path: root/protocols/SkypeClassic/skypeprofile.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'protocols/SkypeClassic/skypeprofile.cpp')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/protocols/SkypeClassic/skypeprofile.cpp b/protocols/SkypeClassic/skypeprofile.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..168dbfa97c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/protocols/SkypeClassic/skypeprofile.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+#pragma warning (disable: 4706) // assignment within conditional expression
+#include "skypeprofile.h"
+#include "skypeapi.h"
+#include "utf8.h"
+extern char g_szProtoName[];
+void SkypeProfile_Save(SkypeProfile *pstProf)
+ db_set_b(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "Gender", pstProf->Sex);
+ db_set_s(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "HomePhone", pstProf->HomePhone);
+ db_set_s(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "OfficePhone", pstProf->OfficePhone);
+ db_set_s(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "HomePage", pstProf->HomePage);
+ db_set_ts(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "Nick", pstProf->FullName);
+ db_set_ts(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "City", pstProf->City);
+ db_set_ts(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "Province", pstProf->Province);
+ db_set_w(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "BirthYear", (WORD)pstProf->Birthday.wYear);
+ db_set_b(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "BirthMonth", (BYTE)pstProf->Birthday.wMonth);
+ db_set_b(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "BirthDay", (BYTE)pstProf->Birthday.wDay);
+void SkypeProfile_Load(SkypeProfile *pstProf)
+ pstProf->Sex = (BYTE)db_get_b(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "Gender", 0);
+ pstProf->Birthday.wYear = (WORD)db_get_w(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "BirthYear", 1900);
+ pstProf->Birthday.wMonth = (WORD)db_get_b(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "BirthMonth", 01);
+ pstProf->Birthday.wDay = (WORD)db_get_b(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "BirthDay", 01);
+ if(!db_get_ts(NULL,SKYPE_PROTONAME,"Nick",&dbv))
+ {
+ _tcsncpy (pstProf->FullName, dbv.ptszVal, sizeof(pstProf->FullName)/sizeof(TCHAR));
+ db_free(&dbv);
+ }
+ if(!db_get_s(NULL,SKYPE_PROTONAME,"HomePage",&dbv))
+ {
+ strncpy (pstProf->HomePage, dbv.pszVal, sizeof(pstProf->HomePage));
+ db_free(&dbv);
+ }
+ if(!db_get_ts(NULL,SKYPE_PROTONAME,"Province",&dbv))
+ {
+ _tcsncpy (pstProf->Province, dbv.ptszVal, sizeof(pstProf->Province)/sizeof(TCHAR));
+ db_free(&dbv);
+ }
+ if(!db_get_ts(NULL,SKYPE_PROTONAME,"City",&dbv))
+ {
+ _tcsncpy (pstProf->City, dbv.ptszVal, sizeof(pstProf->City)/sizeof(TCHAR));
+ db_free(&dbv);
+ }
+ if(!db_get_s(NULL,SKYPE_PROTONAME,"OfficePhone",&dbv))
+ {
+ strncpy (pstProf->OfficePhone, dbv.pszVal, sizeof(pstProf->OfficePhone));
+ db_free(&dbv);
+ }
+ if(!db_get_s(NULL,SKYPE_PROTONAME,"HomePhone",&dbv))
+ {
+ strncpy (pstProf->HomePhone, dbv.pszVal, sizeof(pstProf->HomePhone));
+ db_free(&dbv);
+ }
+static void LoadSaveSkype(SkypeProfile *pstProf, BOOL bSet)
+#pragma warning (push)
+#pragma warning (disable: 4204) // nonstandard extension used : non-constant aggregate initializer
+#define ENTRY(x,y) {x, pstProf->y, sizeof(pstProf->y)/sizeof(pstProf->y[0]), sizeof(pstProf->y[0])}
+ const struct {
+ char *pszSetting;
+ LPVOID lpDest;
+ int iSize;
+ char cType;
+ } astSettings[] = {
+ ENTRY("FULLNAME", FullName),
+ ENTRY("PHONE_HOME", HomePhone),
+ ENTRY("PHONE_OFFICE", OfficePhone),
+ ENTRY("HOMEPAGE", HomePage),
+ ENTRY("CITY", City),
+ ENTRY("PROVINCE", Province)
+ };
+#pragma warning (pop)
+#undef ENTRY
+ char *ptr;
+ int i;
+ if (bSet) {
+ char *pBuf, szBirthday[16];
+ for (i=0; i<sizeof(astSettings)/sizeof(astSettings[0]); i++) {
+ if ((astSettings[i].cType == sizeof(char) && utf8_encode((const char*)astSettings[i].lpDest, &pBuf) != -1) ||
+ (astSettings[i].cType == sizeof(WCHAR) && (pBuf = (char*)make_utf8_string((const WCHAR*)astSettings[i].lpDest)))) {
+ SkypeSetProfile (astSettings[i].pszSetting, pBuf);
+ free (pBuf);
+ }
+ }
+ switch (pstProf->Sex)
+ {
+ case 0x4D: SkypeSetProfile ("SEX", "MALE"); break;
+ case 0x46: SkypeSetProfile ("SEX", "FEMALE"); break;
+ }
+ sprintf (szBirthday, "%04d%02d%02d", pstProf->Birthday.wYear, pstProf->Birthday.wMonth, pstProf->Birthday.wDay);
+ SkypeSetProfile ("BIRTHDAY", szBirthday);
+ } else {
+ for (i=0; i<sizeof(astSettings)/sizeof(astSettings[0]); i++) {
+ if (ptr=SkypeGetProfile(astSettings[i].pszSetting)) {
+ if (astSettings[i].cType == sizeof(char)) {
+ char *pBuf;
+ if (utf8_decode (ptr, &pBuf) != -1) {
+ strncpy ((char*)astSettings[i].lpDest, pBuf, astSettings[i].iSize);
+ free (pBuf);
+ }
+ } else {
+ WCHAR *pBuf;
+ if (pBuf = make_unicode_string((const unsigned char*)ptr)) {
+ wcsncpy ((WCHAR*)astSettings[i].lpDest, pBuf, astSettings[i].iSize);
+ free (pBuf);
+ }
+ }
+ free (ptr);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ptr=SkypeGetProfile("SEX"))
+ {
+ if (!_stricmp(ptr, "MALE")) pstProf->Sex=0x4D; else
+ if (!_stricmp(ptr, "FEMALE")) pstProf->Sex=0x46;
+ free (ptr);
+ }
+ if (ptr=SkypeGetProfile("BIRTHDAY"))
+ {
+ if (*ptr != '0')
+ sscanf(ptr, "%04hd%02hd%02hd", &pstProf->Birthday.wYear, &pstProf->Birthday.wMonth,
+ &pstProf->Birthday.wDay);
+ free(ptr);
+ }
+ }
+void SkypeProfile_LoadFromSkype(SkypeProfile *pstProf)
+ LoadSaveSkype (pstProf, FALSE);
+void SkypeProfile_SaveToSkype(SkypeProfile *pstProf)
+ LoadSaveSkype (pstProf, TRUE);
+} \ No newline at end of file