diff options
20 files changed, 2390 insertions, 440 deletions
diff --git a/protocols/Steam/Steam.vcxproj b/protocols/Steam/Steam.vcxproj
index b93833d00b..2c472d4fcc 100644
--- a/protocols/Steam/Steam.vcxproj
+++ b/protocols/Steam/Steam.vcxproj
@@ -64,21 +64,21 @@
<ClCompile Include="src\steam_utils.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="src\steam_xstatus.cpp" />
<ClInclude Include="src\api\app_info.h" />
- <ClInclude Include="src\api\authorization.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\api\avatar.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\api\captcha.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\api\enums.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\api\friend.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\api\friend_list.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\api\history.h" />
- <ClInclude Include="src\api\login.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\api\message.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\api\pending.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\api\rsa_key.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\api\search.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\api\session.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\http_request.h" />
+ <ClInclude Include="src\proto.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\protobuf-c\enums.pb-c.h" />
+ <ClInclude Include="src\protobuf-c\protobuf-c.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\protobuf-c\steammessages_auth.steamclient.pb-c.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\protobuf-c\steammessages_base.pb-c.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\protobuf-c\steammessages_clientserver_login.pb-c.h" />
diff --git a/protocols/Steam/Steam.vcxproj.filters b/protocols/Steam/Steam.vcxproj.filters
index 41c7de37fb..250f162311 100644
--- a/protocols/Steam/Steam.vcxproj.filters
+++ b/protocols/Steam/Steam.vcxproj.filters
@@ -104,9 +104,6 @@
<ClInclude Include="src\api\app_info.h">
<Filter>Header Files\api</Filter>
- <ClInclude Include="src\api\authorization.h">
- <Filter>Header Files\api</Filter>
- </ClInclude>
<ClInclude Include="src\api\avatar.h">
<Filter>Header Files\api</Filter>
@@ -122,9 +119,6 @@
<ClInclude Include="src\api\history.h">
<Filter>Header Files\api</Filter>
- <ClInclude Include="src\api\login.h">
- <Filter>Header Files\api</Filter>
- </ClInclude>
<ClInclude Include="src\api\message.h">
<Filter>Header Files\api</Filter>
@@ -155,6 +149,12 @@
<ClInclude Include="src\protobuf-c\enums.pb-c.h">
<Filter>Source Files\protobuf</Filter>
+ <ClInclude Include="src\protobuf-c\protobuf-c.h">
+ <Filter>Source Files\protobuf</Filter>
+ </ClInclude>
+ <ClInclude Include="src\proto.h">
+ <Filter>Source Files\protobuf</Filter>
+ </ClInclude>
<ResourceCompile Include="res\Resource.rc">
diff --git a/protocols/Steam/src/api/authorization.h b/protocols/Steam/src/api/authorization.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fdaec9920d..0000000000
--- a/protocols/Steam/src/api/authorization.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-class AuthorizationRequest : public HttpRequest
- AuthorizationRequest(const char *username, const char *password, const char *timestamp, const char *twoFactorCode, const char *guardCode, const char *guardId = "", const char *captchaId = "-1", const char *captchaText = "") :
- HttpRequest(REQUEST_POST, STEAM_WEB_URL "/mobilelogin/dologin/")
- {
- AddHeader("Referer", STEAM_WEB_URL "/mobilelogin/dologin?oauth_client_id=3638BFB1&oauth_scope=read_profile%20write_profile%20read_client%20write_client");
- AddHeader("Cookie", "mobileClientVersion=1291812;forceMobile=1;mobileClient=ios");
- this
- << CHAR_PARAM("oauth_client_id", "3638BFB1")
- << CHAR_PARAM("loginfriendlyname", "Miranda NG")
- << CHAR_PARAM("password", password)
- << CHAR_PARAM("username", username)
- << CHAR_PARAM("twofactorcode", twoFactorCode)
- << CHAR_PARAM("emailsteamid", guardId)
- << CHAR_PARAM("emailauth", guardCode)
- << CHAR_PARAM("captchagid", captchaId)
- << CHAR_PARAM("captcha_text", captchaText)
- << CHAR_PARAM("rsatimestamp", timestamp)
- << INT_PARAM("rememberlogin", 0)
- << INT64_PARAM("donotcache", now());
- }
diff --git a/protocols/Steam/src/api/login.h b/protocols/Steam/src/api/login.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ece955840d..0000000000
--- a/protocols/Steam/src/api/login.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-class LogonRequest : public HttpRequest
- LogonRequest(const char *token) :
- HttpRequest(REQUEST_POST, "/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logon/v0001")
- {
- char data[256];
- mir_snprintf(data, "access_token=%s&ui_mode=web", token);
- this
- << CHAR_PARAM("access_token", token)
- << CHAR_PARAM("ui_mode", "web");
- }
- //{
- // "steamid": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
- // "error" : "OK",
- // "timestamp" : 16955891,
- // "utc_timestamp" : 1514974537,
- // "message" : 1,
- // "push" : 0
- //}
-class LogoffRequest : public HttpRequest
- LogoffRequest(const char *token, const char *umqId) :
- HttpRequest(REQUEST_POST, "/ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/Logoff/v0001")
- {
- this
- << CHAR_PARAM("access_token", token)
- << CHAR_PARAM("umqid", umqId);
- }
- //{
- // "error": "OK"
- //}
diff --git a/protocols/Steam/src/api/session.h b/protocols/Steam/src/api/session.h
index 8c7351db6f..e747c2e65f 100644
--- a/protocols/Steam/src/api/session.h
+++ b/protocols/Steam/src/api/session.h
@@ -8,39 +8,4 @@ struct GetHostsRequest : public HttpRequest
-struct GetSessionRequest : public HttpRequest
- GetSessionRequest(const char *token, const char *steamId, const char *cookie) :
- HttpRequest(REQUEST_POST, STEAM_WEB_URL "/mobileloginsucceeded")
- {
- this
- << CHAR_PARAM("oauth_token", token)
- << CHAR_PARAM("steamid", steamId)
- << CHAR_PARAM("webcookie", cookie);
- char data[512];
- mir_snprintf(data, _countof(data),
- "oauth_token=%s&steamid=%s&webcookie=%s",
- token,
- steamId,
- cookie);
- }
-struct GetSessionRequest2 : public HttpRequest
- GetSessionRequest2(const char *token, const char *steamId) :
- HttpRequest(REQUEST_GET, STEAM_WEB_URL "/mobilesettings/GetManifest/v0001")
- {
- char cookie[MAX_PATH];
- mir_snprintf(cookie, "steamLogin=%s||oauth:%s", steamId, token);
- AddHeader("Cookie", cookie);
- }
diff --git a/protocols/Steam/src/main.cpp b/protocols/Steam/src/main.cpp
index 9daabf1e60..be3991d116 100644
--- a/protocols/Steam/src/main.cpp
+++ b/protocols/Steam/src/main.cpp
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ PLUGININFOEX pluginInfoEx =
CMPlugin::CMPlugin() :
ACCPROTOPLUGIN<CSteamProto>("STEAM", pluginInfoEx)
- SetUniqueId("SteamID");
+ SetUniqueId(DBKEY_STEAM_ID);
diff --git a/protocols/Steam/src/proto.h b/protocols/Steam/src/proto.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d1f07bf6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/protocols/Steam/src/proto.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1985 @@
+#pragma once
+enum EMsg
+ Invalid = 0,
+ Multi = 1,
+ ProtobufWrapped = 2,
+ BaseGeneral = 100,
+ GenericReply = 100,
+ DestJobFailed = 113,
+ Alert = 115,
+ SCIDRequest = 120,
+ SCIDResponse = 121,
+ JobHeartbeat = 123,
+ HubConnect = 124,
+ Subscribe = 126,
+ RouteMessage = 127,
+ RemoteSysID = 128,
+ AMCreateAccountResponse = 129,
+ WGRequest = 130,
+ WGResponse = 131,
+ KeepAlive = 132,
+ WebAPIJobRequest = 133,
+ WebAPIJobResponse = 134,
+ ClientSessionStart = 135,
+ ClientSessionEnd = 136,
+ ClientSessionUpdateAuthTicket = 137,
+ ClientSessionUpdate = 137,
+ StatsDeprecated = 138,
+ Ping = 139,
+ PingResponse = 140,
+ Stats = 141,
+ RequestFullStatsBlock = 142,
+ LoadDBOCacheItem = 143,
+ LoadDBOCacheItemResponse = 144,
+ InvalidateDBOCacheItems = 145,
+ ServiceMethod = 146,
+ ServiceMethodResponse = 147,
+ ClientPackageVersions = 148,
+ TimestampRequest = 149,
+ TimestampResponse = 150,
+ ServiceMethodCallFromClient = 151,
+ ServiceMethodSendToClient = 152,
+ BaseShell = 200,
+ AssignSysID = 200,
+ Exit = 201,
+ DirRequest = 202,
+ DirResponse = 203,
+ ZipRequest = 204,
+ ZipResponse = 205,
+ UpdateRecordResponse = 215,
+ UpdateCreditCardRequest = 221,
+ UpdateUserBanResponse = 225,
+ PrepareToExit = 226,
+ ContentDescriptionUpdate = 227,
+ TestResetServer = 228,
+ UniverseChanged = 229,
+ ShellConfigInfoUpdate = 230,
+ RequestWindowsEventLogEntries = 233,
+ ProvideWindowsEventLogEntries = 234,
+ ShellSearchLogs = 235,
+ ShellSearchLogsResponse = 236,
+ ShellCheckWindowsUpdates = 237,
+ ShellCheckWindowsUpdatesResponse = 238,
+ ShellFlushUserLicenseCache = 239,
+ TestFlushDelayedSQL = 240,
+ TestFlushDelayedSQLResponse = 241,
+ EnsureExecuteScheduledTask_TEST = 242,
+ EnsureExecuteScheduledTaskResponse_TEST = 243,
+ UpdateScheduledTaskEnableState_TEST = 244,
+ UpdateScheduledTaskEnableStateResponse_TEST = 245,
+ ContentDescriptionDeltaUpdate = 246,
+ GMShellAndServerAddressUpdates = 247,
+ BaseGM = 300,
+ Heartbeat = 300,
+ ShellFailed = 301,
+ ExitShells = 307,
+ ExitShell = 308,
+ GracefulExitShell = 309,
+ LicenseProcessingComplete = 316,
+ SetTestFlag = 317,
+ QueuedEmailsComplete = 318,
+ GMReportPHPError = 319,
+ GMDRMSync = 320,
+ PhysicalBoxInventory = 321,
+ UpdateConfigFile = 322,
+ TestInitDB = 323,
+ GMWriteConfigToSQL = 324,
+ GMLoadActivationCodes = 325,
+ GMQueueForFBS = 326,
+ GMSchemaConversionResults = 327,
+ GMSchemaConversionResultsResponse = 328,
+ GMWriteShellFailureToSQL = 329,
+ GMWriteStatsToSOS = 330,
+ GMGetServiceMethodRouting = 331,
+ GMGetServiceMethodRoutingResponse = 332,
+ GMConvertUserWallets = 333,
+ GMTestNextBuildSchemaConversion = 334,
+ GMTestNextBuildSchemaConversionResponse = 335,
+ ExpectShellRestart = 336,
+ HotFixProgress = 337,
+ GMStatsForwardToAdminConnections = 338,
+ GMGetModifiedConVars = 339,
+ GMGetModifiedConVarsResponse = 340,
+ BaseAIS = 400,
+ AISRefreshContentDescription = 401,
+ AISRequestContentDescription = 402,
+ AISUpdateAppInfo = 403,
+ AISUpdatePackageCosts = 404,
+ AISUpdatePackageInfo = 404,
+ AISGetPackageChangeNumber = 405,
+ AISGetPackageChangeNumberResponse = 406,
+ AISAppInfoTableChanged = 407,
+ AISUpdatePackageCostsResponse = 408,
+ AISCreateMarketingMessage = 409,
+ AISCreateMarketingMessageResponse = 410,
+ AISGetMarketingMessage = 411,
+ AISGetMarketingMessageResponse = 412,
+ AISUpdateMarketingMessage = 413,
+ AISUpdateMarketingMessageResponse = 414,
+ AISRequestMarketingMessageUpdate = 415,
+ AISDeleteMarketingMessage = 416,
+ AISGetMarketingTreatments = 419,
+ AISGetMarketingTreatmentsResponse = 420,
+ AISRequestMarketingTreatmentUpdate = 421,
+ AISTestAddPackage = 422,
+ AIGetAppGCFlags = 423,
+ AIGetAppGCFlagsResponse = 424,
+ AIGetAppList = 425,
+ AIGetAppListResponse = 426,
+ AIGetAppInfo = 427,
+ AIGetAppInfoResponse = 428,
+ AISGetCouponDefinition = 429,
+ AISGetCouponDefinitionResponse = 430,
+ AISUpdateSlaveContentDescription = 431,
+ AISUpdateSlaveContentDescriptionResponse = 432,
+ AISTestEnableGC = 433,
+ BaseAM = 500,
+ AMUpdateUserBanRequest = 504,
+ AMAddLicense = 505,
+ AMBeginProcessingLicenses = 507,
+ AMSendSystemIMToUser = 508,
+ AMExtendLicense = 509,
+ AMAddMinutesToLicense = 510,
+ AMCancelLicense = 511,
+ AMInitPurchase = 512,
+ AMPurchaseResponse = 513,
+ AMGetFinalPrice = 514,
+ AMGetFinalPriceResponse = 515,
+ AMGetLegacyGameKey = 516,
+ AMGetLegacyGameKeyResponse = 517,
+ AMFindHungTransactions = 518,
+ AMSetAccountTrustedRequest = 519,
+ AMCompletePurchase = 521,
+ AMCancelPurchase = 522,
+ AMNewChallenge = 523,
+ AMLoadOEMTickets = 524,
+ AMFixPendingPurchase = 525,
+ AMFixPendingPurchaseResponse = 526,
+ AMIsUserBanned = 527,
+ AMRegisterKey = 528,
+ AMLoadActivationCodes = 529,
+ AMLoadActivationCodesResponse = 530,
+ AMLookupKeyResponse = 531,
+ AMLookupKey = 532,
+ AMChatCleanup = 533,
+ AMClanCleanup = 534,
+ AMFixPendingRefund = 535,
+ AMReverseChargeback = 536,
+ AMReverseChargebackResponse = 537,
+ AMClanCleanupList = 538,
+ AMGetLicenses = 539,
+ AMGetLicensesResponse = 540,
+ AMSendCartRepurchase = 541,
+ AMSendCartRepurchaseResponse = 542,
+ AllowUserToPlayQuery = 550,
+ AllowUserToPlayResponse = 551,
+ AMVerfiyUser = 552,
+ AMClientNotPlaying = 553,
+ ClientRequestFriendship = 554,
+ AMClientRequestFriendship = 554,
+ AMRelayPublishStatus = 555,
+ AMResetCommunityContent = 556,
+ AMPrimePersonaStateCache = 557,
+ AMAllowUserContentQuery = 558,
+ AMAllowUserContentResponse = 559,
+ AMInitPurchaseResponse = 560,
+ AMRevokePurchaseResponse = 561,
+ AMLockProfile = 562,
+ AMRefreshGuestPasses = 563,
+ AMInviteUserToClan = 564,
+ AMAcknowledgeClanInvite = 565,
+ AMGrantGuestPasses = 566,
+ AMClanDataUpdated = 567,
+ AMReloadAccount = 568,
+ AMClientChatMsgRelay = 569,
+ AMChatMulti = 570,
+ AMClientChatInviteRelay = 571,
+ AMChatInvite = 572,
+ AMClientJoinChatRelay = 573,
+ AMClientChatMemberInfoRelay = 574,
+ AMPublishChatMemberInfo = 575,
+ AMClientAcceptFriendInvite = 576,
+ AMChatEnter = 577,
+ AMClientPublishRemovalFromSource = 578,
+ AMChatActionResult = 579,
+ AMFindAccounts = 580,
+ AMFindAccountsResponse = 581,
+ AMRequestAccountData = 582,
+ AMRequestAccountDataResponse = 583,
+ AMSetAccountFlags = 584,
+ AMCreateClan = 586,
+ AMCreateClanResponse = 587,
+ AMGetClanDetails = 588,
+ AMGetClanDetailsResponse = 589,
+ AMSetPersonaName = 590,
+ AMSetAvatar = 591,
+ AMAuthenticateUser = 592,
+ AMAuthenticateUserResponse = 593,
+ AMGetAccountFriendsCount = 594,
+ AMGetAccountFriendsCountResponse = 595,
+ AMP2PIntroducerMessage = 596,
+ ClientChatAction = 597,
+ AMClientChatActionRelay = 598,
+ BaseVS = 600,
+ ReqChallenge = 600,
+ VACResponse = 601,
+ ReqChallengeTest = 602,
+ VSMarkCheat = 604,
+ VSAddCheat = 605,
+ VSPurgeCodeModDB = 606,
+ VSGetChallengeResults = 607,
+ VSChallengeResultText = 608,
+ VSReportLingerer = 609,
+ VSRequestManagedChallenge = 610,
+ VSLoadDBFinished = 611,
+ BaseDRMS = 625,
+ DRMBuildBlobRequest = 628,
+ DRMBuildBlobResponse = 629,
+ DRMResolveGuidRequest = 630,
+ DRMResolveGuidResponse = 631,
+ DRMVariabilityReport = 633,
