path: root/protocols/Yahoo/src/libyahoo2/yahoo2.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'protocols/Yahoo/src/libyahoo2/yahoo2.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 230 deletions
diff --git a/protocols/Yahoo/src/libyahoo2/yahoo2.h b/protocols/Yahoo/src/libyahoo2/yahoo2.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 958e83e472..0000000000
--- a/protocols/Yahoo/src/libyahoo2/yahoo2.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
- * libyahoo2: yahoo2.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2002-2004, Philip S Tellis <philip.tellis AT>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- */
-#ifndef YAHOO2_H
-#define YAHOO2_H
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include "yahoo2_types.h"
-/* returns the socket descriptor for a given pager connection. shouldn't be needed */
-int yahoo_get_fd(int id);
-/* says how much logging to do */
-/* see yahoo2_types.h for the different values */
-int yahoo_set_log_level(enum yahoo_log_level level);
-enum yahoo_log_level yahoo_get_log_level( void );
-/* these functions should be self explanatory */
-/* who always means the buddy you're acting on */
-/* id is the successful value returned by yahoo_init */
-/* init returns a connection id used to identify the connection hereon */
-/* or 0 on failure */
-/* you must call init before calling any other function */
- * The optional parameters to init are key/value pairs that specify
- * server settings to use. This list must be NULL terminated - even
- * if the list is empty. If a parameter isn't set, a default value
- * will be used. Parameter keys are strings, parameter values are
- * either strings or ints, depending on the key. Values passed in
- * are copied, so you can use const/auto/static/pointers/whatever
- * you want. Parameters are:
- * pager_host char *
- * pager_port int 5050
- * filetransfer_host char *
- * filetransfer_port int 80
- * webcam_host char *
- * webcam_port int 5100
- * webcam_description char * ""
- * local_host char * ""
- * conn_type int Y_WCM_DSL
- *
- * You should set at least local_host if you intend to use webcams
- */
-int yahoo_init_with_attributes(const char *username, const char *password, const char *pw_token, ...);
-/* yahoo_init does the same as yahoo_init_with_attributes, assuming defaults
- * for all attributes */
-int yahoo_init(const char *username, const char *password, const char *pw_token);
-/* retrieve the pw_token that's currently setup for this id if any
- */
-const char * yahoo_get_pw_token(int id);
-/* release all resources held by this session */
-/* you need to call yahoo_close for a session only if
- * yahoo_logoff is never called for it (ie, it was never logged in) */
-void yahoo_close(int id);
-/* login logs in to the server */
-/* initial is of type enum yahoo_status. see yahoo2_types.h */
-void yahoo_login(int id, enum yahoo_status initial);
-void yahoo_logoff(int id);
-/* reloads status of all buddies */
-void yahoo_refresh(int id);
-/* activates/deactivates an identity */
-void yahoo_set_identity_status(int id, const char * identity, int active);
-/* regets the entire buddy list from the server */
-void yahoo_get_list(int id);
-/* download buddy contact information from your yahoo addressbook */
-void yahoo_get_yab(int id);
-/* add/modify an address book entry. if yab->dbid is set, it will */
-/* modify that entry else it creates a new entry */
-void yahoo_set_yab(int id, struct yab * yab);
-void yahoo_send_ping(int id);
-void yahoo_keepalive(int id);
-void yahoo_chat_keepalive(int id);
-/* from is the identity you're sending from. if NULL, the default is used */
-/* utf8 is whether msg is a utf8 string or not. */
-void yahoo_send_im(int id, const char *from, const char *who, int protocol, const char *msg, int utf8, int buddy_icon);
-/* if type is true, send typing notice, else send stopped typing notice */
-void yahoo_send_typing(int id, const char *from, const char *who, int protocol, int typ);
-/* used to set away/back status. */
-/* away says whether the custom message is an away message or a sig */
-void yahoo_set_away(int id, enum yahoo_status state, const char *msg, int away);
-void yahoo_set_stealth(int id, const char *buddy, int protocol, int add);
-void yahoo_add_buddy(int id, const char *myid, const char *fname, const char *lname, const char *who, int protocol, const char *group, const char *msg);
-void yahoo_remove_buddy(int id, const char *who, int protocol, const char *group);
-void yahoo_accept_buddy(int id, const char *myid, const char *who, int protocol);
-void yahoo_reject_buddy(int id, const char *myid, const char *who, int protocol, const char *msg);
-/* if unignore is true, unignore, else ignore */
-void yahoo_ignore_buddy(int id, const char *who, int unignore);
-void yahoo_change_buddy_group(int id, const char *who, const char *old_group, const char *new_group);
-void yahoo_group_rename(int id, const char *old_group, const char *new_group);
-void yahoo_conference_invite(int id, const char * from, YList *who, const char *room, const char *msg);
-void yahoo_conference_addinvite(int id, const char * from, const char *who, const char *room, const YList * members, const char *msg);
