AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-06-26fixes #4494 (UInfoEx: падение при выгрузке)George Hazan
2024-06-26for #4438 - ICQ support for DummyGeorge Hazan
2024-06-26ICQ: only MRA code remains in case we knew how to log in sometimesGeorge Hazan
2024-06-26VKontakte: fix(?) #4489ElzorFox
2024-06-25fixes #4483 (Стабильная версия видит Discord, но не ...George Hazan
2024-06-25fixes #4484 (CyrTranslit)George Hazan
2024-06-25fixes #4490 (ICQ: проблема Load Server History)George Hazan
2024-06-21ICQ: fix for cyrillic file names in historyGeorge Hazan
2024-06-21compilation fixGeorge Hazan
2024-06-21fixes #4477 (libsodium: update to 1.0.20)George Hazan
2024-06-19StdUserInfo: fix for displaying groupsGeorge Hazan
2024-06-19fixes #4475 (ICQ: некоторые файлы в истории вгруж...George Hazan
2024-06-19fixes #4471 (XMPP: при использовании шифрования OME...George Hazan
2024-06-19code cleaning for clipboard copying proceduresGeorge Hazan
2024-06-17fixes #4458 (IEView: Template Does not apply to Groupchats)George Hazan
2024-06-17fixes #4474 (Msg_Export: при удалении учётной записи ...George Hazan
2024-06-17fixes #4470 (Реакции: падение при попытке поста...George Hazan
2024-06-17fixes #4467 (Диалог реакций имеет неверный заго...George Hazan
2024-06-17fixes #4466 (Telegram: при очистке истории канала ну...George Hazan
2024-06-13code cleaningGeorge Hazan
2024-06-13Discord: fix for occasional crashGeorge Hazan
2024-06-13NETLIBBIND to be able to open UDP external portsGeorge Hazan
2024-06-13websocket internal code went to MWebSocketGeorge Hazan
2024-06-13Discord: update for import libs to use opus from gstreamerGeorge Hazan
2024-06-12Discord: voice initialization threadGeorge Hazan
2024-06-12Skype: code cleaningGeorge Hazan
2024-06-11fixes #4465 (SkypeWeb: исходящие файлы отображаются...George Hazan
2024-06-11Skype: PS_EMPTY_SRV_HISTORY implementationGeorge Hazan
2024-06-11Chrome version updateGeorge Hazan
2024-06-10Skype: fix for contact's deletionGeorge Hazan
2024-06-10SkypeWeb: contacts' URL unificationGeorge Hazan
2024-06-10fixes #4462 (Discord: протокол падает, если заверши...George Hazan
2024-06-10fixes #4464 (SkypeWeb: contacts' search doesn't work)George Hazan
2024-06-10Utils_GenerateUUID - a helper for UUID generationGeorge Hazan
2024-06-09fixes #4461 (SkypeWeb: не приходят сообщения)George Hazan
2024-06-09warning fixGeorge Hazan
2024-06-09Skype: fix for receiving auth requestsGeorge Hazan
2024-06-09code cleaningGeorge Hazan
2024-06-09fixes #4460 (PluginUpdater пытается проверить обновле...George Hazan
2024-06-09ok, let's switch to vanilla Opus codecGeorge Hazan
2024-06-07....George Hazan
2024-06-07...George Hazan
2024-06-07patch to pack Opus codec with Discord correctlyGeorge Hazan
2024-06-07update for 32-bit import libraryGeorge Hazan
2024-06-07Discord: opus.dll is addedGeorge Hazan
2024-06-07Discord: guild options should be avaiable for guild contacts onlyGeorge Hazan
2024-06-07opus headers addedGeorge Hazan
2024-06-07Discord to be packed with libsodiumGeorge Hazan
2024-06-06fixes #4454 (Msg_Export: плагин использует нестандар...George Hazan
2024-06-06fixes #4456 (Msg_Export некорректно меняет формат фа...George Hazan