+ DRMVariabilityReportResponse = 634,
+ DRMStabilityReport = 635,
+ DRMStabilityReportResponse = 636,
+ DRMDetailsReportRequest = 637,
+ DRMDetailsReportResponse = 638,
+ DRMProcessFile = 639,
+ DRMAdminUpdate = 640,
+ DRMAdminUpdateResponse = 641,
+ DRMSync = 642,
+ DRMSyncResponse = 643,
+ DRMProcessFileResponse = 644,
+ DRMEmptyGuidCache = 645,
+ DRMEmptyGuidCacheResponse = 646,
+ BaseCS = 650,
+ CSUserContentRequest = 652,
+ BaseClient = 700,
+ ClientLogOn_Deprecated = 701,
+ ClientAnonLogOn_Deprecated = 702,
+ ClientHeartBeat = 703,
+ ClientVACResponse = 704,
+ ClientGamesPlayed_obsolete = 705,
+ ClientLogOff = 706,
+ ClientNoUDPConnectivity = 707,
+ ClientInformOfCreateAccount = 708,
+ ClientAckVACBan = 709,
+ ClientConnectionStats = 710,
+ ClientInitPurchase = 711,
+ ClientPingResponse = 712,
+ ClientRemoveFriend = 714,
+ ClientGamesPlayedNoDataBlob = 715,
+ ClientChangeStatus = 716,
+ ClientVacStatusResponse = 717,
+ ClientFriendMsg = 718,
+ ClientGameConnect_obsolete = 719,
+ ClientGamesPlayed2_obsolete = 720,
+ ClientGameEnded_obsolete = 721,
+ ClientGetFinalPrice = 722,
+ ClientSystemIM = 726,
+ ClientSystemIMAck = 727,
+ ClientGetLicenses = 728,
+ ClientCancelLicense = 729,
+ ClientGetLegacyGameKey = 730,
+ ClientContentServerLogOn_Deprecated = 731,
+ ClientAckVACBan2 = 732,
+ ClientAckMessageByGID = 735,
+ ClientGetPurchaseReceipts = 736,
+ ClientAckPurchaseReceipt = 737,
+ ClientGamesPlayed3_obsolete = 738,
+ ClientSendGuestPass = 739,
+ ClientAckGuestPass = 740,
+ ClientRedeemGuestPass = 741,
+ ClientGamesPlayed = 742,
+ ClientRegisterKey = 743,
+ ClientInviteUserToClan = 744,
+ ClientAcknowledgeClanInvite = 745,
+ ClientPurchaseWithMachineID = 746,
+ ClientAppUsageEvent = 747,
+ ClientGetGiftTargetList = 748,
+ ClientGetGiftTargetListResponse = 749,
+ ClientLogOnResponse = 751,
+ ClientVACChallenge = 753,
+ ClientSetHeartbeatRate = 755,
+ ClientNotLoggedOnDeprecated = 756,
+ ClientLoggedOff = 757,
+ GSApprove = 758,
+ GSDeny = 759,
+ GSKick = 760,
+ ClientCreateAcctResponse = 761,
+ ClientPurchaseResponse = 763,
+ ClientPing = 764,
+ ClientNOP = 765,
+ ClientPersonaState = 766,
+ ClientFriendsList = 767,
+ ClientAccountInfo = 768,
+ ClientVacStatusQuery = 770,
+ ClientNewsUpdate = 771,
+ ClientGameConnectDeny = 773,
+ GSStatusReply = 774,
+ ClientGetFinalPriceResponse = 775,
+ ClientGameConnectTokens = 779,
+ ClientLicenseList = 780,
+ ClientCancelLicenseResponse = 781,
+ ClientVACBanStatus = 782,
+ ClientCMList = 783,
+ ClientEncryptPct = 784,
+ ClientGetLegacyGameKeyResponse = 785,
+ ClientFavoritesList = 786,
+ CSUserContentApprove = 787,
+ CSUserContentDeny = 788,
+ ClientInitPurchaseResponse = 789,
+ ClientAddFriend = 791,
+ ClientAddFriendResponse = 792,
+ ClientInviteFriend = 793,
+ ClientInviteFriendResponse = 794,
+ ClientSendGuestPassResponse = 795,
+ ClientAckGuestPassResponse = 796,
+ ClientRedeemGuestPassResponse = 797,
+ ClientUpdateGuestPassesList = 798,
+ ClientChatMsg = 799,
+ ClientChatInvite = 800,
+ ClientJoinChat = 801,
+ ClientChatMemberInfo = 802,
+ ClientLogOnWithCredentials_Deprecated = 803,
+ ClientPasswordChangeResponse = 805,
+ ClientChatEnter = 807,
+ ClientFriendRemovedFromSource = 808,
+ ClientCreateChat = 809,
+ ClientCreateChatResponse = 810,
+ ClientUpdateChatMetadata = 811,
+ ClientP2PIntroducerMessage = 813,
+ ClientChatActionResult = 814,
+ ClientRequestFriendData = 815,
+ ClientGetUserStats = 818,
+ ClientGetUserStatsResponse = 819,
+ ClientStoreUserStats = 820,
+ ClientStoreUserStatsResponse = 821,
+ ClientClanState = 822,
+ ClientServiceModule = 830,
+ ClientServiceCall = 831,
+ ClientServiceCallResponse = 832,
+ ClientPackageInfoRequest = 833,
+ ClientPackageInfoResponse = 834,
+ ClientNatTraversalStatEvent = 839,
+ ClientAppInfoRequest = 840,
+ ClientAppInfoResponse = 841,
+ ClientSteamUsageEvent = 842,
+ ClientCheckPassword = 845,
+ ClientResetPassword = 846,
+ ClientCheckPasswordResponse = 848,
+ ClientResetPasswordResponse = 849,
+ ClientSessionToken = 850,
+ ClientDRMProblemReport = 851,
+ ClientSetIgnoreFriend = 855,
+ ClientSetIgnoreFriendResponse = 856,
+ ClientGetAppOwnershipTicket = 857,
+ ClientGetAppOwnershipTicketResponse = 858,
+ ClientGetLobbyListResponse = 860,
+ ClientGetLobbyMetadata = 861,
+ ClientGetLobbyMetadataResponse = 862,
+ ClientVTTCert = 863,
+ ClientAppInfoUpdate = 866,
+ ClientAppInfoChanges = 867,
+ ClientServerList = 880,
+ ClientEmailChangeResponse = 891,
+ ClientSecretQAChangeResponse = 892,
+ ClientDRMBlobRequest = 896,
+ ClientDRMBlobResponse = 897,
+ ClientLookupKey = 898,
+ ClientLookupKeyResponse = 899,
+ BaseGameServer = 900,
+ GSDisconnectNotice = 901,
+ GSStatus = 903,
+ GSUserPlaying = 905,
+ GSStatus2 = 906,
+ GSStatusUpdate_Unused = 907,
+ GSServerType = 908,
+ GSPlayerList = 909,
+ GSGetUserAchievementStatus = 910,
+ GSGetUserAchievementStatusResponse = 911,
+ GSGetPlayStats = 918,
+ GSGetPlayStatsResponse = 919,
+ GSGetUserGroupStatus = 920,
+ AMGetUserGroupStatus = 921,
+ AMGetUserGroupStatusResponse = 922,
+ GSGetUserGroupStatusResponse = 923,
+ GSGetReputation = 936,
+ GSGetReputationResponse = 937,
+ GSAssociateWithClan = 938,
+ GSAssociateWithClanResponse = 939,
+ GSComputeNewPlayerCompatibility = 940,
+ GSComputeNewPlayerCompatibilityResponse = 941,
+ BaseAdmin = 1000,
+ AdminCmd = 1000,
+ AdminCmdResponse = 1004,
+ AdminLogListenRequest = 1005,
+ AdminLogEvent = 1006,
+ LogSearchRequest = 1007,
+ LogSearchResponse = 1008,
+ LogSearchCancel = 1009,
+ UniverseData = 1010,
+ RequestStatHistory = 1014,
+ StatHistory = 1015,
+ AdminPwLogon = 1017,
+ AdminPwLogonResponse = 1018,
+ AdminSpew = 1019,
+ AdminConsoleTitle = 1020,
+ AdminGCSpew = 1023,
+ AdminGCCommand = 1024,
+ AdminGCGetCommandList = 1025,
+ AdminGCGetCommandListResponse = 1026,
+ FBSConnectionData = 1027,
+ AdminMsgSpew = 1028,
+ BaseFBS = 1100,
+ FBSReqVersion = 1100,
+ FBSVersionInfo = 1101,
+ FBSForceRefresh = 1102,
+ FBSForceBounce = 1103,
+ FBSDeployPackage = 1104,
+ FBSDeployResponse = 1105,
+ FBSUpdateBootstrapper = 1106,
+ FBSSetState = 1107,
+ FBSApplyOSUpdates = 1108,
+ FBSRunCMDScript = 1109,
+ FBSRebootBox = 1110,
+ FBSSetBigBrotherMode = 1111,
+ FBSMinidumpServer = 1112,
+ FBSSetShellCount_obsolete = 1113,
+ FBSDeployHotFixPackage = 1114,
+ FBSDeployHotFixResponse = 1115,
+ FBSDownloadHotFix = 1116,
+ FBSDownloadHotFixResponse = 1117,
+ FBSUpdateTargetConfigFile = 1118,
+ FBSApplyAccountCred = 1119,
+ FBSApplyAccountCredResponse = 1120,
+ FBSSetShellCount = 1121,
+ FBSTerminateShell = 1122,
+ FBSQueryGMForRequest = 1123,
+ FBSQueryGMResponse = 1124,
+ FBSTerminateZombies = 1125,
+ FBSInfoFromBootstrapper = 1126,
+ FBSRebootBoxResponse = 1127,
+ FBSBootstrapperPackageRequest = 1128,
+ FBSBootstrapperPackageResponse = 1129,
+ FBSBootstrapperGetPackageChunk = 1130,
+ FBSBootstrapperGetPackageChunkResponse = 1131,
+ FBSBootstrapperPackageTransferProgress = 1132,
+ FBSRestartBootstrapper = 1133,
+ FBSPauseFrozenDumps = 1134,
+ BaseFileXfer = 1200,
+ FileXferRequest = 1200,
+ FileXferResponse = 1201,
+ FileXferData = 1202,
+ FileXferEnd = 1203,
+ FileXferDataAck = 1204,
+ BaseChannelAuth = 1300,
+ ChannelAuthChallenge = 1300,
+ ChannelAuthResponse = 1301,
+ ChannelAuthResult = 1302,
+ ChannelEncryptRequest = 1303,
+ ChannelEncryptResponse = 1304,
+ ChannelEncryptResult = 1305,
+ BaseBS = 1400,
+ BSPurchaseStart = 1401,
+ BSPurchaseResponse = 1402,
+ BSAuthenticateCCTrans = 1403,
+ BSSettleNOVA = 1404,
+ BSAuthenticateCCTransResponse = 1404,
+ BSSettleComplete = 1406,
+ BSBannedRequest = 1407,
+ BSInitPayPalTxn = 1408,
+ BSInitPayPalTxnResponse = 1409,
+ BSGetPayPalUserInfo = 1410,
+ BSGetPayPalUserInfoResponse = 1411,
+ BSRefundTxn = 1413,
+ BSRefundTxnResponse = 1414,
+ BSGetEvents = 1415,
+ BSChaseRFRRequest = 1416,
+ BSPaymentInstrBan = 1417,
+ BSPaymentInstrBanResponse = 1418,
+ BSProcessGCReports = 1419,
+ BSProcessPPReports = 1420,
+ BSInitGCBankXferTxn = 1421,
+ BSInitGCBankXferTxnResponse = 1422,
+ BSQueryGCBankXferTxn = 1423,
+ BSQueryGCBankXferTxnResponse = 1424,
+ BSCommitGCTxn = 1425,
+ BSQueryTransactionStatus = 1426,
+ BSQueryTransactionStatusResponse = 1427,
+ BSQueryCBOrderStatus = 1428,
+ BSQueryCBOrderStatusResponse = 1429,
+ BSRunRedFlagReport = 1430,
+ BSQueryPaymentInstUsage = 1431,
+ BSQueryPaymentInstResponse = 1432,
+ BSQueryTxnExtendedInfo = 1433,
+ BSQueryTxnExtendedInfoResponse = 1434,
+ BSUpdateConversionRates = 1435,
+ BSProcessUSBankReports = 1436,
+ BSPurchaseRunFraudChecks = 1437,
+ BSPurchaseRunFraudChecksResponse = 1438,
+ BSStartShippingJobs = 1439,
+ BSQueryBankInformation = 1440,
+ BSQueryBankInformationResponse = 1441,
+ BSValidateXsollaSignature = 1445,
+ BSValidateXsollaSignatureResponse = 1446,
+ BSQiwiWalletInvoice = 1448,
+ BSQiwiWalletInvoiceResponse = 1449,
+ BSUpdateInventoryFromProPack = 1450,
+ BSUpdateInventoryFromProPackResponse = 1451,
+ BSSendShippingRequest = 1452,
+ BSSendShippingRequestResponse = 1453,
+ BSGetProPackOrderStatus = 1454,
+ BSGetProPackOrderStatusResponse = 1455,
+ BSCheckJobRunning = 1456,
+ BSCheckJobRunningResponse = 1457,
+ BSResetPackagePurchaseRateLimit = 1458,
+ BSResetPackagePurchaseRateLimitResponse = 1459,
+ BSUpdatePaymentData = 1460,
+ BSUpdatePaymentDataResponse = 1461,
+ BSGetBillingAddress = 1462,
+ BSGetBillingAddressResponse = 1463,
+ BSGetCreditCardInfo = 1464,
+ BSGetCreditCardInfoResponse = 1465,
+ BSRemoveExpiredPaymentData = 1468,
+ BSRemoveExpiredPaymentDataResponse = 1469,
+ BSConvertToCurrentKeys = 1470,
+ BSConvertToCurrentKeysResponse = 1471,
+ BSInitPurchase = 1472,
+ BSInitPurchaseResponse = 1473,
+ BSCompletePurchase = 1474,
+ BSCompletePurchaseResponse = 1475,
+ BSPruneCardUsageStats = 1476,
+ BSPruneCardUsageStatsResponse = 1477,
+ BSStoreBankInformation = 1478,
+ BSStoreBankInformationResponse = 1479,
+ BSVerifyPOSAKey = 1480,
+ BSVerifyPOSAKeyResponse = 1481,
+ BSReverseRedeemPOSAKey = 1482,
+ BSReverseRedeemPOSAKeyResponse = 1483,
+ BSQueryFindCreditCard = 1484,
+ BSQueryFindCreditCardResponse = 1485,
+ BSStatusInquiryPOSAKey = 1486,
+ BSStatusInquiryPOSAKeyResponse = 1487,
+ BSValidateMoPaySignature = 1488,
+ BSValidateMoPaySignatureResponse = 1489,
+ BSMoPayConfirmProductDelivery = 1490,
+ BSMoPayConfirmProductDeliveryResponse = 1491,
+ BSGenerateMoPayMD5 = 1492,
+ BSGenerateMoPayMD5Response = 1493,
+ BSBoaCompraConfirmProductDelivery = 1494,
+ BSBoaCompraConfirmProductDeliveryResponse = 1495,
+ BSGenerateBoaCompraMD5 = 1496,
+ BSGenerateBoaCompraMD5Response = 1497,
+ BSCommitWPTxn = 1498,
+ BSCommitAdyenTxn = 1499,
+ BaseATS = 1500,
+ ATSStartStressTest = 1501,
+ ATSStopStressTest = 1502,
+ ATSRunFailServerTest = 1503,
+ ATSUFSPerfTestTask = 1504,
+ ATSUFSPerfTestResponse = 1505,
+ ATSCycleTCM = 1506,
+ ATSInitDRMSStressTest = 1507,
+ ATSCallTest = 1508,
+ ATSCallTestReply = 1509,
+ ATSStartExternalStress = 1510,
+ ATSExternalStressJobStart = 1511,
+ ATSExternalStressJobQueued = 1512,
+ ATSExternalStressJobRunning = 1513,
+ ATSExternalStressJobStopped = 1514,
+ ATSExternalStressJobStopAll = 1515,
+ ATSExternalStressActionResult = 1516,
+ ATSStarted = 1517,
+ ATSCSPerfTestTask = 1518,
+ ATSCSPerfTestResponse = 1519,
+ BaseDP = 1600,
+ DPSetPublishingState = 1601,
+ DPGamePlayedStats = 1602,
+ DPUniquePlayersStat = 1603,
+ DPStreamingUniquePlayersStat = 1604,
+ DPVacInfractionStats = 1605,
+ DPVacBanStats = 1606,
+ DPBlockingStats = 1607,
+ DPNatTraversalStats = 1608,
+ DPSteamUsageEvent = 1609,
+ DPVacCertBanStats = 1610,
+ DPVacCafeBanStats = 1611,
+ DPCloudStats = 1612,
+ DPAchievementStats = 1613,
+ DPAccountCreationStats = 1614,
+ DPGetPlayerCount = 1615,
+ DPGetPlayerCountResponse = 1616,
+ DPGameServersPlayersStats = 1617,
+ DPDownloadRateStatistics = 1618,
+ DPFacebookStatistics = 1619,
+ ClientDPCheckSpecialSurvey = 1620,
+ ClientDPCheckSpecialSurveyResponse = 1621,
+ ClientDPSendSpecialSurveyResponse = 1622,
+ ClientDPSendSpecialSurveyResponseReply = 1623,
+ DPStoreSaleStatistics = 1624,
+ ClientDPUpdateAppJobReport = 1625,
+ DPUpdateContentEvent = 1626,
+ ClientDPSteam2AppStarted = 1627,
+ ClientDPUnsignedInstallScript = 1627,
+ DPPartnerMicroTxns = 1628,
+ DPPartnerMicroTxnsResponse = 1629,
+ ClientDPContentStatsReport = 1630,
+ DPVRUniquePlayersStat = 1631,
+ BaseCM = 1700,
+ CMSetAllowState = 1701,
+ CMSpewAllowState = 1702,
+ CMAppInfoResponseDeprecated = 1703,
+ CMSessionRejected = 1703,
+ CMSetSecrets = 1704,
+ CMGetSecrets = 1705,
+ BaseDSS = 1800,
+ DSSNewFile = 1801,
+ DSSCurrentFileList = 1802,
+ DSSSynchList = 1803,
+ DSSSynchListResponse = 1804,
+ DSSSynchSubscribe = 1805,
+ DSSSynchUnsubscribe = 1806,
+ BaseEPM = 1900,
+ EPMStartProcess = 1901,
+ EPMStopProcess = 1902,
+ EPMRestartProcess = 1903,
+ GCSendClient = 2200,
+ BaseGC = 2200,
+ AMRelayToGC = 2201,
+ GCUpdatePlayedState = 2202,
+ GCCmdRevive = 2203,
+ GCCmdBounce = 2204,
+ GCCmdForceBounce = 2205,
+ GCCmdDown = 2206,
+ GCCmdDeploy = 2207,
+ GCCmdDeployResponse = 2208,
+ GCCmdSwitch = 2209,
+ AMRefreshSessions = 2210,
+ GCUpdateGSState = 2211,
+ GCAchievementAwarded = 2212,
+ GCSystemMessage = 2213,
+ GCValidateSession = 2214,
+ GCValidateSessionResponse = 2215,
+ GCCmdStatus = 2216,
+ GCRegisterWebInterfaces = 2217,
+ GCRegisterWebInterfaces_Deprecated = 2217,
+ GCGetAccountDetails = 2218,
+ GCGetAccountDetails_DEPRECATED = 2218,
+ GCInterAppMessage = 2219,
+ GCGetEmailTemplate = 2220,
+ GCGetEmailTemplateResponse = 2221,
+ ISRelayToGCH = 2222,
+ GCHRelay = 2222,
+ GCHRelayClientToIS = 2223,
+ GCHRelayToClient = 2223,
+ GCHUpdateSession = 2224,
+ GCHRequestUpdateSession = 2225,
+ GCHRequestStatus = 2226,
+ GCHRequestStatusResponse = 2227,
+ GCHAccountVacStatusChange = 2228,
+ GCHSpawnGC = 2229,
+ GCHSpawnGCResponse = 2230,
+ GCHKillGC = 2231,
+ GCHKillGCResponse = 2232,
+ GCHAccountTradeBanStatusChange = 2233,
+ GCHAccountLockStatusChange = 2234,
+ GCHVacVerificationChange = 2235,
+ GCHAccountPhoneNumberChange = 2236,
+ GCHAccountTwoFactorChange = 2237,
+ GCHInviteUserToLobby = 2238,
+ GCHUpdateMultipleSessions = 2239,
+ GCHMarkAppSessionsAuthoritative = 2240,
+ GCHRecurringSubscriptionStatusChange = 2241,
+ GCHAppCheersReceived = 2242,
