path: root/dev-libs/glib
diff options
authorЧистяков Марк <>2009-07-14 07:29:03 +0600
committerЧистяков Марк <>2009-07-14 07:29:03 +0600
commite8f3d02073a697574ddf7ac6b63d34b400d36c89 (patch)
treea9026829c21fda33e75b03788c30bf7c2cc240d1 /dev-libs/glib
parent53b3906407137567d3462296b55998e941b8a5af (diff)
new file: x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers/nvidia-drivers-185.18.14.ebuild
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-libs/glib')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/dev-libs/glib/files b/dev-libs/glib/files
index fbba1c6..659567b 120000
--- a/dev-libs/glib/files
+++ b/dev-libs/glib/files
@@ -1 +1,129 @@
-/var/paludis/repositories/gentoo/dev-libs/glib/files \ No newline at end of file
+/var/paludis/repositories/gentoo/dev-libs/glib/filesd under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/glib/glib-2.18.2.ebuild,v 1.1 2008/10/19 02:16:37 leio Exp $
+inherit libtool eutils flag-o-matic subversion
+DESCRIPTION="The GLib library of C routines"
+IUSE="debug doc fam hardened selinux xattr"
+ virtual/libiconv
+ xattr? ( sys-apps/attr )
+ fam? ( virtual/fam )"
+ >=dev-util/pkgconfig-0.16
+ >=sys-devel/gettext-0.11
+ dev-util/gtk-doc
+src_unpack() {
+ subversion_src_unpack
+ cd "${S}"
+ if use ppc64 && use hardened ; then
+ replace-flags -O[2-3] -O1
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/glib-2.6.3-testglib-ssp.patch"
+ fi
+ if use ia64 ; then
+ # Only apply for < 4.1
+ local major=$(gcc-major-version)
+ local minor=$(gcc-minor-version)
+ if (( major < 4 || ( major == 4 && minor == 0 ) )); then
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/glib-2.10.3-ia64-atomic-ops.patch"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Don't fail gio tests when ran without userpriv, upstream bug 552912
+ # This is only a temporary workaround, remove as soon as possible
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.18.1-workaround-gio-test-failure-without-userpriv.patch"
+ # Fix gmodule issues on fbsd; bug #184301
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.12.12-fbsd.patch
+ [[ ${CHOST} == *-freebsd* ]] && elibtoolize
+src_compile() {
+ local myconf
+ epunt_cxx
+ # Building with --disable-debug highly unrecommended. It will build glib in
+ # an unusable form as it disables some commonly used API. Please do not
+ # convert this to the use_enable form, as it results in a broken build.
+ # -- compnerd (3/27/06)
+ use debug && myconf="--enable-debug"
+ # always build static libs, see #153807
+ econf ${myconf} \
+ $(use_enable xattr) \
+ $(use_enable doc man) \
+ $(use_enable doc gtk-doc) \
+ $(use_enable fam) \
+ $(use_enable selinux) \
+ --enable-static \
+ --with-threads=posix || die "configure failed"
+ emake || die "make failed"
+src_install() {
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "Installation failed"
+ # Do not install charset.alias even if generated, leave it to libiconv
+ rm -f "${D}/usr/lib/charset.alias"
+ dodoc AUTHORS ChangeLog* NEWS* README
+ $(use_enable mpd) \
+ $(use_enable nvidia) \
+ $(use_enable rss) \
+ $(use_enable smapi) \
+ $(use_enable wifi wlan) \
+ $(use_enable !ipv6 portmon) || die "econf failed"
+ emake ${mymake} || die "compile failed"
+src_install() {
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "make install failed"
+ dodoc ChangeLog AUTHORS README
+ dohtml doc/docs.html doc/config_settings.html doc/variables.html
+ if use vim-syntax; then
+ insinto /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect
+ doins "${S}"/extras/vim/ftdetect/conkyrc.vim
+ insinto /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/syntax
+ doins "${S}"/extras/vim/syntax/conkyrc.vim
+ fi
+ if use nano-syntax; then
+ insinto /usr/share/nano/
+ doins "${S}"/extras/nano/conky.nanorc
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog "You can find the sample configuration file at"
+ elog "/etc/conky/conky.conf. To customize it, copy"
+ elog "/etc/conky/conky.conf to ~/.conkyrc and edit"
+ elog "it to your liking."
+ elog
+ elog "For more info on Conky's new features,"
+ elog "please look at the README and ChangeLog:"
+ elog "/usr/share/doc/${PF}/README.bz2"
+ elog "/usr/share/doc/${PF}/ChangeLog.bz2"
+ elog "There are also pretty p \ No newline at end of file