history will automatically
+ copy it to the clipboard. Holding down the ctrl key while selecting text will
+ insert the selection in the edit box immediatly.
+ * simplified mousewheel handling. No need to change the focus if you want to scroll
+ the history log. Just move the mouse pointer over it and use the wheel.
+ * Many hotkeys. Almost everything can be done without using the mouse.
+ * option to minimize chat windows to the tray so they won't clutter your taskbar.
+ A session list is available which can be used to access chat windows which have
+ been minimized to the system tray.
+* A "favorite contact" list which can be used to access favorite contacts quickly.
+ (Win 2000 or later).
+* Remembers the last 15 active sessions in a menu (Win 2000 or later).
+* System tray support.
+* integrated group chat module, based on chat.dll but merged into tabSRMM to give
+ users a unified user interface for both IM and group chats (i.e. IRC channels).
+3. FAQ and general help
+ For a lot of knowledge, please visit my forum at
+ There you can find a lot of useful information, articles, a small FAQ, and some
+ links telling you more about tabSRMM in general.
+6. Credits and thanks:
+Lots of people provided useful suggestions, feature requests and bug reports during
+the development phase. I cannot name you all here, because it's just too many.
+* The Miranda-IM development team and all contributors for making the best
+ IM client on this planet (and probably in the entire universe :) )
+* sryo ( for the minimal icons.
+* Faith Healer for making icon packs, lots of suggestions, testing and
+ feedback.
+* the members on my own forum ( for a lot
+ of bug reports, feature suggestions and testing every new snapshot.
+* Angeli-Ka for many bug reports and general feedback, especially in the
+ early phase of development when using tabSRMM could be really frustrating :)
+ Also, for making the final icon set which is now distributed as default icon
+ pack.
+* Progame - for finding even the most carefully hidden bugs :)
+* All other members of the Miranda community, who helped with hunting down
+ sometimes hard to find, bugs, and for suggesting features.
+* "Mad Cluster" for the madmod patch which added a number of useful and often
+ requested new features to the plugin.
+* Joergen Persson for the original MUC ("multiuser chat") module for
+ Miranda IM. Large parts of tabSRMM's multiuser chat integration are based
+ on his code.
+License: GPL
+Contact me at: mailto: silvercircle _at_ gmail _dot_ com
+ GTalk/Jabber: silvercircle _at_ gmail _dot_ com
+ ICQ: 7769309
+ MSN: silvercircle _at_ gmail _dot_ com