+ GCHAppCheersGetAllowedTypes = 2243,
+ GCHAppCheersGetAllowedTypesResponse = 2244,
+ GCHRoutingRulesFromGCHtoGM = 2245,
+ GCHRoutingRulesToGCHfromGM = 2246,
+ UpdateCMMessageRateRules = 2247,
+ BaseP2P = 2500,
+ P2PIntroducerMessage = 2502,
+ BaseSM = 2900,
+ SMExpensiveReport = 2902,
+ SMHourlyReport = 2903,
+ SMFishingReport = 2904,
+ SMPartitionRenames = 2905,
+ SMMonitorSpace = 2906,
+ SMGetSchemaConversionResults = 2907,
+ SMTestNextBuildSchemaConversion = 2907,
+ SMGetSchemaConversionResultsResponse = 2908,
+ SMTestNextBuildSchemaConversionResponse = 2908,
+ BaseTest = 3000,
+ FailServer = 3000,
+ JobHeartbeatTest = 3001,
+ JobHeartbeatTestResponse = 3002,
+ BaseFTSRange = 3100,
+ FTSGetBrowseCounts = 3101,
+ FTSGetBrowseCountsResponse = 3102,
+ FTSBrowseClans = 3103,
+ FTSBrowseClansResponse = 3104,
+ FTSSearchClansByLocation = 3105,
+ FTSSearchClansByLocationResponse = 3106,
+ FTSSearchPlayersByLocation = 3107,
+ FTSSearchPlayersByLocationResponse = 3108,
+ FTSClanDeleted = 3109,
+ FTSSearch = 3110,
+ FTSSearchResponse = 3111,
+ FTSSearchStatus = 3112,
+ FTSSearchStatusResponse = 3113,
+ FTSGetGSPlayStats = 3114,
+ FTSGetGSPlayStatsResponse = 3115,
+ FTSGetGSPlayStatsForServer = 3116,
+ FTSGetGSPlayStatsForServerResponse = 3117,
+ FTSReportIPUpdates = 3118,
+ BaseCCSRange = 3150,
+ CCSGetComments = 3151,
+ CCSGetCommentsResponse = 3152,
+ CCSAddComment = 3153,
+ CCSAddCommentResponse = 3154,
+ CCSDeleteComment = 3155,
+ CCSDeleteCommentResponse = 3156,
+ CCSPreloadComments = 3157,
+ CCSNotifyCommentCount = 3158,
+ CCSGetCommentsForNews = 3159,
+ CCSGetCommentsForNewsResponse = 3160,
+ CCSDeleteAllCommentsByAuthor = 3161,
+ CCSDeleteAllCommentsByAuthorResponse = 3162,
+ BaseLBSRange = 3200,
+ LBSSetScore = 3201,
+ LBSSetScoreResponse = 3202,
+ LBSFindOrCreateLB = 3203,
+ LBSFindOrCreateLBResponse = 3204,
+ LBSGetLBEntries = 3205,
+ LBSGetLBEntriesResponse = 3206,
+ LBSGetLBList = 3207,
+ LBSGetLBListResponse = 3208,
+ LBSSetLBDetails = 3209,
+ LBSDeleteLB = 3210,
+ LBSDeleteLBEntry = 3211,
+ LBSResetLB = 3212,
+ LBSResetLBResponse = 3213,
+ LBSDeleteLBResponse = 3214,
+ BaseOGS = 3400,
+ OGSBeginSession = 3401,
+ OGSBeginSessionResponse = 3402,
+ OGSEndSession = 3403,
+ OGSEndSessionResponse = 3404,
+ OGSWriteAppSessionRow = 3406,
+ BaseBRP = 3600,
+ BRPStartShippingJobs = 3601,
+ BRPProcessUSBankReports = 3602,
+ BRPProcessGCReports = 3603,
+ BRPProcessPPReports = 3604,
+ BRPSettleNOVA = 3605,
+ BRPSettleCB = 3606,
+ BRPCommitGC = 3607,
+ BRPCommitGCResponse = 3608,
+ BRPFindHungTransactions = 3609,
+ BRPCheckFinanceCloseOutDate = 3610,
+ BRPProcessLicenses = 3611,
+ BRPProcessLicensesResponse = 3612,
+ BRPRemoveExpiredPaymentData = 3613,
+ BRPRemoveExpiredPaymentDataResponse = 3614,
+ BRPConvertToCurrentKeys = 3615,
+ BRPConvertToCurrentKeysResponse = 3616,
+ BRPPruneCardUsageStats = 3617,
+ BRPPruneCardUsageStatsResponse = 3618,
+ BRPCheckActivationCodes = 3619,
+ BRPCheckActivationCodesResponse = 3620,
+ BRPCommitWP = 3621,
+ BRPCommitWPResponse = 3622,
+ BRPProcessWPReports = 3623,
+ BRPProcessPaymentRules = 3624,
+ BRPProcessPartnerPayments = 3625,
+ BRPCheckSettlementReports = 3626,
+ BRPPostTaxToAvalara = 3628,
+ BRPPostTransactionTax = 3629,
+ BRPPostTransactionTaxResponse = 3630,
+ BRPProcessIMReports = 3631,
+ BaseAMRange2 = 4000,
+ AMCreateChat = 4001,
+ AMCreateChatResponse = 4002,
+ AMUpdateChatMetadata = 4003,
+ AMPublishChatMetadata = 4004,
+ AMSetProfileURL = 4005,
+ AMGetAccountEmailAddress = 4006,
+ AMGetAccountEmailAddressResponse = 4007,
+ AMRequestClanData = 4008,
+ AMRouteToClients = 4009,
+ AMLeaveClan = 4010,
+ AMClanPermissions = 4011,
+ AMClanPermissionsResponse = 4012,
+ AMCreateClanEvent = 4013,
+ AMCreateClanEventDummyForRateLimiting = 4013,
+ AMCreateClanEventResponse = 4014,
+ AMUpdateClanEvent = 4015,
+ AMUpdateClanEventDummyForRateLimiting = 4015,
+ AMUpdateClanEventResponse = 4016,
+ AMGetClanEvents = 4017,
+ AMGetClanEventsResponse = 4018,
+ AMDeleteClanEvent = 4019,
+ AMDeleteClanEventResponse = 4020,
+ AMSetClanPermissionSettings = 4021,
+ AMSetClanPermissionSettingsResponse = 4022,
+ AMGetClanPermissionSettings = 4023,
+ AMGetClanPermissionSettingsResponse = 4024,
+ AMPublishChatRoomInfo = 4025,
+ ClientChatRoomInfo = 4026,
+ AMCreateClanAnnouncement = 4027,
+ AMCreateClanAnnouncementResponse = 4028,
+ AMUpdateClanAnnouncement = 4029,
+ AMUpdateClanAnnouncementResponse = 4030,
+ AMGetClanAnnouncementsCount = 4031,
+ AMGetClanAnnouncementsCountResponse = 4032,
+ AMGetClanAnnouncements = 4033,
+ AMGetClanAnnouncementsResponse = 4034,
+ AMDeleteClanAnnouncement = 4035,
+ AMDeleteClanAnnouncementResponse = 4036,
+ AMGetSingleClanAnnouncement = 4037,
+ AMGetSingleClanAnnouncementResponse = 4038,
+ AMGetClanHistory = 4039,
+ AMGetClanHistoryResponse = 4040,
+ AMGetClanPermissionBits = 4041,
+ AMGetClanPermissionBitsResponse = 4042,
+ AMSetClanPermissionBits = 4043,
+ AMSetClanPermissionBitsResponse = 4044,
+ AMSessionInfoRequest = 4045,
+ AMSessionInfoResponse = 4046,
+ AMValidateWGToken = 4047,
+ AMGetSingleClanEvent = 4048,
+ AMGetSingleClanEventResponse = 4049,
+ AMGetClanRank = 4050,
+ AMGetClanRankResponse = 4051,
+ AMSetClanRank = 4052,
+ AMSetClanRankResponse = 4053,
+ AMGetClanPOTW = 4054,
+ AMGetClanPOTWResponse = 4055,
+ AMSetClanPOTW = 4056,
+ AMSetClanPOTWResponse = 4057,
+ AMRequestChatMetadata = 4058,
+ AMDumpUser = 4059,
+ AMKickUserFromClan = 4060,
+ AMAddFounderToClan = 4061,
+ AMValidateWGTokenResponse = 4062,
+ AMSetCommunityState = 4063,
+ AMSetAccountDetails = 4064,
+ AMGetChatBanList = 4065,
+ AMGetChatBanListResponse = 4066,
+ AMUnBanFromChat = 4067,
+ AMSetClanDetails = 4068,
+ AMGetAccountLinks = 4069,
+ AMGetAccountLinksResponse = 4070,
+ AMSetAccountLinks = 4071,
+ AMSetAccountLinksResponse = 4072,
+ AMGetUserGameStats = 4073,
+ UGSGetUserGameStats = 4073,
+ AMGetUserGameStatsResponse = 4074,
+ UGSGetUserGameStatsResponse = 4074,
+ AMCheckClanMembership = 4075,
+ AMGetClanMembers = 4076,
+ AMGetClanMembersResponse = 4077,
+ AMJoinPublicClan = 4078,
+ AMNotifyChatOfClanChange = 4079,
+ AMResubmitPurchase = 4080,
+ AMAddFriend = 4081,
+ AMAddFriendResponse = 4082,
+ AMRemoveFriend = 4083,
+ AMDumpClan = 4084,
+ AMChangeClanOwner = 4085,
+ AMCancelEasyCollect = 4086,
+ AMCancelEasyCollectResponse = 4087,
+ AMGetClanMembershipList = 4088,
+ AMGetClanMembershipListResponse = 4089,
+ AMClansInCommon = 4090,
+ AMClansInCommonResponse = 4091,
+ AMIsValidAccountID = 4092,
+ AMConvertClan = 4093,
+ AMGetGiftTargetListRelay = 4094,
+ AMWipeFriendsList = 4095,
+ AMSetIgnored = 4096,
+ AMClansInCommonCountResponse = 4097,
+ AMFriendsList = 4098,
+ AMFriendsListResponse = 4099,
+ AMFriendsInCommon = 4100,
+ AMFriendsInCommonResponse = 4101,
+ AMFriendsInCommonCountResponse = 4102,
+ AMClansInCommonCount = 4103,
+ AMChallengeVerdict = 4104,
+ AMChallengeNotification = 4105,
+ AMFindGSByIP = 4106,
+ AMFoundGSByIP = 4107,
+ AMGiftRevoked = 4108,
+ AMCreateAccountRecord = 4109,
+ AMUserClanList = 4110,
+ AMUserClanListResponse = 4111,
+ AMGetAccountDetails2 = 4112,
+ AMGetAccountDetailsResponse2 = 4113,
+ AMSetCommunityProfileSettings = 4114,
+ AMSetCommunityProfileSettingsResponse = 4115,
+ AMGetCommunityPrivacyState = 4116,
+ AMGetCommunityPrivacyStateResponse = 4117,
+ AMCheckClanInviteRateLimiting = 4118,
+ AMGetUserAchievementStatus = 4119,
+ UGSGetUserAchievementStatus = 4119,
+ AMGetIgnored = 4120,
+ AMGetIgnoredResponse = 4121,
+ AMSetIgnoredResponse = 4122,
+ AMSetFriendRelationshipNone = 4123,
+ AMGetFriendRelationship = 4124,
+ AMGetFriendRelationshipResponse = 4125,
+ AMServiceModulesCache = 4126,
+ AMServiceModulesCall = 4127,
+ AMServiceModulesCallResponse = 4128,
+ AMGetCaptchaDataForIP = 4129,
+ AMGetCaptchaDataForIPResponse = 4130,
+ AMValidateCaptchaDataForIP = 4131,
+ AMValidateCaptchaDataForIPResponse = 4132,
+ AMTrackFailedAuthByIP = 4133,
+ AMGetCaptchaDataByGID = 4134,
+ AMGetCaptchaDataByGIDResponse = 4135,
+ AMGetLobbyList = 4136,
+ AMGetLobbyListResponse = 4137,
+ AMGetLobbyMetadata = 4138,
+ AMGetLobbyMetadataResponse = 4139,
+ CommunityAddFriendNews = 4140,
+ AMAddClanNews = 4141,
+ AMWriteNews = 4142,
+ AMFindClanUser = 4143,
+ AMFindClanUserResponse = 4144,
+ AMBanFromChat = 4145,
+ AMGetUserHistoryResponse = 4146,
+ AMGetUserNewsSubscriptions = 4147,
+ AMGetUserNewsSubscriptionsResponse = 4148,
+ AMSetUserNewsSubscriptions = 4149,
+ AMGetUserNews = 4150,
+ AMGetUserNewsResponse = 4151,
+ AMSendQueuedEmails = 4152,
+ AMSetLicenseFlags = 4153,
+ AMGetUserHistory = 4154,
+ CommunityDeleteUserNews = 4155,
+ AMAllowUserFilesRequest = 4156,
+ AMAllowUserFilesResponse = 4157,
+ AMGetAccountStatus = 4158,
+ AMGetAccountStatusResponse = 4159,
+ AMEditBanReason = 4160,
+ AMCheckClanMembershipResponse = 4161,
+ AMProbeClanMembershipList = 4162,
+ AMProbeClanMembershipListResponse = 4163,
+ UGSGetUserAchievementStatusResponse = 4164,
+ AMGetFriendsLobbies = 4165,
+ AMGetFriendsLobbiesResponse = 4166,
+ AMGetUserFriendNewsResponse = 4172,
+ CommunityGetUserFriendNews = 4173,
+ AMGetUserClansNewsResponse = 4174,
+ AMGetUserClansNews = 4175,
+ AMStoreInitPurchase = 4176,
+ AMStoreInitPurchaseResponse = 4177,
+ AMStoreGetFinalPrice = 4178,
+ AMStoreGetFinalPriceResponse = 4179,
+ AMStoreCompletePurchase = 4180,
+ AMStoreCancelPurchase = 4181,
+ AMStorePurchaseResponse = 4182,
+ AMCreateAccountRecordInSteam3 = 4183,
+ AMGetPreviousCBAccount = 4184,
+ AMGetPreviousCBAccountResponse = 4185,
+ AMUpdateBillingAddress = 4186,
+ AMUpdateBillingAddressResponse = 4187,
+ AMGetBillingAddress = 4188,
+ AMGetBillingAddressResponse = 4189,
+ AMGetUserLicenseHistory = 4190,
+ AMGetUserLicenseHistoryResponse = 4191,
+ AMSupportChangePassword = 4194,
+ AMSupportChangeEmail = 4195,
+ AMSupportChangeSecretQA = 4196,
+ AMResetUserVerificationGSByIP = 4197,
+ AMUpdateGSPlayStats = 4198,
+ AMSupportEnableOrDisable = 4199,
+ AMGetComments = 4200,
+ AMGetCommentsResponse = 4201,
+ AMAddComment = 4202,
+ AMAddCommentResponse = 4203,
+ AMDeleteComment = 4204,
+ AMDeleteCommentResponse = 4205,
+ AMGetPurchaseStatus = 4206,
+ AMSupportIsAccountEnabled = 4209,
+ AMSupportIsAccountEnabledResponse = 4210,
+ AMGetUserStats = 4211,
+ UGSGetUserStats = 4211,
+ AMSupportKickSession = 4212,
+ AMGSSearch = 4213,
+ MarketingMessageUpdate = 4216,
+ AMRouteFriendMsg = 4219,
+ ChatServerRouteFriendMsg = 4219,
+ AMTicketAuthRequestOrResponse = 4220,
+ AMVerifyDepotManagementRights = 4222,
+ AMVerifyDepotManagementRightsResponse = 4223,
+ AMAddFreeLicense = 4224,
+ AMGetUserFriendsMinutesPlayed = 4225,
+ AMGetUserFriendsMinutesPlayedResponse = 4226,
+ AMGetUserMinutesPlayed = 4227,
+ AMGetUserMinutesPlayedResponse = 4228,
+ AMValidateEmailLink = 4231,
+ AMValidateEmailLinkResponse = 4232,
+ AMAddUsersToMarketingTreatment = 4234,
+ AMStoreUserStats = 4236,
+ UGSStoreUserStats = 4236,
+ AMGetUserGameplayInfo = 4237,
+ AMGetUserGameplayInfoResponse = 4238,
+ AMGetCardList = 4239,
+ AMGetCardListResponse = 4240,
+ AMDeleteStoredCard = 4241,
+ AMRevokeLegacyGameKeys = 4242,
+ AMGetWalletDetails = 4244,
+ AMGetWalletDetailsResponse = 4245,
+ AMDeleteStoredPaymentInfo = 4246,
+ AMGetStoredPaymentSummary = 4247,
+ AMGetStoredPaymentSummaryResponse = 4248,
+ AMGetWalletConversionRate = 4249,
+ AMGetWalletConversionRateResponse = 4250,
+ AMConvertWallet = 4251,
+ AMConvertWalletResponse = 4252,
+ AMRelayGetFriendsWhoPlayGame = 4253,
+ AMRelayGetFriendsWhoPlayGameResponse = 4254,
+ AMSetPreApproval = 4255,
+ AMSetPreApprovalResponse = 4256,
+ AMMarketingTreatmentUpdate = 4257,
+ AMCreateRefund = 4258,
+ AMCreateRefundResponse = 4259,
+ AMCreateChargeback = 4260,
+ AMCreateChargebackResponse = 4261,
+ AMCreateDispute = 4262,
+ AMCreateDisputeResponse = 4263,
+ AMClearDispute = 4264,
+ AMClearDisputeResponse = 4265,
+ AMCreateFinancialAdjustment = 4265,
+ AMPlayerNicknameList = 4266,
+ AMPlayerNicknameListResponse = 4267,
+ AMSetDRMTestConfig = 4268,
+ AMGetUserCurrentGameInfo = 4269,
+ AMGetUserCurrentGameInfoResponse = 4270,
+ AMGetGSPlayerList = 4271,
+ AMGetGSPlayerListResponse = 4272,
+ AMUpdatePersonaStateCache = 4275,
+ AMGetGameMembers = 4276,
+ AMGetGameMembersResponse = 4277,
+ AMGetSteamIDForMicroTxn = 4278,
+ AMGetSteamIDForMicroTxnResponse = 4279,
+ AMAddPublisherUser = 4280,
+ AMSetPartnerMember = 4280,
+ AMRemovePublisherUser = 4281,
+ AMGetUserLicenseList = 4282,
+ AMGetUserLicenseListResponse = 4283,
+ AMReloadGameGroupPolicy = 4284,
+ AMAddFreeLicenseResponse = 4285,
+ AMVACStatusUpdate = 4286,
+ AMGetAccountDetails = 4287,
+ AMGetAccountDetailsResponse = 4288,
+ AMGetPlayerLinkDetails = 4289,
+ AMGetPlayerLinkDetailsResponse = 4290,
+ AMSubscribeToPersonaFeed = 4291,
+ AMGetUserVacBanList = 4292,
+ AMGetUserVacBanListResponse = 4293,
+ AMGetAccountFlagsForWGSpoofing = 4294,
+ AMGetAccountFlagsForWGSpoofingResponse = 4295,
+ AMGetFriendsWishlistInfo = 4296,
+ AMGetFriendsWishlistInfoResponse = 4297,
+ AMGetClanOfficers = 4298,
+ AMGetClanOfficersResponse = 4299,
+ AMNameChange = 4300,
+ AMGetNameHistory = 4301,
+ AMGetNameHistoryResponse = 4302,
+ AMUpdateProviderStatus = 4305,
+ AMClearPersonaMetadataBlob = 4306,
+ AMSupportRemoveAccountSecurity = 4307,
+ AMIsAccountInCaptchaGracePeriod = 4308,
+ AMIsAccountInCaptchaGracePeriodResponse = 4309,
+ AMAccountPS3Unlink = 4310,
+ AMAccountPS3UnlinkResponse = 4311,
+ AMStoreUserStatsResponse = 4312,
+ UGSStoreUserStatsResponse = 4312,
+ AMGetAccountPSNInfo = 4313,
+ AMGetAccountPSNInfoResponse = 4314,
+ AMAuthenticatedPlayerList = 4315,
+ AMGetUserGifts = 4316,
+ AMGetUserGiftsResponse = 4317,
+ AMTransferLockedGifts = 4320,
+ AMTransferLockedGiftsResponse = 4321,
+ AMPlayerHostedOnGameServer = 4322,
+ AMGetAccountBanInfo = 4323,
+ AMGetAccountBanInfoResponse = 4324,
+ AMRecordBanEnforcement = 4325,
+ AMRollbackGiftTransfer = 4326,
+ AMRollbackGiftTransferResponse = 4327,
+ AMHandlePendingTransaction = 4328,
+ AMRequestClanDetails = 4329,
+ AMDeleteStoredPaypalAgreement = 4330,
+ AMGameServerUpdate = 4331,
+ AMGameServerRemove = 4332,
+ AMGetPaypalAgreements = 4333,
+ AMGetPaypalAgreementsResponse = 4334,