-void yahoo_conference_decline(int id, const char * from, YList *who, const char *room, const char *msg);
-void yahoo_conference_message(int id, const char * from, YList *who, const char *room, const char *msg, int utf8);
-void yahoo_conference_logon(int id, const char * from, YList *who, const char *room);
-void yahoo_conference_logoff(int id, const char * from, YList *who, const char *room);
-/* Get a list of chatrooms */
-void yahoo_get_chatrooms(int id,int chatroomid);
-/* join room with specified roomname and roomid */
-void yahoo_chat_logon(int id, const char *from, const char *room, const char *roomid);
-/* Send message "msg" to room with specified roomname, msgtype is 1-normal message or 2-/me mesage */
-void yahoo_chat_message(int id, const char *from, const char *room, const char *msg, const int msgtype, const int utf8);
-/* Log off chat */
-void yahoo_chat_logoff(int id, const char *from);
-/* requests a webcam feed */
-/* who is the person who's webcam you would like to view */
-/* if who is null, then you're the broadcaster */
-void yahoo_webcam_get_feed(int id, const char *who);
-void yahoo_webcam_close_feed(int id, const char *who);
-/* sends an image when uploading */
-/* image points to a JPEG-2000 image, length is the length of the image */
-/* in bytes. The timestamp is the time in milliseconds since we started the */
-/* webcam. */
-void yahoo_webcam_send_image(int id, unsigned char *image, unsigned int length, unsigned int timestamp);
-/* this function should be called if we want to allow a user to watch the */
-/* webcam. Who is the user we want to accept. */
-/* Accept user (accept = 1), decline user (accept = 0) */
-void yahoo_webcam_accept_viewer(int id, const char* who, int accept);
-/* send an invitation to a user to view your webcam */
-void yahoo_webcam_invite(int id, const char *who);
-/* will set up a connection and initiate file transfer.
- * callback will be called with the fd that you should write
- * the file data to
- */
-void yahoo_send_file(int id, const char *who, const char *msg, const char *name, unsigned long size,
- yahoo_get_fd_callback callback, void *data);
-void yahoo_send_avatar(int id, const char *name, unsigned long size,
- yahoo_get_fd_callback callback, void *data);
-/* send a search request
- */
-void yahoo_search(int id, enum yahoo_search_type t, const char *text, enum yahoo_search_gender g, enum yahoo_search_agerange ar,
- int photo, int yahoo_only);
-/* continue last search
- * should be called if only (start+found >= total)
- *
- * where the above three are passed to ext_yahoo_got_search_result
- */
-void yahoo_search_again(int id, int start);
-/* returns a socket fd to a url for downloading a file. */
-void yahoo_get_url_handle(int id, const char *url,
- yahoo_get_url_handle_callback callback, void *data);
-/* these should be called when input is available on a fd */
-/* registered by ext_yahoo_add_handler */
-/* if these return negative values, errno may be set */
-int yahoo_read_ready(int id, INT_PTR fd, void *data);
-int yahoo_write_ready(int id, INT_PTR fd, void *data);
-/* utility functions. these do not hit the server */
-enum yahoo_status yahoo_current_status(int id);
-const YList * yahoo_get_buddylist(int id);
-const YList * yahoo_get_ignorelist(int id);
-const YList * yahoo_get_identities(int id);
-/* 'which' could be y, t, c or login. This may change in later versions. */
-const char * yahoo_get_cookie(int id, const char *which);
-/* returns the url used to get user profiles - you must append the user id */
-/* as of now this is */
-/* You'll have to do urlencoding yourself, but see yahoo_httplib.h first */
-const char * yahoo_get_profile_url( void );
-void yahoo_request_buddy_avatar(int id, const char *buddy);
-void yahoo_send_picture_checksum(int id, const char* who, int cksum);
-void yahoo_send_picture_info(int id, const char *who, int type, const char *pic_url, int cksum);
-void yahoo_send_picture_status(int id, int buddy_icon);
-void yahoo_send_picture_update(int id, const char *who, int type);
-void yahoo_ftdc_deny(int id, const char *buddy, const char *filename, const char *ft_token, int command);
-void yahoo_ft7dc_accept(int id, const char *buddy, const char *ft_token);
-void yahoo_ft7dc_deny(int id, const char *buddy, const char *ft_token);
-void yahoo_ft7dc_relay(int id, const char *buddy, const char *ft_token);
-void yahoo_ft7dc_abort(int id, const char *buddy, const char *ft_token);
-void yahoo_ft7dc_nextfile(int id, const char *buddy, const char *ft_token);
-char *yahoo_ft7dc_send(int id, const char *buddy, YList *files);
-void yahoo_send_file7info(int id, const char *me, const char *who, const char *ft_token, const char* filename,
- const char *relay_ip);
-void yahoo_send_file_y7(int id, const char *from, const char *to, const char *relay_ip,
- unsigned long size, const char* ft_token, yahoo_get_fd_callback callback, void *data);
-unsigned char *yahoo_webmessenger_idle_packet(int id, int* len);
-void yahoo_send_idle_packet(int id);
-void yahoo_send_im_ack(int id, const char *me, const char *buddy, const char *seqn, int sendn);
-#include "yahoo_httplib.h"
-char * getcookie(char *rawcookie);
-#ifdef __cplusplus