+ AMGameServerPlayerCompatibilityCheck = 4335,
+ AMGameServerPlayerCompatibilityCheckResponse = 4336,
+ AMRenewLicense = 4337,
+ AMGetAccountCommunityBanInfo = 4338,
+ AMGetAccountCommunityBanInfoResponse = 4339,
+ AMGameServerAccountChangePassword = 4340,
+ AMGameServerAccountDeleteAccount = 4341,
+ AMRenewAgreement = 4342,
+ AMSendEmail = 4343,
+ AMXsollaPayment = 4344,
+ AMXsollaPaymentResponse = 4345,
+ AMAcctAllowedToPurchase = 4346,
+ AMAcctAllowedToPurchaseResponse = 4347,
+ AMSwapKioskDeposit = 4348,
+ AMSwapKioskDepositResponse = 4349,
+ AMSetUserGiftUnowned = 4350,
+ AMSetUserGiftUnownedResponse = 4351,
+ AMClaimUnownedUserGift = 4352,
+ AMClaimUnownedUserGiftResponse = 4353,
+ AMSetClanName = 4354,
+ AMSetClanNameResponse = 4355,
+ AMGrantCoupon = 4356,
+ AMGrantCouponResponse = 4357,
+ AMIsPackageRestrictedInUserCountry = 4358,
+ AMIsPackageRestrictedInUserCountryResponse = 4359,
+ AMHandlePendingTransactionResponse = 4360,
+ AMGrantGuestPasses2 = 4361,
+ AMGrantGuestPasses2Response = 4362,
+ AMSessionQuery = 4363,
+ AMSessionQueryResponse = 4364,
+ AMGetPlayerBanDetails = 4365,
+ AMGetPlayerBanDetailsResponse = 4366,
+ AMFinalizePurchase = 4367,
+ AMFinalizePurchaseResponse = 4368,
+ AMPersonaChangeResponse = 4372,
+ AMGetClanDetailsForForumCreation = 4373,
+ AMGetClanDetailsForForumCreationResponse = 4374,
+ AMGetPendingNotificationCount = 4375,
+ AMGetPendingNotificationCountResponse = 4376,
+ AMPasswordHashUpgrade = 4377,
+ AMMoPayPayment = 4378,
+ AMMoPayPaymentResponse = 4379,
+ AMBoaCompraPayment = 4380,
+ AMBoaCompraPaymentResponse = 4381,
+ AMExpireCaptchaByGID = 4382,
+ AMCompleteExternalPurchase = 4383,
+ AMCompleteExternalPurchaseResponse = 4384,
+ AMResolveNegativeWalletCredits = 4385,
+ AMResolveNegativeWalletCreditsResponse = 4386,
+ AMPayelpPayment = 4387,
+ AMPayelpPaymentResponse = 4388,
+ AMPlayerGetClanBasicDetails = 4389,
+ AMPlayerGetClanBasicDetailsResponse = 4390,
+ AMMOLPayment = 4391,
+ AMMOLPaymentResponse = 4392,
+ GetUserIPCountry = 4393,
+ GetUserIPCountryResponse = 4394,
+ NotificationOfSuspiciousActivity = 4395,
+ AMDegicaPayment = 4396,
+ AMDegicaPaymentResponse = 4397,
+ AMEClubPayment = 4398,
+ AMEClubPaymentResponse = 4399,
+ AMPayPalPaymentsHubPayment = 4400,
+ AMPayPalPaymentsHubPaymentResponse = 4401,
+ AMTwoFactorRecoverAuthenticatorRequest = 4402,
+ AMTwoFactorRecoverAuthenticatorResponse = 4403,
+ AMSmart2PayPayment = 4404,
+ AMSmart2PayPaymentResponse = 4405,
+ AMValidatePasswordResetCodeAndSendSmsRequest = 4406,
+ AMValidatePasswordResetCodeAndSendSmsResponse = 4407,
+ AMGetAccountResetDetailsRequest = 4408,
+ AMGetAccountResetDetailsResponse = 4409,
+ AMBitPayPayment = 4410,
+ AMBitPayPaymentResponse = 4411,
+ AMSendAccountInfoUpdate = 4412,
+ AMSendScheduledGift = 4413,
+ AMNodwinPayment = 4414,
+ AMNodwinPaymentResponse = 4415,
+ AMResolveWalletRevoke = 4416,
+ AMResolveWalletReverseRevoke = 4417,
+ AMFundedPayment = 4418,
+ AMFundedPaymentResponse = 4419,
+ AMRequestPersonaUpdateForChatServer = 4420,
+ AMPerfectWorldPayment = 4421,
+ AMPerfectWorldPaymentResponse = 4422,
+ AMECommPayPayment = 4423,
+ AMECommPayPaymentResponse = 4424,
+ AMSetRemoteClientID = 4425,
+ BasePSRange = 5000,
+ PSCreateShoppingCart = 5001,
+ PSCreateShoppingCartResponse = 5002,
+ PSIsValidShoppingCart = 5003,
+ PSIsValidShoppingCartResponse = 5004,
+ PSAddPackageToShoppingCart = 5005,
+ PSAddPackageToShoppingCartResponse = 5006,
+ PSRemoveLineItemFromShoppingCart = 5007,
+ PSRemoveLineItemFromShoppingCartResponse = 5008,
+ PSGetShoppingCartContents = 5009,
+ PSGetShoppingCartContentsResponse = 5010,
+ PSAddWalletCreditToShoppingCart = 5011,
+ PSAddWalletCreditToShoppingCartResponse = 5012,
+ BaseUFSRange = 5200,
+ ClientUFSUploadFileRequest = 5202,
+ ClientUFSUploadFileResponse = 5203,
+ ClientUFSUploadFileChunk = 5204,
+ ClientUFSUploadFileFinished = 5205,
+ ClientUFSGetFileListForApp = 5206,
+ ClientUFSGetFileListForAppResponse = 5207,
+ ClientUFSDownloadRequest = 5210,
+ ClientUFSDownloadResponse = 5211,
+ ClientUFSDownloadChunk = 5212,
+ ClientUFSLoginRequest = 5213,
+ ClientUFSLoginResponse = 5214,
+ UFSReloadPartitionInfo = 5215,
+ ClientUFSTransferHeartbeat = 5216,
+ UFSSynchronizeFile = 5217,
+ UFSSynchronizeFileResponse = 5218,
+ ClientUFSDeleteFileRequest = 5219,
+ ClientUFSDeleteFileResponse = 5220,
+ UFSDownloadRequest = 5221,
+ UFSDownloadResponse = 5222,
+ UFSDownloadChunk = 5223,
+ ClientUFSGetUGCDetails = 5226,
+ ClientUFSGetUGCDetailsResponse = 5227,
+ UFSUpdateFileFlags = 5228,
+ UFSUpdateFileFlagsResponse = 5229,
+ ClientUFSGetSingleFileInfo = 5230,
+ ClientUFSGetSingleFileInfoResponse = 5231,
+ ClientUFSShareFile = 5232,
+ ClientUFSShareFileResponse = 5233,
+ UFSReloadAccount = 5234,
+ UFSReloadAccountResponse = 5235,
+ UFSUpdateRecordBatched = 5236,
+ UFSUpdateRecordBatchedResponse = 5237,
+ UFSMigrateFile = 5238,
+ UFSMigrateFileResponse = 5239,
+ UFSGetUGCURLs = 5240,
+ UFSGetUGCURLsResponse = 5241,
+ UFSHttpUploadFileFinishRequest = 5242,
+ UFSHttpUploadFileFinishResponse = 5243,
+ UFSDownloadStartRequest = 5244,
+ UFSDownloadStartResponse = 5245,
+ UFSDownloadChunkRequest = 5246,
+ UFSDownloadChunkResponse = 5247,
+ UFSDownloadFinishRequest = 5248,
+ UFSDownloadFinishResponse = 5249,
+ UFSFlushURLCache = 5250,
+ UFSUploadCommit = 5251,
+ ClientUFSUploadCommit = 5251,
+ UFSUploadCommitResponse = 5252,
+ ClientUFSUploadCommitResponse = 5252,
+ UFSMigrateFileAppID = 5253,
+ UFSMigrateFileAppIDResponse = 5254,
+ BaseClient2 = 5400,
+ ClientRequestForgottenPasswordEmail = 5401,
+ ClientRequestForgottenPasswordEmailResponse = 5402,
+ ClientCreateAccountResponse = 5403,
+ ClientResetForgottenPassword = 5404,
+ ClientResetForgottenPasswordResponse = 5405,
+ ClientCreateAccount2 = 5406,
+ ClientInformOfResetForgottenPassword = 5407,
+ ClientInformOfResetForgottenPasswordResponse = 5408,
+ ClientAnonUserLogOn_Deprecated = 5409,
+ ClientGamesPlayedWithDataBlob = 5410,
+ ClientUpdateUserGameInfo = 5411,
+ ClientFileToDownload = 5412,
+ ClientFileToDownloadResponse = 5413,
+ ClientLBSSetScore = 5414,
+ ClientLBSSetScoreResponse = 5415,
+ ClientLBSFindOrCreateLB = 5416,
+ ClientLBSFindOrCreateLBResponse = 5417,
+ ClientLBSGetLBEntries = 5418,
+ ClientLBSGetLBEntriesResponse = 5419,
+ ClientMarketingMessageUpdate = 5420,
+ ClientChatDeclined = 5426,
+ ClientFriendMsgIncoming = 5427,
+ ClientAuthList_Deprecated = 5428,
+ ClientTicketAuthComplete = 5429,
+ ClientIsLimitedAccount = 5430,
+ ClientRequestAuthList = 5431,
+ ClientAuthList = 5432,
+ ClientStat = 5433,
+ ClientP2PConnectionInfo = 5434,
+ ClientP2PConnectionFailInfo = 5435,
+ ClientGetNumberOfCurrentPlayers = 5436,
+ ClientGetNumberOfCurrentPlayersResponse = 5437,
+ ClientGetDepotDecryptionKey = 5438,
+ ClientGetDepotDecryptionKeyResponse = 5439,
+ GSPerformHardwareSurvey = 5440,
+ ClientGetAppBetaPasswords = 5441,
+ ClientGetAppBetaPasswordsResponse = 5442,
+ ClientEnableTestLicense = 5443,
+ ClientEnableTestLicenseResponse = 5444,
+ ClientDisableTestLicense = 5445,
+ ClientDisableTestLicenseResponse = 5446,
+ ClientRequestValidationMail = 5448,
+ ClientRequestValidationMailResponse = 5449,
+ ClientCheckAppBetaPassword = 5450,
+ ClientCheckAppBetaPasswordResponse = 5451,
+ ClientToGC = 5452,
+ ClientFromGC = 5453,
+ ClientRequestChangeMail = 5454,
+ ClientRequestChangeMailResponse = 5455,
+ ClientEmailAddrInfo = 5456,
+ ClientPasswordChange3 = 5457,
+ ClientEmailChange3 = 5458,
+ ClientPersonalQAChange3 = 5459,
+ ClientResetForgottenPassword3 = 5460,
+ ClientRequestForgottenPasswordEmail3 = 5461,
+ ClientCreateAccount3 = 5462,
+ ClientNewLoginKey = 5463,
+ ClientNewLoginKeyAccepted = 5464,
+ ClientLogOnWithHash_Deprecated = 5465,
+ ClientStoreUserStats2 = 5466,
+ ClientStatsUpdated = 5467,
+ ClientActivateOEMLicense = 5468,
+ ClientRegisterOEMMachine = 5469,
+ ClientRegisterOEMMachineResponse = 5470,
+ ClientRequestedClientStats = 5480,
+ ClientStat2Int32 = 5481,
+ ClientStat2 = 5482,
+ ClientVerifyPassword = 5483,
+ ClientVerifyPasswordResponse = 5484,
+ ClientDRMDownloadRequest = 5485,
+ ClientDRMDownloadResponse = 5486,
+ ClientDRMFinalResult = 5487,
+ ClientGetFriendsWhoPlayGame = 5488,
+ ClientGetFriendsWhoPlayGameResponse = 5489,
+ ClientOGSBeginSession = 5490,
+ ClientOGSBeginSessionResponse = 5491,
+ ClientOGSEndSession = 5492,
+ ClientOGSEndSessionResponse = 5493,
+ ClientOGSWriteRow = 5494,
+ ClientDRMTest = 5495,
+ ClientDRMTestResult = 5496,
+ ClientStartPeerContentServer = 5497,
+ ClientStartPeerContentServerResponse = 5498,
+ ClientServerUnavailable = 5500,
+ ClientServersAvailable = 5501,
+ ClientRegisterAuthTicketWithCM = 5502,
+ ClientGCMsgFailed = 5503,
+ ClientMicroTxnAuthRequest = 5504,
+ ClientMicroTxnAuthorize = 5505,
+ ClientMicroTxnAuthorizeResponse = 5506,
+ ClientAppMinutesPlayedData = 5507,
+ ClientGetMicroTxnInfo = 5508,
+ ClientGetMicroTxnInfoResponse = 5509,
+ ClientMarketingMessageUpdate2 = 5510,
+ ClientDeregisterWithServer = 5511,
+ ClientSubscribeToPersonaFeed = 5512,
+ ClientLogon = 5514,
+ ClientGetClientDetails = 5515,
+ ClientGetClientDetailsResponse = 5516,
+ ClientReportOverlayDetourFailure = 5517,
+ ClientGetClientAppList = 5518,
+ ClientGetClientAppListResponse = 5519,
+ ClientInstallClientApp = 5520,
+ ClientInstallClientAppResponse = 5521,
+ ClientUninstallClientApp = 5522,
+ ClientUninstallClientAppResponse = 5523,
+ ClientSetClientAppUpdateState = 5524,
+ ClientSetClientAppUpdateStateResponse = 5525,
+ ClientRequestEncryptedAppTicket = 5526,
+ ClientRequestEncryptedAppTicketResponse = 5527,
+ ClientWalletInfoUpdate = 5528,
+ ClientLBSSetUGC = 5529,
+ ClientLBSSetUGCResponse = 5530,
+ ClientAMGetClanOfficers = 5531,
+ ClientAMGetClanOfficersResponse = 5532,
+ ClientCheckFileSignature = 5533,
+ ClientCheckFileSignatureResponse = 5534,
+ ClientFriendProfileInfo = 5535,
+ ClientFriendProfileInfoResponse = 5536,
+ ClientUpdateMachineAuth = 5537,
+ ClientUpdateMachineAuthResponse = 5538,
+ ClientReadMachineAuth = 5539,
+ ClientReadMachineAuthResponse = 5540,
+ ClientRequestMachineAuth = 5541,
+ ClientRequestMachineAuthResponse = 5542,
+ ClientScreenshotsChanged = 5543,
+ ClientEmailChange4 = 5544,
+ ClientEmailChangeResponse4 = 5545,
+ ClientGetCDNAuthToken = 5546,
+ ClientGetCDNAuthTokenResponse = 5547,
+ ClientDownloadRateStatistics = 5548,
+ ClientRequestAccountData = 5549,
+ ClientRequestAccountDataResponse = 5550,
+ ClientResetForgottenPassword4 = 5551,
+ ClientHideFriend = 5552,
+ ClientFriendsGroupsList = 5553,
+ ClientGetClanActivityCounts = 5554,
+ ClientGetClanActivityCountsResponse = 5555,
+ ClientOGSReportString = 5556,
+ ClientOGSReportBug = 5557,
+ ClientSentLogs = 5558,
+ ClientLogonGameServer = 5559,
+ AMClientCreateFriendsGroup = 5560,
+ AMClientCreateFriendsGroupResponse = 5561,
+ AMClientDeleteFriendsGroup = 5562,
+ AMClientDeleteFriendsGroupResponse = 5563,
+ AMClientRenameFriendsGroup = 5564,
+ AMClientManageFriendsGroup = 5564,
+ AMClientRenameFriendsGroupResponse = 5565,
+ AMClientManageFriendsGroupResponse = 5565,
+ AMClientAddFriendToGroup = 5566,
+ AMClientAddFriendToGroupResponse = 5567,
+ AMClientRemoveFriendFromGroup = 5568,
+ AMClientRemoveFriendFromGroupResponse = 5569,
+ ClientAMGetPersonaNameHistory = 5570,
+ ClientAMGetPersonaNameHistoryResponse = 5571,
+ ClientRequestFreeLicense = 5572,
+ ClientRequestFreeLicenseResponse = 5573,
+ ClientDRMDownloadRequestWithCrashData = 5574,
+ ClientAuthListAck = 5575,
+ ClientItemAnnouncements = 5576,
+ ClientRequestItemAnnouncements = 5577,
+ ClientFriendMsgEchoToSender = 5578,
+ ClientChangeSteamGuardOptions = 5579,
+ ClientChangeSteamGuardOptionsResponse = 5580,
+ ClientOGSGameServerPingSample = 5581,
+ ClientCommentNotifications = 5582,
+ ClientRequestCommentNotifications = 5583,
+ ClientPersonaChangeResponse = 5584,
+ ClientRequestWebAPIAuthenticateUserNonce = 5585,
+ ClientRequestWebAPIAuthenticateUserNonceResponse = 5586,
+ ClientPlayerNicknameList = 5587,
+ AMClientSetPlayerNickname = 5588,
+ AMClientSetPlayerNicknameResponse = 5589,
+ ClientCreateAccountProto = 5590,
+ ClientRequestOAuthTokenForApp = 5590,
+ ClientCreateAccountProtoResponse = 5591,
+ ClientRequestOAuthTokenForAppResponse = 5591,
+ ClientGetNumberOfCurrentPlayersDP = 5592,
+ ClientGetNumberOfCurrentPlayersDPResponse = 5593,
+ ClientServiceMethod = 5594,
+ ClientServiceMethodLegacy = 5594,
+ ClientServiceMethodResponse = 5595,
+ ClientServiceMethodLegacyResponse = 5595,
+ ClientFriendUserStatusPublished = 5596,
+ ClientCurrentUIMode = 5597,
+ ClientVanityURLChangedNotification = 5598,
+ ClientUserNotifications = 5599,
+ BaseDFS = 5600,
+ DFSGetFile = 5601,
+ DFSInstallLocalFile = 5602,
+ DFSConnection = 5603,
+ DFSConnectionReply = 5604,
+ ClientDFSAuthenticateRequest = 5605,
+ ClientDFSAuthenticateResponse = 5606,
+ ClientDFSEndSession = 5607,
+ DFSPurgeFile = 5608,
+ DFSRouteFile = 5609,
+ DFSGetFileFromServer = 5610,
+ DFSAcceptedResponse = 5611,
+ DFSRequestPingback = 5612,
+ DFSRecvTransmitFile = 5613,
+ DFSSendTransmitFile = 5614,
+ DFSRequestPingback2 = 5615,
+ DFSResponsePingback2 = 5616,
+ ClientDFSDownloadStatus = 5617,
+ DFSStartTransfer = 5618,
+ DFSTransferComplete = 5619,
+ DFSRouteFileResponse = 5620,
+ ClientNetworkingCertRequest = 5621,
+ ClientNetworkingCertRequestResponse = 5622,
+ ClientChallengeRequest = 5623,
+ ClientChallengeResponse = 5624,
+ BadgeCraftedNotification = 5625,
+ ClientNetworkingMobileCertRequest = 5626,
+ ClientNetworkingMobileCertRequestResponse = 5627,
+ BaseMDS = 5800,
+ ClientMDSLoginRequest = 5801,
+ ClientMDSLoginResponse = 5802,
+ ClientMDSUploadManifestRequest = 5803,
+ ClientMDSUploadManifestResponse = 5804,
+ ClientMDSTransmitManifestDataChunk = 5805,
+ ClientMDSHeartbeat = 5806,
+ ClientMDSUploadDepotChunks = 5807,
+ ClientMDSUploadDepotChunksResponse = 5808,
+ ClientMDSInitDepotBuildRequest = 5809,
+ ClientMDSInitDepotBuildResponse = 5810,
+ AMToMDSGetDepotDecryptionKey = 5812,
+ MDSToAMGetDepotDecryptionKeyResponse = 5813,
+ MDSGetVersionsForDepot = 5814,
+ MDSGetVersionsForDepotResponse = 5815,
+ ClientMDSInitWorkshopBuildRequest = 5816,
+ MDSSetPublicVersionForDepot = 5816,
+ ClientMDSInitWorkshopBuildResponse = 5817,
+ MDSSetPublicVersionForDepotResponse = 5817,
+ ClientMDSGetDepotManifest = 5818,
+ ClientMDSGetDepotManifestResponse = 5819,
+ ClientMDSGetDepotManifestChunk = 5820,
+ ClientMDSUploadRateTest = 5823,
+ ClientMDSUploadRateTestResponse = 5824,
+ MDSDownloadDepotChunksAck = 5825,
+ MDSContentServerStatsBroadcast = 5826,
+ MDSContentServerConfigRequest = 5827,
+ MDSContentServerConfig = 5828,
+ MDSGetDepotManifest = 5829,
+ MDSGetDepotManifestResponse = 5830,
+ MDSGetDepotManifestChunk = 5831,
+ MDSGetDepotChunk = 5832,
+ MDSGetDepotChunkResponse = 5833,
+ MDSGetDepotChunkChunk = 5834,
+ MDSUpdateContentServerConfig = 5835,
+ MDSGetServerListForUser = 5836,
+ MDSGetServerListForUserResponse = 5837,
+ ClientMDSRegisterAppBuild = 5838,
+ ClientMDSRegisterAppBuildResponse = 5839,
+ ClientMDSSetAppBuildLive = 5840,
+ ClientMDSSetAppBuildLiveResponse = 5841,
+ ClientMDSGetPrevDepotBuild = 5842,
+ ClientMDSGetPrevDepotBuildResponse = 5843,
+ MDSToCSFlushChunk = 5844,
+ ClientMDSSignInstallScript = 5845,
+ ClientMDSSignInstallScriptResponse = 5846,
+ MDSMigrateChunk = 5847,
+ MDSMigrateChunkResponse = 5848,
+ MDSToCSFlushManifest = 5849,
+ CSBase = 6200,
+ CSPing = 6201,
+ CSPingResponse = 6202,
+ GMSBase = 6400,
+ GMSGameServerReplicate = 6401,
+ ClientGMSServerQuery = 6403,
+ GMSClientServerQueryResponse = 6404,
+ AMGMSGameServerUpdate = 6405,
+ AMGMSGameServerRemove = 6406,
+ GameServerOutOfDate = 6407,
+ DeviceAuthorizationBase = 6500,
+ ClientAuthorizeLocalDeviceRequest = 6501,
+ ClientAuthorizeLocalDevice = 6502,
+ ClientAuthorizeLocalDeviceResponse = 6502,
+ ClientDeauthorizeDeviceRequest = 6503,
+ ClientDeauthorizeDevice = 6504,
+ ClientUseLocalDeviceAuthorizations = 6505,
+ ClientGetAuthorizedDevices = 6506,
+ ClientGetAuthorizedDevicesResponse = 6507,
+ AMNotifySessionDeviceAuthorized = 6508,
+ ClientAuthorizeLocalDeviceNotification = 6509,
+ MMSBase = 6600,
+ ClientMMSCreateLobby = 6601,
+ ClientMMSCreateLobbyResponse = 6602,
+ ClientMMSJoinLobby = 6603,
+ ClientMMSJoinLobbyResponse = 6604,
+ ClientMMSLeaveLobby = 6605,
+ ClientMMSLeaveLobbyResponse = 6606,
+ ClientMMSGetLobbyList = 6607,
+ ClientMMSGetLobbyListResponse = 6608,
+ ClientMMSSetLobbyData = 6609,
+ ClientMMSSetLobbyDataResponse = 6610,
+ ClientMMSGetLobbyData = 6611,
+ ClientMMSLobbyData = 6612,
+ ClientMMSSendLobbyChatMsg = 6613,
+ ClientMMSLobbyChatMsg = 6614,
+ ClientMMSSetLobbyOwner = 6615,
+ ClientMMSSetLobbyOwnerResponse = 6616,
+ ClientMMSSetLobbyGameServer = 6617,
+ ClientMMSLobbyGameServerSet = 6618,
+ ClientMMSUserJoinedLobby = 6619,
+ ClientMMSUserLeftLobby = 6620,
+ ClientMMSInviteToLobby = 6621,
+ ClientMMSFlushFrenemyListCache = 6622,
+ ClientMMSFlushFrenemyListCacheResponse = 6623,
+ ClientMMSSetLobbyLinked = 6624,
+ ClientMMSSetRatelimitPolicyOnClient = 6625,
+ ClientMMSGetLobbyStatus = 6626,
+ ClientMMSGetLobbyStatusResponse = 6627,
+ MMSGetLobbyList = 6628,
+ MMSGetLobbyListResponse = 6629,
+ NonStdMsgBase = 6800,
+ NonStdMsgMemcached = 6801,
+ NonStdMsgHTTPServer = 6802,
+ NonStdMsgHTTPClient = 6803,
+ NonStdMsgWGResponse = 6804,
+ NonStdMsgPHPSimulator = 6805,
+ NonStdMsgChase = 6806,
+ NonStdMsgDFSTransfer = 6807,
+ NonStdMsgTests = 6808,
+ NonStdMsgUMQpipeAAPL = 6809,
+ NonStdMsgSyslog = 6810,
+ NonStdMsgLogsink = 6811,
+ NonStdMsgSteam2Emulator = 6812,
+ NonStdMsgRTMPServer = 6813,
+ NonStdMsgWebSocket = 6814,
+ NonStdMsgRedis = 6815,
+ UDSBase = 7000,
+ ClientUDSP2PSessionStarted = 7001,
+ ClientUDSP2PSessionEnded = 7002,
+ UDSRenderUserAuth = 7003,
+ UDSRenderUserAuthResponse = 7004,
+ ClientUDSInviteToGame = 7005,
+ ClientInviteToGame = 7005,
+ UDSFindSession = 7006,
+ UDSHasSession = 7006,
+ UDSFindSessionResponse = 7007,
+ UDSHasSessionResponse = 7007,
+ MPASBase = 7100,
+ MPASVacBanReset = 7101,
+ KGSBase = 7200,
+ KGSAllocateKeyRange = 7201,
+ KGSAllocateKeyRangeResponse = 7202,
+ KGSGenerateKeys = 7203,
+ KGSGenerateKeysResponse = 7204,
+ KGSRemapKeys = 7205,
+ KGSRemapKeysResponse = 7206,
+ KGSGenerateGameStopWCKeys = 7207,
+ KGSGenerateGameStopWCKeysResponse = 7208,
+ UCMBase = 7300,
+ ClientUCMAddScreenshot = 7301,
+ ClientUCMAddScreenshotResponse = 7302,
+ UCMValidateObjectExists = 7303,
+ UCMValidateObjectExistsResponse = 7304,
+ UCMResetCommunityContent = 7307,
+ UCMResetCommunityContentResponse = 7308,
+ ClientUCMDeleteScreenshot = 7309,
+ ClientUCMDeleteScreenshotResponse = 7310,
+ ClientUCMPublishFile = 7311,
+ ClientUCMPublishFileResponse = 7312,
+ ClientUCMGetPublishedFileDetails = 7313,
+ ClientUCMGetPublishedFileDetailsResponse = 7314,
+ ClientUCMDeletePublishedFile = 7315,
+ ClientUCMDeletePublishedFileResponse = 7316,
+ ClientUCMEnumerateUserPublishedFiles = 7317,
+ ClientUCMEnumerateUserPublishedFilesResponse = 7318,
+ ClientUCMSubscribePublishedFile = 7319,
+ ClientUCMSubscribePublishedFileResponse = 7320,
+ ClientUCMEnumerateUserSubscribedFiles = 7321,
+ ClientUCMEnumerateUserSubscribedFilesResponse = 7322,
+ ClientUCMUnsubscribePublishedFile = 7323,
+ ClientUCMUnsubscribePublishedFileResponse = 7324,
+ ClientUCMUpdatePublishedFile = 7325,
+ ClientUCMUpdatePublishedFileResponse = 7326,
+ UCMUpdatePublishedFile = 7327,
+ UCMUpdatePublishedFileResponse = 7328,
+ UCMDeletePublishedFile = 7329,
+ UCMDeletePublishedFileResponse = 7330,
+ UCMUpdatePublishedFileStat = 7331,
+ UCMUpdatePublishedFileBan = 7332,
+ UCMUpdatePublishedFileBanResponse = 7333,
+ UCMUpdateTaggedScreenshot = 7334,
+ UCMAddTaggedScreenshot = 7335,
+ UCMRemoveTaggedScreenshot = 7336,
+ UCMReloadPublishedFile = 7337,
+ UCMReloadUserFileListCaches = 7338,
+ UCMPublishedFileReported = 7339,
+ UCMUpdatePublishedFileIncompatibleStatus = 7340,
+ UCMPublishedFilePreviewAdd = 7341,
+ UCMPublishedFilePreviewAddResponse = 7342,
+ UCMPublishedFilePreviewRemove = 7343,
+ UCMPublishedFilePreviewRemoveResponse = 7344,
+ UCMPublishedFilePreviewChangeSortOrder = 7345,
+ UCMPublishedFilePreviewChangeSortOrderResponse = 7346,
+ ClientUCMPublishedFileSubscribed = 7347,
+ ClientUCMPublishedFileUnsubscribed = 7348,
+ UCMPublishedFileSubscribed = 7349,
+ UCMPublishedFileUnsubscribed = 7350,
+ UCMPublishFile = 7351,
+ UCMPublishFileResponse = 7352,
+ UCMPublishedFileChildAdd = 7353,
+ UCMPublishedFileChildAddResponse = 7354,
+ UCMPublishedFileChildRemove = 7355,
+ UCMPublishedFileChildRemoveResponse = 7356,
+ UCMPublishedFileChildChangeSortOrder = 7357,
+ UCMPublishedFileChildChangeSortOrderResponse = 7358,
+ UCMPublishedFileParentChanged = 7359,
+ ClientUCMGetPublishedFilesForUser = 7360,
+ ClientUCMGetPublishedFilesForUserResponse = 7361,
+ UCMGetPublishedFilesForUser = 7362,
+ UCMGetPublishedFilesForUserResponse = 7363,
+ ClientUCMSetUserPublishedFileAction = 7364,
+ ClientUCMSetUserPublishedFileActionResponse = 7365,
+ ClientUCMEnumeratePublishedFilesByUserAction = 7366,
+ ClientUCMEnumeratePublishedFilesByUserActionResponse = 7367,
+ ClientUCMPublishedFileDeleted = 7368,
+ UCMGetUserSubscribedFiles = 7369,
+ UCMGetUserSubscribedFilesResponse = 7370,
+ UCMFixStatsPublishedFile = 7371,
+ UCMDeleteOldScreenshot = 7372,
+ UCMDeleteOldScreenshotResponse = 7373,
+ UCMDeleteOldVideo = 7374,
+ UCMDeleteOldVideoResponse = 7375,
+ UCMUpdateOldScreenshotPrivacy = 7376,
+ UCMUpdateOldScreenshotPrivacyResponse = 7377,
+ ClientUCMEnumerateUserSubscribedFilesWithUpdates = 7378,
+ ClientUCMEnumerateUserSubscribedFilesWithUpdatesResponse = 7379,
+ UCMPublishedFileContentUpdated = 7380,
+ UCMPublishedFileUpdated = 7381,
+ ClientUCMPublishedFileUpdated = 7381,
+ ClientWorkshopItemChangesRequest = 7382,
+ ClientWorkshopItemChangesResponse = 7383,
+ ClientWorkshopItemInfoRequest = 7384,
+ ClientWorkshopItemInfoResponse = 7385,
+ FSBase = 7500,
+ ClientRichPresenceUpload = 7501,
+ ClientRichPresenceRequest = 7502,
+ ClientRichPresenceInfo = 7503,
+ FSRichPresenceRequest = 7504,
+ FSRichPresenceResponse = 7505,
+ FSComputeFrenematrix = 7506,
+ FSComputeFrenematrixResponse = 7507,
+ FSPlayStatusNotification = 7508,
+ FSPublishPersonaStatus = 7509,
+ FSAddOrRemoveFollower = 7510,
+ FSAddOrRemoveFollowerResponse = 7511,
+ FSUpdateFollowingList = 7512,
+ FSCommentNotification = 7513,
+ FSCommentNotificationViewed = 7514,
+ ClientFSGetFollowerCount = 7515,
+ ClientFSGetFollowerCountResponse = 7516,
+ ClientFSGetIsFollowing = 7517,
+ ClientFSGetIsFollowingResponse = 7518,
+ ClientFSEnumerateFollowingList = 7519,
+ ClientFSEnumerateFollowingListResponse = 7520,
+ FSGetPendingNotificationCount = 7521,
+ FSGetPendingNotificationCountResponse = 7522,
+ ClientFSOfflineMessageNotification = 7523,
+ ClientChatOfflineMessageNotification = 7523,
+ ClientFSRequestOfflineMessageCount = 7524,
+ ClientChatRequestOfflineMessageCount = 7524,
+ ClientFSGetFriendMessageHistory = 7525,
+ ClientChatGetFriendMessageHistory = 7525,
+ ClientFSGetFriendMessageHistoryResponse = 7526,
+ ClientChatGetFriendMessageHistoryResponse = 7526,
+ ClientFSGetFriendMessageHistoryForOfflineMessages = 7527,
+ ClientChatGetFriendMessageHistoryForOfflineMessages = 7527,
+ ClientFSGetFriendsSteamLevels = 7528,
+ ClientFSGetFriendsSteamLevelsResponse = 7529,
+ AMRequestFriendData = 7530,
+ FSRequestFriendData = 7530,
+ CEGVersionSetEnableDisableRequest = 7600,
+ DRMRange2 = 7600,
+ CEGVersionSetEnableDisableResponse = 7601,
+ CEGPropStatusDRMSRequest = 7602,
+ CEGPropStatusDRMSResponse = 7603,
+ CEGWhackFailureReportRequest = 7604,
+ CEGWhackFailureReportResponse = 7605,
+ DRMSFetchVersionSet = 7606,
+ DRMSFetchVersionSetResponse = 7607,
+ EconBase = 7700,
+ EconTrading_InitiateTradeRequest = 7701,
+ EconTrading_InitiateTradeProposed = 7702,
+ EconTrading_InitiateTradeResponse = 7703,
+ EconTrading_InitiateTradeResult = 7704,
+ EconTrading_StartSession = 7705,
+ EconTrading_CancelTradeRequest = 7706,
+ EconFlushInventoryCache = 7707,
+ EconFlushInventoryCacheResponse = 7708,
+ EconCDKeyProcessTransaction = 7711,
+ EconCDKeyProcessTransactionResponse = 7712,
+ EconGetErrorLogs = 7713,
+ EconGetErrorLogsResponse = 7714,
+ RMRange = 7800,
+ RMTestVerisignOTP = 7800,
+ RMTestVerisignOTPResponse = 7801,
+ RMDeleteMemcachedKeys = 7803,
+ RMRemoteInvoke = 7804,
+ BadLoginIPList = 7805,
+ RMMsgTraceAddTrigger = 7806,
+ RMMsgTraceRemoveTrigger = 7807,
+ RMMsgTraceEvent = 7808,
+ UGSBase = 7900,
+ UGSUpdateGlobalStats = 7900,
+ ClientUGSGetGlobalStats = 7901,
+ ClientUGSGetGlobalStatsResponse = 7902,
+ StoreUpdateRecommendationCount = 8000,
+ StoreBase = 8000,
+ UMQBase = 8100,
+ UMQLogonRequest = 8100,
+ UMQLogonResponse = 8101,
+ UMQLogoffRequest = 8102,
+ UMQLogoffResponse = 8103,
+ UMQSendChatMessage = 8104,
+ UMQIncomingChatMessage = 8105,
+ UMQPoll = 8106,
+ UMQPollResults = 8107,
+ UMQ2AM_ClientMsgBatch = 8108,
+ UMQEnqueueMobileSalePromotions = 8109,
+ UMQEnqueueMobileAnnouncements = 8110,
+ WorkshopAcceptTOSRequest = 8200,
+ WorkshopBase = 8200,
+ WorkshopAcceptTOSResponse = 8201,
+ WebAPIBase = 8300,
+ WebAPIValidateOAuth2Token = 8300,
+ WebAPIValidateOAuth2TokenResponse = 8301,
+ WebAPIInvalidateTokensForAccount = 8302,
+ WebAPIRegisterGCInterfaces = 8303,
+ WebAPIInvalidateOAuthClientCache = 8304,
+ WebAPIInvalidateOAuthTokenCache = 8305,
+ WebAPISetSecrets = 8306,
+ BackpackBase = 8400,
+ BackpackAddToCurrency = 8401,
+ BackpackAddToCurrencyResponse = 8402,
+ CREBase = 8500,
+ CRERankByTrend = 8501,
+ CRERankByTrendResponse = 8502,
+ CREItemVoteSummary = 8503,
+ CREItemVoteSummaryResponse = 8504,
+ CRERankByVote = 8505,
+ CRERankByVoteResponse = 8506,
+ CREUpdateUserPublishedItemVote = 8507,
+ CREUpdateUserPublishedItemVoteResponse = 8508,
+ CREGetUserPublishedItemVoteDetails = 8509,
+ CREGetUserPublishedItemVoteDetailsResponse = 8510,
+ CREEnumeratePublishedFiles = 8511,
+ CREEnumeratePublishedFilesResponse = 8512,
+ CREPublishedFileVoteAdded = 8513,
+ SecretsBase = 8600,
+ SecretsRequestCredentialPair = 8600,
+ SecretsCredentialPairResponse = 8601,
+ SecretsRequestServerIdentity = 8602,
+ SecretsServerIdentityResponse = 8603,
+ SecretsUpdateServerIdentities = 8604,
+ BoxMonitorBase = 8700,
+ BoxMonitorReportRequest = 8700,
+ BoxMonitorReportResponse = 8701,
+ LogsinkBase = 8800,
+ LogsinkWriteReport = 8800,
+ PICSBase = 8900,
+ ClientPICSChangesSinceRequest = 8901,
+ ClientPICSChangesSinceResponse = 8902,
+ ClientPICSProductInfoRequest = 8903,
+ ClientPICSProductInfoResponse = 8904,
+ ClientPICSAccessTokenRequest = 8905,
+ ClientPICSAccessTokenResponse = 8906,
+ WorkerProcess = 9000,
+ WorkerProcessPingRequest = 9000,
+ WorkerProcessPingResponse = 9001,
+ WorkerProcessShutdown = 9002,
+ DRMWorkerProcess = 9100,
+ DRMWorkerProcessDRMAndSign = 9100,
+ DRMWorkerProcessDRMAndSignResponse = 9101,
+ DRMWorkerProcessSteamworksInfoRequest = 9102,
+ DRMWorkerProcessSteamworksInfoResponse = 9103,
+ DRMWorkerProcessInstallDRMDLLRequest = 9104,
+ DRMWorkerProcessInstallDRMDLLResponse = 9105,
+ DRMWorkerProcessSecretIdStringRequest = 9106,
+ DRMWorkerProcessSecretIdStringResponse = 9107,
+ DRMWorkerProcessGetDRMGuidsFromFileRequest = 9108,
+ DRMWorkerProcessGetDRMGuidsFromFileResponse = 9109,
+ DRMWorkerProcessInstallProcessedFilesRequest = 9110,
+ DRMWorkerProcessInstallProcessedFilesResponse = 9111,
+ DRMWorkerProcessExamineBlobRequest = 9112,
+ DRMWorkerProcessExamineBlobResponse = 9113,
+ DRMWorkerProcessDescribeSecretRequest = 9114,
+ DRMWorkerProcessDescribeSecretResponse = 9115,
+ DRMWorkerProcessBackfillOriginalRequest = 9116,
+ DRMWorkerProcessBackfillOriginalResponse = 9117,
+ DRMWorkerProcessValidateDRMDLLRequest = 9118,
+ DRMWorkerProcessValidateDRMDLLResponse = 9119,
+ DRMWorkerProcessValidateFileRequest = 9120,
+ DRMWorkerProcessValidateFileResponse = 9121,
+ DRMWorkerProcessSplitAndInstallRequest = 9122,
+ DRMWorkerProcessSplitAndInstallResponse = 9123,
+ DRMWorkerProcessGetBlobRequest = 9124,
+ DRMWorkerProcessGetBlobResponse = 9125,
+ DRMWorkerProcessEvaluateCrashRequest = 9126,
+ DRMWorkerProcessEvaluateCrashResponse = 9127,
+ DRMWorkerProcessAnalyzeFileRequest = 9128,
+ DRMWorkerProcessAnalyzeFileResponse = 9129,
+ DRMWorkerProcessUnpackBlobRequest = 9130,
+ DRMWorkerProcessUnpackBlobResponse = 9131,
+ DRMWorkerProcessInstallAllRequest = 9132,
+ DRMWorkerProcessInstallAllResponse = 9133,
+ TestWorkerProcess = 9200,
+ TestWorkerProcessLoadUnloadModuleRequest = 9200,
+ TestWorkerProcessLoadUnloadModuleResponse = 9201,
+ TestWorkerProcessServiceModuleCallRequest = 9202,
+ TestWorkerProcessServiceModuleCallResponse = 9203,
+ QuestServerBase = 9300,
+ ClientGetEmoticonList = 9330,
+ ClientEmoticonList = 9331,
+ ClientSharedLibraryBase = 9400,
+ SLCBase = 9400,
+ SLCUserSessionStatus = 9400,
+ SLCRequestUserSessionStatus = 9401,
+ SLCSharedLicensesLockStatus = 9402,
+ ClientSharedLicensesLockStatus = 9403,
+ ClientSharedLicensesStopPlaying = 9404,
+ ClientSharedLibraryLockStatus = 9405,
+ ClientSharedLibraryStopPlaying = 9406,
+ SLCOwnerLibraryChanged = 9407,
+ SLCSharedLibraryChanged = 9408,
+ RemoteClientAuth = 9500,
+ RemoteClientBase = 9500,
+ RemoteClientAuthResponse = 9501,
+ RemoteClientAppStatus = 9502,
+ RemoteClientStartStream = 9503,
+ RemoteClientStartStreamResponse = 9504,
+ RemoteClientPing = 9505,
+ RemoteClientPingResponse = 9506,
+ ClientUnlockStreaming = 9507,
+ ClientUnlockStreamingResponse = 9508,
+ RemoteClientAcceptEULA = 9509,
+ RemoteClientGetControllerConfig = 9510,
+ RemoteClientGetControllerConfigResposne = 9511,
+ RemoteClientGetControllerConfigResponse = 9511,
+ RemoteClientStreamingEnabled = 9512,
+ ClientUnlockHEVC = 9513,
+ ClientUnlockHEVCResponse = 9514,
+ RemoteClientStatusRequest = 9515,
+ RemoteClientStatusResponse = 9516,
+ ClientConcurrentSessionsBase = 9600,
+ ClientPlayingSessionState = 9600,
+ ClientKickPlayingSession = 9601,
+ ClientBroadcastBase = 9700,
+ ClientBroadcastInit = 9700,
+ ClientBroadcastFrames = 9701,
+ ClientBroadcastDisconnect = 9702,
+ ClientBroadcastScreenshot = 9703,
+ ClientBroadcastUploadConfig = 9704,
+ BaseClient3 = 9800,
+ ClientVoiceCallPreAuthorize = 9800,
+ ClientVoiceCallPreAuthorizeResponse = 9801,
+ ClientServerTimestampRequest = 9802,
+ ClientServerTimestampResponse = 9803,
+ ServiceMethodCallFromClientNonAuthed = 9804,
+ ClientHello = 9805,
+ ClientEnableOrDisableDownloads = 9806,
+ ClientEnableOrDisableDownloadsResponse = 9807,
+ ClientLANP2PBase = 9900,
+ ClientLANP2PRequestChunk = 9900,
+ ClientLANP2PRequestChunkResponse = 9901,
+ ClientPeerChunkRequest = 9902,
+ ClientPeerChunkResponse = 9903,
+ ClientLANP2PMax = 9999,
+ NotifyWatchdog = 10000,
+ BaseWatchdogServer = 10000,
+ ClientSiteLicenseBase = 10100,
+ ClientSiteLicenseSiteInfoNotification = 10100,
+ ClientSiteLicenseCheckout = 10101,
+ ClientSiteLicenseCheckoutResponse = 10102,
+ ClientSiteLicenseGetAvailableSeats = 10103,
+ ClientSiteLicenseGetAvailableSeatsResponse = 10104,
+ ClientSiteLicenseGetContentCacheInfo = 10105,
+ ClientSiteLicenseGetContentCacheInfoResponse = 10106,
+ BaseChatServer = 12000,
+ ChatServerGetPendingNotificationCount = 12000,
+ ChatServerGetPendingNotificationCountResponse = 12001,
+ BaseSecretServer = 12100,
+ ServerSecretChanged = 12100,
+namespace proto
+ #define PROTOBUF_PTR(T,D) \
+ class T { \
+ C##T* p; \
+ public: \
+ T(const MBinBuffer &buf) : p((C##T*)protobuf_c_message_unpack(&D, 0, buf.length(), {} \
+ T(const ProtobufCBinaryData &data) : p((C##T*)protobuf_c_message_unpack(&D, 0, data.len, {} \
+ T(const uint8_t *pData, size_t len) : p((C##T*)protobuf_c_message_unpack(&D, 0, len, pData)) {} \
+ ~T() { protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked(p,0); } \
+ C##T* operator->() const { return p; } \
+ operator C##T*() const { return p; } \
+ };
+ PROTOBUF_PTR(MsgMulti, cmsg_multi__descriptor);
+ PROTOBUF_PTR(MsgProtoBufHeader, cmsg_proto_buf_header__descriptor);
+ PROTOBUF_PTR(MsgClientLogonResponse, cmsg_client_logon_response__descriptor);
+ PROTOBUF_PTR(AuthenticationGetPasswordRSAPublicKeyResponse, cauthentication__get_password_rsapublic_key__response__descriptor);
+ PROTOBUF_PTR(AuthenticationBeginAuthSessionViaCredentialsResponse, cauthentication__begin_auth_session_via_credentials__response__descriptor);
+ PROTOBUF_PTR(AuthenticationPollAuthSessionStatusResponse, cauthentication__poll_auth_session_status__response__descriptor);
diff --git a/protocols/Steam/src/protobuf-c/protobuf-c.h b/protocols/Steam/src/protobuf-c/protobuf-c.h
index 23b38fecd3..3b66e20629 100644
--- a/protocols/Steam/src/protobuf-c/protobuf-c.h
+++ b/protocols/Steam/src/protobuf-c/protobuf-c.h
@@ -1108,6 +1108,8 @@ protobuf_c_service_invoke_internal(
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" void message_init_generic(const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor * desc, ProtobufCMessage * message);
struct ProtobufCppMessage : public ProtobufCMessage
@@ -1117,6 +1119,7 @@ struct ProtobufCppMessage : public ProtobufCMessage
message_init_generic(&descr, this);
+#endif // __cplusplus
#endif /* PROTOBUF_C_H */
diff --git a/protocols/Steam/src/stdafx.h b/protocols/Steam/src/stdafx.h
index 4931099ca4..c25e13d337 100644
--- a/protocols/Steam/src/stdafx.h
+++ b/protocols/Steam/src/stdafx.h
@@ -39,10 +39,9 @@
#include "resource.h"
#include "version.h"
-#include "protobuf-c/protobuf-c.h"
#include "protobuf-c/steammessages_auth.steamclient.pb-c.h"
#include "protobuf-c/steammessages_clientserver_login.pb-c.h"
+#include "proto.h"
#define MODULE "Steam"
#define DB_KEY_LASTMSGTS "LastMessageTS"
@@ -74,14 +73,11 @@ extern HANDLE hExtraXStatus;
#include "steam_proto.h"
#include "api/app_info.h"
-#include "api/authorization.h"
-#include "api/authorization.h"
#include "api/avatar.h"
#include "api/captcha.h"
#include "api/friend.h"
#include "api/friend_list.h"
#include "api/history.h"
-#include "api/login.h"
#include "api/message.h"
#include "api/pending.h"
#include "api/rsa_key.h"
diff --git a/protocols/Steam/src/steam_avatars.cpp b/protocols/Steam/src/steam_avatars.cpp
index 5a895b6a0c..2a7de109ca 100644
--- a/protocols/Steam/src/steam_avatars.cpp
+++ b/protocols/Steam/src/steam_avatars.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
wchar_t* CSteamProto::GetAvatarFilePath(MCONTACT hContact)
- ptrA steamId(getStringA(hContact, "SteamID"));
+ ptrA steamId(getStringA(hContact, DBKEY_STEAM_ID));
if (steamId == NULL)
return nullptr;
diff --git a/protocols/Steam/src/steam_contacts.cpp b/protocols/Steam/src/steam_contacts.cpp
index 33764d2f82..378ab1933d 100644
--- a/protocols/Steam/src/steam_contacts.cpp
+++ b/protocols/Steam/src/steam_contacts.cpp
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ MCONTACT CSteamProto::GetContactFromAuthEvent(MEVENT hEvent)
MCONTACT CSteamProto::GetContact(const char *steamId)
for (auto &hContact : AccContacts()) {
- ptrA cSteamId(getStringA(hContact, "SteamID"));
+ ptrA cSteamId(getStringA(hContact, DBKEY_STEAM_ID));
if (!mir_strcmp(cSteamId, steamId))
return hContact;
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ void CSteamProto::ContactIsAskingAuth(MCONTACT hContact)
// create auth request event
- ptrA steamId(getUStringA(hContact, "SteamID"));
+ ptrA steamId(getUStringA(hContact, DBKEY_STEAM_ID));
SendRequest(new GetUserSummariesRequest(this, steamId), &CSteamProto::OnGotUserSummaries);
ptrA nickName(getUStringA(hContact, "Nick"));
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ MCONTACT CSteamProto::AddContact(const char *steamId, const wchar_t *nick, bool
hContact = db_add_contact();
Proto_AddToContact(hContact, m_szModuleName);
- setString(hContact, "SteamID", steamId);
+ setString(hContact, DBKEY_STEAM_ID, steamId);
if (mir_wstrlen(nick)) {
setWString(hContact, "Nick", nick);
db_set_ws(hContact, "CList", "MyHandle", nick);
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ void CSteamProto::OnGotFriendList(const JSONNode &root, void *)
// Comma-separated list of steam ids to update summaries
- std::string steamIds = (char *)ptrA(getStringA("SteamID"));
+ std::string steamIds = (char *)ptrA(getStringA(DBKEY_STEAM_ID));
// Remember contacts on server
std::map<json_string, const JSONNode*> friendsMap;
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ void CSteamProto::OnGotFriendList(const JSONNode &root, void *)
// Check and update contacts in database
for (auto &hContact : AccContacts()) {
- ptrA steamId(getStringA(hContact, "SteamID"));
+ ptrA steamId(getStringA(hContact, DBKEY_STEAM_ID));
if (steamId == nullptr)
@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ void CSteamProto::OnGotAvatar(const HttpResponse &response, void *arg)
if (!response.IsSuccess()) {
- ptrA steamId(getStringA(ai.hContact, "SteamID"));
+ ptrA steamId(getStringA(ai.hContact, DBKEY_STEAM_ID));
debugLogA(__FUNCTION__ ": failed to get avatar %s", steamId.get());
if (ai.hContact)
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ void CSteamProto::OnFriendAdded(const HttpResponse &response, void *arg)
if (!response.IsSuccess() || mir_strcmp(, "true")) {
- ptrW steamId(getWStringA(param->hContact, "SteamID"));
+ ptrW steamId(getWStringA(param->hContact, DBKEY_STEAM_ID));
ptrW who(getWStringA(param->hContact, "Nick"));
if (!who)
who = mir_wstrdup(steamId);
diff --git a/protocols/Steam/src/steam_history.cpp b/protocols/Steam/src/steam_history.cpp
index cb2725f31a..eb5df8d8c1 100644
--- a/protocols/Steam/src/steam_history.cpp
+++ b/protocols/Steam/src/steam_history.cpp
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ void CSteamProto::OnGotConversations(const JSONNode &root, void *)
time_t lastMessageTS = _wtoi64(session["last_message"].as_mstring());
if (lastMessageTS > storedMessageTS) {
ptrA token(getStringA("TokenSecret"));
- ptrA steamId(getStringA("SteamID"));
+ ptrA steamId(getStringA(DBKEY_STEAM_ID));
SendRequest(new GetHistoryMessagesRequest(token, steamId, who, storedMessageTS), &CSteamProto::OnGotHistoryMessages, (void*)hContact);
diff --git a/protocols/Steam/src/steam_login.cpp b/protocols/Steam/src/steam_login.cpp
index 44b419a5f6..6bf3bfb89e 100644
--- a/protocols/Steam/src/steam_login.cpp
+++ b/protocols/Steam/src/steam_login.cpp
@@ -1,138 +1,6 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
-bool CSteamProto::IsOnline()
- return m_iStatus > ID_STATUS_OFFLINE && m_hServerConn != nullptr;
-bool CSteamProto::IsMe(const char *steamId)
- ptrA mySteamId(getStringA("SteamID"));
- return mir_strcmp(steamId, mySteamId) == 0;
-void CSteamProto::Login()
- CMsgClientHello hello;
- hello.protocol_version = STEAM_PROTOCOL_VERSION; hello.has_protocol_version = true;
- WSSend(EMsg::ClientHello, hello);
- ptrA token(getStringA("TokenSecret"));
- ptrA sessionId(getStringA("SessionID"));
- if (mir_strlen(token) > 0 && mir_strlen(sessionId) > 0) {
- SendRequest(new LogonRequest(token), &CSteamProto::OnLoggedOn);
- return;
- }
- T2Utf username(getWStringA("Username"));
- if (username == NULL)
- LoginFailed();
- else {
- CAuthenticationGetPasswordRSAPublicKeyRequest request;
- request.account_name = username.get();
- WSSendService("Authentication.GetPasswordRSAPublicKey#1", request);
- }
-void CSteamProto::LoginFailed()
- m_iStatus = m_iDesiredStatus = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE;
- ProtoBroadcastAck(NULL, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)m_iStatus, m_iStatus);
-void CSteamProto::Logout()
- ptrA token(getStringA("TokenSecret"));
- if (mir_strlen(token) > 0) {
- ptrA umqid(getStringA("UMQID"));
- SendRequest(new LogoffRequest(token, umqid));
- }
- ProtoBroadcastAck(NULL, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)m_iStatus, m_iStatus);
-void CSteamProto::OnGotHosts(const JSONNode &root, void*)
- db_delete_module(0, STEAM_MODULE);
- int i = 0;
- CMStringA szSetting;
- for (auto &it : root["response"]["serverlist_websockets"]) {
- szSetting.Format("Host%d", i++);
- db_set_ws(0, STEAM_MODULE, szSetting, it.as_mstring());
- }
- db_set_dw(0, STEAM_MODULE, DBKEY_HOSTS_DATE, time(0));
-void CSteamProto::OnGotRsaKey(const JSONNode &root, void *)
- if (root.isnull()) {
- return;
- }
- if (!root["success"].as_bool()) {
- return;
- }
- // load rsa key parts
- json_string modulus = root["publickey_mod"].as_string();
- json_string exp = root["publickey_exp"].as_string();
- DWORD exponent = strtoul(exp.c_str(), nullptr, 16); // default "010001" = 0x10001
- json_string timestamp = root["timestamp"].as_string();
- // encrcrypt password
- ptrA base64RsaEncryptedPassword;
- ptrA szPassword(getStringA("Password"));
- DWORD error = 0;
- DWORD encryptedSize = 0;
- if ((error = RsaEncrypt(modulus.c_str(), exponent, szPassword, nullptr, encryptedSize)) != 0) {
- debugLogA(__FUNCTION__ ": encryption error (%lu)", error);
- return;
- }
- uint8_t *encryptedPassword = (uint8_t *)mir_calloc(encryptedSize);
- if ((error = RsaEncrypt(modulus.c_str(), exponent, szPassword, encryptedPassword, encryptedSize)) != 0) {
- debugLogA(__FUNCTION__ ": encryption error (%lu)", error);
- return;
- }
- base64RsaEncryptedPassword = mir_base64_encode(encryptedPassword, encryptedSize);
- mir_free(encryptedPassword);
- // run authorization request
- T2Utf username(getWStringA("Username"));
- ptrA twoFactorCode(getStringA("TwoFactorCode"));
- if (!twoFactorCode)
- twoFactorCode = mir_strdup("");
- ptrA guardId(getStringA("GuardId"));
- if (!guardId)
- guardId = mir_strdup("");
- ptrA guardCode(getStringA("GuardCode"));
- if (!guardCode)
- guardCode = mir_strdup("");
- ptrA captchaId(getStringA("CaptchaId"));
- if (!captchaId)
- captchaId = mir_strdup("-1");
- ptrA captchaText(getStringA("CaptchaText"));
- if (!captchaText)
- captchaText = mir_strdup("");
- SendRequest(
- new AuthorizationRequest(username, base64RsaEncryptedPassword, timestamp.c_str(), twoFactorCode, guardCode, guardId, captchaId, captchaText),
- &CSteamProto::OnAuthorization);
void CSteamProto::OnGotCaptcha(const HttpResponse &response, void *arg)
ptrA captchaId((char *)arg);
@@ -142,7 +10,7 @@ void CSteamProto::OnGotCaptcha(const HttpResponse &response, void *arg)
- CSteamCaptchaDialog captchaDialog(this, (const uint8_t*), response.length());
+ CSteamCaptchaDialog captchaDialog(this, (const uint8_t *), response.length());
if (!captchaDialog.DoModal()) {
@@ -152,38 +20,8 @@ void CSteamProto::OnGotCaptcha(const HttpResponse &response, void *arg)
setString("CaptchaId", captchaId);
setString("CaptchaText", captchaDialog.GetCaptchaText());
- T2Utf username(getWStringA("Username"));
- SendRequest(new GetRsaKeyRequest(username), &CSteamProto::OnGotRsaKey);
-void CSteamProto::OnAuthorization(const HttpResponse &response, void *)
- if (!response) {
- return;
- }
- JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(;
- if (root.isnull()) {
- return;
- }
- if (!root["success"].as_bool()) {
- OnAuthorizationError(root);
- return;
- }
- OnAuthorizationSuccess(root);
-void CSteamProto::DeleteAuthSettings()
- delSetting("TwoFactorCode");
- delSetting("GuardId");
- delSetting("GuardCode");
- delSetting("CaptchaId");
- delSetting("CaptchaText");
+ ptrA username(getUStringA("Username"));
+ // SendRequest(new GetRsaKeyRequest(username), &CSteamProto::OnGotRsaKey);
void CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError(const JSONNode &root)
@@ -222,7 +60,7 @@ void CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError(const JSONNode &root)
setString("TwoFactorCode", twoFactorDialog.GetTwoFactorCode());
- SendRequest(new GetRsaKeyRequest(username), &CSteamProto::OnGotRsaKey);
+ // SendRequest(new GetRsaKeyRequest(username), &CSteamProto::OnGotRsaKey);
if (root["emailauth_needed"].as_bool()) {
@@ -254,7 +92,7 @@ void CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError(const JSONNode &root)
setString("GuardId", guardId.c_str());
setString("GuardCode", guardDialog.GetGuardCode());
- SendRequest(new GetRsaKeyRequest(username), &CSteamProto::OnGotRsaKey);
+ // SendRequest(new GetRsaKeyRequest(username), &CSteamProto::OnGotRsaKey);
@@ -272,134 +110,222 @@ void CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationError(const JSONNode &root)
-void CSteamProto::OnAuthorizationSuccess(const JSONNode &root)
+void CSteamProto::DeleteAuthSettings()
- DeleteAuthSettings();
+ delSetting("TwoFactorCode");
+ delSetting("GuardId");
+ delSetting("GuardCode");
+ delSetting("CaptchaId");
+ delSetting("CaptchaText");
- if (!root["login_complete"].as_bool()) {
+bool CSteamProto::IsOnline()
+ return m_iStatus > ID_STATUS_OFFLINE && m_hServerConn != nullptr;
+bool CSteamProto::IsMe(const char *steamId)
+ ptrA mySteamId(getStringA(DBKEY_STEAM_ID));
+ return mir_strcmp(steamId, mySteamId) == 0;
+void CSteamProto::Login()
+ CMsgClientHello hello;
+ hello.protocol_version = STEAM_PROTOCOL_VERSION; hello.has_protocol_version = true;
+ WSSend(EMsg::ClientHello, hello);
+ ptrA token(getStringA("TokenSecret"));
+ ptrA sessionId(getStringA("SessionID"));
+ if (mir_strlen(token) > 0 && mir_strlen(sessionId) > 0) {
+ // SendRequest(new LogonRequest(token), &CSteamProto::OnLoggedOn);
- json_string oauth = root["oauth"].as_string();
- JSONNode node = JSONNode::parse(oauth.c_str());
- if (node.isnull()) {
- return;
+ ptrA username(getUStringA("Username"));
+ if (username == NULL)
+ LoginFailed();
+ else {
+ CAuthenticationGetPasswordRSAPublicKeyRequest request;
+ request.account_name = username.get();
+ WSSendService("Authentication.GetPasswordRSAPublicKey#1", request, &CSteamProto::OnGotRsaKey);
- json_string steamId = node["steamid"].as_string();
- setString("SteamID", steamId.c_str());
+void CSteamProto::LoginFailed()
+ m_bTerminated = true;
- json_string token = node["oauth_token"].as_string();
- setString("TokenSecret", token.c_str());
+ m_iStatus = m_iDesiredStatus = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE;
+ ProtoBroadcastAck(NULL, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)m_iStatus, m_iStatus);
- SendRequest(new GetSessionRequest2(token.c_str(), steamId.c_str()), &CSteamProto::OnGotSession);
+void CSteamProto::Logout()
+ m_bTerminated = true;
- SendRequest(new LogonRequest(token.c_str()), &CSteamProto::OnLoggedOn);
+ ProtoBroadcastAck(NULL, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)m_iStatus, m_iStatus);
-void CSteamProto::OnGotSession(const HttpResponse &response, void *)
+void CSteamProto::OnGotHosts(const JSONNode &root, void*)
- if (!response) {
- debugLogA(__FUNCTION__ ": failed to get session id");
- return;
- }
- for (auto &header : response.Headers()) {
- if (mir_strcmpi(header->szName, "Set-Cookie"))
- continue;
+ db_delete_module(0, STEAM_MODULE);
- std::string cookies = header->szValue;
- size_t start = cookies.find("sessionid=") + 10;
- size_t end = cookies.substr(start).find(';');
- std::string sessionId = cookies.substr(start, end - start + 10);
- setString("SessionID", sessionId.c_str());
- break;
+ int i = 0;
+ CMStringA szSetting;
+ for (auto &it : root["response"]["serverlist_websockets"]) {
+ szSetting.Format("Host%d", i++);
+ db_set_ws(0, STEAM_MODULE, szSetting, it.as_mstring());
+ db_set_dw(0, STEAM_MODULE, DBKEY_HOSTS_DATE, time(0));
-void CSteamProto::HandleTokenExpired()
+void CSteamProto::OnGotRsaKey(const uint8_t *buf, size_t cbLen)
- // Delete expired token
- delSetting("TokenSecret");
- // Try to relogin automatically (but only once)
- if (isLoginAgain) {
- // Notify error to user
- debugLogA(__FUNCTION__ ": cannot obtain connection token");
- ShowNotification(TranslateT("Cannot obtain connection token."));
- // Just go offline; it also resets the isLoginAgain to false
+ proto::AuthenticationGetPasswordRSAPublicKeyResponse reply(buf, cbLen);
+ if (reply == nullptr || !reply->publickey_exp || !reply->publickey_mod) {
+ LoginFailed();
- // Remember we are trying to relogin
- isLoginAgain = true;
+ // load rsa key parts
+ DWORD exponent = strtoul(reply->publickey_exp, nullptr, 16); // default "010001" = 0x10001
- Login();
+ // encrypt password
+ ptrA szPassword(getStringA("Password"));
-void CSteamProto::OnLoggedOn(const HttpResponse &response, void *)
- if (response.GetStatusCode() == HTTP_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED) {
- // Probably expired TokenSecret
+ DWORD error = 0;
+ DWORD encryptedSize = 0;
+ if ((error = RsaEncrypt(reply->publickey_mod, exponent, szPassword, nullptr, encryptedSize)) != 0) {
+ debugLogA(__FUNCTION__ ": encryption error (%lu)", error);
- HandleTokenExpired();
- if (!response.IsSuccess()) {
- // Probably timeout or no connection, we can do nothing here
- debugLogA(__FUNCTION__ ": unknown login error");
+ uint8_t *encryptedPassword = (uint8_t *)mir_calloc(encryptedSize);
+ if ((error = RsaEncrypt(reply->publickey_mod, exponent, szPassword, encryptedPassword, encryptedSize)) != 0) {
+ debugLogA(__FUNCTION__ ": encryption error (%lu)", error);
- JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(;
- json_string error = root["error"].as_string();
- if (error != "OK") {
- // Probably expired TokenSecret
- HandleTokenExpired();
+ ptrA base64RsaEncryptedPassword(mir_base64_encode(encryptedPassword, encryptedSize));
+ mir_free(encryptedPassword);
+ // run authorization request
+ ptrA userName(getUStringA("Username"));
+ ptrA deviceName(getUStringA("DeviceName"));
+ CAuthenticationDeviceDetails details;
+ details.device_friendly_name = deviceName.get();
+ details.os_type = 1; details.has_os_type = true;
+ details.platform_type = EAUTH_TOKEN_PLATFORM_TYPE__k_EAuthTokenPlatformType_SteamClient; details.has_platform_type = true;
+ CAuthenticationBeginAuthSessionViaCredentialsRequest request;
+ request.account_name = userName.get();
+ request.device_friendly_name = deviceName.get();
+ request.encrypted_password = base64RsaEncryptedPassword;
+ request.encryption_timestamp = reply->timestamp; request.has_encryption_timestamp = true;
+ request.persistence = ESESSION_PERSISTENCE__k_ESessionPersistence_Ephemeral; request.has_persistence = true;
+ request.platform_type = EAUTH_TOKEN_PLATFORM_TYPE__k_EAuthTokenPlatformType_SteamClient; request.has_platform_type = true;
+ request.remember_login = 0; request.has_remember_login = true;
+ request.device_details = &details;
+ WSSendService("Authentication.BeginAuthSessionViaCredentials#1", request, &CSteamProto::OnAuthorization);
+void CSteamProto::OnAuthorization(const uint8_t *buf, size_t cbLen)
+ proto::AuthenticationBeginAuthSessionViaCredentialsResponse reply(buf, cbLen);
+ if (reply == nullptr) {
+ LoginFailed();
- json_string umqId = root["umqid"].as_string();
- setString("UMQID", umqId.c_str());
+ // Success
+ if (reply->has_client_id && reply->has_steamid) {
+ DeleteAuthSettings();
+ SetId(DBKEY_STEAM_ID, reply->steamid);
+ SetId(DBKEY_CLIENT_ID, reply->client_id);
- long messageId = root["umqid"].as_int();
- setDword("MessageID", messageId);
+ CAuthenticationPollAuthSessionStatusRequest request;
+ request.client_id = reply->client_id; request.has_client_id = true;
+ request.request_id = reply->request_id; request.has_request_id = true;
+ WSSendService("Authentication.PollAuthSessionStatus#1", request, &CSteamProto::OnPollSession);
+ }
+ else {
+ debugLogA("Something went wrong: %s", reply->extended_error_message);
+ LoginFailed();
+ }
- // load contact list
- ptrA token(getStringA("TokenSecret"));
- ptrA steamId(getStringA("SteamID"));
+void CSteamProto::OnPollSession(const uint8_t *buf, size_t cbLen)
+ proto::AuthenticationPollAuthSessionStatusResponse reply(buf, cbLen);
+ if (reply == nullptr || !reply->access_token || !reply->refresh_token) {
+ LoginFailed();
+ return;
+ }
- SendRequest(new GetSessionRequest2(token, steamId), &CSteamProto::OnGotSession);
+ m_szAccessToken = reply->access_token;
+ m_szRefreshToken = reply->refresh_token;
- // send this request immediately, so we can start polling thread with already loaded all contacts
- SendRequest(new GetFriendListRequest(token, steamId, "friend,ignoredfriend,requestrecipient"), &CSteamProto::OnGotFriendList);
+ ptrA szAccountName(getUStringA(DBKEY_ACCOUNT_NAME));
+ MBinBuffer machineId(getBlob(DBKEY_MACHINE_ID));
+ if (!machineId.length()) {
+ uint8_t random[100], hashOut[20];
+ Utils_GetRandom(random, sizeof(random));
+ mir_sha1_hash(random, sizeof(random), hashOut);
- // go to online now
+ db_set_blob(0, m_szModuleName, DBKEY_MACHINE_ID, hashOut, sizeof(hashOut));
+ machineId.append(hashOut, sizeof(hashOut));
+ }
+ CMsgIPAddress privateIp;
+ privateIp.ip_case = CMSG_IPADDRESS__IP_V4;
+ privateIp.v4 = 0;
+ CMsgClientLogon request;
+ request.access_token = reply->access_token;
+ request.account_name = szAccountName.get();
+ request.client_language = "english";
+ request.client_os_type = 16; request.has_client_os_type = true;
+ request.should_remember_password = false; request.has_should_remember_password = true;
+ request.obfuscated_private_ip = &privateIp;
+ request.protocol_version = STEAM_PROTOCOL_VERSION; request.has_protocol_version = true;
+ request.supports_rate_limit_response = request.has_supports_rate_limit_response = true;
+ request.machine_name = "";
+ request.steamguard_dont_remember_computer = false; request.has_steamguard_dont_remember_computer = true;
+ request.chat_mode = 2; request.has_chat_mode = true;
+ request.cell_id = 7; request.has_cell_id = true;
+ =;
+ request.machine_id.len = machineId.length();
+ WSSend(EMsg::ClientLogon, request);
-void CSteamProto::OnReLogin(const JSONNode &root, void*)
+void CSteamProto::OnLoggedOn(const uint8_t *buf, size_t cbLen)
- if (root.isnull()) {
+ proto::MsgClientLogonResponse reply(buf, cbLen);
+ if (reply == nullptr || !reply->has_eresult) {
+ LoginFailed();
- json_string error = root["error"].as_string();
- if (error != "OK") {
+ if (reply->eresult != 1) {
+ debugLogA("Login failed with error %d", reply->eresult);
+ LoginFailed();
- json_string umqId = root["umqid"].as_string();
- setString("UMQID", umqId.c_str());
+ // go to online now
- long messageId = root["message"].as_int();
- setDword("MessageID", messageId);
+ // load contact list
+ // SendRequest(new GetFriendListRequest(token, steamId, "friend,ignoredfriend,requestrecipient"), &CSteamProto::OnGotFriendList);
diff --git a/protocols/Steam/src/steam_menus.cpp b/protocols/Steam/src/steam_menus.cpp
index b1be43879c..6ed3f211fa 100644
--- a/protocols/Steam/src/steam_menus.cpp
+++ b/protocols/Steam/src/steam_menus.cpp
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ INT_PTR CSteamProto::AuthRevokeCommand(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM)
ptrA token(getStringA("TokenSecret"));
ptrA sessionId(getStringA("SessionID"));
- ptrA steamId(getStringA("SteamID"));
- char *who = getStringA(hContact, "SteamID");
+ ptrA steamId(getStringA(DBKEY_STEAM_ID));
+ char *who = getStringA(hContact, DBKEY_STEAM_ID);
SendRequest(new RemoveFriendRequest(token, sessionId, steamId, who), &CSteamProto::OnFriendRemoved, who);
return 0;
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ int CSteamProto::BlockCommand(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM)
ptrA token(getStringA("TokenSecret"));
ptrA sessionId(getStringA("SessionID"));
- ptrA steamId(getStringA("SteamID"));
- char *who = getStringA(hContact, "SteamID");
+ ptrA steamId(getStringA(DBKEY_STEAM_ID));
+ char *who = getStringA(hContact, DBKEY_STEAM_ID);
SendRequest(new BlockFriendRequest(token, sessionId, steamId, who), &CSteamProto::OnFriendBlocked, who);
return 0;
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ int CSteamProto::UnblockCommand(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM)
ptrA token(getStringA("TokenSecret"));
ptrA sessionId(getStringA("SessionID"));
- ptrA steamId(getStringA("SteamID"));
- char *who = getStringA(hContact, "SteamID");
+ ptrA steamId(getStringA(DBKEY_STEAM_ID));
+ char *who = getStringA(hContact, DBKEY_STEAM_ID);
SendRequest(new UnblockFriendRequest(token, sessionId, steamId, who), &CSteamProto::OnFriendUnblocked, who);
return 0;
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ int CSteamProto::JoinToGameCommand(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM)
INT_PTR CSteamProto::OpenBlockListCommand(WPARAM, LPARAM)
ptrA token(getStringA("TokenSecret"));
- ptrA steamId(getStringA("SteamID"));
+ ptrA steamId(getStringA(DBKEY_STEAM_ID));
SendRequest(new GetFriendListRequest(token, steamId, "ignoredfriend"), &CSteamProto::OnGotBlockList);
return 0;
diff --git a/protocols/Steam/src/steam_messages.cpp b/protocols/Steam/src/steam_messages.cpp
index 11870d341b..42c70d6471 100644
--- a/protocols/Steam/src/steam_messages.cpp
+++ b/protocols/Steam/src/steam_messages.cpp
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ int CSteamProto::OnSendMessage(MCONTACT hContact, const char *message)
ptrA token(getStringA("TokenSecret"));
ptrA umqid(getStringA("UMQID"));
- ptrA steamId(getStringA(hContact, "SteamID"));
+ ptrA steamId(getStringA(hContact, DBKEY_STEAM_ID));
SendRequest(new SendMessageRequest(token, umqid, steamId, message), &CSteamProto::OnMessageSent, param);
return hMessage;
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ void CSteamProto::OnMessageSent(const HttpResponse &response, void *arg)
SendMessageParam *param = (SendMessageParam *)arg;
std::string error = Translate("Unknown error");
- ptrW steamId(getWStringA(param->hContact, "SteamID"));
+ ptrW steamId(getWStringA(param->hContact, DBKEY_STEAM_ID));
time_t timestamp = NULL;
if (response) {
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ int CSteamProto::UserIsTyping(MCONTACT hContact, int type)
ptrA token(getStringA("TokenSecret"));
ptrA umqid(getStringA("UMQID"));
- ptrA steamId(getStringA(hContact, "SteamID"));
+ ptrA steamId(getStringA(hContact, DBKEY_STEAM_ID));
SendRequest(new SendTypingRequest(token, umqid, steamId));
return 0;
diff --git a/protocols/Steam/src/steam_options.cpp b/protocols/Steam/src/steam_options.cpp
index bbfa7311cd..2e52b6da46 100644
--- a/protocols/Steam/src/steam_options.cpp
+++ b/protocols/Steam/src/steam_options.cpp
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ public:
if (m_username.IsChanged()) {
- m_proto->delSetting("SteamID");
+ m_proto->delSetting(DBKEY_STEAM_ID);
if (m_password.IsChanged())
diff --git a/protocols/Steam/src/steam_proto.cpp b/protocols/Steam/src/steam_proto.cpp
index 4a6f04321e..e57c2af8c2 100644
--- a/protocols/Steam/src/steam_proto.cpp
+++ b/protocols/Steam/src/steam_proto.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
+static int CompareRequests(const ProtoRequest *p1, const ProtoRequest *p2)
+ if (p1->id == p2->id)
+ return 0;
+ return (p1->id < p2->id) ? -1 : 1;
CSteamProto::CSteamProto(const char *protoName, const wchar_t *userName) :
- PROTO<CSteamProto>(protoName, userName)
+ PROTO<CSteamProto>(protoName, userName),
+ m_arRequests(10, CompareRequests)
// default group
m_defaultGroup = getWStringA("DefaultGroup");
@@ -120,8 +128,8 @@ int CSteamProto::Authorize(MEVENT hDbEvent)
ptrA token(getStringA("TokenSecret"));
ptrA sessionId(getStringA("SessionID"));
- ptrA steamId(getStringA("SteamID"));
- char *who = getStringA(hContact, "SteamID");
+ ptrA steamId(getStringA(DBKEY_STEAM_ID));
+ char *who = getStringA(hContact, DBKEY_STEAM_ID);
new ApprovePendingRequest(token, sessionId, steamId, who),
@@ -150,8 +158,8 @@ int CSteamProto::AuthDeny(MEVENT hDbEvent, const wchar_t*)
ptrA token(getStringA("TokenSecret"));
ptrA sessionId(getStringA("SessionID"));
- ptrA steamId(getStringA("SteamID"));
- char *who = getStringA(hContact, "SteamID");
+ ptrA steamId(getStringA(DBKEY_STEAM_ID));
+ char *who = getStringA(hContact, DBKEY_STEAM_ID);
new IgnorePendingRequest(token, sessionId, steamId, who),
@@ -175,8 +183,8 @@ int CSteamProto::AuthRequest(MCONTACT hContact, const wchar_t*)
ptrA token(getStringA("TokenSecret"));
ptrA sessionId(getStringA("SessionID"));
- ptrA steamId(getStringA("SteamID"));
- ptrA who(getStringA(hContact, "SteamID"));
+ ptrA steamId(getStringA(DBKEY_STEAM_ID));
+ ptrA who(getStringA(hContact, DBKEY_STEAM_ID));
new AddFriendRequest(token, sessionId, steamId, who),
@@ -201,7 +209,7 @@ INT_PTR CSteamProto::GetCaps(int type, MCONTACT)
case PFLAGNUM_5:
- return (INT_PTR)TranslateT("SteamID");
+ return (INT_PTR)TranslateT(DBKEY_STEAM_ID);
return 0;
@@ -280,9 +288,6 @@ int CSteamProto::SetStatus(int new_status)
m_iDesiredStatus = new_status;
if (new_status == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) {
- // Reset relogin flag
- isLoginAgain = false;
m_iStatus = m_iDesiredStatus = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE;
if (!Miranda_IsTerminated())
@@ -338,8 +343,8 @@ void CSteamProto::OnContactDeleted(MCONTACT hContact)
if (!getByte(hContact, "Auth", 0)) {
ptrA token(getStringA("TokenSecret"));
ptrA sessionId(getStringA("SessionID"));
- ptrA steamId(getStringA("SteamID"));
- char *who = getStringA(hContact, "SteamID");
+ ptrA steamId(getStringA(DBKEY_STEAM_ID));
+ char *who = getStringA(hContact, DBKEY_STEAM_ID);
SendRequest(new RemoveFriendRequest(token, sessionId, steamId, who), &CSteamProto::OnFriendRemoved, (void*)who);
diff --git a/protocols/Steam/src/steam_proto.h b/protocols/Steam/src/steam_proto.h
index 1d933c25d6..8edf2c788a 100644
--- a/protocols/Steam/src/steam_proto.h
+++ b/protocols/Steam/src/steam_proto.h
@@ -8,15 +8,14 @@
#define STEAM_PROTOCOL_MASK 0x80000000
// Global settings for all accounts: hosts' list
-#define STEAM_MODULE "Steam"
-#define DBKEY_HOSTS_COUNT "HostsCount"
-#define DBKEY_HOSTS_DATE "HostsDate"
+#define STEAM_MODULE "Steam"
+#define DBKEY_HOSTS_COUNT "HostsCount"
+#define DBKEY_HOSTS_DATE "HostsDate"
-enum EMsg
- ServiceMethodCallFromClientNonAuthed = 9804,
- ClientHello = 9805,
+#define DBKEY_CLIENT_ID "ClientID"
+#define DBKEY_STEAM_ID "SteamID"
+#define DBKEY_ACCOUNT_NAME "Username"
+#define DBKEY_MACHINE_ID "MachineId"
struct SendAuthParam
@@ -38,8 +37,9 @@ enum
CMI_MAX // this item shall be the last one
-typedef void(CSteamProto::*HttpCallback)(const HttpResponse&, void*);
-typedef void(CSteamProto::*JsonCallback)(const JSONNode&, void*);
+typedef void (CSteamProto::*MsgCallback)(const uint8_t *pBuf, size_t cbLen);
+typedef void (CSteamProto::*HttpCallback)(const HttpResponse &, void *);
+typedef void (CSteamProto::*JsonCallback)(const JSONNode &, void *);
struct HttpRequest : public MTHttpRequest<CSteamProto>
@@ -48,6 +48,17 @@ struct HttpRequest : public MTHttpRequest<CSteamProto>
+struct ProtoRequest
+ ProtoRequest(int64_t _1, MsgCallback _2) :
+ id(_1),
+ pCallback(_2)
+ {}
+ int64_t id;
+ MsgCallback pCallback;
class CSteamProto : public PROTO<CSteamProto>
friend class CSteamGuardDialog;
@@ -58,11 +69,18 @@ class CSteamProto : public PROTO<CSteamProto>
ptrW m_password;
ptrW m_defaultGroup;
- bool isLoginAgain, m_bTerminated;
- time_t m_idleTS;
+ bool m_bTerminated;
HWND m_hwndGuard;
+ time_t m_idleTS;
+ int64_t GetId(const char *pszSetting);
+ void SetId(const char *pszSetting, int64_t id);
+ int64_t GetId(MCONTACT, const char *pszSetting);
+ void SetId(MCONTACT, const char *pszSetting, int64_t id);
// polling
+ CMStringA m_szRefreshToken, m_szAccessToken;
ULONG hAuthProcess = 1;
ULONG hMessageProcess = 1;
mir_cs m_addContactLock;
@@ -74,9 +92,16 @@ class CSteamProto : public PROTO<CSteamProto>
void __cdecl ServerThread(void *);
bool ServerThreadStub(const char *szHost);
+ mir_cs m_csRequests;
+ OBJLIST<ProtoRequest> m_arRequests;
+ void ProcessMulti(const uint8_t *buf, size_t cbLen);
+ void ProcessPacket(const uint8_t *buf, size_t cbLen);
+ void ProcessMessage(const uint8_t *buf, size_t cbLen);
void WSSend(EMsg msgType, const ProtobufCppMessage &msg);
void WSSendHeader(EMsg msgType, const CMsgProtoBufHeader &hdr, const ProtobufCppMessage &msg);
- void WSSendService(const char *pszServiceName, const ProtobufCppMessage &msg);
+ void WSSendService(const char *pszServiceName, const ProtobufCppMessage &msg, MsgCallback pCallback = 0);
// requests
bool SendRequest(HttpRequest *request);
@@ -91,21 +116,17 @@ class CSteamProto : public PROTO<CSteamProto>
void LoginFailed();
void Logout();
- void OnGotRsaKey(const JSONNode &root, void *);
+ void OnAuthorization(const uint8_t *buf, size_t cbLen);
+ void OnGotRsaKey(const uint8_t *buf, size_t cbLen);
+ void OnLoggedOn(const uint8_t *buf, size_t cbLen);
+ void OnPollSession(const uint8_t *buf, size_t cbLen);
void OnGotCaptcha(const HttpResponse &response, void *arg);
- void OnAuthorization(const HttpResponse &response, void *);
void OnAuthorizationError(const JSONNode &root);
- void OnAuthorizationSuccess(const JSONNode &root);
- void OnGotSession(const HttpResponse &response, void *);
void OnGotHosts(const JSONNode &root, void *);
- void OnLoggedOn(const HttpResponse &response, void *);
- void OnReLogin(const JSONNode &root, void *);
- void HandleTokenExpired();
void DeleteAuthSettings();
// contacts
diff --git a/protocols/Steam/src/steam_server.cpp b/protocols/Steam/src/steam_server.cpp
index f69592d4ea..b3b51197e5 100644
--- a/protocols/Steam/src/steam_server.cpp
+++ b/protocols/Steam/src/steam_server.cpp
@@ -117,14 +117,8 @@ bool CSteamProto::ServerThreadStub(const char *szHost)
case 0: // text packet
case 1: // binary packet
case 2: // continuation
- if (hdr.bIsFinal) {
- // process a packet here
- CMStringA szJson((char *) + hdr.headerSize, (int)hdr.payloadSize);
- debugLogA("JSON received:\n%s", szJson.c_str());
- JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(szJson);
- // if (root)
-// bExit = ProcessMessage(root);
- }
+ if (hdr.bIsFinal)
+ ProcessPacket((const uint8_t *) + hdr.headerSize, hdr.payloadSize);
case 8: // close
@@ -167,3 +161,102 @@ bool CSteamProto::ServerThreadStub(const char *szHost)
m_hServerConn = nullptr;
return bExit;
+void CSteamProto::ProcessPacket(const uint8_t *buf, size_t cbLen)
+ uint32_t dwSign = *(uint32_t *)buf;
+ EMsg msgType = (EMsg)(dwSign & ~STEAM_PROTOCOL_MASK);
+ // now process the body
+ if (msgType == EMsg::Multi) {
+ buf += 8; cbLen -= 8;
+ ProcessMulti(buf, cbLen);
+ }
+ else ProcessMessage(buf, cbLen);
+void CSteamProto::ProcessMulti(const uint8_t *buf, size_t cbLen)
+ proto::MsgMulti pMulti(buf, cbLen);
+ if (pMulti == nullptr) {
+ debugLogA("Unable to decode multi message, exiting");
+ return;
+ }
+ debugLogA("processing %s multi message of size %d", (pMulti->size_unzipped) ? "zipped" : "normal", pMulti->message_body.len);
+ ptrA tmp;
+ if (pMulti->size_unzipped) {
+ tmp = (char *)mir_alloc(pMulti->size_unzipped + 1);
+ cbLen = FreeImage_ZLibGUnzip((uint8_t*)tmp.get(), pMulti->size_unzipped, pMulti->, (unsigned)pMulti->message_body.len);
+ if (!cbLen) {
+ debugLogA("Unable to unzip multi message, exiting");
+ return;
+ }
+ buf = (const uint8_t *)tmp.get();
+ }
+ else {
+ buf = pMulti->;
+ cbLen = pMulti->message_body.len;
+ }
+ while ((int)cbLen > 0) {
+ uint32_t cbPacketLen = *(uint32_t *)buf; buf += sizeof(uint32_t); cbLen -= sizeof(uint32_t);
+ ProcessMessage(buf, cbPacketLen);
+ buf += cbPacketLen; cbLen -= cbPacketLen;
+ }
+void CSteamProto::ProcessMessage(const uint8_t *buf, size_t cbLen)
+ uint32_t dwSign = *(uint32_t *)buf; buf += sizeof(uint32_t); cbLen -= sizeof(uint32_t);
+ EMsg msgType = (EMsg)(dwSign & ~STEAM_PROTOCOL_MASK);
+ bool bIsProto = (dwSign & STEAM_PROTOCOL_MASK) != 0;
+ CMsgProtoBufHeader hdr;
+ if (msgType == EMsg::ChannelEncryptRequest || msgType == EMsg::ChannelEncryptResult) {
+ hdr.has_jobid_source = hdr.has_jobid_target = true;
+ hdr.jobid_source = *(int64_t *)buf; buf += sizeof(int64_t);
+ hdr.jobid_target = *(int64_t *)buf; buf += sizeof(int64_t);
+ }
+ else if (bIsProto) {
+ uint32_t hdrLen = *(uint32_t *)buf; buf += sizeof(uint32_t); cbLen -= sizeof(uint32_t);
+ proto::MsgProtoBufHeader tmpHeader(buf, hdrLen);
+ if (tmpHeader == nullptr) {
+ debugLogA("Unable to decode message header, exiting");
+ return;
+ }
+ memcpy(&hdr, tmpHeader, sizeof(hdr));
+ buf += hdrLen; cbLen -= hdrLen;
+ }
+ else {
+ debugLogA("Got unknown header, exiting");
+ return;
+ }
+ MsgCallback pCallback = 0;
+ {
+ mir_cslock lck(m_csRequests);
+ if (auto *pReq = m_arRequests.find((ProtoRequest *)&hdr.jobid_target)) {
+ pCallback = pReq->pCallback;
+ m_arRequests.remove(pReq);
+ }
+ }
+ if (pCallback) {
+ (this->*pCallback)(buf, cbLen);
+ return;
+ }
+ // persistent callbacks
+ switch (msgType) {
+ case EMsg::ClientLogOnResponse:
+ OnLoggedOn(buf, cbLen);
+ break;
+ }
diff --git a/protocols/Steam/src/steam_utils.cpp b/protocols/Steam/src/steam_utils.cpp
index 90b892b355..1faf408f5d 100644
--- a/protocols/Steam/src/steam_utils.cpp
+++ b/protocols/Steam/src/steam_utils.cpp
@@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ void CSteamProto::WSSend(EMsg msgType, const ProtobufCppMessage &msg)
void CSteamProto::WSSendHeader(EMsg msgType, const CMsgProtoBufHeader &hdr, const ProtobufCppMessage &msg)
- unsigned hdrLen = (unsigned)protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size(&hdr);
+ uint32_t hdrLen = (uint32_t)protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size(&hdr);
MBinBuffer hdrbuf(hdrLen);
protobuf_c_message_pack(&hdr, (uint8_t *);
hdrbuf.appendBefore(&hdrLen, sizeof(hdrLen));
- unsigned type = (unsigned)msgType;
+ uint32_t type = (uint32_t)msgType;
hdrbuf.appendBefore(&type, sizeof(type));
Netlib_Dump(m_hServerConn,, hdrbuf.length(), true, 0);
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ void CSteamProto::WSSendHeader(EMsg msgType, const CMsgProtoBufHeader &hdr, cons
WebSocket_SendBinary(m_hServerConn,, hdrbuf.length());
-void CSteamProto::WSSendService(const char *pszServiceName, const ProtobufCppMessage &msg)
+void CSteamProto::WSSendService(const char *pszServiceName, const ProtobufCppMessage &msg, MsgCallback pCallback)
CMsgProtoBufHeader hdr;
hdr.has_client_sessionid = hdr.has_steamid = hdr.has_jobid_source = hdr.has_jobid_target = true;
@@ -56,11 +56,44 @@ void CSteamProto::WSSendService(const char *pszServiceName, const ProtobufCppMes
hdr.target_job_name = (char*)pszServiceName;
hdr.realm = 1; hdr.has_realm = true;
+ if (pCallback) {
+ mir_cslock lck(m_csRequests);
+ m_arRequests.insert(new ProtoRequest(hdr.jobid_source, pCallback));
+ }
WSSendHeader(EMsg::ServiceMethodCallFromClientNonAuthed, hdr, msg);
+int64_t CSteamProto::GetId(MCONTACT hContact, const char *pszSetting)
+ return _atoi64(getMStringA(hContact, pszSetting));
+void CSteamProto::SetId(MCONTACT hContact, const char *pszSetting, int64_t id)
+ char szId[100];
+ _i64toa(id, szId, 10);
+ setString(hContact, pszSetting, szId);
+int64_t CSteamProto::GetId(const char *pszSetting)
+ return _atoi64(getMStringA(pszSetting));
+void CSteamProto::SetId(const char *pszSetting, int64_t id)
+ char szId[100];
+ _i64toa(id, szId, 10);
+ setString(pszSetting, szId);
uint16_t CSteamProto::SteamToMirandaStatus(PersonaState state)
switch (state) {